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(Received 7 October 2004. Accepted 13 April 2005.)


Use of Lower Palaeozoic carbonate fossils for palaeothermometry as derived from stable isotope geochemistry is increasing. With all these studies, there is the concern of how pristine the skeletal carbonate is in relation to diagenesis. In this study, we compared the stable isotopes of calcitic brachiopod and bryozoan allochems with secondary cements to determine if the skeletal isotopes were reset during diagene- sis. The study was conducted on the Courtown and Tramore Limestone Formations of the Ordovician (Llanvirn–Caradoc) Group, which outcrops in south- eastern Ireland. These formations consist of calcareous mudrocks and argillaceous limestones. Bryozoans and brachiopods are common allochems in both formations. The Duncannon sediments were cleaved, folded and faulted by compression asso- ciated with the Caledonian and Hercynian orogenies. Bulk rock samples were slabbed and thick-sectioned. Fifty three ≥20µg samples of carbonate from bry- ozoans, brachiopods and matrix (cements and veins) were collected with 1µm spa- tial precision using a computer-driven micromilling device to minimise mixing of allochems and matrix. Results indicate 13C values of –8.8‰ to 0.3‰ VPDB and 18C values of –17.8‰ to –11.5‰ VPDB. In the Courtown samples, the brachio- pod and bryozoan 18C values were consistently more similar to each other than either was to the matrix, but this was not true for the Tramore samples. This suggests different alteration histories (more likely) or a different source of carbonate for the Courtown matrix (i.e. sparry cement) as opposed to that of the Tramore matrix (i.e. abraded skeletal material) (the less likely explanation). Palaeotemperature calcula- tions from the oxygen isotopes (78°C to 128°C) indicate exposure to isotopically light groundwater or meteoric fluids following the previous and hotter Caledonian and Hercynian orogenies. All three phases of alteration would have overprinted any original palaeoenvironmental signal that might once have existed.

Introduction is a well-established approach for geoscientists. Originally this work was done on relatively The use of carbonate fossils for palaeothermom- young fossils (such as those from the Cenozoic etry as derived from stable isotope geochemistry era) with obviously unaltered original skeletal

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26 Irish Journal of Earth Sciences (2005)

mineralogy (e.g. aragonite). Because of the interbedded blue-gray argillaceous nodular effectiveness of this tool, its use has been limestone beds and contain a rich shelly fauna. expanded (e.g. Stanton et al. 2002) to include Bryozoans and brachiopods are common older fossils in which diagenetic alteration of the allochems in both formations. The two units sit skeletal mineralogies is more difficult to deter- unconformably on sediments of the Lower mine (for example, those with low-to-high Mg Ordovician Ribband Group (Brück et al. 1979; calcite). With all these studies, there is the con- Carlisle 1979; Tietzsch-Tyler and Sleeman cern about (1) how pristine the skeletal carbon- 1994b; 1995b; Sleeman and McConnell 1995b; ate is in relation to diagenesis and (2) whether or Harper and Parkes 2000), which has been shown not diagenetic cements were included in the to be Arenig in age on the basis of graptolites sample of skeletal carbonate. (Skevington 1970; Rushton 1996) and does not In this study, we compare the light-stable extend into the Llanvirn as once thought isotopes of low-Mg calcite brachiopod and bry- (Brenchley et al. 1977). The age of various ozoan allochems from the Ordovician Duncan- formations in the Duncannon Group have been non Group with their surrounding matrix to constrained using trilobites, brachiopods, grap- determine if the skeletal isotopes were reset dur- tolites and microfossils (Harper and Parkes ing diagenesis. Our first hypothesis was that if 2000), and here we follow the recent revised the brachiopod and bryozoan isotope values correlation for the Ordovician (Fortey et al. were consistently more similar to each other 1995; 2000). than either was to the matrix and/or cements, then there was minimal diagenetic alteration of Courtown Limestone Formation the geochemistry of the allochems, and thus The Courtown Limestone Formation, which their skeletal carbonate would be amenable for crops out at various localities close to the town use in palaeothermometry. Our second hypothe- of Courtown, Co. (Fig. 1D), comprises sis was that if all the 18O values were isotopi- a 50m-thick sequence of white to blue fossil- cally light, then there had been some iferous limestones, calcareous sandstones and post-depositional alteration confounding any siltstones, with a basal conglomerate developed original palaeoenvironmental signal in the in places (Gardiner 1974). Biogenic reworking allochems that might once have existed. in the limestones has resulted in some fragmen- tation of the allochems, particularly the crinoids Stratigraphy of the Duncannon Group (Crimes and Crossley 1968). A moderately rich brachiopod–trilobite fauna has been described This study was conducted on bryozoans and bra- from the Courtown Limestone Formation chiopods collected from the Ordovician Cour- (Brenchley and Treagus 1970; Mitchell et al. town and Tramore Limestone Formations of the 1972; Parkes 1994). It has been deformed, Duncannon Group, which crop out in south- which has produced a well-developed cleavage eastern Ireland (Fig. 1). The Duncannon Group in the formation. (Gardiner 1974), which occurs in a band trend- The age of the Courtown Limestone Forma- ing north-east to south-west from its southern tion has been debated by various authors. On extremity near , Co. , and palaeontological and stratigraphical evidence, north-eastwards to south , is Carlisle (1979) argues that the formation ranged part of the Terrane. It comprises a Mid- from Middle Llandeilo (a stage name that is now dle to Upper Ordovician suite (Upper Llanvirn not in use) to the Costonian Stage of the to Caradoc) of limestones, black shales and Caradoc, whereas Brück et al. (1979) give a basaltic, andesitic and rhyolitic arc volcanics Llandeilo age. The brachiopods (Mitchell et al. (Owen and Parkes 2000), of which the laterally 1972) suggest a Caradoc age, possibly extend- equivalent Courtown Limestone Formation and ing down into the Llandeilian age. However, in the Tramore Limestone Formation locally form a review of the geology of the region, Tietzsch- basal units. These both consist of gray calcare- Tyler and Sleeman (1995a; 1995b) give an older ous mudstones, siltstones and sandstones with age range of Late Llanvirn to Middle Llandeilo Key.qxd 21/10/05 19:59 Page 27

