2015 Annual Report


ENGINEERING THE FUTURE 1 Letter from the President 3 In Service to the Nation 3 Mission Statement 4 NAE Strategic Plan 4 NAE Annual Meeting 6 Program Reports 6 Postsecondary Engineering Education Frontiers of Engineering Education (FOEE) 2- and 4-Year Engineering and Engineering Technology Transfer Student Pilot Barriers and Opportunities in Completing Two- and Four-Year STEM Degrees Understanding the Engineering Education–Workforce Continuum Engagement of Engineering Societies in Undergraduate Engineering Education The Supply Chain for Middle-Skill Jobs: Education, Training, and Certification Pathways Engineering Technology Education 8 K–12 Engineering Education LinkEngineering Website Educator Capacity Building in PreK–12 Engineering Education 9 Public Understanding of Engineering Media Relations Public Relations Grand Challenges for Engineering The Next MacGyver 11 Center for Engineering Ethics and Society (CEES) Becoming the Online Resource Center for Ethics in Engineering and Science Infusing Ethics into the Development of Engineers Workshop on Overcoming Challenges to Infusing Ethics in the Development of Engineers Integrated Network for Social Sustainability (INSS) Sustainable Cities and Interdisciplinary International Education 13 Diversity of the Engineering Workforce EngineerGirl Website 14 Frontiers of Engineering Armstrong Endowment for Young Engineers—Gilbreth Lectures 16 Manufacturing, Design, and Innovation Making Value for America: Embracing the Future of Manufacturing, Technology, and Work 16 Center-Based Engineering Research 18 2015 NAE Awards Recipients 20 2015 New Members and Foreign Members 22 NAE Anniversary Members 27 2014 Private Contributions 30 Catalyst Society 30 Rosette Society 31 Challenge Society 31 Charter Society 33 Other Individual Donors 36 Tributes 36 Loyalty Society 38 Einstein Society 40 Golden Bridge Society 41 Heritage Society 42 Foundations, Corporations, and Other Organizations 46 of Engineering Fund Financial Report 46 Report of Independent Certified Public Accountants 51 Notes to Financial Statements 69 Officers 69 Councillors 70 Staff 70 NAE Publications Letter from the President

In July 2015 the academy complex experienced its greatest transformation since the NAE was founded in 1964 when it welcomed the new National Academy of , created from the Institute of Medicine. The three academies also adopted a new brand: The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Each academy retains its identity, and the new branding for the complex prepares us to participate more effectively in today’s global environment.

Last year the NAE wrote and released its first new strategic plan since 1999. Our goal was to craft a 5-year plan focusing on our strategic priorities. We received valuable inputs from the membership, held a council retreat (generously supported by IBM’s planning services), did extensive work virtually, and reviewed our progress at every C. D. Mote, Jr. council meeting. The new strategic plan was adopted by the council last August. It sets forth the NAE mission, vision, and six 5-year strategic goals (summarized below); recommends actions to support each goal; and establishes metrics and milestones to assess progress on them. While we may not complete all the goals within five years, they will certainly be meaningfully advanced.

1. Membership Representation: increase the representation of business, female, younger, foreign, and underrepresented minority members; 2. Industry Collaboration: increase the value of the NAE to industry; 3. Public Understanding: demonstrate to the public how engineering creates a better quality of life; 4. Ensuring Engineering Talent: promote and inspire highly competitive engineering talent in the US workforce; 5. Global Engagement: engage globally in support of national interests; and 6. Effective Advising: together with our sister Academies of Sciences and Medicine, enhance effective advice to the nation on technological and societal challenges.

The theme for the 2015 NAE annual meeting was the NAE Grand Challenges for Engineering, a high- light of our global engagement goal. A list of 14 Grand Challenges for Engineering was published in 2008 by a committee of 18 distinguished engineers, scientists, entrepreneurs, and visionaries who set out to identify the most critical, yet tractable engineering system challenges that must be tackled suc- cessfully in this century for continuation of life on the planet as we know it. A number of activities planned in conjunction with the annual meeting took this theme.

Building on the success of the first Engineering for You (E4U) video competition in 2014, and with the generous sponsorship of the ExxonMobil Foundation and its president Suzanne McCarron, we held another contest (E4U2), this time on engineering contributions to solutions of the Grand Challenges. Several hundred contestants submitted 1- to 2-minute videos; I encourage you to watch the winning selections at www.nae.edu/e4u2/.

The Grand Challenges for Engineering continue to grow in momentum and outreach, in large part because they are relevant to everyone and are not targeted to a country or industry. In 2010 the Grand Challenge Scholars Program was the first organizational effort to prepare talent for, and present a vision directed to, achieving solutions to the challenges on a global scale. The second organizational effort was the Global Grand Challenges Summit, held in London in March 2013 and cosponsored by the Royal Academy of Engineering, Chinese Academy of Engineering, and NAE in our first joint effort. In September 2015 the 2nd Global Grand Challenges Summit was held in Beijing, with over 600 attendees invited by the three academies. The summit topics were sustainability, urban infrastructure, health, joy of living, energy, education, security, and resilience.

1 Also at the Beijing summit, the three academies and FIRST Robotics (FIRST stands for “For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology”), founded by NAE member Dean Kamen, announced a collaboration to be launched in 2017 at the 3rd Global Grand Challenges Summit, which the NAE will host in the United States. FIRST Robotics reaches hundreds of thousands of 6- to 18-year-old stu- dents through its nearly 50,000 competitions in 83 countries. In this new collaboration, FIRST, with the participation of the academies, will select Grand Challenge goals for its championship robotics competition, which will take place immediately following the summit. In addition, a university stu- dent competition to develop a business plan for a startup based on the Grand Challenges will again precede the summit. In these ways, the Grand Challenges for Engineering will be exposed to millions of new people—students, parents, sponsors, governments, corporations, and mentors—including the young people we need to inspire to conquer them.

For the 2015 annual meeting forum, a panel of seven members of the original Grand Challenges com- mittee provided their perspectives on “NAE Grand Challenges for Engineering: Imperatives, Prospects, and Priorities” (the forum can be watched at www.nae.edu/default.aspx?id=141118). This may be the first time in history that a panel of experts has put forward a set of recommendations for the planet and, just seven years later, actually seen those recommendations propelling global, grass-roots move- ments that are impacting not only engineering education but also, most importantly, the way people are thinking about the future and the role of engineering in it.

Complementing these activities, our Frontiers of Engineering (FOE) series has bilateral programs with Germany, Japan, China, India, and the European Union. The increasing interest in these programs parallels the growing demand for engineering talent in developed and developing societies alike. The bilateral programs engage young and talented engineers in partnerships to accelerate innovation—and, like the Grand Challenges, they are central to our goals of promoting understanding of engineering and ensuring top talent in the workforce and global leadership.

The independent programs of the NAE depend greatly on private philanthropy and the flexibility it pro- vides. We are grateful to Ming and Eva Hsieh for their generous matching gift challenge to members and friends to increase giving that provides resources for programs aligned with the new NAE strategic plan; to Fran and George Ligler for their matching gift challenge to Section 2 members; and to Virginia Bugliarello who, to honor George Bugliarello’s memory, gave generously to the EngineerGirl program, which encourages girls and young women to become engineers. We are pleased to recognize in this report all the members and friends whose gifts help the NAE continue its important work to serve the nation. Your generosity is appreciated greatly.

In the following pages you will find additional information about the work undertaken by the NAE in 2015. Our projects pursue with enthusiasm our mission to advance the well-being of the nation.

I thank you most sincerely for your support.

C. D. Mote, Jr. President

2 NAE In Service to the Nation

Every day our government and citizens face questions related to engineering and technology. What does the nation need to do to prosper in the global economy? What is the role of basic research and development in ensuring future economic development? How do we assess the importance of manu- facturing in the United States to national prosperity? How can we ensure that students are aware of the nature of engineering and its importance to the nation, so they can make informed decisions about pursuing an engineering education? How do we ensure that undergraduate engineering education meets the needs of those students? How do we increase the diversity of the engineering workforce? As technology becomes an ever more critical discriminator for our success in the global marketplace for ideas, goods, and services, addressing these questions becomes increasingly important.

Since 1964 the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) has provided independent, objective advice on engineering-related topics and policies. The NAE operates under the same congressional act of incorporation that established the National Academy of Sciences, signed in 1863 by President Abraham Lincoln, to respond, “whenever called upon by any department or agency of the govern- ment, to investigate, examine, experiment, and report upon any subject of science or art.”

As of December 2015 the NAE had 2,418 peer-elected members and foreign members, approximately 52 percent from academia, 37 percent from industry, and 11 percent from nonprofit institutions and government. NAE members are leaders in bioengineering, computer science, electronics, aerospace, earth resources, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, industrial engineer- ing, materials engineering, and interdisciplinary engineering. They serve as members of research and study committees, plan and conduct symposia and workshops, and assist in the work of the Academy in many other ways. Activities include collaborative projects at home and abroad to examine tech- nological problems, advising Congress and government agencies on engineering-related matters of national importance, and recognizing and honoring outstanding engineers for their contributions.

The NAE not only responds to requests from the federal government but also engages in activities sponsored by foundations, industry, and state and local governments and funds projects through endowment funds supported by private contributions. Thus, the NAE is a unique organization that brings together distinguished engineers for the purpose of improving the lives of people everywhere.

The National Academy of Engineering, National Academy of Sciences, and National Academy of Medicine work together as the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Mission Statement

The mission of the National Academy of Engineering is to advance the well-being of the nation by promoting a vibrant engineering profession and by marshalling the expertise and insights of eminent engineers to provide independent advice to the federal government on matters involving engineering and technology.

3 2015 NAE Strategic Plan

In 2015, the NAE council developed and adopted a new 5-year strategic plan for the NAE. The plan’s preparation included soliciting input from the NAE membership, a two-day council retreat (supported by IBM’s planning services), and extensive work by council members and the presi- dent’s office drafting and refining the document prior to its formal adoption in August.

The 2015 strategic plan of the NAE sets forth the mission, long-term vision, and a five-year plan (2016–2020) for the Academy building on an assessment of the strengths, weaknesses, opportuni- ties, and threats currently facing the organization. It elaborates six goals in support of the NAE mission and vision and identifies objectives and specific actions to realize these goals over the next five years.

The following six goals were drafted in support of the mission and vision. 1. Membership Representation: increase the representation of business, female, younger, foreign, and underrepresented minority members; 2. Industry Collaboration: increase the value of the NAE to industry; 3. Public Understanding: demonstrate to the public how engineering creates a better quality of life; 4. Ensuring Engineering Talent: promote and inspire highly competitive engineering talent in the US workforce; 5. Global Engagement: engage globally in support of national interests; and 6. Effective Advising: together with our sister Academies of Sciences and Medicine, enhance effective advice to the nation on technological and societal challenges. NAE Annual Meeting

Engineering for You Video Contest (E4U2) The NAE held its second Engineering for You Video Contest (E4U2), for which participants submitted a 1- to 2-minute video showing how achieving one or more of the 14 NAE Global Grand Challenges for Engineering would impact the world’s sustain- ability, health, security, and/or joy of living. More than 300 videos were received in four categories: middle school and younger (K–8), high school (grades 9–12), tertiary education (2-year college through graduate school, full or part time), and the general public.

The contest winners were announced at the NAE The Personalized Teacher Annual Meeting. The Texas Student Television Digital Media Team—students Jason Weilee, Carson Taylor, and Ridge Liu—won the Best Video Overall Award for “The Personalized Teacher,” which addressed the Grand Challenge of Advanced Personalized Learning using a playful, rhyming narration reminiscent of Dr. Seuss. In their video the team also illustrated how alleviating one challenge created a stronger foundation for solving the other Grand Challenges.

4 NAE The Best Video Overall Award includes a $25,000 prize. Awards of $5,000 were given to the win- ners of the following categories:

• Middle School and Younger: “Engineering for You” by Maksim Tonyushkin • High School: “Making Solar Panels More Affordable” by Hans Voegeli • Tertiary Education: “Our Future Shines Above” by Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM), Querétaro campus • General Public: “Virtual Reality: The Next Technological Frontier” by Bonny Eagle Robotics Team #133 • People’s Choice: “Water Is Our Future” by Tyler Su

The winning videos are available to watch on the Engineering for You website (www.nae.edu/ e4u2/#linkPrints).

The E4U2 Contest, sponsored by the ExxonMobil Foundation, is part of the NAE’s effort to engage and inspire young people to become the engineers who will solve our world’s greatest challenges.

2015 NAE Annual Meeting Forum: Grand Challenges for Engineering: Imperatives, Prospects, and Priorities For the Annual Meeting Forum on October 5, seven members of the NAE committee that identified the Grand Challenges for Engineering in 2008 returned to consider progress against them, their impacts, and next steps. The session was moder- ated by BuzzFeed science reporter Dan Vergano.

Wesley Harris, Charles Stark Draper Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics at MIT, characterized the Grand Challenges as being “about humanity and our service to humanity within our profession,” and urged engineers to think about ways the Challenges bear on international concerns such as food delivery, transportation networks, commu- nications, and other essential elements of modern life. Looking at environmental soundness and sustainability, Robert Socolow, codirector of ’s Carbon Mitigation Initiative, explained the distinction between puzzle solving and problem solving; problem solving for the Earth’s ecosystem will require “ambition, multidisciplinarity, and humility.” Jackie Ying, founding executive director of the Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology in Singapore and editor in chief of Nano Today, described her recent work and added that, based on her experience with the institute’s youth outreach program, young people become excited when they realize that sci- ence, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) are building blocks to positively affect people’s lives. After reporting on progress in the Grand Challenge area of fusion energy, Alec Broers, former chair of the Select Committee for Science and Technology for the United Kingdom’s House of Lords and past president of the Royal Academy of Engineering, cautioned that engineer- ing systems have become so complex that “it’s easy for ethics to get lost”; he underscored the need for “a formal code of ethics for engineers—perhaps modeled on the codes of the medical profession.” Calestous Juma, professor at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government and director of its Science, Technology, and Globalization Project, cited the expanding influence of the Grand Challenges—from a high school preengineering program in Connecticut to proposals submitted for the Africa Prize for Engineering Innovation. Exploring ways to spread the word about the Grand Challenges, Farouk El-Baz, research professor at Boston University and director of its Center for Remote Sensing, suggested not only the Internet but also a series of children’s books on each of the challenges to get even young children engaged with 21st century issues. The forum’s

5 2015 closing speaker, Dean Kamen, founder of the DEKA Research and Development Corporation, challenged his colleagues in the engineering community to dramatically improve communication with the next generation, arguing that technology can be a unifying force especially among young people who see science and engineering as the path out of problems.

A report of the forum will be released in 2016. PROGRAM REPORTS Postsecondary Engineering Education

Frontiers of Engineering Education (FOEE) In October 70 of the nation’s most innovative engineering educators took part in the seventh annual Frontiers of Engineering Education (FOEE) symposium. For 2½ days these mostly early-

PROGRAM REPORTS career faculty members, who are developing and imple- menting innovative educational approaches in a variety of engineering disciplines, shared ideas and learned from research on best practices in education. They left with a charter to further collaborate with their FOEE colleagues and to bring about improvements at their home institutions. The attendees were selected from a pool of highly qualified applicants nominated by NAE members and engineering deans.

The FOEE community website (http://naefoee.org/) offers a platform for networking and collabo- ration, hosts a collection of resources, and gives participants the opportunity to build on relation- ships formed at the annual symposia. Information is available for past and forthcoming meetings and attendees can access resources before the symposium. The site also provides a streamlined system for NAE members and engineering deans to nominate faculty members and for nominees to submit their applications.

The FOEE program has been sponsored by John McDonnell and the JSM Trust since 2012. The first three symposia (in 2009–2011) were sponsored by the O’Donnell Foundation.

6 NAE 2- and 4-Year Engineering and Engineering Technology Transfer Student Pilot The NAE and American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) cosponsored a June 2014 work- shop on “Effective Practices in Supporting Transfer Students” at which presenters described spe- cific measures and impacts at several institutions. Policies and programs included (1) orientation sessions and other steps to facilitate transfer students’ assimilation at 4-year schools; (2) mentoring and advising programs for transfer students; and (3) summer programs to enhance transfer stu- dents’ knowledge and inform their expectations for success in the 4-year engineering and engi- neering technology programs. A brief summary of the workshop was released in August.

Barriers and Opportunities in Completing Two- and Four-Year STEM Degrees A joint NAE-NRC ad hoc committee conducted a study of Barriers and Opportunities in Completing Two- and Four-Year STEM (sci- ence, technology, engineering, and/or mathematics) Degrees. The committee considered the individual and institutional factors influ- encing students to enter and stay in STEM majors in 2- and 4-year PROGRAM REPORTS postsecondary institutions and described the various nontraditional pathways to a STEM degree taken by many students. Special atten- tion was given to how individual differences (e.g., race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status) of students interact with external fac- tors to affect student decision making. The committee’s report was completed for release in January 2016 and provides evidence-based guidance to inform policies and programs that aim to attract and retain all students to complete associate’s and bachelor’s degrees in STEM disciplines.

Understanding the Engineering Education–Workforce Continuum This consensus study, funded by NSF, will generate an expansive, nuanced, and useful depiction of the educational and career paths and related decision making of those formally trained in engi- neering (i.e., with BS, MS, or PhD degrees in engineering) as well as those with nonengineering degrees who are employed as engineers in the United States. Overseen and executed by a multi- disciplinary committee of experts chaired by NAE member Jean-Lou Chameau, president of King Abdullah University for Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia, the study committee collected and synthesized data from national datasets, survey data, and other sources about the characteristics of those working in the United States as engineers and those formally educated as engineers who are not working in engineering occupations. In 2015 the committee held its final meeting to discuss findings and recommendations and began writing its consensus report, which will be released with briefings for key stakeholders in 2016.

Engagement of Engineering Societies in Undergraduate Engineering Education This project, supported by the National Science Foundation, examines the engagement of engi- neering societies in undergraduate engineering education to ensure capacity in their fields. Among many roles, these societies may provide education opportunities to their members, set and maintain professional standards, help clarify the knowledge and skills needed by those practicing in the field, and serve as a bridge between employers and schools of engineering. In 2015 the project staff conducted initial outreach with a number of engineering societies to learn about their

7 2015 education programs and did a preliminary literature review of the relevant research. Both efforts will provide input for the project’s core tasks in 2016: a survey of approximately 130 engineering societies on their activities in undergraduate education and the planning of a workshop, which will take place in early 2017, to explore those activities in greater depth. A report on the work- shop and the survey will be published in 2017.

The Supply Chain for Middle-Skill Jobs: Education, Training, and Certification Pathways In January 2015 the NAE and Board on Science, Technology, and Economic Policy (STEP) began a project to examine coverage, effectiveness, flexibility, and coordination among the nation’s programs to prepare Americans for technically oriented, skilled jobs that demand nonroutine problem solving but do not require a baccalaureate or higher degree. Among the topics to be studied are gaps in coverage and market failures in this part of the labor market, public and private sector roles in financing and providing employment training and skills certification, and incentives and information for individuals to improve their work skills. The committee will also consider selected employment preparation practices in other countries (e.g., European apprenticeship programs) and those of foreign-headquartered firms and their relevance to the US PROGRAM REPORTS labor market. The project is overseen by an ad hoc committee cochaired by former US Senator Jeff Bingaman and NAE member Katharine Frase. In 2015 the committee held three meetings and a public symposium at which 11 commissioned papers were presented. A consensus report will be published in the summer of 2016.

Engineering Technology Education The NAE Committee on Engineering Technology Education completed a draft of its final report in late 2015. With NSF funding, the project examined both two- and four-year degree programs in this important but often overlooked segment of the technical workforce. The report will summa- rize the project’s data collection efforts, which included two national surveys—one of engineering technology educators and the other of employers of people with engineering technology degrees. Findings and recommendations will address several key issues, including the nature of engineer- ing technology education, educational and employment pathways into the field, and data gaps. The 11-member study committee is cochaired by NAE members Katharine Frase (IBM) and Ron Latanision (Exponent, Inc.). The report will be published in mid-2016. K–12 Engineering Education

LinkEngineering Website LinkEngineering, a website created to support imple- mentation of engineering in preK–12 education, launched publicly in August 2015. By the end of the year it had about 580 registered users and an aver- age of 2,000 visits per month. The three-year project, which began in late 2013, is funded by Chevron Corp. and overseen by a 21-member NAE committee that includes NAE members Bonnie Dunbar, University of Houston, and Jackie Gish, Northrop Grumman (ret.). In addition, five national organizations have been enlisted as partners: Achieve, Inc., National Science Teachers Association, American Association for Engineering

8 NAE Education, International Technology and Engineering Educators Association, and Council of State Science Supervisors. They are represented on the oversight committee and bring added visibility and credibility to the project.

Educator Capacity Building in PreK–12 Engineering Education Although the visibility and potential importance of engineering in preK–12 education have increased in recent years, research suggests that the number of educators prepared to teach preK–12 engineering is quite small relative to likely demand. In addition, the policy and educational infra- structure for building educator capacity in preK–12 engineering is significantly underdeveloped. In response to this challenge, with funding from the National Science Foundation, the NAE launched a project in October 2014 to understand current and anticipated needs for engineering-literate preK–12 educators in the United States and how these needs might be addressed.

