Maharaja Ranjit Singh Death Anniversary (June 27)

2 Punjab Advance June-2020 Editorial Amid mounting economic woes, the Punjab Cabinet has decided to seek a fis - cal stimulus of Rs 51,102 crore from the Centre to help the state tide over the financial crisis triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic and the prolonged lock - down that ensued. In addition to direct fiscal stimulus of Rs. 21,500 crore, the state government has sought waiver of the long-term CCL debt as imperative for the fiscal re - covery of the State Government. To explain to the average reader, what is this long-term CCL debt? Well in October, 2016, just a few months before the 2017 Vidhan Sabha elections, the SAD-BJP government took a Rs 31,000 crore loan as part of the cash credit limit (CCL) from banks for carrying out procurement of rice and wheat for the Cen - tral pool. This massive loan entailing payment of an annual instalment of Rs 3,200 crore for 20 years was inherited by the Capt Amarinder Singh Government when it took charge in 2017. This inheritance, with empty coffers and the resultant cash crunch, stands out as a thorn in the flesh for Capt Amarinder Singh. But the Fauji Chief Min - ister took it in his stride. He was confident that the Centre would find a solu - tion so that the food bowl of the country could keep the nation properly fed. He sought the Centre’s support in settling the Rs 31,000-crore debt. His re - sultant meetings with the Prime Minister, Union Finance Minister and Union Food Minister seeking the setting up a review committee to examine the mat - ter afresh has shown positive response, minus the action. The state government would require Rs 3,240 crore to be spent every year on debt servicing for the next 20 years at the cost of the welfare schemes of the state. Besides, the Rs 18,500 crore interest on Rs 12,500-crore CCL legacy gap is exorbitant as it would mean that the state would end up paying Rs 270 crore every month for the next 20 years. This would incapacitate the state with regard its welfare schemes. Punjab has remained the ‘annadata’ of the nation being the biggest con - tributor to the country’s food bowl for the past 60 years. It is time now for the Centre to compensate the state and its farming community.

June-2020 Punjab Advance 3 s

t 10 14 Halt in labour exodus Sowing of rice begins Hockey ic n is n e t n o C

06 Capt signals revival of industry

4 Punjab Advance June-2020 24 30 38 on Balbir Singh Rishi -a treasure trove of Bhai Vir Singh, no more talent father of modern Pun - jabi literature Punjab June - 2020 Advance LVOL›6 L ISSUE›7 Room No. 1, 5 th Floor, Punjab Civil Secretariat, Chandigarh-160001, Ph. : 0172-2740668, Email Id: [email protected]

C.E.O. - Anindita Mitra (IAS) Editor - Donald Banerjee Designer - Karan Kumar Publisher - Information & Public Relations Department, Punjab

Disclaimer: The views expressed by the authors in the articles published in PUNJAB ADVANCE are their own. They do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Punjab Government or the organization they work for. Editor reserves the right to edit, abridge or expand the articles submitted. In case of any dispute, legal jurisdiction will lie in Chandigarh based courts.Published and Edited by Ms. Anindita Mitra (IAS) on behalf of the Information and Public Relations Department, Punjab at Room No. 1, 5th Floor, Civil Sectt., Chandigarh

June-2020 Punjab Advance 5 Cover Story Capt signals revival of industry

v Curbs go, but caution is the key word v CM thanks labour force for staying back

Donald Banerjee

ith the highest num - Weasing ber of 95,202 of more curbs registered in - under Lock - dustries, 45% down 4.0, the of the units industries in are func - Punjab are tional. Simi - steadily limp - larly, 60% of ing back to the total normalcy. As 20,200 indus - per figures tries are available of operational the total num - in Amritsar, ber of 2.59 while 90% of lakh industries the total in the state 18,170 regis - more than 1.5 lakh units have resumed opera - tered industries have resumed operations in tions. Jalandhar district. In Nawanshahr, 82% of the All categories of industries have been allowed total 2,200 industrial units have begun work. to function in rural as well as urban areas and no With industrial activity abuzz and construction separate permission is required for resuming op - work expected to resume in the real estate sec - erations. tor, there has been a change in the mind of mi - In the industrial hub of Ludhiana, having the grant labourers, who are now preferring to stay

6 Punjab Advance June-2020 Cover Story

back. This follows the feedback about the plight The resumption of operations in these small of migrants who have reached their native vil - units, which normally have labour living on or in lages in UP and Bihar. In the past one week there the vicinity of the premises, will be subject to re - has been a big drop in the migrants boarding the quirements of access control and strict compli - Shramik trains.The dwindling rush in UP and ance with Covid SOPs. Bihar trains is visible with just 40 per cent occu - The Chief Minister said repeated requests had pancy of the total allotted berths been received from industry associations to allow The Chief Minister has thanked the large opening of industries in mixed land use, with ac - chunk of labourers who have chosen to stay back cess control in non-containment zone of Ludhi - and contribute to Punjab's economic strength, ana District, subject to adherence of all Covid adding that “this is your state and you are part of SOPs / guidelines. State Industry Minister Sunder it.” It is vital for industry to function for ensuring Sham Arora had also suggested that such small livelihood, he said, urging all to keep following units should be allowed to function in order to social distancing norms stringently at work places enable the bigger industries to start operations, to beat the virus at every step. “Given the way he added. we have controlled the situation, we will not The Chief Minister said he had been informed need a strict lockdown again,” he added. that industry in certain industrial areas in Ludhi - This industrial revival got a further boost, with ana is not yet open despite being permitted to the Chief Minister, Capt Amarinder Singh giving operate under the recent guidelines allowing in - the go ahead to tiny/cottage industries in non- dustries falling in SEE/EOUs /Industrial Estates / containment mixed use areas of Ludhiana to im - Focal Points / Designated Industrial areas, as per mediately resume operations, in order to support Master Plan of Ludhiana, to resume operations. the opening of bigger industries that are de - Notably, Ludhiana is an Industrial city having pendent on the small ones for components etc. approximately 95,000 MSMEs, offering employ -

June-2020 Punjab Advance 7 Cover Story

ment to more than 10 lakh skilled and non-skilled Relief package for industrial workers. These workers belong to var - ious states of the country, and as a result of the real estate sector prolonged lockdown, have become unemployed Capt Amarinder Singh has announced a slew and are facing great hardship, the Chief Minister of relief measures for the beleaguered real estate noted. sector. These measures include a six-month ex - Unfortunately, he observed that despite eas - tension in the permissible period of construction ing of restrictions, only 6,900 of the industries in of plots/projects for all allottees, whether private Ludhiana have so far resumed activities. Many of or allotted by state urban authorities, either the industries are not able to start their works as through auction or draw of lots. they are dependent on various small and tiny cot - The stimulus package for both allottees and tage industries which provide them components developers, is aimed at providing them with im - etc, and most of these small / tiny / cottage in - mediate relief, while arresting the slowdown in dustries are located in mixed land use areas as housing sector. The relief measures are applica - per notified Master Plan, pointed out the Chief ble to all the Urban Development Authorities of Minister. the state, and shall be restricted to amount due The micro/tiny industries in mixed land areas from April 1, 2020 to September 30, 2020. constitute about 50% of the industrial set-up in Referring to the financial implications of the the district, and employ about 5-6 lakh workers. 6-month extension in construction period, the Established about four decades back, these have Chief Minister pointed out that since the devel - been granted industrial connections and, for all opment authorities annually receive non-con - practical purposes, these mixed land areas are struction fee of nearly Rs 35 crore, this particular considered as industrial pockets for green indus - relaxation would lead to reduction in receipt to tries. It is also worth mentioning that these units the tune of Rs.17 to 18 crore for all the authori - are being operated by their owners themselves, ties put together. and employ only a few other workers who reside All the urban development authorities have in the same area. also been directed not to charge non construc - tion charges/extension fee/license renewal fee for the period from April 1 to September 30, 2020. This would involve a financial implication of more than Rs.1 crore on the basis of the past averages. As a result of this relief, all licenses under PAPRA and permissions under policy of Mega Projects would be extended by six months without any charge. In another incentive, the Chief Minister has al - lowed payment of instalments (including inter - est) of all auctioned properties due between April 1, 2020 to September 30, 2020, along with balance instalments, as equated instalments at scheme rate of interest. No interest shall be charged on the Instalment due between 1st April 2020 and 30th September,2020, and thereafter, scheme interest will be charged on the amount due.

8 Punjab Advance June-2020 Cover Story

Highest recovery rate But CM cautions against complacency 14-day quarantine for all returnees

he state government’s battle against Covid-19 ‘Mission Fateh’ has proved to be Ta great success. Yes, the state has recorded the country’s highest recovery rate of 90 per cent. The Chief Minister Capt Amarinder Singh said: “We will achieve 'Fateh' in this battle against the killer virus by maintaining social distancing norms. But the Fauji Chief Minister has ruled out any complacency, directing that all those coming to the state by air, rail or road would have to undergo compulsory home quar - antine for 14 days. Screening of those entering the state would be done at all state and district bor - der entry points, as well as railway stations and airports, and those found sympto - matic would be sent into institutional quarantine, while the others would have to undergo mandatory 2-week home quarantine, the Chief Minister said, in today’s edi - tion of his FB Live programme `#AskCaptain’. Rapid testing teams would check on the home quarantined persons while those found symptomatic would have to undergo thorough testing in hospitals/isolation centres, said Captain Amarinder, making it clear that his government would not rely on any certificates of testing from any part of the country or the world. He cited Pun - jab’s experience with those who came from Maharashtra and Rajasthan, as well as the more recent case of Dubai, from where Punjabis coming back had tested positive de - spite carrying medical certificates showing them to be negative. At the same time, his government is moving aggressively to reach out to embassies of various nations looking to shift their manufacturing/business out of China, said the Chief Minister, adding that the state is in talks with various embassies, and offering them all possible support, in terms of land, infrastructure and other facilities. With an eye on the post-Covid revival of the state’s economy, his government has written to embassies of various countries in this regard and is engaged in talks with Japan, Ko - rean and Taiwanese embassies in , said Captain Amarinder. Of the total 2028 confirmed cases in the state, 1819 had fully recovered, he said, expressing the confidence that the 200 patients under treatment would also be fine soon. “There is no patient who is on oxygen support with only one patient on venti - lator support,” he disclosed. As far as high recovery rate is concerned, he said it had been possible only by strict discipline by Punjabis in following all social distancing norms. It was unfortunate, however, that 39 people had died in the state, with many more deaths reported nationwide.

