Athlete Race Brief 2019 1. Welcome from Triathlon Club Welcome to the Pikeman Rosslare Triathlon 2019. I hope you have a safe and enjoyable race. The 2018 re-launch of this Standard distance triathlon was a great success, thanks to our competitors, marshals, volunteers, sponsors, and of course the fantastic weather delivered to us for the day. With the 2019 race running a few weeks earlier this year, due to Ironman Youghal, we still expect good weather, and the good news is the sea is warming up nicely. In fact, this is a perfect prep race for Youghal given the sea swim. I would like to thank lots of people that make this race possible. Firstly, you the competitors, for putting The Pikeman in your race calendar, also, Wexford County Council, Triathlon , our Sponsors, the RNLI, Order of Malta, Irish Coast Guard, Local Kayak and motor boat providers, Wexford Garda, Rosslare Development Association, and of course our own committee members who provide the food, and put themselves forward for marshal duty on the day. Our ambition is to build the Pikeman to become a premier event on the Triathlon Ireland calendar, eventually having the race featured in the National Series. The Pikeman is a race that could give you a PB, due to its flat terrain, and it can also be a course that can be your first standard distance race, due to the fact it is a non technical course. I look forward to seeing everyone on the day, and wish you a fun, safe and great race.

Yours in triathlon Andrew O Brien Race Director, Pikeman Rosslare 2019 2. Event Schedule

Friday June 7th

Registration Venue Coast Hotel

Registration Opens 18:00 Registration Closes 21:00

Saturday June 8th

Registration Venue Coast Hotel Rosslare Strand

Registration Opens 06:00 Registration Closes 07:30

Transition Opens 07:00 Transition Closes 08:30 Race Brief 08:45 START TIME WAVE 1 09:00 START TIME WAVE 2 09:05 a) All participants must hold a valid RACE LICENCE b) If you do not currently have a TI Race License, please ensure you avail of a One Day License prior to the event. No License – No Race c) Please note the time Registration closes, and the time Transition closes. Don’t be late…we simply can’t wait!! d) RELAY TEAMS –ALL participants must be in attendance to collect your race pack e) RELAY TEAMS – One member of your team must hold a race license.

3. Pikeman Event Map

Registration PARKING






NO PARKING in the village centre. All parking will be at the Registration centre at Coast Hotel Rosslare, and additional car parks are 5 mins to the Registration Centre. Please be guided by the marshals as you come into the village and they will ensure you find adequate parking close to Registration. Please walk or cycle from Registration to Transition – it is a 5 minute walk.

4. Transition Area




a) Transition opens at 07:00am. Safety Checks will be in place on entry. b) Please ensure your bike is in good condition, brakes working, plug ends in handlebars, tyre pressure is good. c) Ensure your Timing Chip is attached to your LEFT ankle d) Ensure your Race Number is attached to your HELMET & BIKE e) Transition area will have numbered bike racking f) Only essential race items will be allowed in transition g) Entrance to Transition is SRICTLY ATHLETE ONLY. Family members, friends, coaches, etc will not be allowed in this area. h) After swim exit in T1 - When your helmet is in place and clicked closed – only then may you remove your bike from the rack. i) ENSURE your race number is to the back for the BIKE. j) After bike section T2 – rack bike fully before removing your helmet. k) Ensure your race number is to the front for the RUN.

RELAY TEAMS – TRANSITION RULES l) There will be a designated RELAY pen in transition m)For T1 – only the Bike person should be waiting in the pen for the swimmer to return. n) Swimmer goes to the pen – hands timing chip to Bike person. You must strap the chip to your left ankle before leaving the Pen. o) Bike person goes to racked bike – secures helmet – un-racks the bike. Leaves through Bike Exit. a. You should NOT have your helmet on in the pen. Helmet needs to be racked with bike. p) For T2 – only the Runner should be waiting in the pen for bike person to return. q) Bike person returns to T2. You must FIRST rack your bike, THEN remove your helmet. r) You can then go to the holding pen – hand the timing chip to Run person. s) Run Person - You must strap the chip to your left ankle before leaving the Pen. t) Run person leaves through Run Exit. u) Team Members may only enter the Transition Area and Relay Pen for these specific times of changeover. v) Teams will only have their times registered once the timing chip is worn by all team members. w) Once your race is over – please leave the Transition Area to make way for other competitors moving through Transition. Do not Loiter in Transition please. x) Removal of all equipment will be allowed once all competitors have gone through T2. Bag Drop y) Bag drop centre will be beside Transition z) We will not accept your bag without a sticker

5. Swim a) The swim is 1 loop b) SWIM Cut off time is 60 minutes from your start time. This will be strict. c) There will be a number of kayaks and motor boats in the water. If you feel you are unable to complete the swim, roll over on your back and raise your arm in the air and wait for assistance. d) In the event of a difficult tide, but the swim is deemed safe, we may change the course and swim in one particular direction on the day. e) In the event of bad weather, considered too dangerous for swimming, we will cancel the swim and a 5k run will be held on the run loop of the course.

