Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters 21st International Conference on VLSI Design, Hyderabad

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura

Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Madras Chennai, 600036, India

4 January 2008


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Outline

Introduction to sampling and quantization Quantization noise spectral density Oversampling -∆Σ modulation High order multi bit ∆Σ modulators Stability of ∆Σ A/D converters Implementation of ∆Σ A/D converters Loop filter design Multi bit quantizer design Excess delay compensation Clock jitter effects Mitigation of feedback DAC mismatch Dynamic element matching DAC calibration Case study 15 bit continuous-time ∆Σ ADC for digital audio 2

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters processing systems

Sensor(s) Digital Processing Actuator(s) .

. DSP ...0100011011... .

Continuous-time Discrete -time Continuous-time Continuous-amplitude Discrete -amplitude Continuous-amplitude Interface Electronics (Signal Conditioning) (A-D and D-A Conversion)


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters systems

Natural world: continuous-time analog Storage and processing: discrete-time digital signals Data conversion circuits interface between the two Wide variety of precision and speed


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Continuous time signals

Continuous−time analog signal








0 0 T 2T 3T 4T 5T 6T 7T 8T 9T 10T s s s s s s s s s s Signals defined for all t Signals can take any value in a given range


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Discrete time signals

Discrete time signal








0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Signals defined for discrete instants n Signals can take any value in a given range


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Digital signals

Sampled quantized(digital) signal








0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Signals defined for discrete instants n

Signals can take discrete values kVLSB


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Sampling and quantization

A segment of a continuous-time signal has an infinite number of points of infinite precision Discretization of time (sampling) and amplitude (quantization) results in a finite number of points of finite precision Sampling and quantization = Analog to digital conversion Errors in the process?


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Signals in time and frequency domains

Continuous time signal xct (t) Frequency domain representation using its Fourier transform Xct (f )

∞ Xct (f ) = xct (t) exp( j2πft)dt Z − −∞

Discrete time signal xd [n] Frequency domain representation using its Fourier transform Xd (ν)

∞ X [ν] = x [n] exp( j2πνn) d d − n=X −∞

Xd [ν] periodic with a period of 1 9

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Signals in time and frequency domains

Continuous−time analog signal Fourier transform of a continuous−time signal



5V LSB 1.0




V LSB f b 0 0 0 0 T 2T 3T 4T 5T 6T 7T 8T 9T 10T f 2f s s s s s s s s s s s s

∞ =Xct (f ) xct (t) exp( j2πft)dt Z − −∞

Signal bandwidth f : Xct (f ) = 0 for f > f b | | b 10

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Signals in time and frequency domains

Discrete time signal Fourier transform of a discrete time signal



5V LSB 1.0





0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

∞ X [ν] = x [n] exp( j2πνn) d d − n=X −∞

Xd [ν] periodic with a period of 1 X [ν], 0 ν 0.5 completely defines real x [n] d ≤ ≤ d 11

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Sampling an analog signal

Sampled analog signal








0 0 T 2T 3T 4T 5T 6T 7T 8T 9T 10T s s s s s s s s s s

xd [n] = xct (nTs)

Analog signal sampled to obtain a discrete-time signal 12

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Sampling

Fourier transform of a sampled signal with f =2f Sampled analog signal s b 7V LSB


5V LSB 1.0




V LSB f b 0 0 0 0 T 2T 3T 4T 5T 6T 7T 8T 9T 10T f 2f s s s s s s s s s s s s

1 ∞ X [ν] = Xct (νfs n) d T − s n=X −∞

Copies of signal spectrum at nfs = n/Ts

Perfect reconstruction possible for fs 2f ≥ b 13

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Sampling without

Fourier transform of a sampled signal with f =2f s b


f b 0 0 f 2f 14 s s

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Reconstruction from sampled signal

Fourier transform of a sampled signal with f =2f s b

Reconstruction filter 1.0

f b 0 0 f 2f 15 s s

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Aliasing during sampling

Fourier transform of a sampled signal with f =f s b


f b 0 0 f 2f 16 s s

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Sampling followed by quantization

Quantized Sampled analog signal








0 0 T 2T 3T 4T 5T 6T 7T 8T 9T17 10T s s s s s s s s s s

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Quantization followed by sampling

Sampled continuous−time quantized signal








0 0 T 2T 3T 4T 5T 6T 7T 8T 9T18 10T s s s s s s s s s s

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Quantization

Quantizer characteristics Quantized sine wave 7V LSB







0 0 V 2V 3V 4V 5V 6V 7V LSB LSB LSB LSB LSB LSB LSB Nonlinearity results in harmonic distortion Harmonics folded about the sampling frequency


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Sampling and Quantization-Spectral density

Spectra of quantized sinewave before and after sampling Quantized sampled sinewave spectrum 0 0

−5 −5

−10 −10

−15 dB −15 dB

−20 −20

−25 −25

−30 −30 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 f/f f/f s s


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Sampling and Quantization-Spectral density

Spectra of quantized sinewave before and after sampling Quantized sampled sinewave spectrum 0 0

−5 −5

−10 −10

−15 dB −15 dB

−20 −20

−25 −25

−30 −30 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 f/f f/f s s

fs/f = p/q, large p, q: Closely spaced tones noise in ∼ fs/fin irrational: Continuous spectrum Approximated by a constant spectral density


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Quantization error model


y v y Σ v

e = v-y

Modelled as an additive error


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Quantization error distribution

Quantization error V LSB pe area=1 V /2 LSB



V /2 LSB


Quantization error in the range [ V /2, V /2] − LSB LSB Uniform distribution Mean squared value of V 2 /12 LSB 23

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Sampling and Quantization-Error

Se(f) 2 area=V LSB/12 2 V LSB/6fs


0 fs/2 ν Se( ) 2 area=V LSB/12 2 V LSB/6

ν 0 1/2 Fully correlated to the input signal Statistics independent of the input signal 2 Uniform distribution; mean = 0; variance = VLSB/12 White spectral density Modelled as uncorrelated additive 24

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Sampling and Quantization- SNR

N 2 level quantizer with VLSB spacing N 1 Full scale sinewave input—amplitude (2 − VLSB) N 1 2 Mean squared signal: 2 − VLSB /2 2  Mean squared noise: VLSB/12 3 2N SNR = 2 2 = 6.02 N + 1.78 dB


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Sampling and Quantization

Fourier transform of a continuous−time signal


f b 0 0 f 2f 26 s s

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Sampling and Quantization

Fourier transform of a sampled signal with f =2f s b


f b 0 0 f 2f 27 s s

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Sampling and Quantization

Signal and quantization noise


V2 /6f LSB s

f b 0 0 f 2f 28 s s

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Oversampling and Quantization

Fourier transform of a sampled signal with f =4f s b


f b 0 0 f /2 f 29 s s

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Oversampling and Quantization

Signal and quantization noise


V2 /6f LSB s f b 0 0 f /2 f 30 s s

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Oversampling

Sample at fs 2f ≫ in Oversampling ratio OSR = fs/2fin

Filter the noise using a filter of bandwidth fb 2 Mean squared value of error = VLSB/12/OSR Increased signal to quantization noise ratio


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Oversampling and Quantization- SNR

N 2 level quantizer with VLSB spacing N 1 Full scale sinewave input—amplitude = 2 − VLSB Oversampling ratio OSR N 1 2 Mean squared signal: 2 − VLSB /2 2  Mean squared noise: VLSB/12/OSR 3 2N SNR = 2 2 OSR = 6.02 N + 10 log OSR + 1.76 dB


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Oversampling and Quantization

Signal and quantization noise


V2 /6f LSB s f b 0 0 f /2 f s s Move quantization error to filter stopband?