June-2020 Punjab Advance 9 Cover Story Halt in labour exodus Large chunk of migrants prefer to stay back

Punmedia Bureau

hile a huge number of migrants in Punjab, landhar, including three to Bihar and one to UP. Wmainly from UP and Bihar, had registered These trains were allotted 1,600 berths each on the government’s portal to return to their na - (6,400 total), but less than 3,000 passengers tive places, only 40 per cent among those have could be sent from five districts including Jaland - actually gone back despite the state government har, Hoshiarpur, Kapurthala, Nawanshahr and sending over 300 Shramik trains in the past three Pathankot. weeks. According to reports from Doaba region in the The dwindling rush in UP and Bihar trains has past couple of days, trains — especially those been visible with several leaving with just 40 per bound for UP districts — are not being filled. Offi - cent occupancy of the total allotted berths. cials have been calling the registered migrants re - Strangely, this was also true for districts which peatedly but most of them have changed their had a large number of migrants registered with minds. In fact at several places, migrants are the authorities to leave. The maximum labourers being brought from nearby districts to fill up the who had registered to return were from UP and berths. Bihar at 88 per cent of the total registrations. Out of the state’s 22 districts, in six less that 10 On May 18, four trains chugged off from Ja - per cent registered migrants have been sent back

10 Punjab Advance June-2020 Cover Story till date. In the other five districts, the number is Nineteen-year-old Raj Kumar, who shares a below 15 per cent. There are seven districts from room with three others in Phagwara’s Hadiabad where 16 per cent to 25 per cent migrants could area, said that he had given up his plan to go back be sent, while four districts have sent back 28 per to his native village Baija Patti in Bihar’s Araria cent to 42 per cent of the registered migrants. district. The turnabout came after the 19-year- Moga district tops the chart by sending 42 per old’s friend, who had made it back ahead of him, cent of the total registered migrants followed by spoke to him over phone after reaching Bihar Rupnagar which had sent 37.5 per cent of the about the pathetic conditions and urging him to total registered till May 25.Jalandhar (30.7 per stay back in Punjab, cent) is at number three, while Muktsar Sahib dis - Mithun Kumar (26), a tailor in Begowal in Ka - trict is at the bottom from where only 0.07 mi - purthala district, revealed that he too had can - grants have left the district for their native states. celled his plan to return to Kisanganj district in From Nawanshahr and Sangrur districts too, only Bihar despite registering on May 3. He added that 4.5 per cent and 6.2 per cent of the registered a friend had called him after returning and asked migrants have returned, respectively. him to stay put as conditions were not good back What is the reason behind this sudden halt of home. labour exodus ? See that no migrant walks home or remains hungry: CM The Chief Minister Capt Amarinder Singh’s direc - place as the state government is making all nec - tive to Deputy Commissioners and District Police essary arrangements for their travel by trains or Chiefs is loud and clear: “See to it that no migrant buses. is forced to walk home to any other state in the The state government has undertaken a mas - country or remains hungry while on Punjab soil” sive validation exercise of all registered persons Any migrant found walking on the road by making individual phone calls to re-ascertain should be transported by bus by the police to the whether or not they are keen to return to their nearest place from where he can board a train or native States. “This is being done in view of the bus to his native State, said the Chief Minister, fact that, in the past 3-4 days, around two-thirds even as the 300th Special Shramik Train left the of the industrial units in the State have com - state carrying migrants to Uttar Pradesh. menced operations after the easing of restric - Urging the migrants not to panic, the Chief tions, following which the number of persons Minister assured them that the state government keen to travel out of Punjab has reduced consid - would make sure that every single migrant who is erably,” he said, terming it a welcome sign. The keen to return home is assisted by the State, with state government has had already paid Rs. 20 arrangements for their free travel and food. crore to the Railways for free travel of migrant “Punjab is your karma-bhoomi, even if it is not workers to their respective States following its your janam- bhoomi,” said the Chief Minister to decision in April-end to provide free travel and the migrants, appealing to them not to try to un - food for all the migrant workers keen to return dertake arduous journey by foot to their native to their respective States.

June-2020 Punjab Advance 11 Big rise in IT investments l Top companies invest Rs 605 cr l Job avenues for 4600 professionals

Punmedia Bureau

he Chief Minister Capt Amarinder Singh’s nancial year 2018-19, the IT sector investments Tpersistence to woo investors and invest - had seen a major jump from Rs. 121.49 crore in ments has finally borne fruit. Yes, the invest - 2017-18 to Rs 365 crore in 2018-19. ments in IT/ITeS sectors in the state have The investments in IT/ITeS sector have risen touched Rs. 605 crore, which is around 65 per substantially during the financial year 2019-20 cent higher than the investment figure of the last and have touched Rs. 605 crores with the ag - financial year. gressive policy advocacy and proactive follow-up According to Invest Punjab CEO Rajat Agarwal with the investors. This investment would give a the trend of increase in IT investments in the boost to employment opportunities by generat - state is continuing as even during the previous fi - ing job avenues of approximately 4600 IT profes -

12 Punjab Advance June-2020 Cover Story

sionals. Some of the major tres of Excellences in Punjab in IT, AI, Machine companies who have invested Learning, Data Analytics, IoT etc. during 2019-20 were Aeren IT The State Government has signed an MoU Solutions, Entella Pvt. Ltd. a with Semi-Conductor Laboratory (SCL) and STPI Sweden origin Company, Tar - for setting up Centre of Excellence (CoE) in Mi - get Everyone IT Pvt. Ltd., croelectronics/ASIC DESIGN in STPI, Mohali, for Miran Informatics Pvt. Ltd., the Development of Electronic Design and Man - Mark Software, EON Infotech ufacturing ecosystem in the state. The said CoE and Vertex Infosoft Solutions will undertake Research & Development in the Pvt. Ltd. among many others. areas of Advanced VLSI Device Fabrication, VLSI Carrying forward the Device, semiconductor Circuit Design and Device sucess of STPI Mohali towards Modeling, said CEO adding that the SCL would the development of an IT provide the technical guidance & mentorship to ecosystem in Mohali, another COE. STPI centre was being set up It may be recalled that the State Government in Amritsar, for which the In - had envisaged transforming Mohali into a world formation Technology Depart - class IT hub of the country with world class ment of State Government amenities. The state has developed an IT city next was bearing the entire cost of to the Mohali International Airport with modern land. About Rs 6 crore had al - facilities. The region is also home to Quark City, ready been released to the Bestech Towers and STPI with ready-to-move-in, PSIEC besides Rs. 1 crore as plug-and-play infrastructure. STPI, Mohali pro - grant-in-aid and Rs. 4 crore towards construction vides regulatory support to all IT units in the tric - of 10,000 sq. ft. against a total a construction cost ity and has touched exports to the tune of INR of approx Rs. 20 crore for 38000 sq. Ft total built- 4,400 crore in FY 2018-19. up area. This initiative of the State Government The state also has India’s only large-scale ASIC would go a long way in encouraging new IT/ITES Fabrication Laboratory in SCL-Mohali, which is knowledge entrepreneurs for setting and starting aiding in international research and technology their operation and for generating employment projects by developing cutting-edge technology in the Amritsar region, he added. for Chandrayaan 2 and a Large Hadron Collider, Notably, Punjab is on the way to transition CERN Geneva besides many other strategic elec - from Agri-based to a Technology-Driven econ - tronics sector projects. omy and has identified IT/ITeS/ESDM as a thrust The Punjab Start Up hub (NEURON) at STPI sector. Invest Punjab is actively promoting this identifies and evaluates promising startups in the sector by offering special incentives over and field of AI/Data Analytics, IoT, Audio, Visual and above the non-thrust sectors and implementing Gaming. Built at a cost of approx INR 60 crore, state policy initiatives that supports the facility is spread over 1.40 lakh sq ft. of built- IT/ITeS/ESDM industry. up space and is one of the country’s largest incu - In order to further promote high-tech tech - bation facility. nology development in the state, the State IT De - The IT sector was able to quickly adapt to the partment has collaborated with Softaware lockdown situation and all 23 Incubated IT com - Technology Parks of India (STPI) and submitted panies (400 Employees) operating from STPI Mo - proposals to the Union Ministry of Electronics hali Incubation center were able to work from and Information Technology for setting up Cen - their home during the lockdown.

June-2020 Punjab Advance 13 Sowing of rice begins More farmers may go in for direct seeding of rice

Donald Banerjee

esponding to concerns expressed by farm - sis. Describing these concerns as understandable, Rers with respect to labour shortage, the the Chief Minister said the decision was in the in - Chief Minister Capt Amarinder Singh advanced terest of farmers. paddy nursery sowing and transplantation dates However underlining the need to adopt the by 10 days. latest practice of direct seeding of rice as well as The nursery sowing operations thus commenced mechanised paddy transplantation technologies, on May 10 so that the shoots are ready for trans - the Chief Minister directed ACS (Development) plantation on June 10. The earlier dates for sow - Viswajeet Khanna to harness the services of the ing and transplantation were May 20 and June extension staff of the Agriculture Department to 20, respectively. provide all technical support to farmers. The farmers had raised concerns about meet - Further, to facilitate farmers in ensuring ing cultivation/sowing requirements in view of timely transplantation of paddy, Capt Amarinder labour shortage resulting from migrant labourers also directed the Punjab State Power Corporation returning to their homes in view of the Covid cri - Limited to make necessary arrangements for fa -

14 Punjab Advance June-2020 Cover Story cilitating uninterrupted power supply to the agri - culture sector in this period. The Agriculture Department and farm experts have advised farmers to modify happy seeders, zero till drills and other drill machines to sow paddy directly from June 1 onwards. The government has asked the farmers to begin direct seeding of paddy from June 1 and transplantation of paddy seedlings from June 10 onwards. Kahan Singh Pannu, Secretary, Agriculture, said two lakh machines used for sowing of wheat Capt wants MGNREGS in the state could be modified and used to di - workers as farmhands rectly sow paddy.He said the department had conducted experiments to modify the wheat In view of the migrant labour shortage be - sowing machines to sow paddy directly and were cause of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Chief successful. “It costs Rs 1,500 to Rs 2,000 per unit Minister Capt Amarinder Singh has asked the to make them compatible for direct paddy sow - Centre to allow labour/cardholders under ing,” he said. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employ - Dr Jaswinder Singh, a senior agro-scientist ment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) to with the Agriculture Department, who is also work in farms for both Kharif and Rabi crops working as a Plant Protection Officer in Moga dis - during the 2020-21 season as a special case. trict, said the basic objective behind modifying The Chief Minister has written to Prime the wheat sowing machines was to reduce the Minister Narendra Modi, urging him to direct seed distribution from 40 kg of wheat per acre the Union Ministry of Rural Development to toing to 8-9 kg of paddy, and to save the labour allow this change. He said this initiative cost. would help to mitigate the rising labour costs Some farmers were purchasing new ma - for farmers and promote rural employment. chines, which costs between Rs70,000 and Rs1 Most importantly, it would help in preserv - lakh per unit, for direct sowing of paddy. The ing food security for the nation in the time state government was giving a subsidy of 40 per of this unprecedented global crisis. cent on such machines, but for small and mar - The Captain noted that the Government ginal farmers, it is still costly. “It’s better that the of India had, in its recent economic stimulus cooperative societies purchase the machines for package, announced additional funds to the the benefit of a larger group of farmers,” Dr tune of Rs. 40,000 crore under MGNREGS. Pannu said. Drawing Modi’s attention towards the PAU, Ludhiana, in collaboration with the state problem of farm labour shortage in agricul - Agriculture Department is developing a machine tural states, especially Punjab, as a result of for direct seeding of rice, for which 175 units in - the migration of labour, Captain Amarinder volved in manufacturing agricultural implements Singh said that such a situation could have have been roped in. an impact on agricultural operations ad - As the labour shortage is imminent owing to versely during the transplantation of paddy the exodus of the migrant labourers, the farmers in June. in Punjab are all set to go for direct seeding of

