'•{ 'r Weather j Rat Bank Area f 27,500 Low araad *. Tmcm » • , mostly aaany aad warmer. Out- Owitfit-The Red Bank Register, Inc. -MM. took Snadty, fair and mUd. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 88 YEARS DIAL 741-0010 VOL 89 NO 53 luati ««n». llann threw* Mia. Mam dui Pt*tu> FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1966 7c PER COPY PACE ONE Municipal Officers Group Opposes Move Acts to Form Health Department FREEHOLD — Despite oppo- —all towns had been invited to as may be interested in forming These include Red Bank, Mid- very, very effective distribution Wall Township predicted that a statement of opposition from the pliments — from Dr. Aronson •ition from the county Health Of- be represented—the freeholders a county department for 1967dletow. n Township, Asbury Park, of services; it could have a topdesirable arrangement could be health officers association. It during the meeting. ficers Association, the Monmouth said a county unit was contem- The freeholders accepted the of-Neptune, and the six towns o! notch health department in every made If towns were assured that contended that all county tax- Tie was criticized for suggest- County Board of Freeholders took plated now to forestall the loss fer. the Long Branch Public Health respect." they would get better services payers would be burdened, that ing that a fair comparison with the first step last night toward of $128,000 in available state aid Under a new health law, theRegional Commission (Long Under the proposal, the county and pay no more money than at costs would exceed the avail>r£!*Monmouth's potential costs would forming a county health depart- which individual towns are in- state has appropriated money to Branch, West Long Branch, Ea- would organize a department, present. state aid, and that individual be the $1 million budget, for a ment. , . eligible to receive. aid local health departments serv- tontown, Oceanport, Monmouth employ a health director and a Attractive Package towns would be giving up their staff of 112, in a Florida com- Progress went slowly and there Application for aid must be ing more than 25,000 inhabitants Beach and Sea Bright). staff, and contract with the par- "You should be able to put to-right of self determination in se-munity of 400,000 people. was no assurance that the move made by Oct. 15, however. and employing a full-time li- The other 43 towns currently ticipating municipalities. Towns gether a package that would lection of health officers and ser- I'm surprised at you, Ray," will culminate in any final At the end, Dr. Jesse B. Aron- censed health officer, and those expend $343,000 for part-time not receiving benefits would payhave the municipalities chafing vices. scolded the state official, "be- action. son, state director of Lo- that have had full-time officers health, services, Dr. Aronson said. none of the cost. at the bit to get," Mayor Ruppel Dr. Aronson disputed the as-cause you know better. Florida At a meeting of mayors and cal Health Services, offered to since before 1960. "For that sum, plus the avail- Mayors Alfred E. Ruppel of ild. sociation on all three points. and all of the southern states health officers from about half draw tip an operating plan for Ten Monmouth municipalities able state aid," he declared, Colts Neck, Frank E. Gibson of Ray English, Howell Township Mr. English drew a sharp re- have an entirely different con- of the county's 53 municipalities study for as many municipalities are eligible under this criteria. "Monmouth County could have a Freehold, and Joseph Ehret of health officer, presented the buff—plus lots of personal com- (See HEALTH DEPT., Page J). Offer Ne wA irportPlan By CHARLES A. JOHNSTON vate development of an airport — with up to 50 per cent of thetions where public ownership of- Currently the freeholders have FREEHOLD — A new site pro- capable of meeting full county purchase cost involved — which fers the best deal for the tax-the privately - owned Monmouth posal for a publicly-owned Mon- civilian and military needs. the county can receive. payers to realize a benefit from Airport, Rt. 34, Wall Township, mouth County Airport, consisting "But after long study," he de- "As a conservative devoted to their Investment in the govern- as their primary' target, despite of 1,000 .acres m prime industrial clared, "we concluded that we the private enterprise system, I ment. This is one of those sltua< reluctance of owner Edward I. area in New Shrewsbury, hard could not match the federal funds recognize that there are situa- tions." Brown to sell, the consultants by the county's population hub, is however, are under direction, in ' under consideration by the Board rendering a feasibility report, to of Freeholders. . consider all possible alternatives. Freeholder Marcus Daly con- The suggestion by the Pierson firmed yesterday that a group in- group Is the second to involve cluding Roland B. Pierson, Lin- New Shrewsbury property. The croft real estate broker; William first, 400 acres west of the park- (Duff) Donald, operator of the way opposite the Fort Monmouth Colts Neck Airport, and John Army Electronics Command Hex- Donate, owner of Qonato Con (See AIRPORT, Page 2) struction Co., had advanced the proposal to him. Full construction costs have been estimated at $7 million. Gemini 11 Mr. Daly said copies of the presentation have been given to all freeholders and to the Coun- Launch Is ty's newly-engaged consulting firm, Porter, Armstrong, Ripa PRELIMINARY WINNERS — First lour preliminary Winner, in swim suit and talent di- Associates, Newark, for evalua Postponed visions ppse with their trophies at close of last night's second round of competition Uon. In th» Miss America Pageant in Atlantic City. From left ar»: Sharon FhiHian, Miss The property lies north of As- CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP)- bury Ave., adjoining the eastern A pinhole leak, In- the fuel sys- Ohio; Barbara Harris, Mi** South Carolina; Nancy Naylor, Miss New Hampshire; and border of tthe Earfe Naval Am- tem of the Tt^an 2 booster rock- Charlen* Dallas, Mits California. Mist America 1967 v/ill b« named tomorrow night. munition pepot on Shafto Rd. et today forced, a postponement and west of tine Garden State ofjOie rughtiof Gemiiiiil. ,/••••' Parkway. It spreads across pfcrt The leak WM discovered Just of West Park Ave. • three hours before astronauts .B.MO-Toat Strip' • Charles Conrad,! Jf.,'and Richard Under the' plan advanced, the F. Gordon, Jr., were to wake up airport would Include a 6,000-foot to start preparations for their runway with pavement to accom- three-day mission. They were al- Jersey Depositions modate payloads of 150,000 lowed to continue sleeping. pounds, such as might be aboard The National! Aeronautics and Army C-130's, and a 3,000-foot Space Administration said a new paved runway suitable for execu- launch date would not be set e-rjpe and other small private until the seriousness of the prob- Out for Coppolino planes. lem wasi determined. No decision Key to success of any public was expected before noon. SARASOTA — Though, it was a moot Judge Silvertooth to forbid the proposed in- airport, Mr. Pierson told The While there was an outside pos- question by the time it reached him, Circuit terrogation on grounds that it was not au- Register, will be development of sibility of a Saturday launching, 'judge Lynn Silvertooth decided yesterday thorized in Florida law and would amount to allied industrial tenant opera- PROPOSED COUNTY AIRPORT SITE — Parcel of 1.000 acres in New Shrewsbury officials said it more likely would that counsel for accused double slayer Dr. a "fishing expedition." tions and his proposition reserves outlined by Roland B. Pianon, Lineroft real estate broker, is under study by the Mbn- be two or more days.' Carl Coppolino doesn't have a right to take Cpppolino, 34, has been indicted here for an area of '500 acres for such mouth County Board of Freeholders. It ii north of Asbury Ave., west of the Garden The huge Titan 2 Had been out-of-state depositions. . fatally drugging his first wife, Dr. Carmela use. loaded with 13,700 gallons ot fuel . Defense Counsel F. Lee Bailey had served Coppolino, 32, at their home in 1965, and for The real estate man is a prom- Stats Parkway, and Bast of Shafto Rd,, and the Earle Naval Ammunition Depot. Th» and 15,900 gallons of oxldizer strangling a former neighbor. Army Cot: Wil- notice that he would question the two doctors nent " Republican conservative field's northern tip would spread across West Park Ave., between the parkway and when instruments in the block- who conducted autopsies on Coppolino's al- liam E. Farber, at his home,in Middletown who says his proposal is the out- Shafto Rd., to permit a 6,000-foot paved runway. house detected the tiny leak in leged victims at their own offices, Township, N. J., in 1963. He is in jail here. growth of an earlier idea for pri- the oxidizer tank of the first ; ' But before the question came up in court He is scheduled to have a preliminary stage. for review, Dr. C. Malcolm B. Gilman, Mon- hearing Monday before Judge Silvertooth mouth County Physician, announced that he when Mr. Bailey will move, to dismiss the "It was only a pinhole in a would not permit himself to be questioned, Florida indictment on grounds that it is not Middletown Ruling: No welded area," an official said. before trial. He. acted on advice of County based on proper evidence. Crowd Turns Out "But you can't fly with that iProsecutpr Ytacent P,"Keu'per.' .. Coppolino, who has retired from medical 9 type of situation." > ; The other-witness Mri Bailey wanted to .practice because of a heart condition, is. a Outsiders Signs, Either The'hole was so tiny that more question was Dr. Milton.Helpern, chiefm«di- writer and a hypnotist. He has yet to be ar- /apor than liquid was escaping. . eal examiner -of New York City who was raigned on the New Jersey indictment because MIDDLETOWN — Atlantic Highlands politicians, stay For Country Fair The launch crew immediately equally adamant. Florida has refused to release him until its out of Middletown. ' •..'•••. began dumping the 151 tons of ' State's. Attorney . Frank Schaub asked case is concluded. . ' ' , That was the word yesterday from local Zoning Officer fuel. Then they will have to purge and Building Inspector Newton. A. Mallett, who said he will NEW SHREWSBURY*— By 9 bridge erected between two wood- the tanks before technicians can serve a five-day notice today that two Atlantic Highlands o'clock last night, an unofficial en A-frames. get in for a closer look. ' count by a gatekeeper showed Test of Stflte Law Planned Republican campaign signs be'removed. Two teenage g i r I s in levis, If the leak can be repaired by They are on Leonardville Rd., an approach to Atlantic more, .than 1,000 admissions sold sweatshirts and long, straight to the. 14th annual New Shrews- a simple "tire patch" operation Highlands — but onMiddletown land. hair sold apples from a card- from the outside, the rocket could And that, Mr. Mallett noted, is a violation of the local bury Country Fair, and the fes-board carton with a handle' at tivities had officially started only be ready to go in a day or so, zone code.. each end and a sign on the side. officials said. But if the top ot Daly Won't Comment Although the notice is for five\days, he wants them taken an hour before. In the huge fair tents were ex- the oxidlzer tank has to be re- down "immediately if not sooner." More than 300 spectators — hibits of flowers, plants, paint- moved and a man lowered into : The signs ask Atlantic Highlands residents to vote for most of them teenagers in long- ings, sculptures,., hobbles, hand- the trouble area, a delay of sev- Robert B. Long, David DeGroot and A. Ernest Schickedahz tailed shirts and levis—crowded crafts, cakes, cookies, ceramics, eral days is likely, he added. in the Tuesday GOP primary. the folding chairs before' the jewelry, pine cones and photo- On Follow-lJp of Plan The three candidates are being opposed by incumbents bandstand, where a couple of graphs. Richard C. Stryker, Robert M. Earle and Paul F. Mulr. young girls and a guitar were giving out with something about There were games In which Vocational FREEHOLD — Bombarded by should face the realization thai Mr. Baird said that in appear- Mr. Mallett commented: one tried to squirt out candles "If we are not going to let Middletown politicians put up "Los Pescadores." continuing criticism, Freeholder aid to dependent children is ing here he will also test a New Children grouped to share with water pistols, burst balloons Marcus Daly refused yesterday Jersey law which bans public dis- signs, we certainly are not going to let out-of-towners do it." with darts, throw balls into holes money allocated to children i The remarks were made with the background here of a thrills on the rides. School Set to say whether he will go through need, whether legitimate or ille- play of contraceptives. controversy over signs which dates to the 1965 campaign when For the hungry, members of or pitch them into baskets. At with his plan to have the Mongitmate." He said he had notified Police 1,500 Illegal posters were put up. the Pin^ Brook Community Hose one booth, one could win a live For Asbury mouth County Welfare Board Mr. Daly declined comment, as- Chief Leo Galcher that he plans rabbit. At the close of last year's campaign. Democrats and Re- Company fried stacks of ribs FREEHOLD — The Monmouth' prosecute unwed clients if they serting, "the matter will be fully to park his mobile van on Main publicans alike said something would be done about the sit- and chicken over charcoal fires. Borough churches offered liter- seek aid for their illegitimate St., near the front of the Hall pi bounty Vocational Board of Edu- discussed and a decision deter- uation this year, and two days ago a general agreement was Cub Scouts of Pack 100 steered ature. The League of Women Vot- children. mined on Wednesday." Records, from noon to 1 p.m.; reached to ban all road and lawn signs. ers advised fairgoers to "Getatlbn yesterday approved a res- struggling youngsters over a rope olution accepting for $1 a tract "The question will be answered The head of a Long Island birth arid added he is ready to be ar- Smart; Get the Facts," and at the board meeting Wednes- rested. ' urged citizens to register to vote. of land'adjacent to Asbury Park control clinic, William R. Baird, High School for the county's fifth day," he declared. announced' ha will distribute con- Chief Galcher said he will meet The local Republican Club dis- today with Chief of County De- played three photographs of its vocational school building. Latest to attack the freehold- traceptives and birth control in- The approximately three-quar- er's announced plan was Floyd formation on the street here to- tectives John M. Gawfer for ad-Apartments, Legal Fees three candidates while the can- B. McKissick, national director vice on how to handle the site didates themselves handed out er-acre tract Is being acquired morrow in protest of the Dal; from the Asbury Park Board of of the Congress of Racial Equal- plan. tlon. ' campaign literature and sold ity (CORE) who accusedMr. The law which Mr. Baird wants penny candy. Education. It is on Drury La., Prevention between the east end of the high Daly of resorting to "intimida- "If Mr. Daly used his head," to test Is under the Disorderly The Democrats were busy Persons Act and provides for a Spark Marlboro Debates school and the stadium. tion and self incrimination" to said the medical director of th shaking hands and cutting out deny aid to dependent children. maximum fine of $1,000 and The board retained the Hazlet Parent Aid Society, Hempstead, MARLBORO — Garden apart- cause, they sajd, only measures Air communications, excluding name tags in their booth on thearchitectural firm of Boyken & year in jail for violators. •.. opposite side of the fair grounds, "Instead of advocating ' public L.I., "he would see that the solu- Mr. Baird said he was arrested ments and Planning Board ex- discussed at council's caucus Mr. Brodnlak's measure, were Moss for construction of the six- punishment for private conduct," tion to the problem Is not punish- penses were two much-debated could be placed on an agenda. referred for council study. Coun- The New Shrewsbury Public room, two-story building. Con- in New York for similar activi- Library offered bargain priced said Mr. McKissick. "Mr. Daly ment but prevention," ties In 1964 and that his prosecu- issues last night but Township But Mr. Brodniak argued that cllmen Philip Arnold and Brod- struction cost is estimated at Council majority failed to be per-Mr. Creevy's question concerning niak abstained. second hand books. $800,000. The building ia sched- tion led to downgrading of the The Woman's Club was back New York law. He said, he looks suaded by council minority pleas. council's pleasure on communi- Mayor Walter'C. Grabb, Jr. uled to open In September, 1968, Councilman Joseph Brodniak cations okayed his move. with The Spot, with coffee and a Donald P. Hoagland, vocational for a similar result here. touched off the next debate when variety of pies and cakes. Today's Index He said he expects to be ac-Tied to slip a resolution through He wanted a referendum on the he probed into why Leon Ava- ichools superintendent, said the >n the coat tails of a letter by All around the area were Chief Asbury Park school will offer (See DALY, Page 3) next general election ballot, kian's $200 monthly retainer James A. Herring's men, regular Page ;, Page Township Attorney Milton Ko- council to return the applications voucher was not being paid. Mr. courses in distributive education, Eitontown Republicans sene which recommended that off|cers and specials, communi- Allen-Scott ..... I Herblock .6 to the zoners and no action tak- Avakian is the Planning Board's beauty culture, drafting, com- Home nd Ted Zabrowski needs and de-five garden apartment applies cating over walkie-talkies as they (See VOCATIONAL, Page 3) Amusements J4, 28 » Garden VI serves your vote on Sept, 13—He en on. these units until after a engineer. managed and directed the crowd. , Movie Timetable . Ions be returned to the Board referendum: Budget Exceeded Births , i_. J has mine", Paid by Edward O. of Adjustment. Lemon Officiates To Whom It May Concern • * Obituaries, ...„,.. . 4 Clark.-Adv. Mr. Kosene recommended that Mr. Creevy replied that the At 8 p.m. Mayor John "£• Lem- Soden's Flowers, 81 Newman Jim Bishop _...,..... ;_;.. I Religious Services .2 ; 13 Protests from Council Presi- planners had exceeded its $7,000 Springs Rd., New Shrewsbury, Is Big Sale dent George Creevy and Council- the applications be returned be- on, Jr., officially opened the fair Bridge'Lil: JS Sylvia Porter 8 cause each refcronced a 1965 budget and that no funds were with a short address beamed over itlll owned and operated by' John Chamberlain « Sports •'..„'.._.•.»-. i .10, 11on all furniture designed for In- men Charles McCue and Alfred available yet. He promised that Catherine Soden until further Storer blocked his attempt be- building ordinance which, he said, the public address system. Classified ..^...^...... :... ;.l«J Stock Market...... : S door casual living. Don't miss had been repealed. Each was two $200 vouchers for Mr. Ava- "We hoar very little about the lotlce.—Adv. ;•••.•• Comics ...... ^.;...... ;.;.; _,j$ Successful. Investing g Big Bargains. Monmouth Awning Jack Sullivan's over SO days old from hearing to kian would get top priority at fair board, although We all see Mlai Hermlone Crossword Punle ...... X, M Televlilon & Casual Furniture Co., Iff Main Shore's finest food, Spring Lake. decision dates and was consid- council's next caucus. them hustling about the grounds at Mr. Savlno hairdressers Editorially ....„ f Women's Nam . 8, t SL, Asbury Park. (Adv.) a Adv.) • ered denied^ his letter said. (See MARLBORO, Page 3) (See FAIR, Page 2) 741-68516 . Adv. 2—Frvl*7, September 9, 1966 THE DAILY REGISTER Weather Backer ^rons 'Pratt? Data In ffeft 'Bjainlt Hew Jmep try,»t*aJt* doodtae* to nortli- tittle Silver School Board A**, ih. offlc* and Mtod m area* ton . . , let tl Moemooth Stifi* Star*** STFrofTwnnlgx n«t«rW steles. Pleasant through tomotro*. support!* inmegeft 0. S. SenatajcbcuUn at tht headquarters. W4,"*eTpSy law* Wprt-fiihtodayHigh today Kmn#3±t***L?°!ii Still Seeks Transport Bids aspirant David Fro* tut you may The beadquarten Is'maintained ture on the candidate*" w« have cotf tonight. Low 5H0 to «i in UTTLE SILVER - The jBmrd.have done additional work and have to «sk, and abow

GUARANTEE: Charge the entire purchase — if un- Experienced Home Come to Shadow Lawn satisfied, we will cancel the billing. PLUMBING Financing People OR PHONE 222-0111 THIS IS A REAL GUARANTEE ELECTRICAL Ask.For " Ready to Discuss Your Plans WORK FRANK SAVAGE

AT 6 CONVENIENT OFFICES CONDITIONING 600 BROADWAY, LONG BRANCH CONCRETE WORK BROAD STREET 747-51555 SHREWSBURY • Oakhurst • Holmdel • Keyport • Middletown • Neptune City (MASONRY) ••'•'•" "'•• • •••••••.". ' ".'• ?: , • ': . ' fi TOE DAILY EEGIS11B &?*>*&** Doty 2 Teaclfcfci Candidates Flay Wtom Asks to Pay (hv?i Expenses by sevtral usiiturts Hired For that he ha< alerted tittle Silver Race naUontl television broadcasting But Gets Board A$ Anyhow Stations in hopes of attracting Big Classes LITTLE SILVER — The three "Although it is probabte that GOP' Borough Council candidates « could have been placed on COLTS NECK — School Super- .endent. "These conferences are them to film his actions and per- COLTS NECK - Crowding in haps Ma arrest. declared yesterday that Little Sil- the primary ballot through court intendent Dr. Roy J. Unger will xtremely valuable in setting up the township's four kindergarten ver voters face a choice between action we refrained from taking have part of his expenses to thepersonal contacts with other ad- 'Television usually covers classes has forced the Board of "Republican 'proven compe- such a step since It would have New Jersey Association of School ministrators and for learniag whatever I do," he said. Education to hire two assistant tence1 and Democratic 'probable entailed extra expense to the bor:Administrators Conference de- ome really useful things," he teachers for the groups. Mr. Daly said Mr. Baird had incompetence' " when they go toough and would have served no frayed by the Board of Education ;aid. • telephoned him Thursday night "Our kindergarten enrollment ihe polls Election Day. practical purpose." despite his request that the now stands at 120," Dr. Roy J. William D. Flock, who was the but had not made clear what Noting that the names of local The Democrats said Council- money not be appropriated. n 1 y board member voting his protest was. He said he told Unger, superintendent, told the board last night. Democratic candidates won't ap- man Gordon Lirwin, the only The board voted to allow Dr. igainst the appropriation, agreed the New Yorker that Wednes- Democrat on the governing body "State law limits a class to pear on the primary ballot be- Unger $30 to cover the cost of ith the superintendent. day's meeting, at 9:30 a.m. at cause they hadn't met filing re- . . has shown himself to be a "Dr. Unger has asked us not the John L. Montgomery Medi- 25, but with an assistant in the registration for the conference, room we can stretch that a lit- quirements, incumbent GOP competent, independent and o pay for this, and I'm sure he cal Home, Dutch Lane Rd., here, which takes place Sept. 28-30. tle," he said. Councilmen Chester Apy, Thomas imaginative member of the gov- las his reasons. So why should will be open and that he was erning body, and we expect to "The cost will be very high," "What I'd like to do is over- Judge and Paul Bragar declared: Ye Rive him money he doesn't welcome to attend. continue in that vein." Dr! Unger said, "and I don't load two morning and one after- "The Democratic lack of famil- ant?" want the board to cover it this Mr. Baird said he will be there. noon session and tiave one at- iarity with filing requirements They said "the alleged fiscal At a press conference he called sistant cover a morning and aft has relegated them once again responsibility of the incumbents year." last week, Mr. Daly said he ernoon class and another, work- to 'write-in' nominations, just as will certainly be an issue in this Board member Melvin C. WilMarlboro- would ask the board to authorize ing part-time, cover just a morn- last year when they were not campaign." • let disagreed with the superin- furnishing of information to theing," he added. prepared to designate a mayoral- (Continued) The township engineer's ser- prosecutor which might indicate "The alternatives aren't too ty candidate when the filing either adultery or fornication. deadline arrived. •ices again were offered to the attractive," the superintendent ilanners by Mr. Creevy. Gerald The data involved would be "Yet this same party,, and the Council in Marlboro stated. "If we rent additional auman, the board's vice chair- that furnished to the board by same candidates, will ask the space outside the building we man, later questioned how these mothers applying for help under electorate to entrust them with would create about 95 problems ervices could be offered if the the Aid to Dependent Children the responsibility of municipal Ponders Utility Plant we don't need, and frankly w roard is over its budget. (ADC) category. just don't have th« space for a management. A grim future faces MARLBORO — Construction of he voted against the proposal. Mr. Creevy said that the town- In Confidence other class in either the Ceda Little Silver if Democrats, in- a water and sewer plant by U.S. He did, however, suggest that Drive or the Atlantic School." competent to find candidates and Homes and Development Corp. council meet with the authority. ihip engineer's fees would come Subsequently, federal and state of the township's general Dr. Unger also said the a incompetent to get their names for its Rt. 9 housing development He contended that the ordinance welfare officials warned that this mdgct. rangements would only be ten on the ballot, are chosen to re-brought plenty of questions last could not be charged by a reso- information is given in confi- Council did agree to consider a porary if the addition to the C place experienced public ser- night but Townsnip Council could lution. dence, Its use to prosecute for $5,121 legal bill from the plan- dar Drive School were com- vants." not agree on an immediate so- law violations, they said, might The developer appealed for a er's attorney. This and the en- pleted on time. The GOP candidates, pointing lution. result in the loss of federal and NEW OWNER — Dick Flanagan of 199 Seven Bridge to their service as councilmen, hearing on four applications (or ineer's retainers put the board Councilman Joseph Brodniak •tate help which comprises 72 per Rd., LiHls Silver, stands b< fore hit Flanagan Tire and Planning Board and Board of Ad- 142 lots at Tennent and Church $5,400 over its budget, Mr. Cree- charged that the township engi- cent of over $4 million ADC justment members, said that in y told reporters after the meet- Auto Center, Inc., 1724 Asbury Ave., Neptune, just north neer and Utilities Authority's en- Rds. The Planning Board had money distributed in the county ,572 Aid the next few weeks they will sub- ing. gineer were in conflict; over the recommended denial because annually, of Asbury Park. Mr. Flanagan, a General Tire Dealer, has mit a program "which will con- inspection of the plant. Tackitt Appointed Mr, Daly's proposal has cre- b»en with General more than 15 years and was manager tinue to meet Little Silver's needs ime extensions were refused. His resolution, however, au- Mayor Grubb appointed Donald ated a storm of controversy For Rumson within the same framework of No dates were set. in Perth Amboy before ^buying into his new location. His thorizing the authority to make B. Tackitt, Bucks La., to fill tha which has been marked by a Republican fiscal responsibility the inspections died when coun- Earlier this year, the devel- emaining term of Ernest Zen* tremendous outpouring of letters father has been active in the same business. He is mar- which has put Little Silver in Park Okayed cil, by a 3 to 2 vote, turned it oper had appealed for two appli- iewicz, who resigned from the to newspaper editors, with com- ried and the father of four children. the sound and enviable position WASHINGTON (AP) - A $40, down. cations for similar denials. Coun- •ecreation board because of his ment both pro and con. it now enjoys." tabled them until perfor- mployment schedule. He will About suggestions that his pro-572 grant to Rumson, N. J., was Mr. Brodniak contended that a In reply, the Democrat candi- $300 township engineering bill mance bonds were posted. serve until Dec. 31, 1968. posal was politically motivated announced Thursday by the De- Health Dept. dates, Joseph H. Weber, Ray- for these inspections was im-Council reduced the 50 mile The mayor said that the $6,000 because he is a candidate this partment of Housing and Ur- mond J. Plorian and John W. udgeted for other expenses WBB year for a new term, Mr. Daly (Continued) proper because there was no ap-speed limit on portions of Ten- ban Development. O'Mara said: , propriation in the budget and nent Rd. after the county traffic not adequate to cover police ex- said yesterday that such com- cept of health services than we Borough and Matawan Township, penses for gas. He suggested that said they believed they were eli- Democrats' Response that residents were paying for engineer made a survey. From ment was without foundation. The money wiH cover half th do here, council transfer $1,000 in No- gible for state aid now under the "We regret that our opponents inspection of a private enter- Rt. 9 to Spring Valley Rd., the "I would not become involved cost of buying the four-acre Ri\ "They prqvide complete health ember or December to cover population standard if they com- have chosen to open this cam- prise. imit is 45 and from there to In this for political consideration er Road park site for recreatioi services for most of the Negro icccssary costs. bined their efforts. paign with a personal attack. Ap- Council could not agree Rt. 79 it is 40. under any circumstance," he al purposes. population which cannot afford or parently the closeness of last •aid. can't receive hospital care. None Dr. Aronson said that if their whether a building permit should The federal grant is 50 per ceri year's election has frightened the have been issued to the develop- A capital budget of $1,013,500 "This situation is not new. of that is contemplated here." estimates could be verified they of the project cost Rep. James J Republicans into this action even er. was adopted by council. Mr. Ar- When the matter is fully ampli- Hotyard, D-N.J., said. Dr. Aronson maintained that should file an application and be- before the primary. Mayor Walter C. Grubb, Jr., nold said that about $300,000 was fied you will see that there is to a great extent towns spend- gin a search for a qualified The now unused land will "The necessity for a write-in reported that the authority did listed for water improvements full justification for what.has ing for part-time health services health officer. He said funds for developed into a combined parl primary is unfortunate, but weorder the developer to stop con- should the township get federal been proposed and that the dis- are wasting their money. their use could be reserved un- aid to assist in the project. and playground to include a pla til an officer was employed, will be on the ballot in Novem- struction. cussion now is timely." field area and a landscaped wa "You know as businessmen," ber despite the pains that were "There is no shortage of qual- While Councilman Alfred Stor- he said, "that this kind of frag- taken by the Republican leaders with benches, ified personnel," he said. "If a er agreed with Councilman Phil- LEGAL NOTICE— mentation is the most expensive to disqualify our nominating pe- county department was formed ip Arnold that the authority 3 Nabbed In NOTICE and least effective." titions on the basis of a techni- MONMOITII COUNTY Two Injured In I am sure there are sufficient should have both the responsi- SURROOATE'S COIillT Citing Mr. English's situation cality. bility and enforcement powers, Notice, to Creditor* to Present personnel available to meet the Phone Blast Claims Aislnat Estate Red Bank Accident in Howell Township, where he need under proper supervision,' ESTATE OP JOHN R. MEEKER. said-$17,000 is spenjt annually for DECEASED. LITTLE SILVER - Three men Pursuant to tile order or DONALD RED BANK — Two person: health services, Dr. Aronson said Freeholder Marcus Daly, who were arrested last night and held •J. CUNNING-HAM, Surrogate ot thewere injured in a three-car ac- had proposed organization of a County of Monmouth, this County of Mm. mouth am! re- I'lalniN AKBlntt K'Utr ported rar settlement to The Mon- Mainstay Federal Savings ESTATE OK JOHN I 1101111. Connly Court, ProhntP Division, IMITI1. DECEASED n l-'rliiny, t.ie 7th Oay uf Octolier Pursuant tn tile order of DONALD t. I).. 1RG(J, at »:30 n'clock o,m,, nt at . CUNNINdHAM, Surrogate of the id County Court House, Mfttjumt'i.t FIRST PAYMENT-JAN. bounty of MonmouUi. tills .lily mulp, iml Court BtrrctH, Frccliolil. New Jer- Let Us Help You n the flnpliciillnn of the uiidtTHi^ii'd, icy, at which time Application will t;c and loan Association [noml M. flmlth, 6ol* Executrix of ntviQ fur tti» ullownnco of CoinmIt- i« estate ol Die fluid John Itltciiln ilonR mill Oounio! fecn. NO MONEY DOWN Montgomery Ward imllh (lecpnsptl, notice In iirrrby Riven D'tr.l AilKtldt 2Sth A. P. 1WM. Consolidate Debts! the creditors of nnlrl derrascil to THE MONMoirni COUNTY 36 MONMOUTH ST spnt to the said i'ole Executrix NATIONAL HANK, ItKl) HANK * lr claims iinrlf-r onth within six received his law degree from «** *• sferYJMat *omtkl. Jacksonville, Fla., and Mrs The board also approved a new Fordham University. He was law hlMBl.. JOHN VAN KIRK & SON Peter Smith of Perth Amboy :ontract for seventh grade teach- secretary to Justice John J. Fran- five grandchildren, and three T Richard Strada. Originally is- cis of the New Jersey' Supreme DUMB IMInHB 15 Cooper Rd., Mlddletown off RI. 15 ol 'great-grandchildren. EDUIJ-M Hradon's Corner sued a contract at the guide Court Convenient Ttrmi Services will be held Monda; starting salary of $5,300 for the Mr. O'Mara served two years at 10 a.m. in the Scott Funera! :urrent year, Mr. Strada has now Home, here, with Rev. Howard as a naval officer aboard a de- \ Fabulous received hit masters degree and Marshall, pastor of the Belford stroyer and is a lieutenant in the will receive a new contract for United States Naval Reserve. Methodist Church, officiating, $5,600. Mr. and Mrs. O'Mara have an FOR ANY OCCASION Burial will be in Fair View Cem- Enrollment tt the opening of etery, Middletown. school was 1,933, somewhat less] infant daughter, Teresa. Mr. O'Mara said he was anx- y FALL SAL HONEY BEE FLOWERS' than anticipated, Charles D. RUSSELL T. HODSKISS CARL HOLGERSON Swalm, superintendent of schools, ious to seek the nomination when LONG BRANCH — Carl Hoi told the board, he taw his party had an opening. 464 IROAD STREET gerson, 76, of 31 White St., died Mr. Swalm said that apparent- He said he beieves the Demo- SHREWSBURY yesterday at Monmouth Medical ly some 188 children had left the cratic party has sound, construc- Center, here. He was the hus- school district tive ideas which are particularly band of EUna Holgerson, famous Glorion 741-4020 Board members estimated that timely and the Little Silver Dem- Born in Sweden, he had been ipproximately hall of this num- ocratic candidates are capable of a local resident 57 years, Mr. ber are attending parochial advancing their beliefs for the HoJgerson was & retired com- school. benefit of the community. mercial fisherman and a mem- THE QUALITY FERTILIZER ber of the Odd Fellows Lodge o! Sea Bright. Besides his wife he is survive* THAT SAVES YOU £ 50% by a son. Carl Holgerson, Jr, here; a daughter, Mrs. Evelyn Venberg oUBerca, Ohio; a sis Used NOW — If Grows Thicker Worden Funeral Home t«T, Mrs. Hilda Skugerson Sweden,, and «w grandthlWren. iO & FftONT STRUT ' Services wtil be held Monda: Greener Grass Twice As Fast! tt 1 p.m. in, the Wooll«y Funeral Yet, we said twice at fast! If you use Gforion now, you'll tee two, three or four Home, Long; Branch. Bqritl will blades of grass growing where one was before! It's the "tillering" process that be in Glenwood Cemetery, West Day mid Night Phone Long Branch; does it — the growth system spreads and with a fine fertilizer like Glorion the roots are strengthened, the greens are greener and you'll have a great lawn right into the winter months. What's more, Glorion is ALL fertiliter — no fill- 747-0557 ers — so it saves you up to 50% by going that much further. And, if you act Man Jailed fait you can take advantage of the special fall discount on Glorion "Deluxe," the finest fertilizer you can buy at any price! But don't wait! Use Glorion NOW HARRY C F. JAMES A. ROBERT F. For Assault while the weather's ideal for extra growth, extra green grass, extra fin* lawns. HIGHLANDS-Pollce reported •• ••••«• tss^B issssa I^M mM a^M S^H i^M_s^M Mia •••• ^^m Haa ^^ I^M-^MM laM ^vrt ^MV HIM ••! 1 yesterday that Henry W. Olson, I 46, of 100 Naveslnk Ave., has With Cocoa Meal and Natural Sludge been arrested on a. charge assault and battery with a deac Only Glorion Gives You 2 Organic** ly weapon. The charge Is that early Mm JoftnE. Day day, in the Twinlight Tavern Bay Ave., Olson pointed a caliber pistol at Robert C. Warth, 50% Organic 72 Washington St., Rumson, am FUNERAL HOME Covers 5,000 tquar* ft. threatened to kill him. CMOS iMal and natural EA Police said Olson was dii organic! kwp molMre In REG. 85.Riverside Ave. Red Bank armed by Warth and the bar •oil, roots 4nw de«s«r, ,_ keeper, Reed Lundih, and a: Hoi calcium and sulphur LB» 399 4.95 tool Grows fai»l Won't rested later that day in ariothe :: C.SIDUN,Mgr. 747-0332 tavern by Patrolman Ho war bum I Grtat buyl • Brey. 80 LBS. REG. 4.95 ...... 4.99 j "OppoiHe Molly NKher Im The complaint was signed b> [Mr.. Warth. Olson is in county jail in liei Glorion's Famous Glorion Insect and of $5,000 bail, pending Municipa WEED'n FEED BUG KILLER Court hearing Monday, police re- The next time you discover ported. REG. 5.95 <%OO REG. 4.95 4)00 COVERS £ COVERS / that perfect little restaurant 5.000 FT. *" 5,000 FT; • Hat 2, 40 with SIIMXI Rids Tax Relief lawn of 21 diffomt wood's end Grubproofs your lawn for The Adams Memorial Home that you want to keep all to foods at the HIM HIM with two years! Has famous 10-4-4 fertiliser, on organic Is Sought ptomlum lawn food. Chlordana and Dioldrin. FREEHOLD - Without the de- yourself, look around for 20-10-5 Lawn Buildtr Successor to Mount Memorial Homo tails, Councilman Joseph R. Col lins has told The Registei THE PROFESSIONALS Covers 5,000 ft. he is optimistic about gettin this symbol. Regular county tax relief for the borough, FAVORITE - ON SALE NOW FUNE1AL DIWCTOIS Mr. Collins, who heads a spe- 4.95 cial four-man committee, was re- Much of AT A SPECIAL FALL PRICE! Ll9htwtlght and *«ty to kon- luctant to discuss committee pro- die! With urtoferm nltrogtn for gress because, he said, oth •toady qrowik. Uiti • l«nf municipalities might flood th the good llmt and buildi tho lawn en It fudi. Won't burn. 310 Irood Street Mi tak. N. J. Board of Freeholders with simila requests. restaurant food around Glorion DELUXE LAWN WEED-KILLER He said he hopes to meet wi the freeholders next Wednesda; Covers 5,000 ft. to/'finalize the program." B town is prepared by GRASS FOOD Regular added that his committee wl Uitd OR golf eourttt, 4.95 give a full report at Hie nex stadiums, big oitatos, (he It's tin driuxo formula with 2, council meeting, Sept. 19. flameless electric cooking. fltcst lawns. 4D and SIIVM! KIIII clover and Council had set up the special eMckwtod, ground Ivy, dande- Committee Feb. 15 to probe way Reduced 44 lion, plantain, htnblt — 21 dlf- This is the sign of flameless electric cooking^he of obtaining money in lieu to only 4 TOltltt W##at. taxes for $6.5 million worth Reddy Kilowatt symbol. The owner of a restaurant tax free county buildings here. lea.. S.fS—SO lbs. Glorion Green Grass The borough tax rate this yeai or diner displaying it has invested in electric Covers 6,000 ft. Jumped 11 cents for each $ir cooking because he feels it's the best way to pre- It's the Best Lawn Food You Regular assessed valuation because i Can Buy at Any Price! lost ratabies. It lost $127,000 pare food. We, along with all the housewives 5.95 With Cntlated iron for deep green tax Income wh«n a state tax •who wouldn't part with their electric ranges, Popular 25-10-5 formula for board decision in December re- color. Rated number one, it his golf ceurMi and ihowploco agree with him. ' everything your lawn needs to grow lawn. Ughtwrifht and oaly to duced the assessment on th handle. Keeps lown green when former A. M, Keragheusian Ru deep hardy roots and lush green A perseeollted msnamint, coned of (elect lam f "I others have faded. Organic — Mill on Jackson St., now owned grass. All organic! Won't burn! SrmlM, en toy more than many words. See our IRARRF I won't burn I dlipley of Mm Solid Mkmwnonrf, backed ky Hit I " ii r\l by Pierpont Associates. Enjoy the pleasures kdettry'i strongest monument guarantee. IviUILDI Counalmen met with the free- holders earlier this year to di cuss ways of tax relief, said M of eating out. LONG BRANCH MONUMENT CO., Inc. Collins. As yet, he added, n p.m.—Sundays* »:)0 a. definite results have been forth WALL * LOCUST, W. LONG BRANCH 222-0300 •or Sales Allowed ly Lew •RANCH OWICI AND DII'lAY coming. Enjoy them often. Other committee members an Councihn .04 6 "smooth calling" when, they're- harder to evaluate and First Men*. NatU Bank _ (x) (»)•?-.--',?„ vacation time comes, more difficult to follow when First National Bank of Spring Lake 1.50 you own them, lite more infor- First National Bank of Toms Rivw (x) .72 29M announces an inventory sacrifice! mation, you'can get before in- First State Ocean County, vesting, the less are the chances Keansburg-Middletown »•« 60 you'U make .a, mistake in select- Monmouth County National* (x) (xx) .18 4% ing a stock that satisfies your N. J. National Bank (xx) .60 .A 37i objective. Ocean County National , ,K- »10. pieoples Nat'l Bank of Monmouth .40 IS Peoples National Bank of Lakewood 140 AGENT OF MONTH Sea Bright NaUonal IB 84 52 Red Bank . HOLMDEWranklin M Bien, Trust Co. of Ocean manager of the Holmdel Agency office of The Travelers Insur- Aerologlcal Research Savings ance Company, has announced Alkon Industries that Richard. Miller has been Brockway* AND IOAN ASSOCIATION named the outstanding indepen- Buck Engineering . dent agent in the office for the Electronic AssocTates 741-3700 month of August. Electronic Assistance • . "Where you save does: Lalifd- • • ••-•. •; CONTRACT AWARDED! Monmouth Capital- tiwke a difference" Monmouth Electric ; ;' DAYTON. Ohio—Two govern- Monmouth Park*. . .. . ment contracts totaling $92,423 N. J. Natural Gas* for microphones and chest, sets Rowan , ' have been awarded to Sonetron- Spiral Metal" • . 'V jc*,;lnc., ,1718 H St., West Bel- (J, S. Hpaie» mar, N. J., by the Defense Sup- Walter Reada-Sterling ' . \ ply Agency's, Defense Electron- Winslow Tel.,J ... • ;•' ..;• • '•' In Supply Center. ' ' • ' (x) Dividend . (x&Jfbn Stock:; New Post At Prbgressiye

COMPANY To Grubman a*» 1MUI • MUCK I6M

THE ANDES by LONDON FOG Shell is wash 'n wear . • . pile, Uning sips in for extra warmth!

