Chad and Tara Hello,

Thank you for taking the time to get to know us! We are Chad and Tara and we can’t wait to be first-time parents through the blessing of adoption. Although we have never met, we are in awe of you and your sacrifice. We can only imagine the challenges you are facing with a decision of this magnitude. Thank you for this sacrifice you are considering for people, like us, who dream of having a child. You are a blessing. Thank you so much for considering us for such an amazing gift.

We have always known that we wanted to have children. For several years we struggled with infertility and had begun to lose hope. But, after many long late-night conversations, with each other and with God, we realized God had other plans for us. Eventually our path became clear and we knew our journey to parenthood would be through adoption. We knew that it would be a fulfilling and enriching journey, and we look forward to our family growing, in number and through love. We are excited to be on the path to adoption and are incredibly grateful you are giving us both your time and consideration!

After being introduced by Tara’s sister, we got married five years later. We’ve been married since 2005 and have spent our time together growing closer to each other and creating a stable home and life for our family. While we have loved the time to focus on our marriage, we can’t wait to complete our family through having a child! We have so much love to offer and we can ’t wait to share it!

Chad works in construction and has worked for the same company for more than 11 years. Tara works in the labor industry and enjoys her job. We live in a small town community in Northwest Ohio with our family close by. We are very involved in the lives of our nieces and nephews and everyone is just as excited as we are to welcome a new little one to the family!

Thank you again for taking the time to get to know us a little better. Please know that we are praying for you as you seek to choose what is best for your child. You are a blessing and we commend you for the courage it takes to choose life.

Sincerely, Chad and Tara The Story of Us

We met in 2000 and have been together ever since! After meeting through Tara’s sister and her friends, we started dating and found a companionship in each other that neither of us ever wanted to live without! We got married in August of 2005 and every year since has brought new opportunities to grow closer to each other. Not only are we husband and wife, we are best friends!

We both love travel and adventure. Exploring new places and experiencing new things together is something we try to do every chance we get. Being avid sports fans, we both love taking occasional weekend getaways to see a baseball or football game together.

While our marriage always has been and always will be a priority for us, we have been dreaming of the day we will become parents. We have so much love to offer and we can’t wait to share it!

About Me...

I am a hardworking, determined, loving, supportive, and down-to-earth kind of guy who is excited to become a Dad! I love kids and look forward to providing guidance and sharing love with our child.

I love being outdoors! Whether it’s hunting, fishing, farming, spending time with my nieces, nephews, or other family, playing softball with friends, or taking in a baseball or football game with Tara, I love being outdoors! I also enjoy food! My favorites are pizza, most kinds of meat, and some good ol’ KFC. Add a cup of coffee and I’m set!

One of my hobbies is fixing and building things. I get a good feeling from fixing something that was broken or creating something from nothing. I am always up for new things and adventures and I hope my next adventure is the one of parenthood!

From Tara…

Chad is a very supportive husband who always does anything he can to provide for me and for us. He is a hardworking man and I am so proud of the determination he shows! I appreciate all the support and love he gives me and I can’t wait to see him share that with our son or daughter!

About Me...

I love being with my family! No matter what I’m doing, my favorite activities are usually done with family and friends. I absolutely love being involved in the lives of my nieces and nephews! Whether it’s watching their dance recitals, cheering them on a sporting event, or having sleepovers at our house, I cherish the time I get to spend with them and watch them grow. I love my family and I look forward to the day that I can share these things with my own daughter or son!

I have a caring and loving personality, always wanting to be available to listen and help others however I can. My interests vary from fashion to sports and I enjoy being outside. I love doing the typical “girly” things, but I also love going to baseball and football games with Chad. I am committed to a healthy lifestyle, enjoy working out and swimming, but also can’t resist a bowl of tasty strawberry ice cream!

I am ready to become a mom and look forward to the day that I can share my love and joy with my child!

From Chad…

I love Tara and I love her smile. She is very caring, loving, and supportive. Even in difficult times, as with our struggle with infertility, she is very strong and I love that about her. I am so excited to see her become a mom! As I see her with kids now and watch the way she loves them, I can’t wait to see that with our son or daughter. She’s going to be a wonderful mom! Family We love our families! Between the two of us, we have five siblings, many nieces and nephews, and we are all very close! We really love having the kids over for slumber parties and having our yearly “Holiday Cookie Party” where we have them all over to decorate cookies and play Christmas games. Both of our families are beyond excited to welcome another little one into family! He or she will grow up knowing the love and companionship of a close-knit family.

While our family does seem full, and it is, we are no strangers to loss. Between the two of us we have experienced the loss of three parents. In our darkest times, though, we have grown closer as a couple and as a family. It has been our love for each other and our faith in God that has gotten us through these times.

About Our Home:

We live in the country, just a few miles outside of town. We bought the house right after we got married in 2005 and it has been home ever since. One of our favorite things about our home is simply that it is close to our families. While it has been home for the two of us for several years, there is plenty of room to grow and we can’t wait to see that happen! We look forward to growing our family and raising our child here.

About Our Community:

We are a part of a small town community in Northwest Ohio and have been our whole lives. We both grew up in the area and graduated from the same high school. Our schools are a part of an amazing system that values education. Our town has a park and a library. Though we live in a small town, we are within easy driving distance of larger towns and cities.

Thank You

Thank you, again, for taking the time to read our story and getting to know us a little more. And, thank you for considering us for such an amazing gift! Our dream is to have a child—to nurture and celebrate, to complete our family. We are simple people living a humble life, but we have so much love to offer and can’t wait to begin this next part of our lives!

While we know the decisions you are facing are more difficult than we can imagine, we want to say thank you for having the courage to make them. Thank you for loving your child deeply and for only wanting what is best for him or her. If you choose us for your child, we want you to know that he or she will grow up always knowing about your courageous love.

We want you to know that, if you choose us, your child will be loved unconditionally by many, cared for deeply, and cherished immensely. He or she will be given the opportunity, encouragement, and support to try anything and to be themselves.

We again want to say thank you. If you choose us, not only will you have chosen life for your child, you will have given us the amazing gift of becoming parents. Without the selfless and sacrificial love of someone like yourself the desire to become parents would not be possible.