— • --v".

M t a B

V FraaitlM iiM tkM FWtiai MyJabmwaianottocommaueafo(waih> | thaB (kykid I um^ fo laat ia tba quiet A N N m i i A l L W waak, and whan t ahiw ndxt morniag |;av^ aM Mi^aad to tiMir daa PviBtingOflKoe Melodies. I Bo]a% TAuHtadF » Bnwtt|Bn»AT A tk JNiui tt •firaahad by my abap w d tha taeolkatioa Berhaaldi W ^Mkd. TSKnuosiiAH. I Tfbrt tin jira now ibriiiih »W ■*- «. »4iA |m ii^ X. D. of tha abova faat, I hw rid down to PoU upmyboya, tnmqulok tha uiniCK year a p n d O m tm ^ ^ b e iX r4U« ciaHir. . ST rANKiB ORET inmiOQs; aaa ■y/m oda,and be-wakoaea*Ib y th a a a Aadkt tha work begin. and your wi^aapoatrnd 8 ^ clap. - ,j-i The world k preaaing on without. A niM B ^aalM ’aB oiWeaf- Ar-.vci; af tha fimily i had notaaan the night ba­ ^ ‘b« ;] :;y j* ii^ -^ : i i ^ ■ • . ‘ , Hay-dajr iaUM liuk Tili^a oTB- ron. W« rnt down to a haaty btaaUaBt, and whan 1 opened my acbool, ahe And we muat preaa within— aot a M B I' -'A n fM L aat eniHled 'eui-sily and I notiead th&ayai. ofif Alia. Laa witbtbe natof tb» b aaw it^ t'. (is.3 IB W lW W »---'v.SM »^ WMalwajakokad forwMd to by tiwja**. M ^ p m ^ e o M part of bar nataid cbaer. Far we who guide the public mind, IH^s M.« «iMt; MMt, and widom w n wat iHth t#an. whik'-bar hMbaad l^okad AAi(«fc Aftar adiool. bow many defiabt. Hiava bifiuenoe Car and wide. eqad bliaaiagp of aai'^ d qnita aatfaapondcnt. Thay kft tha li^ l Uoljr«pyaarhaad4 Strnggiaior ilSSai|i€tir . tfctir boDM fruatnted by •d n im wwtliar. And all our deede ara good, although On ih* firat^lay. lof llay,.185—■. 1 u te n d aoon aftar I m ta d nyaalf., and 1 took (oanding^^ Smo Twantad aa mtiataBt, The Bsvu.’a atour aide. yoorabanafyiabkaaiaiaef exijier.va c; opportiinity to aak Milb Hyda abouli thitm, andoQ Mia.Leefllkd the pfaMe. and we for thambli of Hviigi do not. • lumbtriag^ atM^eoiidl^ jo d in tha Let fly the raiaxxT now my b ^ } audit of aeold driadini; rain, ii^iab gara a * La. Utaa ?«rka, what ahoald 1 ..know weia.alwey»togatbar. Sopeaaed the aam• ,y o a « « 1^ 0boM d S seU l^oMy M p ^ to eva^Uag. Tha aimU about 'am? thay’ra rtiil aa mica. tha ^ . aid a* Um dava glow ahof tar. baraf. Who ara more proud than w' i n alto I h r ^ ^ o n (A ramark to ifty falloir- ... — ' — irvfUani. tt^na mra turd a lady and gfp tba day in ciaiiing njp(M my tiid fUanda and ’ Are yon m ag kaaia to apaad Iha va- Old time iaiMK^goB UmaelA ' tfaMn^aud'-W* irar* eanvafaiag abdilt ii aebokra, inil iatotiMl towarda avaniiig to imtiM r ifaked my food kadkdy. 8 6 bedbimifyouo» :air aa ilto d -fig.^. «fea« tto rtaehad thaidooir af tha hotal. or tba link inti to join with lira ttyda m i AblHbadao b& i J|^t aaiirfblor the light and Aada, ur, mmt m k vaa than eaUad. ^ Uavioic^lMaa Mn.; l ^ ln a aoaialani^ :«C taa; ^ Saai«aly I wapt biMariy t i b i . t t m ^ ; -'N or ktth« aboet grnr pale,- ^bo; aavar'wiii'-'■nisri wat*!m fMtadat ^ j a b k bafiM l|»49or •Miat P M i iry«la*H M ^ lMra, 111 ba ir. 'Uofj « b * iw ie.a» vWenaawl a midanr i i that Be oaaalid of the teonkqr looka . aapM Ihda M . 1 waa f>ra|Mnd almoat ^ iM il nod a d m it^ iiin two goalipalT- a dqad boy aad tha t«ir«tainad feoa ol I wolid, j n a T ^ l i r i l ^ aaythiqthnt iha forbiddiiiK > o k a of iha t|M aampKiaiania had^eMbangad JimoMy’laMlMd mta m im aameatlfr. Of eve^ BBAO and taUm WieiW«neid;-7^^ ^'^'i hMMttff. P*aa«ningoiiMy fbraiailfiand* ih ayaiiB a^ d aaiKfojr tba jwoiEMrad • MiarYarka i» with iia to My T b o i^ h ^ la ofibe iaour stahd, ■ ’dmir-=j*;Ki^^a'tla akp I aakad hiw tha r«Mon of tha auriv oaaia at tfia ubk. and for a ffft nMawnn me,*cifci«Md in n ck ar, awaat vaiaa, and A ndM doakour; OAse, - Igntter. Hattap . liiNEk vr tha inhibft»di«of tb# vtUiiM. iiknw;M M . bat iraa biokaii by Miaa pair o f ao<^ white anna warn miand We would ^ oaat a alur on tboao* '••Bnl^t’diall^. liiia l^ liir arorthy «ai£ With • aurpriiad laik Fiy. nbiifa^dryaeqgh, pro. ■roand my-aadL airia pairqf akar blue Who fill our lower jdape: viM CMUikMd; ' - aiwkd on Iwr -aiM^asaaiioaikia of tba ej«a|oolM amiKog^ Into a y oini, aiidM Tba gaping world k fed by na. Itltat. A*<{»a^iriiM||piliair7 W^EiKPaHB, I ttink it ia aattaf ainak'Attk wMwin at aay 4i^ht b e^ * eouid aat laftNO. 1 w a it vitik tbaai to Who ratail^ knpwledgo ben. .rights JiflPgh wfca«;ih^:iw«ig d tlu ha«a alwayo Mka Ely, i aiidarilijid k. yooruMM) r t h y pjwaar t bowe. aod tba w iita t paaaad By footing that we foed ouraelvea, irrau«t.e9;^?^A4b«dMlfeidatftou'i^.^i^ ^•flapw nt Jlay^y.wuiflfow it mum lly uiM,ia Mia. 1^ : w|d wbw tba abBNaaraaw, a Jhtk M<^r deem our fototoo dear. what 4)H niu. u d J iw ^ 'a iiltfe lad ramta> A h,:lbra yoa are ■unriadT b i t po«. ebar^b th im ^ m j otiaatioa. aad aa lika an ii)4cuaiM kiiiao. aibk'Y ■ - ’ ' waa U lo h k w ia n i^ oiatbar. 1 that Pull Up aiy boya tom quick the jteniiee. |aB3it ikiiiiirut^r and |ha link g k i^ and BlU bit bat ii|Miiniatha dma call o^/Aunt,* a>.d thoucb aa •M Andwhoabonld mon genteelly cut I for^tyeaiiiHtiite a ^ w in j^ , iiacMl^ IM^ |MMbd aw aa one o f thair Afigunoradaahf yoorowjj Ma i «4 into a |ian ptaaatt ^ awt ahoek it a p an. and, aftar a abort family. , 1 m vaty happy, and how oould Yet aometiawa we.who praMao maob. m id 1 Wl to iMb aow: that IVe • pkaaant ,*V^’vV I\“i .Vi- “<>■?' him «Mil <4 a hMl.no hmth. than caaaad. ta ^ a g a iii: O u m lv n a n preaaed for caab, : h«r- «apt^bartkr m ; tha floor O o ^ intaiid (oraaida in tha vilkga home, aiid «m aunwindad by loving beerta, -wcrimrcfe;:n5, S iE[ifcy.C g w < »*h»ldjai»d «i(‘«!iff l^ l any k ijp h j C tg a , ^ in the bt^iabkdaaiieil ofaijtaat AaakLaa A Bitor «ovica.—Hava you enemiee?!**^«• •«*PUW HVWlPVIVWVf ?P VUUI ^ {' Na bir tba Ihtk finganol^imaiy. who : ‘i:^Sponuwf:»yrhn^^^ e o a tra ^ OKBBdid^'k mii^ thom. If ------O m M « , ~ A i^ aaiM ^ floor iubbiM'hia ay«r> wiib lH8 y«.b u tif # • aMQT. wa ahall aontoMM to they Kot in yonr way, walk oroand tb a a i,|^I 'ovaibe^r^i ; M \ti|iidQu^^^ ; .h .i:Ay j# 5 f < ;ig aM^iryw^^ to w o r t a taar. bowd ut tb k u l ^ * ^ ?"*• . . V • • ba een movo or bieaibe regardknoftbairaplte.. A amn tbat b aa^ tbiy^ill*Hr:t‘!'^^^ tbak tba hotter . of „ jrovi ' rtieniraawaucb « bttlk wratehin. mv ‘O.dalighifuiTehimad in bothgoam be wiH be doing aooMthing for hinwalLor no enemiea k aaHbm good for anything— f thbyhby'«aM arfed 'Tb«:aaaaaA:W y b a ^ * ^ ;n ;M Mose?, ‘08ei Y i ftfn n hie neighbor, or for poeterity. AfaaoaT to iibraiid Hi jfiva youbiia wuiid tbrMahing*’ at onca, * for wa tbdl than ba naar rtig^ ba k mede of that kind of Btrta»l w h k b l^ ^ y ib iib iit. the k a t bm .n o f h k Hfo Waahington waa aintf-i*ha boMudad forward Jid apixing iba bora; ob,Mra.Laa,, yonyoa don’t know how laao eaaily woikad that every one baa obild hufMad Vm into iha kiiebaii. kaWiig pkawnt tbk vilkga k ; we ebell call on at wwk. So wen ErankUn and Adame, and in it, A aterling character—one who I '«*hert n U fy baii<| iitlae. beligfriy; cr a ^ lovBg and Howard, and Newton, laniranwyoarlafiar^ ' H»coMTuked wib iMighlw at bar an«iKrtie >ou often, and if we can do yon aerTice, do tbinka for bimaalf. and apnka what ha oyeabearing.“ or npaiiiodai • - I f you fcM ' co&> l^^daiidaiiajiN^^ aedbiia. Whan aba iviqipmwd ’tw** iiot'haeitate locall on 08.* rhe vigor of thair livee wea not decayed. thinka, n alwaya ann to haia enemiea.— j adoua yoa^d6;Boe.iwtilthaae|^tioa vou No ruat moand tbalr apirita. It k a ^ ’v o n a o r b ^ trithua good>naiurad faea and a pkMant I thank you vary much, kdia^ bat I ’ 'bay a n naeaanry tq him aa freah aii can bear it Witlwit M ^aa^raeur k b idee to aappoaa that wo moat Ko down amikaa^a^ inlwuiod ua ouriaa.waa waiting alwaya prefer being alone.’ they keep him alive and active. A cele­ can never anddkbaeennwaaraold. W hokoU? l^^'attofafcan, and apigjopaad Ibr the bahavii>rof the ehiU •Waa you ever in tbm partoafor* brated character, who waa auntNMidad by, cat'aem.aaeeon «m o mez. aaaUriiK «s it wm only on ac maVrn T Not tha man of analogy, not the day labor­ it. Hold ip yoarliaidr . riialiN i^ wbdf . er in aeienre. art or bmvoknce. but ba niae.naad tonmark: 'They areaparka I rainy Mny-i.ayrTor tbut ha waa a gc^ • No which, if you do not blow, will go rut them* •But la M navaraM^tta ield es^£rcr> 11 iM r gtot Iha MNtan. only who aufien hk ana^pee to waataaway natucad child Duly when ha got angry, •You look right young; gueaa you I m tbk be your feeling, -;:|?i»i;aipaaaa& «riM ii9d^ whieb naaattion wa did not doubt. Aa hain’t travelkd much been married kug T andthexpring of Ulb to become motion- endeevoringto Kve. down tite anndal of I ** “•* your ; ra» ^ oCM * kud antama from the kitchen aalateed our • No me’am.' le n ; on wliaa§ bioda tba boon d rw heav­ then who an bitter egaioat you. If you|y®» kiod down ;ifa wif-iliaW a'rtiit l-did wim, ~ ■ mingkd with the cr«ah of falling • Might I be ao bold aa to aHk what part ily and to whom all4iHiga w/aar tba garb atop to dttpiita.youdo bat aa th e y dnin.lp® ^***^*” "'^ ‘ba ^aalof j o ^ t e i- waar:iii«.|aNrMo «i4ant crockery, and tin pana joined with the loud of tha country you came fhmi T of giuom. T h e n are acorn of gray ha.Dij6d ■^5 aimiia lo^ fbr h«r *tin’* and tom pak at a lioa ia ibeir patb,a banb may wbik our landlady eat upright in bar • Well, Mra, Lee, vou don.t look well, win flock to you and acknowkdp Uieir clothea. B at' whiat wiB yda faiuw cf t|>Q Awia yo m g . bi^nuidaa, chair, wfrh'a l(Mfc tbHt b p d ^ no good to and I’ll bring you affle currant jaHy, r^ h t word or- a liroiri. baeuiiea of natun arauad yoi' ar the gro^d adewigttei^WBid to win. the offender. Suddenly ^ tumult ceaaed off. I’ve got epiiiattot’a firat-rate.' Bop ba kind to roiu aktan. You of Heevea above you, or tba great ncrfc^.a i i t o f t n .. • T Im k you, ma’am. I have aoma.’ A man,tnvdling entetad.a t«vem, and of man near yoa T o radiaa n a o^' and it waa calm, and akwl the door opened may kve to bo oM. aad iWver find aoch eeeing no one^M ot but ^ landloidand I • Your Lnabaiid looka aick,a nvig bon, en.r^ what a bleMihg a child would be ^o you f bar and . take aomathing at bk ezpenae. hay. .npnllabrtaof.cepera, and— and be you tbougtlfd Ibr thein. Be ever N^ger did go and ahortly k ft Landlord aflkaaaeaad honor to povariy. and ods. u- t i ^ e e a i a w rBiidget. no| another word r and hen end Miaa Pry looked inquiaitaly at the rndy to oblige tlwm, to perform any littk aaya to theatranger; rity, k the dkcovery thet tjk eltacb fi) anihareation enaued’ but Biddy procewl«d yoaiig woman. Tean fiilM the blue eyaa (^eom any in whom they Mi>S Ibr a moment, and aha made qo reply.. Thiifc what you can do for t b ^ and el' ••No, never aaw him before, but why do I pwknaa, a n i ^ to fjeia i h ^ o hind hk mother'a chair. • Well, well I’m aorry ifl tached • ten­ they expnw a w k^ be nady to gniiiy it. von aak r waa'a m kan bk ebaBownaaa. fcome^i ••And what waa be doing on the tabk der chord, but you muat foigtve me; pray, If pomibk. You do not know bow mncb VMkyMlMini m t k m i r , ' -1 >nn»l ~ ih>i.-|Mi, «»•«** ' yax woi>«a to know; wTiy futh on’ iu hard what era you going to do in the village?’ bappinw you wiU find ia ao doing, ______t those up- 4M «Br*btaaa My, Biaiiig from W aeet tirith a q 'lik dignir taUin* what ha’a afther doin’ et ell et all* never yet knew a happy and raaiMeted •Oh** add th e a te r -1 waa only « -l” and if it waan't for bn wake mother, i’d be. ty, ahe took no notice of them, but left the man who waa not in yoath kind to U a ^ Fliae keve the kitchen perimenting.IT - . .“S. T he Cicl . » ie 1 liree ..J dry my- ^ fflW * ^ eoijity. ^ Ph« peraaitesnanmitos th ts Vt ^M e4wn«liy>; dUMr k v in g ^ a minnte dade an’ I would apartment. ’ , teia. T henn a bMtHifd aoog whkbaayab aelt and 1 tboaght that if your liquor did Having deliTcred tbk epeech, aha kft •W alll never r emphatieaHj axckinied gatb- notkillthe^rbin m L n n^utea, l ____ ^ . aU Jicagr awdhawHeattae, tba room muttaringaa aha went, wbik Jim- Miaa Prim , ‘ the proud, conceited jade,abe wouMventunto take a drink mynff.' . -ir- my weagiven a aeet at'tha teble. Our haano iMnnere atalL' Ab, M n. Hyde, I TU w m l& efi •Mheawbtlaw with t£e aunabine but antter at the ap- •E. -in M * a Mikbn dnaaateg, TbaaeiCMet I aborr” Laadlord’a cnriodty fully aatianad. paS M bar now fcnwaO: aoppar waa finuhed without any more die- pity you.’ Ipnaekofaotonni aa.tba-koyes cling to torbanaa and aa wa roae from the toUa, After many more ramarka. of tba SavenI marriagaa weio ininddhite- EHOLiaH i>#. A mebioaii G iate.— The the tree in m m o r weatbUr;. bat the aun rode out in reapkndent glory from character, they left for home, their indicu* ly poftpoaed. kat weak, by tba pproviden Eimliah girl ependa mora than one helfher the bmtb ofwia% a ^ k iv q it,naked tc ^liiit«ifM «dan'aar the cirada diaparaihg the ahowera a& r; we tion amothered in their own boeoma. tid inierpdaiticniterpdaiticn of enow banka oa the waking liout; in phyakd amnaamanta. I the aUnging b ^ walked to the wind^ and koked on the I tntfred the littk parlor, w h^ Mra. da. A man at Trenton, N. J , on* whkb tend to devekp end i n v i t e end down f« a ^ « a t ^ etreeta a few momenta ejpt one pool lif wa­ Lae had ratraated, and diacovarad bar in an to be mairried on Tueeday to a k dy ripen the bodily powi* Sber3 n , wdke, by aM W b a ^ u id tly t tba firs s.,,:.a. ter. ~k it not heautifuf ? aaid I luminc arm chair, with her face on the window- aome twenty mike dktant, made nverd at- d^ea.rawaupobthe weter, rune dancea, o f c ^ t y ,tbm aoparfieid oartblmgs ara to B b. Hyda our lendkdy. aill,and'ber white hand cleaning the mink* taaipta by railnud akigh and on loot but pkya. ainga jumpa the npe. throwa the ■ p ^ « « tba bonm» . ■ - . ~La,yaa it looka pratty enough but I ture.cif a littk boy. whoae blue aiyea boM e did not auceaod. and migned bimnlf to baU. hur^the quMt. drawa tha bow keepa Bat a tma friend, aite iB tba csnrer ar- M m aaean y u M in making auch a fuaa atritnge reaamblHnce to thoae of the y oung weir. A yoang aaan detained at Alban;iny. up the ehuttkcoek—and ell tbk without k for ^ timeo: Our Baad only before me. AH this I obaervad aa bdf way on the eame agnaabk ^ id baviagit praoeed foraver upon her mind him oMi* feffy. ofidlbMiltim nioni^ioss’ atooped down to whisper words of com- not beer the diaappointmant ao welL He that ahe ktberaby wealing her time. Sbal >y no. Piiiapdity * ii ^adversity >rt in her Oar. and lay her head on my bo- ▼«nted hk grief ia teera, aad aetaallf cried do«« tbk every dey until it beeomee^abab* jbolb nvaakn. the dilfcwnaa ^ing tb&i if> Mu. Qradually bar aoba aubeided, and Uka achOd—poorfolkw. it which aha will fdkw up tbnugli) ttEi.1 >heibrBMr ear fnead^lnaiw ai^ in tie •m«,. Bat l^withsiB^d:ri^ ah« wound her erma around my neck, td- A Nobia Daas.—Soow moatha ainw, a Her frame aa a aatunl conaeqaenti*, k Iter ^ k im them... ing me hoaaAfr and that B — .. . bi^t^litTk boy I aeeu in tbenctnra. and pacied men in the i«iL and beeaoM con- jadeiaBa rradatian of a father when, beinc our misfortiinea bring to o ar aid* wal «M iiy thm atiaii. MV th^ auflkknt 7 tbey a l n ^ idolixvd the k u /h in g cherub. vinoed tbai he wea innodant. In tbo foee oakad what be ihteided to do with biegiik. belbra unknown; BoBavak.nt, JttE JAbtt mrliil&^iMyiikM f Mt inquk- Oiie erianing he came from hu pky, end of a hoatik pubik nntiaMnt bo vbloBtaer- hoiapHad. *l iblaad to appnntiea them to I where we should not ^ aat them. i« I Baaftia. fiy Jhi'<«t p |g |i|jy ^ i!^ ie ,: A a i talk of tha angak ; and and baedcHif femi- own paraaiacdkating ovfdaeea, and ar- upon the w' the biaa ia hk liti^ b ^ a ^ liateuing to ^ gaed hk COM balen tbejary. By bkaa« and thaaef jl^aleDC# sf toMa i i prayer, la the morning, her deri- tiring MartiaBay^hadMik d M io f oafinnr tba Iriandl;^ ^ ‘ went Qiaoa— TIm gimnla of • den abkdibW BalaM ^ dived ip^wd iIk etrike th e^^' t iih e Ii bar p'ayen for her Aild.. the an- innoaenaaot who ii* > a t iunriadi w in fiMmg fonlt Mo ■alk>«H».e^ bora him away. No madi- only to tha o ^ •rilhHHlbriiaM«ing twltiahg^^ Hk ‘1 avail. H k BMMbef^e Own biaid iip k MOk wthat ir« 0 bad ioaiwiad a Ta»> for b1l kngdeop. and eroaaad kaiiidlw woaU ba obKgad to getaa Iddb^ ‘ ' in lik bieeat. Her lE ^ Matq^-^a iiaa Im ialaad.'!ilia.^^' Wo u by looUag thnm h «ba b ottaB ^a toalfc. W r S i ku .

•Ai. HOIISATOOTC B E reirm E lJrM JnFIIM C ® , « 1 4 , 1 8 5 7 .

Siver, Connecticut Biver, Deerfield Biver, ConvenUMi. of freedom of speech, of the press pates betweea them, which had ended in an A G il^thaA lba^ Chicopee Biver, the Naugatuck and’Housa- Elegjkirs-of the'>everal towaa. ia thc^ «nd' ballot bca were viohUed with im . enmity whioh waa aoon increued to deadly KHa*a«X 'w r in i^ foibw a: tonio, we have accounts of floods, ice and 4th6on^mioaal bistitet, opposed fe tte punity, ttte naion of these statei^ that great hate. T ^y atill coatiaa^ to live ia the H o a .4 .« . damage, to miBa, housu, bridges ,&c.—' joll^ oT i^ present National Adiiainis^- Palle^^ofour stren|^ aad gloiy as^a Bine bcHO^, altimgh titigr ^ e r apoke bat neetieak, tion. ^re lequeSted To send delega^ e^al From the jBTudson Kver, £ i ^ Ningatupk, natioa waatiireatenad ' lo aBd;ae^as^i#a^e^ Imna^of ia thaai^proee&i^ «M*. fo twice flie aumber pf their represeata- )eet here, 18 a 8ATDRDAT, FEB. M tb. 1857 Northern aod W est^ Bui Rob^ we h ^ e Nfiw-wibiaU these fac^ staring: as’-in itirel^y majH^ed by the w o i ^ , afce bilng'^of af Naw tivef ln the ZiM ^ature, 'io a ConftreasMmal EnM exeelfiw reports of serioas damajges. -On the Hposa- Cqavention :&■ be held a|N ew Milfind. on the ftoe^ let it be remera^Mi - ih at' Jaaies sa vieiort a aatu ro ttat the doctor has beistf' ankea ezeeedl. ' Ttrm$—One DoUar a Year in Advanu. h in ^ aetivity, whie] tonio Biver—Gaylord’s bridge. Fuller’s Wednesday, the 18th,j,‘day of FMroary Bachaaan waa elected on a platform identi­ bfia ediKatad; heard to My that he waa afraid of hia life terpriliiag, feH ' ' aad enjoya dM ibext.atoaa.i>’olock P .'U ., tor the purpose cal with and inseparable from, the policy bridge, in Kent, and Swift’s bridge are en- of nominating a candidate to be su^orted Sometime previoaa fo their open hoatill the public la the hat c tisely destroyed. Ball’s bridge is very to represent said Distnot in the XXXV pursaed by Mr. Pierce. And lie must par ities, Mrs. Cunningham had iatrodaoed he _ for Fremoat a a d J ______much injured; Boardman bridge is gone— Congress. sue the aame coarse of policy or prove iato the house aa a hoarder, a M r.J.J. Eck­ uifliience and hia hbaia iete several mills near Merwinville, are more or The train of Cars are due at New Milforii blsa to his.position. It was to..oppose el. This man oconpied a room adjoining jess injured. Had it not been for the ioe, at 12 M., and 1, P. M ., j^oaldjeyber train iafeii i warseof aad correct such Mrs, C’s. with a door commuaicating be- be delayed, the Convention will not orgw- w ib that the ^pablicaa party entered on littie damage would have been sustained by ize untU after their arrive^...... tween them, and afteir.her quartel with the this river, and we suppose that to be the its great mission. Thus &r it progreis doctor there seems to i>e no.doubt that she The writer of tiw note H b z e k ia h B u c k l e y , 1 committee for travel over large portioiM o£ Co fact in regard to most of the Northep or ha# been marked with good to the coiptry. admitted Eokel to her room every night, daring the laat samm«r. Ha _ ^ ^ t Western rivers, which, owing to the be^ere Iti hM rescped twelve of the thirty pae add that Ihe remsiaed theA tall morning. a o i m C U m , 1 more attraetive residenM t&'aa tSe Iwaia of cold weather, was covered with thick icei statea from the control of reokleas fiUibua- This atate of facts .waa kaoi^ to Burdell, the aabjaiBt<»fthi8 n tfS w .'^ * which by the heavy rains, was taken up ters and national disorgatiisers. It h u re­ so that thero also existed the most bitter one ofthemos^rom^ntie and borne upon the top of the flood with buked witk thander power the hand rais^. feeling between him ^ Eekel. This was on’ the nor&ehon af ^ a force that but few dams or bridges could ' County Odntrishtlcn. ' to immolate upon the altar of unhallowed the stote of affm ia the honw when the b y a lovely grove ofI A Union County Convention be hold- witbsutnd. At St. Louis, the river rose 18 eaatthe Court. House, in Utchfield, on ambition, the great prinoiplea of civil and murder was M^iindtted, aad it wUl at oace It and.tbe. sraieg^Zn^t^iMiPtM m tke feet. On the Deerfield river, Mass.; Mea­ Wednesday, the 11th day of Febraary next, conatitutioaal freedom. be seen, that the inmates were of the most north by hold and1 pietnfaew jm ^atai^ BepoUieai Slate Ticket dow mill was destroyed. On the Chicopee at 12 o’clock M., for the purpose of nomi­ And may we ao t hope that reating on the disreputable character. ita proprietor.^ awockiBg^^blicaa,,i* the ataadard-baanr rtihaiClMwetieatFriM Biver, the County bridge at Collin’s depot nating a candidate for Sheriff, to be sappor­ same strong fbundatitm, the same great On the morning of Saturday. Jaaaary 31 was swept away. On the Naugatuck, the ted a> the next election. principles of liberty f«» whidi our fothns Denoeraey. aa a hoapilaU* AaMikair P P ' ^ FOSOOVERNOB. Each town will he entitled tn» tince the the boy who went to D r. Burdell.a office to tlemn. is andtkd to Win^eidtiMd « a .^ ALEXANDEB E flOLLEY. bridge between Derby and [Birmingham is number of Delegates that they have "Bepre. contended during the Revolution, that it clean it up according to hia- coatom' found people througli the Evening. entirely swept away, with a building he- tatives in the General Assembly. will i>e ao prudentiy conducted aa to ^ th - that hia employer had been most foully ------I* '- i - - . . r r- i,-’ T •. longing to the Derby Lumber Co., all their PHILIP S. BEEBE, V er in ita ranks, all who smcerely deme the murdered, his b ^ y lay oa the floor, dressed OJ^The Tieket-aamiaalad at-Naw Oftf FOB UEDTENAKT GOTEBNOB, W it. COTHBEN, 5 Ceunty Gem- peace and glory of oar cou^y, and the vea en tItf ' Sdi <^-J«naarr^^]Ma btH» lumber and two or three ahops near by :.the Wm.G.PIEBCE, S mittee. iafull walking' dress, aa if Iw had teen killi^ A L F R E D L B U N H A M . BailBoad bridge was broke up and was perpetaity of tiie nHPTBOLLBB. sults at Boohester. The flood on the Hoos- larger aupport There are thousaada. who deadly atruggle for life. Thero wa# ao p ria t^ .------j e K Bgg g, ULaMOB. ick, and-Wallomac, is said to be beyond soamp to publish a birth aotice last week areita oppoeera hoaeatiy. bat only need doubrthat be b ^ been murdered, aad yet anything ever seen in that section; acores which were false., l^ e notice waarigned n ^ light to take their poaittoo aa tlw although all the persona beforo aaaied hi COUNTY NOMINATIONS, of bridges are swept away aad one bridge by James Q;, Riqeiyjb^way a foigery imd right ride. . _ . tlw aketch, alept ia tha hooae that ai|^ t on the Burlington and Butland Bail Road we hope the uA q r *^ this aaaoykg aotica. TbaworfciagasaAiaery of every great they all aasest that they heard ao naaaaa. FOR* SHERIFF. at Chicago the losses by the freshet are may: receive jiie just dw erts, pa^aeeda to he nader right ooatrol to aeaad aad that the boase waa qaiet att a ^ L. W. ^ESSELLS. enormous; o r The County .Ceavvtioa held at eqre Ito awBoese, Ultridsnw aad petty aide the alam waa iastaatiy givea, tha - eoroaer The Hoasatonic track was covered in Litobfield,. on tiie 12th, noaunattid L. W. issues mast be avoided. ’VHse «ad prndiiat cemqtehced aa inveatigation a ^ m tity dt- Seiranteenth Senatorial Distriot iegislation ia required and how cain this be ___ _ CoavenUon. many places with water so as to pnt the fire Weasels, u a Candidate to be sopported at 6rt is now been made to fit the gniit apod allimportanttlM t’thiljf^ka ^ rpH E Electonortbel7th,BeiiatorialI>iatriotop- outlinliie engine..TLe Housatonio bridg^be next election for Sheriff; obt^ned except care be takea to a e l^ ia- someone, all the perapaa who irera. ia ^ e right atemn meit of •ih W ' * *•“ pre«nt Kational telHgent men to fill the respoaaible oflQoet AdmUiM ioii « • nqoMted to send Delegates, tween Birmingham and Huntington, was hoaa^iat^e time, Imve beea arrested i^d •M l tnily nflaatthalibaatJi.Jaring M oaltoti^tlieir npnwBtatioii in the Legida- entirely carried away; Bennett & Doms , -PyW e see t^ t Gov. Geary aad the of the atatea aa law makers. 