(1766-1834) Haileybury,Great Britain- Early 1800s

Job Experience

o I am a certified clergyman who is familiar with clerical duties

o I also have written a wide expanse of literature in regards to in society including pamphlets and papers o I have been a teaching fellow at various colleges including Jesus College, Cambridge and the Royal Society o I am a renowned professor who has taught history and at the East India Company's college at Haileybury, Hertfordshire o Member of the Political Economy Club and cofounder of the Statistical Society of London o Elected to the French Acadmie des Sciences Morales et Politiques and to the Royal Academy of Berlin

Education Warrington Academy Jesus College, Cambridge-Graduated 1788

o Graduated after studying wide range of subjects o Accolades: Prizes taken in English declamation, Latin and Greek o Graduated with honors and as a Ninth Wrangler in mathematics. o I continued on in his education and took the MA degree in 1791 o Two years after, I was elected a Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge.


o Strong analytical skills

o Firm basis in economic history as well as political economics

o Academic writer familiar with meeting deadlines

o Quick thinker and quick to respond to new economic developments

o Acclaimed professor with several years teaching experience

o Member of the Anglican clergy with a firm basis in religious study

Accomplishments o Published with famous works printed such as: o The present high price of provisions o Observations on the effects of the Corn Laws o The Nature of Rent o The policy of restricting the importation of Grain o Principles of political economy o The Measure of Value, stated and illustrated o Definitions in political economy o An Essay On the Principle of Population o Various other works o Fellow of the secretive Royal Society o Member of the Political Economy Club and cofounder of the Statistical Society of London (invitation only) o Elected to the French Acadmie des Sciences Morales et Politiques and to the Royal Academy of Berlin o writings strongly influenced Whig reforms which overturned Tory paternalism and brought in the Poor Law Amendment Act of 1834.


My inspiration came from his father. Many of his views on economic and political factors are drawn from his father’s outlook on the French Revolution and its supports. Like many people of his time, my father saw the nature of revolution and those participating in needless bloodshed as one of corruption. This led to my theory that human nature tended to lean towards corruption and my negative outlook on economics.

I was an inspiration to scientists and political alike who would change the way people thought about the world in regards to population, creation, and evolution. I truly was the first political economist of my time and thus saw many follow after me including industrialist Robert Owen, David Paley and who

2 were businessmen or economists who took after me in beliefs. I also inspired various biologists including Charles Darwin who was the creator of the theory of evolution.


• Schooling related awards and Recognitions: o prizes in English declamation, Latin and Greek o Graduated with honors and as a Ninth Wrangler in mathematics o Elected a Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge in 1793 • Became a fellow of the Royal Society in 1818 • Critically acclaimed for my publications

o An Essay On the Principle of Population was published in six different formats

• Malthusian growth model named after me

• Considered one of the fathers of modern day political economics

References Charles Darwin- Scientist Malthus played a key role in my understanding of evolution and the scientific processes involved. Needless to say without Malthus, there would be no theory of evolution.

• His principle on population growth inspired me as well as various other scientists to study the same effects on the animal community • This study was key in the formation on the theory of evolution.

David Ricardo

I have worked closely with Malthus on several occasions. Although we do not always agree in terms of political views or economic theories, he is easy to work with and always collaborative.

• Malthus’s works helped inspire my work on the nature of rent (although we took opposite views)

Quote "Yet in all societies, even those that are most vicious, the tendency to a virtuous attachment is so strong that there is a constant effort towards an increase of population. This constant effort as constantly tends to subject the lower classes of the society to distress and to prevent any great permanent amelioration of their condition". —Malthus T.R., An essay on the principle of population. (1798)


Thomas Malthus Haileybury, Hertfordshire, Great Britain 11/15/11

East India Company's college at Haileybury, Hertfordshire Political Economy Club Statistical Society of London

Dear Yale Board of Trustees:

As one of the world’s most renowned universities for economics, it is extremely desirable to be an educator at your university. It has come to my attention that there is a position open on your faculty. I would like to offer my services in teaching at your fine institution a class on religion and political economy as well as a course in The Foundations of Economics in Political Theory. I am rather knowledgeable in both subjects mentioned above as well as broader courses on economics.

Although my skills error on the side of political economist, I would be as strong addition to your economic analysis team. My background in politics and sociology make me a strong candidate for this position. I am extremely familiar with the world of academia. I have been a fellow in several institutions of higher learning such as the Jesus College in Cambridge as well as a professor of economic history at the East India Company's college at Haileybury, Hertfordshire, and various other institutes. My research is renowned and would bring much attention to Yale. I am dedicated to analytical studies of world economies past and present and hope to bring new insight to the subject with the use of your research library. My previous research is rather well known such as An Essay on the Principle of Population, The Nature of Rent, Principles of Political Economy, the Malthusian social theory, and various other famous works. I literally helped write the books on modern day economic theory. As a professor whose been teaching for a significant period of time, I feel I provide a more classical outlook to education that pushes students to excel as much as possible. I am particularly well suited to teach these classes, as I am a certified clergyman who often instills religious dogma into my political and economic theories. As a clerical member, I bring a fresh perspective to the study of religion in economics.

Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to review my resume. I hope to follow up this application to conduct research as well as teach at your university by mail in one weeks time. If I am needed immediately I can be found in Bath, England via the post. Thank you again.

Respectfully yours, Thomas Malthus