family affair Emily Madrigal with parents Ann and Vincent and sister Alice

What Dreamsa Are

Made Of a Philippine Emily Madrigal lives every young woman’s fantasy as she is introduced to society on an enchanting night of haute couture , stunning jewellery, and handsome cavaliers, writes Mitch Tizon-dela Paz Photography: tim griffiths Make-Up: LATIFA BLONDEAU of MAC COSMETICS Hair: ALEXANDRE DE PARIS Jewellery: bucherer Shoes: Christian louboutin Location: HÔtel raphael

154 philippine tatler . february 2015 philippine tatler . february 2015 155 aving been born to a prominent and wealthy family, with most of her childhood spent living in the glamorous city of Paris, Emily Madrigal is no stranger to a life of privilege; but receiving the invitation to Le Bal des Débutantes in November last year still made her heart skip a beat. “When I found out I would be part of this fabulous event, which also happens to be for a wonderful cause, I was overjoyed,” says the 19-year- H old daughter of Ann and Vincent Madrigal. Le Bal, also known as the Crillion , was named after the grand Hôtel de Crillon in Paris where the annual event always took place until it closed for renovation in 2013. It is the most exclusive debutante ball and one of high society’s biggest events in the world. Young women representing their home countries are introduced to society. Each one is dressed in haute couture designed by the world’s biggest fashion houses, wears stunning jewellery, and is escorted by her handsome cavalier. “I have never participated in a debutante ball before. This was my first, so it was really exciting for me,” says Emily. “Plus, knowing that only 25 girls were invited, and that I was one of the select few who got the golden ticket to the prestigious ball added to the thrill.”

Princess in Training

Le Bal happened on weekend in Paris, but Emily’s own personal fairy tale started a month before that, in New York City. fittings, a series of photo shoots, and dance lessons marked the beginning of a very memorable adventure for the young lady. “The designer of my gown was J Mendel, and I had a few fittings at his boutique in New York,” she says. “He is famous for his furs and his exquisite dresses which are perfect for grand balls like Le Bal, and the one I chose for this special event was, I thought, the best suited for the Parisian ball and my introduction to society—my Sitting pretty ‘coming out’ as they say.” Emily’s , a pale Emily Madrigal in pink and black asymmetrical , fitted a J Mendel gown, her delicate frame perfectly. “It looked like a photographed at gown for a modern-day princess,” she gushes. the Raphael Suite This modern-day princess had to learn how

156 philippine tatler . february 2015 philippine tatler . february 2015 157 magic moments (Counter clockwise from top far left) Emily and escort Theodore Oliver Rubin; Picture of elegance; In a green J Mendel (Photography by Troi Santos); Emily dancing with her father Vincent; Fathers wait to dance with their daughters; In a royal blue J Mendel (Photography by Troi Santos); Annette Bening and Yvette Warnod; Pat Cleveland and Antonio Manlio Nieto xxx xxxxx xxxxx xxx xxxxxxx xxx xxxxx xxxxx xxx

158 philippine tatler . february 2015 philippine tatler . february 2015 159 to waltz with her father Vincent; so after much “It was a once in a lifetime event, so it fuss about her gown, and pictorials here and there, she and her dad went on to brush up on was only natural to be anxious, but their dancing skills. She enjoyed every minute of it. “It was my most favourite part,” says Emily. everyone managed to contain their nerves “My dad is my best friend in the entire world, and look calm and absolutely gorgeous” and dancing with him during practice and at the ball was an exceptionally precious moment.” The father-daughter dance is an old Le Bal Everything was lovely. The ballroom was a tradition, but for Emily, it’s more than that. “My beauty itself with its gilded stucco ceiling, the ultimate source of inspiration is my dad. He exquisite art that decorated its walls, and the has taught me everything I know and for that faint glow from the Eiffel Tower streaming I am very grateful.” Having her father as part in through the windows that added a touch of this very special event in her life makes the of romance to the magical atmosphere. The experience so much sweeter. whole venue looked like a page from a fairy tale, and as the beautiful young ladies swept the dance floor and waltzed the night away, the A Paris To Remember grand ballroom of Palais de Chaillot sparkled with magic and grandeur. It was a picture Emily arrived in the City of Light a week that will stay with Emily, one she will never before the ball, and she was instantly caught forget. “Being part of Le Bal is important to in a whirlwind of activities. “The beginning me for a number of reasons,” she says. “First, of Le Bal was sort of a glamorous chaos,” she I met people whom I never would have been says. “We, the , were rushed from friends with otherwise. Second, it was a truly one photo shoot to the next, and bodyguards wonderful opportunity to introduce myself followed us wherever we went because Le Bal to society. And lastly, Le Bal raises money lent us very expensive jewellery from Bucherer.” for charity. Proceeds from the ball benefit its It was all a mad frenzy but Emily found herself partner, Children of Asia, a foundation which enjoying every experience and making a lot is partly based in the Philippines, and provides of new friends. “It was so much fun meeting care for underprivileged children in the region.” all these girls, and it’s amazing how we all had Having her family and her boyfriend by so much in common,” she says. “During our her side throughout the whole experience, breaks, we chatted about our lives, exchanged all proud and supportive, was also a memory Facebook accounts, and laughed. It’s incredible she will always cherish. “My family really to be able to feel at home with complete supported me from start to finish. In New strangers.” Amidst all the crazy and exciting Le York, they helped me with the pre-preperations Bal episodes, the Princeton University freshman for the ball. Then, they went to Paris and also managed to squeeze in a little bit of school attended the ball with me,” says Emily. “My work into her schedule, finishing a photography boyfriend, Theodore Oliver Rubin, was also assignment that involved Paris’ old architecture with me, and it was very reassuring to have him and neighbourhoods just a few days before her there by my side, supporting me during this big debut. Talk about multitasking. very important event.” The excitement that brewed around the ball At 19, Emily has seen the world and has gone throughout the week heightened on the actual on countless unforgettable adventures. Le Bal night as the debutantes headed to the “I have waded through floods in forgotten Palais de Chaillot, the venue for this year’s villages in the Philippines to deliver relief grand ball. “Everyone had butterflies in their goods. I have taken classes on metaphysics and stomach,” Emily remembers. Well, everyone epistemology at Princeton. I have won the level except her. The former competitive gymnast 7 New York state gymnastics championships, is used to having thousands of eyes trained on and trained and competed with a French her during competitions, and this night was gymnastics team in Paris. I have attended no different; so she just walked gracefully into classes at the École du Louvre in Paris, and I the grand ballroom of the hotel and dazzled have gotten lost in the Moroccan Souks…” The perfect everyone. “The aura surrounding Le Bal was a list goes on. Emily thinks of herself as a “sum setting mix of anxiety, excitement, glamour, and fun,” of all these extremely diverse experiences,” Hôtel Raphael she recalls. “It was a once in a lifetime event, so and being a debutante at the most important made a fitting it was only natural to be anxious, but everyone debutante ball in the world is another addition backdrop for managed to contain their nerves and look calm to the significant experiences that make her the debutante and absolutely gorgeous.” youth extremely extraordinary. and the family

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