International Conference on Arts, Culture, Literature, Languages, Gender Studies/ Sexuality, Humanities and Philosophy for Sustainable Societal Development Redemption in The Novel Veronika Decides To Die By PAULO COELHO M. Vasanthamullai Department of English, Greeentech Institute of English, Selliyampalayam(Po) Greenpark Campus, Attur (Tk) Salem(Dt) Research Scholar, Periyar University, Salem (Dt) Tamil Nadu. E-mail:
[email protected] Abstract—Paulo Coelho was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1947. He Piedra I sat Down and Wept, Maktub, The Fifth Mountain, worked as a theatre director, actor, lyricist and a journalist. After Manual of a Warrior of Light, Veronika Decides to Die, The travelling the world and finding out about secret societies and other Devil and Miss Prym, Eleven Minutes, The Zahir. religions, Coelho dedicated himself to his writing and published his first book in 1982. 1n 1987, The Alchemist was published to become Redemption means in the context of life, returning to an eventual international best-seller. Coelho has received many natural self, returning to deeper awareness and understand the awards which are too numerous to list. Redemption means, in the real colour and meaning of life. When one thinks about this, context of life, returning to your natural Self, returning to deeper he can realize how absolutely essential it is to one’s happiness, awareness and understand the real color and meaning of life .When to his fulfillment and to the meaning and quality of life and one thinks about this, he can realize how absolutely essential it is to one’s happiness, to his fulfillment and to the meaning and quality of everything one does here.