
_,,* i ,7 --_ '._-.1.-,...,'. ._ . ...-_--.=:>-- ~. _- -Q.-Jr * *u--- - > 92~92~~n-t - >. ".. <, ; ' ;.'- |-~'92'B1 C CK MARK Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. K; .. 92. .~ .'~_:".l=;-Q.-' .I _. -~._-1 _,;., _ ,_ _ _ - -~~7 -1'?-';-._;~'.r-*,_'_ftffq-'*',.¢-'1~f--vyt--~'-;. . . .~.. _. .~.* ;».» ._ . e-,w92-17*.- :'i-92=%"§- __ g, ..:-- _ .. ._ > _ . _'*_~.. .- ,_ ---i, _,. »-= -. 4. '_-. --,_'-»,, ~_,- ..._~ , ¢~ ~.; ;. ;--_.-. _.4_ _ .'-4-~--.~-..--.1 f>' . _ , ¢ ~ ;~< , .."- » . . . --..= :,. ;...~-I ',-_-.,. .-.». ~>-_-.» KL! -,..,.*.:.'1-1 -, --3-' .. 7 - . . - . ., _....-- --.;_1_-... N5. '-. -_...1.4»l.;.-.-_.-1--. _... - 1~- .-.'. 4i~--ea; ... _ - -7 ~ _ -ae--élhe _.-. ~,- ~ ~»- 1_. - ~__:,-,-..._:.-;:1»'.=.~.,--.;:;--'_~: - -- -~..- - -~ 4-- ~-i~'--e .1}: --¥.;"_-., -,..-_. -- < 4;; +4 534.71; ~ -~ ~_'~92_-_---._ ~A--I -..-1 -r;~ _'_.-_- -,- .=,-.--~,-,' -.r- ;"....~_,-- 3' JOHN EDGAR HOOVER ' " - V: _"; _.:':'3- =_>'»'92 . Mr. Tolson _f§;I.§L.. -..:.:._i.~ nrhscron ~ ' . > . ' i. '. ~ I :'=;?;-.1- 7:-i 1 ' ~~~ ¥'£'T?.- i ' " - ' .!~I nth an ff * 92 Tia-f"~;*."'*V _ . 1 Dlehzral Human nf Iinueatihzitinrt _ Hr. B. A.'!amm..".:. zy - Q1 1'3 ek initeh tatzu izpartment uf lluetirn e Hr. c1-=:};;L;;-.'.;-5;. 923 A Mr. Co!-fey :4; -3". 1-. maahingtnn,B.QI. ' 7 H Mt. Growl... .;;.L-ed v92 92 4. - .;',.~ Hr. ;_{':1n.....~-mi-400Q.--.._ BMS:JCR February 24, 1939 N1. --.4-7; '3 *1 T-Er. Glavin Fuxworth... - --.--. E..§,:f Mr. Barbe _.-..- lit. Lester --. ¢--1 -E7. - MEMORANDUM FOR hm. Totson - r --' _ '~. . M&lire ./>4; Q~=¥'ii;:1 3»':;= 9. Mr. NR}-010.. 'There is attached hreto an alleged authentic . 92 . .~~ .. ..,_,,_.; X - Mr. Quinn 'It.:.c.:n.-_.. rr_:¢3192 r likeness in the form of a drawing of Jesse James, together ,4 4'? .-{:.'§. : I Mr. '£z-acy ...... I with an article which appeared in the March, 1939 issue. * ' of the National Police Gazette, which is the first of a Mini G&"dy...... i ~21.-1:: series of articleswhich deal with this notorious character. : .... _ » .-_: . i>.£'L~au ."i5:'- _ - _ This article relates that Hollywood producers,_ ea ..;IZ_,: Q >1, directors and would-be historias should bow their heads: ea»-_ in shame at the production of the current picture "Jesse j ~ Z-;,>3%>59»-'-' James".

It is noted that a mimeographed copy of the /= I entire original article can be obtained from the editor of the National Police Gazette for the amount of 25¢. '. . *~'~'='.; . '1. ygi This complete article will be secured from the Police _, 1 L . Gazette for inclusion in the Bureau Library at once. " A 1;; . *1» K - Respectfully,- . ; .,,.___, >..-.__

' =.» r-'»~ -. jr-_ 6 .3-_.;_v J -T L l NICi-IOLS . vg, :1 . ~~§7.¬z9£_>.- ' 1'-:51 -4: . _Y!* ..~.:11 - 92 : :'v§<,--.»'r_':-< .- -<»-x 0 .-,7/_ n

