


+ Htt 1* « + >> m ^ m m us * China Nuclear Information Centre Atomic Energy Press CNIC-01390



1999 • 8 1998 01231-CNIC-01330) (INIS



The bibliographies and abstracts of China Nuclear Science and Technology Reports published in 1998 (Report Numbers CNIC-01231 —CNIC-O133O) are presented. The items are arranged according to INIS subject categories, which mainly are physical sciences, chemistry, materials, earth sciences, life sciences, isotopes, isotope and radiation applications, engineering and technology, and other aspects of nuclear energy. The numbers on the left corners of the entries are report numbers, and on the right corners the serial numbers. A report number index is annexed. TABLE OF CONTENTS

A00.00 %MM¥ PHYSICAL SCIENCES (1) B00.00 it¥, jfmtjjtitf&ft^ CHEMISTRY, MATERIALS AND EARTH SCIENCES (10) C00.00 £ifr#^ LIFE SCIENCES (34) D00.00 ||&|t> IWJ&fljSffl-^ltJ&ffl ISOTOPES, ISOTOPE AND RADIATION APPLICATIONS (47) E00.00 XU^&^ ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (49) F00.00 & ffc ^ % fnj M OTHER ASPECTS OF NUCLEAR ENERGY (70) A00.00 t/Sf-4^ PHYSICAL SCIENCES A10.00 Mt/3^ GENERAL PHYSICS A11.00 $^$l3- WilSHt^/JI^ Mathematical and General theoretical Physics

CNIC-01313; CAEP-0002 980001 mm, mmit, ^mR(^mx.n^mm%u, $#,610003)

tfl(PVP), Challenge #1 (SMP) fP YH-3 *fl (MPP)

The Numerical Parallel Computing of Photon Transport/HUANG Qingnan, LIANG Xiaoguang, ZHANG Lifa (China Academy of Engineering Physics, Chengdu, 610003) (In Chinese) The parallel computing of photon transport is investigated; the parallel algorithm and the parallelization of programs on parallel computers both with shared memory and with distributed memory are discussed. By analyzing the inherent law of the mathematics and physics model of photon transport according to the structure feature of parallel computers, using the strategy of "to divide and conquer", adjusting the algorithm structure of the program, dissolving the data relationship, finding parallel liable ingredients and creating large grain parallel subtasks, the sequential computing of photon transport is efficiently transformed into parallel and vector computing. The program was run on various HP parallel computers such as the YH-I (PVP), the Challenge (SMP) and the YH-3 (MPP) and very good parallel speed up has been gotten.

A12.00 Hi^^^^ Atomic and Molecular Physics

CNIC-01276; SUINST-0018 980002 uo #^S& x3s-*n;1£& 1z+toft:pa3&it*/i£d36 ^^^gft? i$M> 610065); 610003)

. tt3lrfrffl% 0.1833 nm^P 6.9241 eV, ft '+^iJ^J 0.1825 nm m 8.2651 eV, |W)!tf, fflS^^W MP2 M Murrell-Sorbie ^itg®t£, ^it»* A//°^/6.331 kJ/mol, fe

CNIC-01277; SUINST-0019 980003

610003) m 27 Tho &-%mm^®fc®& , ^•^m^mi^^m^^^' (RECP) mur, m G94w mm CISD ThO #-^& 'l+^O^^^ H3A W Murrell-Sorbie

Quantum Mechanical Calculation On the Electronic States X'Z+and H3A of ThO/GAOTao, WANG Hongyan, YI Yougen, RAN Ming, JIANG Gang, ZHU Zhenghe (Insititute of Atomic and Molecular Physics, Schuan Union University, Chengdu, 610065); FU Yibei, SUN Ying, TANG Yongjian, WANG Xiaolin (Southwestern Insititute of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry, Chengdu, 610003) (In Chinese) Using the full relativistic quantum mechanics (GRASP II), all the 27 electronic states of Th consisting of the electronic configurations [Rn] 6d27s2, [Rn] 6d37s'and 4 3 [Rn] 6d have been calculated. The ground states [CSF] of Th is F2. Based on the theory of atomic and molecular reactive statics (AMRS), the ground state X'S+ and excited state H3A for ThO and their reasonable dissociative limits are successfully derived. Using the CISD method (Configuration Interaction with Single and Double Substitutions) of Gaussian 94 and the RECP (relativistic effective core potential) for Th and basis 6-3llg for O, the full potential energy curves for X' S+ and H3Aof ThO has been calculated from which the Murrell-Sorbie function and the corresponding spectroscopic data are derived for the first time, which are in good agreement with experiments. In addition, the standard formation A If, A 5° and A G° for the X!E+ of ThO at 1 atm and 298 are also found out. It is revealed that the RECP method for atom and molecule of actinide is an effective way to calculate the actnide compounds.

A13.00 ItJ^ijyjjt^tJlI^ Solid state and Fluid Physics

CNIC-01251-, SIP-0103 980004


MHD Pressure Drop Effect Due to Two Dimensional Velocity Distribution/XU Zengyu, PAN Chuanjie, WEI Wenhao (Southwestern Institute of Physics, Chengdu) It is important that Magneto-hydro-dynamic (MHD) flow velocity distribution in cross section of duct are related to materials compatibility, heat transfer and MHD pressure drop. The experimental results of velocity distribution across rectangular duct on the center plane, and of two-dimensional (2D) MHD pressure drop effect due to 2D-velocity distribution are presented. The results showed that the boundaries and core velocity distribution on the center plane of the duct are increasing with Hartmann number M increasing, but the approach theory expected that core velocity distribution is decreasing with M increasing. The 2D effect factor for MHD pressure drop from the 2D-velocity distribution was also carried out. This explained the reason why numerical results of MHD pressure drop gradient are lower than that of experiments.

CNIC-01315; CAEP-0004 980005 , 610003)

A Two-dimensional Adaptive Numerical Grids Generation Method and Its Realization)/XU Tao, SHUI Hongshou (China Academy of Engineering Physics, Chengdu, 610003) {In Chinese) A two-dimensional adaptive numerical grids generation method and its particular realization is discussed. This method is effective and easy to realize if the control functions are given continuously, and the grids for some regions are showed in this case. For Computational Fluid Dynamics, because the control values of adaptive grids-numerical solution are given in dispersed form, it is needed to interpolate these values to get the continuous control functions. These interpolation techniques are discussed, and some efficient adaptive grids are given. A two- dimensional fluid dynamics example was also given.

A14.00 ^M^W^dM^-i&MB.W- Plasma Physics and Thermonuclear Reactions

CNIC-01254; SIP-0104 980006 iff, BMW (.mx^ffliamimmftfo, /SIP, 610041) & HL-1M i± ^M

The Switchover Density from Electron-Interaction to Ion-LHW interaction/XUE Siwen, LIU Yong, LIXiaodong, WANGEnyao, QIU Xiaoming (Southwestern Institute of Physics, Chengdu, 610041) The reproducible Lower Hybrid Wave (LHW) ion heating in the HL-1M tokamak has been successfully carried out at plasma densities higher than 4X 1013 cm3. A model based on the ion Landau damping, is proposed to explain the experimental results. It has been taken into account that the electrical field, perpendicular to the toroidal magnetic field, of wave in plasma is much higher than the parallel one. Along with the assumption of n,, upshifting of launched LHW spectrum, the switchover density obtained is in good agreement with experimental results of LHW ion heating performed in HL-1M as well as other tokamaks. The computational results reveal that the switchover density is very sensitive to the ratio of re to TX.

CNIC-01279; SIP-0105 980007 HL-1M 3$A^AI5K*«*^(*W^5K»##ffi»+'t«3iEf*«I*^!t#i4«r52/^JtiC, IB 610041)



Improved Plasma Confinement Characteristics and Central Magnetohydrodynamic Activity in Pellet Fuelled HL-1M Experiment/LIU Yi, GUO Gancheng, ZHONG Yunze, XIAO Zhenggui (Southwestern Institute of Physics, Chengdu, 610041) In HL-1M experiment, multiple pellets were injected into Ohmic discharge, good results for plasma confinement have been achieved. The energy confinement is enhanced by up to 30% over that of usual gas fuelled discharges after a series of pellet injections. The improvement is characterized by a pressure profile that peaks strongly around the central region. It was found that the peakedness depends strongly on penetration length of the pellets, and the characteristics of MHD activity changes with peakedness of pressure profile produced by pellet injection. On the other hand, the central MHD activity plays a key role in limiting the available peaking degree. The improved discharges characterized by a highly peaked pressure profile inside =\ surface degrade suddenly by a large sawtooth collapse. For deep penetration case, the pressure gradient in the central area becomes steep, the central magnetohydrodynamic activities are strongly affected by pellet injection. The large sawtooth crash tends to have more ideal-like characteristics in magnetic structure, which is usually observed in discharges of higher density and pressure values. The most conspicuous feature is that just at the early stage of the crash, the m=\ continuous oscillation merges into a very localized pressure perturbation.

CNIC-01312;CAEP-0001 980008


stark A Review on Advance of Coherent High-order Harmonic Generation in Strong Fields for VUV — Soft X-rays Source/SUN Jingwen (China Academy of Engineering Physics, Chengdu, 610003) (In Chinese) The recent advances concerning high-order harmonic generation results obtained with different laser systems in strong laser-fields are reviewed. The influence of the laser pulse width, the excitation wavelength (from the near infrared to the ultraviolet) and the atomic systems on the number of photons produced and on the maximum energy attained are investigated. Harmonic generation also depends strongly on the focusing conditions. Based on the experimental results form different references, a discussion is made on the characteristic harmonic distribution including a broad plateau, the role of ac stark effects in the plateau formation, the fundamental- wavelength dependence of harmonic generation.

CNIC-01319; CAEP-0007 980009 WTwa 610003) 0150-250 um, gff'J^ 1 um

Preparative Process for Hollow Glass Microsphere with Wall Thickness under 1 ^m/DU Shoude, WEI Sheng, SHI Tao (China Academy of Engineering Physics, Chengdu, 610003) (In Chinese) The process for mass producing the high quality glass microspheres has been developed for ICF in China. The wall thickness of these microspheres is less than one micron. The effect of each zone temperature of drop furnace, flow rate of furnace air, solid concentration in the glass forming solution and concentration of the blowing agent on parameters of glass microspheres such as diameter and wall thickness are systematically studied. Glass microspheres with walls under 1 urn thick and which satisfy the exacting surface and symmetry specifications of targets for Shen-Guang - II directly driven experiments are now produced routinely.

CNIC-01321; CAEP-0009 980010 14flr£/^Hf|!, M&, mx%, T&W, U«, BUM (^HT.fSt) 610003)

1=571 psfft, ^M^mmmnn CFWHM) gj85ops. mmmi^wi^iXMim^MW SMWi'lBjRM: m=1.06 jim, £L=106 J, = 550

(FWHM) %] 57 (xm; ^aA=035 ^m, £/.=25~38 J, r=510psB^, ^ M RIS (FWHM) ^J 27—37 nm. Temporal and Spatial Characters Measurement of Gold M-Band Emission/Ll Sanwei, FENGJie, MIAO Wenyong, DINGYongkun, WANGYaomei, TANG Daoyuan (China Academy of Engineering Physics, Chengdu, 610003) (In Chinese) Duration of gold M-band emission was measured to be 850 ps by coupling a crystal spectrometer to an X-ray streak camera under laser condition of X = 0.35 um, E,= 46 J, r= 571 ps. While the dimensions of gold M-band emission were measured

to be 57 u m and 27~39 u m under laser condition of X = 1.06 um , EL- 106 J, r =

550 ps and A= 0.35 \xm , EL= 25—38 J, r= 480—570 ps, respectively.

CNIC-01322; CAEP-0010 980011


7 0.35 ^m &%&.%&¥&&&&)*£.#) x %

C10H16O5fP C8H8^^#

C10H16O5 -^«gtt«S|gitEHeS0, C,0H16O5#l4

Study of Radiative Ablation to Low-Z Material and Energy Transport/YANG Jiamin, DING Yaonan, MIAO Wenyong, SUN Kexu, YI Rongqing, CHEN Zhenglin, WANG Hongbin, LI Sanwei, WANG Yaomei, WEN Shuhuai, ZHENG Zhijian, ZHANG Wenhai, YU Yanning (China Academy of Engineering Physics, Chengdu, 610003) (In Chinese) X-ray emissions from the gold foil target, irradiated by 0.35 um laser on the Xingguang facility, have been studied. A clean and intense X-ray source has been obtained from the rear of gold foil target by selection of irradiating laser parameters.

Then, characteristics of radiation ablation to low-Z material C8H8 and C10H16O5 and energy transport have been investigated comprehensively. Experimental results show that mass ablative rate of C10H16O5 are greater than those of CgHg due to its better match with the ablative source spectra.

CNIC-01324; CAEP-0012 980012 x ftmvt%mft/wnfB, M^m, m^m., ±m&, n?m, w. ^mi'M^mmm^, t&m, 610003) x%M&. %mm%.mi^mmjt, \>x 1014 nmm

Experimental Study of X-Ray Reemission from Different Material Target Heated by Radiation/SUN Kexu, YI Rongqing, YANG Jiamin, WANG Hongbin, HUANG Tianxuan, CUI Yanli, CHEN Jiusen, DING Yaonan, DING Yongkun (China Academy of Engineering Physics, Chengdu, 610003) (In Chinese) Experiments to study the soft X-ray reemission properties from different material heated by the radiation produced by laser plasma are reported. Thermal source is performed with the laser pulse (intensity 1014 W/cm2 ) to act on Au disk target in Xing Guang laser facility, which heated different materials. Temporal, spatial and spectral composition measurement is performed with varied soft X-ray diagnostic facilities. Finally, reemission time delay, reemission efficiency, reradiation spectrum construction and delay emission time-space properties of the stagnation plasma are given.

A30.00 4"^fS^-^^^S^ NEUTRON AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS A34.00 $£ttM-^^Ix/^ Nuclear Properties and Reactions

CNIC-01258; SUINST-0017 980013 ±m*=?&9$i&towtit/mbm, BEM 610064)

&ftmm&^m^ (n, 2n), (n, 3n), (n, n'a)+(n, an'),(n, n'p)+(n, pn'), (n, p), (n, ), (n, t), (n, a), (n, ) ft (n, 2p) ft. «tt^#ffi(DDCS), yrec£8fri8ft#Jg##. WflHKIgSSI 1996 flU+J UNF WfKjgifcitir. WiftmmU ENDF/-6 &^ft#*ftAt Hfig (CENDL-3)o Evaluation of Complete Neutron Nuclear Data for Natural Nickel/MA Gonggui WANG Shiming (Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology, Sichuan University, Chengdu, 610064) Some neutron nuclear data were evaluated for natNi in the energy range 105 eV to 20 MeV. The data included total, elastic, non elastic, total inelastic, inelastic cross sections to 33 discrete levels, inelastic continuum, (n, 2n), (n, 3n), (n, n'a)+(n, a n'), (n, n'p)+(n, pn'), (n, d), (n, t), (n, a), (n, y), (n, 2p) and capture cross sections. The angular distributions of secondary neutron, the double differential cross sections (DDCS), the gamma ray production data and the resonance parameters are also included. The evaluation is based on both experimental data measured up to 1996 and calculated data with program UNF. The evaluated data will be adopted into CENDL-3 in ENDF/B-6 format.

