PAGE THIRTY.TWO WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 1971 SanrliTBipT^ttTntttg 1§TraU> Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 0*Clock

About Town A v e ra g e Daily Net Pressman The North Manchester AI- The Weather Anon family group will meet to­ For H m Week Knded Clear, warm and mot% humid night at 8 at the Second Oongre- May 29, 1971 tonight, low near 70. Tomorrow gatlonal Church parish house, partly suimy, hot and humid nie, Thursday group will meet with a chance of late afternoon at 8130 p.m. at the Pathfinders 15,550 X thundershowers, highs In 90s. d u b at 102 Norman St. Both Manchester— A City of ^(Ulage Charm groups meet weekly and are open to friends and relatives living with a person with a VOL. LXXXX, NO. 236 (TWEi PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1971 (Ohuwlfled Advertiatiig on Page 17) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTR drinking problem. REGAL'S -»— t— % First Church of Christ, Sci­ entist, will hold a testimony OF MANCHESTER meeting tonight at 8 at the church. State Income Tax W'' Plan for Withdrawal Senior Citizens who have reg­ istered for the Edaville Rail­ road trip to South Carver, Mass., should report to the Law of ^ the Lam l^em ent of the Senior. Citizens Center on Myrtle St. tomorrow ‘Unacceptable,’ - U.S. morning at 10:30. As Hour Passes \By DAVID MASON Both Bruce and South Viet­ ties' of sEife withdrawal and re­ Scandia Lodge, Order of HARTFORD (AP)—TTie first that the next-to-last tax bill en­ PARI^ (AP) — The United namese Ambassador Pham lease of prisoners after a date VASA, will hold a picnic and income tax in Connecticut his. acted by the legislature should States smd today that the Viet Dang Lam said a week-long for withdrawal has been named meeting Friday night at the Cong proposal for total Ameri­ analysis of the peace package is unclear and may be merely a tory,became law at 10:20 this have become law because it was cottage of Mr. and Mrs. R obSl not properly .recalled from his can wiithdrawal by the end of did not show changes in the bas­ variation of your previous state­ Benson at Lake Hayward in morning after Gov. Thomas . J. office. the year in Exchange for release ic Communist demands. But ment that the pajlles ‘WlU en­ Colchester. Members should Meaklll refused to either veto ITie question arose because I.4VVS, .K lOUtMj of all prisoners o f war is unac­ Bruce said that If the proposals gage at once in discussion' on meet in the South United Meth­ SEUEBt&tm uoec ceptable in its Resent form. But mean Hanoi and the Viet Cong these questions, not necessarily it or sign it. the General Assembly, con­ OFA odist Church parking lot at 5 :45 mm "I don’t have any viable al­ trolled by Democrats, did not Tft'V -H^l it said the Viet\Cong’s seven- are ready for serious negotia­ committing you to the course of and should bring their own ternative,” Mesklll told reporters specifically reject the bill, but point peace plan has “ some new tions, this is welcome. action Implied This point, as lunch. Only coffee and cake at his morning news conference. merely shunted it back to the elements" and Watoinglon and Bruco said the d em ajl^ for well as others you have present­ wlir be served at the i*Chic. He called his decision not to sign iBHnance Committee. Saigon want to exploto the plan withdrawal of all U.S. and iother ed, requires clarification. The business meeting will be­ the 'bill "m y form of silent pro­ However, Meskill said he had further with the Comm^^sts. non-Vietnamese forces by the "On the prisoners of war issue gin at 8 p.m. test.” gone over the rules governing Ambassador David \ k .- E. end of the year “ axe so sweep­ Itself,” Bruce continued, "we “ I think there are lots of- recall of bills and concluded that Bruce proposed to the 12bth ses­ ing and categorical in nature note that you do not deal with thlngs wrong with the bill,” said the subsequent action of> the sion of the Paris peace talks that we cannot possibly accept the release of those prisoners the goyenior. ‘"Iliere are a lot legislature in passii^ an income their session next Thursday be a your arbitrary detenninalion captured by your forces or Manchester of roiigh spots. I don’t like the tax amounted'to rejection of the “ restricted” one, “ free' from the that they must be agreed to by fon:to' Tinder your cbnitpol in Hospital Notes bill. But it. is workable and col- previous bill, which included a. glare of publicity and without iw without any discussion or ne­ Laos and Cambodia. We contin­ lecUble.” S% per cent sales tax and a 10 the need to make public state­ gotiation upon them.” ue to hold you responsible for per cent tax on personal income ments except to the degree we ^ Bruce ^ d the, Communlto MesklH debunked speculation ■J. (See Page Ten) VniTINO HOURS SELECT imOUP from dividends and capital mutually agree upon.” Offer to 'agree on the modall- Intermediate Care Semi- gains. ^ v a t e , no«Mi • 2 p.m ., and 4 He also noted hat he had p.m. • 8 p .m .; private rooms, pledged to veto that bill anyway 10 a,m. • 2 p.m ., and 4 p.m. ■ 8 because it would not have Ikm. Gas-Finder raised enough revenue to fund Pediatrics ; Parents allowed the budget. ^Fitz^ Near South Viet Unit any time except noon • 2 p.m.; V. Atomic Bomb , ,’The income tax will raise >• others, 2 p.m. • 8 p.m. about 8330 million during the Teamster Self Service: ID a.m. - 2 p:m.; current fiscal year, according to 4 p.'m. • 8 p.m. Finance Commissioner Adolf Hits Parrot Beak Intensive Care and Coronary Is Detonated Carlson. Legislators backing the Top Post Care: Immediate family only, income tax had figured its yield MERCURY; Nev. (AP) — A any time, limited to five min­ • • at 8363 milli the Connecticut Tax­ from Kompong 'Trach.' Ninety miles away, in Las Ve­ al provisions for a bill auto­ Fitzsimmons ignored the jibe element of surprise, there was- Mrs. Barbara Allison, 367 E. GET ANOTHER gas, they were hardly felt. payers’ Association, which sponsored yesterday’s rally. (jWraw photo by Buceiviciua) of Theodore Daley, his only an­ Lt. Gen. Nguyen Van Minh, no tofteidng up of the area with Center S t ; Napoleon G. Aubut, matically becoming law without commander of South Viet­ FOR JUST $1.00 ’Ihe Atomic Energy Commis­ the governor's signature. nounced opponent for the union air sVlkes far in advance of the 647 Main St.; Mrs. Ingebbig' M. sion said there was no evidence presidency, that the salary hike namese forces, in the 3rd Mili­ arrival of his forces. The tax is on a scale from Bervalds, 236 School St.; Mrs. inter enof^nohcmitmia of radiation at ground zero "is too rich for my blood.” He^ tary Region, told Associated Jensen reported that South one per cent of taxable income Emma G. Blckmore, 81 Wash'- ' Immediately after the shot, defended the dues increase as Press correspondent Holger of 81 >000 or less to six per cent Vietnamese fighter-)x>mber8 ington St.; Mrs. EUa Brimble, fired under tfie code name Mi- vital to pay more than 86 mil­ Jepsen that the operation has of taxable income of 812,000 or made sotoe strikes just before 22311b N. Main S t; Rachel E. nlata. lion a year in strike benefits and fcui'xpbjectlves: more. It would rank behind the Steele Names Critical Names the, infantrymen landed but Brown, GUastpnbiuy; Mrs. SMIDMS ’The AEC hopes one day to sell^ other services to union mem­ —To trap a North Vietnamese drew no gt^ound fire. / state income taxes of New York, Mary OonnoUyr^ East Hartford;,. a similar nuclear explosive to' bers. sapper battalion of about 400 Minh salt) all logistic support Edward C>x>k, New Britain; REG . $8.00 Massachusetts and. Vermont in ■highly trained troops. |>Hvatb fifihs for fracturing the severity. ~ for the operation would be pro­ Mrs. Ellen M. Codtollo, 18 Es- vast sandstone beds that lie un- Among Viet Drug Traffickers (See Page Ten) —To disrupt enemy communi­ vided by Soum Vietnamese heli­ cations. tetlb Dr., Vernon; John E. SUITS ' der several Rocky Mountain Almost as soon as it was copters. \ Dahlquist, Lake Rd., Andover. passed, however, it was being —To find supply caches. states. Scientists estimate there WASHINGTON (AP) — De­ tical and military subdivisions In South A^letnam, Saigon VALUES criticized as not progressive Saigon govemmJmt” and a —To slow North Vietnamese Also, Mrs. Milana Drazic, 106 VALUES are 317 trUUon cubic feet of gas spite pledges by the South Viet­ in Soulth Vietnam. Reg. 3 5 -4 6 ... Shorts 35-42 . / Longs 38-46 enough; with a scale whose up­ staunch supporter \>f President infiltration Into the southern Ferguson M .; Vincent P. Du- to $65. lo $110. trapped in the sandstone forma­ namese government ito crack "I have learned that this week (See Nine) per bracket begins at 812,000, Nguyen Van. Thieu. Jacklin Leader puy, 124 Constance Dr.; Mrs. tions, more than ‘ the nation’s down on heroin sales to Ameri­ South Vietnamese military offi­ REG . $ 1 0 .. $11. NO CHARGE FOR NORMAL ALTERATIONS . opponents argued, the tax would Steele and Rep. M t^an Mur­ Patricia A. Enders, 76 Lenox ‘'present natural gas reserve. can GIs, a key South Vietnam­ cers continue to deal in large place too heavy a revenue bur­ phy, D-Ill., recently released re­ S t; Mrs. Ann R. French, 198 President Nixon recently told ese, general remains one of his quantities of heroin and to trans­ In British Open den on midde-income wage-earn­ sults of a 22-day inquiryXinto the Smith St, South 'Windsor; Mat­ Congress that increasing the na­ country's biggest dope dealers. iit ers. port around South Vietnam in' drug problem made during a thew L. 