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92_",-,_.-,1;-,-_.-_.e_.,,,,.,e._ = ._,V _.... ____,_, ..,__._T._,-_¢».._..... , ._ .._.... _._._I -- , e .,_._-, . ;-.__ .92 "T 9 . . -, ., ., _. _-_..'._ , 4 ,._e._.__-;,-._1..'+f»_.. . J. .~__92:-v ,-'~-4ié--.""~'_.';= .92___.., . :.~_:£.2.".1 V~?:":~:-;7~:.~_ ;=_"_7:.-.5;l»._34;u;;__'.¢.I;J92-L:._-l--....;;;;-_&~.L=.J»§.;;1._;~L._.. " 1-..»._"i'.'z.~¢'.;._*:.'."_:1.92¢ Z-&:e.:.>'~;1..-1.-"-" . lkv Ti r-1-AZ;.;z:-_;-. _~ _--. '-_:.'.Q,_:-I_.'1ls-nae .;-- e.3 P- ' '.41.':3:.-."'i 3- ~;..._. .'_r-_ . 1. _ *._,» -e ._. .,~_' ,.» "''.'92'.~' 'P.' §~ -'92 JOHNEDGAR HOOVER - Q:-,_ 1 L ' » . 4 * Mr. To1lo!|...... --» A _ -- .:..».--=2 I m . nmzcroa _ V V. V V . V_ V __ I VV: nu. i ?;_$_,1.1-.92-:?~ <.__e';» "-I _-_V r ~ *. ~'-~ ' ' V " .'- '11.;-. Min Ga.ndy...... - e T~:Z$"". ;;.z.". Reference is made to the writer's memorandumof . . . - . . - . . . . - . . . _ . - - . ... "EL, 6V February24, 1939, regarding obtaining thephO130S§&% of copies - '-*5I». of the original artic /e on the "Life and Deathof Jess ames," . A, 92. '~.-",_<92-rm ~ which appeared inthe QlgtionalQolice G§VzVettg__onay 13, 1882; e 1 Copieshereto enclosed inhavea Libraryb btainedo binder een, and ou netogetherwith co py Elthe isattachedstory of W V. - A. "i -A . .. Q "}/ Jesse Jamesas it has appearedthus infar installment f0rm1n ._C';1b J _ -. it e_92___ _ the PoliceGazette March, April duringandlay, 1939.The <:z_1:'¢e'f~IW/761/7, - :§.s._ Eopyis attached hereto the for Director. _ [>9 W ,1 ""§'*" - H Respectfiilly, * 1; ,1-I. WY! M L. B. Nichols

.;;,_= FV ,<-iris? .'_"..~:".[_ -r ¬¬?:'»:92z§';- /9.1»;.g",,;-vi-:92, "_~.;.4 .1-5'-;_I;-.,- K5 I: V- _..<»,..».-4 f ~. 50. .s'

"dimsn:T~§{@»d0§;°EDt' K 7 {Q M 7L - ~ V s _??£341.BR£*" "SMAY 81939 .;i¢~? qF,lNvgZ§!B4Im ~ ff/Y927 V u. s. umnrmsurorICE *" 0*» . W?" s ti" 1, . /92- ~ .. 92 . __ ._.,92..V. V ._.4_m_ ._.,;4_._.-_;~ ..- - --L -_ W3 eSep.l4, I; 1940

hr ' ~..,:- ' ' Hon. J. Edgar Hoover, _

. I-31 Federal Bureauof Investigation, 4 - s , _~.92~,_,,._..» ~.>~..'>;? l Washington, n. c L " n Dear Sir:- i - Q . *-=j='=-_- I th ld t J ' . t'lll' ? Th kth W--Z . ..*.-'~-4. S -Q°1 to 1,:as ma:-1:i§:sa:e .->t "~$.».>~_._-:. ' ta.'~ ".1 was herein this Q ace a ~.*..~"-tY£=.-..~'»:!r; James. Heexhibi ed himself at a picture show here,V . _ A 1 -K ~'.".-. .I~; "~=:<-r'f-'r',§{; I talkedwith himat a hotel here forover anhous, andhe '§. . }l,;. -._:.§ talked convincinglivery he thatwasthe originalJessie ofJames_ g 5.211 e M.-*92a.er _ -.-A-:,._ _ outlaw fame.Heis an o dman of90 odd years old,and e talked like "'7=Tl>$5'. -. he wastelling honestfacts within §_§Xp¬Ii¬I1C8.RnoonnnnII§DEX atf ~ QQQ ~ Ii =<.-92;» -.,._';_ -<92.».. ~ .;,'§~=2>..:'l>~~AlT 'w-J ;=.-'51.;-$71. I neverdid dreamthat I would eversee92.92JessieE@}ag1e§F;_M,Q,,,,§S§5_; . a I knowthat you arein touch-with all slid 41 wcsilpd4940 Q3 g glad tohear fromyou aboutthis, andthanking y : Er U H ll . Jr JJ5_»____ r4, 0'4 _ g__gfg 1 4 -4 4.42.. :4 92 . - o~" :_. _4-..-=2-:

