Written By: GOFAMINT Christian Education Department P.O.Box 20956, U.I.P.O. Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria

A Publication of The Gospel Faith Mission International, USA 3812 38th Street, Brentwood, MD 20722

Cover Designed & Published by Esthetic Communications 1102 W. Pioneer Pkwy, Suite #115, Grand Prairie, TX 75051, USA Tel: (817) 659-5576 Sunday School Manual 3 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL SUNDAY (BIBLE) SCHOOL STUDENTS

1. Remember daily that you are a student of the Bible. So, take care of your lessons and your Daily Bible Background Readings. 2. Remember that this pamphlet contains the Word of God, so, take care of it, because the Word of God lives. 3. Never fail to read and study your lessons in this booklet, it is part of your Christian Ministry. 4. Be doer of what these lessons teach, because if you keep them in your heart, they will also keep you from falling and from the hands of the enemy. 5. Make these lessons known to others so that you will be a true light in this dark world. 6. Endeavor to bring others with you to the Sunday School class each Sunday. 7. Remember your teacher and your fellow students in prayer. 8. Realize the fact that it is imperative for you to come early to Sunday School before the lessons start.

“Your Word I Have Hidden In My Heart. That I Might Not Sin Against You” Psalm 119:11 NKJV

“The Entrance of Your Word Gives Light; It Gives Understanding to the Simple” Psalm 119:130 NKJV

“Only Those Who Have Given Themselves To The Scripture Will Have The Full Benefit of It”

“The Bible Is An Inexhaustible Fountain of All Truth”





Sunday School Manual 6 3RD QUARTER MARCH – MAY 2016


UNIT 1 Portraits of the Kings of the United Kingdom (Lessons 1-3) March 6 SAUL: A King Who Missed His Chance March 13 : A Man After God’s Heart March 20 SOLOMON: The King Who Did Not Walk The Talk

UNIT 2 Portraits of the King of Kings (Lessons 4) March 27 JESUS CHRIST: The King Who Paid The Ultimate Price

UNIT 3 Portraits of the Kings of the Divided Kingdom (Lessons 5-12) April 3 REHOBOAM: A King Who Took A Wrong Counsel April 10 : A King Who Misled A Nation April 17 AHAB: A King Who Was Led Astray April 24 JEHU: A Failed Reformer May 1 UZZIAH: A Great King Destroyed By Pride May 8 JEHOSHAPHAT: A Good King With A Bad Friend May 15 ASA: A Foolish King May 22 JOSIAH: A Catalyst of Revival May 29 Sharing and Admonition


his quarter takes us to the study of the Jewish Kings. In the be- ginning of as a nation, God (Yahweh) was their king. He formed sustained and governed the nation. However, it got to Ta time they demanded for human kings to rule them as other nations. God approved it and appointed kings for them. Some of the kings were good and led peaceful and prosperous lives; while many were wicked and led the nation into crisis and tragedies.

The secret of their performances can be seen in the prophecy of Ho- sea:

“O Israel, you are destroyed, but your help is from Me. I will be your King; where is any other, that he may save you in all your cities? And your judges to whom you said, ‘Give me a king and princes’? I gave you a king in My anger, and took him away in My wrath.” Hosea 13:9-11

According to Maxwell: “One of the missing pieces in Israel’s leader- ship was humility.” Humility, according to him, is - “No matter who the leader is, God still rules! ...Leaders are in charge, but God is in control.

Any king or leader who acknowledges and submits to God as the Sovereign King (of kings) and the Supreme Ruler will prosper and his subjects will enjoy peace, progress and prosperity.

Sunday School Manual 8 Hence, Jesus the King of kings thought us to pray thus: “In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, Hal- lowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Matthew 6:9-10

These lessons in essence, are purposefully designed to call the atten- tion of all Christians to the fact that though He has made us kings and priests to Himself (Rev. 1:6), we should give God the glory and honor due to Him, recognizing His sovereignty and supremacy over all.

The Lessons are divided into 3 Units: Unit 1: Portraits of the Kings of the United Kingdom (Lessons 1-3) Unit 2: Portraits of the King of Kings (Lesson 4) Unit 3: Portraits of the Kings of the Divided Kingdom (Lessons 5-12)

Please take time to purposefully attend every class session in this quarter and you will not regret you did.

Remain blessed as you wine and dine on the Royal table!

Sunday School Manual 9 QUARTER’S THEME: PORTRAITS OF JEWISH KINGS UNIT 1: Portraits of the Kings of the United Kingdom (Lessons 1-3)

March 6, 2016

LESSON 1 SAUL: A KING WHO MISSED HIS CHANCE Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 32, 61 Devotional Reading: 1 Samuel 2:2-10 Topic for Adults: Missed Opportunities Topic for Youths: Don’t Miss Divine Opportunities Topic for Intermediates: God Always Has Worthy Replacements Scripture Lesson: 1 Sam. 9:11-21, 25

MEMORY VERSE “Now the LORD said to Samuel, “how long will you mourn for Saul, seeing I have rejected him from reigning over Israel” 1 Samuel 16:1a (NKJV)


Mon. 2/29/2016 By His Word He Made All Things John 1:1-5; Col 1:17 There is no doubt God made all things, but how did He make them? By His word! The Bible says all things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. It was through the word that God made all the things in heaven and on earth, living and non-living, visible and invisible. The Bible says His word is settled forever in heaven (Psalm 119:89). The Word of God cannot be separated from God as the Bible says “…and the word was God”. What is your response and attitude to the word of God? How much do you value God’s word? Remember, the Bible says, “…for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.” (Psalm. 138:2c). Each of God’s word is important to Him. Don’t turn your back on His Word.

Point of Emphasis: How much you value God’s word determines how much God values you. Prayer Point: Lord, help me to value Your Word more than anything on earth.

Tue. 3/1/2016 Only the Doers of the Word are Blessed Jam. 1:21-25; Jos. 1:8 It is good to read, study and meditate on the word of God. It is even good to teach and preach the Word but these activities do not attract blessings until we are doers of the Word. The Bible says only the doers will be blessed in all they do. God encouraged Joshua to meditate on the word day and night in order to carefully do all that is written in it. It is only through this we can prosper

Sunday School Manual 10 and have good success. Those who do not obey the word are simply deceiving themselves irre- spective of their knowledge of the word of God and their positions.

Point of Emphasis: Don’t stop at reading and studying the word, move to the next stage of doing the word. Prayer Point: Lord, help me to be a doer of Your word at all times, whether it is convenient or not.

Wed. 3/2/2016 God Demands Total Obedience to His Word Matt 4:4; 7:24-27 The role obedience plays in the success of man cannot be overemphasized especially in our walk with God. All through the scriptures, men and women who successfully walked with God were people of total obedience to God’s instructions. Jesus re-echoed this with the story of the wise builder as seen in today’s text that those who live by His word are wise people. As far as He is concerned, anyone who ignores His word is a fool. The doers of the word are not only wise but have a solid rock on which they are building their lives and nothing can bring it down. No storm or wind can crash it. What are you building your life, marriage, career, academics, ministry, and business on? Remember Jesus said we should not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.

Point of Emphasis: God requires total obedience to His Word from us. Prayer Point: Lord, help me to exercise total obedience to Your word on daily basis.

Thur. 3/3/2016 Disobedience Attracts Negative Consequences Deut. 28:15; Jos. 7:1, 5, 11-12, 24-25. Disobedience to the word of God attracts great eternal consequences as evident in the texts above. Has God spoken anything positive concerning your life? Has He promised to make you great or has He promised you a bright future? How you respond to His word on a daily basis determines if those things will eventually come to pass in your life or not. God can change His mind if we ignore His instructions. How do we feel when we act contrary to the word of God? The Bible says if you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the fruit of the land. The consequence of disobedience does not terminate with the offender but extends to his generation as seen in the case of Achan. We need to repent and forsake every form of disobedience to God to avoid His anger and judgment. Don’t terminate God’s mandate for your life through disobedience.

Point of Emphasis: Fulfilling God’s mandate for your life is practically determined by your level of obedience to His Word. Prayer Point: Lord, I commit myself to obeying Your Word, help me to be faithful to the end in order not to miss Your purpose for my life.

Fri. 3/4/2016 Conditions for Choosing a King Deut. 17:14-20 Right from the time God called Abraham, He had been in charge of the nation of Israel. God Himself decided to be the King of Israel unlike other nations but He knew a time would come when Israel would decide to be like other nations. So, in order for them to choose rightly, God gave them the conditions that Israel’s kings must meet. This was to prevent Israel, God’s chosen people, from being led away from the King of kings and the Lord of lords. God was to choose the king, the king must be an Israelite, and he shall not be greedy, he shall not be one who will lead people away from God, he shall not multiply wives for himself and above all, he shall have a copy of the word of God. He shall study, meditate and do according to its content. This is to enable him please God in all he does. When God wants a man to succeed, He makes His word available to guide him. In making choices in matters that affect your life, what conditions come to play?

Sunday School Manual 11 Point of Emphasis: As a pilgrim, the Word of God is the compass to successfully navigate through life. Prayer Point: Lord, let Your Word be the lamp to my feet and the light to my path, in Jesus’ name.

Sat. 3/5/2016 Israel Demands a King 1 Samuel 8:1-9 Just as the Lord predicted, the people of Israel demanded for a king just like other nations. Sam- uel was old and his sons were not godly. He was contacted to pray to God in order for them not to choose wrongly. Israel did not choose their king arbitrarily; rather, they asked God through the . They were motivated to take this decision because Samuel was old and his sons were living ungodly, hence, the craving to be like other nations. They did not ask for the next leader after Samuel from God instead all they wanted was to imitate the ungodly nations around them. What informs your decisions? Do you care to hear what the Lord has to say? Do you care to hear His word so it may guide you both in pleasant and difficult situations? No matter is too small to be taken to God. He is our present help in every moment of trouble.

Point of Emphasis: Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own under- standing; in all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your path. Prayer Point: I refuse to be full of myself. Lord, henceforth, be the King and the Lord of my life.

Sun. 3/6/2016 Saul’s Pre-Kingship Profile 1 Samuel 9:1-10 God harkened to the voice of the Israelites by giving them a king. Saul was chosen to be the first king of Israel. He was the son of Kish, a Benjamite. He was the most handsome and the tallest person in Israel in his days. Saul was an obedient and committed son of his father. He was a car- ing rancher who would go a long way to look for his father’s missing donkeys. He also cared for the emotions of his father. He believed in God and respected His servant. When all efforts failed, he turned to God through His servant, Samuel, to know the way forward. He was also a listening leader who listened to the counsel of his servant. These are good qualities everyone should have but were these qualities enough to see Saul through? What are the qualities you have at the mo- ment? Are they enough to ensure God’s purpose for your life to come to pass? Can those qualities guarantee your eternal rest? Do these qualities include total and regular obedience to the word of God? If not, you are not secured yet.

Point of Emphasis: If your profile does not include obedience to the word of God, you haven’t started yet. Prayer Point: Lord, help me to make obedience to Your word the primary feature of my life.


“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5

hat was what God told prophet Jeremiah as He was about to commission him for His work. Just like Prophet Jeremiah, God gives everyone opportunity to be used and to glorify His name. However, this does not come automatically, what each Tperson does with his or her opportunities determines the fulfillment of God’s plan and purpose for him. This week’s lesson reveals God’s choice of King Saul and the steps he took that led to his downfall.

Sunday School Manual 12 NOTES ON THE LESSON

PART 1: SAUL WAS CHOSEN TO they have to be carried out to the letter. BE KING (1 SAMUEL 9:11-21, 25; We need to pay maximum attention to 10:1) and be careful of the details. Many people Saul was a Benjamite, the most hand- go to God’s presence without writing ma- some and tallest man in Israel. He was a terials and expect Him to speak expressly dutiful and committed son who traveled to them. When God speaks to us, we need a long journey to search for his father’s to note all necessary details. donkeys. When all efforts failed, Saul Saul failed to carry out the two instruc- and his servant resorted to seeking God tions God gave him. Samuel asked him to through Prophet Samuel. Sometimes, wait for seven days until he came to him. who you are, what you do and what you Though he waited for him for seven days, have passion for can lead you to God’s di- he didn’t wait for Samuel to come but vine purpose. Who are you and what are went ahead to offer the sacrifice which your passions? God had told Samuel a day was exclusively meant to be offered by before, His plan to send the king of Israel Samuel. He was also asked to utterly de- and as He promised, Saul came around. stroy everything in Amalek but he spared This means God was the cause of the Agag the king and some of the big, fat an- missing donkeys. Whatever we are going imals. through may not be accidental; God may When confronted with his sin, instead of be the originator of it. The Bible says “and Saul to admit his sin and ask for forgive- we know that all things work together for ness, he began to make excuses. He was good to those who love God, to those who always using the people as cover up. It was are the called according to His purpose” because of the people he didn’t wait for (Rom 8:28). When Saul came to the real- Samuel to come (1 Sam 13:11, 12) and it ization of what was about to happen, he was also because the people took the an- protested because he was from the small- imals that they didn’t destroy everything est tribe in Israel. Where you came from, in Amalek (1 Sam 15:15). No matter how your background and all that relate to you good our excuses are, they can never be does not matter if God has interest in you. acceptable before God. Adam gave excuse All you need to do is to cooperate with but God did not accept it. God. We need to emphasize the fact that We need to also note that Saul was not a God can use anyone as long as he or she Levite and was not qualified to make sac- cooperates with Him. It is only those who rifices unto the Lord. The Lord chose only make themselves available to be used that the Levites for this responsibility (Num. will be used of God. 3:10-12; 1 Chro. 15:2). Irrespective of what we are going through and pressure PART 2: OBEDIENCE IS BETTER around us, God must be the center of all THAN SACRIFICE (1 SAMUEL our decisions. 10:2-8; 13:1-9) Saul never repented, instead, he begged Two major instructions were given to Saul Samuel to honor him before the people. which he flouted. On the day Saul was He didn’t apologize for his wrong deeds. anointed, Prophet Samuel gave him three God doesn’t want anyone to perish but signs (1 Sam 10:2-7) and one instruction repent of their sins. Proverbs 28 verse (1Sam 10:8). Another instruction was 13 says, “He who covers his sins will not given to him in 1 Sam 15:1-3. All the signs prosper, but whoever confesses and for- in 1 Sam 10:1-7 came to pass automatical- sakes them will have mercy.” He didn’t ly but for the instructions, they had to be even realize he had sinned. He was busy carried out. When God gives instructions, building monument (1 Sam 15:12) for

Sunday School Manual 13 himself. Monuments are meant to be for speak with the spirit of Samuel. He had the dead and not for the living. to disguise himself and went at night. He consulted the medium he had excommu- PART 3: SAUL’S REJECTION AND nicated from Israel. This showed that Saul ITS CONSEQUENCES (1 SAMUEL didn’t have any relationships with God 13:13, 14; 15:22-29; 16:14-16) from the beginning. It was Samuel who No sinner will go unpunished and every- always consulted God on his behalf, so one who covers his sin shall not prosper. he needed Samuel to speak God’s mind On the two occasions Saul sinned, God again. That was different from David, pronounced judgment on him. His king- Hezekiah, Josiah, Uzziah, etc. Who had dom would have continued but it was tak- relationship with God. We need to have en from him. God had to replace him. He and maintain a healthy relationship with had to choose a man after his own heart, God. This we can do by always obeying David. God is looking for a man who will His instructions. reverence His word forever. Last of all, Saul died a shameful and trag- Rejection and replacement were not the ic death. He died the same day with his only consequences of Saul’s disobedience. three sons in the hands of the Philistines. Many other consequences were to follow. He committed suicide after he had been The Spirit of God departed from Saul the wounded by the enemy (1 Sam. 31:1-6). king and a distressing spirit from the Lord What a tragic end for a man who was cho- tormented him instead. David was sought sen by God to lead His people! to constantly play for him to be relieved of the distress. CONCLUSION Because the Spirit of the Lord depart- Saul had a good profile which anyone ed from Saul, he became a coward. Saul would admire. He was humble but when could no longer face the enemy in battle. it came to handling the word of God, Goliath terrified Israelite army day and he missed it because he didn’t take note night for forty days and the commander of minute details and because pleasing of God’s army could not do anything. It the people was topmost on his mind. In was young David that rescued Israel (1 handling the word of God, what is your Sam. 27:1-end). When we go against the priority? Pleasing God or pleasing men? will of God, we lack courage to face the As many as seek to please men and self- devil, our arch enemy. Saul hated David. will end up like Saul. How you handle the He was jealous of him. The king of Israel word of God and your focus matters in who supposedly controlled the affair of your relationship with Him. Our relation- the nation was now jealous and he hated a ship with God should be valued above ev- young boy. He hated him to the point that ery other thing and nothing should severe he tried to kill him on several occasions. it. He even instructed people to kill him. That was not the end; eighty five priests QUESTIONS were killed in one day just because one of 1. Who was Saul? them helped David by giving him food 2. Mention the two instructions given and sword. How did the anointed man of by God to Saul. God become a murderer of God’s priests? 3. Explain how Saul missed his glori- At this point, Saul was no more in control ous chance. of himself. His life was working contrary 4. What are the dangers of not follow- to the plan and will of God and he didn’t ing God’s instructions to the letter? realize it. 5. In the light of today’s lesson what is Saul didn’t stop at this point, instead of that all-important step that you must going to God to ask for mercy, he pre- take towards God’s word? ferred to consult a medium in order to

Sunday School Manual 14 QUARTER’S THEME: PORTRAITS OF JEWISH KINGS UNIT 1: Portraits of the Kings of the United Kingdom (Lessons 1-3)

March 13, 2016


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 150, 307 Devotional Reading: Acts 13: 16-23 Topic for Adults: God Searches the Heart Topic for Youths: No Service, No Enthronement Topic for Intermediates: You Can Be the Preferred Choice Scripture Reading: 1 Sam. 16:1, 10-13; 2 Sam. 6:11-13, 20-22; 11:1-5; 12:7-14 MEMORY VERSE “...I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after mine own heart, which shall fulfill all my will” Acts 13:22b (NKJV)


Mon. 3/7/2016 A Repentant Heart Psalm 51 This popular scripture was believed to have been written after King David had committed adul- tery with Bathsheba and the eventual murder of her husband - Uriah. It was legendary because it showed genuine brokenness and repentance from sin. The Bible says it is for God’s mercies that we are not consumed. Christians need to continually appeal to God’s mercy. Because only by His mercy can we receive anything from God including our salvation. We need to acknowledge our sins and omissions, and ask the blood of Jesus to cleanse us – only the blood of Jesus can truly wash sin away from our lives. So we must willingly surrender all to the Lord Jesus for the cleans- ing blood so that we may have boldness to approach the throne of grace.

Point of Emphasis: God will answer prayers offered by a broken and contrite heart. Prayer Point: O Lord, replace my stony and obstinate heart with a heart that’s easily broken down at the conviction of your word.

Tue. 3/8/2016 David was Anointed 1 Samuel 16:1-13 Although David had been anointed as king over Israel, King Saul remained the political head. Saul no longer had the usual spiritual relevance and influence. The kingdom had been given to the man after God’s own heart. In the selection process, Samuel almost gave what belonged to

Sunday School Manual 15 David to his older brothers because they looked impressive to be considered for the kingship po- sition. Human beings can only judge the appearance of men, only God sees the heart. Believers should be watchful in the spirit not to be carried away by our expectations of how God should do His work. The spirit of God came upon David immediately he was anointed by Prophet Samuel and his status changed in the spirit from that day. Oil is often used to symbolize God’s anointing and power, but not the anointing itself.

Point of Emphasis: You need to be anointed by God in order to accomplish great things for Him. Prayer Point: O God release Your anointing upon me to fulfill Your mandate for my life.

Wed. 3/9/2016 David: An Early Riser 1 Samuel 17:17-22 While David’s older brothers and the rest of the armies of Israel were on the battle field against the Philistines, Jesse, his father, sent him to the field to take food to his brethren and to know about their well-being. The Bible recorded that David rose early in the morning and headed for the field. This tells us a lot about the person of David – [i] He carried out his father’s instructions with prompt obedience, considering the errand as utmost for the day; [ii] He was a diligent and industrious young man who was already used to rising early to attend to the sheep; [iii] He considered the experience of the battle field as a privilege; and [iv] While he was away on the errand, he kept the sheep in a safe hand. Christians have much to learn about David here. No good shepherd will leave his sheep to stray away except a hireling. Whether we are self-employed or civil servants, we should be known for diligence and obedience to constituted authorities.

Point of Emphasis: The king’s errand demands urgency Prayer Point: O Lord make me an early riser; to be diligent in all that I do.

Thur. 3/10/2016 Yesterday’s Victory is Vital for Tomorrow’s Conquest 1 Samuel 17: 32-37

David was not just a shepherd but a passionate one. The experiences of David in the field with dangerous animals that constantly put his life and those of the sheep in danger perhaps made him to develop a personal relationship with God – he knew God as One who cares, who protects and delivers from danger, who provides, and as God who fights battles. He recalled his exploits in the field while tending the sheep. It’s vital to remember our past victories and successes because they help to build strong faith for tomorrow’s uncertainties. Unlike what some people do, David attributed his past victories to God and as such, he recalled with a heart of gratitude. How grate- ful are you to God for His daily provision, protection, good health, divine healing, etc.?

Point of Emphasis: God is unchangeable; He can do more for you today than He did yesterday. Prayer Point: God, give me a heart of gratitude; no longer will I take Your grace for granted in my life.

Fri. 3/11/2016 The Battle Is the Lord’s 1 Samuel 17:45-51 David told Goliath “I come to you in the name of the Lord of host, the God of the armies of Israel”. This is very profound. It was the understanding David’s older brothers and the rest of the armies of Israel never had. They considered themselves as no march for the Philistines warlord because they were depending on their strength. They didn’t know God as the Jehovah Sabboath – the One that’s mighty in battle, neither did they remember the numerous astonishing miracles God had wrought in the camp of Israel in the past. Remember that David never had any prece- dence of war except his dossier on the conquest of ravening wolves in the field. Have you expe- rienced God in any way in the past? Did you ever see God as the One fighting the battles of your life? The armors that could not bring victory to trained soldiers were placed on a young amateur in the act of wars. Indeed, in vain horses are prepared for the days of battle but victory is of the Lord. Beloved, no other power on earth can guarantee victory and safety except that of God.

Sunday School Manual 16 Point of Emphasis: Those who put their trust in God will not be ashamed. Prayer Point: I challenge every battle of my life in the name of the Lord and, I decree my victory now, in Jesus name.

Sat. 3/12/2016 Patience – A Great Virtue 2 Samuel 5:1-5 David was the first recorded case of an anointed king without a throne to occupy. He had to wait patiently until he was 30 years old. Even though King Saul had been dethroned, he remained a ceremonial head over Israel. The reigning king, at least in the site of God, became the servant of a dethroned king! David did not try to usurp authority from Saul, or devise manipulative strat- egies to overthrow him, or become insubordinate. We need to learn some great lessons here. A lot of Christians have compounded their challenges in a bid to find quick fixes. They feel God is slack in fulfilling His promises. In fact, it appeared the whole hell was let loose immediately David was anointed; he was being chased from cave to cave and, from mountains to valleys. The devil was determined to make sure David did not get to the throne. But because God is the Almighty, He gave David victory over all his foes. Believers need to know that a waiting period isn’t a wasting period; it’s a character strengthening period.

Point of Emphasis: Your waiting time is preparing you for the great task ahead. Prayer Point: O God of heaven help me to wait for Your appointed time for my fulfillment in life.

Sun. 3/13/2016 David, A Man after God’s Heart Acts 13:16-23 Apostle Paul was narrating the historical acts of God in bringing salvation to the world through the root of Jesse and made allusion to God’s attestation about David as a man after His heart. Unlike the disobedient Saul, God testified about David that he will do all His will. Indeed the mark of true discipleship is obedience. God should be able to testify of us that we are doing His will all the time. The importance of doing God’s will is articulated in the Lord’s Prayer. The Bible says “…Thy will be done on earth as it’s done in heaven”. We should make sure that the will of God is done in every situation of our lives.

Point of Emphasis: There is no alternative to doing the will of God. Prayer Point: O Lord, let Your will be done in every situation of my life.


he nation of Israel was under a theocratic leadership until they clamored for a king they could see to lead them like neighboring heathen nations. In response to the people’s request, Saul emerged the first king in Israel. However, due to Tdisobedience to God’s word, Saul’s dynasty was abruptly truncated. Consequentially, David emerged the second king in Israel – the man God described as a man after His own heart. The lesson of today highlights on some of the virtues that endeared David to God’s heart.


PART 1: DAVID’S EMERGENCE moment God decided to discontinue AS KING (1 SAM. 16:1, 10-13) King Saul’s dynasty, He began to search The rise and fall of King Saul the first for a better replacement. The disobedi- king in Israel, teach a profound lesson ence and scorning of God’s instruction that no one is indispensable. The very by King Saul led to his rejection and the

Sunday School Manual 17 emergence of the young David – a shep- who had, in contrast to his predecessor – herd boy, as a preferred replacement. It Saul, learnt patience, developed a caring should be noted that before God instruct- and compassionate heart, over the years ed prophet Samuel on how to locate and of tending his father’s sheep. David had anoint the next king, Samuel had spoken also demonstrated a simple and unques- by the spirit of God of the replacement of tioning faith in the power of God, which Saul with a man after His heart (Psalm brought an extraordinary result – the 89: 19-22). God’s are His am- conquest of the Philistine’s warlord (1 bassadors, having the whole earth as their Sam. 17:34-37; Psalm. 27:1). David re- diplomatic territory; so, they speak by counted his past victories with an appre- His leading and He confirms the words of ciative heart and attributed them to God. their mouths. This opened the door for more victories The ordination of King David was divine; for him. David’s cleverness was noticed it wasn’t man-made. By human standard and, of course God’s protection was upon and evaluation, there were better qual- him, as he escaped Saul’s plots on several ified people. However, God has divine occasions. yardsticks and evaluation parameters that David was a man who knew how to dance men often flout or are not privy to (Isa. before the Lord. The return of the ark of 55:8). Church leaders must know that the covenant into Israel brought jubilation appointment of people into leadership to which David danced his heart out for positions should be done prayerfully in God. The scriptures says that God inhab- the will of God, not at the whim of any its the praise of His people and He does individual or some individuals. Only God fearful things when He is given quality is qualified to appoint because He looks praise. There are some today, like Michal at the heart. While outstanding physical the daughter of Saul, who look at others attributes attract attention, the more im- disdainfully when they express them- portant qualities of men are those with- selves before God in dances and shouts. in. Perhaps what made David a man after Christians should be humble enough to God’s heart are not attributes that can recognize God’s matchless grace upon be seen outwardly. David’s ordination their lives and exult in praise to Him was done in secret; it was done without (Psalm 8:3, 4). In fact, the higher you a throne. But in the fullness of time, he get in life the more humble you should was announced to Israel as a king. Believ- become when you consider that the race ers need to pray that God will continue is not for the swift. Saul’s daughter nev- to announce those He has anointed for er understood this. The reason some greater assignment for the end time har- Christians put up arrogant display during vest of souls. In addition, the spirit of God worship is that they lack the in-depth came upon David from the very day he knowledge of God. Some of the greatest was anointed as king. Although Saul had miracles recorded in the Bible were in- the political office and power, David had voked by praises to God. the call and the power of God. Christians Moreover, David demonstrated his love need to know that it’s not holding a posi- for God when he deemed it thoughtful tion that makes one a leader but by obey- to build a house for God. Even though ing God’s Spirit. God didn’t allow him to build the house, the gesture earned him God’s commen- PART 2: DAVID’S CHARACTER dations and a promise of an everlasting AND PERSONALITY (2 SAMUEL 6: dynasty (2 Sam. 7:1-22). Furthermore, 11-15, 20-22) David was a man with a repentant heart David exhibited certain character which (2 Sam. 12:13; Psalm. 51). Every child of most likely endeared him to God’s heart. God who desires to go far in the jour- God went in search of a shepherd boy ney of faith must pray for a repentant

Sunday School Manual 18 heart once convicted by the Holy Spirit. tual death of Amnon, to – his In this, David stood in sharp contrast to son who planned to overthrow him, and King Saul who always advanced reasons the untimely death of Absalom, etc. (2 to justify his arrogance and disobedience. Sam. 13: 1-,15; 15:1-6;18:9,14-17). Indeed Other amiable qualities that David exhib- sword continued to avenge in the house ited include obedience; respect for others, of David even after his death. Forgive- particularly, God’s anointed; prudence; ness does not relieve us of the responsi- valiancy; skillfulness; and patience (1 bility for the consequences for sinful acts. Sam. 16:18). Nonetheless, God’s forgiveness absolves believers from the ultimate penalty of sin PART 3: GOD IS NOT A RESPECT- which is eternal death. ER OF PERSONS (2 SAMUEL 11:1- Furthermore, believers need to learn to 5; 12:7-14) acknowledge their faults whenever they David was a man after God’s heart yet he are being convicted by the Holy Spirit; was not immune from sin and punish- either while studying the Bible, or listen- ment for sin. The primary assignment ing to sermon, or a direct message from of kings in those days was to lead their God’s servants, and seek the face of God people to battle. On this occasion, King for forgiveness rather than trying to give David decided to stay back, which even- excuses to cover up. God’s mercy and for- tually led to his adultery with Bathsheba. giveness are always available if only we The web of sin enlarged to include fur- will return to Him in genuineness of heart ther deceit and the planned execution and humility. of a faithful soldier. It’s often said that an idle mind is the devil’s workshop. There CONCLUSION is no position or office that gives right to The ordination of David as King Saul’s any man to take the life of another. When successor was divine. Only God is qual- sins become so blatant, God always inter- ified to appoint because He looks at the venes no matter who is involved. David’s heart. Outstanding physical attributes adultery and murder greatly displeased may attract attention, the more important God and as such his punishment was in- qualities of men are those within. David evitable. It’s important to note that God was a man after God’s heart because he will not compromise His word in order to possessed certain godly virtues as out- favor anyone. In fact, He metes out stiff- lined in this lesson. Believers are equally er punishment to those He loves most encouraged to cultivate and imbibe these (Amos 3:2). virtues. Because God is unchangeable, God adjudged David as being callous those who have imbibed these virtues and insensitive for ‘snatching’ his sol- are also endeared to God too even in our dier’s wife; he obviously allowed the devil dispensation. King David showed a com- to becloud his sense of reasoning. God mendable love for God and His word. also saw David’s act as not being grateful Even when he sinned, his love for God enough. Each time a Christian falls into and His house was exemplified in his re- sin, it may imply that the love of God and pentance. His fear is waxing cold in such a heart. Although David repented in humility af- QUESTIONS ter he was confronted by the Prophet Na- 1. Describe the selection of David as a than, who exposed his sins and the conse- successor of King Saul. quences thereof, he had to bear the brunt. 2. Contrast the criteria for selection of Even though he escaped death for his leaders today in our society to those sins, his house almost tore apart in quick God saw in David that qualified him succession, starting with the incest be- for the kingship position. tween Tamar and Amnon and the even- 3. Mention at least five attributes that

Sunday School Manual 19 David possessed that endeared him 5. Mention some of the things a to God’s heart. believer should do while waiting for 4. Why couldn’t God shield David the fulfillment of God’s promises. from the consequence of adultery and murder he committed?

Sunday School Manual 20 QUARTER’S THEME: PORTRAITS OF JEWISH KINGS UNIT 1: Portraits of the Kings of the United Kingdom (Lessons 1-3)

March 20, 2016


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 83, 235 Devotional Reading: Eccl. 2:1-11 Topic for Adults: Strive To End Well Topic for Youths: Run From Compromise Topic for Intermediates: Following God to the End Scripture Lesson: 1 Kings 3:3-15; 11:1-14, 23-24

MEMORY VERSE “For it was so, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned his heart after other gods; and his heart was not loyal to the Lord his God, as was the heart of his father David” 1 Kings. 11:4 (NKJV)


Mon. 3/14/2016 Wisdom for King Solomon 1 Kings 3:1-15 When God gave a “blank check” to King Solomon in our text to ask for anything, Solomon didn’t ask God for gold or silver. Instead, he asked for wisdom. In fact, his answer showed that he already had a bit of wisdom – wisdom that he seemed to have learned from his father, king David. Kings in the ancient world usually requested from their gods those things that Solomon did not ask for – long life, riches, and death of their enemies. Notice how God explicitly said that Solomon did not ask for those things. People often talk about the “wisdom of Solomon”, but this wisdom should rightly be called “Wisdom for Solomon”. The “wisdom of Solomon” is really the wisdom of God, given to Solomon as a gift. In verse 12, God says: “I give you…” what you have asked for. Then in verse 13, God says: “I give you also… what you have not asked for.” In the end Solomon received the things other kings prayed for – both wealth and honor all his life. Just like Solomon, we all need wisdom from God in all our life endeavors and as James 1:5 says, God will give liberally to anyone that asks for wisdom. You need such a wisdom, ask for it.

Point of Emphasis: Wisdom is the principal thing, therefore get wisdom Prayer Point: Lord, I need Your wisdom in all that I do, please endow me with your wisdom.

Sunday School Manual 21 Tue. 3/15/2016 The Wealth of King Solomon 2 Chro. 9:13-28 From our passage of yesterday, God gave Solomon other things he did not ask for - wealth and honor - all his life. Solomon made it big. He was a celebrity, a hit, a showstopper. Traders or spice merchants, governors of the land, apes and peacocks made their debut in Scriptures and made their way into Israel for the first time. The king lived a life of influence, affluence and opulence. Solomon made a great throne of ivory for himself and twelve lions were placed on the six steps leading to the throne. All King Solomon’s goblets were gold and all the household articles in the palace were pure gold. Nothing was made of silver. It is sad that people tend to forget their small pleasures of life and the simple things in life once they make it. Solomon had forgotten that people came to hear his wisdom (1 Kings 10:24), not to see his riches. All the riches and wealth did not give him satisfaction as he plainly wrote in Eccl. 2:1-12 and 5:10. It is not wrong to have wealth but we should manage such resources not to become our masters or to lead us away from the faith when we begin to put our confidence in them or begin to attract attention and worship to ourselves instead of the Almighty God.

Point of Emphasis: The love of money is the root of all evil. Prayer Point: Help me to manage whatever wealth You give to me and don’t allow me to worship things instead of you.

Wed. 3/16/2016 Disregard For Instruction of God Deut. 17:14-20 God expressly commanded through Moses that Kings in Israel should neither multiply hors- es or wives to themselves nor should they greatly increase silver and gold. God had good rea- sons for giving the above instructions to enable Jewish kings to concentrate more on the serious business of providing good governance, politically and spiritually. Unfortunately, king Solomon disobeyed this express command by doing exactly what God commanded should not be done as seen in our passage of yesterday. During Solomon’s reign, the court was supreme and the priesthood was secondary. No prophet arose. The fact that the word of the Lord came to him only once revealed the spiritual poverty of his reign despite its material splendor. Just like Solomon, we disobey the express commands of God to our peril. We cannot go against God and his word and experience true success. Every of God’s instructions is meant to help us live to please Him and to live a successful, satisfactory life. They are for our benefits. All other successes outside of God are failures in reality.

Point of Emphasis: Obey God’s commands for your good. Prayer Point: Lord, help me not to be disobedient in my walk with you.

Thur. 3/17/2016 King Solomon and Wrong Relationships 1 Kings 3:1; 11:1-3 King Solomon in utter disregard to the express commands of God went into some wrong re- lationships that led to his eventual downfall. The importance of right relationships cannot be over-stressed. Unfortunately, Solomon in all his wisdom was blind to the danger of these rela- tionships. As parents, we should take the initiative of educating our children about the friends they choose and be very careful in choosing our own. Someone has said, ‘Every one of us should have two categories of friends - those who help us spiritually and those whom we are helping spiritually. To confuse the two will cause confusion. The downward trend in the life of Solomon was caused by the relationships which he entered into for political expediency and this affected his relationship with the Lord who had appeared to him twice. We must learn from this and avoid all manners of wrong and shady relationships, either as youths or adults, in our business life, marriage, social life etc.

Point of Emphasis: Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. Prayer Point: Lord, deliver me from every sinful relationship that can take me away from you.

Sunday School Manual 22 Fri. 3/18/2016 Going Into Apostasy 1 Kings 11:4-13 The Bible is very clear that there is only one God and man is to worship that God alone (Exodus 20:3-5). Due to Solomon’s wrong relationships, he started slipping into idolatry. He married from many of restricted nations but even from non-restricted nations, they should have been believers. He then, perhaps slowly at first, began to worship their gods and build shrines. When we are idolatrous, we no longer feel bound by the Scriptures; instead of God’s Word being the authority, it becomes merely an opinion; God’s Word becomes optional. When we think we understand religion or life as well as God does, or when we think our opinion matters as much as God’s, all sorts of spiritual disasters are waiting. This is the danger with a lot of modern com- promises in the Church today i.e. gay marriage, etc. God will not allow any of His children to worship other gods. What is taking the place of God in your life? Which relationship have you entered into that is luring you away from God?

Point of Emphasis: God will not take it lightly if His glory is shared. Prayer Point: I pray that I will not share Your glory with anything or anyone all the days of my life.