'Haddad, WlQimantlc; tion’s natural gas reserve was Rep. Robert H. Steele, R-Conn., military aircraft and vehicles,” SOUTHPORT, England (A'P) Calls for a veto came from trip to Southeast Asia, ’Tiirkey, Jeffrey E. Heintz, STB Rachel one of the nation’s most urgent said Wednseday. Steele said in testimony to a —Tony.j^acklin, the bright young predictable quarters over the Hong Kong, Japan and E ut^e. Veto-Study Se|s^on Rd-: WlUlam .Hlckton, Elling­ ■ 5.99 energy needs, Steele named Gen. Ngd Dzu, House foreign affairs subcom­ weekend — sbnie 23 Democrats They ekumated lo to 15 W r Britan who won this title two ton;. Patti J. Imler, 27 QuaJeer ’ITie bomb tested was very commander of n Ctorps, as one mittee. f and three Republicans who had cent of U.S. troops in Vietna years ago, managed, a three- Rd.; Hany M. Jackson, 82 1 “ clean,” the AEC said, releas­ o the "chief traffickers.” II He said Dzu "is one of the refused to ^pport the income under-par 70 and moved Into an Cushman Dr.; Mrs. Hallie ing cnly one-tenth the radiation Corps is one of five major poli­ leading strongmen in the current ) saKT cm tLfm vs MMte seucT onoop Mm mm sm simi tax and two Democratic lead­ (See Page Ten) early second-round lead in the Due Late in Modth Johnsttm, Windsor Looks. of previous nuclear exploeives ^British Open Golf championship designed for gas fteld work. ers who had voted against it. HARTFORD (AP) — The Fifteen days from wAlnesday Also, Mrs. 'Pauline Joseph, A group calling itself the Tax­ lursday. ’The Minlata device was eight special session of the legislature is July 22. Assuming the gover­ Estft Hartford; Charles 'F. Ke------payers’ Association of Connecti­ (Defending champion Jack inches wide, designed to slide required to reconsider bills ve­ nor does not clear all the bills hoe, 4(xi Strang Rd., South cut said it would hold a mas­ N l^ a u s continued to have his Omnidmm a standard pipe uused/in se^ in toed by the governor will ap­ from his desk until .the last pos­ Windsor; Kerin E. Kellogg, 42 sive rally at the State Capitol Stassen Discloses Rupture difrteulties—particularly on the nsdural gas fields. It alsq/was parently be held in the last sible day, the “ trailer” session Teresa Rd.; ^William I. KeUy, Wednesday to convince Meskill— buntey green—and took his sec­ built to withstand thp procurespi ond consecutive 71. week of this month or the first of the legislature will begin on 399 Parker S t; Mrs. Mary E. CDni a Republlcan-^o- veto' the bill. week of August. Kerekes, Broad Brook; William and temperatures at the 10,000- JacHlin, the 1970 U.S. open the second following M on^y— Then two long-time advocates The constitutional timetable F. Kusmiic, 61 Tudor Lane; CHOOSE FROM SOLIDS - PLAIDS, ETC. foot depths where It wlU be champiW, had a 38-hoIe total Aug. 2. \ of £Ui income tax—Republican Ike, Nixon at Odds on Asia started ticking when the last of Laurent G. Larrabee, used. of 139. »v e n under par on the However, if the goveraor MOST SIZES AVAILABLE State Sen. Lawrence DeNardis the bills passed by the General Hartford; Annette T. Lussier, ’The test was the fourth at the By D. STEVEN RUTKUS 7,080:yaiARoyal Birkdale links. clears all the bills ne>R w ^k, of Hamden and Democratic had urged Eisenhower during Stassen, director of the Mu­ Assembly during its regular ses­ East Hartford; Mrs.' Jeraldine site since testing was resumed PHILADELPHIA (AP) — And he ilianaged it despite an­ the session will begin July 28. State Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman top level conferences in the tual Security , Administration sion finally reached Gov. Thom­ M. McCloud, 116 Woodland St.; wrTU last month after a six-month Of New Haven—announced Wed­ Harold Stassen, an adviser in spring of 1954 to send American and later the Foreign Opera­ other disajmointing finish in The session is coastltutlonally as J. MeskiU’s desk Wednesday. John R. McCool, 87 Main St. VAIUC« tetSS. suspension in DeCembef, when the Eisenhower administration, ground troops into Indochina. which he f a l ^ to birdie either- limited to three days and it will nesday that they too wanted tions Administration in 1953-55, Hie governor has 15 days from SHIRTS' radiatlcm escaped and drifted says President Eisenhower de­ Nixon made headlines in April attended weekly meetings o f the of the t'W D pat: dosing holes. be a busy three days If the Geh- Also, Lisa C. McCormick, 38 Meskill to veto the bill. Wednesday to decide whether lo over several western states. cided by the early summer of 1954 when he told an off-the- "I didn't p l » as well as I’d eral Assembly reconsiders e v e iy Claire Rd.. Vernon; Mrs. Rita But the rally drew only about National Security Council. sign or- veto the remaining 150 MASTER BUY ONE AT REGULAR ’The AEC disclosed Wednes­ 1,000 people and It appeared that 1954 never to intervene militari­ record meeting of editors that like,’’ the 26-}mar-old English­ one of the more than 1(X> bills McKinney, Rt. 44A, Bolton; day a'four-year program to per­ A four-time candidate for the man said. "I’m disappointed in bills. (He has said he will' not «*» PRICE, GET ANOTHER their shouts of “ Veto! Veto!” ly in Indochina, despite the urg­ American forces should be used Republican presidential nomina­ vetoed by the governor. \ Linda A- Martin, 30 Doane. St. fect the nuclear expOxisive deto­ my finish again: Two fives on let any more bills become law Robert H. Mayer, 75 Wedge- would go unheeded. 'Oiey were ing of his vice president, Rich­ to save Indochina in ’ what he tion and former governor of However, legislative leaders FOR JUST $1.00 nated today, at a cost of $86. milr holes I can get on -with ease. without his signature, as he did interpret the OrnstituUen as not . wo(^ Dr.; Mrs. Maria C. Corns, CIURGEf ard M. Nixon, to do so. ' said was the unlikely event that *2999 lion. (See Page Twelve) According to Stassen, Nixon the French pulled out. (See Page Ten) with the Income tax and the ;tl0 Lewis Hill Rd., . Coventry; (See Page Tton) bonding program.) (See Page Tea) Mrs. Victoria. .jDrdilz, 21 Mar­ garet R d.; Mrs. Germaine E. Peltier, Vernon; Susap E. Pro­ ■ / ' vost, 139 Benton St.; Robert G. FREE 2-HOUR Switzer, North St., Hebron. PARKING AT •L *• THE REAR OF Swimmers, BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A Suffer in the Sound daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Brian OUR STORE... Butterfield, Vernon Rd., Bolton; HARTFORD ( ^ ) — It has Haven harbor and vicinity show The .Health Department said a son to Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse become almost routine '-to re- heavy concentrations of oil since raw clams, oysters and other Forestandl, East ■ Hartford; a . celve bad news about pollution a massive oil spill last January. shellfish from' the areas -could SLACKS CASUAL SLACKS in Long Island Sound, and any­ Hie EPA study said samplings son, to Mr. and Mrs. William SOLIDS.. • PLAIDS... CHECKS... NOT ALL SIZES PLAIDS . . . DACRONS & COHONS ... STRAIGHT LEGS cause disease in persons who St. Laurent, 23 Bruce Dr.; a one who has swum off Hammo- of oysters and other shellfish be­ eat them. lir’ daughter to Mr. and 'Mrs. Peter nasset Beach—among otliers— fore the spill and as late'' as "Of particular concern to the Smith, 46 Spruce St. doesn’t need convincing that the M^uich 11 “ confirmed the pres­ state Health Department is the water is filthy. ence of higher concentrations, in Also, a daughter to Mr. and possible transmission of infec­ But Oonnecticut citizens are samples taken after the oil tious hepatitis by concumption Mrs. Bruce Brooks, 177 Main Car from apathetic, says Sen. spill.” St.; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. of raw clams from,.jthese areas,” Aibraham RlUcoff, who recently Hi'S study also said even high- < the department said. William Hampton, 64 Birch St.,' toured several' shoreline areas. er concentrations of oil might "Closure of these areas to the a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. . . Hie people are reacting 'with ' have been discovered if the later taking of shellfish does not David Morsey, 89 Lockwood St. , "concern and emotion,” he said, sampling had been taken during necessarily mean .they are i J “aibout how the shellfish are dy­ warmer weather. DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: % PRICE closed for swimming,” the state­ ing off or are too riddled with oil spill referred to hap­ Reg. $12. - $25. SLIGHT CHARGE FOR ALTERATIONS... VALUES to $11. SIZES 28 - 42 ment said. "Sanitary standards Bao T. Nguyen, East Hartford; 011 and sevrage to be edible, pened Jan. 23 when the Esso for bathing are less stringent Joseph Hahn, 94 Walker St.; about the marshlands and the tanker Gettysburg reportedly hit than those for the harvesting of Mary Eckert, 333 Bldwell St.; commercial encroachments upon an underwater obstruction, rup­ shellfish.” Mrs. Edith S. Schoell, 1760 -Tol­ them, about the industrial and turing part of her hull and spew­ V land Tpke.;. Melvin S. Meach- human wastes that pollute the ing forth 327,000 gallons of No. A continuing problem in fight­ um. Warehouse Point; Jeannine waters of the Sound so swimming 2 fuel oil. ing pollutloji, as stated by Dr. M. LaBreck, 134 Oakland St.; and booting can be a hazard to The 12 areas closed to shell- Edward Chil^ris of the Univer­ Sherry Cianfaglione, 72 t)ak St.; health. . .’’ fishing because of possible con­ sity of Connecticut Marine Scien­ Mrs. Patricia S. Brown, 87 Ihe latest possibilities for tamination of the. animals by ces Institute, is that far too little School St.; Mrs. Mildred T. arousing emotion and concern “ fecal pathogenic organisms” in­ is known a*bout the source of Newman, 2281- Ellington Rd.. REGAL^MEN'S s m were revealed this week by the clude- coastal waters 'off towns dison, Clinton, Westbrook, Old pollution and the priorities that South Windsor. state 'Health Denaitment and the and cities from Greenwich to Saybrook, Old Lyme, East Lyme should be set In cleaning up the Also, Mrs. Anne C. Neill, "THE COM PUTI MEN'S STORT' federal Environmental Protec­ Groton. Waterford qnd New London, j Sound. Carmel, CaUf.; Mrs. Elizabeth tion Agency. All the shoreline of New Ha­ Signs warning against taking Ribicoff agreed: . . ."We Rubera, East Hartford; John The Health Department said ven, West Haven and East Ha­ shellfish from these areas have can't organize an attack on the G. Perkins, East Hartford; Mrs. 901- 907 MAIN STREET, M ANCHEST» 643-2478 12 more areas of the Connecticut ven, and most of the shoreline been posted, and notices to this (Killutants of the Sound until we Whap f t f Lorraine S. March, Glaston­ coast liave been closed to shell- along'Milford are closed to shell- effect have been sent-to officials know precisely what and where bury; Mrs. Elizabeth Bauman OPEN MONDAY Ihra SATURDAY 9:30 AM, to 5:30 P.M. flstaiiig. fishing. Included also are parts of all the cities and towns af­ they are and how best to com­ Fearless Allen Bocook collects the smattering-of his success in bubble cham'-' and daughter. New Britain. Hie EPA said shellfish in New of the shoreline in Guilford, Ma-' fected. t bat them.” pionships at Ashlanti, Ky. Unidentified pal is trying for second. (AP Photo) ■) THURSDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 9KM P.M. P A G E T W O MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1971 MANCHESTER EVE^HNO HERALD. MANCHESTER, CC THtRSDAY, JULY 8, 1971 P A G E T H R E E V e rn o n candy and cigarettes were stol- V e rn o n Summerfest Craft Show 58 JMOVIERAnNQB. Sheinwold on. Bridge Drug Center S T A R G AXER?*»^ PORRARENTBAND ’The Drug Advisory Center . Durii^ the past few days, sev- -»v CLAY R. POLLAN- PLAY’S NOT THING TO NORTH ertl windows at the ' Waddell McGuire H e^ s ISew Plan In Center Park Saturday ^ A kIIS LIBRA Road Tour YOUNG PGOPI£ Alco Told It Breached in Jesse Lee House at 48 y y MAS. 21 Your Doily Aclivily Guide sen. OATOH A KINO K8 School were broken by rocks. TR* oRSeWs of Nm reUnge le le Mom Hartford Rd., Is observing According to the Start. "The Rogues," a local hard .jB m i n J l I t a t Craftsmen ari4 artists who Exhibitors should bring their I* ocr. ^ ROlWRl 06014 NW ouMMWy •( . .By ALFRED SHEINWOLD KJ 8 7 the following schedule: Combining^ork and School 8-12-23-3A To develop message for Friday, rock and blues group, open to­ eetpNe eemem ter rteering ly tReIr cMigreit. K6 Its Housing Unit Contract ' Vandals broke five windows wish to exhibit and. sell thelij^^ read words corresponding to numbers 5-15-26-37, _ Monday through Saturday, own tables and equipment and MJ57-67-79B6 51-60-81-90 'e 52 A 82 A JAN. 20 i B9 ' promise. An opening bid of luid job perfornlj^ces and suc­ 23 To 53 The 83 Averts Final arrangements for the perts would prefer to bid one was told the authority Is no clrcumstMces turned a a warrant In connection with a g, front window and entered the degree and was awarded his <Gros^ 84 Upset 4-21-32-43^ overseas portion of the tour, heart. If peuiner has four or longer bound to Uie contract as West Side RecreaUon Center, m a degree and his sixth year \ \ 3-16-27-38 25 Alone 55 Look 85 You hand with a large number of the agreed date for delivery had business profit might be ex- ly’s at Center Springs Park, re and took an empty cash regia- certificate from the University Above all, the objective of the S A M SUMMERFEST /47-61-71 26 It 56 Moke 86 Rut 53-78-83-87^ which they expect to last for more spades, he can show them VtSl LlilUUlt:; IIUIXL UlC UlUVtflOltjr - \ the remainder of the summer, playing tricks but very little l^>sed. pected In return for risks under- leased after posting a $600 bond. ter. of Connecticut in 1969 and 11)70. Program Is to cutdokm or total-1 Saturday, July 10, Craft Show Application VIRGO 27 Of 57 Out 87 Accidents PJSCESPIS In response to one heart; if he 28 Ideas 58 Others 88 Moves eei. IP have not yet been completed. defensive strength. falls to bid the spades, you Atty. Edwin Lavltt, counsel ^ contract that was court date July 19. He was accepted Into the Uni: ly eliminate the problefn problem ofIhlgh AUG. 22 89 Turmoil 29 Could 59 Sofest Membership of the group, THEATER TIME In general, a player should abandon the suit. The trouble tor the authority, explained that ® ® « n o ni I c a 11 y unfeasible. ------Over the weekend, someone yerslty’s Doctoral Program in "school dropouU. RW 9 SIRY. 22 30 Exp«cto|iom 60 Be 90 Mysterious MAR. 20 have enough tricks to limit the NAMte ...... which last year recorded the SCHEDULE with bidding both spades and Alco made a cwitract of sale plac®d Uie sole blame for Wayne P. Ahalr, 18, of 23 stole a record player and a tape Before going to thd East Wlnd- 1-13-24-35 )Good ) Adverse HNcmral 7-19-30-41^ penalty to 600 points even if he 52-64-73 song, “ Tobacco Road,” for hearts is that you. make the with______, the authority ____ In Septembery.______Housing Authority ...xjeerfield______„Dr., , charged „ with ,player r - from inside Bentley The salary for the new pcsl- «>r School system, McGuire cgy46-5849 is doubled and runs, into fairly ADDRESS ...... Paramount Records, a division hand sound like a real two- 1969 for cmistruction of a 100- HUD saying that if the con- obstructing traffic, and reckless School. No sig;n of forced entry tlon will be $11,650, Only $1,650 tn-ught Industrial Arts from 1 ^ Burnside — "Klute,” 7:15, bad breaks. Toumamei\t play­ unit liigh-rise project. It was to had been approved In the driving, last night at Pine and could be found. of Paramount Studies, has 9:30. suiter Instead , of a rather of this has to come from the lo- 1® 1966 in the South Windsor sys- changed somewhat. ers often shade this rule, and be built on a turnkey basis.' Un- .project would High Sts. CJourt date July 19. ------vier and Ben Waler, both of Manchester Drive-In — “ Le- balanced hand. cal board’s budget, the $10,000 and the same in East Hart-r B o lto n Jerry Boss, president of Boss so do rubber bridge players If der this type of arrangement have been started then. whom had three hits. ISll Reich­ mans,” 8:46; "April Fools,” Copyright 1971 will come from federal funds, -i from 1966 to 1969, City Productions of Hartfor4 for they are very bold or very rich. the developer buUds the units M ean tim e, Alco, last fall, Denis J. Julian, 24, of South O’Neill Critical ert contributed a double. Bob 10:40. . General Feature* Corp. In recommending the Hiring "^® pr(^T®Jn will be for any TELEPHONE ...... which the group recorded Its Sensible Bid for a stated figure (financed by made a proposal for the rebld- Windsor, charged with failure to 4K)SPtTA1- AUXlUABY Teen-Age Dance Peterson was the big hitter for first song, “ No Ues,” has East Hartford Drlve-In — In. today’s hand East’s open­ the federal government) and ding of the project with the low- carry registration, and failure Of M eskill Veto of the coordinator, board mem- students who wish to participate “ Love Story," 8:46; “ WUSA," hers said it is hoped that the ®ro old enough to profit the Aces, with a three-run ho­ Joined the group as organist. ing bid was sensible. He could AiR-COlMDITJONED upon completion the project is esl possible bidder to be award- to display nupiber plates, early Gov. Thomas MesklU’s veto of SCHOOL (If student) ...... Set Tomorrow mer. Jotm Whltham pitched for 10:30. Another new member Is J(Qm expect to win six diamond STATE turned over to the authority. Al- ed the Job and. Alco said It was this morning at Adams St. and a bUl that would have estabUsh- ®x]fK>rience pr<^am i^ll As p«ul of its summer recrea­ the losers. Clark, who plays liiythm guitar. East Wndsor Drlve-In—‘"The tricks, and he was willing to be MJINCHISTIR CINTIR CO was supposed to cwivey the wUling to bid with everyone else. New State Rd. Court date July ed a drug treatment unit at the CRAFT OR ITEM TO BE SOLD ...... r...... tion program, the Youth AcUvl- Twq of "The Rogues," Mike Aristocats," 8:46; “ FY>r The down three nonvulnerable to FRIE PARK REAR Of THEATRE project, to the authority, within Prevedlni said the CMicept was 26 Rockv Hill Veterans Home and everyone has to have a col- wages \rill be worked be- ties.Commlssltm will sponsor a Manchester Evening Herald Hayden on drums and Ray Love of Ivy,” 10:06, , stop a vulnerable game or 456 days of the date of arrange- accepted by all concerned, his _____ Hosnltal was criticized as a education. They stressed tween the employer and the new APPROXIMATE PRICE RANOE ...... dance for teenagers tomorrow Bolton correspondent Judith Meadows Drlve-In — ' “ Le- slam. ment. company was to be advised of ' AOdDEN'TS "callous and Inhumane gesture” ^ e need for plumbers, electri- director. He noted that area SUMMER^SCHEDULE Simpson on lead guitar, have Everybody’s QUACKING UP night from 7 :30. to 11:30 in Donohue, Tel.. 649-8809. mans,'.’ 