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'{,.»:.~-3.2_ K_.. '-.92.4..- ~ ._::_.1___.?.-92<:l':'92_ T2»;-.--;f:._~._' 3" :1 .. ".*~' 92'92 -1.i.* ,-.53- £.1=;qt t=:+, .-1»-. '-_f-:_;-"..92-E!-0._.h_,_. __ ~ - , . -. v 1 - ~ < . 11 1 - =35:-§.&§'§:§Q I, ___'-.__ '__.w._.:;,:_ __Y_ 4; 5.,_-_ ._ t -V.-_ - ;..__.-_ _-_:_M . __! _-_. .i»_~92~ ._ . .,. ,92,_e._-______-I7__,_ .._-,. .. ;-,,___v-., -.._.__, .___4_ ..»4. .,..._1.,. g_-.;'~;-,-,.;"-._;» _i-1-F ~-_ - -. Pr. a92-- --.__ -92 92-,.->,, .. .31- .4.. ;!4 ,»q_~.-.. , . ,. . ., -* ~u-'..- s- ~,. 1-.<'92"'.--_ -~1. ..*--.=><..'-_1." ..-_ .= -:.-,,;--,-'.' , , _. »,,.-;.:.,_-;,- ._-__.->..:.,_ ,,-__ . '1-x-_-=;A~.:.'.--u _,---I ,: -----_- =,;-;'_-.'-- .---....'.~- .- . '.;.<.-.'-F,-at-A-'-*~:.,-.92~.'...----1~'- -,..-. <-.,--_~*~'92$'~-=¢;"1' -.,.,1,- _ -1-~- .1 yL'I~~~ ,-.-e. w.-=1'~-1+ ":-i-~ -- ._. , 92. ;,.:~__.___.____=_§§=;.".:1'~$ __» ~.,~_a-a,_-J--a:.._§,.-»~",;",S ~~~~ * ' ~__>_ 4 ~~-_~* - __ , ., -.f e . , -. , v-_ 1.!', _ v _~--_ I" . . '~;.'_-'_~"Q A,-.5}:_ 1 .1-. . Q ll Q , Toieon__-_'__;,_¢ "Ir " we = ; .:.~, e _,.>_ -.~. .§__¬:._ _. , .~ -2.:- - Leas: =' be . ; fa! ~ wa Q >, - . - n 9 92 A. '/.¬?~::<:¥ . ~.7»,;-*S.,_ . ".. _ _~' j--'i-Q; tury the James gang-went unap-, YT,--1'-"3 1'1;-£19-7; prehended andMissouri had be-i '-' jeome knownasaplace-: = Y '-F5"-~". M-. - Where criminals run at large ~.y1.~. 92__;.~=.-~~»» " .1=¬"an--1' 2, d go unapprehended.". , ....r_. , > -§~,r;i...., ~.~._,__ __:_'. le: Advice"i. M? Y He said if the 102-year-old Dal-92 n really is Jesse James lethim» 4:-etreat to his rendezvous and ask his good God to forgive him."_ If Dalton is not James. Judge -;.~;-s='>i~->4 Breuer added._ he is "trying to perpetrate a fraud. ~ - - 2 i. But, the 80-year-old judge said. there. is nothing for this court "'""g~""e92:--~J:'&;'7» to pass on here.. ' 2- .§~:j Judge Breuer noted that Dal-., ton's petitionasked that his name V ;;;»'-:1 ,.<-;q=_.;.,. be "changed" to Jesse Woodsbn . _ 92-.~;§' ~1 _,;>.1.. James. But, the judge pointed out: _ .__.-41¢-.,"i~Z>¬92"{.Y§v <- ~»"Ii' Daltonwas James in the :=;;._.;- -» old days and has never had his name lesailw changed, -"it'sim- possible to change his name backs to what he already had." _v '3;, Several Support Claim . i '. es,as: .92;'9292_$92::'_*1, ..r.'~:-: ;_-:TJ'_.{7~ :Y.2-2@¢7/ZH _:_f~- P-».92.§i=:.i'-.-1-1 The. white-haired old .m 1,.! .. _ an.-. feeble but cantankerous. claim 'P3 85 201950 in court he" was the real Jesse . .. /-._Zr-1:. 1'3!92 , James; They broughthim in on _ . -. I stretcher. P -'l . " Q 92 History records that James was __'**-ii-u killedhy a member of his owni [angbackin 1882.;'¢ ~l ~- i, 1-r'*:"?o1:al' Dalton asked the court to re-,, id, . ' - 7 store whatohecontends ishis real ; 4- Page <:'<,-,3» ~ name-»-Jesse-Woodson James. . < .- I-Ie had several old-timers to. .''1! 5- back him up. and --one after an-* Times-Herald 3;3§ other testified that he was Jesse.; » + _§ I man they personally.knew back; when he led a band of bank and lm 1DbbQ1S-§"r~a -'. -iTr! =: :' Wash; Post Dalton broke his his two years ago. .'I'hat'_afor he was on Wash. News atr_etcl_:er..: so 1. a ; = .e;;-~am;;*%g;_-_Jesse E; James of hos A1!8G108,{ -_'=:=3:"Qj_-'3-_-._= - .e ';"¥',;~:.~:<-+1 who says he is the son ofthe out. Wash. Star ~ __; }'~"~E>n.,.> ::'~'law, opposed Daltons claim on -3?--;";I-li"-';.';the grounds that it was not made" " *-V ~ W ~~"-"._. _ ~ -> '7v'..=~..~-~ ' _ "'~ ~»L. - > ~ - ~ ._'£j_;-..-~r r.s:»92--:g¢;.4.-_;~V V ..';'r~< ..' -V . % 1 1.5.1 - _ v ' V ' vv-~ 1 92 . . . _,_-%¢..-_>92=- -~»~__. ._. .=;,;.:=;-V - _ =_<*-;;:-.*f92'::m§_ ' ~.~_92~:_-é._f.?::/~ _}Y ._ N__._..==...__..- 5-.._.._- _,-Qa. .. __- .-__- ,_,. _, ,-_-__ _tV- _- ~ s ,. 7 -I I . _..=.->____;. -__.~- ..~-_- - 1'-AA_...,_. _.z@_ n . '1,-~ T; _%.¢§1'_~-W _.' ,_ .-_~ >_~'f1 92 _ , _. -=_ w *1--- ~.,-3;-"'3',-/.._ U; _<- -_,=>_._ _. ~~ "ac -._.-. 1:-,_ __,- . _ K $7 , M . ~ -1;__L-=-=*-...*§z'..F*;?%'=.-V>. 'l.<:+: .. -3-fr*.="~=~' -as; . _t y. 12,4-vi-5:? _~-_ gr. - atE11 5-,1;-_v _E-_¢§J_71¢; .j._.I~< , ,__ __-- .__ .._ 1-_. ____ ~§=;-~ , """ . "~'=:=_ '3 ..'-V . ' . - H :2 . ' 4- w -'.__;:.. ..§-"..:.';;~_%2' 1- ;,_Q>~._ --=~ -~.,__ ; J; -.1 _ '*-: - 1 I '_?1 '."-z.-V-=<=-,_=-v...n "';».._.~..VV ~ --;-t. 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_ . »»- __ , -jé..t _ - < - 1 , < r - » - 1 .J .» Jiik Configéntial January 30, 1950< _5§g

