Monmouth Reform Temple The more Torah, the more life. c'lIn i1il'~ il,in i1il'~ bulletin • - ... : - T "0" : -


April II 6:00 PM Congregational Seder OTHER SERVICES

FRIDAY EVENING SERVICES Tues. 6 Passover Yizkor - 8: 15 PM Sermon: LEFT ALONE Fri. 2 Sabbath Eve - 8:15 PM Chol Hamoed Pesach Sat. 10 Sabbath Morning - lO:30 AM Sermon: WHA T'S MISSING Sermon: GOD'S GLORY IN THE HAGGADAH? Bat Mitzvah of Torah Portion: Exodus Amanda Benson Exod.33:12-34:26 daughter of Paul and Arleen Benson

Fri. 9 Tot Shabbat - 6:30 PM Sabbath Eve - 8:15 PM Sermon: PIRKE A VOT IN WORD AND SONG Torah Portion: Shemini Lev. 9:1-11:47

Fri. 16 Sabbath Eve - 8:15 PM Family Service Conducted by Grade 4A Torah Portion: TazrialMetzora Lev. 12: 1-15:33

Fri. 23 Sabbath Eve - 8: 15 PM Israel Sabbath Sermon: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ISRAEL! A CELEBRATION IN SONG Torah 'portion: Achare MotlKedoshim , . Lev. Ig:J -20:27 Fri. 30 Sabbath E~e - 8:15 PM ' Serrnon':RABlU; DON'T MEDDLE! Torah Portion: Emor Lev. 21:"1-24:23 REFLECTIONS Federation Update

We are not a people that dies ... .1 know it is The Jewish Federation of Greater Monmouth difficult to find the balm wh~ch would heal our body County has been providing overseas allocations to and our soul. But perhaps it will do us good if we some Reform oriented organizations in Israel. One . kindle freely the lights of our own treasures and is TALI BAYIT V'GAN School, a program of the then sing freely in all the hues with which they were Israel Movement for Progressive Judaism supported born. They will follow us in this world as a shadow by ARZA (Association of Reform Zionists of that is no shadow at all; it is the Jew within us. It America). The Israeli education system is becomes abundantly clear that the freer we are, the essentially divided into secular and religious more Jewish we are. And the more Jewish we are, (Orthodox) school tracks. This division creates a the more human we become. separation between the religious and secular and Marc Chagall contributes to the alienation from Jewish tradition for most Israeli school children. This school integrates a Jewish studies program (in the spirit of liberal Judaism) in a state operated" secular" school. ~~9= After just four years it now requires larger facilities SHARING SIMCHAS THE TEMPLE FAMILY EXTENDS and our Federation is making that possible. MAZEL TOV TO: Another organization our Federation supports is the Shalom Hartman Institute in Israel. It is a place Howard and Barbara Fox on the birth where scholars, teachers, and Rabbis come to discuss of their grandson David Joshua Naiman the dilemmas that emerge from the confrontation of Judaism within a liberal and secular society. Men Joyce Silverman on her daughter and women study Torah and Talmud together to Debbie Hueston's engagement to David Lange expand the way Jewish law can respond to the Cynthia and Phil Auerbach on the birth challenges of modern life. Principals and teachers of their grandson Lucas Samuel Schwallie from 70 secular high schools come to be trained in teaching Judaism relevant to secular Israeli youth. Michelle and Jonathan Green on the birth Recently one of the directors of the Institute, Rabbi of their daughter Robin Levi Lauer (a UAHC graduate and classmate of Betty and Bob Salomon on the success Rabbi Priesand) came to Monmouth County to of their granddaughter Leelee Sobieski being cast as speak. Susan and I were there as were Jim and Joan of Ark in the TV movie of the same name to be Arlene Berg. It was an enlightening talk and we aired on CBS in May came out very enthusiastic about Israel's future. These are two of the many organizations our Good News from Dorothy Teitelbaum ...... Federation supports and with all our financial support we can continue to make these programs Many ofour members were very generous during Chanukah and gave money to help our "sister" successful. 'BOD St. Lifer congregation in Israel, Kehilat Mevasseret Zion, buy Philanthropies ornaments for their Torah. They have been in contact with contemporary Israeli artists who design Jewish ceremonial art, and have chosen a yad that Consultation on they like for their Torah. CONSCIENCE We are pleased to report that $1,100 was The Reform Movement's Premier collected and a check was sent to Rabbi Leibovich . Public Policy Conference April 25-27, 1999-Washington, D.C for the yad. It will be engraved with the good wishes Call (202) 387-2800 for more info. ofour congregation to theirs. ' Thanks!

