Karyotypes of Four Agamid Lizards from Southeast Asia HIDETOSHI

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Karyotypes of Four Agamid Lizards from Southeast Asia HIDETOSHI Current Herpetology 21 (1): 35-41, June 2002 (C)2002 by The Herpetological Society of Japan Karyotypes of Four Agamid Lizards from Southeast Asia HIDETOSHI OTA1*, CHEONG-HOONG DIONG2, ENE-CHOO TAN3, AND HOI-SEN YONG4 1 Tropical Biosphere Research Center , University of the Ryukyus, Nishihara, Okinawa, 903-0213, JAPAN 2 Natural Sciences, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, 1 Nanyang Walk, SINGAPORE 637616 3 Defence Medical Research Institute , Clinical Research Centre, 10 Medical Drive, SINGAPORE 117597 4 Institute of Biological Sciences , University of Malaya, 50603, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA Abstract: We karyotyped four lizards, Acanthosaura armata, Bronchocela cristatella, Calotes emma, and C. versicolor, all belonging to the tropical Asian Glade of the family Agamidae. The karyotype of A. armata consisted of 12 metacentric macrochromosomes and 20 microchromosomes, whereas B. cris- tatella had 14 metacentric macrochromosomes and 20 microchromosomes. Except for the presence of 22 microchromosomes, the karyotypes of the two Calotes species were similar to that of A. armata. The 20 microchromosome state in the A. armata karyotype may have emerged in the ancestral lineage common to Gonocephalus robinsonii, whose karyotype also exhibits a 12M+20m format. Comparison of the present results with previously published information suggests the presence of cryptic taxonomic diversity in B. cristatella and C. ver- sicolor. Key words: Karyotype; Chromosomal variation; Agamidae; Acanthosaura armata; Bronchocela cristatella; Calotes emma; C. versicolor; Southeast Asia. Macey et al., 2000). With respect to the INTRODUCTION phylogeny and systematics at generic and The family Agamidae is an Old-World infrageneric levels, however, much is yet to representative of the iguanian lizards, and is be done for the Agamidae. much diverged in Australia, Africa, tropical Chromosomal approaches to phylogenyhave and temperate Asia, and the Indo-Australian been receiving persistent, formidable criticism Archipelago. Recent molecular studies yielded chiefly on the ground of adequacy in analytical a few tenable hypotheses for early stages of procedures adopted and in presumptions regard- divergence in this family (Honda et al., 2000; ing the mode and direction of character trans- formation (e.g., Kluge, 1994). In some cases, * Corresponding author. Tel: +81-98-895-8937; however, chromosomal data have been provid- Fax: +81-98-895-8966; E-mail address: [email protected] ing very convincing evidence for monophyly ryukyu.ac.jp in some agamid groups (e. g., Diong et al., 36 Current Herpetol. 21 (1) 2002 2000; Honda et al., 2002). Also, chromosomal mosome pair, the lengths of chromosome arms investigation may clarify biological species that were measured with a CALCOM digitizer. are cryptic to morphological approaches (King, Terminology for chromosomal description fol- 1993: see Ota [1988] for example of an agamid lows Levan et al. (1964) as modified by Green group). and Sessions (1991),and the karyotype formula In consideration of these merits, we have follows Peccinini-Seale (1981). Voucher speci- been conducting a chromosomal survey of mens were deposited in the Zoological Ref- Southeast Asian agamid lizards (Diong et al., erence Collection, Department of Biological 2000). In this paper, we describe karyotypes Sciences, National University of Singapore of four species obtained in this survey. (ZRC). MATERIALS AND METHODS RESULTS A total of 16 specimens representing four The karyotype of male Acanthosaura armata species, Acanthosaura armata, Bronchocella consisted of 16 pairs. Of these, the six largest cristatela, Calotes emma, and C. versicolor, pairs were all metacentric macrochromosomes, were karyotyped (Table 1). All of these species and the remaining 10 were marochromosomes belong to group V of the Agamidae sensu (Fig. 1A). Fundamental numbers (N. F.) thus Moody (1980) (see Honda et al. [2000, 2002] equaled 44. In the macrochromosome group, and Macey et al. [2000: as the South Asian there was a marked size gap between pairs 5 Glade] for the monophyly of this group). and 6 (also see Appendix). Mitotic cell preparations were made by the The karyotype of male Bronchocela cristatella bone-marrow air-dry method following Diong was similar to that of A. armata in the clear et al. (2000). Then they were stained in 6% division of component chromosomes into Gurr Giemsa (BDH) solution, and were pho- metacentric macrochromosomes and micro- tographed with a Nikon Optiphot 2 Photo- chromosomes. However, the macrochromo- micrography camera using Kodak TMAX ASA some group of the B. cristatella karyotype 100 film. had an additional pair, which made its diploid