CNIC-01266; CNDC-0022; INDC(CPR)-044/L 980014 Communication of Nuclear Data Progress/Liu Tingjin, et al (China Nuclear Data Center, China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing) This is the 19th issue of Communication of Nuclear Data Progress (CNDP), in which the achievements in nuclear data field for the last year in China are carried. It includes the measurements of neutron activation cross sections on some nuclides, excitation functions of some reactions induced by charge particle and double differential cross section of 40Ca(n, a) reaction; theoretical calculations of Zr(n, y)

9 cross section, photonuclear reaction data, excitation function on some nuclides and direct inelastic scattering cross section and angular distribution of Pu isotopes; the evaluation of Ni isotope complete neutron nuclear data, some reference fission yield, activation cross sections and decay data; benchmark testing of CENDL-2.1 and its applications. Also the activities in nuclear data field are summarized.

CNIC-01300; CNDC-0023; INDC(CPR)-047/L 980015 Communication of Nuclear Data Progress/Liu Tingjin, et al (China Nuclear Data Center, China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing) This is the 20th issue of Communication of Nuclear Data Progress (CNDP), in which the achievements in nuclear data field for the last year in China are carried. It includs the measurement of cross sections for 92Mo(n, p) 92mNb reaction and deduction of low energy neutron; theoretical calculations of n+9Be, 12C, 85>87Rb,

88,89,90Sr; 89Y5 113^ 1,5^ 121.123^ ^^ 2Q MeV ^ y+5.y? >80,.82,183,184,186w ^^ JQ MeV; evaluations of 6365NatCu(n, a), (n, n'a) and y+51V reactions and 238U fission product yields; a method and program CABEI for adjusting consistancy between the cross section data of natural element and its isotopes; testing of the tritium production for 6Li and 7Li; and fragment angular anisotropies and inertia parameters.

B00.00 it^, W4-%±Mf4^ CHEMISTRY, MATERIALS AND EARTH SCIENCES B10.00 fc¥ CHEMISTRY B11.00 tt,^##f-5 ffl&Mfrffi Chemical and Isotopic Analysis

CNIC-01282; IAE-0188 980016 ifM, 102413)

Multi-gama Windows Coincidence Method/LIU Yunpeng (China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing, 102413) (In Chinese) In 4ixP-y coincidence measurement of radioactivity, efficiency extrapolation

10 method has been applied for a long time. Generally, the extrapolation curve is not linear so in practice an unspecified efficiency function which is usually defined simply as a polynomial in NJNy is introduced. Because of the unspecification of the efficiency function, systematic errors may arise theoretically from which the polynomial function is either inaccurate or unsuitable for extrapolation. To solve this problem, a new method is proposed, which is called multi-gama windows coincidence method, and a new linear extrapolation equation based on average p efficiency is strictly derived from the basic coincidence equations with the least approximation. Theoretically, this method is applicable to any simple or complex decay (except pure P decay and some decay with long life metastable energy level) with minimum systematic errors.

CNIC-01283; LENP-0006 980017

100875) %

30 &«J»Mfit£fflttTTO{MT- 6%. ffl-


PIXE Application to the Study of Atmospheric Aerosol/ZHU Guanghua (Institute of Low Energy Nuclear Physics, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100875) In order to confirm the measurement accuracy of PIXE (Particle Induced X-ray Emission), crosscheck test were carried out between three laboratories. Thirty single element samples and one plural elements sample were used in the test. The agreements between three laboratories were evaluated to be better than 10% for the most of tested samples. The reproducibility test showed very good agreement and the dispersion in three times repeated PIXE measurements was within 6% on average. An automatic time sequence step sampler was used to collect atmospheric aerosol samples in Beijing. Element concentrations were analyzed by PIXE technique. Then the data were analyzed by the absolute principal factor analysis

n (APFA) to evaluate the principal components and the percent variance explained by them. As a result, it shows that the PIXE analysis combined with statistical method can effectively resolve the aerosol components in urban area and distinguish between local and remote area aerosol components. The atmospheric aerosol samples were collected at four representative sites with an 8-stage cascade impactor sampler and analyzed for their elemental mass concentrations by PIXE analytic method. Based on some indicator elements, the characteristics of size distributions of particles from different sources were obtained.

B12.00 ^Etfltt.^ W#ltt.-7r-LJtlII'f-t^ Inorganic, Organic and Physical Chemistry

CNIC-01272-, TSHUNE-0083 980018

M, 102201) uo3 Ji7i£-^ffi'#tt*. uo3 8 2 min|*|ifc 200-300 'C. M.

500 °CBtBl?#£iJ u3o8 2 3 m /go m&t\-umiRMm&im M (90 g(U)/L, 4 mol/L HNO3*P«De# 1.2 L),

Research on the Conversion of Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) Nitrate by Using the Microwave Denitration / BAO Weimin, SONG Chongli (Institute of Nuclear Energy Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 102201) In order to simplify the denitration process by microwave heating, the uranyl nitrate is firstly denitrated and converted into UO3. The produced UO3 was then further heated in the microwave field to transfer UO3 to U3O8 and to form a single product of U3O8. When the phase transfer from UO3 to U3O8 occurs, the temperature of the product increases 200 ~ 300 °C in two minutes. The phase-transfer temperature can be controlled by the input power of microwave. High quality U3O8 can be obtained at a denitration temperature about 500 °C. It contains no residual 2 NOV and has a specific surface area great than 3 m /g. The denitration temperature is measured with an IR-thermometer and checked with an optic fiber thermometer. The working curve and process parameter were studied in a microwave denitration unit for high enriched uranyl nitrate solution (90 g (U)/L, 4 mol/L HNO3 and 1.2 L per batch).

12 CNIC-01316; CAEP-0005 980019

610003) x ^

GH-923 ftm £ m^ mmmm RDX

m 70-100 ° Study on Compatibility and Mechanism of Thermoset Explosive/GAO Dayuan, ZHANG Xiaoyi, LI Guanglai, SHEN Yongxing (China Academy of Engineering Physics, Chengdu, 610003) {In Chinese) By using structural analysis, thermal analysis, mass spectrography (MS) and X- ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), the structure and thermal stability of 123-resin and the thermoset explosive GH-923 containing RDX and this resin were studied. The compatibility of GH-923 with shellac and the coating, the parameters of its thermal decomposition kinetics were determined and the shelf life was estimated so as to search for the relationship between its compatibility and applicability. The experimental results and theoretical analysis indicate that the less thermal stability and compatibility of GH-923 at temperature above 100 °C are caused by the moisture and low molecular weight polymers containing in 123-resin and, furthermore, their primary decomposition products, carbon dioxide and formaldehyde accelerate the thermal decomposition of RDX, accompanied by increase of gas release, disappearance of liquefaction endothermic peak, advancement of exothermic peak and secondary reaction of RDX. All these factors make GH-923 only suitable to be stored and used below 70 °C. The shelf-life of GH- 923 in the range of 70~100 °C was extrapolated by means of its decomposition induction time and Arrhenius Equation.

B16.00 S$MI4 Fission Fuels

CNIC-01246; IAE-0181 980020

13 m

Zr(NO3)(4.K)(DBP)w, ZrO(NO3)(2.m)(DBP)m #1 Zr(MBP)2

A Study on the Formation and Mechanism of Interfacial Crud in the Purex Process/LIN Cansheng, ZHANG Chonghai, WANG Xiaoying, WANG Xiaorong, ZHU Guohui (China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing)(/« Chinese) The effects of tributyl phosphate irradiated, temperature and the concentrations of dibutyl phosphate, monobutyl phosphate, zirconium, uranium and nitric acid on the formation of interfacial crud in the solvent extraction processes for reprocessing spent nuclear fuel are described. The chemical behaviour of zirconium, molybdenum, niobium and technetium is observed in the process. The constituent of crud has been determined by IR spectrometry and X-ray fluorimetry. On the basis of the experimental results, the mechanism of producing interfacial crud is discussed. The experiments have demonstrated that interfacial crud is mainly generated by forming

complexes as Zr(NO3)(4.n)(DBP)n, ZrO(NO3)(2.m)(DBP)m and Zr(MBP)2. The reaction of forming interfacial crud changes inversely with the concentration of hydrogen ion to the power of 1 ~4. The most effective method for decreasing crud is to select the acidity of solution suitable to control forming interfacial crud.

CNIC-01247; IAE-0182 980021 FIA


25 min, »m-imwLm 40 mm


Study on the Method and Instrument for Rapid Determination of Uranium,

14 Plutonium and Neptunium in Spent Fuel Reprocessing Solution by Flow Injection Analysis/GUO Kuisheng, WU Jizong, LIU Huanliang (China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing) Based on the principle of flow injection analysis (FIA), a special instrument for measuring uranium, plutonium and neptunium is developed; three rapid analytical methods for the measurment are established respectively. The sensitivity of these methods is ^1 |ag/ml, the precision is better than 4%. It takes about 25 min to measure the concentration of plutonium or neptunium one time, and 40 s to measure the concentration of uranium at a time. The instrument is composed of the work box connected with radioactive solution and the control box connected with non- radioactive solution to facilitate safety; carrier solution and color reagent are pumped into by a synchronous single plunger pump, thus eliminating pulsation of the baseline; two alternative flow routes are used for measuring plutonium (or neptunium) and uranium respectively. A low pressure chromatographic column is installed in the flow route of determining plutonium or neptunium to monitor enrichment of plutonium or neptunium and to separate other interference elements. In the flow route of determining uranium, a three-way mixer is installed for adding buffer solution and masking agent. Arsenazo (III) acts as color reagent for determining uranium, plutonium, and neptunium. The described instrument and method have been used in the analysis of practical samples.

B20.00 #14 MATERIALS B22.00 ^-J-S^ Metals and Alloys

CNIC-01231; IAE-0180 980022 LT-21

M LT-21 - ftfe, (CD ^O.IXIO"6, (Cu2+) ^0.05X 10"6, MfrMS.% 5-90 °C, MA gfEii 0.06 m • s"1, MlKMHW.^.* &ft^.M^HM.7^^U^WX^L^ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 a, 21 2 21 21 21 2 0.94X 10 , 1.42X 10 ', 1.96X 10 , 2.68X 10 , 3.21 X 10 n • cnT o LT-21 um -a"1, ^j^tifem.5ftt#nunW^t^^JJMif S#»3.1, 5.7, 5.5, 10.0, 12.5 urn. Study on Corrosion of LT-21 Aluminium Alloy Samples Hung in Reactor/SHA Renli, ZHU Baozhen, LIU Jingfang, JIN Huajin, WANG Yulin (China Institute of Atomic, Energy, BeiJing) {In Chinese)

15 The corrosion performance of LT-21 aluminium alloy samples hung in HWRR (heavy water research reactor) is studied. Heavy water quality in reactor has been maintained according to water quality standards, in which (CD ^0.1 X 10~6, (Cu2+) ^0.05 XI 0~6. Temperature of the heavy water is 5—90 °C. The flow velocity is 0.06 m • s"1. Heavy water was covered by helium. Exposure time of the samples, which were divided in five batches, hung in HWRR are about 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 a, respectively. Neutron fleunce of the samples are 0.94 X 1021, 1.42X 1021, 1.96X 1021, 2.68 X 1021, 3.21 X 1021 n • cm"2, respectively. General corrosion rate of LT-21 aluminium alloy^1 \xm • a"1. Pitting corrosion was slight. The values of oxide film thickness on sample surface for five batches are 3.1, 5.7, 5.5, 10.0, 12.5, respectively.

CNIC-01240; SMI-0013 980023

c + sin <9 9 LaNi5^M,(M=Al, Mn)

NI /TT, n^MWM^m.zmx, -fc&mTm-WM&Tm AI, mmmm NI w AI ftirMX, %^mm^m.mXo m^mfttt-WL- The Edition of a Personal Computer Program for Determining Lattice Constants and Its Application in Materials for Storage of Hydrogen/CHEN Yongzhong, BAI Chaomao, LANG Dingmu, ZHANG Youshou (Sichuan Materials and Technology Institute, Chengdu) (In Chinese) The equtions for finding lattice constants of the 7 crystal systems were completely deduced using the M. U. Cohen least square method. From the deduction process it is obvious that the eqution forms had nothing to do with the extrapolation functions so any of them can be used. (But in practice, cos2 0 and cos2#( + —) sin# 0 were generally performed.) After a personal computer program was finished using above mathematic model, the lattice constants of materials for storage of hydrogen

ZrCo and LaNi5.;cM_c (M=Mn, AI) were determined. The results showed that the

16 program is very good for finding lattice parameters and can be used in the 7 crystal systems; The results also showed to the LaNi5 alloy its lattice constants increase when the elements (such as Mn, Al, etc.) whose atomic radii are larger than that of Ni are substituted for Ni and when the content of the same substitutional element Al goes up. This phenomenon is in accordance with the theory.

CNIC-01303; HYIF-0010 980024

mm 5 2 mmsk 3.0

JLO. Study of Laser Cladding Nuclear Valve Parts/SHI Shihong, WANG Xinlin, HUANG Guodong (Central-South Institute of Technology, Hengyang). The mechanism of laser cladding is discussed by using heat transfer model of laser cladding, heat conduction model of laser cladding and convective transfer mass model of laser melt-pool. Subsequently the laser cladding speed limit and the influence of laser cladding parameters on cladding layer structure is analyzed. A 5 kW with CO2 transverse flow is used in the research for cladding treatment of sealing surface of stop valve parts of nuclear power stations. The laser-cladding layer is found to be 3.0 mm thick. The cladding surface is smooth and has no such defects as crack, gas pore, etc. A series of comparisons with plasma spurt welding and arc bead welding has been performed. The results show that there are higher grain grade and hardness, lower dilution and better performances of resistance to abrasion, wear and of anti-erosion in the laser cladding layer. The new technology of laser cladding can obviously improve the quality of nuclear valve parts. Consequently it is possible to lengthen the service life of nuclear valve and to raise the safety and reliability of the production system. CNIC-01311; SMI-0014 980025

Ti, 08 ,2I Cro.28Feo.4OZro.o3 m XRD m SEM

17 101325 Pa, if£ 1.6 H/M L!*1 1.25 HIM H)

-27.4 kJ/mole H2; JH J/K •moleHj) i 600 °C , m

Research on the Behaviors of Hydrogen Absorption and Desorption Properties of the Ti,.M Vu, Cr028 Fe040 Zr003 Alloy/SHUAI Maobing, WU Sheng (Sichuan Institute of Materials and Technology, Chengdu); ZHAO Pengji, YAO Shujiu, XU Zhilei (China Academy of Engineering Physics, Chengdu) {In Chinese) Behaviors of hydrogen absorption-desorption and other application-oriented properties of the Tij 08 V, 21 Cr028 Fe040 Zr003 alloy were investigated. The results showed that the alloy was activated easily and had a large hydrogen absorbing content. The plateau pressure at ambient temperature was about 101325 Pa with hydrogen content about 0.8 ~ 1.6 H/M. The thermodynamic parameters of the reaction of hydrogen absorption for the hydride with H/M=1.25 were found to be

AH =-27.4 kJ/mole H2 and AS =-200 J/(K • mole H2). The hydrogen absorption and desorption reaction were fast. The hydrogen desorption ratio of the alloy hydride at 600 °C was above 95 percent. The impurity helium had little effect on the hydrogen absorbing volume, but reduced the reaction rate obviously. While the air had obvious effects both on the absorbing volume and the reaction rate. The alloy resisted pulverization and the relative volume change of the hydride with H/M =1.1 was only about 11 percent. And the alloy and its hydride did not self-ignite in air.

