The Journal of Neuroscience, February 1995, f5(2): 957-969

FORSE-1: A Positionally Regulated Epitope in the Developing Rat Central

Shubha Tole, Zaven Kaprielian, Susan Ker-hwa Ou, and Paul H. Patterson Division of Biology, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125

We designed a protocol to identify cell surface molecules generated. In the hindbrain, for example, the positions of the expressed in restricted spatial patterns in the developing transient folds of the rhombomeresare correlated with the rostra1 (CNS) that might be regulated by limits of expressionof several HoxB genes (Krumlauf et al., regionally restricted transcription factors. The immunogen 1987; Graham et al., 1988; Hogan et al., 1988; Schughart et al., was a membrane fraction from NT2/Dl embryocarcinoma 1988; Bogarad et al., 1989; Frohman et al., 1990; Vogels et al., cells that were induced to differentiate into and 1990; Hunt et al., 1991) as well as Hox A and D genes(Krum- upregulate Hox gene expression in response to retinoic lauf, 1993). The spatial overlap of thesegenes suggested a role acid. One monoclonal antibody (mAb), FORSE-1, specifi- in defining axial position and cell identity, and disruption of Hox cally labels the rostra1 rat CNS from the earliest stages. gene expression leads to alterations in cell migration and fate Staining is observed in the rostra1 but not caudal neural (Chisaka and Cappechi, 1991; Lufkin et al., 1991; Chisakaet folds of the embryo prior to neural tube closure. Staining al., 1992). Limited information is available concerningcandidate is enriched in the forebrain as compared to the rest of the downstreammolecules. Hox 2.4 and 2.5 differentially regulate, CNS, until El& Between E11.5 and E13.5, only certain ar- in vitro, a construct containing the promotor of NCAM (Jones eas of the telencephalon and diencephalon are labeled. Lat- et al., 1992), and the highly polysialated form of NCAM is en- er, up to E17.5, FORSE-1 labeling is specifically restricted riched at rhombomereboundaries (Lumsden and Keynes, 1989). to the telencephalon, where a correlation with mitotic ac- Antigens bearing the HNK-1 epitope are also specifically present tivity is apparent: the ventricular zone labels with FORSE- in odd-numbered rhombomeres in the hindbrain (Kuratani, 1, while the cortical plate is negative. The staining of the 1991). These and other surface/extracellular molecules could neuroepithelium is intensified by acetone fixation, which play a role in giving each rhombomerea unique identity. also reveals, between El 1.5 and El 3.5, a dorsoventrally re- Regional specificationof the developing forebrain, in contrast, stricted, FORSE-l-positive region of the spinal cord. After is complicated by the fact that different areashave very diverse E18, the entire CNS is labeled, through adulthood. The mAb architectonic characteristics.In the mammalianforebrain, the ol- labels the surfaces of dissociated, living cells. Other, non- factory bulb consists of three-layered paleocortex; in the telen- CNS areas of FORSE-1 labeling are nasal and otic placo- cephalon,the medial walls give rise to one-layered archicortex, des, nasal epithelium, nasal glands, and early (E9.5-10.5) the lateral walls give rise to six-layered neocortex, and the basal endoderm. mAb FORSE-1 recognizes an epitope present telencephalonforms the striatum; the diencephalongives rise to on both a high-molecular-weight (>200 kDa) proteoglycan thalamic structures.Thus, these various regions may not repre- from embryonic and early postnatal , and on a 80 kDa sent simple modifications of iterated segmentaldomains. doublet that is restricted to the CNS in the adult. While the Hox genesare not expressedrostra1 to the hind- These findings suggest the FORSE-1 antigen as a can- brain, homeobox-containing and other classesof transcription didate cell surface molecule for mediating regional speci- factors have recently been found to overlap in interesting pat- fication from the earliest stages of CNS development. terns in the developing forebrain. BF-1, Dlx- 1, Dlx-2, and TTF- 1 [Key words: forebrain, cyclophosphamide immunosup- are expressedin regions of the olfactory bulb and telencephalon pression, dorsoventral, position, proteoglycan, NT.Z/Dl, (Lazzaro et al., 1990; Porteus et al., 1991; Price et al., 1991; rostrocaudal] Robinson et al., 1991; Tao and Lai, 1992); Dlx-1, Nkx2.2, and The development of the vertebrate CNS is a complex process TTF-1 demarcateoverlapping regions in the diencephalon(Price during which the neural tube gives rise to a variety of divergent et al., 1992); Otx-1, Otx-2, Emx-1, and Emx-2 are expressedin neural structures.A critical issue is how these differences are nested domainsextending from the forebrain to the hindbrain (Simeoneet al., 1992); MASH-l is expressedin a subpopulation Received May 3, 1994; revised July 18, 1994; accepted July 25, 1994. of neural precursorsin spatially restricted domainsin the CNS We thank Dr. Didier Stainier for the 52G9 mAb, and Andrew Furley for (Lo et al., 1991). These various patterns are suggestiveof a role helpful discussions leading to this experimental approach. We also thank Drs. in defining regional identity, and some of their boundariesare Karen Allendoerfer, Lisa Banner, and Sue McConnell for offering useful com- ments on the manuscript, and Bob Turing, Richard Gomez, Ben Sewell, Lance consistentwith proposedrostrocaudal and dorsoventral domains Brown, Ella McClanahan, Jim Staub, Theo Steiner, Alice Edel, and Le Hanh in the forebrain (Bulfone et al, 1993). Resultsof functional per- Dinh from the Graphic Arts facility at Caltech for their assistance with the illustrations. This project was supported by grants from the Lucille I? Markey turbation experiments are not yet available, however, and little Charitable Trust, the NINDS, and the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Associa- is known about the downstreamtargets of thesegenes. It seems tion to P.H.P., an NRSA from the NINDS to Z.K., and a Helen G. and Arthur likely that critical intercellular interactions in the developing McCallum fellowship to S.T. Correspondence should be addressed to P. H. Patterson at the above address. forebrain will involve secreted, cell surface, and extracellular Copyright 0 1995 Society for Neuroscience 0270.6474/95/150957-13$05.00/O matrix molecules. 959 Tote et al. l FOR%-1 Labeling in the Developing Rat CNS