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N Leinster Granite


RG B Courtown D A RG BG


Sil Precambrian Waterford RG with UP UP RF TG RG UP UP C Dungarvan Tramore B 0 20 km



* Courtown * Newtown Cove Ballinatray Bridge Harbour

C 0 1.5 km D 0 1 km

U. PALAEOZOIC DUNCANNON Formation Ballinatray Formation Campile Formation GROUP DUNCANNON Courtown Limestone Fmn. Carrighalia Formation GROUP RIBBAND GP. Undifferentiated Tramore Limestone Fmn. RIBBAND GP. Tramore Shale Fmn. Felsic volcanics

CAMBRIAN Fault Fault * Sample locality * Sample locality Fig. 1—Geological map of southeastern Ireland indicating position of the Duncannon Group (diagonally shaded) as well as Courtown and Tramore sampling localities. (A) Map of Ireland showing general area of interest; (B) modified from Owen and Parkes (2000, Fig. 1). (C) modified from Tietzsch-Tyler and Sleeman (1994a); (D) modified from Tietzsch-Tyler and Sleeman (1995a). Abbreviations: BG = Bray Group; RF = Ross Formation (probably part of the Duncannon Group and late Caradoc in age); RG = Ribband Group; Sil = Silurian; TG = Group; UP = Upper Palaeozoic. Key.qxd 21/10/05 19:59 Page 28