Sat. 3/19/2016 Solomon, the King with Empty Heart 1 Kgs. 11:4-6; 2 Cor. 6:14-18 No man began with more promise than King Solomon, yet a good beginning does not mean a good finish. Solomon drifted and finally defected. Can it happen to us? He was flawlessly described earlier in his reign as the king who could do no wrong but he later developed a fatal disease called sin. He failed to take God seriously which led to his final downfall as seen in the passage of today. What caused this disastrous demise in Solomon’s life? In one word, it was COMPROMISE that led to the King’s fall and finally all his compromises led to a King with an empty heart. Solomon became a wise fool. He married heathen women who worshiped idols. He had 700 wives, princesses and 300 concubines, and “his wives turned away his heart”. What fools we are when we allow anyone or anything to turn our heart away from God (2 Cor.6:14-18). Be wise! Watch your relationship with those who are not Christians. Letting the wrong people into your life can easily spell disaster and destruction (1 Cor.15:33).

Point of Emphasis: Evil communication corrupts good manners. Prayer Point: Help me to remain wise by not turning away from you all the days of my life, in Jesus’ name.

Sun. 3/20/2016 Consequences of Forsaking God 1 Kings 11:9-14, 26-31 At the conclusion of Solomon’s reign as king, his relationship with God waxed cold and waned as he compromised with his wealth, his wives and his relationship with God. God told Solomon, “I will tear the kingdom away from you” (1 Kings 11:9-11). In consequence, the kingdom became divided into two kingdoms, with Solomon’s house retaining the smaller one. Thereafter, God raised many adversaries against him contrary to the peace he had enjoyed throughout the period he loved God. Most people do not see the future consequences of their choices—good or bad – because they do not want to see that far down the road. God’s warning and discipline apparently did Solomon good, for, near the end of his life, he seemed to have repented and it is believed it was then he wrote the book of Ecclesiastes. God is warning everyone today that sin or evil has consequences both here and in the world to come. When we disobey God, we should expect trouble to come our way. It is, therefore, necessary for all to repent and avoid the judgment of God.

Point of Emphasis: Disobedience leads to loss of one’s intimate relationship with the Lord. Prayer Point: Lord, help me to repent of all sins and disobedience to avoid your coming judgment.

Sunday School Manual 23 BACKGROUND

isobedience has many biting consequences. No one’s life gives us a clearer pic- ture of this principle than Solomon’s slippery decline. Perhaps the fall of Sol- omon is one of the most distressing stories in the history of mankind. He was Da man who started out well but finished shamefully as recorded in 1 Kings 10 and 11.


PART 1: A BRIGHT BEGINNING is not enough. We should desire to fin- (1 KINGS 3:3-5)) ish strong. We should maintain a strong Solomon started off with everything go- relationship with the Lord and ask for ing his way. He was “The King who had it wisdom. We need to apply that wisdom all.” The nation was in great shape. God into our daily lives to ensure we remain came to Solomon personally and told him steadfast in God. to ask for anything he wanted (vs. 16ff). Solomon asked for wisdom. Not wisdom PART 2: A STEADY DECLINE for his own sake, but wisdom so that he (1 KINGS 11:1-9) would know how to discern right from Solomon started declining just like any- wrong and how to lead according to God’s one else could. He was attracted to the way. And God was impressed with what world and the lusts thereof and with all of Solomon asked for. So, God granted him his wisdom. He may have thought to him- wisdom and went a step further to give self that he was too smart to allow this to him wealth and honor in addition. get out of control. He was declining slow- We could see Solomon’s wisdom at work ly as he grew older. It happened slowly, when two women came to him both it didn’t happen overnight, slowly, with- claiming a baby was theirs. Solomon, not out even noticing what was happening. only exercised wisdom, but he also wrote Solomon didn’t recognize the dangers of down the wisdom he had acquired and we the evil relationship of marrying foreign still have many of them today in the book women and serving their idols. So by the of Proverbs. In the book of Proverbs, he time he got old and was weakened, it was gave us short little statements filled with too late. He had forsaken the Lord and no great wisdom. longer served God with his whole heart as In Solomon’s 4th year, he built the tem- his father David did. ple and did a great job of following God’s Amid the glory and majesty of King Sol- plan for the building of His temple. God’s omon, spirituality was notably absent. presence resided in the Holy of Holies in Although he had a great capacity for the that temple. God’s presence was with the spiritual as evident in his prayer during Israelites under the leadership of Solo- the dedication of the temple, his pursuit mon. of pleasure dimmed his spiritual eyes. It is Solomon’s popularity grew. People from worthy to note that he spent seven years everywhere came to visit him and learn building the temple and devoted thirteen from him. Everything he touched seemed years to build his own house, this evident- to turn to gold. The Queen of Sheba came ly showed a slipping scale of value. Every and brought gifts to him and was sur- instruction God gave Israel kings in Deut. prised by his wisdom. She confessed that 17:14-20 were violated by King Solomon. what she heard was not up to half King No one will wake up one day with the Solomon’s glory and splendor. thought of ruining his own life, but Our starting the Christian journey well through carelessness like the company we

Sunday School Manual 24 keep and things we accept as not really God. God opposes the proud, but gives important, ‘it doesn’t matter’. We may be grace to the humble. Humble yourself un- declining until we finally fall. It is in our der the mighty hand of God and He will interest to avoid compromise and walk exalt you. (1 Pet 5:5, 6) with God consistently with our whole Solomon’s problem was not ignorance but heart. downright rebellion. He knew better but did not do better. He knew that the only PART 3: A TOTAL FALL thing that mattered was not success and (1 KINGS 11:10-11, 14, 23-24) prosperity but God - Eccl.12:13-14. At the conclusion of Solomon’s reign as king, his relationship with God waxed CONCLUSION and waned as he compromised with his The wisdom that is from God is more wealth, his wives and his relationship valuable than the most precious substanc- with God. Regardless of how strong you es on earth (Prov. 16:16). The life of Sol- think your walk with God might be, any- omon was both of great accomplishment one, like Solomon, may let it slip by not and great tragedy. Solomon’s life began paying sufficient attention to God’s word with great purpose, but it was led astray daily. A wholehearted devotion to God is and ultimately destroyed. This was by Je- necessary, and we cannot divide our loy- sus when He warned in Mk. 8:36-37, “For alty between God and other things. what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain Solomon at first might have resisted the the whole world, and lose his own soul? pressure of his 1000 female companions Or what shall a man give in exchange for to worship idols but eventually moved his soul?” to toleration, rationalization, identifica- If we have started off strong, we should tion with sin and eventual compromise. not finish poorly. Our prayer should Before we allow pressure to overwhelm be - “Help me Lord not only to start the us, we must counteract it by overcoming race, but to finish it well. Help me not to evil with good and not simply co-existing compromise my faith and love for you. with its influence, presence or philoso- Instead, keep me close to the cross and phies in our mind. Christ who died for me there” (Ron Hem- Solomon overlooked the fact that disobe- bree). dience to God brings terrible consequenc- es. As a result of Solomon’s idolatrous QUESTIONS ways, his kingdom was diminished and 1. What were the signs that Solomon divided and his legacy ruined. The Lord started his journey with God well? sent more than twelve nations against 2. Where and how did he miss the Solomon and all of his successes crum- mark? bled under the weight of opposition and 3. What does it mean that he did not the terrible ravages of war. Unwillingness walk his talk? to be wholehearted in our obedience, 4. What lessons can we learn from trust and love for the Lord eventually King Solomon on how to end leads to self-destructive practices. Many strong? people feel they can be neutral toward

Sunday School Manual 25 QUARTER’S THEME: PORTRAITS OF JEWISH KINGS UNIT 2: Portraits of the King of Kings (Lesson 4)

March 27, 2016


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 174, 176 Devotional Reading: Isaiah 53:1-12 Topic for Adults: The Cost of Our Redemption Topic for Youths: You Were Bought With a Price Topic for Intermediates: Value the Great Sacrifice Scripture Lesson: 2 Sam. 7:11-15; Isa. 9:6-7; Mk. 15:16-26; 16:1-13

MEMORY VERSE “Knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver and gold... but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot” 1 Peter 1:18-19 (NKJV)


Mon. 3/21/2016 The Promised King 2 Samuel 7:11-15; Isaiah 9:6 God promised David that a King would come from his bowel but He (God) would be the King’s Father. Besides, God said the King’s kingdom would be established forever. Isaiah also testified to this through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit that a child would be born, and that child would be the everlasting father and the Prince of Peace. These promises were practically fulfilled in our Lord Jesus Christ who was, is and will ever be. What are the promises in your life that you have lost hope on? Wait on the Lord; they will surely come to pass and you will smile again.

Points of Emphasis: They that wait on the Lord get befitting rewards from Him at the right time. Prayer Point: Lord, as you fulfilled the promise of the Savior of the world, fulfill Your promises in my life.

Tue. 3/22/2016 Price of Our Salvation, Cost of Our Sin Isaiah 53: 1-12 Long before we were born, God had put in place a plan for our salvation. We were tainted with sin from birth by our association with Adam and Eve, and as a result we were removed from God’s perfect plan. However, because of the mercies of God, we were given another chance to share in the glory originally intended for mankind at creation. Isaiah’s prophecy speaks of the

Sunday School Manual 26 cost of this chance given to us. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, would have to be sacrificed—put in prison, beaten, wounded, crucified and then buried with the wicked in order for us to be saved. God did not deem this a price too high for our salvation. We should lead our lives free from sin as we keep the heavy price paid for our salvation constantly on our minds.

Point of Emphasis: Our salvation is important to God. Prayer Point: The sacrifice of Jesus Christ will not be in vain over my life.

Wed. 3/23/2016 Wise Men Seeking Christ Mic. 5:2; Matt. 2:1-6, 16-18 God bypassed proud and chose little, humble Bethlehem for the birth of Jesus Christ who paid the ultimate price for the sins of mankind. This is to fulfill what and where the proph- et had predicted. In today’s scripture, King Herod felt his throne was being threatened by the phrase ‘King of the Jews’. Imagine the number of children below the age of 2 years that were killed by a wicked king just because of anger, pride and lust for power and position. He lied to the Magi and murdered babies. The gentile Magi were referred to as wise men not because they were scientists, astrologers or wealthy but because they diligently sought Christ the king. They gave up friends, homes and all, and took the wearisome journey to Bethlehem looking for the King of kings. Each follower of Jesus Christ is expected to have the same spirit. How far can you go in search of Christ? What can you forgo because of Christ? The Magi (gentiles) saw the star and sought Christ the king to worship Him. King Herod heard of the star and because of fear sought Christ the king to destroy Him. The Jewish Priests and Scribes knew about the Star but ignored Christ the King. They knew the Scriptures and pointed it to others but they would not go and worship Him themselves. They even quoted Micah 5:2, yet they refused to obey it.

Point of Emphasis: We have seen His star and have come to worship Him. Prayer Point: Help me to understand and be obedient to Your words, O Lord my God.

Thur. 3/24/2016 Stand With Christ Mark 14:43-51 The religious leaders were waiting for Jesus after conspiring with the Jewish Council in order to sentence Him to death. They were oblivious of the fact that they were only fulfilling God’s plan of Jesus to pay the ultimate price for the salvation of the world. Judas held up his end of the bargain he had earlier made by handing Jesus over to the armed gang who were to take Him. Verse 50 tells us that the disciples forsook Jesus and ran, perhaps due to fear of being taken along with Him. Along the line in our Christian journey, we will face difficult circumstances and it might seem logical to run and abandon our faith to improve the circumstances we find ourselves in. Christ paid the ultimate price for us, so there is nothing we will ‘suffer’ for His sake that can be compared to the price He has paid.

Point of Emphasis: The persecution we will face is a child’s play compared to Christ’s sacrifice for us. Prayer Point: Lord, grant me the grace to stand with You when tough times come.

Fri. 3/25/2016 Do You Mock Jesus? Mark 15: 16-32 The passage gives a clear picture of the torments that Christ had to go through. He was beaten with blows to the head, mockingly called the Son of God, Messiah, and the King of the Jews. “He saved others; himself he cannot save.” The people who mocked Him were right, Jesus Christ is the Son of God, our Messiah. He could indeed have saved Himself by coming down from the cross. The irony of the matter is Christ was saving others, saving us by choosing to remain on that cross, bearing the brunt of our collective sin. We make a mockery of his efforts to transform us back to God’s glory every time we go into sin.

Point of Emphasis: We are just like the ones mocking Jesus at Golgotha if we continue sinning. Prayer Point: Help me Father not to mock Christ’s sacrifice by my words, thoughts and actions.

Sunday School Manual 27 Sat. 3/26/2016 He Paid the Ultimate Price Mark 15:33-47 After going through the tortures, mockings and railings, He was eventually handed over to be crucified to pay the ultimate price for our sins. As he hung on the cross, there was total dark- ness over the land because the light of the world was on the cross. At this point, God, the Father turned His back on His only begotten Son because He was carrying the sins of the whole world. The veil of the temple tore into two signifying easy access by all people to God. He paid the price by reconciling man to God through His precious blood that He shed on the cross. There is no reason for anyone again to carry those sins that have been borne by Him. His body was removed and buried in a tomb. He was actually dead as confirmed by the centurion and Pilate, contrary to what some will want us to believe today.

Point of Emphasis: Jesus Christ died to pay the price we can never pay. Prayer Point: Lord, help me to live my life in such a way that the sacrifice You made will not be in vain.

Sun. 3/27/2016 Announce His Resurrection Mark 16:1-20

On the first day of the week, certain women who were followers of Jesus Christ went very early to the tomb where Jesus was buried. On getting there, they discovered that the large stone used to cover the tomb had been removed. As they entered the tomb, an angel announced the resur- rection to them. The angel gave a specific instruction to the women to go and tell His disciples that He had risen. The promise Jesus made regarding His resurrection came to pass regardless of man-made obstacles. The power of death could not hold Him captive as He is the resurrection and life (John 11:25). It is our duty to announce the good news of Jesus’ death for our sins and His resurrection for our hope to all men. During this season and always, you should announce this.

Point of Emphasis: There is no iota of doubt about His resurrection. Prayer Point: Lord, give me grace and boldness to take the good news to others around me.


n this quarter, we have been studying the lives of Jewish kings. This week, we are deviating. We are not just learning about a Jewish king (although He is one), but about the King of kings, the everlasting Father and the Prince of peace who came Iinto the world to pay the ultimate price for our redemption. We are concerned this week about the prophecies confirming Him as a King, His sufferings, death and His eventual resurrection to seal our redemption and to assure us of life after death. Our focus this week is to appreciate the great sacrifice paid by the great King.


PART 1: JESUS IS KING OF everlasting father and the Prince of Peace KINGS (2 SAM. 7:11-15; ISA. 9:6-7) A child being called ‘God’ and ‘Everlast- God made a promise to David that a ing Father’ is definitely quite an occur- king would come from His bowel but He rence. Jesus was literally God who came (God) would be the father of the king and to us as a man. Jesus was from the line of that the kingdom of that king would be David -- He was a branch on that family established forever. Isaiah also testified to tree, provided by miraculous means. He this through the inspiration of the Holy would set up a kingdom of peace, and Spirit that a child to be born would be the would be a Priest on His Throne. This

Sunday School Manual 28 shows His Kingship as well as His Priest- no doubt due to this severe affliction. hood, which would have much more He was crucified at Golgotha where the commonly be separated. crowd reviled Him. He was hung there Jesus was prophesied as being the King of on the cross paying the ultimate price of kings prior to His birth. He was also pro- carrying away the sins of the whole world, claimed as such at His birth and during hence God literally forsook Him at that His life. He was revealed as a king by time because the eyes of the Lord cannot many who attested to His kingship, a few behold iniquity. of those who attested are listed here: All that happened to Jesus Christ during John 1:49 – “Nathanael answered and His arrest, trial and crucifixion were fore- saith unto him, Rabbi, thou art the Son of told in the (e.g., Ps. 22 and God; thou art the King of Israel”. Isa. 53) He needed to shed His blood to Luke 23:38 - Pilate: “And a superscrip- pay the ultimate price for the redemp- tion also was written over him in letters tion of man, for ‘without the shedding of of Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew, THIS IS blood, there is no remission of sin” – Heb. THE KING OF THE JEWS”. 9:22, 28, 10:10. Luke 1:32-33 - Angel Gabriel revealed Having paid such a great price for our that Jesus would reign with an eternal redemption, hawse now have no reason kingdom. to continue living in sin. Jesus Christ Matthew 2:2 The Magi asked “Where is provided the opportunity for everyone He who has been born King of the Jews”? to come back to God, to forsake sin and Herod the Great was quite paranoid. Ev- live in purity of life – 1 Pet. 1:18-25. What eryone was a potential threat to his king- would you do with Jesus Christ – accept ship. Herod took the title “King of the Him or reject Him? Jews” from Romans who acknowledged that he had rulership over a Jewish pop- PART 3: THE KING ROSE AGAIN ulation. Imagine how angry Herod would TRIUMPHANTLY (MARK 16:1-13) have been when some men from afar After His excruciating trial and cruci- came and asked him as to where the King fixion, He died and was buried in a bor- of the Jews had just been born! rowed grave. He was there for three full So do you know Jesus as King of kings? days as He had earlier told his disciples and those who cared to listen. The rulers PART 2: JESUS, THE KING WHO who were aware of this made all efforts to SUFFERED AND PAID THE ULTI- frustrate His resurrection – they rolled a MATE PRICE (MARK 15:16-26) big stone to cover the grave and also ap- The physical and spiritual suffering of pointed soldiers to guard the place. Christ began in Gethsemane. His sweat On the third day, Jesus Christ rose from after prayers was as it were great drops of the dead. Mary Magdalene, Mary the blood. Immediately after this, he was ar- mother of James, and Salome went inside rested and tried by the religious leaders the empty grave of Jesus where an angel where he was condemned by the Sanhe- announced His resurrection to them. drin. There was also a civil trial before Pi- Later, Jesus Christ appeared personally late and Herod during which all the disci- to the women, to other two disciples and ples forsook him and Peter also publicly later to the Apostles to confirm that He denied him. actually rose again. Jesus the King was blindfolded, mocked The resurrection of Jesus Christ is one of repeatedly, spat on and struck in the face. the central truths of the gospel and what He was led through Jerusalem, He was distinguishes from other reli- scourged and delivered to be crucified. gions. The resurrection proves that Jesus Scourging was a hideous torture. The in- Christ is the King of kings and the eter- ability of Jesus to bear His own cross was nal God. It also proves the efficacy of His

Sunday School Manual 29 redemptive works and that we who be- to all mankind. Everything was fulfilled lieve in Him will also resurrect when we to the last letter. He came, suffered, died die – 1 Cor. 15:12-19. and resurrected to liberate His subjects. Jesus Christ rose from the dead and is Jesus is the Redeemer King! alive for evermore! If we believe in Him, live for Him and expect His return as the QUESTIONS coming King, we shall also resurrect to 1. How can you convince a skeptic that reign with Him forever. Are you one of Jesus Christ is the King of kings? His own? 2. What are the implications of the sufferings and crucifixion of Christ? CONCLUSION 3. How can we value the great sacrifice Long before Jesus’ birth, there was a of Jesus Christ, the King of kings? prophecy that a child shall be born with 4. Why is Jesus’ resurrection significant the kingdom upon His shoulder. There to Christians? were prophecies also concerning the cir- 5. How should we apply lessons learnt cumstances surrounding His birth, His from this study? suffering and sacrifice to bring salvation

Sunday School Manual 30 QUARTER’S THEME: PORTRAITS OF JEWISH KINGS UNIT 3: Portraits of the Kings of the Divided Kingdom (Lessons 5-12)

April 3, 2016


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B 71, 352 Devotional Reading: Psalm 1:1-6; Prov. 1:15-19 Topic for Adults: Always Seek and Take Godly Counsel Topic for Youths: Keep Company with God-fearing Ones Topic for Intermediates: Show Me Your Friends… Scripture Lesson: 1 Kings 12:1-24; 2 Chro. 12:1-14

MEMORY VERSE “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful” Psalm 1:1 (NKJV)


Mon. 3/28/2016 Rehoboam’s Troubled Beginning : 21 Solomon, Rehoboam’s father, reigned for forty years. He was very wise, but he had a political philosophy which put growth in the size, wealth, and splendor of the Kingdom of Israel at the forefront of everything. He intermarried with the royal families of the surrounding nations, in utter disregard of God’s express command to the contrary. He had a thousand wives and concu- bines, and built idolatrous pagan temples to please them. Rehoboam was probably the only son of Solomon, as no others are mentioned. Solomon might have had a thousand wives, but he was not blessed with many children. It is therefore likely that Rehoboam grew up a spoil child. The name of Rehoboam’s mother was Naamah the Ammonitess, and she was one of the wives that Solomon had brought in from a pagan culture. She would have brought her Ammonite gods with her, and for the forty years before he came to the throne, Rehoboam would have been greatly influenced by his mother’s pagan influence.

Point of Emphasis: When we live in utter disregard for God’s commandments, we are setting up our children for an unpleasant future. Prayer Point: Lord, help me to be mindful of my ways, for my sake and for posterity.

Sunday School Manual 31 Tue. 3/29/2016 The Division of the Kingdom Prophesied 2 Chro. 7:17-20 God had spoken to Rehoboam’s father, Solomon, and told him of consequences that would result if he became an unfaithful king. The Lord said, “As for you, if you walk before me as your father David walked, even to do according to all that I have commanded you, and will keep my statutes and my ordinances, then I will establish your royal throne as I covenanted with your father David “… But if you turn away and forsake my statutes and my commandments which I have set before you, and go and serve other gods and worship them, then I will uproot you from my land which I have given you…” Also, the prophet Ahijah had prophesied to Jeroboam. He said to Jeroboam, “Take for yourself ten pieces; for thus says the LORD, the God of Israel, “Behold, I will tear the kingdom out of the hand of Solomon and give you ten tribes (but he will have one tribe, for the sake of my servant David and for the sake of Jerusalem, the city which I have chosen from all the tribes of Israel…” (1 Kings 11:31-35).

Point of Emphasis: You are the only one that can alter the good plans of God for you and your generation. Prayer Point: Lord God, please grant me the grace to conduct myself in ways that will ensure the fulfillment of Your plans for my life.

Wed. 3/30/2016 The Primary Cause of the Division - Solomon’s Apostasy 1 Kings 11:9-13 Solomon was a very wise man. He was a good governor and the nation prospered under him. But during the middle of his reign, he began to compromise his faith and convictions. His many political marriages undertaken to cement alliances with other nations brought great influence upon him from his pagan wives, and they influenced him to turn to idolatry. It was in that failure that the seeds of division had been sown. God was angry with Solomon, and told him that he would split the kingdom, and take away all but one tribe from his line. It was only on account of God’s Covenant with his father David that the one tribe remained. 1 Kings 11 records that God stirred up several adversaries against Solomon, and even sent prophet Ahijah to anoint Jeroboam as the ruler of the ten tribes. Despite this word of God, Solomon remained rebellious, and even tried to thwart the plan of God by trying to kill Jeroboam. He seemed to have forgotten that in a similar situation, Saul had tried to kill his father, and had failed miserably.

Point of Emphasis: You can only control your actions, not their consequences. Prayer Point: I refuse to act in ways that will bring evil consequences upon my life, in Jesus’ name.

Thur. 3/31/2016 Parents’ Lives Affect their Children’s Future 1 Kgs. 11:9-13 Parents will affect their children’s future, sometimes in ways completely unforeseen. Rehoboam, though responsible for his own errors, needed faithful parents to look up to. Rehoboam did not get that from his father, Solomon, who allowed his moral and spiritual failures to gain an upper hand on him. That can happen to us too when we don’t give proper attention to the Lord and his will in our lives. Are we playing our roles well as parents? How are we living our lives before God? Our children are watching us and are being influenced by us. Do they see in us examples of strong faith and commitment, or spiritual weakness and failure? The Bible says, “For He es- tablished a testimony in Jacob and appointed a law in Israel, which He commanded our fathers that they should teach them to their children, that the generation to come might know, even the children yet to be born, that they may arise and tell them to their children, that they should put their confidence in God and not forget the works of God, but keep His commandments.” (Psalm 78:5-7). In the New Testament we also read, “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.” (Ephesians 6:4).

Point of Emphasis: Your children are learners in the school of life; what are they learning from you? Prayer Point: Lord, help me to live a positive life that my children can model theirs after.

Sunday School Manual 32 Fri. 4/1/2016 Positive Impact of Godly Parenting 2 Timothy 3:14,15 We also read of the good impact godly parents (and grandparents) can have on their offsprings. Paul wrote to Timothy, “You, however, continue in the things you have learned and become convinced of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.” As parents, we can choose to live for the Lord as the examples of faith for our children and others, or we can conceal the wonderful things God’s grace has pro- vided us in compromise and neglect. For the Psalmist, the choice is clear: “We will not conceal them from their children, but tell to the generation to come the praises of the LORD, and His strength and His wondrous works that He has done.” (Psalm 78:4). Let us prepare our hearts and be faithful to our God, and not be like the “stubborn and rebellious generation, a generation that did not prepare its heart and whose spirit was not faithful to God.” (Psalm 78:8).

Point of Emphasis: Godly heritage is the only lasting legacy that is worth leaving behind. Prayer Point: May my children continue to be guided by my positive influence even when I am no more.

Sat. 4/2/2016 A Lost Chance To Make A Difference 1 Kings 12:1-11 Upon the death of King Solomon in 930 B.C., his son Rehoboam assumed the throne. Even if the Israelites had been impressed with the imposing buildings and temples, they were clearly not ready to be oppressed and taxed to maintain the king’s opulence anymore. They might have suffered in silence under Solomon, the Son of David, the wisest man on earth, but they were not going to take it from his son. The situation thus put Rehoboam at a crossroad. Would he attempt to correct Solomon’s excesses and give his subjects a breath of fresh air? If he had done that, he would have earned himself the unalloyed loyalty of his people. However, his upbringing in that sinful, idolatrous environment did not help him at this critical moment in his life. He was grossly unable to deal circumspectly with the already traumatized people. Rather than patiently listen to the wise counsel of the elders, he chose to trust the counsel of his youthful friends. Note that God had surrounded Rehoboam with helpful people: Prophet Shemaiah as well as some wise, older counselors. Sadly however, he did not seek the help of God, and as a result made unwise decisions. This is how we too often make unwise decisions in the Church, and in our personal lives, because we do not seek the help and direction of God. We try to solve our problem by our- selves, or with the aid of people who are not led by God. That is a guarantee of failure, suffering, embarrassment, and affliction for us, our family, and the people of God.

Point of Emphasis: Every moment is an opportunity to right the wrong. Prayer Point: Lord, give me the grace to make positive use of every opportunity that comes my way.

Sun. 4/3/2016 To Your Tents O Israel 1 Kings 12:12-17 Rehoboam relayed the foolish response of his young counselors to the people. He told them that just as the thigh is proportionally thicker than the little finger, so would his power be used to increase their work and taxes. He intended to scourge them with scorpions, rather than using the lighter and less punishing whips his father had used. Rehoboam might have thought that this attitude would intimidate the people into forgetting about any thought of rebellion. But it had the opposite effect. His answer infuriated the people, and with one voice, the northern tribes withdrew their allegiance to Rehoboam. Only the tribes of Judah and Benjamin stayed with him.

Point of Emphasis: What is gathered with wisdom can be scattered through folly. Prayer Point: God, make me a builder of good things, and not a destroyer.

Sunday School Manual 33 BACKGROUND

ing Rehoboam was a classical case of colossal loss of opportunity— loss of half the kingdom (more than half, really), loss of integrity, and loss of national sover- eignty. The name Rehoboam means “he who enlarges the people”, but his life is Ka tragic choice resulting in the diminishing of the people of God. Barely a week on the throne, Rehoboam’s outrageous ideas and inability to correctly interpret the political climate of his domain resulted in a rebellion, in which 10 of Israel’s 12 tribes seceded, forming the nation known from then on as Israel, and leaving Rehoboam to reign over only two tribes, Judah and Benjamin. Before long, Rehoboam also abandoned the Lord like his father, King Solomon, to follow the idolatrous ways of his pagan allies. This steady decline did not stop until the nation of Judah under Solomon lost her sovereign- ty and became a vassal nation under Egypt’s supervision.


PART 1: OPPORTUNITY PART 3: A FRITTERED LEGACY KNOCKED (1 KINGS 12:1-5) (1 KINGS 12:12-18, 21-24) Upon the death of King Solomon in 930 When Rehoboam presented this decision B.C., his son Rehoboam assumed the to Jeroboam and the local leaders, they throne. stated their intention to secede from the When the nation’s local leaders gathered union, and they quit the coronation. Re- for Rehoboam’s coronation, they retained hoboam ignored their decision, and at the Jeroboam, a man respected for his leader- scheduled time, accompanied his tax col- ship skills, to represent them in a collec- lector on his duties as usual. However, the tive bargaining session with the new king. rebel tribes, united in their refusal, stoned Solomon had placed an oppressive bur- the tax collector. Rehoboam himself nar- den of taxes on the public in order to pay rowly escaped. The 10 tribes under Je- for his massive palaces and public works. roboam retained the historical name of The people wanted relief. Rehoboam said the nation, “Israel”. The two tribes under he would consider the matter and reply in Rehoboam assumed the name “Judah,” three days. the name of Rehoboam’s tribe. Still in denial, Rehoboam refused to rec- PART 2: A COSTLY DETOUR ognize the independent nation, viewing (1 KINGS 12:6-11) it as an internal rebellion to be managed The experienced cabinet members of Sol- by police action. He assembled an army omon’s staff advised Rehoboam to submit for this purpose from the two tribes of to their demand; this action would assure Judah and Benjamin that remained loyal their loyalty throughout his entire reign. to him. Jeroboam, now named king of the The political trainees of Rehoboam’s gen- 10 tribes in rebellion, prepared armies for eration, however, having grown up among defense. But just as civil war was ready to palaces, temples, parks, and public works begin, the Lord sent the prophet Shem- of unsurpassed excellence, couldn’t resign aiah to Rehoboam with the message that themselves to living less luxuriously than he must go home and not fight this war. the previous generation. They wanted to God had arranged the split of the nation construct even more excellent works, and because of King Solomon’s sins. So war recommended that Rehoboam raise tax- was averted. es to pay for their ambitions. Rehoboam agreed.

Sunday School Manual 34 PART 4: AN INGLORIOUS CONCLUSION DECLINE (2 CHRO. 12: 1-2, 5-8, Rehoboam’s bad decision to follow the 13-14) counsel of his young friends rather than As time went on, King Rehoboam’s initial that of the wiser counselors of his father faithfulness to God began to wane. His was the obvious reason for the division of fortification of the two-tribe kingdom the nation. But why did Rehoboam listen gave him a false sense of confidence. Re- to the unwise counsel of his friends to in- hoboam relaxed both his military efforts crease the burden of the people instead of and his morals. He had 18 wives and 60 the wise counsel of his father’s counselors concubines. They bore him 28 sons and and decrease the burden. Was it simply 60 daughters. With the aid of his idol in fulfillment of an earlier prophesy? Or worshiping wife, Maachah, he built pagan pride, greed, a lack of respect for his fa- shrines across the land in blatant disobe- ther’s counselors, or his father’s own spir- dience to God’s warning. itual failures? Whatever it was, the end After two years of apostasy, Shishak king was the same: national disaster, civil war of Egypt launched an invasion force and apostasy. And the result will be the against Judah. The LORD sent the proph- same today for anyone who chooses to et Shemaiah to announce that he would take unwise counsel. Let us all be careful not defend Judah; because of their apos- and prayerful. tasy, he was abandoning them to their fate. Hearing this, Rehoboam and the QUESTIONS local leaders agreed that they deserved 1. What opportunity came to this punishment from God. Seeing their Rehoboam and how did he handle contrition, the LORD did not allow them it? to be destroyed. He only allowed Egypt 2. What wrong counsel did king to dominate Judah. Egypt subdued Ju- Rehoboam take? dah, and Shishak confiscated everything 3. What lesson can we learn from of value in Rehoboam’s palace and Solo- today’s lesson about keeping mon’s temple. Rehoboam replaced these company with ungodly people? with cheap imitations which were kept 4. What was the repercussion of king under lock and key, being brought into Rehoboam’s wrong counsel? view only when the king was present. 5. What are the dangerous Rehoboam’s repentance in the face of repercussion of taking ungodly Egyptian invasion was, however, short- counsel today? lived. The remainder of his 17 years is summarized in this statement: “He did evil, because he prepared not his heart to seek the LORD” (2 Chro. 12:14).

Sunday School Manual 35 QUARTER’S THEME: PORTRAITS OF JEWISH KINGS UNIT 3: Portraits of the Kings of the Divided Kingdom (Lessons 5-12)

April 10, 2016


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 306, 416 Devotional Reading: 1 Sam. 2:1-10 Topic for Adult: Don’t Turn Your Back On God. Topic for Youth: Set Your Hearts Fully On Seeking the Lord Topic for Intermediates: Obey God’s Commands Scripture Lesson: 1 Kings 11:28-38; 12:19-33; 15:29-30 MEMORY VERSE “For the Lord is the God of knowledge, and by Him actions are weighed,” 1 Samuel 2:3b (NKJV)


Mon. 4/4/2016 How Would You Be Remembered? 1 Kings 15:25-26 It was by divine plan that Moses was raised up as Pharaoh’s daughter’s son. It afforded him the opportunity of being groomed for leadership position and to escape the slave mentality. God designed to use him as the deliverer for His people. At the age of forty, God put it in his heart to visit the Israelites, who were being used as slaves. As a first token of what God wanted to use him for, he slew an Egyptian who was maltreating a Hebrew. This ought to have conveyed a message to the Hebrews that there was someone in Pharaoh’s palace who was interested in their plight. If they had this understanding, they would have rallied round him and their period of oppression would have been shortened by forty years. Instead of accepting him, they branded him as a mur- derer and he had to escape to Midian for forty years.

Point of Emphasis: The oppressed Israelites did not recognize that God had raised for them a deliverer. Prayer Point: Father, give me clear understanding to recognize Your program of intervention in my life.

Sunday School Manual 36 Tue. 4/5/2016 Obey God and Have External Rewards 1 Kings 11:38 God made a promise to make Jeroboam a king with an enduring dynasty over the 10 tribes of Is- rael if only he would obey Him. “If you do whatever I command you and walk in My ways and do what is right in My eyes by keeping My statutes and commands as David my servant did, I will be with you. I will build you a dynasty as enduring as the one I built for David and will give Israel to you”. In a simple term here God promised Jeroboam a kingdom that would last if only he would obey Him. If believers choose to obey God, He gives them rewards that will last for all eternity. “To him who overcomes and does my will to the end I will give authority over the nations”.

Point of Emphasis: There are eternal rewards for those who obey God to the end. Prayer Point: O Lord, help me to serve You acceptably so that I will not lose my earthly and eternal rewards.

Wed. 4/6/2016 Set Your Heart on Seeking the Lord 1 Kings 12:26-27 “And Jeroboam said in his heart, “Now shall the kingdom return to the house of David: If this people go up to do sacrifice in the house of the LORD at Jerusalem, then shall the heart of these people turn again unto their Lord, even unto Rehoboam king of Judah, and they shall kill me, and go again to Rehoboam king of Judah”. We can see that Jeroboam’s focus was to prevent losing his people and position to Rehoboam’s kingdom as a result of their going to Jerusalem to worship the Lord. What should have been his focus? He should have focused on God’s promise to him that if he obeyed God’s laws his kingdom would endure. It is true, Jeroboam had a serious con- cern here, but he never set his heart on seeking the Lord in this serious matter. He did not seek God’s wisdom about his concern. What concern do you have today? It is time to seek the Lord.

Point of Emphasis: Jeroboam had a serious concern here, but he never set his heart on seeking the Lord. Prayer Point: O Lord, I seek Your wisdom for every concern of my life. (Name them one by one.)

Thur. 4/7/2016 Stay Off Deceitful Practices 1 Kings 14:1-5

“At that time Abijah the son of Jeroboam fell sick. And Jeroboam said to his wife, Arise, I pray thee, and disguise thyself, that thou be not known to be the wife of Jeroboam; and get thee to Shiloh… And the LORD said unto Ahijah, Behold, the wife of Jeroboam cometh to ask a thing of thee for her son; for he is sick: thus and thus shalt thou say unto her: for it shall be, when she cometh in, that she shall feign herself to be another woman”. Here, Abijah the son of Jeroboam became sick and Jeroboam said to his wife, disguise yourself so that the Prophet of God will not recognize you as my wife. God saw that deceptive mind, before she arrived at Shiloh, the Lord had revealed the true identity of the bearer to the prophet. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil. Psalm 101:7 says: “No one who practices deceit will dwell in my house; no one who speaks falsely will stand in my presence”. True believers must stay away from deceitful practices. The Lord detests deceits.

Point of Emphasis: For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil. Prayer Point: O Lord, help me to stay away from every deceitful practice.