The project will (1) determine what is known from the published literature about the preparation of preK–12 educators to teach engineering; (2) catalogue existing US pre- and inservice programs that support the preparation and professional development of preK–12 engineering educators; (3) review formal (e.g., state certification) and informal (e.g., “badging”) mechanisms that are

being or might be used to recognize expertise and support career pathway options for preK–12 PROGRAM REPORTS teachers of engineering; and (4) explore the potential for four-year engineering and engineering technology programs to take a more active role in the preparation of teachers of preK–12 engi- neering. The 18-month study is led by the NAE in collaboration with the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Board on Science Education. The principal product will be a consensus report with findings and recommendations. Public Understanding of Engineering

Media Relations The NAE media relations office fielded numerous inquiries from journalists around the world in 2015 and actively pitched NAE-related stories and other engineering-related topics. Coverage included more than 400 stories about “The Next MacGyver” project (see below)—in outlets such as the New York Times, ABC’s Good Morning America, Science magazine, National Public Radio, the Los Angeles Times, and the Washington Post—and articles in the Boston Globe and San Diego Tribune about the Gordon and Draper prizes, respectively.

NAE Communications Director Randy Atkins continued to report weekly “Engineering Innovation” pieces on the all-news radio station WTOP-FM (the most popular radio station in the Washington area) and Federal News Radio. The reports can also be heard on the NSF’s Science360 Internet radio site. The NAE features these reports on its own website (www.nae.edu/radio), and podcasts of the radio stories are available to millions of subscribers via iTunes.

Public Relations The NAE continued to use social media to raise public awareness of engineering and its role in society and to increase recognition of the NAE. Throughout the year, the NAE sent tweets to media, corporate partners, and universities to help spread the word about NAE activities.

9 2015 The NAE “Spotlight on Engineering” enewsletter was redesigned to add video and photo capa- bilities. The newsletter provides information on engineering and policy activities of the National Academies, engineering news from around the world, special events, and other items of interest to more than 4,000 subscribers.

Grand Challenges for Engineering The NAE’s Grand Challenges for Engineering movement—inspired by 14 “game-changing” goals outlined in an influential 2008 NAE report—is having far-reaching and growing impacts.

The NAE Grand Challenge Scholars Program (GCSP), which combines curricular and extracurricular compo- nents to prepare students to take on these goals, is taking root at more

PROGRAM REPORTS and more colleges and universities across the country. In March, 122 schools signed a letter of commitment to President Obama pledging to graduate a minimum of 20 students per year who are specifically prepared to lead the way in solving large-scale problems, with the goal of training more than 20,000 formally recognized “Grand Challenge Engineers” over the next decade. This pledge was announced at the White House.

In September the Chinese Academy of Engineering, US National Academy of Engineering, and Royal Academy of Engineering held the second Global Grand Challenges Summit (GGCS), in Beijing. US participation was sponsored by Lockheed Martin. The GGCS focused on themes of the NAE Grand Challenges report—sustainability, health, security/resilience, and joy of living—as well as education, energy, and infrastructure. Some 600 delegates attended, including nearly 200 stu- dent participants both in-person and via webcast around the globe. Top experts outlined ideas for international cooperation in addressing the NAE Grand Challenges and discussed them with each other and the audience. Among the speakers were Alibaba Group founder and executive chair Jack Ma, Queens University Belfast cybersecurity expert Maire O’Neill, and Princeton University sustainability expert and original NAE Grand Challenges report committee member Robert Socolow. The day before the summit was a Student Day during which undergraduate teams from the three host countries competed in pitching entrepreneurial ideas for addressing one or more of the NAE Grand Challenges.

More information about the Grand Challenges for Engineering is available at www. engineeringchallenges.org.

The Next MacGyver In celebration of National Engineers Week in February, the NAE and the University of Southern California’s Viterbi School of Engineering, in collaboration with the MacGyver Foundation and Lee Zlotoff (creator of the TV series “MacGyver”), launched a worldwide crowdsourcing competi-

10 NAE tion called “The Next MacGyver.” Sponsored by the United Engineering Foundation, Ford Motor Company, and Google, the project sought ideas for a scripted television show featuring a female engineer character in a leading role. The goal was to create a historic TV series that inspires young people, especially women, to pursue careers in engineering.

Almost 2,000 submissions were received and, through a screening process involving judges from both engineering and entertainment, 12 finalists were selected. From as far away as Australia, they include practitioners and scholars in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields, seasoned and first-time writers, students, and an Internet personality. Show concepts ranged from science fiction thriller to comedy, classic spy, historical, and interactive crime drama.

During a live pitch event at the Paley Center in Beverly Hills on July 28, the 12 finalists presented their show ideas and concept art before an esteemed panel of judges. Five winners were selected, each of whom received $5,000 and was paired with a successful Hollywood TV producer mentor to create an original TV pilot script. Expert engineers were also engaged to advise on engineering elements of the storylines. Information on the winners and their show ideas is available at www. TheNextMacGyver.com. PROGRAM REPORTS Center for Engineering Ethics and Society (CEES)

Becoming the Online Resource Center for Ethics in Engineering and Science In the second year of the project to expand the National Academy of Engineering’s Online Ethics Center (OEC; onlineethics.org) to be the go-to online source for critical resources and support for ethics and ethics education in science and engineering, the site was revised and relaunched. It has been redesigned to (1) connect resources; (2) provide resources on ethics topics and on how to teach ethics; (3) allow searching and browsing by type of resource, topic, or science and engineering field; and (4) enable better recognition of those who author and contribute resources. Over the next three years six content editorial boards will identify, develop, and evaluate mate- rials to expand the collection; and, together with the Outreach and Engagement Group, will reach out to meet the needs of the site’s wide range of audiences. The focus areas of the content editorial boards are engineering; life and environmental sciences; computer, math, and physical sciences; social and behavioral sciences; research ethics; and international ethics. The project’s advisory committee includes leaders in ethics, the sciences, and engineering, and members of the three academies. The project is funded by the National Science Foundation, with the cooperation of the NAE’s sister Academies of Sciences and Medicine, and in col- laboration with the Ethics Education Library (EEL) of the Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions at the Illinois Institute of Technology.

11 2015 Infusing Ethics into the Development of Engineers The CEES advisory group invited faculty and administrators at US universities and colleges to submit activities at the associate’s, bachelor’s, or master’s level for engineering or engineering technology that prepare students for ethical practices, research, or leadership in engineering. Submissions were accepted until September 18 and had to meet two criteria: the activity should connect ethics to technical engineering content and it should include assessment, quantitative or qualitative, of whether its educational goals have been or are being met. An NAE selection com- mittee reviewed the submissions and selected those that might serve as exemplars for broader adoption and adaptation. The resulting 25 exemplary programs—from short activities inserted in engineering courses to multiyear programs required of all students—will be featured in a report published in early 2016. Additional information about and materials from the exemplars will be included in the OEC collection (onlineethics.org). Information about the project is available at www.nae.edu/InfusingEthics.aspx.

Workshop on Overcoming Challenges to Infusing Ethics in the Development of Engineers This project will convene current and emerging leaders in ethics and engineering who are PROGRAM REPORTS working to improve the ethical development of engineering students at a workshop to (1) share their work, experiences, and lessons learned; (2) discuss strategies for overcoming institutional and cultural challenges; and (3) develop plans and collaborations for advancing efforts to infuse ethics into the development of engineers. Practicing engineers, engineering educators, and engineering ethics scholars will have both informal and guided opportunities at the workshop to strategize and develop plans for incorporating ethics in engineering curricula. The workshop will be held in January 2017. More information is available at www.nae.edu/ overcomingchallenges.aspx.

Integrated Network for Social Sustainability (INSS) CEES is assisting the University of North Carolina–Charlotte with an Integrated Network for Social Sustainability (INSS), for researchers and practitioners, to bring attention to and refine public understanding of social sustainability. Broadly defined, social sustainability includes aspects of human welfare associated with community, quality of life, social justice, democratic process, education, and health and safety. This project seeks to convene qualified and diverse individuals to develop research, education, and outreach activities that illuminate the definition and compo- nents of social sustainability. In its third year, the network held a distributed virtual summit, at four sites in the United States and one abroad, where members shared case studies and experiences and worked toward articulating a more definitive and inclusive concept of social sustainability that engages practitioners and academics alike. The fourth annual INSS meeting, on “Communities and Connections,” will be held June 8–10, 2016, at eight sites, including the Keck Center in Washington. CEES leads the INSS Research Group, which has prepared a paper itemizing poten- tial questions for a research agenda in social sustainability. More information is available at www. nae.edu/INSS.aspx.

Sustainable Cities and Interdisciplinary International Education CEES is part of an NSF Partnership in International Research and Education (PIRE) grant led by Anu Ramaswami (University of Minnesota) that focuses on “Developing Low-Carbon Cities in the United States, China, and India through Inter-Disciplinary Integration across Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Social Sciences & Public Health.” The project is developing a trans- formative international research, education, and outreach program to assist in the development

12 NAE of low-carbon, resource-efficient, healthy cities in the United States, China, and India. CEES assisted in organizing and hosting a workshop at the NAS Building in August 2015 to present the results of the partnership and its educational program. The workshop included a session on ethics and ethics education for sustainable urban futures. The OEC will compile a list of edu- cational resources on the topics and produce a short video from the workshop. More informa- tion, including the names of the other project partners, is available at www.nae.edu/Projects/ CEES/57196/70831.aspx. Diversity of the Engineering Workforce

EngineerGirl Website The EngineerGirl website (www.EngineerGirl.org) was launched in 2001 as a project of the Committee on the Diversity of the Engineering Workforce to bring widespread attention to excit- ing career opportunities in engineering, particularly for girls and women. Since the site was rede- signed in 2012 to more effectively engage a modern audience, it has enjoyed a steady increase in traffic: in 2015 the number of sessions—59,900 per month—and unique visits—49,500 per

month—were up 33 percent from 2014. PROGRAM REPORTS

EngineerGirl hosts a number of ongoing programs to provide answers and information for stu- dents. In 2015 through the Ask an Engineer section, where students can ask questions about a career from practicing engineers, 178 new answers were posted online. To showcase the many opportunities available to engineers, a new field of earth resources engineering was added to the Try on a Career Section, thanks to the generous support of the Chevron Corporation, and 39 new profiles of practicing engineers were added to the Directory of Women Engineers.

In addition to providing students with the tools, knowledge, and inspira- tion to consider engi- neering careers, the site hosts an annual national essay contest to encour- age students to explore how engineers impact the world. The 2015 contest, on “Engineering in Sports,” asked girls and boys in grades 3–12 to describe the engineer- ing behind a technology used in a sport they enjoy. The 678 entries came from 46 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico as well as 10 foreign countries. First, second, and third prize winners were select- ed for each of three grade categories. The winners received monetary prizes and certificates, and the winning essays are available online at www.EngineerGirl.org/2015Winners.aspx.

13 2015 The large number of visits and engagement on the website suggest that girls around the world are learning valuable information that will help them chart their careers. Feedback from a survey of participants in the 2015 essay competition confirmed that EngineerGirl continues to make a dif- ference. From 479 student responses, 71 percent of girls (and 60 percent of boys) said the site and the contest changed their views about engineering, and 39 percent of the respondents indicated that the site caused them to consider becoming an engineer, thus underscoring the importance of compelling online information for students about engineering careers. Frontiers of Engineering

The Frontiers of Engineering (FOE) symposium series brings together emerging engineering leaders from industry, academia, and gov- ernment laboratories to discuss pioneering technical work and leading-edge research in various engineering fields and industrial sectors. The goals of the symposia are to (1) introduce outstand- ing young engineers (ages 30–45) to each other and promote the

PROGRAM REPORTS establishment of contacts among the next generation of engineer- ing leaders, and (2) facilitate collaboration and the transfer of techniques and approaches across engineering fields in order to sustain and build US innovative capacity.

The annual US Frontiers of Engineering (US FOE) Symposium brings together approximately 100 engineers from across the country. There are also five bilateral programs: (1) German-American Frontiers of Engineering (GAFOE), in partnership with the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation; (2) Japan-America Frontiers of Engineering (JAFOE), in partnership with the Engineering Academy of Japan; (3) Indo-American Frontiers of Engineering (IAFOE), in partner- ship with the Indo-US Science and Technology Forum; (4) China-America Frontiers of Engineering (CAFOE), in partnership with the Chinese Academy of Engineering; and (5) EU-US Frontiers of Engineering (EU- US FOE), in part- nership with the European Council of Applied Sciences, Technologies, and Engineering.

Three symposia were held in 2015. The GAFOE meeting was held in April in Potsdam, Germany, and the topics were nano- to micro- robotics, particle accelerators and their applications, synthetic membranes and their applications, and

14 NAE protecting user privacy in the age of big data. For the CAFOE symposium in June at the Beckman Center, the topics were advanced manufacturing, big data, clean water, and devices for health care. At the US FOE meeting in September, also at the Beckman Center, presentations addressed cybersecurity and privacy, engineering the search for Earth-like exoplanets, optical and mechani- cal metamaterials, and forecasting natural disasters.

FOE encourages continued interaction among symposium participants through ongoing out- reach activities. Yearly proceedings, such as Frontiers of Engineering: Reports on Leading-Edge Engineering from the 2014 Symposium (published in February 2015), are mailed to US FOE par- ticipants. The FOE website (www.naefrontiers.org) includes a searchable database and directory of all FOE alumni, an FOE Community section where alumni can share news, an FOE Alumni Spotlight on participants’ research and technical work, and programs, papers, presentation slides, and video from the FOE symposia. An FOE alumni newsletter is published twice a year.

The Grainger Foundation Frontiers of Engineering Grants enable further pursuit of new interdisci- plinary research and technical work stimulated by the conference and support participants’ continuing interactions. In 2015 these grants were awarded to two teams of individuals who

attended the 2014 US FOE meeting. Andrea Alù (University of Texas at Austin) and Luke PROGRAM REPORTS Sweatlock (Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems) received a grant to research the limits of thermal management and radio-communications using time-modulated metasurfaces. Danielle Tullman Ercek (University of California, Berkeley) and David Mascareñas (Los Alamos National Laboratory) received a grant to develop a programmable structural adhesive capable of self- degradation of its structural properties at a specified time after being triggered by an appropriate stimulus. The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the Indo-US Science and Technology Forum also provide support for ongoing collaborations among participants in the GAFOE and IAFOE symposia, respectively.

The following sponsors provided grants or in-kind support for the 2015 FOE symposia: The Grainger Foundation, National Science Foundation, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, DOD–ASDR&E Research Directorate–STEM Development Office, Microsoft Research, Cummins Inc., and individual donors.

Armstrong Endowment for Young Engineers—Gilbreth Lectures The Armstrong Endowment for Young Engineers—Gilbreth Lectures, a related but independent program, selects out- standing engineers from among FOE speakers to give presentations at the NAE annual and national meetings.

In 2015 four speakers delivered Gilbreth lectures at the National Meeting on February 5 in Irvine. Dennis Hong (University of California, Los Angeles) spoke on “Biologically Inspired Mobile Robots”; Julia Greer (California Institute of Technology) gave a presentation on “Mechanics and Physics of Nanosolids in Designing 3-D Hierarchical Metamaterials”;

15 2015 Todd Coleman (University of California, San Diego) spoke about “Smart Skin Sensors and Analytics in the Cloud to Advance the Frontiers of Wearable Health”; and Richard Marks (Sony Computer Entertainment) gave a talk on “Moving Innovative Game Technology from the Lab to the Living Room.” Manufacturing, Design, and Innovation

Transformational changes are occurring in US-based manufacturing, design, and innovation. US manufacturing employment is significantly affected by increasing globalization and factory auto- mation. At the same time, innovations in technologies and business models—such as additive manufacturing, advanced sensors, and “servitization”—present opportunities for new value cre- ation. The NAE created the Manufacturing, Design, and Innovation (MDI) Initiative to understand the effects of these changes on US prosperity and employment and their implications for business practices, research, education, and public policy.

Making Value for America: Embracing the Future of

PROGRAM REPORTS Manufacturing, Technology, and Work This NAE study examined how recent developments in technologies and business models are influencing manufacturing and high-tech industries in the United States. Established in August 2013, the study committee released its report in March 2015, outlining the chal- lenges and opportunities facing US businesses and workers and pre- senting recommendations for a variety of private and public actors to strengthen American innovation in manufacturing and high-tech ser- vices. Briefings were held for industry groups, government officials (including White House and Congressional staff), and academics.

The study was chaired by NAE member Nicholas M. Donofrio, for- mer executive vice president for innovation and technology at IBM; and the committee included NAE members Lawrence D. Burns, Dean Kamen, Linda P.B. Katehi, Ann L. Lee, Arun Majumdar, Jonathan J. Rubinstein, and John J. Tracy.

Financial support for the study was provided by Robert A. Pritzker and the Robert Pritzker Family Foundation, Gordon E. Moore, Cummins, Boeing, IBM, Rockwell Collins, Xerox, Jon Rubinstein, Qualcomm, and Edward Horton. Center-Based Engineering Research

This 21-month, NSF-funded project, “A Vision for the Future of Center-Based, Multidisciplinary Engineering Research,” is developing a vision and high-level strategic recommendations for the future of NSF-supported center-scale, multidisciplinary engineering research. The project is jointly overseen by the NAE and National Materials and Manufacturing Board. The study will focus on the forces that are likely to shape engineering research, education, and technological innova- tion in the future, identifying associated challenges and opportunities, and evaluating the most promising models and approaches to successfully address them. It will consider models of large- scale, multidisciplinary engineering research in the United States and other parts of the world; NSF’s Engineering Research Centers will be used as prominent examples or cases in the study,

16 NAE but the intent is not to evaluate them. The 19-member committee is cochaired by NAE members Maxine Savitz (Honeywell, ret.) and David Walt (Tufts University). Other NAE members on the panel are Nadine Aubry (Northeastern University), Cheryl R. Blanchard (Microchips Biotech, Inc.), Robert Brown (Georgia Institute of Technology), Philip M. Neches (Teradata Corp.), Richard F. Rashid (Microsoft Corp.), Shankar Sastry (University of California, Berkeley), and Yannis Yortsos (University of Southern California). NAS member Monica Olvera de la Cruz (Northwestern University) also serves on the committee. The project aims to deliver a prepublication version of its report in January 2017 and the final report in April 2017. PROGRAM REPORTS


Charles Stark Draper Prize for Engineering Recognized as one of the world’s preeminent awards for engineering achievement, this prize honors an engineer or engineers whose contribu- tions have significantly improved the quality of life, enabled people to live more freely and comfortably, and/or permitted access to information. Presented annually, the prize carries a $500,000 cash award, an inscribed certificate, and a commemorative medallion.

Nick Holonyak, Jr., M. George Craford, Russell D. Dupuis, Isamu Akasaki, and Shuji Nakamura “for the invention, development, and commercialization of materials and processes for light- emitting diodes (LEDs).”

Nick Holonyak, Jr. M. George Craford Russell D. Dupuis Isamu Akasaki Shuji Nakamura

Fritz J. and Dolores H. Russ Prize The Russ Prize is awarded in recognition of an outstanding achievement in bioengi- neering that improves the human condition. Presented biennially, the prize carries a $500,000 cash award and a commemorative medallion.

Graeme M. Clark, Erwin Hochmair, Ingeborg J. Hochmair-Desoyer, Michael M. Merzenich, and Blake S. Wilson “for engineering cochlear implants that enable the deaf to hear.”

Graeme M. Clark Erwin Hochmair Ingeborg J. Michael M. Blake S. Wilson Hochmair-Desoyer Merzenich

For additional information about the NAE awards, 18 please visit our website, www.nae.edu/awards. Bernard M. Gordon Prize for Innovation in Engineering and Technology Education The Gordon Prize for Innovation in Engineering and Technology Education hon- ors technology educators whose innovative programs have strengthened the engineering workforce by cultivating students’ leadership, creativity, and team- work skills. The Gordon Prize is presented annually and awards a cash prize of $500,000, shared between the educator(s) and the educational institution, to support continuation of the award-winning program. The recipients also receive an inscribed certificate and a commemorative medallion.

Simon Pitts and Michael B. Silevitch “for developing an innovative method to provide graduate engineers with the necessary per- sonal skills to become effective engineering leaders—Northeastern University.”

Simon Pitts Michael B. Silevitch

Simon Ramo Founders Award The Simon Ramo Founders Award is given in recognition of an NAE member or foreign member who has exemplified the ideals and principles of the NAE through professional, educational, and per- sonal achievement and accomplishment. It is presented annually during the NAE annual meeting, and the recipient receives an inscribed certificate and a commemorative medal.

Linda P.B. Katehi “for visionary leadership in engineering research, entrepreneurship, and education, and for national advo- Linda P.B. Katehi cacy of higher education as a major driver of the US economy.”

Arthur M. Bueche Award The Bueche Award honors an engineer who has been actively involved in advancing US science and technology policy, promoting US technological development, and enhancing relations between indus- try, government, and universities. Presented annually during the NAE annual meeting, the recipient receives an inscribed certificate and a commemorative medal.