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Quantizer


y v y Σ v

e = v-y

Hard nonlinearity Modelled as additive error


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Linearization of soft nonlinearity

u Σ high y v + gain -

Negative feedback loop Loop gain Error u v 0 → ∞ ⇒ − →


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Linearization of hardnonlinearity

u Σ high y v + gain -

Quantizer output cannot equal the input Loop gain Error u v → ∞ ⇒ | − | → ∞


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Reduce error to zero only in the signal band

u Σ high gain y v + at low freq. -

Negative feedback loop with dc loop gain → ∞ Small loop gain at high frequencies Error u v 0 at low frequencies | − | →


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters First order ∆Σ modulator

-1 u Σ z y v + 1-z-1 -

Loop filter is an accumulator Error u v 0 at low frequencies | − | → Differencing followed by accumulation–∆Σ modulator


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Noise and Signal transfer functions

e u z-1 y + v Σ + Σ + 1-z-1 -

1 1 V z− /1 z− STF = = 1 − 1 U 1 + z− /1 z− 1 − = z− V 1 NTF = = 1 1 E 1 + z− /1 z− 1 − = 1 z− − 39

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Noise transfer function

First order noise transfer function 2.0


0 0 f /2 40 s

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Output noise spectral density

1.0 1.0

shaped quantization noise

shaped quantization noise

2 V2 /6f V /6f LSB s f LSB s f b b 0 0 0 0 f /4 f /2 f /4 s s s

2 Sve (ν) = Se(ν) 1 exp( j2πν) | − 2 − | = 4Se(ν) sin (πν) 2 Sve (f ) = 4Se(f ) sin (πf /fs)


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Output noise in the signal band

fb 2 ve = Sve (f )df Z0 2 fb VLSB 2 = 4 sin (πf /fs)df 6fs Z0 2 fb VLSB 2 4 (πf /fs) df ≈ 6fs Z0 V 2 π2 2f 3 = LSB b 12 3  fs  V 2 π2 1 3 = LSB 12 3 OSR 


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Oversampling with noise shaping

3 Output noise OSR− with first order noise shaping ∝ 1 Output noise OSR− with no noise shaping ∝ (2L+1) th Output noise OSR− with L order noise shaping ∝ Tremendous increase in signal to noise ratio with oversampling


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Oversampling, Noise shaping, and Quantization- SNR

N 2 level quantizer with VLSB spacing N 1 Full scale sinewave input—amplitude = 2 − VLSB Oversampling ratio OSR First order noise shaping N 1 2 Mean squared signal: 2 − VLSB /2 2 2 3 Mean squared noise: (VLSB/12)(π /3)1/OSR SNR = 9 22N OSR3 = 6.02 N + 30 log OSR 3.4 dB 2π2 −


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Noise transfer functions

1 1 z− for a first order ∆Σ modulator − N Higer order differencing ( 1 z 1 ) in higher order ∼ − − modulators  Crucial quantity in the design of delta sigma modulators


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters ∆Σ analog to digital converter

u v Σ + H(z) A/D - Loop filter


Analog to digital converter (Flash) in the forward path Digital to analog converter in the feedback path Output noise in signal band suppressed by noise shaping Output of the analog to digital converter is the oversampled digital output v 46

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Summary

Sampling preserves the signal if fs 2fb 2 ≥ Quantization adds an error VLSB/12 Quantization error modelled as additive white noise Oversampling and filtering reduces quantization error in the signal band Oversampling, noise shaping, and filtering provides a much higher reduction of quantization error in the signal band


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters High Order NTFs E

X z VY - z-1


For the first order loop V (z) = X(z) + (1 z 1) E(z) − − STF = 1, NTF = 1 z 1 − − Can we do better ?


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters High Order NTFs E

X z Y1 z VY - z-1 - z-1

z-1 E(1-z-1)

X z Y1 V - z-1


V (z) = X(z) + (1 z 1)2 E(z) − − Second Order Noise Shaping Can be extended to higher orders 49

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters High Order NTFs

In-band quantization noise for a first order NTF is π OSR 2 3 ∆2 2 ∆ π Q 12π ω dω = ≈ Z0 36π OSR 

1 N What if the NTF was of the form (1 z− ) ? π − OSR 2 2N+1 ∆2 2N ∆ π Q 12π ω dω = ≈ Z0 12(2N + 1)π OSR 

Increasing order can dramatically reduce in-band quantization noise.


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters High Order NTFs 20 Signal Band 10 0 −10 −20 −30

20 log |NTF| −40 −50 −60 −70 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 ω/π Higher order Reduced in-band noise ⇒ NTF gain increases at high frequencies (around ω π). ≈ Why cant one go on increasing order ? 51

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Stability of ∆Σ Modulators

U L0 Y V


Y (z) = L0(z)U(z) + L1(z)V (z) v is the quantized version of y.


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Stability of ∆Σ Modulators

U. STF(z) E U. STF(z) U L 0 E.(NTF(z) -1) Y E. NTF(z) V


Quantizer is modeled as an additive noise source. V (z) = U(z)STF(z) + E(z)NTF(z) Y (z) = U(z)STF(z) + E(z)(NTF(z) 1) − In the signal band, STF(z) 1 ≈ Quantizer Input (ADC input) + (Shaped Noise) ≈ 53

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Stability of ∆Σ Modulators 20 20

15 15

10 10

5 5

0 0

−5 −5

−10 −10

−15 −15

−20 −20 0 100 200 0 100 200 Quantizer input for OBG=1.5 and OBG=3.5 54

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Gain of a Nonlinear Characteristic


Gain = ?

Assume an infinite precision quantizer with saturation. What is its gain ? Gain depends on signal. Black sinewave : Gain = 1 Red sinewave : Gain < 1 55

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Gain of a Nonlinear Characteristic


Gain = ?

E(v.y) Gain = E(y.y) . Makes intuitive sense. E(v.y) is the average value of v.y. E(v.y) is a measure of how much the output “resembles” the input. 56

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Gain of a Nonlinear Characteristic


Gain = ?

If input to the quantizer exceeds the quantizer range Quantizer gain falls. If quantizer gain falls, system poles can move out of the unit circle. Modulator will become unstable. Signal level dependent loop stability has to be expected. 57

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Intuition about Loop Stability Loop becomes unstable if the quantizer saturates. Saturation occurs if the quantizer input exceeds the quantizer range. Quantizer Input = ADC Input + Shaped Noise. Conclusions - The maximum ADC input must be smaller than the quantizer range. (called the Maximum Stable Amplitude (MSA)). More “shaped” noise More likelihood of instability. → More shaped noise Lesser in-band noise. → An aggressive NTF will have a reduced MSA.


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Estimating Maximum Stable Amplitude (MSA) Simulation is the best way. Keep stepping up the input sinewave amplitude. For every amplitude, compute in-band SNR. Beyond the MSA, the closed loop poles move out of the unit-circle. Noise shaping is lost In-band SNR falls. Quantizer input tends⇒ to infinity. Time consuming.


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Estimating MSA Without Sinewave Inputs Originally proposed by Lars Risbo. Put a slowly increasing ramp into the ADC. Beyond the MSA, the closed loop poles move out of the unit-circle. Quantizer input tends to infinity very rapidly. The value of the ADC input when the quantizer input blows up is the MSA. Found (empirically) to result in an MSA close to that predicted by the sinewave method. Much quicker than the sinewave technique.