Here's the coat to wear fair or |oul weather, any time oi year. Exclusive poiyerter-cotton cloth fifturti 3rd barrier construe- tion, looks new washing after #aA1ng. Warm modacryjic pila lifting is Wvick, warm. Natural, 4ftv«, Mvy. Regular, Long, Milton Grubman MASLAND'S 501 NYLON PILE RED BANK - Milton Grub- man, 49, of 34 Westra St., Inter- 45.00 laken, has been elected financial vice president and treasurer of BROADLOOM GUARANTEED TO Progressive Life Insurance Com- pany. Mr. Gnibman, treasurer' for. .five years, was elected to the newly created position by the board ot directors. The new WEAR 15 YEARS FOR THE FIRST post carries the responsibility of chief financial officer of the company whose East Coast head- quarters is at 365 Broad St., here. He started with Progres- sive in 1945 as manager of the TIME EVER AT ONLY $ office services division, and was soon elected to its nine-man board of directors. CAMPU§ FAVORITE! The developer of the com- sq. yd.! pany's mortgage program is also Wool Melton "Whaler" chairman of the finance commit- (nC-ttSS tee and a member of the execu- Friday & Sat. only tive, agency and claims com- Parka at new low cost mittees, and its personnel man* ger. reg. 12.00 ]\OW 1 : SCHICKEDANZ BACKED K ever there was a time to enjoy real dollar savingt on carpeting, this it Ml Frankly, we've priced thfi Mas* land •mboxsed-pattern masterpiece down to absolute rock bottom because we've got to clear * large *r«i ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Ernest Schlckedanz, Regular Re- of our warehouse for incoming.merchandise. So if you'd like to gat a tiead star* on Fall with +ru« Juxury It's warm, ligfrrwaight .. . has publican candidate for tax as- carpeting on your floors land satisfaction in your soull come in fhis week. Colors: Gold, Ochre, Martinique Blue, Froifed Cocoa, Sapphire, Walnut, Topaz, Green, Henna. . deep *laih pockats, elastic sessor, today received the com- plete endorsement of John S, cuffs, drawstring hood & waist. 'lltcroft who recently retired for Oi'der now, save 3.501 Small, from that office after 35 years of "At-Home" Shopping service. SANDLER & WORTH medium, large, extra-large. . ROUTE 35, EATONTOWN NORTH BRUNSWICK SUPPER SLATED Traffic Circl. Gtsrqit Road •nd Htrminn lte«4 •STEINBACH'5'MEN'S SHOPS FREEHOLD — The Affiliated Oppoiit. Irumwlclc Shopping Ctalw tepublican Chub of Monmouth ; Str«.t Floor .A '. 542-2200 JIIO Aibury Part. Brick Town County will hold a $10 per per- son fund-raising buffet supper Men.,W«i, Frt. ti30 t.m. ts *:Q0 p.m. Mon., V/aii..FT]^ll «.m, J«t»Jk Sept; 27 at Sea Girt Inp. Pro- Tu«*, Tkun., Sat. tjio «,m. t» JiJO p.m. SHOf WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY NISHTS "Tit, ceed! will be used to defrQr the cost of ft major pre-election

• If'.- "Can't Let Y

Yes, they make quite a pair. Yes, they stand for NEW YORK*KEANSBURG quality. Yet — Pay less LONG BRANCH BUS LINE for Brand Names with ROUTE 35. EATONTOWN TRAFFIC CIRCLE, U 2-lptO •'Bl© W" i Discount Prices I OtKtr Storet Ini Sptingjield, Liuingiton, Uackwiack, Pompton Plaint* FrVnkliil I*lqut Smith-JmpctNitp0'$ Miss Stein Mmm Clubwomen i FREEHOLD - Mite Joan J**- Open Season per, dwthfer of. Ms. Frederick Jerrold L Minsky Jasper; U Ann St., and the Sept.'21' .late Mr. Jasper, was married RED BANK — Mr. and Mrs.cdved • muter of txulnetf ad- FREEHOLD - Mrs. William [Saturday, to Leonard George Ralph Stein, 222 Broad St., an- ministration degree from the .- Lechtreckef, beginning her Smith, «oit of Mr. and Mm. Leon- nounce the marriage of their University ol Buffalo and '- second term as president of the id W. Smith. School Rd., East, daughter. Mist Lynne Suzanne presently a candidate (or • doc- Freehold Woman's Club, has an- Marlboro. Stein, to Jerrold Lewis Minsky, torate at New York University. nounced a board meeting for , Rev. David Riddle officiated at ton of Mr. and Mn. Abraham He Is employed by Radio Corpo- Sept. 14, and a general meet- [the double ring ceremony here Minsky of Brooklyn, N. Y. ration of America, Princeton, as ing Sept 21. both at 1 p.m. In the First Presbyterian Church. Rabbi Jack M. Rosoff of Con- an administrative engineer. in the club house on South St Mrs. Frank L. Hugus, Jr., was gregation Bnai Israel officiated The couple will reside at Wyn- The first social eveni, Presi- organist, end Mrs. William M. at the ceremony which took brook West Apartments, HighU- dent's Day, will be a 12:30 p.m Abate, soloist, both of Freehold. place Aug. 27 in his home in town, on their return from « luncheon, Oct. 5, in the Ameri Immediately after the ceremony Fair Haven. wedding trip to the Bahama Is can Hotel, Mrs. E. C. Chase, id reception was held for 115 The bride, a 1962 graduate of lands. fifth district vice president, South [guests in the Colts Neck Inn. Red Bank High School, attended Amboy, will be guest speaker. Entertainment will be provided The bride, who was escorted by the University of Pennsylvania ••er brother, David A. Jasper, at Philadelphia, where she re- by Mrs. Robert Buck, soprano, Regent Names accompanied by a club member, Freehold, wore "a long-sleeved ceived a bachelor of science de- gown she made herself fashioned gree from the School of Nurs- Mrs. Frank L. Hiigus, Jr., both Committees of Freehold, with a bodice of Chantilly lace ,ing. and bell-shaped skirt of slipper, Mr. Minsky, an alumnus of FREEHOLD - Mrs. John Ma- The New Jersey State Feder- ation fall Conference will be satin extending in a chapel Mr*. Jerrold U Mlnrty the Wharton School of ziekien, grand regent of Court St. train. Her veil was held in Place former Lynne S. Stein) University of Pennsylvania, re- Rose of Lima Catholic Daugh- held Sept 28 at Douglass Col- lege, New Brunswick. It will be by a crown of lace, pearls and ters of America announced her crystals. executive board as the court'! the first opportunity for many of fall schedule resumed Tuesday the club women who.attend to Mrs. Ronald A. Murphy, Marl- here in Knights of Columbus see the new state headquarters boro, was matron of honor. Dessert-Fashion Show Set home. building dedicated May 1 on the Bridesmaids were the Misses Kay Mrs. Vincent Treanor, Miss MATAWAN - The Matawan Rutgers Campus, Van Dyke, Freehold, and Sharon Gladys Fleck and Miss Bar- Junior Woman's Club will hold a Chairmen are luncheon, Mrs. Among other matters to be Smith, at home, sister of the bara Henderson, dessert-fashion show Sept. 29, at Albert Bennett; fashion show, considered at both meetings wil bridegroom. Junior bridesmaids B p.m. in the Magnolia Inn, Mor- Mrs. William Lambert, a Mrs. William Bresnahan, Jr.; PRESIDENT'S GREETING — Miss Mary Whoaton, Locust, be the painting of outside shut were the Misses Elvira Stankie- ganville. member of the Woman's Club of special project, Mrs. Carl Cor- left, new president of the River Plaxa Woman's Club, ters of the club house for which wicz. Freehold, and Cheryl Smith, Mrs. Leonard G. Smith Fashions will be shown by Syl-Matawan, will present a book re- dasco and Mrs, Lester Fritz; bids have been obtained. at home, sister of the bride- (The former Joan Jasper) reservations, Miss Kathryn Har- greets th» new president of the N. J. State Federation oette, Sayre Woods Shopping view at a meeting ol the Junior Refreshments will be served a groom. dy; special awards, Mrs, Lindsey of Woman's Clubsi Miss Garaldine V. Brown of Kay-port, the U, S. Navy for four years Center. Club Tuesday, at 8: IS p.m. in 1 p.m. at the Sept. 21 meeting the clubhouse, Jackson St. LeMoine; banquet, Mm, George by Mrs. William Thompson and Raymond J: Lurch', Lakehurst, and is employed by General Mo- Mrs. Edward Potts, chairman, and presents her with a yearbook of forthcoming events. Dock; tickets, Mrs. James Green; her committee: Mrs. William D. was best man. Ushers were Al- tors Corporation in Soranton, Pa., has named the committee: Mrs. Miu Brown was guest speaker at the River Plaza group'* TO GET TRAINING reservations (or social events, Clayton, Mrs. J. Stanley Slocum, bert Franklin, Atlantic High- in which city the couple will re- Ralph Babrisky, tickets; Mrs. , SAN ANTONIO, Tex. - Air- Mrs. James Green; Ave Marie opening President's Dinner last night in the River House Mrs. Dennis Salvest, and Mrs lands; Dale L. Smith, at home, side after a wedding trip, Barton Hoeg, program and spe- man Christopher C. Pompey, son and Christmas part?, Mrs. Robert Inn, Rumson. TheodorJ'P. Vail. brother, of the bridegroom, and cial award; Mrs. Ronald Haynes, of Mr. and Mrs. Roland C. Pom-Beck; convention club, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are grad- CELEBRATE BIRTHDAYS posters and gifts; Mrs. Robert First fund raising project pey of 97 Center St., Freehold, Kathryn O'Connor;' bus trips, Ronald A. Murphy, Marlboro, RED BANK - Mr. and Mrs, Gray, models, and Mrs. John the club will be a bus trip Oct. N. J., has been selected for tech- Mrs. Albert Bennett; outside 19 to New York where members uates of Freehold Regional High Raymond Clarke gave a birthday Kovacs, publicity. nical training at Sheppard AFB, court banquets, Mrs. Robert will see "Hello Dolly" or "Wait School. Up to the time of her party here in their home in hon- Members of the club who will Peque; hospitality and installa- Bride Has 7 Attendants marriage she was employed by or of their daughters Lisa and Tex., as an Air Force aircraft Dennis R. Buckley, Marlboro, a Minim." Mrs. T. Fred Smith, model are Mrs. James Atkins, tion and reception, Mrs. Edward HOWELL TOWNSHIP — Miss Central Jersey Bank and Trust Kimberely. maintenance specialist. was best man. Ushers were ways and means chairman, is Jr., Mrs. Barisky, Mrs. William N. Coughlin. Reg-oia Zatorski, daughter of Mr. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lou- The airman, who recently Charles Cahrjon, Freehold; Bruce accepting reservations. jCompany, Freehold. He served in Conway, Mrs. Jack Cottrell.Mrs. and Mrs. L. R. Zatorski, Oak is Roberts, Sr., Mrs. John completed basic training at Lack- Deipartment chairmen named F. Fallender, Neptune City Lionel Coulombe, Mrs. Patrick Glen Rd., Lakewood, was; mar- Clarke, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Leon land AFB, Tex., was graduated are Communion Day find break- William Reid, Lakewood, cousin I DeRosa, Mrs. William Eltring- ried here Sept. 3, to Dixie R. Roberts, Mr, and Mrs. Alden from Freehold Regional High fast, Mrs. William Sweetnam; of the bride; Donald Coger, Eng- bam, Mrs. John Hughes, Mrs. oger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Acy Small, Mrs. Charlene Davis, School in June. special welfare and apostolate of lishtowji, brother of the bride- Hynes, Mrs. Kovacs, Mrs. Potts, Coger, IroI n OrO e Rd.Rd , EnglishEnglish- Miss Verna Clarke, Miss Wil- the aged, Mrs. Victor Giglio; vo- groom; Charles Reid, Lakewood, lown. iiette Kelly and James' Watson, ___ ADOPT DAUGHTER cations, Mrs. Paul Nolan; civil cousin of the bride, end Clinton FALL HAT SHOW „-.. Anthony Midura, Ram- all ot Red Bank; Mr. and Mrs. EDISON — Mr. and Mre. Ly-defense, Mrs. John A. O'Neill; Rev. Wiseman, Englishtown, nephew BELFORD - A fall hahtt show sey, officiated at the ceremony Walter Roberts and Mrs. Wil- man O'Neill, I Belvedere Ave., education, Mrs. Daniel Boutote; ot th« bridegroom. Wilt be helld Wednesdadd y ffrom here in St, Veronica's Catholic liam Matthews, New Shrews- became the parents of an legislation-social action, Mrs. Lc- to i thp.m Blfo. in dthe Belford Church, after which a reception The bride, a graduate of Free- bury, and Mrs. Gladys Moddy of no Dusio; public relations and hold Regional High School, is Methodist Church, Church St., for adopted daughter, Sharon Ann was held in the Southard Fire Brooklyn, N. Y. the benefit of the Women's So- Aug. 10. Mrs. O'Neill is the for press book, Mrs. Raymond Shee- employed as a secretary at N. J. House lor 200 guests. Church or- " ' "" merr JoannJoanne NoonNoone ooff PeterPeterss PI,PI,, han; relief for peace, Mrs. Law- Realty Title Insurance Company, ciety of Christian Service, Re- ganist was Mrs. Donald Terry. Red Bank. rence Lippert; share the faith, Freehold. Mr. Coger, who attend- freshments will bo served. Ralph Ciazzo played for the re- BRIGHTEN THE Miss Frances White; Women for ed the regional high school, is Decency, Mrs. Eugene McDon ception. with H. Reeve Angel & Company, nell; world missions, Mrs. lind Mr. Zatorski gave his daugh- Clifton. The couple are on a Flor- AMERICAN JAZZ sey LeMoine; bulletin, Mrs. Al- ter in marriage. She wore a gown ida honeymoon. ( f*^' TAP AND BALLET bert Bennett; membership, Mrs of Chantilly lace fashioned with Bernard Guinter; benevolence. ,a Sabrina neckline on the fitted ljP Students accepted at age 3 J. F. DePugh; Memorial [bodice and great A-llne skirt in , parade, Mrs. Edward N, five tiers of jeweled lace. Her To Marry WITH A ,C# REGISTER NOW! Coughlin; posters, Mrs. Carl Cor sunburst veil was held in place ^V^k Member Dance Masters oj America dasco; rosary, Mrs. George Dock; by a crown of lace and seed BEDSPREAD or telephone committee, Mrs, Carl pearls. Cordasco; special project, Mrs STUDIO COVER Miss Louise ZatorsW, Freehold, In June TV HAVILAND DANCE STUDIO Ernest Potter, Jr.; gift dona From our stUction of pUid. striftct was maid of honor for her cousin. SHREWSBURY — Mr. and Mrs tions for nuns, Mrs. Lindsey Le- AFTER THE CEREMONY — Mr. and Mrs. Fred G, •nd'lwi«di . , , Alio Hollywood I K 741-1820 | Also attending the bride were C. Donald Holsey, 17 Hope Rd., tpriidi and hi-rinr ceytrii W«g Moine. 75 MCLAREN ST. RED Mrs. Charles Cahoon, cousin of announce the engagement of their Dressier,, who are pictured after their marriage, liavo bolster, eovtri to. mtfcli luncheon and fashion show the bride; Mrs. Clinton Wiseman, daughter. Miss" Ellen Margate* just returned to Colts Neck from a wedding hip to Cali- (er guitt roomt ««. Complete eurrienlym «pei raqwert. Shull, president of the Holmdel Registration For Oar New 'lllage Club, has announced that All IntraiMM* - Volet Tk«ory—Som« Scholanklpt Spatial frt-lMtramtnhil Program Avalloblt .s first meeting will be held Sept. 20 at 8 p.m. here in Fel- DANCE SEASON Woriakon for Ttom and Adults lowship Hall. Featured will be la Folk Singing, Jan and Opera a fashion show with knitwear by Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Beeline Fashions. Miss Carol Kettyla will serve September 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th _». moderator. Models will, be 10 a.m. to 6 p.nu ••- Mrs. Maxine. Bellottl, Mrs. Ar- thur Villarosa and Mrs. George Ballet, Tap, Toe, Acrobatic Jacob. . RUHSON READING INSTITUTE , The dub held a block dance Jazz, Baton, Ballroom Miss Ellen M. Holsey Saturday as the first event'

All Hair Coloring Done on'.Hair* Coloring Machine Mr. Savino .. - . \- . HAIR DRESSERS -, •• ^J83 E.Newman Springs Rd., Shrewsbury 741-8851 Mr. and Mrs. Sol Bragar Celebrate 50f h Anniversary MIDDLETOWN - Mr. and Mrs. Silver, and Kenneth, Janet and Sol Bragar were honored on their Karen Bragar of Tarszana, who THE 50th wedding anniversary Sunday all were at the dinner. at a dinner party here in The Among the guesUatthe recep- Cobblestones \rj their children. tion Sunday Were members of Hosts were Mr. and Mrs. Louis the original wedding party, in- Blank, Elbcron; Mr. and Mrs. cluding Mrs. Etta Bragar Nel- Tasha, Tony and Kathryn Hubeny Paul Bragar, Little Silver, and man of Denver, Colo., Mr. Bra- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bragar, gar's sister who served as maid Tarszana, Calif. of honor, and their brother Ben- Some 75 guests attended. Rabbi jamin Bragar, Newark, who was TRADITION Aaron Lefkowitz of Temple Beth best man. Miriam, Elberbn, officiated at a The out-of-town guests include reconsecration service and dou- the couple's nephew, Dr. Philip Elegant Dining Calls ble ring ceremony preceding the Selznick, professor of psychology For an Elegant Setting dinner. at the University- of California The couple who reside In Surf-at. Berkeley; Mr,,.and Mrs. Jo- side, Fla., formerly lived in Redseph Cowan, Washington, P. C* For entertaining someone special, Bank for* some 10 years, and in and Philip Bragar, Cambridge, Mass. ' ' LrigHtening up a room, our taste- Hackettstowm after they were married in Newark Sept. 3, 1916, ful centerpieces, freshly cut flow- having come from Russia in 1910. .: Top Scorers ers do it with a difference. Mr. Bragar has retired from the retail stationery business At Bridge Which he conducted in Hacketts- RIVER PLAZA — Winners of town and Red Bank, and was a the Red Bank Bridge Club'were Phone 747-1832 member of Congregation Bnai North-South: Mrs. Robert Gun- Israel in Red Bank and in Hum-ther,.with Stanley Strauss, both son, and a member of the Long of Middletown, first; Mrs. Mel- Branch Lodge of Elks. vin Ford, Shrewsbury, with Ray Mr. and Mrs. Bragar are mem Corby, Port lnonmouth, second; LITTLE SILVER Mrs, Charles Kaplan, with bers of Temple Menorah in Mr- George Macomber, both of New of course . ami. They have eight grand- Shrewsbury, third; Mrs. John T. OCEANPORT AVE . UTTU SILVER children, Robert and Judith Lovett, Jr., Little Silver, with Blank, Elberon; Raymond, Made- Miss Margaret Michel, Atlantic line and Carolvn Bracar Little Highlands, fourth. East-west: Merwin Pickover, Ocean Township, with William Horlacher, Little Silver, first; Al Landi, Belmar, with Duane Shop- pard, Middletown, second; Philip Spencer, R ed Bank, with Rex Thomas, Middletown, third; So Lori and Lynn Gentile Gail and Joy Adeskavitz Schneider, Little Silver, with Linda Queen !Mrs . Mary Steffen, Red Bank, Ballet Art fourth. ENROLL NOW Games are played every Wednesday in River Plaza Fire House from 8 to 11 p.m." FOR FALL CLASSES ATTENDS CONVENTION Wo are now accepting Schoo •WEST KEANSBURG - Cort Ogden, 1 11th St., a member of new students..Our schedule the Garden State Nu-Volce Club, attended the annual convention includes beginner, intermediata of the International Association HELA SLAVINSKA of Laryngectomecs last month In and advanced classes in all from BALLET RUSSE de MONTE CARLO Chicago. types of theatrical dance. Mr. Ogden announced that the club will meet Saturday at 11 Special classes for 11 a.m. in Trinity Episcopal Fall Classes Start September 15th Church, Red Bank. three ta five year olds. PLAN BARBECUE Parents invited to BALLET - TOE • TAP:, MODERN - CHARACTER TREEHOLD — The Veterans observe classes. of Foreign Wars .will sponsor a homo style barbeuce Sunday at TAP - BALLET - TOE • SPECIAL CLASSES PRE-SCHOOL AGE the newly purchased grounds on Denise Mandia Water Works Rd. and Old En- Pati and Anne Horton ACROBATICS • ADULTS EVENING CLASSES gllshtown Rd. from 2 to 8 p.m. Plans for a post home are un- dcr-way with ground already DOROTHY TOLAND DANCE STUDIO 6 BROAD STREET 741-9728 or 747-2507 RED BANK :lcared, A report Is awaited rom the architect to begin work 201 EAST BERGEN PLACE 741-2208 or 741-3864 on a home. - Hunt Meet Is Oct. 22 MIDDLETOWN - jtf "rail fences, win highlight the land Farm gttes will be thrown!,&s aecretary «nd treasurer; Mn, - Monmouth County Hunt Meet five-race program scheduled for open, to the public at H a.a [Alfred F. King, Jr* «nd Slri.' has been scheduled for Oct. 23 the afternoon events. The Gold Martial music provided by the Hawy B. Freeman, Jr., »erv« on Mra. Amory L. HaskeH'f Cup, which annually attracts an Hamilton Township band will en- as rJiairmen of the fanners' Woodland Farm, Cooper Rd. outstanding field of brush spe- tertain spectators, while pony luncheon committee, while Mrs. A diversified program of races cialists, will be holding.its 21st rides 'or th& children, and re- Michael C. Guarino is chairman will be programmed (or the 36th renewal, while the Hunt Cup an- freshment tents located through- .of the dinner-dance at-R(jmson annual meeting of the Monmouth nually draws the country's lead- I Country Club following the meet- County Hunt Racing Association, out the grounds are but a few of ing timber fencers. The latter the many special features ing, Mrs. Haslrell, Jr., and Mrs. which will benefit many charita- Richard G. Metcalf are chair- ble organizations. event will be contested for the planned by the committee for 35th time. A hurdle race and two men of the membership and The Monmouth County Gold this day of outdoor entertain- events on the flat turf course wUl ment. parking space committees. Jo- Cup, a two^ile race over stiff complete the roster of races. seph C. Hoagland, Jr., and James brush barriers, together with the Amory L. Haskell, Jr., heads Monmouth County Hunt Cup, a Following a tradition estab- the race committee, while Mrs. H. Gans are chairmen of the three-mile test over post and lished many years ago, the Wood- Amory L, Haskell, Jr., serves traffic end parking. N.L. Leaders Only IV2 Games Apart; Stretch Run to Sizzle By MURRAY ROSE be in the running by then. Pittsburgh 82-59, 21 games left; |their last 21 on the road, They Associated Press Sports Writer A rained out game between the San Francisco 81-59, yt ga'rile have three games left with the Dodgers, all at Los Angeles; SPORTS NIGHT AT NAVESINK COUNTRY CLUB — Youngsters of three sports were honored last night at a The National League heads in- Giants at Cincinnati Aug. 10 also back, 22 left Including the Cin- to its usual sizzling stretch with could prove to be a vital factor cinnati. game; Los Angeles, 79- 'seven with the Giants, lour of .nnrii dinner at Navesink Country Club. Left to right, are Bruce Bruekmann, 12, Rumson, tennis, and Robert Samp- :he three leaders only V/i games in the pressure struggle. That !59,'l'/2 games back, 24 left; Phila- them in San Francisco, and three o7 Mi .tow .te Hainan Swimming _ Jamie Lehman, .3, Fair Haven; Blake Banta, I. Rumson, and ipart. And if the pattern holds, was the last listed game between delphia 76-66, 614 back', 20 left, with the Phillies, all In Philadel- the two clubs and has not yet The remaining schedule favors phia. The other games are with chairman Bud Locilento, of Little Silver; Solf-Stepb.n Rudnick, 18, K.yport; Golf Pro and cha.rm.n Harold the pennant will be decided in Jie state of Pennsylvania in the been rescheduled. the Giants and Dodgers, who the Cards three, Astros one, and Cahoon, and Amy Lane, 13, of Rumson. ast three days of the season. The National League will set have finished playing each other. Braves four. San Francisco has That's when the San Francisco a date for the game if it proves If the slumping Pirates, losers 13 at home and nine away if the Giants invade Pittsburgh for the necessary. Right now it appears of their iast three games, cap- rained out game with the Reds inal three games and Los An- an essential piece of business. ture the pennant they're going is played in Cincinnati. The geles journeys to Philadelphia for As both leagues took a day off to have to do it the hard way. Giants have seven to play with three-game set. The Phillies, yesterday, here's the way the 15 of 21 OD the Road the Pirates, four of them at NL race looked: The Pirates must play 15 of home, arid two with the Phils at games back of the pace, may home. The other games are with the Cubs four, Mets three, I Astros two, and Braves three. Joe Namath Title to Mrs. McDarbyThe Dodgers, with 13 at home FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 9, 1968 DEAL — Mrs. Thomas Mc-| TFor ladies' day yesterday there and their last 11 on the road, 10- Able and Ready Darby won the women's club was a cross country tournament have one three-game set with the Pirates at home and seven with MIAMI, Fla. (AP) — Joe Na championship at Deal Golf and Mth holes drawn with one-half Country Club, defeating Mrs. handicap after the field went out the Phillies, four at Los Angeles. math, New York Jets quarter- ames Dormant, 3 and 2. on "thVcourse." Winning the A|The other games are withthe »ack, is "physically able and In the B bracket, it was Mrs. class was Mrs. John Van Kirk Astros four, Mets two, Cubs Manuel Santa na Advanceseady to play," the Miami Dol- with a net 33. Mrs. Gerrity was four, and Cards four." William Lee winning over Mrs. Class B winner with a net 35, By WILL GRIMSLEY cratfsmanship, the Span- Nancy Richey of Dallas, Tex., the women's tournament, phins learned Wednesday. Action resumes today with the scored a 6-3, 6-1 triumph over iecond-seeded Maria B u e n o of George Kirk, on the 19, 1 up, and Class C victor was Mrs. Pirates at St. Louis, the Astros Associated Presi'Sports Writer iard outlasted the' plucky Aussie Dolphin officials said Jet K, 6-2, 8-6, 5-7, 6-4. Britain's Virginia Wade. The vic- Brazil, seeking her third U.S. and Mrs. John McDonnell Robert Jacob, with a net 40. at Los Angeles, Chicago at San FOREST HILLS, N. Y. (AP) - Coach Weeb Ewbank told them Francisco and Cincinnati- at Manuel Santana of Spain, the Santana had to rally from 0-3 tory put the Texas girl in the tie, plays sixth-seeded Norma rimmed Mrs. Laurence Gerrity, semifinals against Australia's 19- Bayloh of Australia and Rose- in a telephone conversation Na-i 1 OLD ORCHARD Philadelphia. U.S. and Wimbledon titleholder, i the final set in a match that math is ready to play. "But |l up for the C championship. ^dramatic Vhree-hour|kept a year-old Kerry Melville. mary Casals of San Francisco, EATONTOWN - Ladies at In the American League, where Miss Melville, who ousted top- ieedcd No. 5, faces fourth-seeded it's a tossup," he added, "who the Baltimore Orioles are coast- marathon against Australian sec- sand well past the dinner hour at will start tomorrow night against Old Orchard Country Club yes- ond-stringer Bill Bowrey yester- the West Side Tennis Club. seeded and Wimbledon champion Francoise Durr of France. ing in with a 10'/$ game bulge Mrs. Billie Jean King in the sec- In quarter-final matches in the the Dolphins — Joe or Mike Tali- terday held a closing tourna- over Detroit, the players had a day and went into the men's Up and Down Battle aferro." Sailing semi-finals of the NAlqnal Ten- The unseeded Newcombe, con- ond round, won easily over an men's tourney, Clark Graebner ment with Mrs. Russell.Woolley, whole day to look at a rare nis Championships ttitli; Austra- queror of America's Arthur Ashe Australian teammate. Madonna if Beachwood, Ohio, the last Meanwhile, Dolphins* Coach Jr., top winner with an 83 card. sight—the Yankees in last place. lian giant-killer, John New- in the third round, won a weird, Schacht, 6-1, 6-2. J. S. survivor, goes against Fred George Wilson said his team Results Mrs. Mary Smith was second The once mighty Yankees, 28^ The semifinal bracket in both itolle of Australia today, and ivas preparing for both Taliafer- games back of the Orioles, oc- combe. ur>and-down battle from Britain's NAVES1NK SAILING SOCIETY with her 86, and Mrs. Gene Cala- blond bomber, Mark Cox, 3-6, men's and women's division will 'eteran Roy Emerson, two-time -o and Namath, "We know both cupied the American League cel- Hobbling on a heavily taped fato, third, with 89. right ankle and calling on all his|6-l, 3-6, 6-2, 6-1. be completed today. winner of this event, opposes one ire good passers," he said, "and Firtit Rare—Sunday lar for the first time in Septem- 1. Itullln Cook; 2. Dick Wnchonleld; Last week Mrs. Melvin Friend if "his,!; younger teammates, left- ;hat Taliaferro has led them to . Xed 8haw; 4. Don MncLcan; 5. ber since the next-to-last day of landed Owen Davidson. our straight victories." Jyron Sleder; 6. Don Collyer (DIB.) won the women's championship the 1913 season. That team won Second Bace—gunday after a three-day affair. Mrs. 1. Mad.ran; :. CoUyei; 3. Sicdcll 4. on the final * day and finished ' .•ook; 5. Wachenlold; 6. Shan. Friend posted rounds qf 86, 88, seventh in an eight-team league. Monday 91 for a 265 total. Mrs. Robert The 1912 Yankees finished last. RB-RBC Game Sept. 23 Wood-Fumy Meyer -was runnerup with 281. 1. Collyer; s. Cook; X Wachenfeldt The long shot Phillies have 12 , Shaw; 5. girder; s. Macl.ean; 1. Mrs. Jerome Kridel defeated rrnill Ulillfman (DM'). at home and eight away. Twelve RED BANK — The Red Banki report on the game being set for ti the field, plus standing room 1. Collyer; 2. Wachrnfeld; 3. Cook; Mrs. Max Schwartz on the 19, to .Catholic-Red Bank football gameJFriday, Sept. 23d. . pace around the snow fence, . Shaw; S. .MacLran; 6. Whlteman take the Class B crown. Mrs. of their games are. against the The local game which general-l 'as first switched to the Mon- DNS); Staler (DM). top three. They have three at., originally scheduled ;tor-i 1 Hummrr Series Concluded. Sam Tomaini won the G title by day, Sept. 24, and then moved ly paclts Red Bank High School'sl ay date in" respect for the Final l'ulnti — Wadirnlrld !8: Collyer home with the Pirates, two at STCok 39; Sleder tl; Shaw 58: Mao defeating Mrs. Mary Smith, 4 San Francisco against ;the Giants,".' to Monday, Sept. 26, has been athletic field including stands ewish holiday Yom Kippur on .pan G3; Dick Anderson S9; BIN. and 5. • • ' •It 110. and seven with the Dodgers, rescheduled again with the latest|on both the east and west sidej Sept. 24. Sunday the ladies will hold a Numerous fans on both sides SS AND YC three of them at home. They also By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS AROUND ISLANDS RACE mixed Scotch foursome and will lave been up in the air because Cruising Clan»—Al Beck. have three with the Reds, two Wood-rusules—Cary Smith, follow with a buffet. with the Astros and three with f the Monday date. Many who NATIONAL LEAGUE an Francisco,- Marichal (21-5), Illue Jays—Dave Cocher. have been attending the contest Turnabouts—Susan tjtallinss. the Cards. Donna Freyer Wins W L Pet. GB Ight 1st W>at to flnlNh—Cnry Smith In WP. BEACON HILL C.C. or years, felt that they would ittsburgh .82 59 .382 Tomorrow's Games MKMOBIAL DAY TROPHY >e unable to witness the game if Comet»—John Stives. In an odd and even tournament, San Francisco ..81 59 .579 % Atlanta at New York, night Wood-PiiflMpn—Jim Carpenter. yesterday Mrs.. Robert Ticehurst Why struggle alofig with your old was on Monday. Just how Los Angeles ...79 59 .572 l'/i Blue Jayn — Jim Nolan. beat-up mower? WHIRLWIND* Horsemanship Trophy Cincinnati at Philadelphia, Turnabouts—Laurie Aymonler. led the field in the 18 hole group many fans will play "hookey" hiladelphla _78 .536 night LABOR DAY TROPHY 1967 model* just In future WIND- rom work in order to gee the Compts—Tnlbot Ingram. with a 31. Second was Mrs. HOLMDEL TOWNSHIP - The, Ro&ulti of- the clawel folowt St. Louis „.-. ..72 69 .511 St. Louis at Pittsburgh Wood-Pnasle>—Cary Smith, Charles Paterno, 33, and third TUNNEL* housing design for most 1. Walker Trophy, advanced horse- riday afternoon game, now re- Atlanta . ..71 70 .504 Blue Jay—Guy Haltoni. efficient mowing and bagging of annual Tricorne Farm Students nanshlp on fiat — L Donna- Freyar, Houston at Los Angeles Turnabouts—Donna RoEpi*. was tied with Mrs. J.W. Spencer Nancy, Rdlwrtaon, 3. Kalhy Weldon, mains to be seen. Cincinnati _ ...70 70 .500 grass and leaves, 4-cycl* e»*y. Horse Show was" held at the Kathy Elmer, 8. Bharen Geant, 6. Chicago at San Francisco and Mrs. Gordon Vanhorne. Mrs. The game, which has been Houston _.63 80 .441 LONG BRANCH ICK BOAT & Y.C, starting engines, visual oil filler, farm, Holland Rd., here, Tinder » Weldon. Sunday's Games Sunday Spencer broke the tie on a draw. 2. Adult Wfllk-trot-canter — 1. Mrs. rawing local interest for over New York 60 .81 .426 l-lnt Itac£—Sunday . water clean-out port. Trouble-free sunny skies Saturday. lobcrt Bnander, 2. Mrs. Robert I>urr, 5 years, is one that both stu Atlanta at New York 1. I>avf> ClaiMi; 2. Ed Apy; 3. Von Mrs. Austin Cushman had low TORO quality throughout. From t. Mre. Bruce Nankcrvls, 4. 'Mra. Chicago ...49 90 .353 Cincinnati at Philadelphia Cucpla; 4. Herb Oatioon; 5, Gordon I The Walker Challenge Trophy, Sruce CtlcMonCtlchton,. 5-. Mrs. Donald' WWin- dent bodies look forward to with Armitroag; 8. Allyit Bennett. : putts with 28. $94.95t-with choice of mid-sea- hny, 6, Mrs. Edward BezsBenzlnser, , Yesterday's Results awarded annually in horseman- ' jl — ii. MichellMihl e great concern. St. Louis at Pittsburgh Second lUce Mrs. Fred McTighe led the son bonus gift below. 3. Beginnners' 1, Clapy; %, Apy; Cah/2 0. Advanced equitation over fences— Yesterday's Results' • T/9 Midgets-30 laps 1. Sliarcn G

MARINE LUMBER A Take pictures like a' pro with Ihli 3M'Revere Automatic 1000 Camera outfit. Black-and-white or color. Easy- features the largest selection of BO ATME N loading drop-In film cartridge. Built- in (lash. Complete with case, bulbs ROLLS 70S SERIES— Mrs. Barbara Tillyer, 121 Marvin end film. Now free with any ne,V MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW FOR WHIRLWIND mower*. #1S.95t value. Rd., Middletown, rolling for tho Koansburg-Middletown National Bank, rolled a 708 series Wednesday night on B Guess who'd like an electric can openerl And this trim beauty by Rival games of 247, 224 and 237. It was reported she-is the has a super-hard cutting wheel, skip* INSIDE STORAGE proof feed gear and removable lid- ON THE COAST first woman to bowl over the 700 mark.Tho series was lilting magnet, Great addition to my mm kitchen. Now free with any new . . . OVER 35 recorded at the Middletown Lanos, Rt. 35. , WHIRLWIND mower*. «14.9St value. Some Space Still Available For "Oiler iub|ed (o uplrlllon wltnput nolle*. VARIETIES TO IMinuladur'f'i >Uf(*st«l retail prict. CHOOSE FROM BOATS UP TO 35 FEET PRICES START AT per sheet 1 1 TOROT SB ™ "<***• OUTSIDE SPACE AVAILABLE UP TO 35 FEET MARINE LUMBER CO. FARM VWRBS Complex line ef de-lt-yoiUMlf materials for home and boat Complete Service and Repairs MONMOUTH MAHOGANY. TEAK, OAK and MARINE PLYWOODS SERVICE 1139 Ocean Ave.. Sea Bright 842-3355 Frank Porter'i PLEASURE BAY MARINA MOWER, INC: Op.n dolly « A.M. to 5:30 P.M.. Sot. 8 A.M. to S P.M. Red Bank; Tire Co. 656 Hwy. 35. MlddMown ATTENTION BOATMEN! OPEN SUN. 9 TO NOON SHREWSBURY AVENUE 747-3404 580 PATTEN AVE., LONG BRANCH Tel. 222-8110 Opt» Motkkiy Him Friday^ la 6pjn.; Sal. to 3 p.m. 67M073 Surf, Field and Stream THE DAILY R£GIST£H Deadline of Sept 23rd Bohn Predicts Listed for Deer Hunters Action By DICK RIKER well known squid (linger, Is orgaxidag a striper safari to SEPT. 23 IS THE DEADLINE for deer hunters to get in on Ttlghmaii's bland on Chesapeake Bay. Trailer outboard*, OLD BRIDGE — Former two the special deer season set for Dec. 17. Permit applications must cartoppers and charter boat fiihermeu will be aasembUag at year sportaman division cham- reach the Trenton office of the Division of Fish and Game be- Chesapeake House at Tilghman, Md., oa Sept, 27. (or the two- pion, Parker Bohn of Freehold, day fishing festival to follow. A IS foe will cover food and tween Sept. 14 and 23. No applications will be accepted before . ^iws^F-y •, predicts competition will be live- the 14th or after the 23rd. A total of 12,750 permits will be Issued lodging for those traveling bass hooter* bringing their own t mt- ly Sunday night with the return to hunt during the one day season in which one deer of either boats. If a charter boat is more to your taste, the package o( stock car* at Old Bridge Speed- cex may be taken. Applications are now on hand at all hunting will cost $45, covering charter boat, meals and sleeping ac- way. The Monmouth County iron license agencies and since a valid 1966 firearms hunting license commodations. This trip should be a blast and the number worker appears destined to fin- is a necessary preliminary to applying for a special deer permit, of reservations must be limited so if Interested contact Fred ish in one of the top positions. you can get two birds with one trip to the sport shop or town Scnrler, IS Green Twig Dr., Toms River. Don't delay and hall. Archery or juvenile licenses are not acceptable for the find yourself at home pulling crab grass on the 27th. Mr. Bohn, current Wall Stadium sportsman point leader, and • purpose of qualifying for the special deer permit. The number * * * of the license and the name of the agent from whom it was tough campaigner In the familiar must appear on the application. IT'S EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF as the Mosquito Fleet of Ohevy-GMC stock mount on short- New Jersey holds its second annual get-together and car top boat er tracks, stated, "Things should YOU ONLY HAVE ONE CHANCE TO WIN A PERMIT- races Sept. 18, at the end of Joline Ave., Long Branch. Fancy really be competitive at Old Only one application per hunter will be allowed and only one seamanship and split second boat handling will mark the start Bridge this Sunday since it is county can be chosen to hunt in. It Is Important that you pick of the race as 15 or more aluminum car top boats leave the beach WHOPPER OF A BLUE — Jack Cohen, owner of Cahen't Department Store, 220 a longer half-mile track and (he • county where there li a decent deer herd and i large quota and burst through the combers on their way to the bobbing feature extended to SO laps." of permits II you want the odds In your favor on the computer- buoys marking the turn. It's a mad dash for the beach after Shrewsbury Av»., Rod Bank, displays 18-pound, 12-ounea bluefish which Mr. Cohen ized drawing to be held. The special deer season will cover turning the third buoy and sin«e the first team to touch the beach caught yatforday morning «r th* Tin Can Grounds, south of Romar Shoals, off th* Richie Massing of Morganville, former Vineland raceway modi- 17 counties and quotas vary widely from county to county.. wins, slap dash approaches to the beach are the general rule. point of Sandy Hook on th* north sid* of th* south channel. Th* blu* was 38 inch»« High quota counties Include: Burlington, 1,500; Hunterdon, The sudden appearance of bass or bluefish breaking just oft the fied king who is part of the Old 1,950; Morris, 1,370; Ocean, 1,380; Sussex, 1,450, and Warren, beach can start an impromtu race at any time so there is general- long and has a girth of 21 inch*!. Mr. Coh*n uied a plug and hook on a 12-pound Bridge promotional venture along 1,280. Counties with small deer herds get small quotas and ly quite a bit of excitement when the Mosquito Fleet lines up on -test tin*. with KM Brenn, Ray Rocket and Monmoutb will allow only 370 deer hunters in the woods on toe beach. The race starts shortly after 1 p.m. as Ward Coles Wally Dallenbach added, "The Dec. 17. The odds on getting one of those 370 permits may fires the starting gun. You might find it an interesting afternoon way this Sunday race is shaping be rather slim If a large number of Monmouth County gunners on the Long Branch beach. A fishing contest, for members only up, we may have to widen the apply for a permit to hunt In the county. Sussex County has will keep all the tin can operators busy the night before the starting line. Tex Enright wiH a good quota as has Warren, Morris and Hunterdon. These races. Anglers Marina, Sea Bright, has donated a 12-foot Starcraft Longshot Conestoga Lady have his hands full with the counties will also have five or 10 times as many applicants aluminum boat as first prize in the fishing contest. Since Star- flags." Hie indications of a num- as there are permits to be Issued. South Jersey seems to hold craft is definitely the most popular boat among car top surf ber of drivers is that they all ex- the best chance for the Monmouth County gunner to get • launchers, the competition should be intense. No holds barred, pect to take home the $850 first permit: Ocean County Is dose at hand and the odds to win the only rules prohibit trolling and the use of line heavier tha place money. one of 1,3(0 permits to be Issued for Ocean County would 20 pound test, and may the best fisherman win the new boat Wins Freehold Feature The growing entry list headed seem good. Burlington County has a larger quota but It will All entries in this one night contest must be weighed In at Mon FREEHOLD - Longshot Cones- Mike Law, with leading Freehold ace, while Margots Dream ($6) by dirt and asphalt track stars get a heavy play from the Camden County gunners who get mouth Bait and Tackle, Long Branch, between 7 and 9 a.m. or toga Lady, a four-year old brown driver Austin Thomas In the outdistanced the field in the sec- only ISO permits In their home county. All in all, Ocean looks the morning of the 18th. md. has drivers entered from seven mare driven by Fred Jaeger and sulky, paid $5.60. best. Good luck In the draw. * * * owned by the A and R Stable of Notable Hanover surprised the neighboring eastern coast race- The co-feature Gaslite Pace was xowd in th fifth race by heat- * * * HERE'S WHERE THE ACTION IS Clifton, won the feature New Jer- e ways ready to roar off with the won by Princess Banner, a four- ng Shamrock HUl Ace to the FORTY SORA RAIL IN TWO HOURS? That is mighty good TROLLERS are finding fish horn Hardlngs Point to Highlands sey Motor Truck Association year old bay mare driven by vire for a $25 payoff. It was thi 7:30 p.m. qualifying heat action. gunning at any time and in the best of sora country. But these Bridge. Poppers by daylight when the fish are up and big Pace at Freehold Raceway yes- Robert Poore who was clocked rail birds were not in the wild rice, fields of Cape May. Bill swimmers when they are down. Black eels, trolled dead slow, terday afternoon. ourth win of th» season for Included In the field which will at 2:08-2/5 and paid J6.60, $4.40 lriver James Field. lead the initial assault on the McVitty and a potent group of Rumson-Fair Haven wingshots producing at night. Pacing the mile ln 2:08-2/5 the and $4. Girly Rainbow was sec- Howard Camden started the I Madison Township half-mile oval found these birds right in our own backyard. Add five clapper CARTOPPERS taking bass and bluet at dawn and dusk with daughter of Harry Hill returned ond, while Sumter Sally was -6-1 twin double payoff of $1,- with the fist straightaways are: rails to the bag at a time when the clappers are not on the move doodlebugs. Small poppers killing flsh when they-are on top. mutuels of $22.20, $9.40 and $7-40, third. 38.60 with Easter Tassel in the Bill McCarthy, A.1 DeAngflo, Don and you have a fantastic day of gunning. The fields of South Eels laid alongside the jetties producing at night. 1th Lucky Mimi placing second ille and ' a half seventh race Stives, .Jim Hendrickjon, Gil Jersey may look greener but the islands of the lower Shrewsbury ROWBOATS In the river and bay having It a little tougher. nd Mike Law third. Lucky Mimi, The 1-2 combination returned rot. The six-year old chestnut Hearne, Jim Hoffman, Tommie provided the action for McVitty and company as the season Blues seem to have left the upper Shrewsbury although some bay three-year old Lucky Eden a $39.60 daily double pa'/off as iar paid $9.20, $5.60 and $3.40 Elliott, Pat Moon, Dave HulSe, opened. With the cold snap of the .past few nights, the sora may are still in the NavesintcBass on worm* and doodlebugs at filly, paid $10.20 and $5.80 while Sara Blaze ($4.80) won the first e have moved on south but the clapper are still with us and more or the win with Biscayne K«y Frank Myronchuk and 70 other the Highlands Bridge. Poppers take one pound blues above mi RACE — Pace; 1 Mile: fl.JOo. sora could be winging through. Top of the tide and keep the muz- 1ST RACES — Fac«| 1 Milt! 11,400 >econd. automen. Guyon's point. Rant Blau (Frame) 4.8D 3.40 3M Conestoia Lady(Jaefer)tl.tO >.4D 1.4S zle high. The scap netters, clammers and fishermen won't appre- Heather Man (Mallbashka) 4.!0 3.M Lnca• ' r Mlral tail lt.to ».«» SURFCASTERS find a slow but steady trickle of bass while Squire (Haiti) 9.*O Law (Tbomas) 6.W) ciate looking down your gun barrel or the pitter-patter of falling Also — LocMaver Judy, Joey H, Also — Tip smilelaib, lrl»h Nuljrl. shot around their boats. waiting for bluefish to bit th* beach. Tip ol the Hook loaded 9aadr Marie, Orient HUl, Adlos Md. Chief Jlorenel, Mark Healejr, Jeltray Take a tip from UO DUROCHW with tinker and some reports of mullet hi the Bay. Plugging SND RACE — P«es 1 Mile: S1.600. Dean. * * * Marcots Dream (Youn() 0.00 4.40 3.00 TTH BACK — Trot; 1M Miles; SI.500. will improve rapidly during the week. Be furs to have a Handy Leo (Canulra) 3.80 I.IW aater Taiiel (Camden) (.to S.6O 3.40 Pass Fort (Thomas) 3.ZO Blscayn* Hey (Katbel) ».M) 3.40 YOU'RE SAFE DOES A STRIPER SAFARI SOUND LIKE SPORT? Fred mackerel finish plug or two In the bag with the Rebel and Also — Captive Loir, Rallon Rapid, Dooley (Hammer) 4.(9 Scarier, Saltwater Sportsman magazine representative and Hellcat Lure*. Kobn Bor, Lucky Acre*, Protptcta* 0. Also — Mablnns lloosler. Chef. DI- rect. Pleasant Nib, Handsome Haffy, JHE WOtlD'S UKGEST DAILY nOCBI.E 1-2 PAID $39.00 Neveleland. 3RD RACE — Trot; 1 Mile; (1.400. RTH RAIE — Pare: 1 Mile; «!,:«!. otable Rsuiover(FleU)19.00 DM S.00 Prlncfrlncfim Banner (Poore)S.M 4.40 4.00 Drag Te§ts Shamrock 11IU Are iDavls) •.» S.H> «~lrlr Rainbow (Davis) ».8O 1.40 FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) 'ellmf Brook Talk (Maatlaao) 3.00 Siirnter Sally (TCebster) 10.10 SPECIALISTS Freehold Raceway Entries Also — Clever Kathy, Wills Valley. Also — Roylrne, Alton Vfllo. C. F. — At the suggestion of Cassius Testosterone, Jolly Key, Polly Diamond. Star. Fine HUl Llla. Sweet N 'Sassy. Clay's trainer, both the heavy- 4TH RACE — Pate; 1 Mile; ll.JCO. STH RACK — Face: 1 Mile; 11.400. , 1ST—Fue, Coed., 1M., |U«o 8. Dukes Girl (H.Ualll 11-1 Jo Anns Blrltday (E. Looney) Art Berry (Suit) 5.40 4.00 t.f» O Jais Bran (Morrlll) 7.00 4.40 4-tO UO DUROCHER k. Gola Bonny (C. Marsh) 31 DUE. Karens Girl (No Driver) weight champion and German Uadas Royal (Kras*e< 4.00 J.so «rerm' a Way (Schraliel) 3.80 t.M Brewers Ud (R. Hammer) 8-1 4*,40 RoVlovlnl i Girl (Thomas) 4.00 |. Little Louisa (W. Mirk.) 4-1 AE. HI Los Request (R. Hancock) MaHon Olory (No Driver) Lady Eden (Hsebschl 4.40 a. fiypjj HUl Guy (R. hm) 9-8 challenger Karl MUdenbergei Also — Brownie Dares, Avalon Deb- Also — Vallaat Pick, Willow Lynn, SPECIAL - . Trl Abbe (I\ White) s-1 bie, Mlis Elby, Etna Hanover, Deli Correct Time, May Hunter, Iowa Time. JTH—Pace. Cond., 1-M.. 11,400 •TH—Pace, it 4M will submit to drug testa before 1DTH RACE — Pace: 1 Mile; tl.MO. COMPLETE INSPECTIOECTION SERVICE . Dyna Yellow Brook (Maiulaao) 6-1 !. Major Flnto IT. Prisko) 3-1 Pride. • . j- • • iisiiTii, liwHUUs}, tiitkist • udum ft. Drain! Fcrdlanl (V. OnnM) 8-1 7. Senator Lad (H. Caraden) 4-1 ' after their title fight here STH RACE — Face; 1 MNel 11.400. Trade Day (Taylor) 13.40 6.40 3.M — ——» —^ » • • • H«>*aw. ^*J Htone Haven (Thomas) 4.00 3.0O IS-silst MltMM • Alt Blur aijatMiK • I. Tin, Prlncesi (H. Smih) S-1 I. Voa Dower _n44M« K Yoile (H. gowash) B-l TCsk Broom Direct (A. Smith) 8-1 Folhli B tM tak—MI-isM HitA 3. QaU Reward (B. Poore) 10-1 The Csptaln'a Agency sw Lenawe* Johnny. TWIN DOUBLE 1-1-6-1 PAID S1J38.W. , '.ND—Pace, Cud.. 1-M., 11,300 Jimmy Wayae (M, Hnbbard) 10-1 AE. Hiss Famine P (1. Field) »E. Star Barnes (S. Faiel) . Dwlghts Flumblns Ski. Pinky Pointer (C. Evllsltor) 3-1 AE. Tarport John (C. EvUslnr) Brlte'a Clesners 71 ^., Vicky Chips (J. Schmlcel) 4-1 C. The Scotchman (A. PresUnlrU) Conaolldated Fuels S67.' • Andys Boy (F. White) 8-1 «TII—Pace, Cond., 1-M., (1,600 Mile Howe'sJTeam t BBS: I- - s-1 Brnsnle Wool (Y. Flllloa) Dollv natty . Coast Patrol IS. JTotoloff) M »•* Tony*yaa Atltntlo . « . - .. ^39 T., Armbr* Hanover (J. CMdreiH) Spot Pointer (j. Paifl) "a.*1 2000 ClubClb : RonnlRl o Orhart 222255. Toi I. Indian Bed Fire IT. Horoer) 6. Worth alenn (R. Myer) 6-1 Shorty Purdue (A. Thomas) ml Francliconl 2M, Llbby Harrington ~ 1. Chess Tune (M. Hnbbard) 8-1 HalMoa (H. Somsk) UBnT Welsinbirri . JM fiarchVtt 3. General Joy (It. Rolen) 10-1 "" (B. Refers) 3ED—Trot, Coad., 1-M., 11,300 10-l>20O, Art LaRala 211. ^ Homestretch Lin (X. Looney) 3-1 TTH—Paw, Clmr,, 1-M., S1,MO . Paula Special (I. labar) 4-1 «. KUUraej Pete (A. Smlln) 3-1 . Jell K . Hal Adloa (R. Vest) ' • M U!. Laird Campbell (I. Sun) ft. Counsel (R. Hammer) 10-1 AE. Classic Mesienrer (D. Zofrea) 4TH—Pace. Cbni., 1-M., sl.MO AE. Beach Head (F. Jaerir) . Lady HcOlll 7-! STH— Pace. Clmr.. Ml., II,Km . Winnie Over

EASY TO Try the gentle taste of Bellows Partners Choke BUILD SIDEWALKS Using SAKRFTE* CONCRETE MIX is the smut, thrifty way to repair or bofld coocrate side- walks, floors, stepe. Premised sand, gravel and cement in hantry moistarfrprarf ban. Jart add kxic.pais^st^saDilBidkrTOlks.wpr £* wpiir^dtlop dmmtM. iSSton TE mixes as nationally advntiaed-in the with the big Yellow Diamond. At your lumber or building supply dealer.