8:46; "Daddyls Gone. A After South’s double, North, played together for over five over Charlie! "Whether Sept. 24. 1969^ qr_„the_^_cepttmty,.of the proposal a summons chaiglng Aldo by Ihe leglslLto^ who drifted the CLOSED the all-purpose room of the ele­ years. The final member is Pete Hunting," 10:30. made a cue-bid to hint at his APPR030MATB SPACE NEEDED ...... M ApNEE Feb. 19, 1970 (claimed by Alco and Dec. 1, 1970 was set as a clarocari, 64, of Stafford bill and who guided It through '"®". ^ w v. ' , , . dent« * placing ONDAYS AND SATURDAYS mentary school. Music wiU be Cram, bass guitarist, who Blue^HiUs Drlve-In — "Bob & strength, but then lost his EVENDIO as the extended date) governs tentative date for bids. Springs, with failure to drive a to passage. Albert Kerkln, assistant su- the students, Living 'Costs Jump Carol & "Ihd & Alice,” 8:46; AT -DURINGDUl JULY AND AUGUST provided by the ..Mad Jcuiks. Joined the group about three nerve. With South playing the ssr tho 8t&rt erf tll6 miming of tho HeHb GhAT*fi^Aficharged thatthnt almostalmruaf three **Aoa/\noKlAreasonable /f1afan/*Adistance apart,OTVQ^ uraawas nA— statea— Rep, William O’Neill ^ of pcrintfinddltP®rtotendent of schools^schools, GX”<.-a- It is understood that- 6% of my gross sales (under 21, years) CANBERRA — ’The cost of “Cactus FTower," 10:30. hand, the opening dianrtbnd lead 1:30 7:10 OP]EN 10 A.M. “-5 P.M. DAILY or 10% of my gross sales (if 21 years or older) will go to the Men’s Softball and a half years ago. Jim Blaln, 3:20.' 466 days,” Lavltt said, "it 1s •months • later (January) his issued yesterday afternoon at the 62nd District, who had re- s tu d e n ts in- m last night’s alow-pltch soft- Uving In AustraUa rose 4.9 per former lead guitarist, wrote came through the king of dia­ clear that the date for convey- company had not been advised 12:67 after a collision at W. celved almost unanimous hl- volved in the program new num- \ 10 A.M. - 9 P.M. THURS. Sumerfest Program. monds and gave the defenders PANTS & SLACKS ball action, the Spoilers topped cent in the 12 memths to last "No Lies.’ ” IlfailtM iiieif ance has obviously passed.’ ’ that the two other groups were Middle ’Tpke. and Alton St. be- partisan praise for Introducing assumed the Aces 10 to 7, with Bob Min­ December. It was the biggest It was through Boss City, two immediate tricks. cLK.vNrn .\vn WE STILLXHAVE A GOOD SELECTION ./■ 187 New Voters pRxiiietions He told Alco he had been in- willing to go forward with the tween his van and cars driven j^e bill today expressed “ shock ^ ‘"c r e a s e ^ th Signed er as winning pitcher. Bat sup­ ]ump since 1996-S6, when the in­ which had its own recording North should have bid--four structed by the Department of offered proposal and It was at by Alexander H. Zlnmnoch of dismay” at the governor’s I'RF.'^'^r I) ‘*®w OF ACTIVE OR SPECTATOR port was provided by Ken Ba- crease was 5.B per cent. out of "Tobacco Road,’ ’ , that Added to Rolls notiiimp and should have play­ Housing and Urban Develop- that time Alco threatened to Bloomleld and Olga F. Becker „„tion students are SUMMER CLOTHING. Paramount acquired the con­ ed the harid eventually at six ment and the Housing Authority g„e the authority for breach of ot Coventry. Court date for ^usc and dependency BETTER CLEANERS 615 m a in ; ST., MANCHESTER tract to sell the group’s song on A toteil of 187 hew electors notnimp. With East on lead, the ;m GREEN RD. — r,ir,-.-,(»i; its label. have been added to Manchester diamond opening would not be riU ^ c T ^ d " hfro^rof T ^ ““^^“re* Boss City continues to record voter lists since June 3, includ­ dangerous. North would have the breach any obligation to- ^ n '^ s^ in cu rre T ^ u s ^of On Hartford Rd. near Bldwell ^ J^ ^ rf°^ j^ ecU ^ uM > ^ cu lar- various trades. ‘"The Rogues” as an indepen­ ing 47 who slgfned up in a two- 12 sure tricks no matter what \ It from the authority has "ter- p^flts. St- yeaterday ^t®rnoon at 6:28, fy ^eetta^ ou r v e t e r ^ of for- , C ^ m ittee o dent producer for Paramount hour voter-making session last East chose to lead. minated, ceased and come to Also at that time Prevedlni a m o ^ y c le driven by Clint^ y ..^c, the Rockville Area Chamber of East’s shutout bid didn’t for wdilch they receive a royal­ night. an end.’ said It was Alco’s Intention to P' IaU®b Jr. of East ^ r tfo r d to the latest data, there coo^ra- actually shut the opponents out, ty on records sold. Of the 187 new voters, 66 are Altoough solutions to the build on the proposed site „ a mo-100- turned over. Islleb, and a ^ ing wtto the program ^ d it is but it helped them miss a lay- Democrats, 34 are Republicans problems appeared to be Immi- y„,t houslAg project for the senger on the cycle, Gordon . . 1 , . expected that committee will ♦ __ r BOAD .STK£F,T down slam. ”1710 average ex­ SHORT SUBJECTTS PLUS: Anderson of 129 Oaklandnd St., Connecticut alone. Including coordinator in .HANfH»;»TE» and 97 are unaffiliated. II. II British Expel perienced player would bid the '• Oprn in to 10 Manchester Democrats, with slam fairly confidently if East GOLIATH 9,288 registered voters, now hold e le m e n t cw ld not be reach- privately owned project businesses. •\Frpr Barking passed originally, but many a The governor’s veto of such an program has several ^'hnrgr It" wWi A DIVISION Of S. GELUS & CO., INC. Iraqi Diplomats a 696 lead over the Republicans, with Alco Elderly COrp., as a r.B.T. or C.A J . player would miss his way af­ and that of Pltkat, that the ac- . . . ,, A written warning for failure urgently ne^ed facility can only long.r^nge objectives: To create who list 8,748 voters. ’The unaf­ dividend corporation parked vehicle be Interpreted as a callous and ^ continuing program for ter- iter Charge Card LONDON (AP) — The British ter East’s bid of three dia­ tion noted in the letter was ab­ filiated total is. 6,697. would be the developer, owner Isabelle Dayton inhumane gesture, directed at students (those not plan- government today ordered three monds. That’s the way most ex­ solutely necessary if this hous c m SERVICE DEPT STORES Sale In- Effect The combined total of Man­ Iraqi diplomats to leave the perts make copious use of shut­ inguiK isla ever tolo beoe built.uuui mortgagor. Coventry, after her car those who have served their college) which country in return for the expul­ chester voter lists Is 2^,789 out opening bids. Mavor McCov exnlained that date, no further steps have gtj.uck a parked van on Center country so well.’’ make education more Wednesday, July sion of three British diplomats As of last week, when Ohio Daily Question TUESDAY, JULY 13 thereUiere isIs an urgentursent need for the taken to Institute the suit, near. Winter St., belonging Gov. Meskill, in his veto mes- meaningful while it aids in fa- For Quality, Selection and Savingsl, from Baghdad. became the 38th state to ratify As dealer, you' hold: Spades, additional housing even though ------to Beaupre Motor S^es Inc. of sag®, stated that “ the action pro- mlliarizing the students with the ’Ihe Iraqis were counterparts A-Q-e-2; Hearts, A-Q-6-4; Dia- SPW the 26th constitutional amend­ the town already has thiee • Manchester. The accident oc- posed by this bill is not desir- work structure of the com- 7 Thru Sunday, of the expelled Britons—a mili­ monds, 10-9; Clubs, K-8-S. HELMET NIGHT ment and when President Nixon projects in use already and a j N e W p O r t V e t o e s cun-ed about 9:40 a.m. able at ^ time.” He s^d the munity. tary attache and two first secre­ What do you say? AT THE RACES FOR bill would "deter” the federal to create a program that will certified it as law, all “ Federal fourth under way. He said the Kiiig^s Pain t De] taries—who were ordered out Answer: One spade is the COMPLAINTS government from facing the provide for a more enriched ^ '‘ O U IN G HODS ^ July 11, Electors” lists have been com­ aCithority will readvertise for Jazz Concerts Mionday and Tuesday on B O Y S and G IR L S Last night, the Penn Central problem of drug addiction education that will make for a ^ ^ 1 bined with “ Regular Electors” turnkey proposals for 106 units charges of espionage and sub­ lists. NEWPORT, R.I. (AP) — The Railroad Office on Electric St. among servicemen. proper adjustment and transi- version. F R E E Souvenir "anywhere In the town of 'Ver­ Manchester, as does the rest non." Newport City Council has voted was broken Into. Nothing was The governor also noted that tion from school to work, No specific reason was given of the state and nation, has only RACE HELMETS to revoke the license of ^he disturbed or stolen. the Veterans Home and Hospital To create a cooperative at- for the expulsion of the Iraqis, In January the developer, In „ ^ ^ one category of voter—one who threat«dnff to sue the town said Newport Polk Foundation Inc. Commission already is author- titUde on the part of all local Dupont Lucite but the Foreign Office state­ is 18 or older and can vote in all fn'$ § Mm Alen to Affentimte *®r Uils year’s folk festival At an Undetermined time, nine Ized to spend up to $2,000 per employers and the school os to ment clearly linked it with the imrr-fMt l» mrr R»//^s. local, state and national elec­ WAaDBNETM*...