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Estimating MSA Without Sinewave Inputs


1 fs Vin Vout 0 L t Very Slow Ramp VDAC (0 to 1 over 1 second)


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Estimating MSA Without Sinewave Inputs





0 log(Quantizer Input) −5

−10 MSA

−15 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 ADC Input

log(Quantizer Input) versus ADC Input MSA is about 90% of the quantizer range 62

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters MSA vs OBG for a Third Order NTF


0.8 4−bit quantizer


0.6 3−bit quantizer

0.5 Maximum Stable Amplitude

0.4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Out of Band Gain


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters A Systematic NTF Design Procedure NTFs of the form (1 z 1)N have stability problems. − − Why ? The OBG is too high (2N ). This saturates the quantizer even for small inputs, causing instability. The MSA is small. Worse for low quantizer resolutions.


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters A Systematic NTF Design Procedure Solution Introduce poles into the NTF. 1 N (1 z− ) NTF(z) = − 1 . D(z− ) Recall that NTF( ) = 1. ∞ D(z = ) = 1. ⇒ ∞


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Why do poles help ? 8




4 |NTF| 3



0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 ω/π Properly chosen poles reduce OBG of the NTF, enhancing stability. However, stability comes at the expense of increased in-band noise. 66

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters A Systematic NTF Design Procedure Commonly used pole positions : Butterworth, Chebyshev, Inv. Chebyshev etc. Coefficients for these approximations readily gotten from MATLAB. Schreier’s Delta-Sigma Toolbox is an invaluable design aid. One should understand what the toolbox does.


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters A Systematic NTF Design Procedure Choose the order of the NTF. OSR, number of levels (n) and desired SNR are known. Example : Order = 3, OSR = 64, n = 16, SNR = 115 dB. Basically, the NTF is a high-pass filter transfer function. Example : Choose a Butterworth Highpass. Choose the 3 dB corner of the high pass filter - π Example : ω3dB = 8 . For a Butterworth NTF, specifying the cutoff specifies the complete transfer function.


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters A Systematic NTF Design Procedure Get the transfer function from MATLAB [b,a]=butter(3,1/8,'high') 0.6735 2.0204z−1 + 2.0204z−2 0.6735z−3 H(z) = − − 1 2.2192z−1 + 1.7151z−2 0.4535z−3 MATLAB sets− H(ejπ) = 1. − | | Recall that for H(z) to be a valid NTF, H( ) = 1. ∞


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters A Systematic NTF Design Procedure 1 Scale H(z) by 0.6735 to obtain NTF(z). (1 3z−1 + 3z−2 z−3) NTF(z) = − − 1 2.2192z−1 + 1.7151z−2 0.4535z−3 − − 1.5 NTF

1 H |H|


0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 ω/π 70

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters A Systematic NTF Design Procedure 1 Find loop filter using 1+L(z) = NTF(z). Simulate the equations describing the modulator. Compute the peak SNR. In our example, we obtain SNR=102 dB after simulation. MSA = 0.85.


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters A Systematic NTF Design Procedure If SNR is not enough, repeat the entire procedure above with a higher cutoff frequency for the Butterworth high pass filter. This will increase the OBG (intuition on this later). The MSA will reduce.

If SNR is too high, repeat the entire procedure above with a lower cutoff frequency for the Butterworth high pass filter. This will decrease the OBG (intuition on this later). The MSA will increase.


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters A Systematic NTF Design Procedure π SNR obtained with 3 dB cutoff of 8 is inadequate. π So, we increase the cutoff frequency to 4 . The peak SNR is around 116 dB. OBG = 2.25, MSA = 0.8. We are done. This iterative process is coded into synthesizeNTF in Schreier’s toolbox.


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters A Systematic NTF Design Procedure : Remarks Butterworth is one of several candidate high pass filters. All the zeros of transmission are at the origin. Another useful family is the inverse Chebyshev approximation. Has complex zeros (on the unit circle).


Butterworth −60

−80 Inverse Chebyshev |NTF| −100


−140 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 ω/π 74

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters The Sensitivity of a Feedback Loop


X (z) V(z) in + L(z) + -

E is a disturbance injected into the feedback loop. L(z) 1 V (z) = X(z) 1+L(z) + E(z) 1+L(z) . If L(z) = , V (z) = X(z). ∞ The loop rejects E(z), or the loop is insensitive to E(z).


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters The Sensitivity of a Feedback Loop


X (z) V(z) in + L(z) + -

L(z) cannot be at all frequencies. ∞ L(z) 1 V (z) = X(z) 1+L(z) + E(z) 1+L(z) . The loop rejects E at frequencies where the loop gain is high. How effectively this is done is called the sensitivity function. 1 Sensitivity is ω 1+L(ej ) 76

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters The Sensitivity of a Feedback Loop In a ∆Σ loop, sensitivity is the same as the NTF. Recall : The first sample of the NTF impulse response is 1. Equivalent to NTF( ) = 1 ∞ −1 −1 −2 (1+a1z )(1+a2z +a3z ) The NTF can be written as − − − ··· (1+b z 1)(1+b z 1+b z 3) 1 2 3 ··· Poles must be within the unit circle (for a stable loop). The zeroes are on the unit circle (or inside).


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters The Sensitivity of a Feedback Loop π jω It can be shown that log( 1 + a1e− ) dω = 0, if Z0 | | a 1. | 1| ≤




| C ω j 1 0

−0.2 C

log(|1 + ae 2 −0.4


−0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 ω/π

The area above the 0 dB in the log magnitude plot is equal to the area below the 0 dB line. 78

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters The Sensitivity of a Feedback Loop π jω j2ω log( 1 + a2e− + a3e− ) dω = 0 Z0 | | 1 2 if the roots of 1 + a2z− + a3z− lie within (or on) the unit circle. Straightforward to derive, if one accepts the previous result.


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters The Sensitivity of a Feedback Loop π log NTF(ejω) dω = Z0 | | π (1 + a e jω)(1 + a e jω + a e 2jω) log 1 − 2 − 3 − jω jω 3jω ··· = Z0 (1 + b1e− )(1 + b2e− + b3e− ) · ·· π π jω jω j2ω log( 1 + a1e− ) dω + log( 1 + a2e− + a3e− ) dω Z0 | | Z0 | | − π π jω jω j2ω log( 1+b1e− ) dω log( 1+b2e− +b3e− ) dω+ Z0 | | −Z0 | | ···


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters The Sensitivity of a Feedback Loop π log NTF(ejω) dω = Z0 | | π (1 + a e jω)(1 + a e jω + a e 2jω) log 1 − 2 − 3 − jω jω 3jω ··· = Z0 (1 + b1e− )(1 + b2e− + b3e− ) · ·· π π jω jω j2ω log( 1 + a1e− ) dω + log( 1 + a2e− + a3e− ) dω Z0 | | Z0 | | − π π jω jω j2ω log( 1+b1e− ) dω log( 1+b2e− +b3e− ) dω+ Z0 | | −Z0 | | ··· = Zero


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters The Bode Sensitivity Integral π log NTF(ejω) dω = 0 Z0 | | The Integral of the Log Magnitude of an NTF is 0




−10 C 2 −20


10 log |NTF| C 1 −40



−70 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 ω/π 82

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters The Bode Sensitivity Integral






−30 20 log |NTF| −40



−70 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 ω/π

Good inband performance at the expense of poor out-of-band performance. 83

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters The Bode Sensitivity Integral






−30 20 log |NTF| −40



−70 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 ω/π

Complex zeros better than choosing all NTF zeros at the origin. 84

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters The Bode Sensitivity Integral






20 log |NTF| −40



−70 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 ω/π

Complex zeros better than choosing all NTF zeros at the origin. 85

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters The Bode Sensitivity Integral






−30 20 log |NTF|




−70 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 ω/π

Higher order less in-band noise. ⇒ 86

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Loop Filter Architectures


1 1 k1 Y V U + + - z-1 z-1

Remember : A quantizer = ADC + DAC. Needs ONE DAC. Loop filter gain goes to infinity at DC, with order 2. Both NTF zeros at DC (z = 1). Called CIFF (Cascade of Integrators Feed Forward)


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Loop Filter Architectures

1 1 k1 U + + - z-1 - z-1


Remember : A quantizer = ADC + DAC. Needs TWO DACs. Loop filter gain goes to infinity at DC, with order 2. Both NTF zeros at DC (z = 1). Called CIFB (Cascade of Integrators Feed Back).