Table 1. Injection schedule for Balblc mice

Dav Treatment Day 1 300 p,g RA-) plus 0.2 ml RIB1 adjuvant (RIB1 Immunochem) plus cyclophosphamide (100 mg/kg body weight, i.p.) Day 2 Cyclophosphamide only (i.p.), same dose Day 3 Cyclophosphamide only (i.p.), same dose Day 8 Serum screening Day 14 300 p,g RA(+) plus 0.2 ml RIB1 adjuvant (i.p.) Day 22 Serum screening Day 23 Boost #2 mouse with 100 p,g RA(+) (intrasplenic injection) Day 26 Fuse #2 mouse, 1.65 X lo* spenocytes were collected and fused with 6.2 X lo7 HLl-653 myeloma cells (Kohler and Milstein, 1975); cells were plated at 2.2 X lo5 cells/well

In order to identify cell surface moleculesthat are expressed in Dulbecco’s modified minimal essential medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum. Cultures to be exposed to retinoic acid (RA) in restricted distributions during CNS developmentand that may were established by plating a trypsinized single-cell suspension of un- be responsive to position-specifying transcription factors, we differentiated NT2/Dl cells at a density of 106 cells per 75 cm2 tissue generatedmonoclonal antibodies(mAbs) againstthe membrane culture flask (Andrews, 1984; Andrews et al., 1984). RA (10 mu so- fraction of retinoic acid-induced, human embryocarcinoma lution in dimethyl sulfoxide, all-trans; Sigma Chemicals) was added to (NT2Dl) cells. In responseto retinoic acid, thesecells express a final concentration of 10m5 M. The medium was changed with fresh medium containing RA every 48 hr. Differentiation was monitored by neuronal differentiation markers as well as certain Hox genes morphological changes in the cultures, and by the proportion of cells (Andrews, 1984; Mavilio et al., 1988; Simeoneat al., 1990). We positive for the glycolipid surface marker A2B5 (Andrews et al., 1990). reasonedthat neuronaldifferentiation, coupled with specific Hox The RA-induced immunogen (see below) was generated from cells that gene expression,could result in the production of downstream, had been exposed to 10m5 M RA for 2 weeks. cell surfaceantigens with interesting positional distributions. We Preparation of the immunogen. Undifferentiated and RA-induced NT2/Dl cells were harvested by rolling 3 mm diameter glass beads (P. usedcyclophosphamide immunosuppression (Matthew and Pat- W. Andrews, personal communication) over the surface of confluent terson, 1983; Matthew and Sandrock, 1987; Ou et al., 1991) cell layers in a few milliliters of medium. The intact cells were then againstthe membranesof uninduced NT2Dl cells to bias the centrifuged at 1000 rpm for 10 min in an IEC HN-SII tabletop centri- immuneresponse in favor of novel membraneantigens that are fuge. The cell pellets were then resuspended in homogenization buffer [50 mu Tris-HCl (pH 7.4), 50 mu NaCl, 5 mM EDTA, 2 mu EGTA] inducedby retinoic acid treatment. containing five protease inhibitors: 1 rn~ phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, One mAb generated from this fusion, FORSE-1 (forebrain- 20 p,g/ml aprotinin, 20 p,g/ml turkey egg white trypsin inhibitor, 2 mM surface-embryonic),labels the embryonic rat forebrain very spe- benzamidine, and 5 mu N-ethylmaleimide, and homogenized with a cifically. Within the forebrain, FORSE- 1 has a restricted staining Polytron (Brinkman Instruments Co.). The homogenates were centri- pattern that demarcatessubregions of the telencephalonand di- fuged at 1000 rpm, as described above, to remove nuclei and cell debris. The resulting supernatants were then centrifuged at 100,000 X g for 1 encephalonthat have not been previously described. In this pa- hr in a Beckman 70 Ti rotor. The pellets were resuspended in homog- per, we describe the immunohistochemicallabeling pattern of enization buffer and washed twice by centrifugation at 100,000 X g for FORSE- 1 during developmentand the biochemicalcharacteriza- 1 hr and subsequent resuspension. The final pellets were resuspended tion of the antigens recognized by the mAb. in homogenization buffer. This material, which will be referred to as the membrane/cytoskeletal fraction, was either used immediately or fro- Materials and Methods zen at -80°C until further use. All procedures were carried out at 4°C. Protein was determined by the method of Lowry et al. (1951) or by the Cell culture. Clone Dl of the NTERA-2 (referred to as NT2/Dl) human BCA protein assay (Pierce Chemical Co.). EC cells were obtained from P W. Andrews (The Wistar Institute of Immunization and mAb production. Balb/c mice were injected with Anatomy and Biology). NT2/Dl cells were maintained at high density either undifferentiated NT2/Dl membrane/cytoskeletal fractions [RA(-)] or RA-induced NT2/Dl membrane/cytoskeletal fractions [RA( +)] ac- cording to the schedule described in Tables 1 and 2. The myeloma cells Table 2. Serum screening results (days 8 and 22) used for the fusion were HLl-653 (Taggart and Samloff, 1983). Immunohistochemistry. Pregnant female Sprague-Dawley rats were RA(-) titer RA (+) titer obtained from Simonsen Laboratories (Gilroy, CA). The morning after the day of mating is designated as day 0.5. Whole embryos, embryonic, Day 8 screen and adult tissues were directly frozen, without fixation in 0.C.T (Tis- Control 1:500 sue-tek), on dry ice. Sections (10 pm) were cut using a Bright cryostat <1:50 (Hacker Instruments, Inc.), and placed on gelatin-coated slides. After Exp 1 air drying, the sections were either stained immediately or stored at Exp 2 <1:50 -80°C. Acetone fixation, when performed, was carried out using ace- Day 22 screen tone for 10 min, O”C, prior to the staining procedure given below. The sections were preadsorbed with 2% goat serum in PBS, and Control 1:5000 1:5000 incubated in primary antibody (hybridoma supernatant) for 1 hr at room Exp 1 1:lOO 1:lOO temperature (RT), washed twice with PBS, and then incubated in the Exp 2 1:250 1:500 secondary antibody that was either FITC conjugated (FITC-goat anti- mouse IgM, Tago Inc., used at 1:lOO in PBS) or biotinylated (Vector Sera samples were tested against the RA(-) and/or RA(+) membrane/cyto- Mouse IgM ABC-peroxidase kit). In the latter case, the Vector ABC skeletal preparations on dot blots. The control mouse received the antigen in- jection without cyclophosphamide. For Exp 1 and Exp 2, experimental mice procedure was followed without blocking endogenous peroxidase, using received the antigen injection plus cyclophosphamide. The Exp 2 mouse was a negative control (no primary antibody) to assess background staining. selected for fusion because it showed a difference in titer against the RA(+) Cultures were stained live for FORSE- 1, similar to the procedure for versus the RA(-) preparations. sections, using FITC-labeled secondary antibody. FITC-labeled cultures The Journal of Neuroscienca. February 1995, S(2) 959