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for the formation. Here we are following the Dunabrattin Head (Sleeman and McConnell findings of Williams (1972), Carlisle (1979) and 1995b). Parkes (1994) and the recent correlation chart The Tramore Limestone Formation has been (Harper and Parkes 2000) that shows the forma- assigned an age range from the Middle tion to be exclusively Caradoc in age (base: Llandeilo to the Costonian stage of the Caradoc Aurelucian stage, Velfreyan substage, gracilis on the basis of shelly faunas (Williams et al. biozone; top: Aurelucian stage, Costonian sub- 1972a; Brenchley et al. 1977; Carlisle 1979; stage, gracilis biozone). It lies unconformably Parkes 1994; Sleeman and McConnell 1995b). on the Formation, the youngest part Conodonts suggest the E. lindstroemi subzone of of the Ribband Group, which has been dated as the P. serra biozone (Bergström and Orchard Lower Arenig on the basis of graptolites (Crimes 1985). In a recent revision of Ordovician and Crossley 1968; Skevington 1970; Harper chronostratigraphy, the age of the Tramore and Parkes 2000). Succeeding the Courtown Limestone Formation was given as ranging from Limestone Formation is the Ballinatray Forma- the Llandeilian stage of the Llanvirn series to the tion; shales at the base of this formation have Costonian substage of the Aurelucian stage of yielded graptolites of the gracilis biozone and a the Caradoc series (Fortey et al. 1995). Further deep-water brachiopod fauna (Parkes 1994) that recent refinements tabulated in Harper and indicate a Caradoc age. Parkes (2000) show that the formation ranges in age from the Llanvirn series (Abereiddian stage, Tramore Limestone Formation murchisoni biozone) to the Caradoc series (Aurelucian stage, Costonian substage, gracilis The Tramore Limestone Formation crops out biozone). The Tramore Limestone Formation is between Tramore Bay in the east and Bally- overlain by the thin Carrighalia Formation and dowane Bay in the west (Carlisle 1979; Tiet- succeeding Campile Formation (Stillman 1978; zsch-Tyler and Sleeman 1994a; Sleeman and Carlisle 1979; Sleeman and McConnell 1995a; McConnell 1995a). Exposures are excellent 1995b; Tietzsch-Tyler and Sleeman 1994a; along the 30–60m high coastal sea cliffs but are 1994b; 1995a; 1995b; Harper and Parkes 2000). only accessible by the occasional entrenched The former extends from the Aurelucian to the gully. The formation consists of grey calcareous Burrelian stage. mudstones, siltstones and sandstones and is interbedded with blue-grey argillaceous nodular Correlation of the Courtown and Tramore limestone beds that contain a rich shelly fauna Limestone Formations (Murphy 1958; Mitchell et al. 1972; Carlisle 1979; Donovan 1985; Tietzsch-Tyler and Slee- The Courtown Limestone Formation and the man 1994b; Sleeman and McConnell 1995b; Tramore Limestone Formation crop out some Owen and Parkes 2000; Wyse Jackson et al. 75km apart (Fig. 1B). Nevertheless, on the basis 2002). The more carbonate-rich beds represent of their faunal similarities and stratigraphic posi- buildups of shelly faunas in shallow waters adja- tion they have been closely correlated. Both con- cent to the volcanic island arc to the south-east tain some taxa typical of the Scoto-Appalachian (Tietzsch-Tyler and Sleeman 1994b). In fauna (Harper and Parkes 1989). Correlation response to contemporaneous faults down- was initially made on the basis of the common thrown to the north-west, the Tramore Lime- occurrence of the rare trinucleid trilobite Eire- stone Formation grades from a shallower shelf lithus (Lamont 1941; Crimes and Crossley facies some 65m thick in the east to a deeper 1968) and on the fact that the overlying shales in basinal facies (referred to by some authors as the both localities have yielded the graptolite Nema- Dunabrattin Limestone Formation) with a max- graptus gracilis (Crimes and Crossley 1968), imum thickness of 450m in the west (Phillips et and was subsequently supported on the basis of al. 1976; Carlisle 1979; Boland 1983; Harper additional faunal elements (Mitchell et al. 1972; and Parkes 2000). The transition from shelf to Carlisle 1979). Twelve brachiopod genera and basinal facies occurs between Black Rock and four trilobite genera are common to both Key.qxd 21/10/05 19:59 Page 29

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formations, with the presence of the stratigraph- the island arc was the south-eastern Iapetus ically restricted brachiopod Glyptorthis crispa Ocean and to the south-east was the shallow (M‘Coy) and the trilobite Eirelithus being par- Welsh Back-Arc basin (Phillips et al. 1976; ticularly important for their correlation (Mitchell Stillman 1986; Parkes 1992). The shallow et al. 1972). Gardiner (1974) suggested a simi- marine environments along the north-west coast lar correlation based on the volcanic successions of the island arc deepened to the north-west into of the Campile Formation found in both areas a basin of the Iapetus Ocean locally referred to above the fossiliferous horizons. as the Leinster Basin (Phillips et al. 1976). Tur- bidites carried shallow marine sediments north- Biogeography and palaeogeography of the westwards into deeper waters of the basin Duncannon Group (Phillips et al. 1976; Penney 1980; Boland The various shelly faunas in south-eastern Ire- 1983). It was in these shallow coastal and deep- land south of the Iapetus suture zone have been er basinal environments that sediments of the variously attributed to the Avalonian, Baltic, Duncannon Group accumulated. Due to the sub- Scoto-Appalachian, and Celtic faunal provinces duction, the Leinster Basin was tectonically (Williams 1969a; 1969b; Williams et al. 1972a; active during this time, so the sedimentary accu- Harper et al. 1996; Parkes and Harper 1996). mulations of the Duncannon Group represent a The Tramore Limestone Formation fauna (espe- period of relative geologic quiescence before the cially the brachiopods) has mixed affinities to extensive volcanism that dominates the overly- the Scoto-Appalachian and Anglo-Welsh faunas ing Campile Formation (Brück et al. 1979; (Neuman 1984; Harper and Parkes 1989; Mur- Carlisle 1979). The basin floor adjacent to the phy et al. 1991; Parkes 1992). This is in contrast volcanic island arc eventually collapsed, pre- to the Laurentian affinities of the faunas in sumably after volcanic evacuation of the magma north-western Ireland on the north side of the chamber underneath it, and this is represented by Iapetus suture zone, which are palaeobio- the mudstones of the overlying Carrighalia For- geographically and tectonically allochthonous mation (Tietzsch-Tyler and Sleeman 1994b). (Harper and Parkes 1989; Murphy et al. 1991; et al. et al. Harper 1996; Williams 1996). Material During the initial stages of the Caledonian This paper uses thick sections contained in the Orogeny, from the upper Llanvirn to the lower Geological Museum, Trinity College, Caradoc of the Ordovician, there was a volcanic [prefix TCD] and the Geological Survey of Ire- island arc-trench system extending from the land, Dublin [GSI]. Lake District in England to south-eastern Ireland • GSI:F08024a, b; Ballintray Bridge, (Phillips et al. 1976; Stillman 1986; Sleeman Ballintray Lower, Co. Wexford; Courtown and McConnell 1995b). The island arc, referred Limestone Formation, Caradoc, Ordovician. to as the Horst by Williams (1969b) GSI 19th century collection (Hardman and the Irish Sea Landmass by Fitton and Hugh- 1887); see Crimes and Crossley (1968) and es (1970) and Phillips et al. (1976), was created Parkes (1994) for details of this locality. as Iapetus oceanic crust was subducted to the south-east along the margin of the Eastern Aval- • GSI:F11391b, GSI:F11397b; Courtown Har- onia microcontinental plate (Phillips et al. 1976; bour, Courtown, Co. Wexford; Courtown Stillman 1978; 1986; Stillman and Williams Limestone Formation, Caradoc, Ordovician. 1978; Max et al. 1990; Parkes 1992; Sleeman GSI 19th century collection (Hardman and McConnell 1995b). This places the island 1887). arc at ~45°S latitude (Torsvik and Trench 1991; • GSI:F14407a, b; Newtown Cove, Tramore, Torsvik et al. 1992; Dalziel 1997). During this Co. Waterford; Tramore Limestone Forma- episode of subduction, oceanic islands were tion, Llanvirn to Caradoc, Ordovician; GSI accreted onto Eastern Avalonia as a series of dis- 19th century collection (Baily 1865). crete crustal terranes (Neuman 1984; Max et al. • TCD.35827a, TCD.35827b, TCD.35827c; 1990; Murphy et al. 1991). To the north-west of Protruding point, south of Newtown Cove, Key.qxd 21/10/05 19:59 Page 30