6. Bike Route a) There are NO ROAD CLOSURES. You must at all times be aware of traffic b) The “Mount Line” will be 15 meters before the Dismount line to avoid starting on a hill. c) The cut off time for the bike route is 11.45am at the furthest away point – ROSSLARE PORT. You must have gone through this point on your 2nd loop to be allowed to complete the race. d) Road “A” will lead you out from Transition until you arrive at Ashfield Roundabout. This roundabout will be extremely busy. e) This will be a RACE NEUTRAL ZONE, meaning, NO overtaking, SLOW your speed down f) You then turn left onto road “B”, and do 2 loops of road “B”. g) Along the bike route you will enter and go through 3 villages before the turning point o Tagoat Village - - Kilrane Village - - Village h) Each village has “Traffic Calming Zones”. On entry and throughout the village. These will be highlighted with traffic Cones. i) You must be prepared to slow down, look up, and keep to your right to avoid the traffic calming obstacles. j) After you complete your 2nd loop you return home via road “A” k) In the event of a bike accident, where the race officials deem the accident to be serious, the race could be stopped. This matter will be decided by the Race Director, Guards and Medics. l) In the event of a vehicle breakdown on the bike route – motor cycle marshals and bike marshals will give advance warning as you move towards the incident. This zone will be a RACE NEUTRAL zone and you must slow down until you pass the broken down vehicle safely. m) The Bike Dismount Line will be 30 meters before the Transition Line n) The Last 200m of the bike section, after you cross over the railway bridge on your way to down hill to transition will be a RACE NEUTRAL ZONE.


Ashfield Roundabout



7. The ASHFIELD Roundabout This is a RACE NEUTRAL zone. No Overtaking. Moderate Your Speed. Competitors need to obey this and slow down to a safe speed or face being disqualified. a) Bikes coming onto the roundabout from transition – must follow the RED arrows and keep tight to the left b) Bikes returning from Rosslare Port entering the roundabout – MUST TAKE THE CYCLE LANE TO THE LEFT OF THE TRAFFIC LANE. c) Do not take the traffic lane – YOU WILL BE DISQUALIFIED d) If you are on your 1st Loop – please keep a tight right going around the roundabout and once through it, you can begin to merge to your left


Cycle Lane


8. The Run Route a) The run route is 2 loops out and back, with a small cul-de-sac on your way back on both laps b) All the run route will be on the same side of the road with traffic passing one way on the opposite c) There will be a separation of cones and ribbon d) The furthest away point will have a water stop on it e) Leaving transition – your run on the RIGHT side of the running lane f) Coming back – you run on the RIGHT side of the running lane g) On your FINAL lap – you will turn right before getting back to transition and down the finish chute onto the lovely Rosslare beach h) The RACE CUT OFF TIME is 1:30pm as the transition area must be handed back to the village by 2pm, and the roads must be cleared and opened to 2 way traffic by 1.45pm.



9. Post Race

a) Transition will re-open after the last bike has returned from the bike section of the race b) You must be wearing your race number to collect your bike c) You must be wearing your race number to collect your dry clothes bag d) Transition will CLOSE and get DISMANTLED at 01:45pm. Please ensure you collect your bike by this time. The Race Organisers will no longer be responsible for your bike after this time.

10. Post Race Food

a) The ATHLETE RECOVERY TENT will be located beside Transition and the Finish Line for tea, coffee and lots of delicious food. b) You must wear your race number to avail of what is on offer. c) As kind as we like to be – we must stress these refreshments are for the athletes who take part in the race – not the supporters.

11. Your Prizes a) Everyone will take away the following; i. The Pikeman T-Shirt ii. The Pikeman Swim hat iii. Goody bag with refreshments iv. Pikeman Water bottle to take home v. Pikeman medal on completion of the race

12. Medal Ceremony

a) The medal ceremony will take place in Coast Hotel at 2pm (where you registered). b) The following is a list of the prize categories


Check List

GENERAL SWIM BIKE RUN Confirmation code from Active Tri-suit / alternative Bike in good condition Running Shoes Race Licence Wetsuit Helmet Visor / Hat Photo ID Swim Hat PROVIDED Pump Sunscreen for transition Race Belt Goggles Socks Spare Socks for run Sunglasses Body Glide/ lubricant Spare Tubes / CO2 canisters Sunscreen Nose Clip (if required) Cycling Shoes Watch Elastic Bands Water Bottle for Transition Water Bottle Towel Gels/Energy bar Warm Clothing

NOTE: The QR code can be taken from your phone

Have a Fantastic Race