SPECIALISING IN QUALITY ESTATE ITEMS & PRIVATE COLLECTIONS GREYTOWN AUCTION SATURDAY 1 AUGUST – 1PM All photos and full catalogue available online now. www.wakefieldauctions.co.nz Complete clearance of a Carterton engineer’s workshop plus a great selection of motoring memorabilia including vintage motoring signage and other advertising. Plenty of items for the man & she cave. Other items include two Morris Minor cars, vintage Massey Ferguson tractors plus parts. Definitely an Auction to attend if you are a collector of any the above items. Prebidding for this Auction for registered buyers starts on Saturday 26 July. Email
[email protected] New Address: 68 Main Street, Greytown (behind the Hospice Shop) Viewing Dates: Thursday 30 July – 1pm until 6pm Friday 31 July - 11am until 4pm Saturday 1 August – 11am. You can also register and leave absentee bids on any of the above days ABSENTEE BIDS ACCEPTED IF YOU CAN’T ATTEND THIS INTERESTING SALE Buyer’s premium 15 percent plus GST on the premium only Motor vehicles – buyer’s premium 10 percent plus GST on the premium only Enquiries email
[email protected] Phone Mike on 0274 453 152 / Steve on 0274 422 502 Wakefield Auctions Greytown Located at new premises - 68 Main Street, Greytown (behind the Hospice Shop) Saturday 1st August, 1pm start No. Description of Lot No. Description of Lot 1 Large workshop drill press 45 Box of assorted files 2 Workshop press 46 A box of rasps and files 3 Tool box with assorted tools 47 3 tape vintage imperial tape measures 4 Mobile multi drawer