mother was the only one who sang. he can compose. After he has a title Anderson Draws "When I get the idea for a song, I which strikes him as good, he begins write the lyric first. The melody sort thinking for lyrics that will fit. Song Ideas of falls in place. It comes to my "I write a few words and play the mind as I write the words. I use guitar," Ashworth said. "The melody the guitar some to play chords as I kind of flows with the words. I sing From Life compose. I'm not a musician and I the words and melody and change can't read music. When I have fin- them till they fit the meter. ished eight or 10 songs, I record "I write in spurts. For several them on tape with guitar and take weeks when an idea strikes me for a them to the publishing company. They title, I'll write it on a piece of paper have a musician make up a lead and keep it. When I need some new sheet on each. material, I sit down to compose "I think the lyric is more important several songs at one sitting. in country songs then melody. To me, "I don't use any of the titles I've the lyric suggests the melody. For collected unless they hit me as good. example, if the lyric is happy and Then I work on it. It will usually carefree, the melody will be that way. take me from 30 minutes to an hour I've written songs in 15 to 20 minutes. to write a song. I don't read or write Others have taken longer. Some won't music. When I finish some songs, I jell right away and take months. If put them on tape and take them to I write six a month, I feel I've done Acuff -Rose. They have lead sheets as good a job as I can do. made up when a song is recorded. "I think has ele- A song is not any good unless it BILL ANDERSON-"Could the same God who made vated itself in recent years. One big is recorded. the stars have made these city lights?" step was to eliminate the word 'hill- "My first songs were recorded by Bill Anderson, at 27, one of the billy,' which has a bad connotation. Jimmy Dickens, , Johnny top country composers in the business Country music fans are more selective Horton. This opened the door for me. with Billboard Writer of the Year and demanding now and songwriters Then other big artists began recording awards in 1963 and 1964 and 23 can't write 'the moon is blue, I love my songs. BMI awards, usually writes from an you' any more. The fan is more edu- "I get ideas for songs in different idea. He said: cated today. ways. Sometimes an idea just pops in- "You have to find a different way "One of the influences I see in to mind. Sometimes an idea or title of saying a girl jilted a guy and I'm country music in 1965 is the truck comes from something I read in the crying my eyes out over you, little driver. There are so many trucks on paper or in a book or something I darling. About 65 to 70 per cent of the road now. There have been sev- heard someone say. country music songs are about love or eral truck driving songs recently which "My best song, 'That's How Much broken love affairs. Country music have been hits, such as 'Widow Mak- I Care,' came from something my wife is emotional and there are a limited er,"`Six Days on the Road' and said. I was in a room writing sad number of emotions you can draw 'Truck Driving Man.' I think there songs and Betty came to the door and from. will be more." said, 'Why don't you write some hap- "I get my ideas for songs from all py songs.' I said, 'Like what?' She sorts of places. Some of my best have said, 'Like how much I love you or been from real life experiences. I also Ashworth Belongs how much I do for you.' The idea get ideas from billboards on the high- hit me for 'That's How Much I ways, what people say on radio, TV To Care.' and in conversation. I got the idea for "Title" School "1 got the idea for 'King of the 'City Lights' in 1957 while standing Blues' one afternoon at home. I was on the roof of a hotel where I lived Of Writing playing my guitar and just kidding in Commerce, Ga., while attending around. Suddenly the title 'King of the the University of Georgia and work- Blues' flashed in my mind. I thought ing afternoons as a disk jockey at it was a good title and sat down and Station WJJC. wrote the song. "I saw the lights flashing 'beer' and "I've written about 150 songs, of 'tavern' and looked up at the awesome which about 30 have been recorded. beauty of the stars. The thought came More are being recorded all along. My to my mind, 'Could the same God biggest hits as a performer, however, who made the stars have made these have been with songs written by some- city lights?' body else. John Loudermilk wrote "I got the idea for 'Mama Sang a ',' which Song' one day in 1962 here in Nash- was my big hit in 1963. It was on the ville while talking to a friend. Some- charts 36 weeks and got me on the thing that was said reminded me of 'Grand 01e Opry' last year. the time when I was a child in church "My biggest record this year, 'The one Sunday at Decatur, Ga. I was in DJ Cried,' was written by a secretary a front section with some friends. here in Nashville. I wrote the other My mother was in the balcony. The ERNEST ASHWORTH-"The melody kind of flows with side, 'Scene of Destruction,' about a the words." choir director had different groups broken love affair. sing parts of the hymn, 'Brighten the Ernest Ashworth is a coming com- "I don't think the songs of today Corner Where You Are.' When he poser of the "title" school of writing. are necessarily better than those of called on the balcony group to sing, He must have a title in mind before the past. Some are. But they had 36 The World of Country Music Billboard