June-2020 Punjab Advance 15 Cover Story

rice (DSR) this khairf season, moving away from timely sowing of the next wheat crop. Results the traditional practice — of sowing nursery and from research trials and farmers’ field survey transplanting it.This technology — recom - have also indicated that wheat grain yield, after mended as an alternative method of paddy plant - DSR, is 1.0-1.2 quintal per acre higher. “We are ing — will save irrigation water, labour and encouraging farmers to adopt the DSR. Last sea - energy in contrast to the conventional method of son around 60,000 acres were planted under DSR raising rice nursery and then transplanting the and this year we are expecting it to go up to 4 seedlings in a puddled field. lakh hectares,” said Sutantar Airi, Director, Pun - According to experts the DSR technique is less jab Agriculture department. time consuming and labour intensive than the More area under Basmati conventional practice. The technique has been Expecting better returns on account of im - developed and successfully tested on a good proved demand for basmati rice, farmers in Pun - scale. It also helps in lesser weed problem, be - jab are likely to bring more area under the crop sides reduced incidence of nutrient deficiency, this kharif season. especially, iron owing to lesser leaching of nutri - According to trade experts and officials the ents and deeper root development. farmers earned good returns in the previous sea - According to a PAU farm expert, the technol - son (2019-20). As the demand for basmati is ex - ogy has a wider adaptability as it is suitable for pected to remain strong in the domestic and medium to heavy textured soils including sandy international markets, farmers are likely to bring loam, loam, clay loam and silt loam, which ac - more area under the crop this year. Rice traders count for 87% area of the State. have been advising farmers to grow more bas - Accordint to experts the DSR offers avenue for mati as they expect the price to stay strong. groundwater recharge and prevents the devel - “We are expecting the area under basmati in opment of hard pan just beneath the plough Punjab to increase to 7 lakh hectares this season layer. It matures 7-10 days earlier than the pud - from 6.50 lakh hectares. Farmers have been get - dle transplanted rice, hence it gives more time ting a good price for basmati, and the trend is ex - for the management of paddy straw, for the pected to continue this year.

Fix Rs 2902 as MSP for Paddy, Capt tells PM The Chief Minister Capt Amarinder Singh has ing a non-burning bonus to farmers at the rate of asked the Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi to Rs 100 per quintal to defray their expenses in declare MSP of Rs 2,902 per quintal for paddy, handling of paddy straw, thus preventing burn - along with Rs 100 per quintal as incentive bonus ing of paddy stubble. to check stubble burning. In this context, he also pointed to the In a letter to the Prime Minister, Capt Supreme Court's directions, asking the Centre Amarinder Singh said the state has already writ - and states to work out an incentive structure to ten to Ministry of Agriculture recommending a overcome the problem of paddy stubble burn - Minimum Support Price (MSP) of Rs 2,902 per ing."This monetary incentive deserves to be an - quintal for paddy, as calculated by the Punjab nounced ex-ante, i.e. along with the MSP, to Agriculture University, as against last year's MSP allow farmers to prepare for its management and of Rs 1,835 per quintal. for the state to work towards proper implemen - He also underlined the importance of provid - tation," Amarinder said.

16 Punjab Advance June-2020 Cover Story Largest wheat procurement exercise remains Corona-free Punmedia Bureau

sia’s biggest and longest wheat procure - moth procurement season in which 5000 offi - Ament exercise spread over two months in cers/employees of Punjab Government, 25000 Punjab was also historic. Yes, despite the grave Arhatiyas, about 30000 Paledars and more than threat posed by the pandemic, the state govern - 28000 Truck drivers were involved strict social ment successfully managed to curb the spread of distancing protocols including adhering to 2 the killer virus with not a single case of Corona meter distance and box marks of 30 feet by 30 infection being reported from the mandis. feet were followed in the mandis. Giving this information, Punjab Food and Civil Wheat bidding instructions were strictly fol - Supplies Minister Bharat Bhushan Ashu, said the lowed while keeping proper distance while bid - state's Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Depart - ding. Apart from this, the officers and employees ment Punjab had projected the arrival of 135 lakh of the Food and Civil Supplies Department were MT of wheat in the state's mandis and thousands also insured in view of Covid 19. of people were needed to carry out such a huge Instructions were followed to transport wheat procurement process posing a challenge to en - on a route from one mandi to one storage point sure their health and safety. The procurement and to sanitize it from time to time, and also to process is still going on. the truck driver/helper to wear a mask to cover To ensure the health and safety of the all his face. farmers, government employees, labourers, The Food Department had also banned the truck drivers and others involved in procurement use of EPOS machines during procurement of process, the state government had increased wheat and distribution of foodgrains in the state number of purchase centers to 4000. for the safety of farmers and government em - As part of various measures during this mam - ployees to curb the spread of Corona virus.

June-2020 Punjab Advance 17 Cover Story Stop narco-terrorism ---Capt warns Pak

l Pak terror aides nabbed l Huge cache of arms, drug money seized

Donald Banerjee

he Chief added. TMinister Observing Capt that terrorists Amarinder and gangsters Singh has had probably warned Pak - thought they istan against could use the its persistent gap created by attempts to the diversion spread narco- of resources terrorism from and police across the bor - manpower to der. Covid duties to Captain smuggle drugs Amarinder and weapons said “Our eyes are open to what is to spread mayhem in Punjab, Captain Amarinder doing, Pakistan is not letting up on its attempts said despite half the Punjab Police force on cur - to push drugs, weapons and drug money despite few/lockdown duties and humanitarian relief the Covid crisis, clearly in an attempt to desta - missions, they were keeping a close eye on what bilise the state and disturb its peace, but we will was happening along the borders. not allow that to happen.” “We will ensure that such anti-national ele - “From the Punjab Police to the BSF (the first ments are caught and put behind the bars, where line of defence at the borders), all are on their they belong,” he said. toes to defeat the nefarious designs of Pakistan, In a major success against Pakistan-sponsored the state’s police force was working in a sus - narco-terrorism networks in the country, the tained and active manner to ensure that they do Punjab Police on Saturday arrested Ranjeet Singh not get away with their wicked plans, Punjab CM @ Rana @ Cheeta, a drug peddler in the ISI-con -

18 Punjab Advance June-2020 Cover Story trolled network, with links to Hizbul Mujahideen. 2 militant aides nabbed The Punjab Police exposed the inter-state Pak recruiting links of slain Hizbul Mujhahideen commander, Jihadists online Riaz Ahmed Naikoo, with the arrest of two ac - complices of his close associate, Hilal Ahmed Noted American expert on terror and inter - Wagay, from Amritsar. nal security, Dr Peter Chalk has cautioned Given the that Pakistan could be harnessing the power gravity of the of the social media to launch attacks on the offences and Indian economy, even as he warned that the the cross- ISI “may well leverage encrypted social border rami - media sites, secure telecommunication plat - fications of forms and online mapping technology to the case be - covertly facilitate jihadist recruitment drives yond Punjab, or directly support terrorist strikes” in Kash - the Centre mir, where it has a long history of backing has directed anti-Indian outfits. the NIA to The best offensive mechanism to deal take over fur - with Pakistan, suggested the US expert from ther investi - RAND Corporation, was to work with gations into Bikram Singh friendly and partner countries to put pres - the case to sure on Islamabad, and also to convince unravel the these nations that they could also not escape entire con - the wrath of terror outfits operating from spiracy, Pak soil. He warned that the US was playing which has a double role with Pakistan because of its footprints strategic interest in Afghanistan – the reason leading why it wasn’t taking a tougher stand against across the Islamabad. border via In the context of the growing use of J&K. drones and lone wolves to launch attacks, It may be the American expert called for compulsory recalled that registration of such technology and legisla - Naikoo, com - tions to counter the threat. To ensure credi - mander of bility in such counter-attacks, it was banned ter - Maninder Singh important to involve NGOs, human rights or - rorist organi - ganisations and the community at large, he zation Hizbul Muzahideen (HM), was gunned added, noting, in response to a question, down by security forces in South Kashmir. Wagay that 100% radicalization could not take place was arrested earlier on April 25 by Punjab Police, online and human contact was a part of the who had subsequently shared details of his dis - process. Admitting that such groups become closures with the Centre as well as the Jammu & easy targets of extremists. Kashmir government.

June-2020 Punjab Advance 19 Cover Story

veil Pakistan-sponsored conspiracy to smuggle narcotics and weapons into the state, said DGP Dinkar Gupta. While Rs 20 lakh cash was recov - ered from them at the time of their arrest, the remaining were seized from their homes later, following the grant of police remand by the court. The DGP said Bikram Singh @ Vicky had come on a scooty to deliver Rs. 29 lakh cash to Hilal Ahmed on the instructions of Ranjit Singh @ Cheetah, Iqbal Singh @ Shera and Sarwan Singh. Hilal was nabbed by an alert team of Amritsar Commissionerate Police, which was on patrol duty on a motor bike late evening on April 25, near Metro Mart in Amritsar city. An FIR No. 135 dated 25/04/2020 u/s 10/11/13/17/18/20/21 of the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act 1967 and 21/61/85 of the NDPS Act was registered at Po - DGP Dinkar Gupta lice Station Sadar, Amritsar. DGP Dinkar Gupta said the duo were traced The interrogation of the two accused further through investigations into the trail of Hizbul ter - revealed that both Bikram and Maninder, along rorist Hilal Ahmed Wagay, who was nabbed from with their cousins (Aunt's sons) Ranjit Singh @ Amritsar, where he had come to collect money Cheetah, Iqbal Singh @ Shera and Sarwan Singh, from Amritsar on the instructions of Riyaz Ahmed deal in drugs and weapons smuggled from Naikoo, Hizbul Commander in Kashmir Valley. across-the-border. The arrested duo have been identified as The DGP said the police teams were on the Bikram Singh @ Vicky s/o Sakattar Singh r/o trail of Ranjit Singh @ Cheetah r/o Hawelian House no. 39-C, Guru Amardas Avenue, Amritsar, Naushehra Dhala, PS Sarai Amanant Khaan, Dis - and Maninder Singh @ Mani s/o Sakattar Singh trict Tarn Taran; Iqbal Singh @ Shera r/o r/o House no. 39-C, Guru Amardas Avenue, Am - Hawelian Naushehra Dhala, PS Sarai Amanat ritsar. Khaan, District Tarn Taran, Sarwan Singh s/o Har - Police seized 1 kg heroin along with Rs. 32 lakh bajan Singh r/o VPO Havelian, whose involve - in Indian currency from their possession, to un - ment had come up during the investigations.

