Computer Expert Predicts Future of Networking Farber Says That the Proposed Tufts Upgrade Not Extensive Enough He Said
~ ~ THETUFTS DAILY Volume XXXVIII, Number 55 [Where You Read It First Thursdav, April 22,1999 I Computer expert predicts future of networking Farber says that the proposed Tufts upgrade not extensive enough he said. Though he supported the proposed upgrade, he expressed by JEREMY WANGIVERSON trust lawsuit and is nationally bedroom or study. point, but other factors might im- doubts as to whether it was exten- Daily Editorial Board known for his “Interesting People Farber also spoke about the pede their development. sive enough. After 40 years of watching the mailing list,”adaily e-mail which potential dangers of powerful “Technology is easy; society “It’s being advertised as amajor field develop and grow, Univer- updates 25,000 readers on news telecommunications devices. isrough,”he explained,citingtaxes, leap,”he said. “It’sanice incremen- sity of Pennsylvania professor and on the technology front. Currently, anyone can be easily culture, and law as the major tal step in capability,” he added. computer science pioneer David Wiredmagazine wrotethat“his pinpointed every time they use a hurdles inhibiting technological TCCS Telecommunications Di- Farber has a unique perspective technical chops and the public credit card, ATM, or even a Tufts advancement. rector Lesley Tolman and associ- when it comes to predicting the spirit’’ make Farber the “Paul Re- ID. This ability to track people, Farber also discussed Internet ate Wilson Dillaway explained the future of the Internet. vere of the Digital Revolution.” he said, will be enhanced with 2, which Tufts is proposing as a advantages of the faster network. Farber spoke to nearly 50 Farber spoke for an hour before every improvement in technol- long-awaited upgrade to campus “Students will be able to use people, primarily faculty and staff, answering questions, centering ogy * network technology.
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