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Tramore, Co. Waterford; Tramore Limestone carbonate standards. 18O values of the samples Formation, Llanvirn to Caradoc, Ordovician. were bracketed by those of the standards. Karen and Nils Spjeldnaes Collection 1952. Of the original data set of 62 samples, four were eliminated due to machine error, and a Methods further five samples were eliminated due to insufficient carbonate mass (i.e. < 20µg), as The bulk rock samples were slabbed. Slabs were shown by low gas pressure and/or voltage in the chosen that had both brachiopod and bryozoan mass spectrometer. Thus, the final culled data set allochems as well as the ubiquitous matrix. Nine contained 53 samples. selected slabs were thick-sectioned (100µm) onto 2'' 3'' or 1'' 3'' glass slides and polished Stable isotope results on the exposed upper surface. Brachiopod and Of the 53 total samples, 30 were from the Cour- bryozoan allochems were sampled separately town Limestone Formation and 23 were from from the surrounding finer grained matrix and the Tramore Limestone Formation. Fifteen of cements. When sampling the brachiopods’ car- the samples were brachiopods, nineteen bryo- bonate, the hinge, brachidium, foramen, and zoans and nineteen matrix. Summary statistics muscle scars were avoided because their calcite for the carbon isotope data are found in Table 1 can be abnormally depleted in both 18O and and those for the oxygen isotope data are found 13C (Carpenter and Lohmann 1995). When in Table 2. sampling the bryozoans’ carbonate, the thinner endozonal skeletal walls were avoided because Brachiopod vs. bryozoan allochems their samples could have been more contaminat- Courtown. The isotopic signature of the Cour- ed by adjacent cements than the thicker exozon- town brachiopods is different from that of its al skeletal walls (Key et al. 2005). When bryozoans (Fig. 2). For 13C (‰ VPDB), the sampling the matrix’s carbonate, fine-grained brachiopods (mean = –1.4) are significantly iso- allochems, micrite and cements were not distin- topically heavier than the bryozoans (mean = guished, but veins cements were. Since only five –2.6; t-test, p = 0.005). For 18O (‰ VPDB), the veins were sampled, their values are included brachiopods (mean = –16.0) are significantly with the matrix. isotopically lighter than the bryozoans (mean = Sampling of the carbonate was performed on –15.2; t-test, p = 0.003). the thick sections via micromilling on a com- puter-controlled three-dimensional positioning Tramore. The isotopic signature of the Tramore stage set under a fixed high-precision dental drill brachiopods is different from that of its bry- that offered a 1µm spatial sampling resolution ozoans based on the carbon isotopes but indis- (Wurster et al. 1999). Enough carbonate was tinguishable based on the oxygen isotopes (Fig. milled to create samples of >20µg of powder for 2). For 13C (‰ VPDB), the brachiopods (mean carbon and oxygen isotopic analysis. The car- = –0.3) are significantly isotopically heavier bonate samples were heated in vacuo at 200°C than the bryozoans (mean = –0.9; t-test, p = to remove water and volatile organic contami- 0.007). For 18O (‰ VPDB), the brachiopods nants. Stable isotope values were obtained using (mean = –14.4) are not significantly different a Kiel-III automated carbonate preparation sys- from the bryozoans (mean = –13.5; t-test, p = tem coupled to the inlet of a Finnigan MAT 252 0.170). gas-ratio mass spectrometer in the stable isotope laboratory at Syracuse University. The carbonate Matrix vs. Allochems was reacted at 70°C with two drops of anhydr- Courtown. The isotopic signature of the Cour- ous phosphoric acid for 90 seconds. Isotope town matrix is different from that of its bra- ratios were corrected for acid fractionation and chiopod and bryozoan allochems (Fig. 2). For 17O contribution and reported in per mil notation 13C (‰ VPDB), the matrix (mean = 6.2) is relative to the VPDB standard. Precision significantly isotopically lighter than both the (±0.1‰) and calibration of data were monitored brachiopods (mean = 1.4; t-test, p < 0.001) through daily analysis of NBS-18 and NBS-19 and bryozoans (mean = 2.6; t-test, p < 0.001). Key.qxd 21/10/05 19:59 Page 31

