ramW* riKtr rtiaWI of th® richest. darkest, fjoJor*.a and capital ra e, Unntcr A iravers' being sccohd and great trouble to getting tncm Into line for a start, Wight I7th, with odM. to K K Morgan's Bona. Hiid carter Mutual Pishing Insurance offlce for $41M).Capa Amt ufrT'rf«vV i.n.et was complete* by » canning Mr. 1! Imoui'* Woodbine a good tinrd. but win n the flag foil they were pretty well bunched. westerly winda U>a entire puint ; .>»»« been 13 days.?jo"*w 01 Adverttier. I >ontret <>1 roval atnl ia« Hie tourin r.nc liml fourteen entries twelve the Hanka. JEROME PARK RICES. purple velve bluck an>l Nellie J nines had a trifle the best ol the send-off, or.ler Spakra. lonned a most tor the0»JJrll'(un starters. These- were T. W. Dosweil's hay Mid- Lord Ship Tvro (Br>, Baker. HhleUla S!t daya, with coal to L B fiih unproprta.e selling Pompa¬ llliy Midday second, Felicity third, Hyron fourth, veaaei to M A *'0. Had weather, 12 " ®>'P hii»t, from 8t John, KB, for Liverpool, dour purtfc tn vvlucu Hie r*»earert giveu variable winds Sept lat 4.> :!u. Ion :.o. sprays of autumn leaves, imt which was 11ni r« ally mv colt John Merrjinau, Mr. Ueimont s eto-'Mnnt out of Mgbt. When they came in view on the lower Sept 14. lat 4.1. Joii 35. had a liurrlcaue flout "htp Pocahontn*. Oliver, from New Orleans for Liverpool, hands ol silk embroidered with loaves in th lUlv Nellie .iiucs. joint (i'Donnell s giay Ally Maiy turn Midday was leading several lengths, Ves- SWtoNW; lout and apUt sails; while lying M ihtppM » Sept 28. lat u7. Ion rtj. Medial. * jill neavy «ca, which carried away main channel*. bright autumnal tints. Hie o ver.1res was In a Louise. John Coffee's hay colt by Bonnie Scotland, puclus second, Nellie James third, the otners in Norton,^ from Calcutta lor HosUm, Ao< Burk Freeman Dennis iBr), Fletcher, Sunderland Sept .. Ml. latl 40 ion:>4 \v. deeper Hmdem green cashmere. embroider**i to w»r Mr. Belmont's i»aj colt i.ord Byron and Oovernor ho clone a bunch that they could not be distin¬ and Pcntland Frith with railway to urder vesnil to S, toll, Iron Hark K, a Gem Br), tr im for Oct respond wiui tin- skirt. and was a "' liowii' s cue-, nut Ally Lome. or.oian was the fa¬ guished. As thev came into ti e homestretch the Bind A lllncken. Mace the northern passage and t>a>i line 4U hi Llverpnul Baltimore, 6, vall®7,s'!|l * ,1.. vorite m ins ihe weather; Oct <<11 barka lat 4(1, Ion 44 by pilot boat Abm Leggett, No 4). Marguerite potonai-e, over which wan worn race, Midday neing second choice, airur was sealed bevoud a doubt, as Midday had 6, Nantucket, exchanged s guals with Bnrk Hakon ,'arl Nor), from Greenock for Philadelphia. IPine Attendance and Elegant hi veliovv lalma uiso embroidered, draped Iron' t and I'll bin an ihe third. Slidday ran awav from th. such a cjiuiuaiidiug lead that she could uot lose it S« a Hem Br>, from Liverpool lor Baltimore, and Reusing- Oct 4, lat 411 4»\ !on 7(1 40. leli I lilts wns otiiera won an ton Br i, from Hamburg tor PhlU shoulder. utiiuue unlet hwraliy aii'i easy race. Fellcitv being second without, an accident. She came along stead IIv, Hark aelphia Bark Kensln uton Bri, vfrom^ Hamburg lor Itilladelutna. < Kmtna F Secor iBr), Coonan, Bolton 3 daya, In bal- Toilets of the Ladies. crowned i.y a I t «>l nark green Velvet, o\ and ortolan third. Mr. Withers \espucius wax a dashing i lirouch tne slush and won by half a dozen lam. to A I'arker. Oct 3, lat 4M ,.,r tn was the lavorite at one hundred to forty pre¬ THE FIKTH RACK. Steamship Kranconla, Bragg, Portland tor New York, with Mbr Fbebr, of New Y«rk, steering 8W, Oc. 3, lat 38 80, loo l.rea, N7. 14.In East Lni'itan Rare* and a Fright¬ ."''appa.a "Tfie'iast handicap steeple ch. Ecliptic, by Eclipse, Scnr Sexton, t.'alaiR for New with lumber to Aux port bark (Br), nower she haics ami cornelian*, ami ametiiv* alio cue-smut irelding Tammany, C.J. Allowuy's brown Bowie & Hail entered ch. c. Major, by Eugene, Schr Joseph Eogers, Portland tor New fully Track. ami Inn. ol to herh!»r Blackbird, J. K. Lawrence's bay gelding Jim lls- 8:5a Hchr S S Buckingham, Jones. Portland for New York, with ers, Darien ; iBri, Connautou, New in t 'lime, atone to Gibson A Co. York ( before reported arrived ftth); 24tli. Brother's Pride inr forth ne sunshine whs a niaHrerpieei . ior on dale K. Suva's bay gelding King John and l,eouard tiik beitins. (Br), Bouluh, ,-sut'lla, (ia; brig Eliza Stevens, limine,. New .-very leal Mi.-re was a gradation irom pa Jerome s chestnut gehliug Surprise. Puffy l"° Ecliptic. $500 625 ;t00 405 MO H00 Hchr Marv Brockway, Connecticut Klver tor New York, York. Ortolan Winner of Ike yehow to crimson. lavoriu; the held. won with wood to order. IK. hark Handicap Ewerpstakcs, glowing auaiust Tammany tne race, Major 140 14.'» 1C0 2J0 210 320 Sclir Lnthair (Bri, St for New Sailed Anc Josephine, Haven, . near the < lull house were vine* Dufly second, the Blackbird eolt tnird. TIIK HACK. Flewelling, John, NB, York, In port Aus 2X, bark* Ellen (Hr). Tueker. and Plor del Harry Basset* the Stakes. Joe with lumber. lor New Champion v. 11 it scartel that no veroena e.oul.l m i t.. i m". no following aro the details of the running in the Maior took tne lead at the start and kept it all tne Schr Bunnah, Wilcox, Bangor for New York, with lumber Mar. VYIsweii, York, Idg ; Fannie, Carver, for du IIC..I [>eJ- a do; Jas A Krown. i.reenish, for Huston, do; brigs Hedowa, Daniels ;he the the ruioles, the mdiall red of the oa I te* order that it came off:. way to within llfty yar is oi the fi.nsh. when Kclip- to M ayhew A Co. for New d"t W l) Nursery Stakes, Midday contrasted Willi the litonxe liueo! the cedar THE FIRST RACE. tie Schr Lilias, Tafl'e, Bangor for New with lumber to Salter, York, Andrew*, Perkins, and Clill- oppo passed him and won ov a length and a half. order. York, llanwallah ( Br), Fuller, lor do do; and other*, hark Llcue Three-Qucrters of a Mile Dash, Eciip- site and the vivid green of the at. if pi te. -aw Han DieAt' SWEKi'HTAKE* ot too each, half forfeit, I here was no running in the race except the last yS" Raymond (Br >, IlMwn, had been chartered to load bides, ¦ he emerald ol the I Schr Juston, Krown, Calaia for New York, w.th lumber to pass on hill- eyoii-1, aJ1!" - and only $10 if declared, with $oik> added; tne s« coud .uii wile o.v Ecliptic. As Major entered the home¬ A Ac. in the river, for order*. tic the Four-Mile Dssh and Tauima- ,,c sweeping glauec. in tli. w lioi' a horse to stakes. unit na was Simpson Clapp. 1)0 NZ, 14 -In Came Cock, Kher- iwuoiau receive out of ihe One stretch at the close of the last f mile he ten Scnr Jusrlce, Clark, New London for Brooklyn, with stone nkdin, Auk port ship the Chase. i.i iflurioilsiv tinted .conciy inc. ling in '. I"1 "iu< leturthK ahead of Ecliptic, and some of the takers of to the Bridge Co. btirne, from New York via Melbourne. ny Handicap bte^plc . lhereal.lisiui.ee i blending oil "ie imri/.o I of Carroll' A '('oar entered br. c. Ortolan, by Done- tu«* Ion;; odds began to snout, being under the Im¬ Sahr Susan McDevitt, Smith, New Haven for I'lnla le'oliia. 