William F. Banholzer “for his extraordinary record of new products commercialization and improvement in university- industry relationships through innovative intellectual prop- erty treatment and joint industry-academic funding.” William F. Banholzer 19 2015 NEW MEMBERS AND FOREIGN MEMBERS 2015 NEWMEMBERSANDFOREIGN 2015. the timeofinductionceremony, October4, members follows, withtheirprimaryaffiliationsat A listofthenewlyelectedmembersandforeign ing education.” implementing innovative approaches toengineer- in traditional fieldsofengineering,ordeveloping/ fields oftechnology, makingmajoradvancements and tothe“pioneeringofnewdeveloping icant contributionstotheengineeringliterature,” or education,including,where appropriate,signif- contributions to“engineeringresearch, practice, bership honorsthosewho have madeoutstanding tinctions accordedtoanengineer. Academy mem- Engineering isamongthehighestprofessionaldis- to 221.ElectiontheNational Academy of ship to2,263andthenumberofforeignmembers foreign members,bringingthetotalUSmember- In February, NAE elected67newmembersand12 Polymer Technologies,Inc. Das, SantoshK. Massachusetts Instituteof Technology P.Chandrakasan, Anantha Carnegie MellonUniversity Caulkins, Jonathan P. Northrop GrummanCorporation Bush, WesleyG. Hospital Harvard MedicalSchool/Massachusetts General Brown, Emery N. University ofCalifornia,Berkeley Bray, Jonathan D. The BoeingCompany Bowcutt, Kevin G. Microchips Biotech, Inc. Blanchard, Cheryl R. Massachusetts Instituteof Technology Bhatia, SangeetaN. Zual Associates inLubricationLLC Bardasz, Ewa A. Massachusetts Instituteof Technology Balakrishnan, Hari California Instituteof Technology Atwater, Jr., Harry A. NEW MEMBERS 20 US GeologicalSurvey Konikow, Leonard F. The Dow ChemicalCompany Klier, John Schlumberger-Doll Research Kleinberg, RobertL. Delta ProductsCorporation Jovanovic, MilanM. University of Wisconsin-Madison M. Jahns, Thomas University ofMichigan Hu, S.Jack Fulgent Therapeutics Hsieh, Ming Sheaumann LaserInc. Hsieh, J.Jim Technology (Eawag) Swiss Federal Instituteof Aquatic Scienceand Hering, Janet G. Fauske & Associates, LLC Henry, RobertE. Simpson Gumpertz&Heger, Inc. Hamburger, RonaldO. University ofChicago Guha, Supratik California Instituteof Technology Grubbs, RobertH. Technology Jet PropulsionLaboratory/California Instituteof Goebel, DanM. Massachusetts Instituteof Technology Gleason, Karen K. Girod, Bernd California Instituteof Technology Gharib, Morteza(Mory) Intel Corporation Ghani, Tahir University of Wisconsin-Madison Fonck, Raymond J. MIT LincolnLaboratory Evans, EricD. Pennsylvania StateUniversity Elsworth, Derek Georgia Instituteof Technology Divan, Deepakraj M. Daubechies, Ingrid NAE 2015 UOP LLC Towler, Gavin P. Todd, Michael J. National Technical University of Athens Theodorou, Doros N. Oregon StateUniversity Temes, GaborC. Microsoft Corporation Szeliski, Richard North American ElectricReliabilityCorporation Sulzberger,C. Virginia Technology Jet PropulsionLaboratory/California Instituteof Stephens, Graeme L. University ofPennsylvania Srolovitz, David J. Massachusetts Instituteof Technology Rus, Daniela IBM Corporation Rometty,M. Virginia Massachusetts Instituteof Technology Reif, L.Rafael Texas A&M University-College Station Reddy, J.N. California Instituteof Technology Ravichandran, Guruswami University ofCalifornia,Berkeley Radke, Clayton J. Sandia NationalLaboratories Powers, Dana A. EMC Corporation Perlman, Radia Food andDrug Administration Myers, Kyle J. TheCorp. Aerospace Muellner, GeorgeKenneth University ofCalifornia,SantaBarbara Mitragotri, Samir Google Inc. McClendon, Brian Bristol-Myers SquibbCompany Lonberg, Nils Cornell University Liu, PhilipLi-Fan E.I. duPont deNemours&Company Kullman, EllenJ. Georgia Instituteof Technology Yoganathan,P. Ajit Columbia University Yao, David D. Georgia Instituteof Technology Yang, Vigor IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center Wynne, James J. Princeton University Wood, EricF. Duke University Wiesner, MarkR. University ofDelaware Wagner, NormanJ. George MasonUniversity Van Trees, Harry L. University ofMinnesota,Minneapolis Tsapatsis, Michael Switzerland Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale deLausanne, Vetterli, Martin Delft University of Technology, Netherlands van Loosdrecht, MarkC.M. IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center Shahidi, Ghavam Stanford University Nørskov, Jens Kehlet Imperial CollegeLondon,UnitedKingdom Nethercot, David A. Kyoto University, Japan Nakashima, Masayoshi Electrical EnergyResearch Center(CEPEL),Brazil Martins, Nelson Polytechnic University ofMadrid,Spain Liñán, Amable University ofNewcastle, Australia Jameson, Graeme John University ofCambridge,UnitedKingdom Gladden, Lynn F. R. Allan Freeze EngineeringInc., Freeze, R. Allan University ofParis-Sud XI,France Couvreur, Patrick NEW FOREIGNMEMBERS 21

2015 NEW MEMBERS AND FOREIGN MEMBERS NAE ANNIVERSARY MEMBERS NAE ANNIVERSARYMEMBERS their 45thyear in2015. Names inboldcelebrated 49 YEARS 45 TO Simon Ramo 50 YEARS *Deceased P.L. T Lewis M.Branscomb Boley Bruno A. Andrew H.Bobeck B. Paul Blasingame Donald L.Bitzer Stephen D. Bechtel, Jr. Arthur G. Anderson Betsy Ancker-Johnson William G. Agnew their 40thyear in2015. Names inboldcelebrated 44 YEARS 40 TO Robert M. White* Dean A.Watkins William J.Perry Hilliard W.Paige George E.Mueller* Brockway McMillan John J.McKetta, Jr. J. RossMacdonald Christopher C.Kraft, Jr. Woodrow E.Johnson William J.Hall Haddad Jerrier A. Richard J.Grosh Earnest F. Gloyna John S.Foster, Jr. Jay W.Forrester Don U.Deere Edward E.David, Jr. Ray W.Clough Arthur E.Bryson Harold Brown R. ByronBird Leo L.Beranek Gene M. Amdahl* hibaut Brian 22

Lotfi A. Zadeh Lotfi A. Herbert H. Robert L. Wiegel James G. Myron T Ping King Tien Morris T Ivan E.Sutherland Rosen Harold A. Leslie E.Robertson David S.Potter Robert Plunkett Joseph H.Newman Gordon H.Millar Fujio Matsuda Alan M.Lovelace Robert G.Loewy C. GordonLittle Salomon Levy T.Lambe William James R.Johnson Arthur E.Humphrey Nick Holonyak, Jr. John P. Hirth Thomas J.Hanratty John C.Hancock Paul Gray E. Roy W.Gould Ralph E.Gomory James F. Gibbons Ivar Giaever FroschRobert A. Peter T.Flawn Morris E.Fine* A.J. Field Robert M.Fano James L.Everett III Mildred S.Dresselhaus Robert M.Drake, Jr. Malcolm R.Currie Edward Cohen Stuart W.Churchill Joseph V.Charyk Robert H.Cannon, Jr. J. Fred Bucy Norman H.Brooks anenbaum ribus ribus Wenzel Woodson

William J.Galloway Robert G.Gallager Theodore V.Galambos Yuan-Cheng B. Douglas W.Fuerstenau Merton C.Flemings James L.Flanagan* Steven J.Fenves Joseph Feinstein Thomas E.Everhart Robert R.Everett Von R.Eshleman Leo Esaki Elder Rex A. Ira Dyer John E.Dolan Anthony J.DeMaria Raymond F. Decker Robert C.Dean, Jr. John F. Davidson Elio D’Appolonia* Jose B.Cruz, Jr. Charles Crussard* Harvey G.Cragon Fernando J.Corbato Lloyd S.Cluff Per V.Bruel* Frederick P. Brooks, Jr. William B. Bridges John E.Breen Erich Bloch Elwyn Berlekamp Donald C.Berkey Daniel Berg C. GordonBell Wallace B.Behnke Seymour Baron Alfredo H-S. Ang John G. Anderson Clarence R. Allen H. Norman Abramson Egil Abrahamsen their 35thyear in2015. Names inboldcelebrated 39 YEARS 35 TO Fung NAE 2015 *Deceased Johannes Moe James K.Mitchell Harry W.Mergler James D. Meindl Charles J.McMahon, Jr. Ross E.McKinney William J.McCune, Jr. Perry L.McCarty John S.Mayo Robert D. Maurer Hans Mark Marcatili Enrique A.J. Artur Mager John D. Mackenzie Louis C.Lundstrom* Robert W.Lucky William R.Lucas Edwin N.Lightfoot, Jr. Milton Levenson Griff C.Lee William W.Lang Henry Kressel Herwig Kogelnik Gordon S.Kino Jack L.Kerrebrock Herbert H.Kellogg Bernard H.Kear William M.Kays Eneas D. Kane Robert L.Johnson Paul C.Jennings George W.Jeffs Noel Jarrett Michel Hug Charles L.Hosler, Jr. Edward E.Hood, Jr. Joseph M.Hendrie Robert W.Hellwarth George N.Hatsopoulos Stephen E.Harris Robert N.Hall Andrew S.Grove George W.Govier John B. Goodenough Solomon W.Golomb Ronald L.Geer Welko E.Gasich Richard L.Garwin Lloyd R. Welch Jasper A. Welch,Jr. James Wei Johannes Weertman Wilford F. Weeks William M. Webster John B. Wachtman, Jr. Andrew J. Viterbi Anestis S. Gregory Thomas A. Vanderslice Marshall P. T Kenneth Daniel M. T Charles E. Ta George W.Jr.Swenson, Lawrence E.Swabb, Jr. Theodore Stern Steinberg Morris A. Roger W.Staehle Sozen Mete A. Masanobu Shinozuka Paul G.Shewmon Oleg D. Sherby* Roland W.Schmitt Jean E.Sammet Allen S.Russell Dale F. Rudd Anatol Roshko Lawrence G.Roberts Herbert H.Richardson James R.Rice Quinn John A. Ronald F. Probstein John M.Prausnitz Karl S.Pister Jacques Peters Stanford S.Penner Marc J.Pelegrin PearsonJ.R. Anthony Harold W.Paxton C. Kumar N.Patel Norman F. Parker Simon Ostrach Karl H.Norris Walter E.Morrow, Jr. James J.Morgan Gordon E.Moore Carl L.Monismith Thompson S. Vassell Veletsos ellep ellep ulin ylor ylor

George S.Graff Richard J.Goldstein Ralph S.Gens Harry C.Gatos Donald C.Fr Fowler Charles A. C. David Forney, Jr. John C.Fisher John V.Evans Joseph F. Engelberger* Richard E.Emmert Eckert Charles A. Peter S.Eagleson James M.Duncan Robert H.Dennard F. Paul deMello Daniel B. DeBra James W.Dally L. EricCross Robert C.Crooke Paul Philip M.Condit W. DaleCompton John L.Cleasby John V.Christiansen Anil K.Chopra Alfred Y.Cho Klaus D. Bowers John G.Bollinger Nicolaas Bloembergen Arden L.Bement, Jr. Lionel O. Barthold Norman R. Augustine Arthur Ashkin William A.Anders Dell K. Allen Mihran S. Agbabian Jan D. Achenbach their 30thyear in2015. Names inboldcelebrated 34 YEARS 30 TO Laurence R. Y Alfred A. Yee Amnon Yariv Gerald L. Wilson Albert R.C. Westwood Robert H. Wertheim M. Cook aser oung 23

NAE ANNIVERSARY MEMBERS NAE ANNIVERSARY MEMBERS Lawrence R.Rabiner Thomas K.Perkins Robin B. Nicholson Hyla S.Napadensky Nadel Norman A. Franklin K.Moore Richard C.Messinger Seymour L.Meisel* Robert Mehrabian Mead Carver A. Alan L.McWhorter Hudson Matlock* James W.Mar Robert Malpas John B.MacChesney John W.Lyons Dan Luss Joseph C.Logue Raymond C.Loehr Peter W.Likins John W.Leonard George Leitmann Shih-Ying Lee Ronald M.Latanision J. HalcombeLaning Butler W.Lampson James N.Krebs KohlerMax A. Leonard J.Koch C. Judson King Thomas Kailath Trevor O. Jones Irwin M.Jacobs Erich P. Ippen John W.Hutchinson William G.Howard, Jr. Hodges David A. Cyril Hilsum Alfred J.Hendron, Jr. Robert C.Hawkins Kenneth E.Haughton Harter George A. Dean B. Harrington Robert D. Hanson Kent F. Hansen Robert S.Hahn Hermann K.Gummel Paul EliotGreen, Jr. *Deceased 24 Paul Zia Dante C. Y Takeo Yokobori Theodore Y.Wu Edward L. Wilson Sheila E. Widnall Willis S. White, Jr. John F. Welch, Jr. Sheldon Weinig Vern W. Weekman,Jr. Walter J. Weber, Jr. George L. T Joseph F. Tr Nickolas J. Themelis Joseph F. Sutter Henry E.Stone Fred Sterzer Ponisseril Somasundaran Smith Kenneth A. George E.Smith John BrooksSlaughter Eugene D. Shchukin Charles V.Shank Eugene Sevin John H.Seinfeld William R.Schowalter Jr.Schmit, Lucien A. John H.Schmertmann Irwin W.Sandberg Donald G.Russell* James F. Roth Ronald E.Rosensweig Stanley T.Rolfe Walter L.Robb Gustavo Rivas-Mijares Eli Reshotko Raj Reddy Frank F. Aplan Thomas R. Anthony Stig A.Annestrand Frances E. Allen Richard C. Alkire Zhores I. Alferov their 25thyear in2015. Names inboldcelebrated 29 YEARS 25 TO oula aub* urin Lynn A. Robert W.Conn Harry M.Conger James M.Coleman Keith H.Coats G. WayneClough Rodney J.Clifton Robert P. Clagett Jon F. Claerbout Richard M.Christensen Chittenden William A. Herbert S.Cheng Nai Y.Chen Ben H.Caudle John F. Cashen Kenneth John R.Casani Edwin L.Carstensen William J.Carroll Michael M.Carroll Robert P. Caren James D. Callen Robert L.Byer Robert D. Burnham Walter L.Brown Robert W.Brodersen James E.Broadwell Brand Donald A. H. Kent Bowen Geoffrey Boothroyd Blenkarn Kenneth A. Richard E.Blahut Joel S.Birnbaum David P. Billington Betti John A. Alexis T.Bell Bekey George A. Robert G.Bea William F. Ballhaus, Jr. Earl E.Bakken David H. Auston David Atlas* Bishnu S. Atal Michael F. Ashby John A.Armstrong Ali S. Argon Minoru S.(Sam) Araki Richard A. ConwayRichard A. Conway E. Case NAE 2015 *Deceased Arthur H.Heuer Robert J.Hermann Adam Heller L. LouisHegedus Siegfried S.Hecker Michael Hatzakis Juris Hartmanis Donald L.Hammond Bacharuddin J.Habibie Keith E.Gubbins Paul Gray R. William W.Graessley Arthur C.Gossard Joseph W.Goodman Mary L.Good Marvin E.Goldstein W. Barney Gogarty George J.Gleghorn Alastair M.Glass Jerome B. Gilbert David B. Geselowitz Elsa M.Garmire Judson C.French Alan B.Fowler Robert C.Forney John W.Fisher Robert E.Fischell FeigenbaumEdward A. Frank F. Fang Thomas V.Falkie Tony F.W. Embleton Gerard W.Elverum Charles Elachi Helen T.Edwards James Economy Robert J.Eaton Dean E.Eastman Duscha Lloyd A. Russell D. Dupuis James J.Duderstadt Irwin Dorros Stephen W.Director Frederick H.Dill Morton M.Denn Ernest L.Daman Lawrence B. Curtis Edward J.Cording Harry E.Cook John C.McDonald Bill B. May Adolf D. May Shiro Matsuoka James F. Mathis Robert F. Mast John L.Mason Maneatis George A. Albert Macovski Daniel P. Loucks Benjamin Y.H.Liu John D.C. Little Barbara H.Liskov Norman N.Li Martin P. Lepselter James U.Lemke L. GaryLeal Gerald D. Laubach Kaye D. Lathrop Louis J.Lanzerotti James Lago Roger Lacroix Bernard L.Koff Albert S.Kobayashi Robert H.Kingston Makoto Kikuchi George E.Keller II Charles K.Kao Melvin F. Kanninen Robert E.Kahn Frank D. Judge Angel G.Jordan G. Frank Joklik Ellis L.Johnson James O. Jirsa Marvin E.Jensen Robert B. Jansen Stephen C.Jacobsen Anthony J.Iorillo Izzat M.Idriss Iacocca Lee A. Chieh-Su Hsu John H.Horlock John E.Hopcroft Hoel Lester A. Yu-Chi Ho Narain G.Hingorani Hiler Edward A. Ronald L.Rivest Jerome G.Rivard Robert H.Rediker Rapp Robert A. Edwin P. Przybylowicz Donald E.Procknow William R.Prindle Michael Prats John William Poduska, Sr. Robert Plonsey R. ByronPipes Dennis J.Picard Emil Pfender Donald E.Petersen Penzias Arno A. Val P. Peline J. RandolphPaulling Donald R.Paul Bradford W.Parkinson Ronald R.Parker Frank L.Parker Jacques I.Pankove Morton B. Panish Carel Otte Robert B. Ormsby, Jr. Alan V.Oppenheim William G.Oldham J. TinsleyOden Ronald P. Nordgren William D. Nix J. Nicholas Newman Arun N.Netravali Robert M.Nerem George L.Nemhauser Stuart O.Nelson Albert Narath Roddam Narasimha C.D. (Dan)Mote,Jr. Joel Moses Joe H.Mize Sanjoy K.Mitter James W.Mitchell Harold Mirels Marvin L.Minsky Keith William F. Miller David G.Messerschmitt Chiang C.Mei K. Millheim 25

NAE ANNIVERSARY MEMBERS NAE ANNIVERSARY MEMBERS William H.Silcox* Michael L.Shuler Don W.Shaw Laurence C.Seifert Norman R.Scott Charles D. Scott Frank J.Schuh Alan Schriesheim Harold N.Scherer, Jr. Gavriel Salvendy Eugene C.Sakshaug Chih-Tang Sah Elbert L.Rutan T.W. Eli Ruckenstein Della M.Roy Herbert B.Rothman Murray W.Rosenthal Robert K.Roney Rohrer Ronald A. Roesner Larry A. Ignacio Rodriguez-Iturbe Robinson Enders A. *Deceased Fraser Russell 26 * Raymond Viskanta Walter G. Vincenti Jeffrey D. Ullman Neil E. T Charles E. Till Larry F. Thompson David A. Thompson Robert E. Tarjan Byron D. T Chung L. Tang John H.Sununu Ben G.Streetman William D. Strecker Richard G.Strauch Charles V.Sternling Fred I.Stalkup William J.Spencer Ephraim M.Sparrow James J.Solberg Leroy H.Smith, Jr. Henry I.Smith Merrill I.Skolnik Leonard M.Silverman odreas odreas apley apley Jacob Ziv Abe M.Zarem Moshe Zakai Loring A.Wyllie,Jr. Israel J. Wygnanski David A.Woolhiser Jerry M. Eugene Wong John J. Wise Ward O. Winer James C. Williams Forman A.Williams Janusz S. Wilczynski Robert M. White Jr.John A.White, Arthur W. Westerberg Irwin W Julia R. Weertman William J. Ward III Kuo K. Wang Dianzuo Wang Daniel I.C. Wang elber Woodall NAE A Message from NAE Vice President Corale Brierley

I am pleased to report on a healthy fundraising year. Thanks to the generosity of more than 730 members and donors, we were able to raise over $3.7 million in new cash and pledges in 2015 to sup- port our efforts to strengthen the engineering profession and engage the public about the opportunities that arise from engineering. Over $1.7 million (almost 50 percent of the funds raised) was for unre- stricted purposes, including $1.3 million to the NAE Independent Corale Brierley Fund and $377,000 for the President’s Initiatives Fund. This would

equate to a $38 million endowment equivalent assuming a 4.5 per- CONTRIBUTIONS PRIVATE 2015 cent draw that could be used as flexible funds.1 These unrestricted funds are vital to the NAE. They not only provide core support but allow us to initiate important new projects that lack federal funding and help expand the scope and impact of current programs.

We also received $2 million for projects (restricted) including EngineerGirl, the Next MacGyver, public awareness and understanding of engineering, K–12 education, the Frontiers of Engineering (FOE) sym- posia, prizes, and other programs. Approximately $1.4 million (74 percent) of the restricted funding came from corporations and/or foundations. We also had 100 percent giving participation from the NAE Council—a sincere gesture of commitment by our leadership.

This extraordinary philanthropic support provides for 30 percent of the NAE’s annual budget, and we are grateful for our donors’ confidence in our ability to use their contributions to serve the engineering community, students, policymakers, and the public. Below is a sampling of what the NAE accom- plished with philanthropic support in 2015:

• With support from Chevron, created LinkEngineering, a new website (www.linkengineering.org) to help preK–12 educators in the United States implement engineering education in classrooms and out-of-school settings. It provides the first-ever platform for K–12 teachers and informal educators to work and learn as a community toward improving the reach and quality of US precollege engi- neering education. • With support from the Lockheed Martin Corporation, we successfully cohosted the second annual Global Grand Challenges Summit with the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) and Royal Academy of Engineering (RAE). It was held in September 2015 in Beijing and had record atten- dance of 600. Increased philanthropic support allowed us to expand the program to include a student business plan competition where 15 undergraduate teams presented entrepreneurial ideas tackling one or more of the NAE Grand Challenges for Engineering. • We hosted the second E4U Video Contest that encouraged students and the public to learn about and get interested in engineering. Funded by a $250,000 gift from ExxonMobil, the winners were announced at the 2015 annual meeting. • We published four highly acclaimed issues of The Bridge. This popular publication is primarily funded by your contributions to the NAE Independent Fund. In 2015 your support allowed us to make it more visually appealing by providing the resources to print this flagship publication in color.