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Table 1—Summary data table for carbon isotope values of brachiopods, bryozoans and matrix from the Courtown and Tramore Limestone Formations.

Formation Material Number Range 13C ‰ Mean 13C ‰ Standard devia- analysed (VPDB) (VPDB) tion 13C ‰ (VPDB)

CLF Brachiopods 9 2.3 to 0.6 1.4 0.7

CLF Bryozoans 10 4.5 to 1.1 2.6 1.1

CLF Matrix 11 8.8 to 2.2 6.2 1.7

CLF Brachiopods, 30 8.8 to 0.6 3.6 2.4 bryozoans and matrix combined TLF Brachiopods 6 0.9 to 0.3 0.3 0.4

TLF Bryozoans 9 1.2 to 0.6 0.9 0.2

TLF Matrix 8 2.5 to 1.0 1.4 0.5

TLF Brachiopods, 23 2.5 to 0.3 0.9 0.6 bryozoans and matrix combined

CLF = Courtown Limestone Formation TLF = Tramore Limestone Formation

For 18O (‰ VPDB), the matrix (mean = Courtown vs. Tramore 13.6) is significantly isotopically heavier than All data both the brachiopods (mean = 16.0; t-test, p < The isotopic signature of the Courtown samples 0.001) and bryozoans (mean = 15.2; t-test, p taken as a whole is different from that of the = 0.006). Tramore samples (Fig. 2). For 13C (‰ VPDB), the Courtown samples (mean = 3.6) are sig- Tramore. The isotopic signature of the Tramore nificantly isotopically lighter than the Tramore matrix is different from that of its brachiopod samples (mean = 0.9; t-test, p < 0.001). For and bryozoan allochems based on the carbon 18O (‰ VPDB), the Courtown samples (mean isotopes but indistinguishable based on the oxy- = 14.8) are significantly isotopically lighter 13 gen isotopes (Fig. 2). For C (‰ VPDB), the than the Tramore samples (mean = 13.9; t-test, matrix (mean = 1.4) is significantly isotopi- p = 0.009). cally lighter than both the brachiopods (mean = 0.3; t-test, p < 0.001) and bryozoans (mean = Brachiopods. The isotopic signature of the 0.9; t-test, p = 0.005). For 18O (‰ VPDB), Courtown brachiopods is different from that of the matrix (mean = 13.9) is not significantly the Tramore brachiopods (Fig. 2). For 13C (‰ different from both the brachiopods (mean = VPDB), the Courtown samples (mean = 1.4) 14.4; t-test, p = 0.297) and bryozoans (mean = are significantly isotopically lighter than the 13.5; t-test, p = 0.203). Tramore samples (mean = 0.3; t-test, p < 0.001). For 18O (‰ VPDB), the Courtown samples (mean = 16.0) are significantly iso- topically lighter than the Tramore samples (mean = 14.4; t-test, p = 0.048). Key.qxd 21/10/05 19:59 Page 32

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Table 2—Summary data table for oxygen isotope values of brachiopods, bryozoans and matrix from the Courtown and Tramore Limestone Formations.