^ the nnwvMMl nlan nlnee 10RA scheduled J»ily 16-18. windows and a glass door were veteran per year in existing in- their Tesponslbility in training. case in Baghdad. tions. The that earlV in 1080 1^® declslMi came broken by rocks at Robertson stltutlons. informing and educating the A Foreign Office spokesmeui to ' night after a 2% School. O’NeUl, who is an assistant terminal students about to en- House Paint said Anthony D. Parson, assist­ House leader, said he is consid- ter the labor force. ant undersecretary of state for undenitwidlng with the Housing hour special m ^ n ^ b e f ^ a Many Tour Hoover Dam Aiithni-itv...... A.toanaivA ^ ^ , iN«vwir/fcrowd r\fof mrki*o.more. thanfVian 200 TV^ranns.pcrsons. Last night, romeone threw a erlng a campaign to override To create a filin g in toe •I the Middle East, called in Iraqi to be given away w pil architectoraly, expe ^ n s and snecif- rj thai.n aaiTMw\rtAf*asupporters nt of the ww.rock1. ft.wu.m4.through ft.Athe #wwffront «..4u.imt.rwindow the governor’sonnftteT-nrtr’a veto.'veto. mlnds of all pupils that toe Ambassador Kadhin Khallaf BOULDER CTTY, Nev. ~ ttrviut«i,4u™ PUHW aim MXtR Package Store on and “p r o t e s t e d strongly” RIVERSIDE PARK Icaticns for the proposed project gal More than • 600,000 people take [U The meeting was called after Tolland Tpke...... against the expulsion of the ^ ■ /'\ 4 PUH« ficltr guided tours through Hoover I'-l «orr0f«fUl Nt* SPEEDWAY were commissioned by Alco and three Britons. Dam each year. Since its com­ \_/c4Hro0x ff*ru« the wloe. wm.w. o..heee..eet1.. the ISUl OmiUal NCWpOrt JOZZ ------Proven best by testi Seals out wea­ ^ - J M ROUTE 1S9 • AliAWAM, MASS ’The spokesman said Parson pletion in 1936 more than 3 Pits SIDNEY POTTER p i w i v the authority and^Fed- ®fw‘ refreshment ther, lasts longer. For exterior wood -F*r th« L*t# «r iTjr^ FREE PARKING also "p r o te s t e d strongly" million have toured the. dam. eral azmeies. ^ urday tstoen crowds of youths stand at toe ninth hole of toe and masonry. Built-in primer. against the action of the Iraqi to Mrr' e* toen Alee bToke dowH fencBs and Manchester Country Club was SHOP EARLY The dam and the surrounding to toe_ streamed onto Festival Field. broken into, and $160 worth of Wm ; government that gave the Brit­ Lake Mead National Recre­ stated, a meeting was held In ish diplomats only 24 hours to ation Area attract more than New York between represent­ leave Baghdad. A FIRST-RATE THRILLER!"y :S 6.6 million visitors annually. 1 atives of the Housing Authority FOR BEST Parson "strenuously denied and HUD and the contract pur­ allegations in the press in Iraq Dupont Lucite chase price was agreed upon. that the British diplomats had iffiSOAD aSRBET—MANCHESTER SELECTION been Involved in a plot to over­ The latter, signed by Val Pre- (Mam Store Only) vedlnl, president of Alco, noted Guid«rditd Sraw . throw the regime” there, the ^i ANCHESTe W aU P a in t . H f that a contract was signed 1>y #321&#S22 ' . spokesman said. Parson then told the ambassa­ RTFS 6 & 44A ’* BOLTON NOTCH Alco and the authority, on Oct. dor that “ the presence of three Jonefondcii AIR-CONDiriOi.'Ei; 24, 1969 to proceed '^th con- No More Mosquitoes! stracUon.' At that time It was t T4’\ d9«/k A /t 1 members of. his staff was no S T E V E M c Q u e e n gal VM jm TO $30.00 longer acceptable," the spokes­ I doficild/uHieflofid sent to HUD for its. approval, 5 * * man said. BURNSIDE 580 BURNSIDE ftVE EAST HARTFORC Goes on fast with brush or roller, ATO-PIECE SURF A S H N N IN G ^ The three Arab diplomats, or­ FREE PARKING 528 -3333 dires fast. No stirring, no mess, no A HOI»-7»-Fl.,S-Fl.,9.R.,lCm. » w c k i o j dered to leave Britain were: A CINEMA CENTER RLMS PRESe^TAnON RANAV!SiorcWc»ion

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1971 P A G E F IV E PAGE FOU R M^CHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1971> \V l i / T ollan d sity of Connecticut from' been InstaUed In several danger- perfect attendance was inad- Wallet Caught Leads Lacking in the protection' of native trees, z throughout the area. ouk areas including the critical vertently left out of yesterday’s Tolland County Hbspital To Appeal C o v e n t r y Vernon The road provides a direct area approach (» Old Stage Rt. listing of award winners for the birds and wild flowers, and to On T rou t Line In Jail Escape promote community si^rlt and TV route to the Wilbur Cross High- 74 in front of the homes of Gab- 5:45 classes. Superi^Court ght •way (I-ftO) and to the state Unl-i riel Karen and FVank B loniarz VFW (Post 241' AuxlUary will ‘Monkeys’ Topic civic betterment.” State Taking Measures ELY, Minn. (AP) — As Mrs. BRIDGEPORT (AP) State Voter Beglstratton for Ck>mplete Youths Begin 3-Week Study versity. and on Crystal Lake Rd. (Rt. 80) hoet the Dtetrict 8 meeting of DIVORCES Specific recommendations re- In front of Thtfault’s home “i« ®>«dUary tom or^ right at ^eel^ te and local p olice sold Weifeies- SLRB Rules for Union For Story Hour Voter reglstratimi will be held See TV Week lake trout in 40 feet of water she Divorces were granted lost day they had no leads oh the To .Cure Traffic Ills suiting from the traffic study where there has been 11 accl- * hi the Post Home, noticed a strange object hang- week by Judge Paul J. Driscoll escape of - Francis L. -Hotalmer The Booth * Dlmock Ubraiy Of Hockanum River Ecology made a week ago are already dents In the past nine years In- Hie- Democratic ‘Town Com 0-* tween 6 p.m. and ft p.m The state Deportnvent of on Rt. 74 next to the poet office, tom oriw t"K ®ve*'her line. to from the Bridgeport Correcticn- will begin a new story hour Sat- a* At- ^ 5:M (*> T0ht Msms being accomplished, Hilfault eluding one fatality. mlttee will - meet At Air Force Oamp Tranqfiactatloh te alresuly at ^ completed, the state wUl also Her husband John carefully Carol P. Deane of Manchester el Center Maaday rigbl. ‘urday from a.m . to a.m . (MK AdianM Vamly Some 26 students, m ost on tals 'Of testing water for poUu- 10 11 ' George R. Carpenter, son of work' on many t«mc problems “>® situation repeats. TWfault had high praise tor « in the Town Hall. netted the flrii and the object from Frank E. Deane Jr. of State p<41ce tn Westport said Ages from 4 to 7 may partic­ (m MeHale's Navy scholarships provided by local tlon. ' ■* In MMH Dietary Vote Mr. and MTs. George B. Car­ 5;M iW ) Omicaa’s Island there as part of the study of the as It New Orleans, La. on grounds of that Hoblmer, a former mem- ipate in the new program. ' businessmen and area organl- Sheldon Gltok, also of the sci­ uncovered during a recent traf- approaches to the Green. O Manchester Evening Herald, that slid toward the fish penter of Swamp Rd., Coventry, A m Vvw% — Sparta and a state road te being rtpaln ^ noting already abrot 60 cent Holland oorrespondmt,' Bette surfaced. desertion. her of the FBI’s 10-most-wanted , Weather (C> zatimis. have embarked on a ence. center staff; wlU instruct By WnXlAM COE ' moot when the lq,hpr iKjeatl, said the board, was that the "Monkeys” — la the t(^ ------c for this is participating in a U.S. Air Ifw Weather — Sparta aad fle survey of the town, called for Although (Julmby and Hil- or moved our further from the of the requests he made towe three-week program, with the in the art of cinematography. A Quartrale, TeL 875-2845. the.object turned out to be a Roberta H. Aubut of Manches- h®t. anywhere by now. (Herald Reporter) severm days before the April s hospital made h8 attempt to use story hour debut.' Hie Force Reserve Officers Train­ News b y F irst ----- ~CSiaries — fault spent an hour and a half ®ti>p sign to permit totter vteu- toen completed by state high- wallet. It contained only a Wrth Armand H. Aubut of Caadld Camera theme "Tour Environment—Hie film of what the students have balloting, ruled that KlotzeV his services In the' campaign, "MIm Goodall arid The Wild ing Corps field 'training "‘ (M) Te Ten the Trath (0) TMfault, with se-veral Mgrrow Rd. resi- al approaches (onto the state way crews, mined If the fugitive used an The State Labor Rela­ Hockanum River.” studied and learned, will be certificate, stiU legible, l^ e d Montreal, Canada on grounds of was part of management and even after it had been deter- Chimpanzees,” based on authen- campment at Plattsburgli 77 S n a et S ^ TUfaidt accompanied by dents Including Alphonse La- roads. Ham Sun^r Planned to John A nde^ of Port ^tolerable cruelty. automobile In hls escape. tions Board has rejected S:M (S) Mewa with IVUtar C m - ’The program, is, which began shown on television In the fall. thus ineligible. mined that be was a supervisor, tic scenes