Mr. J. Edgar Hoover ' Q 1 Federal Bureauof Investigation - /7 Washington, D,C, ,§"q - Re: -J.Frank Dalton ' ¢,-/M

Dear Mr. Hoover: k

The enclosed petition.was filed in the circ V' courtof Franklin County Missouri and Jesse Eéaaamesof LosAn8 ,lesson theof historical Jesse, s retai n meed o t repre se nta him in the c se- Your departmentissued a news-release H about two years ago, as I]P¬C811, in which you P , statedthat Jesse Woodsonramesbeen found had to £é' be dead. Would you kiHdlyEdvise me as to the basis - uponany which photostatic your findingscopies were anyof made. If information youof have value, *' /J!/r V I shall be grateful fo ,your assistance.'W_,mW,,_,m..1.,p The Pink *ton Detective Agency handled files.the case inCan 1882you-re§ér'any and'l would like to locateor theirgive me assistance any suggestions? I sh_p1d also like to have any historical - data upon J. Frank Dalton, the Oklahoma outlaw, o v * we es-


04 by 1

Qnnjligs,E, 92Jesse I zL:a., ; HP"

, Q » _ }z;~;u ALLINFORMATIONCONTAINED / J J, 6 s Q- HERElNUN"AS°!F|EDoAT£H92%92-?-<:B92P &921*<3"'' 3N<__]llA9<=' ;"~;"~ we 4-.~ F --_--' '1.'.::_. - '* , _,;, _ . -'= /..-_,_., » v92 2.-. -" ._~.,»',: - - ' '- R » . -- ~f::gr-~; _ ,»'-f,:'-»; m _ ;*"»s;~.ff-_-; q'31§".7'="',92I. '.5 -~ .~; " ¢ ' ~ ' ''7 . ''V. 10*?"-e at '1 ~92 mnornsswm ., Q ' - Ql - , V ' -' _ comm op ragxnn. A _ ran sun comm or !'mrn.u.- '4' § U1- A . , A . , ~ e - ~. I EH3 Hl1!l'1' IRAIK 0? DAIRQI E3WANG! OF _ Cue Io. 1095 2:00I'll. 9, ;~ 4 < -~ Circuit C181!1 -ezszmsm rm: vwwur we e g e e Cornea now J. 1":-Ink Dalton and state: the Court that he de--V -.'~.; . sires me ml_mne 1» changed 1» ms: woonsw Jursam tor pemm



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Ii christened 8.1; the E13 Of Q 'lI11'th- ' __'~" or equal illpurtenoe nth the above stated mmpoae 1: Q urgent desire to remte the claimlin and to my property end eetete V } nch heretofore have been nude by innumerable people who um -Vl_'O11g- amum thenaelvla forthuwllvmlhein -- lone otvuheueli-Aim e bull throug the Iere eeeilent or geographioel proximity to no _ >¢,i_vi5§ I D ALUNFORMATION c0uTAm5i>z-2.4;! 7/»/4» L * mzmzm as umcmssmsu Q o M N W To * o,e,_ ~ . xv#1:».-~~'-' _i,_3 .. ;_-92.~»;_a 92:-l '4.-~1~-~- _ ~= . d _ U -i '-..-__~._____.f_,92- ' v _. 'v |¢, ' __, V; _'I »- " - "~f-:,&¥f"' =4.'_ 7+. -1 E'!"~1.'§§'