Formation Material Number Range 18O ‰ Mean 18O ‰ Standard devia- analysed (VPDB) (VPDB) tion 18O ‰ (VPDB)

CLF Brachiopods 9 16.8 to 15.1 16.0 0.5

CLF Bryozoans 10 15.7 to 14.0 15.2 0.7

CLF Matrix 11 15.8 to 11.5 13.6 1.7

CLF Brachiopods, 30 16.8 to 11.5 14.8 1.5 bryozoans and matrix combined

TLF Brachiopods 6 17.8 to 12.4 14.4 2.0

TLF Bryozoans 9 14.9 to 12.2 13.5 1.0

TLF Matrix 8 15.5 to 12.8 13.9 0.9

TLF Brachiopods, 23 17.8 to 12.2 13.9 1.3 bryozoans and matrix combined

CLF = Courtown Limestone Formation TLF = Tramore Limestone Formation

Bryozoans. The isotopic signature of the Cour- Palaeotemperature results town bryozoans is different from that of the Tramore bryozoans (Fig. 2). For 13C (‰ The 18O values were used to calculate VPDB), the Courtown samples (mean = 2.6) palaeotemperatures using Kim and O’Neil’s are significantly isotopically lighter than the (1997) equation for calcite and assuming a 18O Tramore samples (mean = 0.9; t-test, p < value for seawater of 0.0‰ VPDB. The absolute 0.001). For 18O (‰ VPDB), the Courtown values of these results would be slightly differ- samples (mean = 15.2) are significantly iso- ent if the 18O value for Ordovician seawater topically lighter than the Tramore samples was different or the salinity of Ordovician sea- (mean = 13.5; t-test, p < 0.001). water was different (e.g. Veizer et al. (1999) sug- Matrix. The isotopic signature of the Courtown gested an 18O value of 5 (‰ PDB) and Hay matrix is different from that of the Tramore (2000) suggested a salinity of 50 ppm). Despite matrix based on the carbon isotopes but indis- these potential changes in absolute palaeotem- tinguishable based on the oxygen isotopes (Fig. perature values, the relative differences between 2). For 13C (‰ VPDB), the Courtown samples the allochems and matrix would not change. The (mean = 6.2) are significantly isotopically mean calculated palaeotemperatures (range: lighter than the Tramore samples (mean = 1.4; 78–128°C, mean = 100°C) were well above the t-test, p < 0.001). For 18O (‰ VPDB), the limits tolerated by brachiopods and bryozoans, Courtown samples (mean = 13.6) are not sig- indicating some form of post-depositional alter- nificantly different from the Tramore samples ation. The mean palaeotemperatures calculated (mean = 13.9; t-test, p = 0.278). for the Courtown Limestone Formation (range: Key.qxd 21/10/05 19:59 Page 33

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Fig. 2—Plot of 18O vs 13OC for the brachiopod and bryozoan allochems and the matrix from the Courtown and Tramore Limestone Formations. 78–119°C, mean = 104°C) were significantly 2), suggesting they may have been exposed to a higher than those for the Tramore Limestone greater range of carbon sources (e.g. marine, ter- Formation (range: 83–128°C, mean = 96°C; t- restrial, upwelling, etc.). test, p = 0.009). 18O Discussion Globally, 18O values in carbonates range from 10‰ to +5‰PDB, but most marine carbonate 13C sediments and limestones are in the range of Globally, 13C values in biogenic and abiogenic 10‰ to +2‰ PDB (Nelson and Smith 1996). carbonates range from 50‰ to +20‰ PDB, The values from this study, which range from but most marine sediments and limestones are in 17.8‰ to 11.5‰ (mean = 14.4‰ VPDB), the range of 3‰ to +5‰ PDB (Nelson and fall outside this range, indicating either contam- Smith 1996). The values from this study, which ination by isotopically light groundwater or range from 8.8‰ to +0.3‰, generally overlap meteoric water (~ 15‰) and/or exposure to but are also slightly lighter. Carbon isotopes are hot fluids from deep diagenetic burial (Nelson less susceptible to alteration than oxygen iso- and Smith 1996). Diagenetic alteration of car- topes, but they can be affected by different bonate commonly results in depletion of 18O sources (Marshall 1992). Alteration and mixing values (Hudson 1977). Thus, the light 18O val- of carbon sources aside, the heavier values ues suggest a thermal history for these sediments would indicate a normal marine organic carbon involving temperatures at the high end of sedi- source, whereas the lighter values indicate alter- mentary diagenesis. This heating probably ation and/or a more terrestrial source, perhaps resulted in the alteration of the original oxygen via runoff (Nelson and Smith 1996). The Cour- isotopic signature sensu Pichler et al. (2000). town samples exhibit a greater range in 13C Palaeozoic brachiopods are commonly used values (8.2‰ PDB vs. 2.8‰ for Tramore) (Fig. in oxygen isotope palaeotemperature studies Key.qxd 21/10/05 19:59 Page 34