and slides were mounted in glycerol containing n-propyl gallate (8 mgl ml final concentration, dissolved in 0.1 M Tris-HCl, pH 9). Peroxidase- labeled slides were mounted in Aquamount (BDH Ltd., Poole, En- gland). Slides were observed and photographed using a Zeiss ICM 405 Reichart’s membrane Vlsceral microscope. Kodak Tri-X Pan 400 film was used for fluorescence pic- & pareital -- extraembryonic tures, and Kodak Plus-X Pan 125 or Kodak Gold 100 film for bright- endoderm - endoderm field pictures. (not shown) Tissue culture. El6 telencephalic lobes were dissected in Ca2+/MgZ+- Allantols free Hanks-A solution, and incubated in 1 m&ml collagenase (Wor- Exocoelom - thington Biochemical Corp.) in Hanks-A for 1 hr at 37”CyThe enzyme Amnlon was then blocked by the addition of serum. Cells were washed free of collagenase by pelleting at 1000 ‘pm in a tabletop centrifuge and re- Rostra1 suspending in culture medium (repeated twice). Undissociated clumps were broken up by gentle trituration using a flame-polished Pasteur pipette that had been preadsorbed with serum. Cells were plated on polylysine-laminin-coated tissue culture dishes (Corning, 35 mm). L15 CO2 medium (Hawrot and Patterson. 1979) SuDDlemented with 10% FBS was used as the tissue culture medium. ‘Cells-were cultured for 16 embryonic hr. . m Preparation of tissue fractions. Tissues from various age rat embryos, and postnatal and adult rats were dissected and immediately frozen on dry ice. The postnatal and adult rats were killed by asphyxiation with carbon dioxide. Upon thawing, tissues were homogenized by hand or with a Polytron (Brinkman Instruments Co.) in homogenization buffer. The homogenates were centrifuged at 1000 ‘pm for 10 min to remove nuclei and cell debris. The supernatants were centrifuged at 100,000 X g for 1 hr. The supernatants resulting from this centrifugation were either used immediately or frozen at -80°C and will be referred to as the soluble fractions. Pellets were resuspended in homogenization buffer and washed twice by centrifugation at 100,000 X g for 1 hr. The final pellets were resuspended in homogenization buffer. These preparations, which will be referred to as the membrane/cytoskeletal fractions, were either used immediately or frozen at -80°C. In some cases, the mem- brane/cytoskeletal fractions were also solubilized in nonionic detergent. This was done by first recentrifuging these fractions at 100,000 X g for 1 hr. The pellets were then thoroughly resuspended by homogenization in homogenization buffer containing 1% Triton X-100 or NP40, and centrifuged again at 100,000 X g for 1 hr. The resulting supernatants contain the nonionic detergent-solubilized proteins. Enzymatic digestions. Soluble fractions of embryonic, early postnatal, and adult CNS tissues solubilized with 1% NP40 were directly digested with the following glycosidases: chondroitinase ABC (2.0 U/ml, from proteus vulgaris; Sigma), hyaluronidase (500 U/ml, from leeches; Sig- ma), heparinase I (100 U/ml, from Flavobacterium hepurinum; Sigma), keratanase (2.5 U/ml, from pseudomonas species; Sigma), endoglycos- idase H (0.5 U/ml, recombinant E. coli; Boehringer Mannheim), neur- aminidase (0.2 U/ml, from Vibrio cholerue; Boehringer Mannheim), and N-glycosidase F (4.0 U/ml, from Fluvobacterium meningosepticum; Boehringer Mannheim). In each case, approximately 100 pg of protein in the homogemzation buffer described above (including protease in- hibitors) was digested for 12-16 hr at 37°C. As controls, identical pro- tein samples were treated in exactly the same way, but did not include enzyme. At the end of the incubation period all samples were diluted 1:l with 2X SDS-PAGE reducing sample buffer (20% glycerol, 4% SDS, 0.13 M Tris, 2% B-mercaptoethanol, and 0.01 bromophenol blue, pH 6.8) to terminate the digests. Electrophoresis and immunoblotting. One-dimensional SDS-PAGE was performed as described by Laemmli (1970) in 1.5 mm thick, 7% polyacrylamide slab gels. All samples were diluted 1:l with 2X non- reducing or reducing sample buffer (see above) prior to loading. Non- Figure I. FORSE-1 labeling in the E9.5 rat embryo. Sections of E9.5 reducing sample buffer is identical to reducing sample buffer, but does rat embryos stained with FORSE-1 show label in the rostra1 neural folds not contain B-mercaptoethanol. Immunoblots were performed as de- (arrows), while the primitive streak at the caudal end of the embryo is scribed by Kaprielian and Patterson (1993), with the modifications listed unlabeled (A). In addition, the dorsal surface of the entire embryonic below. First, proteins present within the resolving as well as the stacking and extraembryonic ectoderm (small arrowheads), and the endoderm portions of the gels were routinely transferred to nitrocellulose. Primary (large arrowheads) labels with FORSE- 1. This labeling is also present antibody incubations were for 5 br at room temperature or 12-16 hr at in a more caudal section (B), where the neuroepithelium itself does not 4°C; with either mAb FORSE-1 or mAb 52G9 (undiluted hybridoma label (arrows point to neural folds). Scale bar, 200 pm. supernatant). The nitrocellulose filters were incubated with goat anti- mouse IgM affinity-purified antisera conjugated to peroxidase (Chemi- con, Int.) and diluted 1:200, to detect primary antibody binding. noic acid-induced NT2Dl embryocarcinoma cells. Hybridoma Results supematantswere screenedon frozen, sagittal sectionsof whole mAb production and screening E14.5 and E18.5 rat embryos, postfixed with 1% paraformal- We used the cyclophosphamide immunosuppression method to dehyde. This protocol reflects a compromisebetween the need bias the immune response towards membrane antigens on reti- to preserve the integrity of the neural tissuethrough fixation and g(io Tale et al. l FORSE-1 Labeling in the Developing Rat CNS