'PoUtioal baa-- kept ia the oloaeat . oonfiaemeati they are of NewAEaghodiwend f ^ •‘•1^ •* hotel of H. kanm ,pro-4av«ry legistare have fijlea out A. E ffort, in Fate TUlige, on the 6th, day of bridge also are gone. on should be bestowed apoa oaly the rali- leparated from each other and a n aot per- n jo a tha ^Stale, Ito c b TCxt, at 10 o clo A A. If., to nominato a can- No triuns can ran on tho Hadaon Biver and thaVit seesM doubtful whether Geary abla and WOrthy.^ The prujndioea of indi- m itt^ to hold any commnnicatiea with aay sant.compMt and nnltedf Frpnta jn , «date for tte office of Senator fv n id District to ba anppotted at the coming E M loti. Bail Boad. The Harlem^Boad is not ob resigns, ffr the liegislatare be aaaalM by viduala formeriy belonging to other p<^tfcal onaexoept the officers, atod are aot allowed Congress da't ahe w aiaiStiiigd # Per orderof Dittriet Coauiittee. Congress which , aeems to be A e only way parties ahouTd be considered, and in the to see the aewspspernports of the affdr. tW r^at pmi^iatiid structed, the Albany mail passes that way. be fc rc b tla a ^ ^ i twa^«otM. 'tWri-->aia>.'ISt— of settling the great national o6nth>versy in Fdrfive daya b^a the investigation been Senatoxlai Crayention 15th Ois- The N. Haven Boad is runniug on time, but election Candida^ too great a prepon­ New.Eagland for tbat eternal tW trio. no tickets are sold for staUons.on N a n g ^ c regard to territory,' derance of offioial hw ora shoidcl not be a- going on and thus &r, no ^ g le ray of light n p eal^ the'MiaioifciqanfW iiia. ipd A Union CoBTeatioB of D elentes from the sev. Boad, which, as always is the case in waided, to tliose once beloae^ to eitiier has been ftirown on tiie mystery> The eral towns eomprUgg the Fifteenth Benatori- r W e hear that the “Narrows*’ are that ana oF theaa aama fm e anr efa;9lal% flood, has sustained heavy damages. The fects which I have narrated before, hii|'e 8l l>i»trict, win be held at the Beaidiley R on» in olosed with ioe so that vessels cannot get some other old party. Should a ti(Aet aad frpm tbia. Cony aa^onal. on Wednisadajr Feb.tSth, I85T,at U o’­ Camden and Amboy Boad is impassible.— been sworn to but thay are all merely clock, M., for the pnipose of nomination a can- through that passage to or from New York. be ao formed, embracing in the aatecejeata peopb should aea ta it. ^ t ^ aaen .am fli Ja! e i r Senator, to t o sapported at the enning On the Erie Boad no truns have come in ing ahame and dSiigM 'eier q m This will throw all the travel'to and from of|^.aam ea quite an undue proportion oircnmBtantial, and thoogh they caat aaspi- B’rc:i ;i l.f the mpooenti a t the prewntKationM from beyond Lackswaxen, 110 miles from cion oa Eokel and Mrs. Cannia^aia, they upon pur State.--^JHI^Hi^ 'C&^Mitii$hi^“?^ Adiaiuiatrttion. Each townbi tbeJ)latiict iaenti the East upon the New^ York" aad New H a­ of either of the old partiea it would be mooh ^ .■ ■ 1.1^ . tied to four Deliprtes. New York. Some of the Western Beads ven railroad, togettier with m ariy all the w eakeW if aot entinly fkil of ito olgeeL aro Dotaaffioient for them ia a court of laW' A gentiemn Per order Oe SeMteial Committee. Eabiia B«niiin»ut point» te Mle» mni t h e n ____ P. K. Kosocbke. Ctadrm*a. have sustained oonMderaMe damage and no frieghtfrom Rhode JsTand M id^ Massa­ F ot the moetian>o«t Hai^"«^» ijiai in ^ a th i^ i^ a tnuns are running, while others have re chusetts* and ConqMt^ut. ! « but intelligent, prudent and high minded oao I think, be no moral doubt that they day, W a npto (o paj at,'i^aC;'tt T he mooh talked of meeting of the State ceived but slight injuries which have been men should be placid in aominatioa, not aro the two persons-who certunly planned Haveii ba'n£s on Monday,. repaired and the trains are running regular For the ^pablieait. by packed conventions, for saoh mep would tbedeedr even they did hot execute it have his paper pioteaM walkid^l|rM ConiM^ at Hartford, haa been holden. # Another “abillihg.” ■ Owing t« Tariooa canaea the attendance Accounts state that the total amount of e^eemitnolionor.tobeso aominated anci themselves vri^ their own haadK The theace into tte atjr >(i the oilsi ^•fh» stor>n end arrived in 4iaw ^ s8va kialni* v aa Teiy alim—tlw fim ^ t and oonaeqnent damage done to the Chicago. Burlington ^ d The last of t^ se ^servedly, popular aad they would eeaae to be, mea of thia de- most reaaonable supposition concerning the it and taka auppar with h i|il< ^ . ; Quincy road is estimated at 100 000. charitable entert^nmenta, took place'on aoription were they to accept office by affiur tbat.I have heardis jHit forth by one damage to thrBaD Boads might have been er genthman;^ Branrord .wuf wae. W one—bot we imagine by far the greatest to Trains on the Housatonio road have ran W e^esd)iy eveqiiig hist, at the residence auch means. And further, the Bepublican ^the morning papers. It saggest; that of H. A. Botsford Esq. As usual, the v i- larly aitnai^, finding that it law uanoa* bafonad waa in dieeomplacmtaatisfiMitioii regular this week, and have not soffered to party ia in no need of any dishonorable art the plan to murder' Br. Burdell baa been sible to g o 'into' 'the einitif was represented; the company was fdt by moM of Ae Amerioans in the action a n y great extent. to Kve, resting upon tiuth and hoaor, these complete formany aunths, and the asua- horaa power, jfooted it tha'wlbei»'3i«iee. numereus, and all present ap^ared to en of tiie Unioii CoBymtlon of the 6th of Jan should be its watohword as they are ita vi­ ins have only been awaiting until’ chance joy themselves. The ••wee hours” gave A, Londoa .aorreepo«Milb'flnt aldioagfa, aerer a member of the American deed. The testimony of John Farrol, of the wise and good, throughout the cam means of a forged oertifieato of a marriage the* gentleiaaei'erila^,eeea** ^ reminded that we are aoon to loose thnm, munity and confidently predict inoreaaing with the doctor which ^aa to be presented head of tba pew^ aad tbMa ;>vba -aaM Ja> party—nerer haring the honor of a peep that he was crossing from the Bowery to and mingle our regrets with the vicinity __ within their mjrateriona Coanoil-rooms; we Beoadway on the evening of the mnrder— strength and final sympathy, to this only by Mn.. Cunningham. Thia ia however, ter look the remaiuiBf ;awi^ pp»ai|ijSi|( We meet not &rget Auht Eunice, •‘pop national party. G merdy aurmiae and aa the investigation the distarbsnea whiab . c^^w^jlf .,fi6a|^.Ja 1»7» aeen mooh in their actions to^approre, that he was passed, at about half past ten, com *’ and '•pop goes the weazle.” b . aad beliere the great mass of Americana to by two men, who did not appear to be in goes on, the contradictory teatimony ac­ cumulates, the whole ailto grows more be aa good Republicans as anjr other anti- company—that the man ahead entered at For tfae Bspablican. N ew York CiUrei^ondeno^* to give a lady‘^ le B e ie ii s y t iaf administration olasa. So believing, we have No. 31 Bond street, with the aid of a' night The Republiqan Party. confuaed and then seems lees light on the subject than ever. The paplio mind is ev- entertained ao jealousy regarding American key, whUe he (Forrel) stopped to tie bis The great nationi^ party which in the re­ New Yo rk , Feb. 12.1857. Negro voting ia theSodliv.'^' lli te^iM b. cited to the highest piteh so mach that Bepoblicans. We must say. however, that string upon the steps of that house-^' cent presidential contest carried with over­ I cannot probably better intoreat your atate Joivnal of Satudifti^vina^^ lead^ Bond str^t is thronged all the time by ing article coBCpiaTitg a^p eM M 'jm asato d we regret the action of the State Council that a moment after, he heard the cry of whelming mejerities nearly all of the firee readeni than by giving a abort, conaected thousands o f people who stand fo r honn in for the amendment' .w artiela jjt aeii^— 1 o f ia aot adopting the first resolution of- «• mnrder” in the house, and immediately a sketoh of the late'terrible murder in Bond States, had ita origin uader ciroamstances the street merely to look at the house: the Constitution^Ohio..woiA ftied. Not over forty Delegates were pres- noise of falling—that almost instantiy a man of peculiar importance interest. ' street. This event has causeu excite­ white thenfrem, wp ffid the ilwUMriagj: and; The funeral took place on Wedneaday from eat. If there had been lees irritation, and in his shirt sleeves opened the door, and ment the hke of whioh I have never seen •‘In Tennessee f^d Nor&^^(StnB|^fra» W hen Franklin Pierce was inaugiuated Gnob pburch andwas attended by thou-' negroea used to vote. 'j^a^H oa.'B eH indeed provocation, given to the members asked him “ what he was doing there V' He during my whole term of residence in New his address delivered on that occasion prom-, sands of people, anxious to mtisfy a morbid tbe preeent Senate fram'^ilita^ijM ^t^ oftte A m eri^ Order, by BepaUican »hen moved bn. He statea. in explanation York; it baa abaorbed and swallowed op us not a m oath'^ in. G^W^iat^ tte ised a;fkvor^iaatate of things to the ooun eurio^ity, by a right at the man who was Jonmala, ita action .would have been differ­ of his previons silence, that he was not sure everything else in the riiape of news ; for­ first time he raa for C o n g ^ tr y . H e g la r e d himself opposed to slave­ so craelly murderod in his own house. ent. D. 8. Callioan offered a resolution: that the number was 31 or 13, but being eign steamers go and come unnoticed by he received Upwards of ttn b _ _ _ ry agitfition, and in favor of a just and equi­ A thousand rumon a n flying about the city from negroes.'‘ t-'JlU/IUtifMmmmiiit That, tbia State Coancil be, and the aame urged by bis friends to come forward, he table regard to international law. These the public, groat fires occur, men aro run hereby ia desolved. concerning all the persons suspected aad tiie negroea who had examined the locality, and is certain sentiments harmonized with the views of over, garoted trampled onar killed in other ted for the hm of New O jrl^^ ‘ After lengthy debates, and the offering every incident connected with the affiiir in that the number was 31. After giving his the great hody of the American people. varioua wavs, but still the great public any way. , of wbstitutioas, the following wera finally testimony. Parrel recognized Eckel as the Had this wise policy been pursued, the mind ia unm oved,^e public heart can feel T h e ^vate VioiA adopted: miin tiiat came to the door and asked him the peace harmony andprosperity of the en­ nothing, the public brain can think of noth­ For the BepabUoaa. M b . E d r o b Raolved, That wa endorse the State “ what he was doing there. tire country would have been aecured. ing and the public tongue can apeak of : The community have been We take it to ^e a detoefeiitiMili^illOf'lrihfci* Ticket nominated at the Union Convention ahooked in peniaing the testimony given discovery or iaveatiaa Miss Isabella Buford, testified that a gen- Never aince the preaidency of Mr. Monroe, nothing bat thia msst horrbl^ ooourronce in New Haven, aad that we areatil’ in favor before the Coronen Jury, on the h ^ mnr of the Platform of the State ofConneotiout. Ueman and lady called on Friday at Clyde was there a greater promise of internal I will endeavor to pen a condensed accouat der of Dr. Bardellin New York. It would ■erly instiaeti. wSbse seU lsi ia ^ h rs^ * RtMolved' That we declare Ae offioen of & Blacks store, aad desired to parchase a tranquillity and repOsei pected by a of the foots that all wHb read thia letter may seem from the testimony, this far, that the es pocket, canaot anderat^-tM iJw a » this Council m-eleoted for theleomiDg strong vote.