2 :.:+.

. AMANDA BENSON t t FROM RABBI PRIESAND MiMi. __ Amanda will become a Bat & & Mitzvah on. April 10. Her parents Periodically throughout the year, on Sunday Arleen and Paul, her brother Frank afternoons at I :00 PM, we hold a service of healing and sister Alyssa are very proud of and hope. Sometimes the service is well-attended, her. Amanda attends the Carl and sometimes not, but those of us who are there Sandburg School in Old Bridge and is in the seventh always come away with a feeling of comfort and grade. She participates in track, soccer, basketball strength. We know that our prayers will probably and likes to spend time being online. Amanda's not lead to an instant cure, or even change a favorite subject is math and she consistently makes situation, but we have come to understand that the honor roll. Amanda says "there is so much to praying together gives us an opportunity to do do" to prepare for a Bat Mitzvah. Mazel Tov to something, especially at those times when we feel so Amanda and her family. helpless and fear that there is nothing left to do. LORNE SINGER No life is free of difficulty, and being human means learning to live with pain and loss and the April 24th marks a momentous day in Lome's knowledge that some things are simply beyond our life as this is the day he becomes a Bar Mitzvah. control. No matter what happens, however, we His parents, Iris and Gerald, and sister Stacy look always have the ability to decide how we are going forward to celebrating this occasion with him. to respond and what our attitude will be. In this task, Lome is a seventh grader at Bayshore Middle we look beyond ourselves for strength and courage. School. He enjoys soccer, basketball, and bowling. Prayer helps put our moments of despair and His family is very proud of how well he is doing. frustration in proper perspective and reminds us that Mazel Tov to Lome and his family. we are never alone. God walks with us as we face the challenges of life. WAYS AND MEANS It is important to pray not only for ourselves but Balance, harmony, and beauty feed the senses also for family members and friends who are and the soul whether it be through music, art or suffering and in distress. Recent studies seem to teamwork. We have all been well fed having been indicate that praying for others, even when they immersed in the Arts Festival these past months. don't know we are praying for them, can make a To participate in the process is to truly understand difference. How much the more so when they do the gift of giving. What comes back IS know! Praying for another person, and telling him immeasurable and incomparable. or her about it, lets that person know that he or she THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! has not been forgotten. Coming to a healing service I so appreciate all the time and energy given by on behalf of someone you love, especially someone so many people during set-up week. The roller who may not be able to come on his or her own, is a coaster of emotions precipitated by the loss of our wonderful way to show that person how much you dear Lois Blonder brought us all to the realization of care. Hopefully, you too will be strengthened and how precious each day is and how important we all renewed, knowing that you have done something to are to each other. This spirit of embracing and help another person. Our next service of healing and respecting each other was reflected everywhere. hope will be on Sunday, April 25, at 1:00 P.M. I From Bobbie Goldstein's outstanding leadership to hope to see you there. Maureen Welton's spectacular design, we'll never forget Festival '99. Thank you to our old (and young) Temple family th We're already planning our 30 , MFA in 2000. and friends for their prayers and good wishes in This celebration needs the support of returning and recent weeks. They DID - and DO help new volunteers. We'll be recruiting early. Please tremendously. plan to join the committees. Shalom, :Judy ~i.L9£'t