FRfcfc 'How-TV)" Booklet; 16 easy projects fully illustrated. Available from your local MIDDLETOWN WOMEN'S CLASSIC Barbara Tlllyer '_ a 16]. SAKRETE dealer. I.EAOl'E Madelyn Millar . iy de-let. Automotive Center why so many who try it stay with the gentle taste in whiskey for good. A PMOIKrr Or CAUPftLL REtCARCH • 1500 Highway 35 Bellows Partners Choice. Try it yourself. Tonight

i« >• MSrviMj, September 9,1966 THE DAILY BEGLST1H Photography [ Crusade 35 Carries Relocation Course Set n Panel Set r NEPTUNE — A workshop ALCOA course In the basics of photog- LONG BRANCH - Crusade 33, (air groundi in front of the New For Builders raphy will be given Monday eve- the county effort to have the Shrewsbury borough 6*11 on Tin- WALL TOWNSHIP - "The Re- ning! at the Neptune Communi- state Highway Department widen ton Ave. location Market—Homes For In SIDING ty Adult School and on Thursday Rt. 35 from three lanes between Next meeting of the safety dustrial Transferees — How evenings at the Long Branch the Eatontown and Asbury Park council will be Thursday, Oct. 13, To Sell It" will be the subjecl WM. "IUD;- MAZZA Community Adult Sch' JI. traffic circles, is "still in there at Walter Busch's Hofbrsu Res- slated for discussion by a pane • Aluminum Gutters and Lcodtrs pitching," Elmer J. Noll, chair- Emphasis will be • aced on the taurant, Rt. 35, Wanamassa, Mr. of experts when the N. J. Shore • Aluminum Windows and Doers man, told the Monmouth County Builders Association meet Tues- effective use of • . e student's Noll announced. Traffic Safety Committee yes- day at Beau Rivage Restaurant FOR FREE ESTIMATE CALL 741-5535 camera for bett color photo- 1 terday at West End Manor. Builders will be shown by the graphs and slit . Projects and CALL 741-4MI "We are still signing up peo- panel how the relocating of per- assignments w' be used to solve ple on our petitions like mad," Rumson Hall sonnel and their families to var- the photographic problems said Mr. Noll, who also heads the ious areas of the nation, includ- each student. crusade. He added the crusaders Renovation ing the shore and state, form a The instructor, Carroll Siskind, hope for personal action of Gov. solid potential market for new HOW'S has had extensive experience as Richard J. Hughej to hurry up homes and apartments. YOUR a teacher of photography in the the Highway Dapartment on the Bids Called Joseph Becker New York City community adul The speakers will also describe PRESENT Thomas W. Appleby project. RUMSON — Borough Council schools. "We're writing a personal let- will receive bids at its Oct. 13Becker Is the answers builders and real HOME? Registration for both courses ter to the governor," he artmeeting for renovation of the estate agents must be able to will be held next week. Classes New Honor nounced. borough hall. give for the sale of new and 11 begin Sept. 19. Highway Department officials The job, estimated at $30,000,Selected used homes and rentals of apart- "TRADE-IN MIGHT IE THI ANSWER have promised to do something will allow most borough offices RED BANK - Joseph Becker, ments when dealing with indus- For Appleby about widening the stretch, to be located on the main floor owner of Becker Hardware, 197 trial transferees. WALKER & WALKER INSURACHAT ASBURY PARK - The Insti- known as "Death Highway," of the building. They are now Shrewsbury Ave., along with 24 ite of Real Estate Management within two years. "We hope to MI the second floor. other lawn care specialists, has REALTORS-INSURORS get action a lot quicker than two Sell' Fasti Hie Dally Register of the National Association ol The Public Health Nursing been chosen to take the first SHREWSBURY 741-5212 • MIDDLETOWN 671-3311. years," Mr. Noll declared. Classified, Real Estate Boards has an- Service, a 50-year-old unit which post-graduate course at the Scott lounced that Thomas W. Apple- Crusade 35 will be promoted serves this borough, Fair Haven Technical Institute, Marysville, jy, president of the T. Frank this weekend by a booth at the ind Sea Bright, will be furnished Ohio. New Shrewsbury Country Fair, \ppleby Agency, Inc., has been new and modern facilities in the Included in the which opened last night on the warded its designation of cer- basement. The service now oc- school attended by lawn special' ified property manager. cupies modest quarters on the ists from 13 states were classes Mr. Appleby has held the des- first floor.' The nursing service devoted to the identification and ignation of chartered property Middletown is negotiating a pact to affiliate control of weeds, •ith the Monmouth County Or- and casualty underwriter. This diseases, latest cul lanization for Social Service. new award places him in the dis Registration Idures and the newest scientific tinctive category as the only per- Modernization of the structure lawn equipment. Instructors were THE TIRED ELEPHANT son in the United States holding has been pending since Borough the research men of O. M. Scott xilh designations. Dates Told Council provided new quarters and Sons. What does one do when an for police and Magistrate Wil- MIDDLETOWN — Thomas T. Mr. Becker attended sessions elephant squashes his automo- liam Kirkpatrick at the former Conrad, township clerk, has an- at the Rutgers University School bile? This was a very real telephone building, Center St. problem for a man who had I'D RATHER nounced that voter registration parked his sports car along a will be held according to the fol- In an interim report on an In- circus parade route. When one lowing schedule: vestigation of local postal ser- of the elephants decided to SWITCH Districts 8, 18, 12 and 28-Mon- vices, Councilman Francis E. P. rest, he chose to do so on top McCarter told council his ver- of the little car. Is this un- day, Sept. 19, at Fairvdew School here. Districts 2, 29 and 4-Mon- bal blast at last month's session usual type of toss covered by against the post office was not Insurance? It certainly is — day, Sept. 19, at Navesink Fire- under the provisions of a Com- house. Districts 3,13 and 23-Tues-- intended to condemn carriers prehensive Physical Damage day, Sept. 20, at Bayview School, and clerks. He said his com- SATURDAY ONLY PoPicy, which also protects Belford. Districts 9 and 24—Tues- ments were directed at the ad- the owner from the more day, Sept. 20, at Brevent Park ministration and rules and regu- common perils of fire, theft, Firehouse, Leonardo. District 7, lations of the local office. There will be an assortment wind and glass breakage. Do 17 and 27—Wednesday, Sept. 21, Council approved a Planning you have this coverage on at East Keansburg Firehouse. your automobile? If you have Board recommendation to allow any doubts about coverages Districts 6,16, 21 and 26-Wednes- a major subdivision for develop- of bamboo roll-up blinds, on your automobile, home or day, Sept. 21, at Port Monmouth ers of Rivers Edge, Buttonwood business, consult us at 741-3450 Firehouse. Districts 5, 19 andLa., with provisions levied by for insurance advice that is 25—Thursday, Sept. 22, at Lin-the board last month. aluminum windows, folding "right" lot you. croft School. Districts 10, 20 and than FIGHT.. 30—Thursday, Sept. 22, at River Plaza School. Districts 14 and 15 doors and odds and ends. by drogqlnq those Ventriloquist Allaire-Farrow —Friday, Sept. 23, at Harmony elumiy hotet all surrmar. School, here. Districts 1, 11, 22, FULLY AUTOMATIC 31—Friday, Sept. 23, at the local Slates Talk Everything's Shipshape Agency SYSTEMS INSTALLED high school. RARITAN TOWNSHIP - Wal- with SAYINGS! BARGAINS FROM EVERY DEPT "Red Carpet Service" MONMOUTH All districts—Monday, Tuesday, lace Jones, gospel ventriloquist Each gtmratlon looki lor guldona Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. of Lincoln Park, will be speaking It IIIOM who hovt ttii «a»rl«nct cl 199 Broad St., Red Bank SPRINKLER 28 and 29 at Township th» yean behind ttom. Twch your COME EARLY 26, 27, at the Youth Rally in the high youngitin torly ttit valut ol lov- 741 • 3450 747-5783 Hall. school Saturday at 7:30 p.m. Ing ngulorly, with a high dividend burlng Savlngi Account cl Mortal Registration will be held from Mr. Jones will be accompanied Vlow. 7 to 9 p.m. by "Tommy," who will help him BRING YOUR RULER Residents may also register at in the presentation of "The Old Annual | Seamless Aluminum Gutters! Township Hall weekdays from Story in a New Way." Together, Dividend 90 4 they have conducted hundreds of Compound*)! SALE 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Quarterly. meetings In the past 19 years in ENDS I Your Home churches, prisons, schools, hospi- Deposit* mad* 5 GOP Plans tals, army camps, and on many by the 10th SATURDAY radio stations, including televi- 0 tarn from'lit. I is your biggest sion appearances that saw gospel 2d Picnic ventriloquism on that mediuirftor Marine View FAIR HAVEN - Republican the first time. His special minis- •% W% 4% 111 %MI m has everything I INVESTMENT! candidates lor local, county and try is to children and young SAVINGS & LOAN Highway 35. Mlddletewa J DON'T LET LEAKING, congressional seats will attend people. PROWN 9 741-7500 tomorrow's second annual GOP Mr. Jones was formerly an en- 671.2400 « DECAYING GUTTERS picnic supper in McCarter Park | ROT IT AWAY!. tertainer in New York night Hwy. 3i, AHantle Highlands at 5:30 p.m. clubs and on the stage. After his 291-0100 32 Broad Street Red Band Local residents attending the conversion he attended Bible Uncraft Shopping Center Dally 8 A.M. To 5:30 P.M. — Wednesday and Friday 'til 9 | RED BANK session will meet James M. Cole- School. * man, Jr., of Asbury Park, a can- 842-4400 didate lor the state's Third Dis- 2 DRIVERS FINED Aluminum Co. * trict congressional post; Marcus OCEAN TOWNSHIP - Magis- Daly of Lincroft, and Harry trate. Vincent Agresti fined Jo- 741-393? Free Estimates Larrison, Jr., of Neptune, county seph Teti of 102 Norwood Ave., PLAY GOLF freeholder jncumbents; James Deal, $10 for careless driving YOUR NEISHIOR IS T. Buckley, it., borough mayoral and Phyllis E. Givler, 1503 Rus- OUR NEXT CUSTOMER. candidate, and Robert A. Mat-tic Dr., Oakhurst, was fined for GO FISHING •I thews and William C. Rue, in- driving 50 in a 40 mpn zone, ' : councilmen. cases heard Wednesday night. RELAX


maT Let us do for YOU what we have done for hundreds of others In MONMOUTH COUNTY. If you live GUARANTEES in Monmouth County we have a beautiful lawn near you, waiting A .GREENER, MORE BEAUTIFUL for your inspection. References sup- introductory plied upon request. FALL FALL SPECIAL LAWN SHAPE-UP Tea Get: INTRODUCTORY OFFER Seed SEEDIMfi Fertilize PRICES INCLUDE (lib. ptr 1,000 iq. ft) CEEI^ f one pound psri ^^^^ •«•• H^H J^ rTRTILIZATIOH Spot Weed ALL LABOR AND (J5-5-10 plltt J«% UJJ 5EEU i ».it.'Jm m ri\ '^It-Yourse/r rowa AERATION hm Grab & Chinch ALL MATERIALS: MWM WUIMfl FERTILIZE •f /| J>y Bug Control UP TO YEAR 'ROUND GUARANTEE with our AERATE 4,000 Aerate "GREENSKEEPER CARE" PROGRAM S9. FT. Roll UP TO 4,000 SG» FT. MIL i •MHNG ROLL LAWN CONDITIONING • SEED (lft. Mr • FEDTIUZMION 1,000 iq. II.) (35-5 10 pin, If you would like a sod lawn choou our tod growing program performed on your lawn. • nmtiuTioN 1INU.F.) SPECIAL (35-5-10 pin • PREEMERCENCt . M%U.F.) CRAB GRAM CONTROL FALL SPRING ONLY LATE SPRING • POWEK • WEEDCONKM. SUMMER -SEED (lib. per 1000 sq.rU MKATIOH • POWER • Seed (Blue Teg • R«-H:J0o'US with dinner In the dining hall The second book recommended ing questions about the forms in M man'story of a man reared in *UK SUMtt, (ram 5 to 7 pjn. ' •-,'!' ;, the religious traditions and be- by the Catholic principal is "The which religion will be amressed It «*!» Uma AppUcT- Rev. Dr. Charles S. Webster. Secular City" by Harvey Cox. i the future." l* lor tilt «noinii<» of CMMtl ft -LEGAL NOTICE • minister of the First Presbyter- "It examines the rise of urbani- •* • . '* ian Church, Red Bank, says: M rMult of m tatlon and the collapse of tradi- Rev. Dr. John D. Blair of Oak- -•£££ h«7.7S?sa7i"twH* • ' •* tional rules," he says, "and has lurst's First Methodist Church been hailed ai a turning point Trust OrBear, preachers are always says, "What We believe is so SCO Broad Street, in American theology and the Red Bank, N«w Jersiy. -. '"here they do wbb very important, because all life Sabstiuitlonary Administrator. • not itch." does-meet- J' Rev. Harold R. Rev. Dr. Charles S. Webster harbinger ot a new attitude on affected by our beliefs. The Uesin. WlM, Wilt, Wlehmera accoraU o( lie aullKrlbet, •*enHar ig vital human needs. wanderer. The agonieg s and the part o! the church toward -r** Berleo • • . of at eatite « Mid DMMMd «tll be ing vital human needs." tian minister I find that many does demonstrate that the gospel Apostles' Creed has summed up W udlted aiM iUtsd by Ibe Surrogate o! ' h i k CuUUWllOTB oVt Te**- s The book Dr. Webster heartily'««« he ejrpKiencw are known the secular age." for most Christians their faith. Si 306 Broad Street, iba Oount/ of Btoaaoutti aad nvorted recommends, is "The Three to modern man who also has people today read the Bible with of Jesus Christ still has trans- m Red Bum.' New Jersey, — eetUement lo,«« HoamoiiUjCoun- its thrilling stories of ths mi- forming power today. Most peo- But for many, the statements of 3 PobU ptrMtaM *WMr Meanlngs-the Meaning of Pray- been cut loose from the secure »S»pt- '. ». »«. ' *S2*> _ _aj « HIHJSl A-lfe* Mww, A. raculous power of Christ to trans- ple write off the image of the the creed are not clear and un- NOTICE >:30 o'clook a.m.. at Ut» County Court Rev. Harold R. Dean, minis- MONMOUTH COUNTT House, Monument an—d OearTBtreeti— _- ...., belief seeks the harbor of form lives. 'Why is it that we teenage gangs and dope addicts derstandable. Here is a helpful ' SURHOGATE'S COURT Freehold, New Janay. at wttcli time Meaning of Service," by Dr. Har- - - - - ter off Thee First Unitarian book by John A. Ross, an out- HaUOB to Creditor, to Preieat AwUeavon win t>s made tor the al; spiritual peace and happiness. It don't see such Divine power ac- of the cHyy as^hopeless^p . This book county, ry Emerson Fosdick. p p church of MonraouOl standing scholar and a minister ', Clalrrn Afalnit Estate lowaooi <* Oommljejtona. aod^ Coowel I l excellencll e of tive today?' they ask." shows that Christ makes a radi - - CSTATB'OF EDWAKO H. SKBCS- teas, ted.WeeUOM l« BtjMbtmco 'The reason I do recommend Is a nove.nMhl ,;,par says, "The book that comes most of the United Church of Canada •ftllAN DECEASED1 0 8 through "I would therefore recom- this book," Dr. Webster says, "is n* ,, »PMu«» cal difference even.In the areas to mind when asked to recom- and chaplain at the University '.t PunUMt-to the order of DONALD _. .. . No. 342. mend," Rev. Mr. Scofield says, 2. CUNNINGHAM, Surrogate of lha threefold: first; the book ts writ '"* of near total despair." mend one book of very great of Toronto. It Is called This We County of Monmouth, this day made, HalnlWd, M. J. " The Cross and the Switch- importance is called 'Man and on the appUoatlon of Ibe -undersigned, ten in such terms of clarity and Believe' and is a clear, concise :* Dorothy li. Bpectanan, sole Ettcutrli Hours. Plllibury, Baraaalt conviction that any layman can Rev. Donald N. Scofield, pas- blade* by David Wilkerson. Brother Stephen, principal of His Gods.' The author is Homer *of tilt estate of the said Edward K •tV.BasaeU, - y y up-to-date, and inspiring expla- ^•MCkiaaB, daoeaeed, notloa Is here- Counsellors at law, comptehend It; second, the hook tor of the New Monmouth Bap- 'Though it will probably never Christian Brothers Academy in Smith, who gives an unusually nation of the statements In the *Dy giran to the creditors of said de- tn BMtmr No. J8, become a Christian classic, It Llncroft, suggests two books, one interesting, compact and * ceaaed to present to lha said Sole Middletown.. N. J. relates to subjects of vital im- tist Church, says: "As a Chris- Apostles' Creed," iSJSxeculrlx their claims under oath with- tPto all months from thli dale. - NOTICE * * * ,-fc Ml: August 181k, lMt MONMOUTli CODNTY & DOROTHY M. SPBOKMAN, Rev. Robert E. Lengler, rec- • IB North nivarsMa Av«., SURROGATE'S OOUBT & •'Sid Bank. N. J..' • • Nettea to Creditors U Fleet*! tor of Christ Episcopal Church -v Sole SEecutrlx SXKBY, ;MIw»ri. WUs, Wise) Wlohmanil in Middletown, recommends a *• it Berlch, fSr.uiSto «M oMet of P0WAU book entitled "Prayer" by :l J06 Braid Street, • ' J. CUNNINGHAM, •urrofat* of ttie George Arthur Buttrick. Father ;p HediSank, N. J., Count; . B*rry, daceaaed, nolle* u barasy jlvm to of people in the area of religion. .josi tha creditor. «f ulJ aajaorf to pr«. BIBLE BAPTIST REFdRMED BAYSHORE COMMUNITY METHODIST METHODIST •ant to lbs a»ld Bole Kwoclor their Hailet Middletown East Keansburg Atlantic Highlands Oakhurst This standard work was written SSIMM vsdevsd r oath -wtBIn aU monUis for the laity and, among other —.vi. OF Afwai ouAir CRAW. [rom Oill s datedt . Rev. George J. EIHptt will The Sunday service wilt be The Sunday service will be The Sunday service will be at Dr. John D. Blair, pastor, will DDQEIASBD •reach at the Sunday service at held at 11 a.m. Rev. Earl D. eld at 11 a.m. with Rev. Rich- 11 a.m. when the pastor, Rev. preach at Sunday services to bethings, deals with the techniques PdrNRUt to the order of DONALD of effective praying." ^ Surrogate of toe iasAs ,1 a.m. Evening worship will be Compton will preach cm the topic ird R. Schwartz preaching on Harvey E. VanSciver, will deliv- held at 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. X&urky at Monmouth. thU d*y made, "The Power of Desire." er a sermon, "Who Counts." He will be assisted by Rev. Don- on til" application of the undersigned, «0 Broad «x»et , at 7 with Pastor Elliott giving "Move On!" Sunday School at * ' * * Crawford and John Bojd Bal- Alston BtttmiDmunntowii, Jr., Bag. Ha. w Jenny an address in the series on "The9:30 a.m. ald B. Vroon, assistant pastor. inbwi*. Jr., Executors of the estate 10 Broad StreeSolta Sxeeutor Rev. Harold Hornberger, pas- Bed Bank, HawJ JerseI y Characteristics of the Saints." EMMANUEL BAPTIST UNITED PRESBYTERIAN Dr, Blair's sermon topic will be [ IS, sai: d Annie Clay Crawford, de- tor of Holy Trinity Evangelical ' SM, notice Is hereby given to the Attorney FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Atlantic Highlands Lincroft "What Have You to Live For?" ..irora of said deceased to present Sept. », 18, 23, 30 Lutheran Church in Red Bank, i ttie? aald fiiacutors their claims un- Red Bank Sunday services are at 11 a.m. Rev. William J. Mills will pre- r otta within six montha from toll PRESBYTERIAN says, "Of course, there are many Shrewsbury Services will be Sunday at 9 and 7:30 p.m., and the guest sent his sermon at the new hour FISK CHAPEL AJM.E. books which I have enjoyed and ,_t tSrd. MM OF CWtt. SSaVICC and 10:30 ajn. W Westminster speaker at both will be the Rev. 10:30 a.m. oa Sunday. Sunday 1 CRAWFORD Amat eloslns date tor tiling ap- The Sunday service' win Fair Haven profited from in my reading and UoaOons. _..- SO, US* rot ap- field at 9:30 a.m. when-'.Rev. Hall (dating expansion of the Bernard Mumford of Philadel-school services will be at the Rev. Floyd N. Black, pastor, it is a bit difficult to say which UeatiaDa. church sanctuary). Hit? Rev. Dr.phla. same time. >YD BAIXJlNnNE, JR. icaiioSir fames R. Steele, pastor, will de- will preach on "The People Had one of all I would best like to «.. 400 lilt 13th street, iver a sermon. Charles S. Webster will preach a Mind to Work and Follow' recommend, 2: Ntw/York City, N. T. ,. oniyT'ft'U printed -mfli" «rMB takf on the theme "The First of the FAITH REFORMED ALL SAINTS EPISCOPAL Sunday at the 11 a.m. service, Hverre Sorenson, Em. mj« to CIIIKOS, ma months naldei Seven Cardinal Sins." The Rev. Hazlet Navesink • "However,";he says, '"George •;,*» nnt Avenue - . METHODIST Albert T. Woodward, associate Washington Carver' by Rockham . "Atlsnlio Highlands. N.J. '"watsr Punvptng ataAloa <*»retor, Sal- Sunday Services will be held Sunday services will be: 8:30 ST. GEORGE'S-BY-THE-RIVER ary, SMWMMOO per year. Belford; minister, will assist. .t 9:30 and 11 a.m. a.m., Holy Communion; and Holt is the one which I should ft . aa.oa EPISCOPAL Dr. Paul Fredrich, district su- Rev. Theodore C. Muller will 10:30 a.m., Morning Prayer with like to be considered. My rea- EGAL NOTICE——- Rumson NOTICE- perintendent, will preach Sunday preach on "How Can I Do My sermon by the Rector, the Rev. son for picking this particular EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN Sunday services will be: Holy • r~^ TOWNSHIP or SUUUTAN t the 11 a.m. service. His, sub- Best?" H. R. Sorensen. - - • , book is that, in its portrayal of ; ' - CHICK IHSBIIBSBMXNTa HOLY TRINITY Communion at 8 a.m. and Morn- 1 .. GDBBEHt WND ACTODNX ject will be "We riave a Stew- one of our truly great Americans, ardship."-: .;•,••%• Red Bank ing Prayer at 10 a.m. Rev. G. this book is both informative as Services will be Sunday at 9:15 P. Mellick Belshaw, rector, will rSr lUrlla* Pnyrol! Acoouot. ^Sf" well as Inspiring. LUIHERAN CHURCH and 11 am deliver a sermon at the second ChlaK Gost to Be Presented "In our d»y. of racial ten- OF TOE REFORMATION service. • sions," Rev. Mr. Hornberger West long Branch -/. •-•• , REFORMED baymhore BUtlonentlonen,, irA.^: New Shrewsbury. • says, "it, would be helpful to Jfayahara sutlonerstloners.. .iS^u^ 'W Robert Oswald will < i « • BAPTIST "i • •"•' boflt odr wnlte ehixeru as well "BaiahMa SUtlonertlonerss. "SSlx-Tut nretch-Sunday on "Growing' in Sunday services will be held Vestments of Canon Leonardo . Virahora Stationers. , at J:».a.m. and af «J30"ajB. as those of alt colors, to have the JiraMra SUUoMrs. lac ~ avtw $;W>aiat;,ll Th# Sunday service-will >be ai icm Bullntss Procedures Co. ... Rev. Isaac C. T Rottenberg will ne .revealed through the 3M Buslnesa PnduoU Sales, toe; 11 Jun. when Rev. William Canstory of Oils truly Wonderful per- , tN.J.8. Learue ot HimlclpallUer preach on "Facing; the Giants." wilfjireac.h,pn "Running Ahead.' i *IU. Coaleranta of Itom ... 15.00 l son." . »Brown Publishing * Prlnllng Co. 57.» TRINITY EPISCOPAL An evening service will be heli S.« 'JErown PublUhlnc A Printing Co. Rled Bank CHRIST EPISCOPAL of _7vM '• '''•'.:'• 'AVmry Park Press, Inc. VtM at -7:30. HOLMDEL CHURCH ' ~ BanJt.Eesister 263.S Holy Eucharist will be ceie- Shrewsbury courier ^ ai.» Holmdel inThe Courier '£«> brated Sunday at 8 and 11 a.m. The first Sunday service, at 9 OLD FIRST *rhe Courier moo Rev. Canon Charles H. Best will a.m., will be a celebration of the The Sunday service will be at ""Robert J. Smllh „ American Baptist Convention 11 a.m. with the pastor, Rev. I^Burroughs Corp. .... «;» officiate, Holy Eucharist, conducted Ffearatwre stationers. Inc. United Church of Christ John Waldron, officiating. i.1is)r«liore Stationers. Inc. m by tha rector. The regular B a.m. Middletown HPhiUp J. Blind,, jr. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Family Worship will be a Cor- •Thlllp J. Blanda, Jr. Worship services will resume kfhlllp J. Blanda. Jr. Red Bank porate Communion of the college FIRST PRESBYTERIAN •NI. neii Telephone Co. _ this Sunday at. U a.m. Rev. R. Matawan Lumber A Snpplr Co. 1* The Sunday service will be at students ffro m the parish and Webb Leonard, pastor, will con- Flour Waxbg . loan H a.m, and the Bible lesson servicemen home on leave. The Family Ccvenent services will • Central Power -* Light <__ duct the service. His sermon top- Central Power & Light Oo,- _. Sanletl - will be on ""Substance." Rev. Ronald G. Albury will be held Sunday at 9:15 and 11 Jeraw Central Power A Light Oo. ... Sarrlcss 1D.U ic will be "The Worth of Man." BarahVe Statlonsfi, Ine. " — 111.* preach on "The Healing Power a.m. when church school teach- , Barahore suilonen, Inc. of Christ" At 11 a.m. the rec- ers will be commissioned. • o. Le Roy Hsy. Br. BAPTIST ; Lane's Inc. of Red Bank .... New Monmouth' tor will again preach as part of CHURCH OF CHRIST Davla Lockamlth. Shop .a» u 179.0 ;,:Red Bank METHODIST N.J. Bell TWeplKme Co. - - Rev. Donald N. Scofield will the morning prayer service. : N.J. Bell Telephone Co. , - 1U3! preach Sunday at services sched- The Sunday service begins a Navesink N.J. Bell Te ephone Co. N.J. Bell Telephone Co. uled at 10:45 a.m. and 7:43 p.m. GETHSEMANE LUTHERAN -| 11 o'clock. The guest speaker wil Rev. Gilberts. Fell will preach N.J. Bell Telephone Co. be. Thomas Minton, who is on . N.J. Bell Telephone Co. Keyport Sunday at the 8:30 ajn. service. • N.J. Bell Telephone Co. .- PROTESTANT Sunday services will be at 8:30, way to Zurich, Switzerland, His topic will be "Signs of Hope." " N.J. Bell Telephone Co. N.J. Bell Telephone Co. -,.- • Robertsville 9:45 and 11 a.m. to do mission work. He will al- Gala's Kejport Hardmra Co. so speak' Sunday,night at 8:30 V. B. Ralph A Son, Inc. ...-. The Sunday service will be at ST. AGNES Herbert tf.8mlth Associates l,S00.« 11 a.m. when Rev; Edwin P. LUTHER MEMORIAL and show slides concerning this v Cams ani Son -. Atlantic : V. X. Ralph * Son. Inc. . a\« Spencer will give "Report of the EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN work. ••"•-.•: Sunday maises are scheduled ; William J. Smith fetr lltg. 18.00 Conference." (Missouri Synod) for 8:30, 7:45, 9,10, and 11 a.m, I Barakora Stationary Inc. " New Shrewsbury REFORMED; and noon. Jtarttan dirye , Crown Tire Kxchange — GRACE METHODIST The-Sunday service will be at Colts Neck -• The sacrament of "baptism Is ' Easrahore Stationers. Inc. 10:30 a.m. The morning worship service administered every Sunday at 1 : VS. Ralph 4 Son, Inc. . , Union Beach PRffARIN© FOR CEREMONY— Rev.'Canon Stuart F. " luurlce Sohwarut Jb Bons Sunday service.. wU be held will be held at 11 a.m, Rev. | Skip's Gun atop at 9:30 and. 11 ajn. wifh the pas- KING OF KINGS LUTHERAN if, raetor of St. Joliri's Episcopal Church in Lfttt* Sit Samuel La Penta's sermon will • Knavp naila ounpaay tor. Rev. Harian M. Baxter, of- Middletown wilWilll bee preiented wjttw|tVh §ftew purple vej+fnentss off ththe be based on Jeremiah 1:4-12. ST. ANN'S CATHOUC I VshaUsher Publishingg Co.,, Inolie.. ficiltlng. Rev. C. Roger Burkins will Church school will be at 9:30 Keansburg Jama, UoAdam canon Sunday at the I Ot^a.m. service. He wet given the L. M. ZappUlla . preach Sunday at the 8 a.m. and a.m. Sunday Masses win bo at 7, Plus, Shelf 8, 9, 10, 11 and noon. Winifred 4 Cullen — Services CHRIST CHURCH METHODIST 10:45 a.m. services. positron by the bishop of the Trenton Diocese earlier Bayahore stationers, Ino. - Supplies . 3.60 . Fair Haven CHRIST CHURCH EPISCOPAL Daily Masses wd be celebrated 1 Bayabore Stationers, Inc. ,._. Bupptles 8.83 this year. . . ' '••/' r West Koanatrarg Water Co. The Sunday servke will be at GRACE LUTHERAN Middletown at 7 and 8 a.m. except on first , Supplies , Barttan jOaraie - ~.«».~.. ; : Fridays when tours win be at Knapp Rtdlo Company .- . Services 11 a.mv ••'••.•' '" -•'"'" ' , Freehold LITTLE SILVER —.Rev. Can- Guild, of which she js directress. Sunday services will be: Holy - Tiel Chemical' Corporation ~» Supplies 1T3.M George W, Lewis' will be the Sunday services will be held at Tlie biretta will be presented by Communion at 8 a.m. and at 9:1! 6:30 and 8 a.m. ; O * W Lumber & Supply Co. ... . Bupplles i.« on Stuart F. Gast, rector of St. " Jamei Boehler - - :.... services • «".oo guest speaker, and his theme 8:30 ajid.ll aim. Rev. David G. 's Episcopal Church, will be Mrs. Rubin Taylor, tireiident of am. in .the new church; and the Baptisms wilt tie administered Supplies 241.9 John's i b Tufflbre company ^ every'Sunday at 1 p.m. • N.J. Gravel 4 Band Oo. Supplies 10.4 will be "A Chtta^an Concenu" Volk will give a sermon entitled honoredred 'Sunday wJien he is pre-the Women's Guild, in behalf °«'ce of Morrdrig Prayer at 11 t Wslllrur Bros. Block.Co. __ Bupplles Mr. Lewis is executive director "Teaching is.Your Job, Too." sertted with the purple vestments of the group. a.m. in the old church. Rev. ; % J. H. Kelly Co. ; Supplies REUGHWS. SOCIETY ' •( Davis Locksmith Shop — n . supplies ie!ioof the-New Jersey Council on of the canon. The honorary position of can- ert E. Lengler, rector, will of- !• MinM Contrsetlnr Co., Inc. , . Supplies OF FRIENDS * Uanzo Contracting Co., Inc. — Supplies 1S.U1.1S Alcohol Problems. CHRIST CHURCH UNITY on entitles the Episcopal priest ficiate. rjuollne 481.15 Rev. Canon Gast was given I oloba Petroleum, Inc 33.08 Asbury.Park to a seat in the Cathedral in Shrewsbury Thomas Williams Company — Bupplles 16.15 the appointment earlier this year. i Baafax Corp —. Supplies CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY The Sunday service - will be Trenton and other privileges, A.M.E. ZION Sunday meeting is held at 11 "Consolidated Laundries Bervlces 'Atlantic Highlands held at 11 a.m. when Rev. John by Bishop Allred • L. Janyard Laundries Rental such as special place In pro- . Red Bank a.m. ' ' ... laundries... Rental 100.00 The Sunday service will be of the Trenton Diocese. The vest- a 21.00 Manola will preach on "Jesus— cessions and meetings. Rev. Thomas H. Coursey, pas- . L. IX Seehr Company ,_:—_.,....- 5 "'!!" 1.12 held at 11 a.m. The lesson-ser- ments — which include a cas- * HoltywoodJService Inc. ._„ ..Supplies Our Measuring Rod." It is the second 'time Father tor, will deliver a sermon Sun- » Jersey Coitial Power ft XJght Co. _.. Services J.S7J.13 mon'ls entitled "Substance." sock, surplice and biretta — will CENTRAL BAPTIST 1 Biyihore. Bewaragei Co. . Services 1,100.00 Gast has been given such an day at 10 a.m. on "The.Young Atlantic Highlands ' Herman-redder ^i*i ; ... - Bxpemes. 15.00 ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL be presented to Father Gast at ..Herman Fedd«r .__ . Expenses BlOO honor. He held the position of Surveyor." Church services are at 11 a.m. ;"A. S. Cowling .....; Prlnllng 18.00 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Little Silver the 10 a.m. service. IThe J, ». Eurka Cmnpany _- Bupplles 1 canon in the Diocese of Harris- and 7:30 p.m. Youth Fellowship - ,• Conover Umber CaaiMfer ~ -— Supplies Rumson Sunday services will be Holy The presentation of the cas- burg, Pa., from 1935 to11945. ST. CLEMENTS EPISCOPAL is at 6:30 p.m. Rev. Harry W. " Peter P. r»ceas liSW - ».E0 On Loyalty Sunday, the ser-Communion at 8 a.m. and morn- I6.OI sock Will be made by Daniel Father Gast says of the oc- Belford Kraft is pastor. West Keansnorg WaMr Co _ vices will tje held at 9:30 anding prayer at 10 a.m. Rev. Can. - Leon Potts .——',—.. 'elgland, chancellor of the dio- casion, "I feel that the honor Sunday services will be: 7:40 ^.Btyshore stationers. Inc. H.72 11 ajn., and the Rev; Harvey C, on Stuart F. Gast will deliver a •. Bsyihore 1statlonen. Inc. cese and legal counsel at St. is due mainly to the marvelous a.m.,' Matins; 8 a.m., Holy Eu- FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD ' Nellie M. Weber _»J Doule, Jr., will preach on "The sermon and he will be present- Nellie M. Weber John's, in behalf of die bishop. spirit of the members olf thecharlst and sermon; 9:30 am., Shrewsbury Phyllis «. Marshall M.00 Recovery of an Imagination." Fhyllll M. Msrstiall.-. HIM blshop parish." Sung Eucharist and sermon en- The .Sunday-service will be B. Karp __._ 111.10 the second service. St. John's has a membership titled, "Popularity-and All held »t U a.m. and an Evangelis- Jesn Karr and Company CALVARY BAPTIST o ttie rector by Mrs. Henry . B. Dsrstlne Book Co. .. >. Germond, III. for the Altar'of about 250 persons. iThat." tic service will be held at 7 p.m. A Charles Scrlbner*s Sins Oceanport TRINITY EPISCOPAL ««Demeo Library Supplies . «HS u Bandom B>use School and The Sunday service is held at Matawan 6269 M I Library Sarv. 11 a-ui. Rev. Paul N. Smith will Sunday services will-be: Mat- 'Arro Putllshlng Co.. Ino. 6270 8271 preach. The evening service will ins and Holy Communion at 7:45 First Presbyterian Church of Rumson Getting ready for a new school year b«fmportmt 'n I :napp Radio Company .. 6272 Kerehner'erchners Flower Shop .—..— py 6273 be at 7:30 p.m. Rev. Mr. Smitha.m. and Holy Eucharist at 10 undertaking In the Dft of yama. people and paronH. is ^yport Oreenhouses .' Spray 6274 East River Road at Park Avenue h ^«'fionmiut5"coun"ty"'SSional Bei'k"- loterast 6275 will speak on "Death, the De-a.m. Rev. Carroll B. Hall, rec- To make it leu frantic — and more rewarding — it fl Herbert H. Smith Assoclstu ._ Services feated Foe." , tor, will officiate. I Whllniy H. ftoddr Inc. (Or loauranea - 627* laiTt needs all the spiritual support you can give It. For Ktnvan Company Insurance 62T7 e,ioo.oo Void ens HOLY COMMUNION JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES LOYALTY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 the first of two penetrating program* on this subject, or Rarltao— Capital Imp. Aoet . Transler S.0OO.IU EPISCOPAL Red Bank Congregation listen Sunday, September 11, to "M.CIN6 W TO A Townihlr* of Rarltan~ Fair Haven (Kingdom Hall) TWO Worship Services '. ~ioard or adncattoa -. ___ Monthly Furment NEW SCHOOL YEAR" — Part I. Smith's ?l» Co. .... SuppUes ii a Holy Communion will be eele- , . Fair Haven Natural Qu Co. • —.... Barylces TWO Sessions of Sunday Church School irt ' • • ^^.^ SatrSatrlcci moo brated at 8 a.n#and at the 9:30 ' Tha Watchtower study will be jjTownijilp^ ofnarltari^Pajroll AcoTZTPayroll 4,094.71 a.m. family service. The second held Sunday at 4 p.m. Edward 1 STowtuhlp oi Harllan—Payroll AeX. Payroll T,«S7.UI 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE RADIO SERIES " Township of Harltaa—Payroll Accl -_. Insuranc Mt» service will be Morning Prayer A. Thompson will preside over ,Tiiui ' iis3,iB».ti and sermon by the fector, Rev, the discussion "Maintalnkag Our : , •' ' ,f '•'• " '- SsJrmon: • .'• ;,'.,;;Y.. '•.',.. • • li Eeorow A«eo«at Charles R. Lawrence. Possession of J»eace." Dag Trust Account "The Recovery of an Imagination" * ! MIchail seamtn ..._ 5 .. : Capital Iavranmaiilt Aeeeual ST. JAMES* EPISCOPAL MEIHODIjSrr BCharUs B. Parser - OHIces 629 Long Branch Eatontown Rev, Harvey . Douie, Jr., Th.M Pastor TPiilliPiillio 3. BlaMa,. Jr ..r Or«en Acres H. Tbomas ""CarC t ...:.,.....i _ , Sewers ." SSI tOO.X) Low Masses will be held Sun- The Sunday service will be at H, TThomah s Carr .._. Sewers 631 3SB.0D day at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. with10:45 when the pastor, Rev. Wit Paul O.'Grammar, Jr.- . Director of Music Void Rev, James Murchison Duncan, Ham Joel Wright, will deliver a I 1.BMB frel/ar* Acoaant rector, giving an address at thesermon, "Are We Christian, Or John M. Watson, III 1 Organist |. SO! to 811 Inclusive second service.' 1 Just Religious?" , September 9,1966 THE DAJLT S Fart Wo*fcers Are Commended FOOT .,,... Nttt fat ^toanjotttfi macUnM( Ittve Target Acquisition Ubontory, 2 Sentences Suspended «en •mSSmm-kt their work here; >•'••'. '? ' '••••'•-,• UNION BEACH - Magistrate charged, with causing a dlatur- a the Fabrication Division of the Edward P. Kapallw, tlm_. of; John Flood Wednesday night jance on the beachfront. inglneering Support Services De- Aibury Park/and Robert E.,Pa>: In another case, (our youths sjrtment. impended sentences of two local terson, Middletown. the otter two were arraigned in connection A Special Act award, whfch In- men because they are enferin with a breaking and entry Aug. civilian machinists commended, ludes a cash reward of $250, received sustained superior per- the U. S. Marine Corps in tin 18 at Union Drugs, Union Ave. ras given, to Francis Frame of near future. They are Allen Gehrlg, Keyport; Isbury Park. formance awards. Both citations The men, James Waide oi Robert Hulich, 16 Sholer Dr., included monetary awards. Park Ave. and William Storm this place; Edward J. Kennedy, Mr.. Frame was died as proj- of Prospect Ave., had been Jr., Hazlet, and Joseph Rex, ect machinist on successful night West Keansburg. The prelimi- inte color photos taken by a re- Sell Fasti The Dally Register nary hearing was set for Sept. 28. iearch team from the Combat Classified. • < A fifth youth, a juvenile, was also charged in the breaking and entry and was referred to juve- nile court in Freehold. Fines for traffic violations went to James E. Kulpa of Lin- BEFORE . . . AND AFTER — At headquarters for the Demperatie Club of Union Beach ntart completion of reno- den, (20 and John Yuhas of 731 vations, the local Businessmen's Association reported/ is ready to name the structure ona of. the most improved Front St., here, $15, both for in the borough. Pictured here are photographs of the building as it appears today and as it looked befor* Club careless driving. Rysard Stan- kowski of South River waa fined Democrats acquired it. Organization Democrats, controlling Borough Council, sparked' heate^.'controversy'•tfiii $50 for not appearing in court year by revoking building permit. Acting on ttie advice of Lincroft attorney Patrick >K MeGann, Jr., club offi- in connection with a charge of cials proceeded with repairs on grounds revocation -was illegal. < . ; .,,',,- driving without a license. He was HILLSTROM * BA«K, tec fined $23 on the original charge MnblKj cM HMtiig and had his drivers license re- rhew M2-O40I 'oked for 30 days. Barkalow Notre Dame Freshmen Hold Event RUMSON ASBURY PARK — Peter M. Jim Gibbons, Notre Dame's as- bury Park; John M. Contreras; MIDDLETOWN Zebrowski Will Is 3elmont, president of the Notre sistant director of public rela- Point Pleasant Beach; James C. Rt. 35 and )ame Club of the Jersey Shore, tions, will address the freshmen Fogart/,'• Brick - Township; OPEN YEAR 'ROUND" New Momno.th Rd. Probated las announced that incom- and their parents, as well as Thomas L. HeleoUs, Wanamas- Supported ng freshmen to (he University alumni. sa; Wtfltam Joseph Keeler, Mc- NEW SHREWSBURY, FREEHOLD — Mrs. Eleanor H Gulre Air Force Base; • William Skmnbny Av». otRr. 3Sf if Notre Dame from Monmouth The following freshmen have 3arkalow, who died Aug. 11, let been invited to attend: . F. ,M*loney, Spring Lake! Locotedln By Werner ler car, furniture and househoU uid Ocean Counties will be wel- Thomas E. McDtmald,l Belford; Arianrie Siptramo EATONTOWN,- In a signed itensils'to her daughter, Murie »med and introduced at a meet- Alfred F. Beteuore, Ocean- F. J.vMoDonough, Deal; George SHREWSBURY statement released for him yes- „ Barkalow, in itjwiJl probate< tonight at die Elks Club, port; Michael Caponegro, Eaton- O. Ovitt, Jr., West Ailenhurst; SSO Broad St. terday by Councilman Edward 1 the office of Surrogate Donah lere. town; James K. Chandler, As- Russell A, iPennell, Neptune; Mi- Shrewsbury 0. Clark, Mayor Herbert E. Cunningham. chael 'Richards,: West Long Werner reiterated his stand in Mrs. Barkalqw left the Branch, Gregory A. Sullivan, Red Hill Rd. favor of open primaries and mainder of her estate to be (livid Rumson; Joseph P. TomaJn, stated his support ot Republican ed evenly among her six child West Long Branch; Joseph Alan MIDDLETOWN Councilman Theodore Zebrowski ren, Leona C. Kline, Berotee B Utz, West Long Branch,' and SMART SAVERS for re-election. Thomas William Ward, Toms Aloig Garden Stale Fkwy. Ettnmca 114 Kirk, Muriel L. Barkalow, Elea River. "It is generally known that nor H. Mac Donald, Wilma B Opm Dally » A.M. Mi • P.M. Ihe mayor has supported open Prescott and Leon G. Barkalow primaries long before it was the IMCLUDIN9 SUNDAYS Her will was dated Sept. 1, 1958 AUXILIARY AT SHORE popular thing to do in Eaton- Also probated by the Surrogate'; TAKE town," the mayor's statement HAZLET — The Ladles Auxil- ifEoe was the will dated Apri says. iary of the fire company enjoyed "He has always stood for sup- A, 1952 of Mrs. Georgia A jort of the best man or woman •lorcross who died Aug. 15, whi their annual outing to the shore, PEACHES ind believes Ed Clark and Ted livided her estate amoung he taking in a movie and refresh- hildren, Frances N. Reynolds TEN! Zebrowski to be those in that ments at The Admiral's Table in IxetHtRt for William E. Norcross, Eleanor N Depotlfi thai* In your Savinai category. Deal, instead of an August meet- canning, tool Accamitf on or befor* Sept. 10 "Since Mr. Clark has declined stelle, Laurence Norcross am Earn Interest from Sept. 1 0 seek re-election, and the may-George Norcross. ing in the fire house. At Fint Merchants }r has been asked for his opin- Higher Interest ion, his support is wholeheart- Sell Fast! The Daily Register edly with Mr. Zebrowski." Mayor Werner had no com- Harris Sees 419 ment on Daniel H. Kaufmann and Vincent C. Festo, who also Conpauitdid Paid by Problems In Quarterly Chick Evtry ;eek the Republican nomination en Passbook 6 Mo. On 'or the two open council seats Savings Time-Saving 1 Tuesday's primary. Airport Plan Accounts Certificate! Tuesday's Republican contest WALL TOWNSHIP - Collin is the only one in the borough wood J. Harris, candidate fc iefore the general election in Republican nomination for th November. Mayor Werner will congressional race, said yeste: run unopposed to succeed him' day that many problems ar self; the Democrats have not questions face .the Board SCAVENGER WINNERS — Winners of "Fiasco Scav- Member federal Reserve, put up a mayoral candidate. Freeholders before a proposi enger Hunt" at Rumson Yacht Club are, from left, Peter Mrs. Kathryn McCtoskey and Federal Deposit Insurance Monmouth County airport cs Grimm and Bob Agle of Patten Point Yacht Club, Long . Corporation. Donald R. Teber are Demo- become a reality. cratic candidates for tfus ; Hie said thai basic to the ne< Branch, second in Turnabout class; Phillis Lawei and council seats. for more public airports Is Carol Russell of Rumson Yacht Club, first in clati and increase in the annual $71 m overall; and Lewis Klejnhans and Michele and Jeff Co* lion appropriation made ava able to the states and otber b of Patten Point Yacht Club, second in Turnabouts. Sixty dies through' tbe Federal Aviatii children in 22 boats had to collect 21 objects, such as a •ROOK PARK HOMES i> situated on a magnificent "Tree-Filled" setting in historic old Mid. Agency (FAA)» jj jellyfish in a plastic bag,.in race, supervised by Jeff dletown, N. J. Theio beautiful homes with their Colonial styling offer country estate living Mr. Harris said there all Stives of Little Silver, sailing instructor'af Patten Point, With all modarn conveniences. The huge tree-shaded lots are offset by paved ttraeti, aide- must be studies of the futui walks, curbs and city water—in and paid for. Near schools (public arid parochial), shopping, growth of the couhty's populi and his brother Doug, who teaches sailing at Rumson. churches, local and [ona distance buses, the area is a commuter's "dream." All homes feature ' tion and industrial potential an automatic gas dryers and forcad-air gas heat. that these can't get started ft 5 EXCITIN& MODELS at least five years. And in Ui final analysis, he added, tl Hospital Post TO CHOOSE MOM! freeholders can expect to ha' COLONIALS Carriage House suits at J. Kridol preserve the to overcome public oppositic Is Given choice New England tradition of soft tailorin before acquisition of a site ca DOWNTOWN RANCHES nrawriwMWMiBrcaww»ui>MMiMiii^^ be expected. To Dr. Hare SPLIT RANCHES HOLMDBL—Dr. Tracy B. Hare REP BANK Bl LEVELS , has been appointed special coiv SPLIT LEVELS FRIDAY AND sultant to the Bayshore Com- Your Key to 3-4-5 OR 6 BEDROOMS munity- Hospital, here according ' Better Living . . . FROM to D. Louis Tonti, president of NEWBERRYS THE WIUIAM5BURS (COLONIALI — 4, S, or « luxurious bad. the hospital Board of Trustees. rootnt, 2'/i modarn bathi, larqa formal dining room, huge living SATURDAY room, modarn icianct atat-in kitchen, canter hall, 'Wartainmant- Dr. Hare, a graduate of the NOW OFFERS liiad" racreation room, full baiamant and a roomy, garage. Truly program of hospital administra- a "Country Ganllaman'i" home in beautiful turroundingt at mod- tion at Northwestern University, INSTANT erate cost. _ aa*.aj»^Ua»^M .. '22,990 tended Boston University, the Modali Opan Sot. cmd ONLY! University of Richmond and North Carolina State University. CREDIT Sun. noon to dark. Sole, Offlc. Phona: With more than 30 years in •71-2180 hospital work, lie has been con- With Our New sultant on 104 hospital projects, DIRECTION!: Nartli an Rt. or Contoti: * ^' Credit Coupon JS ta Oienr Tree f=orm Rd., ENGELMANN ALL CAPITOL ALBUMS four of, which were voluntary, Yrtlch rwiv oH to rl|M nt non-profit institutions with tax- Plan! Klnnay Shoaej traval opprml- PA R K motaly 1 mile ta Ranler Ct.i exempt status. Included in these 304 Chntnut St. '-•*• (MONAURAL ONLY!) left on Renler Ct. to modal was the Ormond Beach Memo- NO MONEY DOWN rial ' Hospital, Ormond Beach, homae. In MlddUtown. HOMES Rosalie Park Including such famous stars as . .. Fla., which is believed to have Credit Coupons Con Be 241-3600 been the first hospital in the Used Just Like Cash. THE BEATLES (Plus their new album-Revolver) United States financed by tax free bonds without government THE LETTERMEN • THE BEACH BOYS support, the financing plan which is presently being prepared by the Bayshore Community Hospi- through this entrance ... Grand Openinq NANCY WILSON tal. His study and report for the hospital will be used by the this Regularly 3.98 banking firm of Lehman Broth- A BETTER WAY OF LIFE era as the feasibility report of Weekend OUR REGULAR an independent hospital consul- tant that will be relied upon by DISCOUNT PRICE prospective buyers of the bonds to be issued later this year. Dr., Hare Is treasurer of the Academy of Hospital Counselors. He Is a member of the Ameri- can Hospital Association and the Florida Hospital Association. He also serves as director of the HOW ONLY Blue Cross of Florida. P to Discuss Rt. 35 Crusade .17 EATONTOWN — Crusade 35- the campaign to make Rt. 35 a safe highway—is the subject of a talk to be given by Elmer J. Adult Mobilehome Community Freehold. N.J. 2 Noll of Fair Haven, chairman of the Monmouth County Traffic 2 DAYS ONLY! Safety Committee, at a meeting AT THI MOIIU HOMI KHIimOH IN SIIVIDMUD COMMUNITY of the Monmouth Society of Pro- Every model specially priced to celebrate. Manufacturers' FREE — Natural gas for heating and cooking, fessional Engineers and Land reps on hand to.explaln how you oan own a linurloutnew homo and still have the financial security you want. FREE — Sodding, landscaping, lot maintenance.' M» jrtu Surveyors Wednesday at the Col cutting or snow ihotjelinj, ever. , onna'de Restaurant, Monmouth See living rooms 12' x I $' end larger, two or three bedrooms, W. T. GRANT CO. Shopping Center., aeperate dining rooms. One purchite price Includes ell Rolling fawns, gracious reitdential setting, wonderful rtstoh- me|or appliances, ev«n central air-conditioning. bors* Near shopping, public transportallon, profaisionel + •'' \ourv FnJUPMxJJty F-du**i£y .Stoic The executive committee will offices, (unl consider applications of three Professional decorator co-ordinates furnishing!, carpeting, dripes In provincial, colonial, contemporary or naw Mediter- This weekend, have a guided tour of the park Chooie your area men for membership: Wil- ranean, home site, begin e better way of Ufa. liam J. Staub pf Avon, Howard Middletown Shopping Center C. Birdsall, Jr., of Belmar and Walter R. Earle of Freehold. Q Mobile Uotiii Sdet Exhibition by Silver Enterprtui Highway 35 ^^T Middletown The Women's Auxiliary of the society will meet at the Colon- TMUTMIUS SOUTH W> MttHQU ON IT. f. fUJHOLft, N. J, nade simultaneously. •A'