* he had only to walk throagh get w idea of the maia featurea of ihe such aa one ia his steie .like g^i|W W #,W lw year, aad that this CooncU do aow ad­ ahort, sharp, sword baae which they guilty partiea are ia the haada of juatice.— must have that day so as to use it that the official term with, oommon pradence to case. ehanee apoa MaMKnew'aad'aiiM->«wfc,aa journ. A New Yorker by lurth, I am pained to wit- woald Wafcald^nnka thaaaiie^^.^oo* evening, and although not positive, yet, gain ^Iden Opiniona from l^ . country,’ The murdered man, Dr. Harvey Burdell, The Freshet. to ha^e ultimately retired iriA honor firom was a dentist of no considerable profess- neaa the vulgarity aad indecoroaa nmarka tiiought Mrs. Cuningham to be very much of the Conner—snob e;^reaaiona m •'^ tb As we anticipated, the deluge of nun like tiie lady—but oonld iiot r^gnize the the elevated statioQ in which, h^ had been ioaal roputatioahut waa uaiversally kaown = s s * s s s : « i p ^ d . But notwith«tiuidiii|g the pledge as a man of ungovernable temper, a dishoa- you aeen the elephant,” appear to me in- which fell oa Sunday laat, assisted by the gentleman. contained in hia inaugaral itddreas, aotwith-. est business man, a libertine, and an indi- appropriate. I have alwaya ooasi^ed ^ ■ B ^ a s a i s warm temperature of the previous three or An affidavit firom the Uarvia Hoaae. S ^ four daya, broaght on the Spring freshst alM ^ag the demaads of patriotism^ the Aidual of the worst possible ropi^atioa office of Coroner aa entitled to inoia and experimeBW tt»a4 the aid .measura< of good to come and live in hia hooae No. 31 Boad abould meet the aoom U v m j loTor of hu­ waa aoMe •M-haaaveHaal.^c on the 28th of Oct., at a BanklDaMting.imd we find that aiany Bailroada were not only 9<)ipBpa;«aBse'.w^bia'foiiBd ia the poa. atreet aa^ hia bouaekeeper. Thia aha did, manity when ba atoopa to aatiate tite appe- posseiaed the pewea- e< i voting which was probably by pro^.' tite of the T o ^ . The occaaionalfor the aad waging sar. to klve-onr auffrage, let them be given to tte neeener pastures, but somehow those high inost worthy, and discard all politiort:^- aad ioe have doaa w ahaost incalculable latitudes seem very anpromising for T he'^t/gr^i'e^r an,d &tal oi^a|^ Bardell’a-hooae in illicit intereo^af vntkl iag ^ Ki this manner we will seoara>«fi^ aasonat of daauga. Tha Hadaon roaa 23 feet Focoism, and we rejoice to see the paper of hisadm m is^tio^V,!^.:^, Kaasaa and: him, while oae of her dtughtera oecafied Me M>d efficient adm inis^tpra. ■ . ia a few boura at Troy—Albany and Troy transformed, cleansM from its former -m- Nebnwkaaot^' T|^,afenediiiMflaodr-gatoa another room of the hoaae with punties. “olotbed, and in its right mind.”—> were inundated, aad ilamage to the amount Dr. C. B. Maltbie has the care of its pres­ of alavery agitatii»n

HOPSATONIC »EPlJBLieAKi F ^ |iS T l|*l‘A^E, SATURDAY, FEB. 14, 1857.

1.000.000 Bottles Sold. U fctv * t the eMiia medi The Tribune fbr 1857. iMriM MUidaat CLOTH I N G, The Election is t, and its result-prove* that U.tti* (ferial MiOT tb« on the fopi^can.pa^yl^ot Fresh Stock of Clothing just repeived from the work devolvec i«. £ k tM tnl NewY«k,by ioe.W. Hurlbutt. yet completed. In aU the Eastern and^ AU Intriogeuients will be dealt wi& i A portions of the conntre—in New Engladl,. Nen ding to Law ! W k, Ohio and the ^ rth W est-the. Bepublican banner floats in triumph; while in Soothern Jeny, ■ H U B B H I Pennsylvania,Indiana and lllinoi>f^in shortiwhere- J. BXTSSELL SFALDINO’S two TM M .;«^y«t « w lM ^ (feejr W* aot five Just received a few more of those fine Fur and verfew newspapers are taken, and where commun ksM ni Mttltt^fttbrenf ^jtatftlioh of thir Fur lined Gloves very nice and for sale cheap by schools are too new and too feeble to have educated MadlHwu wh» h»T* Bot hwrd of HoUowaj’t J. W. Hnrfcutt. the present,gei|«iatiott of voters—^the blaek.fiag of m 4 OlptMnt. B» this m it may, it i« Slaveiy obstracts the sunshine. A.,strangSr in B'iteliitleil.toet, TtrifiM b j the booki of the America m i^t distinguish those -portions of our l R o a < t e i country most blessed with Education, Intelligent, ■4teMi(lhl|iltr th*t mow than half a millioa G L 0 T H I r t G , Thrift and Virtue, by scanning the returns of the •rfWlWai' kftir* within tiiat time parohased If TOO want the best and latest style of Neck Tie Presidential contest ofl85u. We have failed of pre­ tli*«nfUBtlMU at the New Tork Office and and Waterford Cravat, call at sent success, not because the people are against ns^ ItBUiMiBtiV 'AanMiea. Conld the amoont of Brewster’s Hall Clothing Store. but because ______rtion Whodid j...... not hear OT [ g g A l t V Bted in that period, in the read the argument am do not know what were the /■itad Stet«B«iottto. be eompnted and placed D e n tis try . Albany statesman. on MMTd^t wenld of itaelf form one of the J . SMITH. DENTIST, would return his DiTtT...... <6 00 per annnm. This great snd popular preparation is decidedly piMte* mmnmenjrof aucceii to whieh thanks to hia friends, patrons and the pnblic ■ Weekly...... 1 00 per annum. one of the nicest ana bcwt srtides in tke' M>I»W philanthropy on the one hand and We have Jost Received a new style ef Coat Cal' nounce. for their kind and liberal patronage, dnrin^ the To club.s of 10 or more, 10 per cent off, in advance. world for the HAIBI led the DelUvan Coat, and for sale at These fitcts indicate the paA. of pressing duty.—. three years past that he hw been located in this vil- u rin g the Presidential campaign that has It (mparts a richness and briHianey, elesBS, or­ p M i^^ M reclatio a on the other, hare ever J. W. HUELBUTT’S. With no unmanly, repinings over woat is irrevoca­ just closed The Statesm an attaiued a circu­ •eSi^nted.-^. F. Day lage, w d hopes by strict attention to hi* business D naments, invigorates, embellishes, removes daa- ble—with no abatement of heart or hope becauu to solicit a continuance of the same. We would lation quite equal, it is believed, to that of any pa­niff, relieves headache, and has probabl;^ hero the triumph of Liberty in her new ardeaf is not won say to those who require his professional services, per published in Albanv, or in the State, out of .N. HOLLOWA^ Ointment and Piili^Ereiy- a t the Long Island anrt will be sparred to avail him­ York city. This circulation was to some extent head oC« 4 mi|7 ehbold keep a enpply of these «ieat CLOT KING, —with no shadow of regret that the responsibility self of all the late iinprovements being made in temporary in its character ; many of the sul>scri- •peetkaM'hand; NobouseholdcMiiafelyditpenge of goveringis not confided to her champions, be­ bers, those of the Weekly particularly, being for the all can rely npon it- Now U your time to Jmy Coat, Vest and Pants fore tho people were fully ready to siistsin themi- the meohanieal branches of the Dentist Art. He iHt&thmib- Esteraal iajnriea,which would result and all otlAer______artidra in the Gentlemau’s______line of has been to great expense this season, in making campaij^i only, and ceasing maiuly with the date Sole Proprietor.Proprietor, J . R . csssll Spaldixo. M u g r la tMlkifcar a HiiAi 4qj|M eitppUng of a Joint, in wearing apparel <^eap, Wte will foi the next few we begin afresh the work of diftnsing that’vital arrangement for the mannfactnre of a new of the 17th iiist. To renew these subscriptions for factoring Ohemist.'-■ ------Principal Depot, 37 Trem«m &n lia » h e > ird iaa ^ n M ^ B ,n iv tie cared with weeks sell «t astonifibtng; low wiee«. We invite truth which, in regard to concerns’of this world, as kind of teeth, with the Continuous Gnm, and the year, beuames an object desirable,not only in a 3t., opposite the -Museum, Boston, Mass., where ^ ^ ilK iteM M hoat pain or hazaid, hy the uao of all to call and examine oor *etocK as we sball offer well asof the next.makes fVee indeed. Now, in the Platina for the base, which, when completed business point of view, but especially for the oii- all orders should be addre»>sod. The fac-simile of IhrOlntment Etyipriaa, altrfaeam.boUi.eoiegh Slave Power’s hejdey of victory, when its ministere ject for which they were originally obtained for the his signature is on every bottle of the genuine. great inducements. All goods sold hv ns will be and servitors are gathering and plotting to make fonji the most perfect rewmblance to nature of any ^ ail ezten>tfjiilmeota,are. lemoved with eynalf as represented. JOS. HURLBlTTTt teeth ever made. Heretofore they have been some­ short period—the advantage which will arrise to C.B.MALBLE, Agent. 2‘JelUeowly SSB^yaBd'MitiOiity, by the uplleatton of tiiia, Merchant Tailor. the most of their triumph and “c ^ h outv the spirit what objectionable on account of their weight, and the American Party and its principles ; and it is to which they vainly believe to be crucified and en­ this end thtt we now make an appeal to our friends gnat coiatiTeand the mamifoU ^ a a e s of the the Gnm being formed so thick on the inside as to SrL.TERTYPE PICTURES...... (tinae.ao often bU l in this istrict of Cornwall, sa. Probate Comt Jan. 8th, tombed—now, wnen the faint-hearted or cold heart­ make them cnmbersome. By a series of experi­ tbroughont the Htate. rto the aanative opeiation 1857, Estate of Joseph North, of Cornwall In ed who lately iiasked in the sunshine of our prema- ments he has succeeded in entirely removing The adverse result of the Presidential contest, b. a. THOMPSON has opened a daguen saidD District an lingr i^ lv e n t debtor. inre hopes ate hauling offto repair damages and those Q^ections. Pereons requiring artificial teeth only imposes renewed obligations upon the sincere M Gallery iu Urewster'.'i Building, for the pur- The______Court______of Prol ^te for the DisMct nf Corn­ talking of albaudoning themgged arena of mlitics sre invited to call and examine specimens of his supporters of American principles—whieh, wbat- po.se of takiug anew I’ictnre. oallvdthe i^ilvertype, for more quiet and Bowery fields—now, in, this hour eveftnay be ths precise f4»rm of ]nrties in the fu­ said to Igs far snj>erior to tUe commou dagueneO' K 'R . B .—Bad o o u ^ aevere colds. wall hath limited and allowed three months ihim work before procuring teeth, as he is the only the date hereof for the Creditors of said estate rep­ ofweariness and shadow, Trtliune renews its Dentist in Litchfield County who mannfaetuies the ture, WILL Liv8 ,as the basis of the action of a ma­ type, or ambrotype.and wiiuM t,e iiio«t haray to Cm * thioata, PaiaK id the Chest, hard and resented insolvent in which to exhibit their , claim vows ofetemal hostility to every form of tyranny above kind Of teeth; jority of the people of the State and Union. No receivethe calls ortUo^4e who are Iu waot of HMlliilHii • dose of Bad ways Begulatora should at the Hotel of Bulbs Payiie in mid Cornwall on and kingdoms ill Europe or the breeders of children ‘THE NATION iginal American ground, to resist foreign dictation, M takaa, thia is all the medioine at this the 9th, day of Uarch, and the 8th, day of April, for the auction-block and the cottoh-fleld in Virgin­ which has fraud and Church and State combinations at the dfe|ia ttat is needed. If you have a sore In the forenoon on each of said days for the pni^ ia Alabama. intoau polUi, by the passage of a R e q istrt ' aw fob tub pose of attending on.the business ot our s^d appoint­ ■ The doctride thot no human being was ever ew - State, an Extbnsion op tuk Tebx op Natitbali- I T M i n i l l i t u m badeovgh, piUns across the %hest ments. W tend hreathiwg. cold in the head and ted for the benetft or advantage of another—that This rapid success is Unprecedented in the His. ZATioN,audan infusion into the policy of the State aU service between niah and man shoold-be firee toty of Journalism, and can only be accounted for and Nation of the principle that Americans can, ' I aa»'ooative and oat of oRm , ! C - — » ■ and teciprocal—that thelaborer should not toil and by the fact tha^ the Proprietors have emptoyed, and of right should, govtm thar airncotmtry.asthe ) B ^lveiit and rab the whole All persons indebted tosMd estate are requested sweat to pamper Others’pride or minister to others’ asylnm of those who flee to ns from all nations.