Review of Selected California Fisheries for 2013
FISHERIES REVIEW CalCOFI Rep., Vol. 55, 2014 REVIEW OF SELECTED CALIFORNIA FISHERIES FOR 2013: COASTAL PELAGIC FINFISH, MARKET SQUID, GROUNDFISH, HIGHLY MIGRATORY SPECIES, DUNGENESS CRAB, BASSES, SURFPERCH, ABALONE, KELP AND EDIBLE ALGAE, AND MARINE AQUACULTURE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND WILDLIFE Marine Region 4665 Lampson Ave. Suite C Los Alamitos, CA 90720 SUMMARY ings of northern anchovy were 6,005 t with an ex-vessel In 2013, commercial fisheries landed an estimated revenue of greater than $1.0 million. When compared 165,072 metric tons (t) of fish and invertebrates from to landings in 2012, this represents a 141% and 191% California ocean waters (fig. 1). This represents an increase in volume and value, respectively. Nearly all increase of almost 2% from the 162,290 t landed in 2012, (93.6%; 5,621.5 t) of California’s 2013 northern anchovy but still an 11% decrease from the 184,825 t landed catch was landed in the Monterey port area. Landings of in 2011, and a 35% decline from the peak landings of jack mackerel remained relatively low with 892 t landed; 252,568 t observed in 2000. The preliminary ex-vessel however, this represents a 515% increase over 2012 land- economic value of commercial landings in 2013 was ings of 145 t. $254.7 million, increasing once again from the $236 mil- Dungeness crab ranked as California’s second largest lion generated in 2012 (8%), and the $198 million in volume fishery with 14,066 t landed, an increase from 2011 (29%). 11,696 t landed in 2012, and it continued to dominate as Coastal pelagic species (CPS) made up four of the the highest valued fishery in the state with an ex-vessel top five volume fisheries in 2013.
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