NEWS LETTER." It Is Published Weekly by the California Labor Federation, AFL- Lege Professor, Declared That "Few Prob
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More N ..... ItA¶. ,. j5. ;,.,..,z' ;'g .. w ,! Labor Committee W * w ~~~~~Vol.6-No. 41 For Johnson ee kly 4October9 1964 Completion of the California Labor .Committee to Elect Johnson and 151 Humphrey, the most wide-ranging ad hoc labor group ever assembled in the state, was announced today by Commit- L. Pitts, state AFL- Letter tee Chairman Thos. News CIO leader. Second Class Postage Paid at Sam Francisco, California The statewide committee, reflecting labor's solid support for Presi- __________ organized Published by California Labor Federaion, AFL-CIO dent Lyndon B. Johnson and his run- THOS. L. PITTS California 94103 ning mate, Senator Hubert H. Humphrey, Executive I 995 Market Street, San Francisco, is composed of more than 180 key labor officials who are working to coordinate organized labor's educational and get- Hits as Threat out-the-vote campaigns for the Novem- Humphrey Gold*iter ber 3 general election, he explained. in State Campaign Drive In announcing the additional commit- To Peace 3-Day tee members and co-chairmen, Pitts said U. S. Senator Hubert H. Humphrey wound up a three-day 3,000 mile that organized labor "had watched with whistle-stopping campaign tour of California at the University of Califor- growing alarm as extremist forces cap- nia campus in Berkeley this week with a ringing attack on the GOP presi- tured the Republican Party's principal dential nominee who, Humphreysd, has disqualfied himself to be Presi- organizations in California. So we're not the test ban treaty, the civil going to underestimate, as Governor dent by voting against nuclear by opposing Rockefeller's forces did, the propaganda rights bill and by an isolationist at- and get-out-the-vote drives that these titude toward the United Nations. National COPE near-fanatic forces can produce. Emphasizing the Democratic "And neither should any other intel- charge that Goldwater is a threat to Sets Up 6 Depots ligent voter in California," Pitts as- peace, the Senator declared: serted. "Even if there had never been a For Pamphlets "President Johnson's opponent has Communist in the world, we would chalked up an unparalleled record of still-have p-roblems that would not *Eleven hard-hitting pamphlets dealing antipathy and antagonism not only to- fadea'wapon.away just by wavingwavinganucleara nuclear withorganizedsome laborof theandkey Calfornia'sissues confronting-voters ward o r g a n i z e d labor and working weapon. - ~~~~~~ingeneral in the forthcoming 1984 elec- (Continued on Page 4) (Continued on Page 2) tions are being made available to local unions and councils throughout Califor- nia by the national AFL-CIO Committee Defeat of Barry & Prop. 1 4 Vital To Balk on Political Education. National COPE has selected six dis- 'Right to Work' Battle in '66, Says Gruhn tribution points at which AFL-CIO affil- iates in California may pick up what- "If Proposition 14 is foisted on the public by the Goldwaterites and ever quantity they need, state AFL- their allies," it Is virtually eertain that California "will be the scene of CIO leader Thos. L. Pitt explained in another 'right to work' struggle in 1966," Albin J. Gruhn, president of the a letter to all local unions and councils California Labor Federation, AFICIO, warned the tri-state convention of this week. The six distribution points the Sheet Metal Workers International Association in Oakland last Friday. are County COPE Headquarters in Los Stressing the three foremost anti- Angeles, Fresno, Sacramento, San Fran- labor issues in the November elec- cisco, San Jose and Santa Ana. J%eanyTo Spe ak and Initially these 11 pamphlets were to e tion-Goldwater Propositions have been ordered directly from the na- OnIssues hionday s14 and 17, the Federation's presi- tional office. All local unions and coun- dent said that the junior Senator cils in California were so notified in a AFL-CIO President George Many will from Arizona "has without excep- letter dated September 25. But the na- tion acted in opposition to the tional office's decision to set up the six deliver a'Issnnationwide aresaddressAC rmajoron Wajll ing man's interests." work deleciver onier stal- distribution points changes the original election issues over the ABC radio net- "For example," he said, "this distribution plan. work on Monday, October 12th. wart advocate of state's rights has not Wherever possble it is suggested that In California, Meany's remarks, which been satisfied with the rights of states local unions and councils make arrange- will be of special interest to union to individually enact 'right to work' ments to pick up whatever supply of members, will be broadcast over the en- laws under Section 14B of the Taft- tire 23-station statewide ABC network Hartley Act. Instead he has introduced (Continued on Page 3) following Edward P. Morgan's analysis a bill calling for a 'right to work' law