— e S M T E S T O B ^ iate payment to'...... without regard to expense, the ' vttkHadwajra Belief.-Crenieinber the to luxury, but for the sustenance and comfort of those STAB WBITEBS OF AMERICA So long as these objects are unaccomplished, and JOBKB. HABBISON, Trustee. near and dear to him,is destined to certain triumph. consequently to be contended for; and when ac­ r) head* neck, tb a m t a n d a ll— The NATION ia the only paper which contains WOLOTTVn.L£,ON£r., It must prevail, for God reigns, and earth was not he witty., humorous and side-splitting sketches of complished, so long as- these same objects are wor- OULD again call the attention of the raUlw ' ' t a Kpod dose IC Badways OiHriet e f Canaan, tt. Probate Court, January created to be a theater of injuctice, oppression and hat Comical (Genius, and thy of the sy mrathy of the American masses ss the to an examinatioB of their Stock of grarhiff _ I th e o rg ttk - o f th e 24th, 1&7. UNBIVALhED BVMOBIST, ground work of governmental policy., . there will be WDry Goods, Carpeting, Paper H angiim , Ae. HaV' ' ih» »:M|gnlar and healthy action, ond to T«IHB Court of Probate, for the District of Canaan X SIO H t BUSS OCKSIDE. U. D. an American psity. To these principles Th* ing done a much hirger business in tCis Diy Good* has limited and allowed 3 months f^om Statbsmam will be steadfastly devoted, aiming at line than was antictoat^ a t our eoi kKllran Moal teS hesithy circulation this__ date ( for the creditors of the estato of John for Democratic America cannot always remain the Of which series, one sbetch alone is worth the all times, by argument, the statement of facto, and whole ysars snbscriptinn. one year ago, and havingving tlie largelargest and most u d U 1 'thew ' ^agreeable Franklin of Canaan, in said District, an assigning t'ae scoff of aristocrats and the shame of reformers appeals to the reason and patriotism of the people, commodiens______lbebnainese,wearepropaie< Store for the bnainese,weare yis|l>iiiii'tW I in a few boars' iMve yoh. debtor represented insolvent, in which to present and liberals throughout the Old World. It must THE NATION to do its share of the work that relates so strongly to keep a much larger_ ___ stock_____ of Goods's than r Saa^ Fev.ara^'aad-whaeping congh jthe Beady their.claims against said assignedestate,for allow­ ..inmph ; foi Men’s histoiy ia not a chaos of a rid- Is Edued by ■to the welfare of the Bepublic. To this end it ap­ store ia the eoontj^ We havetherefcoe addediddsdvow i ance to the Commissioners on said estate, and has “ e, but everywhere instinct with meaning; and no peals with coufidence, not only to ite present and BeEe#aM tiM to the throat, and the oawels largely to onr stock of Goods this I :,a a d d ia f appointed Wm. K. Peck of Norfolk, and Daniel B. heroic effort ever failed of its effect—no drop of and past readers, but to all who sympathise with these expect quite an add------addition to our tra Am t’oim with the B e^lators, have saved Spaulding of Canann, Commissioners to receive martyr-blood was ever shed in vain. principles. The opponents of Americanism have Our assortment of l>res8 Goods is now compwte fliitiitraa of haadtads of children who wovid and examine said claimp. Certified by But even if we'Bepnblicans were disposed to fold Mrt E D 'E N SOUTBWOBTB. a numerous press, sending broadcast daily and Wh» i f W E L L K N O W N .as »ne t f Ihe embracing the latest styles found ia the markets 1 to the ueelees practice Hiles T. Granobr, Judge, onr arms in slumber, our adversaries would notper- weekly the seeds of error. Upon all (he points we imong which can be found sosse tikok* styles the subscribers give notice that they wiii meet mit it. They .are busy to-day in lengthing their MOST POPULAB WBITEBS IN have enumerated, they take the foreign and Roman diMtor. Under all circom- Fancy Dress ilka, Fouhird Silka. at the Hotel of I. P. Stevens in Csnaan. in said cords and strengthenilening their'stakes ^ t h a vigi- AMEBICA. Catholic side ; which being the case, they who do Black Silks, the best.goods imported. tMMghs or colds or diseases District, on the 9th day of March, and on the 1st lanM and activity wlwhich reveals a conscionsness on In addition to the above we have.engaged as not choose to take that side, must elect for them­ Phiin Berages, Fignsed Beiages, ' a « M ^ o r a cold, BaJway'sBes- day of April, 1857, at 10 o’clock on each of said their part that their dominion must be made sure Contributors; . selves, an I ow, where they will hereafter be found. Berage DeLaines, Challie Del.«ines, days, for the purpose of attending to the duties of forthwith, or their scepter will have forever depar­ CLAKA'MOBIOa, Hsnbt W. HntSEBT, In such a conteMt, we conclude that the American Silk Tisanes. French Printed Jaconets, dief and Begnlators will quickly said appointment. ■ ted. To-day myridoms of the Slave Power threaten masses, both foreign and native born, will not long ^ afligited, and rid the body from the Alice Cabt, W. W. FosniCK, Muslins, Lawns, Brillianta, &c-, Ac., Wm. R. PECK, . > Commis- and harrass Northern Mexico, are encrmped in the Mrs; A.F.L aW^, C. A. P aoe, hesitate in deciding in what ranks they will be Merrimack Jfc Pacific Calicoes in great abnndsnefc i of )^l Minsumptive nmteriale. DANIEL B. SPAULDING,- $ sioners. heart of Central America, and wagging a war of Mrs. E. F. Ei.i,bb, Ben. Casscdat, found. A WinBCIBCDLATioK. PanM tf affBOled with weak or ulceraied exterinination on the distracted inhabltanfi of its P abk Bokjaxih, W. P . BiiANNau. The objeet for which Americana contend, and • BLACK 8ILIP SHAWLS. tty Bepablic, while it at tur ns leers and scowls at And numerous others. for which tbe Statxshan was established, being logs. t«*eielee. bieetintie, hacking dry STATEMENT _ jba, while ta most 'mthless bands are precipitated as vital now as ever, we come directly before onr WHITE CRAPE SHAWLS. co^h M cnlt breathiK or spitting on devoted Kansasrunder the protection and smiles 'I O THE FAIR SEX. friends to ask them to join us in an effort to render STELLA aHAWLS.CASHMEBB SHAWLS. F the condition of the WOODBDRT BANK, We particularly commend onr sheet. Their de­ aC. . y aei.‘•Badtyiys Benovating Be- 'on the 1st d i^ of Jannaiy, 1857. of the Federal Administration. Even as we write, permanent, in a good degree at least, onr cam- — A tse— tiie telegraph informs us that twenty Free State partment will be edited with utmost care and no ciroulation, and to make additions thereto.— M bw t will in aahort time romove. all .-ob- m olole l amount of Capital Stock paid in, tlOO ,000 expense or labor spared to render the columns de­ A large assortment Embroidery, Hitts, Gloves, B illsinof theB ankinC irenhition, 60,168,00 -----— -• ------*=— to defend their homes e respectfully but earnestly request those friends Hosiery, Psiasols, Ac. White Goods of evaty dse^ «|M li«win»ai the.langs add. throat, and ince of Buford’s and Ti- voted to their especial benefit, unusually Bril­ who interested themselves in obtaining subscrip­ Balance due to Banks in this State,.... 670 O.'l liant, Attractive, Instructive and Ornamental. uiption, and Housekeeping Goods of all kinds. fag^^ f ttp ngA and ^undness to the weak DeposiU not bearing interest...... 19,105 S9 ______^ ______have been convicted by tions in clubs that expired with the campaign, to 'ALSO Bepositsbeariugiutcrestat4,fia6peret. 22,800 00 liecompte’s Court of manslaughter! and sentenced personal effort to obtain renewal of those BOOTS AND SHOES, ' ^Tbers Ml iw ^ ^ d h e in present ase^ thvt Rurplusfunds,...... 7,«80 37 to flVe years imprisonment at hard labor as felons. subscriptions for the year. A few hours spent in Earnings since last dividend, ...... 2,887 77 This is but a fair^cim en of what has long passed this way will accomplish the object. We do not kM fli^4e,8o m u y n ^id cu ies .of lung oom- for “ jo-stice” in Kansas—a justice which takes the most reliable, and containing information which hesitate therefore, to make this request, and we ilUtila jss Byways Benovating Besnlveut. Total LiabUities, . <213,628 66 criminal into pay and aids them hunting down, will prove to them in the course of a single year, are confident that it will be responded to as it was CROCKERY, - 9f« v ^aest the attention of th» pabUe to Inndering anu^^‘*wiping out^’ the innocent, whom of almost Incalcnlable benefit. in the beginning of the late campaign when the uj wmun ~ ' patwr-will w w ive result was shown in an nnpreoedentod oiroelatioa W fslfowiiig'iMter:' Peisonal Estate...... t 1,000 00 ed into the madness of resisting thefr oppnSsorev^^- sy res^ctfnlly. demi mand, each be- of the Statesman. Siiecie in Bank...... 6.098 38 Sfc., M k e ^ Vr.ChesterCq., May 27. 1855 S u ^ crimes and wrongs ss unhappy Kansns has ing especially____ , ana_____ carefull; lypreparecprepared to meet the THE STAT^AW AS A KEWSPAPBB. To whieh the attention of all Is reaeectAiIIra»' Bills of other solvent Banks, ...... 49 00 for twelve months endured, even Hungary in Poland varied tastes of the iseveral classes of it readers. The Presidential election having closed, the col­ *|sap troabled with a liing oomplwut Balance due from Banks in this State, 909 69 Ucited. WOODIHUSl e WIB. «feiah' l)t, Hunter and Dr. Fitch aud was has never known; and the power at whose instiga­ Among.these we may mention umns of the St 'tesmai^will be leas occupied wirb Wolcettville-.May.lSSS. 48 , “ “ “ outofthisSUte, 10,983 38 tion these villains were and are perpetrated site en­ Original Stories and Poems, Editorial politics, and more With matter interesting to the MMaB^tfba. l.liad six severe attacks of Due from Agents of the Bank, ' • - 6,0U0 00 throned at the White House, and has just acmeved general reader. Pains will lie taken to render had great pains- in my sides and amount due from each another four yeara’ascendancy in the Federal Gov­ Jtamblings and Sketches, Spicy City ours a newspaper, at the same time giving a fhir £>QD ANNUAI. BSPOBX of the Due from W. E. Chittenden - - - 34,597 59 ernment. • W ho, in view of those facts, can say tliat News, Washington Gossip, New York share of attention to Literary, Scientific, and Other tual Fire Inturance Company, iv iji. avd.ahoutbers and a very, bad Cough. I Bond and Stock account . . . - 64,452 50 By cash ree’d for Preminms CB PolioieB woaid sometimes cough one hour at the time Overdrafts, ...... 11 19 Republicans may now pile their orins even for an Chit Chat, the Latest Paris Fashions, subjects that mark the word's progress. hour? Practical Receipts for the House­ LEQISLATIVB BEFOBTS. the last year.. ^ V tiO M I Tomited thiok matter streaked with J>lood, Expenses since last divideed - - 1,846 10 The Tribune will be, as it has been, a political To reporting in an understandable and interest- B ashed during the year .fer I nsene affislila was always goodi I paid Hunter Checks and other cash items,...... 