cop CONTBREAK 2-05-2007 18:04 Pagina 1 Gabriella LaCie Disk:Archivio:Clienti:TS Contemporanea:ATTI CONT_BREAK_VENEZIA: CB Executive Secretariat Trieste Contemporanea Committee ITALY - 34121 Trieste, via del Monte 2/1 telephone: + 39 040 639187 fax: +39 040 367601 <
[email protected]> CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST. THE EXPANDED MAP CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST. THE EXPANDED MAP THE EXPANDED BREAKFAST. CONTINENTAL Second CEI Venice Forum for Contemporary Art Curators photo: i 3 della forcella TRIESTE CONTEMPORANEA CONTINENTAL THE Venice, UNESCO Office in Venice - Regional Bureau for Science in Europe (ROSTE) Palazzo Zorzi, Castello 4930 7 – 8 June, 2005 BREAKFAST EXPANDED MAP Second CEI Venice Forum for Contemporary Art Curators edited by Giuliana Carbi Trieste Contemporanea 2005 3 CONTENTS Giuliana Carbi, Introduction 9 Domenico Ronconi, (Open) Conclusions 13 FIRST PART 17 Aleksandra Estela Bjelica Mladenovic´, A Great Experience 19 Branko Franceschi, Residency Effect. Impressions of an accomplice 24 Giancarlo Graziani, The Art Advisory for the Art Market. The Italy Case 30 Anders Härm, Curating the East. Local tendencies and Western expectations 34 Ania Jagiello, How to convince to contemporary art? Activity of the Polish Institute of Rome 37 Beral Madra, Positions in East of EU in the expanded map. Micro and macro policies of contemporary art and culture 41 Dragana Palavestra, City of Belgrade – City Administration. Realisation of programmes and the mutual relations of participants in the financing of contemporary art (events, institutions, artists) 46 Alfredo Pirri, Traces of identity outside the “white cube” art spaces 53 Domenico Ronconi, Looking ahead 57 Gabriela S´witek, Invisibility. The Cultures of Collecting Data 68 Vittorio Urbani, Reflecting on mistakes 75 Maria Vassileva, Visual Seminar 78 SECOND PART - Mapping the Gap Activities of publishing art 83 Konstantin Akinsha, Reporting on Tabula Rasa.