of the news, an AFL-CIO sponsored on a national basis." program. Gruhn also pointed out that "this Let's Get Organized candidate" refused to Barring last minute rescheduling by Birch-supported IN * Ve local stations, Meany's address will be support the railway brotherhoods in on Page 3) (Continued on Page 2) (Continued - n I ItJL:1 7 :D 1QR I Humphrey Hits Goldwater as Threat Meany To Speak To Peace in 3-Day State Campaign Drive On Issues Monday (Continued from Page 1) a reporter's query about his stand on (Continued from Page 1) He reminded the students that Proposition 14, the proposed state con- aired from 6:15 to 6:30 p.m. in the fol- President Johnson has pledged to stitutional amendment that would nul- lify California's fair housing laws and lowing communities: go anywhere any time in the pur- sanction segregation throughout the Bakersfield KPMC suit of peace. state, Senator Humphrey met the same Bishop KIBS "This is not weakness or appease- question squarely. Crescent City KPLY ment. This is strength. This is If he were a Californian, he said, he courage," Humphrey declared. would vote against Proposition 14. El Centro-Calexico KICO (In contrast, the GOP presiden- Referring to Goldwater variously as Fresno KARM tial nominee expressed outright a Republican leader who "sows the Hanford --------KNGS seeds of disunity and discord even Los Angeles KABC fear of negotiations in his book, within his own party," or "distorts the "Why Not Victory," when he said: present and shrinks from the future," Marysville KMYC "I have consistently opposed or "the man who curses the darkness Modesto-Turlock KCEY Summit meetings on the grounds and never lights a candle," Humphrey Mojave KDOL that the only progress they can said that, in contrast, President Johnson Palm Springs KPAL produce is progress toward Com- is a tested leader who pursues the duties Paradise-Chico KNGL of Commander-in-Chief "with responsi- munist domination of the world. bility and restraint, and understands Redding -KRDG Either Summit meetings must fail that compassion is not cowardice and Sacramento KRAK for having achieved nothing, or concern for others is not weakness." Salinas KSBW they must fail for having yielded In San Francisco, Senator Humphrey San Bernardino KCKC to the Communists something of told a convention of the National As- -KSON value to the west. The only Summit sociation of Retail Druggists that Presi- San Diego San Area .. KGO meeting that can succeed is one that dent Johnson "has always fought for Francisco does not take place.") stronger anti-trust laws and their vigor- San Luis Obispo .KVEC Earlier, swinging through the ous enforcement. He supported the Santa Barbara KTMS San Joaquin Valley with speeches formation of the Small Business Admin- Santa Maria KCOY istration in 1953 and he backed legisla- KVML in Bakersfield, Tulare, Fresno, Ma- tion which made SBA a permanent Sonora dera, Merced, Modesto, Tracy, Mar- agency," Humphrey pointed out. Yreka .- KSYC tinez and R i c h m o n d, Senator "Compare that to the record of Sena- Tapes of the program will be avail- Humphrey, the COPE endorsed can- tor Goldwater who has consistently didate for Vice President, declared: voted against legislation vital to the able free to any AFL-CIO body that can "The Democrats don't spread gloom small business community and to the arrange rebroadcasts of the speech on and doom. We have come to spread economy-and who vigorously asserts other stations. Copies may be obtained the idea of better living, better edu- that a man making $5,000 a year should by writing Al Zack, AFL-CIO Depart- cation, better jobs for all regardless of pay taxes at the same rate as a man race, creed or color, better opportu- making $5,000,000 a year," Humphrey ment of Public Relations, 815 16th Street nities for all. suggested. N. W., Washington, D.C. 20006. "President Johnson unashamedly asks While conceding that the small busi- for your heart and your hand in this ness man faces many threats and prob- democratic endeavor. lems, Humphrey declared: Inaction Abets Evil "Are you going to help us, friends?" "What we do not and will not promise "All that is necessary for the forces of Each time the crowd roared back, is the quick and simple solution-for evil to win in the world is for enough "Yes." history teaches that those who offer good men to do nothing.-Edmund Addressing a rally Saturday night in the easy answer are likely to be those Burke. the Oakland Civic Auditorium, Senator who do not understand the questions. Humphrey spoke out strongly for re- "What we do not promise is contrived STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP gional planning and for a "renaissance remedies-like an inflexible five-year AND MANAGEMENT of the metropolis." program of tax cuts which takes into The title of this publication is "Weekly The Minnesota Senator, a former col- account neither the facts of today nor NEWS LETTER." It is published weekly by the California Labor Federation, AFL- lege professor, declared that "few prob.