f iles chomelothing econocreat d science foodfood cl nto textilescreat hoclomit technology te olothingn Journalfood of thedesign scienHEIA c f tiveVol 20, No. 3, 2013 textecth What is genetically modified food, dtextiles clothinfoogd gyics creative rnition textiles h co why is it controversial and how do ngeconomics cre a oodod nutrition ho t e I know if I’m eating it? elogys clothing fo esscienceign food te x technologyfo o mothinge economics design c r fsveood nutritio n Fran Murrell iixlesontiles clothing cr eh dgo nomicsscience food do n nutrition technology t ogelothing yeconomics design f Abstract Three types (events) of GM potato and one of dclothing GM rice have also been approved by FSANZ, fohtgnceomeivenod food nutritioneconomi c Genetically modified (GM) crops were first grown gy commercially in 1996. This paper explores what but these particular GM events are not grown tlnomicsesextiles clothinghome eco n commercially anywhere. Australia grows two GM gtecnonomics chnologyhome food econo nutri mt genetic modification is, which crops are GM and textilessciencenutrition clothin food food g c the traits that these crops have. It also explores how crops—, which is over 90% of the crop and icsng design food nut canola, which is less than 10% the crop. dfolothing od nutrition technology sciencetextiles fo cl o o GM crops are tested, regulated and monitored in the ictionlothingtextiles food cloth scieni United States of America (US) and in Australia. It lonlesce thing food technoldesign o Other countries etnegivechnologynce food food science te f details some of the scientific controversy about GM toechnology d clothing techn des io and clarifies how GM food is labelled in Australia. GM papaya, rice, zucchini, yellow squash, tomato, cnlereativeogyxtilesg design clothi n capsicum and garlic are reported to be on sale in ing textiles designclothingcreative d What is genetic modification? a handful of countries. These crops have not yet creative been approved by FSANZ and so should not seigns textile Most organisms inherit information from their iles textiles parents via chromosomes that are partially made be on sale in Australia. However, in the absence up of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Sections of of GM testing, monitoring and certifying of this DNA are called genes. With plants, genetic imported produce, Australian consumers cannot modification (GM) alters DNA by inserting new be certain that these products are not being genes in a ‘gene cassette’ to alter how a plant imported in some form. functions. The inserted material can consist of genes and genetic information from bacteria, Contamination viruses, plants and animals or be synthetic or GM research and field trials have created chimeric genes that have never existed before. contamination of ordinary crops even though the GM crops being trialled have never been The two main ways to insert this material into a commercially released. GM contamination plant cell are: by unapproved GM events has been found in t to use a bacterium to ‘infect’ Canadian flax, in US wheat and corn, and in t to use particle bombardment to ‘shoot’ the rice from the US, India, China, Hong Kong and GM material into the existing DNA of the Pakistan (MADGE Australia, 2013). host plant. This is different to traditional crossbreeding, Europe has a Rapid Alert System for Food which has been used for thousands of years. and Feed known as the RASFF Portal. It has a searchable database and shows when unauthorised Food crops that have been GM food, feed and novel foods have been genetically modified detected, where they came from and what country Australia they were found in. Australia has no comparable Contact details: system of detection. Fran Murrell The GM crops approved by Food Standards MADGE Australia Inc Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) for consumption Tel: 0401 407 944 in Australia are soy, corn (), canola, sugar What do GM crops do? Email: [email protected] beet, cotton—which we eat as cottonseed oil— Herbicide and insecticide resistance and alfalfa (lucerne), which is mainly an animal GM crops have two main traits (GMO Compass, feed (Food Standards Australia New Zealand, 2007): 2013a). Soy, corn, canola, cotton and sugar t The most common is herbicide resistance. beet constitute the vast majority of GM crops This means the GM plants can survive being grown worldwide. They are used as ingredients in sprayed with weed killer. The intention is for processed food, as biofuels or as animal feed. the weeds to die but the GM crop to survive.