2,437 16 journal—avowedly, tliongh not uxclusively s*. It hold and Toilet, “ The Little lug style the proceedings of the l^egislatnre during andExpenses...... i ...... Discounted for individuals out of this St. 21,608 21 One's" Department, Gems, Increass of capital during_ the year, ...... fNM.Iwadxed dollars, and Fitch considera- iiiscounted for individuads in this State, 42,096 29 recognizes Ihe truth that Freedom and Slavery are the winter, we shall bestow special attention. Our Attala here 'rappled in deadig conflict, and that In the re­ from Prose and Poetry, ai h m .taka« aix bo.tles of Besolvent, used banks in this S ta te ,...... 1,500 00 eral Government. But, while it gives prominence Reader's Guide, Histor- Interest received on loans, ifila M ----- Discounted for corporations other than in both Houses; and thus bring out a new feature, M Belief4o rab my chest with, am now and emphasis to the discussion and elucidation of • ical Sketches, Traru- which we are confidoiit, will be appreciated by an Whole amount paid for losses bante out of this State,...... 19,894 83 the- g ^ t issue of the day, it sinks none of the char­ and expenses,.;...... 16,0?S.O« wril - 1 dent belie ve 1 ever had the cou- Discounted for Directors, ...... 1,024 34 lations, S(c., Sfc. intelligent community. acteristics of a business and family newspaper. The Tho NATION is issued in Quarto Form, (eight As we rely upon performances more than upon Cash now on hand,:...... 12,072.31------38AI»7jW JOHNH. STIBUNG. Amount of Premiums charged on the Total Besourses, . <213,628 66 iceeding of Congress, like those in Kansas, will pages), and each number will contain at least two promises, we conclude with the remark that we of the above is'like a a great watched and rcporlcd by an able and fearless Original Engravings, thus furiiishing our subscri­ will do our best to make The Statesman an ac­ books which may be coliected’if re­ a a a y otaera«tbera= - Ifu a person is troooieatrocbledwith wi corps of Correespondents, while fh>m London, Pa­ bers at the end of the year with a velume contain­ ceptable journal—a faithful co-worker for the party quired...... $2«4914S Ipsairy jjplda and by constant coughing, thetl Par valne Of Stock...... <50 ris, Constantinople, Havana. San Francisco, Albany ing 416 large size, bciuitifnlly printed pages of by which and for which it was established, and to Add cash on hand...... 12,0*U1. Highest amount diaconnted for any one and other centers of interest, our special advices Unsnrpassed Novellettes,ifovellettes, Shetches, ^Ac., Ac., to- be worthy of whatever patronage with which we jsuagalileeeine i ^ ^ t e d and discharge bjoodbjo -Sinctor, inclnding also, loans upon will as they have been, fresh and reliable. A'mem- ■;her with may be honored—to which we add a renewal of Making Capital Stock of Co. at thhi time, $38,^7* ttiaeei down as consumption—all'suconsumption—all such paper, drawn, accepted or endorsed bei'of onr editorial corpi^Bayard. Taylor-^is now VEB 100 OBIGINALILLUSTRATIONS the request that onr friends everywhere make an Amount of property now insured. 12481,014. U aia of ooMamptioD, Bodways Belief and by such dirtctor,...... 6,513 00 in Northern Europe, and will spend the Winter in The Nation is sent at the following remarkably immediate and earnest effort to give the States- Thfere is nut a t this time any claiais against th e B a a o if i^ ^ n aeon cure. - Litchfield ro u s tv , ss. low subscription and clubbing Terms; invaribly KAN a wide circulation. All business communica­ company—all.paid to this date. I, Lewis Judd, V. Prest, of aforesaid Bank, being in advance: tions should be addressed to MUNSELL & Co., All claims against the company an paid up ta B&l>WArS .B. B. BEKEDIES are sold by duly sworn, depose and say that the above ' state- th is date. SUisla, merehaats and storekeepers, in « Single copies...... <2 00 per annnm. [2Swl3] 78 State-street, Albany. SMUt is cfMTect, as I verily believe. Two copies, (to one address), 3 SO “ A reward of one hundred dollsn will be paid h f cHylvwmi viptge and H comen, In Ui . LEWIS JUDD, V. PiiBST. romise greater interest and profit to onr readers, lis company, to any oiie who wiU give such infor­ ~ America”; Sold by C. B. ll Three copies...... 6 00 " Sworn before me, thialO, day of Janna^, A .*. ir whom he will write regularly tbroughont his ad- Six copies,...... 9 00 “ Farm for Sale mation as will convict auy person of setting fixe t» «^O rns Store, Fans TiUase. 18S7. C. P. FsdHn, Justice of the Peace. Rventqrous journey, which is likely to require two any building insured by this company. A BAPWTAYACO Ten copies,...... 15 00 “ A Farm pleasantly situated abont years for its completion. Our reports of the most And one copy free to the getter up of the half a mile west of Ames’ Iron Works, Officers of the CowMny. in te rrin g Lectures, lab ile Meetings &c.,. wiU .be Club of TEN. t. r containing abeut one hundred and ten JOSIAH G. BECKWITH, Preaiaenfc ’ V^JUBNTZNSS. TO FARMERS AND GARDNERS- full and reliable, and our Foreign and Domestic a ^ Those sending ns subscriptions from the Gbobob C. Woodbupp, E ^ ., I n e a a n i. News, m a^ up with a careful regard to the con­ British Provinces, must enclose in addition to the S’tre^ l land, of which twenty consist of. wood; J asom Whitino, Secretary. a a d o n , fall of L atc and Fan, HE subscribers olfer for ssle 40,000 bsrrels < densation into our ample columns of tile greatest having a Dwelling House, Barn and other out Directors. subscription price, 23 cfenta for each 8nbscriber,as Buildings. The Farm is suitably divided into plow, OMwiiiid l^timantal. For sale at the their amount of intelligence that is consistent with the we are compelled to pay the United States postage. J. G. Beckwith, Geo. C. Woodrooff, Seth F.BeeH^ r ue Of type and generous size. In she rt, if we fail meadow and pasture; havin.g a good variety of VlTCli 6 ^ b y C. B. HALTBIE. NEW & IMPBOVED letters containing money should i>e registered, Jason Whiting, Algernon S. Lewfs, S. Osboia, to make The Tiibiitve worth its cost, it shall not i>e a. d directed plainly, and they will come a t oor Fruit, and is well watered. 'A e subscriber offers Steph. Trowbrdee, Bobbins Battell. . for want.of expenditure or effort, risk otherwise we are not resposib'e fo^ them. the Farm for sale on reasonableterms. The Dbectors of this company are confident that BIPOItTANTlfonoBVo Thosc A m icnD with POUDRETTE, . If it be deemed desirable by Republicans: that Specimen copies will be sent free to Post Mas­ JAMES LANDON. the plan of Insurance adopted by them will meeft Tft« IH 6un« should be circulated in their several FalU TUlage, Dec. 25,1856. - 2S*w4 “ • *• w, by Dr. A. 8 . HEATH, New York Hanufactured from the night«oil of New York city ters, Agents, and all who wish to set up a club ; with a hearty response from all intelligent iriend# ; it UBpomible to attend peisoniOl) localities, we nrge them to see that Clubs le mad) to all others, on receipt of four cents in stamps of the principle of Mutual Insurance. ia b>ts to suit pnrebasers. This article (greatly im­ up and forwarded in due aeasen. The Postmasters , and being unwilling to tiiist proved within the hut two years) has been in the The expense of registering is only five cents. IW GOOBS1 NEW GOODS! 1 This company insure only in this State, and tSM I duties to awistants or students are semi-offlcially admonished not to aid our circu­ Address OBOPUT & BIGLOW, 83 Dock Street, FOB no risks on mills, goods in stores, shops, ete., or m market for eighteen years, and still defies competi­ lation, but to urge instead that of jonmals deemed Philadelphia, Pa. exposed village or city property, bnt confine their tion, as a manure for Corn and Garden Vegetables. “ sound” and “National” by the cempatriots of SPRING, 1856. being duaptr and morepdwerfulthan a n f other, tna Among the hundreds of complimentary notices, business entirely to farm property and inadaied Atchison and Stringfellew. We ask live Uepubli- we have received ftom newspapers in every sec­ buildings and their contents—of whieh not Bsee a t the same time free from disagreeable .odor. Two cans everywhere to take' care that these effqrrs be to slM'Nedpes gtatta, or on receipt of lettei b a M s ($3 worth) will manure an acre of com in tion of the country, we quote the following ; M cNElL &^BAlttAN>S 3 than (2000 will be insured on one risk. Sr-OM dollar, Ae^—to obviate the above, an< not effectual to quench the light of Freedom in the “ The Nation appears in clear white type, on This company will adjust all claims with prompt* the biU, wUI save two-thirds in labor, will canm it murky mists of Slaveiy. snow white paper, and richly adorned v at the old stand of F. D. McNeil, _ issan d llberslity, and if a t anytim e a dMtoenee ■aM dals patients la an parts of the oeuntnr to come up quicker, to grow faster, ripen earlier, The subscribers respectfully announce te the SiSWrlnei, with fUl directions, to cun anj and will bring a larger crop on poor ground tban trations.’’—if. F. S ihi. shonld arrise between the parties, all such difibreil. , >,|gr tS, BBlaas treatment is reqniKd for a TERMS. “ It attain a high position in the literary world.” people of Litchfield and neighboring towns, that ces will be adjusted by iudiOerent pe^ns ia the any other fertiliser, and also a preventative of the they are now opening a lafl?e assortment of new nmMM Oaa Ms month, wlien the fee is the cut worm ; also it does not injure .the seed to be Daily Taisrss, per annum...... <6 00 —Philaddphia IMily News. county, esch party 86160110" one, and in ease they M M A m eath. Tin fee far all sargical omestic iry Goods, among which may he and conclusive. Fa tation, and the large capital ($100,000) invested in fonnd wIBiitee a fan statement of an theirT symp their business, as a guarantee that the article they Two Copies, ...... 5 «« '* The talent and energy of the proprietors, its Those wishing to-get tbelr miiklii.K's Insured ca fee randies an prepared withwithaa sneenpeeia . _ Five Copies, “ ...... 11 ^ original and interesting contents, and the beauty I D liS S S apply to either of the Ageitu, i.r m ti-.i' socistaiyi s s is : to eadi ease. AH money letten shond bi make shall always be of such quality as to com- - Ten Copies, to one address...... 20 00 of the typography cannot fail to secure for it a gen­ Agents of the milnd a ready sue. « ' . v j We send the Seuu-Weekly Tribune to clergymen of all kinds. Plain, Plaid and Striped Dress Silks’ The totpartnfmyflinstrated work wiU Price, delivered to tie d lj firee of charge and eral circulation.”— Pa. Inpgitndent Black Silks of the best makes, Bombazines, Ahi- Watertoum, at <2 per year. Press. paciicas. Muslin DeLaines, All Wool DeLaines, Leman W. Cutler} xiiliiV JWi»;-> : ether expense— ' _ „ “ As a literary and family jonmal, we have no ■ One barrel - - . • W-J® w e e k l y ' t r i b u n b . Lawns, Muslins, French Jaconette, Mohair Debags, fVashington, hesitation in ^nouncing it the best among our Ginghams, Prints, A(S., Ac. Daniel B. Brinsmade; Geurce it. W.L>thamef Two barrels * • ' • . *>52 exchanges. We advice the Lsdies to procure it Fivebairels . , - 8,00 Single copy, pcrannnm ...... *...... <2 00 GLOVES AND HOSIERY, New Milford, iinrv-: Mon, Three copies, “ ...... 5 00 without delay.”