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Loop Filter Architectures


1 1 k1 Y V U + + - - z-1 z-1 γ

CIFF loop with complex zeros. NTF zeros are at 1 j√γ. ±


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Loop Filter Architectures γ

- 1 1 k1 U + + - z-1 - z-1


CIFB loop with complex zeros. NTF zeros are at 1 j√γ. ±


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Loop Filter Implementation Traditionally done in discrete-time. Implemented using switched-capacitor techniques. Switched capacitor circuits have several advantages. Exact nature of settling is irrelevant, only the settled value matters. Pole-zero locations of the loop filter are set by capacitor ratios, which are exteremely accurate. Insensitive to clock jitter, as long as complete settling occurs. Easier to simulate.


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Loop Filter Implementation Switched capacitor loop filters have disadvantages too - Difficult to drive from external sources due to the large spike currents drawn. Upfront sampling : requires an anti-alias filter. Integrator opamps consume more power than continuous-time counterparts. Require large capacitors to lower kT /C noise.


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Continuous-time Loop Filters

V (t) Vout [n] in Σ L(s) ADC -

DAC Vdac(t)

What is the NTF ? How does one design such a loop ? How does this compare with a discrete-time loop filter ?


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters DAC Modeling


In Out In Out DAC n t t NRZ DAC RZ DAC

The input to the DAC is a digital code ak that changes every Ts. The DAC output is an analog waveform.

Output = a p(t kTs) k k − p(t) is calledP the pulse-shape. Commonly used shapes are the Non-Return to Zero (NRZ) and Return-to-Zero (RZ) pulses. 94

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Loop Modeling

Vout [n] L(s) ADC -

DAC Vdac(t) e[n]

L(s) -

p(t) Vdac(t) 1 NRZ DAC

Set input to zero. Ts Replace ADC-DAC with quantization noise e(n). DAC is modeled as a filter with impulse response p(t). 95

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Loop Modeling


L(s) -

p(t) Vdac(t) 1 NRZ DAC


p(t) L(s) l[n] = p(t)*l(t) Break the loop after the sampler. kTs Apply a discrete time impulse. What comes back is l[n] = p(t) l(t) . ∗ |kTs The z-transform of l[n] is the equivalent discrete time loop filter. 96

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters A First Order Example


Ts= 1 Vin 1 Vout + s + -

1 1 1 s 1 t 1 t

Discrete-time equivalent impulse response of the loop filter 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 z−1 ··· L(z) = 1 z−1 − NTF(z) = 1 = 1 z 1 1+L(z) − − 97

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters A Second Order Example

e(n) k1

Ts= 1 Vin 1 1 k2 Vout + s s + + -


Ts= 1 1 1 k2 s s +

Say we need NTF(z) = (1 z 1)2. − − Discrete-time impulse response through k1 k (r (t) r (t 1)) = {0, k , k , k , k } 1 1 − 1 − 1 1 1 1 · ·· Discrete-time impulse response through k2 k (r (t) r (t 1)) = 1 {0, k , 3k , 5k } 98 2 2 − 2 − 2 2 2 2 ···

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters A Second Order Example

Discrete-time impulse response through k1 k z 1 k (r (t) r (t 1)) = {0, k , k , k , k } 1 − . 1 1 − 1 − 1 1 1 1 · ·· ⇒ 1 z 1 − − Discrete-time impulse response through k2 k (r (t) r (t 1)) 2 2 − 2 − k z 1 0.5k z 1 = 1 {0, k , 3k , 5k , 7k } 2 − 2 − . 2 2 2 2 2 ··· ⇒ (1 z 1)2 − 1 z 1 − − − − (k + 0.5k )z 1 + ( k + 0.5k )z 2 L(z) = 1 2 − − 1 2 − . (1 z 1)2 − −


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters A Second Order Example 1 2 (k1 + 0.5k2)z− + ( k1 + 0.5k2)z− L(z) = −1 2 . (1 z− ) − 1 2 To achieve NTF(z) = (1 z− ) , we need 2z 1 z 2 − L(z) = − − − . (1 z 1)2 − − k = 1.5, k = 1. ⇒ 1 2

1.5 Ts=1 V [n] Vin (t) 1 1 1 out s s + ADC -

DAC Vdac(t) 100

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Continuous-time Sigma-Delta Summary It is possible to “emulate” a D-T loop filter with a C-T one. The equivalence depends on the DAC pulse shape. The technique can be extended to high order NTFs - From the desired NTF(z), find L(z) Convert L(z) into L(s) using the DAC pulse shape The MATLAB command d2c will do it for you, for an NRZ DAC. Implement L(s) using any one of the loop filter topologies. A CT loop filter has several other advantages ... listen on.


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters The Anti-Aliasing Feature of CT ∆Σ Modulators

V (t) Vout [n] in Σ L(s) ADC -

DAC Vdac(t)

V (t) Vout [n] in L(s) Σ ADC -

L(s) DAC


Move L(s) outside the loop 102

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters The Anti-Aliasing Feature of CT ∆Σ Modulators

V (t) Vout [n] in L(s) Σ ADC -

L(s) DAC


V (t) Vout [n] in L(s) Σ ADC -

L(s) DAC


Move the sampler outside the loop 103

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters The Anti-Aliasing Feature of CT ∆Σ Modulators

V (t) Vout [n] in L(s) Σ ADC -

L(s) DAC

Vdac(t) e[n] V (t) Vout [n] in L(s) Σ + -


Replace the cascade of the DAC and L(s) by the equivalent discrete-time filter L(z). 104

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters The Anti-Aliasing Feature of CT ∆Σ Modulators

e[n] V (t) Vout [n] in L(s) Σ + -


V (t) 1 Vout [n] in L(s) 1 + L(z) NTF(z)

NTF(z) = 1/(1 + L(z))


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters The Anti-Aliasing Feature of CT ∆Σ Modulators

V (t) 1 Vout [n] in L(s) 1 + L(z) NTF(z)

Consider a tone at frequency ∆f in the signal band. Response to frequency ∆f is L(∆f )NTF(∆f ).

In a general ADC, a tone (∆f + fs) can alias as ∆f . What about a CTDSM ?

Response to frequency (∆f + fs) is L(∆f + fs)NTF(∆f )


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters The Anti-Aliasing Feature of CT ∆Σ Modulators


Alias Rejection

∆ ∆f f + fs f Signal band

Alias rejection is L(∆f ) | L(∆f +fs) | Implicit anti-aliasing without an explicit filter ! Valuable feature of CT Delta-Sigma modulators. 107

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Effect of Time-Constant Variations in the Loop Filter On-chip RC’s vary with process and temperature. On an , ratios of like elements are tightly controlled. We need to only worry only about quantities with “dimensions”. What happens due to absolute variation of RC time constants ?


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Effect of RC Variations : Intuitive explanation

If all RC time-constants decrease

Loop filter bandwidth |L|(dB) increases.

