Curriculum Vitae Mathieu Deflem (August 2021) University of South Carolina Department of Sociology 911 Pickens Street ColumBia, SC 29208
[email protected] (803) 777 3123 ACADEMIC EMPLOYMENT 2002– Professor (since 2010), Associate Professor (2005–2010), Assistant Professor (2002–2005), Department of Sociology, University of South Carolina, ColumBia, SC. 1997–2002 Assistant Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. 1996–1997 Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology and Law and Society, Department of Anthropology & Sociology, Kenyon College, GamBier, OH. 1989–1996 Pre-doctoral positions: Research Assistant (1992–1995), Teaching Assistant (1995), Instructor (1996), Department of Sociology, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO; Assistant (1989–1992), Afdeling Strafrecht, Strafvordering en Criminologie (Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, and Criminology), Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven, Belgium. EDUCATION 1996 Ph.D. Sociology, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO. Dissertation: “Borders of Police Force: Historical Foundations of International Policing Between Germany and the United States.” 1990 M.A. Sociology of Developing Societies, University of Hull, England. Thesis: “Processual SymBolic Analysis in the Work of Victor W. Turner.” 1987 Special Diploma Social and Cultural Anthropology (M.A. equivalent), Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven, Belgium. Thesis: “Antropologie van de Ruimte” (Dutch: “The Anthropology of Space”). 1986 Licentiate