—/Wton, Pa. Stpubliean. Henry S. Sanford; Lewis Smith ; Six bsrrels - . . »,00 '• We dislike puffliing city emanations, but in a complete assortment. .wMACBDiEBY. And St tho rate of <1,50 per bsrrel for sny ^oantl- Shawls, Black 8 ilk Velvets for capes, Em rolder- Bethlem, « :::::::::::::^::ifSS this case we are bound to give way to merit. Un­ BuAib Fuller, jk ; John C. A m blei; tyover six barrels. , , Twenty copies, to one addreiw, and any lai^ like many city cotemporaries, the Nation is com­ ies, E ddngs, Linen H’k’fs, Swiss Muslin, Cambric, S V A Pamphlet, containing every informatt J ason Wh it is s , Secretary. snd tiiat the intereste of parties who reside al a ted with its contents, and k ^p a this instance we are forced to overcome onr pre­ ipnlated in- distance are as well protected af if the; themselves ju d ice, and:00mmend the “ Nation-’ to onr read­ Gentiemen’a ForalBlitaK Cooda. Litehfisld.JnlV.ISSe ■bills. W h en draftiicau bo obtained, they are much of every description.—In their F b rt Cl were presentat the drawing. Another fact which safer than to send bills; . tv. nnitaA ers.”—Trot/, Ala, BulUtin. ^Baaa««ne^UttenUont(i,u. that all persons BilUofany specie-paying bank in the United have a legal right to send or^rs for tickets to Ua- States or Canadas received at iw for snbseMtiene. « E E HIVES, BEE HIVES, <®ro«rg IBepartment, rvland, w lotteriM a n leg^lsed by special law in We have traveling agent, -^“.y SOMEiniNCS NEW. man be fOTnd a ftdTstock «>f Teae, PoBhes, Spioes, Stat^ A lotteiy is diawn eveiy day of the receive The Tribune need not wait to be called m fTtHE Subscriber would herewith inform thepnb- S n ^ , Volssses, Flonr, Meal, Fish,8nd a l l a ^ l e s month. If BO partienlar class is named, orders are •w lamily nse, at a retluetien from the recent high Oiled in the Ant dSawta* to take place alter theon for his subscription. -All -th st is " X lie that he has just received LETTEBS PAT­ hhn to do te to write a letter In.as.few j y r ^ w ENT, on his improvement in prxMs. \Ais9» - ■snatcationoaaes wImadi larpiices of tlck- possibh, inclose the m on^, write the name of the Cm km y and Glass Ware. vaiy. Ou b g feed beisg so fixed that it c«n be removed aad L rap s, Candlestichs.STMxmhelders, TnmUers, Ac. will reeeive p n o ip t Goods. A e Wooden Ware, Tirtis, f iA s, Ac. IS to all pnrebasers immadiately after N-verf^dthand^,,^^ cleaned'wtthoUt moving the box, and can be-flBed iADTOm»,^ofoottville Those tak want of g o ^ in oar linexUl *“d it to Addreai X. H. HUBBARD * CO, without the nse of a tunnel. When attadnd to thefaradvantage to#ve as a call belfte sn B» 30 f ayette st.. or Box No. 40, the eos^oh Uv»H maM iit atonee the best hive themaelvesr ss .enr stock is complete in B alItimere, Maryland. that oaa be branches, and greater bargains will be offered than “*P(5to v S a«?JaS l!lM W .. ■ •...... good^reni w sssfiSffi! WINDOW GLlSiS against aioths. every before known. All goods bought at this ea. BBOWN GOODS.—25 bales Pacific, Adi' right* sold at t 3,00.— tabltahment a n warranted to be what they are rr- - Of ill ^SM. Freacb aiidf A '^^cdil, at tne And- rights at ttjM : resented. 'Goods delivered to snvnart of the villaf o R J E F E N B m G I, Woonsocket and other makes. For ssle ^^^B et.u.lbr»ew jj||^y3^ «haa M antottar ^ i n DJtUG STOBE of • P a t b r t k k . S’.D .M sVbik. W».H. B%»Ja», IgSU Sm3 LitchfleM. Hwoh 2 8,1^ 6, rj.Tfl


H ousatonio Railroaid. . GREAT EXCITBMENT Brewster’s Hsll T TB£ LITCHFIELD COUKTY Summer Arraugm iM '^Cam m tnetng J V w 3 ,1 8 6 6 HAT AMB CAP arO S B . CLOTHING SIORE. The subauriher haa Jnst retnnied from Ifaw Tork with the lacgekt and beat aaaortBent of Bate M U)intrr Goods. Capa ever brongbi into thia eonnty Evanrthlagla IfU E pnprietor of this e«tablUbineiit haviDB just this line of trade can be fonnd . at biaatMre. Soai AfaUMMrtawt.«feM|iforeMk •rwabviga X Ntunwd ftom Neir. Yoft witit • Aue aanuit- m erHatoof m ote than ahnndrcd diflbieat varietiaa, At tha IMst of Broadclothi, CaMimeKs, SattineU and From Bridgqaort. the most diflicalt cannot' CiU to be anitad; Stisw . ARCH s t o r e . Vwtiaft— tfhn to wll the mhw to the iiUuiUtuito 6 U A il-Freight tnOn, w 5 h passenfer car at­ Panama.Leghom and Pdm Leaf Bata; 8«ABatoot iCFiilU Village and the adiaceut towiu, at tached, arrivea at Canaan at 3 M p v an endhaa variety of ilylea, colon and pricaa Black Silk Hate of the latest styliM, fram Qranin’a, IMH a coatiaaaMa a f ^ ^ to 35 A x-Pasaengers by 8 00 a x train frwrn New AYER’S PILLS, bbOMBIaad. W bm |» Ait«Bi8li;iS Low Prices; York toke thU train and arrive at Wtte- Knox’s, Beebe’s; Learr’a and other of the moat ^ •ad a a d to t make them into Suita of the Ugfaait fle ld a t 3 £ 6 P X, connecting w ith W est­ bsbionable houses in New Tork. Wbito PURE WMITE ZINC. o f workmanihip, at »hort notice. of the latest Parit styles. Capa of every al A S y r fn& mu ^ JHiiowi ^ e M m ^ e w asat^Ceati' — viwmw— ii mw* ( ^ a s y O a ^ l a ern and North Adams roads. Albany Janadiee, Dtopay, Rhenmattria. fe v a , Said at tba ■l a o o lf e n a l a i m a w o r tm e n to f passengers change trains at Van D enser quality. The above mentioned aiticlea wii sands of others, which tim e and qiace w ill ii3t per NervM aam.IiritaUHty,' ' sa tra sreasB, laivala«kaf«aUi K cssi'-.r^i ville, and connect at Stote Line with EIS Westi^m train to Albany. m it to speak of hem , wiU be sold at lizoMdhiK low b r aight aadosa-balf eaato par pa«x4. • p r ic e s fo r c a s h . CO ATS. V i s r s A N D P A N T S . 5 3 5 P x-Special train for Kent, a n jv in ^ t 8 21 p x (Through to Pittsfield on S a to r d a y The highest prices paid for d l Unda of ftira. s o f a s ■I b ll o w a : ' HlttiH JACKBOH, tba Hatter. : arriving at 1 0 iU) p x ) ■saa aad anSMiag aright U U • — From Canaan. UtchfleId,Hayl6,1856. 48 lasabnteflbetnalCatbartie______intify_____ vMd. PURE WHITE LEID. Beaver Sack OvMeoata. from tA to tl8 . « 1 5 a i ^Freight train with . car, for NopsnoB eaa fodwdl wUla a eeatint haUt «f Said at tba TETE-A- Beaver Sartoat Overooata, from ts to tl8 . Pitteteld, arriving at 12 10 a x LOUNGES, Baglaa, Hew Style Orercoats, from ta to tl6 . From Barrtnglon. S& ^SlSaeaaas, wblebmigYtbs«beeoevaldei DURQ STORE, ____~ ‘ )FrockCoataofaUatjlea,from| aUatjU , 4 t o $ l G ftO C K IIV . 7 40 A x-Passenger train for Pittsfield, arriving hv tba timdy aad jndiaiaBa m of a good paiaalh^ eabto pap paaad. • MarVe lop aai Mahiuumf Boj^^^md and entire Bnita for Child aoU for a amaU proflt, a t tb a to t 9 a t 8 55 A X . iaaliketnatof Cok^ Feverish nav(on8.« d C t ^ n S e a , DRUa STORE* aUoaa deniMMito. I W an tsad to baeeaM or % dM. Plain, Fancy, Sattinet and C a a^ rt From Fan DeueenmUe. Ckern aad W adt W m iM t IM ife •AMT8. at prioea from t l ^ to tlO. S 39 p x-For State Une, after the arrival of 10 35 _____ By C.B.M ALTB1E. A X train from Bridgeport, connecting at load & e £aanea an over the bad. ______State Line with Western train to Albany, MUaUe foadly pbyaie la of tita fln t impniBBM to French Cut TeWeta, French Pluah, Silk Hore and Hudson A Berkshire train to Hudson. the paliHe bealO . and thia PiU haa bees p ed h M PAftlB BANQiNGS. Utiqnea, Plain and Pirated Satina and 7elTets, Going South—Frum Pittsfield. with em m unato akiU to meet that demand. Ax Rlk and Cotton Ploah, Valencies, Broadclotha and K tauive trid •( ito virtnea l 7 Fbyaidaaa. PmCm- Wmth Stania. VMaSe Sfiatik ^ faminieree. VesU Beady Hade, at pricea 9 25 A x-Passenger train for BrUgeport. This Clocks, W atches a a i Sitrer W are, aora, aad Fatiaata, baa abowa reaulto aatpassiag ■ eentato 110. train connecte at Van Dcnsenville with For Sale at the aaiytb$agbltb*tokaowBof ayraaediefaie. Curaa W oleattvUto. Apr. 4.1856. [ 4 1 J M M gim y ami MapU Chain. W aaiTa^: train f ^ n State Line, and at Bridgeport fiEHTLCIEIIS FDUISIISO G0ID8. b M ^ efliMtadbeyo«b^w«tatti7aotaab■ Flag Sett Oimlra. witb2 27 Express train to New Tork, ar ASCH STORE. l b y p ereo a a o f a o S h a a t t a d p o B tio a an d EMGUSH POWDER. Plain and Fancy ShiAa. Fiencb Style, riving a t 5 40 p X. L p O ^ O Bilk and Xerino Undershirts, every quality. C . B . 9 1 A L T B IE . aa to foiUd tha aospieiea ofaatraa. S o ld flrat F A K H a t P r PIANO FORT£S. From Canaan. bandsbme patterns congreas bocto, ^ dumtoiaMewToik- .a b a o l 5 45 A x-Fer Bridgeport, freight tn ia with paa- styles, some very cheap, a«mie high j ehMp X T B W F A L L G O O D S I ______^^ooove LifiHTE, NEWTON AND BRADBURrS aenger car, arriving at 4 M p x calf. U p, pattent leather and enamelled b to m s; « AtALVOBDABBOTHEBS. ta r m a s a d lam •iSrtm ent of ladiea’ j^ ters, tonTifltawit W oleottvlDa. T b ettid b er____ _ p i a n o i r O K T f i S . From Kent. abb; ttantoai itr b i vrhicb received thn First Premium at 7 00 A x-S^i^U train for Bridgeport, arriving styles; some very low. pricrt lafflea’ eoegieae gal U M Sf wUeh aiaybefoBadraapbadMaaaott- tors, chUdren’s oongresa slippers, beantilU and meat; NewStybf ASteaaaSawlUBb- 'the World's Fair and the Fair of the tbe.timbercaBbaaawi. titnte a t New York, 1853, for sale by Waterbury Car Ventilatonhave heen attacbedto cheap; childrens’ and misses^ gaitm rad ftn n ^ eertifieataa of Oeae eminent pnbUe aaeii ia boots, fine and neat: a good auDp^ l a ^ an? MUSLIN DELAINES, ttmea flnda v ready M l ______the passenger cars, at a great expense. The cars wiUria- two ariba Ubaa b «m New Tork, and at Junction HARDWARE, vidnal virtue only that ta deaired for tba earativa ALAP AC C At placed in tlie bighest grades, and a medal awarded with 10 20 a m tmin frvm New Haven, Can be fonnd at the eOBCtispreaent. AU the inert and oWoxiaBa qBal> them by the following diotingaisheddint' artists:—Wil- and connecting at Waterbnry with the RACBEL PLAIDS. pot: AataeHealadBer.wbalraiC Norriii,trill, chairman of jw r on musical instm* train ft«m Hartford, and the 1 04 p m DRUG STORE, Jnlien, R. 8 . Willm, Smelius G iru, Max train to Hartford. H aietxex, T. Eisfeldt, Dwight, W . H. Fry, Z. Heig- 11 25 A X Freight train for Winsted and interme­ Fall* Vill«»e«;Cei proved more pnrcly remedial, and the FOla a PRINTS. nen. Jury on musical instrum ents; George F. Bris­ diate stations. monpoweriul a a ^ to todiaeaiM tbaa any otbw to w . s e c r e to r y o f jury on musical instmments. 3 15 p X Freight train for Waterbnry and inter­ CASH * EXCHANGE STORE. medMne known to theworid. As it is frequently expeitot that my ------LADIES'CLOTHS. Also, Piano Fortes selected fiom other Boston mediate stations. O. BRADFORD, of Wolbotttrtlle, woiild "Shofop sale, vatboratttr FM aaaT^iiikfSittdk and New Tork m anubctwers, to order; the above 6 05 P X For Waterbuiy, connecting with the3 15 A should be taken nhder the eounsd of an attandiw • return hi* thankatothe g o o fi p a n p l* o f U to h - Phvsician. and aa be coold not pn^edy jn d n of a iB tbeaaateracoa!t*b a ^ VlfS i |» . ' ;;^Vii>\-i^ J- are warranted to all who purchase. p m train from New York, and tba 5 50 , which they BROCHA SHAWLS, ^ p m train frnra New Haven. pouuty, for ^ ir U^/iU^^troBW remedy without knowing ila eompodtton, I have liave extended______to him for I paat vear.and miee sopplied the aecuntp Fotmnla by abidi both an LEAVE WAT BBCBT. mote wolud call their attention to the 11 AfcxaM ria.(B^l 12 19 X Leave Wsterbuiy for Winsted, connect­ Pectoml and Pills are made to Hie whole ^ y of TALMAS, ing with train from Hartford. jVeto, Beautiful and Cheap Goodt, Praetitionen fai the United Statee aad B r i ^ A m ar- llannCtetared as usual; with 1 . 3 , 3 a n d 4 ^ e t t s o f which are oflbred at hia store. Among Oem caa ican Provincee. U however Oere abooldM a v Seeds, with all the late impmvemente. All those 7 45 P X For WiuBted, leaving on arrival of the /^iabpets. on. cLarnu.im.uwa 6 05 train from Bridgeport, and Connect- be found:— one who has not received theia. ttey WiU ba BROADCLOTHS. wishing auy infnrmatinn in repard to the above in- ini; witli train from Hartford. Varda Plaid ClilBa Silk*, promptly forwarded bv mail to hie addrea-. ^ ^ OEORGBB.L, RYArr. - ^ ' ■tram enta aro requested to write «r call on \ Of aU the Patent Medidnaetbat are o ib r a ^ ^ A . & J . DAYTON. ICOING SOUTH—LKAVE w inrtbd. w a r r a n te d to wash witho«t fading. Price •Sleeato CAS8IMERE8. Hoa-444aad44flPearlStMV( e CO A X Cnnnerting at Waterbuiy. without deten­ MO Yards Bisehofft Celebrated (Kl Boiled few would be taken if their eempodHon waa knaw^ I Wit'cnttville, Conn. Tbeir lift eondato in tbdr myatary. 