Broadcast Actions 6/15/2005

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Broadcast Actions 6/15/2005 Federal Communications Commission 445 Twelfth Street SW PUBLIC NOTICE Washington, D.C. 20554 News media information 202 / 418-0500 Recorded listing of releases and texts 202 / 418-2222 REPORT NO. 46006 Broadcast Actions 6/15/2005 STATE FILE NUMBER E/P CALL LETTERS APPLICANT AND LOCATION N A T U R E O F A P P L I C A T I O N Actions of: 06/09/2005 AM STATION APPLICATIONS FOR TRANSFER OF CONTROL GRANTED MT BTC-20050413ABO KLTZ 24243 GLASGOW BROADCASTING Voluntary Transfer of Control CORP. From: W. L. HOLTER, DECEASED E 1240 KHZ To: JANN HOLTER LAMBERT, TRUSTEE MT , GLASGOW UNDER W. L. HOLTER LIVING TRUST Form 315 FM STATION APPLICATIONS FOR TRANSFER OF CONTROL GRANTED MT BTCH-20050413ABN KLAN 70633 GLASGOW BROADCASTING Voluntary Transfer of Control CORP. From: W. L. HOLTER, DECEASED E 93.5 MHZ To: JANN HOLTER LAMBERT, TRUSTEE MT , GLASGOW UNDER W. L. HOLTER LIVING TRUST Form 315 Actions of: 06/10/2005 FM TRANSLATOR APPLICATIONS FOR ORIGINAL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT DISMISSED NC BNPFT-20030829AOK NEW 157464 CONNER MEDIA CORPORATION CP New Stn. Engineering Amendment filed 04/11/2005 E 102.3 MHZ NC , ARAPAHOE Page 1 of 13 Federal Communications Commission 445 Twelfth Street SW PUBLIC NOTICE Washington, D.C. 20554 News media information 202 / 418-0500 Recorded listing of releases and texts 202 / 418-2222 REPORT NO. 46006 Broadcast Actions 6/15/2005 STATE FILE NUMBER E/P CALL LETTERS APPLICANT AND LOCATION N A T U R E O F A P P L I C A T I O N Actions of: 06/10/2005 AM STATION APPLICATIONS FOR ASSIGNMENT OF LICENSE GRANTED WA BAL-20050524AAC KZXR 53675 MOON BROADCASTING Voluntary Assignment of License PROSSER, LLC From: MOON BROADCASTING PROSSER, LLC E 1310 KHZ To: MBPROSSER LICENSEE LLC WA , PROSSER Form 316 CA BAL-20050524AAG KIQQ 60423 MOON BROADCASTING Voluntary Assignment of License RIVERSIDE, LLC From: MOON BROADCASTING RIVERSIDE, LLC E 1310 KHZ To: MBR LICENSEE LLC CA , BARSTOW Form 316 CA BAL-20050525AAD KRRS 43710 MOON BROADCASTING Voluntary Assignment of License CORPORATION From: MOON BROADCASTING CORPORATION E 1460 KHZ To: MOON BROADCASTING LICENSEE LLC CA , SANTA ROSA Form 316 CA BAL-20050525AAE KTOB 52345 MOON BROADCASTING Voluntary Assignment of License CORPORATION From: MOON BROADCASTING CORPORATION E 1490 KHZ To: MOON BROADCASTING LICENSEE LLC CA , PETALUMA Form 316 Page 2 of 13 Federal Communications Commission 445 Twelfth Street SW PUBLIC NOTICE Washington, D.C. 20554 News media information 202 / 418-0500 Recorded listing of releases and texts 202 / 418-2222 REPORT NO. 46006 Broadcast Actions 6/15/2005 STATE FILE NUMBER E/P CALL LETTERS APPLICANT AND LOCATION N A T U R E O F A P P L I C A T I O N Actions of: 06/10/2005 AM STATION APPLICATIONS FOR TRANSFER OF CONTROL GRANTED GA BTC-20050406ACH WMGR 52401 DECATUR BROADCASTING, INC. Voluntary Transfer of Control, as amended From: CHARLES C. VOYLES E 930 KHZ GA , BAINBRIDGE To: DEWEY ROBINSON Form 315 FM BOOSTER APPLICATIONS FOR ASSIGNMENT OF LICENSE GRANTED CA BALFTB-20050429ABQ KABL-FM3 CHASE RADIO PROPERTIES, Voluntary Assignment of License, as amended 36033 L.L.C. From: CHASE RADIO PROPERTIES, LLC E To: CONTRA COSTA COUNTY RADIO, INC. Form 314 92.1 MHZ CA , MARTINEZ "GRANTED WITH CONDITIONS" FM STATION APPLICATIONS FOR ASSIGNMENT OF LICENSE GRANTED CA BALH-20050429ABP KABL-FM CHASE RADIO PROPERTIES, Voluntary Assignment of License, as amended 36032 L.L.C. From: CHASE RADIO PROPERTIES, LLC E To: CONTRA COSTA COUNTY RADIO, INC. Form 314 92.1 MHZ CA , WALNUT CREEK "GRANTED WITH CONDITIONS" CA BALH-20050524AAA KMQA 3395 MOON BROADCASTING Voluntary Assignment of License PORTERVILLE, LLC From: MOON BROADCASTING PORTERVILLE, LLC E 100.5 