Huge cache of arms, drug money seized In a major breakthrough, the Punjab Police has been arrested, along with a large consignment of arrested most wanted gangster Baljinder Singh highly sophisticated weapons smuggled in from @ Billa, having links with the now reportedly de - Pakistan, as well as drug money, reportedly ceased Pakistan-based KLF chief Harmeet Singh smuggled from across border at different times Happy, as well as Germany-based Bagga of KZF. through several modes, including drones. Another notorious gangster Sukhjinder and According to DGP Punjab Dinkar Gupta, the ar - five other members of the Billa gang, have also rests were made in a joint operation by the OCCU

20 Punjab Advance June-2020 Cover Story team from Chandigarh, Counter Intelligence Ja - landhar Unit and Kapurthala Police on May 7, who identified the arrested as Baljinder Singh @ Billa Mandiala (r/o Mandiala, Gurdaspur), Sukhjinder Singh (r/o village Kamoke Beas, Am - ritsar), besides Kapurthala-based Mohit Sharma, Lovepreet Singh, Mangal Singh and Maninderjeet Singh @ Happy, in addition to Lovepreet Singh @ Lovely (r/o Amarkot, Valtoha Tarn Taran). Baljinder Singh Billa Mandiala was wanted in more than 18 criminal cases including, murder, attempt to murder and smuggling of weapons/drugs etc. All the arrested accused have been kept sep - arately as they are being tested for COVID-19 by a special team of doctors. Police teams have recovered highly sophisti - cated weapons, smuggled in from Pakistan, from these accused. The recoveries include two 30 bore Drum Machine Guns, three Pistols (Marked SIG Sauer made in Germany), two Glock Pistols The police has also learnt that a part of con - (made in Austria), two 30 bore Pistols, one 32 signment, consisting of AK-74rifles, which was bore Pistol, one .315 bore Rifle, 341 live Car - pushed into the Mamdot area of Ferozepur sec - tridges and two drum magazines, 14 Pistol mag - tor from across the border on September 24, azines alongwith drug-money of three lacs eight 2019 by STF Punjab, was also meant for the Billa hundred eighteen rupees and one hundred Aus - Mandiala criminal gang. tralian dollars, said Gupta. Giving details of the arrests, the DGP said Terming it as one of the biggest caches of Gurmeet Chohan, AIG OCCU, had received reli - highly sophisticated weapons from a criminal able inputs that the most wanted gangster ‘Billa gang, Gupta said the Sig Suaer Pistols are in fact Mandiala’, alongwith his associates, was taking being used by members of US Secret Service, shelter in Kapurthala area, with a large consign - which protects the highest elected leaders of the ment of illegal arms, which were to be used in the United States, especially the President of the commission of different types of terror and crim - United States. inal acts. DSP OCCU Bikram Brar was immediately The DGP said that preliminary investigations tasked on the mission, with the support of AIG carried out so far, most of the weapons recov - Counter Intelligence Jalandhar, Harkamalpreet ered from Billa Mandiala are learnt also came Singh Khakh and SSP Kapurthala Satinder Singh. across the Indo-Pak border in different consign - Police teams laid siege around the Dadwindi ments. Police is also investigating the role of mil - and Mothanwala area of Sultanpur Lodhi Police itants in the supply chain of illegal weapons. station and made the arrests. A case has been Further, the spokesperson disclosed that Toyota registered against all the six under Sections Fortuner, Etios Lava and Alto cars were also 384,465,467,468,471,473, 489 IPC, 13, 18 UAPA, seized from the criminals, along with some fake 25 Arms Act at Police Station Sultanpur Lodhi Ka - documents. purthala.

June-2020 Punjab Advance 21 Cabinet decisions Cabinet approves Slew of reforms Punmedia Bureau

ith the state staring at a 30 per cent short - The weightage of each reform is 0.25 per cent Wfall in revenue in the current fiscal, the of GSDP, thus totalling 1 per cent. The remaining Council of Ministers on Wednesday gave in-prin - borrowing limit of 1 per cent would be released ciple approval to a slew of reforms to make the in two installments of 0.50 per cent each--the state eligible to avail additional borrowing of 1.5 first in untied form, immediately to all the states, per cent of gross state domestic product (GSDP) and the second on undertaking at least three of amid Covid-19, as mandated by the Centre. the specified reforms. A committee will be set up to ensure proper Elaborating on the reform measures to be un - monitoring of the implementation of the re - dertaken by various administrative departments, forms, of which the administrative departments the spokesperson said that the Food and Civil will ensure completion within the time frame Supplies Department would ensure implementa - stipulated by the Centre since additional bor - tion of 'One nation one ration card' system, hav - rowing limit is available only for the 2020-21 fi - ing weightage of 0.25 per cent, through Aaadhaar nancial year. seeding of all the ration cards and beneficiaries The Cabinet, at a meeting chaired by Chief in the state, in addition to automation of all the Minister Capt Amarinder Singh, also accorded in- FPSs in the state by December 31, 2020. principle approval to amend the Punjab Fiscal Re - The Industries and Commerce Department sponsibility and Budget Management Act, 2003, would implement district level and licensing re - accordingly. It authorised the Chief Minister to forms for ease of doing business with weightage okay the final draft as approved by the legal re - of 0.25 per cent. These reforms would include membrancer (LR). completion of the first assessment of 'District A spokesperson of the Chief Minister’s Office level business reform action plan' as intimated by pointed out that the Government of India, vide Department for Promotion of Industry and Inter - letter dated May 17, had decided to permit addi - nal Trade (DPIIT), in addition to implementation tional borrowing limit of up to 2 per cent of GSDP of computerised central random inspection sys - by states in FY 2020-21. However, the relaxation tem, under the Acts as listed by the Centre, by in borrowing limits is partly unconditional to the January 31, 2021. extent of 0.5 per cent only, and partly conditional The Local Government Department would un - to the implementation of reforms such as 'One dertake reforms to strengthen the local bodies, nation one ration card' system, ease of doing having weightage of 0.25 per cent by notifying business as well as reforms in the urban local floor rates of property tax in ULBs, in consonance body/utility and power sectors. with the prevailing circle rates (i.e. guideline rates

22 Punjab Advance June-2020 Cabinet decisions

been hiked from Rs 13.4 Free power stays lakh to Rs 18 lakh (35% in - No plan to withdraw free power crease) for the course. For management quota, the to agriculture in Punjab. I am fee is now Rs 47 lakh in - cognizant of your economic con - stead of Rs 40.3 lakh dition and appreciate the hard (around 17% increase). work put in by you to grow “For Adesh insti - foodgrain. Free power will con - tute in Bathinda, the gov - tinue! ernment has decided to decrease the fee, which -Capt Amarinder Singh, will be Rs 18 lakh for gov - Chief Minister, Punjab ernment quota seats and Rs 47 lakh for other seats. for property transactions), as well as floor rates Till now, this institute used to charge Rs 65 lakh of user charges in respect of the provision of per seat for the full course, claiming that it does water-supply, drainage and sewerage which re - not come under the state government ambit as flect current costs/past inflation. It will also put its medical college is affiliated with its own uni - in place a system of periodic increase in floor versity. Now, we have regulated all such insti - rates of property tax/user charges in line with tutes,” said state medical education and research price increases. The cut-off date of these reforms minister OP Soni, adding that all private medical would be January 15, 2021. colleges will follow this pattern. The reforms to be undertaken by Power De - partment include reduction in aggregate techni - Rs 51 cr package sought from Centre cal and commercial losses and reduction in the The cabinet has also sought Rs 51,102 crore gap between average cost of supply and average from the Centre to help the state tide over the fi - revenue realisation (ACS-ARR gap) in the state as nancial crisis due to the pandemic and the lock - per targets, having weightage of each 0.05 per down.A draft memorandum to this effect was cent. The last date for recommendation to reach approved, with the cabinet authorising the CM Department of Energy is January 31, 2021. It will to make amendments before submission. also put in place a scheme for FY 2021-22 for en - In addition to direct fiscal stimulus of Rs suring cash transfer to farmers through DBT in 21,500 crore, the state plans to seek waiver of lieu of free electricity (weightage of 0.15 per long-term Cash Credit Limit (CCL) debt, saying cent). To become eligible, the state should for - that this was imperative for its fiscal recovery. mulate the DBT scheme and implement it in at The draft document also adds that Central least one district by December 31, 2020. schemes should be 100 per cent funded by the MBBS fee hike Government of India. The state also proposes to The cabinet also increased the MBBS fee in ask for Rs 6,603 crore for improvement of public government and private medical colleges of the health infrastructure in the long-term. state. The fee for the full five-year course in gov - To contain the spread of covid-19 in rural ernment-run medical colleges from this session areas, ₹5,068 crore has been sought for liquid will be Rs 7.8 lakh from Rs 4.4 lakh previously (an and solid waste management in villages. Capital increase of around 80%).In private medical col - outlay and targets under the MGNREGS have also leges, the fee for government quota seats has been revised upwards.

June-2020 Punjab Advance 23 Tribute Hockey icon Balbir Singh is no more A fit case for Bharat Ratna

Donald Banerjee

hree-time Olympic gold medallist and con - Tsidered the world’s greatest hockey player, Balbir Singh Dosanjh, is no more. Known as Balbir Singh Senior to all, the 95-year old passed away on May 25, 2020. The Chief Minister, Capt Amarinder Singh had called on the hockey icon at the PGI last year to hand over the Maharaja Ranjit Singh Award which had been reinstituted by the state government after a gap of almost 10 years. After the meeting the Chief Minister wrote to the Prime Minister, Mr Narendra Modi, rec - ommending his name for the Bharat Ratna. The soft-spoken Balbir Singh is probably the only Olympian other than Dhyan Chand to have scored a hat-trick of gold medals in Olympic hockey. In fact he has achieved something much bigger. Yes, he was instrumental in India regaining the hockey World Cup at Kuala Lumpur in 1975. Balbir Singh completed the golden hat-trick when he captained the Indian Olympic team when the subcontinent had a good sprinkling that won the title in Melbourne in 1956. The of players from today’s Pakistan. But Balbir earlier two triumphs were at London (1948) Singh was part of the hockey team that won and Helsinki (1952). three gold medals after Independence, when Dhyan Chand, also had a track-record of four of the top players had shifted to Pakistan. scripting hockey gold medal triumphs in three Thus Balbir Singh is a fit case for the award of successive Olympics games. But this hat-trick Bharat Ratna, and not Dhyan Chand, as has came before India achieved independence, been presented by a section of the media.

24 Punjab Advance June-2020 Tribute

His record of scoring the maximum number “Goal!”, published in 1952 by Sport & Pastime, of goals in an Olympic final still stands.He cre - Chennai, writes: "India's goal-getters were ated the world record in the 1952 Helsinki Roop Singh, Tapsell and Jaffar, one each, Dara Olympics when he scored five of his team's six two goals and myself three" . goals against the Netherlands in the final with For someone from Punjab, and Punjab Po - India registering a 6-1 triumph. lice, a centre-forward, there was never a trace Certain media reports claim that Dhyan of aggression in his personality. And at a time Chand scored six goals in India's 8-1 triumph when sports in general in India was often about over Germany in the 1936 Olympics. However, where you came from, his first concern was al - Major Dhyan Chand in his autobiography titled ways the team and country.