3 FROM THE PRESIDENT F MFA'99 I don't often write about the business aspects of running the Temple but that is where the board A Huge Success! spends a major portion of its time. For example, in As I write this column, Opening Night and Passover recent months, we authorized the purchase of new are not yet here. We don't know the final income but, prayer books, signed maintenance contracts, leased as Festival chair, I feel that I can declare that we office equipment and allocated money to improve have been successful because: the building and grounds. The Finance Committee, .:. If I was able to motivate newer & more people chaired by Rich Goldberg, thoroughly reviewed the to get involved --Dayenu past year's expenses and developed a budget for the .:. If we got greater financial support from Friends commg year. of Festival, advertisers and corporate sponsors - We also worked on personnel matters. As our Dayenu Temple has grown into a large organization with .:. IfI had successfully mentored future Festival many employees, we found it necessary to be a little leaders -- Dayenu more formal in our employee relations. The board wants to be prudent yet fair with the staff. To further .:. If we were able to computerize more Festival those ends, Jeff Willard prepared drafts of job materials at the Temple -- Dayenu descriptions for our office and maintenance staff. .:. If we could publicize Festival with a newly Stu Tuchband developed written personnel policies designed colorful flier & banner, and multi­ and procedures. All of these documents were media advertising --Dayenu reviewed by the Executive Committee and are .:. If Temple construction was almost fully currently being studied by the board for further input completed -- Dayenu and modification. Once they are approved, it will .:. If we could develop and maintain good feelings make it easier to handle our payroll, employee of cooperation throughout and were proud of benefits, delegate assignments, etc. what we were all able to accomplish --Dayenu My thanks to all the board and committee .:. If the artists, visitors, community & Temple members for their "behind the scenes" work that enjoyed what we offered --Dayenu makes it possible to worship, study and simply enjoy Thank you to everyone who helped me meet my our Temple. personal goals as chair and have assured the HUGE From Arlene and me, best wishes to all for a SUCCESS OF MFA'99. happy and healthy Passover. I look forward to Bobbie Goldstein, Chair MFA'99 seeing everyone at the annual meeting on May 2 at 4:00 PM. Volunteer, Study and Tour in Zimbabwe or Honduras & Israel J;,w, BPJrg American Jewish World Service's International Jewish College The Outreach Committee Corps (IjCC) '99, is an innovative program for college students and recent graduates in the New York Metropolitan and San Francisco will hold a discussion on Bay Areas. IJCC '99 weaves together an exploration of Death and Burial international development, a unique perspective on Israel, study and how it affects the interfaith family of Jewish texts and traditions in hands-on projects in the developing world. Following a 3-day orientation, participants will on Sunday, April 11 spend 3 weeks living and working in rural villages in Honduras or Zimbabwe and then 3 weeks studying, touring and volunteering in from 10:30 A.M. to noon Israel. Following this intensive summer experience, participants Please arrive early to provide input on future will continue to meet monthly in their respective cities for meetings to be sponsored by Outreach. Tell us your discussion, speakers, events and continuing service. For more information, please contact: IjCC '99, AJWS, 989 Avenue of the needs and what you want us to address. Americas, 10th Floor, New York, NY 10018 Ph. 800-889-7146 Marianne & Larry Kligman, Outreach Chairs www. ajws . org [email protected]