Fri. 4/8/2016 Don’t Make A Foolish Decision 1 Kings 12:28; 1 Cor. 10:20 Fear gripped Jeroboam’s heart, he did not want to lose his position and people to Rehoboam’s Kingdom. The king was counseled and made two golden calves which he set before the people of God. He then said to the people, “It is too much for you to go to Jerusalem to worship God. Here are your gods, O Israel, who brought you up out of Egypt”. Jeroboam made a foolish decision by leading the people of God to worship idols. As believers, we must not listen to the enemy of our souls who might tell us it is too difficult to obey God. Our first priority in life must always be to

Sunday School Manual 37 develop an increasingly intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. 1 John 5:3 says: “This is the love for God: to obey His commands. And His commands are not burdensome”. We should always rely on God’s power and grace to make right decisions that will always please Him.

Point of Emphasis: We must not listen to the enemy of our souls who might tell us it is too difficult to obey God. Prayer Point: Every foolish decision I have made, Lord forgive me.

Sat. 4/9/2016 Be Among the Exceptional Few 2 Chro. 11:13-17 God chose the Levites to serve as priests in His holy temple of worship (Num. 3:10-12). In 2 Chronicles 11:13-17, Jeroboam and his sons rejected the Levites and chose priests from other tribes of Israel. As a result these, Levites in Northern Israel abandoned their pasturelands and properties and came to Jerusalem in Rehoboam’s kingdom to worship the true God of Israel. Who else came to live in Rehoboam’s kingdom? (verse 16). These were the exceptional few whose hearts set on seeking the Lord. They left Jeroboam’s kingdom and went with the Levites to Re- hoboam’s kingdom to live and worship the true God with them. They left their comfort zone and all that mattered to them to seek the true God. Wherever we may find ourselves as believers, we must be among the exceptional few that will always stand for God in the very face of adversity and oppression. Christ’s love must always compel us to fellowship with Him at all times.

Point of Emphasis: They left their comfort zone and all that mattered to them to seek the true God. Prayer Point: O Lord, help me to stand for you in every situation and circumstance.

Sun. 4/10/2016 Evil Prophets Are Already In the World :1-24 At the outset of this story, we saw a very courageous prophet as he relayed the message of God to the wicked king, Jeroboam. The king had the power to put to death anyone, who brought a mes- sage which he did not want to hear, but the prophet delivered the message fearlessly. The prophet also had the courage to refuse the good favor of the king because God had commanded him not to accept anything, even bread and water, while he was in Bethel (13:8-9). He continued to show courage by initially refusing to accept the old prophet’s invitation to come into his house and eat bread (13:16-17). But then, he allowed himself to be deceived by the old prophet at a point in his life that he probably felt that he was the strongest. He was overcome by the little word, “lie”. Verse 18 says, “But, he lied to him”. Apostle Paul told the Galatian Christians: “I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, which is not another; ... if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed”. (Gal. 1:6-9) It seemed the prophet of God rationalized his actions in his mind, because he thought the old prophet was speaking the message of God. But, the truth of the matter was that he did not. As we study or talk with those whom we contact on a daily basis, they may indicate that they have been spoken to by God. We need to “test” the things they affirm, and of course, the only test or standard that matters is the established Word of God. If they believe or attempt to teach something different, then we know it is not from God. “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” (1 John 4:1)

Point of Emphasis: The only test or standard that matters is the established Word of God. Prayer Point: O Lord, do not let me and my household fall prey of false prophets, in Jesus’ name.


eroboam was the son of Nebat, from the tribe of Ephraim. Solomon raised him to the rank of superintendent over the taxes and labors exacted from the tribe of JEphraim. God promised Jeroboam a secure kingdom and a long lasting dynasty if Sunday School Manual 38 he would trust the LORD, but Jeroboam didn’t believe God would deliver on His prom- ise. In order to achieve security, he abolished the national worship of the LORD and inaugurated the golden calf cult. Sexual immorality had long been part of calf worship, and in this way Jeroboam drove his people away from the LORD and into sin. In the light of this act, 19 times, scripture calls Jeroboam the man “who caused Israel to sin.”


PART 1: THE PROPHECY ABOUT omon’s son Rehoboam as their king, Je- THE ENTHRONEMENT OF roboam and other leaders representing all JEROBOAM (1 KINGS 11:28-38; Israel went to Rehoboam and asked him 12:19-20) to lighten the harsh labor and the heavy Jeroboam was from the tribe of Ephraim yoke his father, Solomon, put on them. under King Solomon. Due to his dili- They promised to be loyal subjects of the gence, he was promoted to the rank of new king if he would only lighten their superintendent and served King Solo- burdens. The business of government mon well until Ahijah, a prophet, inter- was new to Rehoboam, and the request cepted him in the middle of a country made probably surprised him. He need- road. The prophet took off the brand new ed time to think it over. The elders who cloak he was wearing and tore it up into had helped Solomon knew more about twelve pieces. Then he held the pieces out the needs of the people and about what in front of Jeroboam and said: “Take ten should happen when Rehoboam gave his pieces of this coat for yourself. Yahweh, answer. Rehoboam wisely asked them for the God of Israel, says: ‘I will tear the advice. The elders advised Rehoboam “If kingdom away from Solomon and give today you will be a servant to these people you ten tribes.” (1 Kings 11:31). At this and serve them and give them a favorable time, God was furious with Solomon be- answer, they will always be your servants” cause of his constant idolatry and worship (1 Kings 12:7). Rehoboam was displeased of gods that required human sacrifices. with their advice and turned to the young How would Jeroboam, an Ephraimite, be- men who had grown up with him in the come king since he was not related at all luxury of the king’s court for advice. They to the royal line from Judah? God spoke knew little about the serious business of further through the prophet. “I will make government and cared little about the you rule over everything you want. You common people. The young men advised will rule over all of Israel, and I will al- Rehoboam to let the people know he ways be with you if you do what I say is was the boss by making taxes higher, de- right. You must obey all my commands. manding more work, and punishing peo- If you obey my laws and commands as ple more severely if they displeased him. David did, I will be with you. I will make Very unwisely, Rehoboam took the advice your family a lasting family of kings, as I of the foolish young men and this tore did for David, and give Israel to you.” (1 the country apart. The Lord had known Kings 11:37-38). When Solomon heard in advance that Rehoboam was going to about this prophecy, he sought to kill Je- make a foolish decision. “So the King did roboam for treason. Jeroboam saved his not listen to the people, for this turn of life by moving to Egypt. events was from the Lord, to fulfill the When Solomon died after ruling for forty word the Lord had spoken to Jeroboam years, Jeroboam came back from Egypt. son of Nebat through Ahijah the Shilon- Again he was a popular leader among the ite.”(1 Kings 12:15) people. As they gathered to crown Sol-

Sunday School Manual 39 Meanwhile, all the tribes except for Judah the parting of the Red Sea, forty years of rallied around Jeroboam and appointed guidance through the wilderness and the him as their new king. The nation of Is- conquering of the Promised Land to two rael had two kings in her history. Israel golden calves after all God did for him. In split into two kingdoms: the ten north- addition to sacrificing to these two golden ern tribes keep the name Israel while the calves, Jeroboam “built shrines on high southernmost tribe of Judah and its small places and appointed priests from all sorts northern neighbor of Benjamin became of people, even though they were not Lev- the kingdom Judah. Rehoboam’s king- ites.” (1 Kings 12:31) God’s entire system dom was reduced by 83%. He was furious of holy days, sacrifices, and worship was and gathered up 180,000 of the best sol- changed into a man-made system focused diers from his two loyal tribes for war. Re- on worshiping golden calves. In addition hoboam was getting ready to take back his to the idolatry, the cities of Bethel and kingdom by force when another prophet Dan became the places of worship rather of God named Shemaiah came onto the than God’s chosen city of Jerusalem (cf. 2 scene. “Yahweh says: ‘You must not go to Chro. 6:6). war against your brothers, the Israelites. The sin of Jeroboam was doubly tragic in Every one of you should go home, be- that he had been promised blessing from cause I made all these things happen.’” (1 God if he had just followed the path of Kings 12:24). With God declaring that He David. “If you do whatever I command would not support Rehoboam in battle, you and walk in obedience to me and do the proud king finally gave up. what is right in my eyes by obeying my decrees and commands, as David my ser- PART 2: JEROBOAM LED ISRAEL vant did, I will be with you. I will build TO SIN (1 KINGS 12:25-33) you a dynasty as enduring as the one I Jeroboam became the first king of divided built for David and will give Israel to you” Israel. He rushed to secure his new King- (1 Kings 11:38). In turning to calf-wor- dom. Immediately they broke off from ship, Jeroboam spurned God’s goodness Rehoboam’s kingdom, the son of Solo- and brought about his own demise. The mon, he chose Shechem as the capital city sins of Jeroboam haunted the later kings in his homeland of Ephraim and fortified of Israel, of the 18 kings of Israel who it. He said to himself, “The kingdom will succeeded Jeroboam, 15 were reported probably go back to David’s family. If the to have acted like “Jeroboam the son of people continue going to the Temple of Nebat, who made Israel to sin.” The ex- Yahweh in Jerusalem to offer sacrifices, ceptions were Elah, Shallum, and Hoshea, they will want to be ruled again by Re- who, though not compared to Jeroboam, hoboam. Then they will kill me and fol- were nonetheless evil kings. Jeroboam’s low Rehoboam king of Judah.” (1 Kings reign included many sins, yet the “sin 12:26-27). With this concern in his heart, of Jeroboam” is a specific reference to he consulted with his associates and did idol worship that marked his reign and something absolutely shocking by telling the reigns of the kings of Israel who fol- the people “It is too much for you to go lowed him. This sin was one that angered up to Jerusalem. Here are your gods, Is- the Lord and ultimately led to judgment rael, who brought you up out of Egypt.’ upon Israel. One [golden calf] he set up in Bethel, and the other in Dan. And this thing be- PART 3: GOD’S WRATH AGAINST came a sin; the people came to worship JEROBOAM AND HIS HOUSE- the one at Bethel and went as far as Dan HOLD (1 KINGS 14: 7-19; 15:29-30) to worship the other.” (1 Kings 12:28-30) Jeroboam’s counterfeit religion, with its He stopped all pilgrimages to Jerusalem own priesthood, gods and religious fes- and gave all the glory for the ten plagues, tivals and observances, was destined

Sunday School Manual 40 to play a major role in Israel’s downfall. the ancestors of those pagan foreigners Through Ahijah (the prophet) God had would be known as Samaritans. The Jews encouraged Jeroboam to rule properly would despise the Samaritans as illegiti- and obey His commands so that God can mate imposters. But it will be because of build an enduring house, as God built for Israel’s own rebellion against God that David, Jeroboam did not heed this warn- her land will be filled with non-Jewish ing. Instead, Jeroboam failed to exploit bloodlines. The Jews turned away from his remarkable opportunity. He instituted God of their own free will, and ran after an idolatrous form of worship as the offi- disgusting gods who required them to cial religion of the new kingdom. In spite abuse themselves and burn their children of God’s warnings, Jeroboam refused to alive. There can be no sympathy for such a turn from his idolatrous ways. rebellious people. Jeroboam’s reign lasted God pronounced a sobering final edict twenty-two years and his son reigned for against Jeroboam: “...I am bringing ca- two years after him before he was killed, lamity on the house of Jeroboam, and will and the man who overthrew Jeroboam’s cut off from Jeroboam every male per- son ended up destroying the entire Je- son, both bond and free in Israel, and I roboam’s family line according to the will make a clean sweep of the house of word of the Lord. In fact, the Bible says in Jeroboam, as one sweeps away dung until 1 Kings 15:29-30, that this man, “…struck it is all gone. Dogs will eat those belong- down all the household of Jeroboam. He ing to Jeroboam who die in the city, and did not leave to Jeroboam any per- the birds will feed on those who die in the sons alive, until he had destroyed country. Yahweh has spoken!” (1 Kings them, according to the word of the Lord 14:6-11) “…because of the sins of Jeroboam which Wild dogs gnawing on human corpses he sinned, and which he made Israel sin, and vultures pecking at human flesh. This because of his provocation with which he is what God was going to make happen provoked the Lord God of Israel to anger.” to Jeroboam’s descendants. To have one’s body so abused after death was a horri- CONCLUSION fying thought to the Jews. They believed One of the worst things about Jeroboam that a proper burial was an essential step is that he did not only mess up his own in helping the soul transition smoothly life, he also got hundreds of thousands into the next realm. Here God uses their if not millions of others to follow in his superstitious beliefs against them by de- footsteps – not just during his own life- scribing the worst possible scenario: a time, but for at least 200 years into the body left exposed and devoured by savage future, from 931 BC when the kingdom beasts. divided, to 721 BC when the Assyrians Jeroboam sinned, and then he made finally came in and destroyed the nation. the people of Israel sin. So Yahweh will Even in death, the evil influence lived on. let the people of Israel be defeated.” (1 Jeroboam’s got the ball rolling, and the Kings 14:14-16) The description of Isra- nation followed that path for sever- el being scattered beyond the Euphrates al generations. Jeroboam’s life stands as was a reference to the people being ex- a warning every time he is mentioned in iled by foreigners. About 200 years after the Bible: Do not be like Jeroboam. Jeroboam—which is God’s idea of soon - He would bring in the king of Assyria QUESTIONS to totally defeat the northern kingdom of 1. How did Jeroboam become the king Israel, and drag the people away in exile. in Israel? That king would then repopulate the land 2. How did he lead the people to sin with pagan foreigners. By Jesus’ time, the against God? region would be known as Samaria, and 3. What was God’s judgment against

Sunday School Manual 41 Jeroboam and his household? 5. How can we guard against being 4. What are the fake religions of our age? misled into counterfeit religions?

Sunday School Manual 42 QUARTER’S THEME: PORTRAITS OF JEWISH KINGS UNIT 3: Portraits of the Kings of the Divided Kingdom (Lessons 5-12)

April 17, 2016


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 154, 165 Devotional Reading: 2 Cor. 6:14-18 Topic for Adults: Who Your Friend Should Be Topic for Youths: Choose Your Friend Topic for Intermediates: Your Present Determines Your Future Scripture Lesson: 1 Kings 14:9-10; 16:28-33; 21:17-25; 22:20-23, 34-40

MEMORY VERSE “Now Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the Lord, more than all who were before him” :30 (NKJV)


Mon. 4/11/2016 Follow Not the Advice of the Wicked Psalm 1:1-6 There is joy in obeying God and refusing to listen to those who give wrong advice. As believers, we must not make friends or associate with those who mock what God considers important. Do your friends build up your faith, or do they tear it down? True friends should help you to draw closer to God, not hinder your relationship with Him. Only two paths of life lay before us. God’s way of obedience or the way of rebellion and destruction. Be sure to choose God’s path because the path you choose determines where you will spend eternity. You can learn how to follow God by meditating on His word. This means spending time reading and thinking about what you have read.

Point of Emphasis: Those who don’t trust and obey God have meaningless lives that may be blown away like dust. Prayer Point: O Lord, help me to always have a smooth relationship with you (God) as long as I live.

Tue. 4/12/2016 Be Contented 1 Kings 21:1-16 A great harm one could ever do to oneself is to go for all that one’s eyes see, which leads to covetousness before God. Ahab was not contented with what he had. When Naboth refused to

Sunday School Manual 43 sell his vineyard to him, he had a fit of rage. Rage turned to hatred and led to murder. Jezebel devised a scheme that appeared legal to get the land for her husband. As Christians, we should be contented and allow the word of God to guide the purpose for taking any step. This act shows the cruel interplay between Ahab and Jezebel, two of the most wicked leaders in Israel’s history.

Point of emphasis: Allow the word of God to check and balance the purpose for what you are doing. Prayer Points: O Lord, may I never be misled by wicked men and women of this world.

Wed. 4/13/2016 God Sees All 1 Kings 21-17-24 There is no hiding place for anyone. All that Ahab did and the evil plot of Jezebel were revealed to Elijah. Ahab still refused to admit his sin against God. Instead, he accused Elijah of being his enemy. When anyone is blinded by envy and hatred, they hardly see their own sins. God knows who you are. Elijah told Ahab to his face the evil he had perpetrated and the consequence that would follow as God’s verdict on Ahab’s family: For Ahab, dogs would lick his blood at the very place where they licked the blood of Naboth For Jezebel, dogs would eat her body at the plot of land in Jezreel For Ahab’s family, any member who dies in the city would be eaten by dogs and those who die in the field will be eaten by vultures. Be careful of what you are doing or about to do, because God sees you.

Point of Emphasis: You cannot hide from God Prayer Point: Father, help me never to be blind-folded by sin.

Thurs. 4/14/2016 The Door Is Not Yet Closed 1 Kings 21:25-29 The good news for you this morning is that God is still interested in you. Despite the fact that Ahab sold himself completely to what was evil in the Lord’s sight, and being one of the most wicked kings in Israel (1 Kings16:30), when he repented in deep humility, God showed mercy and reduced his punishment. The same Lord who was merciful to Ahab wants to be merciful to you. No matter how evil you have been, it is never too late to humble yourself, turn to God and ask for forgiveness. He will receive you to Himself. Do it now and not later.

Point of Emphasis: God looks even to a man of poor and contrite spirit. Prayer Point: Father, with humbleness of heart, I ask for forgiveness in all areas I have sinned against you.

Fri. 4/15/2016 Sin Contaminates Acts 5:1-11 Be very careful and never allow anyone to induce you into sin for any reason. The sin Ananias and Sapphira committed was not stinginess or holding back part of the money – knowing well it was their choice whether or not to sell the land and what to give. They both sinned by lying to God and God’s people that they gave all, but holding back some for themselves and trying to make themselves appear more generous than they really were. All lying is bad. When we lie, trying to deceive God and His people about our relationship with Him, we destroy our testimony in Christ.

Point of Emphasis: Never give in to the spirit of lying. All lying is bad. Prayer Point: O Lord, help me never to be contaminated with the spirit of lying.

Sat. 4/16/2016 Stand For The Truth 2 Chro. 18:13-15 Always determine to stand for the truth, come what may. When you want to please or impress someone else, it is tempting to lie to make yourself look good. Ahab’s 400 prophets did just that, telling Ahab only what he wanted to hear. They were then rewarded for making Ahab happy.

Sunday School Manual 44 Micaiah, however, told the truth and got arrested. Obeying God doesn’t always protect us from evil consequences. Obedience may, in fact, provoke them but it is better to suffer people’s displea- sure than to incur God’s wrath.

Point of Emphasis: Your standing for the truth will someday be rewarded, never compromise Prayer Point: Help me to always stand for the truth anywhere I find myself.

Sun. 4/17/2016 Evil Generations 1 Kings 6:28-34 Omri was chosen to lead as king in Israel because he was a shrewd and capable leader, but he went his own way by following the example of Jeroboam in all the sins he had committed and led Israel to commit. He did not care about the nation’s spiritual condition, and he purposely led Israel farther from God in order to put more power in his own hand. Omri died before complet- ing the city. So his son Ahab completed it, but he also did more evil by building the temple for the worship of Baal. In order to please his evil wife, Jezebel, he promoted idolatry and led the entire nation into sin.

Point of Emphasis: Be mindful of your today, there is a tomorrow. Prayer Point: I refuse to inherit the evil seed of my past generation, in Jesus’ name.


hab was one of the great kings in Israel who had negative indelible landmarks. In fact, he was a major reference point in the acts of wickedness and corrup- tion. An English proverb says, two good heads are better than one. The wife of AAhab joined him to prove the woeful and tragic result of “two wicked and unregenerate heads.”


PART 1 – FACTS ABOUT AHAB. (22 yrs) He married Jezebel and built (1 KINGS 14:1-10; 16:28-30) a temple for Baal in Samaria(1 Kings The name Ahab consists of two elements, 16: 31, 32) His Baal – worship practices the first element is the curious little word caused a great famine in the land. He was ah which probably means brother and the allowed to defeat the Syrians on two oc- word ab which means father of or my fa- casions to prove a point. He tricked godly ther. For the meaning of the name Ahab, king Jehoshaphat (fourth king of Judah) MOBSE Study Bible Name List reads fa- into a two-fold compromise, matrimo- ther’s brother. nial and military. His death, for his many The name Ahab was assigned two times sins, was predicted by three prophets (1 in the Bible, both times not very positive Kings 20:42, 21:19; 22: 17, 28) The death characters. The less known Ahab is a son of Jezebel, his wife, was also predicted by of Kolaiah who falsely prophesied and be- Elijah. He experienced a brief fox-hole haved contemptibly and he was executed type conversion. (1 Kings 21:29) He was by Nebuchadnezzar (Jeremiah 29:21) killed in a battle with Syria. He was more The famous Ahab is the one we are dis- wicked than his father, Omri (1 Kings 21; cussing as the wicked King of Israel, son 25, 26) Ahab was the son of Omri. Omri of Omri, husband of Jezebel. was the sixth king that reigned for twelve Ahab was the seventh king in the land of years. Israel and reigned for twenty-two years

Sunday School Manual 45 PART 2: THE ERROR OF AHAB away with it completely and forever (Rev. (1 KINGS 16:31-33; 21:17-25) 20:10-15). God does not intend anyone to Despite the good intention God had for become or do evil. Those committed to Ahab, he decided to walk himself into evil, however, may be allowed by God to destruction. Although the generation he sin even more in order to hurry their de- was coming from was a wicked one, with served judgment (Exo 11:10). Ahab could a wrong foundation, he added to it by not escape God’s judgment. marrying Jezebel, an evil wife. Jezebel, the The king of Aram sent 32 of his best char- daughter of Ethbaal was one of the most iot commanders with the sole purpose of wicked and evil women that ever lived. killing Ahab. Thinking he could escape, She was part of Satan’s design to intro- Ahab tried to disguise, but a random ar- duce idolatry. She came from the Phoe- row struck him. Sometimes people try to nician city of Tyre, where her father had escape reality by disguising themselves by been a high priest and eventually king of changing jobs, moving to new locations, the Zidonians. even changing spouses. But God sees and Baal was the most popular Canaanite god, evaluates the motives of each person. Any often made in the shape of a bull, repre- attempted disguise is futility. senting strength and fertility and reflect- ing lust for power and sexual pleasure. CONCLUSION Jezebel worshiped Baal. In order to please We have observed in our lesson today the her, Ahab built her a temple and an altar rise and fall of King Ahab. Ahab exhib- for Baal (1 Kings 16: 32) thus promoting ited ungodly characters, which God de- idolatry and thereby leading the entire tested, to his own ruin. His wife, Jezebel, nation into sin. instead of helping him to check his wick- Ahab did not limit his wickedness to ed actions, and retrace his steps to God, marrying Jezebel the evil woman, but he she only aggravated the evil deeds of her also allowed rage to consume him which husband. turned to hatred and led to the murder of As a result of this lesson, every child of Naboth, for refusing to sell his Vineyard God must be careful about choices we to the king. Naboth’s refusal was as a re- make on relationships in life. Evil associ- sult of upholding God’s law. It was con- ation can corrupt good manners and lead sidered a duty to keep ancestral land in to a tragic end. the family. Jezebel devised an evil scheme which ter- QUESTIONS minated the life of Naboth. Thereafter, 1. Mention two facts about Ahab her husband, Ahab, had liberty to claim 2. What errors did Ahab commit the Vineyard for himself. The result of any according to our lesson today? evil step taken is always disastrous. The 3. What role(s) did his wife Jezebel result of Ahab’s killing Naboth was that play in his fall? dogs would lick his blood at the very place 4. What are the consequences of where they licked the blood of Naboth. Ahab’s errors? 5. What lesson can we learn from PART 3: THE END OF AHAB today’s lesson about the choice (1 KINGS 22:20-23, 34-40) of relationships we make in life? God hates all evil and will one day do

Sunday School Manual 46 QUARTER’S THEME: PORTRAITS OF JEWISH KINGS UNIT 3: Portraits of the Kings of the Divided Kingdom (Lessons 5-12)

April 24, 2016


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B: 27, 242 Devotional Reading: Romans 12:1-3 Topic for Adults: Be God’s Catalyst Topic for Youths: Are You A Catalyst? Topic for Intermediates: Be a Good Example Scripture Lesson: 1 Kings 9:1-7; 2 Kings 9:16, 21-27; 10:12-14

MEMORY VERSE “However, Jehu did not turn away from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who had made Israel sin, that is, from the gold calves that were at Bethel and Dan” 2 Kings 10:29 (NKJV)


Mon. 4/18/2016 God’s Divine Touch Isaiah 6:1-8 Isaiah could only adequately perform his duty as a prophet to the children of Israel after he was able to see his spiritual condition. His sinful life was revealed to him and in humility he asked for forgiveness and cleansing before he could answer the call of God to deliver God’s message to the children of Israel. His message was filled with power and authority because his life and message had the touch of God. What testimony can people give about your Christian life? Are you bold enough to speak against unfaithfulness and sinful habits, or are you a fair weather Christian? Search yourself.

Point of Emphasis: You need to enlist and be fully equipped before you can be a good soldier of Christ. Prayer Point: Lord, search and cleanse me from all sinful habits that can be impediments to my life as Your spokesman.

Tue. 4/19/2016 A Clarion Call To Repentance Matthew 3: 7-12 John the Baptist was divinely chosen to herald the birth and coming of the Messiah. At the time of his call, the whole nation was in decadence; the spiritual leaders were not faithful and diligent in their call to service. John the Baptist was very bold and fearless in condemning the people’s wrong doings and he also called on them to repent and live right before it became too late. He

Sunday School Manual 47 was faithful and diligent in declaring the mind and plan of God for the sinners and also made them aware of the presence and power of their Savior, Jesus Christ.

Point of Emphasis: Be bold and fearless to preach, teach and live the life of the truth. Prayer Point: O Lord, help me to succeed in performing my role as a reformist.

Wed. 4/20/2016 Have You Found Your Ministry Luke 4: 14-22 After Jesus’ temptation and victory over the devil, he went to the synagogue and the scroll of the prophecy of Isaiah was given to him to read. After reading it, he declared point blank to those in the temple that he was the fulfillment of the prophecy and the people were amazed. Thereafter, He started and continued His ministry by telling the message of God to the people and also performing miracles for the people to really see and know that He is God-sent (verse 22). The people’s rejection and sarcasm could not deter Him.

Point of Emphasis: You have a call and ministry to fulfill. Prayer Point: Father, please open my eyes to my calling and ministry and also help me to be faithful and diligent in my performing this.

Thur. 4/21/2016 Know Your God 2 Chro. 24: 1-5 Joash was seven years old when he became king. Through the influence of Jehoiada the priest who happened to be his spiritual mentor, he was able to do great things. However after Jehoiada’s death, he backslided and became evil. Verse 5 gives us a glimpse in into the sole reason for his failure: he did not have personal touch with God. Without deep conviction of our calling and the personal touch of God in our lives, we will soon expire and perform woefully, but with clear vision of the purpose for our calling, our success is sure and certain.

Point of Emphasis: Be sure of your calling and be a friend of God. Prayer Point: Lord, give me the grace to see you more clearly, love You more dearly follow You more nearly day by day.

Fri. 4/22/2016 Anointing Is Not Enough 2 Kings 9:4-13 Elisha sent one of his prophets to anoint Jehu for the great work of restoration and returning the lost house of Israel to God. The job that he was saddled with was enormous; he needed wisdom and divine guidance. Jehu was in so much haste to carry out his duty that he failed to ask for clarification on how to go about the enormous work from the prophet and as a result, he per- formed woefully. It is good to have a clear vision or calling of what the Lord wants us to do but divine guidance, received through prayer and the grace of the Holy Spirit will help us to have great success and fulfillment that will outlast us.

Point of Emphasis: Anointing is not enough; you need the guidance of God too. Prayer Point: O Lord, don’t let me trust in my ability but on your grace through prayer and divine empowerment.

Sat. 4/23/2016 Don’t Be A Rash Leader 2 Kings 9:27-29 Jehu was sent mainly to the house of Israel (Northern Kingdom). But because of his untamed quests and pride of heart to show that he was valiant, he killed Ahaziah, king of Judah and even his forty-two brothers (2Kgs. 10:12-14). He was ruthless in his attack, killing and wasting lives. His reforms were born out of pride and hatred and not love to God or pity to any mortal man. No wonder he failed woefully and did not last. He did not have any significant impact because of his rashness.

Sunday School Manual 48 Point of Emphasis: A hateful or vengeful heart leads to harshness, brutality, everlasting sorrow and regret. Prayer Point: Lord, deliver me from every spirit of hatred, revenge and give me the heart of love and care so that I can effect transformation in my own sphere of influence.

Sun. 4/24/2016 What Will Be Your Epitaph? Judges 8:22-27 Gideon was a man full of fear, timidity and low self-esteem before he was chosen by God to lead Israel to fight against their enemies. Because of the power vested in Gideon and words of encouragement with clear miracles by God, he was able to achieve a lot for the children of Israel during his life time (Chapters 7-8). However, towards the end of his life, despite his confession to the children of Israel, the divine authority and rule of God, he fell into apostasy by engraving and erecting golden images which he worshiped and also influenced the children of God to wor- ship. He went back to the worship of what he had destroyed before. He, like a dog, returned to his vomit. The Bible says that he who thinks that he stands should be careful so as not to fall. We need to examine our lives, hearts and actions daily and quickly retrace our steps immediately we see that we have drifted away from His word and from the purpose of our calling. We all have the mandate of God to bring others to Christ. We need to rid ourselves from all hindrances that will hamper our faithful performances and also depend on the power of the Holy Spirit.

Point of Emphasis: Charisma with divine approval will give us victorious and happy ending. Prayer Point: O Lord, don’t let me fail myself and disappoint You. Grant me the grace to run my race faithfully, truthfully, cautiously so that I can end well.


ehu was expected to cause transformation in his own era. With the anointing he received, he was to make the people change from bad to good but because of his recklessness and overzealousness, he failed. For us to be good Christians indeed, Jwe need to develop a Christ-like spirit of love and humility. Our confidence should be only in the Lord.


PART 1: JEHU’S CALL AND COM- disobedient people. God intended to use MISSION (1 KINGS 9:1-7) Jehu as a tool of judgment against the roy- Jehu was anointed king over Israel. At this al house of Ahab. time, Joram, the son of Ahab also was the King of Israel by the Lord’s special choice. PART 2: JEHU’S RESPONSE He was commanded to destroy the house (2 KINGS 9:16, 21-27) of Ahab, and as far as he acted in obedi- Immediately after his anointing and gain- ence to God and upon right principles, he ing support and approval of his new lead- had no fear of failure or opposition. His ership role from his fellow combats, Jehu mission was to carry out divine sentence set out to carry out the divine injunction. against the family of Ahab. Though Israel He saw himself as a fulfiller of God’s will had abandoned God, God had not aban- in bringing judgment on the house of doned Israel. He still had the right to in- Ahab. Joram asked for peace but he was tervene in their affairs. He would appoint denied. The way of sin can never be the and allow kings as He chose, either to way of peace - Isaiah 57:21. Ahaziah got bless an obedient nation, or to curse the killed because he formed an alliance with

Sunday School Manual 49 the house of Ahab. It is dangerous to join His religion and characters were all in ac- hands with evildoers, because one may be tivity but his heart was not changed. He entangled in guilt and misery in the pro- was reckless, leading to overzealousness cess. In 2 Kings 10:30, God commended which invariably caused his downfall. Jehu for carrying out His instructions, God may use us for his purpose but He wiping out the whole lineage of Ahab and does not approve all that we do. For ex- he was accorded the privilege of having ample, Saul’s persecution of the church the throne of Israel as a King to his fourth helped to spread the gospel but his per- generation. secution was not acceptable to God. (Acts 8:1, 4, 9: 3-6). PART 3: JEHU’S PITFALLS (2 KINGS 10:12-14) CONCLUSION He went too far in killing Ahaziah’s for- Jehu had the basic qualities that would ty-two brothers. His job description was have made him a success. He came close to kill Ahab’s royal family, maybe he was to becoming God’s kind of king, but he afraid the brothers might have sympathy recklessly went beyond God’s command for their slain brother and plan a coup and failed to follow through on the obe- d’état against him. 2 Kings 10:16 records dient actions that began his reign. Within how Jehu was deceived with self-con- the sight of victory, Jehu settled for me- fidence. He thought he could achieve diocrity. such great victory by his own power and knowledge. He failed to seek God’s guid- QUESTIONS ance on how to execute the great Job he 1. Briefly explain how God called and was given. He had a type of zeal without commissioned Jehu. knowledge. 2 Kings 10:18-29: Although 2. What specific assignments did God Jehu eliminated every form of idolatry (2 give Jehu? Kings 10:18-29), particularly Baal wor- 3. What reforms did he carry out? ship, he allowed and continued to wor- 4. What are the pitfalls of Jehu? ship the golden calves Jeroboam had set 5. In what ways are we like Jehu in our up (2 Kings 12:28-30; 1 Kings 13:33-44). Christian roles in the world today?

Sunday School Manual 50 QUARTER’S THEME: PORTRAITS OF JEWISH KINGS UNIT 3: Portraits of the Kings of the Divided Kingdom (Lessons 5-12)

May 1, 2016


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B: 258, 259 Devotional Reading: Ezekiel 28:14-19 Topic for Adults: Pride Goes Before Destruction Topic for Youths: An Angry Response to Corrections Is Pride Topic for Intermediates: God Hates Pride Scripture Lesson: 2 Chro. 26:3-21

MEMORY VERSE “He was marvelously helped until he was strong. But when he became strong, his heart was so proud that he acted corruptly” 2 Chro. 26:15b-16a (NKJV)


Mon. 4/25/2016 I Will Not Share My Glory with Anyone Isaiah 42:8-9 “I am the LORD”. The word “LORD” is literally an appellation for a deity or person who has authority, control or power over others. God is sovereign. He has total control and power over everything and everyone. He created all things and He cannot lose control over His creation. He can kill, He can give life. He can empower you and He can also empty you if you misbehave. He has all it takes to make and mar His creation. Over you, He is the LORD. He owns you and all you possess. He is the owner of everything. He has the final say over all things. He can give you more grace and He can also withdraw His grace without being challenged by anyone. No one can question Him. No one can thwart His instructions and get away with it. All glory belong to God. You are too small to share glory with the Almighty.

Point of Emphasis: All the glory must be to the Lord. Prayer Point: Lord, give me grace always not to forget that you are the LORD; help me to reserve all glory for you alone in Jesus’ name.

Tue. 4/26/2016 God Owns It All Psalm 24:1-2 The earth belongs to God. Everything on earth also belongs to Him. The world and those who dwell in it are His. It means you own nothing. Everything you have belongs to God. Your soul,

Sunday School Manual 51 spirit and body are His belongings. You have nothing of your own. That is the reason you cannot take anything with you at death. If there is anything in the casket, then somebody must have put it there. This is usually demonstrated when you sleep, you hardly remember the things around you. You brought nothing to this world and you will leave with nothing, (1 Tim 6: 7). There is nothing you possess at the moment that you were not given, (1 Cor. 4:7). All that you have with you are gifts from heaven, (John 3:27). Why then should you boast as if you were self-sufficient? You have no reason to be proud. The wealth, wisdom, position and achievement that you possess were given to you from heaven. It is time for you to realize that you have nothing of your own, not even your body. You must be conscious of this fact and use all to glorify God. Don’t also forget that you will give account to God when you leave this world, (2 Cor. 5:10; Matt. 12:36; Rom. 14:12).

Point of Emphasis: God owns all things and you will account for the ones kept with you on trust. Prayer Point: Father, help me not to misuse Your grace and endowment; help me to use all you have given to me to glorify you, in Jesus’ name.

Wed. 4/27/2016 God’s Marvelous Help 2 Chro. 26:14-15 Our God is marvelous. He equally helps His people in marvelous ways. He is a present help in time of need, (Psalm 46:1). Uzziah was a minor when he became king. His age and experience would not help him to perform credibly in his new role. He therefore sought God for help and God helped him marvelously and equally prospered Him. God did not abandon Uzziah mid way. He gave him extra-ordinary help and support as long as he acknowledged God. Uzziah enjoyed the help of God until he became strong. He achieved great things that are beyond his age, experience and skills. His fame spread over the world even to the boarders of Egypt. That is the Lord we serve. He can help anyone who seeks Him for help. God is ever committed to the course of His children. He can do what no man has done and what no man can do. Do you need wisdom for excellence? Please, seek God. Are you presently confused? Please, seek God as He would show you the way out.

Point of Emphasis: God is a present help in time of need, seek Him. Prayer Point: Lord, help my career, business, family, ministry, etc. and do not withdraw your helping hands from me.

Thur. 4/28/2016 God Hates Pride Prov. 8:13 God hates pride. He abhors pride and would not want to be identified with the proud, (Amos 6:8). Pride makes people think they do not need God. Pride does not allow people to seek God, (Prov. 10:4). Pride is a root of sin. Pride makes people to turn away from the Lord instead of turning to Him. All disobedience has pride as its root. All rebellion has pride behind it. All maltreatment of people is as a result of pride because you can only maltreat people when you undermine their interest and feelings. Pride makes people to look down on others. Pride is faith in self. Pride is evil. God resists the proud. He gives gap to the proud. He sees the proud from afar. No proud person can be acceptable to Him. Pride manifests from the heart and affects the faces, speeches and manners of people and the way they relate with God and their fellow men. Why do you like dressing the way you dress? Is it to cover your nakedness and show forth the glory of God or just because you don’t want anyone to look down on you? Examine your heart.

Point of Emphasis: God hates both pride in the heart and pride in your look. Prayer Point: Lord, deliver me from pride. Keep me humble however high You lift me, in Jesus’ name.

