Resources for in : Useful Research and References

Christian van Nieuwerburgh and Margaret Barr have compiled this list of resources with hyperlinks to abstracts and summaries in publishers’ websites.

Professor Christian van Nieuwerburgh Margaret Barr Executive Director Lead Associate (Scotland) Growth Coaching International Growth Coaching UK

This resource has been prepared on the premise that the reader already has access to general resources about coaching and coaching skills, and about coaching models and approaches, eg GROW, GROWTH, solution-focused coaching etc. It includes resources specific to education only, and does not include other more general coaching publications.

th Referencing this resource (example is APA style 7 edition): van Nieuwerburgh, C. & Barr, M. (Eds.). (2020, May 31). Resources for coaching in education: Useful research and references. Growth Coaching International.

Resources for coaching in education: Useful research and references 31 May 2020 1

The compilers Professor Christian van Nieuwerburgh is Executive Director of Growth Coaching International, Professor of Coaching and Positive at the University of East London (UK) and Honorary Fellow at the Centre of of the Melbourne Graduate School of Education at the University of Melbourne (Australia). Christian is recognised as a thought-leader in the field of coaching in education, and has published numerous articles, book chapters and books on the topic. He regularly delivers keynote addresses globally and undertakes research into the application of coaching and positive psychology in educational settings.

Margaret Barr is Growth Coaching International’s Lead Associate (Scotland). She has been a secondary school head teacher and mentor for aspiring and new head teachers on the Scottish Qualification for Headship programme, and she holds MSc Coaching Psychology. Margaret coaches education leaders and facilitates professional development programmes in coaching. She is a research supervisor on the MSc Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology (MAPPCP) programme at the University of East London, a Book Review Editor of Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice, and an author of journal articles and book chapters about coaching in education.

Contents Work in Progress, and Global Framework page 3 Using this resource – tips and techniques page 4

The categories 1. Websites page 5 2. Blogs and Social Media page 6 3. Journal Articles page 7 4. Books and book chapters page 42 5. Reports and other publications page 50

Resources for coaching in education: Useful research and references 31 May 2020 2

This resource is a work-in-progress

• We welcome your engagement as we collate these resources. Please email: [email protected] with: o suggestions for additional research and references o information about corrections o information that a hyperlink is no longer active o other suggestions or questions.

• In due course: o this resource will be converted to a searchable database o there will be links to full articles where copyright permits, and reviews of the articles. o the resources may be further categorized to match the Global Framework for Coaching and Mentoring in Education: ▪ Coaching for educational leadership ▪ Coaching for professional practice ▪ Coaching for student experience ▪ Coaching for community engagement.

Resources for coaching in education: Useful research and references 31 May 2020 3

Using this Resource - Tips and Techniques

• The hyperlinks in this document lead to publishers’ websites. You can also find articles and books through digital library services such as:

o EBSCO o ERIC o Emerald Insight.

• If the purpose of your reading is academic research, you should access the actual journal article, so that you can reference correctly in your article or dissertation (eg volume number, issue number, page numbers, DOI). The resources in this document are presented in American Psychological Association (APA) style. Please check with your academic institution which style should be used.

• If the purpose of your reading is not academic research, you can also use articles in other formats. For example:

o Sometimes authors publish the source text of their journal articles on their personal websites (eg o Sometimes articles or draft versions are available on open access sites such as ResearchGate, ProQuest, Academia. o Some universities have repositories of articles written by their staff and students, eg,

• You can often find additional information by using a search engine (eg Google).

