Delinquency Picture Reported Improved
Delinquency Picture Middletown Clmrcli Site Holmdel Finishes RED BANK REGISTER Thursday, Jan. 2, 1958—31 57 With $126,000 RR Seeks to ^ Reported Improved Cash Balance 1 MIDDLETOWN — A marked will be taken early in 1958 on $300,000 Additional Increase in juvenile cases handled I appointment of the administrator, In Tax Humbles Highlands Service^ by police here in 1957 is reported a post that was created last year by Capt. Raymond T. Walling, but never filled. John A. Murray, Juvenile guidance officer. director of the mosquito control Predicted for 1958 NEW YORK — The Central | slon," Mr. Moore announced, ,"V^ In his annual report to the town- group, wrote In his report that| Railroad of New Jersey disclosed abandon the last 3.6 miles of i HOLMDEL — This municipali- last week-end that it is.pluming single-track Seashore bra ship committee, the officer noted, the recommendation was based ty, which has traditionally prided however, that the actual situation on "assurance by Mr. (John T.) to abandon service from Atlantic from Atlantic Highlands to Hig Itself on the healthy atnt» of Its Highlands to Highlands on its is one of Improvement. Lawley of the township commit- finances, is in the black again lands. Exposed to storms on ' Reasons for the Increase in tee that the township adminis- this year with a whopping $126,- Bayshore branch. east, and unstable ground cond cases, he said, include the popu- trator will be named and func- 651.42 cash surplus, the govern- Abandonment of the 3.6 miles tlons to the west, this expensive) lation gain, greater police vigi- tioning as such on »or before ng body announced Thursday.
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