from an East African Force Base, N.Y. Herb Qulmbly of tiie Norwich Prance, Mrs. Barney Uiupes Brash and weeds blocking VFW Post 241 and its Aux- Duck Family ^ ce s , ^ t. who sti lives In Bridgeport paUce are asalat- objections filed by Man- kite (0) Tuesday, being held at the Cre- Chester Thomas of tto Sed­ The major part of the finding The hospital’s second ohJec- mcnkey village, wai be viewed. Cadet Carpenter is a nyrfnber <8) News with H.K. Smith aad office of the State Department and Herve Martin discussing vlews to the approaches to the lUaxy will c(>-Bp Vernon and with It will tomon- V— i_ noor vimi TjiVe Larry D. Mlclette of Storrs Center. R obert DeCurclo, cli- trouble spots invMvliig state where a hig^ bank blocks the ^^ement served from 7 mother and her eight offspring g,y from Nancy B. Mlclette of Rock- ment and has certified the board said it determined board more briefly. owning stuffed monkeys, having School, 7:W (S) TP Hama With Lave l at about 11:00 a.m. every Rosemary E. Hemmler from giuiiiiig representative, m e ^d with the union. The evidence union organizers tried to ccerce invited to share them at the Coventry <4d> ABO Bewa <0) A local civil engineer, A. Rich­ ed at both entrances t# the In- hospital, however, says it dent. Mlias iss MWiy LeBlanc, TeL 'DlCurclo said in setting up First Selectman. Requests State Takeover 1 a.m . day for the last two weeks. But Clifford A. Hemmeler, Jr., both tyli also made clear that hls status employes by telling them they story hour. 7:M ramfly Affair B <0> ard Lombardi, will explain the S(Mireboiud will appeal the finding (tl-M> NBC Aettea PlayhasM plans for the program, he de­ A Trirtflc Sdrvey Teaito wUl 'S u t^ re “s;^ for"tto’ rtate they never bothered to fill out Quarter Chase of Ellington, on grounds of In­ Delkales^a & Resfturiirt was supervisory. would be fired if the union lost Children under 4 may listen If <8-44) Tam Jaaei Special (C> proposed expansion and im­ ‘The Pirates will play the an kppUcation_____ for a family through the courts. cided to focus on something of to sent out In September to takeover at Old Stafford Rd., “® tolerable cruelty. Regarding the decision for an * e election. they are with their parents,______and (U> Mevia Oame (0> immediate concern, the pollu­ provements to the VetTion sew­ Several signs Including >xvins tomorrow right on fields membership—teo mucdi red The SLRB decision was hand------■ 8:M (ft) L a w r B <0> study tho traffic' at the Exit 99 'making It a state route, rather Ends in Victory Immediate election, It said, ”It T|^mon^ ly employes at the older chlldrMi are t(U Welcomed. > ( U j X f e r (O) tion ct the H(x:kanum River. He age treatment plant and Hibm- ' Schexd Bus Stop Ahead” have while the Braves tape for a family of ducks, ed down following study of has been the consistent policy hearings appeared to be honest, IntMxhango of the WUbur Croes mhah a local street...... Beginning this.week, children Officers Retire S:M (8-4S) BewUehed (C> said he hopes the stucients, who ton Secore of the Soil Conserva­ Highway with RL 196 (Merrow Hie street has lemg been a toen wen InstaUed,uureauea, fivenve of« them«»®»" op“P facejacc the Yanks on fields three The mother and her ducklings MORHEAD, Minn. (AP) — briefs and transcripts of two of the board to conduct elec- but fiiconsistent, regarding the <«MS> Iraauilde B (0) htrliM A ri from Grade 4 through Grade 6 •;M <» Mavie (C> are In grades 6 through 12, will tion Service of the U.S. Depart­ Rd.) after the University of problem for local officials and ®**® ®** ®® “i *p*i* and four. Game time te 6:10 seem to prefer a dip In the club Marvin Zutz dropped a quarter Ovor IfwWad SoMwUlias days of testimony by hospital tions as speedUy as possible be- Instances of alleged unl^ pres- ^ r o m Fire Posts (8-H) Mahe Beam far Qraad- ment of Agriculture will ei^aln pool to the Lafayette River, In a pocket of a coin-operated NEIW! — E XC rriN O PkkiM - Dtlicloai S«Mt and union offlcals and workers can register for The Bookworm continue their interest In the rv't^n’«/.tiwit te back In session. ®everal moves have beeii made P-™- *he South River Rd. ^ 1— j , cause It has found In the course sufes, probably because\ the daddy soil and water conservatlcn. flowing by the club. pool table at a bar, reached In Ntw York Stylt DotMrtt - Ckotw Coktt at hearings held in May. Reafflng Program. After each . (U) Baeahall (C) project, after the classes end. Hie ,t«im wlU determine what hi the past to make R. a state the ‘ToUand-EUlngtoii town line fields. NATURAL HEALTH RARE Rooit i««f HOT Comtd Ittf of its administration of the act various witnesses failed to i|n- week, a boy or girl wlU receive’^ annual meeting laM •:M (KPM) Adam-U B (C) Other instructora will to Rob­ And they like the company so after It and got hte arm stuck ’The e^ect of the ruling is to In addition to sessiems in the addUtenal procauUons should to ^ j * Bulletin Board FOOD SHOPPE TRSTPottreml HOT Kaitlitt that delay prolongs the inevlta- der^and what was said, not^ a green worm segment If to Hose Oo. 2 of the Eighth (8-U) Daa Aasut We ex p ire of employes to all the .... reads two or three books, ^ District Eire Department, two field trips to such places as the state Water Resources Oom- j Mma thraiwtaout the town *®*dt "noted people ^ m Staf- Lecnard’s comer-, one on Rt. 80 ©f Recreatiim sponsored baton basking In the sun with fellow Firemen— worked • ■ for- 46 mln- ^ Opon Urn. • Tfcart. Till 1 A.M. election at which dletaty M:M (I) Tha BaveaUaa Fri. « S««. Till 2 A.M. the subUe pressures which It said It accepted the version segment wlU be on a years service re- (4*> Palhat (C) the Vernon Filtration Plant and misslcm and Harry Maidment of POD- *®*^ brings, Enfield, EUlng- and. the oiher. on Rt. 74 opposite program -wm to held tonight bathers. utes taking apart the table to "Cfljay at Ragpi" or take out anything on workers, by a vote of 24-a, management—all at all levels— given by i^on Vice President bbokworm...... chart. At the end of “ red, and Ithree new ones were H:te the river itself. Manchester, chairman of the (m,)) resulting increased ^®**’ parts of Massachusetts the fire station. A four-f(x>t stop from 6 until 7 p.m. weather Dues-paying members don’t rescue the victim as cameras ovr menu chose L ocal 1199 of the Drug MAAlIb’ D6C&U80 *'In AlAT*TAfT .. - - ■■■ OP#riBSparta (O) can bring to bear on employes, Leonard Seelig because "In ^m er th^'^cT'haTO U:t5 (» Mevto Dr. Gordon Heisler of the Tal- Hcxkanum Linear Park Coordin- use the road on a regular basis sign WlU Also to placed at permitting, on the Hicks School seem to mind the Intrusion. As a cUcked and beer and laughter sioaai 429-6429 . and Hospital Union, AFLrCIO, to traffic. MamfloM IhopDlm Cantor^ BGoRB singly and collectively, often In view News — Prayer aad ogy, aquatic life and fundamen- along the river. Green wUl also t o studied In In a seven-page memorandum noted that unions generally of the statements attributed to ’ Alfred Vennord. Sica Oft (C> furthejr depth, according to Thi- of decision, the SLRB declared want speedy elections amd that him. IDs own testimony was ' . “ Ejected to replace them are S:M ^ News — Prayer aad 8I|^ without substance two charges steps vriilch Involve delay are clear and concise and altogeth- Paul Gworek of 274 Green Rd., fault. Save Pnaently-the-state-ls -consid:.. made by the hospital administra­ generaUy sought by emi^oy- er In keeping with what an ex- w Before the vtotora from Oov ® teacher at Hartford PubUc (BdacotloBal TV STRAWBERRIES of the Bavlngs Bank of Tolland Extra executive chef—whether he was the danger of delay Is enhanc- Hie board dei P- •> claims adjuster for Aetna Life T;M FZeaeh Chet B <0) C i t h l o r and placing It at the corner of M en’ s part of the unit claimed by the ed "where the rlvaHiy between the iinloti would malce it the ex- “ r ^ ri* CJaaualty Oo. In Hartford, ^’HB .ESSB” PICK YOUR OWN. EXCELLENT PICKING TiMJaetJaes B (O) Rt. 74 near the Administration union, or part of management— an employer arid a particular elusive bargaining* ropresenta- sixteen SngU^ First Ueutenant; Riher for the Bloomfield Eire •iMNBT Plairhease Short Sleeved in the conduct of the campaign Biography: John Boas—‘"The FREE CONTAINERS. ADULTS ONLY. Qulmby and Hilfault met with #7863 Colton Cc^itourJ^ra Rog. SAU always to controlled ’ even by visor. I*art-tlme people working 19 for a three-week visit. All Department and form er alleged to have been committed Trial of Teaia” Documents ' 8 A.M. TILL NOON. Paul M yer ot the Green to dis­ conscientious top management leas than 20 hours per week niemtore wd host lieutenant In the North Coven: dnuna of (3>erohee Indian cuss the traffic problem gt the Straw or Fiberfill; embroidered Oup. A, B. C c u d . by the union. ' families should attend this most - chief John Boee and hie Dress Shirts! Famous 2 Size 2.29 1.72 or counsel. ^ would to excluded.' try EHre Department, second tribe’s forced exodus to Okla- approach to the Green- A sur­ Otelm Righto Violated "Because of these conslderar ------^----- important meeting. Kits con- .li^ten^t. , home Territory In 188ft.ftS. 1S1 OAKLAND ROAD Johnny Cash, Jach Palance, vey team' Trom the'state will A m p lon Crinkle In