Full state honours The mortal remains of Balbir Singh Senior were Territory,ADC Chandigarh Sachin Rana placed consigned to flames on May 25 with full state the wreath.Representatives of Hockey India, honours at the electric crematorium in Chandi - Punjab Olympics Association and Hockey garh. Punjab Sports Minister Rana Gurmit Punjab also laid wreaths to pay their last Sodhi laid the wreath on behalf of the Chief respects. Minister Captain Amarinder Singh. A contin - Talking to media persons, Rana Sodhi said gent of Punjab Police reversed arms and later that the international hockey stadium at Mo - fired in the air as a mark of respect to the leg - hali would be named in the memory Balbir endary hockey star. Singh Senior, which would be formally inaugu - MLAs Olympian Pargat Singh and Parminder rated by the Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh Dhindsa laid wreaths to pay their re - Singh at an appropriate time. The state would spects to the departed soul. On behalf of the also recommend his name for the Bharat Ratna Punjab Governor and Administrator of Union award.

”A triple Olympic gold medallist, he ex - emplified qualities of perseverance, dedication and sportsmanship. Sir, you will be dearly missed and will forever remain an inspiration ! A grateful state bids you farewell.” Capt Amarinder Singh, Chief Minister, Punjab

June-2020 Punjab Advance 25 Water melon A summer treat

26 Punjab Advance June-2020 June-2020 Punjab Advance 27 Covid-19 Heroes Men in Khakhi, helping hands for the elderly

Punmedia Bureau

he men in ‘khakhi’ are the new helping Thands for the senior citizens of the state. Yes, through their ‘Helping Hands’ service and with the aid of NGOs, the policemen are deliver - ing essentials at the doorstep of the elderly. In the wake of the nnationwide lockdown due to the Coronavirus, this new role of the cops has boosted the image of the Punjab police, particu - larly among the elderly. The police, with the help of panchayats, first identifiy the senior citizens living alone in vil - lages. Once the residence is identified, a cour - teous police official visits the elderly’s house to prepare a list of essentials required. The delivery of the items is carried out within a day or two. The police deliver essentials like food, dry ra - tion, medicines, phone recharge service, gas cylinders among other things. "I was feeling all alone. But that is not the case special care, constitute 10.3 per cent of Punjab's anymore as policemen are taking care of us and total population. asking about our well being daily," said Gurmeet "It is much tougher for the old people who are Singh. physically handicapped, have no one close to Karmi of Bhadurpur village in Balachaur sub - look after them and are living all alone. After lo - division, who is in her seventies and is unable to cating these elderly people we are providing see and has no one to look after her, said: “Ik Po - them both cooked, and dry ration and also meet - licewala munda aya cee, puttar banke jisne ing the needs for their medicines. We also give mainu ration, dawai te apna phone number vi them a contact number on which they can call dita ki main jad chawan usnu phone kar sakdi us any time for any help and we are also con - han (A cop came to visit and like a son gave me tacting them several times a day to know their ration, medicine, and his phone number. He said well being," said Constable Balwinder Singh, one that I can call him any time for anything I need).” of the policemen who have been visiting the eld - According to estimates, the elderly, who require erly.

28 Punjab Advance June-2020 Covid-19 Heroes Police, villagers come to aid of distressed migrants

Punmedia Bureau

igrant labourers from MUttar Pradesh, who had trudged down from Jammu, tired and hungry , found kind souls in the Punjab police and farmers as they entered Punjab. Not only were the labourers and their families given a lift on tractor trailers but were also given shel - ter and food by a police inspec - tor, who also made arrangements for their onward journey. Among the migrants was Chan - dravati, with her two-year-old daughter. She and The in charge of Vallah police station, Mukhtiar many other distressed migrants joined their hus - Singh, who was on a round at a vegetable mar - bands in taking the long trek back home to their ket, spotted them. He arranged food and later native village in Uttar Pradesh from Jammu. Des - shifted them to Radha Soami Bhawan for stay. He perate, they were forced to take the extreme also made arrangements to send them back by step of covering 1,055 km on foot as there was train. no end in sight to the ongoing crisis due to the Faridkot: Walking from Amritsar to Chittorgarh in Covid lockdown. Rajasthan, more than 900 km away, a joint fam - The distressed migrants claimed that the Jammu ily of 26 members, including two pregnant and Kashmir authorities refused to arrange trans - women and 12 children, got help from residents port. When they reached Amritsar after covering of Chahal village, situated on the National High - 220 km in four days in the wee hours they were way 53, in Faridkot. intercepted by the local police. The villagers served them food and arranged The Jammu & Kashmir Government refused us their stay in a government school in the village. transport, so we decided to walk down and After the panchayat of Chahal village brought the started our journey on May 4. Reaching the Pun - things to the notice of Faridkot DC Kumar Saurav jab border, we were offered lift by a tractor- Raj, he also rushed to the village to help the mi - trailer. We covered many kms on foot and grants who mainly work as labourers in the con - reached Amritsar around 2.30 am,” he said. struction of roads.

June-2020 Punjab Advance 29 Tribute

Rishi -a treasure trove of talent From lover boy to villain

Devinder Bir Kaur

here are some actors who are liked uni - Tversally. Rishi , aka Chintu, was one of them. This writeup is a tribute to the multi- age of 21, became a super star. A cherubic faceted actor who died on April 30 this year at teeny bopper in his debut film as a lead the age of 67. actor, Rishi swept a billion teenage hearts. He was just two years old when he started Thereon he remained the numero uno to play his acting career in a film called 'Shri 420'. As a those candy-floss, lover-boy roles almost for 25 child. along with his elder brother Randhi years. Kapoor and sister Ritu, he walked in the rain for "Bobby" was released in 1973, the same a few minutes for the famous song "Pyar hua year as "Zanjeer", the film which began the ikraar hua hai, pyar se phir kyon darta hai dil" success story of Amitabh Bachchan as an angry Then he did "Mera Naam Joker", when he young man. "Zanjeer" also began the era of ac - was 16 and won the Best Child Actor award. It tion films. It goes to the credit of Rishi Kapoor was his role of an adolescent infatuated by his that he held on to his image during the "action teacher, played by Simi Garewal, that inspired storm" of that time. He went on playing the his father, the great showman , to lover boy roles in film after film -- 'Zahreela In - make a teenage love story, "Bobby". The film saan', 'Rafoo Chakkar', 'Jhoota Kahin Ka', 'Khel was a raging success, and Rishi Kapoor, at the Khel Mein', 'Hum Kisi Se Kum Nahin'', 'Kabhi

30 Punjab Advance June-2020 Tribute

Kabhi', 'Amar Akbar Anthony', 'Naseeb' , to name a few. Comparatively a young actor, there was hardly any heroine his age. The rul - A cherubic teeny bopper ing lot had Hema Malini, Rekha, Zeenat Aman, Parveen Babi et al. Consequently he had young in his debut film as a Neetu Singh, who had just come out of her child artiste roles, as his co-star in 11 films. lead actor, Rishi swept a Rishi also launched more than a dozen new heroines. billion teenage hearts. Rishi Kapoor was a natural actor and did all roles with elan. He actually made his mark as a Thereon he remained solo hero in 'Laila Majnu' opposite Ranjeeta, the numero uno to play and years later 'Sargam' with Jaya Pradha' and 'Karz' with Tina Munim. However, he also held those candy-floss, lover- his own in multi-star films like 'Kabhi Kabhie' with Amitabh Bachchan and Shashi Kapoor and boy roles almost for 25 'Amar Akbar Anthony' with Amitabh and Vinod Khanna. Rishi continued romancing young years. heroines like Divya Bharti in 'Deewana', that brought forward the next super star, Shah Rukh

A 2-year-old Rishi walks in the rain along with his elder brother Randhir Kapoor and sister Ritu in Raj Kapoor’s ‘Shree 420’.

June-2020 Punjab Advance 31 From left: Rishi Kapoor as an adolescent in Raj Kapoor’s ‘Mera Naam Joker’, as Rauf Lala in ‘Agneepath’ & as a 90-year-old grandfather in ‘Kapoor and Sons’.

Khan. other, especially 'Chandini' and 'Nagina' both His father Raj Kapoor again gave him a role with the top heroine . His own brother that made him make his mark --- 'Prem Rog' Randhir Kapoor cast him in their father's dream with Padmini Kohlapure. film 'Heena' with a Pakistani actress Zeba Rishi may have been getting on in years, but Bakhtiar. Later he did his younger brother Ra - producers refused to let go of his romantic jeev Kapoor's film 'Prem Granth' opposite Mad - image. He obliged them by wearing double- huri Dixit. Another hit of his during this phase knitted cardigans and gave one hit after an - was 'Bol Radha Bol' with Juhi Chawla.

32 Punjab Advance June-2020 Tribute

Kapoor family trait) and looked awkward as a romantic hero. After the break he turned his hand at direc - tion and made 'Aa Ab Laut Chalein' starring Akshaye Khanna and Aishwarya Rai. However, the film didn't do well and Rishi decided to go back to acting, but only in character roles. Interestingly, the films that he did during this phase made him enjoy his work all over again.He was terriic as the eccentric film- maker in 'Luck By Chance' , the old-fashioned romantic in 'Love Aaj Kal' , the over-the-top politician in 'Chintuji', the middle-class man in 'Do Duni Chaar', a Catholic seaman in 'Chashme Baddoor' and a gay Dean in 'Student of the Year'. But during his second innings, he stood out in the negative role as Rauf Lala in 'Agneepath'. He exuded villainy through his Kohl-rimmed eyes, And recently, Rishi Kapoor garnered im - mense praise for his role in 'Mulk', 'Kapoor and Sons' and '102 Not Out'. Rishi has kept up the tradition of being a true Kapoor with acting flowing in his veins. Belonging to what is popularly known as the first family of , his grand-father started the trend right from the silent film era. This was followed by his From left: Rishi Kapoor as an adolescent in Raj Kapoor’s ‘Mera Naam Joker’, as Rauf Lala in ‘Agneepath’ & as a sons Raj, Shammi and Shashi and later 90-year-old grandfather in ‘Kapoor and Sons’. their sons. Raj Kapoor's sons Randhir, Rishi and Rajeev and Shashi Kapoor's sons Kunal and Karan have carried on the tradition. The talented actor that he was, Rishi also Now the fourth generation is on the scene. acted with senior actresses like Hema Malini in Rishi's son Ranbir Kapoor has shown his mettle 'Ek Chadar Maili Si' and Rakhee in 'Doosra and Randhir Kapoor's daughters Karisma and Aadmi'. now Kareena are in the acting field. However But now Rishi had crossed 40 and was wary no one has enjoyed the popularity of Rishi of repetitive roles. At his wife Neetu Singh's in - Kapoor. sistence, he took a break from acting. Besides, -----The author is an art critic and he had started putting on weight (a typical former Deputy News Editor of The Tribune

June-2020 Punjab Advance 33 Career n Competition Future career options

Punmedia Bureau

What will career options look like in two, five years from now? As the world evolves, so will job trends and job descriptions. It’s important to structure your career so that your job will still be in demand in several years. Here is a peek into professions, both emerging and long-standing, that offer the best careers for the future.

