TO the Lolslboft GAZETTE, 21
TO THE LOlSLbOft GAZETTE, 21 C7ie'vali'er. Captain Bernard Elwell Potteny M.B.,- Royal Temporary) [Lieutenant Bernard Temple Army Medical Corps {Territorial Force). Cadoux, M:B.E., General List. Temporary Major Ian Cuthbertson Sanderson. Temporary Quartermaster and Captain George M.C., 12th (Service)' Battalion), Argyll and Goodwin, O.B.E., Royal Engineers: Sutherland Highlanders. Temporary Lieutenant Henry Charles Smith, 2nd Battalion, East Yorkshire Regiment. 15389 Ba/ttery Serjeant-Major William Bell, 'Order of K'ing Georg'e I, D.C.M., Royal Garrison Artillery (Norwich). Officer.- 300996 Gunner Henry Thomas Bubt, 4th High- land Mountain Brigade, Royal Garrison Major Herbert Spindler Pullar, Scottish Horse Artillery (Territorial Force) (Warsash, Yeomanry (Territorial Force Reserve). Hampshire). ~" ' . Chevalier. 45237 Gunmer Alfred Henry Coles, Royal % Field Artillery (Radford, Nottinghamshire). Temporary Lieutenant Henry Arderne 76150 Private Albert Oswald Dobson, Derby- Ormerod/M.C., Royal Artillery. shire Yeomanry (Leeds). 106833 Bombardier John Hession, Royal Field Artillery (Chesterfield, Derbyshire). Military Cross. 75260 'Corporal Samuel John Higgins, Derby* shire Yeomanry (Derby). 2nd Class. 105060 Serjeant Edward Hunter, Royal Field Major Richard Peacock Birchenough, Derby- Artillery (Wrexiham, Denbighshire). • shire Yeomanry. 301443 Signaller Donald Matheson, 4th High- Major 'Champion Andrew Branfill, M.C., land Mountain Brigade, Royal Garrison Derbyshire Yeomanry. Artillery (Territorial Force) (Stornoway). Lieutenant Malcolm Buchanan, Royal Garrison 211050 Serjeant {Acting 'Company Serjeant- Artillery (Territorial Force). Major) William Ridgwell Munden, 22nd Lieutenant-Colonel and Brevet Colonel (tem- Battalion, 'Rifle Brigade, attached 83rd porary Brigadier^General) Robert Hugh Trench Mortar Battery (Territorial Force) Hare, C.B.," C.M.G., D.S.O"., M.V.O., Royal (Saffron Walden). Garrison Artillery.
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