Phase composition of the Ti,08 V,21 Cr028 Fe040 Zr003 alloy and its hydride were analysed by XRD and SEM. The result showed that a multi-phase formed after hydriding.

CNIC-01330; CAEP-0018 980026

, 610003)

Ta-12W -, M

Study on Mechanical Properties and Metallograph of High Density Function

18 Alloy Ta-12W/LIU Taiping, HUANG Zhenchi (China Academy of Engineering Physics, Chengdu, 610003) (In Chinese) As a new material, the study on the metallograph and properties of Ta-12W alloy has been set about to testify its employ characteristics. The alloy's metallograph specimen preparation methods to illustrate microstructure are found out, 12 dose of chemical-corrosives are given. The paper studies the metallograph, weld structure and properties, and chemical-corrosive resistance, provides scientific base for future research on Ta-12W alloy.

B23.00 M&H&MM'SL Ceramics and Cermets

CNIC-01320-, CAEP-0008 980027 #, m&&, mm p, 610003) mm EPS m^w&mmt&M&^K^mw Mm s\c

mo aa TGA-FTIR PCS VXR CH4 m'bfrTik^, £tM*ST 2.3 MGy Bt PCS ±^Jiil#fHi CH4 M sic. x MmmMfrffigi^m, tmn (1200 itt#&*mSfii Sic W^ttl^^^ PCS mm ms sic ICF w%mw Chemical Structure and Pyrolysis Properties of Polycarbosilane Ceramic Precursor Irradiated by Electron Beam/XU Yunshu, FU Yibei, HUANG Ruiliang, HUA Degen (China Academy of Engineering Physics, Chengdu, 610003) (In Chinese) Polycarbosilane (PCS) was irradiated in air by electron beam generated by an accelerator, and then heated to high temperature to fabricate SiC functional ceramics. Results showed that crosslinking bonds including Si-C-Si and Si-O-Si were formed in the irradiated products, and the pyrolysis temperature was consequently elevated from 300 °C of the non-irradiated PCS to more than 500 °C of samples irradiated

to 2.3 MGy or above. Low molecular weight polycarbosilane and CH4 were detected

in the pyrolysis products. PCS converted to SiC mainly by releasing off CH4 when absorbed dose was above 2.3 MGy. X-ray diffraction analysis verified that the

19 pyrolysis products have a semi-crystal structure. The major results of this research have been successfully applied to the fabrication of SiC ceramics fibers, also can be used in other area such as fabrication of ceramics based composite materials, ceramics coatings and ceramics microspheres for ICF experiments.

B24.00 £{&#$• Other Materials

CNIC-01242; SINRE-0081 980028

40 °c, 65 °c, ncc) 300 °C, 350 °C*P 400 °C

Effects of Material Condition on Iodine Induced SCC Behavior of Zircaloy/TI Zhongxin, PENG Qian, LI Cong, PAN Ying, LI Qiang, PENG Xiaoming (Nuclear Power Institute of China, Chengdu) The axial tensile tests in the different iodine concentration atmosphere are conducted on recrystallized and stress-relieved anneal of Zircaloys. The aim is to understand the influence of microstructure on stress corrosion cracking (SCC) behavior of Zircaloys. The results show that, at crack initiation stage, the microstructure of material such as grain size, texture, second phase particles, etc. seriously influence the susceptibility to SCC, it dose not matter whether the iodine concentration is high or low; the rate of crack growth increase with test temperature rising.

CNIC-01275; HYIT-0007 980029


20 Fault Tree Analysis of the Manufacturing Process of Nuclear Feul Containers /LIAO Weixian, MEN Dechun, SUI Yuxue (Central South Institute of Technology, Hengyang) (In Chinese) The nuclear feul container consists of barrel body, bottom, cover, locking ring, rubber seal ring, and so on. It should be kept sealed in transportation and storage, so keeps the feul contained from leakage. Its manufacturing process includes blanking, forming, seam welding, assembling, derusting and painting. The seam welding and assembling of barrel body and bottom are two key procedures, and the slope grinding, barrel body flaring and deep drawing of the bottom are important procedures. Faults in the manufacturing process of the nuclear feul containers are investigated in details as for its quality requirements. A fault tree is established with products being unqualified as the top event. Five causes resulting in process faults are classified and analysed, and some measures are suggested for controlling different failures in manufacturing. More research work should be conducted in rules how to set up fault trees for manufacturing process.

CNIC-01325; CAEP-0013 980030

%\>%, J&M, 610003) (GAP) ^mrm^mm^wm CPBX) ^f: GAP (HGAP), 150021, MM tMBm ft

GAP tm^nm, &nra-^iiis; HGAP Synthesis of High Molecular Weight Glycidyl Azide Polymer/WANG Ping, LI Changqing, XIA Zhongjun (China Academy of Engineering Physics, Chengdu, 610003) (In Chinese) High molecular weight glycidyl azide polymer (HGAP) with Mw =150021 and azidation ratio 99.16% was synthesized to improve the energy and mechanical properties of PBXs and propellants. The optimum reaction conditions and purification method have been got for obtaining high azidation ratio and high molecular weight via investigating the influence of catalysts, anti-oxidizer, nitrogen protection, ratio of reactants and reaction temperature on the azidation reaction of

21 polyepichlorohydrin (PECH). The experiments prove that the molecular weight of HGAP could be further enhanced if lithium azide, whose solubility in DMF is greater than that of sodium azide, was used as a substitution reactant.

B30.00 j&3^-4¥ EARTH SCIENCES B31.00 PfcJfe Land

CNIC-01237; BRIUG-0041 980031

Studies on Environmental Geology of the Northwest Disposal Site for Low and Intermediate Level Radioactive Solid Wastes/XU Guoqing, JIN Yuanxin, WANG Ju, LI Sen, XIAO Xiangping (Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology) (In Chinese) The Northwest Disposal Site is used for disposal of low and intermediate level radioactive solid wastes in China. There are no poor geological phenomena in the site. The site has favorable engineering geological conditions. There is no phreatic water in the Quaternary sediments. The depth of confined water level in the Tertiary sediments is relatively deep. The groundwater recharge, runoff and discharge conditions are ascertained. Actual flow rate, direction, dispersity and dispersion coefficients of groundwater are achieved by the dispersion tests. The coefficient of unsaturant permeability of the rocks and soils of the site are obtained by research of the aerated zone. Rocks and soils of the site have higher exchangeable Ca2+. They will effectually adsorb and retard the 63Ni and 239Pu. There are many favourable environmental geological conditions at the Nortthwest Disposal Site. The site will provide effective natural barriers for low and intermediate level radioactive solid wastes.

CNIC-01241; BRIUG-0042 980032

22 n> CO2, Hg MMiWIttlE, M o Rn, C02, O2, Hg fflt^W W Rn, CO2, O2H


Application of Gas Geochemistry Experiment in the Search for Different Types of Uranium Deposits/CHEN Guoliang, LIU Hanbin, DONG Xiukang, XIONG Xianxiang, LI Zhenfu, WU Duanyang (Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology) (In Chinese) The study of primary and secondary gas halo and their application in the search for different types of uranium deposits in China is presented. Through measuring Rn,

CO,, O2 and Hg in various deposits of geological and climatic conditions for the gas geochemical survey, three comprehensive measuring methods of CO2, Rn and O2 were thought to be optimum for gas geochemical exploration because of its portability, rapidity, low cost, simple operation and limited interference. The experimental data can be briefly summarized that higher concentration of CO2, Rn and lower concentration of secondary halo in soil show blinded deposits. The study of thermal emanating gas in soil and rock have been finished. The methods were confirmed by known deposits and can be used in uranium exploration.

CNIC-01260; HYIT-0005 980033

Rules of Determining the Fragment Size and Composition of Blasted Uranium Ore for Leaching/WANG Changhan (Central-South Institute of Technology, Hengyang) (In Chinese) The relations of blasted uranium ore fragment size and composition with the processing conditions (such as solvent flow velocity, the thickness of solvent film embracing, the ore fragments, the permeating velocity, the leaching ratio, the solvent

23 comsumption, ore grade), the economic feasibility of ore fragmentation and technical mineralogy for in-situ leaching and heap leaching are investigated. The rules for determining the ore fragment size and ore composion adequate for leaching on the basis of field and laboratory test results are established. These rules are very helpful to the selection, design and production of in-situ leaching and heap leaching operations.

CNIC-01271; GIEC-0003 980034 i, 344000)

Mathematical Geology Studies of Deposit Prospection Types/LIU Guangping (East China Geological Institute, Linchuan, Jiangxi, 344000) (In Chinese) Exact certainty prospection type of uranium deposit, not only can assure the quality of deposit prospections, but also increase economic benefits. Based on the standard of geological prospection of uranium deposit, the author introduces a method of Fuzzy Synthetical Comment for dividing prospection type of uranium deposit. The practical applications demonstrate that the regression accuracy, discriminated by Zadeh operator, of 15 known deposits is 100%.

CNIC-01274; HYIT-0006 980035


A Case Study of Shrinkage-In Place Leaching of Low Grade Uranium Ore Deposit /DING Dexin (Central-South Institute of Technology, Hengyang, Hunan); ZHOU Guohe (China National Nuclear Corporation) A case study of shrinkage-in place leaching of low grade uranium ore deposit is delt with. A test block was selected, and the shrinkage mining method was employed to construct the in place heap for leaching. Blast parameters and operations were carefully tried in order to make sure that the fragment size composition was adequate

24 for leaching. A leaching system was planned and the corresponding leaching parameters were tried, too. The results show that the shrinkage method and the parameters for blasting and leaching are all adequate for the in-situ leaching of the blasted ore. This shrinkage-in place leaching system combines the mining and metallurgy processes into one and produces a lot of profits and could be applicable to many low grade uranium ore deposits which are so hard and compact that they have to be fragmented before being leached.

CNIC-01287; GIEC-0004 980036

Jl|, 344000)

Multiple Relational Analysis Method for Uranium Mineral Metallogenic Prediction/LIU Guangping, HE Xiangping, LIU Yajie (East China Geological College, Linchuan, Jiangxi, 344000) (In Chinese) After introduction of the basic principle of relational analysis, multiple relational analysis method for uranium mineral resources are proposed. Multiple relational analysis prediction method is especially efficient where known ore deposits or ore-bearing units are scarce. Where other prediction methods fail, multiple relational analysis method proves to work well with reliability and accuracy. It is fully illustrated with the examples presented in the paper.

CNIC-01293; HYIT-0009 980037 745 rmtm®&wm®rtkmumm\&ii5Mj:/Tmm, m±m, mm M 421001)


The Design and Construction of the Bottom Working for In-situ Leaching of Fragmented Uranium Ore by Blasting in No. 745 Mine/DING Dexin, YANG Shijiao, LI Ming (Central South Institute of Technology, Hengyang, Hunan, 421001) Bottom working is a very important structure for in-situ leaching of fragmented

25 uranium ore by blasting. Its design and construction should simultaneously satisfy the requirements for receiving fragmented ore, transporting the ore, providing relief space for blast operation, passage for workers and fresh air for the stope and collecting the pregnant solution from spraying over the fragmented ore. This paper deals with the design and construction of the complete water cutoff bottom working for collecting the pregnant solution for in-situ leaching of fragmented uranium ore by long hole blast in No.745 mine in Guangdong Province. The preparation system for the block, the undercutting, the construction process and method of the bottom working and the measures to guide the solution leaked into the surrounding rock mass to the bottom of the block are described in detail.

CNIC-01297; NBG-0001 980038 stra, 110032)

A Discussion of Remote Sensing Geologic Image Model of a Uranium Deposit/QIAO Rui (Research Institute No. 240, Northeast Bureau of Geology, Shenyang, 110032) (In Chinese) Based on the geologic study on the uranium deposit, the items about remote sensing images of the mineral deposit were discussed, such as the best choice of temporal, the best compose of band, the image characteristics and image model. It is considered that the mineral deposit was controlled by the line, ring and arc through the interpretation of color-composite images. The geologic image model of the mineral deposit is annular fault block controlled by northeast and northwest structures. It is recommanded that much attentions should be payed to minerogenetic regions being similar with this image model in long-range forcast.

CNIC-01304; BRIUG-0043 980039 -wmi, mm, n 100029)

26 Remote Sensing Technology Prospecting Methods of Interlayer Oxidation Zone Type Sandstone Uranium Deposit in Yili Basin/HUANG Xianfang, HUANG Shutao, PAN Wei, FENGJie, LIUDechang, ZHANG Jingbo, XUANYanxiu, RUI Benshan (Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology, CNNC, 100029) (In Chinese) Taking Yili Basin as an example, remote sensing technology and method of interlayer oxidation zone type sandstone uranium deposit have systematically been summarized. Firstly, principle, methods and procedures of the second development of scientific experimental satellite photograph have been elaborated in detail. Three dimensional stereo simulation, display, and multi-parameters extraction have been recommended. Secondarily, the research is focused on prospective section image features in different type images and their geological implications and on establishing recognition keys of promising areas. Finally, based on above research results, three graded predictions, i. e. regional prospect, promising sections and favourable location in the deposit have been made step by step and reconnaissance and prospecting range are gradually reduced. The practice has indicated that breakthrough progress has been made in application to prospect prognosis of interlayer oxidation zone type sandstone uranium deposit and good verified results have been obtained.

CNIC-01305; BRIUG-0044 980040

, 100029)

27 Remote Sensing Application Research of Mineralization Prospect of Uranium- Poly metal Deposits in West Side of Daxinganling/LUO Fusheng, CUI Zhengkui, FANG Maolong, WANG Guojuan, YAO Hua (Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology, CNNC, 100029) (In Chinese) The key of mineral exploration by remote sensing method is the extraction and identification of mineralization-related geologic information from remote sensing data under the guidance of mineralization theory. Remote sensing research of deposits is combined with the analysis of regional geology setting, so as to give full play to the advantage of remote sensing technology. According to the geologic features of the covered area, different kinds of satellite data are, at first, selected and processed with different methods and therefore mineralization-related geologic information is effectively extracted. Then regional geologic setting is discussed and main mineralization-controlled factors, such as uranium-occurred volcanic basins, mineralization-controlled faults and granite bodies, Mesozoic volcanic rock series, volcanic framework, are identified. On the basis of the former study, the remote sensing image models of different kinds of deposits have been established. Finally, multisource information integration technique has been applied to the assessment of favorable mineralization areas. This research shows that it is feasible to extract and identify mineralization-related information from remote sensing images in complicated and covered areas, and that the study area is favorable for uranium and polymetal deposit explorations because of its favorable geologic setting and mineralization conditions.