Healthcare As more technology is developed, IT profes - According to a recent study, an aging popula - sionals such as programmers, security specialists, tion will put healthcare workers such as doctors, and administrators will continue to be in high de - nurses, physical therapists, home health aids, and mand. pharmacists in more demand. Those in this field should enjoy analytical This year 40 lakh jobs have been added to this thinking, but should also be creative problem sector because of the Covid-19 pandemic. solvers. As this career becomes more central, Healthcare workers should enjoy working with more institutions of higher learning are respond - people and should have an aptitude for science ing by offering coursework and majors in areas and math. such as computer networking and information Less-skilled and lower paid workers such as security, applied computer science, and com - aides may require as little as a certification puter science and innovation. course, depending upon the state they are living Because this field is rapidly changing, those and working in, while doctors, nurses, physical who want to secure the best positions should therapists, and pharmacists require specialized keep up with those changes by seeking out and schooling after graduating from college. participating in cutting-edge classes, continuing Those who want to enter this field should pre - education, and certification. pare early by taking college courses in pre-med, Alternative energy biology, and science. Don’t say good-bye to oil and gas quite yet, Information technology but alternative energies such as wind power, hy - Think of all the technology we didn’t have just drogen power, geothermal power, and solar a few decades ago, a decade ago, a few years power will create dozens of new careers, from ago. Computers and Smartphones have changed mechanics and plant managers to scientists, en - the way we do business and communicate. And gineers, and even sales and marketing profes - they will continue to do so. sionals, as these energies become more

34 Punjab Advance June-2020 Career n Competition mainstream. ticles, whitepapers, and special reports will also Those with scientific minds who enjoy re - increase. search and care about the earth’s future are good There is no typical education for professionals candidates for a career in alternative energy. who specialize in content creation. Most have at As this field becomes more popular, colleges least a bachelor’s degree, with additional educa - and universities are offering associates degrees, tion in areas of specialization. bachelor’s degrees, and even MBAs in green en - Individuals in this field must have good com - ergy. munication and writing skills, and be highly cre - ative and original. They must also be self-motivated and self-disciplined in order to meet deadlines. Marketing Increased competition and the desire for com - panies to find new ways of differentiating their products and services will ensure that marketing professionals are kept in high demand. However, because trends and strategies change over time, those who can demonstrate they are keeping up with strategy will be better positioned. Marketing professionals need a bachelor’s de - International law gree in a business-related field at the very least. As the emphasis on global business and trade Those who are best positioned will have MBAs in grows, organizations will be looking for individu - business or marketing, with a focus on strategic als who will have the education, experience, and marketing. skill set to navigate areas like international law, Creativity, good communication skills, and ex - tax codes, work and environmental regulations, cellent research ability are necessary attributes. and even ethics. Financial analyst Individuals who want to take advantage of this Unsettled economic times have demonstrated trend will need a law degree with an emphasis a need for sound financial advice and planning, on international law. Excellent communication for both individuals and businesses. skills, as well as knowledge and/or fluency in one As our country’s financial future becomes less or more languages will also help. predictable, financial analysts and planners will Individuals who follow this path should also be continue to be in demand. willing to live in several different countries over Most people in the financial industry have at the course of their careers, as this will be a future least a bachelor’s degree, with the most employ - trend. able earning MBAs. Content creation Certifications are required in some fields. A As marketing becomes education-based and good track record is necessary for success, as are less sales-based, demand for business writers exemplary people skills, math ability, and the who specialize in blogs, newsletters, website ar - ability to handle stress.

June-2020 Punjab Advance 35 Current Events COVID-19

Special trains introduced $3.6 m US aid to fight COVID-19 The Indian Railways partially restored its On May 12, 2020, the United States Centre services in a graded manner on May 12, 2020. for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) an - The railways will be plying 15 pairs of special nounced 3.6 million USD assistance to India in trains, which makes it a total of 30 trains from order to fight against COVID-19.The fund allo - New Delhi to select cities.The special passen - cated is to be used to prevent, respond and ger trains are in addition to the shramik special prepare India to act against the spread of trains that have been plying between states COVID-19. The funds will also be used to since May 1, 2020. The special passenger trains strengthen laboratory capacities of India. This have resumed operations with only Air Condi - specifically includes serology and molecular di - tioned classes- First AC, Second AC and Third agnostics.The funds will also be used to sup - AC. The railways is accepting only online book - port Infection Prevention and Control centres. ing through the IRCTC website. The Maximum These centres will improve the ability of the Advance Reservation Period (ARP) will be of a hospital networks to detect COVID-19 maximum of 7 days. The railways is accepting Guidelines for Antibody Test Kits only online booking through the IRCTC web - On May 13, 2020, the Indian Council of site. The Maximum Advance Reservation Pe - Medical Research released guidelines for using riod (ARP) will be of a maximum of 7 days. The rapid antibody kits for COVID-19. The Council passengers have been encouraged to carry has also listed the names of the manufacturers their own food and drinking water. The pas - that produced these kits. It includes two Chi - sengers should reach the station at least 90 nese manufacturers as well. The antibody tests minutes in advance to facilitate thermal according to the apex body are not recom - screening. The passengers should carry their mended for diagnosis of COVID-19. The tests own linen. are to be used only for surveillance issues. The Rs 20 lakh cr package licenses of the two Chinese companies that are On May 12, 2020, Prime Minister Narendra now included in the list were cancelled by the Modi announced a new scheme called “Atma Central Drugs Standard Control Organization. Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan”. Under the new However, they have found their names in the scheme, 20 lakh crore of package has been an - list. nounced. Under the scheme, the government Men more vulnerable to Covid-19 of India is to support key sectors and also help Initially there was a hypothesis that men achieve measures undertaken by Reserve Bank might be more vulnerable to COVID-19 virus of India. The economic package is 10 per cent than women. However, the hypothesis has of the GDP. The package will also focus on now been proved by a research published in strengthening local markets and supply chains. the European Heart Journal. According to the The scheme will pay special attention on tax findings of the research, the ACE2 enzyme in payers, farmers, labourers, cottage industries the human body is the key factor that enables and MSMEs. The main aim of the scheme is to the COVID-19 to infect human cells. The study become self reliant.The Scheme will also focus has found that levels of ACE2 enzymes are on Vocal for Local. more in men than in women.

36 Punjab Advance June-2020 Current Events NATIONAL

General bats for jawans novel severe events.The researchers found The retirement age of jawans in the Army, that conditions briefly crossed into the danger airmen in the IAF and sailors in the Navy is set zone—a combined heat and humidity, or “wet- to increase. Giving this information the Chief bulb temperature,” of 35°C—on 14 occasions, of Defence Staff, Gan Bipin Rawat, said: “We according to 40 years of hourly data. Readings are soon bringing a policy to extend the service of 33°C have come 80 times, and 31°C have oc - profile of the men (forces nomenclature for curred about 1,000 times, reaching beyond the troops) and have an increased minimum re - Middle East and southern Asia. tirement age. The move could benefit almost Global Nutritional Report 15 lakh men of the three armed forces. Gen - On May 13, 2020, the World Health Organ - eral Rawat said: “I am looking at manpower ization released Global Nutrition Report, 2020. costs. Why should a jawan serve for just 15 or According to the report, India is one among the 17 years, why cannot he serve for 30 years? 88 countries that are to miss global nutrition We are losing trained manpower.” targets set for the year 2025. India also has the India attends 7-nation meeting highest rates of domestic inequalities, espe - On May 13, 2020, the External Affairs Min - cially in malnutrition. Along with Nigeria and ister represented India at the 7 nation meeting Indonesia, India was declared the least per - initiated by the United States.The meeting was forming in case of disparities in stunting. The held on the same day, the US Senate passed an Four Nutritional Indicators are anemia among act directing the Secretary of the State to women in reproductive age, stunting among frame a strategy to make Taiwan an observer children under-5, exclusive breast feeding and at the World Health Organization.The meeting childhood overweight. The report says that was held to gain support from the participating India is to miss the target on all four nutritional nations. It includes Australia, India, Brazil, indicators. Japan, Israel and the Republic of Korea. The Direct seeding of rice meet is significant as India is to hold the chair The farmers of Punjab and Haryana are of the World Health Organization in May 2020 being encouraged to adopt “direct seeding of after Japan completes its tenure. India will con - rice” due to shortage of labour. This is being tinue to hold the chair for the next three years. encouraged in place of conventional trans - Study warns of early Warming planting. During Conventional Transplanting, According to a new research the Climate the farmers prepare nurseries. The paddy scientists warning about a lethal combination seeds are first sown in the nurseries and raised of heat and humidity making currently inhab - to young plants. These young plants are called ited parts of the planet uninhabitable for seedlings. The seedlings are then uprooted months is making its presence felt. The study— from the nurseries and planted in the main published in the journal Science Advances field. It takes 25 to 35 days for the seedling to under the vivid title “The emergence of heat raise.The nursery bed is 5% to 10% of the main and humidity too severe for human toler - field. This process requires extensive labour - ance”— found the Persian Gulf, along with ing, especially for replanting the seedlings. parts of Pakistan, is already susceptible to Also, it requires plenty of water.

June-2020 Punjab Advance 37 Luminaries Bhai Vir Singh, father of modern Punjabi literature Time to promote his house as pilgrimage centre

Punmedia Bureau

hai Vir Singh Ji was one of the greatest writ - Bers of Sikhism. His contribution to Sikh lit - erature and Punjabi literature is unmatched. His narration of history is so vivid, it takes the reader road was changed to Bhai Vir Singh Marg more right back to the time of the story and makes than a decade back, but no one knows the road one feel like a real spectator of that event. by this name. Interestingly, not even the top Born on December 5, 1872, in a devout Sikh brass of the city is “well aware” of the location. family in Amritsar, Bhai Vir Singh is referred to Actually, the road is still known as Lawrence as the father of modern Punjabi literature. He Road. occupies the same place in Punjabi as Iqbal does The picturesque residence, surrounded by in Urdu and Tagore in Bengali. His 61st death an - lush green spacious gardens and orchard, which niversary falls on June 10. should have been a pilgrimage centre for the But what a pity not many can locate his resi - Punjabi writers, is visited by few, as most of the dence, which has been preserved as a museum residents of the city are not even aware about on Lawrence Road, Amritsar. The name of the the rich heritage of Punjabi literature housed

38 Punjab Advance June-2020 Luminaries

book, the poet paints a poignant picture of the lonesome life of a widowed queen, Raj Kaur. It has more than 1200 lines of some of the best po - etry written in Punjabi. With this volume, Bhai Vir Singh began to write verse more regularly, ending up with an output of more than 500 poems. He also wrote three excellent biogra - phies: Sri Kalgidhar Chamatkar (1925), Sri Guru Nanak Chamatkar (1928), and Asht Gur Chamatkar (1951). He wrote only one play, Raja Lokhdata Singh,and did not write any novels after 1907. But he continued to write poetry and scholarly work. Considered to be the harbinger of modern Punjabi literature, Bhai Vir Singh wrote prose, novels, poems, plays and historical research. He also started publishing Khalsa Samachar, the first Punjabi daily. Through the pages of Khalsa Samachar, he tried to bring about social and re - ligious reform such as importance of education, equal rights to women, abolition of the caste system, and so on. He established the Khalsa College in Amritsar, and with the help of Wazir Singh, he set up a lithographic press in Amritsar in 1892. The following year he started the Khalsa Tract Society with a view to serving the country and the Khalsa Panth. He was a great scholar not only of Sikhism but also of Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam. Bhai Vir Singh also edited and published Prachin Panth Prakash and Janamsakhi,the life- there. story of Guru Nanak Dev. He organised the Chief The year 1898 was a landmark in modern Khalsa Diwan, a representative body of the Sikhs Punjabi literature. It saw the publication of Bhai for bringing about religious and social reforms. Vir Singh’s novel Sundari. Some critics went so SInce very few cared to get themselves educated far as to call it the first novel of the Punjabi lan - during his day, he formed the Sikh Educational guage. The plot dealt with the trials and travails Committee for spreading of education. of a small Sikh community during the Mughal "For understanding different religions," he Empire in the 18th century. used to say, "the emphasis is not so much on This immensely popular novel ran into 35 edi - points of similarity as on uniqueness. There are tions, and was followed by Bijay Singh and Sat - many things common between a cow and a buf - want Kaur,both novels. Then came Rana Surat falo; but the cow and the buffalo are not the Singh, often described as an epic poem. In this same."