11 Alton (iUACK. NF, Kept 1H. Arrived, hric M.uden Bower in'i'i ai- skv. and vou had tit-- Picture t iai Ha Sclir Edward (Br), Wallace, ,\m York .and cleared 28 lor Naples)...... New map rane, dam Ciniary Bird, 4 years old...... pression. mat their luvoritc would win. Their music, Lindsley, till). Haven for New York. Oct 5. hark Dulcimer (Br Nevr p: .. ..liable am,.. Nature, had vest, Schr Lewis Jane, Soper, for New York. II\i.ika\, Arrived, May, play August Belmont entered ch. f. l inesse, by l.cx- however, coon ceased when they saw Palmer give Sehr H Bridgeport York. .i.o.it ,i. t. uiie art jusi la-iof the opening race ofJ inirlou, dam 4 old...... her nexi and come in with a Mary Hanks, Hayes, Providence for Philadelphia. I\ auca, 18 -Sailed, Perkins, What a pil.t lhat luai obstinate and unreliable in.- autumn imp. F'llliiiree, years Ecliplio lacing pace Schr Sarah Eliza, Fori!ham, Newport tor Supt brig Henry Seymour, meting. John i) Donnell entered br. h. Haric, Aus- through the mud and water and laud a winner. Schr Jennie A Eluahethpnrl. Boston, via Fortune lshnd. creature. the clerk ol the weather. took i! Into his Hie i ra» k was 1.1 a by Shcpard, Wnhur, Newport lor Georgetown. Oct ij St Louie letriOly muddy condition. lug trallau, time of the four miles was 8:50, Sclir M Livehpooi., Arrived, .teamshlp (Br>, ¦MX I Brenna, years The A Prcdmore, Hart, Providcnce for Elizabethport. Orleans Heron. do.S H head the dav heroic tlio lull mec ingol tlx- American of water i.uK lai couuled i>y the Uiousaud K. l hotnson entered cii. f. hanchou, by Austra- TIIK SIXTH ItAC E. bchr La ly Jane, Sulllvsn, Providence for New \ ori.. Smith, Bow ; ships Westmoreland, .,n,i mini wa-- ai tUc ol Sclir J I) I'hoimis, Curtis. St .Tiihl, MB; bark Chalmi.'tlc, 'I allot, Gal¬ on the cclenu.il coiisisteuc; pa-te. old dam Idle 3 old...... * Handicap Steeple of which Buckingham, Smith, Boston lor New York. Jockey chili at Jerome l ark !<> turn Hiiini.ii iiimc.te.i ¦tail, wild, years Chase; pur.se $800, veston via New Oile.m*. Unit such iiiagulttceiit races V. Morris entered ch. f. Remorseless, by hcllpse, $2 to to the second horse; entrance tree; three or Helir Wind, Smith, Taunton lor New Brunswick. Sepi 1M -Arrived, bark Maiianna I by <1 rant am! dampen Hie spirits of the innumerable Ml..nil! take piace ..n such a course, and Sclir Anua Banks, Rogers, Providence for New York. LISBON, tPort), Santos, tin: jockeys dam 4 years old . . " more to start; about two miles and a haU. 1" \ c barbarity, Sclir Susan, New Haven for New Philadelphia. ladies and gentlemen who looked forward to these i 111 spirit in anticipation ol the do«es or mud M. A. latteli entered ch. f. Donahue entered ch. Haggerty, York. IjITTlk Gl.Aor P..\v, Sent 27.Cleared, si hr Raian, tiy Joseph g. Tammany, by Kolir W . tliai thev .htiuld l.e to swallow. 1 , Oscar Hawley, Bridgeport for New York. New York :>tii, Olivia Lookout,do. races as llic event ol t lie lull. Com- compelled "Oil, dam Lizzie 3 years old .... « dam Lis Mardis, 4 years old, 145 iscli! fc A L Maits. Boston lor New Howes, briu Mnrv Br,, Foster, great sa\ \e s.i a Morgan, Lexington, Martc, York. In hark M Know." id burly foreigner, with a nig D. .1. Crouse entered b. f. ny dam lbs. 1 Sclir KR No 4!», Little, New Haven lor New York. port 2M.lt, E Femerlok tBr), for New York , urig mcneing on Thursday, this disagreeable locit- wuliv.il)! stick and a t'lif l.litc sc.irlT that covered Ills Lexington, Schr MHeadingK Providence for Wexford Bri, forilo. imp. Kltiian Lass .. 7 C. J. Alloway entered b. g. Duffy, by Hunter's Tabor, Talicr, New York. vidiiAl Mil ai his hydrant rapacious tirnast ami tluUcreil in the luec/.e Iiko a 5 Schr Uncus, lleaney. New London for New York. Montevideo, Aiic '?5.Arrived, bark Anglo-, Poster, complacently sniikiiiL' W. If. llabcock entered ch. g. The Doctor, Lexington, daui Olio, years old. 150 lbs 2 SehrC CSaddller, Sunderland i»r San Kranctsco (an I proceeded .tith). topsail. "I sav. what a domed r-JOil course Second W[ " ch. Barnum. Bridgeport tor New York. s r aliove ki nil kept on persist) niiy aud grimly lor a Albion, dam by o'Mcara, a years oidrW P, McDani?^ enteyeu g. b.v dam In port :{0tli, ship Horsey, Small, unc. rcirratta; don't ye iliinka yacht race would nc Gov. Ilowio entered en. m. Blackbird, Schr Freestone, i'ajcvuw, JVrll*!i.»i,r' !7. Id brig Jessie Bnli. . MIBAQOamk, Sept port, Hhynae, dome bu best ,l) tiansform Manhattan und its sur- nettor than a horse race litre My Maryland, by bv Planet, 3 years ohT, lia-4: :T^TTT.\ . !*W'.4i'Js Bciir tiij Zack, Beebe, New London for New York. io-«ajfV" And the mown Dick, dam Fannie 4 Norwalk tor New York. for Boston COt'i. a Who would ever tiurly Iorei*nier with the .stick lui the McAllister, years J. K. Lawrence entered b. g. Jim Tisdale, by Schr JanJ Marl*, Wood, 29 s iiied, bark Nasbwauk (Rrl, LeBlanc, ronmliugs into mudguiter. tug around old 0 Revenue, dam Louisa Jordan, 137 lbs.... 4 heii? C f Bhuitlr, VpuDS, Bridgeport for New York. I'loTotr, Sept vehement ly.'auu felt, seotningiv. that die remark was aged, » aven tor New York. ibink oj going to i lie American Derby after such an ivuprojn iate. 'Ilio black sind Time, 2:20. It. Shea entered ti. g. King Joun, by ijexmgtou, Schr leaac Mcrru', M few New Y ork. (jcncNBTOWM, Oct 7. Arrived, steamship China, Macan- jockeyn, wliito, wiioiiMic TIIK HKTriMl. dam » vears 147 lbs 6 Sclir Warren C.ates, SirtUh,A, MWqJone Point tor New \ oik. New York for Liverpool (und proceeded). unwarrantable procecuiift' Our alM' lii-j called tbera to mount, came lorih Irotii Tokay, old, Schr New Begulua, Hallock, New nr.,7 lay. In ^'Ti^Jbiu'au Finesse ...... 10 305 320 330 7 lb», Schr Abbte S Oakea, Hldount, Bridgeport for New York. York, aiTived 2uth. Also Iu port, brig not bark) Lil le (NG), ¦ecu to ibis, and, l( necessary. piotesied in a body. et.ouiri. to hut the Fanchou '>o W 200 205 100 186 Time, 6:09. for New York | pretty Iiuk; hula were soou metiv nana . RoH'e ., Mk. Many even i f the members oi tbe club, wwc do- m<.iruliosed, and alter ,n* Jjjj, IJ6 100 105 ( 0 f>0 TIIK BETl'lNO. ccbrfc\hrJfjU'.l)?gi^^®ra^l^yljfDc^foM^i1We!|>bi^T white, Vv . run^iNv .or i miaiK,","'a- . Hchr Greenwich aotf- VCiy ,uliCu ortolan...... »« 10J 140 120 140 Duffy $50 160 3-0 450 475 400 Mall, Mead, for New York. terred from visiting Jerome Park for uke&OO^lQ iitI Hchr Kair Wind, Bowman, New Bedford for New York. jTeaWdaC \ .a(l t>cca dra8gc.l through gut- The held 116 - "'i', Tammany 3D 125 225 215 2351 tT^ .»y one the moti- ^.¦Sir JfVk- Schr A H Fleming, Bower.