• Technical tips:

o Please note that some hyperlinks may not work on some browsers. For example if a hyperlink does not work with Safari, please try Firefox, Edge, Internet Explorer or Chrome. o The hyperlinks work best on a laptop or desktop, both PC and Mac.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

Resources for coaching in education: Useful research and references 31 May 2020 4


ASCD (formerly the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development) •

ASCD (Association for supervision and Curriculum Development) • • (Virginia ASCD)





GROWTH COACHING INTERNATIONAL • o Articles: o Videos: o Podcasts: Podcasts are also on iTunes and other podcast apps. Search for ‘coaching in education’ o Case Studies: studies?country=au •

Resources for coaching in education: Useful research and references 31 May 2020 5

1. WEBSITES continued


NATIONAL COLLEGE FOR TEACHING AND LEADERSHIP - ARCHIVE • school/coaching • skills/mccore-s01/mccore-s01-t04.html




Chris Munro: Deborah M. Netolicky:

@gcieducation @CmunroOz @penpad26 @ChristianvN @jimknight99 @ClaudiaOwad @JohnGCI @jpgci @bcalleja12 @DrRLofthouse @MargaretBarr1 @tristateach

• #CollectiveEd. Professor Rachel Lofthouse. The mentoring and coaching hub of Leeds Beckett University, UK • #educoachOC (Twitter chat about coaching in education): • #educoach (Twitter chat about instructional coaching)

Resources for coaching in education: Useful research and references 31 May 2020 6


Aas, M., & Fluckiger, B. (2016). The role of a group coach in the professional learning of school leaders. Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice, 9(1), 38- 52.

Adams, M. (2012). Problem-focused coaching in a mainstream primary school: Reflections on PRACTICE. The Coaching , 8(1), 27–-37.

Adams, M. (2012). Coaching psychology in schools: Supporting staff performance and well- being. Coaching Psychology International, 5(1), pp. 13–21.

Aderibigbe, S. A. (2013). Peer coaching as an institutionalised tool for professional development: The of tutors in a Nigerian college. Journal of Workplace Learning, 25(2), 125–140.

Allan, P. (2007). The benefits and impacts of a coaching and mentoring programme for teaching staff in secondary school. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, 5(2), 12–21.

Anderson, J. & Gristy, C. (2013). Coaching of staff in schools: What can we learn from the new role of the Masters in Teaching and Learning in-school coach for schools and the higher education tutors working alongside them? Journal of Education for Teaching, 39(1), 107-122.

Anderson, V., & Wallin, P. (2018). Instructional coaching: Enhancing instructional leadership in schools. National Teacher Education Journal, 11(2), 53-60.

Anstey, L., & Clarke, B. (2010). Leading and supporting mathematics teacher change: The case of teaching and learning coaches. Mathematics Teacher Education and Development, 12(2), 5-31.

Anthony, D. P., & van Nieuwerburgh, C. J. (2018) A thematic analysis of the experience of educational leaders introducing coaching into schools. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 7(4), 343-356.

Anthony, L. (2019). ‘Inside-out’ coaching – how a new understanding of the mind re-framed our vision of well-being. A practice insight Working Paper. CollectivED Working Papers (8), 39- 43. Carnegie School of Education, Leeds Beckett University.

Asghar, A. (2010). Reciprocal peer coaching and its use as a formative assessment strategy for first-year students. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 35(4), 403-417.

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Ashley, K. & North Star TSA. (2018). Working together: Coaching as the compass in the journey of implementation. CollectivED Working Papers Working Papers (5), pp. 12-16. Carnegie School of Education, Leeds Beckett University.

Atwal, K. (2019). The Thinking School – the value of coaching. A research Working Paper. CollectivED Working Papers (8), 11-17. Carnegie School of Education, Leeds Beckett University.

Austin, N. & Churches, R. (2010). Towards a coaching culture. School Leadership Today, 2(3), 24–27.

Austin, N., & Churches, R. (2009). Coaching with impact. School Leadership Today.

Austin, N. & Churches, R. (2009). Questions – the key to unlocking potential. School Leadership Today.

Austin, N. & Churches, R. (2009). Rapport: The essential ingredient. School Leadership Today.

Avant, R. C. (2012). Instructional coaching and emotional . (Doctoral dissertation, Mills College, Oakland, California). (UMI number 3509025). ProQuest Dissertations.

Averill, R., Drake, M., Anderson, D. & Anthony, G. (2016). The use of questions within in-the- moment coaching in initial mathematics teacher education: Enhancing participation, reflection, and co-construction in rehearsals of practice. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 44(5), 486-503.