1 It would be $34 million assuming a 5 percent draw.

27 2015 • With support from the United Engineering Foundation (UEF), we launched the Next MacGyver Competition. Top Hollywood producers teamed with the NAE, the University of Southern California’s Viterbi School of Engineering, and the MacGyver Foundation to engage the worldwide public in a competition to crowdsource ideas for a scripted TV series featuring a female engineer as the leading character. Less than 20 percent of engineering bachelor degrees are granted to women and recent trends have been declining. White House officials have asked, “What could Hollywood and our creative talent do to help make engineers and entrepreneurs the rock stars of the 21st cen- tury?” Much like CSI did for forensic science, positive portrayal of engineers in popular culture can help young people consider themselves in such a role. The top 5 finalists are currently shopping their scripts to various networks to pilot their scripts.

After the blockbuster year of 2014, contributions slowed in 2015, especially in the first two quar- ters. This could be attributed to donor fatigue after the 50th Anniversary 4-year fundraising effort, for

2015 PRIVATE CONTRIBUTIONS PRIVATE 2015 which many donors stretched their giving, and the tumultuous stock market at the end of December and into January.

Some Highlights from 2015 The Fran and George Ligler Challenge for Section 2 got off to a great start in 2015. NAE member Fran Ligler and her husband George created this challenge to raise $100,000 by 2019 from Section 2 mem- bers and hopefully inspire other members to fund challenges for their sections. Of the 51 Section 2 members who gave in 2015, 22 increased their giving from 2014, 11 were new or lapsed donors, and 33 qualified for the Ligler Match. With close to $35,000, we are 1/3 of our way to reaching the goal— and this is only the first year of the 5-year effort. This is great news, and if we can keep up this pace of contributions we will exceed the goal for this challenge by the end of 2017.

We launched the Ming and Eva Hsieh $250,000 Challenge at the annual meeting. This is a wonder- ful first gift from the Hsiehs, especially since Ming was just inducted in October 2015—it is great to see that they decided to get involved early. Their gift benefits the President’s Initiatives Fund. Over $800,000 is eligible to be matched by the Hsieh Challenge, surpassing the $250,000 goal. In response to the challenge 291 members made gifts; 140 were new or lapsed donors and 151 increased their giving from 2014. This was also a good tool to spur contributions at the end of the year, and helped bring about several new pledges, including four $80,000 pledges to reach the Einstein Society for a total of 8 new Einstein members and 25 new Golden Bridge Society members for the year.

FEBRUARY COUNCIL DINNER AND FINANCIAL, TAX, AND ESTATE PLANNING SESSION In February 2015 the NAE hosted its annual council dinner in Newport Beach the night before the National Meeting with over 100 attendees. This dinner has become a tradition where members, donors, and friends in the area can interact with the NAE Council and meet, socialize, and hear about developments at the NAE. Art Geoffrion was presented with his Heritage Society Medal. For the third time, the NAE also hosted a Financial, Tax, and Estate Planning seminar just before the dinner, led by Cindy Sterling, certified financial planner. This seminar has become popular during the annual meeting and we wanted to offer members on the West Coast opportunities to learn more about making tax- wise estate plans and how best to incorporate their philanthropic priorities.

GOLDEN BRIDGE SOCIETY DINNER In conjunction with the 2015 annual meeting, President C. D. Mote, Jr. and his wife Patsy hosted some of the NAE’s most generous members and friends at the Golden Bridge Society Dinner at the Organization of American States on October 4. Among the supporters present, the newest donors were welcomed into the Academy’s three lifetime recognition societies, including 3 Einstein, 1 Golden Bridge, and 1 Heritage.

28 NAE NOTEWORTHY CONTRIBUTIONS The NAE received some remarkable gifts in 2015. While all contributions are greatly appreciated and make a difference in the work of the NAE, the following gifts show extraordinary leadership and com- mitment to the NAE.

• Dan (’76) and Frances Berg for pledging $80,000 to benefit the NAE Independent Fund in honor of his 40th anniversary as a member. • Virginia Bugliarello for making a gift in memory of her late husband, NAE member George Bugliarello, in support of EngineerGirl. • Chevron Corporation, which generously provided over $330,000 for EngineerGirl and LinkEngineering. • Ross (’02) and Stephanie Corotis for pledging $80,000 to benefit the NAE Independent Fund. • The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory for contributing $236,000 to cover operating costs of the

Draper Prize for the advancement of engineering and public education about engineering. CONTRIBUTIONS PRIVATE 2015 • Dotty and Gordon (’12) England for their $60,000 gift in support of the NAE Independent Fund. • Martin E. (’96) and Lucinda Glicksman who pledged $80,000 to benefit the NAE Independent Fund. • Ming and Eva Hsieh who generously funded a $250,000 giving challenge to encourage others to support the NAE. Their gift benefitted the President’s Initiatives Fund. • The William R. Kenan Institute at NC State for a $150,000 pledge in support of EngineerGirl. • Lockheed Martin for a $500,000 pledge payment for the 2015 Global Grand Challenges Summit in Beijing. • Robin (’07) and Rose McGuire for $50,000 in support of K–12 engineering education. • Microsoft for its annual gift to support the Frontiers of Engineering (FOE) program. • Jane and Alan (’97) Mulally for directing Alan Mulally’s $50,000 prize monies from the J.C. Hunsaker Award back to the Academies. • Ohio University Foundation for contributing $636,000 to cover operating costs associated with awarding the Russ Prize recognizing engineering achievements that have a significant and wide- spread impact on society. • James M. Tien (’01) and Ellen S. Weston for pledging $80,000 to help increase the public’s aware- ness and understanding of engineering. • United Engineering Foundation for a $150,000 gift in support of the Next MacGyver, a project that leverages the power of Hollywood to get students interested in engineering.

If you are interested in making a gift to the NAE, please contact Radka Nebesky, NAE director of development, at 202.334.3417 or [email protected].

Loyal Donors Gifts made regularly each year to the NAE demonstrate genuine commitment to our mission and goals. As a long-time donor who understands that every donation to the NAE is a choice to support an organization whose work I believe matters greatly, I thank the Loyalty Society members (page 36) who have contributed to the NAE for 20 years or more.

Looking Ahead In 2016 we will focus on building the endowment to ensure the NAE’s long-term financial strength and to provide a sustained stream of income for keystone programs. We plan to offer more opportuni- ties to learn about deferred giving and estate planning by hosting seminars in conjunction with select- ed regional meetings in addition to the estate planning brunch during the NAE annual meeting and other regular communication. If you are interested in making a planned gift to the NAE, or if you have already made a gift provision in your estate plans but have not yet notified us, please contact Jamie Killorin, director of gift planning, at 202.334.3833 or [email protected].

29 2015 Without your philanthropic support, the NAE would not have a solid foundation from which to sustain its most successful projects and spearhead the creation of new and timely programs. The energetic participation of our members has always driven the NAE forward with crucial time, effort, and ideas. Our members are also vital to our fundraising success, both by making financial contributions of their own and by serving as advocates for the NAE and engineering to their peers. We sincerely appreciate your generosity and continual support.

On behalf of the NAE Council, President Dan Mote, and myself, thank you very much for your con- tributions in 2015. Our supporting members, friends, partner corporations, foundations, government sponsors, and other organizations make all the difference in our ability to positively impact our world by being an advocate for engineering. I am grateful for your contributions, and look forward to your continued involvement in 2016. 2015 PRIVATE CONTRIBUTIONS PRIVATE 2015


ANNUAL GIVING SOCIETIES The National Academy of Engineering gratefully acknowledges the following members and friends who made charitable contributions to the NAE, and those NAE members who supported the Committee on Human Rights, a joint committee of the three academies, during 2015. The collective, private philanthropy of these individuals has a great impact on the NAE and its ability to be a national voice for engineering. We acknowledge contri- butions made as personal gifts or as gifts facilitated by the donor through a donor-advised fund, matching gift program, or family foundation. New member Ming Hsieh (’15) and his wife Eva challenged all members and friends to increase their giving to the NAE in 2015 with a $250,000 challenge. This generous gift provides resources to programs aligned with the new NAE Strategic Plan. Donors who participated in the Hsieh Challenge are noted with the 9 symbol. Fran Ligler, a member of the NAE Council and Section 2, and her husband George pledged $100,000 to encourage giving by Section 2 members over the next 5 years or until the $100,000 goal is reached. The members who participated in the Ligler Challenge are noted with the # symbol. CATALYST SOCIETY $50,000+ Daniel and Frances Berg Ming and Eva Hsieh Friends George* and Virginia Bugliarello9 Robin K. and Rose M. McGuire9 John F. McDonnell9 Ross and Stephanie Corotis9 Raymond S. Stata Dotty and Gordon England9 ROSETTE SOCIETY $25,000 to $49,999 Craig and Barbara Barrett Robert C. and Marilyn G. Forney9 Elisabeth Paté-Cornell Bharati and Murty Bhavaraju Frances and George Ligler Henry and Susan Samueli9 James O. Ellis, Jr. Clayton Daniel and Patricia L. David E. Shaw George and Ann Fisher Mote Richard P. Simmons

9Hsieh Challenge #Ligler Challenge *Deceased 30 NAE CHALLENGE SOCIETY $10,000 to $24,999 Nadine Aubry and John L. Batton9 Paul and Judy Gray9 Howie Rosen and Susan Stephen D. Bechtel, Jr.9 John O. Hallquist9 Doherty9# Gordon Bell Chad and Ann Holliday Mendel Rosenblum and Diane Thomas and Becky Bergman Michael W. Hunkapiller Greene9 Barry W. Boehm Kent Kresa Henry M. Rowan* Paul F. Boulos9 Narayana and Sudha Murty Richard J. Stegemeier9 David E. Daniel9 Ronald and Joan Nordgren9 Rosemary and George Lance and Susan Davis9 Roberto Padovani Tchobanglous9 Nicholas M. Donofrio9 Larry* and Carol Papay Andrew and Erna* Viterbi9 Martin E. and Lucinda Glicksman9 Julie and Alton D. Romig, Jr.9 John C. Wall Adrian Zaccaria9 CHARTER SOCIETY

$1,000 to $9,999 CONTRIBUTIONS PRIVATE 2015 Linda M. Abriola John and Assia Cioffi9 Stuart L. Cooper Andreas and Juana Acrivos Paul Citron and Margaret Carlson Richard W. Couch, Jr.9 Ronald J. Adrian9 Citron9# Arthur Coury9# John and Pat Anderson9 Philip R. Clark Gary L. Cowger John C. Angus Joseph M. Colucci Natalie W. Crawford Minoru S. Araki9 Rosemary L. and Harry M. Robert L. Crippen Ruth and Kenneth Arnold Conger Steven L. Crouch Wm. Howard Arnold* 9 R. Lyndon Arscott 9 Kamla* and Bishnu S. Atal9 MING & EVA HSIEH Ken Austin9 Wanda M. and Wade Austin Many thanks to new member Amos A. Avidan9 Ming Hsieh (’15) and his wife Eva 9 Arthur B. Baggeroer for encouraging all members and William F. Baker friends to increase their giving William F. Banholzer9 Craig H. Benson to the NAE in 2015 by funding a Leo L. Beranek $250,000 challenge. We are very Peter J. Bethell9 grateful for those who supported Mark and Kathy Board 9 this exciting initiative; $812,196 Diane and Samuel W. Bodman was given in response by mem- Rudolph Bonaparte9 Lewis M. Branscomb9 bers and friends. Corale L. Brierley James A. Brierley Proceeds will benefit programs Lenore and Rob Briskman aligned with the NAE Strategic Andrei Z. Broder Plan. Ming and Eva hope that 9 Alan C. Brown this challenge will inspire other Andrew Brown, Jr. members and friends to give and Thomas and Miriam Budinger9# Stuart K. Card catalyze additional philanthropy, François J. Castaing just as Asad and Taj Madni and their 2013 Challenge spurred them to action. Corbett Caudill9 Selim A. Chacour Private contributions are an investment in the NAE and they enable us to Chau-Chyun Chen9 initiate projects that our members consider vital to the nation’s future. The Josephine Cheng NAE strengthens the engineering profession, promotes engineering education, Stephen Z.D. Cheng and informs the public about the importance of engineering. Your gift, to any Weng C. Chew9 NAE fund, will help the implementation of the new strategic plan and build a Sunlin Chou9 Uma Chowdhry9 stronger, more proactive NAE.

9Hsieh Challenge #Ligler Challenge *Deceased 31 2015 Ruth A. David9 Janina and Siegfried Hecker James U. Lemke L. Berkley Davis John L. Hennessy Ronald K. Leonard Carl de Boor9 Janet G. Hering9 Frederick J. Leonberger9 Pablo G. Debenedetti David and Susan Hodges Burn-Jeng Lin Mary and Raymond Decker Grace and Thom Hodgson9 Richard J. Lipton9 Thomas B. Deen Urs Hölzle Jack E. Little George E. Dieter9 Edward E. Hood, Jr. Robert G. Loewy Stephen W. Director9 John R. Howell J. David Lowell9 Daniel W. Dobberpuhl Evelyn L. Hu and David R. William J. MacKnight9 Elisabeth M. Drake9 Clarke9 Thomas and Caroline Maddock James J. Duderstadt J. Stuart Hunter Asad M., Gowhartaj, and Jamal Susan T. Dumais9 Ray R. Irani Madni 9 Robert and Cornelia Eaton Mary Jane Irwin Artur Mager9 Derek Elsworth9 Kenji Ishihara Arunava Majumdar Gerard W. Elverum9 Joan and Irwin Jacobs Thomas J. Malone9 John V. Evans9 Wilhelmina and Stephen Jaffe Henrique S. Malvar 2015 PRIVATE CONTRIBUTIONS PRIVATE 2015 Robert R. Everett Leah H. Jamieson David A. Markle Thomas E. Everhart George W. Jeffs W. Allen Marr James A. Fay* James O. Jirsa9 John L. Mason9 Robert E. Fenton Barry C. Johnson Robert D. Maurer Leroy M. Fingerson Michael R. Johnson Jyotirmoy Mazumder9 Tobie and Daniel J.* Fink9 G. Frank Joklik Larry V. McIntire9# Bruce A. Finlayson9 Anita K. Jones Kishor C. Mehta9 Anthony E. Fiorato James W. Jones9 Edward W. Merrill9 # Edith M. Flanigen Aravind K. Joshi9 Richard A. Meserve Samuel C. Florman Kahle/Austin Foundation9 R.K. Michel G. David Forney, Jr.9 Eric W. Kaler James J. Mikulski9 Heather and Gordon Forward Paul and Julie Kaminski Richard B. Miles Charles A. Fowler9 Melvin F. Kanninen Richard K. Miller William L. and Mary Kay Friend John and Wilma Kassakian James K. and Holly T. Mitchell Douglas W. Fuerstenau9 James R.* and Isabelle Katzer Nandita and Sanjit K. Mitra Theodore V. Galambos Michael C. Kavanaugh9 Sharon and Arthur Money9 Elsa M. Garmire and Robert H. Hossein Kazemi9 Duncan T. Moore9 Russell9 Leon M. Keer9 Edward and Stephanie Moses9 Donald P. Gaver Mary and Howard* Kehrl9 Joel Moses9 Arthur Gelb Jon E. Khachaturian9 Cherry A. Murray Arthur and Helen Geoffrion Chaitan Khosla and Susi Ebert- Dale and Marge* Myers Penny and Bill George, George Khosla9 Cynthia J. and Norman A. Nadel Family Foundation9 Judson and Jeanne King9 Albert Narath Louis V. Gerstner, Jr. Diana S. and Michael D. King9 Jaya and Venky Narayanamurti Nan and Chuck Geschke James L. Kirtley David Nash Don P. Giddens9# Robert L. Kleinberg9 Robert M. and Marilyn R. Nerem Paul H. Gilbert9 Albert S. Kobayashi Paul D. Nielsen Richard D. Gitlin U. Fred Kocks9 William D. Nix Eduardo D. Glandt9 Robert M. and Pauline W. Matthew O’Donnell 9 # Earnest F. Gloyna Koerner9 Fran and Kwadwo Osseo-Asare Arthur L. and Vida F. Goldstein Charles E. Kolb, Jr. Bernhard O. Palsson Mary L. Good Demetrious Koutsoftas9 Norman F. Parker 9 Joseph W. Goodman Thomas F. Kuech Claire L. Parkinson W. David Goodyear9 Ellen J. Kullman9 Neil E. Paton Paul E. Gray Michael R. Ladisch9# P. Hunter Peckham9 # Hermann K. Gummel Richard T. Lahey, Jr.9 John H. Perepezko9 Eliyahou Harari9 Louis J. Lanzerotti9 Thomas K. Perkins9 James S. Harris, Jr.9 David C. Larbalestier9 William J. Perry9 Wesley L. Harris9 Ronald M. Latanision9 Kurt E. Petersen9 Juris Hartmanis9 Cato and Cynthia Laurencin Emil Pfender Kenneth E. Haughton Enrique J. Lavernia9 Craig E. Philip

9Hsieh Challenge #Ligler Challenge *Deceased 32 NAE Julia M. Phillips9 Henry G. Schwartz, Jr. Warren and Mary Washington9 William P. Pierskalla Lyle H. Schwartz Robert and Joan Wertheim9 James D. Plummer9 Norman R. Scott 9 Robert M.* and Mavis E. White9 Victor L. Poirier 9 # Martin B. and Beatrice E. Willis S. White, Jr. H. Vincent Poor Sherwin9 Ward O. Winer 9 Dana A. Powers9 Daniel P. Siewiorek Herbert H. Woodson9 William F. Powers Kumares C. Sinha9 Edgar S. Woolard, Jr. Donald E. Procknow Alvy Ray Smith Richard N. Wright William R. Pulleyblank Alfred Z. Spector and Rhonda G. Wm. A. Wulf Henry H. Rachford, Jr.9 Kost Israel J. Wygnanski Prabhakar Raghavan David B. and Virginia H. Spencer Beverly and Loring Wyllie Doraiswami Ramkrishna Robert F. and Lee S. Sproull David D. Yao9 Simon Ramo Gunter Stein9 William W-G. Yeh Richard F. and Terri W. Rashid Kenneth E. Stinson Paul G. Yock9 Junuthula N. Reddy9 William D. Strecker Yannis C. Yortsos9 Kenneth and Martha Reifsnider Yasuharu Suematsu9 William and Sherry Young9 # Gintaras V. Reklaitis Ronald D. Sugar 9 Zarem Foundation CONTRIBUTIONS PRIVATE 2015 Eli Reshotko John and Janet Swanson Elias A. Zerhouni Ronald L. Rivest 9 Charlotte and Morris Tanenbaum Ben T. Zinn 9 Anne and Walt Robb9 David W. Thompson9 Mary Lou and Mark D. Zoback9 Richard J. and Bonnie B. Robbins James M. Tien and Ellen S. Stacey I. Zones9 Bernard I. Robertson Weston9 Anonymous (1) C. Paul Robinson9 Rex W. Tillerson9 Thomas E. Romesser9 Matthew V. Tirrell Friends Murray W. Rosenthal Michael J. Todd9 Jodie Arnold 9 William B. Russel Henrik Topsøe9 Jo F. Berg T.W. Fraser Russell9 John J. Tracy M. Diane Bodman9 Vinod K. Sahney James A. Trainham and Linda D. Kristine L. Bueche9 Steven B. Sample9 Waters Bruce B. Darling9 Linda S. Sanford9 Richard H. Truly Kathryn Farley9 Maxine L. Savitz Ghebre E. Tzeghai Evelyn S. Jones Richard Scherrer A. Galip Ulsoy9 Gladys H. Knoll 9 Jan C. Schilling9 Raymond Viskanta Salem Stanley 9 John H. Schmertmann Thomas H. Vonder Haar Anonymous (1) Ronald V. Schmidt 9 Robert and Robyn Wagoner Fred B. Schneider and Mimi Kuo K. Wang9 Bussan9 Darsh T. Wasan


H. Norman Abramson Teresa and Harry Atwater 9 Vitelmo V. Bertero Hadi Abu-Akeel Jamal J. Azar 9 Madan M. Bhasin9 Mark G. Adamiak9 Donald W. Bahr Cheryl R. Blanchard 9 Kurt Akeley and Jenny Zhao Ruzena K. Bajcsy9 Ilan Asriel Blech9 Montgomery and Ann Alger 9 Margaret K. Banks9 Paul N. Blumberg9 Marilynn and Charles A.* Amann9 Rodica A. Baranescu Jack L. Blumenthal Cristina H. Amon and Carmelo Grigory I. Barenblatt Alfred Blumstein9 Parisi James E. Barger William J. Boettinger 9 James M. Anderson9# Jordan* and Rhoda Baruch George and Carol Born9 John G. Anderson James B. Bassingthwaighte9 # Lillian C. Borrone9 Mary P. Anderson9 Zdenek P. Bazant Craig T. Bowman George E. Apostolakis Marlene and Georges Belfort 9 # Jonathan D. Bray9 Ali S. Argon 9 Marsha J. Berger James P. Brill Frances H. Arnold 9# Toby Berger 9 Norman H. Brooks9 James R. Asay Philip A. Bernstein9 Emery N. Brown9