-t, Sag Harbor for good leitHon Ib il given it up toe iiigiu unruly schoolboys, cscaii"i, T,,^ race. King John 2"> GO 100 luO 12j J Sehr Falcon, baton, Providence for Philadelphia. lor, they lr>0_ R(y-lookiug ilarkey ridet of the winner. Ortolan, in entries nine started. Tisualc 15 50 05 00 Elizabethport. Northrop Br). Cameron, do. belore us a job, ami Thought ti.at even onr the hrst ra. Of the twenty-one The siart M) > "3 400 Schr B C Heath, Kelly, New Bedford for Philadelphia. Eunice York. Hopeless e; but. all the rest would never have been was Irom the head or the and the Surprise 15 40 100 luo 12fi Sclir Wm L Peck, Bunce, Hartford lor New York. Sailed Jtfth, schr (Br), 0ulllV»n^Ncw peculiarly unreliable climate could not be known t>y their mothers. White were brown homestretch, £ possible and boys horses were despatched to a capital s.ari, aud dashed Blackbird colt. 10 30 05 70 «0 schr Liberty, Johnson. Norwalk for Rliaabctbporu American Fori*. brought. to terms to give even an hour or lair speckled, and black bovs white ami yellow. nil the stretch through the slush at a merry pace, the race. Schr Belle, Simpson, Bridgeport for New Y'ork. ALEXANDRIA, Oct 5 -Sailed, schra Win Allen, Jersey' Kves. mtiuths and hair were tilled with uiml, and. ortolaa leading, Remorseless second. Finesse The horses started at a slow Tam¬ Schr Mary Mershon, Brlghtman, Kail Kiver lor New York. City A L Butler, Allya's Point: R W Tull, Ixaril, hoston. ^rather b> the Hlay of J'Touiv n>i;e.j. wU.tf was worse aud adding Insult to liijtity, ihetr tnirii, canter, Schr b K Lane, Latin, Stamford for New York. sebrs Carrie Boston; Rutb Baker, [Irs ^lic 1'grk stable My Maryland fourth, itatan filth, llanc sixth, many leading, King John second, Jim Tisdale third, Hchr Martha A Harriet, King, Bruleeport lor New York. WtU -Arrived, Hayer, Tet they were woiully Tnislukrn, as anybody present comrades "ura^« them the lauRh" at their croupe's seventh, the other two close the Blackbird colt fourth, hchr Martha P lor Portland.' and many a filly Duffy fifth, Surprise King, Smith, Providence New York. Sai.eu -ble John Winters, New York; schr yesterday cau 'I he ilrive in looks, retinug and pretty Btrl joined in together. Th"v the stand in this As sixth. In this order they the first bchr Harmona, Virgil, for New York. im»hlp Qibion, testily. through the lie. the and passed way. jumped hurdle, Huntington Wevmoutn. , jovial butibl-.tiB chorus to their annoyance. rouuJed'tne lui'h Ortolan was clear which was placed across the iractlonal be¬ Schr John RMcFoe, Wilson, Norwalk lor New York. Cn/rle Heyer, Ida Wir- tilul (Antral I'ark ami through those lovely spots .*'lhis will be the ever known 111 they upper track, Steamer lor New BOSTON, Oct it -Arrived, Pchrs Bella, Kischer, blgge-.t inecitiiB of llncssc, Itatan third, Remorseless lour h hind the judges' Btnnd. Th^ next Jump was t\t the hiectra, Molt, Provmcnce York, indse raliiKlon, NC; W Ij Bradley, Chase, Charleston, SC ; J W Ui Westchester county which leao to the favorite America," sai.l an elouuent turfman looking over Mv Maryland fifth, the others in a grouo. Oitoian extreme end ol the track, mlo the south Held. Tam'- and pasMD^era. Vaiinein.iti, Htickalt-w, Georjotowii, SC ; HN S<|oire, Kink, the irrand stand ami the book of races. BOUND EAST. . Phila¬ American trysting ground on the turr never re. "Why, gen¬ kept in front the pole aud came down many uliowed the _*». . ¦ Baltimore; Belle Crowell, Crowell, do; Yraie, Mason, tlemen, there were never sucn del.Is and never such past quarter wav, Duiry second, ktnff M P Smith, tiraoerto; Mary Weaver, Weaver, do; scaled such charms as to the biutl three lengths ahead of Kutan, John third, tn& Blackbird Steamahlp AllUllcC, Shutri. New vork for Salem. delphia; they did yesterday. A clear, contests loreshadoweil. 1 have been at every radiitr F)I,£SHC fou.ili, Dltu Wamsutla. Fish, New York lor NewL S Levering, Corson, do ; J McAdain, Wlllard, do: Padro A third. Remorseless lourfh, Kanchoa tilth, tne Tisdale nrtir, Surprise lar behind, the horse Steamship Bedford. do ; Louisa «old, bracing hreexu both before ami alter the laces, moeiing of note North and South lor years, and 1 toiic'lier several the otfiefj Hteamshio Neotune. Baker. New York for Boston. (>rau. Lake, do ; Suiiote, Dexter, Smith, Smith, think tills will top tnem all." lengths behind, field befn# not seeming to like the work. Coming Schr Kmily Pertain, Pertain, Hobokeu for Providence. and J (¦ Huntington, Chase, Ellzabethport ; Van Buren, ami views at every turn of the roail of the -sere now divided into two divisions. Ortolan eased around the held Duffy went to the front Hchr Clara fur Clark, do; Mary Clark, Herrick, Rantan, Boaz, Woes, ..Ver right, old gent,'" responded a venerable and 109; Norton, Lane, Klixabethport Salem. Krances NY. ami yellow leal" ol the trees, made the wrinkled seen ills lead around the lojlfej fU'U; 'Ui'l "C Seemed a nud led over the next impediment, whlcu was a Hchr Phil Sheridan, Murphy, New York for Providence. Rondout; Edwards; West. Newbury, ear, eye fellow, everywhere about this sec winner uil over, FiQC.^6 iwlun brush Jim was Schr C P Hotl Harbor for New Cleared.harks (.auntlet (Br), McKen/ie, 1'irton; H F and hear; of t ion irom Jerome to a bull's head troi on sCt'oii(!t ttnr'i, tuo fence. Tisdale second. King John mau, uldberta, Kgg Bed- Brook man, Phlia- the visitor glad. 'Hie track was not in the I'nlonr others apparently out of t he race. Some ol the rear Blackbird rourm. Tammany (fcmU llussey, Karn.nvort!i, Savannah ; Statfa, ..ler right, and 1 knows it. These ere races will be third, tirtli, Surprise Sohr Hmith, Hoboken for Fall River. delphla : sehrs Prince (Br), Davis. Sierra Leone; Marietta good condition; in lact, we might 'all it the wort h division rallied as the.v ciiine into the homestretch sixth. They then jumped another brush fence in Mediator, and J Chadwlck. Gage. Alexandria, yer niouey , ami I'll gamble nobody can pick and run ud l>ut liaii the same went out Schr t» C Buvdett, Katon, Klizatiethport for New Haven. Tiltou, Miller, Ma^ie Commencing at the tlrst ran- with mm! oni more scrumptious ones. did ever tfalliintiy, tUcy 110 chance iu the order, and of tne south Held and Hchr Onward, Davis, Haverairaw for Providence. Ya; S C Smith, Banks, Baltimore); E J Hernty, Meredith, opposite. inii Vy, yer nee a mild with ortolan. He came home a galiaut win¬ over a hurdle at rne foot ol the Lnnesvilles, to load for Philadelphia; AnnS Brotvn, Crowell, tu ike sense of the It wouml ai the ie Held than the dash? No. sir, leaped bluff, lmny Hchr Lamartine, Jackson, Port Johnson loi Providence. /Jtrict word, up yer never twelve three-quarter ner bv several lengths, Finesse second, ilaric third, leading, King John so oud, Jim Tisdale third. Black¬ Schr Kllen Barnes, Wilcox, Klixabcthport for Full Kuer. Vuiucy, lo load lor do in that son did; .slippers lu a bunchiju«i takes Remorseless bird Tammauv tirth. Sclir Port Johnson for Portsmouth. 