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(e.g. Popp et al. 1986; Qing and Veizer 1994), mation carried out using the conodont Color but bryozoans are underutilised as sources of Alteration Index (CAI). Bergström (1980) palaeotemperature information. If the bra- analysed two samples from Newtown Head and chiopods and bryozoans were growing in the Dunabrattin Head and determined a CAI of 5, same environment and they did not fractionate which translates to an estimated heating temper- oxygen differently (i.e. they did not exert vital ature of 300–400°C. These temperatures in the effects), then they should have similar isotopic Tramore Limestone Formation were attributed signatures. This was true for the Tramore Lime- to burial due to overburden as well as localised stone Formation but not for the Courtown Lime- igneous intrusions (Bergström 1980). stone Formation, where the brachiopods were During the Late Carboniferous – Early Per- slightly isotopically lighter than the bryozoans mian Hercynian Orogeny, the Tramore Lime- (18O: 0.8‰ VPDB). This could indicate a stone Formation was further cleaved, folded and vital effect in one or both groups (not substanti- faulted, but it only reached subgreenschist facies ated in the literature), mineralogical differences (Penney 1980; Tietzsch-Tyler and Sleeman in Mg content between the groups (not substan- 1994b; Diskin 1996). Accepted temperatures for tiated in the literature) or, most likely, differen- the subgreenschist facies are 100–300°C (Buch- tial alteration in response to different porosities er and Frey 1994). The subgreenschist level of and permeabilities between brachiopod and bry- metamorphism for the Tramore Limestone For- ozoan skeletons. mation was further refined by Diskin (1996) as diagenetic to anchizone in degree, with a mean Thermal history of the Duncannon Group estimated heating temperature of 175°C for out- crops at Dunabrattin Head and westwards. The Duncannon Group was affected by a variety Anchizone alteration, which begins at 200°C of heating events during the Caledonian and (Kisch 1987), marks the transition between nor- Hercynian orogenies. During the Late Silurian – mal diagenetic burial temperatures and true Early Devonian Caledonian Orogeny, the metamorphism, the lowest grade of which is Ordovician rocks in North America and Scandi- greenschist facies. navia were pushed down to greater depths and This alteration may have been associated subjected to extreme temperatures and pres- with the Hercynian Orogeny. Hercynian sures, unlike those in Britain and Ireland, which hydrothermal fluid flow related to the Carbonif- escaped such extremes (Williams et al. 1972b; erous Irish Zn–Pb orefields to the north of our Phillips et al. 1976; Tietzsch-Tyler and Sleeman study area (Johnston 1999) may have affected 1994b). The regional deformation from the the Duncannon Group if the fluids were cycled orogeny resulted in the rocks of south-eastern through the Silurian–Ordovician basement in Ireland being exposed to at least some degree of large-scale convection cells. Hydrothermal fluid degradational metamorphism (Stillman and temperatures in the south-eastern Irish Zn–Pb Williams 1978; Tietzsch-Tyler and Sleeman deposits have been estimated at 100°C (Hitzman 1994b; Diskin 1996), and the maximum limit et al. 1998) to 200°C (Wilkinson and Earls was probably greenschist facies (Stillman and 2000). Less is known about the alteration histo- Williams 1978). The greenschist facies repre- ry of the Courtown Limestone Formation, but it sents a temperature range of 300–500°C (Buch- too has a well-developed cleavage (Crimes and er and Frey 1994). Crossley 1968), suggesting a similar deforma- Caledonian metamorphism of the Duncan- tion and hydrothermal alteration. non Group was probably initially caused by the Subsequent to these orogenic thermal events, emplacement of the overlying Campile Forma- the Duncannon Group probably experienced tion volcanics. The orogeny continued resulting minimal heat flow (Diskin 1996). The Duncan- in tectonic downwarping, which led to further non Groups rocks would still have been suscep- burial of the Duncannon Group. This can be tible to alteration from groundwater and seen from the results of the palaeotemperature meteoric water during its post-Hercynian histo- determinations on the Tramore Limestone For- ry. The oxygen isotope values found in this study Key.qxd 21/10/05 19:59 Page 35