Figure 2, FORSE-1 labels the E12.5 CNS. A-C, A reconstruction of the labeling pattern of FORSE-1 in the E12.5 rat embryo. A, Schematic of a lateral view of an E12.5 embryo showing the CNS, and the staining pattern of FORSE-1 in the telencephalon (stipple) and diencephalon (hatches). This pattern was reconstructed from serial sections cut as in B. B, A cutaway view of A, showing the plane of sectioning, and a representative section after staining with FORSE-1. C, Serial sections of the head of an El25 embryo cut as shown in B, displayed in order from upper left to lower right, stained with FORSE-1, show labeling of the nasal pits (np), telencephalon (r), and diencephalon (d), but not the midbrain (mb) and hindbrain (hb). Within the telencephalon, a restricted region of the medial walls remains unlabeled (arrows), and the diencephalon shows three FORSE-l-positive regions (arrowheads) separated by FORSE-l-negative regions. o is the otic placode that shows FORSE-1 staining. The developing (e) does not label with FORSE-1. Scale bar, 1 mm. Journal of Neurosdence, February 1995, W(2) 961

Cresylviolet FORSE-l(unfixed)FORSE-l(acetone) 52G9

Figure 3. FORSE-1 labels El5 rat telencephalon. Rows A-D each show serial sections of an El5 rat embryo, through the brain, cut as shown in E, stained with cresyl violet, FORSE-1 (unfixed sections), FORSE-1 (acetone-fixed sections), and 5269. A and B show the telencephalon and diencephalon (d). In the telencephalon, FORSE-1 staining is present throughout the neuroepithelium, except for the outer region of the basal telencephalon (bt). The diencephalon does not label with FORSE-1 at this age. The cochlear ducts (cd) also label with FORSE-1. Acetone fixation enhances but does not alter this labeling pattern, except that a greater area of the basal telencephalon shows label, and minor areas of labeling appear along the ventricular zone of the diencephalon. 5269 shows a labeling pattern very similar to FORSE-1, where the telencephalon, but not the diencephalon, and the cochlear ducts are stained. C shows the telencephalon, diencephalon, and part of the hindbrain (hb), and D shows the midbrain (mb) and hindbrain. FORSE-1 does not label the diencephalon, midbrain, or hindbrain, except for label along the midline of the hindbrain. The spinal cord does not appear in these sections since the head of the embryo was frozen separate from the body in preparation for sectioning. Scale bar, 1 mm. 992 Tale et al. l FORSE-1 Labeling in the Developing Rat CNS

Figure 4. FORSE-1 labels E17.5 telencephalon. A, B, Serial transverse sections of an E17.5 rat brain, stained with cresyl violet (A) and FORSE-1 (B), showing the lateral wall of the telencephalic bulb, where FORSE-1 labels the ventricular zone (vz) but not the cortical plate (cp). Scale bar, 250 km. a desire to preserve the proteins in their native state for later is clear (Fig. 2C). As summarizedin a reconstruction of serial identification and isolation (Patterson, 1992). sections,restricted areas of these structures are FORSE-1 neg- Of 960 hyhridomas generated, approximately 640 superna- ative (Fig. 2B). The neuroepithelium is almost entirely prolif- tants contained mAbs and were screenedon sections.Approxi- erative at these stages,and hence has no distinguishablelayers. mately half of thesedid not detectably label the CNS, and most The medial walls of most of the telencephalicbulbs are negative, of the other half labeled the entire CNS of one or both ages, while the rest of the telencephalonis positive, with the basal with no positional differences in intensity. mAb FORSE-1 was telencephalon(the ventral region of the telencephalicbulbs) be- selectedfor further study becauseit intensely labels the El45 ing most intensely labeled. In addition, at thesestages there ap- forebrain, while the rest of the CNS appearsnegative. pears to be a rostrocaudal gradient in the labeling of the lateral walls of the telencephalicvesicles where the rostralmostregions FORSE-1 labeling in the CNS: forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain, label less intensely than the caudal areas. In the diencephalon, and spinal cord there are discreteFORSE-l-positive areasseparated by FORSE- In rat embryos, FORSE-1 binding is detected as early as E9.5, l-negative areas (Fig. 2C). The midbrain and hindbrain are labeling the rostra1 but not the caudal neural folds (Fig. 1). In sometimesweakly labeledat thesestages, while the cord is con- addition, the dorsal surface of the entire embryonic ectoderm, sistently negative. Weak midbrain-hindbrain labeling is de- and the endoderm label with FORSE-1. At E10.5, the prosen- scribedunder the later section on acetone fixation. cephalon, but not the remainder of the CNS, labels with At E15, labeling is further restricted such that FORSE-1 bind- FORSE-1 (not shown).The pharyngeal arches,Rathke’s pouch, ing in the telencephalonis maintained, with the basaltelenceph- and gut label as well (not shown). alon being most intensely labeled, while the diencephalon is From El 1.5 to E13.5, telencephalicand diencephalic staining FORSE-1 negative (Fig. 3). This contrasts with the pattern at earlier stageswhere both the telencephalonand the diencephalon are strongly labeled. The lateral and dorsal telencephalondis- :t ” plays label throughout the neuroepithelium. The basal telen- cephalon showsthe most intense FORSE-1 label, but this label is in the ventricular and adjacent regions,while the outer region containing fibers and postmitotic cells is negative. The rest of the CNS is negative, except for labeling along the midline of the hindbrain (Fig. 3). At E17.5, the rostrocaudalrestriction of FORSE-1 labeling is similar to that at El5 in that only the telencephalonlabels while the rest of the CNS is negative. Within the telencephalon, FORSE-1 now labels only the ventricular zone of dividing cells, while the cortical plate, where postmitotic neuronsaccumulate, is negative (Fig. 4). FORSE-1 labeling is seen on live, intact cells from the embryonic telencephalon,demonstrating that the antigen is on the cell surface (Fig. 5)., The olfactory bulb is FORSE-1 positive in the glomerular layer from E17.5 through postnatal life. The staining appearsto Figure 5. FORSE-1 labels freshly dissociated and cultured telence- be around the glomeruli, where the periglomerular cells, mitral phalic cells. El6 telencephalic cells, freshly dissociated (B) or cultured for 16 hr (D), stained live with FORSE-1 show label on the surfaces cells, and interstitial tufted cells are located, and not within the of the cells. A, C, Phase-contrast photographs corresponding to B and glomeruli, where olfactory sensory axons make their synapses 0, respectively. Scale bar, 10 pm. (Fig. 6A-D). By PlO, this glomerular layer labeling is much The Journal of Neuroschce, Febtuafy 1995, 15(2) 963 964 Toie et al. l FORSE-1 LaMing in the Developing Rat CNS