Sunday School Manual 52 Fri. 4/29/2016 Pride Goes Before Destruction Prov. 16:18 It is a biblical truth and a reality that pride goes before destruction. Those who are proud and overconfident will make mistakes that will lead to their defeat or fall. Those who do not see a need for God are heading to destruction. Those who look down, and cannot see the one above them, will suddenly fall. Lucifer was a perfect being and he had a place in heaven until he became proud, (Ezek. 28:12-17). He was consequently sent out of heaven. Pride was one of the major rea- sons God destroyed Sodom, (Ezek. 16:49-50). Nebuchadnezzar lost his glory and prestige, and was sent to live with animals due to pride. He learnt his lessons and admitted that God was able to abase those who walked in pride. Vashti, the queen, lost her royal seat and dignity because of pride, (Esther 1:10-12). Herod was struck and eaten by worms because he failed to give glory to God, (Acts 12:23). The soul of the young rich man was taken while he was still strong and agile due to pride. Humble yourself to work with God. Don’t allow pride to rob you of your place in God’s heart.

Point of Emphasis: Pride has destroyed many in time past, watch and guide against it. Prayer Point: Lord, any area of my life where pride is shooting out, deliver me and give me victory.

Sat. 4/30/2016 Ashamed To Beg Luke 16:1-3 Jesus gave the parable of a steward who wasted the goods of his master. He misused the grace and opportunity given to him. He did not give expected returns to his master from the invest- ment entrusted to him. He forgot that the owner will ask him to give account someday. In the same vein, many were given grace and privileges but they have been misusing them. They have not been making any returns to heaven. They use the gifts of God to enrich their pockets, not minding what the Master will say when He returns. The servant was called to give account and it was discovered that he misappropriated the goods. He did not justify the confidence and trust reposed in him. Soon the master declared him unfit and withdrew his stewardship. Uzziah had the opportunity to humble himself and plead with the Lord through the prophets but he refused because he did not want anyone to look down on him. At last, he died of leprosy and was denied of a befitting royal burial. Are there sins in your life that you are covering up? Will you not dig and beg before it is too late? Nebuchadnezzar was restored when he humbled himself. God can also restore you if only you can bend your knees and pray for forgiveness.

Point of Emphasis: To be ashamed and be delivered or cover up and be condemned, which is better? Prayer Point: My Father, give me a soft heart and bendable knees.

Sun. 5/1/2016 God Gives More Grace To The Humble James 4:6 Humility is the opposite of pride. While God resists the proud, He gives more grace to the hum- ble. He releases more favor upon those who are humble both in heart and in look. God is attract- ed to those who are humble. He has respect and regards for their prayers. Humility exalts and promotes in due season (1 Pet 5:6). If a man must have a good relationship with God, then he must be humble. Humility is recognizing that you need God’s help. It means putting God and others ahead of our interest. A humble heart recognizes God as the giver of life and all things. He gives praises and glory to God alone. A humble individual responds positively to corrections. He will check himself thoroughly for all issues with which he is confronted with a view to amend. He will not argue or get angry because he is corrected. God wants us to remember always that every good thing we have comes from Him. As you humble yourself before the Lord, He will certainly exalt you in due season. His presence will equally shield you. Humility pays. Do you need more of God’s grace and blessings? Then be determined to be humble. Please pray to God for the spirit of humility.

Sunday School Manual 53 Point of Emphasis: If you need more grace, humility is indispensable. Prayer Point: Lord, give me grace to be more humble daily and let your presence shield me.

BACKGROUND zziah was described in our lesson today as a great king who was destroyed by pride. King Uzziah was a great achiever. He had unparalleled heroic achieve- ments. He was a hero, an inventor. However, a tragic mole was introduced into Uhis character – pride. Pride is a devastating spiritual cancer. Once it enters the life of a great man, tragedy becomes inevitable.


PART 1: THE POWERFUL seek the face, counsel and will of God BEGINNING OF A MINOR through His word and prayers. You can (2 CHRO. 26:3-8) achieve greater level of success if you al- Uzziah, also known as Azariah (1 Chro. low God to direct you. It is also worthy 3:12), was the most successful king in the of note that God has positioned some Southern Kingdom. He was the eleventh leaders and mentors around us to give us king of Judah. He was a minor when he counsel in time of need. We must regard became king. He was just sixteen years them and tap from the grace of God upon when he became king and he held the their lives. longest tenure (52 years) in Judah. The name Uzziah means “Jehovah is strength”. PART 2: THE PROSPEROUS His age, experience and wisdom would REIGN OF THE GREAT KING not have earned him the level of success (2 CHRO. 26: 9-15) he achieved. He achieved success because God gave Uzziah unusual wisdom for ex- God marvelously helped him (2 Chron. tra-ordinary performance. His achieve- 26:15). God was actually the strength be- ments were numerous. To the West, he hind him. subdued the Philistines (v.6); to the South, King Uzziah started strong. He followed he subdued the Arabians (v.7); to the East, the good step of his father, Amaziah. He he made the Ammonites tributary with- did what was right in the sight of the out fighting a battle (v.8). Throughout Lord. He sought God, and as long as He his reign, Judah lived at peace with the retained his dependence on God, he be- Northern kingdom of Israel. He fortified came successful. King Uzziah had respect Jerusalem by building towers at strategic also for the servant of God. He made points (v.9). He developed his natural re- Prophet Zechariah his spiritual mentor sources by giving attention to agriculture who instructed him in the counsel and for steady supply of food (v.10). He built fear of God. up defensive forces of the nation, and Christians must realize that God is our raised an elite army of 307,500 who could strength and without Him we can achieve wage war with great power. He invented nothing. In fact, there is nothing a man engines of war (v.15). Uzziah became the possesses that he was not given. Even most powerful king of his days, and his the life and soul in you is a gift and trust fame extended to the boarders of Egypt, from the Lord. He is the giver of all good for he became very strong (v.8). The se- gifts and we must not lose sight of this. cret of his success was not in his military The more we depend and lean on Him, and administrative skills. The key to his the more success we will record. We must success is summed up in eight words:

Sunday School Manual 54 He was marvelously helped until he was corrections is pride. Do you feel comfort- strong (v. 15). We must equally realize able when you are corrected or you argue? that God is the strength behind our suc- Many were called into the teaching min- cesses and without Him we can achieve istry but they have suddenly jumped into nothing (John 15:5). other ministries just because they want fame, recognition and money. Can you PART 3: THE PRIDE OF A FOOL still serve under anyone or you are too big (2 CHRO. 26:16-18) to be corrected? Please, check your heart King Uzziah became proud in his heart. and repent before it is too late. His attention shifted from God to him- self. He transgressed against the Lord by PART 4: THE PUNISHMENT entering into the temple to burn incense THAT CANNOT BE AVOIDED on the altar. King Uzziah must have said (2 CHRO. 26:19-21) in his heart “I have demonstrated strong God hates pride. He is opposed to the skills politically, militarily and adminis- proud, but gives grace to the Humble, (1 tratively. My achievements are visible and Peter 5:5). God sanctioned the pride of verifiable’’. It is time for me to show that I Uzziah immediately. Leprosy broke out am not spiritually weak. Is anything spe- from his forehead. It came from his fore- cial in burning incense? Can anyone on head so he could not hide the shame. Ev- earth stop me from doing whatever I feel eryone will easily see it and learn from his like doing?” experience. It is actually a fearful thing to Pride is giving ourselves credit for some- fall into the hands of the living God (Heb thing that God has accomplished. Pride 10:31). The consequences of pride cannot is essentially self worship. The proud be avoided except you repent. He went usually think they have no need for God into the temple as an arrogant king but or worse, that God should accept them left as a humbled leper. Sad enough, king as they are because they deserve His ac- Uzziah died as a leper and he was denied ceptance. A proud man is always looking the burial of a king. He started strong but down on others and as long as you are ended badly. What a lesson for our gen- looking down, you cannot see anyone or eration! something that is above you. Those who Pride is dangerous. Pride turned a great fail to acknowledge God in their hearts king to a leper. Even when he noticed are referred to as fools, (Luke 12:16-20). that God was angry with him, he refused Please check your heart very well. Are to humble himself and repent. His heart there no elements of pride? Do you give was still strong. That is another display of glory to God for all achievements? Don’t pride. Many are too big today to confess act like a fool, be a wise believer. their sins. There are people who can hard- The second problem of king Uzziah was ly say sorry to their wives, husbands, chil- that of unfaithfulness. He was no more dren, younger ones and subordinates. Is faithful. Faithfulness is keeping pace this not pride? Beloved, beware of pride. where you are kept. He abandoned his Pride will rob you of your place and po- duty post because he thought he could sition in glory. It will reduce you beyond operate without restrictions. The instruc- your imagination. Pride brings shame tions of God were no more important and reproach, (Prov. 11:2). It separates to him. Services in the vineyard of God a man from God, (1 Pet. 5:5). Pride will must follow acceptable patterns. He pro- nullify your achievements of several years ceeded with his ambition and when the in a minute. Ultimately, pride destroys prophets challenged and corrected him, (Prov. 16:18) Please, make humility your he became angry. An angry response to watch word.

Sunday School Manual 55 CONCLUSION highest order. Remember, God resists the Uzziah was one of the few kings in Judah proud but gives grace to the humble. with great and outstanding achievements. He was a minor when he became a king. QUESTIONS He had no credential he could boast of. 1. What characterized the beginning He therefore put his trust in the Lord. of Uzziah’s reign? The word of God in Job 8:7 was fulfilled 2. Mention some of king Uzziah’s in his life. Because he sought God and achievements. trusted in Him, he was divinely helped. 3. What were the secrets of his His beginning was small, but his latter exploits? end was very great. However, his achieve- 4. What led to the tragic end of this ments entered into his head and he acted great king? corruptly. Thus, he met his waterloo. We 5. Briefly state important lessons are commanded to draw near to God and we can glean from king Uzziah’s He will draw near to us. The tendency to life’s history. be independent of God is a pride of the

Sunday School Manual 56 QUARTER’S THEME: PORTRAITS OF JEWISH KINGS UNIT 3: Portraits of the Kings of the Divided Kingdom (Lessons 5-12)

May 8, 2016


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B: 416, 421 Devotional Reading: Proverbs 3:1-12 Topic for Adults: You Will Be Remembered Topic for Youths: Breaking With The Past Topic for Intermediates: Friend’s Influence Scripture Lesson: 2 Chro. 17:1-6; 18:1-3; 20:20-30

MEMORY VERSE “Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?” 2 Cor. 6:14 (NKJV)


Mon. 5/2/2016 Choose To Walk In God’s Commandment 2 Chro. 17:1-6 The statutes of God are the rules He has given to enable us walk steadfastly with Him. Anybody that walks in God’s commandments will surely prosper. When Jehoshaphat became king of Ju- dah, he did not follow the evil ways, rather he sought God. He walked in the way of David (v. 3) who was a reference point of the kings of Israel. He also destroyed all the idols. Jehoshaphat found favor in the sight of God and his kingdom was established for him. God will establish you too if only you will make up your mind to walk in obedience to His commandments. His rules and laws are not burdensome; they are to keep you in the right track, even with abundant reward. You will never be disappointed that you do so.

Point of Emphasis: God’s rules and laws are not burdensome. Prayer Point: O Lord God, give me the heart of obedience to Your commandments

Tue. 5/3/2016 Seeking God Brings Prosperity 2 Chro. 26:4-5 Many people started well but while in power, they became corrupted and thus had a regrettable end. This is why you must make God your focus. The Bible says that Uzziah sought God in the days of Zechariah, who had understanding in the visions of God, and as long as he sought the

Sunday School Manual 57 Lord, God made him to prosper. The main reason many people run after prosperity so hard is because of the fear of what might happen to them when they retire and what the future holds for their children. Are you caught up in such a web of fear? God will deliver you. Anyway, if you truly fear God, there is no need to fear any other thing; God has the means of settling you. There- fore, seek Him today like Uzziah and He will take care of your fears and make you prosperous.

Point of Emphasis: Don’t put the cart before the horse, seek God first. Prayer Point: O Lord, give me the grace to know You.

Wed. 5/4/2016 Give Heed to Divine Instruction Jos. 6:1-20 In an attempt to succeed in life, some people would sacrifice anything for secondary factors like money, personal efforts and possibly human connections. All these will fail. One sure measure that guarantees prosperity and success in life is heeding divine instructions (2 Chro. 20:17). Such instructions convey God’s wisdom, which if followed tenaciously, would help your life and unveil the greatness that is encapsulated in your spirit. When it was time to take Jericho, Joshua did not just sit down. He meditated and waited on the Lord. It wasn’t long afterwards that the Lord appeared to him and gave him supernatural instructions that resulted in the capture of Jericho. If you receive any instruction from God, no matter how outlandish it is, even when it seems difficult, ridiculous or naive, it is for your improvement and promotion. Hence, be motivated to action by the instructions of the spirit in divine wisdom.

Point of Emphasis: Receive my instruction and not silver, and (my) knowledge rather than choice gold. Prayer Point: Lord, let me hear You when You speak.

Thur. 5/5/2016 Truth Is Bitter 2 Chro. 18:1-17 A psychologist came home after a tough day at the office and said to his wife, “Honey, I’ve spent all day listening to one problem after another. Please don’t tell me anymore bad news. I just want to hear good things”. His wife thought for a minute and replied, “Okay here is the good news – two of our three kids didn’t break an arm today.” Israel’s king, Ahab, didn’t like bad news either. When he needed advice, he consulted his prophets who would say what his ‘itching ears’ wanted to hear. Because the Prophet Micaiah’s news wasn’t often good, he wasn’t often consulted. This cost Ahab his life! Ahab demonstrated a stubborn attitude that is typical of many men. God’s truth might be bitter or hard for us to accept but it’s always good for us to hear it. If what God’s word declares isn’t what we want to hear, we can choose to ignore it. But disregarding the truth doesn’t make us go away; the truth will always prevail.

Point of Emphasis: A life lived contrary to God’s plan will leave you endangered. Prayer Point: Lord Jesus, help me not to go contrary to Your plan concerning my life.

Fri. 5/6/2016 Prophecy 2 Chro. 20:19-20 Surely, the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth His secret unto His servants the prophets (Amos 3:7). Another part of the revelational gifts is the gift of prophecy. Without doubt, God knows everything about everyone He created, and He knows the end of a thing right from the beginning. It is naturally good to know ahead of time about events, the plans of God concerning us and that of the enemies. This will help us to respond to them appropriately. However, it is advisable to stick more to the words and promises of God rather than scouting here and there for prophecies. You are God’s handiwork and He knows exactly how you will end even before He created you. May you end well in Jesus’ name? Mind you, you must be cautious enough to scrutinize every prophecy. (Read 2 Chro. 18:21 and 1 Cor. 12:10). Jehoshaphat would have been doomed if he had relied on what the fake Ahab’s prophets said.

Point of Emphasis: Do not be a victim of fake prophecies. Prayer Point: God, always reveal Your will to me in every area of my undertakings.

Sunday School Manual 58 Sat. 5/7/2016 Your Prayers Carry Weight With God Jam. 5:13a; 2 Chro. 20:15-16 Jehoshaphat recited some high points of Israel’s history with God when he was confronted with challenges. Jehoshaphat’s prayers touched the heart of God and He responded. Another typical example was the case of Abraham and Sarah in the land of Gerar (Gen. 20:2). The king of the land, Abimelech, had acted in ignorance, and thus sent to fetch Sarah to be with him. Eventually, she was rescued from the king’s custody. Sarah must have touched the heart of God through her prayers that night; although, it was not recorded that she prayed. Are you really keen on entering your next level? Then, you cannot afford to ignore prevailing prayers. Arise today and hold on to the Lord in prayers until your answers are delivered.

Point of Emphasis: Earnest prayers produce wonderful results. Prayer Point: Bestow upon me O Lord my God, understanding to know Thee, diligence to seek Thee, wisdom to find Thee, and faithfulness that will finally embrace Thee.

Sun. 5/8/2016 Your Legacy, What Will It Be? 2 Kings 22:2 Josiah’s grandfather, Manasseh, was a violent and bloody king, who filled Jerusalem with the people’s blood (2 Kings 21:6). He did what God said was wrong. Josiah was only 8 years old when he ascended the throne, and it was recorded that did righteousness and didn’t stop doing what was right all his life (2 Kings 22:4). During the rebuilding of the temple, he discovered a scroll containing God’s law. The scroll was read diligently to the people, as they wept on realizing how far they had drifted from God. Josiah took decisive step to restore Israel back to God (2 Chro. 34:14-17). An entire generation received grace because of the integrity of one man. So, you can rise above your past and make the remarkable difference your generation is waiting for. God is there to give you a new birth and a new beginning. Just like Josiah, you cannot control your past but you do have a say in your life, you have a voice in your destiny, you have a choice in the path you take. Choose well and someday generations to come will thank God for the legacy you left.

Point of Emphasis: What will the generations after you remember you for? Prayer Point: I will not bring reproach to my generation.

BACKGROUND ehoshaphat (meaning “the Lord Judges”) was the son of king Asa and Azabah (daughter of Shilhi – 2 Kings 22:42) who became the fourth king of Judah between 873 and 849 BC at the age of 35, and reigned for 25 years. He was very religious; he Jsought the Lord in all things. He spent the first year of his reign fortifying his kingdom against the kingdom of Israel. He inaugurated a system of public instructions, sent priests and Levites on regular circuits with the book of the law to teach the people. He established courts of justice throughout the land. He maintained a vast army, and waxed exceedingly great. His zeal in suppressing the idolatrous worship of the high places is commended in 2 Chro. 17:6.


PART 1: WALKING IN you. When Jehoshaphat became king of GOD’S COMMANDMENTS Judah, he did not follow the evil of his (2 CHRO. 17:1-6) fathers before him but he sought God in God is a God of greatness and He makes all things. He walked in the way of David those who truly follow Him great. If you who was a reference point for the kings are linked with Him, He will empower of Israel (vs 3, 4). He also destroyed the

Sunday School Manual 59 wooden idols and the “high places” where are flying high for God, run far from sin. people worshiped idols. Believing the scriptures as a basis for moral transfor- PART 3: INVASION: TRUST GOD mation and deliverance from ignorance TO DELIVER (2 CHRO. 20:20-30) and religious bigotry, Jehoshaphat in- It is much easier to act as God – honoring troduced a system of public instruction king when things are going well. It is in for the whole Judah. He appointed a times of distress that a person’s charac- commission, composed of princes, Lev- ter is tested. Jehoshaphat faced the threat ites and priest to go from city to city to of being invaded. He saw the enemy too instruct the people. Their instruction was strong, and the resources with which to to be based on the one true foundation of resist too weak and wisdom inadequate. sound moral and healthy religion among There was no way that king Jehoshaphat others. Jehoshaphat found favor in the could win the war. As Christians, the Bi- sight of God and his kingdom was estab- ble says that God’s power is made evident lished for him. Every child of God must in our weaknesses. (2 Cor. 12: 9-10). determine in his heart to walk in obedi- King Jehoshaphat recognized the awe- ence to God’s commandments. His com- some power of his enemy. Many Chris- mandments are not burdensome but in tians have lost important struggles be- keeping them there is abundant reward. cause they underestimated the power You will surely find favor with God as you of Satan. None of us, regardless of our do so. wisdom, can outsmart Satan (Jer. 17:5). So, Jehoshaphat added the fourth dimen- PART 2: AVOID BAIT sion – a God who is able; He organized a (2 CHRO. 18:1-3) national day of prayer. The king himself Most often, things that appear too good prayed beautiful prayer expressing God’s and too easy to get, could be baits to get might, His history and promise of aid to you into Satan’s snare. That is, it is what His people. people love most that is used as a bait to This period of waiting is perhaps one of destroy them. The Bible says in Prov. 7 vs the most difficult part of life of faith in 23, “Till a dart strike through his liver; as God. In Christian terms, it is the Satur- a bird hasteth to the snare, and does not day that falls between Good Friday and know that it is for his life” Easter Sunday. Thankfully, God always Jehoshaphat was a great diplomat. He has a plan. The Lord God responded to loved alliance for the purpose of securing Jehoshaphat’s prayer even beyond the peace within as well as territorial peace. comprehension of man! He won the bat- Hence, he formed alliance with evil king tle. No matter how great the enemy may Ahab of Israel by marriage between his rise against you, you only need to trust in son and King Ahab’s daughter. It was God and He will grant you victory in all the instance of this unholy alliance that your battles. King Ahab seized to invite Jehoshaphat to fight the armies of Syria. This big mis- CONCLUSION take would have cost Jehoshaphat his life King Jehoshaphat was one of the best, were it not for the mercy of God. Believ- most pious and prosperous kings of Ju- ers should be wary of unholy association dah. His secret of success was anchored with those who hate God. Such relation- on the fact that he partnered with Jeho- ships are bound to sink. The Lord soundly vah. The scripture records that “he sought reprimanded Jehoshaphat for supporting God in all things”. Also, whenever he sin. Prophet Jehu met King Jehoshaphat made mistakes, he quickly renewed his and told him not to help the wicked and relationship with God. We as children of not to love those who hate the Lord. If you God are to borrow a leaf from the lifestyle

Sunday School Manual 60 of this great king as children of God. 3. Is it possible to gain victory over Satan through human strategy and QUESTIONS wisdom? 1. How would you describe 4. The period of waiting after prayer is Jehoshaphat’s lifestyle in his the most difficult part of the life of relationship with God? faith in God - Discuss. 2. Mention the mistakes that 5. Mention the area where the lifestyle Jehoshaphat made. of Jehoshaphat challenges you.

Sunday School Manual 61 QUARTER’S THEME: PORTRAITS OF JEWISH KINGS UNIT 3: Portraits of the Kings of the Divided Kingdom (Lessons 5-12)

May 15, 2016


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 16, 226 Devotional Reading: Heb. 6:4-8 Topic for Adults: The Failure of a Compromiser Topic for Youths: Maintain God’s Standard, Don’t Compromise Topic for Intermediates: Compromising Is Sin Scripture Lesson: 2 Kings 15: 8-20

MEMORY VERSE “For the eyes of the Lord run to and from throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him. In this you have done foolishly; therefore from now on you shall have wars” 2 Chro. 16:9 (NKJV)


Mon. 5/9/2016 When a Good King Rules 1 Kings 15:8-13 The reign of Abijam the father of king Asa was marked with wars; he never did anything right in the sight of God as he walked in the sins of his forefathers. Asa on the other hand decided to turn to God, which made him to achieve great exploits. First, he destroyed all idols in the land, chased out homosexuals and even dethroned his grandmother - Maachah because of what he believed was right. Comparing this account with 2 Chronicles 13, we learnt that Abijam knew something about the Lord, and knew how to preach - but he did not uproot the idolatry and sexual immo- rality that was introduced by Rehoboam. The successor of Abijam (Asa) removed the centers of the sexually-charged idolatry that was so common in the land (1 Kings 15:12-13). For 36 years, Asa served God in a devoted manner. He did all the right things and made all the right moves. He faced the enemies of God with a strong resolve to remain faithful – nothing would deter him from righteousness

Point of Emphasis: A good ruler will always do what is right in the sight of the Lord and peace will abound. Prayer Point: O Lord, help me to always do what pleases You.

Sunday School Manual 62 Tue. 5/10/2016 A Public Trust In God 2 Chro 15:7-15 The invasion of Zerah’s overwhelming army presents us with one of the most inspiring stories of the Bible. Asa’s army was out-numbered by more than double. Prior to the battle, Asa prayed for God’s help (2 Chro. 14:11). Following the victory, the prophet Azariah, son of Oded, exhorted Asa to continue his obedience to God (2 Chro 15:7-8). Returning to Jerusalem, Asa gathered the citizens and renewed the covenant with God and decreed death to all who practiced idolatry. Asa’s faithfulness brought rewards (2 Chro 15:9-15). Have you ever made a public declaration of your faith among your friends, relatives and neighbors? Do other people know what you stand for? You need to learn this act.

Point of Emphasis: For by strength no man shall prevail, therefore, put your trust in God. Prayer Point: O Lord, give me the grace to trust You in all situations of life.

Wed. 5/11/2016 Don’t Recompense Evil with Evil 2 Chro. 11:1-4 There are times you want to recompense evil for evil, but God has a way of fighting for His own children. You only need to trust Him for justice and be on His side at all times. Today’s passage specifically tells us that both Jeroboam and his sons were responsible for driving God’s priests out of the land of Israel. In this, Nadab directly shared in the sins of his father Jeroboam. Nadab, which means willing, appeared to have been too willing to continue in, and perpetuate the sin of his iniquitous father. Baasha killed him in the third year of Asa, king of Judah, and reigned in his place. And it was so, when he became king, he killed all the house of Jeroboam: This was the end of the dynasty of Jeroboam. Had Jeroboam remained obedient to the Lord, God promised him a lasting dynasty like the house of David (1 Kings 11:38). Because of Jeroboam’s sin, though he enjoyed a long reign, his son only reigned for just two years before the assassination of Nadab and the murder of all Jeroboam’s descendants. Always allow God to fight your battles rather than you taking laws into your hands.

Point of Emphasis: Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, says the Lord. Prayer Point: I shall not be overcome by evil, I receive power to overcome evil with good.

Thur. 5/12/2016 Looking For Ungodly Help Can Make You Compromise 1 Kings 15:16-24 Forming an unholy alliance can be a stepping stone to one’s downfall. From today’s passage, King Asa was terrified because of war declared by Baasha King of Israel and he was moved to contact King Ben-Hadad of Syria for help which he paid dearly for. Asa took all the silver and gold that was left in the treasuries of the house of the Lord and those of the king’s house. Asa used this treasure to buy the favor of Ben-Hadad of Syria, so that he would withdraw support from Israel. Apparently, Baasha of Israel could not stand against Judah by himself - he needed the backing of Syria. In what way(s) are you compromising your faith in God just for a morsel of bread? Having unholy connections, compromising your standards and becoming shaky in the face of circum- stances. Why don’t you repent today and tell God to help you and forgive you.

Point of Emphasis: My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. Prayer Point: Help me O Lord, to always wait on You for victory over all my life battles.

Fri. 5/13/2016 Ignoring God’s Warning Is Tantamount to Foolishness 2 Chro. 16:7-10 King Asa was reprimanded by God in this passage because he relied on the king of Syria, rather than relying on the Lord his God. Asa was reminded “Were the Ethiopians and the Lubim not a huge army with very many chariots and horsemen? Yet, because you relied on the Lord, He delivered them into your hand. For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him. In this you have

Sunday School Manual 63 done foolishly; therefore from now on you shall have wars.” If you find yourself in a similar con- dition, all you need do is to act like David who remembered God helping him to kill the lions and bears that chased after his sheep, believing that same God will help him conquer the Goliath which God did. Lay hold onto your previous testimonies because they can help you win bigger testimonies in the future.

Point of Emphasis: Trust and obey God; this is the key to a victorious life Prayer Point: O Lord of hosts deliver me from visible and invisible battles.

Sat. 5/14/2016 Compromise Is a Popular Practice, Be Careful Tit. 2:12-14 Today’s culture invites compromise. Failure to do so immediately labels you as “intolerant.” To- day’s culture calls us to take from the Bible only what we “like” and ignore the rest, or explain it away as non-relevant. So like a chameleon, many are willing to change colors to blend with the latest fad and doctrine. Such causes us to lose our distinctiveness as God’s elect and become aligned with those in the world. When Asa joined with the Syrians, he ceased to be God’s special nation and person. Don’t lose God’s identity in your life to make you ‘irrelevant’ in the scheme of God.

Point of Emphasis: The grace of God is teaching us to deny ungodliness and worldly lust. Prayer Point: I refuse to compromise my faith, others may, I will not be like them.

Sun. 5/15/2016 Compromise Is a Great Deceiver, It Has a Sorrowful End Heb. 6:4-6 Compromising God’s commands always appears to work. Asa received what he wanted and ev- erything seemed fine. However God’s will cannot be ignored without troubling consequences. This is the great irony of compromise – it is profitable in the short-run but over the long-haul it only strengthens Satan. Those who compromise God’s Truth in order to gain immediate benefits will sadly learn that God always has the final judgment – “You have acted foolishly!” Even when rebuked by God, Asa refused to admit wrong. He was too proud. He became angry and stubborn. Asa had practiced the right way for years, but when he compromised God’s will he refused to go back to the right track. Here is a situation worse than committing the initial sin. Refusing to admit one’s wrong, and failure, allowing pride or selfishness to control our choices always lead to a sorrowful end. Look into your life and see where you have been disobedient to the heavenly warnings and tell God to help you make the right decisions to heed his warnings.

Point of Emphasis: Don’t crucify Jesus Christ again, stop compromising your faith. Prayer Point: I will not fall into the snare of compromise in Jesus’ name.


he word “Compromise” has been viewed by some as an admirable quality. This is defined as “the settlement of differences by parties agreeing to mutual conces- sions so that agreement is reached by blending qualities of both sides.” It seeks a Tmiddle ground upon which all sides can find harmony. However, the Devil has taken this peace-making process and distorted it so that it becomes evil. A difficult situation that we face requires unpleasant confrontation. If we want to avoid confrontation we will find a way to either concede or keep silent. Personal benefits are promised. We may be told subtly or directly that unless we “soften up” we will lose benefits and profits will diminish or general acceptance from others will reduce. We also believe that if we continue to maintain an uncompromised position we will lose popularity and face persecution of some sort. This puts pressure upon us because we do

Sunday School Manual 64 not like these adverse consequences. A study of King Asa who started well and ended being a foolish King will in no wise convince you that comprising God’s standard will make one a foolish vessel. A study of his life will urge all of us to resist evil compromise.


PART 1: THE REFORM OF KING ‘frightening,’ ‘horrible,’ or ‘abomi- ASA (1 KINGS 15:8-13, 15) nable’, has connection with the god King Asa banished the perverted per- of fertility and belong to the fertility sons from the land, and removed all the cult of Asherah. idols that his fathers had made. Also he removed Maachah his grandmother from Furthermore, -16 pro- being queen mother, because she had vides many more details regarding the made an obscene image of Asherah. King reign of Asa. Asa also cut down her obscene image • He encouraged national piety. He and burned it by the Brook Kidron. Asa’s commanded Judah to seek the Lord heart was loyal to the Lord all his days. He God of their fathers, and to observe also brought into the house of the Lord the law and the commandment. (2 the things which his father had dedicated, Chronicles 14:4). and the things which he himself had ded- • He built fortified cities and presid- icated: silver and gold and utensils. Let us ed over a long period of peace (2 review some of his great achievements as Chronicles 14:6). a tool in the hand of God. • In response to Asa’s prayer, God • He banished the perverted persons defeated a huge Ethiopian army from the land. These state-sanc- that came against Judah (2 Chro. tioned homosexual idol-temple 14:9-13). prostitutes were introduced into • He had an encouraging word from Judah during the reign of Rehoboam the prophet Azariah that encouraged (1 Kings 14:24). Asa’s father Abijam him to continue his reforms (2 Chro. didn’t remove these perversions and 15:1-9). idols, but King Asa did. • Asa led a national re-commitment to • Also, he removed Maachah his the covenant (2 Chro. 15:10-15). grandmother from being queen mother, because she had made an From all these actions, it is no doubt obscene image of Asherah. This that King Asa started well with God on demonstrated the thoroughness of his side when he began to reign and he Asa’s reforms. He was able to act brought great reforms into the land. righteously ‘even when his family was wrong’, in particular his own PART 2: KING ASA BUYS THE grandmother. You also need to know FAVOR OF BEN-HADAD that “It is in a man’s own family cir- (1 KINGS 15:16-20) cle that his faithfulness is put fairly When Asa’s territory was besieged by to the test. Maacah was apparently Baasha, king of Judah, he sought the favor the daughter of Uriel of Gibeah of Ben-hadad, the king of Syria, instead of (2 Chro. 13:2) and Tamar (2 Sam. seeking the Lord. This is where King Asa 14:27), hence the granddaughter of missed all. Looking for a favor will cost Absalom, David’s rebellious son. you something. It’s only the favor received • He removed the obscene image. from God that has no strings attached. This image described as ‘obscene’ in Let us itemize his mistakes and actions Hebrew word is closer in meaning to which were embroidered in compromise.

Sunday School Manual 65 • Baasha king of Israel came up against ened her borders. Danger threatened. Judah, and built Ramah, that he Invasion seemed probable. Asa panicked. might let none go out or come in to He forgot his faith in God and sought re- Asa king of Judah: This continued the lief from Ben-Hadad, King of Syria. struggle for dominance between the Asa had made a shrewd political move. northern kingdom of Israel and the He had gained peace, avoided war, made southern . Baasha strategic allies, and established himself as gained the upper hand in the days of a great leader. Today’s journalists would Asa because he effectively blocked a crown him as a “smart and brilliant poli- main route into Judah at the city of tician”. It appeared that Asa had made ev- Ramah. He hoped this military and eryone happy with this man oeuvre. BUT economic pressure on Judah would the King had forgotten God. Jehovah God force Asa into significant conces- had been robbed so that “middle ground” sions. could be formed. The satisfaction of God • Asa took all the silver and gold that had been sacrificed for the satisfaction of was left in the treasuries of the house man. For 36 years Asa had moved only as of the Lord and those in the king’s God directed (2 Chro. 14:11b). But now house. Asa used this treasure to buy he was moving away from God because the favor of Ben-Hadad king of Syria, he sought “common ground” with those so that he would withdraw support opposed to God. from Israel. Apparently, Baasha of Asa’s compromise brought condemna- Israel could not stand against Judah tion from God’s spokesman, Hannani by himself - he needed the backing the prophet (2 Chro. 16:7-9). The former of Syria. “blameless” life of Asa was now polluted • Asa’s mistakes - he committed three and corrupted – “You have acted foolish- great faults, amongst many others. ly” (v. 9). Even though the prophet had First, he alienated things consecrat- spoken from God, Asa punished the mes- ed to God as gift to receive favor for senger instead of receiving the message his personal reasons without neces- (v. 10). God still loved Asa. God sought sity. Second, he did this out of car- to encourage Asa to return to Him. God nal fear and distrust for God whose sent a prophet with a clear message but power and goodness he had lately stubbornness controlled the King’s heart. experienced. Third, he did this for an Asa’s pride prevented his repentance. The ill-intent, to hire him to the breach of King had invested heavily in the compro- his league and covenant with Baasha mise – money, reputation and position. and, to take away part of that land This stubbornness led Asa to react harsh- which by right, and the special gift of ly to others who would try to bring him God, belonged to the Israelites. back to God. God tried one final maneuver to bring the PART 3: KING ASA’S FAITHFUL- compromising King back to faithfulness NESS WAS CORRUPTED – physical distress (2 Chro. 16:12). The (1 KINGS 15:14) King’s stubbornness resisted God’s help It seems that prosperity and peace soft- and trusted upon self help. Once again, as ened Asa’s will to serve God as expect- it is evidenced throughout Scripture, the ed. Even though he called for a complete effect of selfishness ruins a soul. But in restoration to God, there is the troubling the time of his old age he was diseased in phrase “but the high places were not re- his feet. (2 Chro. 16:12 gives us the more moved” (2 Chro. 15:17a). The Northern complete analysis: his malady was severe; Kingdom (Israel) became the means by yet in his disease he did not seek the Lord, which King Asa would compromise his but the physicians. This happened after he loyalty and betray God. Israel strength- refused to hear God’s word of correction

Sunday School Manual 66 through Hannani the seer. you are faced with uncomfortable choices in religious, social, career or family issues, CONCLUSION do you seek the Lord’s way or do you seek We gain insight into Satan’s strategy of “common ground”? This study also tells warfare – He seeks to get us to make a us that those who choose the temptation heavy investment in our decision to com- of compromise are acting “foolishly” and promise and then pumps us full of pride will not receive God’s support (2 Chro. so we do not repent. However, God tells 16:9). If those who compromise do not us there is always time to back out of a receive God’s support, whose support do wrong choice (Rev 18:4; 2 Co 6:17, 18). It they receive? (2 Thess. 2:9-11). may not be easy. It may not be comfort- able; it may not be what we want to do. QUESTIONS King Asa died bound to his compromise. 1. Considering Asa’s background, is it Every day that he postponed compromise always true that an evil parent will it was harder for him to admit his wrongs. give birth to an evil child? Every day he allowed selfishness to con- 2. What were the exploits of Asa trol him; he became more bitter and bit- during his reign? ter. Eventually he was so embittered and 3. What compromise did Asa make? so proud that he would not return to God 4. How will you describe Asa’s and he died a foolish King even when he character in terms of his consistency knew what to do – just to repent and come in following the Lord? back home! The life of King Asa tells us 5. Are there any high places we have to that the true test of Christians’ devotion remove in our lives today? is commitment to God when situations arise that tempt us to compromise. When

Sunday School Manual 67 QUARTER’S THEME: PORTRAITS OF JEWISH KINGS UNIT 3: Portraits of the Kings of the Divided Kingdom (Lessons 5-12)

May 22, 2016


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B: 212, 362 Devotional Reading: Jeremiah 1: 1-10 Topic for Adults: Train Your Children Topic for Youths: Now That You Are Young Topic for Intermediates: Not a Question of Age Scripture Lesson: 2 Kings. 22:1-10, 13-20; Psalm 85: 4-7

MEMORY VERSE “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter, fear God and keep His commandment, for this is the whole duty of man” Ecclesiastes 12:13 (NKJV)


Mon. 5/16/2016 Remember the Ancient Landmarks 2 Kgs. 22:1-3; Prov. 22:28 Josiah began his reign in Judah when he was only eight years old. Both Manasseh and Amon, his grandfather and father respectively did evil in the sight of God. They failed to walk in all the ways of David, their progenitor. However, Josiah was said to have done what was right in the sight of God and “he walked in all the ways of David his father, and he did not turn aside to the right hand or to the left” The enviable relationship David had with God and his excellent performance in office as a King over Israel had become the yardsticks for measuring the conduct and performance of subsequent monarchs in Israel. Josiah, though very young, remembered the ancient landmarks established by David and took cues from them. We are enjoined to remember the ancient spiritual landmarks and stick to them. It is only then we can pattern our conduct and performance after those approved standards.