CNIC-01306; BRIUG-0045 980041 2i0 ; po wsiiM/jifi#, ®'j^, MM$t (Mxmk&akmffl%fi&, 100029) 6 L 2K#+ffl*fc HCI mil, Fe3+f£ic#, Jn£*£ pH 9 Wffik 210Po, ^0.1- 3+ 3 0.5 gr#fflNa2O2, NaOH^I4^j]PFe ^i^#,fflHCl4 WSy^pH9,-#^/^WFe(OH)3 'frj±$&, fflHCI^ftf, &W&J8L% 0.2-0.4 mol/L, MS 50-100 mg iru^jfnjg 70 TCW%^i»#SH 3 h, £«jRa^B±«lJa 210Po W 5.301 m±mw®fc, mm&® 2IOPO mM mm±m^m 2IOPO 7 650 vnfatt®fflmn> 210PO wff^#ffl"i^^iS, g^fa i^i*210PoKjSi. &fa&}±MEW&9S.3%~91J%, ^iffp^SK^J (97.8 ±1.3) %o ^j£M4.8X10"4Bq/L WS*7XW+S)ftfe!til«lli/±20%LUrto Determination of 2l0Po in Environmental Water and Uranium Ore/GU

28 Dingxiang, HU Xiaohua, PAN Jingrong (Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology, CNNC, 100029) (In Chinese) 6 L of water sample is acidified with HC1, then add Fe3+ as carrier and 210 precipitate Po at pH 9 with NH4OH. 0.1~0.5 g solid sample is fused with Na2O2 and NaOH, and leached, add Fe3+ as carrier, adjust to about pH 9 with HC1. Both the precipitation of Fe(OH)3 are centrifuged, dissoloved in HC1 and adjust the acidity between 0.2~0.4 mol/L. Add excessive 50~100 mg of ascorbic acid for reducing Fe3+ and protect the disc, then spontaneously deposit for 3 h at temperature of 70 °C. Then the disc is determined by a low level a counting system for the a particles of 5.301 MeV of 210Po. After the background is corrected, detect the efficiency and overall recovery. In this way, the specific activity of 210Po is obtained. 0.03 ~ 3 3 Bq of 210Po can be spontaneously doposited quantitatively. The specific activity of 2l0Po in tap water, fresh snow, ice from river, uranium ore, uranium-bearing rock and soil are determined. The experiment shows that the sublimation of 210Po within the short time of alkili fusion at 650 °C can be neglected and the silica gel forming within the leaching solution be neutralized has no effect on spontaneously deposit of 210Po. The overall recovery of water samples are 95.3%~97.7% and of ore samples are (97.8 ± 1.3)%. For tap water samples, its activity is as low as 4.8 X 10~4Bq/L, the ralative standard deviation is less than ±20%.

CNIC-01307; GIEC-0005 980042 512 ®mm&tfi*mr l, 344000)


Cathodoluminescent Characteristics of Sandstone and the Implications for Sandstone Type No. 512 Uranium Deposit/LIU Xiaodong, GUAN Taiyang (East China Geological Institute, Linchuan, Jiangxi, 344000) Cathodoluminescence (CL) technique, as a special petrologic tool, has been applied to the studies of uranium hosted sandstone from No.512 uranium deposit

29 located in Xinjiang Autonomous Region, Northwest China. The detrital grains including quartz, feldspar, debris and cements display distinguishing CL properties. The quartz grains mainly demonstrate brown and dark blue CL, feldspar grains demonstrate blue and bright blue CL, calcite cement displays bright yellow-orange and orange-red CL with significant CL zoning, while the debris, mud and sand cements have dark red CL, multicolor CL or non-luminescence. The characteristics of overgrowth fracture healing, and the original contact relations of detrital grains appear much more significant with CL than that with conventional visual methods. Much more information can be contributed by CL technique to decipher the provenance area, to explain the cementation, consolidation and other diagenesis processes of sandstone. The CL technique also provides an efficient tool for identifying detrital grains and cements, and for more precisely estimating the proportions of various detrital grains and cement components in sandstone. The CL emission of uranium hosted sandstone revealed the existence of radiation-damage rims of quartz grains at the places with a little or no uranium minerals nearby, which may imply a uranium-leaching episode during the diagenesis of sandstone.

CNIC-01317; BRIUG-0016 980043 &i&m&m, «); mup, mm. 100029)

Meso Cenozoic Extensional Tectonics and Uranium Metallogenesis in Southeast China/CHEN Yuehui (Bureau of Geology, CNNC, Beijing); CHEN Zuyi, CAI Yuqi, FUJin, FENG Quanhong, SHI Zuhai (Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology, 100029) (In Chinese) Through a systematic study on Meso-Cenozoic extensional tectonics in Southeast China, the authors point out that there are three major types of extensional tectonics such as taphrogenic thermo-upwelling and gravitational extensional tectonics. The characteristics of structural forms, combination patterns, movement style and syntectonic magmatism of different extensional tectonics are studied. Then

30 according to the known isotope age data of uranium mineralizations in the area, the relations between the process of extensional tectonics and regional uranium metallogenesis, as well as the corresponding relations in space and time between extensional tectonics and uranium deposits of different types are analyzed. In conclusion, the authors suggest that the uranium mineralizations of different types in Southeast China are characterized by an united ore-forming mechanism due to the apparent control of extensional tectonics to the regional uranium metallogenesis.

B33.00 ic^n, Atmosphere

CNIC-01268; SAEC-0001 980044



Three-Dimensional Transient Numerical Simulation of Indoor Radon Transport/HE Bin, SHANGAiguo, ZHANG Quanhu, ZHANG Haiying (Second Arterlary Engineering College, Xi'an, 710025) (In Chinese) According to the theory of particle transport and dynamics of molecular gas, the mathematic model of three-dimensional transient numerical simulation of indoor radon transport has been setup, and the different boundary condition has been offered. By means of the different method, the equations of transport of indoor radon gas, convection velocity and pressure difference and boundary conditions have been discretized. After programming and calculating, the numerical simulation has been finished. Comparing with references and experiments, the indoor radon concentrations of simulation are in good agreemet with them. Meanwhile, the real changing processes of the radon in indoor and cracks have been simulated, when the environmental factors (such as atmosphere, temperature, wind and mechanic air- conditionning) changed with time. The calculating results show that the radon concentrations in indoor and cracks are affected, when the indoor pressure difference

31 are induced by the environmental fators; comparing with the steady results, the phase difference between the indoor radon and pressure difference is bigger than 180° ; and the indoor radon concentration is much obviously affected by the radon in cracks.

CNIC-01285; CIRP-0023 980045

&, 030006); s, 100871) 1995 *f 4 MM 1996 ^ 4

u K, The Study of Atmospheric Dispersion Test on the Site of a Coastal Nuclear Power Plant/HU Erbang, ZHANG Maoshuan, WANG Shoushu, LI Zhengde, YAORentai, GAO Zhanrong, JIANG Gang, WANG Shuxian (China Institute for Radiation Protection, Taiyuan , 030006) ; CHEN Jiayi (Beijing University Environmental Science Center) (In Chinese) An atmospheric dispersion test on the site of a coastal nuclear power plant located in the east part of China from April, 1995 to April, 1996 is described.The main content is as follows: observation hourly of wind and temperature on the 4 heights of tower of 100 m for 1 year; observation and analysis of surface wind field, sea and land breeze and internal boundary layer; measuring of turbulence and diffusion parameters; wind tunnel simulation experiment and so on. Besed on above field test, a new model is developed for estimating the annual mean atmospheric dispersion factor for a coastal site of nuclear power plant in which not only the difference between on-shore and off-shore but also the comprehensive effect of following factors are considered: mixed layer and internal boundary layers, mixing release and variation of diffusion parameters due to the distance from coast and so on. A set of deterministic and probabilistic model for estimating the accident washout factor is developed and established. The effect of internal boundary layer on dose and the contribution to dose from the washout deposition pathway are

32 discussed.

CNIC-01286; CIRP-0024 980046 , mm,

The Study of Method for Calculating the Accident Atmospheric Dispersion Factor and Accident Washout Factor for Coastal Nuclear Power Plant/HU Erbang, GAO Zhanrong, JIANG Gang, WANG Shuxian, WANG Shoushu, ZHANG Maoshuan (China Institute for Radiation Protection, Taiyuan, 030006)/CHEN Jiayi (Peking University, Beijing); JIA Peirong (Beijing Institute of Nuclear Engineering) (In Chinese) A model to estimate the accident probabilistic dispersion factor in which the effect of internal boundary layer is considered and a set of deterministic and probabilistic models to estimate the accident washout factor are set up based on the models of accident dispersion factor given by current guides. The accident probabilistic dispersion factor, the deterministic washout factor for different time interval after accident release, the accident probabilistic washout factor and the dose corresponding to various pathway are estimated based on the measured meteorological data on the site of a coastal nuclear power plant to be built in the east part of China. The result shows that: the value of accident probabilistic dispersion factor given by the proposed model are 5.9 times of those given by the common model; for the dose obtained during 0 to 8 h after accident release, the external exposure dose from washout deposition given by deterministic model is about 5.50 times of those from dry deposition; the ratio between external exposure dose from washout and dry deposition given by conservative probabilistic model with and without considering the effect from internal boundary layer is 9.56 and 56.7

33 respectively; for the realistic probabilistic model the value of above ratio is 1.93 and 11.4.

C00.00 £M4^ LIFE SCIENCES C10.00 £V9¥t£ftMM&}ffi:&%L&R&ftftM ALL EFFECTS AND VARIOUS ASPECTS OF EXTERNAL RADIATION IN BIOLOGY C11.00 tm$tXt£.ikQ!im\ikRmM^&&%ft®tt}&vti Effects of External Radiation on Biochemicals and on Cell Tissue Cultures

CNIC-01278; SMC-0146 980047


: (2) yltiJtBT3l&£]fiL^lfiL3& 5-HT, SOD, LPO

The Changes of the Local Tissues Collagen Metabolism Induced by 60Co Exo- radiation AVU Shiliang, WANG Weiping, XU Lan, LU Xingan, GAO Yaomin (Suzhou Meidical College, 215007) (In Chinese) The changes and molecular mechanism of the collagen metabolism induced by 60Co exo-radiation on the local tissues were observed. After the hip skin of the rabbits was radiated by 60Co, the changes of the collagen metabolism and the collagen contents of wistar rat skin of the 'different sex group were observed. The y radiation can decrease the soluble collagen contents (especially type III) and increase the collagenase activity on local tissues. Although the radiation can impact the contents of serum SOD, 5-HT, LPO, the influence on their local tissues contents is not large. There are the changes in the contents of type collagen on the different age or sex group rat skin; There are the changes of collagen metabolism on local tissues after radiation injury, but no difference was found on SOD, 5-HT, LPO and glycosamine of tissues. The regulatory mechanism of the collagen metabolism changes is valuable to future investigation.

34 C15.00 ^bMIMAWJPft Effects of External Radiation on Man

CNIC-01239; SMC-0141 980048

Study of the Effects of Low-Dose Radiation and rhEGF on Growth of Cultured Human Epithelial Cells/YANG Jicheng, ZHAO Xiaoyu, SHENG Weihua, TANG Zhongyi (Suzhou Medical College) (In Chinese) In this study, the method of taking skin sample, mincing and trypsinizing the sample are presented. The cells were inoculated on adherent membrane or, for sublethally injured 3T3 cells, in culture dish fed with eargles'medium supplemented with fetal calf serum and various growth-stimulating factors. The cultures were incubated at 37 °C in an atmosphere containing 5% CO2. The medium was changed every three days. The cultured cells became confluent in about two weeks. At the same time, low-dose-radiation and rhEGF were used to influence the growth of the epithelial cells and to test the effects of dosage and concentration. The results showed that low-dose-radiation in the conditions like this study could enhance the growth of human epithelial cells just like rhEGF, and it has synergetic effects with rhEGF. The mechanism is discussed.

C20.00 WL$$fe.m$LM%t.MR%}t]¥ RADIOISOTOPE EFFECTS AND KINETICS C21.00 $C*fi4[RM£itM£R^> fttft* %m.¥RWlti Tissus Distribution, Metabolism, Toxicology and Removal of Radioisotopes

CNIC-01238; CSNAS-0120 980049 6oco


35 60 co

60Co mjS.m 10.4-23.3 {£, &nit3.Mtf) 30 £{g; ±$4I 60Co *MMiSHMM^^^JISJ[^ffi^, %¥-n®W%.% 2 cm, 90%UJl±*+£*JI 6 cm 2. 60 \H = Co «S-±*RM+&^T ^M#^fflJF$-#Il?«M3£o Study on Adsorption of 60Co in Soils and Minerals and Transportation of 60Co in Bean-soil System/FENG Yonghong, CHEN Chuanqun, WANG Shouxiang, ZHANG Yongxi, SUN Zhiming (Institute of Nuclear Agricultural Sciences, Zhejiang Agricultural University, Hangzhou) {In Chinese) The adsorption and desorption of ^Co in soils and minerals, and the transportation, accumulation, distribution in bean-soil system are studied. The results are as follows: (1) 60Co was adsorped rapidly and desorped difficultly by soils and minerals. The order of the saturated adsorption rate and Kd (distribution coefficient) of 60Co at the balance value was: kieselguhr>paddy soil (loamy clay) >yellowish red soil>kaoline>perlite> silt-loamy soil. The order of D{(desorption factor) value was.yellowish red soil>silt-loamy soil>kaoline>perlite>paddy soil (loamy clay) >kieselguhr.The dynamic behavior of 60Co in the soils and minerals could be described as a closed two-compartment model. (2) After 60Co was introduced to the bean-soil system, the concentration of 60Co in the root is about 10.4~23.3 times of that in the stalk, and 30 times of that in the bean pod. The negative correlation between the concentration of 60Co in the soil and depth was detected, over 90 per cent of 60Co were retained within 6 centimeters of the surface layer, the half-residual depth was 2 centimeters. An opened two-compartment model was applied to describe the behavior of 60Co in the bean-soil system.