a statement issued follow­ tions, the board has often di­ talning important information ROUTE 80, SOUTH WINDSOR # 7890 Lace Gup Bra for our guests, vriiich are to Retiring Copt. Zotkowidd Joseph OoUen and WUUam study the tiWfic approaches to ing the SLRB ruling In favor at rected an electicHi forthwith, Redfleld featured. the Green with the thought of stretch Straps, Lycra" power net back, AL Auxiliary to given them by theteho^ i*=temS 3? L t o B <0) Panty IJpse H andbags 2.69 the union, hospital administra­ with a proviso that dl^mtes full-time at the (Pratt and Whlt- slowing down the traffic at this A, B.C. ' _ , 2.001 tor Edward M. Kenney said the ccHicerning the eligibility of in­ families, will to distributed at Elects Slate this time. ney ETre Department. Lt. Ven- point, where several bad acci­ Rag. lo 5.99 # 7278 'f ricof Lace Bra issue would be appealed through dividual employes to determin­ nard, also employed at Pratt dents have generaUy been At­ Many activities have Our Reg. .2^air Pkg. 1.67 LpCe over Cotton. Soft Cup. Lycr*poWer net band, the courts because oi the ed upon challenge to their bal­ •Mrs. C lifford R . W alker of 76 and Whitney, lives at 274 Green tributed to high speed ap- 3.29 hospital’s contention that the lots as was done in this case,” planned for the vlsltora and back. B. C.'cups. Phelps Rd. recently was elected " Rd. proctehes. executive chef’s ccHistltutional the finding contlhued. their host families. In addition The new officers wUI assume Once the shopping center 3 3 #'?278 Tricot Lace^Bra ^ rights had been violated. , ‘‘Such a dlrectlcn makes jxis- president of the American to side trips to New York, Bos- jjje duties of administering a presently under construction Fantadic As above. D cup. . | 3.69 iUB uiuy iful trar lu ®*ble On expodltious election Legion Auxiliary. She succeeds Niagara Ehlls, several one- volunteer force of 80 men, "Hie only fair way to settle Value / the Question Is a ludlcal review without the need for settling Mrs. Wilber T. Little who held *’®®" “rranged. gleaned from various iHcfes- 100% Polyester Tricot, P a ir P k g . #7295 Stretteh Bra * ' forever pressed. Classic S X anprtoriatre^s M ^ questions which may to the office for two years. ^®, H®*"®. t»|® riotis. Including Hartfoid. fire Round the body s(relth, stretch straps. Light fiber- ^ . 8 4 campaign and the labor board’s and Ume-consuming to Mrs. Walker has been active ®nd poHcemen who Uve in Man- TAX COLLECTOR’S collars, two pockets. Soft and hard straws, large fill. A, B, C cups. ^ 3.79 new Ehel Cell Home in Talcott cheater. Cilldol Semi-Annual Solids and stripes. Fits like a second skin. Nude decision ” Kenny said. He jsald decide. . .This procedure has in the auxiliary for several heel and toe. Beige, taupe, cin­ crinkle assortment. All wantedi the decision to appeal was over the years and years. During World War H Village, Farmington are some jn addition, the three are paid NOTICE summer colors. See other values in our slimwear depariment. of the places of interest on the jq cover tor the regular dls- namon. based upon the advice of the ®**® a®>wed In the WAVEJS as a TOWN OF HEBRON ^enda. There wlH also be a patcher on Sundays, and to re- ‘Taxes on the Town o f Hebron hospital’s attorneys. * , radioman.^ dlnner-dance at Elano’s In Bol- main available for Sunday Kenney said the hospital wlU ^ tonxwe In other officers are Mrs. Eugene Shoe Clearance! Grand List of October 1, 1970 Missifes’ refuse to recognize Local 1199 ''d l^ th^ K l^ r ^ u * remain preeman, senior vice president; d’*'- em eigenclee. over $i are due and payable W o m e n ’ s Gets Study Grant Hose Oo. 1 of the Sth District 00 Boys’ Sport and and any SLRB order which *® P”*®®* die Francis Miner, Junior vice Save an Extra in two installments, July 1, Frontier would probably be forthcoming, ^ . ? president; Mrs. Leo Grover, sec- The Coventry Gaiden Club an- ETre Departm ent wUl hold Its- 1971 and January 1, 1972 pro­ Stretch Nylon nounced that $100, granted an- annual meeting Mionday night ved S h e v ^ d Dress Shirts viding the first installment Is Sho Fdshidtis aifism for f^ w legal MtKm. attitude at ttotoaring.” treararer; hta. A n ^ y Squll- interested In studying horticul------paid In fuU during the month B ody Suits "It Is only after we have re- R„,«T»Hncr fho nharm. fKof th.. lacote, chaplain; Mrs. Henry been awarded this o f July. T axes under $100 are Reg. to Eskimo Gutttiral due In fuU during the month .of 3.99 fused to ^ y the boar^ order to chefh^'S S t ^ IWerzhlckl, historian. year to Michael Scarchuk. % 1.88 bargain ttat we can go to the board’s ruling stated, "Tto ^Iso, Rotort (M r^, July 1971. Sccurchuk grmluated from Cov­ NOME — Sdehttets believe If the first instaUment Is not courts,” he said. ^ seigeant-at-aims; Mrs. Gcr^d entry High Sch(x>l tw o years ago Short sleeves in no-lron cotton that the Eskliho language te a paid in fuU during the month ‘"Ihe right of the employes that the hospital had no stan^ Bartlett, assistant sergeant-at- and te now a student in the De­ distant branch of the Ural-Altaic to blends. Solids and Stripes- 8-18. have union representation is a Miss Barbara Wallett, of July, the total tax becomes 3.99 S l lug to raise this objection and “I’m®; partment of Horticulture at the tongue. R has a deep guttural state wWch we in way Mrs. due o s o f July 1, 1971. Interest t Henri Pesslnl Md Mrs. University of Connecticut. It te sound and an Irregular ihythm. (executive wlU to charged on all delin- dial enge,” he stat^ but we recognizes the force Theodore Fairbanks, not always possible to find a The v(xm.bu|aiy consists aibout Off Our Regular Prices must also recognize that each d reasoning and asks the committee members, i]uent payments at the rate of & Reg. S . M to IS .9 P f student eligible for the award 10,000 w ords. % o f 1% per month from due our employes must to treaty -remedy its own aC- In®taUation wlU to held In and then the money te placed HURRY IN FOR BEST SELEjSf>iONS! QUANTITIES LIMITED! equaUy under the law, and In by setting aside the elec-. September. date. B oys’ Stil|cks s In the Revolving E\md at the Payments may to niade by • piresseil' PANTS & SLACKS ^ presumably on Its own motion, president and a member of the ^ pleasure maU. If a receipt Is requested dietary employes. to Ml Whl) \M» AO* a self-addressed stamped enve­ - • I$kirt8 Hm" hemitta-a violation of , “Wthout passing on tto mer- Girls Gins Statestate Commlsslmi,Gommission. willwu. at-aw- yy^ ^ C o i j l JI IMl{l -NS 'vNl I IIIt *fOvTWW , , lope should be encloeed. The 5.99 riT te cl^ ^ ^ to ^ to tl.m “ y objection Klotzer tend the department convention be used by someone who dcpects ‘Tax 'CoU ector wlU t o at the •w 2 : 8 8 i - n - Tank Close to the body idea to wear Cottofi't by the SLRB prior " tlon, we dedine to set aside the os a delegate-at-large. Mrs BETTER C l e a n e r s Town Office Building Monday, Garden Club—to stimulate an A SiUierb selectionI'y o f , 4 'ery Cotton\ and pofy/cqtton. Solid alone or under hover. S-M-L. to 13, 6 t’o 1 Un cam paign to any nia- Ducks Dive Deep these decripit doors RE: REFUSE DUMP TRUCK Sealed bids vrlU to received c(Hitends, the board placed Klot- terlal extent, or that any deter- to the public and I O u r Reg.< zer "In Umbo”—thus •violating rence which the board’s restric CHICAGO — On the Great thought some sort at the office of the Purchasing 3.99- hls rights to participate In the tlon may have generated played Lakes, ducks-called old squa-ws of celebration was if Agent, 740 Main Street, East 4.99 campaign for either side. any part in the results of tto have been btouglit up aUve In in order. After dis­ Hartford, Conn., until ‘THURS­ Part of Nfonagement election.” fish nets (rom a depth of 160 cussing the situa­ DAY, JtJLY 22, 1971 AT 10:00 -The hoapltal had souj^t -to The. salient fact regarding feet. Some authorities toUeve Children’s Shoes A.M. and -Will to pubUcly open­ obtain an injunction against the Klotzer, showing that the hos- they can dive as deep as 240 tion t^th my wife, Big Boys’ Shoes ed and read at that time and O ui election, but Its action became pltal’s case was not prejudiced, feet. I found we had sev­ place for the above mentioned Reg. ','-5 prints — eral differences of opinion. I wanted to hire the Grand Our Reg. to 7.99 commixUties and service. with Ballroom at Manchester’s largest aiid finest hotel, to - Y Oxfords and step- Information for bidders, spec­ i ; Z _ ___ tunics. She said we’d celebrate on these premises; I wanted GIRLS ^ M } 6.99 b BOYS o y s ifications, pnqiosal and con­ Sleeveless in cool cotton. Long All washable,' assorted styles ins for dress, choose fir^m Amel kiuts, Long Dresses, skirts, skirt and 'patteTna. l3izes " 2p, Miles Davis and his Orchestra, she said we’d get the Scoop up well fitting shoes for the children’s tract forma are available at the AU perma pn sets, sleepwear styles. Novelty or short p ^ ts with matched $ Solids, stripesj seersuckefft, stripes. 14 TO VrViH V W omen's Hot Pant Seta growing feet-at savings o f 15% to 25%. Leath­ school or leisure office of the Purchasing Agent, prints-4io 12 in group. -tops. 4 7 to 12. kid across the street who pl^s a mean harmonica; wear. prints Our Reg. 5.99 ...... 