ilaluable £ani»s for öalc. •Xeu) (DrUans ^töücrtlsements. Neiu ®rleans ^tîmertisemcnîs. New ©rlians ^ïwertisfmcuts. Jttbinul Notices. (Situational. Sale of 4:5:000 Acres of Valuable Sugar, Cot­ JED'H. WATERMAN. CHAS. M. WATERMAN Alston Mygatt & Co., To uro Infirmary, State of Iiouislnnn—Parish of Lafourche. Thibodaux Home Academy. ton and Cypress Lauds, J. WATERMAN & BROTHER, (SUCCESSORS TO BURNETT & BOSTWICK.) Corner of Nen> Tetee und Guiemiie street», Neic Orlean, J. BRYSOX BUK ROWS, A.B., Principal. Fxrrn JUDICIAL I F. M. HANCOCK vs. WILLIAM J. FER- Moit advantageously situated, being of easy accès* to lltS Hospital is spacious and eonveniomlr 1 DISTRICT COURT, f GUSON.—No. 1716. HIS INSTITUTION will open on Monday, the HARDWARE MERCHANTS, UBLISHERS, Bookseller«, Sta*/,'•// market, and well adapted to the cultivation of the Corner of Common and Magazine Htrects^ N. Orleans. uated a square from the river, near ti.e ship and SIE™, AKE NOTICE, That by virtue of a writ of fi. fa. 17th September, ami continue ten mouths. It is desi­ Sugar Cane, Cotton and Corn, and well located for P tionei s an«i dealers in lîlank Work, at^; ^ • * j boatr lamhnpi. =>1^. emanating from the above entitled Court in the above Trable that Students be present on the first day of the term. AVE ON HAND and are daily No »5 Camp street, (between Canal amiviPT_%• T Sawmills, Woodyards, ly IS C.imp street,N'O. under the above name, conduct my Institution on a larger Parish of St. Martin. SAMEDI, le 7me jour de JUIN, 1856, scale. The plan or course pursued will be similar to that Hoes, Hames, Shovels and Spades, assortment of PAPER HANGINGS, Brocatel, Satin, Silk • onze heures du matin, T 14 S, R12 E Andirons, Fenders, Shovel and Tongs, and other Curtain Stufig, Window Shades, Curtain Trim­ Ben Kittredgc & Co., adopted by our best College», and the tuition comprizes all S E quarter and E half of S VV quarter Sec 26, W La négrèsse LIZA, âgée de vingt ans. the branches usually taught in such establishments. Copper and Iron Coal IIo