In-band loop gain Nominal increases. Lower in-band RC smaller quantization noise - better in-band NTF. NTF must be worse out-of-band - higher log (f) OBG. Signal band


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Effect of RC Variations : Intuitive explanation

If all RC time-constants decrease


Nominal Higher OBG for the NTF. Reduced maximum RC smaller stable amplitude. Closer to instability.

log (f) Signal band


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Effect of RC Variations : Intuitive explanation

If all RC time-constants increase

Loop filter bandwidth |L|(dB) decreases.

In-band loop gain RC larger decreases. Higher in-band Nominal quantization noise - poorer in-band NTF. NTF must be better out-of-band - lower log (f) OBG. Signal band


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Effect of RC Variations : Intuitive explanation

If all RC time-constants increase


RC larger Lower OBG for the NTF. Increased maximum Nominal stable amplitude. “More” stable.

log (f) Signal band


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Effect of RC Variations on the NTF

Nominal NTF : Maximally flat with an OBG=3

20 k =0.7 p


k =1 −20 p k =1.3 p )| (dB) ω j −40

|NTF (e −60


−100 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 ω/π 113

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Effect of RC Variations: Time Domain Intuition Nominal NTF : Maximally flat with an OBG=3 |NTF|




Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Effect of RC Variations: Time Domain Intuition Nominal NTF : Maximally flat with an OBG=3 |NTF|




Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Excess Delay in CT ∆Σ Modulators

Why is there excess loop delay ?

Quantizer needs time to make a decision. Finite operational amplifier gain-bandwidth product. DEM logic delay in multibit converters.


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Excess Delay in CT ∆Σ Modulators

A First Order Example


Ts= 1 Vin 1 Vout + s + -

1 1 1 s 1 t 1 t

Loop filter is an integrator. An NRZ DAC is used. Sampling Rate = 1 Hz 117

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Excess Delay in CT ∆Σ Modulators


Ts= 1 Vin 1 Vout + s + -

1 1 1 s 1 t 1 t

Discrete-time equivalent impulse response of the loop filter 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 z−1 ··· L(z) = 1 z−1 − NTF(z) = L(z) = 1 z 1 1+L(z) − − 118

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Excess Delay in CT ∆Σ Modulators


Ts= 1 Vin 1 Vout + s + td -

1 1 1 s td 1 t td 1 2 t

In practice, the quantizer needs time to make a decision.

Equivalent to a delay td in the loop. What happens to the NTF of the loop ?


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Excess Delay in CT ∆Σ Modulators

1 1 1 s td 1 t td 1 2 t

Discrete-time equivalent impulse response of the loop filter {0, 1 td , 1, 1, 1 } = {0, 1, 1, 1, 1 } + {0,-td , 0, 0, 0 } − z−1 ··· 1 ··· ··· L(z) = 1 z−1 td z− − − L(z) 1 z−1 NTF z − − ( ) = 1+L(z) = 1 t z−1+t z 2 − d d


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Excess Delay in CT ∆Σ Modulators


td=0.5 td=0 1



The order of the system is increased.

Becomes unstable for td = 1 Not surprising - a delay in a feedback loop is always problematic. Aggressive NTF designs are more sensitive to excess delay. 121

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Fix for Excess Delay : Basic Idea


1 t 1 2 3 t 1 1 + d s + td 1 t 1 2 3 t 1 td

? 1 2 3 t

Impulse response of the loop filter with delay {0, t , 1, 1, 1 } = {0, 1, 1, 1, 1 } + {0,-t , 0, 0, 0 } d ··· ··· d ··· Add a path with discrete-time response 0, td , 0, 0, 0 to the loop filter. { ·· · } 122

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Fix for Excess Delay : Basic Idea


Ts= 1 Vin 1 Vout + s + + td - k

Implementation of feedforward path in the loop.


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Fix for Excess Delay : Basic Idea

k e(n)

Ts= 1 Vin 1 Vout + s + + td - -k

Equivalent implementation of loop filter feedforward.


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Fix for Excess Delay : Basic Idea


Ts= 1 Vin 1 Vout + s + + td - -k

Eliminate path from the input (small compared to the integrator output). Excess delay can be compensated by adding a direct path around the quantizer.


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Excess Delay Compensation : Summary

e(n) T = 1 Vin s Vout + H(s) + + td - -k

Direct path around the quantizer. Modification of H(s) (coefficient tuning). General approach valid even for high order modulators. Determining coefficients and k best done numerically.


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Clock Jitter in Discrete-time ∆Σ ADCs

Jittery Sampling

V (t) V [n] Vout [n] in in Σ L(z) ADC -

DAC Vdac[n]

The input is sampled outside the modulator


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Clock Jitter in Discrete-time ∆Σ ADCs Error due to jitter

∆t t

Treat the input as a sinusoid with maximum amplitude A.

dA sin(2πfint) Error due to jitter at the sampling instant is ∆t dt Assume white clock jitter with RMS value σj . RMS value of noise due to jitter in the signal bandwidth is σj √2Aπfin/OSR 128

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Clock Jitter in Continuous-time ∆Σ ADCs

V (t) Vout [n] in Σ L(s) ADC -

DAC Vdac(t)

The input is sampled inside the modulator.


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters The Ideal Sampler/Quantizer

vx vy

v v x ADC DAC y


Input is sampled in the ADC. ADC output code is sampled by the DAC. 130

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters The Ideal Sampler/Quantizer

vx vy

v v x ADC DAC y


DAC output analog waveform - fedback into the loopfilter. No delay in the quantizer, no clock jitter. ADC output code is the modulator output. 131

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters The Real Sampler/Quantizer

vx vy

v v x ADC DAC y

tdel Clock

ADC needs a finite time for conversion.

DAC is clocked tdel later. The clock is jittery. 132

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Effect of ADC Sampling Jitter


v v x ADC x + ADC

Clock Clock e(n)

V (t) Vout [n] in Σ L(s) + ADC -

DAC Vdac(t)

Modelled as an error preceding the ADC. Noise shaped by the loop.


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Effect of DAC Reconstruction Jitter


v v DAC x DAC + y

Clock Clock

V (t) Vout [n] in Σ L(s) ADC - Vdac(t) + DAC


Modelled as an error following the DAC. Equivalent to an error at the modulator input. Degrades performance. 134

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Types of DACs : NRZ versus RZ



Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Modeling Clock Jitter in NRZ DACs



y(n+1) y(n-1) = +

ERROR ∆ [y(n)-y(n-1)] tn

∆ [y(n+1)-y(n)] tn+1 136

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Modeling Clock Jitter in RZ DACs



y(n+1) y(n-1) = +

∆ 2y(n+1) tn+1


∆ 2y(n-1) tn-1

∆ 2y(n-1) tn-1/2 ∆ 2y(n+1) tn+1 137

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Clock Jitter in NRZ versus RZ DACs Error depends on the height & number of transisitions in the DAC output waveform. NRZ DACs have a transition height y(n) y(n 1), one − − transistion every Ts. RZ DACs have a transition height 2y(n), two transistions every Ts. RZ DACs are MUCH more sensitive to clock jitter !


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Clock Jitter in Modulators with NRZ DACs


y(n) ∆Τ ∆Τ n n+2


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Effect of Jitter on SNR ∆t(n) e (n) = [y(n) y(n 1)] j − − T σ2 σ2 = σ2 ∆t ej dy T 2

y(n) = v (n) + eq(n) h(n) in ∗

vin is the input.

eq is the quantization noise sequence. h(n) is the impulse response corresponding to the NTF.

y(n) y(n 1) = v (n) v (n 1) + (eq(n) eq(n 1)) h(n) − − in − in − − − ∗ Due to oversampling, v (n) v (n 1) in ≈ in − 140

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters y(n) y(n 1) (eq(n) eq(n 1)) h(n) − − ≈ − − ∗ 2 eq(n) is a white sequence with mean square value σlsb.