Point of Emphasis: The ancient spiritual landmarks will help us to remain attuned with God and win His approval. Prayer Point: Lord, help me to embrace and retain the ancient spiritual standards.

Tue. 5/17/2016 Longing For God Eccl. 12:13-14 There is a void or vacuum in every man’s life that only God can fill. Education, status, wealth, family background, fame or human achievements cannot fill the space. Only God can. In your existence, He has reserved that space for Himself. Until you allow Him into your life, the void

Sunday School Manual 68 remains. The Preacher declares that the whole duty of man is to fear God and to keep His com- mandments. When you do exactly that, you bring pleasure to God’s heart. God created all things, including you, to bring pleasure to His heart. This is the message conveyed in Rev. 4:10-11. Josiah longed for God; he took steps to effect repairs in God’s temple; he had the word found in the tem- ple read to him; he responded with regret and remorse. He led Judah back to God. He consulted a prophetess of God to know the direction to go and he was accordingly instructed. What could be better than God’s presence filling one’s life? Nothing, surely. Seek God, long for Him, embrace His word and do His biddings and you will be happy.

Point of Emphasis: Seek God while He may be found, call upon Him now that He is near. Prayer Point: Lord, come into my life and home and occupy Your place there.

Wed. 5/18/2016 Does Age Really Count? Eccl. 12:1-7; 2 Kgs. 22:1 A president of one of the African countries at when elected at 73 years of age, lamented, though on a very light mood, that he wished he became President when he was about 40 years old. That underscores the vital factor of age. The young have more energy, zeal, passion, drive and speed than the aged. There may be exceptions though with God, age does not really count for He uses both the young and the old. They both have their places in the scheme of things. Josiah was only eight when he started to reign in Judah and he grew up to rule well. Moses was eighty years old when God commissioned him to lead the Israelites from servitude in Egypt. He succeeded. God can use you, too, regardless of your age. However, the Preacher admonishes us to remember our creator in the days of our youth. To know God and start serving Him early is highly profitable both for now and for eternity. This will protect you from being a victim of the thief, killer and destroyer called Satan (John 10:10). You will not look back and lament ‘Oh no, had I given my life to Jesus Christ early’. Seek God now that you are young.

Point of Emphasis: Both the young and the old can succeed, but it is better if you start early. Prayer Point: Lord, release the grace to serve You from now upon my life.

Thur. 5/19/2015 Honesty Is Still The Best Policy 2 Kings 22:3-7 Responsibility, transparency, accountability, are words that seem bigger than the word ‘honesty’ but they determine whether someone is honest or not. When a person is given some resources to use for a purpose and he carefully applies the resources to carry out the assigned task(s) and the way and manner he uses the resources are open to verification, and he can correctly show to you that he has utilized the resources without any part thereof missing, he could be said to be honest. Thus, in the womb of honesty you have responsibility, transparency and accountability. In the assigned passage, money and materials were delivered to the carpenters, builders and masons to buy timber and cut stones to repair the house of the Lord. They were not required to give account of how they managed the resources because the workmen were men of proven integrity. They had track records of honesty. They dealt faithfully and that had been visible. What about pilfering at work? Can you be honestly entrusted with money and materials without any fear of misappropriation or mismanagement? Think about these things and know that honesty is still the best policy.

Point of Emphasis: Let your integrity be visible to all. Prayer Point: Lord, give me the grace of zero tolerance for dishonesty in life and at work.

Fri. 5/20/2016 God’s Standards for Reforms 2 Kings 22:8-17 It is fashionable these days to talk about international standards and best practices. These are approved universal patterns of conduct in business, industrial environment, politics and the like. It is essentially so because the world has become a global village. God has prescribed for the human race His immutable standards. Ancient as they appear to be, they remain relevant and

Sunday School Manual 69 applicable for all generations. The Bible is the book containing God’s approved standards of behavior. Hilkiah the priest found the Book of the Law in the temple when repair work was on-going. He sent the book to King Josiah through Shaphan the Secretary. The King listened to the word and discovered how far Judah had drifted away from God’s word and standards. He noticed the gravity of the sanctions against their apostasy and rebellion against God. The King tore his clothes in guilt and remorse. He sought for what could be done to avert further wrath of God. The only way out was reform. Reforms that could bring the people in harmony with God’s expressed standards as contained in the Book of the Law. You, too, need to repent and make the Bible your compass - God’s standard book for acceptable reforms and approved conduct and be- havior. Find out the standards yourself; don’t wait for someone else to show you; read the Bible.

Point of Emphasis: Bring your life’s conduct and character in line with God’s standards. Prayer Point: Lord, give me the grace to desire, cherish, embrace and obey Your word.

Sat. 5/21/2016 Performance Guaranteed :16-20 The word of God cannot fail. When God says anything, it is sure to come to pass! All prophecies in the scriptures will unfailingly come to pass. God says in Isaiah 55:11 that His word will not return to Him void; it must accomplish its assigned purpose. When the God-fearing King Josiah was carrying out his reform campaign, he least realized that what he was doing had been foretold by a prophet. The prophet had apparently died before the reign of Josiah. The prophet could not know whether what he prophesied actually happened or not. But there were those who heard the prophecy and knew the prophet. Josiah, too, did not know the prophet nor was he aware of the prophecy. Upon Josiah’s inquiry about a particular monumental tomb, the men of the city told him, “it is the tomb of the man of God who came from Judah and proclaimed these things that you have done against the altar of Bethel” (2 Kings 23:17). When God makes a promise to you, He will fulfill it. The performance of His words and prophecies are guaranteed. Trust God and hope in Him. He will never fail you.

Point Emphasis: When God says it, He will perform it. Prayer Point: Lord, I ask for the grace never to doubt You or Your word.

Sun. 5/22/2016 God Rewards Faithfulness 2 Kings 22:18-20 God owes no man. He rewards obedience. He honors faithfulness. His reward system is perfect and adequate. As a reward for their services to be rendered in the house of God, God gave the Levites the tithes. God told Moses, “Thus speak to the Levites and say to them when you take of the children of Israel the tithes that I have given you from them for your inheritance then you will offer up a heave offering from it for the Lord even a tenth part of the tithe… And you will eat it in every place, you and your households. For it is your reward for your service in the tab- ernacle of the assembly” (Num. 18: 26 & 31). For Josiah, God promised to spear him the ordeal that would come upon Judah. He would not experience it; it would not happen in his life time. This was his reward for doing what was right in the sight of the Lord and walking in all the ways of David his ancestor. To him, God declared “Behold therefore, I will gather you to your fathers and you will be gathered into your grave in peace. And your eyes will not see all the calamity that I will bring on this place” (2 Kings 22:20). God cannot forget your labor of love; He will reward you abundantly. Therefore, keep doing what is right in His sight.

Point of Emphasis: God rewards the faithfulness and obedience of His children. Prayer Point: Lord, whether it is difficult or not, help me to obey You and be faithful in doing your work at all times.

Sunday School Manual 70 BACKGROUND

ur focus this week is Josiah, a king who ascended the throne at age eight. As a child he must have been under the influence of experienced, God-fearing and wise persons who provided guidance. His mother, Jedidah must have exerted Osome positive influence on him as his son. Josiah made a clear departure from the bad antecedents of his grandfather Manasseh and Amon, his father both of whom were evil and were condemned by God. His exploits in bringing reforms and revival to Judah are our pre-occupation in this lesson.


PART 1: JOSIAH WALKED IN THE John 2:20) and in verse 27 of 1 John 2, WAYS OF DAVID (2 KINGS 22:1-2) the Bible says “But the anointing which Josiah was eight years old when he was ye have received of him abideth in you crowned king over his people, God’s peo- and ye need not that any man teach you ple. He was king for thirty-two years. He but as the same anointing teacheth you of has been described as a young king that all things and is truth, and is no lie, and brought revival. But he had a grandfather even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide Manasseh who was an idolatrous king. in him”. Every man has an inbuilt divine His own father-Amon- was the king be- instinct that helps to know and move to- fore Josiah. He was evil in the sight of wards God. Job expresses this truth when God just as Manasseh was. Josiah, howev- he says “But there is a spirit in man, and er, broke away from his last two predeces- the inspiration of the Almighty giveth sor kings and took his cues from David. them understanding” (Job 32: 8). Josiah It is recorded that he did what was right put his own God-given instinct to good in the sight of the Lord and walked in all use. Do not suppress your own God-giv- the ways of David his father and did not en instinct and inclination to obey your turn aside to the right hand or to the left. Maker. He obeyed God completely and carefully David had performed so well as a king followed the godly example of David, the that he became a visible model to sub- king. sequent kings. His act, obedience to and There is no express account of those who love for God, became the yardsticks for exerted positive and godly influence on measuring the performance of subse- the young king to do what was right in quent Kings in Israel. However, it was the God’s sight. The Book of the Law had personal choice of each subsequent king been lost, so he might not have access whether to follow his way(s) or not. Jo- to it to know the mind of God. The two siah chose to follow his ways and he was previous kings did not help matters at all. approved of God. Adults are enjoined to It is not confirmed whether his mother, leave good examples for their children Jedidah, played any such role. After all, and younger ones. The young ones are ad- Amon’s mother’s name was mentioned vised to watch and take cues from godly in his own account, too. So the mention leaders in church, family and the society. of the names of the women cannot be a Always remember that choices have their ground to opine that they exerted any in- natural consequences. fluence on the persons of their children who became kings. The word of God PART 2: JOSIAH’S YEARNING says that “But ye have an unction from FOR GOD (2 KINGS 22:3-10) the Holy one, and Ye know all things” (1 There seemed to be a divine urge inside

Sunday School Manual 71 of Josiah that propelled him towards you were born again? Think about it. God. It was a vacuum that had to be filled PART 3: AGENTS OF REVIVAL only with God’s presence. Josiah longed (PSALM 85:4-7) for God in his spirit and this yearning In the days of King Josiah, there was great prompted him to order the repairs of the revival in Judah. He dealt a death blow house of God. He caused money to be on idol worship and idolatrous priests; he released to the workmen. His workmen destroyed all the shrines called high plac- were adjudged to be faithful people. In es; he observed the Passover after many the process of the repairs, the Book of years of its neglect; he led the people back the Law was found and sent to the king. to God. He even carried the reforms as far He caused the Book of the Law to be as cities of Samaria. It was zero tolerance read to him and upon hearing the grave to anything that was pro-idol. The re- sanctions against the apostasy and evil of forms are recorded in 2 Kings 23. Judah, the king tore his clothes in lamen- Looking closely at the atmosphere of re- tation, remorse and repentance (v. 13). vival that pervaded the land of Judah un- When the word of God is presented to us der Josiah, we could see that, the revival in whatever form, we must show our great was driven and sustained by identifiable respect for the word and demonstrate our agents. First is the Spirit of God Him- obedience thereto. When you encounter self. Only God can bring about revival. God through His word, there must be a In Psalm 85:6, God is recognized as the transformation. The word should move inspirer of revival. So, if you want revival, you towards repentance. Josiah quickly return to God and pray to Him to bring dispatched his men to Huldah, the proph- revival. Human efforts, ingenuity and en- etess, to find out what could be done to thusiasm cannot bring revival. Only God avert the wrath of God that was hanging can. Secondly, King Josiah was another on the nation like the sword of Damocles. agent. He allowed God to work through It is all a manifestation of Josiah’s yearn- him to effect tremendous and far-reach- ing to know God and to do His biddings. ing change in Josiah. He practically took The prophetess did not attempt to play the front seat driving the reform as in- down the seriousness of Judah’s offence spired by God’s Spirit and word. Third, against God. No. Even when she knew the Hilkiah the priest, Shaphan the scribe team came from the king, she fearlessly and other persons mentioned in 2 Kings declared the judgment of God. See partic- 22:12-14 played key roles in the process ularly 2 Kings 22:16-18. of bringing revival into Judah. Fourth, the God always shows mercy to a man of con- fearless prophetess Huldah must be seen trite heart. When you repent and forsake as a part of the process. She courageously your sins, God shows His tender mercies pronounced the verdict of God upon Ju- to you. Verse 19 expresses God’s tender dah; no fear, no favor. mercies towards Josiah. God had regard Whilst the place of God is well-recog- for his repentance and remorse and heard nized in any revival campaign, it should his prayers. God postponed the looming be stressed that for revival to occur in our evil to a time after the regime of Josiah. churches, we must work together. Each You can escape God’s wrath only if you person has a key role to play. Play your repent and become born again. We must own role well. Let the revival start with realize that Josiah did not thereafter re- you. Be an agent of revival and indeed, lax and feel complacent; he embarked on age is no barrier at all. far-reaching reforms. He returned Judah to true and pure worship of God. The CONCLUSION people of Judah knew that real change Josiah was young: just eight years old had come under Josiah, the young king. when he was made king. He connected Any change in your life since you claim with God right early in life. He finished

Sunday School Manual 72 well and strong. His reforms returned Judah to pure worship of God. The cele- QUESTIONS bration of Passover which had long been 1. What impact did the discovery of abandoned was restored. All shrines the Book of the Law have in the within Judah and up to Samaria were de- revival campaign in Judah? stroyed. The priests who were devotees of 2. How important is age in serving idols were eliminated. The king allowed God? revival to happen in his time. The word of 3. Mention two things that helped God was practically the basis for the reviv- Josiah to do well in God’s sight. al. For revival to happen and be sustained, 4. Describe the character of Huldah the word of God must be embraced and in today’s lesson. obedience given to it. We must constantly 5. Mention three persons that featured work together to keep the fire of revival in the revival process in today’s aglow. lesson.

Sunday School Manual 73 Welcome to 3RD QUARTER SHARING & ADMONITION WEEK (FROM MONDAY, MAY 23RD TO SUNDAY, MAY 29TH, 2016) You have the opportunity • To ask questions on the past twelve lessons for clarity • To give appraisal of the lessons • To join others in your class to evaluate the progress made in this quarter • To assist in planning for the next quarter • To give suggestions for a better performance of your class • To give useful spiritual contributions

Your participation in this exercise is very necessary and important




Sunday School Manual 75 4TH QUARTER JUNE 2016 – AUGUST 2016


UNIT 1 God’s Plan for Our Salvation (Lessons 1-4) June 5 Paul: The Author and His Commission June 12 God’s Power to Save Sinners June 19 Depravity of Human Nature June 26 God’s Righteous Judgment on Sin UNIT 2 The Believers Justification and Admonition to Sinners (Lessons 5-9) July 3 Justification is By Faith July 10 Dead to Sin, Alive to God July 17 The Law is Powerless to Save July 24 Having Peace With God July 31 Israel’s Rejection of God UNIT 3 Israel and Believers Benefits From the Book of Romans (Lessons 10-12) August 7 Israel Finally Turns Back to God August 14 Practical Christian Living (Part 1) August 21 Practical Christian Living (Part 2) August 28 Sharing and Admonition


ur lessons in this quarter are taken from the Book of Romans under the quarter’s theme “Basic Christian Doctrines”. Ro- mans covers the most systematic presentation of theology we Ocan find anywhere in Scripture. Romans explains the meaning of the cross for the believers’ life.

While expounding why Jesus died for all humanity, Paul in this Book clarifies the core concepts of the Christians faith: sin and righteous- ness, Faith and Works, Justification and Election. The book contains: 1. A detailed description of the sinfulness of man (chapter 1:8 – chapter 3:20) 2. An extensive discussion of justification by faith (chapter 3:21 – chapter 5:11) 3. An elaborate explanation of sanctification (chapter 5:12 – chapter 8:1-39) 4. A strong section on the doctrine of election (chapter 9:1-29) 5. A developed exposition of what happened to the children of Israel and the destiny of God’s people (chapter 10:1- chapter 11:1-36) 6. An extended session addressing spiritual gifts (chapter 12:1-8) and 7. 1nstructions on the believer’s relationship to the government (chapter 13:1-14)

Certainly Romans presents essentials of Basic Christian Doctrines. It is useful to mature believers, young believers and those who want to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

Sunday School Manual 77 Our lesson this quarter therefore, covers Basic Christian Doctrines such as:

Unit 1: God’s Plan for Our Salvation – This covers four (4) lessons (Lessons 1-4) Unit 2: The Believers Justification and Admonition to Sinners (Lessons 5-9) Unit 3: Israel and Believers Benefits From the Book of Romans (Lessons 10-12)

Please, kindly do yourself a favor by attending all the class sessions this quarter, because each lesson missed is like a treasure thrown into the Ocean.

Happy feasting on the word of God.

Sunday School Manual 78 QUARTER’S THEME: BASIC CHRISTIAN DOCTRINES UNIT 1: God’s Plan for Our Salvation (Lessons 1-4)

June 5, 2016


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 6, 418 Devotional Reading: Acts 9:1-15 Topic For Adults: Who Are You In Christ? Topic For Youths: Do You Have A Good Testimony In Christ? Topic for Intermediates: What is Your Earnest Desire? Lesson Scripture: Romans 1:1-15; Acts 9:15-16; 13:1-3

MEMORY VERSE “Paul, a bond servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated to the Gospel of God” Romans 1:1 (NKJV)


Mon. 5/30/2016 A Solid Foundation Acts 9:1-9 The Bible says if the foundation be destroyed, what can the righteous do? The answer is nothing, except to re-build the foundation. It is a pity that many do not understand this principle and they want to be powerful vessels in the hand of God. This is practically impossible. Once your encounter with Christ is not genuine, you can’t have a solid foundation upon which to build your ministry. Paul had a solid foundation in Christ through genuine salvation, and this accounts for his great exploits for God. Check your foundation in Christ, what state is it? Is it shaky or solid? If there is a crack in your spiritual foundation, you can call on Jesus today to help you fix it.

Point of Emphasis: Genuine salvation is the foundation for great exploits for God. Prayer Point: Lord, reveal to me the true state of my salvation in You.

Tue. 5/31/2016 Paul’s Call into the Ministry Acts 9:10-19 The day Paul had an encounter with Jesus and few days after, he witnessed tremendous transfor- mation in his life. Jesus told him that he was a chosen vessel of His and would take His name to the Gentiles and that he was going to suffer many things for Him. Do you know that right from the very day you gave your life to Jesus, He has chosen you to be His vessel unto honor also? He wants you to do certain things for Him to expand the kingdom of God. He has spoken to you

Sunday School Manual 79 through dreams, vision, the Bible, encouragement from the ministers of what you are to do. How have you been doing it? Paul was not disobedient to the heavenly vision, you too must not disobey God’s mission and vision for your life.

Point of Emphasis: Do quickly that which God has asked you to do. Prayer Point: Lord, I surrender to your mission and vision for my life.

Wed. 6/1/2016 Separated To the Gospel Acts 13:1-3 Paul did not hesitate to go the way of God after his conversion. He started the work of the min- istry immediately. When God saw his zeal and enthusiasm for the work, he then commissioned him and Barnabas as apostles to the Gentiles. The Holy Spirit said “Separate unto me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them” (v. 2). Then the church prayed for them and the elders in Antioch laid hands on them and sent them away into the mission (v. 3). What specific ministry have you been commissioned for? Are you fulfilling God’s mandate and ex- pectation in your ministry? As a believer in Christ, know that the “Great Commission” is every believer’s ministry in addition to the specific one. So, go and preach the gospel to all creatures.

Point of Emphasis: You have been sent by Christ, go and preach the gospel. Prayer Point: Help me to separate and dedicate my life unto the gospel of Christ.

Thur. 6/2/2016 A Bond-servant for Jesus Christ Romans 1:1-6 Paul introduced himself to the Roman believers as a bond-servant of Jesus Christ. This expressed the way Paul viewed his relationship with Jesus. A servant is one who is entirely the property of his master. By this Paul meant that he was not his own any longer, and that his life and powers be- longed to his heavenly owner. This paints the picture of absolute surrender to the will of Christ. What is your relationship with Christ? Who is in control of your life, your time, money, skill, etc? Is Christ really your Master? How surrendered are you to His will? A servant is expected to be obedient to his master, how obedient are you?

Point of Emphasis: If you are Jesus’ servant, then be like Jesus (Matt. 10:25). Prayer Point: Jesus, be my Master and My Lord in all areas of life.

Fri. 6/3/2016 Persecuted But Not Forsaken 2 Cor. 4:1-15 There is no job in the world that does not have its hazards. The same for the preaching of the gospel. It takes a man of courage not to be discouraged in the face of challenges. When seemingly unsurmountable challenges steer you in the face in the pursuit of a right course, it takes drive, clear vision and determination to succeed, to keep you going. Paul gave his totality to his com- mission and that was why he could recount the testimony in the passage. He was convinced of his mandate and so he did not despair in the face of persecution and suffering. He sold himself to the gospel always bearing the dying of the Lord in his body. How much have you suffered for the gospel?

Point of Emphasis: We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed (v. 8) Prayer Point: Help me to bear suffering with joy for the sake of the gospel.

Sat. 6/4/2016 Have Good Report in Christ Romans 1:7-8 What do you think could have endeared Paul to write to the Roman believers whom he had not met or seen before? It is the good report about their faith in Christ. Believers in Rome had be- come a phenomenon because people were spreading their good report to everywhere they went and that was how Paul heard about them and was willing to see them. This should be of concern to you as a believer. What report can your parents, children, neighbors, friends, co-workers,

Sunday School Manual 80 fellow brethren, etc, give about your faith in Christ? Will that report bring commendation or condemnation to you? Will it invite others to Christ or send them away from Christ?

Point of Emphasis: Believers who are of good report are assets unto the church and God’s kingdom. Prayer Point: Lord, help me to have a good report in You through my conduct.

Sun. 6/5/2016 Impact Others Positively For Christ Romans 1:9-15 Since the day Paul heard about the believers in Rome, he had been praying for them. He also longed to see them so that he might impart some spiritual gifts to them. When he was hindered by circumstances, he decided to write to them the epistle to the Romans. Only God can evaluate the value of what that epistle did in the spiritual growth of the Roman believers. The same epistle is shaping the lives of many believers in this century. What a great impact for Christ. The great impact you can have in people’s lives is to impart them spiritually. That is what will last forever in their lives. If you buy clothes for people, it will only last for a moment, but spiritual impact will last till eternity.

Point of Emphasis: As much as in you, preach the gospel and mentor people for Christ (v. 15) Prayer Point: Lord, help me to make positive impact for Christ in my generation.


he epistle of Romans is one of the undisputed New Testament epistles that have been ascribed to Paul. It is believed to have been written in Corinth by Paul from internal evidences in the Scriptures. It is also one of the most elaborate in Ttheological contents. This week’s lesson examines Paul as the author of the book, his credentials, commission to the ministry and earnest desire for the Roman Christians.


PART 1: THE SPIRITUAL of the sender, the sender’s title (if any was “CREDENTIALS” OF PAUL necessary), the name of the addressees (ROMANS 1:1-6) and a greeting. This is important more The opening verse of this passage begins so that Paul had not met these Roman with the name Paul. Who is this Paul and believers before. He therefore, needed to why the mentioning of his name first? give a proper introduction of himself and The original name of the author of this that is why he started the epistle with his epistle was Saul (Acts 7:58; 8:1; 9:1, etc), “credentials”. which was the Hebrew name. However, The first on the list of his “cre- in the course of preaching the gospel to dentials” was that he was a bond-servant the Gentiles, he had to change the name of Jesus Christ. This suggests surren- to Paul (Acts 13:9), and by this name he deredness, a slave, one who is the entire is generally known in the New Testament. property of his master. This has taken for In addressing an epistle to the Romans, granted his being born-again and that he would naturally make use of the name he wholly belonged to his master, who Paul, which is the Roman version for Saul is Jesus Christ. It means that he was no for acceptability. He needs to mention his longer his own. He used the name servant name first because in the ancient world, to show to the Roman believers the gen- letters customarily opened with the name esis of that gospel which God promised

Sunday School Manual 81 through His holy prophets in the Scrip- tures about Jesus Christ’s birth and that it PART 3: EARNEST DESIRE FOR is through Him that people who believe THE SAINTS IN ROME (ROMANS in Him would be saved and his messen- 1:7-15) gers would receive grace and apostleship Paul sent greetings of peace to the saints (vv. 2-6). Paul knew Jesus intimately that in Rome. He thanked God on their be- he was able to describe Him perfectly and half for the good report about their faith His mission on earth. What are your “cre- that he had heard, though he had not dentials” in God? What is your testimony seen them face-to-face. Can people give about Jesus? thanks for your faith though you are liv- ing in a distant place where it is hard to PART 2: DIVINE CALL AS AN live out the gospel? What is people’s testi- APOSTLE TO THE GENTILES mony about your faith in Christ? (ACTS 9:15-16; 13:1-3) Paul is an apostle to the Gentiles While declaring his “credentials” above, par excellence. He had not seen believ- Paul admitted that he was called to be an ers in Rome, yet he had been praying for apostle. How did he become an apostle? them (v. 9). He called God to be his wit- He was not among the twelve disciples of ness that since he heard about their faith, Jesus, neither was he with them The story he had not ceased in making mention of of his conversion and his eventual com- them in his prayers always. No wonder missioning as an apostle to the Gentiles he succeeded as an apostle. How often do is found in the book of Acts 9:15-16 and you pray for people you see daily let alone 13:1-3. Paul needed to state this to affirm those you have not seen? to his readers that he had not taken this Paul had not seen the Roman high office to himself, but that he had believers, but he longed to see them (v. been called to it by the authority of Jesus 11). He had this earnest desire and long- Christ. He needed to state all the facts so ings so that he might impart some spiri- that the believers in Rome, whom he had tual gifts in them and for them to be more not met before would be able to under- established in the faith. Moreover, he also stand the personality of the person writ- encouraged them so that he might receive ing the epistles to them. This would also encouragement from them (v. 12). Paul go to a large extent to show what their dis- wanted to do this because, as a bond-ser- position to the epistle would be. vant to Jesus (1:1), he saw himself as a As an apostle, though he was not debtor to Jesus to fulfill his divine man- the founder of the church in Rome, he felt date of an apostle to the Gentiles. He did obliged to encourage them through writ- not want to be like some people who only ing because they were a Gentiles’ church desire the title of an office without corre- which came under his divine call and spondingly carrying out the responsibili- commission. Immediately after his com- ties attached to the office. What an apostle missioning, he went straight into the as- par excellence! signment. He spent and was spent for the gospel. He suffered so many persecutions CONCLUSION and hardships in the course of executing Paul was able to write an epistle to people his commission, yet because he saw him- he had not met because he was sure of his self as bond-servants of Jesus, he endured salvation and standing in Christ. Many to the end and even died for Christ’s cannot preach the gospel because they are cause. How do you handle the divine call not sure of their faith in Christ. How sure in your life? Are you still on course of is your salvation in Christ? Can people your commission or you have derailed? accept you as a genuine Christian based Take a cue from Paul today. on your testimony and conduct?

Sunday School Manual 82 QUESTIONS 4. Why did Paul desire to see the 1. What is the difference between the believers in Rome? name Saul and Paul? 5. What lessons have you learnt from 2. Mention some of Paul’s spiritual Paul this week? “credentials” from the lesson. 3. How did Paul become an apostle, despite that he was not one of the twelve disciples?

Sunday School Manual 83 QUARTER’S THEME: BASIC CHRISTIAN DOCTRINES UNIT 1: God’s Plan for Our Salvation (Lessons 1-4)

June 12, 2016


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 14, 153 Devotional Reading: 1 Cor. 1:17-25 Topic for Adults: No Other Means Topic for Youths: “Gossip” The Gospel Topic for Intermediates: Though Simple But Powerful Scripture Lesson: Romans 1:16-17

MEMORY VERSE “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jews first and also for the Greek” Romans 1:16 (NKJV)


Mon. 6/6/2016 Gospel Is Glad Tidings Luke 2:8-14

Many people love good news. It is only the wicked that are not happy at hearing good news about people. Good news, as the name implies, brings joy, happiness, laughter, satisfaction and moti- vation to do good. The Bible even says that as cold waters to a thirsty flower, so is Good News or Good Tidings from a far country (Proverbs 25:25). The gospel of Jesus means Good News. If you want to have joy in place of sorrow, laughter in place of weeping, promotion in place of demotion or retrogression, then you need to receive and believe the gospel. If you already have the gospel with you, then extend it to people around you.

Point of Emphasis: I bring to you today good tidings of great joy (v. 10) Prayer Point: Lord, I receive good news from You today. Make me good news personified all the days of my life.

Tue. 6/7/2016 The Main Content Of the Gospel 1 Tim. 1:12-17 Some people are orators; they can talk from morning till evening, moving from one issue to the other. But when it comes to the preaching of the gospel, they become mute, not knowing what to say. Some will only be telling cock and bull stories while preaching the gospel. However, the main content of the gospel is that Christ died and rose again to save sinners. Paul understood this and

Sunday School Manual 84 that is why he was able to say, “This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came to save sinners of whom I am chief” (v. 15). To preach to sinners, just tell them the essence of Christ’s death and resurrection in their lives and that Christ came to reconcile fallen man to God.

Point of Emphasis: Point people to Christ not to yourself. Prayer Point: Help me Lord to always preach Christ to sinners.

Wed. 6/8/2016 The Simplicity of the Gospel 1 Cor. 1:17-25

Many of us who have preached the gospel to people who surrendered their lives to Christ would bear witness that at times, we ourselves would be thinking what special thing have I said that has brought these people to Christ? This is to show the simplicity of the gospel. The wise people of the world cannot comprehend it that God would save sinner through the preaching of the cross of Jesus, and therefore the gospel is foolishness to them. But it is the same gospel that has saved billions of people in the world. Therefore, just tell people about Jesus and leave the rest to God.

Point of Emphasis: Don’t be foolish, be wise by accepting the gospel. Prayer Point: Lord, open the eyes of understanding of sinners to the truth of the gospel.

Thur. 6/9/2016 Preach the Gospel At All Times 2 Timothy 4:1-5 Having known that the gospel is the means through which God intends to save sinners, the attitude of Christians should be to preach the gospel. Paul encouraged Timothy in the passage that he should preach the word, be ready in season and out of season (v. 2). The Message version of the Bible of verse 2 says “so proclaim the message with intensity, keep on your watch”. This suggests that preaching the gospel is not what we need to handle with lackadaisical attitude, or turn it to an assignment to be done only when it is convenient. It is what we should make time out for, plan for, give money to, and do it at all times.

Point of Emphasis: Use all available opportunities to preach the gospel. Prayer Point: Lord, always remind me to preach the gospel on daily basis.

Fri. 6/10/2016 The Transformation Power of the Gospel Romans 1:16-17 When Paul was describing the gospel, he made mention of the fact that God’s power is in the gospel to bring salvation to sinners. There is indeed God’s power in the gospel. That power has transformed chief sinners, like Paul, to become powerful instruments in the kingdom work. It has made sinners to weep to the altar without anyone beating them. As many people have given their lives genuinely to Jesus can testify of the wonderful transformation that has happened to them since they believed the gospel. The question is: Has that power transformed your life? If no, then believe it and it will.

Point of Emphasis: The gospel is the inherent power of God that gives salvation to all who accept it. Prayer Point: Lord, make me experience the transformation power of the gospel.

Sat. 6/11/2016 Don’t Be Shy To Share the Gospel Romans 1:16-17 Many Christians are usually shy and timid when it comes to sharing the gospel. They think of their friends who would make jest of them. As a result, they run away whenever there is a call for evangelism. They are ashamed to be identified with Christ. Paul declares that “he was not ashamed of the gospel of Christ” (v. 16). Why would you be ashamed to tell other people the good news of Christ? If you are ashamed of him on earth, He too would be ashamed of you in

Sunday School Manual 85 heaven. Therefore, preach Christ with confidence to others.

Point of Emphasis: I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. Prayer Point: Lord, help me to preach Christ with confidence and certainty.

Sun. 6/12/2016 Whosoever Believes Romans 1:16-17 God’s desire is for all sinners to be saved (1 Tim. 2:4). This is the reason why He made provision for all to be saved through the gospel. However, He leaves all men with the power to choose their destiny. He doesn’t force His way on people. The gospel is for all, but it is only whosoever believes and receives it that will be saved. It includes all categories of people irrespective of age, gender, class, social status and position. If you are not already in the list of “whosoever”, you may enter the list today by surrendering your life to Jesus.

Point of Emphasis: Whosoever believes in him shall not perish (John 3:16) Prayer Point: Lord, save me and all my household


ight from the time of the fall of man in Eden, God has been planning how to reconcile fallen man to Himself through salvation. Eventually, He got a means through His Son, Jesus Christ. However, that salvation is not automatic, there is Ra process to follow to get it. This week’s lesson focuses on that means through which God intends to save sinners.


PART 1: THE POWER OF THE that Christians should be spreading is GOSPEL OF CHRIST the gospel of Christ which is able to give (ROMANS 1:16-17) peace and good will to people. Gospel means “the good news” or “the Paul also emphasized that this gospel of good tidings”. It is called good news be- Christ, though simple, contains in it the cause it contains the glad announcement power of God to effect salvation in the that sins are pardoned and souls are life of whoever believes and receives it. saved when people receive it and believe The expression “it is the power of God it. When that Gospel is about Christ, it unto salvation”, means that it is the way means that it is the good news brought by in which God exerts His power in the the Messiah and relates to His character, salvation of men. It is the efficacious or advent, preaching, death, resurrection mighty plan by which power goes forth to and ascension. No wonder at Jesus’ birth save sinners, and by which all the obsta- the message of the angels that announced cles of men’s redemption are taken away. His birth to the wise men or shepherds It also means that the gospel is God’s plan was “I bring to you good tidings of great and means to bring salvation to sinners. joy which will be to all people. For there is The salvation we are talking about is the born to you this day in the City of David complete deliverance from sin, death and a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord...Glory all the foes and dangers that beset man. to God in the highest, and on earth peace, Thus, the only way to receive salvation is goodwill towards men” (Luke. 2:8-11). In to believe in the gospel of Christ. Have a world full of bad news, the good news you experienced the power of the gospel

Sunday School Manual 86 of Christ that saves, transforms and em- PART 3: THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST powers? That Gospel power is available IS FOR ALL (ROMANS 1:16-17) for your salvation today. Paul, in his discussion about the power of the gospel and his attitude to the procla- PART 2: DO NOT BE ASHAMED mation of the gospel, gave the categories OF THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST of people that the gospel is meant for. In (ROMANS 1:16-17) verse 16, he says “for everyone who be- Paul, after his encounter with Jesus, had lieves”. Though initially, the Jews were been cast off and regarded as an apostate the first set of people that God reached to by the Jews, and has been persecuted, de- with the gospel. This is expected because spised and driven from place to place by the conveyor of the Gospel, Jesus Christ, the wise among the Gentiles. He was re- is from that nation. But He came to His garded as the filth of the world and the off own and His own did not receive Him scouring of all things (1 Cor. 4:13). Yet, in (John. 1:11). Then He turned to the Gen- all these things, he declared that he was tiles, who are referred to as the Greek in not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. He the passage. Therefore, as many that be- has so firm a conviction of its value and lieve Him and receive the gospel irrespec- its truth; he had experienced so much of tive of clan, tribe, social status, economic its consolation and efficacy, that he was status, educational status, color, gender, so far from being ashamed of it but rath- age, position, and even religious inclina- er gloried in it as the power of God unto tion or affiliation, etc, are given the power salvation. to become children of God (John 1:12) Men should be ashamed of crime and Yes, the gospel is for all, but it is not in- folly. People are ashamed of their own discriminately to all men. The gospel offences, and the follies of their con- is only to those who confide or trust in duct, when they come to reflect on it. it, and salvation in it is conferred on all But they are not ashamed of that which who receive it. The gospel is not confined they know to be right and good, and of in its intention or efficacy to any class or that which they know will contribute to nation of man. It is adapted to all, and is their welfare, and to the benefits of their designed to be extended to all. Therefore, fellow-men. Such were the views of Paul do not be selective in your preaching of about the gospel. Christians who are the gospel; rather, preach to all. genuinely born-again, who have them- selves believed and received the gospel of CONCLUSION Christ, who can testify to the saving and Have you really experienced the power of transforming power of the gospel in their the gospel? It is not enough to hear it or lives, homes, job, health, etc, must there- preach it, or see other people enjoy it, you fore not be ashamed of that gospel that also must have a first-hand experience of has done so much for them. They must the power of the gospel by first receiving rather declare and spread that gospel to salvation from your sin and stop being an all and sundry within their jurisdiction enemy of God. Those who have experi- and sphere of influence. enced the power of the gospel must not If you want people to be righteous and be ashamed to tell others about it. godly, to be peaceful and holy, you must preach the gospel to them because, it is QUESTION in that same gospel of Christ that God’s 1. What is the meaning of the gospel? righteousness is revealed to people as 2. Describe the power of God inherent they are moving from one level of faith in in the gospel. Christ to another higher and greater level 3. What is Paul’s attitude to the gospel of faith (v. 17). of Christ?

