IRVING BERLIN DEAD the Same Time That the Commission Nosed in 1986
20—MANCHESTER HERALD, Friday, Sept. 22, 1989 Panel urges solutions Bakker’s supporters defend his work CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) — Fbl- the 3'/2-week-old fraud trial got park. grandchildren. lowers of television evangelist Jim under way. to rising health costs Bakker said they were happy they James Johnson, who bought eight Under questioning by defense at Bakker is charged with oversell partnerships in Bakker’s chureh, torney George T. Davis, she paid $1,000 for partnerships in his ing the $1,000 lifetime partnerships ministry and didn’t think he said he always was able to get reser described the atmosphere at By Deborah Mesce puts its ideas on the table. — which bought their owners three vations when he called PTL, and Heritage USA. belonged in court. nights of kxlging each year for life The Associated Press “1 don’t see why it should take didn’t believe the partnerships were “I want to say it’s heavenly, but I so long,” Gradison said. “We’re Elizabeth Sacco, a former PTL — and diverting $3.7 million of the employee who was laid off in 1986, oversold. don’t know what heaven is like,” WASHINGTON — Members of not experts in this, but you arc.” proceeds to finance his lavish life “The only regret I have is that I she said. “We do share your sense of ur testified Thursday that she’s still style. a blue ribbon commission on loyal to Bakker “and I’m proud of it. don’t think this should have been “It did not take a mastermind to gency,” Sullivan told the commis If convicted of all 24 fraud and health care arc pressing Health brought before tliis court,” Johnson see that Jim and Tammy were telling sion, formally called the U.S.
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