Karyotypes were determined for each indi- and fundamental numbers 34 and 48, respec- vidual lizard on the basis of 10-16 well-spread tively (Fig. 1B). Also, the karyotype of B. metaphase cells. Chromosomes in each pho- cristatella differed from that of A. armata tograph were paired according to the similarity in the presence of a distinct size gap between in size and shape, and resultant pairs were pairs 1 and 2, besides between pairs 5 and 6 arranged in order of decreasing size. For (Fig. 1B, Appendix). the calculation of arm ratio for each chro- TABLE 1. Localities, sizes, and sexual composition of samples of four agamid species examined in this study. OTA ET AL. -KARYOTYPES OF AGAMID LIZARDS 37 FIG. 1. Male katyotypes of (A) Acanthosaura armata, and (B) Bronchocela cristatella. Bar equals 5μm. The karyotypes of Calotes emma and C. DISCUSSION versicolor were also similar to that of A. armata in the number (six pairs), shape (meta- This is the first chromosomal description centric), and size arrangement (prominent gap for the genus Acanthosaura. The karyotype only between pairs 5 and 6) of macrochromo- of A. armata differs from most other known somes (Fig. 2, Appendix). However, they dif- karyotypes of the group V species (Moody, fered from the A. armata karyotype by having 1980; Honda et al., 2000) in having only 20 an additional pair of microchromosomes, which microchromosomes, because most other mem- made the diploid and fundamental numbers bers of this tropical Asian clade have another 34 and 46, respectively. pair of microchromosomes (e.g., Moody, 1980; In all karyotypes examined, no sex chro- Witten, 1983; Solleder and Schmid, 1988; mosome heteromorphism, or intraspecific chro- Ota and Hikida, 1989). Within this group, the mosomal variations were evident, although 20 microchromosome state is shared only female karyotypes were not available for A. with Bronchocela cristatella (see Solleder and armata, B. cristatella, and C. emma. Schmid [1988] and below), Calotes versi- 38 Current Herpetol. 21 (1) 2002 FIG. 2. Male katyotypes of (A) Calotes emma, and (B) C. versicolor . Bar equals 5μm. color in one report (see below), and Gono- ular phylogenetic studies (Honda et al., 2000, cephalus robinsonii (see Diong et al., 2000). 2002; Macey et al. 2000) negate a close affinity In contrast, this state is common in the clade of Acanthosaura with the Australian-New consisting of groups II-IV of Moody (1980) Guinean agamids, although none of these (see Honda et al. [2000, 2002] and Macey et studies examined A. armata. Relatively close al. [2000: as the Australian-New Guinean clade]) allocation of Acanthosaura (as represented as pointed out by Witten (1983). Diong et al. by A. crucigera) with G. robinsonii on the (2000), recognizing the common occurrence molecular phylogenetic tree of Honda et al. of 20 microchromosomes in G. robinsonii and (2002) suggests that the deletion of a pair of some Australian-New Guinean species, sur- microchromosomes may have occurred in mised that G. robnsonii might have been their common ancestral lineage. This assumtion derived from endemic Australian radiation, needs substantial verification on the basis of followed by long dispersals like Physignathus additional chromosomal data for relevant taxa, cocincinus (Honda et al., 2000). This view, particularly A. crucigera and other Acan- however, was negated by a molecular phylo- thosaura and Phoxophrys species (Honda et genetic investigation by Honda et al. (2002), al., 2002). which clearly indicated the allocation of G. The karyotypes of B. cristatella, C. emma, robinsonii in group V. Likewise, recent molec- and C. versicolor were already reported in OTA ET AL. -KARYOTYPES OF AGAMID LIZARDS 39 TABLE 2. Karyotypes of the four agamid species examined in this study. M=macrochromosomes; m=microchromosomes. Sources are as follows: 1, this study; 2, Solleder and Schmid (1988); 3, Moody (1980); 4, De Smet (1981); 5, Singh and Bhatnagar (1987); 6, papers cited in Das and Ota (1998) exclusive of 4 and 5. some previous studies (Table 2). However, tributed species (Auffenberg and Rehman, absence of locality data for materials used in 1993). most of those studies makes our data deserving In both cases, absence of reliable locality of publication, because our data may con- information in most crucial works (Hall in tribute to the detection of cryptic taxonomic Moody [1980],and Solleder and Schmid [1988] diversity in those species (Ota et al., 2001). for the B. cristatella karyotype; and De Smet For example, Moody (1980), on the basis of [1981], and a few other works [Table 2] for unpublished information from W. P. Hall, the C. versicolor karyotype) imposes serious listed the karyotype of B, cristatella as con- difficulties in utilizing their chromosomal data sisting of 28 acrocentric macrochromosomes for unequivocal solutions of taxonomic
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