March2011 Volume45 Flypast Number5 A Newsletter of CAHS Toronto Chapter Divisi Society on of The Canadian Aviation Historical CAHS TorontoChapter MeetingMarch This meeting is jointly sponsored by CAHS 12,2011 Toronto Chapter and the Canadian Air & Space Canadian Air andSpaceMuseum, Museum- All CAHS / Museum members, DownsviewPark Toronto guests and the public (museum admission MezzanineLevelSecondFloor (NEW payable) are welcome to attend. LOCATION) Refreshmentswillbeserved Time:1:00PM "LandingFee"of$2.00willbechargedto 65CarlHallRoad, Toronto covermeetingexpenses rd Information:Bob Winson(416)745-1462 NextMeeting3 AnnualCAHS Toronto E-mail:
[email protected] Chapter Dinner Meeting Saturday April9, 2011 (Seeinsertfor details) LastMonth'sMeeting...........................2 Bar open5:30PMDinner, at6:30PM ChapterNews.......................................8 RoyalCanadianLegionBranch527, 948Sheppard Ave. WestToronto, Speaker: AuthorandHistorianRichardBanigan Topic:“PostwarCanadianLancasters” FlypastV.45No.5 FebruaryMeeting As an author, Alan wrote an article on the Avro Canada Avrocar entitled, “The VZ-9V Avrocar Topic: “Light Sport Aircraft (LSA’s) in Flying Saucer,” that appeared in the spring 1993 Canada” CAHS Journal Volume 31, No. 1. In 2005 Alan Speaker: Alan C. Dares, B.A., C.T.M.,A.T.P.L., wrote and published a book on navigation, assisted by Gary Del Bel Belluz,A.M.E. entitled “Global Navigation, From Sailing to Reporter: Gord McNulty Space.” Alan currently owns the Canadian distributorship for SavageAircraft, a division of CAHS Toronto Chapter 2nd Vice-President, Zlin Aircraft of the Czech Republic. Models Secretary, & Archivist Neil McGavock include the Classic, Cruiser and Cub, all classed introduced Alan Dares of Toronto. Alan started as Light Sport Aircraft, but certified in Canada flying at the old Brampton Flying Cub location as Advanced Ultralight Aircraft and registered in 1965 on 65 horsepowerAeroncas without any as “C-l…” Alan also operates the Savage Bush electrics or heaters.