1 tion, with the 8 30 a m passenger train BLACK DRESS SILKS. . TWEEDS. ,■ Seeead hand Helndeons of diObrent makers, for for Bridgeport, New Tork and New Ha­ same kind I have sold for the laat aix y ean . WiB ■a le ; price fniivtSO npwards. ven. - ¥ J ? S S ,nition of my pteparationa ia la U open I 55 p X Connectlsg at Janetion with train for New t o aU m t t , a n d sM ° lO Piecea aicla Dreaa.Silka* __' -»»bjeer I -N o Such W ord as Fall". Haven, and at Bridgeport with train for New Ycik. FASHIONABLE GOODS. of thdr intrinaiciinaic merits. The Cheny Peetoral waa RESISTLESS REMEDY. LEA\'E WATEBBOXr. 5 Pieces Foulard's and Plaid Silks for pronooneed by adentifle men to be a wonderital BLEACHED COTtok. 5 30 A X Leaves Waterbnry for Biidgeport, con­ medicine befDreiteefleets were known. Manyeaa. necting at Junction with train for New Aprons faient Phyddana have dedared tha eaaae ditng of Haven and at Bridge^rt with train for 10 Pieces Beautiful Printed Cambrtes. my P ilb. and even more eonfldentlyi and are wiU* BROWN COTTON. New York. ing to certify that their antidpationa------S m e n a r 1200 Tinli Dnaiell’i, PuliiBoitk. kigliib than f«aliaea byr their - - eOiwto - upon triaL 8 30 A X Fot Bridseport, connecting at Junction and French Hnslins and Uwus—price from lU eta. trc..9rc.,ire. f - with train for New Haven, and at Bridge­ They operate by their powertd inflaenee on tba Ceaapridag MMy n f m p » j b w 6 . port with train for New York. to one shilling. , . ,, internal riacen to p i ^ the blood and stimnbto it 500 yards Berage DeLainea—Cheap i Cheap! I into healthy action—remove the obatractiona of The M edioine o f^ e BSHliian. 8 55 A X Freight train for Bridgeport and iaterme- 1000 yards Mnslin DeUinea, aU pricea. diate stations. the atomac^ boweb, Uver, and other onana of die PHILOSOPHY AND FACT. 10 pieces Muslin DeBage, good e d m , 12| to 20c. b«fy. nptnring aeirbreg^aiftoto 3 23 P X For Bridgeport, connecting at Junction 50 pieces Americap and S ^ c b Oinghams of all by correcting, wherever t ^ e ^ t, neb deranga* with train for New Haven, and at Bridge­ plaids and stylea. ParticuterattentioBiareqneated port with train for New York. to a lot of SolidI checka.cr Scotch Goods, warranted The Woodbury Stage arrives to connect at Sey­ fast colors—price 12| cents. *’^ M ? M d n a i t o ' b B V ^ a f H ollow ay’s Ointment. mour with the 8 30 a m train down from Water­ 100 pieces Englishfliilra?d and ^P ifloa------C alleoe*-^ . . . . Pa- 44, M a a d M F b M a a d n i c bury, and retoms on the arrival of the 10 40 train ciflc Calicoes are the beat designea and ibbrics ever W lndow«ftedaaaf*i‘^^' ^ from Bridgeport. S t^ CosariBg, Stair The Stage from Watertown, Betblem, Litohfleld, printed in America. Box. Circular to the Siek- 1000 pieces all kinds of Calieoea, of evety dea- rREFASED BT m H E «rst hospital surgeons and medical poV Otis, Colebrook Center and Barrington, arrive to cripUon and price. You can suit youraelL H a b S w ^ t X licisis of Earo|ie, admit the unparalleled anti- connect with the I 55 p m train down ftvm Win­ JAM ES C. AYER, b a r a P M w r ' inflammatory and hewing propertiea of this Oint­ sted, and Tctnm on arrival of the 10 40 a m train MO VRNINO GOODS. wbbb|«eia . m ent; governments aanction ite use in thei naval up Atom Bridgepoit. ^ PartlcnhurattentionpaidtotheselectioaofBlaek Prm ctical aad A B siytlcaiC hessi* and military senrices; and the masaes in this coun- The 5 30 a m train down fVom W aterbniyandthe Dress Goods, also to all other monming gooda— . LOWELL. MASS. try and thrvugbout the worid repoae the utmost S OS p m train b«m Bridgeport only stop at Fine’s Your attention ia called to thU department if yoo MoattOntaperBox. nyaBaaaflKai u id a v a a . conadence in its curative properties. It penetrates Bridge on signal. are c ^ e d to need them. l o u o m p w AUwiU .be foitlyr the a rarces of inflammation and cormption which Pednction made to nasaenge^nrchaxinr ticketo S O L D B T •Adat PAiBPBioi. mtdorlietbe external jvidences of disease, and neu­ a t the offices. CHARLES WATERBURY, 0. B. HAi.Tani, Falb ViUage; G. Hampbto^ tralise the flery elemente wnieh Aed andexaaper- Bridgeport, 1856. ______Superintendent. 1 Carton of thoae celebrated Black Gro Oe Bbba flmmiMn • P n tt A Foator, Chariea H. Gardner, West The Exciting Cause of Sieknesti Soeietae de ftnttei* 1 «!• the malady. B OOTS ± SHOES,GAITURS,ftc,—Jnstreceivc'J Shawls— the beat black ailk Shawl ever w tn . Cornwall; F. Boardmaa.New Hilford; J.Hj^Sbep rpH E blood b the lif»«aatoinliig agent. It for* RkeumatiMm, Scrofula, Erynpelat. a large and complete assortment of Booto an I 15 more of those beanOftil Stella Shawla. atd A Co., Norfolk; A. C. Smith, Litohfldd; A nishea the oompoaento of fleab, bone, mnade. THE ruunsiiKe are among the most teiriideand agonizing Shoes, adapted to the season; such as Ladies’blark 50 Printed Cashmere, in Uvelv colon, and I Chariea HeNell. Woleottvilb. narveand ia ite mann- N o . 10 6 ^ OkaOMm ^ . ' com er ^ M ia*<^iU , h c ti^ .tb e i,aad.tbeinteatiaaa of the muscies, the fleshy fibre and tho Gaiten, tan colored do., from t l to $2; Ladies'flre as low in price as one dollar and M y cents. N E W Y O R K . ^ the ebannel through which the skin; yet in their worst forms,and when seemingly Kid Siippen. O m n Ties, &e. HBBACING aa txtaadva sad Oisipbb § ■ ■■ » ■ inoanble, they invariably disappear under a pprse- Gentlemen’s French Calf Booto, Gentlemen a IRim iR fRfg) jected in ito prodndctiona b expeUed. Upoa the DRY ^GOODS, ■lVaMW#lIfatomach, the VWfcW—W«1cite ibtion WIUand thekUO WVWVlRfboweb, theeeMg«BV pilb ment of the btaat imp«ttMtaa* sud b i^ iw k* vering application of this soothing, healing, anti­ Quick Congress Gaiters, Oxford Ties, Websteia . French Lace and Uusbn Collars, Baada,Edg- Can be bought at the Eafoctnreaer . dote to pUn nd inflammation. Ties, Brogans, Boota,*Haymaker’a Shoes, eto.- - inga and Insertinga, Black and Wbito Laoea, Thread act dmultaneonsly, reUeving indigestion, pnril>ing Also, Kip and Calf Boote,]iIeh’a and Boy’s do.,Car- and Cotton EM ugs, fte. I D I E I S I S @ 7 0 I E I S the flnlda and regnlating the excretiona. G eitlem eils Salt Rheum, Fever Soret, S tiff Joint*. 7Ae National Complaint. t a caaaa ot BaU Bbenm, where meScal waters, petiM and Webbing do. HOOTS ANO HHOE8 . OfC. B. MALTBIE. Equal in materia!, 1 eveiy receipt of the pharmacopoeahave All kinds of work made to order at abort notI<'-«, I deal largely in mens’, womena’and eblldreaa* Dyapepab b the moat coniBMm diaeaae am oag aU a t^ to anyStoek r- and at the very-loweat pricea for Cash. booto and abaes, too largely to ennmerato. aaaea in th b coontiy. It a a d a t p ric ea w h ic h uravtB naelesa, the Ointment will acoompliah a abapea. aad b the primary eoaroe of tanoBieiabb » SAHUEL CLOCK. READY MADS CLOTHING. tienotebaeoAW Bi ------tbocoBgb enre. Fever Sotea heal qnickly Mder dangerous malediea ; but whatover ito type or its influMiee.andito relaxing eUbctnponeontiacted A complete asaortment of Wotden and Bu u m B a i r n o /lO O O F l o w e r s , - aoiwamw V aym p I, however obattoate ito reabtaaee &>ordi- •iBewa is truly wonderfbl. D r y G o o d s. Clothing. AU nice aad aweet at tba Bnm -W lth liaaal Dieeharging VUert. N ow in store, and daily arriving from New r e a d ily a a d i ^ d l y t o baade.ortbabaataa«r York and Ather cities. We cannot stop to say DRUG STOTE, of • W c e * ^ i | » A tooat remarkable and happy chiage la pro- vw many car loads. Come and see. Btltous Affections. daoad in the aiveaianee of m a lii^ t ulceta aftCT - General Assortment of Dry Goods, consiaUng of C.B. MALTBIE. Calico 8nn»H na btaat 1 sfnn^l^oattoasortblaOiataMnt. Therarround The ladies will bava it that our Dress Goods ate The qaantHy aad quality of tha bUe are of vital evetyti^g expected to be kept in a country atore. impottaaee to health. Upon the liver and ^aad ■ . a n d of healthy flesh I ' • prctt’Mti «t ba eonnty- ^ ^ a a a a n c n k U P b a » m s , P | r ' ------t r ALVORD & BROTHER. Groceries have been high, and are high now,atiU Condition Pow den, w U A eeeretea tbb fluid. tbeaaplUa operato I aoU as cheap aa the c h e v ^ - For Horaea and Cattle of^W nda.at the i^.infoU ibtyTectU ^gito inegniuitba ^ ef- Diury Goods^Daiiyinen, I aell Daily Salt, An- oriflee is flUedup witbaoand matenal. and tba ni­ Faiaily Groeeries DRUG STORE, ^ ^ y curing J s m h c e . Bffiooa Bem ittaato.aad natto. Cheese Capping and Strainer Clothe—low. aU the varietiea of diaeaaea geaeratad I7 a a a a n a t- cer ndically eared. — AT THB- CROCKERY AND HARDWARE. F alls Villaob. C onit. nral ooadition of the organ.- A Word t»Mother». ARCH STORE. C»*TA1 Tba yoang are the moat IkeqMnt aoibreis from Bowel' Cmplointt. a a d a l U l extetaal Idnries, and therdore every mother EtOH the 1st of Janucry 1857, we sha'l sell Edward W. BIske, Uabaa the boweb perform their Anetloaa prop­ ohoald have thU heaUng ptepariUon constantly at _ Oroceriea and Provisions, for cash only, at the erty, tba whole body «iSm ~ TeaaoftboiHM iteae small profit of 10 per cent. Among which may be changs at extremely low pricea, believing that . EaaisBHT DaHTiaT. Litobflald aanuaUy of Dyaentery. Dbrrbeea. Chnmie Cea- haad. It is an abaolote apeciflc for aore breaata, “ nimble aixpence u better than a slow AiUina” ■U J! T t U o a e a No. 2 Sonth at. * sapt’64 and aaickly removes the encrasted aorea which found” and that the expertence of more than 20 yean, (1& atipatioB.aadother dbeaaea of tbeaewaato plpeaef somaOaMa disflgure the heads and Ci The best 50 cent Tea, sold for 44 cento per pound. years of which I have teen esgaged ia bnvhig ) the ayatem. The eflbet of .tha jpiDa npoa all Significant Faett. The best 75 cent Tea, sold for 68 cento per pound, will be (as haa been heretofare). appreeiated by a J. S. Smith, M. D., aal &Mirden, whether eanN ^ t j ep id em li b a andmany other articlestoo nnmerona to menUon, in diaeriminatinr pnblie. A. O. BRADFORD, in BMdidne. fy foUmriaf the This Ointment is univerMliy naed on board the the a aae proportion. R s s i m i t t D m m m . Falls VllUga.Oas*.— 10 BKiet abrvtaig oaeearf Attentic and Paciflc whaling fleet as • eure for The above we ahall atrictly adhere to without 47 Wolcottville.Goaa. Marah 15.1855. 39*jl •acorbntie aOBCtioni and as the best possible remedy for wowte and bruises. Large supplies of it have any variafon in pricea. C. B. HALTBIE. Falla VUlage, UecMaber IT, 1856. KBROsENE On*. I. H. Sm ith, M . D., Tha focal deUUtyand irreguli reee^y been ordered by the Sultan of Turkey for AYE your money by using Keroaeae O il! vbleh a ia Lospitalpnrptr-" ' I t is Haa anaaad aa oOee at the red u ce btdy £m ^' Hn«m, all Unda of Fw Ow C . B . MALTBIE, • aek. TbaM ia conaiderable aavedby taking the ■A T iK O . H a i b Ccn-IMO' A m WlO HAKixa B«mm Swaa’a Down for Trimminga. _ . , . •r£fsas4»“ **s» under the Hansion Honae.Utchfield. D ngpat aad dealer in geaeral M er- ______th e d v U b a d j T b . IfcaoUoBaforthegnidaBceof patlenteiB FaneySleigh aad BaflUo BiAea,Halr3y 1 a l cveiydiauderaraafllMdtoeachpot. 17eowl Raccoon Fnr Coato, Carriage Hato,eto. c h a i t d i a e . B. 8 .Btoddard, Jr., Travdiag Baga. All the abow gooda aia km^ constantly on band,of the latest agrlea^ ^ ae FsUs Conn. aold cheap. - H.-jACKSOV. ifr^ ^ W taBtlaaa for tba gnidance of patbata'ia AW®®S3BV ATT •vaqr dlracder iM Mtatad to eaoh box. T ? m m [40] Sharon. Coan. Litohfleld,Oetober25,18». B ^ O ister Ik Beemaa» r jW E i n s s m r a a m C o v m h m m a t L a W;. Q f l a s t e ii^ n of Tea! David F. HoUister. SqSoar’a BoUding, Soatb Staaat. U tfkM ^ _ w » yooreamest WAttE HOV0Ea.^ Vt t o b it b t a w d C oi;x s b u .o x a t L aw O B ee CWUIa ■ •Tt' b a v a a t b a t MANUPACTOIUE 8 , UACHIVERT, ooradvea with oar P ost OIB«* BaiM iag. Bri