2 What is genetically modified food, why is it controversial and how do I know if I’m eating it?

t The second trait is insect resistance. The GM equivalence was created as the basis for the plant produces toxins to kill certain insects assessment of GM foods worldwide, whereby that eat them. The toxins cannot be washed ‘Substantial equivalence is meant not to establish off. absolute safety but that it is as safe as its traditional An increasing trend is for GM crops to have both counterpart, where such a counterpart exists’ (FAO/ herbicide tolerance and insect resistance (ISAAA, WHO Expert Consultation on Foods Derived 2013). For example, Smartstax corn has eight from , 2000). GM genes, six to produce insect toxins and two so that it can be sprayed with two weed killers: Substantial equivalence means that GM food and Liberty (, 2012–2013). is compared with its conventional counterpart Development of beneficial traits in its agronomic, genetic and chemical aspects. Additional testing and animal feeding trials There are also very small amounts of GM may be used if thought necessary. No regulatory crops that use a controversial ‘gene silencing’ agency has required long-term feeding trials, technique to provide virus resistance, or to alter the oil composition to create high oleic acid soy with most feeding trials being 90 days or less. (Ruanjan, Kertbundit, & Juříček, 2007; Food Reproductive and multi-generational feeding Drought-tolerant Standards Australia New Zealand, 2013b). trials are not required.

GM corn…provided One drought-tolerant GM corn event is grown United States of America commercially, but as noted by the Union of only modest beneft The US was the first country to commercialise a Concerned Scientists (2013), it has ‘provided only GM crop and grows roughly 40% of the world’s in moderate modest benefit in moderate drought conditions, and transgenic crops (James, 2012). A US company, little or no benefit in severe drought conditions’. drought conditions, Monsanto, owns about 90% of GM crops. GM crops engineered to increase the use of Therefore it is important to know the type of nitrogen fertiliser have not reached market yet. and little or no pre-market scrutiny of GM crops performed in There is no GM crop that increases yield. the US. beneft in severe GM is being developed with the drought conditions intention to reduce vitamin A deficiency (IRRI, The US Food and Drug Administration 2013). However, there are no published data on (FDA) has a voluntary consultation process beta-carotene levels (the precursor to vitamin for companies wishing to release a GM food. A) in the GM rice, the amount of beta-carotene The FDA does no independent testing, instead at harvest and after storage or the presence relying on information provided by the company of potentially harmful metabolites. Given that wishing to release the crop (Food and Drug vitamin A deficiency in the Philippines has been Administration, 1997). The consultation ends greatly reduced since 2000 by a combination with the FDA sending a letter to the company of a campaign of vitamin A supplementation, saying there is no need for the FDA to do a pre- food fortification and a campaign to promote market review or approval. consumption of fruit and vegetables (Hansen, 2013), questions the need for GM rice to reduce For example, the FDA sent a letter to Du Pont/ vitamin A deficiency. Pioneer on 25 March 2013 about its GM corn event 4114. This is a stacked event, meaning the Can non-GM breeding produce the same GM corn produces three toxins to kill insects and results? can be sprayed with the weedkiller glufosinate As noted above, reduction of vitamin A (International Service for the Acquisition of Agri- deficiency can be achieved by other means. Biotech Applications, 2013). Similarly, non-GM breeding has produced virus Based on the safety and nutritional assessment and disease resistant plants, higher yields (GM Pioneer has conducted, it is our understanding Watch, 2013a), high oleic acid soy (Pham, that Pioneer has concluded that food and feed Lee, Shannon, & Bilyou, 2010) and drought derived from event 4114 corn are not materially resistance (GM Watch, 2013b). different in composition, safety, and other relevant How are GM crops tested, parameters from corn-derived food and feed currently on the market, and that event 4114 regulated and monitored in the US corn does not raise issues that would require and Australia? premarket review or approval by FDA Food plants do not generally undergo (US Food and Drug Administration, 2013). toxicological testing. The concept of substantial (Emphasis added).