CNIC-01244; SMC-0142 980050 r'±wmmmmT

MTT tk-fe^»J^±r*vS^^ttaaflfi®T TNF m IL-6


1335 U/ml, i&j^T- T\O2MWM° ^H^MMZm^Mm.^M^.% (r=0.9326, P<0.05) m AM ±mmzfc&M[&mmmmmmw,^f&, m3 H-TdR % 7706 if if • mirf1, 14C-Pro &M£\\%MMt.% 19805 \\%. • mirf1,

36 Effect of Cytokine Induced by Uranium-Mineral Dust on Fibroblast in Vitro/ ZHOULiren, ZHOUJianhua, CHEN Yaojin, ZHANG Yu, LI Jianxiang, YANG Jicheng, SHENG Weihua (Suzhou Medical College) (In Chinese) Rabbit's alveolar macrophages (AM) obtained by lavage were cultured with Uranium-mineral dust in vitro. The level of cytokine (Tumour necrosis factor, TNF, Interleukin-6, IL-6) in AM supernatants was measured with isotopic labeling method and MTT colorimetric assay respectively. AM supernatants with WI-38 fibroblast were cultured in vitro, then the fibroblast proliferation and collagen synthesis were examined by 3H-Thymidine (3H-TdR) and 14C-Proline incorporation. The hydroxyproline of fibroblast was analysed with chloramine-T and inhibiting assay of fibroblast proliferation and collage synthesis were carried out by using Unti-TNF antibody and IFNy. The results show that uranium-mineral dust can stimulate AM releasing TNF and IL-6, which are significantly higher than those of TiO2. The highest levels of TNF and IL-6 are 987 U/ml and 1335 U/ml respectively. Uranium- mineral dust induced AM supernatants can increase the fibroblast proliferation and collagen synthesis. The highest 3H-TdR incorporation count rate is 7706 min"1, and '4C-Pro line incorporation count rate is 19805 min"1, which are higher than those of

TiO2. The highest average HOP is significantly higher than that of the control group. Anti-TNF antibody and IFNy can inhibit the fibroblast proliferation and collagen synthesis.

CNIC-01245; CSNAS-0121 980051 uc-wn

mm GPC



37 Biokinetic Studies on 14C-Chitosan in Rats/JIA Minghong (Institute for Application of Atomic Energy, CAAS, Beijing), YoshikazuNISHIMURA, Yoshito WATANABE, Masae YUKAWA (National Institute of Radiological Sciences, Tokyo,Japan) The absorption and the basic metabolism of chitosan in rats are investigted. The results indicated that 14C-chitosan from gastrointestinal tract was absorbed, metabolized and excreted quickly without re-bioavailability. The radioactive compounds perhaps with specifically chemical forms in serum, liver and the contents of small intestines were separated on GPC column and measured by radioactivity counting. A big pile of peaks with the retention volume almost same as that of standard 14C-chitosan and another sharp one with the retention volume in the range of higher molecular weight same as that of BSA were discovered in analysis respectively for contents of intestine and serum or liver. The sharp peak would disappear if the proteins contained in the serum or liver were removed. In addition, an interesting tail peak, followed with the pile ones and eluted with the retention volume of lower molecular weight range same as that of chitooligosaccharides was also found in each of the 3 samples, ignoring the protein removal or not. These results suggested that most of 14C-chitosan was not to be digested in intestine. On the other hand, a small amount of I4C-chitosan was likely to be absorbed directly or after degraded to small molecular compounds into blood, liver and other tissues, and then connected with the proteins. Perhaps it is these trace materials that were playing important roles in reduction of the bioavailability of radiostrontium in rats.

CNIC-01294; SMC-0147 980052


14 *+, m ii, morass, nmmj&^Z) 1 HPLC, Efe^

The Radioenzymatic Assay of Matrix Metalloproteinase-1 Activity/WU Shiliang, XU Lan, ZHOU Yinghui, WANG Weiping, SHI Ning (Department of

38 Biochemistry, Suzhou Medical College, 215007) The radioenzymatic assay method for tissue collagenase, a metalloproteinase, activity in matrix was established in this study. The matrix collagenase is the most vital catabolic enzyme of collagen in tissue. It mainly acts on type I , II, III matrix collagen and is also called matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMPs-1). Our assay method for the matrix collagenase was as follows: After type-1 collagen was prepared from calf skin and identified with HPLC, it was marked with 3H-acefic auhydride as the substrate. Then a series of assays were performed in animal experiments and huamn cases, which showed that the matrix collagenase (MMPs-1) activity assay is feasible and gives reliable results in clinical biochemistry study.

CNIC-01299; SMC-0148 980053

fe'T-'K, 215006)

n m CGN , CGN<§#CD3, (P<0 .0001), CD4/CD8 (P<0.0001); 7 6 T (P<0.05) CGN ,f-#W CD3, CD4 CGN a

T ^ CGN CGN m&w^ T

Study of T Cell Subsets in Patients with Chronic Glomerulonephritis by Immunolabelling Technique/DONG Jixiang, ZHANG Xueguang, LIU Zhida, HAN Huiqin, XIE Wei (Suzhou Medical College, 215006) (In Chinese) As the developing of nuclear industry science, the possibility of nuclear radiation has increased rapidly. Treatments of diseases caused by radiation, especially acute radiation injury, rely heavily on bone marrow transplantation. The usage of immunology inhibitors is crucial to successfully carrying out bone marrow transplantation. So it is important to find out and research on immunology inhibitors. In this article, using the changes of T cell subsets as a marker of immunology function before and after treatment of chronic glomerulonephritis, we observed the effect to Tripterygium wilfordii (TW) an Chinese traditional drug which may probably become an important immunology inhibitor on the treatment of

39 chronic glomerulonephritis. Methods: immunolabelling technique was used to measure the changes of T cell subsets in 77 CGN patients before and after treated with TW. Results: CD3+ and CD4+ cells in CGN patients were lower than those in healthy control (P<0.0001) and the ratio of CD4+ to CD8+ (CD47CD8+) cells reduced significantly (P < 0.0001), but the number of y 6 T cells increased significantly only in patients with nephrotic syndrome () (P<0.05). After treatment with TW, the level of CD3+, CD4+ cells and the ratio of CD47CD8+ in most of the patients with CGN were further reduced. In-patients with uremia, only CD3+ cell level was lower than the level before treatment, while the ratio of CD4+ to CD8+ (CD47CD8+) did not change markedly. Conclusion: The imbalance of various T cell subsets and dysfunction of these T cells may play an important role in the pathogenesis of CGN. The increase in y 8 T cells may be related with the development of CGN. The pharmacological mechanism of TW in the treatment of CGN patients may involve regulation of balance of T cell subsets and inhibition of the T helper functions.

CNIC-01301; CSNAS-0125 980054 137Cs y7 #f, itM, 100094); tf^, ?frgl 310029)

137cs l37 I37 #*^M CS 137cs 5o%~9o%, 3 i37 i37 cs cs W 1/30 i - 137Cs i37 cs

I37 37CS A Study on the Agricultural Measures to Reduce the Contamination of 137Cs to Plant/ZHU Yongyi, YANG Juncheng, CHEN Jingjian, LUI Xuelian (Institute for Application of Atomic Energy, CAAS, Bejing, 100094); XU Yinliang, SUN Zhiming (Institute of Nuclear Agriculture, Agriculture University of Zhejiang, Hangzhou, 310029) (In Chinese) The measures to reduce the contamination of 137Cs to plant and 137Cs transfer from soil to plant are evaluated by pot and field plot experiment. The measures include the application of salt such as potassium, sodium, ammonium, phosphate and

40 lime, plant ash, trown coal, rooting, biological puritication and uprooting. The results show that the contamination decreases about 30% by rooting and uprooting, 50% to 90% by using potassium sulphate and the effect is significant after 3 years. The mechanism might be that the available 137Cs in soil decreases sharply by potassium and the transfer of 137Cs from leaf to seed is restrained. It is suitable to apply potassium as 1/30 of the available cation in soil. Because 137Cs exist in soil mainly as unavailable form, the effect of biological purification is unreasonable. The transfer ratio of 137Cs from soil to plant cut down a little by the application of plant ash, brown coal but the effect is not stable. Ammonium, sodium and phosphate can promote the absorption of plant to 137Cs.

C22.00 f&%i&¥ Radioecology

CNIC-01295; CSNAS-0124 980055 m±7imfc (i47Pm) f-\ 210095)

% ^Ji^PJ: (l) i47Pm ^AW^MW**^^, &•%&%& CBCF) 0G$MW?#): H15.4; ^fe: 440; zK^KI: 182.5; £M: 26.3; «IiL: 4.7o (2) #-S-tJ^I^J5-^±t)W BCF ±^h^B!J-|g£tlltt BCF, M^'^Pm&i^^tl^fJliafl + ^^tl^^^fflo (3) 147Pm£iL#|*]MTO*-J^> M fe (sft 30 ^) &i£.i!R&)1&tt&tt>m%. (Bq/g) *B*ft£ (%) ^JF«3JK (48.95%) (20.03%)>fi| (6.21%) ># (5.08%) >iS (4.89%) >J^ (4.58%) >Nifa%l&ffl%i 4.17%) >B1 (1.92%). Study on Biocbncentration of 147Pm (RE) in Aquatic Food Chain/CHEN Zuyi, CHENG Wei, ZHANG Ligan (Nanjing Agricultuaral University, 210095) (In Chinese) Bioconcentration and magnification properties of 147Pm (RE) on fish in the aquatic food chain are studied by aquatic ecosystem model. The results showed that: (1) The materials for study includeds the 5 aquatics, azolla (wolffia arrhiza and lemnaminor), limnodrilus, carassius auyatus, ctenopharyngolon idellus and Basilewsky, and have apparent concentrating capabilities in each aquatic food chain. The bioconcentration factors (BCF) increased with the feed time. The greatest BCFs are as follows: azolla (wolffia arrhiza and lemnaminor) 1115.4, ctenopharynagolon idellus 440, limnodrilus 182.5, carassius auratus 26.3 and Basilewsky 4.7. (2) The

41 BCFs of the latter stage aquatics are smaller than those of the former stage aquatics in each aquatic food chain, showing that 147Pm does not have biological magnification. (3) The relative ratios (%) of specific radioactivity (Bq/g) of each organization of Basilewsky (after 30 d treatment) are as follows: vissera (48.95%) >gill (20.03%) >fin(6.21%) >skeleton (5.08%) >skin(4.89%) >skull (4.58%) >muscle and egg mass (each 4.17%) >eye (1.92%), indicating that the I47Pm does not distribute evenly in fish.

C40.00 &ffl£ift*4¥ APPLIED LIFE SCIENCES C41.00 tt^jTO-^Wfa Plant Cultivation

CNIC-1234; CSNAS-0118 980056 tttimmmiH. FM% cpmx + + NH4 , M^M?KM+ NH4 -N ^ PPD *

ftJl HQ

Impact of Urease Inhibitors on Utilization Efficiency of N-Urea in Rice Paddy/CHEN Wei, LU Wanfang (China National Rice Research Institute, Hangzhou) + Urea applied to the paddy field rapidly released ammonium (NH4 ) through + hydrolysis. The released NH4 -N was usually at peak two days after the application. The peak was found to be lower and delay one day when a mixture of urea and urease inhibitors was applied. Based on tracing of 15N in the urea used, the two urease inhibitors, phenylphosphordiamidate (PPD) and N-(N-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT), were found to enhance the efficiency of urea utilization by rice plants due to more absorption and also stimulate rice growth. The grain yields in the treatments applied with the mixture containing PPD or NBPT were higher, particularly at high N level, than that in the treatment applied with urea only. However, the urea inhibitor, hydroquinone (HQ), displayed far less effect than PPD and NBPT in the experiment. The application of rice straw was found to decrease the absorption of rice plants to N in urea but increase its residue in the soil.

CN1C-01253; CSNAS-0122 980057

42 %m, tfcj+i, 310021); mm akj?sMfcX¥{&m®<®imm3iffi, «, 100875);

ffl 60-100 keV MM^U 75 keV M,

M2 WM^S^^^iS^ft^TWo ST^A^$-^^. ,X s m x ±2 2 Mutagenic Effects of Nitrogen and Carbon Ions on SteviafWANG Cailian, CHEN Qiufang, SHEN Mei (Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hangzhou 310021); LU Ting (Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100875); SHU Shizhen (Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081) (In Chinese) Dry seeds of stevia were implanted by 60 ~ 100 keV nitrogen ion and 75 keV carbon ion with various doses. The biological effects in M, and mutation in M2 were studied. The results showed that ion beam was able to induce variation on chromosome structure and inhibited mitosis action in root tip cells. The rate of cells with chromosome aberration was increased with the increase of ion beam energy and dose. Energy effects of mitosis were presented between 75 keV and 60, 100 keV. As compared with y-rays, the effects of ion beam were lower on chromosomal aberration but were higher on freqency of the mutation. The rate of cell with chromosome aberration and M2 useful mutation induced by implantation of carbon ion was higher than those induced by implantation of nitrogen ion. Mutagenic effects of Feng, X Ri Yuan and of Ri Yuan X Feng2 are higher than that of Ji Ning and Feng,.

CNIC-01261; CSNAS-0123 980058

W, 310021) 5

M, M2 f^$£M»fi

43 Mutagenic Effects of Space Environment and Protons on Rice/WANG Cailian, CHEN Qiufang, SHEN Mei (Institute for Application of Atomic Energy, Zhejiang Academy of Agric ultural Sciences, Hangzhou, 310021) (In Chinese) Dry seeds of 5 rice varieties were carried by recoverable satellite for space mutation, and were irradiated by 4~8 MeV protons with various doses. The mutagenic effects was studied. The results indicated that the space environment could cause chromosomal structure aberration and had stimulating mitosis action in root tip cells. As compared with y-rays and protons, the effects of space environment flight were lower on chromosomal aberration but were significantly higher on mitosis index. Space environment and protons induce high frequency of chlorophyll deficient mutation and mutation in plant height and heading date in M2 generation. Frequency of beneficial mutation induced by space environment and protons were higher than those induced by y-rays.