Sunday School Manual 87 4. What categories of people is the 5. How did the gospel of Christ get to gospel meant for? the Gentiles?

Sunday School Manual 88 QUARTER’S THEME: BASIC CHRISTIAN DOCTRINES UNIT 1: God’s Plan for Our Salvation (Lessons 1-4)

June 19, 2016


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B 158, 165 Devotional Reading: Romans 3:9-18 Topic for Adults: Don’t Ignore God’s Revelation Topic for Youths: Check List Topic for Intermediates: Depravity of Human Nature Scripture Lesson: Romans 1:18-32 MEMORY VERSE “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do things which are not fitting” Romans 1:28 (NKJV)


Mon. 6/13/2016 Harbinger of Depravity Genesis 3:1-10 After the completion of the work of creation, God evaluated His own work and declared that “behold, it was very good” (Gen. 1:31). This indicated that the man (Adam) that God created in His image was a perfect being, innocent and always having a relationship with God. However, depravity crept into his life and his wife when the devil succeeded in making them rebel against God and His instruction. This was the beginning of depravity. Man lost the presence of God, the glory of God and was abandoned by God to cater for himself. The forbidden fruit caused his knowledge of God to become tainted with sin and disobedience, hence this nature was passed to all succeeding generations.

Point of Emphasis: A disobedient person has a depraved soul. Prayer Point: Lord, remove the depraved nature from me and make me a partaker of living nature.

Tue. 6/14/2016 Depraved Nature Passed To Cain Genesis 4:1-16 Depravity comes in many forms. It usually starts small and then continues to increase from one level of evil to a greater level. The depravity in Adam and Eve was disobedience to God’s instruc- tion, but that nature in their firstborn graduated to hatred, deceit and murder. The adamic nature is in the gene of everyone that is born into this world, and that is why everyone needs to hand

Sunday School Manual 89 over himself or herself to God for salvation. Are you a murderer? Do you murder people with your words, through abortion, through false witness, etc? If yes, then you need to confess your sin to God and ask Him for mercy so that you will not die under a curse.

Point of Emphasis: Deal with the gene of sin in you. Prayer Point: Lord, remove the adamic blood from me and let Jesus’ blood be running in my veins.

Wed. 6/15/2016 God’s Assessment of Mankind Genesis 6:1-7 As the first created world was being populated by men and women, depravity was also expand- ing, increasing and spreading itself in the lives of human beings. God observes human behaviors and conducts and concluded that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of his thought was evil continually. This made God to regret ever creating man. What is the thought of your heart, is it godly or ungodly? Is God rejoicing that He has created you or is He regretting over your life? Are you an asset to God or a liability? Think on these things.

Point of Emphasis: Do not allow God to regret His investment in your life. Prayer Point: Help me Lord to be and live for You that I may bring joy to You.

Thur. 6/16/2016 No One Is Righteous Romans 3:9-18 There are some people that want to justify themselves that they are not depraved. They claim that though they do not believe in God or go to church, yet their conduct is alright. They appraise themselves and declare themselves perfect and as a result they said that they didn’t need God’s salvation. Such people are ignorant of God’s verdict on men. The Bible says that our self-righ- teousness is like filthy rags before God (Isa. 64:6), and that no one is righteous. Are you depend- ing on self-righteousness? You better own up to God and allow Him to save you and declare you righteous.

Point of Emphasis: Only the righteousness of God can deliver you from depravity. Prayer Point: Lord, help me not to be justifying my sins but to confess them and receive Your righteousness.

Fri. 6/17/2016 You Are Without Excuses Romans 1:18-23 One of the features of a depraved soul is making excuses to justify himself or herself. Some people have refused to believe in God because He has not made himself visible, how will they be serving or worshiping a Being they cannot see? Some people’s excuse for rejecting God is that He abandoned them in their time of need and trouble. Some have the erroneous belief that God cannot destroy the work of His hands and as a result they continue to indulge in depraved acts. Know that whatever your reason for rejecting God, you cannot be justified. God has made Him- self known to all through the works of Creation. It is left for you to accept Him.

Point of Emphasis: Your excuses for rejecting God will not be tenable on the judgment day. Prayer Point: Lord, help me not to reject You. I accept You today as my Lord and Saviour.

Sat. 6/18/2016 Avoid Sexual Sin Romans 1:24-27 In some Western Countries, homosexual marriage has been legalized. It is a pity that some of the Countries that were founded on the principle of the living God were the first to legalize ho- mosexual marriage. That is nothing but backsliding and evidence of a depraved people. If such is being practiced among the ungodly, it is understandable. But it is a shame and disgrace of the

Sunday School Manual 90 highest order if a believer in Christ engages in any form of sexual sin. For such people, there is no more sacrifice for their sin, except the sacrifice already made by Jesus Christ.

Point of Emphasis: Flee from sexual immorality. Prayer Point: Lord, help me to always flee from all appearances of evil.

Sun. 6/19/2016 Do Not Have a Debased Mind Romans 1:28-32 Those who reject God choose on their own accord not to acknowledge God. It is not because they could not, but because they are displeased with God. They choose to forsake Him, and follow their own passions and lusts. God, on His own, also gave them over to a debased and destitute mind as a consequence of their headstrong passions. With such debased minds, they could device and do anything but good. No wonder they engage in all the vices that are listed in the passage. They do them without any guilty conscience simply because their minds are debased and depraved. What is the state of your mind?

Point of Emphasis: Reject debased mind, have the mind of Christ. Prayer Point: Jesus, fill my mind, heart and life with your spirit.


o be depraved is to be morally corrupt and to engage in wicked acts. This is the state of human being that came into this world, and this state was inherited from the adamic nature. Only those who know God and accept the nature of God into Ttheir lives can escape and be freed from this depravity of human nature. Our lesson this week centers on those attitudes that are characteristics of a depraved person.


PART 1: SPIRITUAL DEPRAVITY tionary theory and there is no supernatu- (ROMANS 1:18-23) ral being behind the creation. (iii) There The highest form of spiritual depravity is are some who even believe that there is the rejection of God, not acknowledging God, but because of their ungodliness the existence of God or representing God and unrighteousness, they did not give with idols, and not giving Him the glory the glory due to God to Him by not be- due to Him. The apostle Paul says such lieving in Him (iv) Those in this condi- people will receive the wrath of God if tion are not thankful to God for His prov- they die in that condition. idence over them. Rather, they ascribe Those in the conditions described above their achievements, protection and deliv- normally do the followings (i) suppress- erance from dangers which God provides ing the truth in unrighteousness, though to their own power, skill and smartness, their conscience and common sense is and so they are futile in their thoughts telling them the truth that God exists, but and their foolish hearts became darkened. because they don’t want to believe in God, (v) Such people usually see themselves as they suppress such truth (ii) The works of wise and all others as foolish; and (vi) God in creation reveals the eternal power they change God as an object of worship of God, the attributes of God, the God- for idols and offer homage which is due to head of God, but they choose to say that God to idols. the world came into being through evolu- In a nutshell, anyone who is an atheist,

Sunday School Manual 91 polytheistic and idolatrous in any form Man is not an island, he comes from a is in state of spiritual depravity. Above family, lives in a society and relates with all, all people who have been hearing people in his community. In all commu- the truth of the gospel and have not be- nities, there are acceptable standards of lieved the gospel are in the state of spir- behavior, put in place to make room for itual depravity, it does not mater if they harmonious and peaceful co-existence. are bearing Christian names, or are going This normative standard includes mor- to Church or are even ministers in the al rectitude for all citizens. However, it Church of God. has been observed that depraved peo- ple could not live up to expectation, and PART 2: SEXUAL DEPRAVITY therefore, they are usually found out to be (ROMANS 1:24-27) violating set moral standard. Once a person is spiritually depraved, Since they did not like God nor the things that depravity is going to be revealed in of God, they are left with no other options the area of sexual perversion. Because than to engage in debased things because they did not acknowledge God, they did they cannot sit on the fence. If they are not know God, He left them to their own not on the side of God, doing the things of unclean desires. Without his guidance, God, they will definitely be on the side of they degenerated into ruinous moral and the devil, carrying out his devilish plans. sexual practices. That God gave them up They are given to a debased mind, a mind or abandoned them or ceased to restrain destitute of right judgment, losing ability them from acting out their sentiments to distinguish between right and wrong. does not mean that God exerted any posi- This debased evil mind leads them to en- tive influence in inducing them to sin, but gage in things that should never be done, that His power to make them live right is indicating acts not just offensive to God, not available to them. but also offensive by human standards. These people are given up to vile or dis- They are filled with (i) unrighteousness, graceful affections. One of the evidences i.e. injustice or iniquity in general; (ii) of the shameful and disgraceful act is les- fornication – sexual sin; (iii) wickedness bianism, a sexual depravity where a wom- – desire to injure others; (iv) covetousness an marries a fellow woman as wife, so that – desire to obtain that which belongs to one woman is the husband and the other others; (v) licentiousness – evil in general; is the wife. They changed the marriage in- (vi) full of envy – pain, uneasiness, dis- stitution against how God has planned it content, accompanied with some degree from the beginning (a man and a wom- of hatred or malignity, and often with an). Likewise, the men, engage in gay a desire to depreciate the person; (vii) marriage where two men are being joined murder – taking of human life in what- together as husband and wife. These types ever form; (viii) strife – contention or of sexual perversion are referred to as ho- fight; (ix) deceit – fraud, falsehood; (x) mosexuality. This is the highest and new- evil-mindedness/malignity – misinter- est type of sexual perversion in addition preting the words or actions of others; (xi) to already known sexual depravity such whisperers – those who secretly and in a as fornication, adultery, incest, bestiality, sly manner, detract from others or excite etc. Remember that anyone who engages suspicion of them; (xii) backbiters – those in sexual sin is a depraved soul in need of who slander or speak ill of those who are a Savior and needs to repent before it is absent; (xiii) haters of God – spiritual de- too late, for the wrath of God is coming pravity; (xiv) violent – those who abuse or upon the disobedient and unrighteous. treat with disdain those who are present; (xv) proud – pride; (xvi) boasters – those PART 3: SOCIAL DEPRAVITY who arrogate to themselves that which (ROMANS 1:28-32) they do not possess and glory in it; (xvii)

Sunday School Manual 92 inventors of evil things – those that prac- to God’s will and is in danger of God’s tice evil; (xviii) disobedient to parents – wrath. But you can change the course of not showing honor to parents; (xix) un- your eternal destination today by giving discerning – without understanding; (xx) your life to Jesus and letting Him be your untrustworthy – covenant breakers; (xxi) Lord and Saviour. unloving – without natural affection; (xxii) unforgiving – those who pursue the QUESTIONS offender with unyielding revenge; (xxiii) 1. Mention the highest form of unmerciful – destitute of compassion. spiritual depravity. Anyone who engages in any of the list 2. How has God revealed Himself above or that has pleasure in or approves to humanity? of the practices in the lives of those who 3. What do you understand by do them deserves death. lesbianism and gay marriages? 4. Mention 10 out of the 23 sins of CONCLUSION social depravity. Anyone with a depraved nature is an ene- 5. What is awaiting depraved people? my of God, who is in constant opposition

Sunday School Manual 93 QUARTER’S THEME: BASIC CHRISTIAN DOCTRINES UNIT 1: God’s Plan for Our Salvation (Lessons 1-4)

Dec. 27, 2015


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 68, 306 Devotional Reading: Psalm 9:1-8 Topic for Adults: Don’t Be Judgmental Topic for Youths: Avoid Secret Sins Topic for Intermediates: Don’t Wait for God’s Judgment Scripture Lesson: Romans 2:1-16

MEMORY VERSE “But we know that the judgment of God is according to truth against those who practice such things” Romans 2:2 (NKJV)


Mon. 6/20/2016 Heart Fixed To Do Evil Eccl. 8:10-13 Many people are indulging in sin, devising and multiplying sins on daily basis because they seem not to get punishments for the evil they are doing. They get away with their iniquities. The Bible then says because of that, their hearts are fixed and determined to continue to do evil. I pity anyone in that category. Know that the Lord is not slack concerning His promises (of punishing sin), but He is giving you time to repent, so that when He eventually decides to punish or judge you, He will be justified, for He would have given you enough warning and time to repent. When God’s judgment will come, sinners will not be able to bear it.

Point of Emphasis: Repent from your evil deeds because God’s judgment is coming. Prayer Point: Lord, help me not to think, devise or do evil all the days of my life.

Tue. 6/21/2016 None Will Go Unpunished Proverbs 16:1-5 I have heard about a minister of God who did an abominable thing in the sight of God and a Church member approached him and said, “Sir, what you did was wrong and you seem not to

Sunday School Manual 94 humble yourself by confessing and repenting”. In response, the minister of God justified his abominable deed by pointing to various blessings that he had received from God since after the incidence, to indicate that God had given special privilege to some ministers to do certain things and get away with them. However, the Bible says anyone who engages in abominable acts will not go unpunished even if forces are joined together to intercede for such a person. Therefore, be warned.

Point of Emphasis: You are not above punishment for sin. Prayer Point: Lord, I repent of any abominable acts that may bring Your punishment on me.

Wed. 6/22/2016 God Will Judge In Righteousness Psalm 9:1-8 Our God is a Judge. The Bible says He sat on the throne judging in righteousness (v. 4). Know that a time is coming at the end of the age, when God will sit on the great white throne, judging all men according to their deeds. That judgment is the mother of all judgments. No one who has done evil will be able to escape. Jesus will no longer solicit or advocate for anyone any longer at that time. God will judge in righteousness and no one can pervert justice or bribe their way through. This is the reason why you need to make your ways right with God now when you still have the opportunity.

Point of Emphasis: God will judge the world in righteousness and uprightness. Prayer Point: Lord, I will receive Your mercy in judgment.

Thur. 6/23/2016 Remove the Plank from Your Eyes Matthew 7:1-6 When Jesus was on earth, He saw some set of people who were fond of judging other people for wrong doing, whereas they themselves were doing worse things than that. Jesus compared them to people who have planks or logs in their eyes and were trying to remove the speck in other people’s eyes. Jesus advised them to first of all remove their logs before trying to help others. Are you in that condition? If yes, then you need to deal with yourself first. Ensure that you are walking in the will and ways of God; it is then that you can assist others by correcting them and encouraging them to walk in God’s will.

Point of Emphasis: Don’t be someone who points people to eternity in heaven when and where you yourself will not go. Prayer Point: Lord, help me to discover and correct all anomalies in my walk with You.

Fri. 6/24/2016 Judge Yourself 1 Cor. 11:28-32 Anyone who will succeed in his or her Christian race must constantly engage in self-judgment. This self-judgment is not to be giving himself pass mark but it involves serious searching and ex- amination of his ways of life, conducts, actions, reactions, etc., and place them against the princi- ples of the Bible and against the life of Jesus Christ our Saviour. A sincere person engaging in this exercise, will always see the need to improve on his walk with God and by so doing, he or she will eventually escape God’s judgment. Therefore, always engage in self-examination on daily basis.

Point of Emphasis: For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged. Prayer Point: Lord, help me examine myself daily whether I am still in the faith.

Sat. 6/25/2016 God Is an Impartial Judge Romans 2:1-10 The Almighty God is an impartial Judge. He will not condemn the righteous and justify the wicked. He will give to everyone according to his or her deeds. Don’t engage in self-delusion that God will give you special consideration for the past good works you have done but which you abandoned and died in evil deeds. It is only the righteous that He will give eternal life, glory,

Sunday School Manual 95 honor and peace, but to the wicked, it is sorrow and anguish. So that no one will be justified, He has even revealed the criteria He will use for His judgment. Make use of this opportunity and do what will bring you His favor in judgment.

Point of Emphasis: God will judge you based on your deeds. Prayer Point: Lord, help me to do well and be righteous to receive Your eternal life.

Sun. 6/26/2016 All Secrets Will Be Open Romans 2:11-16 Do you know that there will be surprises on the day of God’s judgment? There are people now that are appearing to others as the most holy and most righteous, but who are wolves in sheep’s clothing. There are some that are using devilish power to perform miracles and people are giving them accolades and they are drawing many followers. They may deceive many people now, but they cannot deceive forever. A day is coming when God will judge all secrets of men and will make them open for people to see. Are you engaging in secret sins, or you are secretly doing evil and think no one sees you? Repent now before it will be too late for you.

Point of Emphasis: On the day of judgment, all secrets shall be made open. Prayer Point: Lord, help me to stand pure and clean before You on the day of judgment.


any people continue to indulge in sins and iniquities because God does not bring judgment on them immediately. As a result, they take God for granted and engage in more evil deeds. This week’s lesson is to warn those people that MGod’s judgment is coming upon sinners and His judgment will be adjudged righteous and true. God will be justified in His judgment against sinners.


PART 1: GOD IS THE ULTIMATE comes so because they (the Jews) had the JUDGE (ROMANS 2:1-4) light of God, the oracles of God, and yet Arising from the sins leveled against the committed wickedness (v. 1) Gentiles in chapter 1 of Romans, Paul un- In verse 2, Paul affirms that the judgment derstood that the Jews did not see them- of God is sure and certain. It is known selves as committing such sins and were and believed by men generally that God justifying themselves and excusing them- will judge and punish those who engage selves from the judgment that is coming in offences against His will. Also, it is upon the Gentiles. In addition, the Jews known that God’s judgment will be ac- were also judging or condemning the cording to truth. This means God will Gentiles for engaging in such ungod- judge those who are guilty of such sins (as ly deeds; whereas they themselves were enumerated in Romans 1), not according guilty of the same sins they were accusing to appearance, but in integrity, and with the Gentiles of. The apostle Paul in the righteousness. God, the ultimate judge, passage affirms that the Jews were inex- will judge men according to the real na- cusable of their own sins and that they too ture of their conduct, and not as their will be condemned or judged in the sight conduct may appear unto men. The secret of God on the same grounds on which as well as the open sinner must, therefore, they condemned the Gentiles. This be- expect to be judged according to their

Sunday School Manual 96 true character. service to God and humanity? Know that Paul also appeals to people’s common God cannot be mocked, whatever a man sense, to their deep and instinctive con- sows that he will reap (Gal. 6:7) viction of what is right to know that if they condemn those who commit offenc- PART 3: NO PARTIALITY IN es which they do themselves, would not GOD’S JUDGMENT a holy and just God be far more likely to (ROMANS 2:11-16) pronounce judgment on them also? And Partiality or respect of persons is pro- could they escape who had themselves nouncing judgment, or favoring one delivered a similar sentence? The answer party or individual more than another, is no. Therefore, always examine yourself not because his cause is more just, but and ensure you do not engage in things on account of something personal i.e. his that will bring God’s negative judgment wealth, or rank, or office, or influence, or on you, and stop condemning or judging by personal friendship, or by the fear of others, for God is the Ultimate Judge. him, etc. However, in His capacity as the Ultimate Judge, God will not be partial. PART 2: YOUR DEEDS WILL He will not be influenced in awarding the DETERMINE YOUR JUDGMENT retributions of eternity, in pronouncing (ROMANS 2:5-10) and executing sentence, by any partiality, God as the Ultimate Judge is not an arbi- or by regard to wealth, office, status, or trary Judge. He has revealed His mind and appearance of men. will to humanity through creation works. Some people may think that people lived He has revealed Himself to people of all in different generations and periods, hav- nations. He has given the Holy Scripture ing different or limited knowledge about to His people. When He will judge, the God, would God use the same standard judgment of individuals will be based on to judge all people of all generations? Paul his or her deeds placed side by side the answers such people and states that Gen- revealed will of God. Paul makes it known tiles, who might have sinned without the without any fear of contradiction that law (v. 12), will be judged based on the those who hardened their heart against knowledge available to them. They would the gospel of Jesus and those who refuse not be condemned for failing to con- to repent from their sins upon hearing the form to a code of laws they knew nothing gospel are only storing for themselves the about. They will not perish because they wrath of God (v. 5) in the day of wrath didn’t have the Jewish law, they will per- and revelation of the righteous judgment ish because they have sinned. This means of God. non-Christians who do not have the Bible The Ultimate Judge is going to render will not be punished because they didn’t His judgment in accordance with a man’s do what is in the Bible, but will be pun- deed. He will give to every man as he de- ished for sinning against God or doing serves (v. 6). For instance, He will give things contrary to God’s will revealed in eternal life, peace, glory, and honor to nature. those who are doing good things for the The Jews (Christians alike) will be judged glory and honor of God; and indignation by God’s written law that they know so and wrath, tribulation and anguish to well. People are condemned not for what those who do not obey the truth, those they don’t know, but for what they do who engage in unrighteousness, and those with what they know. It does not follow who do evil. Beloved, you need to exam- that, because some people are favored ine your life and your deeds. If your Jesus with a divine revelation, therefore they should come today (whether by death or shall be saved, while others who have not second coming), what do you think will had that revelation, shall finally perish. be your judgment based on your deeds, Nor does it follow that the Gentiles who

Sunday School Manual 97 have not had a divine revelation, shall of any besetting sins that may bring God’s either perish, because they had it not; or righteous judgment on them. Remember, their unrighteous acts unpunished. But it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of everyone shall be judged accordingly in the living God (Hebrews 10:31) the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to the QUESTIONS gospel that is being preached to people. 1. Who will not be excused from the This may be the reason why God intends judgment of God? it that the end will not come until the gos- 2. How is God the Ultimate Judge? pel has been preached in all nations as a 3. What are the criteria for God’s witness against them (Matthew 24:14). judgment? 4. Explain the impartiality of God’s CONCLUSION judgment. A time is coming when God will bring 5. Mention the contents of the judgment on sin and sinners. He will also judgment of both the righteous and judge the secrets of men. Believers should, the wicked. therefore, be examining themselves daily

Sunday School Manual 98 QUARTER’S THEME: BASIC CHRISTIAN DOCTRINES UNIT 1: The Believers Justification and Admonition to Sinners (Lessons 5-9)

July 3, 2016


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 28, 160 Devotional Reading: Luke 18:9-14 Topic for Adults: Justification Is Not License to Sin Topic for Youths: Don’t Be Cheated By the Devil Topic for Intermediates: Plead With God for Mercies Scripture Lesson: Romans 4:1-12; 5:1-5

MEMORY VERSE “Therefore, having being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ” Romans 5:1 (NKJV)


Mon. 6/27/2016 No Man Is Born Justified Job 25:1-6 There are some people who indulge in self-justification. They look at their lives and conclude that they are perfect and alright, after all they have not stolen any body’s property, they have not committed fornication or adultery, they are morally upright and they do not have any conflict with anybody. Yes, all these qualities are good and are demanded of a child of God, but anyone who has them without Christ at the center of those qualities cannot be justified. Bildad, looking at the greatness of God, concluded that there is no way a man born of woman can be justified by his own strength before God unless God justifies him or her.

Point of Emphasis: Your self-righteousness is like filthy rags before God. Prayer Point: Lord, I came to You just as I am, justify me by your righteousness.

Tue. 6/28/2016 No One Can Be Justified In God’s Sight Psalm 143:1-12 God is a righteous Judge. If He is to give to every man according to the multitude of his iniquities, there will be no man living on earth today. If He is to sit in judgment with you, do you think you can escape His wrath? David understood this perfectly that no one can be justified in His sight, that no one can fulfill the demands of the law for justification, he, therefore, pleads with God to answer him in His faithfulness and righteousness and not to enter into judgment with him (vv. 1-2). That is what God does when He justifies a person. He imputes His own righteousness on

Sunday School Manual 99 that person and restrains from delivering the judgment of death due to that person and change that judgment to eternal life with God. Have you received this from God?

Point of Emphasis: Always plead for God’s mercy to be justified? Prayer Point: Lord, justify me by Your faithfulness and righteousness.

Wed. 6/29/2016 Prayer for Justification Psalm 51:1-14 Are you a believer in Christ, who once enjoyed the peace and favor of God, but along the line you slided into iniquity and you lost your peace, confidence and justification with God? Then there is hope for you. All you need do is to go back to God, just like David, in prayer for total forgive- ness, cleansing, purification and restoration. Confess all your evil deeds to God, hiding nothing. I assure you that God, in His mercy, will restore your salvation, justify you again and restore the joy of your salvation and peace back to you.

Point of Emphasis: Our God is a God of second chance. Prayer Point: Lord, create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me.

Thur. 6/30/2016 Avoid Self-Justification Luke 18:9-14 Anyone who will receive justification from God must put on the attitude of humility. You must be humble enough to accept God’s verdict on you that you are a sinner who needs to repent and accept Jesus into your life. You must not be like the Pharisee in the passage that put his trust on his self-righteous deeds of fasting, praying and payment of tithe. Rather, you must be like the publican who pleaded for mercy. The Bible declares that the publican went to his house justified than the Pharisee. Therefore, put your trust in God, who alone can justify you and do not justify yourself by your “good” deeds.

Point of Emphasis: Whoever humbles himself will the Lord exalt and justify. Prayer Point: Lord, give me the humility to accept Jesus for my justification.

Fri. 7/1/2016 Justification Is Free Romans 3:20-26 In any part of the world today, getting judgment in the law court can cost fortune. Irrespective of what the outcome of a case would be, whether you will be discharged and acquitted or con- demned, you will need to spend money to hire an attorney who will handle the case. At the end of the case, one may also need to spend more money paying for damages and some other things. In essence, getting justice in the secular judicial system is not free. But the Good News is that getting justice and judgment that has the value of eternal life is free of charge, through the grace of Jesus and through accepting the redemption that is in Jesus (v. 24)

Point of Emphasis: We are justified freely by Jesus Christ. Prayer Point: Lord Jesus, thank You for justifying me free of charge.

Sat. 7/2/2016 Abraham Justified By Faith, Not Works Romans 4:1-12 Many people, including some Christians, have the erroneous belief that they can be justified by the works of the law. They think that they can bribe God by their adjudged “good” works they rendered to God. By so doing, they work for God without following the proper channels of first giving their lives to Jesus and accepting justification through faith. It is then good works must follow. No matter how good they may be, Justification is important, but only those who put their faith in Christ will receive it and it is through faith they can sustain and enjoy it.

Point of Emphasis: Abraham believed God and it was counted to him for righteousness. Prayer Point: Lord, I put my faith in You for justification, justify me oh Lord.

Sunday School Manual 100 Sun. 7/3/2016 Justification Brings Peace with God Romans 5:1-5 Before salvation that brings about justification, sinners are God’s enemy. Sinners are wicked peo- ple and the Bible says there is no peace for the wicked because God is angry with the wicked everyday (Isa. 48:22; 57:21; Psalm. 7:11). Who can bear the anger of the Lord? Nobody. This is the reason why the first fruit of justification is peace with God. A believing sinner, now becomes a friend of God. He is no longer running away from God, but has been reconciled with God. This peaceful relationship with God now brings other dividends like free access to God’s presence, joy unspeakable, hope even in tribulation and continual trust in the living God and in His promises of eternal life. What a great privilege to be justified by God!

Point of Emphasis: Having therefore been justified by faith, we have peace with God. Prayer Point: Lord, help me to continue to enjoy the dividends of justification as I remain faithful and committed unto You.


ustification is simply pardon for sin, receiving a person into the favor of God. It is God declaring a genuinely saved believer discharged and acquitted from sin and the penalty of sin. The focus of this week’s lesson is to know the means through which Jone can get this justification. Is it by works or by faith? Paul used the example of Abra- ham’s justification to answer this all-important question.


PART 1: JUSTIFICATION IS BY Therefore, he was not justified by works. FAITH NOT OF WORKS Paul appealed to Genesis 15:6 to buttress (ROMANS 4:1-8) the point that Abraham was not justified Prior to this chapter, Paul had taught by works but by faith, for the Scripture about justification by faith (Rom. 3:21- says “Abraham believed God and it was 26). This doctrine did not go down well imputed to him for righteousness. The with the Jews who prided themselves so believing of Abraham is the faith which much in their works of law. Then they Abraham exercised. This was a strong, di- asked Paul, “what then can we say of rect and unwavering act of confidence in Abraham’s justification, is it not out of the the promises of God. And it was on the rite of circumcision that he made”? The basis of this that righteousness or justifi- Jews regarded Abraham as their father, cation was granted unto him. their ancestor and the founder of their While the word faith is sometimes used to nation and usually draw from his exam- denote religious doctrine, or the system ple and they believed that his justification that is to be believed (Acts 6:7; 15:9; Rom. was by the works of the law to which Paul 1:5; 10:8; 16:26; Eph. 3:17; 4:5; 1 Tim. 2:7; then responded. etc), yet when it is used to denote that Paul then answered the people that if which is required of men, it always de- Abraham was justified on the grounds of notes an “act of the mind” exercised in re- his own merits, he would have reason to lation to some objects or some promises, boast, or to claim praise (v. 2). But in the (Mk. 16:16). It is this faith in God that a record about him in the Old Testament, person needs to be treated as righteous, Abraham had no grounds of boasting on to be forgiven and admitted to the favor account of works, no, not before God. of God and treated as the friend of God,

Sunday School Manual 101 which is justification. Have you been jus- Circumcision could not have contribut- tified by God? ed to his justification nor to the prom- Paul also used the analogy that a laborer ises made to him by God. All that were who is paid his wages was not done any done for Abraham by God were done that favor (v.4). Meaning that if a man were he might be held up as an example, or a to be justified by his works, it would be a model of justification to all who believed matter due to him. But to the person who in God, whether circumcised or uncir- does not work but believes in God who cumcised (v. 11). This made both Jewish justifies, that person will be justified. (v. and Gentile Christians full heirs of Abra- 5). Paul also quoted the words of David in ham with or without circumcision. Psalms 32:1-2, to stress that his teaching is not new. David called the man who is PART 3: REWARDS OF forgiven, whose sins are not charged on JUSTIFICATION (ROMANS 5:1-5) him, but who is freed from the punish- Paul, having established that justifica- ment due to his sins, as a blessed person. tion is by faith, now proceeded to show This is justification in action. the effects or gains produced in the lives of those who have experienced justifica- PART 2: JUSTIFICATION IS FOR tion. First, he mentioned peace with God. BOTH THE CIRCUMCISED AND Before sinners were in a state of enmity THE UNCIRCUMCISED with God, but now being reconciled and (ROMANS 4:9-12) justified, we have peace with God. Before, The Jews thought that Abraham was jus- while under a sense of guilt of sin, we had tified because of the rite of circumcision nothing but terror and dismay in our own that was given to him. To this end, they conscience, but now, having our sins for- wanted to lay claim to the fact the uncir- given, we have peace in our hearts, feeling cumcised cannot have any part or por- that all our guilt is taken away. Peace is tion in God unless they become circum- generally the first fruits of our justifica- cised. Paul, having shown that Abraham tion. was justified by faith, also made inquiry Second, justification grants us access to whether it was after he was circumcised God through the death and resurrection or before. If it was after his circumcision, of Jesus (v. 2). We have the privilege to the Jews might still maintain that it was approach God and be in His divine pres- by the works of the law, but it was before, ence. This privilege is a lasting one. We it was without the works of the law. Still are not brought to God to be interrogated, further, if he was justified by faith before but to remain with Him, behold His face, he was circumcised, then, here was an and walk in the light of His countenance. instance of justification and acceptance Third, justification brings joy to our without conformity to the Jewish law, and lives; we have solid happiness from the then it would follow that the Gentiles (the evidence that we have been accepted by uncircumcised) might be justified in a Him. We rejoice in hope of glory because similar way just like Abraham. we are in the peace of God, and we are To be justified is a state of blessedness happy in the enjoyment of that peace, and (v. 9) because one is being regarded as have a blessed foretaste of eternal glory. a friend of God. Abraham received this Also, because of the above blessings we blessedness while he was uncircumcised have in God, our mentality and attitude to (v. 10), and circumcision was just a sign tribulations change. For instance, instead indicating that there was a covenant be- of murmuring, we give thanks instead tween Abraham and God. Circumcision of feeling sad, we rejoice, knowing fully was just a public attestation to the fact well that there is nothing too much that that God had approved of Abraham and we cannot endure for the sake of our God had made important promises to him. who has justified us. We also understand

Sunday School Manual 102 that the tribulation or trials we confront QUESTIONS will only make our faith stronger in God, 1. What was the initial reaction of building in us the virtues of patience, ex- the Jews to Paul’s teaching on perience, hope and love of God (vv. 3-5). justification? 2. Was Abraham’s justification by CONCLUSION works or by faith? Justification is imparted into genuine be- 3. When was Abraham justified, before lievers a few moments after the surren- or after circumcision? deredness. But the devil usually capitaliz- 4. How is Abraham the father of all es on the ignorance of many new converts who believe? to accuse them of sins that had already 5. Mention some of the gains of been forgiven them by God. Such people justification. need assurance of justification which is by faith. The faith that gave you salvation is the same faith you need to be justified.

Sunday School Manual 103 Sunday School Manual 104 QUARTER’S THEME: BASIC CHRISTIAN DOCTRINES UNIT 1: The Believers Justification and Admonition to Sinners (Lessons 5-9)

July 10, 2016


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 308, 309 Devotional Reading: Col. 3:1-17 Topic for Adults: Dead or Asleep To Sin Topic for Youths: You Cannot Fool God Topic for Intermediates: Put On Godly Virtues Scripture Lesson: Romans 6: 1-23

MEMORY VERSE “Likewise, you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 11:29 (NKJV)


Mon. 7/4/2016 Have You Been Crucified With Christ? Gal. 2:11-21 Paul claimed that he was dead to the law that he might live unto God (v. 19), and that the nature of his death was through crucifixion, which was the way in which Christ was put to death. By this statement, Paul meant that he became dead to the law, dead to the world and dead to sin. The Redeemer, by the death on the cross, became insensible to all surrounding objects, the same way Paul, and by extension, all believers, must become insensible to the things of the world, ambition and the love of money, pride and pomp of life, evil and hateful passions. It is only a crucified life that can live a life that is pleasing to God. So be crucified with Christ.

Point of Emphasis: Live your life by faith in Jesus, the Son of God. Prayer Point: Lord, help me to be insensible to all forms of sin.

Tue. 7/5/2016 Make No Practice of Sinning 1 John 3:1-10 Show me a person who runs away from sin, who does not abide in sin, who does not play with sin, and I will show you a genuine child of God. It is not that such a Christian cannot make a mis- take and repent of it, but it is not going to be a mistake that he really planned for and executed. Rather, it will be one that is committed inadvertently or unconsciously, not presumptuous sin. If really you are a child of God, then don’t be lawless, don’t play with sin, do not make sinning

Sunday School Manual 105 a practice, otherwise you will be regarded as a child of the devil and not of God, for there is no sin in God.

Point of Emphasis: Whoever sins has neither seen nor known Jesus (v. 6) Prayer Point: Lord, help me to live a victorious life over sin.

Wed. 7/6/2016 Do Not Take God’s Grace In Vain 2 Cor. 6:1-10 It takes the grace of God for a sinner who is neck-deep in iniquities to be saved and washed by the blood of Jesus. By the same grace, such a believer is justified and is seen as if he had never committed any offence before. What an amazing grace! If, however, such a sinner now sees God as a loving and merciful God who would not mind if he commits more sins after conversion, believing that God will always forgive him, such a person has received the grace of God in vain because he does not understand and appreciate God’s grace that brought salvation to Him. He has abused that grace.

Point of Emphasis: Do not use your liberty in Christ as an occasion to sin. Prayer Point: Lord, help me not to receive Your grace in vain, but to appreciate it.

Thur. 7/7/2016 Put Off the Old Man Col. 3:1-9 Before a sinner comes to the knowledge of God and surrenders to God, he or she might have en- gaged in activities and deeds that are contrary to God’s will. Such negative attitude may include fornication, uncleanness, evil desire, covetousness, anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy or cor- rupt language, lie, etc. For a believer who wants to be dead to sins and alive unto God, conscious and frantic efforts must be made to “put off” these old vices in them. This they can do through prayer and application of the word of God to their lives and attitudes. They must evaluate their actions, reactions, thoughts, desires, etc, with the undiluted word of God.

Point of Emphasis: But now you yourself are to put off traces of old sins. Prayer Point: Lord, I put off today anger (mention others) from my life.

Fri. 7/8/2016 Put On the New Man Col. 3:10-17 Having put off the old man (the devil) and his ungodly acts, believers must strive to put on the New Man (Jesus Christ) and His godly character. Those characteristics include tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering, bearing with and forgiving one another irrespective of the gravity of the offence, love of God, the brethren and fellow humans, peace with all men and thankfulness. Only those who are alive unto God can put on these godly virtues. Check your life, do you have all of these virtues complete? If some are lacking in your life, you need to pray them in and work on yourself so that your being alive unto God will be complete.

Point of Emphasis: As elect of God, holy and beloved, put on godly virtues. Prayer Point: Lord, supply unto me all the godly virtues that are lacking in my life.