9Hsieh Challenge #Ligler Challenge *Deceased 33 2015 Howard J. Bruschi Dan M. Goebel 9 Jindrich Kopecek 9 # Jack E. Buffington Solomon W. Golomb9 Bill and Ann Koros Anne and John Cahn John B. Goodenough9 Richard W. Korsmeyer9 # James D. Callen David J. Goodman9 Fikri J. Kuchuk9 Joe C. Campbell 9 Richard E. Goodman9 Derrick M. Kuzak Max W. Carbon Roy W. Gould Bruce M. Lake E. Dean Carlson Susan L. Graham9 James L. Lammie9 Don B. Chaffin9 Robert K. Grasselli 9 David A. Landgrebe A. Ray Chamberlain Gary S. Grest Asta* and William W. Lang Douglas M. Chapin Karl A. Gschneidner Robert C. Lanphier III Vernon L. Chartier Jerrier A. Haddad 9 Ronald G. Larson Gang and Tracy Chen Donald J. Haderle Alan Lawley Shu and Kuang-Chung Chien9 # Edward E. Hagenlocker 9 Edward D. Lazowska Andrew R. Chraplyvy9 Carol K. Hall 9 Margaret A. LeMone Robert P. Clagett 9 William J. Hall 9 Johanna M.H. Levelt Sengers John L. Cleasby Eugene E. Haller 9 Herbert S. Levinson9 2015 PRIVATE CONTRIBUTIONS PRIVATE 2015 Richard A. Conway Niels Hansen9 Paul A. Libby Alan W. Cramb Henry J. Hatch9 Peter W. Likins Lawrence B. Curtis Robert C. Hawkins9 Yu-Kweng M. Lin9 Ernest L. Daman Victoria Franchetti Haynes9 Kuo-Nan Liou Paul D. Dapkus9 Adam Heller Nathan and Barbara Liskov Delbert E. Day Martin Hellman Nils Lonberg 9 Robert H. Dennard Robert W. Hellwarth Daniel P. Loucks9 Armen Der Kiureghian9 Robert E. Henry9 Andrew J. Lovinger Joseph M. DeSimone9 Arthur H. Heuer Verne L. Lynn Frederick H. Dill George J. Hirasaki John W. Lyons9 Robert H. Dodds9 John P. Hirth J. Ross and Margaret* Macdonald Albert A. Dorman Lester A. Hoel Alfred U. MacRae David A. Dornfeld Allan S. Hoffman9 # Subhash and Sushma Mahajan9 Irwin Dorros Richard Hogg James W. Mar E. Linn Draper, Jr. Shixin J. Hu9 William F. Marcuson III T. Dixon Dudderar 9 Thomas J.R. Hughes9 Robert C. Marini Ira Dyer Arthur E. Humphrey 9 Hans Mark David A. Dzombak9 Salim M. Ibrahim David K. Matlock Peter S. Eagleson Izzat M. Idriss William C. Maurer Helen T. Edwards Jeremy Isenberg 9 William J. McCroskey Bruce R. Ellingwood Akira Ishimaru Ross E. McKinney Richard E. Emmert9 Andrew Jackson and Lillian Diane M. McKnight 9 Joel S. Engel Rankel Robert and Norah McMeeking Lawrence B. Evans9 Linos J. Jacovides Terence P. McNulty 9 Katherine W. Ferrara Paul C. Jennings9 Alan L. McWhorter Morris E. Fine* Donald L. Johnson9 # Antonios G. Mikos and Lydia Essex E. Finney, Jr. Marshall G. Jones9 Kavraki 9 # Millard and Barbara Firebaugh Angel G. Jordan James A. Miller Peter T. Flawn Chanrashekhar Joshi Keith K. Millheim9 Christodoulos A. Floudas Ahsan Kareem9 Carl L. Monismith9 Robert E. Fontana Kristina B. Katsaros Benjamin F. Montoya9 Harold K.* and Betty Forsen Pradman P. Kaul9 William B. Morgan Eli Fromm Edward Kavazanjian9 Walter E. Morrow, Jr.9 Shun Chong Fung Marilyn and Justin Kerwin9 A. Stephen Morse Zvi Galil9 Timothy L. Killeen9 George Muellner 9 Gerald E. Galloway, Jr.9 Sung Wan Kim Richard S. Muller 9 Ronald L. Geer Carl C. Koch9 Jan and E. Phillip Muntz Maryellen L. Giger 9 # Bernard L. Koff Earll M. Murman Jacqueline Gish Max A. Kohler Devaraysamudram R. Nagaraj George J. Gleghorn Leonard F. Konikow9 R. Shankar Nair

9Hsieh Challenge #Ligler Challenge *Deceased 34 NAE Tsuneo Nakahara Nambirajan Seshadri 9 Sharon L. Wood Alan Needleman9 F. Stan Settles Richard D. Woods9 Stuart O. Nelson Ghavam G. Shahidi 9 David A. Woolhiser 9 Joseph H. Newman Don W. Shaw James J. Wynne 9 # James J. O’Brien9 Ben A. Shneiderman Eli Yablonovitch Babatunde A. Ogunnaike9 Neil G. Siegel 9 Ajit P. Yoganathan9 # Robert S. O’Neil9 William H. Silcox* 9 Roe-Hoan and Myungshin Yoon 9 Malcolm R. O’Neill9 Arnold H. Silver Les Youd Elaine S. Oran9 Peter G. Simpkins Paul Zia John K. Ousterhout 9 Jack M. Sipress Steven J. Zinkle David H. Pai R. Wayne Skaggs Charles F. Zukoski Athanassios Z. Panagiotopoulos Soroosh Sorooshian Morton B. Panish Thomas P. Stafford 9 Friends Stavros S. Papadopulos James F. Stahl 9 Marguerite Adams9 Donald R. Paul Edgar A. Starke, Jr.9 Frances Burka9 Arogyaswami J. Paulraj George L. Stegemeier 9 JoAnn C. Clayton-Townsend 9 Harold W. Paxton Dale F. and Audrey Stein Sara Culver 9 CONTRIBUTIONS PRIVATE 2015 Nicholas A. Peppas Dean E. Stephan Chadwick Davis9 Richard H. Petersen9 Thomas G. Stephens Jeffrey Dwoskin9 George M. Pharr Kenneth H. Stokoe Clara K. Ellert 9 Mark R. Pinto Roger H. Stolen 9 Doug Ellison and Jenn Masunaga9 Karl S. Pister Howard and Valerie Stone Marlin and David Feldman9 Stephen M. Pollock Richard G. Strauch Harold and Arlene Finger 9 Stephen and Linda Pope Stanley C. Suboleski Joan R. Finnie9 Harry G. Poulos Virginia C. Sulzberger 9 The Fisher Family9 Priyaranjan Prasad 9 # James M. Symons Sheila C. Gentry9 Michael Prats Rodney J. Tabaczynski Gratia H. Griffith9 Ronald F. Probstein Daniel M. Tellep9 Sharon P. Gross Charles W. Pryor, Jr. Lewis M. Terman Carrie Harless9 Roberta and Edwin Przybylowicz Charles H. Thornton 9 Bonnie L. Hartman9 Robert A. Pucel 9 Spencer R. Titley Sally W. Hollman9 Ekkehard Ramm Richard L. Tomasetti 9 Jodie L. Janowiak9 Robert A. Rapp9 Alvin W. Trivelpiece Barbara Kennedy9 L. Rafael Reif 9 Marshall P. Tulin Jamie M. Killorin9 John R. Rice Robert C. Turnbull 9 Richard S. Maney9 Bruce E. Rittmann John M. Undrill Charlotte D. McCall9 Jerome G. Rivard 9 Theodore Van Duzer Michele H. Miller Stephen M. Robinson Anestis S. Veletsos9 Joanne Morse9 Arye Rosen9 Walter G. Vincenti Michael Murphy and Karen Donald E. Ross9 Irv Waaland Gundersen9 Eli Ruckenstein9 Wallace R. Wade Donald and Susan Nefseke9 Yoram Rudy 9 # Steven J. Wallach Shawn Neil9 and Marcus Shaw B. Don and Becky Russell Don Walsh9 Elena and Stuart Nightingale9 Joseph C. Salamone C. Michael Walton Andrew Oakley9 Peter W. Sauer 9 John D. Warner Sallie O’Neill Robert F. Sawyer Michael S. Waterman Brian Penak9 Robert E. Schapire9 John T. and Diane M. Watson 9 # Patricia Petrino9 George W. Scherer Julia and Johannes Weertman 9 Bryan Quigley9 Jerald L. Schnoor 9 Robert J. Weimer Harriet Sarkaria9 William R. Schowalter Sheldon Weinbaum 9 # Georgia Scordelis Walter J. Schrenk9 Sheldon Weinig 9 Elizabeth W. Toor Albert and Susan Schultz 9 # Jasper A. Welch, Jr. Marianne Tropp and Chris Mischa Schwartz David A. Whelan Loughner 9 Balraj Sehgal 9 Robert M. White Gloria Van Rooyen9 Hratch G. Semerjian J. Turner Whitted Rhoda A.M. Weisz9 # Robert J. Serafin Kaspar J. Willam9 Elizabeth Whiteman9

9Hsieh Challenge #Ligler Challenge *Deceased 35 2015 Tributes In memory of Charles A. Amann – Marilynn Amann In memory of Jordan Baruch – Rhoda Baruch In memory of Robert R. Berg – Jo F. Berg In memory of Robert Creagan – Gloria Van Rooyen In memory of Maurice Fuerstenau – Roe-Hoan and Myungshin Yoon In memory of Howard Saint Claire Jones, Jr. – Evelyn S. Jones In memory of Howard H. Kehrl – Mary Kehrl In memory of William H. Lin – Burn-Jeng Lin In memory of David W. McCall – Charlotte D. McCall In memory of Catherine Ann Pucel – Robert A. Pucel In memory of Eugene Rasmussen – Soroosh Sorooshian In memory of Alexander C. Scordelis – Georgia Scordelis In memory of Chang-Lin Tien – Arunava Majumdar In memory of Charles M. Vest – Elsa M. Garmire and Robert H. Russell, Janina and Siegfried Hecker, Stephen M. Pollock 2015 PRIVATE CONTRIBUTIONS PRIVATE 2015 In memory of Ed White – Robert J. Weimer In memory of Robert M. White – Stephen D. Bechtel, Jr., Frances Burka, Carrie Harless, Marlin and David Feldman, Harold and Arlene Finger, Sally W. Hollman, Richard S. Maney, Elena and Stuart Nightingale In memory of Wayne Whiteman – Elizabeth Whiteman In honor of Katro Bison – Doug Ellison and Jenn Masunaga In honor of Mary Beth Monroe – The Fisher Family In honor of John Prausnitz – Chau-Chyun Chen In honor of Isaac and Anna Schultz – Albert and Susan Schultz

LOYALTY SOCIETY In recognition of members and friends who have made gifts to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine for at least 20 years. We acknowledge contributions made as personal gifts or as gifts facilitated by the donor through a donor-advised fund, matching gift program, or family foundation. Names in bold are NAE members.

Herbert L. Abrams Harold Brown Hans and Verena Frauenfelder H. Norman Abramson Kristine L. Bueche Carl Frieden Andreas and Juana Acrivos George* and Virginia Bugliarello Theodore V. Galambos Bruce and Betty Alberts William B. Carey Joseph G. Gall Clarence R. Allen David R. and Jacklyn A. Challoner David V. Goeddel Barbara W. Alpert Purnell W. Choppin Joseph W. Goodman Marilynn and Charles A.* Amann James McConnell Clark Richard M. Goody Wyatt W. Anderson John A. Clements Paul E. Gray John C. Angus Michael D. Coe Robert B. Griffiths Edward M. Arnett Richard A. Conway Michael Grossman Wm. Howard Arnold* Max D. Cooper Adam Heller Daniel L. Azarnoff Pedro M. Cuatrecasas Ernest M. Henley Jack D. Barchas William H. Danforth David and Susan Hodges Jeremiah A. Barondess Igor B. Dawid Joseph F. Hoffman Stephen D. Bechtel, Jr. Roman W. DeSanctis William N. Hubbard, Jr. John C. Beck Irwin Dorros J. David Jackson Richard E. Behrman W.G. Ernst Andre T. Jagendorf Gordon Bell Harold J. Fallon Anita K. Jones Paul Berg Gary Felsenfeld Samuel L. Katz and Catherine M. Diane and Norman Bernstein Harvey V. Fineberg and Mary E. Wilfert H. Kent Bowen Wilson Seymour J. Klebanoff Lewis M. Branscomb Tobie and Daniel J.* Fink Max A. Kohler John and Sharon Brauman Robert C. and Marilyn G. Forney James S. and Elinor G.A. Langer Alan C. Brown Harold K.* and Betty Forsen Louis J. Lanzerotti Donald D. Brown T. Kenneth Fowler Gerald and Doris Laubach


36 NAE GEORGE & VIRGINIA BUGLIARELLO George Bugliarello (’87), and his widow, Virginia, always valued education. George, who died in 2011, spent most of his long and distinguished career in academia, first as dean of engineering at the University of Illinois at Chicago and then as president and chancellor of Polytechnic Institute of New York University. And Virginia, who recently retired after serving 40 years as a librarian at the Port Washington,

NY public library, is a committed volunteer for CONTRIBUTIONS PRIVATE 2015 an adult literacy program.

So it seemed fitting to Virginia to honor George’s memory by making a generous gift to the National Academy of Engineering’s EngineerGirl program, dedicated to encouraging girls and young women to become engineers. “In the early ’70s, George organized a symposium when he was at the University of Illinois that was one of the first efforts in encouraging women to go into engineering,” Virginia said. “This gift to EngineerGirl felt perfect.”

The gift also recognizes George’s decades of service to the NAE. He was NAE foreign secretary from 2003 to 2011, the “interim” editor of the Bridge for more than 10 years, and a member of dozens of committees. “He was always involved because the NAE meant a lot to him. And by osmosis, it means a lot to me.”

Judith R. Lave Elena and Stuart Nightingale Rosemary A. Stevens Cynthia and Robert Lawrence Ronald and Joan Nordgren Lubert and Andrea Stryer Johanna M.H. Levelt Sengers Peter O’Donnell, Jr. F. William Studier Robert G. Loewy Gilbert S. Omenn and Martha A. Paul and Pamela Talalay R. Duncan* and Carolyn Scheer Darling Charlotte and Morris Tanenbaum Luce Gordon H. Orians Anita and George Thompson Thomas and Caroline Maddock George W. Parshall George H. Trilling Anthony P. Mahowald Thomas K. Perkins Roxanne and Karl K.* Turekian Vincent T. Marchesi Gordon H. Pettengill Martha Vaughan Hans Mark Frank Press Raymond Viskanta James F. Mathis Donald E. Procknow Andrew and Erna* Viterbi Robert D. Maurer Simon Ramo Peter K. Vogt Charles A. McCallum Janet and Lester* Reed Irv Waaland Christopher F. McKee Jerome G. Rivard George D. Watkins Mortimer Mishkin Maxine L. Savitz Julia and Johannes Weertman Joel Moses William R. Schowalter Robert J. Weimer Arno G. Motulsky F. Stan Settles Herbert Weissbach John H. Moxley III Maxine F. Singer Robert M.* and Mavis E. White Elaine and Gerald* Nadler Louis Sokoloff * Gerald N. Wogan Jaya and Venky Narayanamurti Raymond S. Stata Wm. A. Wulf Philip and Sima Needleman Joan A. Steitz Anonymous (1) Robert M. and Marilyn R. Nerem Thomas A. Steitz


37 2015 LIFETIME GIVING SOCIETIES We gratefully acknowledge the following members and friends who have made generous charitable lifetime contributions. Their collective, private philanthropy enhances the impact of the academies as advisors to the nation on issues of science, engineering, and medicine.

EINSTEIN SOCIETY In recognition of members and friends who have made lifetime contributions of $100,000 or more to the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, or the National Academy of Medicine. We acknowledge contributions made as personal gifts or as gifts facilitated by the donor through a donor- advised fund, matching gift program, or family foundation. Names in bold are NAE members. $10 million and above Arnold and Mabel Beckman* Fred Kavli* George P. Mitchell* Bernard M. Gordon Daniel E. Koshland, Jr.* Raymond and Beverly Sackler

2015 PRIVATE CONTRIBUTIONS PRIVATE 2015 $5 million to $10 million Donald L. Bren William R. and Rosemary B. Peter O’Donnell, Jr. Hewlett* Dame Jillian Sackler $1 million to $5 million

Bruce and Betty Alberts Michael and Sheila Held* Jack W. and Valerie Rowe Richard and Rita Atkinson Joan and Irwin Jacobs Fritz J. and Dolores H. Russ Prize Norman R. Augustine Kenneth A. Jonsson* Fund of the Russ College of Craig and Barbara Barrett Tillie K. Lubin* Engineering and Technology at Jordan* and Rhoda Baruch John F. McDonnell Ohio University Stephen D. Bechtel, Jr. The Ambrose Monell Foundation Bernard* and Rhoda Sarnat Harry E. Bovay, Jr.* Gordon and Betty Moore Leonard D. Schaeffer Harvey V. Fineberg and Mary E. Robert* and Mayari Pritzker Sara Lee and Axel Schupf Wilson Richard L. and Hinda G. Cecil H. Green* Rosenthal*

$500,000 to $1 million

Rose-Marie and Jack R.* Anderson Penny and Bill George, George Oliver E. and Gerda K. Nelson* John and Elizabeth Armstrong Family Foundation Gilbert S. Omenn and Martha A. Kenneth E. Behring William T.* and Catherine Darling Gordon Bell Morrison Golden Shela and Kumar Patel Elkan R.* and Gail F. Blout Alexander Hollaender* William J. Rutter Carson Family Charitable Trust Thomas V. Jones* Herbert A. and Dorothea P. Charina Endowment Fund Cindy and Jeong Kim Simon* Ralph J. and Carol M. Cicerone Ralph and Claire Landau* Raymond S. Stata James McConnell Clark Asta* and William W. Lang Roy and Diana Vagelos Henry David* Ruben F.* and Donna Mettler Andrew and Erna* Viterbi Richard Evans* Dane* and Mary Louise Miller Alan M. Voorhees* Eugene Garfield Foundation Philip and Sima Needleman Anonymous (1)

$250,000 to $500,000 The Agouron Institute William R. Jackson* Anne and Walt Robb W.O. Baker* Robert L. and Anne K. James Stephen* and Anne Ryan Warren L. Batts Mary and Howard* Kehrl Henry and Susan Samueli Clarence S. Coe* Janet and Richard M.* Morrow H.E. Simmons* Theodore Geballe Ralph S. O’Connor Judy Swanson Jerome H.* and Barbara N. Kenneth H. Olsen* Ted Turner Grossman Ann and Michael Ramage Leslie L. Vadasz Ming and Eva Hsieh Simon Ramo Charles M.* and Rebecca M. Vest


38 NAE $100,000 to $250,000 Holt Ashley* George and Christine Gloeckler Clayton Daniel and Patricia L. Francisco J. and Hana Ayala Christa and Detlef Gloge Mote William F. Ballhaus, Sr.* Avram Goldstein* Ellen and Philip Neches Thomas D.* and Janice H. Barrow Robert W. Gore Susan and Franklin M. Orr, Jr. H.H. and Eleanor F. Barschall* Paul and Judy Gray David Packard* Daniel and Frances Berg Corbin Gwaltney Charles and Doris Pankow* Elwyn and Jennifer Berlekamp John O. Hallquist Larry* and Carol Papay Diane and Norman Bernstein Margaret A. Hamburg and Peter Jack S. Parker* Bharati and Murty Bhavaraju F. Brown Edward E. Penhoet Erich Bloch William M. Haney III Allen E.* and Marilynn Puckett David G. Bradley George and Daphne Hatsopoulos Richard F. and Terri W. Rashid Lewis M. Branscomb John L. Hennessy Alexander Rich* Sydney Brenner Jane Hirsh Ronald L. Rivest George* and Virginia Bugliarello Chad and Ann Holliday Matthew L. Rogers and Swati

Malin Burnham M. Blakeman Ingle Mylavarapu CONTRIBUTIONS PRIVATE 2015 Ursula Burns and Lloyd Bean Richard B. Johnston, Jr. Henry M. Rowan* John and Assia Cioffi Anita K. Jones Joseph E. and Anne P. Rowe* Paul Citron and Margaret Carlson Trevor O. Jones Maxine L. Savitz Citron Thomas Kailath Walter Schlup* A. James Clark* Yuet Wai and Alvera Kan Wendy and Eric Schmidt W. Dale and Jeanne C. Compton Leon K. and Olga Kirchmayer* David E. Shaw John D. Corbett* Frederick A. Klingenstein Richard P. Simmons Ross and Stephanie Corotis William I. Koch James H. and Marilyn Simons Lance and Susan Davis Gail F. Koshland Robert F. and Lee S. Sproull Roman W. DeSanctis Jill Howell Kramer Georges C. St. Laurent, Jr. Robert and Florence Deutsch Kent Kresa Arnold and Constance Stancell Nicholas M. Donofrio John W. Landis* Edward C. Stone Paul M. Doty* Janet and Barry Lang John and Janet Swanson Charles W. Duncan, Jr. Ming-wai Lau Charlotte and Morris Tanenbaum Ruth and Victor Dzau Gerald and Doris Laubach Peter and Vivian Teets George and Maggie Eads David M.* and Natalie Lederman James M. Tien and Ellen S. Robert and Cornelia Eaton Bonnie Berger and Frank Weston Dotty and Gordon England Thomson Leighton Gary and Diane Tooker Emanuel and Peggy Epstein Frances and George Ligler Martha Vaughan Olivia and Peter Farrell Whitney and Betty MacMillan John C. Wall Michiko So* and Lawrence Asad M., Gowhartaj, and Jamal Robert and Joan Wertheim Finegold Madni Robert M.* and Mavis E. White Tobie and Daniel J.* Fink Davis L. Masten and Christopher John C. Whitehead George and Ann Fisher Ireland Wm. A. Wulf Robert C. and Marilyn G. Forney Roger L. McCarthy Ken Xie Harold K.* and Betty Forsen Robin K. and Rose M. McGuire Tachi and Leslie Yamada William L. and Mary Kay Friend William W. McGuire Adrian Zaccaria Christopher Galvin Burt and Deedee McMurtry Alejandro Zaffaroni* William H. and Melinda F. Gates III G. William* and Ariadna Miller Janet and Jerry Zucker Nan and Chuck Geschke Stanley L. Miller* Anonymous (2) Jack and Linda Gill Joe and Glenna Moore Martin E. and Lucinda Glicksman David and Lindsay Morgenthaler