June-2020 Punjab Advance 39 Tribute

Bhai Vir Singh inspired novelists like Nanak Bhai Vir Singh’s house Singh, Bhai Mohan Singh Vaid, Charan Singh Bhai Vir Singh’s house on Lawrence Road in Shahid, Master Tara Singh and Gurbakhsh Singh. Amritsar, is a living monument of the great Panjab University conferred on him a doctor - writer. But how many of us can locate his house ate in Oriental Learning, and the Sahitya in Bhai Vir Singh Marg? Akademi awarded him its first annual award for The tastefully decorated residence of Bhai Vir outstanding contribution to Punjabi literature. Singh, generally hailed as the father of the mod - He was also awarded the Padma Bhushan. He ern Punjabi literature, is perhaps the most beau - was nominated member of the Punjab Legisla - tiful house (of the state) dating back to the tive Council in 1952. British time. The house provides a nice green space in the concrete commercial jungle of the Hemkunt Sahib link posh Lawrence Road. Bhai Vir Singh was instrumental in locating Though the ancestral house of Bhai Vir Singh the site of Gurdwara Hemkunt Sahib. In the late in Katra Gaarbha Singh in the walled city has dis - 19th century, Sikhs began to search for Hemkunt appeared, this new house bought from a Chris - — a place high in the Himalayan mountains and tian priest of a missionary school in 1925 stands mentioned in the autobiographical Bachitra as a monument of the British era. He moved into Natak of Guru Gobind Singh. The title of this this house in 1930. work roughly translates as the “wonderful The latest information is that newspapers, drama”. periodicals, booklets, books and manuscripts Pandit Tara Singh Narotam, a 19th century along with other documents lying at the resi - Nirmala scholar, was the first Sikh to trace the dence of Bhai Vir Singh are all set to be digitised geographical location of Hemkunt. He wrote of in the coming months. Hemkunt as one among the 508 Sikh shrines he Spread over four acres, the house has pre - described in Sri Gur Tirath Sangrah (first pub - served most of his belongings, writings, pristine lished in 1884). newspapers in form of Bhai Vir Singh museum- Later, Bhai Vir Singh was instrumental in de - cum-library. At present, the house is being man - veloping Hemkunt after it had been, in a sense, aged by a local committee on behalf of New re-discovered by another Sikh in search of the Delhi-based Bhai Vir Singh Sahitya Sadan. A dig - Guru’s tap asthan. Sohan Singh was a retired ital library shall be constructed at the residence. granthi from the Indian army who was working All important papers of the era, such as in a gurdwara in Tehri Garhwal. In 1932, he read Khalsa Samachar, Khalsa Advocate, Akali Patrika, the description of Hemkunt in Bhai Vir Singh’s Khalsa Akhbar and Khalsa Darbar will be dig - Sri Kalgidhar Chamatkar (1929). Bhai Vir Singh’s itlised as per the plan of the authorities of Bhai description was so compelling that on reading it Vir Singh Sahitya Sadan, New Delhi. Sant Sohan Singh resolved to search for the The library is being constructed with the aid place where Guru Gobind Singh had meditated. given by the MP land fund of Rajya Sabha mem - With the inspiration of Bhai Vir Singh, the first ber KTS Tulsi. jatha (group of pilgrims) was formed and spon - Dr Joginder Singh, Director, Bhai Vir Singh Niwas sored by the Chief Khalsa Diwan, Amritsar, in Asthan, said, “The library shall have LED screens 1952. In 1958, the responsibility for Hemkunt and the digitized version being displayed on Sahib shifted to the Chief Khalsa Diwan branch in them. We are collecting them and it shall take Kanpur. about six months to come with everything.”

40 Punjab Advance June-2020 Literature ’s links with Bollywood legends

Ancestral homes of Dilip Kumar, Raj Kapoor and Shahrukh Khan in 200-metre radius

Punmedia Bureau

eshawar's love for Bollywood legends who Khwani Bazar, one can come across the ances - Pwere born here or whose families belong to tral homes of three legends of Indian cinema -- this city still stands tall despite the the high hand - Dilip Kumar, Raj Kapoor and Shahrukh Khan-- in edness of the state apparatus to quell such feel - a 10-minute walk. These houses are located ings. In 2016, Jahangir Khan, a shoemaker and within a radius of just 200 metres. Shahrukh Khan's fan, landed himself in jail after Qissa Khwani translates to mean a street of claiming to have made Peshawari chappals from story tellers. The Peshawar neighbourhood has deer skin for the King Khan. quite a story to tell. In the narrow streets of Peshawar's Qissa Peshawar has also gained infamy as a no-go

June-2020 Punjab Advance 41 Literature

zone after Pakistan's shift towards Islamization under General Zia-ul-Haq, boosted by Saudi Ara - bia's visible investment in seminaries and mosques, the introduction of a Kalashnikov cul - ture and the tribal regions turning into jihadi launchpads. But the city still has recorded memories of the "handsome" Prithviraj Kapoor and Shah Rukh's paternal family who recall childhood visits of the star. Peshawar also claims to hold the roots of Madhubala, Vinod Khanna, Amjad Khan and film producer Surinder Kapoor, the late father of . The Partition halted the traffic of talent to In - dian cinema from Pakistan. Later, the jihad in Afghanistan against the Soviet Union changed the outlook of this historical city. "We were living in undivided India at the time when there was a sizeable Hindu population. Men as well as women mingled freely with Mus - lims in the market square, wishing each other and exchanging pleasantries ever so cheerfully," Dilip Kumar wrote in his autobiography "Dilip He also recalled his family's association with Kumar - The Substance And The Shadow". the Kapoors. "Aghaji (my father), had many Hindu friends, and one of them was Bashesh - warnathji, who held an important job in the In - dian Civil Services. His elder son came to our In the narrow streets of Pe - house with him a few times and he stunned the shawar's Qissa Khwani Bazar, one ladies with his handsome appearance. That was Raj Kapoor's father Prithviraj Kapoor," he re - can come across the ancestral counted. In the narrow streets of Qissa Khwani, a 10- homes of three legends of Indian minute walk can take a visitor to the ancestral homes of Dilip Kumar, Raj Kapoor and Shah Rukh cinema -- Dilip Kumar, Raj Khan. All within a radius of 200 metres. Kapoor and Shahrukh Khan-- in a At Muhallah Khudadad is Dilip Kumar's home, dilapidated and with cobwebs all around. The ad - 10-minute walk. These houses are jacent Shah Wali Qataal locality is a three-storey renovated building where Taj Muhammad, Shah located within a radius of just Rukh's father, was born. 200 metres. A narrow street from there leads to Dakki Nal - bandi, where on a hill top is the three-storey crumbling Kapoor Haveli. Arched windows and

42 Punjab Advance June-2020 Literature

students' wing of the All India National Congress. After Partition, he said a permanent farewell to Peshawar and moved to Delhi in 1948. Maqsood said Shah Rukh visited Peshawar twice with his father. "He came in 1978 and in 1980 with his father. The second time he stayed for a month," he said. Maqsood recalled that the actor, who must have been a teenager then, had visited Torkham, a town on the border with Afghanistan in the Khyber tribal region, the Swat hill station and the Michni area on the outskirts of Peshawar, where he swam in the river Kabul. "Shah Rukh loved Afghani food," Maqsood said. The actor's cousin Nur Jehan currently occu - pies the ancestral house of his father. Details of where Madhubala's ancestral home is located are unknown. Her father Attaullah Khan was a Yousafza. Kapoor Haveli to house a museum balconies make the facade look grand but it is a The Pakistan Government has decided to con - ruin. "People come here, take pictures and leave vert the the Kapoor Haveli in the Qissa Khwani after making tall claims that the grand building Bazar in Peshawar into a museum. would be renovated but we don't see them This follows a request by Rishi Kapoor, who again," said Muhammad Ishaq, 87, a resident. died recently, to Pak Foreign Minister Shah Mah - Prithviraj, Raj Kapoor's father, was the first mood Qureshi, to convert his ancestral house Hindu Pathan from Peshawar who left a mark as into a museum. actor and producer in Bollywood, which then did "There was a call from Rishi Kapoor. He re - not have this moniker. quested that his family's home in Peshawar Maqsood Ahmed, one of Shah Rukh's first should be made into a museum or some sort of cousins, said Taj Muhammad was the youngest institution. We have accepted his request," he of five brothers and a sister. While the star's told a group of visiting Indian journalists. aunt, Kher Jan, and two uncles, Khan Muham - The Kapoor Haveli in Qissa Khwani Bazar was mad and Mian Muhammad, were unmarried, the built by Basheswarnath Kapoor, the father of children of his two remaining uncles, Allah Bollywood icon Prithviraj Kapoor. Raj Kapoor, the Bakhsh and Ghulam Muhammad alias Gama, still son of Prithviraj Kapoor, was born in Peshawar live in Peshawar. on December 14, 1924. The actor-director is best Shah Rukh's father was a graduate from Pe - known for a string of hit films he made in the shawar's Edwards College, one of Pakistan's elite 1950s and 1960s. and oldest academic missionary institutions. He The left Peshawar after the Par - was a die-hard Indian nationalist affiliated to a tition in 1947.

June-2020 Punjab Advance 43 Health A challenge for oral healthcare experts

Dr.Gagan Puri and Dr.Tarun Kumar

ain in tooth is like a nightmare for any per - somebody is facing difficulty in the mouth, it’s a Pson. It is considered to be the most painful dental emergency. and unbearable problem since ages. CLASSIFICATION OF DENTAL EMERGENCY Toothache can be due to a number of reasons, (as per DCI guidelines) like cavities in teeth, gum diseases To list top- most reasons behind it. A.) EMERGENCY Dentists are the professionals who treat these (Situations which increase the patient’s death diseases and help the person get rid of the prob - risk) lem. COVID19 has been declared as pandemic by -Uncontrolled bleeding. the World Health Organisation (WHO). The dis - -Cellulitis or diffuse bacterial infections leading to ease has shown a rapid spread along the chain of intra-oral or extra-oral edemas, and potential risk persons in contact. It affects the respiratory sys - of damage to airways tem of the body that may lead to severe prob - -Facial bones trauma,which may damage the pa - lems like severe pain, fullcough, highgrade fever, tient’s airways. difficulty in breathing. The virus causing the disease can spread through rapidly via oral (saliva) and nasal secre - It is advised to follow the tions as droplet infection while sneezing and government guidelines and coughing. The dentist is the person who deals with oral follow social distancing. But secretions, saliva while treating the person for any oral problem. So it becomes a real challenge what if somebody is facing for the oral healthcare professionals while deal - difficulty in the mouth, it’s ing with the patients in this pandemic. It is advised to follow the government guide - a dental emergency. lines and follow social distancing. But what if

44 Punjab Advance June-2020 B.) URGENT conditions for essential procedures to get rid of (situations which require priority care but do not pain and any potential health risk. For nonessen - increase the patient’s death risk) tial procedures postpone your treatment.

