Vol. 1 Issue 7 April 2021 Edition

resh off the press! In light of the surge of violence that have been inflicted upon Asian American Pacific Islander communities, the Herald wishes to contribute what we can by providing resources to aid the community in standing against these racial injustices. Please read our “Stop Asian Hate” sections to find out where to donate or simply to gain more knowledge about what’s happening. Also, as the school year’s end approaches, our writers interviewed the Class of 2021 seniors and valedictorians as they prepare for the next chapter of their lives! This April issue will be the second to last one of this 2020-21 year, and leading officers have chosen their successors. Read their interview below! Good luck on your finals, Renegades!

Renegade Rec: The Invisible Stop Asian Hate Stop Asian Hate Resources Life of Addie Laure Writers: Rylee Harrison Writer: Kayla Roberts Writers: Lukas Hu, Jamie English Editors: Baylie Bybee Editor: Michaella Gazala Editors: Chayil Benoit You can aid the While discrimination against has victims of hate crimes by only come to light recently, it has existed from the moment finding GoFundMe pages for the first Asian immigrants came to the . the victims, locating their Many of the first Asian Americans came to California place of business and in the 1850s during the Gold Rush hoping to seize an supporting them as a economic opportunity. They weren’t welcomed by Whites, customer, and even and many Asian Americans settlements were burned and supporting Chinatown areas lynched. in big cities. This will In an effort to stop more Asian immigrants from directly support the Asian entering the United States, the federal and state community. governments passed many policies banning Asian Additionally, because the immigrants from entering the United States, including the majority of recorded Asian Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. hate crimes during the The Invisible Life of Addie Many Asian Americans worked on the pandemic were committed LaRue is one of the most Transcontinental Railroad and some estimate up to 20,000 against seniors, donating breathtaking books I have ever Asian Americans perished. They also received neglect as to senior homes they may read. V.E. Schwab has a writing they were given lower wages and less food. During World attend can directly give the style unlike anything I have War II, Japanese Americans were incarcerated into victim a better quality ever seen before; it is absolutely internment camps, many of which had inhumane of life. It is beautiful. If I could only read conditions. recommended to donate in one book for the rest of my life, Throughout American history, Asian Americans have this direct manner due to it is this one. also been on the receiving end of many stereotypes such as fallacies regarding the The story begins in the the myth. The model minority myth has misuse of donation money by 1700s. Adeline LaRue, a simple stereotyped Asian Americans as hardworking and polite, large organizations. townswoman, wants more from and while this seems like a positive stereotype, it has created Participating in pro- her life, and, desperate, she harmful effects. Not only has it caused a racial divide tests such as the ones that makes a deal with the devil. She between Asian Americans and other minorities, it has also have already been held tells him that she wants a affected Asian Americans in the workplace as Asian in cities across the country chance to really live and to be Americans are least likely to be promoted today. including , Georgia, free. The Darkness twists her Unfortunately, xenophobia against Asian Americans , LA, Washington words, and in exchange for her hasn’t declined as Asian Americans have been falsely D.C., and soul, she is gifted immortality. blamed for the COVID-19 pandemic due to the virus’ origins have been immensely The catch is that she is cursed in China. impactful. These wide- to be forgotten by anyone she spread are what once knew and everyone she Hate crimes towards Asian Americans have peaked made “Stop Asian Hate” as meets. How will Addie leave her since the COVID-19 outbreak hit America. According to a well-known as it is now. mark on the world if the only 2020 poll from BBC, 70% of Asian Americans reported one who remembers her is the verbal assault, 21% reported shunning, 9% reported physical Renegade Rec: Vicious one who cursed her? What if I assault, 6% reported getting coughed/spat on, and 8% told you that 300 years later, experienced refusal of service. Only a year has passed, but Writer: Kayla Roberts that would change? these hate crime statistics have still managed to vastly rise. Editor: Jay Lundberg Trust me. This book is a More and more physical assault cases are piling by great read. I had to force myself the minute, and the eldery seem to be the main target. to put it down and not stay up Horrific videos of Asian elders being shoved, beaten, shot, until late-night reading it. V.E. slashed, and murdered are surfacing on the news. A small Schwab has ruined all books for portion of these victims include: 74 year old, Soon Chung me because every time I pick up Park, who passed away from a gunshot wound to the brain; something new, I wish I was 84 year old, Vichar Ratanapakdee, who was murdered by reading this for the first time being shoved onto his head; 89 year old Chinese woman, again. This book may be about whose name was not disclosed, that was slapped and set on a woman that no one can fire, and 65 year old; Vilma Kari, who was brutally beaten on remember, but this is a story her way to church. you will never forget. Coming from a culture of respect and gratitude for the old, many young Asian Americans are standing up for Grammy Reviews their elders who are unable to defend themselves. Thoughts What’s up Renegades! of their own parents and grandparents weigh heavy on their I’m back with another book Author: Jordan-Sky Magee minds as they march through AAPI protests. Although review! After reading The Editor: Michaella Gazala silence about Asian assault is slowly dissipating, these hate Invisible Life of Addie Larue, crimes still remain on the rise. The Asian American by V.E Schwab, I fell in love Every year music enthusiasts community is encouraging non-Asians to speak up about with her writing style. I anticipate a night full of red these injustices, because silence equals consent. decided to pick up another carpet fashion, celebrities, and