Table of Precedence (January 2021)
13. Members of the Privy Council (4) ORDER OF PRECEDENCE (as prescribed by the Proposed Table of Precedence of 2007) 14 Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives The Most Hon. Juliet Holness, MP 1. The Governor-General – His Excellency The Most Honourable Sir Patrick Allen, ON, GCMG, CD, KSt.J Parliamentary Secretaries (5) 2. Prime Minister 15. Members of the Senate (6) The Most Honourable Andrew Holness, ON, MP Members of the House of Parliament (7) 3. Deputy Prime Minister 16. Judges of the Court of Appeal (8) Honourable Dr. Horace Chang, CD, MP Judges of the Supreme Court (9) Leader of the Opposition – Mr Mark Golding, MP 17. Chairman of the Public Service Commission 4. (1) Mr Alvin McIntosh, CD, JP Members of the Cabinet Financial Secretary Miss Darlene Morrison President of the Senate Permanent Secretaries (10) Senator the Honourable Thomas Tavares-Finson, OJ, CD, QC Solicitor General Speaker of the House of Representatives Mrs Marlene Aldred, QC Honourable Marisa Dalrymple-Philibert, MP Governor of the Bank of Jamaica Mr Richard Byles 5. Former Governors-General Auditor General The Most Honourable Professor Sir Kenneth Hall, Mrs Pamela Monroe Ellis ON, GCMG, OJ Director of Public Prosecutions Miss Paula Llewelyn, CD, QC Former Prime Ministers The Most Honourable Percival James Patterson, 18. Chief of Defence Staff, Jamaica Defence Force ON, OCC, PC, QC Lieutenant General Rocky Meade, CD, JP, PhD, psc The Most Honourable Portia Simpson Miller, ON Commissioner of Police Mr Bruce Golding Major General Antony Anderson, CD, JP 6. Chief Justice 19. Mayors and Chairmen of Parish Councils (11) The Honourable Mr Justice Bryan Sykes, OJ, CD Except on municipal occasions when they take President of the Court of Appeal precedence immediately after the Prime Minister The Honourable Mr Justice Patrick Brooks, OJ, CD (2) 20.
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