Figure 7. Effect of acetone fixation on FORSE-1 staining. Sections of E12.5 embryos through the forebrain (fb), hindbrain (hb) (A, C, E, G), and spinal cord (SC) (B, D, F, H) were la- beled with cresyl violet (A, B), FORSE-1, no fixation (C, D), diluted FORSE-1, acetone fixation (E, F), and FORSE- 1. acetone fixation (G, H). On unfixed sections (C, D), F&&E:1 la- bels only the forebrain, and not the hindbrain or spinal cord. Acetone fix- ation (G, H) reveals label in the dorsal part of the midbrain and spinal cord, as well as an intensified staining of the forebrain. However, if acetone-fixed sections are labeled with diluted FORSE-1 (E, F), the staining is essen- tially identical to C and D, where only the forebrain is labeled. Scale bars: top i -. row, 1 mm; bottom row, 0.5 mm. weaker. In the adult, the entire bulb is very weakly stained(not encephalic cells appearedto show surface label, similar to the shown). labeling of dissociated,live, unfixed cells (not shown). After E18.5, the FORSE-1 labeling pattern changesto one We observed little changein the overall pattern of FORSE-1 where many neuronsin the CNS (except for the olfactory bulb, staining after acetone fixation at any age except from El 1.5 to describedabove) are positive (not shown). This pattern remains E13.5. At E15, acetone fixation results in an intensification of into maturity. In the adult, the entire CNS has weak, patchy telencephalic staining, as well as minor areas of diencephalic FORSE-1 labeling in the gray matter (not shown). staining(Fig. 3). From El 1.5 to E13.5, however, acetonefixation enablesus to visualize FORSE-1 staining in a restricted part of FORSE-1 labeling in sensorystructures the dorsal half of the entire CNS, from midbrain to the caudal- The nasalpits are FORSE-1 positive from El 1.5 through E14.5. most spinal cord (Fig. 7). The dorsalmostarea of the neural tube At E15.5, the nasal epithelium, now thrown into folds, is was consistently negative, as was the entire ventral half, result- FORSE-1 positive and continuesto be so until birth, with bind- ing in a dorsoventrally restricted band of FORSE-1 staining. ing mainly on the surface of the epithelium, lining the cavity, When the FORSE-1 mAb is diluted, however, the forebrain and to a lesserdegree within the sensoryepithelium itself (Fig. staining remainswhile, with increasingdilution, the spinal cord 6E,F). Other nasaltissues, the lateral nasal, septal, and vome- and then the midbrain and hindbrain staining becomeundetect- ronasal glands, are FORSE-1 positive from E17.5 through PlO able, even after acetone fixation (Fig. 7). This dilution result (not shown).The vomeronasalorgan itself is negative at all ages suggestsa gradient of FORSE-1 antigen expressionfrom high (not shown). in the forebrain to low in the spinal cord. Such a gradient is The is FORSE-1 positive upon acetone fixation, from supportedby immunoblotsof subdivisions of the CNS at El2 E11.5 to El5 (not shown), but subsequentlybecomes negative (see Fig. 9 and following section). Acetone may modify the until birth, when the inner nuclear layer of the retina is FORSE- 1 FORSE-1 epitope, resulting in better binding of the mAb, or positive. This staining continues in the adult (not shown). allow the mAb improved accessto the epitope. The otic placodesare FORSE-1 positive from E10.5 onward (E12.5, Fig. 2C). From El5 to E17.5, the cochlear ducts stain Identijcation of the FORSE-I antigens with FORSE-1, primarily on the inner surface(Fig. 3). At birth, To identify the FORSE-1 antigen, forebrains from El5 rat em- no labeling of otic structuresis detected (not shown). bryos were homogenizedin low salt, and solubleand membrane fractions were separatedby centrifugation. When the proteinsin Effect of acetonefiation on FORSE-I labeling these two fractions were subjected to immunoblot analysis, The FORSE-1 epitopeis sensitiveto paraformaldehyde,ethanol, FORSE-1 is found to bind a high-molecular-weight region, in and methanolfixation, therefore all of the data describedabove both soluble and membrane-boundforebrain fractions, which is from fresh-frozen sections,either unfixed or postfixed in 1% doesnot migrate out of the stacking portion of the gel (Fig. 8A). pkaformaldehyde. Postfixation in acetone (10 min, ‘0°C or There is no obvious staining of any proteinspresent within these -2O’C) remarkably intensifies the staining in areas that are two fractions when FORSE-1 is omitted from the incubation, FORSE-1 positive, while background staining (no lo antibody and,a variety of other antibodiesgenerated from the samefusion or irrelevant IgM lo antibody) remains very light (Figs. 3, 7). do not label the high-molecular-weight region labeled by The ability of acetone to increasethe sensitivity of staining by FORSE-1 (not shown). The heterogeneousand very large size the FORSE-1 antibody was tested using various dilutions of of the FORSE-l-positive band suggestthat the antigen is pro- FORSE-1 supernatanton acetone-fixed sections, describedbe- teoglycan like (Hemdon and Lander, 1990; Fryer et al., 1992; low. In addition, we determined,using dissociatedcells, that the Maeda et al., 1992). subcellularlocalization of the stainingwith and without acetone The nature of the FORSE-1 antigen in older animalswas de- fixation was similar; that is, acetone-fixed, dissociatedEl5 tel- termined by performing immunoblotsusing protein fractions iso- The Journal of NeuW, February 1995, M(2) 965