one of her books called music. The Grammys is a music Senior Valedictorian Interviews Vicious, and let me tell you, ceremony held annually where it did not disappoint. If artists are recognized for their you like stories about successes based on the number Writers: Taylor Ward, Lukas Hu super-heroes, villains, or of record sales and their Editor: Baylie Bybee anti-heroes, then I can popularity. This year was the With the 2020-2021 school year coming to an end, guarantee that you will like 63rd year of the Grammy we’ve decided to reach out to valedictorians at various this book. Awards ceremony and once campuses to get their honest opinions and advice as The story follows again, there has been dual-enrollment high school students. college roommates Victor controversy surrounding it. First on the list is our very own Managing Editor for & Eli as they work on their Most notably, many were the Herald and Summerlin valedictorian, Jordan Magee. Senior thesis. They share critiquing the award show due When asked how she balanced everything, Magee stated, “I similar research interests to it being held during a global had a bunch of schedules and a Google calendar to follow. which leads them to discover pandemic. To add to the You have to have a good work ethic and be able to balance something extraordinary. Grammy controversies, the work-life from school life.” This was the exact opposite to They learn that under the artist, Abel Tesfaye (The what Herald Editor and Flagship Henderson valedictorian right conditions of fear, adre- Weeknd), who broke Michaella Gazala said. “I let myself do what I want to do. I naline, and near-death ex- periences, one can develop records with his album “After stick to overly strict schedules and allow myself to have fun extraordinary abilities. What Hours” and hit song by allocating time out of my day dedicated to my personal would you do if you found “Blinding Lights”, did not get and social needs, as well as academic. This way, I won’t out how to create super- nominated for any awards. become overwhelmed with my studies.” Flagship heroes? When Victor & Eli Many people, (including valedictorian Radley Carter informed us that it just came move their thesis to the himself) were outraged, saying down to “[his] class choices, the importance of time testing phase, things don’t go he was “snubbed.” management, and scheduling things out.” As for as expected, in fact, they go valedictorian Nathanael Breed, his homeschooling helped, Nonetheless, on horribly wrong. March 19, 2021, the ceremony as “my mom let me be This book is the still went on and took place responsible for my learning definition of a page-turner. I outside the Staples Center in so it was very hands on, pushed off an entire day of , California with a and I had always regulated schoolwork to read this book limited amount of guests and my own time.” One thing (even though I had two seating hosted by late-night talk all of the valedictorians essays due at the end of the show host Trevor Noah. have in common is their week). Vicious isn’t your Spectacular performances love of schedules! normal superhero story. This included, but were not limited Their advice for book points out the to, Harry Styles, Billie Eilish, aspiring valedictorians is interesting point that gaining Dababy, and more. Many decorous and passionate. extra abilities doesn’t gua- awards were distributed to Gazala advised to “have rantee a hero. One may argue deserving artists such as fun in life; don’t just focus that there are no heroes in Beyoncé, Billie Eilish, Harry on your studies. They are this book, just someone Styles, etc. History was also important, but do telling their story. I just got made that night: Beyoncé something for you! Read a the sequel and I am so became the first artist to receive book, hang out, and do what you want to do because your excited to find out what the most Grammy Award wins, mental health is important as well!” This corresponds with happens next! and Taylor Swift became the Carter’s words. “Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. first female artist to win Album Strive for it, but not at the sake of your wellbeing.” of the Year three times. So, what’s in store for these individuals? Magee has *ATTENTION!* Without a doubt, the 63rd her Associates of Art at CSN; she is currently undecided but annual Grammys was has been accepted into a few universities and is planning on extremely interesting. studying abroad. She plans on getting her master’s and says The Nevada State Herald is However, under the to “look out, because I am just getting started.” Gazala is looking for Class of 2021 circumstances, I hope it was a graduating with an Associates of English at CSN. She is seniors to interview about one-time event. going to UNLV in the fall and is planning on getting her their time at Nevada State bachelor’s/master’s in English Lit. Gazala is looking forward High School! This is your to writing her books and traveling, experiencing and seeing time to express your last different cultures while also discovering more about herself. remarks and farewells as a Carter is graduating with his Associates of Science at CSN high school senior through and going on a religious mission for two years before your school publication! If attending UNLV, majoring in either mechanical engineering Follow us on Instagram! you are interested in being or physics. Breed is going to Liberty University. Three career @nevada_state_herald interviewed by one of our fields that interest him are mechanical engineering, Renegades! Noah Varao writers and being included in medicine, and aerospace engineering. He “thanks God for here, one of the managers of the Herald’s final 2020-21 everything” and speaks of his excitement about living alone the official Nevada State newsletter, please email us at in Virginia. [email protected] Herald Instagram! If you’re Thank you to all of the valedictorians for agreeing to and we will provide further interested in frequent updates be interviewed, and congratulations on your success! We instruction. We look forward about the newsletter as well as wish you the very best of luck in your future! to hearing from you! information on how your own stories could be featured in future issues, please give us a follow! Please make sure to spread the word, and keep the Renegade spirit! Our profile picture is our logo! When you see this logo, you are in the right place! About the Editor About the Editor