39 2015 GOLDEN BRIDGE SOCIETY In recognition of NAE members and friends who have made lifetime contributions totaling $20,000 to $100,000. We acknowledge contributions made as personal gifts or as gifts facilitated by the donor through a donor-advised fund, matching gift program, or family foundation. Names in bold are NAE members. $75,000 to $100,000 Barry W. Boehm Paul and Julie Kaminski Elisabeth Paté-Cornell James O. Ellis, Jr. Rita Vaughn and Theodore C.* Jonathan J. Rubinstein Michael W. Hunkapiller Kennedy

$50,000 to $75,000 Jane K. and William F. Ballhaus, Jr. Johanna M.H. Levelt Sengers Roberto Padovani Kristine L. Bueche Jane and Norman N. Li Ellen and George A.* Roberts William Cavanaugh Darla and George E.* Mueller Warren G. Schlinger Joseph V. Charyk Jane and Alan Mulally Richard J. Stegemeier 2015 PRIVATE CONTRIBUTIONS PRIVATE 2015 The Crown Family Cynthia J. and Norman A. Nadel Leo John* and Joanne Thomas Ruth A. David Jaya and Venky Narayanamurti Julia and Johannes Weertman Thomas E. Everhart John Neerhout, Jr. Sheila E. Widnall Robert E. Kahn Ronald and Joan Nordgren

$20,000 to $49,999 Andreas and Juana Acrivos Ruth M. Davis* and Benjamin John and Wilma Kassakian Rodney C. Adkins Lohr James R.* and Isabelle Katzer Alice Merner Agogino Pablo G. Debenedetti Robert M. and Pauline W. Clarence R. Allen Mary P. and Gerald P.* Dinneen Koerner Valerie and William A. Anders E. Linn Draper, Jr. James N. Krebs John and Pat Anderson Mildred S. Dresselhaus Lester C.* and Joan M. Krogh Seta and Diran Apelian James J. Duderstadt Cato and Cynthia Laurencin Wm. Howard Arnold* Gerard W. Elverum Yoon-Woo Lee Kamla* and Bishnu S. Atal Stephen N. Finger Jack E. Little Nadine Aubry and John L. Batton Edith M. Flanigen Thomas and Caroline Maddock Ken Austin Samuel C. Florman Artur Mager Clyde and Jeanette Baker Bonnie and Donald N.* Frey Thomas J. Malone William F. Banholzer Elsa M. Garmire and Robert H. James F. Mathis David K. Barton Russell Robert D. Maurer Becky and Tom Bergman Richard L. and Lois E. Garwin James C. McGroddy R. Byron Bird Arthur and Helen Geoffrion Richard A. Meserve Diane and Samuel W. Bodman Louis V. Gerstner, Jr. James J. Mikulski Kathleen and H. Kent Bowen Paul H. Gilbert James K. and Holly T. Mitchell Corale L. Brierley Eduardo D. Glandt Van and Barbara Mow James A. Brierley Arthur L. and Vida F. Goldstein Cherry A. Murray Rodney A. Brooks Mary L. Good Narayana and Sudha Murty Harold Brown Joseph W. Goodman Dale and Marge Myers* Corbett Caudill Paul E. Gray Robert M. and Marilyn R. Nerem Selim A. Chacour Delon Hampton Simon Ostrach Chau-Chyun Chen Wesley L. Harris Arogyaswami J. Paulraj Josephine Cheng Janina and Siegfried Hecker Paul S. Peercy Sunlin Chou Robert and Darlene Hermann Lee and Bill Perry Uma Chowdhry David and Susan Hodges Donald E. Petersen G. Wayne Clough Bettie and Kenneth F.* Holtby Dennis J. Picard Joseph M. Colucci Edward E. Hood, Jr. John W. and Susan M. Poduska Rosemary L. and Harry M. Evelyn L. Hu and David R. Clarke Joy and George* Rathmann Conger Edward G.* and Naomi Jefferson Eberhardt* and Deedee Rechtin Malcolm R. Currie George W. Jeffs Kenneth and Martha Reifsnider David E. Daniel Min H. Kao Julie and Alton D. Romig, Jr.


40 NAE Howie Rosen and Susan Doherty Henry E. Stone Albert R.C. and Jeannie Vinod K. Sahney Rosemary and George Westwood Jerry Sanders III Tchobanglous Willis S. White, Jr. Linda S. Sanford Daniel M. Tellep John J. Wise Ronald V. Schmidt David W. Thompson Edgar S. Woolard, Jr. Roland W. Schmitt James A. Trainham and Linda D. A. Thomas Young Donald R. Scifres Waters William and Sherry Young Martin B. and Beatrice E. Sherwin Raymond Viskanta Elias A. Zerhouni David B. and Virginia H. Spencer Robert and Robyn Wagoner Joel S. Spira* Daniel I. Wang

HERITAGE SOCIETY In recognition of members and friends who have included the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, or National Academy of Medicine in their estate plans or who have made some other type of planned gift to the Academies. Names in bold are NAE members. 2015 PRIVATE CONTRIBUTIONS PRIVATE 2015 Andreas and Juana Acrivos Peter N. Devreotes Gilbert S. Omenn and Martha A. Gene M. and Marian Amdahl Mildred S. Dresselhaus Darling Betsy Ancker-Johnson Gerard W. Elverum William* and Constance Opie John C. Angus Emanuel and Peggy Epstein Bradford W. and Virginia W. John and Elizabeth Armstrong Tobie and Daniel J.* Fink Parkinson Norman R. Augustine Robert C. and Marilyn G. Forney Zack T. Pate Jack D. Barchas Arthur and Helen Geoffrion Frank Press Harrison H. and Catherine C. Paul H. Gilbert Simon Ramo Barrett Martin E. and Lucinda Glicksman James J. Reisa, Jr. Stanley Baum George and Christine Gloeckler Emanuel P. Rivers Clyde J. Behney Christa and Detlef Gloge Richard J. and Bonnie B. Robbins Daniel and Frances Berg Joseph W. Goodman Eugene and Ruth Roberts Paul Berg Chushiro* and Yoshiko Hayashi James F. Roth Elkan R.* and Gail F. Blout Larry L. Hench Esther and Lewis Rowland Enriqueta C. Bond Nancy S. and Thomas S. Inui Sheila A. Ryan Daniel Branton Richard B. Johnston, Jr. Paul R. Schimmel Robert and Lillian Brent Anita K. Jones Stuart F. Schlossman Corale L. Brierley Jerome Kagan Rudi* and Sonja Schmid James A. Brierley Diana S. and Michael D. King Kenneth I. Shine Lenore and Rob Briskman Norma M. Lang Robert L. Sinsheimer Kristine L. Bueche Asta* and William W. Lang Arnold and Constance Stancell Dorit Carmelli Daniel P. Loucks H. Eugene Stanley Peggy and Thomas Caskey R. Duncan* and Carolyn Scheer Rosemary A. Stevens A. Ray Chamberlain Luce John and Janet Swanson Linda and Frank Chisari Thomas and Caroline Maddock John A. Swets Rita K. Chow Artur Mager Esther Sans Takeuchi John A. Clements Pat and Jim McLaughlin Paul and Pamela Talalay D. Walter Cohen Jane Menken John C. Wall Morrel H. Cohen Arno G. Motulsky Patricia Bray-Ward and David C. Stanley N. Cohen Van and Barbara Mow Ward Colleen Conway-Welch Guido Munch Robert and Joan Wertheim Ross and Stephanie Corotis Mary O. Mundinger Maw-Kuen Wu Ellis and Bettsy Cowling Philip and Sima Needleman Wm. A. Wulf Molly Joel Coye Norman F. Ness Tilahun D. Yilma Barbara J. Culliton Ronald and Joan Nordgren Michael Zubkoff Malcolm R. Currie Anonymous (1)


41 2015 FOUNDATIONS, CORPORATIONS, AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS LIFETIME In recognition of foundations, corporations, and other organizations that have given gifts or grants total- ing $1 million or more to the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, or National Academy of Medicine. Names in bold have supported the NAE. $25 million or more Carnegie Corporation of New The Bill & Melinda Gates The Kavli Foundation York Foundation W.M. Keck Foundation The Ford Foundation The Robert Wood Johnson W.K. Kellogg Foundation Foundation The Koshland Foundation $10 million to $25 million Arnold and Mabel Beckman Howard Hughes Medical Institute The Cynthia and George Mitchell

2015 PRIVATE CONTRIBUTIONS PRIVATE 2015 Foundation The John D. and Catherine T. Foundation The Charles Stark Draper MacArthur Foundation Raymond & Beverly Sackler Laboratory The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Foundation

Kenan Institute for Engineering, Technology, and Science (KIETS) North Carolina State University’s Kenan Institute for Engineering, Technology, and Science (KIETS) is partnering with the National Academy of Engineering to support the Academy’s EngineerGirl pro- gram. KIETS’ mission is to develop partnerships in basic research, education, commercialization, and public outreach with individuals and organizations dedicated to the advancement of science, engi- neering, and technology as a force in improving the economic and social well-being of the nation and the world. Ruben Carbonell EngineerGirl encourages middle and high school girls to consider careers in engineering by providing fun, interactive content and connection with role models and like-minded students. The Kenan Institute is providing $50,000 per year over three years for a total of $150,000 to support this collaboration with the NAE. In addition to financial sup- port, Kenan Fellows (www.kenanfellows.org), who are exceptional K–12 teachers in NC public schools, are contributing to the program and encouraging their students to participate.

“The engineering profession certainly needs more women and diversity in its ranks, and one of our most important goals is to encourage girls and young women to consider engineering and technology as a viable career path,” said Ruben Carbonell, NAE member and director of KIETS. “EngineerGirl has a proven track record of reaching these girls at a critical time in their develop- ment and demonstrating just how wonderful engineering can be.”

“Through this generous gift, EngineerGirl can continue to inspire thousands of girls and young women all over the world to choose a profession that will reward them many times over for their hard work, creativity, and talent,” said NAE President C. D. Mote, Jr.

42 NAE $5 million to $10 million

Michael and Susan Dell The Irvine Company The Pew Charitable Trusts Foundation Kaiser Permanente The Rockefeller Foundation The Grainger Foundation $1 million to $5 million

Aetna Foundation The Dow Chemical Company Lumina Foundation for Education American Board of Family E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation Medicine Company Merck & Company, Inc. American Cancer Society, Inc. Eastman Kodak Company Merck Company Foundation American Legacy Foundation The Ellison Medical Foundation Microsoft Corporation American Public Transportation ExxonMobil Corporation The Ambrose Monell Foundation Association ExxonMobil Foundation Monsanto Company America’s Health Insurance Plans Ford Motor Company Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation General Electric Company Foundation 2015 PRIVATE CONTRIBUTIONS PRIVATE 2015 Amgen, Inc. General Motors Company National Multiple Sclerosis Laura and John Arnold GlaxoSmithKline Society Foundation Google Inc. Northrop Grumman Corporation Association of American William T. Grant Foundation Nuclear Threat Initiative Railroads Great Lakes Protection Fund O’Donnell Foundation AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP The Greenwall Foundation The David and Lucile Packard AT&T Corporation The John A. Hartford Foundation Foundation Atkinson Family Foundation Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Peter G. Peterson Foundation The Atlantic Philanthropies (USA) Foundation Pfizer, Inc. Craig & Barbara Barrett Hewlett-Packard Company Research Corporation for Science Foundation Intel Corporation Advancement Battelle International Business Machines Robert Pritzker Family S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation Corporation Foundation Blue Shield of California Johnson & Johnson Rockefeller Brothers Fund Foundation The JPB Foundation Richard & Hinda Rosenthal The Boeing Company JSM Charitable Trust Foundation Breast Cancer Research Ewing Marion Kauffman Raymond & Beverly Sackler Foundation Foundation Foundation Bristol-Myers Squibb Company The Susan G. Komen Breast Sanofi-Aventis Burroughs Wellcome Fund Cancer Foundation The Spencer Foundation The California Endowment Daniel E. Koshland, Jr. Family The Starr Foundation California HealthCare Foundation Fund The Wellcome Trust Margaret A. Cargill Foundation The Kresge Foundation Robert W. Woodruff Foundation Chevron Corporation Eli Lilly and Company Xerox Corporation Chrysler Group LLC Lockheed Martin Corporation The Commonwealth Fund Richard Lounsbery Foundation

ANNUAL In recognition of foundations, corporations, or other organizations that made gifts or grants to support the National Academy of Engineering in 2015.

Allied Minds The Baruch Fund Castaing Family Foundation Charles and Mary Anderson S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation Citron Family Fund of the Charitable Fund of the US Bell Family Foundation Minneapolis Foundation Charitable Gift Trust Benevity Community Impact Fund Cornell University Ruth and Ken Arnold Family Bodman Foundation The Charles Stark Draper Foundation at the Houston Boeing PAC Matching Gift Fund Laboratory Jewish Community Foundation Branscomb Family Foundation Chevron Corporation

43 2015 Chevron Humankind Matching Kahle/Austin Foundation Robbins Family Fund at the Gift Program W.M. Keck Foundation Seattle Foundation Cummins, Inc. The William R. Kenan Institute at Henry M. Rowan Family The Thomas and Bettie Deen NC State University Foundation Charitable Gift Fund at the Richard Lounsbery Foundation Henry & Sally Schwartz Family T. Rowe Price Program for Margaret and Ross MacDonald Foundation Charitable Giving Charitable Fund of the Triangle Shell Oil Company Foundation Employees Charity Organization Community Foundation Educational Matching Gift of Northrop Grumman Medtronic, Inc. Program The Dow Chemical Company Microsoft Corporation Ray & Maria Stata Family Paul Galvin Memorial Foundation Microsoft Matching Gift Program Charitable Fund Trust The Gordon and Betty Moore Ken and Ann Stinson Fund of the Arthur and Linda Gelb Charitable Foundation Omaha Community Foundation Foundation Dale and Marge Myers Fund at The Ronald and Valerie Sugar General Electric Foundation the San Diego Foundation Family Foundation GLS Engineering Network for Good Morris & Charlotte Tanenbaum 2015 PRIVATE CONTRIBUTIONS PRIVATE 2015 George Family Foundation Oracle Corporation Family Foundation Geosynthetic Institute Orcas Island Community Team Detroit Gerstner Family Foundation Foundation Texas A&M University Geschke Foundation at the Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Tien Family Foundation Silicon Valley Community Program United Engineering Foundation Foundation PJM Interconnection University of Illinois at Urbana- Gratis Foundation The Procter & Gamble Company Champaign Hsieh Family Foundation PSEG Educational Matching Gift Weinig Foundation Innovative Catalytic Solution LLC Program Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC Innovyze Qualcomm, Inc. Zarem Foundation International Maritime, Inc. Raymond James Charitable Zerhouni Family Charitable Joan and Irwin Jacobs Fund of the Endowment Fund Foundation Jewish Community Foundation

We have made every effort to list donors accurately and according to their wishes. If we have made an error, please accept our apologies and contact the Development Office at 202.334.2431 or [email protected] so we can correct our records.

44 NAE 2015 NATIONAL ACADEMY OF ENGINEERING FUND December 31, 2015 and 2014

Independent Auditorҋs Report

To the Board of Trustees National Academy of Engineering Fund Washington, D.C.

Report on the Financial Statements We have audited the accompanying financial statements of National Academy of Engineering Fund (the Fund) which comprise the statements of financial position as of December 31, 2015 and 2014, and the related statements of activities and cash flows for the years then ended, and the related notes to the financial statements.

Managementҋs Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America; this includes the design, implementation and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

Auditorҋs Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditorҋs judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entityҋs preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entityҋs internal control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.

Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of National Academy of Engineering Fund as of December 31, 2015 and 2014, and the changes in its net assets and its cash flows for the years then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Washington, D.C. June 3, 2016

46 NAE National Academy of Engineering Fund Statements of Financial Position

December 31, 2015 and 2014

2015 2014 Assets (Note 1)

Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents $ 866,005 $ 876,464 Contributions receivable 154,561 100,109 Prepaid expenses 34,596 49,327 Short-term investments (Note 3) 2,970,062 1,859,009 Investment draw receivable 577,884 4,058,462 Promises to give (Note 2) 1,056,231 1,584,614 Total current assets 5,659,339 8,527,985

Non-current assets: Promises to give – long-term portion, net (Note 2) 2,410,457 2,828,724 Beneficial interest in split interest agreements (Note 3) 346,517 413,045 Investments (Note 3) 64,379,511 64,445,161 Total non-current assets 67,136,485 67,686,930

Total assets $ 72,795,824 $ 76,214,915

Liabilities and Net Assets (Note 1)

Current liabilities: Accounts payable – due to National Academy of Sciences (Note 6) $ 1,015,422 $ 1,132,446

Net assets: Unrestricted 26,833,405 28,131,814 Temporarily restricted (Note 4) 15,166,140 17,183,540 Permanently restricted (Note 4, 5) 29,780,857 29,767,115 Total net assets 71,780,402 75,082,469

Total liabilities and net assets $ 72,795,824 $ 76,214,915

See notes to financial statements.

47 2015 National Academy of Engineering Fund Statement of Activities

Year Ended December 31, 2015

Temporarily Permanently Unrestricted Restricted Restricted Total Support and revenue: Contributions (Note 1) $1,106,753 $ 2,678,256 $ 13,742 $ 3,798,751 Realized gain on investments (Note 3) 349,378 467,863 - 817,241 Interest and dividends (Note 3) 112,922 168,155 - 281,077 Membership dues 717,980 - - 717,980 Registration fees 146,485 - - 146,485 Miscellaneous revenue 3,988 - - 3,988 Net assets released from restrictions: Satisfaction of program restrictions 5,612,097 (5,612,097) - - Satisfaction of time restrictions 106,455 (106,455) - - Total support and revenue 8,156,058 (2,404,278) 13,742 5,765,522

Expenses: Program services: Programs 3,798,566 - - 3,798,566 Awards 1,959,986 - - 1,959,986 Member programs 504,443 - - 504,443 Support for NRC and NAS 262,312 - - 262,312 6,525,307 - - 6,525,307

Support services: Operations 1,330,250 - - 1,330,250 Fundraising 1,039,385 - - 1,039,385 2,369,635 - - 2,369,635 Total expenses 8,894,942 - - 8,894,942

Change in net assets before unrealized (loss) gain on investments (738,884) (2,404,278) 13,742 (3,129,420)

Unrealized (loss) gain on investments (Note 3) (559,525) 386,878 - (172,647)

Change in net assets (1,298,409) (2,017,400) 13,742 (3,302,067)

Net assets: Beginning 28,131,814 17,183,540 29,767,115 75,082,469

Ending $26,833,405 $ 15,166,140 $ 29,780,857 $ 71,780,402

See notes to financial statements.

48 NAE National Academy of Engineering Fund Statement of Activities

Year Ended December 31, 2014

Temporarily Permanently Unrestricted Restricted Restricted Total Support and revenue: Contributions (Note 1)$ 1,407,235 $ 5,749,275 $ 18,895 $ 7,175,405 Realized gain on investments (Note 3) 1,195,212 1,509,767 - 2,704,979 Interest and dividends (Note 3) 146,584 185,430 - 332,014 Membership dues 230,180 - - 230,180 Registration fees 165,905 - - 165,905 Miscellaneous revenue 4,131 - - 4,131 Net assets released from restrictions: Satisfaction of program restrictions 4,780,942 (4,780,942) - - Satisfaction of time restrictions 95,370 (95,370) - - Total support and revenue 8,025,559 2,568,160 18,895 10,612,614

Expenses: Program services: Programs 3,702,836 - - 3,702,836 Awards 1,469,791 - - 1,469,791 Member programs 510,753 - - 510,753 Support for NRC and NAS 248,728 - - 248,728 5,932,108 - - 5,932,108

Support services: Operations 1,115,480 - - 1,115,480 Fundraising 906,264 - - 906,264 2,021,744 - - 2,021,744 Total expenses 7,953,852 - - 7,953,852

Change in net assets before unrealized gain on investments 71,707 2,568,160 18,895 2,658,762

Unrealized gain on investments (Note 3) 703,707 417,106 - 1,120,813

Change in net assets 775,414 2,985,266 18,895 3,779,575

Net assets: Beginning 27,356,400 14,198,274 29,748,220 71,302,894

Ending $28,131,814 $ 17,183,540 $ 29,767,115 $ 75,082,469

See notes to financial statements.

49 2015 National Academy of Engineering Fund Statements of Cash Flows

Years Ended December 31, 2015 and 2014

2015 2014 Cash flows from operating activities: Change in net assets $ (3,302,067) $ 3,779,575 Adjustments to reconcile change in net assets to net cash used in operating activities: Realized gain on investments (817,241) (2,704,979) Unrealized loss (gain) on investments 172,647 (1,120,813) (Decrease) increase in discount on promises to give (31,112) 107,690 Contributions restricted to investment in perpetuity (13,742) (18,895) Changes in assets and liabilities: (Increase) decrease in: Contributions receivable (54,452) 1,379,528 Promises to give 977,762 (2,836,341) Beneficial interest in split interest agreements - 153,021 Prepaid expenses 14,731 (12,032) Decrease in: Accounts payable – National Academy of Sciences (117,024) (185,670) Net cash used in operating activities (3,170,498) (1,458,916)

Cash flows from investing activities: Proceeds from sale of investments 23,630,604 53,925,356 Purchases of investments (23,827,518) (49,469,834) Investment draw in transit 3,343,211 (2,655,765) Net cash provided by investing activities 3,146,297 1,799,757

Cash flows from financing activities: Contributions restricted to investment in perpetuity 13,742 18,895 Net cash provided by financing activities 13,742 18,895

Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents (10,459) 359,736

Cash and cash equivalents: Beginning 876,464 516,728

Ending $ 866,005 $ 876,464

Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information: Cash paid for taxes $ 5,961 $ 5,004

See notes to financial statements.