lated from newborn (PO) forebrains and subregionsof the adult A. FORSE-1 CNS. While FORSE- 1 binds similar high-molecular-weight regions in the soluble and membrane-boundfractions of the PO El5 PO Adult forebrain, this labeling is completely absent in any of the adult fb fb cbr cbl sp c brain fractions (Fig. 8A). FORSE-1 does, however, specifically label a doublet centered at about 80 kDa in the membrane- bound, but not the soluble (not shown), fractions derived from the adult cerebrum and spinal cord, and a similar doublet that migrates slightly faster than 80 kDa in the membranefraction derived from the adult cerebellum (Fig. 8A). The adult antigens are likely to be integral membrane proteins as they are fully extracted from the membrane fractions by Triton X-100 and NP40 (not shown). These bandsare not labeledwhen FORSE-1 is omitted from the incubation, nor are they stainedby a variety of other antibodies generatedin the samefusion (not shown). Consistent with our immunohistochemicalresults, there is no obvious binding to solubleor membrane-boundfractions derived +80kD from the following adult tissues: dorsal root ganglia, sciatic nerve, kidney, liver, and adrenal medulla (not shown). We also performed immunoblotsusing 5269, a previously characterized mAb that labels the forebrain of rat embryos (Stainier et al., 1991). Surprisingly, we find these immunoblots (Fig. 8B) are essentiallyidentical to thosegenerated with FORSE-1 (Fig. 8A). S P s P P P P Moreover, in the immunoblot analysesof the rostrocaudal dis- tribution of the embryonic/PO antigen,and the carbohydratecon- tent of both the embryonic/PO and adult antigens using 6. 5269 FORSE-1 describedbelow, identical resultswere obtained with El5 PO Adult 5269 (not shown). A stringent test of whether the high-molecular-weight, fb cbr cbl sp c fb FORSE-l-immunoreactive speciesis, in fact, the antigen visu- alized immunohistochemicallyin the embryo, is to analyze its rostrocaudal distribution. To do this we generated soluble and membrane-boundfractions from E12.5 and El5 forebrain, mid- brain and hindbrain, spinal cord, and body (minus spinal cord). Equal amountsof protein from each fraction were subjectedto an immunoblot analysisusing FORSE- 1. At both theseages, the biochemically detectedrostrocaudal difference in the distribution of the FORSE-1 epitope parallels the immunohistochemicalre- sults (Fig. 9A). In addition, FORSE-1 detects similar levels of the embryonic antigen in protein fractions derived from PO fore- brain, cerebellum,and spinal cord (Fig. 9B), consistentwith the lack of an immunohistochemicalrostrocaudal gradient at this t8OkD age. These data taken together indicate that the embryonic FORSE-1 epitope most likely resides on a high-molecular- weight, proteoglycan-like antigen. The proteoglycan-like characteristicsof the embryonic/POan- tigen prompted us to determine whether the FORSE-1 epitope S p s PPPP is composedof amino acids or carbohydrate. To do this we di- Figure 8. FORSE-1 and 5269 both recognize a proteoglycan in the gested soluble fractions of PO rat forebrain with the following embryonic and newborn rat forebrain, and regionally expressed 80 kDa glycosidases:chondroitinase ABC, hyaluronidase, heparitinase, doublets in the adult CNS. Soluble (s) and membrane/cytoskeletal (p) keratinase,endoglycosidase-H, neuraminidase, or N-glycosidase protein preparations from El5 and PO rat forebrains, as well as mem- E and performed an immunoblot analysisusing mAb FORSE- brane/cytoskeletal fractions @) of adult rat cerebrum (cbr), cerebellum 1. ChondroitinaseABC digestion yields a more tightly resolved, (cbl), and spinal cord (sp c), were subjected to SDS-PAGE and im- munoblot analysis. A shows the binding of mAb FORSE-1 to a proteo- faster migrating (although still within the stacking gel) FORSE- glycan in the embryonic and PO forebrain, and to 80 kDa doublets in 1-immunoreactive species(Fig. 10). None of the other glycosi- the adult rat crb, cbl, and sp c. B shows very similar binding of mAb dasesaffected the mobility of the antigenor the binding of mAb 52G9 to essentially identical nitrocellulose transfers. Primary antibody FORSE-1 (not shown). This result suggeststhat the embryonic/ binding was visualized with a peroxidase-conjugated goat anti-mouse PO antigen is a proteoglycan that contains chondroitin sulfate. IgM secondary antibody. Arrowhead represents border between stack- ing and running gels. The migration (highly resolved bands)and nonionic detergent extractability of the adult antigensare not proteoglycan like, but are rather suggestive of a membraneglycoprotein. To test this we digested membranefractions of adult rat cerebellum (solu- 966 Tole et al. * FORSE-1 Labeling in the Developing Rat CNS