Sii* Register, lac, 19M. SECOND NEWS SECTION FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1966 7« PER COPY Seek Mass Telegram Appeal Ash Hughes to Act in Currie Case gains tenure if he Is employed determine the outcome of Mr. "Common sense and justice 'Dictatorial processes being By JAMES M. NEILLAND Sept. 1 after completing three KEANSBURG -.A blistering Curie's appeal to be reinstated.' lacking in Currie matter. Please used by Keansburg Board of Ed- uccessive academic yean in a telephone-telegram campaign is He was fired by a 5-4 vote of expedite your procedure." ucation in Currie matter. Please school district. This method under way here to enlist Inter- the board July 6 and given 60 To the governor went these intervene." would cover Mr. Currie'* posi- vention by Gov, Richard J. days notice that his tenure con- words: < Mrs. Davis declined to esfr tion. Hughes in the firing of teacher tract, issued in March, was to "Keansburg taxpayers' rights mate the number of telegrams A ruling on the teacher'* ap- Robert T. Currie and to speed be rescinded. being violated by asinine actions sent already or the number that peal is not expected before Mon- decision on the matter by the Mrs. Vera Davis, a spokes- of Keansburg Board of Educa- would be sent by the end of the day, Sept. 19, but It could come itate Department of Education. man for the mothers, described tion. Please intervene." campaign. However, if all per- much later. The Register learned last night some of the telegrams sent to "Help. Keansburg Board of Ed- sons contacted forward a mes- Meanwhile, a substitute teach- that 35 mothers are calling an Trenton. ucation is making its own stat- sage to each official, the number _r ia handling Mr. Currie'a estimated 20 residents each to Commissioner Groezinger re- utes and parliamentary pro- could total as high as 1,400, or classes on a per diem basis have them send telegrams to die ceived these messages: cedures. Please intervene." TOO to each official. governor and to Assistant Edu- Board Unjust "Your intervention is re- while Mr, Currie continues to- cation Commissioner Eric Groez- 'Keansburg Board of Educa- quested by voting public of In citing methods by which a appear at the school each day inger. tion remains unjust and uncon- Keansburg in Currie matter." teacher obtains tenure, Edward to show he is ready, willing and Mr. Groezinger, as director of stitutional despite petitions and "Educational future of Keans- O. Glaspey, assistant to Mr. able to conduct • his duties ac- (tie department^ Division of Con- signatures. Please give your de- burg Is at stake. Our children Groezinger. told this newspaper cording to his contract. troversies and Disputes, must cision soon." need your help." last month that an instructor Disturbing The board met Tuesday night in an attempt to waive the neces- sity of his appearance each day, earful it might disturb students. The session developed into a fi- asco as the board vice presi- A PLEASURE — Rear Adm. George F. Pitfard found if no chore yesterday to swear South Viets Slay 150 dent, Douglas Foulks, refused to h a young miss, Holly Lepore, Little Silver, for Navy nurses' training. At right, permit a vote on a motion to watching, is Lt. Commander Helen fitrgerald, Navy niirse programs officer. At pier- reinstate Mr. Currie. The board minority, spear- side is destroyer USS Barry. headed by John J. Ryan, sought Cong, Americans 50 to capitalize on the absence of two majority members by re- B52 bombers from Guam instating the teacher with a 44 J\avy Nurse Corps Recruit SAIGON (AP) — South Viet- Nam yesterday, concentrating on The U.S. Air Force threw su- vote. Title 18, the state statute struck at two targets in a sin- namese Infantrymen reported to- oil supply points end transporta- personic Phantoms, F100 Super gle raid 35 miles southeast of covering education, specifies that day they killed 150 main force tion lines in the Haiphong area Sabres and Skyraiders Into the a majority of the full board Viet Cong troops in a fierce bat- and the southern panhandle. Saigon today. The Stratofortress- es dumped their explosives on must approve the hiring of a tle in the central lowlands near During a 13-hour attack, Ai battle. Gets Red Carpet Greeting two mountains just north of the teacher. the seacoast. U.S. Air Force Force pilots hammered Surface- The Vietnamese and a battal- port of Vung Tau, where the Viet Apparently unaware of this, munition Depot, with the des- grams officer; Lt. Comdr. (Navy planes accounted for up to 50 to-Air Missile (SAM) transport ion of South Korean Infantrymen • EARLE - Miss Holly Leporte, Cong were believed to be occupy Mr. Foulks refused to permit a Reserve) Joseph Azzolina of Mid- vans discovered 30 miles north- continued mopping up today in 33 Queens Pr., Little Silver, got troyer USS BSrry in the back- more Communist dead, a spokes- ing an observation post and a vote, refused to permit an ap- the red carpet treatment from ground. dletown, state assemblyman, who man said. west of Dong Hoi. Eight flights the area 260 miles northeast of peal on his ruling that the mo- Saigon. base camp. the U. S. Navy here yesterday Old hands at pierside said they arranged the ceremony, and The fighting was the only of jets pummeled the missile tion was not within the scope as' it stepped up its reoruitment could not remember any other oc- Earle commander Capt. Allen B. large action reported during an- equipment, destroying or damag- M-Mlmite Fight In air activity over South Viet of the meeting purpose, and drive for nurses. casion "when a recruit was sworn Register. other day of scattered Viet Cong ing six vans - with rockets and The only ground action report- Nam yesterday, U.S. pilots flew ruled the meeting adjourned Miss Leporte, a vivacious and in by in admiral. Comdr. Fitzgerald. noted that terrorism aimed at disrupting 500-pound bombs, a spokesman ed by the U.S. military command 457 sorties and claimed destruc without asking for negative pretty 1962 graduate of Red Bank Stationed in Washington, Adm. there is a shfutage. pt Navy South Viet Nam's elections Sun' said. was a 90-minute fight between tion of more than 450 enemy votes on the adjournment mo- High School, wai sworn into tha Pittard was at Earie briefly for nurses to care ^for Our; troops." day. At least five persons were The forays against the north a company of American Marines structures, sampans, and forti tion. jfivy nurses training program by an inspection of the Barry. She explained that' under • the killed. also damaged or destroyed 35 and a platoon of North Vietnam- fied positions. South Vietnamese Even the last action was un- ;Sear Adm. George F. ;Pittar Monmouth County District A spokesman said the balloons but the trainee also receives Court will be dedicated next abeut 12 to 15 feet in diametei S SARITAN TOWNSHIP — Some ,3The objectors feel that the Navy pay. •'•: Wednesday at a ceremony pre- and moored to cables, were • ;SB> p<20pie watted. 45.minutes'llasf agency would be a. detriment to sided over by Judge Francta night while the, Zoning Board of the township, at the proposed lo- Miss Lepore will complete her raised to an altitude of 3,000 feet. fjnalysar^-- -' ^ " • X. Crahay, Jr. and George A. The tactic was reminiscent Mayor Raps Council ..^urtment trie^*^ • targe•—t talton,- ••••-becaus• e ••-of• . the. small; size- Stfcool of com- Gray. London's defenses against Ger- of-the, lot and the fact, that used pktea The court room and District man planes in the early days 61 Chairman James McCabe final- cars would be sold in an outside Court central olfice is M World War II. , lot. will become a Navy ensign in ly announced there would be no February, with pay of $430 per newly-rented faculties on the The spokesman said none meeting and that a special ses- The five-member Zoning Board Unit's 'Secret' Session month. ' '•' ground floor of the Garfield the balloons had been shot dowi sion will be called, possibly next now is short two members; with The Navy is also seeking gradu- Grant Hotel, Broadway and by U.S. planes nor had an, MARLBORO^-Township Coun- to the state health commission- wastes in the dump would not week. the resignation in July of Allan ate nurses of three or four-year Fifth Ave., Long Branch. The planes flown into them. cil majority was criticized last er, were Councilmen Alfred Stor pollute the underground waters. The subject for discussion George and the resignation Aug. nursing schools for two-year court will move to the new night by Mayor Walter C. Grubb, er and Charles McCue; Mrs. At one point, he continued, a 4 of Paul A. Barrese. The ground battle occurred in was to be a variance application tours of duty. After the first suite from Long Branch City coastal Binh Dinh province in Jr., for having a "secret Mary Denton, deputy clerk; boring showed 62 feet of clay and by Buhler and Bitter, Inc., Key- Former Democratic Township year in the United States, a nurse Hall. midafternoon when a battalion of meeting in Trenton" con- Frederick Kurtz, township engi- silt under Mr, Manzo's land. port Plymouth dealer, to relo- Committeeman Francis X. can ask for overseas duty. freeholder Benjamin H. Vietnamese infantrymen encoun- cerning Burnt Fly Bog. neer; Milton Kosene, township at- The council leader said no cate its business from Keyport to torney, and Isidore Sackowitz, vouchers would be submitted to Shields last night rapped Mayor Danskin, director of public tered an estimated 500 Viet Cong The mayor rapped Council a 1.2-acre site in Hazlet, on the health officer. defray expenses of the trip; Marvin Olinsky, his opponent in property, said a public Inspec- near Phu My, in the Phu Cat President George Creeyyifor not south side of Rt. 35 and Maple tion of the new rooms will fol- He then rapped the mayor for the( Tuesday primary election, Hearing Set central area between coastal Rt inviting council minority mem- At first Mr. Creevy said details Dr. — land formerly owned by low the ceremony. his public announcement of a let- "for hot making two new ap- 1 and the mountains to the west, bers to the discussion Wednes- of the discussion would be an- -Ihe Hazlet Fire Co. 1 ter, by Dr. Roscoe P. Handle, pointments before this time. " day. He wanted to know why this nounced at the next council The auto dealer plans both a Monday In state health commissioner, last He said it was a disgrace thai was not mentioned in Tuesday meeting. Later, however, he told new and used car business on month before council was ad- last night's meeting could not night's caucus. f. reporters the group had a lengthy the Rt. 35 site. GOP^spiite Safety Drive Reported discussion about a landfill in the vised of it. be held because "there are not Mr. Creevy replied that this vOT.'' Handle urged council to Last night, several persons Og.. . ''•"',,: •/"•'i •• enough members to insure get- MIDDLETOWN - The case of was no "secret meeting" and rescind the Manzo variance be- showed up to object. They are ting a quorum," and reported David W. Jackson versus George that he went as a resident, not He confirmed a report that represented by Matawan attorney cause he considered a dump that the Democratic county exec- E. Rader will be heard in Free- 'Successful to Degreeas council leader. He added .that Dominlck Manzo, who got coun- hazardous to the underground Stanley Yacker, who told. Mr. Mc- utive committee on Aug. 4 sub- hold Monday. LONG BRANCH — Stembach he had invited a few friends to cil approval to use his 133 acres water supplies. Cabe that notices Will have to mitted recommendations for ap- Mr. Jackson is challenging Co's traffic safety drive, which go along. in the. bog as a sanitary land- In other business, council be served on area residents again pointees. county executive committee -in- ended .Labor Day, has been fill, had five test borings made. awarded a $15,050 street resurfac- before a new hearing can be cumbent Rader for county com* Those attending the meeting "Why," he asked, "has noth- "successful to a degree, but un- ing contract to Manzo Contract- "conducted. • mittee election in district two in with Dr. Warren Redner, who Mr. Creevy said he believed ing been done?" fortunately it hasn't reduced the ing Co., Matawan. . A use variance and rear the Tuesday Republican pri- Mr. Creevy said was an assistant the report would indicate that lot line variance is required. Mr. Yacker said the courts can mary. death rate," Michael A. Slovak, Stelnbach vice president and gen- force such appointments to be Judge Herbert Horn, Superior made "in a reasonable time" but Courtf Chancery Division, will «ral manager admitt«l yester- Will List noted that the term "reasonable ask that the clerk show cause day at a meeting of the Mon- Mangan, Coleman Support time" is open to interpretation. why he should not certify that mouth County Traffic Safety Asked fora commept later last Mr. Jackson is entitled to the Committee, in West End Manor. Hall Phone night, Mayor Ollnsky labeled Mr. "Regular Republican" design* "Perhaps the program has re- Shield's information "incorrect tion on the ballot and be listed sulted in a r"luction of the ac- Campaign by Crusade 35 again." in the "Regular Republican" cident rate," Mr. Slovak went on. • In Marlbord "As you know, the governor He said the county committee column. He added that final figures won't WANAMASSA — Crusade 35 ment campaign both as "a candi- Is scheduled to appoint a new! -MARLBORO — The township had submitted only one name, Mr. Jackson contends that he B available until Jate October. picked up support this week from date and as a citizen of Mon- commissioner in the Highway De- hall's unlisted telephone number and added, "It is time to broaden' filed under the designation two He praised the "tremendous co- Bruce J. Mangan, Democratic mouth County." again will be listed after an irate weeks before Mr. Rader filed operation" the drive has had freeholder candidate, and Assem- In the Crusade Committee let- partment. I am hopeful it will appointments, not make them be someone who will turn a kind- resident last night complained to just because a person is a mem- under the same one. rom businesses, agencies and in- blyman James M. Coleman, Jr. ter he states, "Although a Demo- council. Republican candidate for the ly ear to our most pressing prob- ber of the county committee." Howard A. Roberts, attorney dividuals in Monmouth and Ocean cratic candidate for the office of ( John NarzowiSft complainea for Mr.: Jackson, yesterday cited Counties, and said more than 70, House of Representatives. lem. > : In addition, he said he had Monmouth County freeholder, 1 that a resident had needed po- the .fact that for,the Holmdel 009 persons have signed the Stein- "I would trade all our free- promised > Republican Township Crusade 35 is a campaign to find this situation is above any lice aid but could noj^ reach a GOP primary, there are six can- bach safe.driving pledge. ways and whaUiave-you for a Committeeman Joseph A. Mor- widen and improve Rt. 35 from political partisanship and I can- ' patrolman who was assigned to didates filed under the "Regu- single little four-lane road from ales that he,would be given an Plans are being made to push the Eatontbwn circle to the As- not and will not condone the a public meeting. lar Republican" designation, in Michael A. Slovak Asbury Circle to Eatontown." opportunity to submit recommen- the drive among' retailers on a bury Park circle, sponsored by apathy shown this matter by the The number listed in the di- the same ballot column, although Elmer Noll, general chairman, dations. tatewide. and even nationwide he warned. shore area businessmen New Jersey Highway Depart- they represent three different rectory, 462-9636, is not correct. lasis, Mr. Slovak said. Such ex- In the state, Mr. Noll reported, county first aid squads. ment." announced he is preparing a let- The mayor accused Mr. Shields GOP factions. Business Administrator Sidney pansion has the backing of Mo- there lias been an increase of 26 Mr. Mangan, an Eatontown In a letter to Gov. Hughes, Mr. ter to Gov. Hughes and the state of using the Zoning Board's lack Young told The Register that He asserted that if the court tor Clubs of America, Inc., in- deaths .through last Sunday: 723 councilman, in two separate let- Mangan, referring to the two- Highway Department. of quorum "for a cheap, politi- the number was changed be. ruling Monday Is.in favor of surance association which has this year against 697 for the sam ters, one to the Crusade 35 Com year timetable recently set by Said Mr. Noll, "I think it's cal trick," adding, "he never has cause many motorists' who had Mr. Jackson "we would expect been active in highway safety, he period in 1965. mittee and the other to Gov. the Highway Department for time we made an appointment been issued summonses tried to attended board^meetings before." the ballot to'reflect it." He said went on. Statewide expansion is Nationwide, Mr. Noll said, th Richard J. Hughes, pledged his planning and advertising the Rt. with the governor to deliver reach the court clerk there but He said the two board appoint- mat in making up the ballots, supported by Gov. Richard J. picture continues to be grim. In support to the highway improve- 35 widening, states, "This prob- these petitions and to personally got no answers. He added that ments < probably willbe madethe county should have antici- Hughes after a recent confer- the first seven months of 1966, hi lem cannot be. permitted to ex- present our views." the number will again be listed. next month. ;* • , • pated this possibility. ence with Stelnbach officials, Mr. reported, 28,650 persons lost thei ist for two months let alone two The Crusade 35 Committee and Slovak added. Jives in highway accidents. years. the Shore Area Development Ask Officials Committee have been circulat- "We hope that with a little "It's going to take a miracle t< "Corrective action is required ing petitions, on which they have more push, pretty soon fatalities prevent our reaching 50,000 IOW. Quick Changes Set at Raceway obtained approximately 15,000 will begin to go down," the de- deaths this year," he declared.. Skip Politics, "It is obvious to me that the signatures, they report. artment store executive re- citizens and the business com- marked. '-'We honestly believe Co-operate munity of the shore area will not For 5th Hospital Charity Affair that the symbol and pledge has Detain Girl long tolsrate the apathy shown FREEHOLD - Charity ball phere will be heraldic shields, David Men, auction chafrman, nough merit to be pushed on a MARLBORO - The Marlboro this matter thus far by the High- Art Teacher workers tomorrow will transform castles and banners which volun- as auctioneer. national basis." In Drug Case Businessmen's Association last way Department. modern Freehold Raceway into teers have made under the direc- Ball decorations budgeted at Elmer J. Noll of Fair Haven, night petitioned Township Coun- "As a Democratic candidate MIDDLETOWN - A 16-year- cil and Planning Board to forget Is Named s medieval setting for the fifth tion of Mrs. Virginia Galko here. (250 will be paid for by the county traffic safety committee old Atlantic Highlands girl is for the office of Monmouth their political differences and annual Greater Freehold Area Thaddeus Lubaczeweki, ball Manalapan-Englishtown Jaycees. chairman, who reported the lat- In Monmouth County Juvenile County freeholder, I feel it Is my WEST LONG BRANCH -Rich- think of the community good. Hospital event. chairman, said that John D. Cron- The Greater Freehold Jaycees est fatality figures, concurred Detention Center, Freehold, to- obligation to pledge my support ard G. Miller of New Paltz, The workers Will have less than In, raceway executive vice presi- have contributed $300. and commended the Steinbach day after her arrest here yes- In another letter, the business- to the efforts of the Crusade 35 N. Y., has been appointed art three hours to make this change, dent,, will crown Miss Twiln Company. men told council they favored group. As a citizen-driver of Mon- instructor at Monmouth College. More than 514,847 has been terday for belnj under Ihe beginning after the last race. Chehanske queen of the ball at However, the 638 deaths In the garden apartments but with cer- mouth County whose friends and Mr. Miller was associate pro- raised for .-the ball. This is $325 influence of heroin. Then they, too, will make a trans- 10 p.m. • latton over the Labor Day week- tain recommendations. family must travel this danger- fessor at the University of Con- less than last year's total so far. Detective Sgt. Frank LIcItra, formation as they switch from :nd are "a national catastrophe Council took no action but re- ous stretch of road It is my duty necticut, instructor at Pratt In- Rept. James J. Howard, D. 3d The four previous balls have net- itate police narcotics squad, work to, dress attire for the ball .. staggering,'' thef*xhai rman ferred . both for', further < study.. to pledge this Support," '•'••)'' stitute during tha summer, of pist, N.J.. and Sen, Richard R. ted {119,462 for the hospital ligned the juvenile complaint which begins at 9 p.m. mid, He also warnqd against Besides asking for closer co- 1 1964 and part-time teacher in the Stout, R-5th are scheduled to treasury for a proposed hospital against the girl. Her case will In a letter received by Oliv*t More than 2,009 persons are feeling easy about the county operation, the first letter said lie, N. Y,. He taught . 4 draw winners of raffle prizes dur- in Freehold Township. be heard In Monmouth County King, president of the Oakhurst expected to attend the annual record of 40 deaths through last Juvenile Court. the present zoning "ordinance is First Aid Squad, Assembljman former Air Corps fund-raising affair which includes ing the evening, Sunday. while stationed, in Thule, Green- Sponsors of the ball are The Participating In the Investi- a definite • block to • any new Coleman . states, "I am well games,, auctions, raffles, crown- land, and was a construction en- Of 80 items to be auctioned are Greater ' Freehold Chamber of This is down 23 per cent from gation, which continues: as development and a detriment to aware of the condition of this Ing of the ball queen and danc- gineer with the U.S. Air Force, an AKC registered French poodle, Commerce and the Freehold :he 1065 toll of 52, he said, but police leek the source of. her existing, businesses. road. Like many of us, I have ing to the music of Sammy Kaye for 20 years. a ecalpolnt Siamese cat, a three- Raceway. we are losing ground." On June supply, are local Detective Recommendations for garden had to put up with it all my driv- and his orchestra. Intermission foot high bottle of champagne After the ball, workers will , Mr. Noll said, the county re- Robert Olwn and Atlantic partments were that at least 70 ing life.. We In the Legislature Hardy Momf-Newest Varieties music will be provided by Ralph and the hindquarters of a beef, have one day to strike their color- duction was, 48 per cent. HlgMudt Police Capt. Jamw per cent be one-bedroom units have met with the department, Hockhockspn Farm, Rt. 937; Be- Caiazzo and his band. cut' and wrapped for freezing. ful displays before Monday's rac- "If we're not careful, wo could Egidlo. with a balance of 30 per cent for have written, sent telegrams, B8t tween Colts Neck-TInton .Fall*. Giving the medieval atmos- Abe Steinberg will assist Mri. ing day begins. wipe out the whole reduction," two-bedroom unlu. seemingly to no avail. (Adv.) . .:t. •'..'• J OF OUR EXPANDED AND SHOWR SEPTEMBER 15 1067 VOLVOS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY

look at It this ways Volvo compacts are built to survive 1—ALL 1967 VOLVOS ON DISPLAY NOW. in Sweden where there are no speed limits on the high* 2—VOLVO RUNS AWAY FROM EVERY OTHER COMPACT IN ways, where 80.% of the roadi are unpnved, where the winters are long arid the temperature drops to 30' below. ITS PRICE CLASS, Put a Volvo on our roads over here and it runs away from 3—VOLVO GETS OVER 25 MILES PER GALLON other popular priced compacts in every speed range •. •< gets over 25 miles to the gallon like th» lrHle economy 4—VOLVOS ARE VIRTUALLY INDESTRUCTIBLE imports ... is virtually indestructible. You don't believe it? Then come on in. We've got a Volvo and a gallon of . 5—VOLVOS LAST 11 YEARS IN SWEDEN A real going machine gas to prove it. RED BANK AUTO I 119 E. NEWMAN SPRINGS RD? AUTHORIZED m^^ J OPEN EVENINGS RED BANK MONMOUTH COUNTY'S IMPORT LEADER

BID FAREWELL TO THE HUMDRUM... IN A the Renault for people whaswore /never buyanotherx)ne» SHE'S A SWINGER . .. She's hotter, handsomer, longer, lower... she simply ©^daises SPITFIRE everything priced near her.. •• ' ' ;_; Try her. • MARK 2 She handles like a dream. Spitfire's rack-and-pinion steering and tight (24-ft.) turning NOW ONLY circle let the Spitfire outmaneuver any other car. ':' You won't find another sports car with roll-up windows, disc $ brakes, 4-wheel independent suspension. 2199 If you dig swingers, slip into a TRIUMPH SPITFIRE. Fire one up — Sensationall » '.'••• ,. ,, • Bucket seats • Up to 35 mpg. "2000" ALL SEDAN 1967 CARS SEE THE NEW RED BANK AUTO IMPORTS RED BANK AUTO IMPORTS 119 E. NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. AUTHORIZED DEALER ' RED BANK 119 E. NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. AUTHORIZED DEALER RED BANK GRAND OPENING SALE GRAND OPENING SALE MONMOUTH COUNTY'S IMPORT LEADER MONMOUTH COUNTY'S IMPORT j^EADER 741-5886 ,; • -A van FOUND ion AND LOST AND FOUND rvtuctmuz uosrr *- oceSBem^nt, fiswie wawa 'jam - LOeTT — « Bras*. Ktt. M. ceil ut-tsn. ., an* MoBraWli


TWIN-BORO RAMBLER 1M6 INTERNATIONAL Scout-Dwtfl 1943 COMET !-Or. Sedan. Standard transmission, radio ond hearer. 1966 In family. Tfili pooular wilt-bulll This cor Is In unusually Immaculote utility vragon hoi Ian than 700 miles condition. All erlglral. low mile- ALL CARS REDUCED out, fully on It. New cor guoron- nr n guaranteed. ,' Hi. Priced ol well be- \|KVh Economical. ii— S895 IOVK CM) _ <&IO'J 1943 CHEVROLET V4 Impolo COn- IMS PLYMOUTH Fury, t paltenger virtlble. 4«xed trans., dCfll" fully equipped, fully PLYMOUTHS mam, t cylinder oulomallc irons- gooronleed. _. mls»kxi, radio and tieoler, fully guaranteed. 1943 FORD Falrlone, * passenger 15,000 original waaon, fgliy equipped. This economi- miles — $1895 cal, Hesirooie Sinn C1O0C wagon Is In excellent Jl I /JJ AND cond. Fully guaranteed. «'*•'«* W64 CHEVROLET Impolo V-l Sport Sedan. Fully equipped Including power 1«63 RAMBLER Classic Sedan. Fully AS steering. A beautllul Inca silver with equipped, fully guoron- « A'lC teed. Immaculate, \ TTH red Interior, low «.«..««• w LOW DELIVERED mileage, tuny $1/95 economical _ • ' " AS FACTORY EQUIPPED guaranteed. *"'g 1825 1962 CHEVROLET V^ Impolo con- vertlble. Standard tronimlsilon. •FOR TWO-DOOR 220 — VALIANTS IM4 CHEVROLET Impala V-l Sport Radio and healer, luily Coupe. Fully equipped plus power guaranteed S1195 RAMBLER SELECT USED CARS steering, "mini condi- tion", lull/ 1962 CHEVROLET V4 ImpOlfl Sporl 1966 JEEP Gladiator 1962 FORD QUOTQ fitted e -....—. •»__«• Sedan. Fully equipped, j> 1 11) r Pickup. 4.wheel driva with Convartibla, Bucket Seats, ON HAND power steering, \ I 173 fully guaranteed. « I I # If Myin 7' plow. Only 3,000 Floor Shift, Automatic $ 995 1fM Ot-DSWOBILE "II", 4-Dr. hard- milei. Orig. prica $3825. $2895 top, fully equipped, plus power steer- 1962 CORVAIR Monzo Coup*. 4-meed Ing and brakes. A beau- tronimistion, radio and a> "tAr* 1965 RAMBLER 1962 FORD tiful automobile, fully heol«r. Color red, fully \ /7J) Classic, Automatic, Salaxie 500, Automatic, THESE CARS WILL BE SOLD guaranteed. ~.. «- -.. guaranteed. * » » " Radio and Heater $1795 Radio and Haatar $ 995 5 AT .OUR COST 1M4 PLYMOUTH J-Dr. sedan. Stan- 1961 VOLKSWAGEN JOr, Sunroof. .1964 STUDEBAKER This cor Is In belter condition man 4-dr. station wigon. 1961 RAMBLER dard transmission, radio and heater. most IMS's. A real p /iir TO MAKE ROOM FOR 34.OM miles, "mint condition." beauty, economical lo \ nTrl Ltk« n«w. $ 975 Ambassador 4-door, automatic, radio and haatar, full powar. (650 1967 CARS COMING IN Economical, fully operate. j....._ * *" " guaranteed, 1964 CHEVY priced right. $1095 IMI CHEVROLET 4-cyllnder Impald Pickup $1275 1961 JEEP Sport Coupe. J Fully equipped, 1 4-whe«l drivt. Pick-up with 1M3 CHEVROLET Intpaki V-l con- guaranteed. __ * hydraulic snow plow 1963 VOLKSW'N $1595 vertible. Fully equipped, lully powered, fully »* rnr Twa-Joor »d*n. $1075 SPECIAL! 1M0 T-flIRO hardbp. Fully equipped. I960 FORD Priced ' 1963 FIAT Falcon, Station Wagon, 1959 OLDSMOBILE rZT—: $1595 sell.. $795 HOC. Automatic, Radio & Heeter. $475 $550 4-door, all power IMS CHEVROLET V-l S««rt Sedan. Fully equipped, power steering. Tftls 1M0 MERCEDES 4-Dr. Sedan. 1963 HILLMAN Standard transmission, radio and 1960 BUICK ear Is In "showroom , , VII. IUUIW WIIII Suptr Minx, four-door »dan. $ heater. This duroblt CMidltlon." Fully \ I KVl cor priced Lllc* new. Convertible, Automatic, $795 Radio and Heater. $450 guaranteed. ; J I 073 to MIL _ $ 895 1963 RAMBLER 349 Faur-doorjsaden. 1961 DODGE — 50 OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM — Automatic, radio, heater. $1075 Dart V-8 four-door hardtop. (Two to choose from.) Automatic, radio, heater. $595



••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• INVENTORY CLEARANCE

NEW KROLL -FORD GALAXIE 500 4-DOOIV HARDTOP *2640 8, auto., powar storing, »tc. MILLION LLAR SALE

OVER 250 NEW & USED CARS TO CHOOSE FROM FINANCE MAN ON PREMISES • 11 FINANCE PLANS • 1st PAYMENT NOVEMBER,'66 NEW FAIRLANE 500 NEW ECONOLINE VANS CLUB COUPE ^—r; •-CYLINDER CRWJSMATIC • 2 YEAR GUARANTEE ON ALL NEW & USED CARS •2375 * BIGGEST SELECTION OF '66 MUSTANGS IN THE EAST FORDS FORDS CHEVROLETS CADILLACS COMPACTS •u torn •42 FORD •M CHEVROLET 42 CADILLAC S1OO1 •42 FORD Galaxia 500, 4-Dr. Super Sport Conv., 2-Dr. Hardtop, I.IT I Falcon Sta. Wgn., XL Convertible, '1791 IU# '2891 Sedan, V-8 Auto., 1091 Full Power, Air C, Loaded. : ' Auto., R. * H. Full Power. Radio and Heateri '43 CHEVROLET •41 FORD ml '58 CADILLAC Sifti •«4 T-IIRD 'tt FORD Impale Conv., V-8, Falcon Sedan, Convartibla, '1491 DeVille, *47I 9-Pass. Country Automatic, Power, Automatic, Full Powar. '2391 Air Conditioned. " ' '4911 Sedan, Loaded. '891 '44 CHEVROLET '41 FORD •it MUSTANG •40 FORD Malibu Sedan, Like COMPACTS Falcon Sadan, Hardtop, New Car '1391 -••SK. '2181 Galaxia Sedan, New, Automatic. '63 FORD <1AA1 Loaded. Warranty. Automatic. '391 '42 IMPALA tt>**®2. Falcon Sprint IUTI OTHERS '291t •45 MUSTANG •59 FORD 4-Dr. Hardtop, V-8 Convertible, V-8, IW«T I '1091 •42 BUICK Convertible, Galaxia, 4-Dr. Sed., Automatic, Power. Automatic, Etc. '1991 •40 CHEVROLET Elact-a Conv., Fully Equipped. V-8, Auto., Power. '291 '63 BUICK Full Powar. '1191 Bel Air Sedan, V-F Special 2-Dr. Sed., A-1 USED CAR SPECIALS •>5 MUSTANG CHEVROLETS Loaded. '591 •44 RAMBLER 2 plus 2 Fallback, V-8, Power Steer. •65 CHEVROLET 4-Dr. Station Wgn,, Loaded. •59 CHEVROLET '63 CHEVROLET £?A1 '1091 1963 CADILLAC $.-... D.V.H. $2495 Impale Super Snt., Impala Conv., Corvair Sed., Auto., IT I Automatic, Powar. •»5 FORD 1 '151 Like Brand New . '1991 Needs Clean Up. Radio end Heater. " * ' '42 PLYMOUTH 1965 MUSTANG '$I995 Dr. Sedan, V-B '1891 Bel Air 4-Dr. Sed.. Sedan, „Fully 4-Dr. Sedan, tViX Automatic, Powar. '891 Automatic, Radio andd HeaterHaatar, V-8 Auto., Air C. Equipped. 51 *1891 Automatic, Power. *" * •41 MERCURY 1964 COUNTRY SQUIRE " <***„-• $1695 Power Steering. Station Wagon, •45 MUSTANG RED TAG SPECIAL Loaded. '591 1965 FALCON ..^A-"* $ 1795 2-Dr. H.T., 6-Cyl., '40 PONTIAC Radio A Heater. '1891 4-Dr. Wagon, '491 1964 FALCON a,bw.,.» $ 1095 •42 FORD Loaded. Country Squira 1966 CADILLAC CONV. $ '5» PLYMOUTH Station Wagon, '1091 Full power, brand new*. Original Liif $6960. 4991 .... ' • . • i. V-8 Automatic, Power. '191 MONMOUTH COUNTY'S LARGEST FORD DEALER MOUNT-ENGLISH KROLL-FORD SINCE 1904 MONMOUTH & MAPLE AVE., RED BANK—741-6000~ 671 BROADWAY. LONG BRANCH - SALES CA 2-3600-SERVICECARIBOO THE DAILY REGISTER TIAVEL - T1AMWW- — TKANWM'IATKW 18—Friday, Scjrttmber 9,1966 U(fXuttu<- Htm. u4 Than. * to wao. B MiddMom ana. Mf-tHC (Man Ciuaifled Adi AUTOS FOE SAW AITTOSFOKSUJE IBM BUICK UCTLARK CONVERTIBLE FORD 1M4 - Oilaxlf Iwo^oortartto AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE AOTOS FOK HALE —, Pvwtr BtMrlBK and brtkat. Yellow No caMl naM«l. TAKE OVTOPAJ OB H» Nett FA1O0N — AutommUc trancmla- wllh whlU Interior ami top. CaU T«T- •Ion- JUdlo, hMUi. Kt« wUuwltU, HM. «S.r «. AUTO BAUS, Rl & m mow Urtt. Mor«. tl,3»- 741-lTU. AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE STILL AT LARGE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS F0K SALE Wanted for Murder BAYSHORE CHRYSLER — PLYMOUTH JERRY 8ARATTA I LOU LERNER—OWNERS. FOR SLASHING PRICES CLEARANCE SALE! TO ROCK-BOTTOM 53 1966 Valiants to $59 1966 MERCURY be Sold for Cost ON ALL OUR NO MONEY $ $A 095 DOWN 37 PER MONTH M749 USED CARS! OVER COST FROM '1950 ON ALL NEW 1966 CARS! I '66 CORVAIR $2095 drive a COST WILL BE SHOWN IF REQUESTED Monia convertibla. autematie Irtnimiiiion, radio, haatar.

Order Your 1967 Model, Now! I'65 CHEVROLET $2295 Supar ipsrr, 2-dr. liardtop. DATSUN FIRM PRICES WILL BE GIVEN P.St,. auto, tranimiiiion. ENGLISH Radio and htatar. then decide! W* Finance Full Prica Even If You Have 2 Leant '64 FORD $1695 LINCOLN MOTORS MERCURY CASH WE WILL GIVE CASH KJfN RED Galaxi* 500 4-dr. dardtop. CnfliMt ml M? You bat! Bacause it delivers more: Unltizad body l / NO DOWN * JACK FOR OLD CAR ~>" TAPE Air conditioned, automatic Md ftwnt D AllwnehfwnMh 4-speed stick D Battery-saving alternator D 34-36 MAPLE AVENUE 747-4545 RED BAN* Buckit scats D Padded dash D Whitewalls D Deluxe chrome, including BANK RATES • EASY TERMS tranimiiiion, P.St., RJH. wheel covers • Heater and defroster D and morel Standard ffttfaigt, m special tools needed. Parts/service coast to coast '64 TEMPEST $1495 | Sport coupe, auto, trammiiiion. DRIVE SAFEUT Radio, healer. Mnkatyt* BAYSHORE I Marl '64 CHEVROLET $1395 MONMOUTH MOTORS INC. CHRYSLER • PLYMOUTH Bal Air 6. four-doer tadan. The Time To Buy AUTHORIZED DEALER •e. 291 -9200 AlUntic Hig'i Auto, tranimiiiion, RiH. Opm Evaningi 'til 1 P.M^-Optn S«»orday» 'til o P.M. HWY35 542-2414 EATONTOWN '63 COMET $995 Cuitom 4-dr. sedan., «uto. ' trammUifon, RAH. '63 CHEVROLET $1495 Impala V-8, 2-dr. (lardtop. Auto, tranimiiiion, RiH. Powar itaaring, N O W '62 CHEVROLET $995 The Place Td Buy tranimiiiion, radio, haattr. '61 RAMBLER $ 295 BIG SAVINGS' Two-door tadan. MOTQRS '61 FORD $ 495 V-l cenvartibla. INC. DURING OUR '60 RAMBLER $395 SEPTEMBER KNOCK-OUT SALE Clastic wagon. '59 FORD $ 395 What To Buy V-8, four-door ttdan. TRUCKS '63 WILLYS $695 Panal. BUICKS-OPELS '58 CHEVROLET $1195 Half-ton utility. '60 CHEVROLET $ 995 % -ton utility* '60 CHEVROLET $ 795 ^Double Checked Used Cars Half-ton pickup. CHEVY-TOWN KITSON (where's that place again?) CHEVROLET WILL USED CAR LOT Rt. 3* at Moamourt Read Motors, Inc. W. Ltng Iraach 542-112* NIW CAR SHOWROOM Rt. 34, latoittown 542-1000 HIGHWAY 35 ('Amile .outh, Parkway exit 117) ' KEYPORT Open Monday, Tutiday, Thursday, Friday 9 to •. 264-4000 • Wtd.» fa a; Sat. f to 5 you bet your life.... on the car you drive — so be sure, be safe. Trade your troubles for one of the dependable, safety-tested late model beauties,at ' -\ • Murphy & Davison. '','... • • .