7tb.Arrived, slnpi llrookville, from Uindon ; Orion, from Hiccpic chase disagreeable or compound J ti.e rag oil tlie bttsh. don't it, now, r" F»ociion fo.irth, fifth, Katan sixth, fourth. Surprise a long distance Lacon, Kilpatrlck, hark M B front Cienfuego*. 1 si'ay ^fcin>c's filiy seventh, Tne Doctor and behind. The horses alter into the Schr Laura Robinson, Kobinaon, Clinton Point for Provi¬ Liverpool; Stetson, ol w li tcli i lie \*eil-known pitch piaster pawuieui uT I must say that 1 think It does, my eighth My aretting north lleid dence. BALTIMOItK, Oct 6 Arrived, steamship B lark stone, Hai¬ fiieml," Mar ninth. Time of inne and a had a brush feuce over, and . . oDietly answered the old as he /land the quarter, toge'. then they wheeled Schr C F, McConvllle, Ward, New York lor Ban-or. led, Boston via Norfolk; hrltf Apollo, Paddock. Martinique; Fifth aveuue will turnlsh a good specimen, 'l'he turfman, tunica 2;20. tfX'ZWZSt-. to the right ard coursed away over towards the sclir E II Kurbrr. Cobb. Boston. j'wiiy irouj his exubeiaut and loquacious Schr Ada 8 Allen, Owon, Hudson for l'erobr.ikc. Boston via Nor¬ horses were -to be in iheir eiTorls To _ the SKooNb race. lower turn of the track, where they jumped over a fr.hr Artist, New Y'ork for Cleared. Steamship Wiu Kennedy. Foster, poor pllied j ' jcoiu^. Forrester", SouidBM. folk; ship Cleopatra (AusJ, Druscovicb, Dublin; bark Bel- 1,,ok Tnr Champion stakes for thres year olds, of leuce and ditch. Then) !.<»J oCSS no change of the Schr Nelarn, Ferris, New York f.ir HlnmforJ. schr Geo 45X "'inti ,rr, rn(^55 Tr" >i races to iioutach, hall forfeit, well added; the sec¬ positions of thj horses sltic j tna, entered the north Schr Concordia, Little, Elizabethport lor Providcnce, u;;mii (Br), Gruiio, M.-evpool ; I'eahody inew, extrical^;!^ liiMiSEBM'i ! l'i. U.mi, y second, King JoM Kurd. biaciT Hciir L Lovell, Lovell, Kondoul for balcmr**-* Burn* schr Julia R and the above arrivals. w'lelher yer . South, Floyd, enough Mildred ..rt... bin! fourth, Tammany flMi, but Schr Dr Wm R i'owers, liearn. lor . It was nraeina and exhilarating, ami n gave tor (no <»!.. woman ami ' so itV'ton, dam Surprise when lie Philadelphia FORTRES Oct 7.Passed in, Ini;; Italia, from chitdreu. Aitd iliw ca.i- James A (irmsfeaJ entered b. c. by7"'."'Aus- cRmfCMii stopped and would not budge another Schr Ma A Ellen, Crosby, New York for iVnvldenc ¦. MONROE, to tbe cheeks ol the fair ladies present such ueoloras Vei-SHKO.I went on. and the old mrfiii'. u were ri«tht. Alroy, me,h lit Sclir Doretta Ka^.n. lor lJoaton. Ponce. I'K, for Baltimore. traiian, dam Nellie Gray ^ t'^rae.;. fn<5 ftllier horse? dashed on up m Sclir Stoskinjt, JJlttabcthport MOBILE, Oct 2. Arrived, ship Latona (Brv Russell, Liv- in vain evut.'nvc «m.»ur1i tiei.tji in the tact thai for the sr. 1. | f i oil t or :;>e Cmb lior.se and Mary A Lovell, Morris, I'ort Johnson tor New Haven. they migalaeek trom druggists and eheni- i;>t> ol yesicrday there had been 10S entries, M. a. Llttell entered Mary tiark, by Lexing- grand stand, where Sclir Union, Myers. Hoboken for Bostotf. marty ...... the prettiest jump or the w&ule was to be Oct 7.Arrived, steamship Tillie, Deer- wis. There was au all of satisiaetinu and cniov. li'li. oi winch c.iint! to the on a iraciv too, dam Kagloas v. ^ ^race Hchr Wellington. Barber, New York tor ItanAir. » l?l'\t ORLEANS, po-t heavier \V. l(. Rabcock entered ch. I. Nettle i".by made. It rises over a hedge and a pond water. Schr W U Hall, Port ing. New York. mem visible on every lace there, thai iictilir Hie a art worse to run in than is seen once iu ten > ears. Ransom, Bracken, Johnson for Bus on. Vi:\V IIAVKN, Oct (5.Arrived, schrs Wm C A water, Par- liclow me jack Malone, dam Vesoer Light 5 Duffy and Jim T:sda)e went over safely, first and Rclic Suain Centre, Dow, New York lor Th unaslon, II a quarter slietch and beyond iwtW Schr Senator, I'.iv r. Elir.abethpori ; Surf. Abbott, Trenton; Holler, Dunn, though;* of twenty-four hours' previous rain nor House on i lie muff, 1). swigert entered ch. c. Stockwood, by Asteroid, second, closcly followed by King John, but when Nye, llaver-itraw for Fall per, Port Johnson ; Di Iplu, Allen, were several four-in-hand dam Alabama the latter landed his lell over Hchr Jacob Raymond, Mitchell, New Y'ork lor Boston. llsvcrsiraw ; Liz/le, Taylor, the disappointment oi tnn.se left at home could m..r. teams m all the Biory of their an 1 b"ie 6 jockey the horse's Schr llart. Williams, New York for Stunton. South Amboy ; Paii'ine, Brown, Nortbport: sloops Report, trapping-' Time, head, and by ihu lime lie nad remounted all the Schr Wm HarL do; Iscaiclius, Youn?, New Kork; L F Moore, Uayes, lift us hope mat the cierk of the weather will never uier eloilis, Willi footmen aud coachmen glorious 3:04/4. were 150 Farrcn, Lindsley, New York lor New Haven. with color a mi THE BETTINO. horses yards ahead vl him. l-'rom this Schr E F Meauy, Lewis, Ambov lor Mlddletowo. Patehosue. a naming with blazing buttons ol the horses ?clirs New Peculus, Hallock, and John I^ncaeter, again play sneli scurvy trick while the A. J. i . Harry liassctt «800 Tlie field point dashed along between theiractlonal Sehr Senator, New Yoric for Boston. Sailed- .'oodly shape. Now, these iour-ui.htaul8. lor a tl45 and SchrH P rtrockway. Williams, New York: John D Bnckalew, Hohbins, New waves over \\ attack's or 1 v so Without litis* I'. regular tracks, jumping a hedge, and then Godwin, Walerniirv. New York lor SmniforJ. Anu liar lie handsome c'.ub d.i mat io..keu unpromising tue evening belore, Schr Sam tor Brunswick ; Jenm A Shcpnrd, Wilbert, Alexandria; entry . . . $ -00 4iH) 210 210 crossed the regular track and ran up the lull to the Welter, Allen. Pulladelphla Hartford. bouse on Maaison avenue. and with roads made heavy by the rain, was a «u 220 Hchr A "E Cliesehro, Brown, lloouken lor Provldencr ltaintHiw, Rosjers, South Ainhnv. uttelPs entry 160 178 um 120 1411 130 picnic grounds. Duffy was leading when lie went up S *pt -HI.Sailed, bark Panola,, Niekerson, 'T.erb snow; bin what looked magnificently were the the but was lasi come Sclir Agent, Paul, New York for Boston PKNSACOLA, a r tmk ct.t n norsK of BabeocK'8 entry. . . 110 iw 180 1H> i«5 170 mil, to down. There is a Schr Pori nee. schr s P Ilawes, Jackson, uaivnstott. Stuudrcds private learns or every hue and pat¬ stone wall on the crown Ki;jbt Away. Johnson for Provide Philadelphia schrs Sem¬ .he members and their assembled in tern but sanfonl's entry.... 6) 105 85 75 100 120 of the hill, which was Schr Reading Railroad No 5ll, bickaon, Purl Johnson fur Oct S.Sailed, bri-4 .-mvanee, Croweli, Newport; guests lull yet eleganilv constructed, luddeo awav first next inole. I'eti r on. an Charlotte, Pepper, Now Orleans. in the irroves and on rhe iiiuffs on a.'t orlnsteads entry.. 