I V .. t we ;' _ Ira,» a . ~ 7A;_J__ .,> » - 7 . "41,1 I , 1 _ -.~~ *'- ~. -,a ,. . ti Lv:<~:-;;'~: H; .e "~ t l " » p able ¢u1-ingto the protect earlier and years. to defend B13-estming my genuine aw descendants r1¢_1th_11 IIQQ;and to expose those persons who have mode oapital of my disappearance lad have .¢__:_~._92 deprived nu kin of their Just riyits and privileges. _ -

- _;.-,; Petitioner appreciates that hhis is not the oeee-seion for e detailedpresentation of facts in support and oorroaporatirg L _ ~U .>:S';';~. :_ Y 1'$§__"'{ __ __., __ __ ~ ._ ~- »~ V ~»,.¢- .»~.»."r:."-"P :-~*1 - --_~..- "'-"-"~ ~"~.~<1: " _ ~"'"~""" ' '5 ¢f*T"essertion 1'"1" 1,: -$_ that . ,I 3.5- _-~ . 5 an~- the ;-_~ '35-ya;-.§g?';:sI=*.+*1"_.i};§_;»;§f o1~ig1na1"0e_uselfooa ,,- . .--- .. ' J -.:..-.b'§"' 'Q-' - =to,.&eI§e_1g_u.en, .__ , V ha_r_eyor, :22; r_~ i regain g;,~_.F_vA' _ e L; .~%___;,: . . ._ ' ~v_ circpmtences ~ ." _ _. " - ;;_.- "led- - _,~_f,.?', ~ :.$v'-l_'_~t§i,» _a_i;eppo_b,m=_¢9_ :==e"~»>--1:---.v,~?'_" leer e* I___ié¢_i;'.;;'§_.§3V;-11-"92'&.* T 4T**f~*<%' -._%-~.~=;W»*~Y~-i "~-'5f.$¥">-ii-'i~¥?*t:*:@"¢L~ *=1%e= is ~* r* 92# J eiatery . °1eVe_orr~eet in its reports mat, _I'"died .- ~ ,a;_;_3 ,2»;<_*_. " .1 11> _1 V _- 2&1 i.- ~.'- %ir-1; 'r-- " I ; -.~ "<.-A " »= Pthe Qhootug on "that e-to Vain 44Qi. 0her}._1eBigeloY,~_iho 1'. ' I ,/:5," I. '. phyeally d.'_.- {T _ ~.____ reshbled ._ ,',1:».:: _no-L7 »:_ "-. 92- __+'1"';."=N:-:3i5;¥792-;f?;;i, _ _ 13 ., '_J._¢I:..t¥<::_.;;;&,"_._.q_".'---3}; "pziblfe that" the murdered men 2 was I; at that time I I

,-,-_,;.-v¢ _ .32.-. ; ceased to be knownand to hold myself forth es fessepodson Janos ' instead _. ,. - of -J,,!ra.mz ~ _! ~ * _ Dl1¬en.1-; ._ - . -;-2.-1i'§.:T~-i=1_ __' _;_~ -vs"; 1.; =92 > ,1 ~ >1-.__,§¢ag.-.- '_-v"~ -:~=-- ~ ' ~ -~ * Vre: ' ~ -:--J*_r:,-.e '--1K ¢ -4, " outh _ liars ea:=¢t1'___; 1;¢s1-= my I 'thee. t sholitl '. Q" ft. g

ei"t1ne n the State "of Tame; W. is5*." 7'-. liesouri; - '- I have " lg 'orig:;.n'al '1._-.;:P? neighigora, am yd -ple

, or I7 A-oqueiatmaoee end associates or former years tech Colonel James R. Davis, formerly e Government Scout intelligence agent in the UnionArmy of General George Crook; Ir. Deilitt of Longviev, Texas, related to the t8.med__Capt8.1.n !l'rev'is,V aefenaor orl W- the Ale-mo; I1 . Robert E. Lee, formerly associated with William 1". V


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_ . Frankly, I ms tnfonaation to which you might refer for the dwtrad data. It is suggested, however, that my wish ta .~ ; , * w"<=¢w,¢¢;w M"',m¢.I -* - . =Z¢*<_' 1- %*~>.¬§.%.¢r== ~ ~;.'+:*~<-#~%»*;*-'5'; .''§ ..92;"{é§:§:-'1? J- §';>'3A-:~'; - .- 1U ._~_; L" .;____-32? $92__ ~. _ _¢ ¢.; ._4.'_-,_ ¢A"""}. ''-_='»;;._:P> ~e~= '_;:__g_-.:.>.__.__:__;;j~. v- _. =__ ;_v_-_;___';.4,? - 92;_:_,-___,,j<,¢:_;:-?_:: _._%; .2; 3,-i§92g_=;;.-1;»-_= ;, :¢.~.~=..~:,@.,_. ~~_;_,_4k__ 9» _ r .. 1950 ~ -~-Ti . ;_;<_~>:{13:":--$2.--,1»; --.~ .- ~'=.:- -' *5 :1' ' r 1'3 ~ :_. __ ~ - - _ -» _ " 1-2?. -'i~'.*~'~,J.r.- $211 " 1',-_:~' 5}» '§92-.,='£ ,*=;:_-_;,*'.§__.-1"-".»~<,-_;§_1>.<¥3*L§{ . > l