Hello, lovely Renegades! My name is Baylie Bybee, Hello, loves! I’m Chayil, and I am an editor for the Herald! And no, my last name is but Kenna works too, and I not Bybee because the bees are dying, much to the edit and write for the Herald. disappointment of one insightful Michaels’ cashier, though I originally joined this team that would be pretty woke. Save the bees, everyone. with the intention of Now that I’ve staved off this introduction for long continuing a passion and enough, it’s time for me to face the mortifying ordeal of experience I am used to being known. When I’m not procrastinating my being surrounded by: writing responsibilities and frantically doing them last minute, I like and journalism. At my last to spend my time doing various things. (Definitely not just school, I was a Chief-Editor listening to music and switching between the same four for the school newspaper social media apps on my phone, feeling like a tiger pacing its and it was one of the most cage.) I’ve been playing the piano for years and practice fun and memorable experiences of my entire high school daily. My favorite piece that I’ve played so far has been career. Rêverie by Claude Debussy. It’s gorgeous! I’ve also played Now, about me. My life is centered around one thing and tennis for a number of years, and it’s the one sport I haven’t one thing alone: Love. I’m on a constant venture to find both given up hope on despite my borderline things I love and outlets for my love, be it people, forms of concerning lack of coordination. I love it. art, or new hobbies. (Haha, get it?) Other things to be warned Ask anyone close to me what I’m like and they’ll give you one about me are that I make an of two answers, or perhaps both: crazyhead extraordinary amount of bad hair dyeing (#censorship100) or literal Disney princess. decisions, I hate banana and My days are filled with art all over the spectrum, from orange-flavored candy, I love to spend dancing to making music, to writing novels and creating time outdoors, but still have an webtoons. I enjoy taking care of plants, holistic studies, and unreasonable fear of sharks, and I love to recently I’ve gotten into seamstressing. I voice act and help read books, despite not having touched create video games as well! one in months. The Secret History by Donna Tartt remains On a more professional note, I aspire to use my language my favorite. As for my future, I’m still figuring that out. skills to further my career, ideally something that would Currently, I’m considering studying speech pathology, so allow me to make a difference. While I wish to, I don’t limit we’ll see how that turns out! myself to the possibility of being a translator and interpreter. I hope you all continue to enjoy the Herald! Many As an aspiring polyglot, I have studied about 13 languages, people work hard on it, so it’s gratifying to have an audience. though I am most sufficient in Japanese and Korean. My Stay woke and save the bees! current project is Russian, and it’s quite hard to say the least. I am really grateful for the opportunities NSHS and this team have given me to improve upon myself and I hope for Baylie Bybee future students and potential Herald staff that they will do Writer the same for you! Thank you for reading! For the Nevada State Herald Chayil Benoit Editor: Michaella Gazala Editor For the Nevada State Herald

Editor: Michaella Gazala

Editor-in-Chief: Charlize Chen Layout Editors: Jay Lundberg and Kayla Roberts