2 π 2 σlsb jω jω 2 σdy (1 e− ) NTF(e ) dω ≈ π Z0 | − | The in-band noise due to jitter (J) is

σ2 2 π ∆Ts σlsb jω jω 2 J 2 (1 e− ) NTF(e ) dω ≈ T πOSR Z0 | − |


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Effect of Jitter on SNR

σ2 2 π ∆Ts σlsb jω jω 2 J = 2 (1 e− ) NTF(e ) dω (1) T πOSR Z0 | − |

Observation : The NTF at high frequencies (close to ω = π) contributes the most to J. NTFs with high OBG result in more jitter noise. ⇒ Smaller LSB, less jitter noise multibit modulator less sensitive to jitter. →


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Example Calculation Audio modulator, 24 kHz bandwidth.

OSR = 64 (fs = 3.072 MHz), 4-bit quantizer. Quantizer input range is 2 V. 2 LSB size is 2/16 σ2 = (2/16) → lsb 12 Assume 100 ps RMS jitter. J = (1.28 µV)2. Maximum Signal Amplitude is 0.83 V peak. 0.83/√2 Signal to Jitter Noise Ratio is 20 log( 1.28 µV ) = 113 dB Conclusion : 100 ps RMS Jitter is not an issue for 15 bit resolution.


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Feedback DAC nonlinearity


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters ∆Σ analog to digital converter

u v Σ + H(z) A/D - Loop filter


Typically 4 bits (16 levels) or less in the quantizer


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Feedback DAC architecture

quantizer output v = d2-0 [binary] = b1-7 [thermometer]

d0*ILSB d1*2ILSB d2*4ILSB b1*ILSB b2*ILSB b7*ILSB


IDAC = kILSB, k={0,1,...,7} Flash quantizer gives a thermometer coded output Thermometer coded DAC: high accuracy and small loop delay


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Switched capacitor (discrete-time) ∆Σ modulator

φ b1 2 C

φ φ b’1 2+ 1 b φ 2 2 C Cf φ 2 Vref b’ φ +φ 2 2 1 − v φ A/D 1 +

φ Loop filter H(z) b8 2 C

φ φ b’8 2+ 1

b1-8 = thermometer coded v

Array of M capacitors for M + 1 levels Flash quantizer output v v capacitors charged to V and M v to zero volts ref − 147

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Continuous-time ∆Σ modulator

b 1 R

b’1 b 2 R Cf

Vref b’ 2 − v A/D +

b Loop filter H(s) 8 R


b1-8 = thermometer coded v

Array of M resistors for M + 1 levels Flash quantizer output v v resistors connected to V and M v to ground ref − 148

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Continuous-time ∆Σ modulator



− v A/D +

Loop filter H(s) b8ILSB

b1-8 = thermometer coded v

Array of M current sources for M + 1 levels Flash quantizer output v v current sources turned on and M v turned off − 149

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Multi bit versus single bit quantizer


Multi bit: smaller LSB lower quantization noise ⇒ Single bit: larger LSB higher quantization noise ⇒


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Multi bit versus single bit quantizer

straight line fit which one?

Multi bit quantizer Clearly defined gain Conforms to prediction using linear models Single bit quantizer Signal dependent quantizer gain Deviates from prediction using linear models 151

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Multi bit versus single bit quantizer ∆ Ik=ILSB+ Ik

b1*I1 b2*I2 b8*I8 DAC I


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 quantizer output v

Σ ∆ Itot=8ILSB+ k Ik

b1*Itot DAC I


0 1 quantizer output v 152

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Multi bit versus single bit quantizer

Multi bit quantizer Characteristics not linear due to mismatch Single bit quantizer Characteristics always linear


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Effect of DAC nonlinearity

large gain in the signal band ~~zero in the signal band

u v Σ + H(z) A/D - Loop filter nonlinearly related ~ u in the to u in the signal band signal band D/A


DAC output equals the input u v related to the input u by inverse nonlinearity of the DAC 154

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Modeling the effect of DAC nonlinearity

u v w Σ + H(z) A/D D/A - Loop filter (nonlinear)



Nonlinear DAC driven by an ideal ∆Σ modulator and its output w analyzed


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Multi bit feedback DAC nonlinearity

∆ Ik=ILSB+ Ik full scale

b1*I1 b2*I2 b8*I8 DAC I


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 quantizer output v INL

quantizer output v 156

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Multi bit feedback DAC nonlinearity

Iout [0] = 0 8 Iout [8] = n=1 In P 8 ILSB = 1/8 n=1 In DNL ∆Ik =PIk ILSB k − k INL I = In nI = ∆I ek n=1 − LSB n=1 k P P


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Effects of DAC nonlinearity

σ /I = 0.001 (0.1%) I LSB 8



Ideal output 2


−3 x 10 3 2 1 0

DAC error −1 −2 158 −3

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Effects of DAC nonlinearity

σ /I = 0.001 (0.1%) I LSB 40 Ideal output DAC error 20







−120 f 2f 3f 1594f 0 b b b b

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Effects of DAC nonlinearity

Distortion Increased in band quantization noise


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Reducing DAC nonlinearity

Reduce relative mismatch of DAC elements σ /I , σ /C, σ /R 1/√WL I LSB C R ∝ 100 area increase to reduce relative mismatch by 10 × × Sizing alone cannot help


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Representing v using a thermometer DAC








I1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 v current sources must be on—multiple possibilities M!/M!(M v)! combinations can represent v − Only one possibility for v = 0 (all off) and v = 8 (all on)


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Different combinations of unit cells for a given input

v = 1 can be represented by turning on any one of I1 8 − Average of all possibilities

1 8 I = I 8 n LSB Xn=1 is the ideal output! For all v, averaging all possible combinations produces the ideal output Use different combinations to represent a given code


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Different combinations of unit cells for a given input

σ = 0.3 LSB 8




/I 4 DAC I 3



0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 v 164

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Randomization

b1 b1 b1 b2 b2 b2 b3 b3 b3 b4 b4 b4 b5 b5 b5 b6 b6 b6 b7 b7 b7 b8 b8 b8

c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 cycle 1 cycle 2

b1-8: Thermometer coded v b1 b1 c1-8: Control signals to b2 b2 DAC unit elements b3 b3 b4 b4 b5 b5 b6 b6 b7 b7 b8 b8

c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 cycle 3 cycle 4 Fixed connections Randomized connections 165

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Randomization

M M switching matrix × In each cycle, randomly choose a set of connections Converts distortion to white noise M! possible connections in the switch matrix (9! = 362880)—use a smaller subset Switch matrix introduces delay in the loop


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Randomization-Butterfly scrambler

b1 c1 b2 c2 s0 b3 c3 s0 b4 c4 s1 s4 b5 c5 b6 c6 s2 MUX b7 c7 b8 s s s c8 3 5 6 s0 {s } 0: blue path 0-6 1: red path

Each stage flips across 1, 2, or 4 positions 7 switches instead of 64 Only 128 combinations used—but good enough in practice 167

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Randomization-results

σ /I = 0.001 (0.1%) I LSB 40 Ideal output with DAC error 20 with randomization







−120 f 2f 3f 1684f 0 b b b b

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters ∆Σ modulator with randomization

u v Σ + H(z) A/D - Loop filter

butterfly D/A scrambler

pseudo random sequence Extra delay in the loop


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Randomization-summary

Distortion components converted to noise Increased noise floor Additional loop delay


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Data weighted averaging








I1 1 2 2 3 3 0 4 7 3 5 3 2 Cycle through all the current sources as rapidly as possible


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters DAC nonlinearity INL

DAC 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 quantizer output v dac output I DNL

