And Hudson River Valleys
LATE WISCONSIN-HOLOCENE HISTORY OF' THE LOWER HUDSON REGION: NEW EVIDENCE FROM THE HACKENSACK AND HUDSON RIVER VALLEYS STEPHEN P. AVERILL Fairleigh-Dickinson University, Rutherford, N.J., and Pascack Valley Regional High School District, Montvale, New Jersey RICHARD R. PARDI and, WALTER S. NEWMAN, Radiocarbon Laboratory, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Queens College, City University, of New York, Flushing, New York. ROBERT J .. DINEEN New York State Geological Survey, Museum, Science Service State Education Department INTRODUCTION The study area (Fig. 1) is the central and upper Hacken· overdeepened by glacial ice, then mostly filled by pro sack River valley of northeastern New Jersey and adja glacial lake sediments (Lovegreen, 1974). The present cent New York State with reconaissance study of the terrain is gently rolling, wi,h drumlinoidal hills general surrounding area in Bergen County, N.J. and Rockland ly aligned north to south paralleling the strike of the County, N, Y. In the text, town names will be in New bedrock. Essentially glaciation has subdued the pre Jersey unless indicated otherwise, Geologically, the area existing topography, even occasionally reversing it. is the northern portion of the Trias·Jurassic Newark basin where a gently dipping (14 OW) homoclinal se Previous work: At the turn of the century Salisbury, et quence of Brunswick Formation red sandstones and 'al. (1902) reported the glacial geology in the New Jersey shales form the deeply scarred bedrock surface. The portion of the study area. Geomorphic forms were Palisade sm and basalt lava flows of the Watchungs, in described with great detail and accuracy with lesser em 6 terbedded with the Newark series sediments, form pro phasis on stratigraphy.
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