-Acute dental pain(Pulpitis). Guidelines to be followed before going -Pericoronitis. to a dentist: -Alveolitis. Schedule aprior appointment with the doctor -Dental or periodontal abscesses. and follow the time schedule. - Dental care needed for another critical medical Visit the clinic for essential procedure only, as procedure. -Cementation fixed Prosthodontics or directed by the doctor. crowns. Always use mask outdoor and keep wearing it -Biopsies. until asked by the doctor to uncover mouth for -Adjustments of orthesis and prosthesis that checkup. cause pain and compromise chewing function. Follow social distancing guidelines in the wait - -Changing intracanal medication. ing area. -Removal of extensive dental caries or restora - Avoid touching surfaces and things like maga - tions that cause pain. zines in the clinic. -Mucositis. Remember the words "everything is tempo - -Dental trauma with avulsion or luxation. rary in this world", even this pandemic will pass and we will have a COVID19 free environment. Visit the dental clinic for above mentioned Stay home, stay safe!

June-2020 Punjab Advance 45 Children’s World

Hi kids,

o you know that pre-historic dinosaurs who years ago. It is a park worth a visit. The authori - Druled the earth millions of years ago were ties have reconstructed various fossils and prim - the natives of the Shivalik Hills in Himachal itive species in the form of life-size models. These Pradesh. Yes, excvations over the years, have models have been made using glass, fibre and made Shivalik a treasure trove of dinosaur fossils. resins. These models of various extinct mammals The Shivaliks, also known as the sub-Himalaya generate scientific and biological interest in peo - or the foothills, run in a continuous belt from ple’s mind. Jammu, through the Kangra Valley and then on The distance of Shivalik Fossil Park from through the Sirmaur District to Dehradun and fur - Nahan is about 22 km and one has to cross a ther on the Bhabbar tracts of Garhwal and Ku - bridge that is over Markanda valley and then a maon. Consisting of about 6,000 meters of 12 km stretch of inhospitable road to reach the layered rocks, some as old as 25 million years, destination. Nahan is the district headquarters of these hills contain one of the world's richest col - Sirmaur. lections of mammalian fossils. To reach the park, one has to reach Ambala or The Geological Survey of India selected Chandigarh, which are approximately 65 km or Suketi, a small village, 22 km south of Nahan, Hi - 85 km, respectively, from Suketi. The distance of machal Pradesh, to create a fossil park. The idea Kala Amb from this park is about 5 km if coming about the park came up in 1969, but it took al - from Kala Amb-Bikramabad road. most five years to bring life into that idea. ----Uncle Don This unique project park was finally inaugu - rated in 1974. The park is a treasure trove of models of primitiv e animals which once lived in the area around 2 million

46 Punjab Advance June-2020 Children’s World

Return of the dinosaurs

n a lost land of Itropical forests, on top of the only mountain in the re - gion, trapped inside an old volcanic crater system, lived the last ever group of large, ferocious dinosaurs. For thousands and thousands of years they had sur - vived all the changes on earth, and now, led by the great Ferocitaurus, they were planning to come out of hid - seemed like tiny dots. Never having seen human ing and to dominate the world once again. beings before, the dinosaurs leapt down the Ferocitaurus was an awesome Tyrannosaurus mountainside, ready to destroy anything that Rex who had decided they had spent too much stood in their way... time isolated from the rest of the world. So, over However, as they approached that little town, a few years, the dinosaurs worked together, de - the houses were getting bigger and bigger... and molishing the walls of the great crater. When the when the dinosaurs finally arrived, it turned out work was done, all the dinosaurs carefully sharp - that the houses were much bigger than the di - ened their claws and teeth, in readiness to ter - nosaurs themselves. A boy who was passing by rorise the world once again. said: "Daddy! Daddy! I've found some tiny di - On leaving their home of thousands of years, nosaurs! Can I keep them?" everything was new to them, very different to And such is life. The terrifying Ferocitaurus what they had been used to inside the crater. and his friends ended up as pets for the village However, for days, the dinosaurs continued on, children. Seeing how millions of years of evolu - resolute. tion had turned their species into midget di - Finally, from the top of some mountains, they nosaurs, they learned that nothing lasted forever, saw a small town. Its houses and townsfolk and that you must always be ready to adapt.

Punjab Advance 47 June-2020 What the stars foretell Dr. Prem Kumar Sharma (Astrologer, Palmist, Numerologist & Vastu Consultant) email: [email protected]

Aries: (March 21-April 20): It will be Leo: (July 23-August 23): You may Sagittarius: (November 23-December a satisfying month for you both per - have to remain on your toes regard - 21): A surprise on the romantic front is all set to delight you. Do something sonally and professionally. Keep con - ing an important assignment on the about a situation before it gets out of fidential things to yourself, as academic front. Your efforts on the hand on the academic front. A con - someone may try to take advantage of social front will be lauded and can scious effort on your part will help you.. Couples recently married can even get you some kind of recogni - boost earning and stabilize the finan - expect the relationship to grow cial front. Meeting an old buddy is on strong. Delays while travelling can tion. Your intuition and foresight the cards for some. Differences with upset your plans and force you to will not let you down, as you tackle spouse may keep the domestic front reschedule your itinerary. the situations arising with precision. tensed.

Taurus: Taurus (April 21-May 20): Virgo: (August 24-September 23): Capricorn: Capricorn (December 22- Time looks favourable for those An excellent time for an outing is January 21): Getting a new lease of life pushing for a property deal. You are foreseen, which you will enjoy to the on the academic front is indicated. Fi - likely to upset lover due to your over - hilt. Regular workouts will condition nancial constraints that you were bearing nature. A complicated matter your body, leading to fitness. A com - working under in the past are likely to is best left untouched as stars don’t petition can find you pitted against be lifted. Job seekers will succeed in seem favourable. There is someone the best. Keep a track of your health. bagging a job that fits their bill. Leav - who fancies you as a professional and A professionally sound strategy in - ing something to be done at a later date is not advised, so finish whatever would like to come closer, find out troduced by you will succeed in the is given to you as early as possible. who. competitive environment.

Gemini: (May 21-July 21): Good re - Libra: (September 24-October 23): Aquarius: (January 22-February 19): turns from a property deal are likely Some of you may make plans for You will be on the centre stage of for some. It is best not to take any risk travel overseas. Wealth may come to something exciting that is happening on the financial front, even if it is a you by way of inheritance. Pending on the social front. Avoid indulging in calculated one. Things will go fine for tasks will not let you relax at work. A excesses to preserve your health. Be those starting something new. You favourable time is foreseen for those alert in handling financial matters, as can find it difficult to curb wasteful expenditure at home. Some of you taking up a new job. A delay in meet - you can make a wrong decision. Busi - will be able to save enough to buy ing lover can make you waste some nesspersons will need to think up bet - what you had always wanted. more time in wooing him or her. ter ideas to beat the competition.

Cancer: (July 22-July 22): You will Scorpio: (October 24-November 22): Pisces: (February 20-March 20): A start managing your finances well You can be much in demand at the health expert is likely to guide you in and also save something for future. workplace for your talents. A disap - achieving total fitness. You will be able pointing performance on the aca - Home front will become a fun place to stabilise your financial front. You demic front may lower your morale. as friends arrive. Some travelling will will prove yourself to be a strong con - Difficulties are foreseen for busi - need to be undertaken in a venture tender on the academic front. You nesspersons trying to raise capital for may get romantically inclined towards undertaken by you. Your advice on a a project. Health improves by eating someone you consider attractive. A professional matter will come in right. A family member, splurging small problem may become big, if you handy. Lonely hearts will have to your hard earned money, needs to be don’t take timely action. wait some more for love to happen. controlled.

48 Punjab Advance June-2020 FEEDBACK

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June-2020 Punjab Advance 49 LAST WORD A namesake affair

Iqbal Singh Ahuja

ne fine evening I got a telephone call from Without him the world will be barren,” she reit - Omy friend’s daughter-in-law. She was sob - erated. bing. I asked her to come over. I advised her not to take any hasty step. Within half an hour she was in my clinic. I One day she landed in my clinic along with could see the stress on her face. Her eyes were Sunaina. I made them comfortable and offered swollen and red. them cold drinks. After sometime when they “What’s the problem, I asked, “you have not were at ease, I asked Sunaina about her family even finished your honeymoon as yet. You two life. have hardly understood each other.” Sunaina smiled and said: “I am a very lucky “You are right, uncle. But how can we under - girl. I have found true love in Gaurav. Our hus - stand each other when my partner does not have bands are friends since childhood. They can af - any time for me and when he is attached to ford to miss their wives but not each other.” someone else?” she asked me. “How do you find Gaurav,” I asked her. “Are you sure? You must be having some mis - “He is a loveable, sincere and a pleasing per - understanding,” I told her. sonality. He is too good to be described in For a minute she was quiet. She belonged to words. that generation of my patients who consider me I could see my friend’s daughter-in-law’s face more than a father. For them I am not just a doc - turning red. tor. This generation of patients exudes affection. After she had finished her sermon on Gaurav, I am duty-bound to listen, help and sometimes I asked her: “Do you know somebody is very advise/scold their parents. upset because of your close relationship with “You know uncle, his girlfriend Sunaina had Gaurav?” openly admitted her relationship with Gaurav, She looked stunned and said: “I cannot stop my husband”, she told me. somebody feeling jealous. Let her or him burn in “Uncle, I distinctly remember when we got their own jealousy.” married Gaurav told me that Sunaina is an ideal “Doctor uncle, you tell me why somebody woman. She is a perfect wife and a very good should feel jealous? I can sit, talk and love Gau - friend. I should try to emulate her. It is a pleasure rav, he is mine afterall. He is my husband and I to visit her and spend some time with her. Uncle, have complete right on him,” she retorted. do you realise, how difficult it is for a newly mar - My friend’s daughter-in-law was stunned. She ried girl to digest such words. Anyway I just said, “Sunaina, your husband’s name is also Gau - shrugged it off then,” she said. rav.” “Only yesterday I met Sunaina.She told me Sunaina smiled and said: “that is why they are that Gaurav is great. I wait for him and he wastes great friends”. no time on the way. From the factory he comes I started laughing and said. “In this world it is straight to me and we chat over a cup of tea. very rare that a tragedy ends in

50 Punjab Advance June-2020 The Government of Punjab is now on Social media

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Kabir Jayanti (June 5)