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 quantizer output v quantizer output v


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Data weighted averaging—dc input v



dac output error time

pattern repeats after 8 cycles 173

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Data weighted averaging—dc input

Accumulated error is zero after a small number of cycles Pattern repeats every M cycles for an M + 1 level DAC

Tones at fs/M and its harmonics for v = 1


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Data weighted averaging—arbitrary inputs

v rotator D/A

v 1 D/A 1-z-1 1-z-1


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Data weighted averaging—arbitrary inputs


∆ extended Ik=ILSB+ Ik

I1 I2 I8 I1 I2 I8


D/A input


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Data weighted averaging—arbitrary inputs

I8 I8

I7 I7

I6 I6

I5 I5

I4 I4

I3 I3

I2 I2

I1 I1

I8 I8

I7 I7

I6 I6

I5 I5

I4 I4

I3 I3

I2 I2

I1 I1 accumulated v 1 3 5 8 11 difference of successive outputs quantizer output v 1 2 2 3 3 177

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Data weighted averaging—mismatch shaping


v 1 v’ D/A Σ 1-z-1 1-z-1 INL

D/A input

D/A output error bounded by INLmax ∞ Finite power at all frequencies 1 z 1 at the output provides first order shaping − −


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Data weighted averaging—implementation

b1-8 thermometer /4 s3-0 to binary accumulator converter

b1 c1 b2 c2 b3 c3 s0 b4 c4 b5 c5

b6 c6 MUX b7 c7

= thermometer coded v b8 c8

1-8 s s s s0 b 0 1 2 {s ,s ,s } 0: blue path 0 1 2 1: red path M input barrel shifter driven by accumulated ADC output Loop delays from thermometer-binary converter, accumulator, barrel shifter 179

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Data weighted averaging—results

σ = 0.001 (0.1%) 40 Ideal no DWA 20 DWA







−120 f 2f 3f 1804f 0 b b b b

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters ∆Σ modulator with data weighted averaging

u v Σ + H(z) A/D - Loop filter

barrel D/A shifter

thermometer accumulator to binary

Extra delay in the loop


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Data weighted averaging-summary

Provides first order mismatch shaping

Potential for tones at fs/M with an M + 1 level quantizer ≈ For low OSR, tones can be close to the signal band Additional loop delay


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Individual level averaging

I8 I7 I6 I5 I4 I3 I2 I1 1 2 2 3 3 0 4 7 3 5 3 2 Cycle through all current sources for each input code Separate pointer for each input code Lesser potential for tones than DWA More noise than DWA


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Data weighted averaging—variants

I8 I7 I6 Double I Index 5 Averaging I4 I3 I2 I1 1 2 2 3 3 0 4 7 3 5 3 2

I8 I7 I6 Bidirectional I Data 5 Weighted I4 Averaging I3 I2 I1 1 2 2 3 3 0 4 7 3 5 3 2 184

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Data weighted averaging—variants

Bidirectional DWA: Opposite directions in each cycle Double index averaging: Separate pointers for v > M/2 and v M/2 ≤ DWA with randomization: Randomize the shifts once in every few cycles to break up tones


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Higher order mismatch shaping


su sy vector Σ quantizer

-min() M bits - se + Σ H2-1 sv

Mismatch shaped by the transfer function Hmismatch Deviation from exact shaping due to the constraint sv = v | | | | Complex hardware 186

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Dynamic element matching: tradeoffs

Mismatch error reduction High order noise shaping (highest) DWA ILA Randomization (lowest) Potential for tones Randomization (lowest) High order noise shaping ILA DWA (highest) Complexity High order noise shaping (highest) ILA, Randomization DWA (lowest) Excess loop delay High order noise shaping (highest) ILA DWA 187 Randomization (lowest)

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Dynamic element matching: summary

Data weighted averaging Best compromise between complexity and performance Works very well with high OSR Potential for tones at low OSR ILA, other DWA variants More complex, less potential for tones Randomization Can also be used for DACs without noise shaping


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Calibration

large gain in the signal band ~ u in the ~~zero in the ~ signal band signal band

u v v’ Σ + H(z) A/D f(v) - Loop filter look up table

~ u in the~ nonlinearly related signal band to u in the signal band D/A

(nonlinearity f(v)) Measure DAC characteristics Duplicate its characteristics in the digital path v = v + ǫ; ǫ v; Lot more bits in v than v ′ ≪ ′


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Calibration

/4 /18 ∆Σ ADC f(v)

/4 /18 ∆Σ ADC 214 Σ

f(v)-1 /10

/4 /10 /10 /4 ∆Σ ADC 26 Σ ∆Σ mod.

/10 /3 f(v)-1 ∆Σ mod. 190

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Calibration

Store only the error to reduce register width Noise shaped quantization (digital ∆Σ modulator) to reduce decimator input width


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Analog calibration

I0 Iout

φ φ φ φ

φ φ

Calibrate all current sources against a master source Use M + 1 current sources and calibrate one at a time


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Calibration: summary

No additional components in the loop no excess delay ⇒ Measuring DAC characteristics inline is challenging Additional digital or analog complexity


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters References

Randomization: L. R. Carley, “A noise-shaping coder topology for 15+ bit converters,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 24, pp. 267 - 273, April 1989. Data weighted averaging: R. T. Baird and T. S. Fiez, “Linearity enhancement of multibit δΣ A/D and D/A converters using data weighted averaging,” IEEE Transactions on circuits and systems-II, vol. 42, pp. 753 - 762, December 1995. Individual level averaging: B. H. Leung and S. Sutarja, “Multibit Σ-∆ A/D converter incorporating a novel class of dynamic element matching techniques,” IEEE Transactions on circuits and systems-II, vol. 39, pp. 35-51, January 1992. Theoretical analysis: O. J. A. P. Nys and R. K. Henderson, “An analysis of dynamic element matching techniques in sigma-,” Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE International symposium on circuits and systems, vol. 1, pp. 231-234, May 1996. Comparison through simulation: Zhimin Li, T. S. Fiez, “Dynamic element matching in low oversampling delta sigma ADCs,” Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International symposium on circuits and systems, vol. 4, pp. 683-686, May 2002. Digitally calibrated ∆Σ modulator: M. Sarhang-Nejad and G. C. Temes, “A high-resolution multibit Σ ∆ ADC with digital correction and relaxed amplifier requirements,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 28, pp. 648 - 660, June 1993. Analog calibrated DAC: D. Wouter J. Groeneveld et al., “A self-calibration technique for monolithic high-resolution D/A converters,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 24, pp. 1517 - 1522, December 1989. Higher order mismatch shaping: R. Schreier and B. Zhang, “Noise-shaped multibit D/A convertor employing unit elements” Electronics letters, vol. 31, No. 20, pp. 1712-1713, 28th September 1995. Additional filtering of DEM errors: M. H. Adams and C. Toumazou, “A Novel Architecture for Reducing the Sensitivity of Multibit Sigma-Delta ADCs to DAC Nonlinearity,” Proceedings of 1995 IEEE International symposium on circuits and systems, vol. 1, pp. 17-20, May 1995. Additional filtering of DEM errors: J. Chen and Y. P. Xu, “A Novel Noise Shaping DAC for Multi-bit Sigma-Delta Modulator,”IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II-Express Briefs194, vol. 53, no. 5, pp. 344-348, May 2006.

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters CASE STUDY


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters A 15-bit Continuous-time ∆Σ ADC for Digital Audio Design Targets Audio ADC (24 kHz Bandwidth) 15 bit resolution

OSR = 64 (fs = 3.072 MHz) 0.18µm CMOS process, 1.8 V supply


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Continuous-time versus Discrete-time A continuous-time implementation was chosen Implicit anti-aliasing Resistive input impedance Low power dissipation


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Architectural Choices Single-bit versus multibit quantization ? Single loop versus MASH ? NTF ? Loop Filter Architecture ?