4 A Note from Cantor Daniel M. Rosenfeld compositions represent the true art of the Cantor at its highest level, bringing to bear the union of Shalom! "Three times a year you individual musical virtuosity and the most profound shall hold a festival for me." These expression of the spirit. words from Chapter 23 of the Book of The beauty of Pesach, as well as the other Exodus are the basis for what became holidays, is the existence of great Chazzanut known as the three pilgrimage holidays alongside the songs and melodies heard both in the or festivals. In Hebrew, the words are synagogue and around our own tables during the literally "three feet" or "legs" denoting that there Seder. Although we may have become accustomed were times during which the Israelites would to different interpretations of the Passover music journey on foot to in order to observe than those rendered by cantors of the past, each one these special holidays. They are the Feast of of us can bring to our observance of the holiday the Unleavened Bread, the Feast of the Harvest of the same kind of feeling and conviction that these First Fruits, and the Feast of Ingathering at the end individuals brought to theirs. Even in the simple of the year; or Pesach, Shavuot, and Sukkot. These Pesach tunes we sing as a congregation or as a festival days exemplify the importance our tradition family, we can express the profound gratitude that has always attributed to the timely observance of the Israelites must have experienced in their special events in coordination with the different liberation from slavery. This year, let us bring this seasons of the year which in turn influence the sense of gratitude of our own celebration of annual agricultural cycle. Together, they have Passover, and in doing so, honor the efforts of our played a crucial role in defining the liturgy of these ancestors to bring us to this time of joy. May you holidays. all have a very sweet Pesach. The Amidah or T'filah for Pesach reflects the change of seasons, from winter to spring. In B'shalom v'ahavah, (?~ ~ particular, the Cantor's repetition of the Avo! and G'vurot sections for the Musaf service on the first TINTON FALLS CO-OP NURSERY SCHOOL day include special verses known as Tal, meaning March is National Nutrition Month dew. Some background: traditionally, the entire and our Nursery School children are Amidah is read silently by the congregation, then studying healthy foods. The classes repeated by the Cantor or service leader. In Temple will be visiting the Pathmark in times, the entire service revolved around the Eatontown. This is not a typical sacrifice of animals as offerings to God. After the shopping excursion; the children will experience a regular Amidah was recited and the Torah and behind the scenes view of supermarket operations. Haftarah were read, the Priests or Kohanim Now that spring is here, we look forward to a conducted additional sacrifices in a special service curriculum blooming with new and fun activities. known as Musaf The Musaf service often included We are thrilled with the early response to our certain insertions of text and other rituals that did registration for next fall. Please watch for not appear in the earlier sections of the liturgy. In information in future bulletins regarding our exciting the case of Pesach, the Amidah included the prayer summer program. for dew inserted during the Avot and G'vurot sections. 80D/JI& LaPIQ(SQ, Director and TFCNS Staff The tunes for these verses were improvised by the Cantor in the nusach for Shalosh Regalim, _ !( ~ Welcome the special musical motifs which characterized those Ifj) Jl,-» New Members holidays. Over the years, certain individual Please welcome to our congregation: interpretations became so noteworthy that they were Colleen Pokross and her son Jordan later transcribed and set down in notation, 62 Main Street, Oceanport, NJ 07757 preserving them as classics of Chazzanut, or 544-2390 [email protected] cantorial repertoire. These extemporized vocal 5 YAHRZEITS The Congregation extends warm Apr. 2: *Theodore Tully Rubin, Annie Zegman, condolences to: .' Julius Jerome Friedman, Josephine Orange, *Julius Snedcof, Rose Stein, Jacqueline Zemel, Morris Silverberg, Ray Persoon, Max Drath, Isaac Blonder on the death of his wife Esther Isquith

Apr. 9: Rose Bakal, *Gabriel Barnett, *Alberta LOIS BLONDER Kramer, *Rebecca Davidovits, *Carolyn B. ~ Meyer, *Anna Rosin, Eli Klein, *Morris Miller, .. Sadie Dlugacz Klein, Rose Straus, ME. Medalie, Yevsey and Irina Pechersky Charles Loebel, Elizabeth Ruby, Bert Samuel on the death ofYevsey's mother Morgovsky

Apr. 16: Leopold Fuchs, *Alfred Mannheimer, KHASYA FOYGEL Harry Stein, Samuel Chayt, Simon Wiesengrund, ~ *Fannie Kipnis, Harry Gale, Bernard Fain, .. Alan Bruce Fain, Leon Levinson, Albert Rifkin, Brenda Atlas Hyman Goldberg, Sadie Greenglass, Irvin M on the death of her father Glassberg, *Dorothy M Feinberg, Louis Levin, Howard Klein, Leonard S. Snyder, Tony SAMUEL "SZMUEL" MILCHMAN Ciambrone, Anna Cohen, Sheldon Rose, Howard Rosen -.~.. Apr. 23: Blanche Shevin, Yetta Drath, *Rose Lorri and Bert Goldberg Rubinstein, Benjamin Ehrenberg, Sigmund on the death of Lorri' s father Kaswiner, Richard Neil Rosen, Rebecca Birnkrant, Mildred Hamberg, Molly Pickus, DAVID SCHWARTZ *Rae Ostrov, Mollie Reiss, Dr. Ivan Isaacs and Apr. 30: *Lena Smolensky Collis, Jesse Davidson, *Wendy Salomon, *Sidney Martin, Harry Levine, on the death of Bert's mother caura Holzman, *Paul Kramer, Beatrice Davidson, Annette Marks, David F. Whyman, GERRY GERBER *Michael B. Ruggera, Jr., *Ruth Singer, ~ *John A. Munch, Bessie Rosenberg .. *lndicates perpetual Kaddish Phyllis and Bob Rosenberg on the death of Phyllis' mother