50 NAE National Academy of Engineering Fund Notes to Financial Statements

Note 1. Nature of Activities and Significant Accounting Policies Nature of activities: National Academy of Engineering Fund (the Fund) is an independent nonprofit organization established by National Academy of Engineering (NAE) to collect and disburse funds for accomplishing the goals of NAE. NAE operates within the charter and framework of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), which accounts for NAEҋs expenses. The operating expenditures of NAE are accounted for by offices of NAS and are offset by reimbursement from funds received from the Fund and from contracts and grants administered by NAS. The net expenditures of NAE are paid by the Fund to balance accounts with NAS.

A summary of the Fundҋs significant accounting policies follows:

Basis of accounting: The Fundҋs financial statements are prepared using the accrual basis of accounting in accordance with the generally accepted accounting principles in the United States of America (U.S. GAAP), whereby unconditional support is recognized when notification of the contribution is received, revenue is recognized when earned and expenses are recognized when incurred.

Basis of presentation: The Fund follows the Not-for-Profit Entities Topic of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Accounting Standards Codification (the Codification). Under this Topic, the Fund is required to report the information regarding its financial position and activities according to three classes of net assets: unrestricted net assets, temporarily restricted net assets and permanently restricted net assets. The three classes of net assets are as follows:

Unrestricted net assets: Unrestricted net assets generally result from revenue derived from providing services, receiving unrestricted contributions, unrealized and realized gains and losses and receiving dividends and interest from investing in income-producing unrestricted assets, less expenses incurred in providing services, raising contributions and performing administrative functions.

Temporarily restricted net assets: Temporarily restricted net assets consist of amounts that are subject to donor-imposed time or purpose restrictions and income earned on temporarily and permanently restricted net assets. The Fund is permitted to use or expend the donated assets in accordance with the donor restriction.

Permanently restricted net assets: Permanently restricted net assets consist of assets whose use is limited by donor-imposed restrictions that neither expire by the passage of time nor can be fulfilled or otherwise removed by action of the Fund. The restrictions stipulate that resources be maintained permanently, but permit the Fund to expend the income generated in accordance with the provisions of the agreement. Permanently restricted net assets consist of the following:

Gordon Prize represents an endowment given by the donor for the purpose of establishing and awarding an annual prize in honor of Bernard M. Gordon. It is the Fundҋs intention to use the investment earnings of the endowment to cover the expenses incurred in connection with administration of the prize and in providing the honorarium awarded with the prize.

Draper Prize represents an endowment given by the donor for the purpose of establishing and awarding an annual prize in honor of the memory of Charles Stark Draper. It is the Fundҋs intention to use the investment earnings of the endowment to cover the expenses incurred in connection with administration of the prize and in providing the honorarium awarded with the prize.

Wm. A. Wulf Initiative for Engineering Excellence represents an endowment to ensure the future of programs that Bill Wulf instituted as president and provide his successor some flexibility in addressing the most pressing issues before the engineering community and the nation at any given time.

51 2015 National Academy of Engineering Fund Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

Note 1. Nature of Activities and Significant Accounting Policies (Continued) Capital Preservation and Hans Reissner represent endowments requiring principal be maintained in perpetuity and that only the income be used for general operations of NAE.

Senior Scholar represents an endowment to support an outstanding member of industry or another field working as an advisor and assistant to the president of NAE in the management and execution of NAEҋs programmatic activities.

Young Engineer represents an endowment to support programs aimed at engaging engineers at a younger age in the activities of NAE and to provide an opportunity to identify nominees from industry for membership in NAE.

Simon Ramo Founders Award represents an endowment requiring that the principal be maintained in perpetuity and that the income be used to support the “Simon Ramo Founders Award” given each year at the annual meeting.

Industry Scholar represents an endowment to support fellowships for recently retired corporate executives to assist with strategy and management of program activities in NAE and the National Research Council (NRC).

Hollomon represents an endowment requiring that the principal be maintained in perpetuity and that the income be used to support the Hollomon Fellow.

Cash and cash equivalents: For purposes of reporting cash flows, the Fund considers all investments purchased with an original maturity of three months or less to be cash equivalents, except for the cash in the investment portfolio, which will be reinvested on a long-term basis.

Contributions receivable: Contributions receivables include contributions collected near or at year end by NAS for the Fund but not yet received by the Fund as of December 31, 2015 and 2014.

Short-term investments: These investments consist of money market accounts that are used to fund normal operations of the Fund. The money market accounts are not publicly traded and are therefore held at cost.

Investment draw receivable: The Fund is eligible to draw 5 percent from one of its investment funds annually. This transfer crosses fiscal years and is recorded as a receivable until the cash is received by the Fund.

Promises to give: Unconditional promises to give are recognized as revenue and receivables in the period the promises are made. Unconditional promises to give that are expected to be collected within one year are recorded at their net realizable value. Unconditional promises to give that are expected to be collected in future years are recorded at the present value of their estimated future cash flows. The discounts on those amounts are computed using rates commensurate with the risk involved applicable to the years in which the promises are received. The discount rates used range from 0.21 percent to 2.27 percent for the years ended December 31, 2015 and 2014. Amortization of the discounts is included in contribution revenue. Based on managementҋs evaluation of the collectability of receivables, there is no provision for doubtful promises to give at December 31, 2015 and 2014. Conditional promises to give are not included as support until the conditions are substantially met.

52 NAE National Academy of Engineering Fund Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

Note 1. Nature of Activities and Significant Accounting Policies (Continued) Beneficial interest in split interest agreements: Charitable gift annuity agreements are classified as a beneficial interest in split interest agreements in the statements of financial position. The Fund has been notified that it was designated as the remainder beneficiary for several charitable remainder trusts. The Fund has an agreement with NAS, where NAS, rather than the Fund, serves as the trustee of the assets for all. The Fund has recorded an asset and contribution revenue equal to the present value of the remainder interest.

The remainder interest was determined by using the fair market value of trust assets, less the estimated distributions by NAS, to the income beneficiary over the Trust term. Upon termination of an annuity, the remainder interest in the asset is available for use by the Fund as restricted or unrestricted assets in accordance with the donorҋs designation. On an annual basis, the Fund re-measures the value of the asset using current assumptions. Any change in such value is recorded as a change in value of split- interest agreements included within unrealized (loss) gain on the statements of activities.

Investments: Investments are carried at fair market value, as discussed in Note 3. Investment income or loss is included in the change in unrestricted net assets unless the income is restricted by donor or law. Unrealized gains and losses are reflected separately within the statements of activities.

Financial risk: The Fund maintains its cash and cash equivalents and short-term investments in bank deposit accounts which, at times, may exceed federally insured limits. The Fund has not experienced any losses in such accounts. The Fund believes it is not exposed to any significant credit risk on cash.

The Fund invests in professionally managed portfolios that contain equity and fixed income mutual funds, common shares of publicly traded companies, exchange traded funds, hedge funds, fund of funds, a limited partnership and private equity funds. Such investments are exposed to various risks such as interest rate, market and credit risk. Due to the level of risk associated with such investments and the level of uncertainty related to change in the value of such investments, it is at least reasonably possible that changes in risks in the near term would materially affect investment balances and the amounts reported in the financial statements.

Support and revenue: The Fund reports gifts of cash and other assets as restricted support if they are received with donor stipulations that limit the use of the donated assets. When a donor restriction expires, (that is, when a stipulated time restriction ends or purpose restriction is accomplished) temporarily restricted net assets are reclassified to unrestricted net assets and reported in the statements of activities as net assets released from restrictions. Unrestricted gifts of cash and other assets are recorded in revenue, gains and other support when received or in the period in which such amounts are estimable. Membership dues are recognized as a contribution in the year it is received. Revenues from special events are recognized at the time the event occurs.

Allocation of expenses: The costs of providing various programs and other activities have been summarized on a functional basis in the statement of activities. Accordingly, certain costs have been allocated among the programs and supporting services benefited as follows:

Programs: Programs that address relevant issues in the engineering field including, but not limited to: Education, Engineering Practice and the Engineering Workforce; Engineering and the Environment; Engineering, the Economy and Society; Information Technology and Society; National Security and Crime Prevention; and Public Policy and Program Reviews.

53 2015 National Academy of Engineering Fund Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

Note 1. Nature of Activities and Significant Accounting Policies (Continued) Awards: NAE presents five awards: the Bernard M. Gordon Prize, the Charles Stark Draper Prize for Engineering, the Fritz J. and Dolores H. Russ Prize, the Arthur M. Bueche Award and the Simon Ramo Founders Award. Activities include soliciting nominations, selection of the recipients, announcement of the recipients and presentation of the prizes.

Member Programs: Organization and administration of the Annual Meeting and publication of NAE Memorial Tributes.

Support for NRC and NAS: Contributions to joint activities of the National Academies, including, but not limited to, the NAS/NAE/NAM Committee on Human Rights, the African American History Program, Community Service Projects and the International Visitors Office.

Operations: Includes the functions necessary to provide an adequate working environment, provide coordination and articulation of the Fundҋs programs, secure proper administrative function of the Board of Trustees, maintain competent legal services for program administration and manage the financial and budgetary responsibilities of the Fund.

Fundraising: Provides the structure necessary to encourage and secure private financial support from individuals, foundations and corporations.

Income taxes: The Fund is incorporated under the District of Columbia Non-Profit Corporation Act and is exempt from income taxes under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. In addition, the Fund has been determined by the Internal Revenue Service not to be a private foundation. The Fund is required to remit income taxes to the federal government and the District of Columbia for unrelated business income. For the years ended December 31, 2015 and 2014, there was unrelated business income of $995 and $72,210, respectively.

The Fund complies with the accounting standard on accounting for uncertainty in income taxes, which addresses the determination of whether tax benefits claimed or expected to be claimed on a tax return should be recorded in the financial statements. Under this guidance, the Fund may recognize the tax benefit from an uncertain tax position; only if it is more-likely-than-not that the tax position will be sustained on examination by taxing authorities, based on the technical merits of the position. The tax benefits recognized in the financial statements from such a position are measured based on the largest benefit that has a greater than 50 percent likelihood of being realized upon settlement. The guidance on accounting for uncertainty in income taxes also addresses de-recognition, classification, interest and penalties on income taxes and accounting in interim periods. The Fund had no such positions recorded in the financial statements at December 31, 2015 and 2014. Generally, the Fund is no longer subject to U.S. federal income tax positions by tax authorities for years before 2012.

Use of estimates: In preparing financial statements in conformity with U.S. GAAP, management is required to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and revenue and expenses during the reporting period. The most significant assumptions relate to the realization of pledges receivable and the fair value measurement of investments. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

54 NAE National Academy of Engineering Fund Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

Note 1. Nature of Activities and Significant Accounting Policies (Continued) Adopted accounting pronouncement: In May 2015, the FASB issued Accounting Standards Update (ASU) No. 2015-07, Fair Value Measurement (Topic 820); Disclosures for Investments in Certain Entities That Calculate Net Asset Value per Share (or Its Equivalent). This ASU removes the requirement to categorize within the fair value hierarchy all investments for which fair value is measured using the net asset value per share practical expedient. The amendments also remove the requirement to make certain disclosures for all investments that are eligible to be measured at fair value using the net asset value per share practical expedient. Rather, those disclosures are limited to investments for which the entity has elected to measure the fair value using that practical expedient. This ASU is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2016. Early adoption is permitted. Upon adoption, the amendments shall be applied retrospectively to all periods presented.

The Fund adopted this ASU for the year ended December 31, 2015, and it was retrospectively applied to the year ended December 31, 2014. Prior year disclosures have been revised to reflect the retrospective application of this ASU. The impact of adopting this ASU is reflected in Note 3.

Subsequent events: The Fund evaluated subsequent events through June 3, 2016, which is the date the financial statements were available to be issued.

Note 2. Promises to Give Promises to give are unconditional and deemed fully collectible as follows at December 31, 2015:

2015 Unrestricted Restricted Total

Unconditional promises to give$ 268,370 $ 3,284,981 $ 3,553,351 Less unamortized discount (2,776) (83,887) (86,663) $265,594 $ 3,201,094 $ 3,466,688

Amounts due in: Less than 1 year $179,981 $ 876,250 $ 1,056,231 1 to 5 years 85,613 2,324,844 2,410,457 $265,594 $ 3,201,094 $ 3,466,688

Promises to give are unconditional and deemed fully collectible as follows at December 31, 2014:

2014 Unrestricted Restricted Total

Unconditional promises to give$ 180,970 $ 4,350,144 $ 4,531,114 Less unamortized discount (2,363) (115,413) (117,776) $178,607 $ 4,234,731 $ 4,413,338

Amounts due in: Less than 1 year $58,470 $ 1,526,144 $ 1,584,614 1 to 5 years 120,137 2,708,587 2,828,724 $178,607 $ 4,234,731 $ 4,413,338

55 2015 National Academy of Engineering Fund Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

Note 3. Investments Investments consist of the following at December 31:

2015 2014

Cash and money market*$ 2,832,231 $ 2,755,492 Money market fund 4,637,970 3,667,297 Equity securities 7,841,105 7,280,458 Mutual funds 5,087,610 5,296,496 Exchange traded funds 2,054,448 1,863,675 Alternative investments 44,896,209 45,440,752 67,349,573 66,304,170 Less short-term investments (2,970,062) (1,859,009) $64,379,511 $ 64,445,161

*Cash and money market accounts held at cost.

Investment return consists of the following for the years ended December 31:

2015 2014

Interest and dividends$ 281,077 $ 332,014 Unrealized (loss) gain (172,647) 1,120,813 Realized gain 817,241 2,704,979 $925,671 $ 4,157,806

56 NAE National Academy of Engineering Fund Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

Note 3. Investments (Continued) The Fair Value Measurement Topic of the Codification defines fair value as the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. The Fund utilizes valuation techniques to maximize the use of observable inputs and minimize the use of unobservable inputs. Assets and liabilities recorded at fair value are categorized within the fair value hierarchy based upon the level of judgment associated with the inputs used to measure their value. The fair value hierarchy gives the highest priority to quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (Level 1) and the lowest priority to unobservable inputs (Level 3). Inputs are broadly defined as assumptions market participants would use in pricing an asset or liability. The three levels of the fair value hierarchy are described below:

Level 1: Valuations based on unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that the reporting entity has the ability to access at the measurement date. The types of investments included in Level 1 include listed equities and listed derivatives. As required by the guidance provided by the Codification, the Fund does not adjust the quoted price for these investments, even in situations where the Fund holds a large position and a sale could reasonably impact the quoted price.

Level 2: Valuations based on inputs other than quoted prices within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly and fair value is determined through the use of models or other valuation methodologies. Investments which are generally included in this category include corporate bonds and loans, less liquid and restricted equity securities and certain over-the-counter derivatives. A significant adjustment to a Level 2 input could result in the Level 2 measurement becoming a Level 3 measurement.

Level 3: Valuations based on inputs that are unobservable for the asset or liability and include situations where there is little, if any, market activity for the asset or liability. The inputs into the determination of fair value are based upon the best information in the circumstances and may require significant management judgment or estimation.

All transfers between fair value hierarchy levels are recognized by the Fund at the end of each reporting period. In certain cases, the inputs used to measure fair value may fall into different levels of the fair value hierarchy. In such cases, an investmentҋs level within the fair value hierarchy is based on the lowest level of input that is significant to the fair value measurement. The Fundҋs assessment of the significance of a particular input to the fair value measurement in its entirety requires judgment and considers factors specific to the investment. The inputs or methodology used for valuing financial instruments are not necessarily an indication of the risks associated with investing in those instruments.

57 2015 National Academy of Engineering Fund Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

Note 3. Investments (Continued) Investments and other assets measured at fair value on a recurring basis are as follows at December 31, 2015: Total Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Investments: Mutual funds: International equity fund$ 3,771,822 $- 3,771,822 $-$ Long-term bond fund 1,315,788 1,315,788 - - 5,087,610 5,087,610 - -

Equity securities: Consumer goods 1,851,464 1,851,464 - - Services 1,993,441 1,993,441 - - Technology 1,161,419 1,161,419 - - Healthcare 1,129,169 1,129,169 - - Financial 634,194 634,194 - - Basic materials 596,995 596,995 - - Industrial goods 474,423 474,423 - - 7,841,105 7,841,105 - -

Exchange traded funds: High yield 2,054,448 2,054,448 - -

Money market funds 4,637,970 4,637,970 - -

Total investments held at fair value 19,621,133 19,621,133 - -

Beneficial interest in split interest agreements 346,517 - - 346,517 Total assets held at fair value$ 19,967,650 $- 19,621,133 $$ 346,517

Total investments: Held at fair value$ 19,621,133 Held at net asset value (NAV) (a) 44,896,209 Held at cost 2,832,231 $ 67,349,573

58 NAE National Academy of Engineering Fund Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

Note 3. Investments (Continued) Investments and other assets measured at fair value on a recurring basis are as follows at December 31, 2014:

Total Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Investments: Mutual funds: International equity fund$ 3,995,405 $- 3,995,405 $-$ Long-term bond fund 1,301,091 1,301,091 - - 5,296,496 5,296,496 - -

Equity securities: Consumer goods 1,874,924 1,874,924 - - Services 1,777,817 1,777,817 - - Technology 1,012,992 1,012,992 - - Healthcare 899,085 899,085 - - Financial 641,381 641,381 - - Basic materials 615,185 615,185 - - Industrial goods 459,074 459,074 - - 7,280,458 7,280,458 - -

Exchange traded funds: High yield 1,863,675 1,863,675 - -

Money market funds 3,667,297 3,667,297 - - Total investments held at fair value 18,107,926 18,107,926 - -

Beneficial interest in split interest agreements 413,045 - - 413,045 Total assets held at fair value$ 18,520,971 $- 18,107,926 $$ 413,045

Total investments: Held at fair value$ 18,107,926 Held at net asset value (NAV) (a) 45,440,752 Held at cost 2,755,492 $ 66,304,170

(a) In accordance with Codification Topic 820-10, certain investments that are measured at fair value using the net asset value (NAV) per share (or its equivalent) practical expedient have not been classified in the fair value hierarchy. The fair value amounts presented in this table are intended to permit reconciliation of the fair value hierarchy to the amounts presented in the statements of financial position.

59 2015 National Academy of Engineering Fund Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

Note 3. Investments (Continued) The following is a description of the valuation methodologies used for assets measured at fair value. There have been no changes in the methodologies used at December 31, 2015 and 2014.

Mutual funds, equity securities, money market funds and exchange traded funds are publicly traded on the exchanges and therefore are considered Level 1 items.

Beneficial interests in split-interest agreements held by others are measured at the present value of future cash flows considering the estimated return on the invested assets during the expected term of the agreements, the contractual payment obligations under the agreement and a discount rate commensurate with the risks involved. Split-interest agreements held by others are classified as Level 3 within the fair value hierarchy.

The table below sets forth a summary of changes in fair value of the Fundҋs Level 3 assets, the beneficial interests in split-interest agreements, for the years ended December 31, 2015 and 2014:

2015 2014 Split Interest Split Interest Agreement Agreement

Balance, beginning of year$ 413,045 $ 702,297 New split interest agreement gifts - 8,807 Payout of split interest agreements - (161,828) Change in value of split interest agreements (66,528) (136,231) Balance, end of year$ 346,517 $ 413,045

60 NAE National Academy of Engineering Fund Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

Note 3. Investments (Continued) The table below presents additional information for the Fundҋs investments, as of December 31, 2015, whose fair value is estimated using the NAV per share (or equivalent) practical expedient and presents the nature and risk of assets with fair values estimated using NAV held at December 31, 2015:

Fair Value at Fair Value at Redemption December 31, December 31, Unfunded Redemption Notice 2015 2014 Commitment Frequency Period Fund of hedge funds – multi-strategies (a)$ 23,496,420 $- 25,049,774 $ Annually 75 days

Fund of hedge funds – Monthly – annually, 30 – 125 days multi-strategies, multi-vehicles (b) 7,756,558 9,888,205 125,000 or upon dissolution of the fund

Hedge funds – Quarterly and after 30 days – long equity (c) 7,648,293 3,600,000 - lock-up period 5 years

Private equity – Upon liquidation None multiple strategies (d) 2,830,102 3,441,547 203,297 of the fund

Hedge funds – Quarterly – restructuring and value (e) 2,665,390 2,616,393 455,679 annually 60 – 90 days

Upon dissolution of Limited partnership (f) 277,184 428,869 29,286 the partnership None

Private equity – Upon dissolution of single strategy (g) 222,262 415,964 44,164 the partnership None Total $44,896,209 $ 45,440,752 $ 857,426

(a) This category includes investments in funds of hedge funds that use multiple strategies to obtain total returns on a leveraged basis. The funds invest in a broad range of equity instruments, including international, domestic and private equity. The funds also invest in fixed income and alternative asset classes. The fundҋs portfolio is designed to achieve equity-like returns at fixed income risk levels. The funds are subject to an initial two-year lock up and are limited to annual redemptions thereafter. Withdrawals require a minimum 75 daysҋ notice and are subject to specific considerations as outlined in the Limited Partnership Agreement.

