Minnes Ta Ma E Ecti N
RESULTS OF THE This document is made available electronically by the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library as part of an ongoing digital archiving project. http://www.leg.state.mn.us/lrl/lrl.asp MINNES TA MA E ECTI N September 12, 1972 MINN.DOC. REF. JK 6193 1972 e74495 PRIMARY Compiled by ARLEN I. ERDAHL Secretary of State ~14 2 Minnesota Primary Election September 12, 1972 TOTAL NUMBER OF PERSONS WHO VOTED 489,298 DEMOCRATIC-FARMER·LABOR NOMINATIONS For United States Senator Ralph E. Franklin ,........................... 6,946 Tom Griffin 11,266 Richard (Dick) Leaf 7,750 WALTER F. MONDALE 230,679 Representative in Congress-District 1 CHARLES S. THOMPSON 13,893 Ken Wharton 9,499 Representative in Congress-District 2 CHARLIE TURNBULL 15,265 Representative in Congress-District 3 JIM BELL 11,975 Representative in Congress-District 4 JOSEPH E. KARTH 27,955 Representative in Congress-District 5 DONALD M. FRASER.................................................................................. 31,450 Representative in dongress-District 6 RICHARD M. NOLAN 24,323 Representative in Congress-District 7 BOB BERGLAND 38,697 Representative in Congress-<District 8 JOHN A. BLATNIK 39,798 James R. Miller 2,035 Ray Murdock 9,141 John J. Perko 1,666 For Public Service Commissioner Wm. T. Quady 9,673 KARL F. ROLVAAG , 114,502 Bill Walker : ,...................... 62,360 William R. Youngdahl 60,847 3 REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS For United States Senator PHIL HANSEN 165,093 Representative in Congress-District 1 ALBERT H. QUIE 29,879 Representative in Congress-District 2 ANCHER NELSEN 20,187 Representative in Congress-District 3 BILL FRENZEL _ 20,278 William Schnase .
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