Biogeography of the Llanos De Moxos Roberto Langstroth Plotkin 183
MF Geographica Helvetica Jg. 66 2011/Heft 3 Biogeography of the Llanos de Moxos Roberto Langstroth Plotkin 183 Biogeography of the Llanos de Moxos: natural and anthropogenic determinants Roberto Langstroth Plotkin, South Riding Bactris, Ceiba, Coccoloba, Ficus, Genipa, Guarea, Hura, Inga, Maclura, Margaritaria, Salacia, Spondias, Sterculia, Swartzia, Syagrus, Tabebuia, Trichilia, Tripla- 1 Introduction ris, and Vitex (Beck 1983; Langstroth 1996). Prior to the arrival of Europeans in the Americas, the Semialturas are levee backslopes and splays with human inhabitants of the Llanos de Moxos constructed brief, shallow inundations and vegetation contingent diverse earthworks such as mounds and causeways, upon the fire regimes. Semialturas may support largely raised agricultural fields in the savannas and managed deciduous forest or woodland (genera such as Acroco- the landscape using fire and other tools (Denevan mia, Astronium, Coccoloba, Copernicia, Cordia, Cupa- 1966; Langstroth 1996; Lombardo & Prümers 2010; nia, Enterolobium, Geoffroea, Guazuma, Piptadenia, Lombardo et al. 2011). Erickson (2008) considers the Pithecellobium, Randia, Samanea, Sterculia, Tabebuia, Llanos de Moxos to be an example of an Amazonian and Zanthoxylum), Cerrado («campo cerrado» or «domesticated landscape» and, based on evidence «campo sujo», genera listed below), or pampa with from Moxos, claims that «nature in Amazonia more scattered fire tolerant trees Pseudobombax,( Tabe- closely resembles a garden than a pristine, natural buia) and Copernicia palms (Beck 1983; Langstroth wilderness.» These arguments presume that Moxos 1996). Termite mounds are frequent and present small is representative of Amazonia and also discount the woody islands with Celtis, Cereus, Coccoloba, Coper- roles of longer-term physical and biological processes nicia, Cordia, Machaerium, Rhamnidium, and Sorocea in play since the Miocene when extensive non-forest (Beck 1983; Langstroth 1996).
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