A, PO ADULT fb mb&hb *P c body

El 2.5


B. fb cbl SP = -+ -+ CH. N-GL.

Figure 10. The FORSE-1 epitope is composed of carbohydrate. A, Equal amounts of soluble protein derived from the PO rat forebrain were S P * P * P digested with chondroitinase ABC as described in the Materials and Methods. These digests, along with an undigested sample containing Figure 9. The FORSE-1 epitope on the proteoglycan is enriched in the same amount of protein, were subjected to SDS-PAGE and immu- the rostra1 CNS early in embryonic development. Soluble (s) and mem- noblot analysis. FORSE-1 binds the proteoglycan in the control, undi- brane/cytoskeletal (p) protein fractions generated from various rostro- gested sample (-), and to a more resolved, faster migrating species in caudal regions of the E12.5 and E15, as well as the PO CNS, were the sample digested with chondroitinase ABC (CH). B, A membrane/ cytoskeletal fraction derived from the adult rat cerebellum. solubilized subjected to SDS-PAGE and immunoblot analysis. In A, the top panel with 1% NP40, was digested with N-glycosidase F (N-GL) as described shows the binding of FORSE-1 to the uroteoglvcan in the E12.5 nrotein fractions, while the bottompanel show’s the bytiding to the El5 fractions. in the Materials and Methods. This digest and an undigested sample of Both immunoblots show that the expression of the FORSE-1 epitope the same protein fraction were subiected to SDS-PAGE and immunoblot analysis. N-glycosidase F completely eliminates the binding of mAb on the proteoglycan is enriched in the forebrain. Primary antibody bind- FORSE-1 to the 80 kDa doublet. The ing was visualized with a peroxidase-conjugated goat anti-mouse IgM upperarrow indicates the border secondary antibody. B shows the binding of FORSE-1 to fractions of between the stacking and running gels for both A and B. Primary an- PO rat CNS. Similar levels of the proteoglycan are detected in soluble tibody binding was visualized with a peroxidase-conjugated goat anti- as well as membrane/cytoskeletal fractions. mouse IgM secondary antibody.

bilized with 1% NP40) with the sameglycosidases used to char- and immunoblot data indicate that FORSE-1 and 5269 recog- acterize the embryonic antigen, and performed an immunoblot nize epitopes on the sameembryonic and adult antigens. analysis with FORSE-1. While N-glycosidase F completely abolishesthe binding of FORSE-1, none of the other glycosi- Discussion dasesaffect the mobility of the adult cerebellar antigen or the Developmental expressionof the FORSE-I epitope in the CNS binding of FORSE-1 (Fig. 10; not shown). Identical resultswere From the earliest stages,prior to closure of the neural tube, the obtainedusing adult cerebrum and spinal cord membranes(not FORSE- 1 mAb exhibits a positionally restricted pattern of bind- shown). In all cases,FORSE-1 binding was eliminated whether ing in the CNS. This suggeststhat the FORSE-1 antigenscould the solubilized membraneswere digestedprior to SDS-PAGE or play a role in patterning the neural tube. To understandthe spa- whetherthe nitrocellulosetransfers of the resolved proteinswere tial regulation of the FORSE-1 antigens, the important features incubatedwith N-glycosidaseF prior to the addition of the mAb of the staining pattern are discussedseparately below, and the (not shown). These data suggestthat the adult antigensare gly- data is summarizedin Figure 11. coproteins that contain N-linked high mannose,most likely in Proliferative neuroepithelium staining (E9.SE17.5). That the form of hybrid and complex chains, and that the FORSE-1 cells of dividing neuroepithelium specifically label with epitope present on theseantigens is composedof carbohydrate. FORSE-1 is well demonstratedat El75 (Fig. 4), where staining is seenin cells of the ventricular zone but not the cortical plate. Comparisonwith m4b 5269 Regional speci$city in the E11.5-E13.5 forebrain. The fore- We compared the immunohistochemicallabeling pattern of brain contains someFORSE- 1-positive and someFORSE- 1-neg- FORSE-1 with that of 5269 (Stainier et al., 1991). At all ages, ative areas. From El15 to E13.5, the basal telencephalonand consistent with the results of the immunoblot analysis (see the lateral walls of the telencephalic bulbs label with FORSE-1 above), the binding patterns of the two mAbs are identical, in- while the medial walls do not, and the boundariesbetween the cluding the restricted labeling of the CNS (Fig. 3), nasalepithe- positive and negative regions are sharp. In the diencephalon, lia, and otic structures.Taken together,the immunohistochemical FORSE-1 displays a unique labeling pattern which we have The Journal of Neuroscience, February 1995. f5(2) 997