C45.00 Other Applications of Radiations and Radioisotopes in Life Sciences

CNIC-01310; SMC-0149 980059 Deinococcus radiodurans DNA B, 215007) MIS (Deinococcus radiodurans) (MC), mm (uv) 5ffrMC,

KD8301 $\ KH3111 W orfl44b 149 fflKD8301 tf) orfl44b MC, UV Ryftim^M^mn-* (KD8301) - DNA ^MOr^tilttBfir^&tlSEI (orfl44b), promoting DNA repair) 1@. T^SISIB&fofcJgtfFii JM109 ttiir^^MC, UV ftytfrgllttiatt. tfff^MW KD8301 ^ MC, UV JfPyl^fctS KD8301 js, Hji pprA

Molecular Cloning and Analysis of DNA Repair Gene from the Radioresistant Bacterium Deinococcus RadioduaransfDU Zeji , WANG Mingsuo (Suzhou Medical College, 215007)

44 Deinococcus radiodurans {Dr) possesses a prominent ability to repair DNA injury induced by various DNA-damaging agents including mitomycin C (MC), ultraviolet light (UV) and ionizing radiation. A DNA repair mutant Dr KH3 111 is a streptomycin resistant (SmR) derivative of KH311, which is generated by treatment with nitrosoguanidine and is sensitive to MC, 8-trimethyl-psoralen, UV and y-ray irradiation. Gene affected by a mutation in the mutant is identified and its nucleotide sequence is determined. A complete open reading frame (ORF) which encompassed the KH3111 mutation region is found and tentatively designated as orfl44b. The deduced amino acid (aa) sequence of orfl44b consists of 284 aa and has no significant homology to other known proteins. The exact KH3111 mutation site is one nucleotide altered (G to A) in the sequence of orfl44b in the mutant. The KH3111 mutation causes the substitution of Gly for Glu at aa position 149 of orfl44b. Survival measurements of a revertant KH3112, which was produced by transforming with DNA containing a part of the orfl44b gene of KD8301 showed that the resistances to MC, UV and y-ray in the revertant were fully restored at a level equal to the wild type. Thus, the orfl44b gene required for the multiple- DNA-damaging agent resistance of Dr was designated with the name of pprA (Pleiotropic gene promoting DNA repair). This new gene can express in E. coli at very high level, and make the host E. coli resistant to MC, UV and y-ray. The pprA gene does not express in normal Dr, but it can be induced to express by treatments with MC, UV and y-ray. It was thought that the pprA polypeptide is a cytoplasmic protein because of the absence of characteristics found in the aa sequence of membrane proteins.

C50.00 f£#x SSME^-W^ HEALTH, RADIATION PROTECTION AND ENVIRONMENT C52.00 W&Mffi^]ltifL'^-M^&'^.W\i\ Radiation Hazards and Environmental Safety Evaluations of Nuclear Installations

CNIC-01264; SMC-0143 980060

366^^^ikAMWHMf-^iStf70Sttiigo ffclkxi&2j 2-35

45 The Health Investigation of Operators with Mercury/JI Yinghui, ZHOU Jianying, WANG Peixiang, ZHANG Yan (Suzhou Medical College) (In Chinese) The health of 366 operators with mercury was retrospectively surveyed. The time periods of service are among 2~35 years. The result shows that there is significant difference between the observed group among the over 3-year-operators and the control group in clinical symptoms and signs. It is important that the diagnoses of chronic mercury poisoning are not based on mercury quantity in urine but on quiver and oral cavity inflammation. The concentration of mercury in air is closely related with mercury poisoning reaction.

CNIC-01265; SMC-0144 980061

165 09. 1986 *$®timM* 6.58%, ^t^ ft 8.59%, ^25.14%, II M&±.&B%1 44.04%, »»^-S-#* 24.33%,

Epidemiological Study on Silicosis in Uranium Mines/YANG Yongsheng, ZHOU Liren, CHEN Yuejin (Institute of Radiation Medicine, Suzhou Medical College); WU Qi, CHEN Shaojia (Bureau of Safety, Protection, Environment and Health, China National Nuclear Corporation, Beijing) (In Chinese) A survey of silicosis in 3 uranium mines and 2 uranium prospecting teams by epidemiological method has been made. Up to 576 workers suffered from silicosis, among them 411 still survive and 165 have died. In 1986, silicosis prevalence rate was 6.58%. Cumulative incidence rate was 8.59%. Cumulative motality rate was 25.14%. 44.04% of the cases suffered from the stage II and III of silicosis, 24.33% of the cases are complicated by tuberculosis. All the cases began to expose to dust as early as 1950's or 1960's. During the past thirty years dust density and detection rate of silicosis have shown a tendency of decrease. Since these mines and teams were founded, the mean length of service has been getting longer, the mean age at which diagnosed as silicosis getting older, the mean span suffering from silicosis getting longer and the mean death age getting older. The interval between a lower and higher stage has been getting longer. 20.31% of all the cases were not diagnosed as

46 silicosis until 5 years or more after they escaped from exposure to dust. The mean length of service of those, who exposed only to uranium dust, is 7.47 years and their mean age when diagnosed as silicosis is 36.74, which is younger than those who have exposed not only to uranium dust but also to other dusts.

C54.00 Radiation Protection Procedures

CNIC-01269; SMC-0145 980062 ESR i£, mm ( w%ffi, «. 215007); tl, 100850) VX 5'-TMP ft% DNA , t-NB ESR DNA

M 5'-TMP ESR {g 5'-TMP

The ESR Study of the Clearance of the Radiation Induced Free Radical by Some Chemicals/QIANG Yizong, WANG Chongdao, SHAO Yuan (Suzhou Medical College, Institute of Radiation Medicine, Suzhou, 215007); SUN Cunpu, CONG Jianbo, WU Ke (Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Institute of Radiation Medicine, Beijing, 100850) (In Chinese) Free radical induced by y-irradiated DNA, as well as the radioprotection effect on the thymidine solution by chinonin, quercetin, tannic acid, sulfated polysaccharide, polysacchariopeptide and spirulina platensis are investigated by using ESR with 5'-TMP as DNA model and t-NB as spin trapping agent. The results show that spin trapping ESR signal of y-irradiated 5'-TMP molecule has the typical ESR spectrum. The existence of 5'-TMP free radical is also confirmed. The above mentioned chemicals have the effect of trapping free radical, especially chinonic tannic acid and quercetin.


D10.00 ISOTOPES AND RADIATION SOURCES D13.00 Other Isotope Production, Separation and Enrichment

47 CNIC-01243; SINPC-0009 980063


Measurement of Tritium Production in 6LiD Irradiated with Neutrons from a Critical System/DUAN Shaojie (Institute of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry of CAEP, Chengdu) (In Chinese) The tritium production rate and its distribution, in a 6LiD semisphere on a critical assembly neutron source are measured with a 6Li sandwich gold-silicon surface barrier detector. Then tritium production rate and the average tritium production length of the neutrons in the whole 6LiD sphere are derived from approximate sphere symmetry.

D20.00 mtLMMRmWiM&Ri ISOTOPE AND RADIATION APPLICATIONS D23.00 X^kSiffi Industrial Application

CNIC-01309; CIRA-0001 980064 +ai^f^«»tM?. im, 100822) £ (CIRA> M^mmM^A-.M^mummo ^i*, Wi; 5 kW W±.XMkfflJPii5S 45 $., &ljj^}j 2005 kW; W&vHiSSytj 1.11 X 104 TBq W±ylt^^M^e 48 $, ?&W&\&T 1.11 X 104TBq Wy^^ffiJl^H 75 M, &$£MtW% 4.63xio5

The New Development of Radiation Processing in China/Chen Dianhua (China Isotope and Radiation Association, Beijing, 100822) China Isotope and Radiation Association (CIRA) investigated the status of radiation processing in China's mainland. There are 45 accelerators each with beam power over 5 kW, the total beam power is 2005 kW. There are 48 y facilities each with designed capacity over 1.11 X 104 TBq (0.3 million curies) and other 75 units with designed capacity less than 1.11 X 104 TBq. The total loaded capacity is 4.63 X 105 TBq, more than one third of the designed capacity. Radiation processing is mainly used in producing chemical-industrial products (as heat-shrinkable products and radiation cross-linked wire and cable) in China. Some enterprises with annual output value over a hundred million RMB have emerged. Radiation processing is also used in preservation and disinfection of food. In 1977, six kinds of hygienic

48 standards for irradiated food were authorized. Radiation sterilization of disposable medical products, radiation desulphurization and denitration are also being developed in China.

E00.00 XM^&Jfc ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY E10.00 Xfl ENGINEERING E15.00 Sfclfrtt^UfifftSlft Handling of Radioactive Materials

CNIC-01298; ISNI-0001 980065


Status Analysis of Chinese Standards on Enclosure Equipment and Proposed Countermeasures/WU Luping (Institute for Standardization of Nuclear Industry) (In Chinese) Enclosure equipment, such as glove box, tong box etc., is an important kind of equipment for nuclear industry and nuclear scientific research. The status of the establishment and implementation of Chinese standards on enclosure equipment is briefly described. Some problems and deficiency existing in these standards are pointed out. The ISO standard projects on containment enclosures as well as their present progress situations are introduced. The measures for updating Chinese standards on enclosure equipment in accordance with the principle of adopting international standards are recommended. Some issues which should be taken into account in adopting ISO standards on containment enclosures are also discussed.

E 16.00 Accelerators

CNIC-01281; IAE-0187 980066

, 102413)


49 Application of ps-Streak Camera in Accelerator Study Measurement of Longitudinal Profile of Electron-Beam Bunch/LIU Weiren, ZHANG Shichen, WANG Lilie , DING Meisong, CAOZhong, LIU Fengying, LIU Xuefeng (China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing, 102413) The system for measurement of longitudinal profile of electron-beam bunch of electron accelerator with ps-streak camera has been constructed. Using this system, the length of electron-beam bunch have measured at Beijing Free Electron Laser Facility (BFEL) and Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPC) in Institute of High Energy Physics of China Academy of Sciences, and Electron-Beam Injector for L- Band RF-Linac (LBINJ) in China Institute of Atomic Energy.

CNIC-01290; SINPC-0013 980067


The Measurement of the Fluence Rate of Accelerator Fusion Neutrons by Using the Associated Particle Method/WANG Dalun, LI Yijun, JIANG Li (Institute of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry, China Academy of Engineering Physics, Chengdu, 610003) {In Chinese) The associated particle method is normally used to measure the fluence rate of accelerator fusion neutron. In the article, the principle, set-up and technical points are standardized. The measurement error is up to 1%~ 1.5%. CNIC-01314; CAEP-0003 980068


_l:T-^^tii£il^^*tl^MrtW^->i-*a (MCS-8031) Wo \>X 12

50 Monitoring and Control System for the Beam-transport Field in an Induction Linac/WANG Huacen, LAI Qinggui, ZOU Yong (China Academy of Engineering Physics, Chengdu, 610003) {In Chinese) The monitoring and control system for the beam-transport field in the induction linac is presented. The system consists of a supervisory PC and single chip units built in the current regulators for the magnets connected via RS-485. The profile of the transport field is manipulated accurately by presetting and monitoring the currents through 12 bits A/D and D/A. Any faults of the regulators can be found in advance by the warning system. The optimum field profile may be preset automatically according to the measured beam characterization given an algorithm to the supervisory PC. The system has been used to operate the injector (2 MeV, 3 kA, 10 regulators) for more than one year and proved to be reliable, use-friendly.

CNIC-01327; CAEP-0015 980069

610003) 20 MeV R ^MM^tl^W^H

%mm i mm, £#*»£ 20 MeV x Design of Solenoid Magnet with Slender Majority of Transverse Magnetic Field/DAI Zhiyong, LIU Chengjun (China Academy of Engineering Physics, Chengdu, 610003) {In Chinese) The solenoid magnet design for a 20 MeV flash X-radiography is presented. Prototype solenoid magnets have been demonstrated that it has a magnetic axis tilt less than 1 mrad and magnetic axis offset 0.2 mm, respectively. The design features of the solenoid magnets, which are slender majority of transverse magnetic field and high precision of magnetic alignment, have been proved to meet the 20 MeV linear induction accelerator performance goals by the experiments of the 2 MeV injector.

E20.00 M^fc&i$ (&#S) FISSION REACTORS (GENERAL) E22.00 &&tfkUil¥&Wi$hik& Reactor Components and Accessories

CNIC-01262; HYIT-0005 980070

51 5 kw mmwLit&mm c0 mm M S^

Strengthening of the Nuclear Valve Sealing Surface by Laser Cladding Technology/SHI Shihong , HUANG Guodong (Central South Institute of Technology , Hengyang) (In Chinese)

A 5 kW laser with CO2 flow transverse for cladding Co base alloy or Ni base alloy coat on the austenite matrix of the nuclear valve sealing surface is introduced. The result show that, after the sealing surface of valve is processed by the laser cladding, the coat of 30 mm thick can be made with smooth surface. The test and comparison analysis indicate that the structure and all performance have obvious advantages over that of the plasma spurt welding, bead welding and flame welding processing.

E24.00 5tl*Ltf!L¥£fflM%L Reactor Control Systems

CNIC-01235-, SNERDI-0037 980071


Computation of Reactor Control Rod Drop Time under Accident Conditions /DOU Yikang, YAO weida, YANG Renan, JIANG Nanyan (Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research and Design Insitute) (In Chinese} The computational method of reactor control rod drop time under accident conditions lies mainly in establishing forced vibration equations for the components under action of outside forces on control rod driven line and motion equation for the control rod moving in vertical direction. The above two kinds of equations are connected by considering the impact effects between control rod and its outside components. Finite difference method is adopted to make discretization of the

52 vibration equations and Wilson-0 method is applied to deal with the time history problem. The non-linearity caused by impact is iteratively treated with modified Newton method. Some experimental results are used to validate the validity and reliability of the computational method. Theoretical and experimental testing problems show that the computer program based on the computational method is applicable and reliable. The program can act as an effective tool of design by analysis and safety analysis for the relevant components.

E30.00 #^S3£*l2tS!.&£W^%#i SPECIFIC FISSION REACTOR TYPES AND THEIR ASSOCIATED PLANTS E32.00 gzKtf ^#i*7K^4P>#ifM^i#(PWR^§D Power Reactors, Non-Breeding, Light-Water Moderated, Non-Boiling Water Cooled (PWR, ect., Types)

CNIC-01273; SNERDI-0039 980072

, MO

Low Cycle Corrosion Fatigue Properties of F316Ti in Simulated LWR Primary Environment/XU Xuelian, DING Yaping (Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research & Design Institute, Shanghai, 200233); Yasuyuki KATADA, Shunji SATO (National Research Institute for Materials,Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0047, Japan) Environment effect on fatigue performance of materials used for pressurized boundary, including fatigue life and crack growth rate, are of importance to nuclear safety. To predict the fatigue life of nuclear materials and to improve the design of nuclear materials, it is necessary to investigate the material fatigue performances in

53 corrosive environment and to get the fatigue data under its environment to be used in. Low cycle corrosion fatigue (CF) performance investigation of domestic F316Ti in simulated BWR and PWR primary environment was carried out. The result shows that the high temperature water environment is one of the most important factors on CF properties. For the same material, the low cycle fatigue life in high temperature air is longer than that in simulated BWR and PWR primary environments. In high temperature water, domestic F316Ti has almost the same low cycle corrosion fatigue performance as F316 (made in Japan). All of the fatigue data are scattered within ASME best-fit curve and ASME design fatigue curve. In high strain range, there is no significant difference of the CF performance for F316Ti in both of BWR and PWR primary environments. With the decrease of strain amplitude, the difference appears gradually. The data is located at the short life side of the fatigue data in simulated BWR primary environment. Titanium is distributed uniformly in F316Ti manufactured in Fushun Steel Factory. Ni, Cr, Mo in this material are located at the high side of the alloy chemical composition range. So, F316Ti has a better CF property in high temperature water.