JANE MEDALIE TRADITIONAL SABBATH EVE CANDLE LIGHTING :...... ( ...... April 2 6:03 PM ~ '0 ~. April 9 7:10 PM May God send peace to April 16 7:18 PM all the bereaved among us. April 23 7:25 PM April 30 7:32 PM


APRIL EVENTS Thur. April 1 6:00 PM Congregational Seder Fri. April 2 8:15 PM Sabbath Eve Service Tue. April 6 8:15 PM Yizkor Service Wed. April 7 8:00 PM Ritual Committee Meeting Thur. April 8 7:30 PM Arts Festival Meeting Fri. April 9 6:30 PM Tot Shabbat Service 8:15 PM Sabbath Eve Service Sat. April 10 10:30 AM Sabbath Morning Service (Benson B/M) Sun. April 11 9:30 AM - noon Religious School 9:30 AM Arts & Deco Meeting 10:30 AM Outreach Event/Meeting 12 :00 noon Senior Youth Group Event Mon. April 12 8:15 PM Yom Hashoah Service Wed. April 14 4:00 - 6:00 PM Religious School 6:00 PM Junior Youth Group 6:00 PM Senior Youth Board Meeting 7:30 PM Youth Committee Meeting 8:00 PM Executive Committee Meeting Thur. April 15 7:45PM Ways & Means Committee Meeting Fri. April 16 8: 15 PM Sabbath Eve Service (Grade 4A Family Service) Sat. April 17 10:30 AM Sabbath Morning Service (BarlBat Mitzvah Family Program) 8:00 PM SisterhoodlBrotherhood Social Sun. April 18 9:30 AM - noon Religious School 9:30 AM Brotherhood/Sisterhood Trip to Lower East Side Mon. April 19 7:00-8 :00 PM Pre-School Program Tue. Apri120 9:30 AM Study Group 8:00 PM Temple Board Meeting Wed. April 21 4:00-6:00 PM Religious School 8:00 PM Adult Ed Meeting Fri. April 23 8: 15 PM Sabbath Eve Service (Israel Sabbath) Sat. April 24 10:30 AM Sabbath Morning Service (Singer B/M) Sun. April 25 9:30 AM-noon Religious School 9:30 AM CD Sale 1: 00 PM Healing Service Tue. April 27 9:30 AM Study Group 8:00 PM Social Action Committee Meeting Wed. April 28 4:00-6:00 PM Religious School Fri. April 30 8: 15 PM Sabbath Eve Service T()..-ah StudY eve...,., Satu..-daY m()rnin&! at ~:3() AM

NO RELIGIOUS SCHOOL: Sunday, April 4th, Wednesday, April 7tb

OFFICE CLOSED: Thursday, April 1st (Passover), Wednesday, April 7tb (Passover), Tuesday, AprH13tb (Yom Hashoah) Wishing our T emp[e famify Richard and Sheila Sachs a Happy Passover ...... The St. Lifer family Miles/ Holde.n/ Jane and ATtie Sandlar Arlene and Jim Berg 'Lila and Max Singer Gwen/ Dara/ Jackie/ Mike/ Karin and Joe Stein Karen and Arthur Sirnkrant The Wallenfels family/ Ron/ Kay/ Josh and Jesse The Soskey family Maureen and Frank Welton Neil Srutman and Jacob Ann/ Randy/ T ami/ Amanda and Kelsey Wolf Pam Burke/ Steven/ Daniel and Brian Lewis Fern and Ben Burton Joanna and Brian Charnick PosLo;cript Re: ArLo; Festival 1999 John and Joyce Christie We are notorious for banding together in lrv and Florence Cohen troublcd times. The passing of my show designer Baldwin Davidson bctter half crcated just such a time. Joan Denton and David Bassler This year's lCstival could never have been Florence Diller accomplishcd without the unity of ollr Tcmple , The Eisen family/ hunily. Patricia/ Roy/ Lauren and Kimberly Like all groups, there is a core mcmbership that ' The Fitzsimmons family is always ready to help, be it major or minor. nobbie Sue and Joe Frankel Goldstcin, this yccu"s chair, did a garg