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Q? --~-: =.~-L 1. ~92 1...-- .. 4:; éa /;~ ._ ~ .1. % es 1-<2 Pleasereply to myhome ;, address! @ 4 MW Q @Y°l.l

9292 '92 ' . /5// Hons Jo Edgar hoover Federal Bureao of Investigation ' Washington, bod. . Dear Mrs Hoover :aa Thank ou vif;~un.aiJo * *~- _ p '~"~" o; n l Th. '. P» y ,, p our your $1 ll ahri sf §@r~1 Q. 1-:., rem sentenced lativeto tohissouri State This! P; son n ~ » so -1 5li@v:_n wasat Neosho, Mo., I believe it was, together wit~, ~and others. I was hoping that I would be able to n-Ac I3 J. FrankDalton, who claims to be the e se James with this ; ,-_-..¢-__i-- mm thought However, it might it be butc as .was neither killed. here or Then thereI i right nowt . 4' J CD t Franéggltoh I am - atly interested Is your record in the on notation oftn Jesse"11 Jamesalias J. l . e man now ving at Stanton, s lhTTTmFanother sibl th Jesse James, alias J." Frank Dalton? t is pos'

Quantrill e ere and Civilwere twoWar Jesse fame Jams'? was killed The Jesse_Qgdson*fgmes atofSt..Joseph in I882, and this J. Frank Dalton at Stanton claims this was a frame-up, and that he is acmually the Jesse James born in 18b7, Sept. 5, Jesse at Kearney, James you Clayrefer County, to Mo. wasborn I find in Goliad, that yor Texas. letter I stated am sorrythe I did not write you on out letterhead at the time of my first in- quxiry, as it would have prevented this delay. I have been a student of the James legend for many years, and am anxious to 3' learn who this J. Frank Dalton at Stanton, mo. really is. I certainly will appreciate it if you will allow me the benefits of your records on Jesse James, alias J. Frank Dalton, and also -7:: a set of prints and a photo, if at all possible. ~ - é s Believe ne, I appreciate your fine cooperation in this matter.é7p% K1ndest regard S. A 2I Z " ~ _f ~1~~ -j "' .: _ ' . .<_ V,VV I5 - ''~"'.' 3._:.-. ,"-f'=;'.'_-f92'.»"§f|<5" .I'.:"92*__~:..'I---3'-Ti=a".T%. _ . _ .~ "'.$'--1-.1--.~¢5. . V .--_ - _ ' - '.:.V-T:.V-',-.92~;_1- _ | ...... ---.'~-,_, .-_.., .;. _ ,r. -.~92_..-_,__ ___...-t-1»-...... -.*_ ._-_,~_..~.-. - "~.--.'-._-., .1-V1 _A,:_-4,5 --1.-1., '1~_'_ _ .> _-,-5. 1- ..~><,....»..,..,.__-_~_-,_.V »_-.._ ,-_..r ..92~___.,_..._>;-._ . .. ',__ 4,-. ._.. .1_ ._.__1 _. ..,__4 . 1 1 s ' .1. *'.' 1. . .__= -,, --- ...... _:._~,=_.,<__.-._...... _. 3 - V. .._-_e~.-;.-:. j. i-..,...- 92.." '1 -' .-' .~ . - ' '< . "M V -'-""l-~ -H1 l.~. .- 1 V ' " - _ _ 1 , .1 ' =' 'V~.>x .~ "»_-' -VV 5'5,__-I.-;~--'I V--V >2_~L|92 -. .r=;<¢_._U~_, V V ._.I. . .~ ._ , . -_ '1".;..'<-"Z.'~'-."~i:i'Z V ' -. - . - V '.- 1*, .. '-1' .--. - 1_~ »- ; .., _. .:- ', .- xi, .'~_ ;-..'_ 1., ,.» U ~ T - Q. ».._.:;'.;,.V_ 4,.___., V, ___;l..>_ ' 1! 5.3 -Z-_".--_'*':*~Z':;92<.~ .f.j.' ' .1 '""' '. . '7§":"§1 ' '1 V ', . _- ' 92¢- .- . ' a H F-~ - . > ..._.~. 2-_-,'.92..» ..,-_;92_~._ _ _ -

