Watts Hospital
Form No. 10·:]00 \0-1 1\\ \\""c'J· U N IDS1/\ T LS IJ L P;\ 1 i\lll· N I 0 I I II L IIRIOR NATIONAL PA.RK ::iERVICE HISTORIC ~vat ts STREEI NUMBER Corner of Broad Street and Club Boulevard CITY. TOWr·j STATE CODE COUNTY 037 _DISTRICT ~occuPlm ----AGRICUL TURE ~~_BUILDlt~G(!;) liUNOCCUPIED _COMMERCIAL _STRUCTURE __ WORK IN PROGFlESS --2lEDUCATIONAL _.ENTFRTAINMENT _.RELIGIOUS __ ../ N Pk OCI<,5 YE S RlcS fRieTED __ GOVEfWMENT _SCIENlIFlC _BEING CONSIDERED UNRESTRICTED __ .iNDUSTRI!:"'!. TRI\NSPORTIUlmJ __ MILITARY _OTHER NAME State of North Carolina ST:1Et=T & NUMBEH 16 West Jones Street ~ .. ~~~'~-~~~~~~-~ CI f'f. 10\1',/."11 North Carolina 27611 counTHOUSE, RY OF DEt-DS, ETC. Wake Courthouse! & NUMBER tcville Stree Mull North Carolina 27601 TillE [JfPO:;ITORY fOil SUiWEY RECORD;) CITY. TOWN STATE _EXCELLENT _DETERIORATED -XUNALTERED .xOAIGINAL SITE D/l.TE _____ KGOOD _RUINS _ALTERED __ .FAIR ~UNEXPOSED DESCRIBE THE PRESENT AND ORIGINAL (IF KNOWN) PHYSICAL APPEAf~ANCE The Watts tal complex is a record of and phIlosophy from 1908-1954 Constructed within a set () f a ~~ .........,,'., acres each of the fifteen buIldings of Watts Hospital represents the most educated and modern thought in comprehensive hospital available at its time of con~truction survey will principally be concerned with the buildings constructed within the first building period 1908-1926, and health ideologies which they represent. Prior to the turn of the century hospitals were very rare in the United States, and particularly so in small towns such as Durham, North Carolina. In addition, most people believed a hospital was a place to go to die, not \vell 1 common belief meant that the architects of Watts Hospital had to design a building which was not only sanitary, easy to work in and pleasant to be in, but also a building which would inspire confidence in the possibly terrifie.d patients Therefore, effort was expended at Watts to make it as welcoming, homelike, and modern as possible In Ed\Alard Stevens' 8 book The (191 he advises The 20th c.
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