Get Well Wishes: In Memory of: To Bob Goodman Mary Schoenbart Frank and Maureen Welton Jerry and Margaret Schoenbart To Sandy Brandwene Francine and Barry Lito/sky In Honor of: Peggy and Jerry Baker on the birth of their Thank you: grandson Alexander Willem Austin To everyone who helped make MFA '99 Irma and Peter Meyer such a huge success Betty and Bob Schulman on the birth of their Barbara and AI Goldstein granddaughter Marlee Rose Schulman Irma and Peter Meyer CANTOR'S MUSIC FUND Jim and Arlene Berg on the birth of their In Memory of: grandson Jacob James Berg Khasya Foygel Irma and Peter Meyer Yevsey and /rina Pechersky John and Joyce Christie Charles and Norma Bernstein Ellie and Bob Goodman on the birth of their grandson Adam Margolis Goodman In Honor of: John and Joyce Christie My son David's Bar Mitzvah Trudy and Steve Goldsmith on the birth of their Randee Gevertz granddaughter Shelby Karynne Kennedy Joyce and John Christie CHRISTIAN RESCUERS FUND In Memory of: PRA YER BOOK FUND Samuel "Szmuel" Milchmann In Memory of: Brenda Ruth Atlas and the children Herbert Tanzman Carol Field HOMELESS FUND Lois Blonder In Memory of: Frank and Maureen Welton Jane Medalie Max and Lila Singer In Honor of: Casper Boyer My grandson Daniel Schreck's Bar Mitzvah Joan and Don Leeds Carol Field

In Honor of: RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND Elaine Espey on her daughter Alice Hoffman's In Memory of engagement to Steve Mannion Bracha Fass Rosalind and Bob Woolf Susan and Bob St. Lifer Betty and Bob Schulman on the birth of their granddaughter Marlee Rose Schulman In Honor of: Elaine Espey My son David's Bar Mitzvah Randee Gevertz Get Well Wishes: To Dolores Phillips SCHOLAR-IN-RESIDENCE FUND Max and Lila Singer Bob and Ann Koslow To Eileen Berger Joel and Marilyn Morgovsky Naomi and Fred Moessinger Barbara and AI Goldstein Robert Gabel and Marianne Roosels Max and Lila Singer Jeff Willard Hyeon Lee and Amir Mane Pam Burke and Steven Lewis Richard and Linda Goldberg Rosalyn and David Haratz Betty and Bob Schulman Susan and Bob St. Lifer Myrna and Salo Kluger 10 SCHOLAR-IN-RESIDENCE FUND Cont'd. In Memory of: Regina Mandell Brotherhood/Sisterhood Ellie and Bob Goodman BUS TRIP In Honor of: Betty and Bob Schulman on the birth of their granddauohter from MRT to the Lower East Side Marlee Rose Schulman " Phyllis and Bob Rosenberg Sunday, April 18tlz Depart 9:30 AM/Arrive home 4-4:30 PM Get Well Wishes: To Bob Goodman . Grab a nosh, do some shopping Barbara Alessandro Enjoy a walking tour Baldwin Davidson Cost - $12 per person SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Memory of: .: ;': .-: ::;: -,:' :':'~; :~."; :: :~ .. -:: : ',' ,' . . ... : ~ . :-•. .. ~.;;.--::'\.:. .• : ... . • -: .....':"v. -~v, .. :'\.''''.:'>,: . . Loretta Stein Joe and Karin Stein CD SALE - Please bring ~~w~·~i~d v CD~ ' t~ " , Joanna Charnick in the Temple lobby on In Honor of: Sunday mornings - Betty and Bob Schulman on the birth of their granddaughter Marlee Rose Schulman TH Bob and Betly Salomon SALE DATE IS APR1L 25 9:30 am - Noon YOUTH FUND In Memory of: ':', Bracha Fass Any questions, call Joanna at 542-1562. Baldwin Davidson Lois Blonder Rachel Gitlin The 1999 In Honor of: Melanie Ross on being elected Programming VP ofNFTY KESH£R Baldwin Davidson Directory Charles Bernstein on becoming Vice Chairman of the Jewish Voice's Publishing Board Baldwin Davidson A Listing of Reform College Students Our son Alan's Bar Mitzvah in North America Bob and Marianne Gabel Over 1,000 Students Thank you: For your gracious hospitality at More Than 250 Campuses! Members of the Introduction to Judaism Class Now Available in our Temple office.