Bai, B., Song, H., & Zhang, Q. (2019). Catering for teachers’ individual teaching differences in China: The case of forming reciprocal coaching circles supported by university-based teacher educators. Journal of Education for Teaching, 45(2), 214-218.

Barr, M. (2015). Open to learning. Coaching at Work 10(3), 42–45. [Evidence for coaching in education]

Barr, M. & van Nieuwerburgh, C. (2015) Teachers’ experiences of an introductory coaching training workshop in Scotland: An interpretative phenomenological analysis. International Coaching Psychology Review, 10(2), 190-204.

Barry, M., Murphy, M., & O’Donovan, H. (2017). Assessing the effectiveness of a cognitive behavioural group coaching intervention in reducing symptoms of depression among adolescent males in a school setting. International Coaching Psychology Review, 12(2)

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Batt, E.G. (2010). Cognitive coaching: A critical phase in professional development to implement sheltered instruction. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26(4), 997-1005.

Bell, A. E., Meyer, H. S., & Maggio, L. A. (2019). Getting better together: A website review of peer coaching initiatives for medical educators. Teaching and Learning in Medicine. Published online

Ben-Peretz, M., Gottlieb, E., & Gideon, I. (2018). Coaching between experts – Opportunities for teachers’ professional development. Teacher Development, 22(3), 303-313.

Bennett, P. N. (2019). Teacher coaching in New Zealand secondary schools: An exploratory study. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 8(2), 70-85.

Berg, A. & Moore Mensah, F. (2014). De-marginalizing science in the elementary classroom by coaching teachers to address perceived dilemmas. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 22(57), 1-31.

Berry, J. (2019). Leadership to support a coaching culture. A think piece Working Paper. CollectivED Working Papers (7), 14-16. Carnegie School of Education, Leeds Beckett University.

Bertrand, D. W. (2019). The practice of executive coaching to improve leadership capacity in academic deans at American higher education institutions. Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice, 12(2), 110-124.

Birkeland, S., Lemons, R. W. & Stevenson, I. (2015). Improving schools one conversation at a time. Improving Schools from Within. 10(20).

Blackman, A. (2010). Coaching as a leadership development tool for teachers. Professional Development in Education, 36(3), 421–441.

Blackmore, K. (2019). Asking the right questions: An exploration into the introduction of co- coaching within initial teacher science education. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 8(3), 163-181.

Bodur, Y., & Crawford, K. M. (2016) Peer coaching in preservice teacher education: Different approaches and different effects. Teacher Education & Practice, 29(2).

Bostwick, R. & Blackman-Hegan, R. (2019). Growing coaching through partnership. A think piece working paper. CollectivED (9), 95-97, Carnegie School of Education, Leeds Beckett University.

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Bowman, C. L., & McCormick, S. (2000). Comparison of peer coaching versus traditional supervision effects. The Journal of Educational Research, 98(4), 256-261.

Boyatzis, R.E., Smith, M.L. & Beveridge, A.J. (2013). Coaching with compassion: Inspiring health, well-being, and development in organizations. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 49(2), 153-178.

Briggs, M. (2018). Accountability pressures in coaching practice in primary schools. CollectivED (2), 11-15, Carnegie School of Education, Leeds Beckett University.

Briggs, M., & van Nieuwerburgh, C. (2010). The development of peer coaching skills in primary school children in years 5 and 6. Procedia — Social and Behavioral Sciences, 9, 1415–1422.

Briggs, M., & van Nieuwerburgh, C. (2011). Coaching cultures: The child’s perspective. ICERI 2011 Proceedings, 5076–5083.

Briggs, M. & van Nieuwerburgh, C. (2011). Ways of working. Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice, 4(2), 163–167.

Brown, C. S. (2011). Implementing preschool curriculum: Mentoring and coaching as key components to teacher professional development. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences, 71(10-A), 3523.

Brown, S., Harrell, S., & Browning, S. (2017). Models of influence on mathematics instructional coaches. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 25(5), 566-588.

Browne, L. (2006). Proposing a proximal principle between peer coaching and staff development as a driver for transformation. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring 4(1), 31–44.

Burns, L., & Gillon, E. (2011). Developing a teaching agenda for coaching psychology in undergraduate programmes. The Coaching Psychologist, 7(2).