70 110 70 100 00 100 jumped by Duffy, by Tammany, then by New Haven. steamship lorcc. Among those present we observed Mr. standing sides TIIK Blackbird, Jim Tis iaic fourth, alter some Schr W F Hearn, Heurn, New York for Stamford. PIIILADEDPIIIA. Oct li Arrive-!, Saion, ui the course. Hardly has this picture ever been HACK. and, time Boston ; bri : Frank E Allen, Clark. Portsinouih; the owner oi Mr. Mary Clark awav Stoek- had elapsed, by King Jonn. Huffy stayed on the lull Schr J C Smith, lilt, Elmabethport for Providence. Bofps, Frank M Free¬ Singer, Klugllsh; Clark buruiiKStnl at Jerome. got ilrst, Alroy second, Sehr Mary Eliza, Crowley, Philadelphia lor Bomon. schrs C P Gerrtsli. Armstrong, Windsor, NS; wn wood third, Nellie Ransom llassett until J mi Tisdale had taken Hie lead, and then they Paine, Provincetown ; John 8 Lee, Vangildor, Salem; Potter, Mr. Iterre Dormant, Dr. Down tieuw, in the great hall under the stands, fourih, llarr.v came down the the Schr Massacbuactls, New York for Rockland man, were the lunch counters aud the linh and Monarchist sixth, me.v ran to the turn in rocks, crossed track and entered Schr J H Met.loud, Morna, Rondout tor Haril'ord. Isaac Rich, Megatlilin, Lane's Cove; Mary 11 WestooU, Gau¬ Hunter, Mr. Koote, Mr. Babcock, Mr. and tables, arranged this waj", but had not rounded it before the south field, lu the centre of which was a stoae Hchr Kllen Port Johnson tor New dy; llaltle Paig.', Ilab-v, anil J K Vnn llusvn. Young, Bos¬ where tin: thirsiv crowds couid conveniently obtain Harry Uas- wall. Jim Uihtia, London. .Norwich; U S Hrooas, Lore, Pro¬ Mi*. Been, of itiverdalc; Mr. Cosia and men iavoritc beverages. The caterer or the club nett was in tne lead, Nellie Ransom second. As they llsdaie led several lengths, Blackbird Schr lias Loverins, Hathaway, New Yolk for Taunlou. ton; iiambur';, Wcstcott, came down to the bluff llasseu was Micoud, Tammany third, Dutlv fourth, Hint; John Schr Pilgrim, Peck. New York lor Taunton. vidence. lady, Mr. and Mrs. Dubarry, the obi Knickerbocker had a suUictcnt lorce of clerKs and waiters, but the llarry leading oi the Schr Susan »:iiase, Tor Cleared.Barks Ciirislel (NtJ), Druminond, Bremen, Har- throne between the races was two lengths, Nellie Ransom second. .Stock wood out huui. They i an out. of tue held in the Scranton, Philadelphia Bridgeport. Boston; Morgan, Calvcstoti; family ol the Mr. .Mr. Wm. But- so great at times that above order and Hie hurdle at the Schr Hau Juan, Stone, Newborn for Providence. rlshurg, Ryder, Bridgeport, Stuyvesants, Soule, but little more lliar. one half obtained the nourish¬ third, Marv ClarK lotirth. Alroy litthand Monarchist jumped footer Sehr Bennett. Mlddielown lor Stamford. hricsAnni M Knight, Mavis, Cork for oiden; Ramirez, Icr Leonard sixth. There was no o' the bluff in the same order, ihey now had but two Sussex, Barnard, BoioeaiiN schrs Lucy, Mabiman, Macbias; Krri! Duncan, and Lawrence Jerome, Mr. ment necessary, remans the heavy rain ol I- ri.tay change place uround Schr (Tonneclicut, He llart, Kliia .elhport tor Bridgeport. M <>rt*woid, the Potior ol fort nic had the lower turn, with the ot Mouarcn- jumps 10 take and a run of five-eliruths of a mile. Hchr Lucy Ames, Curry, New York ror Huston. Smith, Smith. Boston ; Artie Garwood. Young. irMebead; lamiiy. Washington: lit made the roads so heavy, particularly exception F it and Malr ami Cranmcr, Morris, Cam¬ tiefiera Baxter, Mr. Motley, the Misses I'unn, Mr. those which tue isi and Alroy swapping places. As the horses Jim Tisdale had a tine lea I when he turned around Schr Albert Jamison, Matthews, New York lor Rockland. Colton, Robinson, awl J country people traversed iu going t he bluff and was font' lengths in frout as be Schr Shadcr, oaborn, New York for Middietown. bridge. Mrs. James Brady, Mr. Munson, Mr. .Moss, Mr. to the track, i*^.at the work ol came up the homestreich llassctt still led, galloping came Lrw km, Oci 6. Towed ship Tonawanda to sen at 2 Ibis AM. udt lleimoui and ploughing through alomc two Icdjtths in irout of Nellie to the hurdle in t ie lower turn, Tammany second, Schr Marv II Mitllin. New York for Hew Be Hord. and Aug party, Mr. and Mi.v Acker- fhein had I he - easily Ransom, Passed In iv. bark 'ieituea, from Boston, brig caused deepest tlitrst. aud tt was dlt Black bud fourth. From to Hchr J PTrapp, Dickson, New York for Addison. yestero Hianii, or Inwood: Dr. Jackson, oi Washington cull to allay. Kv-rything, cold and hot, could be Stockwood third. Marv Clark lourih. Monarchist third, Dufly there the Schr Marion, Bacon, Klizahethport for Mlddielown. Ethan Alleu. Tne i'uney reports hark F Reck, Irom Bre¬ Heights: James Median, J. II. recii. Mr. I'errni. oTiiaine.1 at reas.iutblc firth and Alroy sixth. In tnis way they passed the last hurdle, wnich was on the nome.;tret :h one Schr Pond, New York for Providence. men, passed u.i yesterday; ship Neptune was at the Brown prices. Tlr1 tables werea hundred from the Veranda, last herm III harbnr. A lew schooners Prc.-idcnt ol the Butchers' and Drovers' bank; m«r it ;vs scores st.oo<\ up, ;\ll kiu ol re- stand a' the completion of the first mile. iiOiiiK yards finish, 'lam many Schr Lugano, Wechawkcn for Boston. night; hri^ coming ex Havor puuiHlihi^ around the turn liassett still his ran very last, closing on Jim Tisdale Schr Peerless. Martin, ftew York for New Haven. remain and steamer America. tionther, Mr. and Mr*. James West, tre.-.iitnenis. oysters ,'vcre there tn treat abuit- kept piace, while Oct 5 briRS Isis, Downer, Tree in ; Mr. ana Mrs. lianton I'earsail and djnte ami tic 01 hers began to move Mary CiarK gointt into at every bound. When the two jumped Schr M W Grilling, Grilling, Philadelphia lor Boston. PORTLAND, MTlved, daughter, Com- pork and is.-uis and cold chicken were up, the Scnr Pauline lor Hartford. Hyperion, Woodbury, Philadelphia; schrs C F Youns, Ricli- laodore Vanderbllt, Mr. Lombard, ol ll,. ion, v. ith a m ujshes. second place, Nellie hansom third, Mockwood hurdle thev were in the air together and i hey Russell, Russell, Phi.adelphla /, Suow. I norndike, Rondout: Nellie Chase, Up- shallowed iountleis Chow-chow could at the nun . Steamer fciectra. Molt, New York fo# Providence. anlson,do; lour-in hand and open carriage; Mr. lA-avtlt. Mr. lie l.ul lor the askiuu. ant.' more than one o. tue fourth, the latter beginning to show snrns ot dis¬ alighted instant; but as Jim Tisdale ton. South Am.iov. of is said lie tress. tne Monarchist made a lauded lie slipped and fell on ills beilv. his rider WiilTWroNF., LI, Oct 7 in I'M. Cleared -Schrs Davlizbt, McFadden, New York; Cyrus Morgan, England, who to the exact boys found hi- first love In the esculent pig s toot. t'Mssing (tuarter pole Wind NW, variable. The schr Cou¬ image of the Duke of 'i tiere was rusn and as he came down to the bluff was second, sticking in the saddle and getting the horse on ills light, Lotliair iBri, for CbamlMTlaln, Adams, Albany ; L S Barnes, Coleman, Hamilton, "ban