MHZ To: MBP LICENSEE, LLC CA , EAST PORTERVILLE Form 316 Page 3 of 13 Federal Communications Commission 445 Twelfth Street SW PUBLIC NOTICE Washington, D.C. 20554 News media information 202 / 418-0500 Recorded listing of releases and texts 202 / 418-2222 REPORT NO. 46006 Broadcast Actions 6/15/2005 STATE FILE NUMBER E/P CALL LETTERS APPLICANT AND LOCATION N A T U R E O F A P P L I C A T I O N Actions of: 06/10/2005 FM STATION APPLICATIONS FOR ASSIGNMENT OF LICENSE GRANTED CA BALH-20050524AAB KMEN 88205 MOON BROADCASTING Voluntary Assignment of License PORTERVILLE, LLC From: MOON BROADCASTING PORTERVILLE, LLC E 100.5 MHZ To: MBP LICENSEE, LLC CA , MENDOTA Form 316 WA BALH-20050524AAD KMNA 6266 MOON BROADCASTING Voluntary Assignment of License PROSSER, LLC From: MOON BROADCASTING PROSSER, LLC E 101.7 MHZ To: MBPROSSER LICENSEE LLC WA , PROSSER Form 316 WA BALH-20050524AAE KLES 21602 MOON BROADCASTING Voluntary Assignment of License PROSSER, LLC From: MOON BROADCASTING PROSSER, LLC E 98.7 MHZ To: MBPROSSER LICENSEE LLC WA , MABTON Form 316 CA BALH-20050524AAF KAEH 3727 MOON BROADCASTING Voluntary Assignment of License RIVERSIDE, LLC From: MOON BROADCASTING RIVERSIDE, LLC E 100.9 MHZ To: MBR LICENSEE LLC CA , BEAUMONT Form 316 Page 4 of 13 Federal Communications Commission 445 Twelfth Street SW PUBLIC NOTICE Washington, D.C. 20554 News media information 202 / 418-0500 Recorded listing of releases and texts 202 / 418-2222 REPORT NO. 46006 Broadcast Actions 6/15/2005 STATE FILE NUMBER E/P CALL LETTERS APPLICANT AND LOCATION N A T U R E O F A P P L I C A T I O N Actions of: 06/10/2005 FM STATION APPLICATIONS FOR ASSIGNMENT OF LICENSE GRANTED CA BALH-20050524AAH KIQQ-FM MOON BROADCASTING Voluntary Assignment of License 79388 RIVERSIDE, LLC From: MOON BROADCASTING RIVERSIDE, LLC E To: MBR LICENSEE LLC 103.7 MHZ CA , NEWBERRY SPRINGS Form 316 FM STATION APPLICATIONS FOR LICENSE TO COVER GRANTED GA BLH-20050523AHU WWWD 86172 GEORGE S. FLINN, JR. License to cover E 102.1 MHZ GA , BOLINGBROKE FM STATION APPLICATIONS FOR MINOR MODIFICATION TO A CONSTRUCTION PERMIT GRANTED ID BMPED-20030220AAA KARJ 88927 EDUCATIONAL MEDIA Mod of CP to chg FOUNDATION Engineering Amendment filed 07/31/2003 E 88.3 MHZ Engineering Amendment filed 04/08/2004 ID , KUNA Engineering Amendment filed 02/24/2005 Engineering Amendment filed 03/22/2005 CA BPED-20050318ABL KLWG 90485 CALVARY CHAPEL OF LOMPOC Minor change construction permit application E 88.1 MHZ CA , LOMPOC Page 5 of 13 Federal Communications Commission 445 Twelfth Street SW PUBLIC NOTICE Washington, D.C. 20554 News media information 202 / 418-0500 Recorded listing of releases and texts 202 / 418-2222 REPORT NO. 46006 Broadcast Actions 6/15/2005 STATE FILE NUMBER E/P CALL LETTERS APPLICANT AND LOCATION N A T U R E O F A P P L I C A T I O N Actions of: 06/10/2005 FM STATION APPLICATIONS FOR ORIGINAL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT GRANTED LA BPED-19961023MA 961023MA NORTH ALABAMA EDUCATIONAL CP FOR NEW FM ED STATION. 83852 FOUNDATION SUPPLEMENT 10-24-96. E WITHDRAWAL OF PET. 2 DENY FILED ON 05-29-97. 91.9 MHZ LA , KAPLAN SUPPLEMENTAL MEMO IN SUPPORT OF MOTIONS IMPLEMENTING GLOBAL SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT FILED 11-13-97 BY (AFA - NAEF - & SCF). SUPPLEMENTAL MEMO TO WITHDRAW APPLICATION FILED 2-3-98 (AFA, NAEF & SCF). SUPPLEMENT FILED 7/18/2001. Settlement Agreement filed 8/13/04 for MX group 960606 to grant, as amended, both BPED-19961023MA and BPED-19961023MG. Motion to withdraw amendment filed 8/12/2004 by (NAEF). 7/31/03 Amendment dismissed per applicant's request 9/7/2004. Engineering amendment filed 08/12/2004. Legal amendments filed 2/23/2005 and 3/24/2005. LA BPED-19961023MG 961023MG MARY V. HARRIS FOUNDATION CP FOR NEW NCE STATION. 