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Sincerely ynwag

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f 1 ¢,~.;>-.5Q.;, §. / >,. Mm B

i _ Zip Code # 92408. 92

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. , 5."-i~ T =5 r- if .__Q ._;.. . '/ §§§§7 .-z-56-eEé aw » 3 %@%§ 1'.//K 92 4 / xi l,/I 4 31-1954. a :1-92_;,.,.:_1_-_.;~r "~/I/3/';/t"; '-2-7- 2"1'5§T-.'.¬H :. /,92nr -'»._.1 <,1. "51-Riv!-2..- :-' I _ / f _ ~=..-1.=-=~ w-- '-92:-~:-~1',"v ~~ F".l* ;-::-Pu '- l///V W -~ -"." 7,125 L/ a 92 » . ; _-'. _- .- . . -~ _ .>- -_ _ ~ .~ -- P . ., ,. .~<_q-~_».4_ , ~.=.-A.--_~~-.».~.'_._;';-- ,-~,92_. :,< . ., _.,j'_--,.-',--.-1/--_..; IA P" .~.-<-_--.--¢.-- ,__.-..-»;- --5- .;.;_;--_.-'.~..-';-_ , ».-.-,. -_,.._,4_v.' .__-;._.-'_-,_-_4-

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sis-~_ .:>_a-_;:.92 ' 92, la 4.553}:- -T3; ___ San California 92408 2' ;{?g1"_.'. it ~_5-A-_ ;_§, . 1 rt-=*'>:-= *§es Desi #:*-;-;:'- '. V- -tr <51__92-1 Your letter of August 18th has been received. ;*.'~.1.'-."3.', V 1-. '1 . With respect to your first question, on -October 22, -». .4. ~-;:,.;:. 192-5¢i, "Pretty Boy" Floyd was located on 2. farm by Special Agents .l = ,l_ --t;.;~_'»;.;.=._- ,... . . of the FBI and oiiicers of the East Liverpool, Ohio, Police " iiii '92":l' +'" veés" Department. Floyd elected to shoot it out and was mortally wounded 4 I: while resisting Federal arrest. . rr. 1 -1. ' In connection with your other inquiry, I would like to U3 5 point out that our Identification Division operates by specific z vg d l-4 *-mil Congressional enactment and is a repository for identmcation. data transmitted to it by law eriorcement agencies. serves merely 35 as a custodian of such data, the recorcis therein are . its. considered to be the property of the agency '~:~rl-ic2'z transmits the information. Consequently, this Bureau has material available for "1. V-i~**-5* - i . xv, iq distribution relative zo the 5. 1* rank Dalton You may " 3 -9_';"5:a;f'1.-- " E¢;§~$."~, ; be interested ? %::;:-"~..-.Ii:- encyclopedia 2-: rer-ort that ¥~»'-Eff.-.§* g, ' L J C c_ * _.¢ - v " > .- '1 _. . ,,..=". i~n; '~-"*"~r'--21-;~.~~; Jesse Wooclso _ ~ .3- > s =;ilec at Lt! Jo.-~;;.E2, souri, on 1. ':._ . . y ~;_ ;:'. :5 ' - :.=-.Qr..r»:~' A-p*fil.§j 1 552. . ,. C 7i-5.<§~1'.l-,~ Y .~? -tr" r ._ ,-.~ , " .., #4:_ _ 92~ - 1 F.-ased is some literature ;:~e;;s;.;_:g our activities K 92 :3!-_:. ,.-rk» »-,».:~ '-'41'Fi:£'.-. ,',~-..-..t. Ins I hope you will =.---_ of interest. .2¢:- ~ . II!~ 2 . Z .92§i" * ' ' g _ ' Sincereigr yours, ~.:> ' 1. 92 .~ 31' =>==.;-;~l _.... » ...___._;_ Aer» 2: _ ;.-.4" 6- 92 Tols T 5" F¢'<'>Ver C; 5* I lob: . ._iuo 1;,-#4: '1, '- ».i on ___.__ , 2 _ 92- lr 542-L ; uehnont _.___- 7 ____,_V__F,_, X I I- 92...._-. ._._. ..-.- .. 1-_._.~.-. 1 1 Callahan - D¬l-_.;---_._- - __ _,;-_" ,-92"._. . I;-I1!!!-OSl1I¬S! =2 1;==i~,-- ,<'f§51_i_92;'2._-yEv:nsc__ aeLoah _. ______. - - _ .. _ _ A-Id-gkv_ __/ -' - ~ " r - we _ --=5; . .._»;:.¢._ -_. _'A:_;92,_"_;" ._».--92 .92--._

