Wasserverband - (WVER) Water Management Board River Rur Catchment

Mekong River Commission 5 December 2012

Robert Steegmans Principal Functions  Waste water treatment  Creating a nature-near status and good biological, chemical and structural conditions of surface waters (European Framework Directive)  Flood protection and water quantity management  Provision of water . potable water supply . industry . hydroelectric power generation Hamburg

Weser Berlin


Dresden Eifel-Rur Aachen


Rhein Donau

München Service Area Rhenish lowlands

Rur catchment with all its tributaries in

. 2,087 square kilometres Rhenish slate . 1.1 million inhabitants mountains

Lengths of river Rur and main Rur tributaries

Rur: 165 km Urft: 50 km

Olef: 28 km Total water Inde: 47 km course length Urft under our Inde Wurm: 56 km responsibility: 1,900 km Administrative Headquarters Eisenbahnstraße 5 / 52353 Düren Establishment of Special legislation of federal state WVER North Rhine-Westphalia

Start of 1st January 1993 activities Consolidation of 25 small water boards

Legal form Corporate body under public law

Supervisory North Rhine-Westphalia Ministry of authority Environment Membership 43 municipalities 5 counties 4 drinking water utilities 34 industrial and commercial companies

The governance Delegates Assembly of our Water Board Water Board Council

Chief Executive Officer

Division Special offices Surface Waters

Division Division Operation of Waste Administration Water Plants and Finance

Division Human Resources Governance Water Board Delegates Assembly:

101 delegates sent by the members  Elect the Water Board Council  Approve the budget  Determine rules for membership fees  Amend WVER statutes as required Governance Water Board Council:

 Prepare annual budget proposal  Award large contracts  Prepare proposals for vote by the Assembly  Supervise operational activities  Elect the chief executive officer

Structure Water Board Council: of Governing 15 members Council  Municipalities: 6 persons

 Counties: 1 person  Drinking water utilities: 1 person  Industry: 2 persons  Employee representatives: 5 persons

Delegates Assembly

Water Board Council

Structure Chief Executive Officer of Administration Division Special offices Surface Waters

Division Division Operation of Waste Administration Water Plants and Finance

Division Human Resources Membership Fees 1998 - 2013

€ 132 million per year Financial data Distribution of costs Waste water treatment: 88 % Surface waters: 12 % (flowing waters, dams) Waste Water Treatment Waste Water Treatment Quantity of waste water treated annually

Overview of annual treated quantities of waste water in WVER plants (2003 to 2010)







40 treatedwaste m³/a] water[Mio 20

0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 year Waste Water Treatment Plant operation and enhancement

44 waste water treatment plants

2.2 million population equivalents (industrial and residential) Distribution of costs for treating one cubic meter of waste water

Waste water treatment interest personnel costs

materials Capital costs: 47 % depreciation energy 28% Operational costs: 53 % repairs other disposal sewage tax Surface Waters Water Why Renaturation? bodies  Slow down water flow for downstream flood protection

 Create zones for controlled flood retention

 Improve biological and ecological water quality Renaturation River Rur near Körrenzig

Surface Waters Maintenance of rivers and streams Surface waters

1,900 kilometres of flowing waters 50 flood reten- tion basins Flood Protection Flood Protection Upstream of Settlements 50 flood retention basins for the case of heavy rainfall Retention basin filled Flood Action Plans

 Planned for each sub-catchment  Prepared by WVER and other authorities  Based on range of extreme flood event scenarios (5-, 10-, 20-, 100-, 200-year floods)  Results: . Which areas will be flooded? . What damage expected at which locations? . What measures to prevent damage?

Benchmark: technical flood protection for a hundred year flood Flood Risk Plans

Also according to frequency of flooding:

 Which areas will be flooded, what velocity of flood wave ?  Which institutions and buildings are affected ?  What hazard sources are there ?

 Which roads can still be used ?  Where are relief organisations situated ?

 Important planning criteria for emergency services!

Flood Risk Plans Flooding with frequency of one hundred years (blue colour)

Extreme flooding (red colour) (occurs only once in a thousand years) Dams Excess surface run-off in the Eifel low mountain range Construction of first dam: the Urfttalsperre Dams Multifunctional use

 Flood protection  Equalization of water run-off

 Storage of high-quality raw water for drinking water production

 Storage of raw water for industrial use

 Hydroelectric power generation

 Tourism / Recreation Dams

 6 multifunctional dams  Total capacity 300 million m³  70 million m³ flood protection storage space Dams

DAM OLEFTALSPERRE 465 m above sea level System of dams in the Northern Eifel RUR DAM URFTTALSPERRE URFT


UPPER LAKE DAM RURTALSPERRE MAIN LAKE SCHWAMMENAUEL 281 m above sea level 281 above sea level 251 m above sea level


214 m above sea level

POWER PLANT HEIMBACH 165 m above sea level TUNNEL Climate Friendly Energy Generation Electric power consumption and generation in 2011

Gwh total power power generation by hydroelectric power consumption combined heat and generation at dams power plants Thank you for your attention!