3 Journal of the HEIA Vol. 20, No. 3, 2013

Australia and food containing GM enzymes and additives. In Australia, Food Standards Australia New Since most GM ingredients enter the food Zealand (FSANZ) relies on the data provided chain in these forms, most GM food remains by the companies wishing to release a GM food. unlabelled in Australia. It does no independent testing and requires no animal feeding trials. FSANZ has approved every Scientific debates over GM GM crop application they have received (Food Safety Standards Australia New Zealand, 2013c). There has been controversy over the science In 2010, FSANZ allowed what many would and safety of GM foods from the beginning. A consider to be a GM corn, Smartstax, into the food lawsuit brought in the US by the Alliance for Bio- supply without any assessment or notification. Integrity in 1998 revealed internal documents of Smartstax has six GM genes to kill insects and the Food and Drug Administration showing two to allow it to survive being sprayed by that the FDA’s own scientists believed that GM weedkillers. However, because the plant was bred foods pose unique health risks. Documents that conventionally from GM parents and because came to light during the lawsuit revealed that the GM parents had been individually approved ‘The processes of and traditional previously, FSANZ decided Smartstax corn did breeding are different, and according to the technical not require a safety assessment. FSANZ also experts in the agency, they lead to different risks’ did not notify the public of the crop’s approval (Kahl, 1992). In 2000 the judge determined that (MADGE, 2010). This ignores the potential for the FDA was not regulating GM foods, that the reactions between the GM genes. FDA’s bureaucratic staff disregarded the advice of the scientific staff and that there was disagreement There are currently no official mechanisms for on the safety of GM food. However, she said that monitoring the long-term impacts of GM foods because she was specifically reviewing an FDA in Australia, or in fact anywhere in the world. In policy decision of May 1992, she was restricted Australia, FSANZ expects the GM companies to consider only the information the FDA had to ‘… monitor for existing and emerging risks’ of before it at that time. She then ruled that based their products (Food Standards Australia New on that information, the FDA administrators Zealand, 2013c). had reasonable grounds to presume there was an overwhelming consensus about safety as of May How do I know if I’m eating GM 1992. This is despite a 1991 memo from a FDA food? Labelling in Australia biotechnology co-ordinator saying: ‘As I know you are aware, there are a number of specific issues The FSANZ website states that there are addressed in the document for which a scientific mandatory labelling requirements for GM food. consensus does not exist currently, especially the Most people reading that would assume all need for specific toxicology tests. … I think the GM-derived food is labelled. In fact, there question of the potential for some substances to are almost no GM labels. This is despite the cause allergenic reactions is particularly difficult to Australian Food and Grocery Council saying predict that if all ingredients derived from GM needed ’ (Alliance for Bio-integrity, 2003). labelling, nearly every processed food would have one (Australian Food and Grocery Council, GM supporters claim that scientific bodies and 2010). numerous research papers show that GM food There are currently is safe (Tribe, 2013). Careful reading shows no offcial Under current labelling laws only ingredients endorsements by bodies such as the WHO with detectable levels of GM DNA or protein and the National Academy of Sciences are less mechanisms for than might be expected. The WHO states GM within them require labelling. FSANZ’s position monitoring the is that these are not detectable within refined foods undergo a safety assessment and that products such as oils, sugars and starches. GM while no effects on the population have been long-term impacts crops such as corn, soy, canola, sugar beet and seen from GM foods, there has been no post- cotton are transformed into oils, sugars and market surveillance (World Health Organization, of GM foods in 2013). The National Academy of Sciences notes starches and therefore escape labelling. However, Australia there is evidence that proteins do exist in refined there are sizeable gaps in the knowledge and oils and can trigger reactions in susceptible people understanding of how these crops function and (Awazuhara, Kawai, Baba, Matsui, & Komiyama, may affect health (Committee on Identifying 1998). This also overlooks the possibility that and Assessing Unintended Effects of Genetically ds RNA created by GM crops may be having Engineered Foods on Human Health, 2004). unknown effects on health. GM labels are also These statements fall short of affirming there is not required for food from animals fed GM feed scientific proof of the safety of GM crops.