'•, - i ••-..• • • . 1965 Mercedes-Benz 1961 Mercedes-Benz 1962 Oldsmobile

190-D Automatic ' "6"D ' " II 1965 Rambler 1961 Mercedes-Benz k "° 1959 Mercedes-Benz EVERY DEAL! 220-SE 1961 Mercedes-Benz I>OD 220 1965 Volkswagen 1961 Mercedes-Benz 1963 Jeep NEW AND OK USED GAR But I90D Station W«|on ' PRICES ARE DOWN FOR THE COUNT

FOLLOW YOUR FRIENDS TO CENTRAL JERSEY'S LARGEST MERCEDES-BENZ DEALER Monmouth County's Largest Chevrolet Dealer MURPHY & DAVISON CIRCLE CHEVROLET CO. 462-5300 HIGHWAY 9 FREEHOLD 325 MAPLE AVE. 741 - 3130 RED BANK (JUST NORTH OF FREEHOLD CIRCLE) T AUTOS FOKMIE AUTOS HA ULE Airroe FOR SALE AUTOS FOK tax. AUT08 fOU SALE 3HE DAILY REGISTER Wi Till it* rrnnur, — wtm*xrt fcu*-fc>t 'nity, September £ 1966—19 '*r, iufrrr *ir> 2re e\4b uMb4.| «*d*a- A«t«t*iMe trt '- ~ > DBratK- nrriRnrnro|cnJtTHJtR 1*M - NEW 1966 bttjLee ejrf ai*ert&c. ,_., -. Mo auto >M<«L T. w ?uat at «y» FATJ«»M

UP IN WINTER? '64 CADILLAC HWT. 36 and FIRST AVE. AUTOS FOR Beautiful medium blu* hardtop ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS • WE HAVE A LOT OF THEM ladan and matching interior, 291-1101 Dauphine They're called Volklw«g*nl ... iff worth th* ride io look at Codilloc-Oldtmobll* FINAL And we guarantee them all thii ons't condition and th* •roadway at 4lk pric* it right. 100% for tn* rvpair or rapUca- LONG IRANCH mant of ail major mechanical CLOSEOUT parts* for 30 dayi or 1,000 •65 CHEVROLET $139! milei. Why won't th*y fr**t* W Engine, Automatic . $ up? Tliey'y* got air cooled *n- POI 65 CHEVELLE $1395 inai. Juit lik* th* n*w onei. VALUE 4-door Stdon 1409 Jengin* - transmistion 64 BEL-AIR $1398 raer exl* • front ml* «u*m. Station Wagon $ brake lyitem • *lec. tytttm 64 IMPALA $1495 NO MONEY Sport Coup* 32.90 COME ON OVER! 64 CHEVELLE $1095 1959 Volkswagen $ 895 Two-door Sedan DOWN PER MONTH RATED '63 FORD $II9S Karman Ghla, blue. YOUU BE GLAD YOU DID Goiaxle 500 Hardtop '64 IMPALA $1795 1961 Volkswagen $ 993 Convertible Convertible, black. USED CARS '63 BUICK $ 995 Special. Mar Sedan 63 CHEVY II $ 99S 1962 Volkswagen $1150 4-door Automatic 100% Guarantee % Used Cars '63 RAMBLER $ IT5 Turquoise, convtrtibU. 4-door, Floor Shift 1964 PONTIAC '64 BEL-AIR $1295 4-door Sedan 1962 Volkswagen $ 995 OVER 100 TO CHOOSE FROM '64 IMPALA Catalina Super Sport, Air Condition Sedan, gray. ~ '69 PONTIAC $ 395 •» Falcon SU9S •64 Corvette $2995 •66 rontisc S259S Two door hardtop, blua interior. Conv., red, 4-speed, Cotallng Ventura, J-dr. •59 BEL-AIR $ 95 EQUIPMENT LISTED BELOW Conv., blue, block top, Fully *quipped including power 1962 Volkswagen $ 995 low mlleagv, real Wiarp, hardtop, lull power. Sunroof, black. brakes and storing. Low mile- McCARthy FREE '63 Ponriac $1695 •64 Bulck SI 995 age, on* owner. •44 Oldt $1895 CHEVROLET 1963 Volkswagen $1050 Bonnevllle Conv., Electro *4r, hardtop, * 4-whaal diic br«k*i . • Bucket loilt MS Cutlass conv., ' while, black top, full air cond., lull AUTHORIZED 1 • 4-ipatd synchro Irani. •• WindihUld wtiher Sedan, rad. white, block top. power, extra clean. CHEVROLET DEALER • High o.iUpur heater, dafroit. • Twin horni '44 Lincoln $2995 HWY. 36 end FIRST AVE. • Safety door Iceki 1964 CADILLAC ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS 1963 Volkswagen $1295 '(} Mercury $1295 •65 T-Bird $2795 Continental Mr. Full power, aqua, tiardlop, olr cond., 291-1101 D*luxi nin«-pitt*ng»r wagon.' 4-4r. hardtop, Sedan DeVille 12 Month real clean, lull power. OVER 35 lull power. or 1963 Volkswagen $1095 Gold with matching Intirfor. MILES PER GAL. 12,000 Mile Guarantee '63 Pontlac $1395 '62 Cadillac $1995 Lotdtdl with txtras Including Sunroof, rid. •M Romblsr $1295 Tempest, LeMans, Conv., red, black top, NOW GIVE YOUR Conv., blue, wtilte top, conv., real dean. toad leather Interior, factory 1964 Volkswagen $1295 real clean, automatic .y~ full power. ownsr. Locilly tradtd. CREDIT '6$ Chevy Van Sunroof, Java green. A NEW LEASE ON LIFE MONMOUTH While, •41. Cadillac $1595 '62 Chevy $1295 fully equipped, real, clean. DeVllle, air cond., WE IEUEVE IN YOU 1964 Volkswagen $1250 Bel. Air, automatic, full power.- MOTORS full power. $1295 Sedan, tea blue. . : 1962 BUICK "WE BELIEVE" Authoriiad Renault • MG • Auitin Haalay • •64 Chevy Van 1. Ural enrage, at • fin* •40 Cadillac $1295 lime, can get hlnuell tented Datiun • Paugaot Daalar Green, ready to Wildcat two-door hardtop. Ful- up wllti credit. '61 Chevy $ 89$ Conv., wtille, black 1964 Volkswagen $1250 roll, low mileage. I. Ttot onyem In ttn obey* HWY. 35 EATONTOWN Station Wagon, V-t, $1495 top, red Interior, ly equipped including bucket category wauM loop of a 542-2414 Sadan, Bahama bid*. automatic, full power. full power. chance to atMlMt •«» •eati. Power bralcat and iteer- credit. S. That anyone wtio hat. re- ing. Vinyl, top. Excellent far WWVWW^V ceived a "Mr (hake" WIN 1965 Volkswagen $1395 v^wv mate Ml •oyment* Mttitul- sports minded paopl*. Sedan, rad. . Iv. A. Thai myem who hat fatten o "legitimately" toed or MONMOUTH COUNTY'S OLDEST Mill make hit payment! In IF YOU'VE AND LARGEST VOLKSWAGEN DEALER CEACQAST goad him. INSTANT CREDIT APPLICATION AUTO SALES 1963 CADILLAC TAKEN • APPROVED »V PHONE Sarvisg N*w Jerwy Over 41 Yton SHREWSBURY MOTORS INC. Coupi. Whit* with bfitfc 774-6700 SHOPPED THE REST- .LOW WEEKLY OR MONTHLY whit* intarlor. Orlgin.l 30,0001 PAYMENTS ARRANGED 216 NEWMAN SPRINGS ROAD RED BANK Lllc* new throughout. • DOWN Shrewsbury Ave.. Shrewsbury WILL NOW SEE THE BEST!! EXIT 109 6ARDEN STATE PARKWAY (RED BANK) t HAVE 741-8500 741-1234 YOU 50 DRIVING OUR PAST PERFORMANCE SHOWS WHY "A-CAR" IT PAYS TO BUY AT BOB WHITE BUICK! , RUSSELLl NO IPS • BUT'S • WHEN'S , VOU WORK - YOU DRIVE CALL COLLBCT TODAY OLDSMOBILE-CADILLAC DRIVE TOMORROW loo's OF CARS TO CHOOSE WAGONS-CONV-SEDANS-HT't Insurance Plan—For Cotillion, LI*. • I COMPANY BUICKS FRIENDLY blllty, Fire, Ttielt. No cor pav- menti II untmployed by Ucknetl 100 NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. or accident. 1966 RIVIERA '$41951 RED BANK ' Sport coupe, A-1, air conditioned, loaded with axtrai. ' We can't introduce a revolutionary new car YEAR-END BONDEU 74L09I0 AUTO SALES 1966 ELECTRA $4195 | for 1967. All we have is a car that's built RT. 35 NEPTUNE Custom 4-dr. hardtop, air cond., blui with white podded top. stronger, built safer, built to take it, to last SALE AUTO RENTALS AUTO &ENTALS 1965 LeSABRE $2295 longer and give more comfort, value and sat- Sport coup*, black, original 10,000 milat. BRAND NEW isfaction than practically anything on the 1965 SKYLARK $2045 | 1966 PLYMOUTH Four-door dark furquoii*, immicuUta, V-6 angina. ' road today. Here's why Fury, equipped wilh automatic transmission, WHY BUY? LEASE 1964 LeSABRE $1695 Sj power steering and undarcoating. T^updoor iidan, mtdium grain, powtr bralwi find stasring. ) - $2288 1964 LeSABRE $1695 1967 CAR NOW , Two-door hardtop, ihall beige, very claan. 1966 PLYMOUTH WE LEASE ANY MAKE CAR 1963 SKYLARK $1495 V.I.P. FOUR.'DOOR HARDTOP Sport coup*, air conditioned, black, bucket laats. 1966 IMPERIAL Prices start at as Low as 30 M* Only Checker has the doublPchannel X-brace frame to • . TWO-uOOR HARDTOP I?*? SkYLARK • $11951 give you, a safer, softer, smoother fide. Only Checker , Sport coup*, powdar blue, V-8 and auto, trammiuion. - . >•• has the high, wide "taxicab" type doors that let you 1965 DODGE get in and out with dignity and ease. Only Checker has SEACOAST LEASING 1962 LeSABRE $1095 > Interior space large enough to accommodate 8 adults CONVERTIBLE ' Four-door hardtop, j*t black, claan in and oui. - with headroom, legroom and hlproom to spare—and 210 NEWMAN SPRING RD., RED BANK only Checker is built the way cars used to be built \%S IMPERIAL \ EXIT 109 GARDEN STATE PARKWAY 741 -1234 Created and engineered by taxicab people to last TWO-DOOR HARDTOP longer and take more hard work and abuse, the Checker Marathon has built extra years and extra miles Into I965PONTIAC AUTOS FOK SALE AUTOS FOR SALE •very part And a Checker doesn't go out of style every MISCELLANEOUS 6RAND PRIX year either. New 1967 models include a high spirited (yet economical) 195 h.p. V-8 or a 140 h.p. economy IMMEDIATE DELIVERY overhead valve "6". 1964 CHEVROLET 1964 PLYMOUTH $1695 J IMPALA FOUR-DOOR HARDTOP PLUS ALL THIS Balvidars, nint-pattengsr wigon. 1964 FORD HAT'67 . FREE EQUIPMENT 1965 CHEVROLET $1695 * 4deor GAUXIE 500 XL CONVERTIBLE • Whitawtll tirei . • Und.rcoeting Bel Air, four-door, ] I station Wafoa* • Laitherette upholitery • Adjuitable buck*! taatt 1963 BUICK • H*et*r and defroiter • Windihield weiheri 1963 VOLVO $1995! Over 40 years of automotive know-how has helped LA SABRE SEDAN P-1800, iport coupe. - j create the Checker Line of built-to-last vehicles. * Four-ipaed forward Irammiiilon gg 1962 FALCON 1963 CHEVROLET -( • 110951: //menlnta. • C*»c*afiViilg»«/a»-fiuurio«a ft** *»•*/• SQUIRE WAGON Nova sport coupe. . , V . j. Ana; anperbfy ctatud, • CMCkn'TiiMJcmbi-tamaii* tor down MUBftiraaa, d9pvid*blllly amat tomfort. 1961 VOLKSWAGEN 1962 CHRYSLER $1095 i SEDAN Niwporf convartibU, - ' ' NEW JERSEY'S FRIENDLY DEALER,