1»--;-.r'.*.5'5I Y - _.-1 ~ _ "2 ' -"*"-"'*. __'_'_4"1'~_-7~"._§¢'T""-.-_-»_»._ .. - ~ .. .- - , . _ 1: .}' ' . "VI", 1 "._;'' - - - :- _. . . - .-.-.. ~- _ ~t_-¢t.7_.,-,5.-i35..-+1.-_k__@.¢.?,y* n~92.~ Q : . , , ,_ 1 . A ~. »_ . - ~ -,. -.. -. ._ ,._=-, i_. ._.~~_.;-.., _- _-__,'-.»~~_-.-1.;,..- -_~ .- .- ._ 1: . -. ;;-'_.~--.~ -,._ <_ i .:.¢. 2;' '.-..;-_<__- -5 -_.___»-:.:. 3.»- = -_-_~~ _= =-2.=;;-:= -_=2~.-'-=-fr.-2*.§.+*.+1%-ee==e=:-=,**-"¢"*"" ¬'-*'Itf';:";"II':f'?>?3;"".f'_t-i-""-1*~=_''-Ir- " > =-'-"w"' . " _ .<:.':~§ SEQ 11:21 1.2:; .§_,-| 92 _;. ".2"1 . J 1 ->'>-M" 92 - _'_>-¢_:_-:_-;;i.92 53>; :- 4 , ' ~_..-_;=, ' - -§.'92'§:zf'.~fs 'v->3.--_;§q,', _ _ , . , 1 . 1 i _ Q; .9292 , 4 92¢ / P. . IT .__. _ .92 2,=2_,. MI -v a fl Enc. -, 1 The Story of the FBI Know your. . . FBI ' ~l§~::::1 ._. ., ,. Cooperation--The Backboneof Effective Law Enforcement

~ ';"1'»i~5i-'-'."':~:~_ Fingerprints--The InfallibleMeans ofPersonal Identification L. _,_~.»._~_.:~}~:»;r The informationconcerning thedeath of"Pretty~Boy" Floydwas _ r~_:~-;.~?* .-.. .1"-, taken from the notes in .-!'TheStory" FBI by Don Whitehead. The X" ' information concerning the claim of J. Frank Dalton to be Jesse ». ._ » James is contained in Bufile 62-26471. This file indicates that .."- - . _ .,.-_._ ~:. ., P»-=:' . : 5&5? Dalton filed a petition in January, 1950, in the State of Missouri = .-1 to changehis name to Jesse Woodson James,claiming he was the ; real Jesse James, the notorious outlaw. This "casewas dismissed by a Missouri circuit court judge on the grounds thatif Dalton was James in the old days and had never had his name legally changed, it was impossible to change hisname backto the one hehad already . ___~_.»_.._ had. The outlaw's soncontested Dalton'saction, charged that Dalton sought publicity as a tourist attraction. The fingerprints of Jesse ...> _ James, with alias,» J.Frank Dalton, were submitted by the Lawton, >~1".- .jZ;;.".:'; Oklahoma, Police Department on5-21-48. This fingerprint card .5:1,.-. " _-7'15? showed that Dalton vsas.born September 5, , at Gcliad, Texas. Encyclopedia referencesshow that Jesse WoodsonJames was t 0;: Psi'. ".3?;:§', born at Centerviile, now Kearney! Missouri, in 1847, and that he _ Lir;-.~s~;~i:.1=.T-3-.=-.1 . 1.,._,;.- died at St. Joseph, Missouri, on April 3, 1882. -, 51:,-5: F u 2», - ~;;*.' ~r<=f¢>»~ .,,., .


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_ ., ». . _,.-5.-., .~.;. . 'n'~ " I _ Director, ' . ." r in W E 1 ff-. Federal Bureau of Investigation, ..1-- - - _/6; " U. S. Department V of Justice,370 Lexington Avenue ~ » ' W '*_-_.,:"_:"-_f'},'-_§''5"'-.1 -','*=->§-"="§?~? " " .- Penzglvania Avenue at 9th St. , N. 17., G H - izi-r JV ffashington, D. C. ,. r.» December 9, p 1935.53; t ..-.b:i~_::i_7i:_..:;. K H mi-» . '9 :23 92 B V =21 e r

Dear Sir: Re = UNK1~IOi~'=NlSUBJECTSJOHN D ROCIEFELLER - Victim Extortion

There are transmitted letters December 5, and 1935, addressed to me by dated panied30 RockefellerPlaza, New York City. Lir. John n. Rockefeller, Jr. I am orii ginal ' Mr. John D and photostatic copies of same, which accom- coinmunication.

that these letters were addressed to were forwarded from there , Sr., to the at Ormond officeBeach,of Mr. John Florida,D. Rocke and same Jr. this Bureau.York. At the time of my telephone conversation with pear o concerning constitute theseletters, a IFederal violation advised within him the that jurisdiction they did no! ofap- c/' _.bY/ - ~, < ,/14- > ,3 The letters have been handled by numerous persons. .,_ 92._ I will maintain contact with for the purpose . further ofascerizining t whether '11 any ' further letters * 'are received, but no ''th .. thi ac particular ion wi be matter taken by in the the absence New York of Office instructions.ln connection .» W r. 'R $669 i {9292$Verlyours, aka Q 92 D <-',:,w*-'.'. R. WEITLEY ~~"" Special Agent in Charge . . / /9 é JN RECORDED 1" Y-*'"""i f Q Q92'?%£;§

"i - REGIQERED I ml/7x>'1.~$ l ~* -/Y9 --~/ if Q £31-"" , _"'*~='~' '~"' *4 J' "§§$TlGM:92;NZ W 1 A cc: Jacksonville Y-'ith"enc1-!Y7/9292 9 5 '. DEC--l_ . !'_ _, ~