WORCESTERSHIRE. SMI 1119 Sanders Thomas Tudor, the Cottage, Shaw E

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WORCESTERSHIRE. SMI 1119 Sanders Thomas Tudor, the Cottage, Shaw E COURT DIRECTORY.] WORCESTERSHIRE. SMI 1119 Sanders Thomas Tudor, The Cottage, Shaw E. The Newlands, KirIrlerminster Simons 'ViIliam, Oak cottage, Beech Kiddermin!lter road, Broms~rove Shaw George, 27 Cole hill, Worcester lane, Quinton, Birmingham Sanders William, Eastbourne lodge, Shaw GHes, Winterdille, Bewd!ey Simpson Brough S.1 Parsolls !'t.Dudley T.,thin~, Worcester ~haw Hy. Lyra cot. ~park hill. Yardley Simpson Jllmes. 14 Edg-ar st. Worcester Sanderson Misses, Ombersley road, Shaw Hy. Wm. C. Stratfo'd rd.Yardley Simpson l\1is!l, 16 London rd. Worcester Claines, Worcester Shaw Mrs. Upland place, Pershore road, Sims Rev. George A. Hollies, Moseley &mdys Lord, Ombersley crt. Droitwich Selly Oak, Birmingham Sims Frederick, 1 Ash villa, Shirley Sanland John Lansdowne~ \Vribbenhall, Shaw W. Sbowell Green cotta!;"e,Yardley road, Acock's Green, Birmingham Bewdley Shaw Wm. Edwd. Holly hall, Dudley Siviter John, Ha~ley road, Halesowen Sarg't'nt Ebenezer, Ea~le house, King's Sheldon E. New st. Shipston-on-Stour ~kanatt Mrs. 2 Albany terrace, Norlon, Birmingham Sheldon Edward,Yalentille road, King's Britannia square, Worcester Satire St. Jean Miss de. Hartfield cot- Heath, Birmingham Skelding Chas. Hadey rd. Halesowen tage, Malvern Wells R.S.a. Sheldon Mis!!, Avenue road, King's Skelton George, The Hurst, Acock's SaulldpT!l H. Franch villa,Kidderminster Heath. Birmin~ham Green, Birmingh,lm Saunders Henry, jun. Lea farm, Bewd- Shelmerdine Hev.Nathaniel, B.A. Broad SkidmoreJohn, 8 Titford road, Lang-ley, ley bill, Kidderminster street, Pershore Birmingham Salmders John, Honeybrook house, Shepherd Rev. Jamps, O.S.B. Stan- Skidmore 1\'Irs. New road, Bromsgrove Franch, Kidderminster brook, Powick, Worcester Slddmore Mr!l. L. Stoney hI. Bromsg-rove Saunder~ J obn, Sion Hill house, Wol- Shepherd George, I Paradise row, Bar- Skinner Rev. J alOes, M.A. Warden's verley, Kidderminster bOllrne, Worcp!'ter lodge, NewJand, Great Malvern Saunders Joseph, Rose villa, Powick, Shepherd J. B.119 High st. Stourbridge Skimwr Miss, Rose cot. Mal,ern Link Worcester Shepht'rd M. Grahalll terrace, Great Slade Rev. James John, M.A. Vicarage, Savage Charles, 2 Ash villas, Shirley Malvern Netherton road, Acock's Gl'een~ Birmingham SheppardRev.B. H. M.A. Leig-h,Worcstr Slade John, 39 Britannia sq. Worcester Saval!;e Mrs. Parsonage street, Oldbury Sheppard G. A. 37 Foregoate st.Worcestr Slater John Sam!. 65 High st. Evesham Savage T.W.24 St.Georg-e'~ sq.·Worcestr Sheppard 'l'homas, Trinliles, Birming- Slatter J ames, Bengeworth, Evesbam Savell Mrs. Ashbury villa, Oakfield road, ham road, Dudley Slatter T. J. Church grn. east, Redditch Selly Oak, Birmingham Shering-ham Rev. A. H. Evesham Smallben Enoch, Hobicus lane, Langle~', Savory A. H.Aldingoton manor,Evesham Sherlock James, :'of.D. The Asylum, Birmingham Saxelby:VIrs. Hazelmoor, Hall green, Powick, Worcester Smallwood Rev. H. 45 King st. Dudley Birmingham Sherrard Rev. Hugh, M.A. !tfarket Smallwood Rev. William John, M.A. Saywell Samuel, M.A., F.L.S., F.R.A.S. street, Stourhridge Claineil, Worcester' The Green, New road, Bromsgorove Sherwood Rev. Heury Martyn, B.A. SmallwoodEdwin,Church grn. Redditeh Scales Edward, Priory rd. Gt. Malvern White Ladies Aston, Worcester Smallwood Joseph, J.P. Stechford hall, Scambler Charles, Church rd. Moseley Sherwood Geo. North Piddle,Worceste:r Stechford, Birmingham . Scammell Rev. E.T. Str'and,Bromsgrove Sherwood John, Montfield, King's