Sat. 7/9/2016 Sin Must Not Dominate You Romans 6:1-14 If there is anything that Christians must have victory over, it is sin. This is because sin destroys, it haunts, and it limits a person’s progress. Sin stains people’s image and character. Sin is poisonous, it ridicules and brings shame and disgrace. The essence of our faith in Jesus and the symbolism of the water baptism we passed through, are to make us conscious of the fact that we are dead to sin and have been licensed to walk in newness of life. In the process, when sin comes, knocking at the door of our lives, we must resist it and overcome it and not allow it to dominate or overcome our lives.

Sunday School Manual 106 Point of Emphasis: Let not sin reign in your mortal body. Prayer Point: Lord, I receive the grace and power to be victorious over sin all the days of my life.

Sun. 7/10/2016 Yield Yourself to God Romans 6:15-23 There are two forces that are pulling every man on earth – the force of the devil and the force of God. This pulling is done in the heart of the person and he or she has the ability to choose whose force or side he or she will take. Some yielded to the pulling force of the devil and have become the slaves of sin and of the devil. Some have yielded themselves to the pulling force of God and have become slaves of God and of righteousness. Whose pulling force are you yielding yourself to? Who is controlling your life, your time, your thoughts, your actions or reactions – God or the devil? Beloved, I beseech you by the mercies of God, yield yourself, your totality unto God. Do not give place to the devil in your life.

Point of Emphasis: Yield not to the devil, for yielding to him is sin. Prayer Point: Lord, I consecrate my life and my all unto you, in Jesus’ name.


hat one is saved and justified by God is not the end of one’s Christian race. If care is not taken, such salvation and justification can be lost. However, to sustain this important Christian experience, believers must take certain steps further in Ttheir walk with God. One of these steps is the focus of this week’s lesson. They must not go back into their old sin, neither must they commit new sins, rather they must be righteous unto God in all their ways.


PART 1: BE DEAD TO SIN ed from them. A man that is dead is not (ROMANS 6:1-7) influenced and not affected by the affairs Apostle Paul raised a vital question that of this life. When it is said, therefore, that all believers in Christ must answer. After the Christian is dead to sin, the sense is being saved and justified, shall we contin- that sin has lost its influence over him, the ue in sin that God’s grace may abound? Christian is not subject to sin. The apos- He answered, God forbids. What is your tle does not attempt to prove here that own answer? This question might be in Christians are thus dead, nor to state in the heart of a Gentile convert who imag- what way they become so. He means that ined that by simply believing in Christ, all Christians are dead to sin by not living God showed him His mercy by blotting in sin. They do not allow sin to have do- out his sin, and now thought that he had minion over them. He means that those been in favor with God his transgressions who have become sensible of the evil of could do him no hurt. But Paul said this sin, and have renounced it by salvation, should not be mentioned again in the must not continue to practice sin. lives of believers. Apostle Paul also buttressed his point by Paul raised a vital argument to support appealing to the Christians that demon- his submission that “how shall we that are strated their renunciation of sin when dead to sin live any longer in it?” (v. 2). To they underwent water baptism and die to a thing or person, is to have nothing pledged that to be alive unto God (vv. to do with it or him to be totally separat- 4-7). Just as Jesus died and rose from

Sunday School Manual 107 the dead which believers have typified corrupt desires. Rather you should give through baptism, it is expected of them them up as instrument of righteousness to walk and live in holiness and newness to do what is right before God and before of life and not according to the “old man” men at all times. This means, you must old nature, adamic and sinful nature, consecrate your life unto the use of God which had been crucified with Christ at on daily basis and make a strong determi- salvation and justification. Are you really nation never to allow sin to have domin- dead to sin? Is sin still reigning in your ion over your life (v. 14). mortal body? Do away with the body and nature of sin in you today. PART 3: WHOSE SLAVE ARE YOU? (ROMANS 6:15-23) PART 2: ALIVE TO GOD All men in the world can be regarded THROUGH RIGHTEOUSNESS as slaves. But there are two categories of (ROMANS 6:8-14) slaves, each defined by certain character- Another thing that believers should know istics and peculiarities. For instance, there is that when they are dead to sin, they are slaves of sin. Such people are perpetu- must be alive unto God. They must be ally under the bondage of sin. They are at alive unto all that Christ requires of them: the back and call of sin. They do not have holiness, righteousness, commitment to any power to resist sin when it comes to His work and word, etc. They must be them, rather they obey its dictate. Howev- alive unto their responsibilities in the er, if these people do not have a solution things of the kingdom. They must also to their problem, if they do not believe know that as Christ, having being raised in Jesus who has purchased redemption from dead, dies no more, they too will live from the slave market of sin through His forever with Christ in eternity (vv. 8-9) blood, their end will be catastrophic, be- To be alive unto God must be patterned cause death, both physical and spiritual after Jesus, who dies to sin once and af- awaits them, for the wages of sin is death ter that lives His life unto God (v. 10). (vv. 16, 23). Believers must reckon themselves also to The second category are slaves unto God be dead indeed to sin and alive unto God and slaves of righteousness. These ones through Christ Jesus (v.11). The problem are good slaves for they have known God. with many believers is that they confess These are being referred to as “slaves” be- with their mouths that they are dead to cause they have decided to deny them- sin, when in actual fact they are not “in- selves of some sights and worldly plea- deed” dead to sin. To live unto God is to sures in order to please God and live for be bound to live to prompt His glory. Him. The end result of their lives is now To be alive to God, constant effort must holiness, righteousness, grace, joy, and at be made, through the help of the Holy the final end, they will have eternal life Spirit, not to allow sin to reign again in with God. Which category of slaves do one’s life (v. 12). Sin will not be removed you belong to? from the world when you are saved. As a matter of fact, it will multiply itself CONCLUSION against you through various temptations, The Bible says you must work out your but you must resist it to the last action of salvation with fear and trembling (Phil. your blood. You must not allow it to gain 2:12). It is not enough for you to be saved another footing in your life not to talk of and justified, you must build on them to reigning again. You must not yield any sustain your salvation in God through part (members) of your body as instru- holy and righteous living. Shun the life of ment of unrighteousness. You must not sin, be dead to sin and its entanglements devote your eyes, hands, ears, tongue, and be alive unto God through righteous mouth, legs, etc, to sinful passion and deeds.

Sunday School Manual 108 QUESTIONS bodies and how can we use them as 1. What does it mean to die? instruments of righteousness. 2. How can the believers be dead to 5. Mention the two categories of slaves sin? we have and their characteristics. 3. What should believers be alive to? 4. Mention some “members” of our

Sunday School Manual 109 QUARTER’S THEME: BASIC CHRISTIAN DOCTRINES UNIT 1: The Believers Justification and Admonition to Sinners (Lessons 5-9)

July 17, 2016


Suggested Hymn: G.H.B. 159, 165 Devotional Reading: Gal. 3:19-25 Topic For Adults: You Cannot Make Heaven Through Keeping The Law. Topic For Youths: You Need Divine Power To Overcome Sin. Topic for Intermediates: Saved By Grace Alone Scripture Lesson: Romans 7:4-12, 21-25

MEMORY VERSE “But now we have been delivered from the law, having died to what we were held by, so that we should serve in the newness of the Spirit and not in the oldness of the letter” Romans 7:6 (NKJV)


Mon. 7/11/2016 Purpose of the Law Gal. 3:19-25 After the fall of man in the Garden of Eden, man came under the control of sin. God saw that the wickedness of man was so great in the earth and the earth was corrupt and filled with vio- lence (Gen. 6:5, 11). God then decided to put down laws that would reveal to man what God requires of man. The laws were formally documented or revealed when the children of Israel were delivered from their bondage in the land of Egypt through Moses. The cardinal ones are referred to as “The Ten Commandments”. The laws were meant to show man the things that are unacceptable to God, and which man must strive to avoid if he wants to be in the good books of God. It was a short term measure to keep man under guard until a permanent solution would be given for man’s sin problem. The law was given to make man realize he cannot please God by his own effort.

Point of Emphasis: Law was given to keep man under guard until a permanent solution would be given for man’s sinful nature. Prayer Point: Father, grant me the grace to depend on your strength rather than on mine, in my strife to please you.

Sunday School Manual 110 Tue. 7/12/2016 The Law Brings a Curse Gal. 3:10-14 When the law was given, it came in covenant form – covenant between man and God. Every covenant has its blessings and curses – curse when the terms of the covenant are not adhered to. Deuteronomy 28 gives a detailed list of blessings for obeying the commandments and curses for breaking them. The problem was that man could not keep all the laws, hence man lived from generation to generation operating under curse. Man’s situation grew from bad to worse as he sinks deeper into sin under the curse. Most of the problems that unbelievers struggle with today are as a result of the curse for breaking the laws of God. Unfortunately, when God provided a new way of obtaining righteousness through the blood of Jesus, many still do not take the advan- tage to be freed from the curse.

Point of Emphasis: Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law. Prayer Point: I bless your holy name Jesus Christ for redeeming me from the curse of the law.

Wed. 7/13/2016 Need For Change from the Law Hebrews 7:11-19 Man struggled hard to please God by obeying the law, but always came short because of human frailty. There is no human being that can beat his chest and say that he is perfectly holy before God. Man’s weakness makes it impossible to be perfect before God by trying to keep the law. The law then became a standard which always underlined man’s failure to please a holy God. “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3: 23). In order not to commit all men, without any exception, to eternity without God, there has to be another way of pleasing God. The law came through the priesthood of Aaron. There has to be a change of priesthood to bring salvation to man – change to the priesthood of Jesus Christ, under whom grace supplants the law.

Point of Emphasis: The law made nothing perfect. Prayer Point: Lord Jesus, make me perfect through your blood shed on the cross of Calvary.

Thur. 7/14/2016 Delivered From the Law Romans 7:1-6 Paul uses the analogy of the law of marriage to illustrate the covenant between man and God. Once the husband dies, the woman is no longer under the control of the law which binds her to the husband. Similarly, the death of Jesus Christ on the cross brought to an end the rule of the law in the relationship between man and God. Believers in Jesus Christ are no longer under the bondage which the law puts on them. They are dead to the law, and are therefore free from its curse. Before the death of Jesus Christ, man could only relate to God through the law, striving to please God by working out his own righteousness through the observance of the law. Once Jesus offered Himself on the cross, a new and living way was created through which man can obtain righteousness before God – through the blood of the new covenant.

Point of Emphasis: Believers are dead to the law, and are therefore delivered from its curse. Prayer Point: In Jesus’ name I declare that sin shall no longer have dominion over me, for I am no longer under the law.

Fri. 7/15/2016 Usefulness of the Law Romans 7:7-12 Man could not achieve righteousness through the observance of the law. This is not because the law in itself is bad or sinful. In fact, it has its own usefulness. It serves as a red flag to man that he has fallen short of the expectation and glory of God, and therefore should not be complacent or be satisfied with his fallen position. The law also serves as a pointer to the fact that the standard set for human beings did not originate from man himself. The standard cannot be adjusted, modified or nullified unilaterally by man without repercussion. The standard was set by God; He alone has the power to change or modify it. The law in itself is holy and just. Efforts by man to water it down have brought mankind into confusion, anarchy and a state of disfavor with God.

Sunday School Manual 111 Point of Emphasis: God’s laws are holy, just and good, converting the soul. Prayer Point: Give me the grace to have delight in your laws, O God.

Sat. 7/16/2016 The Law Cannot Save From Sin Romans 7:13-17 “The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul… the commandment of the Lord is pure, en- lightening the eyes” Psalm 19:7-8. Yet, man could not work out his salvation by keeping the law. The reason being that, as good as the law is in pointing out the areas where man has fallen short of God’s standard, the law does not empower man to conquer the power and control which sin has over him. The law makes it clear to man that he has sinned, yet man cannot break away from the control of sin. Some people claim they have strong will and can stop committing sin once they decide to. Most of the time this claim is self-deception; they are unable to break the yoke of sin. The power to break the yoke is given through grace. When you receive grace, you no longer struggle with sin, you conquer it. Grace triumphs where law has failed.

Point of Emphasis: Without grace man struggles endlessly to get rid of sin, but without success. Prayer Point: I receive the grace to break the yoke and power of sin over my life.

Sun. 7/17/2016 Man Is Helpless Under the Law to Conquer Sin Romans 7:18-25 Man needs Divine help to get rid of sin in his life. Many go through life with the sense of guilt because they keep falling into the same sin over and over again. They fall into sin, regret com- mitting the sin, promise not to do so again, get tempted and fall again – trapped in the sin circle. Many give up, consoling themselves that other people also fall into sin. Some propagate philos- ophies that the idea that an action is sinful is a figment of man’s imagination. No matter what escape mechanism or philosophy man adopts to ease the guilt of sin, God-given conscience does not relieve him as long as sin has its hold on him. Man needs help from God to break its power and control over his life. In the inner recess of man’s soul, there is a desire to get rid of sin and live to please God.

Point of Emphasis: Man is truly wretched until he finds solution to the sin problem. Prayer Point: I receive the power to live above sin through the enablement of Jesus Christ.


in can be likened to cancerous tissue in a body. Unless the cancerous tissue is re- moved, it will eventually destroy the body. The human society is dying under the power and impact of sin. The law is like a diagnostic tool which does a good job Sto reveal the cancer, but which cannot cure the cancer. The law highlights the failure of man to meet God’s set standard.


PART 1: CHRISTIAN DEAD TO stirred up the desire to circumvent it and LAW (ROMANS 7: 4-6) delve deeper into sin. In order to bridge The law was given through Moses during the gap between man and God, He sent the Old Testament era. Over the mil- His Son to atone for man’s sins. His death lennia, man has tried unsuccessfully to on the cross fulfills all the righteousness please God by keeping the law. Instead which the law was given to accomplish. of the law bringing man closer to God, it By His death on the cross, Jesus has

Sunday School Manual 112 brought to an end all the legalistic de- not man-made, but comes from God mands of the law on those who believe in the Creator. Man does not have the Him. By yielding one’s life to Christ, one authority to change the standard. is crucified with Him, and therefore, be- • Man has proved himself incapable comes dead to the law. of keeping the law. What the society Being dead to the law however does not tries to do is to tinker with God’s mean that the believer is free to do all the law, to water it down such that it things that the law forbids. Jesus did not can accommodate whatever man come to abolish the righteousness which wants to do. Notwithstanding how God demands. In fact, the standard of much man has changed the societal righteousness for believers is higher than norms, God’s law and standard do what the law demanded. The path to ob- not change. taining the righteousness God demands changed from depending on the obser- PART 3: CARNAL MAN CANNOT vance of the law to believing in the Lord BREAK THE YOKE OF SIN Jesus Christ. Christ bestows righteous- (ROMANS 7:21-25) ness on the believer and enables him to Paul was one who strictly observed the conquer the power and control of sin over law – “concerning zeal, persecuting the his life. church; concerning the righteousness Being married to Jesus Christ, the Chris- which is in the law, blameless” (Phil. tian is now expected to bring forth fruit 3:6). Yet Paul was acutely aware that sin unto God and to serve Him in newness of dwelt in his heart. The restraint that the spirit. His spirit has been made to come law tried to enforce only stirred up the alive, has been empowered to conquer fallen nature to circumvent it. Rather the control of sin, and enabled to live to than willingly obeying the law, the nat- please God in righteousness. ural man would always look for how far he can disobey and get away with it. PART 2: THE LAW IS GOOD AND God-given conscience tries to keep man JUST (ROMANS 7: 9-12) on the track to fulfilling God’s law, while Psalm 19:7-8 acknowledges that God’s the fallen nature tries to swing man in the law is perfect. God gave the law to reg- opposite direction. The battle between the ulate God-man and man-man rela- two natures rages every day. The inability tionships. It forbids that man should to break the cycle of sin makes man feel commit heart-murder, wickedness and wretched. heart-adultery. It is meant to give direc- Man needs to go further than being con- tion for man to draw his heart closer to victed of sin, he needs to lay hold on God. The law is not burdensome as man the provision of forgiveness through the regards it (1 John 5:3). atoning death of the Lord Jesus Christ. • Man would have kept reveling in his He should go beyond the feeling of being fallen state, thinking he is fine. The wretched to accept the forgiveness, which law, like a mirror reveals that man’s God offers through grace. heart is desperately wicked. • The law also reveals to man how CONCLUSION helpless he is to redeem himself by The law is able to reveal the fallen nature trying to fulfill the dictates of the of man, but does not empower man to law. He keeps falling into the sin overcome the power of sin. Grace is given which the law forbids. by God to forgive the repentant sinner, to • The law also points man to the fact cleanse him of all his past sins and to em- that the demand for right living is power him to overcome the power of sin.

Sunday School Manual 113 QUESTIONS 4. What does it mean to be dead to the 1. What was the purpose of the law? law? 2. What is the weakness of the law? 5. Since law is powerless to save, how 3. How can we be delivered from the then can we make heaven? power of sin?

Sunday School Manual 114 QUARTER’S THEME: BASIC CHRISTIAN DOCTRINES UNIT 1: The Believers Justification and Admonition to Sinners (Lessons 5-9)

July 24, 2016


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 79, 206 Devotional Reading: Matthew 11:25-30 Topic for Adults: Reconciled To God, Adopted As His Child Topic for Youths: Adopted So As To Enjoy God’s Wonderful Love Topic for Intermediates: Live To Please God Scripture Lesson: Romans 8:1-39

MEMORY VERSE “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose” Romans 8:28 (NKJV)


Mon. 7/18/2016 No Condemnation to Those in Christ Jesus Romans 8:1-4 Condemnation rages in the heart of a sinner as he is fully aware he has fallen short of God’s stan- dard. There is also fear of consequent punishment. When one gives one’s life to Christ both the condemnation and fear of punishment are removed, without God violating His just demands. The death of Jesus on the cross provides a way for the sinner to fulfill God’s righteous demands. The death of Jesus pays, on behalf of the sinner, for the righteous demand for punishment for sin committed. The blood of Jesus washes the sinner clean of all past sins, thereby removing con- demnation and guilt. Forgiveness of sin also relieves the pardoned sinner from the punishment that was due to him. The Holy Spirit is given to the believer to lead him into a life of holiness. The believer continues to enjoy this freedom only as long as he keeps obeying the Holy Spirit;

Point of Emphasis: There is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who keep walking according to the Spirit. Prayer Point: Thank you Lord Jesus for removing condemnation from me. Help me to keep living according to the Holy Spirit.

Sunday School Manual 115 Tue. 7/19/2016 Living According To the Flesh Or According To the Spirit Romans 8:5-11 Reflect on the last time someone offended you. Something inside you urged you to retaliate to prove you are not a fool. Another still small voice asked you to forgive, for that is what God wants you to do. The battle went on inside your mind. Such battle goes on every day in your mind – be- tween the desire to act or react according to what the human nature dictates and what the Spirit of God inside you demands. If you always allow the human nature to win, you are living accord- ing to the flesh. The more you yield to the flesh, the stronger that desire gets and the more it pulls you away from the influence of the Holy Spirit. The end result is sin, which eventually culminates in either physical or spiritual death or both. God has given you the Holy Spirit to empower you to say no to ungodliness and to live soberly, righteously and godly in the present age (Tit. 2: 11-12)

Point of Emphasis: Those who are in the flesh cannot please God. Prayer Point: I receive the grace to always obey the dictates of the Holy Spirit in every situation.

Wed. 7/20/2016 The Believer Adopted As Son Romans 8:12-17 Before the believer gave his life to Christ, he was an enemy of God – rebelled against God, disobeyed His commands and probably persecuted children of God. The death of Jesus on the cross is the sacrifice that abolished the enmity between the believer and God, reconciling man to God. It goes beyond reconciliation, God takes the believer as His adopted child – “as many as received Him (Jesus), to them He gave right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name” (John 1:12). The believer is given all the rights a child of God is entitled to; the Holy Spirit is given as a seal guaranteeing the adoption. In view of the privileges given the believer, he should not give room for the flesh to still control his life, rather he should yield fully to the control of the Holy Spirit. Since the believer no longer belongs to the world, he may be subjected to some persecution by the people who are fully committed to the world system.

Point of Emphasis: Only those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. Prayer Point: I receive the right as a child of God to live a victorious life over the flesh.

Thur. 7/21/2016 Manifestation of the Sons of God Romans 8:18-24 Over the centuries the church has undergone persecution – as congregations and also as individ- uals. The suffering has made many to turn back from following Jesus. We need to put the suffer- ings we go through in correct perspective – the sufferings are not weighty and they are for a brief moment. In comparison, God has prepared for us a glory that far outweighs the suffering – the glory is very great and is for eternity. While we go through the momentary afflictions what we shall be when the glory is revealed is not apparent. God intentionally decided not to make us too comfortable in life here so that we will not lose focus of heaven. In fact, it is the whole creation that has been subjected to frustration right from the fall in the Garden of Eden. The whole of creation is waiting for us to manifest as sons of God. We manifest as sons of God in a little way while on this side of eternity, the full manifestation will be in the world to come.

Point of Emphasis: The suffering of this present time are not to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. Prayer Point: Father, manifest your glory through me that the whole of creation around me may realize I am your child.

Fri. 7/22/2016 Holy Spirit Helps In Prayer Romans 8:26-27 Jesus told a parable to instruct that Christians ought to pray without giving up, especially when the answer to prayer is delayed. But we sometimes come to the place when we don’t know what else to say in prayer. We have prayed all manners of prayer and nothing seems to be happening.

Sunday School Manual 116 Other times we are in such physical or emotional distress that we are unable to pray for ourselves let alone other people. Even when we think we know what to pray for and have the strength to pray, we may not really know the right thing we should be asking for. We need the help of the Holy Spirit so that we ask according to God’s will, so that we receive strength when we are dis- couraged or weakened. The Holy Spirit intercedes for us at a depth we cannot fathom. Whenever you run dry at the altar of prayer, begin to pray in the Holy Spirit, speak in tongues and you will be ushered into a season of refreshing.

Point of Emphasis: We do not know what we should pray for as we ought to, but the Spirit Himself makes intercessions for us. Prayer Point: Holy Spirit, empower me and teach me to pray as I ought to.

Sat. 7/23/2016 God Calls, Justifies and Glorifies His Children Romans 8:28-30 It is difficult to see how our travails and troubles work together for our good, just like it would have been difficult for Joseph to imagine his being sent to prison is part of God’s providence to promote him and to fulfill the plan God had for his life. But for those of us whom God had cho- sen and called according to His purpose, both our sour and sweet experiences work together for our temporal and eternal good. They break us off from sin, bring us nearer to God, wean us from our love for the world, and make us fit for heaven. We are thus made to conform to the image of Jesus Christ according to God’s plan. Predestination in this context is referring to the goal God has set for those He calls to conform to and not that some people have been predestined to be saved while others have been predestined for hell. Whoever hears the call and responds by an- swering the call and loving God, will be put through the process of being justified and eventually being glorified.

Point of Emphasis: All the experiences that those who love God go through work together for their temporal and eternal good. Prayer Point: Father, give me understanding of the good I derive from those experiences that come my way.

Sun. 7/24/2016 God’s Wonderful Love Romans 8:31-39 One of the tactics that the devil uses is to make a Christian doubt God’s love for him, especially when things go wrong, when prayers go unanswered, or when calamity strikes. It is incontestable that there can be no greater love than the one that God has shown to man – “did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all” to die for our sins. Since God did that, there is nothing else that He cannot do for those who turn to Him. God has shown such a wonderful love to us. It behooves us to respond by loving and trusting Him. Whatever the experience that may come our way, we should be so committed to Him that the experience will not separate us from Him and His love. As long as we stay by His side we come out as conquerors notwithstanding what the enemy raises against us. We have God backing us up – justifying, delivering and protecting us.

Point of Emphasis: I am persuaded that nothing – death, persecution, famine, nakedness, and peril – shall be able to separate us from God’s love. Prayer Point: By the power that is in the name of Jesus Christ, I am a conqueror in every battle of life.


od’s agenda for every born-again Christian is to be transformed into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. God puts at the disposal of the Christian all resources Gthat will help him grow spiritually and make him fit to come into the eternal

Sunday School Manual 117 inheritance prepared for him. The Christian needs to know that whatever experience God makes him to go through, He is doing it in love. The Christian therefore has to keep trusting and loving Him.


PART 1: BENEFITS OF ious trials and difficulties. These trials RECONCILIATION WITH GOD can sometimes appear overwhelming – (ROMANS 8:1-11) unemployment, loss of job, loss of loved Many go through life carrying the burden one, sickness, marital problems, problems of guilt and regret of their past sins and with children, inability to have children, misdeeds. A Christian who has given his etc. Because of the magnitude of these life to Christ enjoys several privileges: he problems, the devil tempts one to think has been forgiven his sin and does not that God has forsaken one. God gives the have the fear of being condemned again; assurance – “I will never leave you, nor he is adopted as a child of God; he is giv- forsake you” (Heb. 13: 5b). en the Holy Spirit as an assurance that The sufferings we are passing through he is now a child of God; the Holy Spirit now, as great as they appear to be, are empowers him to obey God’s command- very light compared to the glory that ments and to focus on spiritual things God has prepared for us His children. We rather than carnal things; he has an eter- may even ask “of what use are these prob- nal inheritance waiting for him; etc. lems?” Looking from under a carpet, one There is always the temptation to take sees threads of different colors all jumbled these privileges for granted and to allow together. One may not see the use of each the carnal nature to reign in one’s life. thread. But the weaver, who looks from When a Christian yields to this temp- above knows the pattern he is weaving tation, he mortgages his right as a child and knows where each thread should be. of God, and trades the eternal life given In the same way God puts the sweet and to him for death. The Holy Spirit dwells sour patterns into our lives to bring out inside the Christian as long as he con- the glorious end He has in mind. ducts himself according to the dictates and directives of the Spirit. The unfor- PART 3: PAUL: GREAT BENEFITS tunate thing is that many Christians are OBTAINED (JAMES 1: 2-4) trying very hard to be acceptable to their When the going as a Christian gets tough, friends who are carnal. Instead of walking when the problems pile up on top of one according to the Spirit, they are walking another for a Christian, when the temp- and behaving according to what their car- tation to follow the world appears too al- nal nature demands. Many have lost their luring, when it appears that God may not spiritual identity. grant you that thing you desire and that is so dear to you, then what will you do? PART 2: FROM SUFFERING TO Demas was a missionary, but the allure- GLORY (ROMANS 8:18-28) ment of the world was too much for him. A composer wrote “Trials dark on every He went back, forsaking the call of God side; and we cannot understand; all the upon his life. Judas was a disciple, but the way the Lord will lead us to that bless- thought of what he could gain made him ed promised land; and through faith we betray Jesus Christ, his Lord. Many are will overcome”. As Christians go through also falling away because of the problems this pilgrimage, each goes through var- they face and the temptation that is so

Sunday School Manual 118 acute. Many are back-sliding, others are Him in spite of whatever the Christian cooling off and their spiritual fervor has encounters. There is a cloud of witnesses died. of those who had gone through similar God has shown how great His love for trials and problems and had overcome. His children is – so great that He did not With one voice such overcomers say flinch in giving His only begotten Son to “watch and pray”. There is trial that comes die for man. Since He did not spare His our way that is not common to man; God Son, there is nothing that can be too great proffers a way of escape in such situations. that He won’t freely give to us. There are Do not give up but continue to follow those things He has not given – not be- God to the end. cause He is wicked or because He is weak. Whatever He allows in a Christian’s life, QUESTIONS it is because He knows that it is for the 1. What is reconciliation? Christian’s good. Hence nothing should 2. How can one be reconciled to God? make the Christian want to go back from 3. What are the benefits of reconcilia- following God. Nothing should separate tion? the Christian from God’s love. 4. Is suffering part of Christian life? 5. How does a Christian derive CONCLUSION strength and encouragement during A Christian becomes co-heir with Jesus suffering? Christ if he is willing to continue to follow

Sunday School Manual 119 QUARTER’S THEME: BASIC CHRISTIAN DOCTRINES UNIT 1: The Believers Justification and Admonition to Sinners (Lessons 5-9)

July 31, 2016


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 243, 349 Devotional Reading: Exo. 19:3-8 Topic for Adults: Rise Above The Stumbling Block The Enemy Has Put In Your Path. Topic for Youths: Don’t Miss God’s Plan for Your Life. Topic for Intermediates: Wrong Zeal Cannot Please God Scripture Lesson: Rom. 9:4-5; Exo. 19:5-6; 1 Cor. 1:21-24; Acts 13; 14-21

MEMORY VERSE “For He says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whomever I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whomever I will have compassion” Romans 9: 15 (NKJV)


Mon. 7/25/2016 Israel’s Uncommon Advantage Romans 9:1-5 The people of Israel occupied a strategic position in God’s agenda for mankind. God told them on Mount Sinai “If you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people” (Exodus 19:5). The advantages given to them include – their nation was adopted as a son by God; God manifested His Shekinah glory to them; God made covenants with their forefathers to be their God and to defend them; while other nations worshiped idols out of ignorance, God revealed to them the true way of worship; through them the Christ came into the world. These advantages should have made the Israelites come closer to God than any other nation. But when Christ came to His own, His own did not receive Him (John 1:11). By rejecting the Christ, they forfeited their chance of inheriting eternal life. This loss caused great sorrow for Paul.

Point of Emphasis: Many people suffer great loss because they spun the advantage God extends to them. Prayer Point: Father, grant me the grace to always respond to your offer of love and blessing in my life.

Sunday School Manual 120 Tue. 7/26/2016 God’s Word Stands Unbroken Romans 9:6-13 God promised Abraham “and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed” and “for an everlasting covenant to be God to you and your descendants after you”. One would wonder was God’s promise not broken when many of the Israelites refused to accept Jesus Christ as their Saviour, thus missing the blessing of eternal life? However, when God gave the promise, He had in mind those who were spiritual descendants of Abraham. Those who are physical descendants, but who refuse to have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, are counted out of Abraham’s descendants who have access to the promises given to Abraham. Those who are Gentiles, but who believe in Jesus are included in the spiritual descendants of Abraham, and, therefore, have access to the promises and the covenants. To be included in this family, one has to abide in Christ. God knows those who are His (2 Tim. 2:19).

Point of Emphasis: Therefore, know that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham (Gal. 3:7) Prayer Point: Cast me not away from your presence, O God, and take not your Holy Spirit from me.

Wed. 7/27/2016 Predestination or Divine Selection Romans 9:14-24 This is one of the difficult passages to understand and to accept. God chooses some people to whom He reveals His mercy while He chooses others as object of His wrath. The choice does not depend on merit, but on God’s sovereign will. Why would God reject Esau while accepting Jacob? It may be argued that it is unjust to reject someone while accepting another. It can also be argued that those who do wrong things cannot help themselves and are just fulfilling His will. We need to first take note that, right from Adam, all men have sinned and forfeited the right to enjoy His mercy. No one merits His mercy: Instead, everyone is due for punishment and ought to suffer His wrath. God in His sovereignty selects those on whom He will have mercy while leaving the rest in their condemned state. Rather than crying foul, those whom God has chosen to enjoy His mercy should live to show they appreciate the mercy shown them.

Point of Emphasis: It is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who shows mercy. Prayer Point: Father, make me and all my loved ones recipients of your mercy.

Thur. 7/28/2016 Israelites Reject Salvation through Jesus Romans 9:30-33 The orthodox Jews pride themselves in two things. First, that they are the physical descendants of Abraham, the friend of God. They believed that this connection gave on them the special position of being God’s people. Second, they believe that by diligently obeying the rituals and rites of the law, they will satisfy God’s demand for righteousness. When Jesus came preaching that righteousness can only be attained through faith in His atoning death, the Jews considered His claim as nonsense. Of course, no one can fulfill all the letters of the law without failing in one of them. The law pronounces a curse on anyone who does not fulfill all the words of the law. Therefore, by rejecting the righteousness that comes through faith in Jesus, the Jews forfeit their access to salvation and eternal life. Salvation is granted only to those who believe in Jesus and genuinely surrender their lives to Him.

Point of Emphasis: No one is justified by the law in the sight of God. Prayer Point: Father, open the eyes of our members to know that they can only be justified by faith in Jesus.

Sunday School Manual 121 Fri. 7/29/2016 Wrong Zeal for Righteousness Romans 10:1-5 The Jews are very zealous about keeping the laws of Moses. The laws go beyond the Ten Com- mandments, they cover almost every area of their social, religious and personal life. They take pride in outdoing one another in carrying out what the law demands. They cannot understand how such zeal in trying to obey God’s law will not earn them righteousness before God. The problem is that the law is weakened by the flesh, and therefore cannot grant the righteousness demanded by God. The carnal man, ruled by the flesh, cannot obey every one of the command- ments. Breaking one law amounts to breaking all. God has already appointed another means of attaining righteousness – through faith in the atoning death of Jesus Christ. Are you zealous in the things that cannot earn you the righteousness of God, and that cannot earn you salvation? Put your trust in the finished work of Jesus.

Point of Emphasis: Wrong zeal in trying to please God through personal effort is useless. Prayer Point: I put my trust in your death for my sin. Jesus, help me to keep my focus on you for my salvation.

Sat. 7/30/2016 Salvation through Faith in Jesus as Savior Romans 10:6-13 God has provided an alternative path to attaining righteousness before Him – a new and living way which Jesus Christ consecrated for through the veil, that is, His flesh by dying on the cross. Righteousness is not attained any longer by ritualistically following the demands of the law, but rather by believing in one’s heart that Jesus died for one’s sin. The belief should then be followed by making verbal confession before men that one has accepted Jesus Christ as one’s Saviour. To many this salvation step looks too simple – “to the Jews a stumbling block and to the Greeks foolishness” (1 Cor. 1:23). It cannot be denied that many people have professed to belief in Jesus Christ while their lives profess otherwise. The defect is not in the word of God, but in the motive of those who come to Jesus Christ for reasons other than to be saved from the power and penalty of sin. Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Point of Emphasis: If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Prayer Point: Jesus Christ, I believe you died for me. Deliver me from the power and penalty of sin.

Sun. 7/31/2016 Faith Comes By Hearing Romans 10:14-21 The process of getting saved through Jesus Christ is simple and in no way complicated or ardu- ous. Before people can take the simple step of putting their faith in the Lord Jesus, they need to hear the gospel message. This is the reason why Jesus Christ has commissioned us, His followers, to carry the message of salvation to all the people around us. The work of preaching the message of salvation is not left to the Evangelists and Pastors – it involves all those who have accepted Jesus as their Saviour. Are you playing your part in this commission? In the case of the Jews, they have had the message preached to them. Yet they find it difficult to accept that Jesus, the carpen- ter’s son, can be the Messiah. They were expecting a conquering Messiah who would overthrow the Roman Emperor. They, therefore, rejected the offer of salvation through faith in the atoning death of Jesus.

Point of Emphasis: People need to hear the gospel message to put their faith in Jesus. Prayer Point: Grant us the diligent spirit to preach the message of salvation without ceasing.

Sunday School Manual 122 BACKGROUND

od chose to execute His agenda of salvation through the descendants of Abra- ham. Much of the revelation of who He is came through them, but they have not been able to attain the righteousness which God is offering because they Grefuse to believe. Their failure to believe has given room for non-Jews to be grafted into the family of God by believing in Jesus as their Saviour. Few of the present day Jews are also turning to Jesus as their Savior.


PART 1: ISRAEL’S STRATEGIC descendants – a peculiar people to God. POSITION IN GOD’S PLAN By the time of the birth of Jesus Christ, (ROMANS 9: 4-5; EXO. 19:5-6) the nation of Israel was being oppressed Right from the time Adam fell in the by the Roman army. The people were Garden of Eden, God already announced expecting the Messiah which God had He will send a Saviour to redeem man promised through various prophets, to from the consequences of the fall. To pre- come and deliver them from the Roman pare the way for the Saviour, God chose occupation. Instead of Jesus overthrow- Abraham and his descendants as the hu- ing the Roman army, He was crucified by man channel through whom the Saviour the same army. To the Jews, He could not would come. As long as the descendants have been the Messiah He claimed to be. obey His commands and keep His cove- The humble life Jesus lived did not meet nant, they would be God’s peculiar pos- their expectations; and they therefore re- session and treasure. Through them, He jected Him. revealed the laws that would regulate The greatest oppression that may be tor- God-man and man-man relationships. menting a man comes from sin. The Jews He instituted a form of worship that is could not see that Jesus came to liberate acceptable to Him, revealed Himself to them from the greatest oppressor – sin. them, and delivered them from their en- Their desire for liberation from the tem- emies by a strong and mighty hand. Till poral oppressor blinded their eyes, they today they retain their peculiar identity as could not see the offer of liberation from God’s people. the greatest oppressor of man. What are The uncommon advantage which the the challenges you are going through that Jews have should have made them key are making it difficult for you to see and into God’s plan for the salvation of man. accept the work of salvation which Jesus Unfortunately, they missed the cue. In- is offering you? stead they rose against the Saviour. They still believe that God is yet to send the PART 3: ISRAEL’S REJECTION Messiah; they are still waiting for His OF SALVATION OFFER coming. (ACTS 13:38-46) Jesus instructed His disciples to start PART 2: SALVATION MESSAGE – their mission among the Jews. The Ear- A STUMBLING BLOCK ly Church focused more on getting the (1 COR. 1:21-24) Jews to put their faith in Jesus; wherev- For centuries before the advent of Jesus, er Paul went to preach, he started first the Jews had followed a way of worship- in the synagogue of the Jews. The Jews ing God and had been taught to be proud however would not listen to the gospel of their ancestral lineage as Abraham’s being preached to them. They trusted in

Sunday School Manual 123 their own efforts to reach God and satisfy It is only the channel of righteousness Him with the righteousness they achieve through the atoning death of Jesus on the by following the laws. They considered cross that will suffice. Though the Jews the gospel of salvation through Jesus as a are descendants of Abraham physically, destructive heresy that must be stamped by rejecting Jesus, they forfeit access to out. They not only rejected the gospel, but eternal life, notwithstanding that they are like Saul before he was converted, did all zealous in practicing the religious rites in their power to oppose and to destroy Moses laid down for them. the gospel as well as those who preached it. Till today only few Jews have seen the QUESTIONS light that Jesus is the Messiah. Most Jews 1. Explain the position of the Israelites are still expecting God to send the Messi- in God’s Agenda of salvation. ah, which He promised. 2. How did the Israelites lose their Many still reject the salvation offer today strategic position in God’s plan? for one reason or the other. Even within 3. What lesson can non Jewish the church, many put trust in their being Christian derive from today’s lesson? good, in their church membership and 4. Is there any more hope for Israel? activities, and in other things. The offer 5. What are the dangers of of salvation through simply believing in apostasy and how can Christians Jesus Christ appears too simple to be ac- guard against it? ceptable.