83878 SUPPLEMENT FILED 7/18/2001. E LA , BROUSSARD Settlement Agreement filed 8/13/04 for MX group 960606 91.3 MHZ to grant, as amended, both BPED-19961023MA and BPED-19961023MG. Engineering Amendment filed 08/13/2004 Page 6 of 13 Federal Communications Commission 445 Twelfth Street SW PUBLIC NOTICE Washington, D.C. 20554 News media information 202 / 418-0500 Recorded listing of releases and texts 202 / 418-2222 REPORT NO. 46006 Broadcast Actions 6/15/2005 STATE FILE NUMBER E/P CALL LETTERS APPLICANT AND LOCATION N A T U R E O F A P P L I C A T I O N Actions of: 06/10/2005 FM STATION APPLICATIONS FOR ORIGINAL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT GRANTED OK BPED-19980225ME 980225ME GROVE BROADCASTING INC. CP FOR NEW NCE STATION 90108 *PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION NUNC PRO TUNC P OK , GROVE FILED 9/2/98 88.9 MHZ PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION GRANTED AND APPLICATION REINSTATED NUNC PRO TUNC, STAFF LETTER 12-17-98. SUPPLEMENT FILED 7/16/2001. MO BPED-19990311MD 990311MD CSN INTERNATIONAL CP FOR NEW NCE STATION 92987 E MO , ANDERSON SUPPLEMENT FILED 7/19/2001. 88.5 MHZ Engineering Amendments filed 12/29/2004 & 1/14/2005. FM STATION APPLICATIONS FOR MINOR CHANGE TO A LICENSED FACILITY GRANTED NY BPH-20030107AAS WVNV 36121 CARTIER COMMUNICATIONS Minor change in licensed facilities INC. Engineering Amendment filed 10/09/2003 E 96.5 MHZ Engineering Amendment filed 11/08/2004 NY , MALONE Page 7 of 13 Federal Communications Commission 445 Twelfth Street SW PUBLIC NOTICE Washington, D.C. 20554 News media information 202 / 418-0500 Recorded listing of releases and texts 202 / 418-2222 REPORT NO. 46006 Broadcast Actions 6/15/2005 STATE FILE NUMBER E/P CALL LETTERS APPLICANT AND LOCATION N A T U R E O F A P P L I C A T I O N Actions of: 06/10/2005 FM STATION APPLICATIONS FOR MINOR CHANGE TO A LICENSED FACILITY GRANTED LA BPH-20040205AEZ WYLD-FM CLEAR CHANNEL Minor change in licensed facilities 11972 BROADCASTING LICENSES, INC.

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    PUBLIC NOTICE Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street S.W. News media information 202 / 418-0500 TTY: 1-888-835-5322 Washington, D.C. 20554 Internet: DA -15-874 _______________________________________________________________________________ Before Federal Communications Commission 1TV.Com, Inc.; Station: KBSZ – Waiver Washington, D.C. 20554 and Refund of Fee Request: Financial Hardship - FY 2014 Regulatory fee. Denied PUBLIC NOTICE (Mar. 19, 2015) [47 C.F.R. § 1.1166]. Released: August 5, 2015 Broadcast Trust, successor to Roberts Broadcasting Company of Evansville, IN, FEE DECISIONS OF THE MANAGING LLC DIP; Stations: WAZE-LP, WIKY- DIRECTOR AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC LP, AND WJPS-LP– Waiver of Regulatory Fees: Financial Hardship - FY 2013 The Managing Director is responsible for fee decisions Regulatory Fees. Dismissed and Denied (Apr. in response to requests for waiver or deferral of fees as 15, 2015) [47 U.S.C. § 159(c)(2) and 47 C.F.R. well as other pleadings associated with the fee §§ 0.401, 1.3, 1.7, 1.1160(a)(3), 1.1164, collection process. Typically, these responses to 1.1166, and 1.910(a)(2) & (3)]. individuals are not published in the FCC Record; instead, they are mailed or delivered by electronic Broadcast Trust, successor to Roberts means and they are effective the date of the document Broadcasting Company of Evansville, IN, (47 C.F.R. §§ 1.4(b), 1.104). Moreover, under 47 LLC DIP; Station: WIKY-LP– Waiver and C.F.R. § 0.445 (a) & (e), these decisions may not be Cancellation of Regulatory Fees: Financial relied upon, used or cited as precedent, except against Hardship - FY 2013 Regulatory Fees.
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