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Architecture : Single-bit vs Multibit

Single bit quantizer Multibit quantizer

Simple hardware Complex hardware Gentle NTF Aggressive NTF High jitter sensitivity Low jitter sensitivity Metastability Metastability : no issue Opamp slew rate Reduced slew rate

A 4-bit quantizer is used.


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Architecture : Single Loop vs MASH

Matching of transfer functions are needed in a MASH design

More complicated Might require calibration

A single loop design is chosen.


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Architecture : Choice of the NTF

A maximally flat NTF is chosen

Small OBG Large OBG

High in-band Low in-band quantization noise quantization noise Low jitter noise High jitter noise Increased Maximum Reduced Maximum Stable Amplitude (MSA) Stable Amplitude (MSA)

An OBG of 2.5 is chosen as a compromise


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Effect Of OBG On Jitter And Quantization Noise





110 Peak SJNR (50ps jitter) SNR (dB)


100 Peak SJNR (100ps jitter)

95 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Out of Band Gain 202

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Effect Of Systematic RC Time Constant Variations On The NTF


4 30 % Lower


3 )| ω

j 2.5 Nominal 2 |NTF(e 30 % Higher 1.5



0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 ω/π 203

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters MSA And SQNR With Systematic RC Time Constant Variations

130 −0.6

125 −0.8

120 −1

115 −1.2 Peak SNR (dB)

110 −1.4 Maximum Stable Amplitude (dBFS)

105 −1.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 [RC] /[RC] nom


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Simulated Output Bit Stream




Quantizer Output −5


100 200 300 400 500 n 205

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Feedfoward versus Distributed Feedback Loopfilters

k ω ω ω 1 + 1 2 3 k2 - s s s k3

(a) ω1= 2.67, ω2= 2.08, ω3= 0.059

ω ω ω + 1 2 3 s s s - - -

(b) ω1= 0.34, ω2= 0.71, ω3= 1.225


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Feedfoward versus Distributed Feedback Loopfilters

Feedforward Distributed Feedback

First integrator is fasest. Third integrator is Third integrator is fastest. slowest. First integrator is First opamp is power slowest. hungry (for noise First opamp is power reasons). hungry (for noise). Third opamp is low Third opamp is power power (slowest hungry (fastest integrator). integrator). Small capacitor area. Large capacitor area.

A feedforward loop filter is used. 207

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Loop Filter

C1 C2 C3 idacm

R1 vom1 R2 vop2 R3 vip + + + vom3 - - - 100K A1 400K A2 500K A2 vim + + + - vop1 - vom2 - vop3

idacp 1.05346pF 730fF 8.6264pF Cs

R11 Rf vop1

R21 vop2 R11 = 337 K

R31 R21 = 506 K vop3 + - vom R = 112 K A2 31 vom3 + R = 200K - vop f vom2 Cs = 172fF



Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Excess Delay Compensation : Conventional


R Vi i − Rest of Loop Filter

+ . . . . Rf


Excess Delay Compensation DAC2



Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Excess Delay Compensation : Proposed


R Vi i − Rest of Loop Filter

+ . . . . Cx Rf




Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters First Opamp vdda

Vtail M7 M4 M9 M41 M71 I Q IQ

vom vip vim vop Cc M5 M1 M11 M51

1.5IQ 1.5IQ Rz o1p o1m M8 M81

M6 M2 M21 M61


M3 M31 cmfbn1


(a) 211

vdda Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Second Opamp

CMFB First Stage Second Stage vdda

Vcmfb v1m v1m v1p v1p M4 M4 M5 M9


Vbiasp Vbiasp M3 M3 M6 Cc Vcmfb v1m v1p vop vom Cc2

M7 v1m Vbiasp M2 Vcmref C M11 c2

v1p Vip Vim M1 M8 M10

Vcm M16

Vtail Vtail M17 M11



Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Flash ADC Block Diagram


Vbot Vref<0> d<15> ip DIGITAL BACK END im 4-bit data Vref<15> db<15> (ADC output) . . .

Vref<15> d<0> ip 15 im to DEM/DAC Vref<0> db<0> Vbot

Vtop 213

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Comparator Vdda Vrefp Vcm Lb

C2MOS L C La M1 M4 LC b LC ip op X LR im Y om LC LC L Cb La M2 M3 Ld Vrefm Vcm L (a) gnda


L , La (b) LC

LR 214

Td Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Effect of Random Offset in the Comparators




110 SNR (dB)



95 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 σ (in LSB) offset 215

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Digital Backend

4 - Bit Adder Therm. to 4 Binary S<0:3> A<0:3> Converter DQ 4 +

B<0:3> DQ Cout 4 Ci n dem_clk


in<0:14>15 15 Latch 15 Barrel Shifter (FLASH <0:14> O/P ) DAC_in<0:14> EN ( DAC I/P )



Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Unit DAC Resistor dacp 1.6 MΩ Vrefp

From Reference To input terminals Generator of first opamp

1.6 MΩ Vrefm



Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Reference Generation Circuitry Vdda Vref − I +

R1 I (a)

gnd Vdda (b) R

(Vrefp - Vcm)(15/R) I R gnd − x Vrefp + C C vdd + - 1 ext Vrefm I Rx (Vcm - Vrefm)(15/R) R gnd 218

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Test Setup and Die Layout





Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Test Setup Schematic

Vdd Clock (3.072 MHz) Ibias 500 nA

Vip Σ∆ 4 bits Vcm Converter To Logic Analyzer Vim Differential Audio Source Vrefp Vrefm 1 µF Vcmref 0.9 V 0.1 nF


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Measured




40 SNR (dB)


SNR SNDR 0 93.5 dB

−20 −100 −80 −60 −40 −20 0 Input Power (dB FS) 221

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters In Band Spectrum




PSD (dB) −60



0 5 10 15 20 Frequency (kHz) 222

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Out of Band Spectrum




PSD (dB) −60



0 1 2 10 10 10 Frequency (kHz) 223

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Performance Summary

Table: Summary of Measured ADC performance.

Signal Bandwidth/Clock Rate 24 kHz / 3.072 MHz Quantizer Range 3 Vpp,diff Input Swing for peak SNR -1 dBFS Dynamic Range/SNR/SNDR 93.5 dB/92.5 dB/90.8 dB Active Area 0.72 mm2 Process/Supply Voltage 0.18 µm CMOS/1.8 V Power Dissipation (Modulator) 90 µW Power Dissipation (Modulator and 121 µW Reference Buffers) Figure of Merit(DR/SNR) 0.049 pJ/level, 0.054 pJ/level 224

Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Some References ... Delta-Sigma Data Converters: Theory, Design and Simulation S. Norsworthy, R. Schreier and G. Temes, IEEE Press The Yellow Bible of ∆Σ ADCs Understanding Delta-Sigma Data Converters R. Schreier and G. Temes, IEEE Press The Green Bible of ∆Σ ADCs Both the above are essential reading !


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters Some References ... Theory, Practice, and Fundamental Performance Limits of High-Speed Data Conversion Using Continuous-Time Delta-Sigma Modulators J. Cherry, Ph.D Dissertation, Carleton University. Excellent reading on continuous-time Delta-Sigma modulator design. A Power Optimized Continuous-time ∆Σ ADC for Audio Applications S. Pavan, N. Krishnapura et. al, IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, February 2008. Detailed description of the case study discussed in this tutorial.


Shanthi Pavan Nagendra Krishnapura Oversampling Analog to Digital Converters