CNIC-01232; SNERDI-0035 980073 ®xmw%m i CHASNUPP

Structural Mechanics in Nuclear Power Plant/HAN Liangbi (Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research and Design Institute) {In Chinese) The main research works in structural mechanica in reactor technology are emphatically introduced. It is completed by structural mechanics engineers at Shanghai Nuclear Research and Design Institute associated with the design and construction problems for Qianshan NPP Unit 1 and Pakistani CHASNUPP. About structural mechanics problem for the containment, the rock and soft soil two different bases are considered. For the later the interaction between soil and structure is carefully studied. About the structural mechanics problem for the equipment and pipings, the three-dimensional stress and fracture analyses are studied. For the

54 structural dynamics problem, including flow induced vibration, the response analyses underearthquake and loss coolant accident loadings are studied. For pipings, the leak before break technique has been emphatically introduced. A lot of mathematical models, the used computer codes, analytical calculations and experimental results are also introduced. This is a comprehensive description about structural mechanics problem in pressurized water reactor nuclear power plant.

CNIC-01233; SNERDI-0036 980074

(CHASNUPP) 441 m u mwimm u mwh 9 *g&*r\

Seismic Response Analysis and Test of CHASNUPP Steam Generator Lower Part Model/HAN Liangbi, XU Jinkang, ZHAN Jingxian, HE Yinbiao, WANG Peizhu (Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research and Design Institute) (In Chinese) The seismic response analysis and test of CHASNUPP steam generator lower part model has been performed. The lower part model consists of a tube sheet, 441 U-shaped rods (modeled on U-shaped tubes), 9 tie rods, a tube bundle wrapper, a lower shell and some position bolts between the lower shell and the wrapper. The analytical and experimental data show that the steam generator lower part model is more stiffer than pure tube bundle model. The movement of the lower part model appears in a systematic mode in earthquake condition. The fundamental natural frequency of this model is higher than that of the tube bundle model and lower than that of the lower shell. The global frequency components are absolutely dominant and the local frequency components are insignificant. The experimental data are in good agreement with the results from finite element method. The effectiveness of mathematical model is verified.

CNIC-01252; RINPO-0020 980075


55 ^65t/h0^-0 #3 60 °Co itykw^tk&jmxMmft 8 t^i 2E^, -sw 240 m^mm u 5.789 m, #

(0.25%). Experimental Studies of PWR Vertical Steam Generator Performance/DING Xunshen (Research Institute of Nuclear Power Operation, Wuhan) The charateristies of heat transfer, natural circulation and moisture separation equipment with a vertical steam generator model are tested on a high-temperature and high-pressure test facility. The primary loop pipe is made of low alloy steel. The primary water at 10.13 MPa is driven by two centrifugal pumps. Boiler is designed to elevate the primary water temperature by 60 °C at a flow rate of 65 t/h. The test model can produce a maximum steam flow of 8 t/h; 240 stainless steel U tubes are invertedly connected with the tubesheet, the tube dimensions are ^15 mmX 1.5 mm. The model has a height of 5.789 m. Heat transfer characteristics experiment is obtained: The steam generator thermal design can neglect the existence of preheating region, considering the saturated boiling takes place over all the tube surface. This does not exactly reflect the actual heat transfer coefficient and temperature difference. But, the product of two parameters is lower for design than for experiment so that heat transfer coefficient and temperature difference combine to result in a larger heat transfer area for design than for experiment. Moisture separator is a swirl vane separator. Dryer is a single circle of vertical chevron plate separator. Test results indicate the separation efficiency of the moisture separator and dryer is very satistactory and the exit moisture is much better than 0.25% (the required content).

CNIC-01255; CIRP-0020 980076 m\kE.m®&xi£Hfiite£#VT$&Lffimmfv®-n, im&, mcx, m&m, u HUM (^a^IIM^Jf^, KM, 030006)

T- 1995329, ionnR\99i^2m±^ih-, ^ Hiarifc^ijiaff7^ffl2o^p 10

56 Experimental Study of Meteorological Correlation and Wind Tunnel Simulation for Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant (Phase III)/HU Erbang, ZHANG Maoshuan, YAORentai, GAOZhanrong, WEN Lianzhong, YAN Jiangyu (China Institute for Radiation Protection, Taiyuan, 030006) (In Chinese) The synchronous low altitude wind, temperature and surface wind field observation experiments were carried out at 3 sites (Phase I. II. III.) for 20 days and 10 days respectively during Sep. and Oct. 1995 and in Feb. 1997 in order to provide basic data to EIR for feasibility study and design stages of Qinshan NPP (Phase III). An experimental and theoretical study on estimation of annual atmosphere diffusion factor is described for new site by using etical one full year of hourly meterological observation date for operated NPP based on meterological correlation experiment. The possibility of wind tunnel correlation simulation test by using PFV technology instend of synchronous field observation experiment was also studied.

CNIC-01256; CIRP-0021 980077 600 MWe «ttttff 9%% XW,, 030006)

ROULEA" o ROULEA fflfr&SW^fflk, BP INPUT «£, ANRTRI m&, CHIQV m&® DOSE wm, frMtt&mtm&m*. ^^^Hnm^mmmmo Model, Parameter and Code of Environmental Dispersion of Gaseous Effluent under Normal Operation from Nuclear Power Plant with 600 MWe /HU Erbang, GAO Zhanrong (China Institute for Radiation Protection, Taiyuan , 030006) (In Chinese) The model of environmental dispersion of gaseous effluene under normal operation from a nuclear power plant with 600 MWe is established to give a mathematical expression of annual mean atmospheric dispersion factor under mixing release condition based on quality assessment of radiological environment for 30 years of Chinese nuclear industry. In calculation, the impact from calm and other following factors have been taken into account: mixing layer, dry and wet deposition, radioactive decay and buildings. The doses caused from the following exposure pathways are also given by this model: external exposure from immersion cloud and

57 ground deposition, internal exposure due to inhalation and ingestion. The code is named as ROULEA. It contains four modules, i.e. INPUT, ANRTRI, CHIQV and DOSE for calculating 4-dimension joint frequency, annual mean atmospheric dispersion factor and doses.

CNIC-01257; CIRP-0022 980078 600 WMe


m (CCFD)o mi¥&%%) "ACCLEA" . ACCLEA *SfP&#TJ£5^P£iFf: RjOULE -f-tm-, itiroi^rtfcH^; ACCD --rnft, ifwmfeftTMm&x^rm M; SOUl^igi^, fflTffiMttWafelW&mWffcH^lfiJ*; SAMPL f f X^^#; TEMP ^gff, fe»^AW^ffiJ*-^a^tt^W^^hBIR^*^*ft^ CCFDO Model, Parameter and Code of Environmental Dispersion for an Accidental Release of Gaseous Effluent from a Nuclear Power Plant with 600 MWe/HU Erbang, GAO Zhanrong (China Institute for Radiation Protection, Taiyuan, 030006) (In Chinese) The model and code for calculating the accidental atmospheric dispersion factor are presented for feasibility study and design phases of nuclear power plant by using deterministic method and probabilistic method, respectively, based on the analysis of related guide of IAEA, USA, Japan, China National Environmental Protection Administration and China National Nuclear Safety Administration. A common probabilistic model is given to estimate the 99.5% cumulative probabilistic level accidental dispersion factor for various wind directions, 95% cumulative probabilistic level accidental dispersion factor for whole site and the final accidental dispersion factor for assessment in the design phase. A segment plume model is adopted to estimate the complementary cumulative frequency distribution (CCFD) of individual effective dose and mortality cancer for accidental release. The code is named as ACCLEA. The ACCLEA code contains following 5 sub-codes: ROULE for nomal atmospheric dispersion factor; ACCD for atmospheric dispersion factor and dose of accidental release with deterministic method; SOU1 for probabilistic dispersion factor and dose with common probabilistic method; SAMPL used for

58 sampling; TEMP for the CCFD of individual effective dose and mortality cancer.

CNIC-01267; SNERDI-0038 980079 (±

Dynamic Analysis of CHASNUPP Steam Generator Structure during Shipping/HAN Liangbi, XU Jinkang, ZHOU Meiwu, HE Yinbiao (Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research and Design Institute) (In Chinese) The dynamic analysis of CHASNUPP steam generator during shipping is described, including the simplified mathematical model, acceleration power spectrum of ocean wave induced random vibration, the dynamic analysis of steam generator structure under random loading, the applied computer code and calculated results.

CNIC-01284; SINRE-0082 980080

. f&M, 610041)



Experimental Study on Thermal-Hydraulic Characteristics of Secondary-side Passive ECRHR System of AC600/CHEN Bingde, XIAO Zejun, ZHUO Wenbin (Nuclear Power Institute of China, Chengdu, 610041) (In Chinese) An integral system experimental test rig was designed to study the thermal- hydraulic characteristics of secondary-side passive emergency core residual heat

59 removal (ECRHR) system of AC600. Total sets of 166 experimental data on steady state have been obtained and main influence factors on heat removal capacity are identified. The experimental data shows that core residual heat can be removed through natural circulation under the condition of circumstance temperature 6~23

"C and Lth of 11 m, provided wind-speed higher than 1.5 m/s in the test parameter scope. Experimental results illustrate that short disturbance of wind-speed, power and valve opening had no significant impact on natural circulation. The system seems to tolerate to these disturbance. A correlation of two-phase natural circulation flow rate is derived from constitutive equations by using of specific system parameters and several semi-empirical formulas are obtained. Compared with the measuring data, the deviation of 98.8% data points is within +15%. The objectives of transient experiment study is to investigate the start-up modes and transition behaviors. The results of 46 runs show the natural circulation of system can be set up by means of all three start-up modes, and its transient characteristics, especially, the system stability and transit time are determined by not only start-up modes, but also system's configuration, initial and bundary conditions, mainly. The calculating results of MIS AP-PRHR code, a computer code developed for passive safety system, reveal that it can predict quantitatively the steady state characteristics, such as, pressure, flowrate, heat removal capacity and the stable trasient process can be well simulated, too.

CNIC-01292; HYIT-0008 980081 mm)

The Obscure Factor Analysis on the Vibration Reliability of the Internals of Nuclear Power Plant Reactor and Anti-Vibration Measures/FU Geyan, ZHU Qirong (Central-south Institute of Technology, Hengyang) (In Chinese) It is pointed out that the main reason making nuclear power plants reactors leak is the vibration of internals of reactors. The factors which lead the vibration all have

60 randomness and obscureness. The obscure reliability theory is introduced to the vibration system of interals of nuclear power reactor. Based on a quantity of designing and moving data, the obscure factors effecting the vibration reliability of the internals of nuclear power plant reactor are analyzed and the anti-vibration reliability criteria and the evaluating model are given. And the anti-vibration reliability measures are advanced from different quarters of the machine design and building, the thermohydraulics design, the control of reactivity, etc.. They may benefit the theory and practice for building and perfecting the vibration obscure reliability model of the reactor internals.

CNIC-01296; RINPO-0021 980082

30 MW

Steam Generator Comprehensive Testing Facility/CHEN Changbing (Research Institute of Nuclear Power Operation, Wuhan) (In Chinese) The main system and equipment of a capacity of 30 MW steam generator testing rig is briefly introduced. The thermal performance of steam generator simulator has been verified with a steam generator model comprehensive testing. The application and function of the Facility are analyzed. And the effective use of the equipment of the Facility is also proposed.

CNIC-01308; TSHU-0084 980083

», 100084)


NCS A Software for Visual Modeling and Simulation of PWR Nuclear

61 Power Plant Control System/CUI Zhenhua (Engineering Physics Department, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084) {In Chinese) The modeling and simulation of nuclear power plant control system has been investigated. Some mathematical models for rapid and accurate simulation are derived, including core models, pressurizer model, steam generator model, etc. Several numerical methods such as Runge-Kuta Method and Treanor Method are adopted to solve the above system models. In order to model the control system conveniently, a block diagram-oriented visual modeling platform is designed. And the Discrete Similarity Method is used to calculate the control system models. A corresponding simulating software, NCS, is developed for researching on the control systems of commercial nuclear power plant. And some satisfactory results are obtained. The research works in the paper will be of referential and applying value to design and analysis of nuclear power plant control system.

E34.00 fi7X (mmmn^ teifcto^Xtt4WR)fc]#*i»&3j;*ji£ Power Reactors, Non- Breeding, Heavy-Water or Otherwise Moderated or Unmoderated

CNIC-01249; IAE-0184 980084



Measurement of Neutron Energy Spectrum of Thermal Column of Heavy Water Reactor/BAO Zongyu, CHEN Jun, YUE Qian, XU Kun (China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing, 102413) The neutron energy spectrum at the thermal column of Heavy Water Reactor in China Institute of Atomic Energy has been measured by time-of-flight method. The neutron pulses are acquired by a rotating chopper, which is a plate made up of a sheet cadmium sandwiched in between two sheets of stainless steel. On the edge of the plate there are two slits symmetrically. A neutron pulse starts to fly while either of the two slits of the plate is on the line of the collimator of the thermal column and

62 a signal is sent out simultaneously by a circuit composed of a light emitting diode and a phototriode. A 3He proportional counter at a distance of 97 cm gives out the stop signal of neutron flight. The counting system is mainly composed of a time-to- amplitude converter and a multi-channel amplitude analyzer. The energy spectrum has been deduced after the conversion of the time spectrum and the following corrections: efficiency of the detector, zero point of flight time, air attenuation, energy resolution. The result shows that the neutron energy spectrum is quite different from a typical Maxwell distribution. This is because that there is a silicon filter of 50 cm long inside the hole of the thermal column.

E36.00 ffiftig., itMiMH^WVk Research, Test and Training Reactors

CNIC-01302; IAE-0189 980085


The Safety Renovation of the Control and Protection System for 49-2 (SPR) /SUN Xueliang, WU Taosheng, CHEN Kezhi, ZHENG Wenyao, HAO Huaide (China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing) (In Chinese) The introduction of the safety renovation project of the control and protection system of the swimming-pool research reactor (SPR) is presented. An advanced control and protection system for 49-2 (SPR) has been designed, manufactured, installed and tested. In the design of the new system, the modern measuring and control techniques are employed and the national standards and nuclear safety codes are strictly followed. Protection variables and equipment are modified; Sensitivity increased about 1~2 orders of magnitude; at shutdown condition, 5 independent monitors indicate reactor power at the same time; It has good stability and anti- jamming ability. New type of auto-power adjusting system is of good quality; and the Minimum reactor power for patting into auto-mode is modified to be 10 W level

63 instead of previous kW level. Thus the operation safety is ensured and sensitivity increased; added UPS as backup power supply ensures safe shutdown and the indication of the reactor power at reactor shutdown. This project is the first attempt of the renovation of the control and protection systems of the research reactors in China. The success of the two years safe operation of the new system would be of value for the reconstruction of other research reactors and for the design of the new research reactors.