Burton, S. (2019). Book review of ‘A quick guide to video coaching’ by Jim Thompson and Casey Kosiorek (2018). CollectivED Working Papers (8), 58-59. Carnegie School of Education, Leeds Beckett University.

Cantore, S. & Hick, W. (2013). Dialogic OD in practice: Conversational approaches to change in a UK primary school. OD Practitioner, 45(1), 5–10.

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Celoria, D. & Hemphill, D. (2012). Coaching from the coaches’ perspective: A process-oriented focus. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 3(1), 72–85.

Chaaban, Y, & Abu-Tineh, A. (2017). Instructional coaches’ perceptions of professional development: An exploration of the Qatari school-based support program. International Journal of Mentoring and coaching in Education, 6(4), 266-284.

Chaplin, S. (2007). A model of student success: Coaching students to develop critical thinking skills in introductory biology courses. International Journal for The Scholarship Of Teaching and Learning, 1(2).

Chapman, C. & Collins, A. (2009). Mentoring and coaching. Professional Development Today, 11(3), 32–42.

Charteris. J., & Smardon, D. (2013). Second look – second think: A fresh look at video to support dialogic feedback in peer coaching. Professional Development in Education, 39(2), 168-185.

Charteris, J. & Smardon, D. (2014). Dialogic peer coaching as teacher leadership for professional inquiry. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 3(2), 108–124.

Chivers, C. (2017). Coaching and mentoring. CollectivED Working Papers (1), 46-49, Carnegie School of Education, Leeds Beckett University.

Clonan, S. M., Chafouleas, S. M., McDougal, J. L., & Riley-Tillman, T. C. (2004). Positive psychology goes to school: Are we there yet? Psychology in the Schools, 41(1), 101–110.

Coburn, C. E., & Woulfin, S. L. (2012). Reading coaches and the relationship between policy and practice. Reading Research Quarterly, 47(1), 5–30.

Collet, V. S. (2015). The Gradual Increase of Responsibility Model for coaching teachers: Scaffolds for change. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 4(4), 269- 292.

Cordingley, P. (2006). Coaching and mentoring: A national framework. Professional Learning Today. Spring, 7–9.

Daczewitz, M., Meadan-Kaplansky, H., & Borders, C. (2019). PiCs: Telepractice coaching for a parent of a child who is hard-of-hearing. Deafness and Educational International. Published online

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Davis, M. H., McPartland, J. M., Pryseski, C., & Kim, E. (2018). The effects of coaching on English teachers’ reading insruction practices and adolescent students’ reading comprehension. Literacy Research & Instruction, Jul-Sep2018, 57(3), 255-275.

Dawson, K., & Bondy, E. (2003). Reconceptualiszing the instruction of a teacher educator: Reflective peer coaching in teacher education. Teaching Education, 14(3), 319-331.

Davies, K., Munro, H. & Barnes, C. (2019). Metacognitive minds: Contextualised specialist coaching. A practice insight paper. CollectivED (9), 48-51, Carnegie School of Education, Leeds Beckett University.

Davis, M. H., McPartland, M. J., Pryseski, C., & Kim, E. (2018). The effects of coaching on English teachers’ reading instruction practices and adolescent students’ reading comprehension. Literacy Research and Instruction, 57(3), 255-275.

Day, N. K. (2015). A synthesis of action research on coaching. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 18(1), 88–105.

De Jong, D., & Campoli, A. (2018). Curricular coaches’ impact on retention for early-career elementary teachers in the USA: Implications for urban schools. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 7(2), 191-200.

Denton, C. & Hasbrouck, J. (2009). A description of instructional coaching and its relationship to consultation. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 19(2): 150–175.

Devaney, L. (2015). Leadership coaching could help teachers boost student achievement. eSchool News. Retrieved May 2017 from

Devine, M., Meyers, R. & Houssemand, C. (2013). How can coaching make a positive impact within educational settings? Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 93, 1382–1389.

Diamantopoulou, E. (2008). The impact of coaching in a Greek nursery school. Grin Verlag.