SmallwoOlI Miils, The Cliff, Malvern Scatterg-ood E. Sweet turf~ Netherton Norton, Birmingham Wells R.S.O Scellers Hen. Woodbridge rd. Moseley Sherwood Rohert, Northwick road, Smallwood Robert, .LP. Rigby hall, Schaffer J ulius, Stockfield hall, Acock's Claines, Worcester Finstall, Bromsg-rove Green, Birmingoham Sherwood William, 'l'he ChiHet, North- Smart Chas. 82 Wellington I'd. Dudley Schofield Mrs. 2 High street, Evesham field, Birmingham Smart Mrs. 11 Wellington road, Dudley 8eholefield T. 8 Britannia sq. Worcester Shew Thomas, Hill End villa, Chaseley, Smart Robt. Hawne house, Halesowen Scobell S. O. J .P. Down house, Red- Tewkeshury Smith Rev.C.Lit.Malvern,MalvernWells marley D'Abitot, Gloucester Sheward Chas. E. Malvern Wells R.S.O SmithRev.I.G.M.A.Abbeyrd.Gt.Malvn Scott Chas. Portland st. Diglis,Worcestr Shewell Alg-ernon, Western villa,Hanley Smith Rev. Hunter,Prospect rd .Mo~eley Scott Henry, 'fhe Laurels, Blakebrook, ca,stle, Worcester ~mith Rev. Lewis Al'thur, M.A. 'I'he Kiddermin8ter Sliinner W. J. Morning side, Tenbury Elms, Hanbury, Bromsgrove Scott J. W. Field vil. Bath rd. Worcester Shoehottam Daniel, 1 Vicar st. Dudley Smith Rev.T.A. M.A.Church st.Tenbury Seott ~Iiss, Coldingham villa, Bell heath, Short Edward, Snaefell villa, CHfton Smith Hryan Hinton, Astwood house, Stourbridge road, Acock's Green. Birming-ham Astwood bank, Redditch Scott T. Lin thurst, Lickey, Bromsgrove Short J ames, Stechford, Birming-ham Smith C.PearTree ho. Netherton,Dudley 8eott Thos. The ShrublJerY,Bromsgrove Short Job Till, Wollaston, ~tourhridge Smith Charles, Spring-field house, Bel­ Scott William, T~'seley, Acock's Green, Short WaIter, 'I'he Beeches, Hall Green, broug-hton, Stourbrit.lg-e Birmingham Birmingham Smith Chas. Hy. Pal·k la. Kidderminster Scott Wm. Hy. Wollaston, Stourbridge Shorthouse John Benjamin, 18 Wolver- Smith C. W. Covercroft ho. Droitwich 8croxton J. H. Rock hill, Bromsgrove hampton street, Dudley Smith Edwd. 45 HIl~ley st. Stourbridge Scroxton TllOmas,Alma ho. Bromsgrove S'hortland .1. 16 'l'ybridge st. Worcester Smith Edward,61 'fower street, Dudley Sculthorpe Rev. Clement Fisher, M.A. Showell W. Warley Wilo\'orn, Oldbury Smith E.Fisher, J .p.'l'he Priory,DudJey Beoley, Redditch Shrimpton Francis, Paradise row, Bar- Smith Ferdinando Dudley Lea, D.L. Scnrton Arthur, The Uplands, King's bourne, Worcester The Grange, Halesowen Norton, Birmingham Shrimpton Z. E\'esham street, Redditch SmithFrancis~.Union vil~.Stourbridge Seale Mrs. Chaseley, Tewkesbury Shufllebotham Enoch, Broad la. Acock's ~mith F. Beech la.Qumton, Uir'mingham Seaton S. 3 Blakebrook, Kidderminster Green, Birmingham 8ruithFredk.Hill,TheTything-,Worcester Seeley Robert., Staunton, Gloucester Shufllebotham Enoch, jun. Brond lane, Smith F. .M. 41 Merstowe grn. Evesham Seller Miss, Church road, Malvern Link Acock's Green, Yardley Smith Fredk. 8. Harring-ton, Evesbam Sellon Miss, Osborn house, West Mal- Shufllebothalll John, Shirley I'd. Acock's :;mith George, Bredon, Redditch vern, Great Malvern Green, Birmingham Smith George, Castle Hill cot. Dudley Selwyn Miils,Glenbarrow,Castle Morton, Shuker Rev. Henry, M.A. Wichenford, SmithGeo.Sidney ho.Mayfield I'd. Wrcstr Tewkesbury Worcester Smith Georg-e Alfred, 10 St. John's road, SerjpantW.Lenchwick,Norton,Eve!!ham Shuter Wm.l Barbourne ter. Worcester Kate's hill, DUllley 8eymour Rev. Richard, ~I.A. College Shutt W.MiIl ho. Wolverley,Kiddrmnstr Smith Harry, Bank house, Mo~eley Green, Worcester Shuttleworth R. The Birches, Yardley Smith Henry, 17 Bridge st. Evesham Seymour Henry, The Limes, Kempsey, Sibley Mrs. 7 Bath road, Worcester