lug the much enthusiasm nmont, the la.ltts as soon New York, la at alienor ott Whlleatone ; will proceeu in the » lielgiit;" Mr. lienr.v Duncan, ol Mr. dunii" tue lour nine race and 'he Marv Clark third, Nellie Ransom fourth, the last leet as possible. Ills accident, however, sins River to load for Albany. Mississippi- steeple chase. bad lost, him all chance ol as moruiug. «th.Arrived, schr !l K Wult», Finley, New York. lllliflu, with -Miss (illitre ami Miss Mott, of Moll When tn- six horses In the latter Mruggie weut at tiirce named not being over a neotc apart; Alroy winning, Dufly and II S Wcboar, St Pierre, sclir Lou-- Haven: Mr. Oonstable ami Mr. aud Mis. was fiith with stockwood clean oeat. The horses Blackbird came on and passed him. Tammany won Cle:«red--Brlg Bishop, I'eity. the hurdles, lences and dltclies, like a turd at a the race, Duffy second, Blackbird Jiui SAILED. Ise, Simpson. N' W Viirk. TMK Tltll.Krs I of a tree, i lie cheering was as warm an.l gen¬ ran arotuid the lower turn gallantly, Monarchist third, Tisdale rORTSMOl Til, Nil. Oct tf. Arrived, hark Anrelia, Lo-' were varied and uine makinn plav vigorously at liassett, the others being fourth, King John lifth. a long way off. Time, 0:0J. Steamships Baltic, City or Paris, and Tripoli, ; sinking. Anions tliem we o'i- as ii every beauty there was personally Brilan.ua, ; Liverpool throp, Liverpool .erved the follow A dark rus. all neaieii before the.v tinned tUe (ilasgow Allemann.a, Hamburg. Wescr. Bre¬ SAN FRANCISCO, Sept 20 Arrived, ship Derby. Oo(T, Ma¬ inw na\y blue silk interested in tiie race; and when me cour¬ men ; Ville de Paris, llavre ; t.ilv of Galveston. ialvesion via tume, undeiskiri lorutcd or two shanes oi blue, ageous H itfy and Jim Tistiale stuinb ed and Monarchist made a nne finish, being ocateu t»y Key West Western Metropolis, and Geo nila. one dark the liassett a came in asliin.:ton. New Cleared Ships un«i G Reed, Wlusor, Sh.-ii.^liae , Ring¬ and other light. Two deep flouuccs of the lul a scorc or goiueu-haired blonde? and lii|iii.l- liarry by length only; Alroy (irleans; Ashlsnd, Fernandina, Magnolia, and Hitiiisville, leader, llauihlln, Houg Kuii; (before reported nailed same two shades, edged with a narrow Uounce ol tu« eveil brum lies turow their and tturd Marv Clark was fourth, Nellie Hansom fifth SHIPPING NEWS. Savannah ;< ieorgia, Charleston ; >Vvanike, and G B up hauds alert EC DC Uploo. day;. Hark, formed uu luieresting leaiure. Narrow aluriu, bui the frightened expressio so and 'stockwood sixth, lime of the two miles, Richmond; HntghU Georgetown, ; Volunteer, i'nua- SAVANNAH, Oct 6 Arriveo, bark TresdeMayo, from flounces were in front ol the alternate shades. The chamred to joy as liiey tliscoveretl, with wild Alumni :. >«r New Yorlt. I'tals Day. ueiphia. Havana. .u i Mile garment lorined a ligutdlttiug corsage, with bursts o- mat tieittter rider nor horse THE THIRD RACE. Anchored at the SW Spit, ontwar 1 bound, ship Archer, for Cieared.Scbr Robert 'aid well, New Haven. admiration, a , Han Francisco, with windlass damaged. 7th- -Arrived, steamship Leo, Dearborn, New York. a basque waist in rroui oi the light shade. The we e hurt, but greater still were toecaecrswiieii The Nurj-tky stakks, swccpsiakcs for fotiis of and San Sal¬ itack was lormeil or Wind at sunset KNE, Cleared.Steamships .Montgomery, Fairc.lnid, ol long tabs oi the dark shade. Tatinuany and the green ol tils rider showed in lsist); one mile; $50 entry, play pay. $1,000 Sun rises 6 03 Moon rises. morn 12 00 light. vador, Nickers in. V-w ^ ork. There are lai'itc ooekci- at a the second horse to receive out of the | bolh sides. deciued re- lionu l lie name oi the horse and the colors he added; (200 Sun eels 5 31 | High water.. .eve 3 41 SAT1LLA, Sept II Arrived, schr David Nichols, Wyman, liei Iroin all the looped-up and eccentric overskirts wore aroused hundreds, and a long, loud cheer went Nliippinz Noti'M. New York. ui the last si'iison. lo complete till* costume there in. mint' ied Willi sere im- of me itelluhtcd fciin- I)'1jfcbanlels entered eh. c. Jo Daniels, by Aus¬ SPl'YTEN ni YVII, Del 7- -Sailed, anhra I'rhana, Alien, was a light blue (turquoise) sasn and imind hai to ninet. A.tul just as the figures denoting me winner tralian, dam Dolly Carter 1 POUT OF SEW The Liverpool, New York uml Philadelphia Stcumohip New Haven, « ith 1 tons new rails lor Connect nut West, in man ii. A. f. ;¦...... MILK, OCTOBER 7, 1871. mall steamer of Railway, Remsen, Allen, Bridgeport. | bis was llle costume imr ejui-llnu't ol the and time were nungup to be rea l l.y the assemblage, Lelmont entered ch. Woodbine, by censor Company's royal City Moscow, the lurgc*t WILMINGTON, M', Oct 6. schr Cor¬ ur .. - Arrived, Gettysburg, races. I it noted politician, known wen in tlie halls ol Alba¬ Kentucky, dam Flcur des Champs ever built on tlic Clyde, was laum bed recently Jrom the son, New Y'nrk a - . A On lovely blonae we observed a black silk cu- ny, was heard to say: Hunter Travers entered b. c. by hcllpse, dam CLKARED. shipbuilding yaid of Messrs Todd A Mcltresor, Meadowiide. Cleared.Slenm«tiip Regulator, Freeman, New York; brig tame, the underskirt lormed ol ol the has won , ^ A L Palmer iBr>, oVonneil. Hamburg ueep plaiting "Tainiuany something to-uay Her dimensions are:.Length, 4;!3 feet; breadth, 4.'! .>ame material, the o\ ergarment, an eh'uant hoick And the remark was significant. R ^wl'catnerun enter>'l br.' r. inversuaid, oy Steamship Tripoli (Br), Jiarr, Liverpool via (Juccustown. ret; caslnnere. triuiuic i with dam ...... (' ii 36 feet B :iwUJ ton*, do 4IKJII. elegant guipur luce and ?li stable boy s, the jockeys and the thousand and Leamington, Horldo .... 4 Francklvi). depth, tonnage, M, register, )IIKI!KI.I.ANKDIK passemcntcie. The lair wearer ol this co>iume Ote tive*ton via Key of t tie accident the jamming o! the rudiiei chain* ol the very reasonable prices. picnic groutiil |4 1,050 1,100 W est. <. H Mallorv A Co. Baltic. The 1,'onnnnce wa< townd buck tn New \ ork by the liuing corsage with u lull ovcrsktrt ramming the like bees and while the biue-caatetl policeuieu were Hunter A Travers' 170 635 700 Geo A K Wolcott lor Wiutcau The 2l.») Steamship Waahington, (later. New Orleans H B stcamtug tepali*. We hare constantly no liir.d an elnpant line of Kh.ipc. triiniiiing wa- vei> elaoorau-, chasing Hi. in on they laughed autl danced dciiancc Morris' l::o 330 100 Cromwell ,t Co. StraMkhip Kro» (Bri, from Cardiff far New consisting oi lace ami nlacK veivct. in their fa- s. oti.l creatures, these darkles ol Hoiinout's 100 :.oo 170 140 1 Steamship Western New Speedy, A re- 5 Baker. Metropolis, ymck, Orleans.F York, wmcb put Into Newnort, HI, with shait broken, and I'AKLOR PI RNITORR, CHAMBER SETS, slender, girlish lonn was adorned t»y a dark treating loieheails and inerrv glances Sock's 45 150 135 500 Iclt 5lh ln*l for destination in tow of two In;:*, went ashore brown silk dress. Th<- underskirt was formed ol lielor. l ie nisi rae . wa- over ihe Camnieron's 40 .5 105>|450 Steamship Ashland, Moore. Frrnnndlmi -,1a* Hand. at River Manor LI AM ol til n. of ant rind latest uealsns. -tia.tovvs ol tie- c5i p. Steamship Magnolia. I'almer, Savannah -W Wading Station, Her cargo the melt elej- Buffets, secretaries, narrow flouin es, edged with iringc lo match. The ua-iing dav jrdnted across the rin House ami tra -k, Watson's 25 05 65 100 I Bi Garrison. railroad iron was being thrown overmxrd to lighten inn outside was a J Steamship llont'vilie, Crowd.. Savannah.R Lowden. vessel, und It was tho tglit nhe woil come olf .it water EUceres, Hall Stands, alio ordinary Chamber an HACK. cr Lackawanna to her assistance Hed-Jins and Mattnwses of every description on wun brown jiluuics umnpletud ibis stylish ,, the < .