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probably represent this final phase of history. Sciences, Syracuse University) helped with the The isotope values were probably repeatedly isotope lab work. This project was greatly reset during the previous thermal events, but improved by conversations with Lucy Chapman, these were all overprinted by subsequent recrys- Sorcha Diskin, Abigail Smith and Kenneth tallisation. This is shown by the lower Tobin. This project was made possible by fund- palaeotemperatures derived from the oxygen ing from the Whitaker Foundation and the isotopes (range: 78–128°C, mean = 100°C). The Research and Development Committee of Dick- Duncannon Group carbonates sampled in this inson College. We acknowledge the support of study were probably recrystallised by a younger the American Chemical Society Petroleum diagenetic event involving isotopically light Research Fund (PRF grant #38713-B8 to groundwater or meteoric water (18O ~ 15‰). MMK), which provided the primary funding for This can be seen north of our study area, where this research. Becker et al. (2002) reported 18O values of 12‰ to 17‰ in diagenetic cements of the References Lower Carboniferous Zn–Pb district of Ireland Baily, W.H. 1865 Palaeontological Notes. In G.V. Du Noyer and attributed these light isotopes to the incur- (ed.), Explanation to accompany sheets 167, 168, 178 sion of meteoric fluids. and 179 of the maps of the Geological Survey of Ireland, 18–30. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Ireland. Conclusions Dublin. Stationery Office. Becker, S.P., Nagy, Z.R., Gregg, J.M., Johnson, A.W., Shel- ton, K.L. and Somerville, I.D. 2002 Relationship of 13C values (8.8‰ to +0.3‰ VPDB) are evaporites to brine migration and carbonate-hosted indicative of a normal marine carbon source in Zn–Pb mineralization in the Lower Carboniferous of southeastern Ireland. Geological Society of America, both the Courtown and Tramore Limestone For- Abstracts with Programs 34 (6), 338. mations with some mixing of terrestrial carbon Bergström, S.M. 1980 Conodonts as paleotemperature tools in the Courtown. This suggests minimal alter- in Ordovician rocks of the Caledonides and adjacent ation of the carbon isotopes. 18O values areas in Scandinavia and the British Isles. Geologiska Foereningen i Stockholm Foerhandlingar 102, 377–92. ( 17.8‰ to 11.5‰ VPDB) indicate recrys- Bergström, S.M. and Orchard, M.J. 1985 Conodonts of the tallisation by isotopically light groundwater or Cambrian and Ordovician systems from the British meteoric water. Palaeotemperature calculations Isles. In A.C. Higgins and R.L. Austin (eds), A strati- graphical index of conodonts, 32–67. British from the oxygen isotopes (78°C to 128°C) do Micropalaeontological Society series No. 7. not record the thermal histories from the pre- Boland, M.A. 1983 The geology of the Ballyvoyle–Kil- sumably hotter Caledonian and Hercynian oro- macthomas–Kilfarrasy area, , with an genies, only the younger diagenetic event. The account of the Lower Palaeozoic geology of County Waterford. Unpublished MSc thesis, University of Courtown Group has experienced a multi-phase Dublin. thermal history. Brenchley, P.J. and Treagus, J.E. 1970 The stratigraphy and structure of the Ordovician rocks between Courtown Acknowledgements and Kilmichael Point, Co. Wexford. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 69B, 83–102. Brenchley, P.J., Harper, J.C., Mitchell, W.I. and Romano, M. We thank Matthew Parkes (Geological Survey of 1977 A re-appraisal of some Ordovician sucessions in Ireland) for help in providing material from the eastern Ireland. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 77B, 65–87. GSI collections and for help with the literature. Brück, P.M., Colthurst, J.R.J., Feely, M., Gardiner, P.R.R., Caroline Buttler (Department of Geology, Penney, S.R., Reeves, T.J., Shannon, P.M., Smith, D.G. National Museum of Wales, Cardiff) provided and Vanguestaine, M. 1979 South-east Ireland: lower assistance with the field work. We are grateful to Palaeozoic stratigraphy and depositional history. In A.L. Harris, C.H. Holland and B.E. Leake (eds), The Cale- Neil Kearney (Department of Geology, Trinity donides of the British Isles, 533–44. Geological Society College, Dublin) for assistance with the thin- of London Special Publication No. 2. and thick-sectioning and George Sevastopulo Bucher, K. and Frey, M. 1994 Petrogenesis of metamorphic (Department of Geology, Trinity College, rocks, 6th edn. Berlin. Springer-Verlag. Carlisle, H. 1979 Ordovician stratigraphy of the Tramore Dublin) for guidance with the cathodolumines- area, County Waterford, with a revised Ordovician cor- cence. Christina Hartman (Department of Earth relation for south-east Ireland. In A.L. Harris, C.H. Hol- Key.qxd 21/10/05 19:59 Page 36

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MARCUS M. KEY, Jr. and DUSTIN M. MOORE WILLIAM P. PATTERSON Department of Geology, Department of Geological Sciences, Dickinson College, University of Saskatchewan, P.O. Box 1773, 114, Science Place, Carlisle, Saskatoon, PA 17013–2896, SK S7N 5E2, USA. Canada.

E-mail: [email protected] The subvention granted by Trinity College Dublin towards the cost of publication of papers by members of their staff is PATRICK N. WYSE JACKSON gratefully acknowledged by the Royal Irish Academy Department of Geology, Trinity College, Dublin 2. E-mail: [email protected]