Missouri Law Review Volume 72 Issue 4 Fall 2007 Article 8 Fall 2007 Doctrines of Waste in a Landscape of Waste John A. Lovett Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarship.law.missouri.edu/mlr Part of the Law Commons Recommended Citation John A. Lovett, Doctrines of Waste in a Landscape of Waste, 72 MO. L. REV. (2007) Available at: https://scholarship.law.missouri.edu/mlr/vol72/iss4/8 This Conference is brought to you for free and open access by the Law Journals at University of Missouri School of Law Scholarship Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Missouri Law Review by an authorized editor of University of Missouri School of Law Scholarship Repository. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Lovett: Lovett: Doctrines of Waste Doctrines of Waste in a Landscape of Waste John A. Lovett* I. INTRODUCTION One of the virtues of William Stoebuck and Dale Whitman's seminal hornbook, The Law of Property, is its extensive treatment of the subject of waste. ' Using half of a chapter, Stoebuck and Whitman introduce their read- ers to one of the great subjects of the common law of property, one that at- 2 3 4 tracted the attention of Coke, Blackstone, Kent, and many others. Their detailed analysis of the subject, which provides a general historical overview, a discussion of the seminal voluntary waste cases, Melms v. Pabst Brewing Co.,5 and Brokaw v. Fairchild,6 and a presentation of the legal and equitable remedies for waste, may strike some readers as old-fashioned. Although one recent law review article has called attention to several early nineteenth century waste cases, 7 relatively little contemporary academic scholarship has addressed waste doctrine in depth.