29 April 2020 Santos Reference: CB20-05 Ms Dominique Taylor Team Leader, Energy, Extractive and South West QLD Compliance (Assessment) Department of Environment and Science Level 7, 400 George Street BRISBANE QLD 4000 Dear Dominique, Application to Amend Environmental Authority EPPG00407213 (Petroleum Lease (PL) 80) Santos Ltd (Santos) on behalf of its joint venture partners has prepared the attached application to amend Environmental Authority (EA) EPPG00407213. The application has been prepared in accordance with Sections 226 and 227 of the Environmental Protection Act 1994 (EP Act). This application seeks a change to the scale and intensity for the activities authorised by the EA through the amendment of conditions A1 - A3. The following information is attached in support of the amendment application: • Attachment 1 – EA Amendment Application Form • Attachment 2 – Supporting Information The amendment application has been prepared as a major amendment. The application fee of $334.90 has been paid upon lodgement of the application. Please contact me on 3838 5696 or
[email protected] should you have any questions in relation to the application. Yours sincerely, Elizabeth Dunlop Santos Limited Attachment 1 – EA Amendment Application Form Attachment 2 – Supporting Information Attachment 2 – Supporting Information for an Environmental Authority (EA) Amendment Application Petroleum Lease (PL) 80 EA EPPG00407213 Table of Contents: 1. Introduction ..............................................................................................................................