Di Domenico, P. M., Elish-Piper, L., Manderino, M., & L’Allier, S. K. (2018). Coaching to support disciplinary literacy instruction: Navigating complexity and challenges for sustained teacher change. Literacy Research & Instruction, 57(2), 81-99.

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Dorrington, L., & van Nieuwerburgh, C. (2015). The development of peer coaching skills in primary school children: an exploration of how children respond to feedback. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 5(1), 50–54.

Dowley, M. (2019). Coaching supervision. A practice insight paper. CollectivED (9), 81-83, Carnegie School of Education, Leeds Beckett University.

Drake, M. R. A. (2016) Learning to coach in practice-based teacher education: A self- study. Studying Teacher Education, 12(3), 244-266.

Dresser, R. & Asato, J. (2014). Coaching, not correcting. Multicultural Education, 22(1), 46-50.

Eastman, C. (2019), "The developmental needs of coaches and coachees: A meta-synthesis of IJMCE Volumes 1–7", International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 8(3), 217-227.

Elek, C., & Page, J. (2018). Critical features of effective coaching for early childhood educators: a review of empirical research literature. Professional Development in Education. Published online 28 March 2018.

Ermeling, B., Young, K., & Tatsui, T. (2015). Virtual coaching for instructional leaders: A multi- method investigation of technology-enabled external assistance. Teachers College Record, 117, 110303, November 2015, 1-48.

Ewing, F. (2019). A difference of opinion: Reflecting on attitudes to coaching as a woman. Moor End Academy CollectivED Working Papers, 17-20, Carnegie School of Education, Leeds Beckett University.

Feasey, S. (2017). Community capacity building coaching. CollectivED (1), 43-44, Carnegie School of Education, Leeds Beckett University.

Fields, R. (2018). Students’ perceptions of an executive coaching intervention: A of an enabling education programme. Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice, 11(2), 102-116.

Forde, C., McMahon, M. & Gronn, P. (2013). Designing individualised leadership development programmes. School Leadership & Management: Formerly School Organisation. 33(5), 440–456.

Forde, C., McMahon, M., Gronn, P. & Martin, M. (2013). Being a leadership development coach: A multi-faceted role. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 41(1), 105.

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Fried, R. R., Atkins, M. P., & Irwin, J. D. (2019). Breaking grad: Building resilience among a sample of graduate students struggling with stress and anxiety via a peer coaching model – An 8-month pilot study. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, 17(2), 3-9.

Fried, R. R., & Irwin, J. D. (2016). Calmly coping: A motivational interviewing via co-active life coaching (MI-VIA-CALC) pilot intervention for university students with perceived levels of high stress. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, 14(1), 16-33.

Galey, S. (2016). The evolving role of instructional coaches in U.S. policy contexts. The William and Mary Educational Review, 4(2),

Gallagher, T. L., & Bennett, S. M. (2018). The six “P” model: Principles of coaching for inclusion coaches. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 7(1), 19-34.

Gallant, A. & Gilham, V. (2014). Differentiated coaching: Developmental needs of coaches. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 3(3), 237–254.

Gallucci, C., DeVoogt Van Lare, M., Yoon, I. H., & Boatright, B. (2010). Instructional coaching: Building theory about the role and organizational support for professional learning. American Educational Research Journal, 47(4).

Gardiner, W., & Weisling, N. (2016). Mentoring ‘inside’ the action of teaching: Induction coaches’ perspectives and practices. Professional Development in Education, 42(5), 671-686.

Gersten, R. Morvant, M. & Brengelman, S. (1995). Close to the classroom is close to the bone: Coaching as a means to translate research into classroom practice. Exceptional Children, 62(1), 52-66.

Ghosh, R., Callahan, J., & Hammrich, P. (2020) Supporting teachers who witness student bullying: (Re)shaping perceptions through peer coaching in action learning. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 9(1), 87-102.

Gillaspy, E. (2019). Developing the congruent academic through an integrated coaching approach. International Journal for Academic Development. Published online

Goff, P., Goldring, E., Guthrie, J. E. & Bickman, L. (2014). Changing principals’ leadership through feedback and coaching. Journal of Educational Administration, 52(5), 682–704.