-nit ai I'ark. 'lie .lay was almost ended and Slenmship Wynnoke, Bourne, Norfolk, Furniture, very The youngsters had a good start, PennocK's colt City Point and 8UIP Lubber, ir irn tor Unlet . He had itiui Richmond.Old Dominion Co. Eniii.and, yiehee l.ivernool, l« re¬ our gioaining uecpeneti gloom. taking » lie lead. Woodbine see Conceit Steamship cable from London to have been at li.ind and made 10 ordw. leathers are purilied and silling in a corner oi the piazza and engugeil in ncl, third, Stnamslnp Geo B Upton, Roberts, Norlolk, City Point and ported by abandoned sea. animated lover maid lotirth. tilui, Hunter ft Trav¬ Richmond Washington .V Co. 1 1 or crew were rescued at have arrived at Greenock. them conversation with Mr. I'onsiabie. was a els E C deodorized by steam, rendering perfectly odorless and ladv dressed in a colt hixtli and Victoria sovent h. doing around Stcfimship hnisht, Johnson, Georgetown. 00.U B SlltP Rajah (8r>, Halllday, at Wan Franci«co from New¬ youii|i plum-colored vosiume. 'I he THE the tarn Jn was Vrrrlrk. soiii" ¦raderskirt was lormeo a RACING, OanHls Htiut out and so interfered castle, N8W, report* having experience verj rou/h preventing moths rrom destroying tbern. oi deep tlouuce. over with lie StcumsbtpVolunteer, Howe, il Steam- weather on the On the ttitn of Julv, Int :i.'t lt> s, Georie winch fell ot the same notwithstanding the ha»C condition of ; lie track, that, suddenly lell iu the rear and lav there ship Co. Philadelphia--''' trip. large points shade ol velvet. around 10 tne quarter pole. When lli«' horses Hurdy, one of the crew, lell overboard Irom alolt and was O. .t S. HEN MAN A MACK, The ovcrskirt was looped at Die side- with cord and was highly interesting throughout. The mix events parsed Menmship Alliar.ee, Shiite, SaleT- ...orrav, Ferris A < o. drowned ; experienced heavy weather np in the 11th of Au¬ tassels to cot A that point PennocK's colt was >ii i rout. Hunter ft Steamsbin Nertnne, Maker. I' ,,ron- F Piinoi-K when it culm. imted in a terrible respond. tight lilting corsage with on tlii- i-.trii eame hit ac. "J II, gust, hurricane: WAREROOMS, AND 890 HOUSTON BIURET, deep points In the back, adorned with velvet and promptly online to arrange¬ raver*' second, InversnalU third. Woodbine fourth, sieamship Wanwutt* 1'isli, New Bedford.Kercuton A at 4 AM tbc barometer Indicated :".i 50, wind toria sixth Wood a runic* to m itch skiri, and a bonnet ol the same ment. 'the itrst raw was a ,'andicap conceit tlfth, Yi< and Jo Daniels seventh. northwest and fast increasing gule ol sudden WAREROOMS, _7H 280 AND S8J HUDSOS STRSE'f, sweepstakes am the under the .iluil Ship Merom, Ijowell. Liverpool K 10 Sons. aud a very contused eea from c Shane with very handsome ostrich and white ol a and a youngsters passed Invcrsnald Bark Martha Morgan's gusts, tumbling; lip .Mum entrance trMr Houston and Hudson streets. tips mile hair, which had twenty-one entiles had the i*'-t of H. Woodblue Pennock's Kadman (NGl, Itcry, Coik or Falmouth lor all quarter*- By nocn It wa* blowing a hard ga.e, with lugrelte completed inis UfhttyH- toilet. second, cr leis.Fiin -h, K lve A Co. rain ( " ami lime starters; the second race was for t tic llurd, Hunter A Travers1 Conceit Bark sqiinll* and heavy urometer 2# 10, wind nnttbeast ; UPTOWN STORK. « SIXTH AVENUE, OORNKR THIR- croMi.rig uic track before the supple chaae, our fourth, fliili, Dammar iNur', Jensen, Cork or Falmouth for orders at 'i I'M barometer VIS 711. wind north norihea-t. Ii.owing wiiii rV-TlliKD STREET. attention was attracted to a chauipt«»n i wo miles lor ih Victoria elxtu anil Jo Daniels seventh. Tliey Fnnch, h lye .* (To sea aboard ai dark, olivc><;rceu suit. Stakes, .ce-year-olrts; the llark great violence, breaking fearfully ; till* lime Faoturies, 378, !XQ Hudson street. New York. Tlte underskirt w an formed of a narrow box iiliu;- third 'he then passed out ot sight, hilt when they Otbere (Uri, McGregor, Havre- D McColl. the lower malntopsnll was torn to ribbon*; at f I'M the baro¬ Nursery Slakes, for tW0-)®ar-0lds, a dash rame in vi"\v was tre Ilnik Laurence, Howes, Trieste.Carver A stood SH wind north tug iiejoeii with three folda oi siu and velvet. Invcrsnald showing way, 0 I* Karnes. meter (ill, northeast, blowing . Inrlo.is 4 T DR. WAIT A SON'S DENTAL INSTITUTE, COR- of a mile-; the ionrthada.su of tbrei ol a Woodtiine second, Pennock Conceit fourih, I'rifc Sherwood iBr , Newcumb, London. P I Nevms A gale, squad* Aery riiiml and violent and sen running in It ni dI tmrd U elh The overnklrt was very long in Die hack, and looped -quarters ihlrd, Hon. til decks hi; j'V Twenty street and Fourth avenue, at ihe Ii was mile lor a the fifth a lour Hunter A Travms' filth, Victoria sixili and Jo pyramid*, completely tug and doing considerable extracted under t'resii. pure i;:is, at hall tins mual units. caught with large bows of tfie purse; mile d *li, and t lie Brig Aricbat West
, LeBlanc, Cork or Falmouth for damane at 11 I'M Ihc barometer stood .J'* 4d, ttie wind blow- prloe. snk and velvet. The was in . tie Daniels seventh. The latter now made a desperate orders \ Parker. the Teeth Inserted and plugged in a auperior manner ou the best eursage tight lining 8ixi li a steeplechase. as lleney Ing violently from northwest, In squalls, in quick sueees- terms. with a velvet vest of the run, and lie came into the homestretch he began lit In Peter Roberts Br >, Hunter, N8. and with mi to '2 AM of back, same shade. A ine starters hi the lirsi raee lo nass Bcranx A Co Windsor, Crandall, iioii, great fury ih>* I2tti the huirl- roand hat ami .spaulsh veil, both lo were Carroll A through the other horses in tuc true race¬ cane continued with unabated force, the sea inking com¬ tkkm inskrtkd perm a correspond, horse style. At Hie lower of he Brig Thomas (Hrt, NS of the main nkntly{ completed tilts loueL ( oar's brown bor.