Jessica Xiaomin Zu Office: 1879 Hall, Princeton, NJ 08544| Email:
[email protected] EDUCATION Dissertation Defense July 2020 (anticipated) Princeton University 2013–2020 (anticipated) PhD in Asian Religions The Pennsylvania State University 2011–2013 MA in Comparative Literature The Pennsylvania State University 1997–2003 PhD in Theoretical High Energy Physics Peking University 1992–1997 BS in Physics DISSERTATION Toward an Ecology of Compassion: Lü Cheng’s Revolutionary Journey from Aesthetics to Yogācāra, 1918–1966 DISSERTATION COMMITTEE Stephen F. Teiser (Chief Academic Advisor), Jacqueline Stone, Jonathan C. Gold, Janet Chen ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS Princeton University Graduate Fellow in Religious Studies, 2013–2018 Post-doctoral Research Fellow in High Energy Physics, The Florida State University, 2003–2005 The Pennsylvania State University Research Fellow, 2000–2003 The Pennsylvania State University Teaching Fellow, 1997–2000 RESEARCH INTERESTS Social History of Buddhism, Translation Studies, Buddhist Modernism, Yogācāra Philosophy, History of Modern China TEACHING AREAS Asian Religions, History of Buddhism, Buddhist Philosophy, Chinese History, Translation Studies PUBLICATION “Ouyang Jingwu’s Must-Read Buddhist Classics for Laity: Body Politics and Gendered Soteriology,” Journal of Chinese Religions 47:1 [forthcoming, May 2019]. MANUSCRIPTS IN PROGRESS “Charisma and Textual Production: How Did Master Yinguang Become Bodhisattva Mahāsthāmaprāpta?,” manuscript in preparation for Studies in Chinese Religions. “A Buddhist inflected Modernity: from the Matangi Maiden to Modern Girl,” manuscript in preparation for Modern China. SERVICE TO THE PROFESSION Zu (February 2019), 1 of 5 Book Review: Erik Schicketanz, エリック・シッケタンツ, Daraku to fukkō no kindai Chūkoku Bukkyō: Nihon Bukkyō to no kaikō to so no rekishizō no kōchiku 堕落と復興の近代中国仏教― 日本仏教との邂逅とその歴史像の構築 [Between Decline and Revival: Historical Discourse and Modern Chinese Buddhism’s Encounter with Japan].