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Goker, S.D. (2006), Impact of peer coaching on self-efficacy and instructional skills in TEFL teacher education, System 34(2), 239-254.

Gore, M. (2014). The implementation of coaching to enhance the classroom practice of staff in teaching pupils with autism in a generic special school. Good Autism Practice, 15(1), 14–21.

Graham, G. (2013). A coach-therapy journey: Destination ICT with parents. Association of Integrative Coach-Therapist Professionals, 6, 16–20.

Grant, A.M., Green, L.S. & Rynsaardt, J. (2010). Developmental coaching for high school teachers: Executive coaching goes to school. Journal: Practice and Research, 62(3), 151–168.

Gray, J. (2017). Leadership-focused coaching: A research-based approach for supporting aspiring leaders. International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation, 13(1), 100-120.

Green, L. S., Grant, A.M. and Rynsaardt, J. (2007). Evidence-based life coaching for senior high school students: Building hardiness and hope. International Coaching Psychology Review, 2(1), 24–32.

Green, L. S., Norrish, J. M., Vella-Brodrick, D. A. & Grant, A. M. (2013). Enhancing well-being and goal striving in senior high school students: Comparing evidence-based coaching and positive psychology interventions. Institute of Coaching, Breaking Research, Scientific findings from Harnisch Grant Recipients.

Green, L. S., Oades, L. G., and Grant, A. M. (2006). Cognitive-behavioural, solution focused life coaching: Enhancing goal striving, well-being and hope. Journal of Positive Psychology, 1(3), 142–149.

Guiney, E. (2001). Coaching isn’t just for athletes: The role of teacher leaders. Phi Delta Kappan, 82(10), 740–743.

Gynnild, V., Holstad, A., & Myrhaug, D. (2007). Teaching as coaching: A case study of awareness and learning in enginerring education. International Journal of Science Education, 29(1), 1-17.

Hagen, M. S., Bialek, T. K., & Peterson, S. L. (2017). The nature of peer coaching: Definitions, goals, processes and outcomes. European Journal of Training and Development, 41(6), 540- 558.

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Hale, M. (2016). Learning coaches. Professional Development Today.

Hamman, D., Berthelot, J., Saia, J. & Crowley, E. (2000). Teachers’ coaching of learning and its relation to students’ strategic learning. Journal of , 92(2), 342–348.

Haneda, M., Teemant, A., & Sherman, B. (2017). Instructional coaching through dialogic interaction: Helping a teacher to become agentive in her practice. Language and Education, 31(1), 46-64.

Hanson, L. (2011). The life of a literacy coach. Educational Leadership, 69(2), 78–81.

Hanson, H., & Hoyos, C. (2015). The shift from "me" to "we:" Schools with a coaching culture build individual and collective capacity. Journal of Staff Development, 36(2), 42–45.

Harbour, K. E., Adelson, J. L., Pittard, C. M., & Karp, K. S. (2018). Examining the relationships among mathematics coaches and specialists, student achievement, and disability status: A multilevel analysis using national assessment of educational progress data. Elementary School Journal, 118(4), 654-679.

Hargreaves, E. (2010). Knowledge construction and personal relationship: Insights about a UK university mentoring and coaching service. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 18(2), 107–120.

Harris, A. & Jones, M. (2015). Improving learning through teacher leadership [Blog post]. Scottish College for Educational Leadership Blog. Retrieved on June 14 from

Harrison, L. (2019). The potential benefits of peer-coaching models for ‘western’ teachers in a Chinese ELT context. An abridged essay. CollectivED Working Papers (7), 75-82. Carnegie School of Education, Leeds Beckett University.

Heineke, S.F. (2013). Coaching discourse: supporting teachers’ professional learning, The Elementary School Journal, 113(3), 409-433.

Helmer, J., Bartlett, C., Wolgemuth, J.R., & Lea, T. (2011). Coaching (and) commitment: Linking ongoing professional development, quality teaching and student outcomes. Professional Development in Education, 37(2), 197-211.