(b) This category includes investments in a multi-strategy, multi-vehicle hedge fund with the objective of maximizing long-term, risk adjusted returns and capital appreciation. The funds have investments in multiple investees which trade in various financial instruments such as, but not limited to, domestic and international securities, fixed income debt, government securities, real estate investment trusts and derivatives. 11 percent of the investments in this category are available for redemption monthly, 60 percent of the investments are available for redemption quarterly, 14 percent of the investments are available for redemption annually, and 15 percent of the investments are available for redemption upon dissolution. Notice periods range from 30-125 daysҋ notice. Shares are redeemable at their NAV as of the end of the respective month, quarter, year, or at the time of dissolution.

61 2015 National Academy of Engineering Fund Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

Note 3. Investments (Continued) (c) Investment funds in this strategy invest primarily in publicly-traded common stocks but its investments may, at times, include positions in publicly-traded, domestic or foreign common stocks, stock warrants and rights. The Fundҋs investments may include investment in small capitalization companies as well as mature companies. Investments representing approximately 22 percent of the investments in this category are available for redemption quarterly with 30 daysҋ notice. The remaining 78 percent of investments in this category are available for redemption without penalty after an initial five-year lock-up period.

(d) This category includes investments in private equity, venture capital and distressed securities and other non-traditional categories on a global basis. The other fund makes indirect investments in emerging private markets including private equity and distressed securities. These investments can never be redeemed with the funds. Instead, the nature of the investments in these categories is that distributions are received through the liquidation of the underlying assets of the fund. As of December 31, 2015, it is probable that the investments in these categories will be liquidated at an amount different from the NAV of the Fundҋs ownership interest in partnersҋ capital. Investments in the underlying funds are reported at their estimated fair value, as determined in good faith by the fund manager. Fair value is based on the information provided by the respective general partner of each of the underlying funds, including audited financial statements, which reflects the fundҋs share of the fair value of the net assets of the respective underlying fund and any other relevant factors determined by the fund manager. The fund has applied the fair value guidance for measuring its investments in the underlying funds, using the practical expedient. As such, the fund fair values its investments using the underlying fundsҋ NAV without any further adjustments. The value reported by the Fund is the value of its ownership share.

(e) Investment funds in this strategy invest in securities of companies that are believed to be significantly undervalued, some of which are in Chapter 11 bankruptcy. The other fund invests in equity and debt of companies it deems to be undervalued. Both funds invest in a master fund which includes derivatives. Investments representing approximately 41 percent of the investments in this category are available for redemption quarterly with 60 daysҋ notice. The remaining 59 percent of investments in this category are available for redemption annually with 90 daysҋ written notice. Shares are redeemable at their NAV as of the end of the respective quarter or year.

(f) This category includes investment in a limited partnership who invests in private equity funds engaged in venture capital, buyouts and growth capital, international private equity and other private equity investments. The Fund may receive distributions-in-kind from the Partnership Investments representing securities of the Partnership Investmentsҋ underlying portfolio companies. These investments can never be redeemed with the funds. Instead, the nature of the investments in these categories is that distributions are received through the liquidation of the underlying assets of the fund. As of December 31, 2015, it is probable that the investments in these categories will be liquidated at an amount different from the NAV of the Fundҋs ownership interest in partnersҋ capital. Investments in the underlying funds are reported at their estimated fair value, as determined in good faith by the fund manager. Fair value is based on the information provided by the respective general partner of each of the underlying funds, including audited financial statements, which reflects the fundҋs share of the fair value of the net assets of the respective underlying fund and any other relevant factors determined by the fund manager. The fund has applied the fair value guidance for measuring its investments in the underlying funds, using the practical expedient. As such, the fund fair values its investments using the underlying fundsҋ NAV without any further adjustments. The value reported by the Fund is the value of its ownership share.

62 NAE National Academy of Engineering Fund Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

Note 3. Investments (Continued) (g) The fund invests in private equity companies that provide infrastructure. The fund seeks investments that have a desirable risk return profile, which will deliver, in aggregate, a gross target internal rate of return of 12 percent to 15 percent with prudent leverage. The leverage strategy primarily revolves around the following principles: structure debt capital to investment grade standards whenever possible; develop matching debt duration profiles to respective assetsҋ cash flow profiles; and avoid floating interest rate exposure, either through the use of fixed rate debt or interest hedging activities. These investments can never be redeemed with the funds. Instead, the nature of the investments in these categories is that distributions are received through the liquidation of the underlying assets of the fund. As of December 31, 2015, it is probable that the investments in these categories will be liquidated at an amount different from the NAV of the Fundҋs ownership interest in partnersҋ capital. Investments in the underlying funds are reported at their estimated fair value, as determined in good faith by the fund manager. Fair value is based on the information provided by the respective general partner of each of the underlying funds, including audited financial statements, which reflects the fundҋs share of the fair value of the net assets of the respective underlying fund and any other relevant factors determined by the fund manager. The fund has applied the fair value guidance for measuring its investments in the underlying funds, using the NAV practical expedient. As such, the fund fair values its investments using the underlying fundsҋ NAV without any further adjustments. The value reported by the Fund is the value of its ownership share.

63 2015 National Academy of Engineering Fund Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

Note 4. Permanently and Temporarily Restricted Net Assets Permanently and temporarily restricted net assets consist of the following at December 31, 2015:

2015 Permanently Temporarily Restricted Restricted

Gordon Prize$- 13,438,250 $ Draper Prize 8,000,000 853,377 Wm. A. Wulf Initiative for Engineering Excellence 3,015,322 1,019,580 Capital Preservation 2,460,701 524,014 Senior Scholar 1,000,000 193,245 Young Engineers 786,724 173,079 Simon Ramo Founders Award 500,000 69,799 Industry Scholar 353,038 200,537 Hollomon 201,200 444,630 Hans Reissner 25,622 15,030 Vest Opportunity Fund - 5,213,496 Frontiers of Engineering – Grainger Foundation - 2,690,945 Unrestricted contributions to be received in future years - 604,692 Public Understanding - 582,415 Global Grand Challenges - 555,756 Engineer Girl - 387,932 3UHVLGHQWҋV2SSRUWXQLW\IXQG - 377,165 Urban Infrastructure - 358,386 Futures/Chevron Guiding Implementation - 277,374 Make Value for America - 214,903 Others - 107,592 Engineering for U - 82,626 3UHVLGHQWҋV'LVFUHWLRQDU\ - 71,239 Noise Policy Development - 54,123 Engineering Education - 50,002 Russ Prize - 9,312 Diversity in the Engineering Work Force - 8,519 Engineering Education & Research - 7,050 Engineering Ethics Center - 5,963 CASEE - 4,781 Frontiers of Engineering - 2,331 Communication with Public in Crisis - 1,917 USIP Roundtable - 1,729 Technology and Environment - 1,046 Native Americans in Engineering - 1,016 Engineering & Services - 509 PUE Messaging -19 Information Technology - 11 $29,780,857 $ 15,166,140

64 NAE National Academy of Engineering Fund Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

Note 4. Permanently and Temporarily Restricted Net Assets (Continued) Permanently and temporarily restricted net assets consist of the following at December 31, 2014:

2014 Permanently Temporarily Restricted Restricted

Gordon Prize$- 13,438,250 $ Draper Prize 8,000,000 1,225,021 Wm. A. Wulf Initiative for Engineering Excellence 3,015,322 986,057 Capital Preservation 2,440,701 615,965 Senior Scholar 1,000,000 229,823 Young Engineers 792,981 189,742 Simon Ramo Founders Award 500,000 75,409 Industry Scholar 353,038 195,944 Hollomon 201,200 450,740 Hans Reissner 25,623 16,289 Vest Opportunity Fund - 5,305,607 Frontiers of Engineering – Grainger Foundation - 3,154,691 Global Grand Challenges - 1,018,748 Public Understanding - 503,915 Futures/Chevron Guiding Implementation - 679,765 Make Value for America - 600,966 Unrestricted contributions to be received in future years - 577,975 Frontiers of Engineering Education - 319,948 Urban Infrastructure - 310,829 50th Anniversary Support/E for U - 432,554 Information Technology - 64,666 Noise Policy Development - 59,612 Others - 53,832 National Engineering Forum - 44,415 Frontiers of Engineering - 22,157 Engineering Education & Research - 10,190 Diversity in the Engineering Work Force - 9,770 Russ Prize - 6,452 Technology and Environment - 6,413 CASEE - 5,391 Engineer Girl - 2,458 Engineering Ethics Center - 2,137 USIP Roundtable - 2,124 Communication with Public in Crisis - 1,917 Native Americans in Engineering - 1,149 Engineering & Services - 508 Bueche Award - 222 Engineering Education - 121 PUE Messaging -18 $29,767,115 $ 17,183,540

65 2015 National Academy of Engineering Fund Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

Note 5. Endowments Interpretation of relevant law: The Fund has interpreted the District of Columbia-enacted version of the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (UPMIFA) as requiring the Fund, absent explicit donor stipulations to the contrary, to act in good faith and with the care that an ordinarily prudent person in a like position would exercise under similar circumstances in making determinations to appropriate or accumulate endowment funds, taking into account both its obligation to preserve the value of the endowment and its obligation to use the endowment to achieve the purposes for which it was donated. The Fund classifies as permanently restricted net assets (a) the original value of gifts donated to the permanent endowment, (b) the original value of subsequent gifts to the permanent endowment and (c) accumulations to the permanent endowment made in accordance with the direction of the applicable donor gift instrument at the time the accumulation is added to the fund. The remaining portion of the donor-restricted endowment fund that is not classified in permanently restricted net assets is classified as temporarily restricted net assets until those amounts are appropriated for expenditure. In accordance with UPMIFA, the Fund considers the following factors in making a determination to appropriate or accumulate donor-restricted endowment funds:

(1) The duration and preservation of the endowment fund

(2) The purposes of the institution and the endowment fund

(3) General economic conditions

(4) The possible effect of inflation or deflation

(5) The expected total return from income and the appreciation of investments

(6) Other resources of the institution

(7) The investment policy of the institution

Return objective and risk parameters: The Fund has adopted an investment policy for the endowment fund. This investment program is based on growing the endowment fund to provide financial stability for the Fund in perpetuity. The Fundҋs ability to tolerate risk and volatility should be consistent with that of a conservative growth portfolio, with investments made in companies that demonstrate consistent growth over time. Asset allocations are developed in accordance with this long-term, conservative growth strategy.

Spending policy: The Fund will appropriate for expenditure in its annual budget a percentage of the earnings. There may be times when the Fund may opt not to take the spending rate, but rather to reinvest some or all of the annual income.

Fair value: The fair value of assets associated with donor-restricted endowment funds may fall below the level that UPMIFA requires to retain as a fund of perpetual duration. In accordance with U.S. GAAP, deficiencies of this nature that are reported in unrestricted net assets were $1,132,664 and $624,763 as of December 31, 2015 and 2014, respectively.

66 NAE National Academy of Engineering Fund Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

Note 5. Endowments (Continued) The following illustrates endowment net asset composition by type of fund at December 31, 2015:

2015 Temporarily Permanently Unrestricted Restricted Restricted Total

Donor-restricted endowment funds$ (1,132,664) $ 3,493,291 $ 29,780,857 $ 32,141,484 Total funds$ (1,132,664) $ 3,493,291 $ 29,780,857 $ 32,141,484

Changes in endowment net assets for the year ended December 31, 2015, as follows:

2015 Temporarily Permanently Unrestricted Restricted Restricted Total Endowment net assets, beginning of year $ (624,763) $ 3,984,990 $ 29,767,115 $ 33,127,342 Investment return: Interest and dividends, net of fees - (122,915) - (122,915) Realized gain on investments - 467,863 - 467,863 Net (depreciation) appreciation (507,901) 447,149 - (60,752) Total investment return (507,901) 792,097 - 284,196 Amounts appropriated for expenditure - (1,283,796) - (1,283,796) Contributions received - - 13,742 13,742 Endowment net assets, end of year $(1,132,664) $ 3,493,291 $ 29,780,857 $ 32,141,484

The following illustrates endowment net asset composition by type of fund at December 31 2014:

2014 Temporarily Permanently Unrestricted Restricted Restricted Total

Donor-restricted endowment funds$ (624,763) $ 3,984,990 $ 29,767,115 $ 33,127,342 Total funds$ (624,763) $ 3,984,990 $ 29,767,115 $ 33,127,342

67 2015 National Academy of Engineering Fund Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

Note 5. Endowments (Continued) Changes in endowment net assets for the year ended December 31, 2014, are:

2014 Temporarily Permanently Unrestricted Restricted Restricted Total Endowment net assets, beginning of year $ (808,621) $ 3,384,493 $ 29,748,220 $ 32,324,092 Investment return Interest and dividends, net of fees - (249,061) - (249,061) Realized gain on investments - 1,509,767 - 1,509,767 Net appreciation 183,858 551,012 - 734,870 Total investment return 183,858 1,811,718 - 1,995,576 Amounts appropriated for expenditure - (1,211,221) - (1,211,221) Contributions received - - 18,895 18,895 Endowment net assets, end of year $(624,763) $ 3,984,990 $ 29,767,115 $ 33,127,342

Note 6. Related Party Transactions The National Academies Corporation: The National Academies Corporation (TNAC) is a nonprofit corporation that was incorporated in January 1986 for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a study and conference facility, the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Center, in Irvine, California, to expand and support the general scope of program activities of NAS, NAE, the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) and NRC. TNAC is organized as a tax-exempt supporting organization for NAS and the Fund. The Board of Directors and officers of TNAC include certain officers of the Fund. The Fund had no transactions with TNAC for the years ended December 31, 2015 and 2014.

National Academy of Sciences: The Fund reimburses NAS by making periodic payments based on NAEҋs estimated expenditures for the year. The Fund also receives contributions through NAS. This resulted in a payable to NAS at December 31, 2015 and 2014, of $1,015,422 and $1,132,446, respectively. Payments made to NAS by the Fund for the Fundҋs allocated portion of the expenditures shared jointly by NAS, NAE and NAM were $1,031,697 and $1,154,992 for the years ended December 31, 2015 and 2014, respectively.

68 NAE Officers Councillors

Chair John L. Anderson (2018) C. Paul Robinson (2016) Charles O. Holliday, Jr. (2016) Distinguished Professor of President Emeritus, Sandia Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell PLC Chemical Engineering, Illinois National Laboratories Retired Chairman of the Board and Institute of Technology CEO, E.I. du Pont de Nemours Arnold F. Stancell (2015) ‡ and Co. Wanda M. Austin (2018) Retired Vice President, Mobil President and Chief Executive Oil; Turner Professor of Chemical President Officer, The Aerospace Engineering Emeritus, Georgia C. D. (Dan) Mote, Jr. (2019) Corporation Institute of Technology President, National Academy of Engineering Uma Chowdhry (2016) Richard H. Truly (2018) Chief Science and Technology Retired Vice Admiral, United States Vice President Officer Emeritus, E.I. du Pont de Navy; Retired Director, National Corale L. Brierley (2018) Nemours and Co. Renewable Energy Laboratory Principal, Brierley Consulting, LLC Paul Citron (2016) Ex Officio: Home Secretary Retired Vice President, Technology Ralph J. Cicerone (2016) Thomas F. Budinger (2016) Policy and Academic Relations, President, National Academy of Professor, University of California, Medtronic, Inc. Sciences Berkeley; Senior Consulting Scientist, E.O. Lawrence Berkeley David E. Daniel (2016) ‡ Indicates term ended June 30, National Laboratory Deputy Chancellor, The University 2015. Year in parentheses indicates of Texas System the year term expires. Foreign Secretary Ruth A. David (2019) Anita K. Jones (2018) Retired President and CEO, University Professor Emerita, Analytic Services Inc. University of Virginia

Venkatesh Narayanamurti (2015) ‡ Frances S. Ligler (2017) Benjamin Peirce Professor of Lampe Distinguished Professor Technology and Public Policy, of Biomedical Engineering, Harvard School of Engineering UNC-Chapel Hill, School of and Applied Sciences; Director, Medicine and North Carolina State Science, Technology and Public University College of Engineering Policy Program, Harvard Kennedy School Arunava Majumdar (2017) Jay Precourt Professor and Senior Treasurer Fellow, Precourt Institute for Martin B. Sherwin (2017) Energy, Stanford University Retired Vice President, W.R. Grace & Co. Richard A. Meserve (2017) President Emeritus, Carnegie Institution for Science

H. Vincent Poor (2017) Dean of Engineering and Applied Science; and Michael Henry Strater University Professor, Princeton University

69 2015 Staff NAE Publications

Office of the President Vivienne Chin, Administrative NAE reports are available from the C. D. Mote, Jr., President Assistant (through June) National Academies Press either Laura Mersky, Senior Executive Phillip Coleman, Anderson & for purchase or as free download- Assistant (through July) Commonweal Intern (Summer) able PDFs at www.nap.edu or 800- Kelli Zingler, Senior Executive Catherine Didion, Senior Program 624-6242, or from the National Assistant (from November) Officer, Diversity in the Engineering Academies Bookstore, 500 Fifth Street Workforce NW, Washington, DC. Office of the Home Secretary Bernadet (Abby) Estabillo, College Thomas F. Budinger, Home Secretary Intern (from March) All reports can also be read online. Mary Lee Berger-Hughes, Director, Cameron Fletcher, Senior Editor Membership Office Nicole Flores, Media Specialist Reports from 2015: Marthe Folivi, College Intern Frontiers of Engineering: Reports on Office of the Foreign Secretary (March-May) Leading-Edge Engineering from the Venkatesh Narayanamurti, Foreign Penelope Gibbs, Administrative and 2014 Symposium Secretary (through June) Financial Associate Ruth David, Foreign Secretary Amelia Greer, Associate Program Making Value for America: Embracing (from July) Officer the Future of Manufacturing, Vivienne Chin, Administrative Emily Hoffman, Christine Mirzayan Technology, and Work Assistant (through June) Science and Technology Policy Graduate Fellow (January-April) Educate to Innovate: Factors that Executive Office Rachelle Hollander, Director, Center Influence Innovation Corale L. Brierley, Vice President for Engineering Ethics and Society Lance Davis, Executive Officer Michael Holzer, Senior Program The Past Half Century of (through February); Senior Advisor Assistant (from November) Engineering—And a Look Forward (from March) Sherri Hunter, Program Coordinator (2014 Annual Meeting Forum Alton Romig, Jr., Executive Officer (from March) Summary) (from March) Janet Hunziker, Senior Program Effective Practices in Supporting Jatryce Jackson, Administrative Officer, Frontiers of Engineering Transfer Students (workshop report; Assistant Kenan Jarboe, Senior Program NAE-ASEE) Officer, Manufacturing, Design and Finance Office Innovation (from September) The Bridge, the NAE quarterly journal, Martin B. Sherwin, Treasurer Maribeth Keitz, Senior Program is available from the NAE Program Mary Resch, Director (through Associate/Web Communications Office or online at www.nae.edu/ February) Manager thebridge. A PDF version is also avail- Joan Zaorski, Director (from March) Mary Kutruff, Financial Officer able on the website. Raymond Hart, Senior Accountant Jacqueline Martin, Awards Associate Barbara Boyd, Administrative (through July) Coordinator Brianna Marshall, Anderson & Commonweal Intern (Summer) Membership Office Greg Pearson, Scholar, K-12 Mary Lee Berger-Hughes, Director Engineering Education and Public Michaela Curran, Election Associate Understanding of Engineering Kim Garcia, Election Manager Simil Raghavan, Program Officer Allison Gomes, Summer Intern Emily Roberts, Christine Mirzayan Pamela Lankowski, Council Science and Technology Policy Administrator Graduate Fellow (January-April) Jenney Resch, Senior Membership Katie Whitefoot, Robert A. Pritzker Associate Fellow and Senior Program Officer, Patricia Scales, Membership Associate Manufacturing, Design and (through May) Innovation (through August) Dennis Thorp, Graphic Designer Jason Williams, Senior Financial and Publications Coordinator Assistant (through May) Deborah Young, Awards Administrator

Program Office Development Office Proctor Reid, Director Radka Nebesky, NAE Director of Randy Atkins, Senior Public/Media Development Relations Officer Jamie Killorin, Director of Gift Frazier Benya, Program Officer Planning Elizabeth Cady, Program Officer

70 NAE Photo Credits: Cover: background — Bigstock; circle images (L-R) — iStock, Shutterstock, Shutterstock, iStock Page 1: Cable Risdon

The National Academy of Sciences was established in 1863 by an Act of Congress, signed by President Lincoln, as a private, non- governmental institution to advise the nation on issues related to science and technology. Members are elected by their peers for outstanding contributions to research. Dr. Ralph J. Cicerone is president.

The National Academy of Engineering was established in 1964 under the charter of the National Academy of Sciences to bring the practices of engineering to advising the nation. Members are elected by their peers for extraordinary contributions to engineer- ing. Dr. C. D. Mote, Jr., is president.

The National Academy of Medicine (formerly the Institute of Medicine) was established in 1970 under the charter of the National Academy of Sciences to advise the nation on medical and health issues. Members are elected by their peers for distinguished con- tributions to medicine and health. Dr. Victor J. Dzau is president.

The three Academies work together as the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine to provide independent, objective analysis and advice to the nation and conduct other activ- ities to solve complex problems and inform public policy decisions. The Academies also encourage education and research, recognize outstanding contributions to knowledge, and increase public under- standing in matters of science, engineering, and medicine.

Learn more about the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine at www.national-academies.org. NATIONAL ACADEMY OF ENGINEERING 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001