1 1 i 1 i 1 i 1i i • i MB WHITE & NT RARITAN MAURICE SCHWARTZ I RONS, ISC BUICK-OPEL GARAGE SINCE 1919 NEW SHREWSBURY \ Ovar 40 milat par gal. 12-mo. or 12,000-mila guarant**. SHREWSBURY AVE. MAIN ST. and BEDLE ROAD ADJACENT tO AIRPORT KEYPORT Aalherliwl Flat Diralw 741-6200 2644)361 141 W. FRONT ST. RED BANK 87 RT. 35 747-0787 LEVINE'S EATONTOWN HELP HELP , September 9,1966 AOTOS OB TOU MI2 THE FAMILY CIRCUS lyBH KtoM CBIVW5LWI — IHTTEUT- MACHINISTS to iv CM, &ECTWCAL TECHNICIANS CAU. UK. maXUJT, MOUTH ItOTOM, AllTUOlUZMD MM CKEVBOUfT CMPKlCaT — «ll- FACTORY HELP Appj in j*r«u> cr till DEALXK. Mnti r w*fon. JDlCtat cyUafer, pow- r MMrHii anil wisdom, automatic THE BENDIX CORP. WJUNDIRBIRD l»4O-—-eonY»rtlblt naumaMoD, ,«c. 10700. call JM-0»71 full power. No cuta Deeded. TAKE (Semi Conductor Div.) tuna. T744TOO. OVER PAYMENTS ol I1S.S0 per waek. 1»7 DODGE — Motor In eieellent Holmdel, N. J. GHKVROLIT 1*4 - BONDEU AUTO BAUDS, Rt. X, Ne» •hap*. IMPCCIXI In Mart*, *150. Call NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED Full power. No eaah tUDe. 774-9700. W44613 SSSS/U AUTO ML.S," RL *, BUlCKd — DESIHB INTERHTED I9S3 VOIiKSWAOBN BEDAN — Excel BXPERIBNCIit) AUTO MECHANIC^ tune 774-6700. PA.RTIFS TO TAKE OVER PAT lent condition, W95. Call For local Import car dealer, steady 741-0241. work, good pay, all fringe benentg [or FORD 1963 -"balaxle rMtb.<*. V* MENTi ON REPOSSESSED CARS. WE WILL TRAIN the rlgnt man. Apply Rtd Bank Aulo full oower. No cash needed. TAKE CAU. MK. SHELLY, M2-WI4, MON 198a FALCON — Four door. Automatic Imports. Newman Springs Rd. OVER PAYMENTS 01! ».BO per *,..£MOUTH MOTORS, AUTHORIZED 'Bdio and heater. Low mileage. Mm BONDED AUTO SALES, Bt 35, Nep-DEALER. ill. 1693. 7U-6482 after 6 p.m. MAN — (Working nights) to work pjrt. J74-87IK). 963 VOLK0WAOKN -— Excellent con- time days cleaning geptlc tanks. 2». I960 HILLMAN — Four-doo.. 38,000 2559 or 229-2271 CHEVROLET 1961 - Nomad stlllon miles. New timing chains, brakei, lltlon, 33,000 miles. 11,085. Call 872- SOME MECHANICAL APTITUDE wason Full power. No caali needed. •lutdi, snow tires. 35 miles per jallon. .167. ?AKE OVER PAYMENTS oi J4.7O l« 1250. Call 787-1SM MEN — PART-TIME week. BONDKU AUTO SALES, Rl. 35, 'ut your spare lime to work — ^jjj Neptune. 774-6700. SsTLEMON — English Ford ton. TRUCKS FOR SALE rait? Several part-time openings. Earn ,-ertmle. Btandard tr&nlntlaslon. Best JOIN A GROWING COMPANY r FORD 1961 - Country Squire n itler. Call 741-1325. 1B68 CHEVROLET BTEP VAN KINOk- M4°568-2ul9 , 449-43"i° "* psssertter station *a,ou. V-8. lull p... MUST SELL — IMS Chrysler, two-door Model P26. Load apace over 450 cu. ft. QUALITY CON'l'KOL WORKER — Pro". ir No cash needea. TAKE OVER Call 671-1663 evenlnii. PAYMENTS or H.6O per week. BO" hardtop. Full power. Many cxtru. J3250. cess control tnd Inspection work Ex. CEU AUTO SALES, fit. 35, Neplu. Call 671-2815. RUCK — UTILITY DUMP BODY — perlence not necessary. Must be Ue- 774-6700. OLDSMOBILE 1958 — Hardtop. Full all IN A GROWTH INDUSTRY tendable and high school graduate 7S7-OS3J. Jature person preferred. Apply ATCO power. No cash needed. TAKE OVER CERAMICS CORP., Hwy. 35, Keyport CADILLAC ISM - CnfJi'yS^JSS PAYMENTS ol 12.85 per week. CHEVROLET 1961 — Corvalr 95 Van. power. No cash needed. TAhE OVER BONDEU AUTO BALES, Rt. 35, Nep- w mileage. Ilk* new. Call 542-O3B3 PAYMENTS of J5.90 per week. BON- tune. 774-6700. EEU AUTO BALES, Jit. 35. Neptune, to 4:30 p.m. STOCK BOYS T74-670O. 1M3 AUSTIN I1EALEY SPRITE — HU8T SELL — 1968 Dodge four-wheel VIKING CLDSMOBILE 1964 - 98 hardtop. Fa. Mark II. ureen, low mileage, food con- Irlvc truck with snow plow. »2500. Call Hlon. $775. 842-4417. 171-2S15. Permanent, full time positions now tory air. No c«-h needed. TAKE OVER available for stock boy«. Schedule or PAYMENTS 0( 113.60 per week. BON- 1966 COMET CAPRI — Two-door hard- 1954 FORD — H ton pickup truck with hours 9:15 a.m. to 6:15 p.m. MOB. CE!.' AUTO SALES, Rt. 35, Neptune top. V-S. Standard trai/smimlon. Phone racks. Good tires. Must Bell. Call 2£>1- INDUSTRIES through FrI. Liberal employes benefit! T74-67OO. . U2-I2R7. Alter 6, 7S7-«105. )U9 after « p.m. and .ihopplng discounts. VOLKSWAGEN I960 — Original own- [036 V-12 UNCOLN — Aluminum body. Apply #r. Good condition. •AS Is." Best offer. Call FREEHOLD, N.J. Employment Office * 222-0116. 291-2377. MOTORCYCLES A 1B66 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE - Red con-CONVERTIBLE — Singer 1660 Claillc. 1965 HONDA 50 — 1,400 miles. Phone "No. there's nothing in the mail for you to look ah*' BAMBERGER'S vertible. 5.000 milrs. Must «e!l. Call Five passenger. Genuine leather, wal- •«1-«7BS before 11 or 747-J176. after 5:30 p.m. it trim. Excellent. »475. 842-3083. after S. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS MONMOUTH 1959 CATAL1NA CONVERTIBLE — 1965 OLD8MOBILE — F-B5 Cutlaa, TRIUMPH BONNEVILLE—1961 650 ex, BOATS AND ACCESSORIES HELP WANTED-FEMALE Tower steerlni and brakes. Radio, Low mllesre, very clean. Power steer- New tires runs well. Call heater. Call 284-34«l. . Ing and brakes. S42-40M • 741-2M7, 291-2033. HUBERT JOHNSON Cabin eklfr, twin AT HOBOKEN, N.J. 'ART—TIME — Morning or afternoon 1M< CORVETTE — Two topi. A-l con- I960 THUNDERBIKD — SuUroof type, Chrysler engine*, head, 2S\ Ideal tor slue, full power, new upholstery. Ex- 1S0S HONDA — Kircellent cmidUlon. No Dependable. Good wages. Apply in p«. h needed. TAKE OVER PAYMENTS striped bass fisherman or jtajnlly. In WOMEN - GIRLS son, Ben's Mlddletown Car Wash. cellent condition. 787.2166. 1 12.90 per week. BONDEU AUTO rater, ready fc> go. Only H950 for 1961 CHEVROLET IMPALA - 409 cu. ;HRY8LER IMPERIAL — 1961 con- ALE3, Rt. 35, Nsptune. 774-6700. ulck eale. Call Mr. Hall, &12-4200, eve BARBEH — Good pay and steady Ings 741-3128. Immediate openings In several Pro- work. Inquire Mike's Barber Shop, m Inch three-.peed. V-S. Beit offer. "Old 'erttble. full power, radio, heater, alr- 1933 HONDA 150 — Blue with back duction Departments for ambitious EXTRUDERS Oceanport Ave., Oceanport. Atttr 7 Black Joe". 787-jlCi. lonrlltloneil. Like new. Must sell. 229- (eat and mpgaphones. Muat sell. 1325. VOODPU33Y — Fiberglass over wood, persona who can work Full Time + -.m., phone'222-4431, I960 RAMBLER ,463. !all 291-0217. 1400 with trailer, $350 without trailer. some Overtime. Many Benefits In- Call »fler 5 p.m. 1956 VOLKSWAGEN -- With 1962 en- '47-9569. cluding Merit Increaeen, B.lLte Cross, WIRE DRAWING SURVEYOR'8 INSTRUMENT MAS — 8+3-298*. gine. Recent valve Job and luneup. OUSE OF YAMAHA — CYCLE 1 Blue Shield, fa id Holidays and Va- Experience*!. Permanent. Good salary ?0RLD N.J.'s largeat cycle showroom. I8 DAY SAILER ~ In water. C'board cations, Air Conditioned Plant, 671-2358. WERCEDES — 1964, black, leatherette, excellent condition, 1350. 747-4257^ I. 1, opposite Edison Lanes Edbon. p, round bottom, 83 Btays, d&cron, Pleasant working conditions. wlrtewalls. radio, wheel illncs. Excel- 965 VOLKSWAGEN — Micro bus. .M.W. — YAMAHA — NORTON — utboard bracket. J.100. 747-032B. WIRE BRAIDING TWO YOIJNO HEN WANTED — ft, lent. $2,500. S92-7SIM. . ll IUCAT1 QIIJIRA — VE3FA — B.AB- Apply In Person learn engraving. Excellent opportunity IIT (985-6100). 1:30-4:30 p.m. weekdays 8:30-noon BaL for right men. United Designing Co., AUSTIN IIEALIY — 1957, rebuilt trar*- 1142-4947. 479 Middle Rd., Hajlet. mission and clutch, wire wheel!, food 1S60 VOLVO — «200 955 YAMAHA — 250 cc. »400. 1986 BUSINESS NOTICES tires and top. 462-4153 after 6. Call 747-4378 IAWAC7-. 175 cc, $350. 1985 VESPA, YEAR ROUND EMPLOYMENT - After 5 p.m. 00 cc, (200, 741-1117. GET YbUK FLOORS REALLY CLEAN DANELECTRO CORP. THIRD SHIFT MIDNIGHT - 8 a.mStoc. k clerk and delivery. Apply in MUST SELL — 19S7 Ford. Runs well. — Extend tlie life of tile. Homes, nf- person 9-11 a.m. or 2-4 p.m.. LITTLE Best offer over »100. Call 671-0010 any- MOA — 1B58. Reasonably priced. Call HONDA 50 SPORT — Excellent COBMI- (Ices, business. Call 2S4-47D6. til W. Sylvanla Ave. Neptune City SILVER MARKET, 479 Prospect Ave., time. after 6 or Saturday. tlon. Asking *125. Call after 5. 842- Opportunity to advance to 1st Little Silver. 747-1909. »1 DEPENDABLE FLOOR i-IRM REQUIRES PERSONNEL — To CHEVROLET 1162 — Carry All wagon. handle mailing procedures, miscellane- CARPENTERS AND HELPERS _ Tully equipped No cash needed. TAKE ;958 VOLVO — Needa work. Beat ofier. IIISS HONDA OL 160 BOH*MBLB)R —A' WAX COMPANY ous office Job, typist. In-office work. Steady work, good wages. Apply Job OVER PAYMENTS of $4.90 per week. Call condition. *450. Call 671-5466 after Alao nt home typist. Accuracy a muat. and 2nd shifts after training — site, Stoney Hill Apartments, Garden BONDEU AUTO SALES, Rt. 35, Nep- 747-5261. p.m. [LACK TOP DRIVEWAYS — Top Boll, Btato Parkway and Monmouth Circle (111 dirt, gradlr/s and installing geptlc •'art-time or full time. Central loca- twx. 7744700. 1965 HONDA — JflO Scrambler. Good Ion. Write "A.O.", Box 520, Red Bank. Ask for Kenny or call area code 60S, EBP FOR SALE tanks. 6714315. will work at new modern plant 896-0117. MERCEDES 1958 - Four-door. LIKE Call xndltlon, »425. Call EXPERIENCED SALESWOMAN — To HEW. 37,000 orlaintl miles. Must be M1-2S45 6914920. IHEA A BLEWET, INC. — Altera- manage junior shop In Red Bank. Must •ten to appreciate. BELMONT MO- lom. Additions. Decorating. Free ea- MEN WANTED lfM2 CHEVY H — Black, standard Imates. Ftione 672-0248. 872-0559. be,able to assume position of responjl- in Freehold. TORS, 3tt Maple Ave. (Rt 35) Red ihlft. Excellent condition. Call 291-1602 itlify. Top salary offered. Write "A.F.", .[ you are physically lit, neat, yoimi Bank. 741-6778. ifter 5:30 p.m. MOBILE HOMES JAMES OUERRIERO iox 520, ReU Bank. ^^^^ or old and are willing to do your ih&rc, IMPERIAL 1961 — Hardtop. Full power. Senoral contractor and equipment WOMAN PANTRY WORKER — 9 to 3. No caih needed. TAKE OVER PAY; 1955 PLYMOUTH — Good running con- [959 I'.OLLOHOMK — Air conditioned, rental. Excavating, fill dirt, top soil. Mon. through Sat. Apply Colonnade ^MCDONALD'S DRIVE-IN JME.NT8 of J4.S0.per week. BONDEU lltlon, »75. Call 50X10, 2 bedrooms, extras, no reason- 3ewer and water linen. Hauling. Spetlc Restaurant, Monmouth Shopping Cen- AUTO SALES, Bt. 35, NepLune. 774- 46J-855S. ible offer refused. OJ5-53RO.' inks built and cleaned. Dry wells, ,er, Eatontown. TOP RATE PLUS BENEFITS 925 Hwy. 35, Mlddletown 6700. [963 CHEVROLET CORVAIR MONZA— 1663 DETRO1TER — Deluxe 60'xW, [rains, laterals, trenching. Masonry We need full and part-tlma workew. d carpentry alterations. KITCHEN HEL.P — Daya or nights. Days ann" evenings. p 1D57 VOLKSWAGEN — Sedan. {325. Two-door. Quick sale. J685. Call 741- hree bedrooms, carpeted, aluminum 787-0387 Ap-ply In person, Stewart'* Drive-In. Call 0382. twnlnca. Excellent condition. ?4,800. Rt. 35, Holmdel. Across from Mattel STEADY YEAR-ROUND JOB EXPERIENCED AUTO CAR POLIflH- 741-75S4 1956 CADILLAC — Good condition*. $360 11 942-207S. Toys. ER — T?OT local* dealer. Steady work, LAWN MAINTENANCE good pay, all frlrflte benefits for the FALCON 1MB— Delme station wagon. >r best offer. Ca.ll after 5, MOBILE HOME — 8x35. Air condition- awns cut and trimmed. Reliable WOMAN FOR COUNTER WORK — right man. Apply Red Bank Auto Im- Boot rack. Fully equipped. No cash 291-2728. ing. Aluminum awning- and tool shed. service. Call 747-1661. Experience necessary. Full time, Ap; ports, Newman Springs Rd. needed. TAKE OVER PAYMENTS of Excellent corAUtlon. Call after 5 p.m. 3LD8MOB1LE — 1963 convertible. Dark 264-4609. GOOD CARPENTER — No Job tooply LiMwlg'a, 10 Wallace St., Red Bank. »7.8O per week. BONDEU AUTO ilue. Uatlio, heater. Clean. $1250. Call mall. Reliable and reasonable. Call COMMUTATION PLUS BONUS DISHWASHERS — Year round PML BALES Rt. 35, Neptune. 774-6700. I41-005J or 741-1876. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS — Over tions available. Please apply In penon, 1864 NASHUA — 10x60. located In nice 22 8704. 21. Full or part-time. Apply In person no phom» - calls. Howftrd Johmon'i OLDSMOBILE 1960-88. Full power. 1956 CHEVROLET — Street or track. park. For Information call 787-5496. II at PETERSON'S RESTAURANT, 163 no answer, 671-590*8. IACKHOEBULLDOZINQ — Topjoll, WHILE TRAVELING TO Restaurant, Hwy. 35; Mlddlelown. No cash needed. TAKE OVER PAY- Many extras. S600. Call travel, mowing, aeptlc tank work. Ben- R.verBlde Ave., Red Bank. MENTS of *4.S0 per week. BONDEU 787-8218. SALESMAN — Men's and Boys', clott- AUTO SALES, Rt. 35, Neptur/e. 774- jamin Bryan, 871-0585. •ART—TIME HOUSEKEEPER — Re- ing store. Full time only. See Mr. 1700. CADILLACS — 1962's, convertible and WANTED AUTOMOTIVE CLEAN CELLARS, YARDS. OARAGES iable and experienced woman to care HOBOKEN Magee at Clayton and Magee, 1} sedan. Both with air. both lull power, — Have truck. Light hauling*. Call after for ranch house for teacher on Red Broad St., Bed Bank. No phone ciUi COMMUTER'S DREAM - 1953 Fontl- both best offer. 787-5816. p.m. 741-2149. Bank - Sea Bright busline three after- piease. ac In good runnlr.*g condition. Four WE PICK UP JUNK CAKS noons. Call 812-3282. new tlrts. Only 33,000 mllej. Perfect 1965 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE— Twlnbrook Auto Wrecking. PROTECT ASPHALT AREAS — From MASON — Experienced In brick and to fo to station and use around town. White, red Interior. Full power and Call 747-0262 or 542-2235. destruction by gas, oil and other harm* WOMEN WANTED — For pleaaant Interviews Saturday block laying. Also concrete finishlnr, »1«) lakes It away. Call 671-2007, after air. Transferred to new position, am ISED CARS — Station waBons, plck- fill elements, seal with CosmlcoaL telephone work dayn or part-lime «ve« Not one job, (steady position. Call 7ft 6:30 p.m. [urnlsheri a car. Call 671-2636. nlngs. Apply' 157 Broad St, Red Bank, 3361 after five. ipa. Crown (Opposite Two Guys), Mld- Adds years to - pavement life. Guaran- Office No. 1. 1963 M.O.V — Wire wheels, [oil down lletown. 671-0844. Mr. Dwyer. teed protection. For tree estimate call 1M2 OLDSMOBILE — Hardtop. Fully 41-3227. GIRL — To clean on Mondayi. Near Sept. 10 10 a.m. -5 p.m. SHIFT WORKERS or. Clwn. (1050. Call GET CASH FOR YOUR FOREIGN - •quipped. Best offer. Call M6-8288 a! 741-7443. ua line. Call Earn extra $30 a week commission tir 5 p.m, AMERICAN — AND SPORTS CARB !HARLES IIOWER — MASON CON- Part-time. 3 hours a day. 291-1687, I960 FONTIAC WAGON — 33.000 orig- AT MONMOUTH MOTORS, INC Hwy.TRACTOR — Residential. Commercial, 741-1813. also 1865 OLDSMOBILE CONVERTIBLE — inal mllei. Excellent condition, »100. 35. Eatontown. 042-2414. fireplaces a speciality. 747-4479. HEAD TELLERS— NOTB TELLER! Xxcellent condition. 1961 Volkswagen, Call 741-7032. LADIES — PART-TIME — For officer training In progr*sslvi needs work. Best offer. Call 842-3052. ACK'S SEWER CLEANING — With North Jersey Shore bank. Full resumi 1983 FORD GALAXIE — V-S, automa- AUTO PARTS-REPAIRS dectric sewer rooter. Cleans clogged Now Is the time to earn that extra Sunday, Sept. 11 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Irv strict confidence, write to "C.A.", LINCOLN 1960—Continental convertible. tic trarAmlBslon. Excellent condition. Iralns pipes, jewers and septic tank money. Easy, pleasant work. Earn (2 Box 520, Red Bank. Black beauty with a white top. Full Call 872-OSS9. Ires. '671-60B0, to W per hour In your spare time. Call power. Electric windows and seats, 1961 CHEVROLET — Motor 283, and 583-1313. 566-2010, 566-3257, 192-1074, 449- ATTENDANT — Experience preierr«4 1955 PLYMOUTH — Automatic ahlft, transmission. 1125. Call lustom Homes—Commercial Buildings (895. BELMONT MOTORS, 385 Maple Rood condition, low mileage. Beit offer. Home Improvements 4305. 9 t..o 5:3'.'.0 p.m. . Appl-»pply Bro.:.:_.Brookdale. Nur. - Ave. (RL 35) Red Bank..741-4778, Call 741-2271. 946-8388. Remodeling WAITRESSES WANTED - Apply in Apply in person only - Mr. Monette ilng Home, 3325 Hwy. 35, Hazlet. 20 Years' Experience person, Ye Cottage Inn, U9 W. Front TWO MEN — Work foot and pow« TRIUMPH — TR3-B, I960. Cockpit ful- St., Keyport ly restored, new battery, front Jus BOATS AND ACCESSORIES RAY BOECKEL presses and willing to learn ahop worl HELP WANTED-MALE rejalljrned, top and glass clean, al 741-2382. MOTHERS HELPER — Mature, care Instruments perfect. Cockpit cover, 1966 BOATS MUST GO1 5AINTIN0 — Repairs. IrJslde or out- of rlne year old child. Five days a OIL. BURNEH SERVICE MAN — El- KOoit tlrex. Reasonable. Call 747-9040. •Idc. Experienced, clean work. Your week. 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. In my own FREEHOLD CONGRESS perlenccii. Btoady employment will material. Volkert 566-2963. home. Owner transportation, 948-8*73 long estahlishcd firm. Call 261-300) 1948 WILLYS JEEP — Good condition SAVE III COLLEGE Call CALL HOME FLOOR SPECIALISTS evenings. ___^__ '" BOY WANTED* — tlpholitery ant* 671 1197. 1 us protect and beautify your ftooi EXPERIENCED COUNTER GIRL — Permanent. Must have driver's license CLOSE OUT PRICES today. WDOI and tile expertly cleaned Full time days. Call MOTEL M. Sllbersteln, 31 Mechanic St. Rti ,1M2 CHEVROLET — Nlne-pa«senge and waxed. Reasonable prices. For 291-9609. Banlt. GRADUATES, station wagon. Absolutely no cas 'ree estimate call 741-8252. needed down. Bank will finance S79fi THUNDERBIRD DIXIE DUO HAIR STYLIST — Full time. Experi- TENORS WANTED — Liturgical. Re- al 58,40 weekly. Call collect, 721-7100, HOME OWNERS ATTENTION! Job- enced. RuBsel Coiffures. RT. 9 FREEHOLD, N. Jmuneration. Call 812-0596 lor an ap- OASIS MOTORS, Rt 9, Sayrevtlle. bing Is a specialty of Bell Bros. Inc., 711-4755.' pointment. MALE - FEMALE WATER DEMONSTRATION building contractors. Email and large 1954 BUICK ROADMABTER — Full jobs given prompt attention. - Let us CASHIER WANTED — Apply Newman CAR WASHER — For lined cars. Bty- TTit Prudential tios openings for train- power. Muat sell. Bat olter. Call 6*1 Springs Market, 61 Newman Springs Bhore Chrysler. Atlantic Highlands, Con- VAN -WINKLE MARINE estimate on that addition cr alteration, Rd., Red Bank. tei with a moth or accounting degree, 9703. a new garage or a finished basement. HELP WANTED-FEMALE HELP WANTED-MALE tact Service Manager, 291-0200, . or o llbtral arts degree with a tUong CORVAIR — 19*4. Two-door. Stick shift Hwy. 35\ M2-Z342 Eatontown Prices right. Call or write Bell Bros., WAITRESSES WANTED — Apply In SALESMAN — Experienced In floor moth, ttatlstlcs or accounting back- Radio and heater. 12,000 miles. Per- THE BOATMAN'S SHOP 106 4th Ave., Asbury Park. 774-7596. person. Ye Cottage Inn. COSMETICIAN — Top salary, all bene- covering store. Apply after 6 p.m.. ground. Somt of these openings ore fect condition. 322-1690. New Jersey's largest marine supply 149 W. Front BL _Keyport fits. Busy itore. Rltz Drugs, Monmouth Dean's Floor Covering, Rt. 3 SALES LADY — Experience, 10-5:30 BALES CLERIC — Permanent full-time HALES OLERK — In drug store, full NEWARK* NEW JERSEY 1957 CHEVROLET — Four-door eUtion lr/s; chairs twin 210's in water ready five days, one night. Apply Four Sea- time. Experience preferred. UPHOLSTERER WANTED wafoti. Automatic transmission, power to go. Muit sell, 14,900. 261-4522. sons Girt Shop, Monmouth. Shopping position, Including Frf. evening and Sat. CALL Apply in person, .8-11 a.m. or 3 - 5 SanUford Pharmacy, Matawan. DANELECTRO CORP. 842-3060 or evenlnn • 822-8929 Employment Bureau open steering, good tires. Asking 1160. 19M 1 Onter, Batontown. p.m., TeUey's, 17 Broad St.,\ Red I:X Q.m. to 4:40 p.m. Monday-Friday DODGE — Good battery, tires, lor 14 ALUMINUM CAR TOPPER — 7(4 WOMEN WANTED — To work on bot-211 W. Sylvanla Ave. Neptune CIt: parts only $10. 74M588. h.p. motor, used 20 hours, 137S. Call Bank. V tling line. Apply Laird & Company, ATTENDANT — To assist In anlmll Please apply betort 2:30 2M-3BO4. }13S A WEEK SALARY hosplts.1. Flve-Uay week. Call STOCK AND SALEa — Laird Rd., Scobeyvllle. 5I2-O31S. STOCKKOOM CLERK - Knowledge ol 671-1503. , An Equal opportunity Employer 1960 TROJAN — 23'. Sport (laherman. To start work Immediately. No ex- Liquidators WOMAN — IJjnt Housekeeping lor hardware ouppllca and clerical ability HELP WANTED-MALE Dual control. Flying bridge. 155 h.p. widower, 2 children. See children off to Apply ATCO CERAMICS, Hwy. 35, Key .perlence necessary. We will train you. port. $3.10 PER HOUR Interceptor. Must aell. 11,600. 291-1417. :all lor appointment, 741-4019 or 168-QIRL NEEDED — For counting room, school, prepare evening meal. Home ZOBEL 1955 20' SKIFF — Chrysler 5514. to count money, Call conveniences. Low wages. 671-0997. HELP WANTED - Apply In person, NEED '48 MEN TO START WORK Ace. Head. Nylon lines. Immaculate. 512-1530. HAIRDRESSER — Experience neces- Ben a Mlddletown Car Wash, Hwy 35 IMMEDIATELY. CALL FOR APPOINT' Full Inventory plus. Owner toavlng, SEWING MACHINE SECRETARY — Wit,h experience. Good sary. High salary. Call 583-1177 or 568 Mlddletown. MENT. •- DELIVERY DRIVERS- aaklng 11,800. Call after 7:30, 747-1B79. OPERATORS knowledge ol typing: and. steno. Light 68S6. 449-41170 or 566-5584 16' JERSEY SEA SKIFF — Hull In bookkeeping. Must be Intelligent and CA3H1KR. — Part-time. Interesting ARTHUR MURRAY BOAT CARPENTERS — Mill handj, en- food ahape, new upholstery. Motor Single .needle operators to work on presentable. Good pay and hours. Ap- store work. Bargain Barn, 58 Broad UNITED PARCEL SERVICE jly Greengrove iGardcns," 90 Green- SCHOOL OF DANCING — Starting (al • c hookup. Six day week, overtime, neerli aome work. 1750 or closest oiler. ladles' coats and car coats. Piece work fit., Red Bank. 7ii-4ioi. training program now. Openings ro icnts, Apply Ulrlchien 8ei, fiklHi, HAS AVAILABLE OPENINGS IN • Call 2224212. with minimum guarantee. SHORE Erove Ave., Keyport. Thurs. and Frt., Boundry Road, Marlboro. COAT CO., 22 Bridge Ave., Red Bank L0 a.m. to - 3 .p.m. or ' call for WANTED dance teachers, Junior interviewers am • MONMOUTH COUNTY 32' COLONIAL cabin cruiser — 1955 appointment at 264-8617. Evenings Ml PART-TIME WEEKEND MAID supervisors. No experience necessary, BARBER—Keinsburj area. ALBERTI : RKM, ESTATE BALES PERSON — Part ana full time. Salary plus bonus ' W« 'expect you to be .m?* tloni. Herbert Blgcnrauch. T41-S201. 7ardfl, cellars, garages, alores. Have day, 10 to 2 p.m. $5 per day. OwnSHIRT FOLDERS - Six-day week, 18 for afternoon and evening work. Apply to Delicatessen Muntgtr truck. 741-2149 after 3 p.m. Apply Jn person at One-Hour MartltilE- Apply Manager, Carlton Theater, tve* KEYPORT - Llc.me OLSEN CO. INC. Rooting, elding * transportation. 741-M77. ln(t, Cam belt1 ii Junction. (Belford), No Insulation Insulted and guaranteed nlng between 7 and 9 p.m. TWO GUYS ^ RARITAN TWP. — Llc.ni. MASONRY — Patios, steps, side- WAITRESSES — "EXPERIENCED — phone calln. HT. 35 at TWIN HROOK KD. walks, painting, carpentry. Reasol for 10 years, 775-0705. 231-0540. CAR WABIIERB - Four opening! for RED BANK — T.v.rn ' Apply In person after 2 p.m. nt Th OENBRAL lIOUSBWORkOTl — Live limDLETOWN Diamonds Bought or Restyled able Rates. 842-4385 or 747-2338. SIDINO — Alsco, Duporlt Tedlar and Cobblestones, Hwy. 33, MUglnown, (ull time men. Kxperlcnco prererred, MADISON TWP. — T«v«rn ; Alcoa. Work guaranteed. In. Prefer someone wiio drives, Musi but not neceasiiry. Will truln orj the job.DAIUiEIt WANTED — Guarantee! OLEHK TYPIST — atrno (Ifnlreil "bill like child re n, iiblc to care for yea Excellent wnge«. Apply Country Builier salary plug commission. Paid vacation HIGHLANDS — T.v.rn and , Let Uf buy the diamonds you don't not necessary. Meili-Knl, 3J E. Fronl il baby, Recent reforer.*ces required, PROWN'S l_ Wash. Hwy. 35, llldilletown. BilvnrCTPHt Bilrber Bhop, (1 Church PI Reitouriht ' wear or let lln rcMylc Ihcrn for you Painting and Decorating St.. Red Biinli. Cull lor Interview 7*7. Cull H42-105G. Little HHvcr. I'bono 747-BRU5 after fl-3t personally. Jteussllle's, 36 Brond Bt. 32 Brnait Bt. Rtil Bank 741-7500 3814. • BMPI/iYMENT -~rart-tlmT*n"nd full 141-0415. i RARITAN TWP.— T.v.in and ] UO~CLK HK " Nl lime Jl.23,1.1 .M.CI) per hour. Cuatoillat CAFIL B. JONES - Painting and BTftniENCKirWAfnTESSEinVANT- tlnifi and part-time. Drugntoro experl- workers needed. Four lionrs and eight MAN WANTED - To help in laundry Reitaurant l wallpannrlng. Fully Insured. For Iret FJt» * Lunch and dinner. Apply In p. A pply in mraon. Kings Drugs, liours. Clrnnrr nnd waxcr Jotis open Must be over 18. Expotlence r»t re- OY APPOINTMENT ONLY Entertainment estimates, call 747-3041. Tel. Answering Service person, The Lock, Block and r Hwy, 35, Cllffwood. now. Call 542-1)402. quired. B',4 days. Apply Oonald'l 121 Fslr Haven lid.. Fair Haven. No Laundry, 44 Marlon El.. Red Dark 5 BETSY ROSS AGENCY INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR pair*. no Mils. WAITRESSES WANTKD — Ooml, EXPERIENCED BPRAY PAINTER, — , 1" Hwy. 35 TlchU amiable for latest Broad- Ing. Also dscoratlru. Our prices ars LET US fiB your secretary. NO n4ed steady, year-round pmlttons available, For production work, wllh overtime PARKINO ATTENDANT - Permanent » ...... "WPorl, N. J. O773S way Bliowi and Major Sport* «,v«nU cheaper than theirs. Call Slack Paint- to rolls calli. 31 hour aniwsring MAID — Hours I> to 3, Full lime, * Fleas* apply in person; no phone calls sni other benefits. Apply In person. full time position with frlngs benefit!, c M4-34M Wenkdays M tr« ttenneulk «t-, Rail Bank. ing Co. for fres estimate. 741-4S50. gervlca. 741-4700. in hour. Lai V*fu HoU], Xatoatown please. HOWARD JOHNSON'S RES- Estay MetU Product!, 1 Catherine Bt, Circle, XftUHttoM TAURANT, RT. 35 MIDDLETOWN. Bel Bint, 881 HELP SA1E THE J&AILY RjEGISTEE , September 9,1966-21 CUB ATTEKDAKT — Ibut be mtt U, <3U*5 BiBT COlOl *3t — hvfi turn* zuchazfcal aWJiiy. Tlnto*. XUi* ttm »JJiM, 1II A! APASTWEWTB am Kunttinri. UUma, , ETH& MOUNT MOZAH . RAQK arc - aw* *od ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS tUKmaKua — or «x- ctatlr. Alao vw4*ru VMU 4fcfc 6*c< pkncea el«tricl*o'« heifer. 2>Uu« 1-6S8O liter S. Luxurious oppolnlmenti In every oportmeni Inc CLEANER — For theater, Night work- R.C-A. WHIRLPOOL REFRIGERATOR ralriQerator-treezer, oven ana ranot . . . •luwiYnwuiii-vw.-.-..--- i"™.^ FREEHOLD, N.J. Must ba sober and reliable. Permanent — FREEZER — Two-door, 11.8 cu. ft. conditioning , , , I!* bafhs . . . matter TV ond FM ontenno iyJltm .. . ntn-asej posftlon. Apply Jn person only, Town FOR SALE J100. Collier coach *I5. CaU 717-8150 recreation room pl»i odull porty room. #>_—i v«.u- «MI Theatre. Rt. 35 at Palriier Ave., Mld- MONEY TO LOAN «U«r 7 p.m. IrtwMy iswiid r«tw«n th« Shrewsbury Rl«r ond trt« *tlll5t'J, ^^"LJLJ'C.HJ dlfitnwn. FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES prlvota marina and »wlm pool on the prop«rty. A t«w nunorMiewrowr '•"• YOUNG MAN — AB manager iralnee AVAILABLE — Edwin 8. Stark. Real UNPAINTED FURNITURE ocean ond your own prlval* beadi. Just 10 minulei trom aowniown rceq DOTK IMMEDIATE OPENINGS with one or America's leading discount Estate & Motivate Consultant. 261-0333. What can wa iayl Wt b&vt two floors MERCHANDISE WANTED Of LOHQ Bronch, shoe chaina. Apply Family Circle full ol fine unpalnted furniture and Stores, Hwy. 33, Hazlet. Jaci Peebles, :halra In contemporary *nd Early COLLECTOR — Want* did lor train* 4 and 5 ROOMS FROM Shoe Depi fkmerictn. 25% off manufacturers ust any condition. Pay e*«n. or will trade: AT HOBOKEN, N.J. INSTRUCTION H.O, 027, 0, slanUrd (lute. 714-3710. FULL TIME STOCK CLERK WANTED price. You really should com*, to 1 — Good salary for right person. Ap- ENROLL NOW FOR FALL CLASSES RED BANK LUMBER 8U>T UACHINE3 - To; trsint and $135 ply Ir) person. Cosmetic Dept., At- —IBM COMPUTER PROQRAMMmQ, cut Iroa toys leaded inadet. Call Including tint, htrt wafer, olr conditioning and ofMtnet parkins. lantlc Superama, Shrewsbury Ave., NewIBM KEYPUNCH, OFFICE AUTOMA- Onrner Feirl and Will mi Ban* 7I1-1M9 alter i p.m. Shrewabury, TION. Day and evening sessions. IBM 'LD FURNITURE — Antiouei, china, CLEAN USED FURNITURE — TOP RATE PLUS BENEFITS Klasiware, art objects and bric-a-brac. ACCOUNTANT — To assist controller. equipment on premises. NORTHEAST antiques, or near atAlquea. Ml HAMILTONIAN AT MONMOUTH Some experience desirable. Send re- BUBINE83 MACHINE SCHOOL, 51 Immediate caih for anything and every- prices paid- The Attic 631-88M. sume with lull particulars including Broad St., Red Bank. " thing. Iluicil'i. 25 East Front Bt., 711' OFF OCEAN AVE., MONMOUTH BEACH I6S3. FOUR R1M8 — To «lt 19(18 Intetnatlon. STEADY YEAR-ROUND salary desired, to Servomatlon-M&W, IP YOU ARE serious about your •I Bcout with Warren hlibl. Call 717- ERECTIONS: Eoit on Ruiroon Rood (county RouH 520) to Octort AvMU*, Sea Inc., 40 Main Gt,, Eaton town. child's musical education, cill The Mor>- MOVINn — Btlllne everrUlMc plus S61. BrightIrlght;i right (south) to Pork Rood. Monmouth Beach; right to Hamlltonlan al Monmouth opartmenri. EMPLOYMENT DRIVER — -Yard man, wanted. All mouth Conservatory ol Music. Regis* girl's 2U" Colombia llk« and Air Klnr OLD BOOKS — On Amtrlcin history, year round Job. Apply Shore Building tratioa until Sept. 12. 741-9GS0 or 671-window fan. Can b» seen any mornln early west, New Jersey, others. Good PHONE: 222-8120 Supply Company, ITS Branchport Ave,, 2855. until 2:30 p.m. or alter U p.m. Call rices for desirable material. 612-1343. Long BrarfcVi. 17-4437. ANTIQUES — Palntlnga, N. J Atlaa. KEYPORT AREA — 3-mllea from Bell Lab DAMPING TRAILBH — Trlmllne, plus Bsutei purchased and appraised. 717- Traveling expenses paid while HELP WANTED—Male -Female MERCHANDISE Hntng cajiopy. 3paro Ure. Bleepa four «»1 The Hudson Shop, Inc., 511 Broad m foam. Used, two seasons. Excellent, t.. Shrewebury. GREEN GROVE GARDENS DECORATOR — Salesman or woman. FOR SALE 175. 812-30&3, commuting to Hoboken, (For No limit to earnings, Kesume required; BLOND DININO ROOM SET — FOUI kept Ir/ strict confidence. Mall to P.O. chairs. Oval table wttli two leaves. SWAP OR EXCHANGE FOUR ROOMS-$115 Box 398, Bed Bank. N.J. Clilna, bullet. New Formica lopa ani (ONE BEDROOM) approximately a month or HANDICAPPED PERSONNEL HAMMOND seits. KM. d.E. waiher. aood condl WILL TRADE — 19M Buck Wlih new Jon. S25. 812(1185. tires, for camping or utility trailer, if Fiv» Rooms (Two Bedrooms) $140 two). CALL 842-4390 OFFICE DESKS — Typewriters, Mime, llns pram, chain saw, Z»3, eait on 36 to Airport Biopninl Sept. 10 10 a.m. -5 p.m.apartment. Write "B.V." Box 520, Ilcd Open dally til 9 p.rn, Sat. til 6 p.m. dowa. Ladders are treacherous. You RENCH POODLES — AKC. One Pirn, turn left, then two blocks to model apartment- From 33, (J. la. Bank. Corner ol Main St. & Mattlson Ave. might fall off. Bet ALUMINUM COM. malo puppy, six weeks, 185. One male, Fields) to Uailet Ave., turn left on Middle ltd., stral|ht ahead. B1NATIOMS and no more- changes, fourteen months, all shots, (76. Call also WAITERS AND WAITRESSES — Full USED ORGAN SPECIALS lime. The Old Union Houae, 11 Wharf Baldwin Spinet organ G91S6D( Ave., Red Bank. 741-1500. Hainmond extra volca „ PROWN'S Phone 264-1846 Hammond S-5 chord organ , 32 Broad Bt. Red Bonk 7H-75» HORSE BARN FOR RENT Sunday, Sept. 11 IOa.m.-5p.m BALES REPRESENTATIVE' — Local Conn Spinet organ SECRETARY DESK — With typewrit- Call 741-2382 APARTMENiTS branch of national company needs rep- Hammond Spinet 3022 er. 18" carriage. In good condition. HOUSES FOR RENT resentatives [or Monmoulh area. Work Wurlitzer Spinet organ , GOLDEN ItETRlBVBR — Mal» pup, by appointment only. All leada fur- Call 711-2158. AKC, Champlnn-alred. Obedience, pap- Hammond M 3 organ ».„.,„ er trained. Healthy. Eves., M3*60. TWIH OABLES — SO Riverside Ave., TWO AND THREE-BEDROOH HOMES nished. Car necessary. Salary, plu: Hammond A 100 ..._^ ONE THOR AUTOMATIC gladiron Red Bank, .on tivar. Threa and leur — For rent or sale. JUS to »150 a Apply in person only - Mr. Monette car allowance. Call PL 5 4565. tacob Poll grand piano ».- Perfect condition. Ono Bet of scats f COI4JIE PUPITES — Ol Bellehavei. roomi utlurolibed. 741-2309. or/th. THB KJRWAN 00o BBAlr EXPERIENCED ACCOUNTANT — Dodge Sportsman van. H24058. lineage. Sable »nit white. Papers and 'ORS, Belford, 7S1-5500. W. ^b Top pay. Benefits. Submit resume- to Ul Items sold with & guarantee — GARAOB BALE — Moving. Ilousehol shots. Phono evenlnga. 642-5H1. KEANSBURG — New three-room apart- 17-0000. Haslet, Zfll-TloO. ~.O. Box 208, Asbury Park, N.J. mdget terms available. ' articles and tools. Friday and Saturday mtnt, unfurrJishm. Call 787-S03I or 787- SIAMESE CAT — One year old. An- 485ft, after six. 10 a.m. -3 p.m., 155 South Bt. gora kitten, six monthi. Leaving elate, 195 to S175 For Month HANDICAPPED WORKERS 775-9300 must find lultablo lioma. 566-581Q. THE BEItO AOENCY FREEHOLD CONGRESS STIIjLl Your Eeat Buys at ItuscU'a RED BANK — Ttiwe-room apartment, t 35 Mlddletown Sink' tablnct 119, secretary deik S22.W "xnlihed, near tinnpllal. No pets. Adults For our Red Bank Office KITCHEN CHAIRS KKCOVDRBD — DALHATION — One year oltl. All vac< 671-10OO Dinette sots and bar stools. Monmoutb 1/3 walnut bed S22.50, andirons I8.W clnatlona. AKO rejlslored. Reasonable ily. Call 741-20OS. firctools |6.», curtain screen *10.50 irice. Call 91U-M21. D FREQUENTLY HAVE APART- Phono 842-4334 Dlnetti, US Uonmoutu Bt.. Red Bank. Pair of aollii cherry twin beds a HEA BRIGHT -— FurnlKhM two-rodtn MOTEL 741-6633. MENTS AND HOUSES—PumlaH«4 and REAL ESTATE SALES — Experienced $29.50 ca. Tine-maple finish cheat n COLLIE PUPPIEB — Btautiful, AKC. itudlo aparlmcnt. Utilities. $70 per unfurnished for rant. Coma In and talk CHEAPER THAN UNFINISHED arawers 512.50. Maple arm chair $12.61 Thirteen weeks old. Champion sired montti. Now available. S1'.M)MO. It over with us. THB DOWSTRA For activB office, member of Multiple DRB3SBRS — CHESTS, MARPROOP Gooaeneck double arm floor lamp 57.50 Sable and white. Bhow quality. Eicel- RT. 1 FREEHOLD, N. J.Listing. Call Mrs. Bailey for appoint- TOPS. BEDS, WALNUT AND LIMED More and More. RUSC11/S, 25 Z lent dispositions. Must sell. Call 229- 'URNISHED APARTMENT—Very nice IGKNCY. 01 E. From St., R«l Baii. ment. CROWELL AGENCY, 63 River- OAK. MANY OTHER STYLES. K9. Front St. 7W-1693. 0515. and clean. Modern kitchen. AH private. I41-B70O. Bide Ave., Rod Bank. 741-4030. \ IKWIN'S, 27 MONMOUTH ST., BED 05 Herbert St. Red Bank. WIDE BELECTION OF BENTALB — TUX — And white dinner Jacket. 6lz< MINATUKE POODLES — AKC Pure EXPERIENCED MALE MASSEUR— BANK. black or silver. Shots, SQ5 and up. Furnished and unfurnished. lmmedlf*-> HELP WANTED-MALE Part-time. Wed. evenings and fill day 42 short. Never worn. Call 747-500: ATLANTIC HiailLANDS - Luxury •to occupancy. SAMUEL TE1CHER HELP WANTED-MALE Sat. Also female masseuse wanted for DESKS H5 up FILES, tables, chair, after G p.m. :all 741-3253. aparlments • spacious rooms • extensive AGENCY. Oceanport Ave., Oceanport. part or full time. Call Jtr, Frank, 787 adding machines, typewriters, office 21" MAGNAVOX T.V, — New plcrtur. A.K.C. GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS— closet anti storage space. Air condition. S42-350O. 1660. equipment, etc., at bargain prices. New tube. Make offer. Call Home bred, eood teraperment, six Ing, pool, built-in kitchen with dish- AUTO PAINTER or used. AAC DESK OUTLET. We 812-3052 weeks. Reasonable. Call 872-TI5D.V washers. Adjacent to largest marina RENTALS - SEASONAL — Y11AKI,X FLOOR HELP — 51.50 an hr. with 15, Oakhurst, 531-3090. in cast co«it. 21)1-02^7. ELLA WILTSHIRE, Realtors DELICATESSEN Monmoulh County's largest Chevrolet periodical increases. High piece-work BMALL, Y0RK8HIRE TERRIER PUPS 1480 Ocean Ave., Set, Bright 812-OOOt dealer wants experienced auto painter rates. Government contract worlc for STORAGE SHEDS — Reasonable. Call 776-7711. Evenings, LONd BIUNOU — Furnished, four .IODERN UNFURNISHED — Two bed. All benefits, including pension plan first and second shifts. Bruce Products RENT A TV Which will enhfince ynur properly - 229-5M7. rooms and bath, ocean front. Heal anci MANAGER Guaranteed salary with bonU3. MuBt be Mid Monmoulh Industrial Park, off water iiuppWcd. $100 monthly. 229-1&53. room • half duplex. Desirable location, reliable and aggressive. Apply In per- Parkway Spur, New Shrewsbury. Portable day, week. BAYSHORH TV. stock for Immedlato delivery at price WANTED — A home for a beautiful, Red Rank. Available Sept. 9, SIS plus Full-time, permanent position. Some 36 Church St., Keannburg. 737-MOO, you'll like—size 7'x.Y. J7D.D3. 8'x8' son, Circle Chevrolet, 323 Maple Ave. r/lelllgcnt gentle malo cat, 3 years old, FOUR ROOMS AND BATH — Al utilities. Adults [referred. Call J«- experlenca necessary. Good opportunity Red Bank. REAL ESTATE SALES — And manafcG $1)9.95, WxV, $109.05. Come lart Russian Blue. Excellent compan- 5651. < for advancement. Excellent working ment. Mature licensee to assist bus; SINGER SBWINO MACHINE - Uied displays. utilities supplied. Third Hour. Ji3 par electric. 120. Good condition. Call any- on. 747-1121. month. Call 291-0OS5. THREE—ROOM BUNGALOW — Cook- Conditions. Pult company benefits, Send RETIRED MAN — For nursery salea broker managing .government acquired time, 893-3371. resume atatlny pxporlenfirc nnd piilary man. Must be familiar with name? prope rty in Monmouth County. Call RED BANK LUMBER POMERANIAN FEMALE — Elgtl ing gas, heat and electric Included. dealred to "B.Z,", Box 520, Red Bank. and culture of plants. Also able to do U. Krone Assoc, 774-9336. AUTOMATIC TELEPHONE ANSWER- Corner Pearl and Wall Red Ban! weeka old, Tiny. Exceptional quality. RUMSON — Wftterrront, furnished, stu. 133 a month. Unfurnished. 7B7M274. WANTED — Second cook. Steady work. light cultivating. 747-1378. Call evening ING SYSTEM will relay your me»- 5125. Call 671-3418. dlo apartment. For single, $95 monthly, ONE 3-hedrnnm rental at $125 per mo. PRODUCTION WORKERS — No exper sages to you from anywhore 0 a.m. to BOOKCASEfr-Wrought Iron settee, uj Year lease. 342-1765. Apply In person after 11 a.m., Tuttle's AUTO MECHANIC — And helper 21 ience necessary. Apply 7 Peach St., uolstered sent. Enblish butler's cockta! AKC FRENCH POODLES — Black One 3-ncdroom rental at $150 per mo. OHaaa House, Hwy, 35, Laurence Har or over. Same- experience necessary. New Shrewsbury. 5 p.m. 222-0759. table. Grandmother's clock. Mirror miniature, Blx weeka old. Child's riding SECLUDED BACHELOR'S APART- Ona 3-bedroom rental at S225 per mo. bor. Excellent opportunity. Contact Service and occasional pieces, Can be aeei horao and saddle. 741-5532 after 6 p.m. MENT — Beach privileges. Winter rent BEACH AOENCY: EXPERIENCED OPERATOR — Part- PURE WHITE NIGHT WATCHMAN — With light I>or- Manager, 291-9200. Bayahore Chrysler, by appointment only, £42-1064. PEDIGREED DA.OHSCHUND PUP- al S35 por !no:ith including licit anc 400 7!l. .15 lllddtetowr: 67I-J727. Atlantic Highlands. time. Call utilities. 222-6458. ler duty. Call for appointment 741' 842-0044. steel Venetian blinds as low as U.99 MOVING — Must sell Quickly. Hous PIES — Non-reglBtored, 6 weeks old. UNFURNISHED — Five-room house 4131. ea. Aluminum blinds that will nover PART—TIME WORK — Evenings, Sat. hold, gooils and sporting items, lurnl Asking SU. Call lrom l to S p.m. MODERN BEAUTIFUL — Three-room with bath, heat water and gas. 24 YBAU ROUND DISHWASHER, — Twoand Sun. afternoons. Clerk for small SINGERS — Especially tenors, an ruat, now only $1.99 (plastlo or cat- turf., toys, etc. Call 717-9179. 542-0918. Worthley St. Adults only. Cull 279 invited to audition with Monmouth ton tape). New wood grain folding furnished apiirtmenl. In Red Bank. 7i7- Mechanic St.. Red Bank. 741-1274. night short order cooks. Inquire 141 grocery etore. Send name, phono num- HOTPOIKT WASHER — And mangl TOY POODLE — AKC Registered, 1647 or 741-3213. Shrewsbury Ave., Red Bank, ber .antl two character references to Civic Choru3. Some sight reading abil- doors made of steel with plastic cov. ity required. Call 291-2718. etlng, 59,95. Other folding doora »5.98. $10. llarble-top kitchen table, J35. Met-black tomalc. BHREWSRURY — Sycamore Ave. Un- "A.D.", Box 520, Red Bank. al top $10, kitchen chalra. 15. 741-0327. 787-1050. SUBLET — Four-room apartment. All usual five-room duplex on estate. $260 YOUNG MEN — Part-time nr full electric heat. Two hedroomB, llvin time landscape helpers. Will train. Good HOUSEMAN — For Janitorial work P ROWN'S PUPPIES — 4 females, 1 male. Good Including utilities, RarftBe, gardener's pay. Call 747-1378, evenings. and handyman, Hours 8 to 4:30. Steady SITUATIONS WANTED - Female CLUB CHAIR AND OTTOMAN — fi room, kitchen, bath. Call 204-873S. service. Call 741-1229 or 741-1B75. employment and plea-sant working con- 32 Broad St. Red Bank 741-7501 Naugahyde cover club. chair with A> dispositions. Chlld'H pal, family watch- ROUTE' MEN — Beverage, Over 21, ditions. Eaton Park Nursing Home, WILL. CARE for children In my home, TYPEWRITERS. ADDING machlneB. vice aa: bottom drawer, arms th; dog, short-haired, small. 747-4517. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — New apar HIGHLANDS — Fully lurnlshed. $75 Married, bondable. Call open for Btartlng-reveralble back $6 ment. Two bedrooms. Buslncsa coupli mowthiy. Flv» rooms, m baths. Make Telephone Mrs. King for appointment, Keansburg area. Call All makes new or used. Guaranteed. Studio coucti $10. End table $5. Bit ENTIRE DAIRY HERDS WANTED own gas beat. 21A Bay Ave., 872-0224. 5G6-6fi6G. 512-4100. - . 787-2380. Low ae $25. Serplco's, 101 Monmoutii chair with leather sent |8. Threo 1 HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID preferred. Call 201-1184. YOUNG MAN — Must have driver's Bt. Next to Uieater. 7«-0185. antique table 115. Antique mirror ( Will pay J25 moro per head than th OCEANPORT — Riverfront with dock. POSITION OF POLICE DISPATCHER LADY — In early 30's desires position MODERN UNFURNISHED -•• Two bt( Modern Inur-bedroom ranch. Call 74l> licence. Mechanically inclined. Deliver- —In the Little Silver police depart- with consRleratR family. Plain cookinp. FUR STOLE Tair of beautiful statuettes, 14%'* *5 going price. I need several herds a] room-half duplex. Desirable locatloi ies and malntanance or gasoline yow- ment, iO hours a week. Rotating three light housekeeping. 812-1405, 9 to 12. Call Kitchen table and Bix chairs 51 alone this summer and fall. Call mi Red Bank. 51J5 plus utilities. Adull 1220 or 741-1575. e-pd equipment. Apply Rentull Center, Kitchen metal cabinet $5. Call 741-159 Immediately — collect. shifts. Yearly salary $3,432. Applica- WOMAN — To care for one chill in 711-2(564 preferred. Call 741-5051. EAST KEANSBURO — All-year-round. Hwy. 35, Mlridletown. tions can be made Monday through REUBEN GRBENBERG, Inc. Newly decorated, Five rooms. Two my home. FOR THE PERFECT WEDDING FLEA MARKET SALE — Prlvato pa: Columbus, N. J. THB BILDERBACK APARTMENTS '> — For linen supply route. Union Friday, 8 a.rri. to 4 p.m. ly. 3) year collection I no, longer nee*. large bedrooms, llvlnB rwim, dining 747-5018 GOWN— Bridesmaid dreeaes and all ac- Ar£a code 609 Fino adult, furnished or unfurnished, room, kitchen. Jalousied porch. Wall-tc- scale wages, benefits. HoapH&llzation YOUNG MEN WANTED — Full and cessories with individual personal ser- Brlc-a-brac to Important Antiques. 1- Phone 298-1021 or 288-1661 apartments. Call 264-6334, until 11 p.m pilcl. Call or apply Garden State Towel RELIABLE WOMAN—Wishes to take p.m, Thura. through Sat. 469 Sycamo wall capretlng. $125 per month, plus part-time work. Drlver'a license. Apply care of children In her home. Will also vice. Call .Virginia. Klmball, Freehold, utilities, security. 787-B165.- ' Supply, 2* EaatvJew Ave., Little Silver, in person Thurs. before 6 and Friday 462-77U Ave., Shrewabury. AKC FRENCH POODI/ES — Year old ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Two-bed, 747-5/78. board If desired. Call 747*2809. J50. CaU 747-2603 room apartment unfurnished, on Firsl afternoon, KatBln's Drug Store, 192 G.E. ELECTRIC STOVE — Excellei RED BANK — six rooms, 1100 per Shrewsbury Ave., Red Bank. MOTHERS OP THREE SCHOOL-AGE LADIES -Ti LENGTH JACKET — Blac! lfter 6. Ave. $75 per mo. Including heat, Ca mouth. Riverfront, Ihreo bedrooms, MACHINE PRESSER CHILDREN — Wishes to take care of leather with zip-out lining. Size 14. condition, automatically or manual 291-H568. ALERT YOUNG MAN — 20 to 30 Worn only three tlmea. 525. Call 747- controled, 110, 741-5505. SIAMESE KITTENS — Seal point. Two $350 per monlh. Country home. Six On Hoffman machine. Ladles' sports- child for working mother In own home months old. Housebroken. $10. Call EA8T KEANSBURG — Four nlci rooms, $160. 6CHANCK AGENCY, Real- - wear. Salary commensurate with ex- years. For Bales, stock and delivery. LIncrort area. 747-1177. 0121, after 6 p.m. 8TEHO OONSOLE UNIT — Two p Must have driver's license, references. 291-O704. looms In duplex house. With itarasc tor. 8 Linden PI., Red Bank. 747-0397. perience. Apply in person, LUCY'8 CLEANING-. DONE — MondayB and Good condition. Originally $265, askln Furnlah own utilities. Now vacant. SPORTSWEAR, 226 W. Front Bt., Red Permanent. 5Vi daya. $70 week to TABLES 575. Call 261-5193. COLLIE PUPS — A.K.C. 100 per cent Adults only. Call 671-1622. LOCUST — Two-bedroom, 1^-bath. Banfc. start. Paint and waJlpaper shop. Ap- every other Friday. $1.(0 hourly. Call Unfinished hardwood tables for In- Bellhavon bloodline. Wormed, shots. Electricity Included. Dishwasher. Fire- ply mornings. Coloreat Co., 13 Broad venings only, 787-7858. MOVING TO FLORIDA — Complet SCHOOL TEACHERS — Anil Bell Lai place. $165. fl p.m., 291.2W6. MAN — To assist shop foreman with door .-dining. Dropleaf, harvest, etc., Varlmu nges. Call 512-3503. St., Red Bank. MOTHER OF THREE 6CH00L-AGE starting at $28.16. Also large selection household furniture for nale, Alao tw employees (or quiet adult apartments. telephone and paper work. Some me- snow tires, Persian lamb fur coa RABBITS — Por sale, 16 young, al- Call 264-0334. until 11 p.m. yOUR—BEDrtOOM HOUSE ON RIV- chanical experience preferred hut not MEN WANTED — For general labor Children — Wishes to mlr.tt child In at uapalnted furniture and chairs. and photographic equipment. Phon most lult grown, 730 each, EH — Avallablo Oct. 5. Two-year lease. completely necessary. Apply only II work. Apply Laird & Company, Laird own home for working mother. Llttl< HOLMDEL — Lovely three-room apart $225 per month, Mrs, Bailey Silver area.' 741-7656. RED BANK LUMBER Interested In steady, year-round work. Rd., Scobeyvlllc. 542-0312. 1 merit. Call after 5 p.m. CROWELL AGENCY 63 Riverside Contact Ben Rassas at Rassas Bros., Corner Pearl and Wall Red Bank STILL! Your Best Buys at Ruse!) 264-4609. Ave,. Red Bank. 741-4030. 395 Broad Bt;, Red Bank. 741-5U0.- PART—TIME BUTCHER — For Sat- This week from an estate. Bambc urdays only. Call 741-3435. After T • SITUATIONS WANTED - Male TWO HIGH—RISE BEDS — Complete arm chairs, tables and stands. Kee REAL ESTATE FOR RENT TWO—BEDROOJI APARTMENT — COLTS NECK — Five-room house, all BODY SHOP HELPER — Experience 671-0331. with (our mattresses. Rattan chairs Furnished. All utilities. Call 291-0857 conveniences. Excellent location, One and oocktall. table. Lamps and mlflcel- set. Piano. Niagara Massage Recline helpfuf but not necessary, Apply to TWO MEN — Sales and shrvice. $100 ACCOUNTANT Office manag«r. Full Large tufted sofa. Maple Furnitun APARTMENTS or 291-1868. acre. Near school. ^References. 4110 per Mr. George Conklln, Russell Oldsmo- charge. Bookkeeper, experienced mid- lnncou.1. 741-0053 or 741-167C. Arm chalra, Refrigerator. Stove. Mor month. Call UIH441 after 6 p.mt r blle-Oadillac. 100 Newman Springs Rd., per week. Call Mr. Adams dle aged man. Available lull time. mil More. RUSCIL'S, 25 E. Front SI CO-OPERATIVE APARTMENT — New Red Bank. 741-O910. 846-6100. TRANSIT LEVEL with" case. Tripod ly decorated. Two bedrooms. $1000. THREE-ROOM BUNGALOW - Fur- Call 566-4630. and 10' rod. One Jacob's snow blower, down. Low monthly rent. Free gas and nlfihcd. Elderly couple- or gentleman ALCOHOL BLENDER — Apply Laird TOOIS — Equipment and supplier PAINTERS — Must be experienced. LIGHT HAULING — Also cellar*, at- med once, will sacrifice, $135. Gold Snapon, SK, Vulcan. Reasonable. Fr JUST electric, oil furnace. Fenced-ln yarti, Aerl. Call 312-2902, Call after 7 p.m. ' & Company, Laird. Ro"., Scobeyvllle. fish bring own container. Lota ot 50, 542-3163. tics, and garages cleaned. Dick Selde day and Saturday only, 155 South Si KEAN9BURG — Four-room home. WS4278. 542-0312. • man (Cy> Sh l-fiO52. $12.50. Lota ot 25, S7.5K. Call 229-1S1' Red Bank. after 5 p.m. RUMSON — Three-room [urnlshei Year round. All utilities. Occupancv NURSERY WORKERS — For looa! "DUN__.-.-G MA_ N PINE WELSH CABINET — *95 Steps from apartment. Very reasonable, October J. Call 787-4626. COFFEE TABLE — Clais top. 31"xU. •nursery. Apply Holly AoreB, NutBwamptfor homB to uilder-c leaning norm bamboo arm chaira $22.50, solid map] 842-208G FINANCIAL Occasional table. Step end table, leath- THREE-BEDROOM BUNGALOW — Rd., MlddlBtown, daily 9 a.m. to 2 p,m,lpair.», Call 741-1200, 8 to * p.m aU jus table bookcase) (16.S0, waxc FOUR—ROOM FURNISHED APART- 560 a monlh. Seven-room house, J150 y er top. 515 each. Kitchen table, Formi- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES J10.50. Tufted couch $139. Early Amer everything . . . MENT — Oils heat, lnijulro 11 Main a month. Blx-room house, [urnlahcd, ca top $8. two table lamps 53 each, can wing back couch J89. French Pn St.. Keansburg. $226 a month. Call evenings. 462-2850. APARTMENTS APARTMENTS 7*1-7331. vlnclal lady'a desk tUd. Also new 1 FOIt LEASE — GULF modern, two- ot Antique China, Glassware and Brio Shopping on and next to property. 8EA BRIGHT — Two-bcdroom fur- RUMSON — Modern ranch, three bed- bay service station. Rt. 35 and Clark .ROBERTS a-Brac. RUSCIL'S SYCAMORE Bus and Train to Newark and N.Y.C. nlshpd apartment. Utilities included, rooms, fireplace, den, two tiled bathi, St., Keyport. Paid training, some flnan Mrs. Roberta will be pleased to discuss GREENS, Sycamore Ave., Little Silver. Fine schools. *100 per monlh. Now available. Cal hot air gas, attached garage. Couple EATONTOWN clal help. Good deal on rent. Call Uie window shaile requirements for 741-85OG. : 142-0549. or Bmnll family. No peu. Lease $230 YOU GET MORE AT HE 6-6666. your home, tn the litest wooda, ant One-Bedroom Apartment mo. WINTER RENTAL — Furniihed, 1 CORNER DESK UNIT — 2 matching THREE—ROOM FURNISHED .APART. threB I>edroom3, 1H bathn, hot water EMPLOYMENT AGENCY — Estab- fabrics available. Anything you couli Bide cabinets, chair. Light pine. 542- MENT — Private entrance. Adults, lished, A-l location. Personnel back- Imnglno In a decorator shade with th $ petj, Call 741-*121 or 542-2277. , oil, • tvra-car garage, small family. ground needed lor license. 22SKI500. latest trim. Vou will bo pleased wltl 1R.19. No pct». Until June IS, 1067. S175 mo iur Installation. ATTIC TREASURES YARD SALE — KING JAMES APARTMENTS - Val RED BANK — Yearly, Turnliheil Uwell- ESTABLISHED FURNITURE REFIN Butter churns, drop-leaf tables. Milk l 14 month ley Drive. Route 36, Atlantic Highlands. ng, two bedrooms. 2% baths den, ISHING — Business and Woodworklni PROWN'S can, chairs, assorted antique tables, Three miles from Sandy Hook State ELECTRIC KITCHEN. Adults. No petn! •hop. Includes machines, supplies am mlrrora, lamps, andirons. Wood B tor ma Including: Individually-controlled heal Park. One - and two - bedroom units. Lease, K00 roo. DENNIS K. BYRNE. 1866 Chevrolet Step Van KlnK. Foi 32 Broad St.- Bed EanK 741-7500 and air conditioning, hot water. Realtor, 8 W, River Hd,, Humson. 812- lctormatlon, call 671-1663 evenings. and screens, etc. Old bric-a-brac, cut Furnished or unfurnished. Swimming CELLAR PUMP — For 18" deep sump. Class, Rcasor.'atile. Saturday, 10:30-4:30. pool and recreation area. Patio or bal- J25. Hand lawn mower, J5. 21" round 74 Conover PL, off Navesink River Rd., HAMILTONIAN AT cony, each unit Rent from 5132, In- ESSO SERVICE CENTER hot-water supplied, [an powered over- Middletawn. cluding heat and hot water. 291-0770. HED BANK — Three rooms. Heat and FOR LEASE • iad heater. $25. 741-73M. iot water supplied. Near transportation This new colonial design service atatloi LIVING ROOM — Kour-plece sectional. SHREWSBURY CHEESEQUAKE PARK APARTMENTS Newly decorated. Flrnt floor. Monmouth la located on Rte. 516 adjoining th< SINGER 1966 Like new. Gold wilh button back,"Cus- — (Matawan). New garden npartmentn. St. Inquire 1GO7 82 Harding Ed., Rtd Lake ridge development In the county' Swing needle portable sewing machine. tom made nllp covers. Approximately OFF SHREWSBURY AVE. Four rooms, $103. Also two-bedroom Bank. 7h» Beit Valuo on )ha Jertay Shors IHstest growing area. For the mai Makes tiuttonholes, flews on buttona, IS' long. «50. CaU after 5 p.m. 842- apartments, J149. Free air conditioning FOR RENT — Available Oct. l. Cot- w&ntlne to become hia own boss i monograms, darns, embroldern, nvcr- «B6 Shrewsbury Twp., N. J. and free swimming pool. New alr'coiA illtloned non-stop tius to Port Authority, &Ke on thrce-acro estate. Three room* tremendous opportunity la available casta etc. No attachments necessary. ANTIQUE MARBLETOP DRESSER - DIRECTIONS: South on'.Route 35 t bath, kitchenette. All conveniences. Vli • AVi Rooms from here.. Humblo will train you complete); $45.50. 'Terms $4 down, $1 por week. Shrewsbury Ave.; turn right on Shrews 60 minutes to N.Y. Building Just 3w Private, quiet. Single man only, '-B K ". Call Home Credit, 848-G101. Antl double bed. 148 Cookman Ave. bury Ave, to Barker Ave., left tc yards rrom Exit 120. Garden Btat 1 and pay you while you Icurn. A mini Ocean Grove. Boi IX, Red Bank. mum Inveatment Is required and ii GE REFRIGERATOR — Yellow. Ex- Hamlllonlan ... OR ... West on New Pwky. (201) 586-0283. nancial assistance la offered. If yo< 776-5688. I .; man Springs Rd. to Shrewabury Ave. iUTAN TOWNSHIP — 22 Hemlock $105 cellent condition-. Two years old. $100. loft to Barker Ave.; right to Hatnir HIGHLAND HILLS — studio apart- St. Rental with option to buy. tlii A trui^club ond o°rden apartment. Total electric, the eleanisf, taftif, qualify. Contact Mr. Pattyson at HU Modern green tweed and wnlnut alidc- 8IDEMAN (CHAMBERLAIN, — A ment, furnished. J100 Includes utilities. 7000 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. out aota bed. Like new. $100. 5660361. must for combos or professionals. Like Ionian. PINLAY AGENCY, 872-0100. monthly. E1>WIN 8. STARK, REAL- • moil msdern, no dirt, soot or drafts. Heal and clr-condltlonlna under new, cost J15O, Bacrllice J2SS. Call 747- Phone: M2-5160. TOR, 2M-O333. your cornplett control wltn Individual room ttiermoitoti. Unmotchtd SEEKING AN INDIVIDUA-L — W ANTIQUE ROCKERS — $9, oil lamp 1120. RED BANK — Lovely large one-bed swim club with Olympic size pool. Tennli courts, sundeck, shuffttboard. can put together a group or locate a $2, colored glass, etc., 117 Main St., RED BANK'S FINEST room, air conditioned second floor gar Beairlllul buildings set amid specious lawns. Excellent location, luit sec- source of finance, for manufacturing ar AUANA REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER— Port Monmouth, off Rt. 36. . Large, double-h room apartments. Alt twi den apartment. Available Oct. 1 or WANTED TO RENT ortos from Monmouth sttopplna Center. electronic product of high quality ir BACK TO SCHOOL SAL-B — Bran- bedrooms, largo cloaotfl. Free parking short sublease or new two-year lease Pins Brook Rd. Eotontown, New Jersey very high •rtcmnnd. Competent busl fezBr, J50. 747-3916. Bacrlflco rental. 223-1427. r 1 new 88-note console piano only $39 Exceptional value S13^.$lf>. Immediate INSURANCE EXECUTIVE — Small Via Route 35; drive to Eatontown Traffic Circle (Monmoutft ness anil' technical talent, plus Initial AUTOMATIC washer and dryer. Elec financing and facilities are Immediate delivered. Tenzezr's Munlc Store, 306 or future occupancy. Spring View KEANSBURG — Two-bedroom air con' adult family desires 1-2 year lease Shopping Center) and proceed toward' Parkway (west) about Main St., Lakowood. 363-2190. trie stove, pool table,, aquarJum, odds Gardens, 283 SpringSt., 741-5072. dltlnnc1! apartment. Inquire 11 Han (with option lo buy). Modern two, ly MVaUabln and operating We hav arid ends of furniture, elc. 747-0143 af- half mile; then turn right on Hope Rd., continue one block much to offer and wish to meet indlvlc cock Et. ihrce-bedroom house, New Shrewshnry- then right on Pile Brook Road. ter 7. RUMSON — Three-room apartmen Eatontown area, for occupancy by Oct. ual who Is capable of grouping pro PAINT QUESTION Near transportation, shopping, school! LARGE three-bedroom furnished apart 10. J1M-S200 monthly. References, se- Model Apartments open 10 a.m. to dusk every day, moters and eucceeafully seeing a ven- See Mr. Hcbeler for advice on yom 30" O.E. RANGE — 3 years old, like and cnurclt. Kreo car shelters avail ment. North Sea Bright on' river Adults curity. Call 5(2.0657. ture through. 2W-531-9J42. paint problems. He will mix a colo: new, automatic controls, oversize oven. ablo. Reasonable. Call 229-2103 alte preferred. $165 Includes all utilities . Write tor free Illustrated brochure from a book of 1,000 colors. Sav Beat ofler over J75. B4B-435S sfler 7 5:30. B42-O278. RENTALS WANTED — in all price SALESMAN — Ounrnnleed £7000 money *~ set the right product. "RB 99" 172-A Eoton Crest Drive, Eatonfown yeiir. Smalt Invesimcnt. Snack itemi n.m. TW0-I)EI)R0OM APARTMENT — ranges. More\ clients than llstinKR. : Call for, appointment, 515-9476 LONG BRANCH — Furnished prficlcnc Please call RUSSELL JI. EOT-HS Phone 542-1530 PROWN'S MOVING TO APARTMENT — White Newly reflnlshed. J100. per month. 13 apartment. Immaculate condition. A' Agency, 600 River ltd., Fair Hiven. r wicker porch act, outdoor furniture, Huddy Ave., Highland!. 872-1831. utilities. SR5. 531-K0S5. FIVE can get you ten, or more. 32 Broad Bt. Hcd Bank 74t-7.>0i Dxl2 Wilton rug, youth, bed-cheap. 222- T4T-463!. Income orer $10,000 pognlble for a mar H.O. TRAINS, TOACK — Aurora can 1753. RED BANK — Branch and MadlBo: THREE—ROOM APARTMENT— Elei with aaleS background. In Blmplc frun Power-pack and board, nil for 5*0- Two Aves., Bmcious owe- and two-bpdroom trio kitchen, utilities Included. Call l iiAVS an overflow of bona fide rhlse business. Wrltn tr> PARTAKE, nAMBOO SET — With antique tabio. garden apartment starting at $110. Ap- prospecta looking for two or four bed- Sfa Girt, or call 44S-5Q7G. whltcwall Urea S25-I4, only used a tew 122 Harding ltd,. Red Bank. rooms, CaU UJ for fast action to ha.v« [lays, J30. Call 264-1001. Four pieces. Newly upholstered. $150. ply Apt. 24. Molly Pitcher Villas* Court your horns rented. THE BERO Call G31-S109. or call Mr. Sam Lomazzo, 7*1-9115. RE11 BANK — Thrre rooms, unfur- Just 10 Minutos From Bell Labs TAVERN — With reM estftto. J20,OOC AM, FURNITURE FROM MODEL nished. 32 Oakland 3t. $00 per monlh. AOENOY, Rt. 35. Mlddletown. 671-1000. needed EDWIN S. STARK. Realtor, HOMES — WonUorlul savlngB on Tine 70" LOCKE MOWER — Perfect. Late RED BANK — Unfurnished four-room 264 0333. Colonial furniture, caah and carry. Call model Ir.le^rnatloriB! Cub tractor with apartment, convenient to transporta- RED BANK AREA —, Two-bedroom I620MW Immedlatey, 3-Rany mowing unit, back cart, snow tion. Coll heforo 8:30 a.m. or after " house for a retired couple. Near trans- plow, rock rahe. chains and cab cover, p.m. 512-9130. portation anVl stores. To $130. 512-0183. MONEY TO LOAN ANTIQUE SHOP — Clothes treea, J2.50. used on one small estate only. 642- COMMERCIAL RENTALS Rmiritt oaic tatilca, old frames, etc. 11"1909. RED BANK — Button Park apartment. Main St., Port Monmouth. Branch Ave, Unfurnished three-room OFFICE SPACE FURNISHED ROOMS NEED MONEY? HOME WORKSHOP — Radial nrm PHOTO ENLAROER wltli chcmlcaii apartment. Air conditioned. Heat and and darkroom accessories, Complete cooking gas supplied. Convenient loca- NEW BUILDING. 575 8n. Ft. CAMP- ATTRACTIVE—Nicely furnished mom. FAST SERVICE! saw, lathe, drill press, work benches, 525. Call 741-3332. tion. 8es mnnager, Apt, 1G7C. HELL'S JUNCTION, BELFORD. CALL FOR HOME OWNERS Itenter and assorted power hand tools, 871-110T. UP to $5,000 anil more Complete S100, 767-7779. ONE LIVING ROOM SET — Practical- MUST BUBLET — New cfNclency al town. Also rocm with private, light To consolidate debts ly new. Green clialr, red neltee. Oil conditioned apartment available Sept. 7,000 FT. LIGHT munutacturlnj cooklnff. Ontlemrn. 741-S?,91. Or ftny other rcanon G.E. WASHER AND DRYER — Excel painting, other pictures. T.V. MnRnavox J. .CoiMenelnt location, garden apart- ofti for letse. Can be leased • separate Low established ratea-cfuy tormi lent conrlltion, 4163. Traveialre fan, ly, containing about 350O BQ. ft. Dei CLEAN FURNISHED HOOM — Gentle- $25. MJ8-8372. raiiir).rcconr playur combination. All ment laundry facilities. «07 p«r mo, lloor. 747-1100. man only. Call ,|7<1-O185, 7*1-5081 or 776-CGOO ter.tB of eight-room houa*. 8*2-350fi. 7*7-0520. after 6 p.m. r-rt • Flcmeless Electric Heqllng. MonmouUi ^ounty Xnveitmcnt Corp. LANE END TABL.ES AND COFFEE 'ES1RABLE RIVER FRONT suite. 239 SPRING ST. •. f • Modern Electric Cooking. P.O. Box 14 Red Bank TABLE — Bland. DarK walnut coffee POOL TAIILE -^~Exce'lIent"~condltlor7. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Two lied ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Lovely Alao freezer, naaumo payment*. Call room apartment, unfurnished acros on first floor In the Tuller Building. room, hltchenrtte and luth. Fine sec- RED BANK ! • Flameltsi, Electric Water table Mnhognny enU tableB. BoM-bed for appointment, 291-3098. from school residential auction. Adult Call 747-24(0. Heat 1 no- couch, Couch-typo carriage. 264-7151. tion, t25 weekly. 201-0237. 1 only, sioo per mo., all utilities included. STUDIO & COMMERCIAL RENTALS 'E,—PIECE blond mahogany bed Call 291-9566. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED — In SIN.ULH ROOM IN PHIVATE HOME— END YOUR TROUBLES room suite, modern. Call between I brand new modern offlco space, we Two blocks from center ol town, for I.BEDROOM Take down the wood gutters and !*• and T p.m. 7(7-0812. UNFURNISHED — Four large rooms located in ths center of Red Bank, con- respor.Jlble buslneci pgnon, Call 141- APARTMENTS 1 place wllh aluminum cutteri. New. LIV1NO ROOM SET * Cmtemporary bath, Includlnr all utllilloi. Located a tract u«s tor further Information. THB 4J13. :,\ low prlcci. You'll never have to put style, Including lofa. «r44 two chairs. 2 Riverside Ave., Red Bank, racing DOIVBTRA AGENCY. 741-8100. up gutters again, Low, low prlcei, the river. Available Oct. 1. Coupli LAROE — Twin beds. New. Two wom- '. ' • Radiant Elecinc Heating with OFFICE Qaod coditconditioni , onloly $10. lAutomlo only. 741-0770. __^ EXECUTIVE OFFICE SPACE-Al 20 •n. Near shopping and bus lines. Call 'i Individual room thormoitaU PROWN'S wuhir two yean old good condition Reckless PL, Red BarAc 650 sq. ft. In 741-2057 (.tier 5 p.m. 1 • Alr-condltlonlno * Laroo Clossli only *50. Call after « v,m. 842-4573 or WEST KEANSBUKQ — Modern aw dignified modern office building wltn 1 : 32 nroal St. Ilert Bank. 741-T500 all day flatprdqy and Sunday. rooms. Furnished apartment. All utili- compute unless. CarpetM tSrouth' ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Efficiency ' • 12 Cu Ft, Refrigerator with SPACE ties. Security - and talcrences required. out, with most attractive wall treat room. Ren«oni!>lf rate. 14 E. Highland ' Separalo Door Freezer FLOWERING BHRUB3 — Now IB plant- FURNITURE — Cattto table, Floren- 187-1478 or 787-6369. ment and electrical fixtures. Call 747- Ave. Atlantic Highlands. 201-C59?>. 1 • Ceramic Tile Baths Modern Ofllnpa Just cnmi)lctpd. Cen- Itr time. Weigcla, flrcbuah, Japanlca. tine marble In Asnwood frame 3730 between p and S:3O. . •: • Modern Laundry Facilities tral Red Bank BUHIJICBB District. Dig J'O'ir own, 3 for 51, 910-47.1X 2iViX51',a. Mahogany rtlnlng room table FIVE ROOMS — Unfurr.1«hcd. In Ilr LARCIE FUliNlBHED — Llght-houj«- Cannon Point Village li sllualcd j • Plenty of Off-Street Parking < 39x51'*. with two cxtonalonn nni four Bank. Heat and lint water supplied. RBD HANIC — Downtown. Ccnirnl lo keoplng room, hot and cold water In In a quiet rural area, yet con- i See. modal aportment i • ncntrnl Air C'indlUoning 1966 sfNGER~ZIG*ZAG~ tenkwood chnlrs. Baker bedroom aet. Adult-i preferred. No dogs. Available cation. GrouiM floor office space. Rein the room. Apply 21 Teters Place, RMl • -self Hftrvlce Blevfttor wltli ciililnct. AutDinntlcally mnkea hut' Mhogany brenhfront id" wide. Oc- Oct. 1. Rent $100 par month. Call completely remoili'lfd. Large pnrkln Haul;. i venient to everywhere. Wlthlrt •) on premises. • [ tiuilinli'.'i unit down on huttrinn, darns, lot. Early occupancy. Reasonable rent. walking distance are public ond | REX MANAGEMENT CO • I'rlviitn rnrklnfl Biiaco caalonal nml small high-back arm- ncr nt 741-nSOO. TOMPLKTHLY RIJMODELED — ! fivcnia;ila, LMnbroldorn, fippll'iura mono- h.ilrn. 7O-'J21R. HtM Il;uik. Air comllironrd. CHA8 II. T1NDALL, parochial schooli . . . shopping ' DIRECTIONS: Garden Stale • Itent Hemonnltle MATAWAN GARDEN APARTMENTS clean comfortaiilc, . reasonable, til grains nnil news with twin ncodlcn.- 4- Rmllnr, 7I1-903O. c-ntiri ... arid Newark anJ ' 'Porkv.ay Exit H/ ta Rt. 35 lo • Inspect and Compare yonr Kimrnniro. Aviillahlo at (.r>B,50 or WXC ELLBNTVBA nY^E Q U fPM"BNT~^ — Two bedrooms, Air conditioned. Im- er week up. Gentleman preferred. New York buses. Housei at wor-, Broad S!,, Red Bank turn left terms ?:> ilown. fl-Tt iier week. Cal Hulf prlcr. IIouRfliold fiirnilurc tnclurt- mediate- occupancy. See nuperlntcrMenl STORES FOR RENT—1600 «nd 1S0O «ri £Unltil I«M. Pier Hotel. Cull 291-tm tti!p, lovely fakes, swim clubs ot Hard I riff Rd., to Spring St./ | Homo Credit, 84C-6100. ing *i bod, Maytag wringer type wash- on premises. 00 Main St., Mntawan. ft. Small shopping center, Rt. 3«, Mill and uoll courses aro nearby. i rlfltit to Cannon Point Vltlogs or. ruBS. Call 747-4n«7. dlalown Townthlp. Lease available:. Cal! 747-1100 1OH CUBE MAKER — Frlgltfalre. 3 ONE ONE-BEDROOM AND ONE TWO- 787-2042. yearg old, like new, }350, Caah re|lit«r, NTIiJUB — Brlc-a-bno, clocks, BEDROOM OARDBN. APARTMENT (More ClasalHed Ad* 54 Broad St. Red Bank Natlonnl, rtnRB up to J5, with case, bronzes, pttlntlngii anrt fins furniture. FOR RENT — Central Bel Bank. Heat EATONTOWN. Office tpaqa toi leas tioo. Biy Marie OIHBCO «!gln tin. i Abrams, llUi and Rfcy Ed-. Neptuno. •nd hot water Included. Ssa Buptt Apt. or sub-lease. Prime location. Call E.H. Ibirt old, I7B. Clll 8724030. nMWW 10, M Locust Av«.| Kti Bank, MARTIN, Broker, MS-WOO. Od TheNext pige)