Henderson, J. (2011). Executive coaching and educational leaders. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Retrieved from

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Hnasko, A. (2020). The work of early childhood coaches in one US state. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 9(2), 137-152. 2019-0010

Hohensee, C., & Lewis, W. E. (2018). Building bridges: A cross-disciplinary peer-coaching self- study. Studying Teacher Education. Published online

Hoffman, J. V., Wetzel, M. M., Maloch, B., Greeter, E., Taylor, L., DeJulio, S., & Vlach, S. K. (2015). What can we learn from studying the coaching interactions between co-operating teachers and preservice teachers? A literature review. Teaching and Teacher Education, 52, 99-112.

Hollweck, T. (2018). A pracademic’s exploration of mentoring, coaching and induction in the Western Quebec School Board. CollectivED, 4, 31-40.

Hollweck, T. (2018). What happened in Vegas should NOT stay in Vegas: Sharing key learning from the 2018 Teaching Learning Coaching (TLC) conference. CollectivED Working Papers (6), 70-76. Carnegie School of Education, Leeds Beckett University.

Hollweck, T. (2019). “I love this stuff!”: A Canadian case study of mentor-coach well-being. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education. DOI 10.1108/IJMCE-02-2019- 0036

Hooker, T. (2011). An investigation into the benefits of peer coaching: Students supporting students. (Masters thesis). University of Waikato, New Zealand. Retrieved from

Hooker, T. (2013). Peer coaching: A review of the literature. Waikato Journal of Education, 18(2), 129–139.

Hooker, T. (2014). The benefits of peer coaching as a support system for early childhood education students. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, 12(1), 109–122.

Houchens, G. W., Stewart, T. A., & Jennings, S. (2017). Enhancing instructional leadership through collaborative coaching: A multi-case study. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 6(1), 34-49.

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Houston, J. A. (2015). Coaching for change: Amount of instructional coaching support to transfer science inquiry skills from professional development to classroom practice. Educational Administration: Theses, Dissertations, and Student Research. 223.

Howley, A. A., Dudek, M. H., Rittenberg, R. & Larson, W. (2014). The development of a valid and reliable instrument for measuring instructional coaching skills. Professional Development in Education, 40(5), 779–801.

Hudson, P. J., Miller, S. P., & Salzberg, C. L. (1994). The role of peer coaching in teacher education programs. Teacher Education and Special Education: The Journal of the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children, 17, 224-235.

Huff, J., Preston, C., & Goldring, E. (2013). Implementation of a coaching program for school principals: Evaluating coaches’ strategies and the results. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 41(4), 504-526.

Huguet, A., Marsh, J. A. & Farrell, C. C. (2014). Building teachers’ data-use capacity: Insights from strong and developing coaches. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 22(52), 1-27.

Hunt, C. S. (2014). Discursive tactical negotiations within and across literacy coaching interactions. (UMI No. 3609729) [Doctoral dissertation, Illinois State University]. ProQuest LLC.

Hunt, C. S. (2016). Getting to the heart of the matter: Discursive negotiations of within literacy coaching interactions. Teaching and Teacher Education, 60, 331-343.

Hunt, C. S. (2019). Professional learning as breaking away: Discourses of teacher development within literacy coaching interactions. Literacy Research and Instruction, 58(3), 123-141.

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Lowery, K. (2019). Educators’ perceptions of the value of coach mindset development for their well-being. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching, 8(4), 310-324.

McCracken, J. (2016). Clean language in the classroom. Crown House.

Mihaly, K., Master, B. & Yoon, C. (2015). Examining the early impacts of the Leading Educators Fellowship on student achievement and teacher retention. Rand Corporation.

Morse, A. (2009). Cultivating a math coaching practice: A guide for K-8 math educators. Corwin Press.

Moxley, D.E. & Taylor, R.T. (2006). Literacy coaching: A handbook for school leaders. Corwin Press.

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Nolan, M.E. (2007). Mentor coaching and leadership in early care and education. Thomson.

Pask, R. & Joy, B. (2007). Mentoring—coaching: A handbook for education professionals. Open University Press/McGraw Hill Education.

