Published Bi-Monthly by the Hudson-Hohawh Bird Dub
Vol. 58 february TVo.l 1996 Published Bi-monthly by The Hudson-Hohawh Bird dub BLuEbind PLates Arrjve \h NYS DEC CoMMissioNER REcoqNizES HMBC at UNVEiliNq of BluEbind Ucense PUte On Dec. 6, 1995, the HMBC was very privileged to have been invited to the state's official unveiling of the Bluebird License Plates. The distinctive plate features the Eastern Bluebird, New York's official bird, lovingly designed by Roger Tory Peterson, the internationally famous birder, naturalist, artist and native New Yorker. At the December 6 event with Parks, Motor Vehicle and DEC Commissioners, Mr. Zagata acknowledged HMBC president, Frank Murphy, and past president, Scott Stoner. New York State's Legislature authorized the conservation license plate in the 1993 Environmen tal Protection Act which also established a state Environmental Protection Fund. Twenty-five dollars from the sale of every bluebird plate goes directly into the Fund to be used exclusively for the vital projects listed in the state Open Space Conservation Plan. Expenditures from the Fund already have helped conserve such important and beautiful areas .. mere en next page To order your bluebird plate, call 1-800- 364-PLATES from 8 AM to 8 PM seven Inside tMs days a week or visit a local DMV office. The exquisite new license plates will Campership Announcement arrive quickly in the mail. The plates can be ordered at any time without affecting Birding the Mohawk River the registrant's renewal date. The initial cost of a standard bluebird plate is $39.50 Federation Membership Drive and which includes the $25. annual fee dedi Book Offer cated to open space conservation and the one-time processing fees.
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