S ••• • ' ' HOUSES FOt SALE BOOSES fOt SAZ2 I? THE DAILY REGISTER HOUSES FOI SAUE BOUSES ro* SALE WffBltM MB CI£E HOUSES FO* SALE BOWES FMttlE !«~Friday, September 9,196 IEACH EXCLUSIVE KING SIZE ROOMS. GEORGE V. ILLMENSEE gUSSELL M. BORUS REALTORS RAY VAN HORN REALTORS FURNISHED BOOTHS at bargain prtees, watch row —_. waUt to school, Ms, and "tore. Tw REALTOR OVER THIRTY YEAR* »tory-older-r»me,-all *vr Jar«a Jam ?/|ilCILY mRNHIHEO ROOM - W Four beilroomi, living room, lull d_ RIVER.ROAD _FA.R HAVEN, N. j. :5--»ble. Two mocks tram Bed Bank Illrh. Ing room, eat-In kitchen, TV room RT. 34 '",« E. Bergen PI. 7«1-<9H. M2-3T58. front porch, lull basement, alumlmm HOE FURNISHED ROOM FO] storms and screens, gas steam hea 747-4532 CONVENIENT LIVING FOR ONLY $23,725 - Direct vxa* from ' RE~.M: T — (7 Wavfrly PI, garage, and all for only *1J,»M. Old.it Rei! EstaU Firm In.Colh Neck Red Rank. little a* WUO down If qualified. . modern kitchen with dislwasber, countertop range and wall oven Member Multiple Listing Service to cathedral living room, large dining room and 17-foot tanily RED BANK — One furnished room BEA€H AGENCY, BROKER When buying or selling in Colts Neck — For quick results room. Three bedrooms, l'/i baths. Screened porch, patio. Quiet, Meal location. 1400 Hwj. 35 Mlddlrtow call The Realtor who knows the ere«. 17* Branch Ave, FIRST TIME OFFERED — Gracious home on VA acres In choice friendly neighborhood. Extensive planting on beautifully improved Open 7 days 671-272 Rumson location. Three bedrooms, three baths, fireplace in living large plot. $20,000 mortgage can be assumed. FuHMSHEb~I«>OM - Kltchfn Prl Evenings—Mrs. Adeline Slegel 264-42 COLTS NECK GOOD VALUE room, formal dining room, game room, enclosed jilousied porch, ilHScs Buslnras crnllemai/ only. I AH payml'nis are approximate and .. W.ujrly PI.. T47-12OS eel t<» VA FHA approval to quallf! Three-bedroom ranch In excellent condition. Two ceramic tiled twotar attached garage. Beautiful property. Excellent condition. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS! Here is your chance to purchase a tjlNQLS ROOMS - Clein. comfor myers. baths, large living room with fireplace, full dining room opening Asking $49,000. large four-bedroom, 2'/i-bath colonial wit* family room, screened ab * reas'inahle. Gentleman pre'errec onto porch and large patio. Full basement. Two-car garage. Acre ti Wallace SI., 741-a392._qarage._ WAYSIDE AREA porch, basement and- two-car garage on large plot. Transferred lot in nice location. $28,700. LARGE RUMSON COLONIAL — Excellent for large family that REI> RANK — LARGE Fl.'1'.NISHK: Owner transferr.'!., fnrrerf to sell on owner anxious to sell. Asking $9,900. BEDROOM — KeasonaMe One Biin yi'ar old 70" runcli Imnie in beautiful!; likes gracious living. All rooms are huge (living room 33x1*— block from business tllslrlct and Iju COLTS NECK CLOVER HILL AREA iled country netting. Large llvtn, dining room 26x18). Wonderfully planned modern kitchen. Five RETIRED EXECUTIVE MOVING SOUTH - Lovely five-year-old lines. Bllsness man ur womnn. C: m, fliiatlouH dining room, kltthci Three-bedroom Zimmerer-built- ranch in excellent condition. Pan- after 5. S12-.16S9. ^ wllli dliilng area, lull cabinets a generous sized bedrooms (plus three more, if necessary). Four TOTAL ELECTRIC home. Almost two acres beautifully Jandscapsd. eled family room, eat-In kitchen, large living room with fireplace, dishwasher. Throe bedrooms, two V baths and two lavatories. Income from garage apaitment pays all Eight big rooms, 2% tiled baths. Central air conditioning. Two fire- M. Family nwtn wllli allillng 8'ai separate dining room. Screened-in porch. Two-car garage. Ex- rs to patio. Full, dry, hraleil bas taxes, Many desirable extra features. Only $59,500. places. Carpeting. Draperies. Oversized garage. Asking $63,000. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE mint Laundry room. 2-z«rn» baaeWa posed basement with outside entry. One acre landscaped lot. heat Two-car garage. $35,000. HOUSES FOR SALE Priced realistically at $38,500. UNUSUAL LOCATION — Lovely setting of privacy in a beautiful We will be glad to help you. JOHN C. CONOVER wooded area for this spacious ranch home. Large' living room, CLOVER HILL AREA ' WONDERFUL NEIGHBORHOOD 3CKJ Miln 8t. Realtor Allenhun family dining room, modern kitchen, paneled den, four bedrooms, Joseph F. Hunter - Harold R. James EDNA M. NETTER Charming three-bedroom, two-bath ranch. Colonial fireplace in den, tiled bath, full basement, hot water baseboard heat, two-car at- ' Realtors 531-2500 FARMS-HOMES—INDUSTRIAL BITE! plus Jlxl6 gameroom. Beautiful landscaped one acre comer lot. tached garage. Home in fine condition. Asking $24,500. Olivia S. Dutcher - Donald E. Charles linLMDEL-COLTS NECK - LAKKWOOI) AREA Zimmerer-built house. Owner transferred. Asking $41,500. MARLRORO—FREEHOLD AI'.KAS Four-beilrcom Colonial. Only thn ALL THAT YOU COULD ASK FOR - More than you could ex- Dutcn Line Rd., KD 1, Marlboro years old. Immaculate condition. Fill 804 River Rd. : 747-4100 Fair Haven P.O. Box 335. Freehold air cnmlltloncd. !'.i baths, garag' COLTS NECK EXCELLENT BUY pectl Fair Haven two-story home in choice location. Absolutely Evenings 535-9U9 formal Hlnlng room, basement. On] Four-bedroom raised ranch In excellent condition. One full bath, perfect inside and out. Three large bedrooms. 100% tiled bath. 51,000 down to qualified buyer. I 462-4151 cloning costs- Full price 119,500. two half baths. 11x23 paneled gameroom. Full dining room. Two- Lovely kitchen. Paneled recreation basement. Paneld gunroom. car garage. One acre lot. Low taxes. Asking $26,600. All moat attractive. Asking $18,600. STONEHENGE Weisgold S Krupnick, Inc. HOUSES FOR SALE 1 Brokers , . ; AT ' '• ,. . MAJjy OTHERS ROOM TO STRETCH OUT 2211 Hwy. 9 Lakewood 363-30M GLAZEBROOK ASSOC, INC. 81 Center Avenue Young (Three years old) four- HOLMDEL ALMOST NEW In a "Woodiy" area. x bedrooms, 2W-bath home. Large Atlantic Highlands, N. J. REALTOR living room, dining room, family Another distinctive group of homes on one acre wooded ptato, Wide, deep lot, Beautifully deiline, kitchen, den, gameroom, laun- heavily wooded with stately Beech, Birch, Oak, Tupelo, Hickory Modern well-built ranch, brick, liv- Colonial BMevel, Bpaclou* living room, 45 WEST RIVER ROAD RUMSON dry, wall-to-wall carpeting. At- and Dogwood Trees. ing room, dining room, spacious 842-1700 tached two-car garage. Adjacent dining room, ultra-modern kitchen. Foui kitchen, two bsdrooms, tiled bath, to heavily wooded area. St. HOMES CRAFTED BY large full basement, oarage, on a bedrooms, V6 baths. Recreation room. • PRIME James Parish. Best VA or FHA corner lol\ Convenient to shopping, terms available. Vacant, we have Two-car garage and laundry. Asking HENRY A. WEST & SON schools, and transportation, bus key. Price $24,400. RESIDENTIAL 1 stops ot door. Short walk to churches* (28.UO0. "Anxloui". THE DOWBTRA PRICES BEGIN, AT beach and morlna. AGENCY, 61 E. Front St., Red Bank. —•PROPERTIES The McGOWAN AGENCY $42,500 '.,":• i: H1-8TO0. Rumi.on Building Sites one acre and '/J aere, Price $18,500 PHONB priced from $18,000 up. Some waterfronts. REALTORS Phone ofter 6 p.m. 291-1647. HOUSES FOR SALE 946-8017 OR 233-04S4 258 Newman Springs Rd. HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE TAKE PARKWAY PLACE TO COUNTRY HOME MORE LISTINGS SHOWN Rid Bank 747.3000 THROB-BEDROOM CO-OPERATIVE COLTS NECK TOWNSHIP MORE LISTINGS SOLD PARTMBNT — Paneled kitchen, cop- A ROOM FOR EVERYONE Owner occupied new ranch set well er tiling, 611 heat. 642-3526. *i of an acre of play area lor the 24 Hours 7 Days back from road on a two-acre children under the trees with superior STONEHENGE lawn and nice landscaping. Five bed- wooded lot. Large living ronm rooms (or four bedrooms and a den), sliding glass dnnrs to patio, dining HOUSES FOR SALE plus a tamily room, Vh baths, center rnnm, ai.actniii modern kltclirn. hall floor plan, formal dining room, HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE four bedrooms, sunken tub, tile two-car garage. Immediate occupancy. |>RSE RANCH hath, fu«r zone hut water heating. MIDDLETOWN Enjoy thia large home well priced «t SimiWSEURY — Enjltsh Tudor. Liv- MIDDLETOWN EIGHT-ROOM SPLIT flub lU-Ing aroa: living mom, den, $28,400, We have the key. Call now. ing /room, fireplace, dining room, den, — lty batha three bedroomi, den or on a beautiful lot. Four bed- pool room, lavatory and laundry. LeonardvlIle Showploce now avail- thrn bedrooms, baiement, hot water fourth bedroom. Recr'eatfon room. Liv- Two-car earagG attached. In nice HALL BROS., Realtors , he&t. Excellent condlton; Top area. ing room. Dining room. Game. On rooms, two bathrooms, paneled section of Colta Neck Townahlp. able. Roomy three-bedroom ranch. Many extras. Two baths, recreation 813 Klvcr Rd. . 741-7680 Fair Haven 34.000. SCHANCK AGENCY, Realtor, over half acre. For S22,500, Call aner playroom lined with closets. Very unusual at a very attractive ; UMta. PI., Ked Bank. 717-0397. 5:30. 671-2716. price $«2,!i00. ASK FOR LISr OTH- Thru Members of the room, utility, dark room for photo Member Multiple Hating Service ' Basement work area. Secluded ER GOOD BUYS. bug. screened patio, two-car garage. patio has gas grill. 4|^% mort- Red Bank Area Magnificent trees and rhododendrons. gage may be assumed. Good well. $24,000. A»umB 5%% 20- HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE LAM SON, Inc. Multiple Listing Service year mortgage. $5,000 cash. $23,900 » Realtor — 56 W, Main St. BOWTEU REAL ESTATE 4S2-OU0 Freehold. N. J. Sat P«gt 235 In YalloW- Pjg.j Hwy. 36 291-2100 Leonardo LARGER RANCH Four bedrooms, two baths, large paneled den with beamed ceil- ing. Basement partially finished. Beautifully landscaped lot with jwtio.' • $38,500 LK1DJV ELLENS.

REALTORS AND INSURORS HAZ ELTON Realtor WestRivwRd. • .: RUfflMB SHREWSBURY OFFICE MIDDLETOWN OFFICE OAK HILL COLONIAL MIDDLETOWN BI-LEVEL 842-3200 741-5212 671-3311 Four badrcomi Four badroomi Member Multiple Listing Vh bathi IV, bathi Gameroom Dan plus gamaroom HARVEY H. BOWTELL Two fireplaces Many axtrat NON-DEVELOPMENT SEE THIS V.A. $2,000 ASSUMPTION Real ;EstaU . ' . .. Alking $42,«0O Alking $24,400 x Four-yaanold ranch on l«rg» frtt'd let, Thrat»bedroom split leva). Living room, din-' "30 Years in the Bayshore" | <;' ing room and den. I '/i btjhi, fraihly painted Threa bsdrooms, two baths, living roam hai and fenced /trd-nat $148 a month. • Full MIDDLETOWN' firtplaca, formal dining room, spacious, prica $18,500. .• , Miniature one-acre estate. Custom three-bedroom ranch, Beacon chaary kitchan with wall ov«n; bailment and MIDDLETOWN RANCH NEW OAK HILL COLONIAL Hill area. Many extras include dark room, activities room, wreeoed dark room, two-car garag*. Only $2s,fO0. Four badroomi Fou- bedroomi patio, good well for prize rhododendrons and shrubs. Fenced in. Call today. COME TO THE HORSE COUNTRY! Gameroom bathi Gas heat. Less than 1959 cost, $24,000. Assume sizeable 5%% Beautiful Colts Naek Townthip ii tha loca- Two car garaga Gamaroom 20 year mortgage. $600 taxes. tion of this largt, charming colonial in a Traas, full baiamtnt Two <:ar garaga lovely wooded tatting. Four or five bad- "ESCAPE AND UNWIND" NEAR THE RIVER Alking $24,500 . Aiklng $40,f> roomi, fully carpatad living room with mar- Retirement five-room cottage. Select investment. Stone Ch ble (irtplace, formal dining room, truly a Y«t high on • bank abova, iitt thii "minie- ( area. Recently remodeled into charming contemporary. Two mllei f dream kitchen, ir>t laval family room, 2'/i tura Dutch Colonial." Two badroomi and bathi and two-car garaga. Thii It the homa ocean, dead end access, large lot for privacy, gardens, patio ; bath, formal dining room and' werkabla , (or particular people. Priced at $43,100. $18,000. . ' '<- ; • • ' kitchen, baiement and gsraga. Only $13,500. Search no more. Call 671-3311 for an ap- pointmant. ' :» Sundays after 1 p.m. .

HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE* PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH 6 ,' \ pplebrook Agency FAIR HAVEN - Like new, com It th» ihamt for thii unusual home^'Foyer, -tleven-badroom colonial houia—in ,Rums6n NEW SHREWSBURY pletely renovated throughout —for only $13,500. Both condition and neigh- Brand new custom-built 70* ranch four or fiva badroomi, bathi, family room three-bedroom, two-story homi homee. Center hahall..- Three bedrooms, borhood A-OK. Uvaly front porch. Traa- 950 HWY. 35, MIDDLETOWN and two-car garagaj. Convenient te tttejry- l%% bbathsth , livinlii g roomo , dinindinin g roroomm, , lined back yard, :Catl today. It will ba told with separate dining room, 20x16 deluxe kitchen, full basement, two-car V paneled den. Financing available g. Over % acre lot, country let thing. Mova-in condition. $32,500. tomorrow! 671-2300 ting. 521,,r.l». Builder, 543-4940. Also to qualified buyer. Offered at $18 ranch home under construction on acr« 600. lot. RARITAN 661 BROAD ST. 2068 HIGHWAY 35 SHREWSBURY — Four-bedroom V/, acres of wooded land with home In need of repair. Excellent for handy- H-bath Cape Cod. Walking dis- man. Being sold for the price ot acre- SHREWSBURY MIDDLETOWN tance to school and bus line. In age alone. ' • • excellent condition. Offered ?2,000 To assume existing mortgage on one* 120,000. year-old Cape Cod. Excellent condition. OPEN SEVENWS-^24 HOURS-SEND FOR CATALOG 75x100' lot low monthly payment! miki WEART-NEMETH this an attractive buy. TRADE-INS .. EXCHANGES UNION BEACH ' AGENCY Five-room home. 50x100* corner lot For I MAKE YOUR HOME AT ... quick sale, $4,000., REALTOR KEANSBURG Luxury home. Three bedroomi, two 102 WEST FRONT ST. baths, large living room with fireplace. full dining room, family kitchen, full basement, hot water radiation. ' En* ' 741-2240 closed front porch, rear summer t HERITAGE HILLS two-car garage. Asking $19,000. Member of Red Bank Multiple Listing Service; EDWIN S. STARK ••••' ' Realtor Drop in for free area map. 0333 Evenings. 8T1-OM4' SHORT OF CASH? HOLLY TREE FARM ^Colonial luxury ... . modatt Minimum Down, FHA Financing pilca. Feur badroomi, 2 '/i bathi, Available to Qualified Buyers . * . Homes that reflect tha aleianca it lesterday'a country mansions. pinalad family room with 'lira- CORPORATE OWNER PAYS TOINTB Four-bedroom split, 1% bathi. Famlli .. . Exceptionally large and luxurloua placa, country kitchan with, din- rt)om, cell&r , $22,fl0l Colonials In tha Mtale area ol Llltla ing araa, formal dining room ailver. Four-bedroom bi-level, 2% b plui full basamant, two-car F*mlly room, two-car ?2 .. . Built by custom apeeUllsta and priced from 1*2,000. and hot watar haat. Four-bedroom iplit, 2 batha, Famll1 room, cellar 418.CO1 LOCATED AT Seven Bridge Rd., llltla Slim 3-badroom ranch, baiamant 4 btdroomi, tilad bath, Three-bedroom Cape Cod. IHnlng room, cellar 91S.0OC OR CALL 741-1200 playroom, icraanad porch, living room with (iraplaca. Almost new wall te wall aluminum combination OTHERS ALSO AVAILABLE! APPLEBROOK RANCH - Alltlumi: carpating in living room num siding. Three tiedroomi. Fireplace scraam and ttormi. Uvaly Call for details Large yard. Trees. Principals only, and on itairi. Excallant 6714220. st with baautiful traat, 842-4200 ichool lyittm. $18,300. WATERFRONT - Older ranch. Four shrub?, flowtr gardan. FIVE AUTHENTIC COLONIAL DESIGN MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM TED HALL AGENCY bedrooms. Huge paneled llvlng-dinlng A BUY AT $19,550. 733 Kiver lid. Kalr Havei room. Large kitchen. Utility room Plenty ot closeti and itorager>.Two RUMSON COLONIAL MIDDLETOWN SPLIT — Nine rooms. screened porches. Qarage. High vand 218x120' corner, Near schoola, shop- dry acre - In quiet, exclusive area. A ijracioui homa for ^ MORTGAGES ping, etc. 281 Harmony Rd. $21,500. School bus atops >t door. Deep watar largar family. Spacious Immediate occupancy. Call. 2DM221. lor bontmau. 142,600. Financing aval), FAIR HAVEN RANCH able. Principals only. 229.3599. ving room with firaplaca, AVAILABLE LEONARDO — 88 Burlington Ave. Quick occupancy. Living Klg tit-room house, year round. Near dining room with firaplaca. beach and lagoon. Large living room HOLMDEL VILLAGE — Eight room room with fireplace, dining 30-year, &% Conventional lil-lavel, H, bathi. 1 Winding Brook Complattly modern kitchan, As low as 20% down. with fireplace. AN king $17,000. Can bd Way. To Inspect, call owner, 9<«-(92S room, lovely kitchen with dan, plus children's aecn any day to Monday, trom 9 to 0, HOLMDEL — Magnificent wooded «el- dilhwaiher, panalad dan. playroom, two powdar 11BL> BANK INCOME PIlOPEItTY- If you're having difficulty Four-famtl/ , house. Annual income* Ing. Over an acre. Colonial. Larss 3 ^adrooms, 2 baths, roomi. Stcond floor hai 5 $4,800. Very good condition. Always ful Ivlng; room with fireplace. Formal din- ing your praiant homa, why not ly rented. Pries (28,000. Call owner ing room, Country-size kitchen. Fam- bar.ement, garagt. badroomi plus maid's room ily room. Four large bedrooms 2U and 4 bathi. 3-car garagt take advantage of our exchange m-oooa. 'latin. Patio. Top Commutlt'g. 671-032O. Asking $31,900. with apartment abova which plan? Call us today for com- MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP — Three I'HIiKE—BEDROOM RANCH — Two beMroom ranch on a dead end fltreit baths, recreation room, two-oar garage. ranti for $125 a month. A plete .'trails. Near lehools. Asiume mortgage, cany CHARMING HOME terms. *115 per month. Call 747-4673. Llnerott. Call B42.I297. * •"• effarad at $57,500. WO—BEDROOM RANCH — KxcellBnl RRD BANK — Luree one family, eight nondltlon live-room home, one bath. rooms, cellar, attic, garage, resident In Convenient to Parkway, 787-11523. . . . Heritage Hills ii located on area. KEYPORT — otic and two-fam- ily hoiiies; KEANailUItr, — good In LOVELY SPOT — For honoymoonera Kings Highway East, one-half mile com* property. PERTH AMBOY — or retired couple; four acres; small three-ttoTy brick, seven-family, three lualnt Early American home with gar- from Middlttown Bank and Post stores, corner. 2011518 len. Fruit trees and nun t treess; holly; pplebrook Agency MasMacMacss,, some woodswoods:: garagegarag . 121,500121500. Office. MIDDLETOWN OAK HILL — AttrftL Uve thrce*brdroom split ofi wooded lot. Freeholreehold area. HarolHarold Undemann, Lovely a haded t-fitio combined with iijx Brokerk , EHtonlown, 612-11036121103. 32 Cascade pool. Dishwasher, wanher, NEW CAPE COD — Four bedrooma H2Ave. of Two Rivers Another' Pine Community by dryer, carpeting, etc. $34,000. By Own-Hut water heat. (20,900. Norco Construction Co. r. 671-O08S, 2234359 842-2900 LAUGH! HPLIT LEVBL — OntrMly TRATIIMOnB RANCH — Three hed- nlr conditioned. Corner property. Plen- (inmH two Imlhi, nil n.B. apnllances EXCLUSIVE SALES AGENT ty ot extras. FHA anpraliPd at (36,000 Central alr-crindlllorilng, wall-to-wall' Mint aetl at S21,G00. 671-5S12. :>rpetlng. Extra size lot arJd other MULLANEY REALTY LITTLE SILVER RANCH - LIvlnR l«tra«. .568-7256. room, flrtplace, dining r.oom, three bedrooms, screened porch, hmemtm. MODEL OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK — f A.M. TO 4 P.M. 671-5151 , excellent candtdon. |29,M)0, 8CHANCK (More ClMilfied Adi AOBNCY. RflKllor, | Undta PL. Rod •*- HT-O38T, « On The Next Page) men f iwM HOTKZ KANUTS Bt CB4XUS M. 3C8VU RUMSOH - Very prime mSA*o- MVnCK Of REDDEN AGENCY tU! vicinityy . Sptcsoup s nneheh. . livl - PAUL P. BOVA or At ing room, dinindii g room, lluge lUtHor - Insuror DOIJGLAJ, D»C1____ Notice ii htrtby given Uial ttw a* - kitchtn jyjtlwith i fnlndining-g .w family _HIUU of it* iirt*ortb*rf,—Ki«eut«r« room, three bedrooms, one bath, and Tmilrti of the estate of iaU De- screened porch, hot air oil, at- HERE IT IS ceased will lit audited and »Uted by Realtors • Insurors the Surroicat« of the County of Hon- tached one car garage, VA acre Priced fct 112.500 mouth and reported for settlement to plot. $43,000. Veterans no down payment. AU others The Monmouth County Court, Probttt Member of Red Bank WOO down. Three-bedroom Ctpl Cod. Division, on FTId«y, th« 4th day of RUMSON — Convenient rustic The lot la 140* deep with treei. An- Multiple Listing Service locale. Colonial. Living room, other feature about thli house, llr. at the County Court Houae, in Ii not needed. Monument and Court Street*, Free RUMSON COLONIAL den. with fireplace, dining room, Leave The Financing To Va hold. New Jersey, at whfch tlm« Ap- three bedrooms, two baths, full Trade Your House In plication will be made tor the allow- Living room, dining room, mod basement, hot air oil, detached Open 7 Pays ance or CommlBJioru and Counsel feel. em kitchen, gameroom, study, Member Multiple Listing Dated August 38th A.D. 1966. one-car garage, triple lot. Re- EUZABET1I DOUGLAS BASKS, four bedrooms, 2'/^ baths,. duced to $32,500. TED HALL AGENCY Oonover Lane. screened porch. Very 33 River Ro. Rumson, N. 1. desirable RUMSON-For that large family. W. DINDMORB BANKS, By REG SMYTBE location. $49,990. Colonial dwelling. Two living Conover Lane, ANDY CAPP rooms, dining room, large kitch- FAIR HAVEN COLONIAL COUNTRY LOCATION 'ransferee drastically reduce! price NATIONAL NEWARK en, 11 bedrooms, three baths, full [or quick sate. Three exposure living- ft ESSEX BANK I COULDN'T, FIAITU9T] Charming two^bedroom home on basement, hot air oil, heat. Re- room with fireplace and bookcases, (formerly The National Newark TCH.' VER MUST GET AWFULA :ornei\ cabinet In dining room, en- and Eases Banking Company of one acre. Fireplace in living duced to $13,500. closed porch plus screened porch, Newark), BOREI> UNI1M'THERE.PET- J COULbNTBEAR THE room, bay window in dining powder room, three bedroomH and two By: GEORGE BARKER. JR.. DENNIS K. BYRNE baths, plus alttlng room off from mau- (Vice President azM Trust Officer> WHV DON'T YER FINt> S THOUJMTOF DOIN'THC area. Basement. Screened porch. ler bedroom. Basement, patio and 741 Broad Street, REALTOR-INSUROR two-car garage. Oversized lot with SAME "miNfi " Expansion possibilities. Beauti- Newark, N. J. VERSBUF A ^T 1 ful dogwood and blue spruce. Re- 8 West River Rd. Rumson trees. Close to school! In fine neighbor Executors and Trustees. hood. Now offered at only 123,000. Messrs. 'Pttrey, Hardln * Klpp, J.ITTI.IJOB? DAW IN AN , duced to $22,500. Phone 842-1150 Immediate occupancy. Call today. Counsellors at Law, MEMBER MULTIPLE LISTING 570 Broad Street, DAY OUT. Newark. New Jersey, RIVER OAKS COLONIAL INCOME PROPERTY FAIR HAVEN HIOHLANDS HILL SECTION — Three- new listing (or your inspection, lept. 2, 9, 16, 23 $39.58 Charming four-bedroom, two- bedroom house. Steam heat. Baatment. 'ner transferred. An older Colonial NOTICE year-old home. Center hall, liv- Plus four-room and bath cottage. Large a large, tree-covered lot on a SIONMOUTH COUVTY ing room, formal dining room, lot. City sewer and water. Convenient irminir Irecltned street. Foyer, Hv- Sl'RUOGATKR COURT to everything. $14,800. ; _; room with fireplace and French Notion lo Crtdltort lo Fretent large kitchen, den, paneled game- doors to sun room, dinlnf room, kitchen Claims Against Ental>* room, 2)4 baths. Many extras. LEONARDO — Two-bedroom bungalow. with pass-through to screened porch. E8TATE OF OLOA WIBBJRO, DE Living room, dlntng room, kitchen. Hot Three bedrooms and a den upsUin. CEASED. Transferred owner has reduced water heat. Full basement. One-car "2"^ baths, basement, two-ear garage. Vacant:ant. We have the key. Asking Pursuant to the order ol DONALD to sell at $42,000. garage, Enclosed heated porch. Asking MA . CUNNINGHAM. Surrojale o( the (28,000,000. . County or Monmouth, this day made HALL BROS., Realtors on the application ot the undersigned QUIET RED BANK •13 River ltd. 7U-7«88 Fair Haven gnea Elizabeth Menoiky, Uis Sole Ex. Member Multiple Listing Service ecutrli of the estate ol the said Olga NEIGHBORHOOD THE BROOK AGENCY Wlberc deceased, notlcs Is hereby (tv> Immaculate three-bedroom, two- » Realtor to the creditors ol laid deceased lank Bulldini Atlantic Hlrhlands _ present to the- said Sol* Execu- MICKEY MOUSE By WALT DISNEY ttory home, with newly re- 291-1717 trix their claLmi under oath within six modeled kitchen, pleasant living DISCOVER!!! months from this date. TED HALL ASCNCY . . country living In a choice es- Dated: August 22nd, 1968 IJUST BOUGHT room, dining room, tile bath, 733 River Rd. Fair Haven tablished community. Colonial and AGNES ELIZABETH MEN08KV country styled homes. Four and live- save NEW PUPS SOME PIKE S4LE9 heated sunporch. Hot water 842-4200 H.P.D. No. 1, BOX 200 bed roomi, modestly priced for thli L«urel Avenue AT A FlfcB a*0.E ARHNT ON THB h«at. Low taxes. Reduced to $2l,< FAIR HAVEN prestige area . . . from 136,500 ' Hoi mile), New Jersey LEVEL. IIRECTIONS: Hwy. 35 to Chapel Hill V. 500 for quick sale. Sole Executrix OUR BEST VALUE rid. (street next to Oasis); continue on Vincent C. DeMalo, Esq. Chapel Hill Ed. to Tilton Rd., turn 154 Main Street Rt. 35, 301 Maple Ave. OWNER PAYS F.H.A. left on TlltonRd. to Farms Rd., iert Matawan, flew Jersey Corner Bergen PI, POINTS on Farms Rd. to Models. Attorney Seven-room Immaculate home. O: Aug. 26, Bept. 2, 9, 16 $2B.5' BED BANK quiet Fair Haven aide street. Tile NOTICB bath, paneled sun. room, paneled base- IMMEDIATE POSSESSION MONMOUTH COUNTY ment, gameroom, taxei under $500. HUKItoaAl'K'*- COURT Call er write (or a Transfer forces sacrifice at $18,600. ere is a home for a big family. Four Notice lo Creditors to Present complete brochure Don't wait. Call us today. bedrooms (five I__f you don'" 't Claims Against Estate HIGHLAND HILLS — AU electric rivate den), plus 23' gune- ESTATE OF RUTH WAEREN ranch, Living room, dining room, V/i f for J18.200. Evtningi and Sundays baths, ultra modern, kitchen, dish- qUIMBY, DECEASED washer. Four exquisitely paneled bed CROWELL AGENCY Pursuant to the order of DONALD 741-7480 room a. Basement, laundryroom. This J. CUNNINGHAM, Surrogate of the beauty ts maintenance free. Aluminum REALTORS County of Mpnmouth, this day made, aiding, thermopane windows. KxmtHlte 63 Riverside, Ave. Red Bani Dn the application of the undersigned, wall-to-wall carpeting. Breath-taking 741-4010 Ruth Allenetta Dettlaff, Bole Executrli TOP SCHOOL view. 127,000. , of the estate of the said Ruth War- LINCROFT . ren Qulmby deceased, notice Is here- NO CAR POOL FINLAY AGENCY Three bedrooms, beautiful family room. by given to the creditors ot said de* Spacious ranch on beautiful wooded 872-0100 Two-car garage, split rail fence. H acre ceaseU to present to the said Sole acre. 15x21 living room, 12x24 country with trees. Range, washer, refrigerator, Executrix their claims under oath kitchen, 15x33 Jumlly room. Dining GOOD VA sir conditioner and wall-to-wall carpet* lthln six months 'from this date. By SAVNDERS and OVERGARD room, den with fireplace, three bed- Ing Included. Superb condition. Call to- Dated: August 17th, 1466 STEVE ROPER rooms, ltt bathi, garage, patio with MORTGAGE ASSUMPTION day. J20.900. RUTH ALLENETTE DETLAFF eooltout Hot water heat. Owner trans- 72 Sllverton Avenue WE WIT TILL rrs WOMBWLEAVE ferred, yoiira for only |23,50O. Four-bedroom Colonial just redecorated WHATRE WE rUMGIU* AND THE MARK DOWN by transferred owner. Well-planted STERLING THOMPSON Little "Sliver, New Jersey DARK.'-THBJWE oversized lot In an area of fine homes, Sole Executrix AROUND FOR, CAPTAIN? IN THE TANK? JOKERS WJULONT AND ASS0CIATE8 REALTORS 5LIPBACIC1O7HE Other homes with as ltttlo as 2% down Best buy In this price range. Im- Hwy. 35, Mlddletown 147-5600 Messrs. Abramoff, Apy & O'Hern ••WE'VE SOT TH6Y MI6HT MOT HELP US, EVEN IP payment. No points. mediate occupancy. Asking $27,900. 165 Broad Street YACHT OWE AT A LITTLE SILVER — Pretty white house Red Bank, New Jersey THE DCHJ&H/ > BE FOUND BROWN ASSOCIATES, HALL BROS, Realtors trimmed in red. Three bedrooms, living Attorneys TIME, joey/ ( FOR IE 813 River Kd. 741-7886 Fair Have: room, illning area. Kitchen. Basement. Aug. 26, Bept. 2, 9, 16 $27.60 Realtors Member Multiple Listing Service Oarage. Low taxes,' shaded lot. Won'' 71i Broid Bt, Shrewsbury last, f 10.000. NOTICE Phone 711-2525 After S p.m. 741-2396 • LINCROFT MONMOUTH COUNTY A pleasant surprise awaits your in SCHANCK AGENCY SURROGATE'S COURT spectlon. This nine-year-old home Is Notice lo Creditors to Present PRIVATE-DEAD END STREET aa cute as a pin. Living room with REALTOR Claim* Against Estate In excellent neighborhood with safety fireplac6, dining room, modern kitchen, Inden PI. 747-0397 Bed Bank ESTATE OF CHARLES FLAVJUS (or children. Three-bedroom ranch. Urge family room, Vh baths, three EDWARDS, DECEASED. Large modern kitchen, dining room and berfroomi,- attached garage. Kxtn 41350 ASSUMPTION Pursuant to the order of DONALD special yard with privacy, trees am_ J. CUNNINGHAM, Surrogate of the living room. Hot water baseboard heat. Excellent four-bedroom Cape Cod. Seven County of Monmouth, this day made, Spacious basement with steel I-beam, a shaded terrace. Vou won't be dls< years old. Corner lot, city sewers. One garage. Large lot. Many extras in- appointed, Asking $22,900. ilock to schools, three blocks to buses. on the application of Uis undersigned, cluding combination doors and screen Paymenta only $136 s> month. Includes Vincent J. McCue, fiole Executor ol •nd storm lash, wall-to-wall carpeting, HAIL BROS., Realtors everything. KIRWAN CO., REALTORS, the estate of the said Charles Flavlui Washer and dryer. Only asking $20,500. 813 River Rd. 7U»76M Pair Haven Airport Plaza, Haslet. 284-7100, Edwards, deceased, notice ut hereby Member, Multiple Listing Service given to the creditors of said de STERLING THOMPSON ceased to present to the said Sole AND ASSOCIATES REALTORS RED BANK- $13,000 Executor their claims under oath wltb- Hwy. 35. Mlddlttmvn 747.5600 ' HOLMDEL Immaculate- two-family house. Pour i six months from this date, Older type two-bedroom home. Secluded room apartments upstairs and down. Dated: August Uth, 19S6 NEED ROOM? six acres or land situated on top or a Both In new • condition. Conveniently VINCENT J. McCTJH hill with a tnagntilcant view [or onto located on Branch Ave, Call now lor 748 Broad Street H«r. Is a home for a bit family. Five »:5,ooo. .ppolntment. Shrewsbury. New Jersey twin-size bedrooms, 2H baths, game- MEISTRICH AGENCY Sole Executor ^ By JIM BVRNETr and GEORGE CRENSBAW Mom. Two-car garage. Plus basement. BETSY ROSS AGENCY Vincent J. SfcCue, ESQ. NUBBIN IMMEDIATE POSSESSION All (or 125,- 117 Hwy. #35 741-5888 60 Broad Street SSfc Keyport. N. j" 07735 Red Bsnk, New Jersey ONB THIN* VOU SOTTX ALWAYS 7AIAVAY6 *«N8 A BieTOWBL/) 1-3(56 Weekends 9-6 SAVE fruitless hours or searching by Attorney Weekdays 9- sending for our free comprehensive ABOUT SIVINl' A DOS A. 8ATH, CROWELL AGENCY catalog; modest homes; palatial Hum- Aug. 10, 26. Sept t. t >27,6l ion estates, waterfronts, larma. Multiple TWINK... REALTORS RIVER PLAZA- $13,500 listing). NOTICE Red Bankl Five-room older home in A-l condl- NKW JKRSEY STATE DEPARTMENT 113 Riverside Ave. _ Itlon. Not in development. Shown by RAY STILLMAN, Realtor OF CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION*! 7U-403O ' BELFORD — 127 Church Bt. "Oar «lh Tear" Announced closing date for filing ap- I Hwy. 35 'Shrewsbury 741.8600 plications, September 29, 1M6. For ap, furnished, $80. Adults preferred. AGENCY plications, duties and minimum quar 741-5888 HAVE seven furnished houses to be Utoatlons, apply to Department of Clvl F. A. GEHLHAUS moved from property. Best offer owns Service, State House, Trenton, Ne JMIDDLETOWN — Small three-bedroom (htm. Call S42-3S2. Jersey. File on new application forj Real KitsK ranch newly decorated inside and out. only. It~ls printed with green Ink. I Hwy. 36 Leonardo Wall-to-wall carpettng. Situated orj HAZUET — $2,«oo Assumes 5!i per Open to citizens,' 12 months realdenl (Next to Blue ft Wfilte Bus Terminal) wooded lot. Dead end street. '117,500. cent O.I. mortgage, 1108 monthly pay- : Principals only. 741-3573. ments on three-bedroom ranch. No In Holmdel Township; ' 291-0488 closing expenses. 413,900 firm. 2844767. Assistant Building Inspector, Salary, 24-Hour Telephone Service I HOLMDEL — Seven-room ranch Includ- flOOO per year (Part Time). ing Hxte paneled family room, 10x22 OCEANPORT — Income property. Sept 2, S>. 16 110.: I LONG BRANCH — Investment firm Mortgage can he arranged. I liquidating. Opportunity for VA buyer porch, 15x13 slate patio, two baths, HOUSES FOR SALE I or Investor, Two-family home In nice (one paneled, orte tiled) stainless ateel 671-514!. I area, three bedrooms In each apart- tiled kitchen, two-ear garage, bas PRIVATE SAL.B — Little Silver. Four- I ment Appraised at (16,500. ' will itel! ment. Asking $23,500. 264-7781. beWroom Colonial. F.H.A. appraised KBANSBURG — Two-bedroom home. .t 130,725. Open for ofler. Call 741-0373. Large living room, large kitchen, nlc I for $14,900. VA buyer needi only *5 MARY WORTH four bedrooms, BEAUTIFUL 1.69 acre. car garage. Priced below appraised CE RANCH HOME—Five hurl- value. LAWRENCE J. SCHILLING, place, dining room, large kitchen, MLAMWHILE, IN THE HOUSE— i vf)(|p' n|^F Call builder at 741-2382, or your own screened porch, cellar, garage. A real- OF COUME., GETTIHC MY MOTHER 4000 iq. ft. Woodel acreage, broker. REALTOR. Willow Dr. * Parker Av«,. brook, 20l,COO. 7il-66«9. RUMfiON — An attractive seven-r RUMBON — A pretty older colonial BED BANK — Eight-room, red brick homo (four bedrooms), on a qutel In a half acre setting-of old shade MIDDUCTOWN TWP. — Comtnercl house. Furnished. Cellsr. attic, while street near school and bus line. In- trees «Lot has sub division possibili- property along Hwy. 35 or 38. From •tone isran. Small front and back cludes two tils baths, a full cellar ties). Features seven rooms, two tiled 179* to 40 acres. MULLANEY REAL- tardsn. 20 Mori Place. and a, large two-car garage. Only three baths and two fireplaces (one In the TY 671-515L years old and In excellent coiMltton, master bedroom). Needs work In the INCOME RIVERFRONT — Three vacant—ready for occupancy. Trans- kltcherJ and a thorough decorating. To . houses, three acres, 121 Leonard Ave., lerrid owner aiklng 12G,OOO. WILLIAM settle eslate asking S3!,300. WILLIAM . REAL ESTATE WANTED Oceanporl. H8O0 Income plus vacarrt II. HINTBLMANN, Firm, Realtor, 23 H. HINTICLMANN, Firm, Realtor 23 water-lront land, approximate 700' road KlilS» ltd., Kumion. M2-OS00. Member Ridge Rd., Rumaon.. 842-0600, Membei REAL EBTATB WANTED — We hfcv frontage. >3B,50O. cull 711-2233. Multiple Listing Service. • Multiple Llatlng Service. ready buyeri [or homes from Ne UBW CUSTOM—BUILT—Bl-level. Sir ,,., MEDIATE OCCUPANCY — Fou Shrewibury thru Rumion, from SIO.OO rooms. 14 betm, pitnelid family room, bedroom, roomy split-level with 2' EXCELLENT MORTGAGE ASSUMP- to $100,000. For expert, courteoui aer full cellar, attached prase Lot Mx batlia. All kind* of extra featurca on TION — Less than J3,00» to qualified vice, let us help you In deciding ti 100'. Close to everything Call 566-1223. one-half acre plot. Asking 133,900. buyer. Four-bedrooms, 1% baths. L[v> •ell your home or property. Transferred owner has1 v&catod, wo Ing room dlnlog area, kitchen, Full, COLTS NECK — Four-year old ranch have the key, ELWOOD A. ARM- dry basement. Attached garage. MANY ADAMS AGENCY on one acre. Center hall, livlr.fc room, STRONG, AGENCY, REALTORS, 655 EXTRAS, IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Realtor - Insuror dining room, combination kitchen-fam- i'tuspeel Ave,, Little Sliver, 741-4J00. Listed at S20.SO0. LAWRENOE J. 2 Howard Av«. New Shrewsbury ily roonti threa bedrooms, two baths SCHILLING. REALTOR. Willow Dr. H1-SO98 Open 7 days. By ED DODD ana enclosed porch; Fireplaces In llv- SHREWSBURY .— Three bedrooms, and Parker Ave, Little Silver. 747-4121, MARK TRAIL ins; room and family room. Finished dining room, living room, .full base- NEED VACANT LAND ment, hot water baseboard hsst AJ- ARB YOU LOOKING FOR A NEW recreation room with full bnth on lower Small lot or largs tracts. Call StUU THIS IS A level. Many extras Including cer.tm sums existing mortgage. Low down HOUSE? This attractive three-bedroom SO/WETHINS WQOUS yEAH.ru myinnnl. Call Baron Associates, 233 ranch, located In one of' Mlddletown's LANBY REALTY, oil 5)51. HAP PLACE PUT out WOONS, I THINK,..THe •Ir conditioning. Price II3.M0, Call WITH THE OOMI EN6INE JUST owner, G4S-4D34. Ichnnek Rd., Freehold. 462-7O70. finest areas on . over one-halt acre HilLP - ACTION I TfflJCk UP FRONT... TO STALL. THESE AWJ.HOLAAANf corner hillside lot, beautifully land- tlLP us; our 12 sslespeopls need WARNING 6KNS/ SHUT OFF/ RUMBON — Custom built ellM-room I1ED HANK — Rooming House For scaped, ha,a had one ownor. Built lua AMJ. HOLMAN'S, SCOTTY.' aale In center of town. Qood income llatlog on your home. residence on 1.7 professions.)!/ land- six years ago And kept in immaculate ACTION U our motto— professions.! ss WORKING ON IT/ scaped seres. Two fireplaces. Enclosed from renting one 3-room apartment, condition, Tnore are two beautiful tiled 3 efficiencies, one* furnished room, baths, a fireplace In the living room, vices are Just st phone csll away. sunporch. MaM'i room. Finished base- l.lvn In n five-room apartment free. Trade-In)—Exchanges ment wllh bar. Central air condition- Call, owner aller 5, R4'I-']rs"». formal dining room, absolute '-dream" Commercial and Investment propertle ing Poured cor/crflte contour swim- ot a kitchen, fine recreation room with WHAT sliding glass doors leading to flag- Member Two Multiple Listing iervlcei ming pool, Minutes lo rucMMnt WALKER * WALKSR ARE WE schools, shopping and churches. Must Hlgllt rooms, two bnlll', n ' stone terraoe. Basement and two-ca Healtnrs be sold, by end of 8ept»rnli»r. will CAV sarage ami screened porch. Rec- Karagc. Many luxury extras left [o. STOPPEP sacrifice at ISI,HH, Call owner, Mr. your surprise. Of'ered at 13,700. KL- Shrewsbury Ulddletnwn-Holmdel reation room In liascnun.. ^,, ,b , S01 Broad St. 206 Hwy. 3: Frank, weokilnys Mi-nil. Bves. and Inn' fronl. Wooded lot. In mont di WOOD A. ARMSTRONG AGENCY, Four weskends 8<2-10tt. slralile location, Near buses' and shop- Realtor. 555 Prospect Ave., Little ali- WE NEED - Five or six. 2-3 bedroom pln|. Price mid 120's, Phone owner 031- ve r. 7M-4SO0: Names, furnished or unfurnished, from VIDDL1TOWN — Foiir-hrdronm spill. OMf for appointment. $83 to 1175 per month for Incoming l\i baths, recreation room, laundry, WATERFTbONT! MUCH BETTEIl personnel. THB BERO AOENCY. H Iron! porch, pallo, aluminum storms fArt 1IAVBN — RBMODBLED TWO. THAN CAMPING OUT: SIX BED- IS Mlddletown. (Tl-lOOO. and screens' sewers. Walk to Nswark STORY HOME Living room, dining noous, xy, BATHS: RIVER DOCK, sna N,Y. bus. H'.MO. »7MIH9. rnnm kitchen. Thrtt bedrooms and DEEP WATER; PLATFORM ON WANTED — Property suitable foi 11ATAWAN - Flratnmor* oolonlal, bath, BMtmont gamsroom. Paneled ROOK! FOB OCEAN "WlMMtNO AND horse breeding, freehold, Colts Neck, sun room. Just llsled at »1P,*XI. LAW-FMHINO: OWNER LIQUIDATING or Holmdel area Up to UIS.000. cal! Four bedro«ma, cintrsl alr-cnndltlon- IHONCB J, "CHILUNO, REALTOR, Immediately. McAUBTER AOENCY Ini. Adjacent lo N.Y. hus, If"!'"I"*! AND ASKING ONLY 130,000. JOSEPH REALTORS. 100 B, River Rd., jlum~ < bath ar/d tennis club. IMMBWATS Wlllnw Dr, and, Parksr Ave,, Little O. McCUE, RBAiyrOR7llUl!BOH, H3- . OCCUPANCY. Jtow JO'S. MMJin •liver, 74711 Jt 0444.- \ 4.-M 2i-fri&y, September 9,19M nm DAILY HKISTER S thflpe Utv-dureM 4C»** M«>Ct)C r »-Coptotn Kangaroo 1-eVMlM Ben—CHMrSM 11:15 -Dover And Coiisr^col «7-nm jbort-Coior —^ fell-^ J-News-More t Oeon, Don Robertson- CompleteRmgmn ma—Soony Fox Color s 4-Dodo—Cortoons"" 2—To Tell The Trulh-Oame-Celer 7—Him—Gorobonclta— 7—Far Thou Art With Me 4-Lacal News-Color WOR-TV 4-WcrM Series Of GoN-Colar ^^ 1l:2< WNEW-TV Mitwt Chime! I. WCBSTV Channel S . to mln.—Color Il-Llppy The Llon-Cotor S-WMe Country—Oramo •;»•.• , 4-Sparts-Mel All-n-Color 2—Summer Semester , W ABC-TV WPK-TV l:« I!4S 7-Flko-White Feolher- WNBCTV Channel 7 . 4—Summer Sunday School 1I:N 4—a'wano Don--Lomp Unto My Feet »:» 31—Brooklyn College 4—Youltl Forum—Dlscuss'on . Claudette Colbert—] hrs. :30 l:M ill—Elshm Man—Cortoon 47—The Grandmothers—Serial I—This Is The Lite— Religion 2—Dennis The Menace 31—Around The Clock 10:» 7—Beony And Cecil—Color 31—Human Rights Forum 2-7-News 2—Hews—Dunn, Murray 1 7:40 1:55 , -dob Wilson—Color 4:33 2—Space Gtiost—color 9—Point 01 View—Discussion 47—Film Drama—Serial r 4—P DQ—Game—Color 9—Sport*—Kiner—Color 2—Film—Destry Rides Again— S—Sondy Ptck-r— d!Idren 4-News—Dlckerson—Color 4-Spoce Kldettes—Cortoons-Color U:» 4:10 5—Cartoons—Children 7:55 f James Stewart—1 hr., 55 mln. 7—Girl Talk-Panel —Beatles—Cortoons—Color 2- Look UD And Live 2-Eye On New York r 7—Ben Casey—Drama 9—Baseball-Mers —Film—Tfie Accursed— 11-Jock La Lonne-Color • - 9—World Adventures—Color 2_Fllm— Man in o Cocked Hat— 9—Continental Cookery 4—Direct Line—Interview 4—Vietnam Elections—Report—Color I:N 7—Peler Potamus—Color Donald Wolflt-I hr., 35 mln. 11—Mllllonolrif-Drama Terrv-Thomas—W mln, $—Alfred Hitdicock—Drama :n France—Language 11—Perry Mason—Mystery (Continued on Next Page) l:fc 4_Fllm—Courage ol Lassie— 11:H 9—New York Report 31—Finn Short 7—Time Tunnel—Adventure—Color 11:M 3—King And Mil-Cartoons Elizabeth Taylor—90 mln. 13-rCreatlve Person—Profile J—Superman—Cartoons—Color 47—itollon Sports Review ' i:» T—Where The Action Is 4—Cool McCool—Cortoons^color 2—Comera Three 4:45 31—Survey Of The Arts 4-Seorchllaht-tntervteW 5-New» •-Mike Douglos—Vorlely 47—High Rood—John Guntnsr 5—To Be Announced 31-News II—Surprise Show—Color r—Casper—Cartoon—Color 7—nullwlnkle—Color 47—Panorama—Newsreel . 1:M •:» 9—Film—Keen 'Em Flying- 31—Profile— Interylew 2—Hogan's Heroes—Color •-Film— Little Giant- }—As Th» World Turni Bud Abbott-W mln. Bud Abbott-oO mln. 7:M 4-Let's Make A Deal-Color 13—Poems Of Voznesensky ll:* 2— Lflssle— Dramo—Color S-Sondy Becker-Color I—Plnocchlo—Cartoons NOW AT- 5—Film—Watch on the Rhine— 31—Film Featvre J—Leglilatlve Hearing ' 7—voyage—Dramo—Color J—Local News—Martin. Beutll 47—Wings Around TO- World 11:11 . Btttt Davis—1 hr., 50 mln. I—Lone Rangers-Cartoons—Color 4— Direct Line—Interview 9—Bobby LoroJ-Muilc 9—Janus Beard—Women rl—Gloontor—Cartoon •:W 5—Dragnet—Police ' , 31—Big Picture—Army It—Film—Mon-Eater ot Kumoon— 31—Rim Feature I—Corner Pyle, USMC—Color Cortoon—Color 47—Spanish Forum—Discussion S-Up Beef-Music 7-Dlscovery 'M-Chlldren Sabu—90 mln. J—Fllm-Honky Tonk- AFTBRNOON 7:» 1:11 7—Weattier—Tex Antolne Clark Goble-5 tin. .'—Magllla Gorilla—Cartoons—Color I—Word 01 Lite—Religion 11:00 I—It* About Time-Color Walter Reade 4—News—floyd Kolber—Color 7—Milton Berle—Variety—CeHor 2~Newsmakers— Interview 7—Local News-Martin, Beutel AFTERNOON 4-rW0lt Disney's World—Color >:N 31—Film Feature 4—Award Stiawcase—Color 47—Migueiite Valdes—Donee 11:00 . 9-Fllm-Sprlnglleld Rifle- 7—Password—Gome 2— Road Runner—Cartoons—Color 5—OpInlon In The Capital Gory Cooper—2 hrs.—Color 4— Doyvof Our Livis—Color 11—Three Stooges-Comedy 7-New York. New York 7~Smothers Brothers 4-Top Cat—Cartoon-Color 11—Miss American Teen-Ager 7—Newlywed Game 31—Book Talk—Discussion ;uas Bunny—Color 11-Uncle Waldo-Color THEATRES" 31-Sofe Driving »—Film—Tne Naked Gun- 31—Americans At Work 11:15 9:4J I—Local Issue—Reoorl 47—Commercial Dialog Wlllard Porker—90 mln. 7-News-Peler Jennings 11:39 2—News—Mort Dean I:M COMFORTABLY AIR CONDITIONED • 31-News 11:M ]:» 13—Friendly Giant-Children 2—Beogles—Cartoons—Color 2— Ed Sullivan—Variety—Color 10:01 J—Face The Norllon I—House Party—Llnklelter—Color EVENINS 2-CBS News Special 4—Survey—Interview—Color 7-Prevlew Tonight-Color , 4— Doctors- Serial 4:M "—Soeak Out—Sonny Fox 4—Meet The Press—Interview—Color LAST 4—Man From U.N.C.L.E.-Color 5— Might Court—Oramo 31—Studio Recital—Music 7—A Time For us—Serial 2—News— Jim Jensen—Color 7—12 O'clock Hlotv-Dmme-Color '—Milton The Monster—Cartoons— 47— Rlverboat—Adventure 2:55 4—News—Jim Hartz—Color Calor t~Kingdom 01 Tne Seo—Color 2 DAYS DORIS ROD JUflllUft 47—Street Where We Live II—Football Preview—Color 1:10 7—News—Marlene Snnders 5—Poul Wlnchell-Color 10:* 9—Wrestling—Washington 1:00 7_Fllm-Mosler ol the World- 1—Hopalong Cassldy l:0t 4—Hey Landlordl—tomedy—Color II—Billy Grohom Crusgde—Color I-Pro Football—Giants—Color 11—Billy Graham Crusode—Color MtWlOR OODWBf J—To Tell Tne Truth Vincent Price—n mln.—Color 13—Sport Ol The Week 1:M 4-Another World—Color o—News—John Wlngate J 5—Film—The Younrter Brolhen—. 31-Survey 01 Trie Arts 47—News—Juan Anael Bros J—Tom And Jerry • Wayne Morris—2 hrs. »:» 7—General Hospital 11—News—Martin O'Hara 1t:« 4— Reseorcti Prelect 11—Ramar—Advsnlure 13—What's New—Children 7—Youth Wants To Known 2—Gorry Moore—Comedy-rColor 47—Local Newt-Tito Alba ^-Hopplty Hooper-Cartoon*—Color 9—Soorls Special—Color 31—Film Feature 31—Investors Roundtoble 10:41 4-Bonania-Western—Color 47—Dlsc-O-Teen—Zactierley •—Spoflt-Klner—Color f-Baseball Bo>lcs-Color 5—Rogues—comedy 4:11 4-Frontlers 01 Faith 7-FllnV-The- Husller- To So 10:M . ^reHle OnThe Arts ""» »- 11—Local News—John Tinman 5-Thln Man-Mystery 7—Issues And Answers Paul Newman—2 hrs., 3b mln. 47—SporH—fauslo M'rando 9-Gbll Tips—Color Social W.d. 4:15 11:* "r—American Bandstand 31—Dimensions In Education TODAY 2:15, 7:10. 9:15 T SAT. S:00. T;10. tilO I—Roller Derby 1—Superman—Adventure 47—Raul Astor—Variety Hightstawn Country Club 9—Walter Klernan—Comment J—New—Tom Duhn—Color 17—Leroy Jenkins—Color 4:M 4-Newt-McGee—Color Tonlm, Wall Millar band, 1.50. o-Sports-Don Crlqul 5—News J-News o-Sports^Klnir—Color -nr.-n—The Man in the White Suit— Mark Hllbum — Sat. nla.hr — 7—News—Beutel, Mortln 4-Baseboll-Carcl> vs. Wnatets-Color 1:51 Alec Guinness—M mln. STARTS SUNDAY 5:00-7:20-9:26 <:2< i 9-Fllm-Who Done Itf— -Film—The Bugle Sounds- 11-Ooen End-David Sussklnd Jot Mucha. Coming this Wed. 11—Weather—Vlwlan Farrar Abbott ond Coitello-90 mln. 9-rBaseball-Mets-Calor 31-Mental Health CM Wallace Beery-*) mln. 1:00 Gala fall opening. Two bands, ll:lo J:M 4-Pra Faotbal>-Chlefs vs. Bills-Color 10:0* 9—Kingdom 01 Tne Sea—color 2—Candid Camera—Color "Altogether it is a stunning picture, a compelling continuous 8:30 to 12. Mark 4—Weather—Field—Color I—College Counterpolnl 7~Pa«e One—Interview U—Superman—Adventure S-Merv Griffin—Variety 4-Andy Wllllams-Varlety-Color 13—French Chef—Cooking )1-Baseball—Yankees . picture! A frank and uninhibited exposition of the Hllbum and Joe Mucha. For all 11:1! J-Fllm Feature 47—A. A. Allen—Revival 5—Nuclear Family-Color 31—Film Short II—Hole-In-One—<5olt on-rush'wf physical desire. One after another scene ages. Alans er couples. It's the 4:45 4—Local New»-Gobe Pressman—Color I—Film Feature 1:N 11:25 7—Boxlnp—Chomplonshlo . 7—Have Gun—Wl" Travel 47—Fllen—Dramo 31—News And Weather 1 expands upon the brash techniques of courtship and big night of fun! 4—Soorts—Teague—Color 47—Jewish Chronic -. 10:M 47—New Jersey Today _• •—Fllm-iRld« 'Em Cowboy- 7—Editorial—Beesemyer Bud Abbott-W mln. 1:N ' 2-^-What's My Line)—Color the clamorous fulfillment of desire!'-Wy cro.tw,N.Y. T»» 11—Step This Way—Dmce II: JO 1-Fllm—The Glass Alibi— 5^-Fllm—Block Legion— Paul Kelly—1 hr., 31—Investors Roundtable 4—Johnny Carson-Color II—Studio Recital—Music 47—Panorama—Newsree! 7—Him—Wild River- 3:M IMS Montgomery Olft—2 tirs.—Color Z-Eve On Hew York—Color 47—Film—Se Vlncesse Cenlo Mlllonl— OtASJOMN H_Fiim-Air Strlke- S-P!lm—He*l TtKtt Hypnotlif- Upo Tognanl—90 mln. DANCING .. . Rlchard Denning—90 mln. Hunti Hall-» mln. 12:10 Il-Portfjllo 31—Journey Through Arts 9-News And Weottier 3:45 ' GALA BACK TO 1—Film—Unknown Island- 12:44 31-Clty Close-up-lrinrvlew Saturday Night 5—Film—Alcotraz Express— Virginia Grey—1 hr., is mln. SCHOOL SHOWS Neville BrOnd-ta mln. TO THE MUSIC OF ... l:N J-NR. Countoovim^Color T THE FOLLOWING 4—News-^Bob Teogue - 7-College Footboll—Syracuse vs. ZX &gma Ul presenls DEAR JOHN fining Jjrl Ml and ChnslM ScWin 1:11 Baylor—Color . • . • WALTER READE "BOB McKEVITT" TRIO *-Fllm-Su«- • •-Film-Jack and Hit Isanstolk— Tyrone Power—2 hrs. Bud Abbott—n mln. THEATRES— NOTE — No One Under 18 Years Will FROM 7 P.M. 1:M I-Fllm Feature l-N»wt 4:N • be Admitted With er Without In tht "Jersey Blues" Dining Room S-Horte Roce-Aoueduet , • 1:21 N 2— Fllm-Slrocco— 11—investors Roundtabli Parents. and until 1 a.m. Humphrey Booort—1 hr.. SI mln. 7—Senator Williams-Report nothing can faze In the "Hern N' Musket" Room 7-Newi 2—Film— Strange Lady In Town— . 1:1! Sreer Gorson—90 mln.—Color 7— Film— Illicit— 4—World Series 01 Goll—Akrwi, Ohio- SAT. and SUN. Barbara Stanwyck—1 hr.. 45 mln. Color 2:11 .--Lawman—Western MATINEES ONLY! 2ND HAPPY WEEK! 5— News I—pttantom Anents—Serial BOTH IN COLOR 1:21 1—Survey 01 The Arts At 2 p.m. Open 1:30 2—Film-The AHoirs ol Susan- 7—Dlsc-O-Teen—Zactierley 'Boy, Did I Get A Joan Fontaine—2 hrs., 10 mln. 3:10 7—Film—Adventures of Rugby- . True—Jack Webb Wrong Number!' NOW thesmn brings Sir Cleric Hordwlcke-1 hr., 15 mln. •—Oanqer Is My Business—Color MTUNDAY 1—Rocky And His Friends—Cartoons- jot a new kind of MORNINO Color 4:M I—Lee Graham— Interview ' enduntmentl! 4—Modern Former EVEN'NO 4:21 4:90 - 7-News . . , . 5—Seven Seas—Travel-^Cotor •, t • • .« • «» '. •—Film—Monster from Green Hell- 2—Summer semester Jim Davis—1 hr,, 40 mln. * 7—Prolecl Know-Education 1—Superman—Adventure NOW THRU SATURDAY 7:W 1—Book Talk—Discussion 2—Hove You.Read.... •Ernest Tubb—Mu*'c 4-Agrlculture U.S.A.-Color 6:X 7—Cartoons—children—Color -News—Tom Dunn—Don Robertson— Color 4—News—Roy Scherer, Robert Mac* Nell-color 5—Adventure—Travel—Color 1-Ckry Cole—Music 1—Film Short : '-Billy Grammer-Jjusle Well, don't Phyllis and Bob Webb |*E nnve-iiy . 7:00 COLLINGSWOOD ]i-News-Mudtf-Color PLUS - 2nd BIG HIT . Invite You to the 7750*00 ||'».Ac«lernlc-teniptlng dinner. For 4—1 Dream 01 Jeonnli "IMPOSSIBLE ON SATURDAY" a congenial atmosphere, excellent service... and a Charcoal Broiled II—Japan Today _ ' I—Secret Agent home-sized cocktail, stop in soon. • STEAKS .4—Get Smart—Comedy—Color 7—Lawrence Welk-Muilc—Color "Russians Arc Comlntj 11—Casper Citron—Interview r • CHOPS Russians Are Coming" 4-Class 01 '67-Vo'rlerv-Coliir S—Film—Three Strangers- MIDDLETOWN & John Wayne • BURGERS Sydney Sreenstreet-2 hrs. ,Jl—Big Picture—Army OTMOOO "The Comaneheros" 47—Film—Chlruco— We Now Feature . . Ellsa Golve—90 mln. SAT. ONLY — IQTH IHCOLOt — »:» NOW THRU SUNDAY I—Pro Football—Colts vs. Packers , AT 2 P.M.-OPEN 1:30 7—Hollywood Palace-Color EM. 7-9 . Mat. Sat., Sun. at 2 SEE A BIG NIGHTLY SPECIALS 31—Journey Through Arts ' 1I:M SPACE THRILLER 4-Mlss America Pageant—Atlantic 5)ty, N.J.-Color "ROCKET MAN" IO:» 7—Round The Town—Color I LOADS OF KARTOONS 11—M squoa—Police 47—Film—Margarita, Armando y su Padre—Florence Porrovlcinl—90 mln, 10:45 MONDAY 9-Sports-Klner-Color NEWMAN SPRINGS ROAD 11:10 CARL BEINER - EVA MARIE SAINT S—Alan Biirke—Discussion—color Old Fashioned K£F STEW 7—News And Sports Open 7 Days 9-Fllm—Noctie sin Clelo— Oareee Fresh Veeetoble Ana Morlscal—90 mln. THEATRES Salad Rill: 11-Gueit Shot—Interview AIR 11:11 COHplTl6H * Acrei of htt Patfcha.1 7—Local News • . • Frra Smoking Soctlem! TUESDAY II:M 7—FlIm^The Long Hoi Summer- AIT FRESH HAM Paul Newman—2 hrs., 15 mln.—Color 11—Continental Miniatures T^jf i-i ljum, in 11:00 • STARTS SUNDAY! • Vegetable - Orovy - Salad - Rolls 4-News-BIII Ryon-Color 11—Big Picture—Army WEDNISDAY 11:11 4—Weather—Field SWISS STEAK 11:15 OBELESTOriES 4-Locai News—Pond—Color With Wine » Mushroom Sauce 11:2! 4-Sporls-Mel Allen-Color Immense JLttiactuttiS!! Vegetable — Salad — Rolls 11:10 2—News—Torn Dunn, Don Robertson- * 3 Beautiful Banquet Rooms , COLOR bv OE LUXE THURiDAT Color " 4-The Solnl-Myslery ! ~ — PLUSI — * 3 Regular Dining Rooms 9— News And Weather Evening Only! CORNED BEEF & CABBAGE I:M i * Happy MusicCocktail Lounge. }-Fllm--The Last Wogon- James Stewart Parsley potatoes — Horse Rodtsh Sauce Rlchard Wldmark—1 hr,, 55'mln. •THE FLIGHT * Beautiful Intimate Atmosphere Salad Del 5-Newl OF THE 1:45 * DiversifiedMenu-Tall Drinks 7-News . : fHOENIX" FRIDAr 1:50 In Color * Convenient forking- Fair Prices 7—Film—I Married a Doctor- Mixed SEA FOOD Au-Grati Pot O'Brien—I hr., SO mln.- paraMauivt TMmmmdtk Qowntus jHEbtDEZVOTJS i 1 15 ASBURY PARK S— News Last Times Saturday! * • ASBURYPARK 77S-SB&3 Rice — Vegetable - Rolls - Salad 1:» Jtrry Lewii—Janet Leigh IfSliitii! * Coll 741-8344-or visit us * J—Film—Operation Secret- ROBERT WISE WINNER OF SATURDAY Cornel Wilde—2 hrs., 10 mln. "3 On a Couch" CLV 1 Mitt North of Red Bank-& 1:40 11111 £ ACADEMY ROAST LEG OF LAMB 7—Film—Delightfully Ddngerous- AND Jane Powell—1 hr., 45 mln. 'ADJ AWARDS Mini Jelly — Vegilcble 5:11 lob Hop* . Phyllis Dlller i 2—Film—All Women Hove Secnts— Rolls Soli Jeanne Cagney—1 hr., 20 mln, "loy, Did I Got a Wrong Number" o:» DAVID LEAN'S FILM SUNDAY 2— Film—Tip-Oft Olrls— IT'S A DOUBLE PLOTI fSifllii Lloyd Nolon—1 hr., ID mln. In Color SUNDAY to moVo the shore die lasighlngl OF BORIS PASTERNAKS LONDON BROIL MORNINS 2nd YEAR 4:10 "The Russians are Coming "Ceoked on Charcoal" 7-News The Russians are Coming" DOCTOR Mushreont Orovy — vegetable '7:00 7—Christopher Program—Color Rolls Sol! 7:15 ... "loy, Did I Goto Wrong Number" BEST 4— Modern Farmer PICTURE 7:M Cory Grant IHPANAVISIOIC'AMDMEPCOIOR BROAD ST., SHREWSBUR 5—Christopher Program * NEW HIGH 7-Thls Is The Answer-Color Somonrho Eggar • Jim Hutlon 1* 7:45 TWICE DAILY 2:30 ft 8:30 \mvvmc 741-0200 5-Llghl Time— Religion •. •-, 11-Chrtatophe.r Program-Color "Walk, Don't Run" CHOICI RISIRVI SIATS NOW AT IOX PANAVISION/COLOR *-*roune). The. .Corter •; OeVICI OR AMY WALTIR RIAD1 THIATRI