Ratner, H., & Yusuf, D. (2015). Brief coaching with children and young people: A solution focused approach. Routledge.

Reiss, K. (2007). Leadership coaching for educators: Bringing out the best in school administrators. Corwin Press.

Robbins, P. (2015). Peer coaching to enrich professional practice, school culture, and student learning. ASCD.

Robertson, J. (2008). Coaching educational leadership: Building leadership capacity through partnership. Sage.

Robertson, J. (2016). Coaching leadership: Building educational leadership capacity through coaching partnerships (2nd ed.). NZCER Press.

Showers, B. (1984). Peer coaching: A strategy for facilitating transfer of training. Center for Educational Policy and Management.

Sisson, D., & Sisson, B. (2017). The literacy coaching handbook: Working with teachers to increase student achievement. Routledge.

Smith, J. R., & Smith, R. L. (2018). Impact coaching: Scaling instructional leadership. Sage.

Spencer-Waterman, S. (2013). Mentoring and coaching tips: How educators can help each other. Routledge.

Sweeney, D. (2011). Student-centred coaching: A guide for K-8 coaches and principals. Corwin.

Sweeney, D. & Harris, L. S. (2017). Student-centered coaching: The moves. Corwin.

Sweeney, D., & Mausbach, A. (2018). Leading student-centred coaching: Building principal and coach partnerships. Corwin.

Taylor, P.R. (2007). Motivating your team: Coaching for performance in schools. Paul Chapman.

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Tolhurst, J. (2010). The essential guide to coaching and mentoring: Practical skills for teachers. Pearson.

Tschannen-Moran, B. & Tschannen-Moran, M. (2010). Evocative coaching: Transforming schools one conversation at a time. Jossey- Bass.

Tschannen-Moran, B., & Tschannen-Moran, M. (2017). Evoking greatness: Coaching to bring out the best in educational leaders. Corwin.

van Nieuwerburgh, C. (Ed.) (2012). Coaching in education: Getting better results for students, educators and parents. Karnac.

van Nieuwerburgh, C. & Barr, M. (2016). Coaching in education. In T. Bachkirova, G. Spence & D. Drake The SAGE Handbook of Coaching. Sage.

van Nieuwerburgh, C., & Green, S. (2014). Developing mental toughness in young people: coaching as an applied positive psychology. In D. Strycharczyk & P. Clough (Eds.), Developing mental toughness in young people for the twenty first century. Karnac.

van Nieuwerburgh, C., Knight, J., & Campbell, J. (2019). Coaching in education, in S. English, J. M. Sabatine & P. Brownell (Eds.). Professional coaching: Principles and practice (pp. 411-426). Springer Publishing Company LLC.

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Vass, A. (2016). Coaching in schools pocketbook. Teachers’ Pocketbooks. (Coaching in Schools updates and replaces the Coaching & Reflecting Pocketbook.)

Walpole, S., McKenna, M. C. (2013). The literacy coach’s handbook: A guide to research- based practice (2nd ed.). Routledge.

West, L. & Staub, F.C. (2003). Content-focused coaching: Transforming mathematics lessons. Heinemann.

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Sackman, R. (2013). Guide to coaching school principals in Minnesota: Incorporating coaching strategies into principal development and evaluation. Roseville, MN: Minnesota Department of Education.

Sartain, L., Stoelinga, S.R. & Brown, E.R. (2011). Rethinking teacher evaluation in Chicago: Lessons learned from classroom observations, principal-teacher conferences, and district implementation. Consortium on Chicago School Research, University of Chicago.

Schleicher, A. (Ed.). (2012). Preparing teachers and developing school leaders for the 21st century: Lessons from around the world. OECD Publishing.

Suggett, N. (2006). Time for coaching. Nottingham: National College for School Leadership.

Timperley, H. (2015). Professional conversations and improvement-focused feedback: A review of the research literature and the impact on practice and student outcomes. Prepared for the Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership, AITSL, Melbourne.

Wong, K. & Nicotera, A. (2003). Enhancing teacher quality: Peer coaching as a professional development strategy: A preliminary synthesis of the literature. Washington, DC: Institute of Education Sciences (ED).

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