-e ortolan, .Mr. lieituout's chestnut end the grand stand Campbell Ijcwis, Weymouth, JW plete charge deck, carrying sway a large portion Artificialwithout plate, cusps, or an; extractions , teeth l>ud was in front, ami Klwell \ Co. ol the bulwarks mil the Id i' Another costume was of drab silt, of an exceed* John comlnf alone nicely. won the race W Mallorv washing nwsy i. H3 East Ninth street, neir Mmadwny. liigiv dark shade, underskirt composed of very \v Co. northwest the sea more and narrow Morris' chestnut liliy iteinorseless, M. A. Llttell's (Mxltune third, InvciHtiaio fourth, PennocK's colt Schr Harsh A reg> bir, squalls slorm not so flounces, edged with plaiting* oi the dark Reed, Keeil, Para. F Moran. fu.iou*. At noon the barometer stooJ 2fl 811. wind wcq, set- A -NOTICE TO THE LADIES. shade. The outside was a chestnut I). illih, Victoria sixth, Conceit seventh. 'lime, 1:63. Sihr Marv I' l/each, Atkins, <>ianida B.I into a hard of karmeul light shade tilly Ratan, J. Grouse's Pay nil v, mil Wenberg. ting gale, with very high se.i, .which \ . The beautiful Instruments in the ladies' cabins tkfl THK KOI BTIt Schr J M Morales, Newman. Falmouth, Ja.A II So omon to the Uth then In lat show steam polonaise, trimmed with Chantllly lace and ru dies sister of \V. 15. tlAI'E. A Issted 21 12 ». Inn 125 W, 27 day? out. Kulton ferryboats KitTmut and Kulton tile pre«- KingUsher, liabcock's chestnut geld¬ PrttsR CO, « reem it a will of Ihe dark silk. Around hat of the two similes of $<100.1Entrance inoiiev to second horse. Scbr Edward Unrmin. .lacmel II Rltin GSO Ann Br', Johnston, at Boston 0th Inst from sure In tUe holler; uls «al- pools, outn 4 Midday, Schr II V iRiitmaat, split *ail*, Ac. 4 SK YOUR UROt I R FOB DOOLKY'S TEAST POWDER Jbead. Kemorseiess iK'uig sccouil choice, Fancnon third, Ninette, yean old 1 Crandall (Br), McBurnie, HI Johns, NF.Cran¬ ler tor Roll* en dall. Berteaux A Co. MaIPFN i J\ the oest Halilu* Pow preparing Kin'-nits, AM tall, elegant blond" wore a robe of puee-eoloied wiuie ilaric ami Ortolan sold fourtii ami hftn. F. Morns term! jr. I. Felicity bv Kclipse. daui Brim Lank Bri, Wallsce, at Harbor lirsce, NF, Bread, Oi lddle Ca%es, Wadles, at. Depot, *tD New street 4 old Schr Wm M Jones, Davis, New Orleans. R II Drummond 16th ult Irom New York, a severe on ¦ pour, de soie. the seuibliaiu s|»n t oruaiMOtad with Ortolan won a capital race, and made heavy win¬ Fidelity, years 2 A Co. experienced gale the 2 New York. ¦ aa lormed oi broad in nings lor his ha Carroll A Coar enteral lir. c. and »d, during wlileh lout jih«,iu*lntni)saii and iiialnstaymtll* aaoeedincu deep garniture, kers. Finesse was second and Ortolan, t>y Done- Sihr Seguln. Davis. Jacksonville.S C Loud A Co. and had malntopmast carried awav and decks HAIK -WITCH KB, NOW Till. FASHION. ¦ » ertet laaa m the material, corded with velvci of ilaric third, t-am iiou and Iteiuor.sciess were raile. dain canary Bird, 4 jeurs oil 3 Schr Ben. Davla, Nc ES nwept also "-HUMAN fourth Wilmington, Powell. lost overboard tbe nr*t odtcer, Matthew II Stepticns, a native. !M luches Ion;. Mei^bt 2U o*., onlv 'JX inches, wrlgbt ibi -ami cxilor, alternating with upright tans uf and imii. Jack Conee entered b. c. Iiounie ttcoi'and. daui Schr Minnesota, Plnnuev, W ilmington E S Powell. ol I'enzsnce, B. *»>; I'll Inche-i, oi., $7 Ml iC * with a «id schr Lirzie Evans, 2)4 at., ReiRlit'J'i inches, weight velveo, corded silk, extending about hull iheir 1'ne second race had seventy -aeven nominations, Bonnet, years o Mahan, Washington, NC.Thomas, Bkki Firm, (rom N for 3 o/., the new s'yle, French twist and braid, only .ldr. aisive i ne silk ones. Ovei this was worn an hut six ol mat F. M. Hale entered b. c. John HolmosACo. Church, Wilmlnfton, C. Hamburg, CHARLES V. I*Ki'K HAM. lialr Importer who retails depth only unmix r came to the post, these Merrviuan, by En selir Albert Rose, which put Into llaliiai 21st till In distress, resumed her only AXUHidiUgly long polouaise, trimmed with black were Colonel M< Daniels' chcMtiui coil Marry lias, gene, dam l.a Kosc o Thomas, Washington, DC.Van Brunt A voyage 4th lust, having rcpalrel. at wholesale prices, W7 Broadway, near Andty, and 851 e. an sett II. Oder. Howie en ered eh. I. (irand. oornerCbrr'tie street. Uy mail on reeeipt <ui . 0 rounding Cape Horn, some day* of adverse HOUSE, Attorney, Broadway. schr Evelyn, Burger, Stamiord. the having shawl snap«*80 gale ult, wreck ; HAIR. SHAW'S most (.even were all came to w, RKrORTED BV TflB II KHALI) STEAM VACIira. Mihhi.no re AIR, HAIR, PATENT AND BEAU eoqufitmhly on ihe golden tresses. thai the post, lies': were Midday J 60 026 t2."> 310 300 t. Vmbri.h No (tilings of tehr Kmpnrla (belore can be brushed and combed la a Colonel coll lu II K steamer Severn, W E Norfolk been there I* erv leason H h»lf, llglit, rgest and inveiy tally, with youtblul. delhate features, Mclianiei's cliesinut Joe nanlels, 1 1 iinTer Tubman 70 3uo 3tx> R'ju i&> Fitr.hiiRh commanding, ported ml*slngi having received, assortment In the city. Switches one yard ami an atiami^uit. miow white was aitired A Travis' colt by dam Maud: Mr. 2*o 4* hours. lo lelleve that sh* was lost, with all on board. In t;»e gale of cheapestfor Krenoh twists. hOlli long, rfirw'urA, hay Kclipse, Bel- llelmont'sfntry... 30 ISO 235 220 10 13 1 St as hair, Curls from i*l upwards. witii toe moat In a roiai moni's chestnut Mr. Steamship Tybee, Delanoy, Domingo City Rept 2R. Kept 2, she ha* now been absent upward* ol live week*. Ladles' own hair made oyer ejegau simplicity. purple filly Woodbine, Cameron's Marv Louise 60 IWi 170 00 100 Hamana S and Porto Plata Oct 1, with mdse and This (I the ninth vessel that ha* lost oi. (hi* In latest styles. MM bowery, trosgradi iiie am skirt without brown fili.v Isaac W. I'ennoek's colt 220 itii, passen¬ been t»eirgr« near U rest Jones street. niture. dre^t, d#nti-ti gar¬ liiversmaid; bay The field 100 300 210 136 210 4MI gers, to Spofforil Bros A Co. Had pleasant weather Oct «, *euson, eight wllh all their crew*. The Kmpnrla *aileil lor except my rt curding of the same on b> Asteroid, Mr. Iieimoiit'* chestnut filiy Victoria, Tiir lat H7 27, mo 74 IU, Uncle Joe, hound smith. five week* ago. Her crew numbered nine men, all ERFECTLY SAKE IN 4lie edge* 1 1n- v\ hack. passed sbip George* ALLCAKES. buMjuf ari(| nioeves trim with and U. I>. ii iter's ciic-uiut filly Conceit. Joe There were fourteen entries for the nurse, twelve steamship Champion, Lockwootl, Charleston Oct 4, wltb nf whnm reibled In Gloucester. Hhe wa* 50.M) ton*, built at MRS. WINSLoW'S HOOTIIINO STRIP, for all ril* »oi*t exquisite MaU uu. Over lhm wun worn a iMiitCk was llic iavoiue oyer tb« teid, aud tic WVii 0! whvui (u ihe nuts*, to H R Morgan A Co. Ksaei In I86H, and owned by Mr Joaepb O Proctor, she wa* I ease* of children, sueh as teething, wind colic, Ac.. Is * saffi cai^c post, lac aifttUjitf Judge had Hbip VUl^jraoca, Mvrgao, ^koodoo Aug J3, ud JiK of J valued, Witb b«r oufiit*, at ^47uu, and mfurcu >o lUy Uwy \ Mdjutfo^eu rcu»«d/l