E40.00 iX^> ®M INSTRUMENTATION E41.00 tZ1?5$Si$ti$WMRm-ii£&^1]& Particle and Radiation Detection and Measuring Instruments and Methods

CNIC-01250; IAE-0185 980086


. £ 1996 ^ 24iAm mmm^^^bkM%%¥ 0.2%\>xn. Radioactivity Measurement of a-nuclides by Small Solid Angle Method/WANG Jianqing, LI Xiaodi, CHEN Xilin, WANG Guojun (China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing, 102413) Counting under a precise small solid angle is one of the oldest methods developed for the radioactivities measurement of a nuclides. The principle of solid angle counting is very simple and the accuracy is much better. The advantages of an equipment developed by the authors, in which a large area Au-Si surface barrier detector (450 mm2) is used, are introduced. Some comparisions on measurement results have been obtained with the gridded ionization chamber, and a national comparision result of 241Am, which deviated from the average result is less than 0.2%, are presented in detail.

CNIC-01259; SINPC-0010 980087 #^fi/&is^ ($mxj&mmm%u, dm. 610003) D-T 4^m/L¥iinn^^i^m^

64 Measurement of D-T Neutron Penetration Probability Spectra for Iron Ball Systems/DUAN Shaojie (Institute of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry, CAEP, Chengdu, 610003) (In Chinese) The D-T nertron penetration probability spectra are measured for iron ball shell systems of the sereies of samples used in the experiments, and the penetration curves are presented. As the detector is near to samples, the measured results being approximately corrected are compared with those in the literature, and it is shown that the former is compatible with the latter in the range of the experimental error.

CNIC-01263; BICM-0017 980088

w&-m*&wm&* m-

Development of an On-line Analyzer for Organic Phase Uranium Concentration in Extraction Process/DONG Yanwu, SONG Yufen, ZHU Yaokun, CONG Peiyuan, CUI Songru (Beijing Research Institute of Chemical Engineering and Metallurgy, CNNC) (In Chinese) The working principle, constitution, performance of an on-line analyzer and the development characteristic of immersible sonde, data processing system and examination standard are reported. The performance of this instrument is reliable. For identical sample, the signal fluctuation in continuous monitoring for four months is less than ±1%. According to required measurement range by choosing appropriate length of sample cell the precision of measurement is better than 1% at uranium concentration 100 g/L. The detection limit is (50+10) mg/L. The uranium concentration in process stream can be automatically displayed and printed out in real time and 4 ~ 20 mA current signal being proportional to the uranium concentration can be presented. So the continuous control and computer management for the extraction process can be achieved.

65 CNIC-01280; IAE-0186 980089

Optical Fiber Spectrophotometer/ZHUANG Weixin, TIAN Guocheng, YE Guoan, ZHOUZhihong, CHENG Weiwei, HUANG Lifeng, LIU Suying, TANG Yanji, HU Jingxin, ZHAO Yonggang (China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing) (In Chinese) A method called "Two Arm's Photo out and Electricity Send-back" is introduced. UV-365 UV/VIS/NIR spectrophotometer has been reequiped by this way with 5 meters long optical fiber. Another method called "One Arm's Photo out and

Photo Send-back" is also introduced. Xx9 UV/VIS/NIR spectrophotometer has been reequiped by this way with 10 meters long optical fiber. Optical fiber spectrophotometer can work as its main set. So it is particularly applicable to radio- activity work.

CNIC-01288; SEVPC-0011 980090

610003) &$mM&mfeT m^m 10%.

The Experimental Measurement of Reflecting Neutrons Effect of 14 MeV Neutrons after Penetrating Composed Material/CHEN Suhe, WANG Dalun, KANG Wu, HUANG Weidong (Institute of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry, China Academy of Engineering Physics, Chengdu, 610003) (In Chinese) To calibrate theoretical calculation result of reflecting neutrons effects for carbon nucleus, the reflecting neutrons effects of 14 MeV neutrons after penetrating three composed materials were measured with capture detector. The errors of experimental measurement is better than 10%. The experimental results accord with the values of theoretical calculation (Monte Caho Method) in the experimental errors.

66 CNIC-01289; SEVPC-0012 980091 . mmm, ®x&, fern, J 610003)

50 The Background and Reliability Analysis in the Measurement of Reflecting Neutrons Effect/WANG Dalun, CHEN Suhe, LI Yijun, KANG Wu, HUANG Weidong (Institute of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry, China Academy of Engineering Physics, Chengdu, 610003 ) (In Chinese) The measuring method and measured results of neutrons background in the experiment of reflecting neutrons effect are introduced. From point of view on system errors, the experimental results reliability of reflecting neutrons effect were analysed. The experimental results accord with the theorical calculations in the range of experimental errors. The approximate values accord with the theorical calculations values in the range of 3% to 5% errors.

CNIC-01291; SINPC-0014 980092


A Summary on Macroscopic Neutron Integral Experiments in China/Duan Shaojie (Institute of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry, CAEP, Chengdu, 610003) (In Chinese) The macroscopic neutron integral experiments made in China for past thirty years are reviewed, and some important aspects, such as the purpose, significant characteristics, macroscopic samples used, the parameters, experimental conditions and so on, are briefed. In addition, the overseas relative work is introduced briefly. CNIC-01318; CAEP-0006 980093 610003)

67 Auto-measuring Instrument with Crystal Oscillator Frequency/SUN Jinbu (China Academy of Engineering Physics, Chengdu, 610003) {In Chinese) Auto-measuring instrument with crystal oscillator frequency adopts microcomputer technique to program control. The utilization of multi-route electronic program control switch to auto-switch can test several counter crystal oscillator at one time automatically. The programs used in this instrument are designed in accordance with the national counter crystal oscillator testing regulations. In the instrument design, the author have substituted the old generation product's artificial operating of recording, calculating, print and curve drawing during the main turn-on, date frequency fluctuate, and second stage stability feature measurement with auto machine work.

CNIC-01323; CAEP-0011 980094 swsjftUcjiffeaE^^swia/JiiWRjs. (tiiiftif^. &M, 610003) BMD-I mumBft&mr±wBw%m®m&

, H# 1 mA~l A WRT^ffeMH, %MMmBL%± (0.25%+2uA) . u^Mm, %.#&#& 10 HZ~I MHZ n&im^ftm&i&ti&xfti] 0.5-50 us PT$. Development of BMD-1 Model Standard Pulse Current Generator/LAI Bingquan (China Academy of Engineering Physics, Chengdu, 610003) (In Chinese) The BMD-1 Model Standard Pulse Current Generator is a pulse current calibration instrument. It is used to calibrate current probe, amplifier of current probe and other current measurement instruments. The standard pulse current generator uses a perfect current switch to transfer the standard direct current into the standard pulse current. It provides a variable output current ranges from 1 mA to 1 A, current accuracy is ± (0.25%+2 uA) the standard pulse generator provides three work modes of output current: DC, signal pulse and variable frequencies from 10 Hz to 1 MHz, and provides a.variable pulse current widths from 0.5 to 50 us.

CNIC-01326; CAEP-0014 980095 , flffl, 610003)


68 10 mm, 5 mm tt, mfemmjmmzi 0.35 T, iitiisi^i^ii^ 1.22%,

Microwiggler/LIU Qingxiang (China Academy of Engineering Physics, Chengdu, 610003) (In Chinese) The hybrid micro wiggler is an important assembly in free electron laser device. In order to reduce the free electron laser devices output wavelength or to lower its electron beam power requirement, one has to reduce the wiggler period. The hybrid Microwiggler made of neodymium, iron, boron and A3 steel has been investigated. The new material neodymium, iron, boron used and groovy orientation and half period magnet field adjust technique adopted have improved the orientation precision, and let the wiggler easy to assemble and adjust, thereby greatly strengthened the magnet field and made the magnet distribution more counterpoise. This study found a good base to the varied-parameter design, optical cavity klystron construction design and wiggler area design. The weaver period is 10 mm, when the magnet pole gap is 5 mm, the peak magnet field intensity is 0.35 T with a maxim windage 1.22%.

E42.00 %{&&{$(.%i^Mmj'& Other Nuclear Instrumentation and Methods of Measurement

CNIC-01248; IAE-0183 980096 , mmm, #^m (^m

100-550 m,

±19%. Intelligent Type Sodium Level Gauge and Its Graduation Calibration Facility/CHENDaolong, WANGXuan, LIXinying, SUN Huiqing (China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing); ZHU Jie (Shanghai Electrical Meter Factory) (In Chinese)

69 The component construction and their performances of the intelligent type sodium level gauge newly-developed and its graduation calibration facility are presented. They can be operated in the temperature limit 100 ~ 550 °C. Its graduation characteristic calibration test is described. The temperature effect is analyzed. The graduation characteristic equation using the medium temperature as the paramter is given. The calibration errors are analyzed. The measurement system using this sodium level gauge is presented. The tests show that the intelligent type sodium level gauage possesses good linearity. The accurate sodium level measurement data can be obtained by means of its on-line compensation function of the temperature effect. Moreover, it possesses the self-inspection, the electric shutoff protection, the setting of full-scale, the thermocouple breaking alarm, the two upper limits and two lower limits alarms, the standard analog output signal and the digital output signal. Therefore, it is applicable particularly to the instrument, control and protection systems of LMFBR. The basic error of this intelligent type sodium level gauge is ± 1.9% of measuring range.

F00.00 & §£ £ #, jnj M OTHER ASPECTS OF NUCLEAR ENERGY F10.00 i£#F^i5?±£^ ECONOMICS AND SOCIOLOGY F11.00 %&zfttl£c$r Nuclear Power Economics

CNIC-01236; CSNAS-0119 980097

Economic Effect of Applied Nuclear-Agricultural Science in China/JI Xiaobing (Institute for Application of Atomic Energy, CAAS, Beijing); ZHOU Zhihong, ZHAO Shoufeng (China Institute of Nuclear Industry Economics, Beijing) (In Chinese) The economic effect of applied nuclear-agricultural science for 40 years in China have been summarized, analyzed and appraised. The economic regularity and features which are followed by research-development-production in the field of

70 applied nuclear agricultural science in China are explored according to the essential characteristics of economics for input-output ratio and the self-features of nuclear agricultural science. Some propositions for promoting the development and the economic effect of the applied nuclear-agricultural science in China are also given.

F50.00 ifc^^"&-^itli-#li8^ MATHEMATICAL METHODS AND COMPUTER CODES F51.00 f^it^J^-^Hftt Nuclear Computation and Simulation

CNIC-01329; CAEP-0017 980098 610003)

Developing Technique of High Availability System Application Program/LU Hai, LIU Shukun (China Academy of Engineering Physics, Chengdu, 610003) (In Chinese) The general network developing technique and the network computing model of Client/Server is discussed. The rule of double servers warm backup of network is summarized. The application of the High Availability (HA) technique may be applied to nuclear engineering for tentative data collecting, data testing and controlling, etc., which do not admit data losing and task interrupting.

F60.00 %^ MISCELLANEOUS F61.00 — f&Xffl. General Relevant documents

CNIC-01270 980099 £** (1997*) / m®&&&) £&8is, ^B&tifS+'ts im, 100037 1997 ^jSftl&W «43ffl^4&JR^» (M^ CNIC-01131-CNIC-01230)


1997 Abstracts China Nuclear Science and Technology Report (1997)/Editoral Department of China Nuclear Science and Technology Report (China Nuclear

71 Information Centre, Beijing, 100037) The bibliographies and abstracts of China Nuclear Science and Technology Reports published in 1997 (Report Numbers CNIC-01131 —CNIC-01230) are presented. The items are arranged according to INIS subject categories, which mainly are physical sciences, chemistry, materials, earth sciences, life sciences, isotopes, isotope and radiation applications, engineering and technology, and other aspects of nuclear energy. The numbers on the left corners of the entries are report numbers, and on the right corners the serial numbers. A report number index is annexed.

CNIC-01328; CAEP-0016 980100


550 mBMM^ 90%» Study and Experiment of Precise Pointing System of Quarter Sensor and Fast Steering Mirror/ZHANG Jiaru, WAN Min, NIE Wenjie, ZHOU Keen, YU Zhen, ZHANG Rong (China Academy of Engineering Physics, Chengdu) {In Chinese) A precise pointing system, mainly composed of a quarter optic-electronic sensor and fast steering mirror, have been successfully deployed. A vibration source which frequency and amplitude could be adjusted is applied to simulate the vibration of object, and the performance of the system is tested, the results showed that the system can obtain a high precision at rather low vibrating frequency. The system with a telescope tracking system is used to point a vibrating object 550 m away, and the precision raises 90% based on the working of the telescope tracking system.

72 Index

CN1C-1231 980022 CNIC-1266 980014 CNIC-1232 980073 CNIC-1267 980079 CNIC-1233 980074 CMC-1268 980044 CNIC-1234 980056 CNIC-1269 980062 CMC-1235 980073 CNIC-1270 980099 CMC-1236 980097 CMC-1271 980034 CNIC-1237 980031 CMC-1272 980018 CMC-1238 980049 CNIC-1273 980062 CMC-1239 980048 CNIC-1274 980035 CMC-1240 980023 CMC-1275 980029 CNIC—1241 980032 CNIC-1276 980002 CMC-1242 980028 CNIC-1277 980003 CMC-1243 980063 CNIC-1278 980047 CNIC-1244 980050 CNIC-1279 980007 CMC-1245 980051 CNIC-1280 980089 CMC-1246 980020 CNIC-1281 980066 CMC-1247 980021 CMC-1282 980016 CNIC-1248 980096 CNIC-1283 980017 CNIC-1249 980084 CMC-1284 980080 CNIC-1250 980086 CMC-1285 980045 CMC-1251 980004 CNIC-1286 980046 CMC-1252 980075 CMC-1287 980036 CNIC-1253 980057 CMC-1288 980090 CMC-1254 980006 CNIC-1289 980091 CMC-1255 980076 CMC-1290 980067 CNIC-1256 980077 CNIC-1291 980092 CMC-1257 980078 CNIC-1292 980081 CNIC-1258 980013 CNIC-1293 980037 CNIC-1259 980087 CNIC-1294 980052 CNIC-1260 980033 CNIC-1295 980055 CNIC-1261 980058 CNIC-1296 980082 CNIC-1262 980035 CNIC-1297 980038 CMC-1263 980088 CMC-1298 980065 CNIC-1264 980060 CNIC-1299 980053 CNIC-1265 980061 CMC-1300 980015

73 CMC-1301 980054 CMC-1316 980019 CNIC-1302 980085 CMC-1317 980043 CMC-1303 980024 CMC-1318 980093 CMC-1304 980039 CMC-1319 980009 CMC-1305 980040 CMC-1320 980027 CMC-1306 980041 CMC-1321 980010 CMC-1307 980042 CMC-1322 980011 CMC-1308 980083 CMC-1323 980094 CMC-1309 980064 CMC-1324 980012 CMC-1310 980059 CMC-1325 980030 CMC-1311 980025 CMC-1326 980095 CNIC-1312 980008 CMC-1327 980069 CMC —1313 980001 CMC-1328 980100 CMC-1314 980068 CMC-1329 980098 CMC-1315 980005 CMC-1330 980026

74 Ps 2103 fgfl, flPJ$^5^ 100037




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