CONCLUSION Man-made channels of being righteous before God cannot meet God’s standard.

Sunday School Manual 124 QUARTER’S THEME: BASIC CHRISTIAN DOCTRINES UNIT 1: Israel and Believers Benefits From the Book of Romans (Lessons 10-12)

August 7, 2016


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B 16, 306 Devotional Reading: Rom. 11:17-22 Topic for Adults: God’s Gifts and Calling Are Irrevocable. Topic for Youths: You Can Walk In Covenant Relationship With God. Topic for Intermediates: Don’t Give Up On the Salvation of Your Loved Ones Scripture Lesson: Acts 17:10-12; Romans 11:2-5, 25-36; 1 Cor. 1:18-25; Jeremiah 23:3-6; Micah 7:18-20

MEMORY VERSE “And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written: The Deliverer will come out of Zion, and He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob.” Romans 11:26 (NKJV)


Mon. 8/1/2016 Rejection of Israel Not Total Romans 11:1-4 Judging by the number of Jews that reject Jesus as the Messiah, one is tempted to conclude that all Jews are to be written off as far as salvation is concerned. The fact is that not all Jews are lost; their rejection is not total even though they rejected Jesus. From generation to generation God has always preserved some who will accept and stand by the truth. In Elijah’s time, he could only see himself alone standing against Jezebel. He, therefore, concluded that no one else besides him was on the Lord’s side. It must have been a great surprise for him to hear that God had seven thousand men still loyal to Him. When you seem to be all alone standing for the truth or the gospel, do not get discouraged. In every generation, there will always be those who will never bow their knees to the idols. Do not be tempted that God will overlook sin because everyone around you has fallen. No matter how much the society has derailed morally, there will always be some who cling to righteousness.

Point of Emphasis: God will always have some people in each generation who will be faithful to Him. Prayer Point: Father, count me worthy to be among the few who will keep standing for you.

Sunday School Manual 125 Tue. 8/2/2016 Remnant by Grace Romans 11:5-10 The promises, which God gave to Abraham, cannot but be fulfilled. In order for the promises to be fulfilled, there has to be some of Abraham’s descendants who will enjoy the salvation of God. These people are referred to as remnants. The selection of the remnants is always not based on merit. For example, God chose Jacob over Esau not because Jacob was overtly righteous. His se- lection to enjoy God’s promise was purely by grace. While the eyes of the remnant were open to see the truth, the rest were left in their stupor. The remnant had no ground to boast. In this end time, the church appears to be overrun by apostasy and worldliness. In the midst of this falling away, there will still always be a remnant who will cling to the gospel truth. Jesus warns against allowing our hearts to be weighed down with drunkenness, and cares of this world (Luke 21: 34).

Point of Emphasis: Strive to be among the remnant that God will preserve in this end time. Prayer Point: I receive the grace to be among the end-time remnants standing for God.

Wed. 8/3/2016 Rejection of Israel Not Final Romans 11:11-16 The children of Israel forsook the commandments of God, and for this reason He cast them out of the land He swore to give to their ancestor, Abraham. But He is a covenant keeping God. In order to fulfill His promise to Abraham, He could not cast them out of the land forever. He brought them back to the land. In the same vein, the Israelites have rejected the Messiah God sent to them, thereby forfeiting the access to eternal life. But as a nation, the forfeiture is not final. Besides the individual Jews who are accepting the gospel now, God has not cast away the nation of Israel finally. The nation is still relevant in the agenda of God and their hearts will still be moved to accept Jesus as the Messiah. Have you also strayed away from God? You still have the chance to return to Him in repentance because He does not cast away forever. Like the father of the prodigal son, He is waiting for your return.

Point of Emphasis: The covenant of God with the nation of Israel still stands in spite of their unbelief. Prayer Point: Father, send your Holy Spirit to convict and convert all our loved ones that are still ignoring your offer of salvation.

Thur. 8/4/2016 Gentiles Grafted In Israel’s Place Romans 11:17-22 In God’s agenda of salvation for the Israelites, because of their unbelief, they were like the branches of olive tree cut off. Gentiles were grafted to take their place. The grafted branches were not originally part of the olive tree, and therefore should not boast of their position as if it were granted on merit. The position the Gentiles now occupy should be jealously guarded. If God could cut off the original branches because of unbelief, those grafted in will equally be cut off in case they fall from the exalted position. Guard your salvation with fear and trembling.

Point of Emphasis: Gentiles grafted into God’s salvation plan need to guard their salvation with all diligence. Prayer Point: I will not be cut off from God’s salvation agenda, in Jesus name.

Fri. 8/5/2016 All Israel Will Be Saved Romans 11:23-27 The rejection of Israel is neither total nor final. All Jews who turn to accept Jesus as Saviour are easily grafted into the salvation program. The time the Jews rejected Jesus was a window of op- portunity for Gentiles to partake in the salvation program. The phrase “until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in” is interpreted by some Bible scholars to mean that there will come a time when the window of opportunity will be closed for Gentiles. This would imply that a non-Jew should not take it for granted that he can procrastinate giving his life to Christ, since no man knows when that window will close. After that, the window will fully be opened for the Jews to

Sunday School Manual 126 clearly see that God had actually sent the Messiah, Jesus, whom they have so far rejected. The spirit of stupor that has so far covered their eyes will then be taken away and they will turn to Jesus for salvation.

Point of Emphasis: And so all Israel will be saved. Prayer Point: Father, open the eyes of our loved ones who are still afflicted by the spirit of stupor.

Sat. 8/6/2016 God’s Election of Israel Still Stands Romans 11:28-31 God is a covenant keeper. He made a covenant with Abraham and will not break it, notwith- standing the unbelief of the descendants. The descendants have made themselves enemies of the gospel, yet God’s covenant with Abraham still stands and therefore, the Israelites are still beloved. For Abraham’s sake the Israelites will not be cast off forever. The life of one man, Abraham, secured an eternity of loving kindness for his lineage. What will your life secure for your own lineage? By walking close to God and obeying His commandments, you can also secure for the yet unborn generation coming after you the love and mercy of God; such that God will deal with your children after you with mercy and favor. He keeps covenant from generation to generation.

Point of Emphasis: For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. Prayer Point: I receive the grace to leave for my children a legacy of God’s kindness and mercy.

Sun. 8/7/2016 The Unsearchable Wisdom of God Romans 11:33-36 The infinite wisdom of God is demonstrated in the salvation program which He executed. It is now clear that none can out-smart God. If the principalities and powers had known that God will pay man’s penalty for sin by the death of Jesus on the cross, they would have ensured that He was not killed. Too late for them; the salvation plan has been put in place and cannot be reversed. Unfortunately, many still consider the message of the cross as foolishness. That is the avenue that God has consecrated to bring salvation to man. He does not need man’s counsel or approval con- cerning the matter. Salvation is made accessible to both the rich and the poor, to both the learned and the un-learned, to men of all race and color. He has also used the unbelief of the chosen na- tion to an advantage – to open the door of salvation to other nations that were not seeking Him.

Point of Emphasis: How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out! Prayer Point: We worship you, God, for your immeasurable wisdom and understanding.


rom generation to generation the Jews have rejected the salvation God offers to man through the death of Jesus on the cross. One would have thought that the Jews spurning the gospel for centuries would have made God cast them off eter- Fnally. Yet the nation still occupies an important position in the agenda of God. There is an end-time program for the salvation of the Jews.

Sunday School Manual 127 PART 1: REJECTION OF ISRAEL fied. They will then turn to Him in faith; NOT TOTAL (ROMANS 11:2-5; and will then be saved. The covenants ACTS 17:10-12) which God made with Abraham and Da- The early church focused on winning vid are everlasting covenants that cannot the Jews to Christ. The disciples did not be broken; hence He cannot cast away the preach to Gentiles until God gave a vision descendants permanently. The Jews will to Peter. Later Paul was commissioned turn en masse to Jesus and take Him to be to preach to the Gentiles. Even then, any their Saviour. place he got to, he started his preaching The turning of the Jews to accept Jesus in the Jewish synagogue. Though many of will occur just after “the fullness of the the Jews rejected the gospel, a small frac- Gentiles has come in”, that is just after the tion was convinced and followed Christ. window of opportunity of salvation for To the present time, there is always a the Gentiles has been closed. If there is small fraction of Jews that believe in the a time for this window to be closed, no Lord. Majority however, reject the gospel one should procrastinate giving his life to message and thereby count themselves Christ. Only God knows when that op- out of God’s salvation agenda. The few portunity will no longer be given. Do not Jews in every generation, who believe in delay your decision to come to Christ, for Jesus, belong to the remnant God uses to tomorrow may be too late. preserve the covenant made with Abra- ham. The rejection of the Jews because of PART 3: GOD’S WISDOM IN their unbelief is therefore not total. SALVATION AGENDA (ROMANS When a Christian finds himself standing 11:33-36; 1 COR. 1:18-25) alone in defense of the truth, he is likely to Each day brings millions of people closer think that he is the only child of God. But to an eternity without God and without like the case of Elijah confronting Jezeb- hope. To avoid the hopeless eternity, God el, there will still be some other children devised the plan that Jesus should die to of God being preserved by God for His pay the penalty for the sin which sepa- work. Do not give up when you are alone rates man from God. All He demands is in defense of the gospel, do not get dis- just for man to put his trust in the finished couraged. On the other hand, a Christian work of salvation. However, to many peo- who is being tempted to sin may be think- ple the program looks so foolish. In their ing that since everyone around him is do- wisdom, they reject God’s provision for ing the same thing, that God will lower their salvation. God in His unsearchable His standard to accommodate their sin. wisdom has chosen a method, which ap- The truth is, not everyone is falling into pears foolish, to redeem man from a God- the trap of sin. God always has a remnant less eternity which will be filled with sor- who hold on to righteousness no matter row and regret. God’s wisdom is very far the cost. Be a part of that remnant. beyond the wisdom of the wisest person; incomparably greater. PART 2: REJECTION OF ISRAEL It is not just in His salvation plan that God NOT FOREVER (ROM. 11:25-26; has demonstrated His wisdom. We often JER. 23:3-6; MICAH 7: 18-20) silently question Him concerning the ex- God’s agenda for the end-time Israel is periences He makes us to pass through. going to feature prominently. At that time It is only those who cooperate with Him God will remove from the Jews the spirit that are able to look back after passing of stupor which has made it difficult for through those experiences to acknowl- them to understand that Jesus is the Mes- edge that God knows what He is doing siah. They will mourn when they come to and that it is in wisdom that He has sub- realize that they got their Messiah cruci- jected us to those experiences. Are you

Sunday School Manual 128 facing some situations where what God is QUESTIONS asking you to do looks foolish? Trust Him 1. How is it true that Israel’s rejection that He is infinitely wise and will take you of God is not total? through safely. 2. What should a Christian do when he or she finds himself or herself alone CONCLUSION in the defense of the gospel? God is committed to walking with you in 3. When will the Jews turn to accept a covenant relationship. He keeps cove- Jesus? nants, just like He has kept covenant with 4. What is God expecting man to do to the descendants of Abraham for millen- get saved? nia. Though the Jews reject the Saviour, 5. Why do some people find it difficult yet God will not cast them off completely. to accept the gospel of Christ? He still holds them dear to His heart. If you walk closely with God in covenant relationship, your descendants also can enjoy the favor He shows to them who love Him.

Sunday School Manual 129 QUARTER’S THEME: BASIC CHRISTIAN DOCTRINES UNIT 1: Israel and Believers Benefits From the Book of Romans (Lessons 10-12)

August 14, 2016


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B 225, 236 Devotional Reading: Col. 3:1-15 Topic For Adults: Glorify God In Your Body. Topic For Youths: Your Body Is The Temple Of God. Topic For Intermediates: Be Transformed Completely Scripture Lesson: Romans 12:1–13:7

MEMORY VERSE “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service” Romans 12: 1 (NKJV)


Mon. 8/8/2016 Called to Be Living Sacrifices Romans 12:1-2

Jesus Christ died on the cross to reconcile us with God. He wants us to live to glorify His name. We cannot effectively do this without surrendering our lives to Him. Just as one does not hold on to a ram which one has given up for sacrifice, so Christ does not expect us to still be fully in control of our lives while we treat Him as a guest. He must have all of our lives or none of it. The world and our sinful desires will still want to influence how we think, talk and behave. Our friends and the society at large will want to control our ways of life, to panel beat us to the shape they expect us to take. We cannot afford to live one leg in the world and the other leg in Christ. The Christian’s mind, which is the battle ground, is where God wants to begin the work, by transforming the mind. It is only when we are thus transformed that we can prove that God’s will for us is the perfect one.

Point of Emphasis: Do not surrender your mind to the pattern and influence of the world around you. Prayer Point: Holy Spirit, I submit to you. Transform my mind that my life may bring glory to God.

Sunday School Manual 130 Tue. 8/9/2016 Serve God with Your Spiritual Gifts Romans 12:3-8 God redeemed us not just to get to heaven, but to also serve Him while we are alive. God makes available to each believer spiritual gifts that are needed to be effective in serving Him. Without these gifts, nothing one does can have eternal value. If you desire to amount to something im- portant in God’s kingdom, spiritual gift is necessary. However, there is the danger for one who has been endowed with spiritual gifts to become arrogant and think of himself or herself as so important that one is indispensable. No one gift is more important than the other. Neither is one gift inferior to another. No minister, no matter how anointed he may be, is indispensable. Each person ministering with the spiritual gift given to him, is just like a part of the body – different from other parts, but not superior or inferior to others. The important thing is that each one maximizes the use of his gift.

Point of Emphasis: Do not think you are superior to other Christians, maximize the use of your spiritual gifts. Prayer Point: Holy Spirit, equip me with the spiritual gifts I need to become fruitful in the vineyard of God.

Wed. 8/10/2016 Allow Christ to Live Through You Romans 12:9-21 Christ has set a very high standard for His followers. Today’s passage consists of a list of those high standards towards which the Christian should strive. In the light of these standards, each honest person will identify areas in which he has made some progress, while in other areas he is struggling and failing woefully. It is tempting to give up and consider some part of the standards as impracticable. For examples we have “repay no one evil for evil”, “live peaceably with all men” and “do not avenge yourself”. If they are unachievable, God would not have asked us to live like that. In whichever area we are still struggling, Christ is able to empower us to succeed. His plan is to come in and live in us, thus empowering us to succeed in those areas where we have been failing. All He demands from us is to surrender fully to Him, so He can live through us.

Point of Emphasis: God wants to reform our lives and identity so that we eventually become like Christ. Prayer Point: I surrender to you, God. Make me what you want me to be.

Thur. 8/11/2016 Obey Civil Authorities Romans 13:1-7 The Christian is sometimes faced with the dilemma of obeying the government, especially those governments under dictators who came to power through the barrel of the gun and oppress the people. The issue in these days concerns breaking the laws of the land under the pretext that those in government are corrupt and unjust. Most of the laws, codes and constitution of a coun- try are just and are meant to ensure there is peace and order in the land. For a Christian to break the law and become lawless, as if he were an unbeliever, under any pretext, is therefore unaccept- able to God. There are those who do not pay tax and duties. They give the excuse that those in government squander or steal the money in government purse. This excuse is un-Christianly. If there is injustice, the Christian should seek lawful avenues of redress, for example civil peaceful unrest, active participation in voting to elect leaders, etc.

Point of Emphasis: Render to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs are due. Prayer Point: God, grant us the leaders that will run in the knowledge and fear of you.

Sunday School Manual 131 Fri. 8/12/2016 Love Your Neighbor Romans 13:8-10 Love is one of those words the world has terribly bastardized or misunderstood. People do things that hurt someone else or debase someone else and pretend they love the person. A man was asked what his reaction would be if he caught his wife sleeping with another man. He was furious and could not imagine his wife to do such a thing because she loves him. Yet this man was having an adulterous relationship with another woman! He was claiming to love his wife and at the same time hurting her and his children. Besides, the man was also harming the woman with whom he was in an adulterous relation. If we truly love someone, we won’t steal from the person, we won’t defame the person through back-biting, etc. Christ shows us what genuine love is. To test if your action springs out of love, ask yourself if Christ would have done the same thing you are doing under the same circumstance.

Point of Emphasis: Love does no harm to a neighbor, therefore, love is the fulfillment of the law. Prayer Point: Father, grant me the grace to truly love those around me.

Sat. 8/13/2017 Put On Christ Romans 13:11-14 God’s ultimate plan is for each Christian to be a carbon copy of the Lord Jesus Christ in behavior. Before we gave our lives to Christ, we were ruled by the desires of the flesh; which means our lifestyles were diametrically opposed to that of Christ. Our redemption is meant to take us out of such lifestyles; we are now expected to allow Christ to reign in us and model us to become like Him. He came to redeem us from our sins; He does not want us to continue to wallow in sin. The time to allow Christ to begin the work of remodeling is today. The time for rapture is much near- er than we imagine. We can, therefore, not afford to continue in ungodly lifestyles or to continue indulging the flesh in its desires and lusts. To put on Christ is to manifest His presence in us unto the world around us – in our deeds, our thoughts and our words.

Point of Emphasis: Put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh. Prayer Point: Father, give me victory over the desires of the flesh that want to control my life.

Sun. 8/14/2016 You Were Purchased With a Price 1 Cor. 6:12-20 All over the world, man is sinking into the pool of immorality. The society is soliciting for the church to approve and join in the orgy of immorality in the name of being “open minded”. Sexual immorality and perversion are on the increase; while those who stand for moral uprightness are labeled as “narrow-minded hypocrites”. The Christian needs to keep in sharp focus the fact that Jesus Christ has redeemed him from the corruption that is in the world. Redemption came to us at a high price to Jesus – agonizing death on the cross. At redemption, the body of a believer was cleansed with the blood of Jesus with the intention that the believer’s body would be the temple in which the Holy Spirit resides. The Holy Spirit cannot reside in the same temple at the same time with an unclean spirit, for example, the spirit of adultery or fornication.

Point of Emphasis: Dedicate your body as a holy temple for the Holy Spirit to take residence. Prayer Point: Father, cleanse me by the blood of Jesus and send your Holy Spirit to live in me.


or many people, both within and outside the church, the dictum is “if it pleases you, go ahead and do it”. For these people, God is no longer relevant, even though they attend church services and take Holy Communion. Christians are some- Ftimes caught in the trap of this ungodly lifestyle, so much so that it is becoming difficult to know who truly belongs to God. The heaven-minded Christian must have a different focus. He must stand out as different among his neighbors.

Sunday School Manual 132 NOTES ON THE LESSON

PART 1: SUBMIT TO GOD AND way, and forgiving them when they of- SERVE HIM (ROMANS 12:1-8) fend us. The fact that someone has given his life to The Christian should also serve as bea- Christ should be evident in his lifestyle. It con of light to draw others close to Christ. has become fashionable to be identified as To do this, his reaction to issues and cir- “Christian”, but many people do not want cumstances must manifest a firm belief God to control every area of their lives. in God – that God exists, that He is om- A sheep, which has been donated as sac- nipotent, omniscient and omnipresent, rifice, does not have control over its life that God is infinitely wise and good even or convenience anymore. While living, when we have to go through tribulation. the Christian should regard himself as The Christian should not allow himself to already given off as sacrifice to God. His be overcome with evil, but should over- lifestyle should portray this. His aim is to come evil with good. bring glory to God – in the way he con- ducts himself, his desires, his ambition PART 3: OBEY CIVIL AUTHORI- and goals in life. TIES (ROMANS 13:1-7) The Christian is not taken to heaven Christians should not be found among immediately after getting born-again those who disobey civil authorities or because God desires that the Christian break the laws of the land. Laws and con- should serve Him. He makes available stitutions are made to make the society various gifts through the infilling of the conducive for living for all. Christians Holy Spirit. The spiritual gifts are for should therefore be diligent in obeying equipping the Christian, to make the laws and regulations. It is possible that Christian effective in service. They are those in government act lawlessly, but the gifts, and not merit awards. Whoever Christian should not use that as an excuse has been endowed with one spiritual gift to become a law breaker. In a case where or the other should not boast or become an unjust law is enacted, the Christian proud. He should serve with humility and should look for lawful ways of changing diligence. such a law. It is un-Christianly to break a law and then regard oneself as being per- PART 2: BEHAVE AS A CHRIS- secuted. The Christian should be an ex- TIAN TOWARDS OTHER PEOPLE ample to others in such matters as paying (ROMANS 12:9-19) taxes and customs, obeying traffic rules The true mark of a Christian is not in and regulations, etc. how big his Bible is, or the stickers he puts on his car, or what he professes to be. CONCLUSION The true mark of the Christian is in his God redeemed us with the intention that actions among his neighbors, among his we become like Christ. He is willing to colleagues at work or in the marketplace, equip and empower us to meet this stan- among members of His immediate fami- dard if we are willing and obedient. We ly, and among the church members. Jesus should not be just hearers of the word, but Christ said “by this shall men know that must be doers also. This is the only way you are my disciples, if you have love for we can prove to the world that God’s plan one another”. Love is such a commodity is perfect. that the more you give, the more you get. Love should be demonstrated towards QUESTIONS those that surround us – caring for their 1. In what ways does the society try needs, honoring them in every possible to squeeze the Christian to its own

Sunday School Manual 133 mould? How can the Christian reward Christians on the last day? escape being conformed to the 4. What should be the reaction of world? Christians to government when 2. Is it possible for a Christian never they are doing things against the to avenge wrongs done against him? law of God? 3. Which ministry in the body of 5. What actions can Christians take Christ will attract the greatest against unjust laws in the society? reward from God? What will be the yardstick which God will use to

Sunday School Manual 134 QUARTER’S THEME: BASIC CHRISTIAN DOCTRINES UNIT 1: Israel and Believers Benefits From the Book of Romans (Lessons 10-12)

August 21, 2016


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 243, 244 Devotional Reading: Jude 20-23 Topic For Adults: Live Your Life Responsibly. Topic For Youths: Your Actions Affect Others Positively Or Negatively. Topic for Intermediates: Always Do the Right Thing Scripture Lesson:

MEMORY VERSE “For if we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. Therefore, whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s.” Romans 14:8 (NKJV)


Mon. 8/15/2016 Inner Purity Rather Than Outward Show Romans 14:1-6 There are customs that are dearly helpful in each Christian denomination, which in themselves do not promote holiness. Those in one denomination often judge people in other denomination standing on the standard of their own customs. Division in the body of Christ tend to occur along the lines of these customs. The customs prove to be of minor importance in our relation- ship with God. It is common to see a Christian holding religiously to the denomination’s customs while still gossiping, backbiting, cheating customers, lying or defrauding. The qualities which are important to God are holiness, humility and being just in our dealing with other people. Some of the things we tend to major in, are minors where holiness is concerned. We should stop majoring in minor issues.

Point of Emphasis: Do not judge another Christian on minor issues that do not promote holiness. Prayer Point: Give me the grace to focus more on those matters that are of importance to you, God.

Sunday School Manual 135 Tue. 8/16/2016 Live to the Lord Romans 14:7-13 Many people see themselves as free moral agents whose freedom should not be tampered with. But a Christian has of his own free will surrendered this freedom to God; realizing that Christ died for him, and in return he has chosen to live for Christ. He should, therefore, strive to please Christ in all he does while living. The Christian no longer belongs to himself, but to Christ. His focus is not on what other people do or fail to do, but fully on what Christ demands from him. He has no business condemning others. This is not a license for one to sin, since each Christian should be conscious of the fact that he will one day give account of his actions before Christ.

Point of Emphasis: Both in living and in dying, we should strive to please Christ who died to redeem us. Prayer Point: I receive divine grace to live to please God every day of my life.

Wed. 8/17/2016 Don’t Destroy Others by Your Lifestyle Romans 14:14-23 Some of the customs put in place by a denomination are conducts designed to influence how the life of one Christian affects the lives of others around him. In the epistle to the Romans, Paul addressed the issue of what a Christian feels he has the right to eat without affecting his spiritu- ality. The Christian may feel he can eat anything and that what he eats does not make him holy or sinful. But the Christian must also take into consideration the spiritual stand of others around him, so that his freedom does not make others to fall. In modern day society, the issue that is of relevance is that of dressing. The Christian should not only dress to please himself or herself, but should also be sensitive to the effect his or her dressing has on others. This consideration arises out of the realization that God has raised one up to positively influence others for Him. One should, therefore, avoid whatever can diminish that influence.

Point of Emphasis: Let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another. Prayer Point: Grant me the grace to avoid things that can diminish my being useful in your hand, God.

Thur. 8/18/2016 Don’t Live Just To Please Yourself Romans 15:1-6 Without a doubt, we have the right to indulge ourselves in some areas without getting into sin. For example, after a hard day’s work, we have the right to relax and take some rest. However, our desire to please God in building other people up in the faith may constrain us to forgo some of those rights. A Christian whose main goal is to please himself is dead while still living; he cannot follow Jesus as a true disciple. Jesus laid down His right as the Son of God to redeem us from our sins. He took the form of a servant and displayed obedience, even to the death on the cross. He laid for us the example to follow, not to focus wholly on our rights and the things that please us, but to seek how our lifestyles and our words will edify those around us. Influencing others for Christ does not come by accident, it demands conscious effort to touch other people for good.

Point of Emphasis: Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, leading to edification. Prayer Point: Use me, O God, as an instrument to affect the lives of others for good.

Fri. 8/19/2016 Glorify God for Your Salvation Romans 15:7-13 We all say that salvation is free. Yes, free indeed for us who receive it, but very costly for Him who purchased it for us – it cost Him His life, a cruel and agonizing death on the cross. We sometimes let the thought of what it cost Jesus to redeem us escape our minds. At such times we are tempted to wander away into sin, ingratitude and complaining about what we are going through. We have gone through the pains of realizing that those whom we have helped did not appreciate our sacrifice. We should not display such ingratitude to Jesus Christ our Saviour. We should spend time to glorify God for working out a way for us to be reconciled to Him, and give

Sunday School Manual 136 praise to Jesus for going through the torture that brought us salvation – especially those of us that have no physical root in Abraham. As you praise God in words, also glorify Him by living a life pleasing unto Him.

Point of Emphasis: Glorify God for His mercy and forgiveness. Prayer Point: I bless your name, God, for redeeming me from eternal damnation.

Sat. 8/20/2016 Committed To Preach the Gospel Romans 15:14-21 The first mention of Paul we read in the Bible is his support for and active participation in the persecution of Christians. But he spent the rest of his life preaching the gospel, especially to those that were not of Jewish extraction – the Gentiles. He went from city to city preaching the word of God and converting many to Christ. Even those he had not met, he wrote messages to them, like the epistle to the Romans. He suffered a lot of persecution in the process, faced all manners of life-threatening danger, experienced lack and privation. But all of these did not deter him. We are all called to get involved in preaching the word to bring others into God’s family. You don’t have to be a “full-time Evangelist” to preach the word; you don’t have to be an ordained minister either. As long as you have given your life to Christ, it is mandatory for you to tell others.

Point of Emphasis: I have made it my aim to preach the gospel. Prayer Point: Grant me the grace to always share your word with all those who come my way.

Sun. 8/21/2016 Pray For Ministers of the Gospel Romans 15:25-33 Satan continually raises up threats against the ministers of the gospel. Sometimes the threat comes in form of temptation to make the minister fall into sin, thereby losing the anointing to be effective in ministry. At other times the threat comes in form of confrontation and life threaten- ing encounters. Satan’s goal in raising the threats is to silence those who preach the gospel. It is the duty of members of the church to each maintain a fervent prayer altar on behalf of the min- isters. One of the ways to encourage the ministers is for them to know that the church members care enough to pray for them. Members need to pray that they will be strengthened so that they come out winners in their spiritual battles; that they be delivered from all forms of attacks and for them to have the boldness to continue to preach the word.

Point of Emphasis: As your minister waters you with the word of God, your responsibility is to pray for him. Prayer Point: Father, uphold all ministers of the gospel; give them victory over every form of attack.


o man is an island. Our lifestyles affect those around us. We can, therefore, knowingly or otherwise be aiding and abetting the destruction of people around us if we live carelessly. God wants our lives to be light that will reveal NChrist to others.


PART 1: A CHRISTIAN’S RESPON- There is the tendency to want to look at SIBILITY TO OTHER BELIEVERS Christians who are weaker than we are in (ROMANS 14: 19 – 15:2) faith with contempt and to criticize them.

Sunday School Manual 137 But no Christian that is strong in faith to- PART 3: CLOSING ADMONITION day began his Christian journey with that (ROMANS 16:17-20, 25-27) strong faith. Every Christian began his In the final verses in the book of Ro- journey as a spiritual babe. While not con- mans, Paul admonished the Christians to doning sin, the strong Christian should live to glorify God rather than pursuing deal with the weaker Christian with un- goals which are self-serving. There may derstanding. The strong in faith should be be many within the church who pursue conscious of how his lifestyle, his choices goals to satisfy themselves. Such cause di- and actions would be interpreted by the visions within the church and introduce weaker Christian. God wants each of us doctrines which would enrich their purs- to be our brothers’ keepers. Iron sharp- es. These are instruments in the hand of ens iron; the life of the Christian should Satan to destabilize the church; they will be such that it edifies other believers. He soon be crushed under feet because the should, therefore, avoid actions that may gates of hell cannot prevail against the make the weaker Christian believe that church. sin is acceptable. All things may be law- The Christian should focus on the gospel ful, but not all things edify. Each Chris- of the Lord Jesus Christ, which has been tian should, therefore, avoid those things, preached to him. The gospel is the pow- which in themselves, may not be sinful, er of God to establish each individual in but yet will not edify others. the grace. Many who look for extra-bib- lical revelations and deep mysteries and PART 2: A CHRISTIAN’S RESPON- secrets often wander away from the faith. SIBILITY TO MINISTERS OF THE The mystery of the gospel mentioned here GOSPEL (ROMANS 15:22-33) is the question the Old Testament saints Ministers spend their energy and utilize were asking concerning how sinful man their resources to cater for the congrega- can qualify before a holy God. The mys- tion. Time and energy are spent to pray tery has been revealed to us through the for the welfare of members of the congre- gospel. gation and to monitor their well-being through visitation. Ministers labor over CONCLUSION the congregation because they are aware A Christian must look beyond pleasing that God holds them accountable for the himself. His life, goal and aspiration must members under their care. The congrega- be directed at pleasing God, his Maker. In tion also has its responsibility towards the trying to please God, he has responsibil- ministers. “Let the elders who rule well ities towards his fellow believers, towards be counted worthy of double honor, es- the ministers and towards God. The re- pecially those who labor in the word and sponsibilities are spelt out in the word of doctrine” (1 Tim. 5:17). Members of the God. In essence, the Christian must be congregation should pray fervently for committed to living the word of God. their ministers, so that the ministers will not be trapped by the devil but rather that QUESTIONS they might receive fresh anointing daily. 1. In what ways does a Christian’s life- The congregation should also cater for the style affect believers around him? financial and material needs of ministers. 2. Should a Christian be mindful of the There may be ministers who do not carry opinions of unbelievers about his the burden of the congregation diligent- lifestyle? ly, that should not be used as excuse for 3. In what ways can an act, which in neglecting the needs of ministers. Meet- itself is not sinful, be not expedient ing their needs is a responsibility placed to the Christian? on the congregation, not by the ministers 4. In what ways can a Christian, who themselves, but by God. is strong in faith, destroy the faith of

Sunday School Manual 138 weaker Christians by his actions? 5. What are a Christians’ responsibil- ities to gospel ministers and other members?

Sunday School Manual 139 Welcome to 4TH QUARTER SHARING & ADMONITION WEEK (FROM MONDAY, AUGUST 22ND TO SUNDAY, AUGUST 28TH, 2016) You have the opportunity • To ask questions on the past twelve lessons for clarity • To give appraisal of the lessons • To join others in your class to evaluate the progress made in this quarter • To assist in planning for the next quarter • To give suggestions for a better performance of your class • To give useful spiritual contributions

Your participation in this exercise is very necessary and important Your participation in this exercise is very necessary and important


1. The Gospel Faith 8. The Gospel Faith 15. The Gospel Faith Mission International Mission International Mission International (House of Hope) (Mt. Zion) (Victory Palace) 3812 38th Street, 9611 S. Figuetoa Avenue Room 303, 925 Albion Road Brentwood, Md. 20722 LA., CA 90044 Thirstletown Community Center Tel: (301) 277-8319 Tel. (323) 242-7749 Toronto Ontario M9V 1A6. Samuel Adeleye - Pastor Tel: (647) 606-1540 Sunday J. Adu – Pastor 9. The Gospel Faith Samuel Adusi – Pastor 2. The Gospel Faith Mission International Mission International (Tabernacle of Peace) 16. The Gospel Faith (House of Testimony) 1044 West 16th Street Mission International 6613 South Vermont Ave. Gardena, CA 90247 Calgary, Canada. Los Angeles, CA 90044 Tel: (310) 720-7633 Tel: (226) 260-2723 Tel: (323) 750-2636 Dr. Jacob Daramola - Pastor Paul Ojomu - Pastor Amos Falope – Pastor 10. The Gospel Faith 17. The Gospel Faith Mission International Mission International 3. The Gospel Faith (House of Grace) Mission International (Citadel Of Glory) Colony South 4903 West Washington Street, (Agape Center) (Hotel & Conference Center) Indianapolis, IN 46241 936 Clarkson Avenue, 7401 Surratts Road Tel: (317) 603-1063 Brooklyn, NY 11203 Clinton MD 20735 Tel: (347) 529-3638 Tel: (301) 675-5765 Paul Akinsete – Pastor Amos Olatuja – Pastor Solomon Ajayi - Pastor 4. The Gospel Faith 18. The Gospel Faith Mission International 11. The Gospel Faith Mission International (Victory House) Mission International (Sanctuary of Praise) 20 Biltmore Avenue, (House of Prayer) 12440 Oxford Park Drive, Elmont, NY 11003 17214 Snow Goose Ct Suite C104, Houston, TX 77082 Tel: (516) 488-3257 Germantown, MD 20874 Tel: (347) 294-9875 Tel: (240) 533-1565 Chris Okerulu - Pastor Dr. Duro Ojetayo – Pastor Solomon Yon - Pastor 19. The Gospel Faith 5. The Gospel Faith 12. The Gospel Faith Mission International Mission International Mission International La Fel Del Evangelio (House of Restoration) (House of Mercy) Mission Internacional 9594 Tara Blvd., 5536, 131 Street, Soto Numero 122 Desp Jonesboro, GA 30236 Crestwood, IL 60436 203 Col Guerrero CP 06300 Tel: (404) 421-6699 Tel: (708) 916-9915 Delegation Cuauthmoc Elijah Adedire - Pastor Mexico DF Ebenezer Ikenebomeh Contacto - +5215516526460, – Pastor 13. The Gospel Faith +5215523102695 Mission International +521552310 2695 6. The Gospel Faith (House of Mercy) Seun Oyetunde Mission International 1615B Rhode Island Ave. NE - Representative (House of God’s Possibilities) Washington DC 20018 4630 Vankirk Street, Tel: (202) 882-3283 20. The Gospel Faith Mission Philadelphia, PA 19135. International Jamaica Tel: (215) 535-7820 Peter Akinsanya – Pastor 2, Doncaster Drive off Ebenezer Adu Windward Road, KGN 2, – Senior Pastor 14. The Gospel Faith Kingston, Jamaica Olusegun Adu Mission International Tel: (876) 536-9558 – Resident Pastor (Glory House) Dr. Joseph Oladimeji 1013 Erie Street, Elder-in-charge 7. The Gospel Faith Carrollton, TX 75006 Mission International Tel: (469) 552-1991 (House of Change) 10610 Liberty Road Tosin Oladapo - Pastor Randallstown, MD 21133 Tel: (410) 922-6500 Taiwo Fagbuyi – Pastor Sunday School Manual 141