Take a Trip with NMA: Walking Tour of Santa Fe
1. An ox tr ain arrives at the Santa Fe Plaza 1880's La Villa de Santa Fe = = preservation of historical areas and buildings," actu 1 'IVALKING Toun - 2 l\[lLES ally the ordinance offers no protection for areas and This brief walking guide to the architecture of only unenforceabl e restrictions relating to demolition the central part of Santa Fe does not pretend to be of historic structures. exhaustive. [either is it offered as a substitute for the In summary the ordinance: 1) requires exterior more compl ete account of historic architecture in Old wall surfaces to be of "adobe plaster or hard plaster Santa Fe Today edited by Sylvia Loomis for the His simulating adobe, laid on smoothly." Th e color of the toric Santa Fe Foundation. This section is limited to walls may range from a light to a dark earth color. an area that can be covered in a comfortable morn White is permissible only under portals or within ing's walk. inset wall panels under a roof. 2 ) prohibits pitched Before commencing, however, some explanation roofs, 3) limits the combined window and door areas should be given of the Santa Fe architectural control on a street elevation to a maximum of forty per cent ordinance passed in 1957. Th e ordinance docs not of the total area of the facad e. Larger window or door cover the entire city. It does cover the central historic areas are permissible under a portal. Th e size of glass part and most of the early 20th century expansion panes is set at a maximum of thirty inches square, areas-Canyon Road , the Camino del Monte Sol, and thou gh larger glass sizes are possible under portales, Garcia Street- (about 3.5 square miles in extent) , 4 ) limits acce ptable architectura l styles to Spanish Co Th e whole of this tour, however, falls within its juris lonial or Territorial, and 5 ) prohibits neon, flashin g diction .
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