Smith Henr.v, Somerset pI. Worcester Worcester Sidebottom C.J.p.Elm bank,Worcester Smith Henry Collins, urove cottage, Shakespear William, Hayfield, Moseley Siers Miss, Hose cottage, Bury field, WribbenhaJl, Bewdley Wake g-reen, Yardley Upton-on-tlevern Smith Henry Shakespeare, Bou~hton Sbakespear Wm. G. West Lyn, Well Silvester Mrs. Holland house, Church street, St. John's. Wurcester lane, Acock's Oreen, Birmingham street, Great Malvern Smith Henry Wm. 26 High st. Eve3ham Shakespeare Wm. Church st. Oldbury Simcox J. W. Hall Green, Birmingham Smith Horatio, Franch rd.Kiddt'rminstr Shammon William, Billesley, Yardley Simcox Mrs. Kyots Lake house, Hall ~mith .hmes, .l.P. Doe bank, Astwood Shapland Miss, 9 College grn.Worcester Green, Birmin~ham bank, Redditch Shard John, Gl'ove villa, Grove road, Simes Charles Edward, Green hill, Smith John, Bromsgrove road, Redditch King's Heath, Birmingham London road, Worcester Smith John, Fair-view place. Droitwich Sharp L. COOler gdns. Hallow, 'Vorcstr Simmons William, Westford, Dodder- Smith J. Hobiclls la.Langley, Birming-hm Sharp Mrs. Avon terrace, Evesham hill, llroitwich Smith John H. Dixon's ~een, Dudley lShaw Rev. George, Littleworth villa, SilDms Fras. 13 Wellington I'd. Dudley Smith Joseph, Mile End terrace, Brom- Bromsgrove road, Rellditch Simms Henry AI'thur, Milton house, yard road, "Vorcester Shaw Charles Thos. WiIlowhrook, Oak- Acock's Green, Birmingham Smith .Josepb, Selly Oak, Birmingham field road, SeIIy Oak, Birmingham Simon Rev. David W. PH.D. & M.A. SmHh Joseph, Sparkhill villa, Yardlt':V Shaw D. Merryman's lodge, Worcester Spring Hill college, Yardley Smith Lea,2 Rock villas, Malvern Link.
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    WORCESTERSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL ELECTION OF A COUNTY COUNCILLOR The following is a statement as to persons nominated for Election as a Councillor for the BOWBROOK ELECTORAL DIVISION __________________________________________ STATEMENT__________________________________________ AS TO PERSONS NOMINATED Date of Election : 4th June 2009 1. The following persons have been nominated Decision of Deputy Returning Officer that Description Names of Proposer (*), Seconder (**) Nomination Paper is Name of Candidate Home Address (if any) and Assentors Invalid or other reason why a person nominated no longer stands nominated BARTON 7 The Butts The Labour Colin R. Beardwood (*) Christine C. Droitwich Spa Party Philip G. Lamb Beardwood (**) Christopher Worcestershire Candidate Sharon J. Lamb Susan A. Briggs WR9 8SW John E. Smith Brian F. Briggs Shirley F. Smith Frank W. Payne Margaret M. Billings SHELDON Overmead The John H. Brackston (*) Barbara J.E. Meddings 23 Lucerne Close Conservative Michael L. Oakes (**) Edward John Worcester Party Carol H. Hughes Christopher J. WR3 7NA Candidate Anthony P. Miller Hartwright David T. Greenwood David J. Morris Constance J. Brackston Alfred L. Dawson TODD 52 Church Street Green Party Stephen P. Mayhew (*) Teresa F. Croke (**) Malvern Patricia L. Hill June R. Lane Dave WR14 1NH Peggy K. Belton Br Ackroyd Philip E. Bottom Arnold L. Ludford Valerie M. Dobson Margaret E. Buggins VALE 62 Newland Road Liberal Alexandra M. Rowley Janet I. Saunders (**) Droitwich Spa Democrats (*) Philip J. Williams Stephanie Margaret Worcestershire Christine M. Walker Sheila M. Jarrams WR9 7AZ Donald A. Walker Clare J. Tomlinson Vera N. Ingram Miranda F. Harris Norma D. Williams The persons above, where no entry is made in the last column, have been and stand validly nominated.
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