Not Just a Job — a Purpose Remember the Victims 2,500 at Service for Charleston 9 by BRUCE SMITH the Associated Press
IN SPORTS: Singles semis, doubles final set for today at Palmetto Pro Open B1 INSIDE Middle school girls get into tech with STEM camp A2 SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 2016 | Serving South Carolina since October 15, 1894 75 cents Mourners Not just a job — a purpose remember the victims 2,500 at service for Charleston 9 BY BRUCE SMITH The Associated Press CHARLESTON — South Carolina’s governor somberly held up programs from the fu- nerals of the victims of the Charleston church shootings, saying Friday during a memo- rial service that the faith of those victims showed how to heal in the aftermath of still another mass shooting. “As for me, I will forever know that there are angels on Earth,” said Gov. Nikki Haley during a three-hour service that was alternately somber and then punctu- ated by joyous singing. Friday was the anniversary of the shooting deaths of nine black parishio- HALEY ners during a Bible study at Emanuel AME Church. A white man, Dylann Roof, faces charges in both state and fed- eral courts and prosecutors in each are seeking the death penalty. Haley, who attended the fu- nerals of all the victims, said she got to know the families of both those who were killed and the three survivors in the days and weeks after the shootings. “There hasn’t been a day since June 17, 2015 that I haven’t thought about the 12,” RICK CARPENTER / THE SUMTER ITEM she said. Shirley Baker, left, who retired from the Sumter Senior Center after 40 years, reacts emotionally to the discovery that the building she has She recalled each victim, worked in has been renamed after her.
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