""'_'-V_-. C0:Saturday. ~!!1 Evening,'- ~ April 17 V'N'::" at 8:00 PM t'

Admission of $10 includes show and reception For additional information: ". call Baldwin Davidson (842-9581) (Don't forget, we need your donations ofbooks, or Stephanie Fitzsimmons (530-6673) ~. tapes, and records to make this event a success.) For more information, call Don Leeds @ 583-2829. Presented by Sisterhood and Brotherhood > '-,"v·""..,· . ', ",',"" ...... ''' ...... "- ',- -.... ··•···· ...... ""'/ ...... ""'·v' /"\./ .. ~ ··_ "' _I"v"' ...... ~ /, ..r!.

) 1 MONMOUTH REFORM TEMPLE 332 HANCE AVENUE TINTON'FALLS, NEW JERSEY 07724 PHONE: (732)747-9365 Non-Profit Org. FAX: (732)747-9770 U. S. Postage E-mail: [email protected] PAID Sally 1. Priesand - 542-8431 ...... Rabbi Red Banki NJ Daniel M. Rosenfeld...... Cantor permit No. 16 David Levinsky ...... Rei. Sch. Principal James Berg ...... •...... President TIME VALUE Baldwin Davidson .... Brotherhoo

Monmouth Reform Temple C~lendar for SPECIAL EVENTS April 1999 WORSHIP SERVICES Apr. Thurs Congregational Seder 6:00 PM 11 Sun SRY Group Event 12:00 Noon Apr. 2 Fri Sabbath Eve 8:15 PM 17 Sat Sis/Bro Social 8:00 PM 6 Tues Yizkor Service 8:15 PM 18 Sun Sisterhood/Brotherhood Trip to 9 Fri Tot Shabbat 6:30 PM Lower East Side 9:30 AM Sabbath Eve 8:15 PM WALK FOR ISRAEL 10 Sat Sabbath Morning 10:30 AM 25 Sun CD Sale 9:30AM 12 Mon Yom HaShoah 8:15 PM 16 Fri Sabbath Eve 8:15 PM MEETINGS 17 Sat Sabbath Morning 10:30 AM (Bar/Bat Mitzvah Family Program) Apr. 7 Wed Ritual Committee 8:00 PM 23 Fri Sabbath Eve 8:15PM 8 Thurs Arts Festival 7:30 PM 24 Sat Sabbath Morning 10:30 AM II Sun Arts & Deco 9:30 AM 25 Sun Healing Service 1:00 PM Outreach EventlMeeting 10:30 AM 30 Fri Sabbath Eve 8:15 PM 14 Wed Senior Youth Board 6:00-7:30 PM Torah Study every Saturday morning at 9:30 AM Junior Youth Group 6:00 PM . -;.- Youth Committee 7:30 PM RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Executive Committee 8:00 PM 15 Thurs Ways and Means 7:45 PM Apr. 11 Sun Religious School 9:30-Noon 20 Tues Study Group 9:30 AM 14 Wed Religious School 4:00-6:00 PM Temple Board 8:00 PM 18 Sun Religious School 9:30-Noon 21 Wed Adult Education 8:00 PM 19 Mon Pre-School Program 7:00 PM 27 Tues Study Group 9:30 AM 21 Wed Religious School 4:00-6:00 PM Social Action 8:00 PM 25 Sun Religious School 9:30-Noon 28 Wed Religious School 4:00-6:00 PM Office Closed Thursday, April 1st (Passover) No Religious School Wednesday, April 7th (Passover) and Sunday, April 4 and Wednesday, April 7 Tuesday, April 13th (Yom HaShoah)