Polymath 801 Set by Gozo

ACROSS  1 Inshore sailing dinghies; large tuna fishes with long pectoral fins (9)  6 Get this and get married! (7) 10 Cavernous West End eateries where “Nippies” worked (5,6,6)   11 Cash worth more than its intrinsic value as metal (5,5) 

12 Ozone – or shanty? (3-3)   14 Particle of dust (4) 15 “When I’m cleaning windows”  banjolele-playing music-hall star (6,6)   17 Capital of South Australia (8)  18 Member of the ultra-republican party in the Parliamentary    army crushed by Cromwell in  1649 (8) 20 Students of the science of   rocks (12)  21 The Roman goddess of women (4)  24 Scottish music-hall star best known for “Roamin’ in the Gloamin’” (6)   25 Panurus biarmicus, which lives in reed-beds (7,3) The first correct entry drawn on 27 BBC TV sitcom featuring Victor Meldrew (3,4,2,3,5) Wednesday February 25 wins a 28 Torn apart (7) copy of Brewer's Dictionary of 29 Simpletons; inhabitants of the Phrase and Fable. Entries, using Thracian birthplace of Democritus (9) the form below, should be DOWN addressed to Polymath No 801, 1 Of a guardian, appointed for a Weekend FT, One Southwark lawsuit (2,5) 2 Employment agency which Bridge, London SE1 9HL. The “got big by bothering” (5,6,6) solution and winner's name will be 3 The outer deck of a submarine published on February 28. (6) 4 The largest genus of the Much loved for its wit and wisdom since 1870, Brewer's Dictionary of Ericaceae family, with 1,024 Phrase and Fable is a blend of language, culture, myth and legend. species (12) Edited by Susie Dent, this new edition contains an intriguing sup- 5 Wine-producing mediaeval plement of Brewer's Gems: facts, fables and curiosities from Brewer hilltop town in Cher collections of the past. www.chambers.co.uk/brewers.php departement (8) 6 Channel Island where Solution Polymath 799 motorised vehicles are banned Jotter pad (4) 0,5$ ,.$1 9$1%85(1 7 ITV lunchtime show, hosted by 2 + 0 1 < 3 $ 2 ( 67 ,53 &+(6+,5(&$7 Kaye Adams, Andrea McLean 6 = $ + / ( 2 + ( and (5,5) %52:1&2$/ 681 %($0 8 A timid person, H.T. Webster’s $ 6 ( 5 2 , 6 ( cartoon character (6,11) & $3(//$ :$67:$ 7(5 9 Royal Navy’s Type 45 “Daring” . + * 6 $ + ( *(25*('80$85 ,(5 class of warship (9) $ 5 ( % % * 7 13 Steeplechaser which won the &+(21*6$0 8,* +856 King George VI Chase four $ & , $ 1 ( $ ( times between 1986 and 1990 '(752,7 5('6+,576 (6,6) ( 6 1 : , $ ( ' 6 16 SI unit during which light 028179(5121 12 ,6( , * 5 / ( & 1 $ % travels 29.9cm (10) $5$%(//$ '(7$ ,1(( 17 North American horse, white or grey with dark spots (9) Name...... 19 Latin name for Ireland (8) 22 Stable lads at inns (7) Address...... 23 Church attendant and ...... caretaker (6) ...... 26 Pre-eminent, brilliant (4)