4 What is genetically modified food, why is it controversial and how do I know if I’m eating it?

Independence of testing FSANZ approved GM corn NK603 in 2002. The testing of GM crops is inhibited because This was based on a 9-day acute toxicity trial they are patented and the companies that own where mice were given single doses of a purified the GM patents have restricted independent GM protein. It was assumed that because the testing (Waltz, 2009). A 2011 review of GM GM protein did not appear similar to known allergens it would not be allergenic. It was also safety studies noted their limited number, that assumed that although there were differences most reporting favourable findings had been in the GM corn’s fatty acids and amino acids conducted by the GM companies and that the it was ‘compositionally equivalent to unmodified safety debate remains open at all levels (Domingo corn varieties’ (Food Standards Australia New Independent & Bordonaba, 2011). Zealand, 2001). research papers When independent research papers on GM crops Other studies showing adverse outcomes from and methods are produced, they often provoke on GM crops GM have also been attacked. Unfortunately, controversy. The best known of these is the these attacks appear to be motivated to discredit and methods… paper ‘Long term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide rather than to expand scientific knowledge and and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified discussion. often provoke corn.’ (Séralini et al., 2012). The following is a summary of the controversy. Other controversies controversy The debate over the methods of developing The paper is a peer-reviewed paper published GM crops and effects of GM is ongoing. The in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology. following is a sample of contentious issues: The paper explained that, during a two-year t The process of genetic engineering deletes study, rats were fed GM corn NK603 and/ and scrambles parts of the existing plant DNA or its weedkiller, Roundup, in levels permitted (Latham, Wilson, & Steinbrecher (2006). in US crops and drinking water. Male rats in The results of this are poorly understood. the Roundup/NK603 groups developed liver t In 2012, it was discovered that a commonly and kidney disease and female rats developed used viral promoter that ‘turns on’ the GM mammary tumours. The study was criticised gene in plants, has a significant fragment of for several reasons, including the use of the a viral gene within it (Podevin & du Jardin, tumour-prone Sprague-Dawley rats and the size 2012). The contention is that this ‘might of each test group. However, Sprague-Dawley not be safe for human consumption. It also rats are the standard rat used for long-term may disturb the normal functioning of crops, carcinogenicity or toxicity trials. Séralini et al. including their natural pest resistance’ (Latham (2012) used the same number of rats that & Wilson, 2013a; 2013b). Monsanto analysed in its 90-day trial of GM t ds RNA has the potential to silence genes corn. The authors have responded to all the both within the plants and within animals criticisms of their study (GMO Séralini, 2012a). that eat them (Heinemann, Carman, & Numerous scientists showed their support for the Agapito, 2013). There are few GM crops research in individual and open letters (GMO designed specifically to silence genes; however, Séralini, 2012b). The Belgian Biosafety Advisory it may be that all GM crops could potentially Council supported the most important elements create some ds RNA that could silence of the study (GM Watch, 2013c), as did some genes. FSANZ’s failure to have any formal Brazilian regulators (GM Watch, 2013d). In assessment of these risks has been criticised 2013 expert witnesses in a Philippine court in a peer-reviewed paper (Heinemann, failed to rebut the Séralini study (GMO Seralini, Agapito-Tenfen, & Carman, 2013). FSANZ 2013a). Since the study, ‘(t)he European Food has responded saying it will continue to Safety Authority (EFSA) has issued guidelines for monitor the literature on ds RNA (Food two-year whole food feeding studies to assess the Standards Australia New Zealand, 2013d). risk of long-term toxicity from GM foods … which This is a rapidly evolving and little explored largely validates the methodology and choices of Prof area (National Institute of General Medical Gilles-Eric Séralini in his 2012 study on GM maize Sciences, 2013). RNA from plants, bacteria NK603—methodology and choices that EFSA and and fungi are found in human plasma and countless other critics previously attacked him for’ may affect human health (Wang, Li, Yuan, (GMO Séralini, 2013b).1 Etheridge, Zhou, Huang … Galas, 2012).

1. On 28 November 2013, while this article was in press, the Seralini (2012) paper was retracted by the journal, Food and Chemical Toxicology. The reasons given for this were concern about the number of animals used and the type of rat selected, and that the results of the study are inconclusive in regards to overall mortality and tumour incidence. The retraction was despite there being no evidence that the paper should be retracted based on the grounds for retraction according to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), of which the Journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology is a member. Please refer to European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility. ENSSER Comments on the Retraction of the Séralini et al. 2012 Study retrieved 7 December 2013 from http://www.ensser.org/democratising-science-decision-making/ensser-comments-on-the-retraction-of- the-seralini-et-al-2012-study/ for further discourse on this controversial retraction.