discussedabove and the expressionpattern from late embryonic life to adulthood together are reminiscent of the biphasic ex- pressionpattern of NCAM in the developing mouseCNS (Bally- Cuif et al., 1993). NCAM is first expressedin a rostrocaudal, position-dependentpattern, and then is expressedby almost all postmitotic neurons.It is significant that throughout embryonic and early postnatal life, the FORSE-1 antigen identified in the CNS is a high-molecular-weightproteoglycan (discussedfurther below), indicating that the change in expressionpattern from a restricted to a widespreadone does not appearto be accompa- nied by a change in the identity of the antigen. In the adult, however, FORSE-1 binds an 80 kDa doublet. FORSE-1 antigens FORSE-1 recognizesan epitope on apparently distinct bandson immunoblots, and these are regulated with different develop- mental time courses. From E12.5 through early postnatal life, FORSE-1 binds a high-molecular-weight antigen in solubleand membrane-boundforebrain fractions that does not migrate out Days post conception of the stacking gel even when subjected to SDS-PAGE under Figure Il. FORSE-1 labeling in the developing CNS. Hatching rep- reducing conditions. A number of properties of this antigen in- resents FORSE-1 staining, with greater densities reflecting higher la- dicate that it is likely to be a proteoglycan (Zaremba et al., beling intensities. In the El l-El4 diencephalon, the three stripes of 1989). The estimated molecular weight (>200 kDa) of the hatching represent the regional restriction described in Figure 2. In the FORSE-l-immunoreactive speciesand its broad, diffuse migra- El l-El4 midbrain, hindbrain, and spinal cord, the restricted region of hatching represents the staining observed in transverse sections, visu- tion pattern are consistent with this antigen being a proteogly- alized after acetone fixation, as described in Figure 8. can. The most compelling evidence on this point is provided by enzymatic digestion. That chondroitinaseABC digestion of sol- uble and membrane-boundforebrain fractions resultsin a tighter compared in detail to several transcription factors (Tole and Pat- FORSE-l-positive band that migrates faster on SDS-PAGE terson, 1995). The FORSE-1 labeling pattern is not identical to strongly suggeststhat this antigenis a proteoglycan that contains any of the known transcription factors in the early forebrain, and chondroitin sulfate. The presenceof the FORSE-l-immunoreac- serves to further subdivide the developing forebrain. tive proteoglycan in soluble as well as membrane-boundfore- Dorsoventral restriction in the midbrain-hindbrain-cord brain fractions is consistent with other studiesthat describe a (El 1.5E13.5). Dorsoventral restriction within the forebrain is similar subcellulardistribution of proteoglycans(Zaremba et al., discussed above. Acetone fixation reveals a dorsoventrally re- 1989; Oohira et al., 1988; Herndon and Lander, 1990; Maeda et stricted region of FORSE-1 labeling along the entire rostrocau- al., 1992). da1 extent of the CNS, from El 1.5 to E13.5. This FORSE-I- A number of recent studieshave describedthe expressionof positive region lies in between a small dorsalmost area that is developmentally regulated proteoglycans in the mammalian FORSE-1 negative, and most of the ventral half of the CNS. CNS (Hemdon and Lander, 1990; Streit et al., 1990; Cole and Transcription factors Pax3 and 7 have similar dorsoventrally re- McCabe, 1991; Fryer et al., 1992; Maeda et al., 1992), but none stricted distributions; Pax6, in contrast, appears to have a com- have reported a proteoglycan epitope whose expressionis pos- plementary distribution to that of FORSE-1 in the spinal cord. itionally and developmentally regulated as in the present case. Members of the HoxB family all display spatially and tempo- That the biochemistry accurately reflects the distribution of the rally regulated patterns along the dorsoventral axis and show a antigen detected immunohistochemicallyis especially clear at striking dorsal restriction in the spinal cord between El25 and E12.5 and E15, where, consistent with the immunohistochem- E14.5 in the mouse (Graham et al., 1991). Graham et al. suggest istry, immunoblot analysis clearly shows a forebrain-enriched that the dynamic pattern of expression of these genes could re- distribution of the proteoglycan bearing the FORSE-1 epitope. flect their role in conferring rostrocaudal identity to different During early postnataldevelopment, in contrast,FORSE-1 labels classes of neurons as they are born in different locations along sectionsof rostra1 and caudal CNS equally, and immunoblot the dorsoventral axis. Dbx-1 is expressed in a narrow, dorso- analysisdetects no positional difference in the expressionof the ventrally restricted stripe in the embryonic spinal cord (Lu et proteoglycan. These results strongly suggestthat we have cor- al., 1992), and MASH-l is transiently expressed in a dorsal re- rectly identified the antigen bearing the FORSE-1 epitope. gion of the ventricular zone in the embryonic spinal cord (Lo et In immunoblots of membrane-boundfractions derived from al., 1991). All these expression patterns reveal molecular differ- the adult brain and spinal cord, FORSE-1 binds a doublet of ences. in cells based on their dorsoventral position. proteins centered at about 80 kDa. These FORSE-1 antigens Widespread labeling of mature neurons (El%adult). From appear to be integral membraneglycoproteins and not proteo- late embryonic life through adulthood, the FORSE- 1 antigen ap- glycans, becausethey are completely solubilized by nonionic pears to no longer be subject to the spatial regulation discussed detergents, their mobility is not affected by enzymes such as above. Instead,neurons throughout the CNS expressthe antigen, chondroitinaseABC, and N-glycosidaseF treatmentremoves the with local variations in intensity of labeling. This is consistent FORSE-1 epitope. The latter result suggeststhat these antigens with the possibility that the FORSE-1 antigenhas different roles contain N-linked high mannoseoligosaccharides, most likely in in embryonic life and in maturity. The rostrocaudal regulation the form of hybrid and complex chains, and further indicates 966 Tole et al. l FORSE-I Labeling in the Developing Rat CNS that the epitope recognized by FORSE-1 is composed of car- l), Gbx-2, and Wnt-3 in the embryonic day 12.5 mouse forebrain bohydrate. This suggests that the FORSE-1 epitope on the em- defines potential transverse and longitudinal segmental boundaries. J Neurosci 13:3155-3172. bryonic antigen also contains N-linked high mannose oligosac- Canning DR, Stern CD (1988) Changes in the expression of the car- charides. However, N-glycosidase F treatment does not remove bohydrate epitope HNK-1 associated with mesoderm induction in the the epitope on the embryonic antigen, perhaps due to the en- chick embryo. Development 104: 1-13. zyme’s inability to access the appropriate site. This epitope is Chisaka 0, Capecchi MR (1991) Regionally restricted developmental defects resulting from targeted disruption of the mouse homeobox CNS specific as it is not present in the PNS or in a variety of gene hox-1.5. Nature 350:473-479. non-neuronal tissues. In addition, the size of the doublet, at least Chisaka 0, Musci TS, Capecchi MR (1992) Developmental defects of in the adult, is region specific. The forebrain and spinal cord the ear, cranial nerves and hindbrain resulting from targeted disrup- express a doublet centered at about 80 kDa, while the molecular tion of the mouse homeobox gene Hox-1.6. Nature 355:516-520. weight of the doublet in the cerebellum is slightly smaller. 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