.JX. iwry Friday, Sahriay DAILY CROSSWORD IShrewsbtirv THE-DAILY I elevuwn 41. Prop u.nsuat At The hi •XIatodjek4X1 to d t _ JM. i mmii. POKK tor FRIDAY M tUH-ttiipOvCotf.Wlghtii (Continued) Movies XWvham Rehearsing Hie Bonz-men MH3OLETOWN - Tbe 4-BlftMay Hol*£5ilor ' X.Xkl-day BED BANK 4.QW* meriber Shrenatury Chorals Is fJ° * form Report HCbtam nhctnli^g is the Uattuiaii the Clabmea. DM« to CABLTON- S.COo*or - itirtece Chuck every Tueadsy at t p.m SATURDAY *-Ne«i And Waattwr Und la F»rt. U.Baldnr SeU FasU Hie TMf dumber faliHe Auditions are being held for *-Uove It To Beaver B«u i:i0; Till: »:ll . Wonder- tt. Dispatched S^-Vogo for Health joha t:10; those interested Appointments THE CLIQUE J-«lin-«Jn»er My Skln- Iwd la Pstu im Dtai TBwiU 3UIUUUI Jern Gaffleld-H ink p*Jnt c«to» can be ananied through Robert DMKE CLUB FORTEENAGERS •—Silent Heritage IHtlory 13 i Fmtenon of New Shrewsbury, 11—Biography—Documentary " * of jurtiet annt M. Passage. JS.lonhead ways ST.OOMUU president Walk Don't Ran l:0t; t:JO; tU. lT.Oiri'a ii.itei»t«d 4-Nem-Alec CINord-Color BAT. * auN.-Wal* WlRon 1:00 Xt.lUrtf laUoB AUen Hamnvood of Fair Ha DOPfars ' It* IB 4:00; 6:M; 1:08. 10:1* 1 SS.Bspoiig«s 38. Court ven. fonnderoondoetor of the -«* OAKS I >-l Love Lucy-Comedy DRIVE-IN- llShlp . mother 4-Eye Cueu-Oame-Color pjr chorale, said music for the Dec. 5-Peter Oum-Mytrary nu. * SAT-Cartoooe T:«0. RmiUni 1 2. i s 1 8 HIGHWAY 35 MIDDLETOWN •-filin-UillotM <* Browfcmy- Are ComlM tas; 1130. MNeUher 4 concert In St. George**y-the. HOfBRAUHAUS .1 Oorli Doy-tt mln.-Color muculint River Church, Rumson, will in- | lt-lhrlll HunttA-Cofer KJM.-ii irto* Utdaeet I:M: U:U. i • RATiJIM* * 8:00 to 11:30—Admission $1.00 Dare of Wtoe and Boeea I:H. nor VA clude Honegg*r"s "ChrUtmas I 7—Nevn-Mlka McClellor) LONG BRANCH ' 1% 3 Cantata," Vaughn • WUHims' BARONET— M.Ou-11. IV 4—Mem—Vonaair—Color Walk Doo'l Run 1:10; t:10; »:3 "Mass for Double Chorus," and 11:10 WT.^«*.>S*»I _m*~,^ T»mj IS.Henlof IS ft Flor Peters' "Entrata Festival *-McCoy»—Comedy t». M flerUltW;erU 3:40. 9mdt frUsrf miS*M*it Peter and Barbara Fiek ntraHon-Gom Don't «:»; 1:00: 10:00. wluUa 0 S—Topp*r—Comedy SUN.-WSk DoVl A a U-MocJt And Mytr-Canwdy 2M AT PICNIC •f;.;,".- welcome you to the ll:*» FREEHOLD lmplement 2O 21 11—Cartoont-Chltdm-Color J5. Monetary V UNION BEACH - Mora than 1CJJ FREEHOLD— r^ SCIHICBIIVI Walk Don't Run T:IS: »:30. unit: 23 M 200 little Leaguers, their fam- 11:N SAT.-Walk Don't Rim 3:SSt CM ATLANTIC HlfiHLANM 3-And/ CrlHIth-Comtdy ' 7:80: S-JOL J7.Squander* ilies and friends attended the an- Grand Opening •UN.—Walk Don't Rua 1:00; <:«!; it 39 4-Ct«iln Lelter-lor as ai nual family picnic in Holmdel 5-A»lroboy—Cortwn 7:10; »:». 30. Smaller of their 7—Supermarket SWHP FARMINGDALE M. Before 3O Park. Games were played, with ' 11:*» 8S.Bon» fathers playing sons football. The 291-0224 3-fHck Van Dyke-Comedy SHORE DRIVE-IN- i^ 4-stwwdown—Game—Color Cartooae 1:10. Wan Don't Run 1:13 84. Pot cover 31 31 u highlight was a baseball game CLOW) TUB»AYS J-Oortoon»—ehndrm 11:09. Dual at Diablo 10:JO. S5.Cen«l between the men and women, RESTAURANT 7—Dating Oamt SAT. * BUN.—Watt Don't Run T:(0 husk »—Mwnory Lnw-^lno Franklin U:». Dual at Diablo 9:C H which ended in a tie score. 1)—Carol CorM^-CMor St. Author of % at the f ASBURY PARK 'The MAYFAIR- S9 •> Who'» Afraid of Vlttlnla WooU J-.SO Or»TB" % % T:30; 10:00. 38. Arm joint 41 HI-HENRY INN SAT. * SUH.—Wbo'l Afraid Of Vlr 39. Sea eagle Dance Ends •tnla Woolt 2:20: e:«0; 7:30: 10:05. V/ Y/t 31i Iraickport Av»., at Iht River ' Long Branch PARAMOUNT- 40. Seep BANQUETS Opm I p.m. to 10 p.m.; Sunday 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. FRI., 8AT. ft SUN.-Sound ot JIuiU Program At 2:30; 8:30. ST. JAMES- FOR ALL OCCASIONS PHONE 741-8344 fit Sat. i Sun, Sept. % 10,11 FRI., BAT. * SUN.—Doctor Zhlvaso Playground ' NEPTUNE CITY "ASTRO-GUIDE" By Ceean •~—'•—:— Serving the Finest ~~— NEPTUNE CITY- the CobbleStones 4 RUMSON - Hie Rumoon Rec- TOia Ruulene Are Coming 8:49. SOT Did I Get A Wrons Number T:0O; 10 Restaurant GERMAN - ITALIAN reation Gauttivion't« am m e r 10:49. ' u SAT.—The Kmiliiu Are Coming 1:09; program ctoed with a dance in «:Mi 10:40. Boy Did I Get ATWroni Too AM Touts • • • You IMP Highway 35 Middletc and AMERICAN CUISINE Victory Park. Miuicwai fur- Number 1:30: 6:19| 9:0S. nished fcy King Jamei and Us Court Wrom - BRICKTOWN A discotheque dance perfor- ttond tiic fFTayi Do .mist JOB cm. to sootfio vi^* Basle steps to follow mance was offered by the Doro- BRICK PLAZA- thy Tohnd Dance Studio, Red Bora Vm T:00| 10:U, Cat Ballot) MawS xQ0KOfl9t flT JQEMBlQu VMLstEOBfii jUHEft sBOsBsftSS •! VDB^F for a successful SAT. A SUN.—Born Free 3:45; T:0O; Restaurant • • • • Bank, under tha direction of Miss 10:20. Cat Eallou 2:10; 5:25; 8:40. come siod doo^ttiy ^ ipcccf fbon upw ALPINE MANOR Marcia, Toland, Solo dancers HWY. 36 were Nancy Scott, Gail and Joy North of Red Bank Adesfcavitz, Eeveriy Kerr, Iinda Ute Day Under Your Sign HIGHLANDS ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Ariu.lona4ai.2KoApr.t9 Ubra. Sept. JI to Ocl. 31 Queen, Donna Kerr, Anne Marie ATLANTIC- » inl.kmr mar aiglta to Leaal tae&n are: pnbleiaaiieal 871-1773 and Pattl Ann Horton, as wen M FRI. * SAT.-3 On A Couch T:00 •• _ Matte, yooit ts now. Vox najr liart to tin is 10:15: FromleB Her Anrthlnt 8:15. MTniTAJNMIMT Saralee Pawson and Leslie Fore- BUN.—Short! 2:00; 4:31. Aeaault On A queen 2:49; 5:25; 7:13; 8:16. T>wm. April 20 to Mty 20 Seomio. Oef; 23 to Nor, Jl NrtiLY 1. SERVE FINE FOOP hand, wlio performed in group Be en the loofcoM :a5, Uo. Jriy 21 to Aaf. 21 seafood • steaks • chops Susan Smiga, swimming; Kev- BeneTie rediifiont fenr «nr. Toe cmtimti* te oa email At- : HAZLET ritge, p«mierty iod ell Oumtitic taili ttel jM'Te oterlooMl in CalHnan and Mary Finnertyj UOTTS DRIVE-IN- inttrou. tkreo«haaet'«ek>. . . American Express .-— Diners* Club athletics; Steve Healy, .«ften- ITII., SAT. * SON.-Cirtoon 7:35, Vino. Aug. 22 to Sept. 22 Pitcaa. Fat. 20 to Merck 20 in m m dance; Bill Butler, horseshoe l&deatr BUUe 7:42; 11:30. Boy Did V«»r km to alter pUne Cbaage el trend worke te yew the beautiful Navttink Rivef pitching singles; Don Southerland I Qet A Wronc Number 10:00. nede cutter in the wok, knt adraMatr and thing, ihoaal PLAZA— h wUl p^t to do » «nee agaio go |«w war. DANCING PM. & SAT. NTTES TO—i EN T E R T AIN M E N T WE E K E N D S and Bin Butler, horseshoe pitch- Three O» A Couch 7:00; 10:09. Bo; I— ing doubles; Marie Duffy, ,irts —d I Get A Wroni Number 8:45. MM. PaMJmfcarl Xiiaaaapu Syndicrta and crafts, wA Kevin IT.—Three On A Couch 3:35; 7:10; BERTOLO^^TRIO most cooperitiven JTATE HWY NQ 3* The commission'; SalBertala W6HUHDJ uled program *iH realwriln&fa f meat Sfeaks & Seafood ball, starting at 10 ,•>'•' AA&QQfeT FACILITIES UP TO IX day, Sept 14, at tbe Forrestdale Bridge Advice N School playground. Director Rob- SUN.—Whit Eld Ml Do In Tbe Wl • Weddings • Office Parties • Executive Baniuets ert Qishan and WlGam Spfllaue DaddT 1:90; «:M; t£n 0:05. • Engagement Parties • Showers will register participants at that .; EAST BRUNSWICK , By ALFRED SHEINWOLD TORNPIKE- In most defensive situations time. ODTDOOR—Whi/e Afraid of Virginia WHARF AVE. RED BANK WooU S:00; 13:10. IMIJPI Pulver 10:20. fo\i must keep yopr partner in- SAT. * BUN.-WnoTAIrnld of Vir- The Hand OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK ginia Woolf 8:15; 11:30. Enalgn "" Formed to get his help. In a few rer 10:40. hands you must keep declarer m South dealer 1NDOOH—Who'« AfreM or Virginia Both tides vulnerable Under New Management Wool! 7:30; 11:40. Inilgn Pulver 9:5t the dark and must therefore run NORTH SAT. ft SUN.—Whtfe Afraid of Vlr- the risk of misinforming your CHINESE RESTAURANT partner. Your partner will for- A no *" PEkTH AMBOY give you if your plot defeats the ' O A1094 8 WALLACE ST.. RED BANK—741-8329 MAJESTIC- contract. ; •VQI105 3 • Walk Don't Hon 1:W; 7:10; 9:20. WfcsT CACASST ) MENLO PARK West opened the five of spades, A A76543 *K2 Autumn Program Special Prices on Our 1 Exgric — Deluxe CINEMA— and East won with the king. East V A84 AK4 3 FAMILY BAT.—Doctor Zhlvago 2:0O; 8:30. the suit by leading a third spade. South Wot North East Surprise Dishes SUN.—Doctor Zhlngo 2:00; T;30, This would force South to look » NT Pass 3 NT All Pass 3 for nine immediate tricks, and Opening lead — 4 3 Saturday Nife 3 DINNER • Arranged By Center DramaWorkshop he would get them by taking the 3 Management . Castings Start Sunday diamond finesse. Instead of frightening South, THE "4 DIRECTIONS" >•: LONG BRANCH - The Center West trterl to conceal the dan- Taken in by the false count, 3 , Yoa'fl be sotlsfled with oar real Oriental ROSEMARY CLOONEY has Drama Workshop announces Sunday Afternoon as Usual ger. An important part of theSouth led a heart at the third 3 Cocking. WHY BOTHER GOING TO CHINA TOWN returned to the Royal Box Jerry Marshall of New York soothing process was the play of trick, thinking that he could af- Supper. Club in the Amsri Qxy wlUidlrect the group's'next lie six of spades; at die second ford to give up three spades and the "MODS" 3 , DAILY 1 A.M. TO 10 f.M-t^W. « SAT. production, "You Can't Take It lick. .. •. one heart. West collected the ace 3 cana Hotel. New York frty. With You," by Moss Hart and •TILL 11 r.M.—SUN. 12 NOON-10 P.M. Gives a False Count of hearts and t&e rest of the 3 On Stage with Mist Clooney, leorge S. KaUfanan. A player who leads the fourth- spades for a penalty of 200 [through Sept. 24, is come, Casting ji open to the public highest card'of a long suit may points. 3 1 and will be held at Hie Menals- o have a fifth-highest and a "I hated to do that," West : JACK HENNESSEY'S 3 CHEN LEE GAI KEW dian Van Harris. Lee E/aru mouth '%" Second and Bath sixth-highest card in that suit, apologized. "It wouldn't work Orchestra continues for danc- Aves., Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m and he usually plays one of those against a real bridge player." ing, together with the Ar- «nd 7' to 10 p.m., and Monday very low cards to allow his part- East warned him. And South had — COLD COAST — I from 7 to .16 pjn. 1116 show will Reine Jesel Presents I turo Arturoi1 Group. ner to count the suit. By play- to sit quietly and listen to all be presented in November. ing tbe six of spades, West made tbe pretended humility. SEA BRIGHT appear that he had no lower DAILY QUESTION spades—which would mean (hat Partner opens with 1 NT (It FRIDAY NITE he had led from a four-card suit to IS points), and the next play- South got this impression and er passes. Yon hold: Spades—A "DANCING * GO-GO GIRLS checked it with East's re- 7 6 5 4 3. Hearts—A 8 4. Dia- JACK NOLAN'S RESTAURANT b NAUTICAL LOUNGE turn at the second trick. East monds-K 5. Club»-« 3. What do DINING OftlCUY WHIM WATCH, would return his original fourth-you say? "DOHNIE10WELL & CRESENOOS" highest spade if he held four or Answer: Bid four spades. Since GAY 9VS SALOON more cards in the suit; otherwise you have only 11 points in high (the MICKEY FINNS of tilt Jtn*y Short! East would return his highest cards, the combined count is only spade. East's return, of the deuce 27 to 29 poults. This should eas- 21-23 W. RIVER RD. RUMSOM 842-9105 made it seem that he. had started ily be enough for, game, but not SATURDAY NJTE with K-M-2 of spades. ; for slam. . , ' . 1 CONTINUOUS ~ IN PERSON - •'••'' : | ENTERTAINMENT "THE DUPREES" ?, Wed. thru Sun. Luncheon • Dinner (Have You Heard—You Belong Td Me) SPECIAL Parties • Cocktails wMnivsooy NlHi • 2 BIG SHOWS • GO-GO Business Meetings "Sing Along" SHEEHANS With "SAM" Wedding Receptions oa HM Piano • DANCING GIRLS IM 'Lodias Nit*' Too , (It's the Action Spot) PACKAGE STORE ; Banquets "featuring" 6? CARR AVE.. KEANSBURG "TOM" on tl» Banjo WEST END CASINO PLAYROOM Featuring the Finest in', . . "SKINNY DUGAN," Singing WaKwF OCEAN AVENUE, LONG BRANCH WINES—BEER—LIQUOR special gutst ~ "JACK DEVINE" For Information Call 229-9863 Banquet facilities RETURNING SOON! 542-0800 PACIimiS NOW AVAILA1U Hit A MAUY "THE SOUL SET H«SKRS»H HWY. 35 1ATONTOWN 26-Frid*]r, September^, 19OS vwr am wmm ght Napping, tyan Paysdark Fills /YWXSTE& ;. «ad' JW Albeit of Maple Dr. ; Coin Neck, NJ., were gwttratl ine* to Sew&Jail Tefan Board Seat |w6ti COU» WUTHH; the American Museum of Atomic ! EATONTOWN — ontUke Dr., Asbory Park, wai EATOOTOWN - Edward O: 5CTSW Energy, here. property on Lew)* St. |9 for mtidhg an illegal Clark of 19 Meadowbrook Ave. U-turn in Wyekoff Rd. The museum, operated for the (cost Simon Harris, 41, of 25 Mill ha> been appointed to the board U. S. Atomic Energy Commis-j St., $125 in Municipal Court yes- John P. Gray, 55, of 1148 SEAL YOUR of directors of the recently •km by Oak Ridge Associated; srday. Springwood Ave., Asbury Park, Universities, is the only iiutitu Magistrate William S. Throck- was fined $5 for making an il- formed Bureau of Commerce DRIVEWAY tkm devoted exclusively to nu legal U-turn in Wyekoff Rd. and trade. lorton imposed the penalty af- wlrh COSMICOAT clear science. ter Mr. Harris pleaded guilty to Angelo T. Rapolla, 48, of 24 Mr. Clark, a borough council- drunk and loitering. He Farm La. was fined $5 for dis-man and a vice president of the •Prattch qdatt Aitnc gave the defendant credit against regarding a traffic signal. .Central Jersey Bank and Trust tie* by 90s, oil «d oiktr OPEN SATURDAYS! the 'fine for seven days spent Carmen T. Lagrotteria, 42, ofCo., is the second appointment tanM aleiMMi . odddds ALL SERVICES awaiting hearing in the county 657 Morford Aye., Long Branch, to the board made by the bureau pw 'pOfMWr [jail. Mr. Harris paid an addition-|drew a suspended fine and paid president, Charles F. Kitson. Dr. at Mw MAIN OFFICE • bptrt oppllcorioa |al $50 and wilt work out the bal- S5 costs for having no registra- |An(hony M. Willane, who main- ' w HorflR tin pFOncttOR ance of his fine by serving 10 tion in his possession. tains dental offices at IS Main St., was the first director ap- more days in jail. Fined V> each for illegal left pointed. Joseph C. Teti, 19, a soldier at|turns into Throckmorton Ave. Councilman Clark, president of MAYER Fort Monmouth, pleaded guilty to were Jose Aponte, 35, of 258 Borough Council this year and shoplifting $5 worth of merchan- Broadway, Long Branch; Willie chairman of its police commit- ASPHALT SEALING CO. dise at the Ritz Drug Store, Mon-|j. Snell, 41. of 135 Sixth Ave., «r. 15 art Wyekoff Rd. tee, has announced he will not mouth Shopping Center. The sol-Long Branch; Richard C. Jor- 741-3227 IATONTOWN seek re-election this fall. dier, who leaves (or Viet Nam gensen, 45, of 276 Riverbrook Mtmbtri P»d Dtp. In. Corp. In a few days, paid a $100 fine. Ave., Lincroft; Kenneth P. PHONE 542-4400 Kenneth R. Miller, 39, of 1001O'Connell, 66, of 453 Ham ell FURNITURE CO. Aye., Oakhurst; Larry H. Alex- BARBECUE HUDDLE — The Red Bank Democratic Club throws its annual old fash- Summerlield Ave., Asbury Park, was fined $10 for speeding 35 ander,. 26, a Fort Monmouth sol- WEST KEYPORT. N. J. ioned barbecue in New Shrewsbury tomorrow. Mrs. Rita Haley Douglas, chairman miles an hour in a 25-ro.p.h. zone. dier, and Nora H. Kavalos, 46, of the affair, is shown going over details with this year's candidates. From left He was also fined $10 for con-of 116 Park La;, Elberon. 264-OIBIi are John Illmensee and John H. Metzler seeking council seats and Acting Mayor tempt of court in not appearing when • summoned. Daniel J. O'Hern, trying to make his title permanent. The party will be at 6 p.m. MEETING SLATED David J. Leperi, 19, Wood- UNION BEACH — TheBay- Saturday, or Sunday if it rains, in the home of Joseph Mazza on Hope Rd. Those bridge, paid $10 for speeding 64 shore Community Hospital Auxil- invited include Congressman James J. Howard, State Committeeman Paul Kiernan, miles an hour in a 50-m.p.h. zone iary will meet Tuesday evening, State Commirteewoman Cecile F. Norton,- County Chairman P. Paul Campi and and lost his license for 30 days. Oct. 11, at 7:30 p.m. in Pete's Freeholder candidates Alfred E. Sanders and Bruce J. Mangan. He was fined an additional $10 Hall. Next Tuesday's meeting for contempt. has been canceled due to pri- Opai Hon. and Fri. evenings Louis L. Karkus, 71, of 510 Deal mary elections. NEW MEMBER FREEHOLD - Harvey Wai DAILY CROSSWORD | Cmpal«r Programing ters, 8 Hull Ave., was wel ACROSS 2. Insistently 19. Sunday corned as a member at the re- 1. Whiff 3. Exclama- after- tion KEYPUNCH cent meeting of the Improved 6. Cultivates noon land t. Iron: outing tn» PHKnnmt Stnla _ Order of Red Men, Topanemus S.Co-dls- »ym. SO. In- NerriiMst Business iTribe, 210, in the Red Men's covererof 6. Chief valid's Hall, East Main St. iaramn CSUHDRH Mochinw School radium vernacular food Hnunni^u HEIR It was announced the tribe will 10. Provide of northern EH ons miaDci M MOAD ST., RED BANK 23. Sour. annnra mansn COMPANY sponsor a football trip to see the with , India. 6. Single ness 747-4M7 N. Y. Giants vs. the Philadelphia quality AtlUKY **»K • Kl» IAHK • HICK TOWN 12. Solicit unit SI Know: Eagles, Sept. 25, in Philadelphia. earnestly 7. Paradise Scot. 13. Scoffs a Certain. 25. Before 14. Insect 9. Young 2T. Rodents 37. Voided SHE'S MAD FOR 15. Man's bear 29. Shower escutcheon ANTIQUE CARS, nickname XU Common 31. Roman 38.Tlny 16. Bom suffix house goda 40. Employ SHOOTING STARS 17. Sea nymph: 13. Observed 32. Part of 41. Hawk & BOUTIQUE TORHE R Gr. myth. 15. City: "to be" parrot 20. Client East NX 33.Wither 43. Hebrew Red Bank—Long Branch 22. Garden 18. Expunge 34. Pack away month tool 26. Soothe Z 3 V s 7 a 27. Kitchen % % utensil 4 II 28. Compen- MM* sates a 13 H»Vi H. >••!••/.i.1.- 29. Gorge % 30. Exalted in 14 s Ifa spirits 32. Beast of y 1 8 » burden % % 36. Sloths ao 4 •a. 13 36. The present % time 39. Come LIQUIDATORS back 3ft 41. In this % 69 NEWMAN SPRINGS RD.. SHREWSBURY place % % 42. Appearing M it % as If eaten * 43. Passage- 10 'A41 FABULOUS BARGAINS way S9 44. Sheep AX 15. Foundation DOWN w THURSDAY 10 A.M. l.Unadul- V tented 'fa 9.IO4


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JUST ARRIVED! ENGLISH IMPORT COAT SETS ft' tERY SPEaAL! coat, hat, leggings BELGIAN ONEN BAGS for infants and toddlers you've admired at regular 7.00 cost! top to bottom: VELOUR SET above Brother's double - breasted coat hat 5.50 stitched velvet collar, matching helmet hat and leggings. Sister's matching volour Imagine, you save on this season's most has tiny embroidered rosettes bordering velvet-piped collar. With velvet brim bon- popular handbag! Costly Belgian linen net, leggings. Both light blue only. Siies with cowhide trim, perfect with fall tweeds 12-18-24 months. 30.00 "* and woolens. Don't miss this exciting young

CAMEL SET right group, now tale priced! Brother and sister camel set has double- breasted coat, l»ather-loolc buttons, back bait and pleat. Matching hairnet, lipper STEINBACH'S HANDBAGS, Strut Floor leggings. Both carnal only. Sixes 2 to 4. alio Albury Park, Briek Town 35.00 "•


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