5 Journal of the HEIA Vol. 20, No. 3, 2013

Media coverage Conclusion Scientific debates can be confusing to the public. GM is a new form of plant breeding that This is especially so when many scientists and presents new risks. The main traits of GM crops their detailed research remain unheard while are herbicide tolerance, insect resistance or a simplistic messages receive wide coverage. combination of both. Promises of beneficial traits in GM crops have either not yet materialised Mark Lynas received an unusually large amount of or are already achievable by non-GM breeding. media attention for a GM activist (The Economist, The science on which GM crops have been 2013; Walker, 2013; Gillespie, 2013; Storr, 2013; brought to market is contested. The ability of Many scientists Business Standard, 2013) earlier this year in the current regulation to protect public health is his worldwide tour that encompassed Australia, contested. The claims that GM foods are labelled and their in Australia are misleading. India, the Philippines and Africa. This began detailed research after a speech in Oxford where he said he was a This article has attempted to clarify the issues leader in the anti-GM movement but changed remain unheard of GM crops and food that are of immediate his mind when he read the science and realised relevance for the Australian eater. The wider while simplistic that GM is the way to feed the world (Lynas, issues of the effect of GM crops on human, 2013). However, his claims to be a leading anti- animal, soil and plant health, biodiversity, messages receive GM protestor have been disproved (GM Watch, chemical use, farmer independence, agricultural wide coverage 2013e). Scientists, including Professor John monopolies and patent control have been left Vandermeer from the Department of Ecology untouched. These are complex and require space and Evolutionary at the University of to be examined. Michigan, have challenged his understanding of the science (Vandermeer, 2013). His actions References and motivations have been questioned in a series Alliance for Bio-Integrity. (2003). How a US district court of detailed articles (Matthews, 2013a, 2013b, revealed the unsoundness of the FDA’s policy on genetically 2013c). engineered foods. Retrieved 24 November 2013 from http://www.biointegrity.org/report-on-lawsuit.htm Australian Food and Grocery Council. (14 May 2010). In contrast, the views of genetic engineer and soil Submission to Department of Health and Aging in biologist Dr Thierry Vrain (Vrain, 2013) are not response to Review of Food Labelling Policy and Law. P44 Retrieved 24 November 2013 from http://www. brought to widespread public attention. Vrain, foodlabellingreview.gov.au/internet/foodlabelling/ now retired, worked for Agriculture Canada for submissions.nsf/lookupSubmissionAttachments/1AT AN-85M38G20100520110132BIEM/$FILE/529.pdf 30 years. He changed from being a supporter of Awazuhara, H., Kawai, H., Baba, M., Matsui, T., & GM to giving talks on his concerns about the Komiyama, A. (1998). Antigenicity of the proteins technology. in soy lecithin and soy oil in allergy. Clin Exp Allergy, 28(12), 1559–64. Retrieved from http:// www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10024228 The general public is also mainly unaware of Business Standard. (2013.) That India isn’t moving faster a statement signed in October 2013 by over to eliminate hunger is shameful: Mark Lynas. Retrieved 24 November 2013 from http://www.business- 230 scientists (European Network of Scientists standard.com/article/economy-policy/that-india-isn- for Social and Environmental Responsibility, t-moving-faster-to-eliminate-hunger-is-shameful- mark-lynas-113012400064_1.html 2013a). The statement states that there is no Committee on Identifying and Assessing Unintended consensus on the safety of GM crops, and that Effects of Genetically Engineered Foods on Human there are no epidemiological studies investigating Health. (2004). Safety of Genetically Engineered Foods: Approaches to Assessing Unintended Health the effects of GM food on health. It goes on to Effects (Page 15). The National Academies Press. say that claims that scientific and governmental Retrieved 24 November 2013 from http://www.nap. bodies endorse GM safety are exaggerated or edu/openbook.php?isbn=0309092094 Domingo, J. L., & Bordonaba, J. G. (2011). A literature inaccurate and that the EU research project review on the safety assessment of genetically does not provide reliable evidence of GM food modified plants. Environment International, 37, 734– 742 doi:10.1016/j.envint.2011.01.003 safety. It contends that a list of several hundred European Network of Scientists for Social and studies does not show GM food safety and there Environmental Responsibility. (2013a). Statement: is no consensus on the environmental risks of No scientific consensus on GMO safety. Retrieved 24 November 2013 from http://www.ensser.org/ GM crops. There is widespread recognition increasing-public-information/no-scientific- of the risks posed by GM foods and crops in consensus-on-gmo-safety/ international agreements. One of the signatories European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility. (2013b). Number of is the developer of the world’s first whole GM scientists who say GMOs not proven safe climbs to 230. food, the tomato that is no longer Developer of first commercialised GM food says debate isn’t over. Press release, 30 October 2013. Retrieved grown (European Network of Scientists for Social 24 November 2013 from http://www.ensser.org/ and Environmental Responsibility, 2013b). media/0613/

6 What is genetically modified food, why is it controversial and how do I know if I’m eating it?

FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Foods Derived from GMO Séralini. (2012b). What was the reaction to the Biotechnology. (2000). Safety aspects of genetically study? Retrieved November 24th 2013 from http:// modified foods of plant origin. (Report) pp. 3–7. gmoseralini.org/faq-items/what-was-the-reation-to- Retrieved 23 November 2013 from http://www. the-study-2/ fao.org/fileadmin/templates/agns/pdf/topics/ec_ GMO Séralini. (2013a). Attempt to rebut Seralini study june2000_en.pdf fails in Philippine court. Retrieved 24 November Food and Drug Administration. (1997). Consultation 2013 from http://gmoseralini.org/attempt-to-rebut- procedures under FDA’s 1992 Statement of Policy— seralini-study-fails-in-philippine-court/ Foods derived from new plant varieties. Guidance GMO Seralini. (2013b). Seralini validated by new EFSA on consultation procedures foods derived from new guidelines on long-term GMO experiments. Retrieved plant varieties. FDA. 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