3 .9 9 I wanted a full catered affair, she said we’d let the. ers and patents in oxfords and straps. Sizes 81^ 740,Main Street, East Hartford. 0 ^ customers use two sugars in the coffee; I said there to 3. Sizes 3*/^ to 6. The right is reserved to re­ wasn’t enough room for dancing, the place being so 1 ject any or aU,. or any part of Summer Sandals any or aU bids wben such ac­ Men’s Solid-Fancy Girls’ Cotton Girls’ Hot Pant Sandals and crowded with merchandise; she said if we hav^ a good' tion Is deemed to to for the Men’s Never Iron weekend and sell a lot of stib^, we’d have the space. best ihtereat of tho Towq of Folding Slippers and Slippers So,- unable to agree on a program, we’re going to do Infants Shoes Walk Shorts Knit Tops . Style Shorts Ladies HOT Boys’ Penny Mocs East Hartford. Shorty PJ’s AcceM- nothing special to make this weekend m em oi^le ex­ T%(wn of Blast Hartford Short Sleeve or Our Reg. 4.99 . Fantastic Value Popular cuff Our Reg. 1.99 Dept. \ cept offer lots of goodies at very attractive (we hope) IhANDSEWN VAMP Our Reg. 8.99 John W. Torpoy, sleeveless in 3ur t y O O tank top or styles in cotton. ooo prices. The coffee, as usual, will be free and delicious PurcharinS Agent 7 7 Assorted styles in­ Leather uppers 5.99 crew necks. Solids and 1.66 (you can even use 8 sugars but don’t tell my wife) Stripes, solids.- prints. 7 to 14. and long wearing deluxe do- and the air conditioning and no-pressure atmosphere cluding booties and $ $ Never press 4 to 14. 1.69 Terry, crinkle, vinyl. Terry, Roman style or vinyl. straps. For boys & PVC soles. Favor­ TOWN OF BAST HARTFORD Solids, fancies; coat, middy. mestics. will be ifr full operation. Here’s a list (1(K)% incom­ ite casual shoe in plete) of what we’ll be lieddling. girls. Sizes 5 to 8. EAST HARTFORD, sizes to 6. CONNECTICUT I C om es in 1. New selections of records and tapes at % price O u r T o te o r less. BNVITA'nON L ow est Pequot 2 CANNON. B ag! . More Scotts and Ortho Lawn products at about P r ic e 35 to 40% off store prices. ‘T O B I D N o-Iron 3. Harmon-Kardon stereo systems (cassette, Men’s Shoes Dress • Boot • Work RE: TTRBS.'AND TUBBS N phono,, AM/FM, etc.) Sealed bids wlU to received W hite Fashion Sheets 4. Amencan of M ^insville 6 piece bedroom set Selected from assorted styles at the office of the Purchasing D acron Summer, Foil, Winter at $498.50. including step-ins, ties, straps, Agent, 740 Main Street, B ast and Cases 5. Admiral 16 inch Color ’TV's at $246.10 ($849.95 $ Incredible Hartford, Conn, until THURS­ Bath // or Spring — Every Season boots, etc. Black, brown and DAY, JULY 22, 1971 AT 10:80 Inflatable Blanket elsewhere). Value! combinations in the group. Twin Flat or Fitted Is Hot Dog Season! 6. Steams and Foster and Acromatic box springs A.M. and wUl to pubUcly open­ ed and read at that time aad and mattresses at about hidf what the fancy Sizes 6Mi to 12.^ Some wide T ow els Vinyl Back Rest in Carry Case widths. place for the above mentiemed stores get. . Our Reg. 994 Bogner'^ Franks Are Mode In Connecticut, and commodities and service. O u r . PLUS groceries, hardware, paperback books, glass­ Information for bidders, spec­ ware, towels, shutters and louvre doors, and hundreds m Solid colors, white and print. Terry Reg. Are U.S. Government Inspected PURE BEEF FRANKS! / ifications, proposals and con­ and velours. Mix and match. 1.77 11.40 8.40 of items I c ^ ’t even remember. tract forms are avtdlable at the This te no bologna; ourXfranks are quaUty controlled at the plant — and value con­ Design of marine signal flags. So come visit, we promise you a full guarantee with Special Clearance! -rtii-a of the Purchasliig Agent, Inflatable, wipe clean vinyl, ideal trolled at the store. thusXguaranteebig you your best buy against inflation! Ideal for boating, camping. 'ur Regular 3.49 each every thing you Hbuy plus our own “no-hard-time” Men’s $ Women’s 740 Main Street, Blast Hartford. W ashcloth, Reg.29« 19« for beach or patio. 22" high, 27” each wide. Size 58” x90” . money back guaranty if you are displeased in any G olf Shoes Reg. 15.70 Reg. 13.70 The right-Is reserved to re­ Avoikible at most lading chain stores '^ and independent super­ ject any or all, or any part of Double Reg. 4.49 ea. 2 for :L way with your purchase. Water repellant uppers, removable spikes, molded soles. Men’s eral Meilo-vin. a n y or aU bids when such ac­ Reg. 2/2.49 Pkg. o f 2 markets in the self-seivice case or delicatessen dept. Not E very IShto in E very Size In E very S tq re _ Sorry, Sew-A-Tie Kits Reg. 1.99 a 2.99 SALE: THURS. Pillo' REMEMBER OUR EX­ tion Is deemed to to for the M^chester* 1145 Tolland Tpke. thru SAT. tost Interest ot, the Town of Polyester or acetate. Includes fabric, Jly floral designs. Not every color in every style, HAUSTING HOURS: 1.20 & 1.60 O pen tote Manchester LE THURS. East Hartford. lining, interlining, instructions. EXIT 93, WILBUR CROSS PARKWAY Every Night [ig wearing type 130 muslin in fashion colors. t^rankly spealniis, you just oan^ boat BOGNERS’ FRIDAYS 10 to 9 and t, Town of Blasl^Hqrtford SATURDAYS 10 to 6. ^ Exit 93, Wilbur Cross Parkway WE REST A LOT. 1145 Tolland Turnpike THRU SAT. John W. Torpey, Open Late Every Night Purchasliig Ag;ent

<9 / I


MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1971 PAGE SIX Killer rhale ( From Your Census Coming OLYMPIA, Wa*h. (AP) — Fish and g;ame departments in Washlilgton, Alaska, British' Co­ tor’s Kitchen lumbia, Oregon and CalUomia have designated July 26 as the first - manage, anything if you don’t duced the oil. knew how many you have.” ' The medieval chef used herbs Fishermen, marine biologists, to season his salad. The master tourists, ^vbrnmental agencies cooks of Richard H of Ehigland and ferry and airplane pilots compiled an eariy cookbook en­ will be asked to keep an eye out titled “The Forme of Cury” in for the whales and report the which a “ salat” recipe appears. sightings along with details to I have no idea what the word their state game department, he “ cury” meant. At any rate, the said. recipe calls for “ parsel, sawge, Lockheart said the findings garlec, chiboUas (young onions), would be used to set limits for oynons, leek, borage, myntes, issuing capture permits. porrectes (a kind of leek), fenel, and ton tressls (cresses), S a f c v i i rew, rosemarye, purslarye (pur­ slane), lave, and wolsshe hem What’s Cookin’ dene (wash them clean, I hufitioHavot. . .ondMoodlf tomHom tmrvkm guess); pike hem, pluk hem For Supper? small with thyn honde (pliick IS By SOL B. CX>HEN them small with thine hand) I eat lunch early out ctf self and myng (mix) hem in raw defense. Sometimes 1 Just don't / oile. Lay on vynegar and salt, eat lunch at all. American salads are not bound by tradition nor limited in flavor and serve it forth.” Did I hear someone ; ask inspiration. When it,comes to salad making, Americans are truly Shakespeare menUtmed “ Bal­ “ Why?” I thought you’d never lets.” A sweet lady was likened ask. creative, mixing and matching salad gr^ns, fruits, vegetables, th a salad, indicating a com- It’s because my 'wife follows pasta, cheese, meat, fish or poultry with a variety of compatible plunent. The famed Brillat- a close schedule for supper. It Savkrin didn’t Incorporate much has to be at S:30—give or take dressings to come up with appetizer, accompaniment, main dish about vegetables in his writings a couple at minutes. and dessert salads- -but he thought salad “ freshens It you -ever-had- a late-luhch One of the'secrets of American salad success is the world of without enfeebling and fortifies —say, about 1:30 or 2—you m without inUating.” know how difficult it is to pre­ flavors available iii convenient bottled salad dressings. As each OrlglnaUy, salads were made tend to be hungaiy at 6:30. new dressing is introduced, a whole new array of salads can be only of greens, which still rate That’s why I eat lunch early. Better to pretend to be hungry created. Even an “old favorite” such as Miracle Whip Salad first today., tettuce leads the list in the United States. It is at lunch time, with no one to answer to, than at supper time, Dressing inspires new salads everyday. grown extensivdy throughout the year in various areas de­ with your wife watching your The three American salad creations pictured on this page are every mouthful, to see how you pending upon the climate. Gen­ are enjoying it. fresh ideas tracked down on a unique Salad Safari search con­ erally speaking, salad plants f ducted by Kraft Foods among U.S.A. food editors. These “today” Arid you’d better be enjoying should be grown quickly and it. No wife, no woman, can be­ recipes show both the versatility of American salads as well as served as soon as possible after lieve that a man has anything picking. the flavor magic of salad dressings. MRS. ANN REED else to do all day but day • i 3 Endive ranks second as a dream for' a delicious supper. Crancado Salad is a winning idea that is a simple combina­ marketable ginen for salad. It What do you hear each mom- tion of avocado quarters filled with cranberry-orange relish is not as popular in the South strainer or cheese cloth; add Let mixture set partially. Fold ^ you’re drinking as it is in the North. This may lemon Juice and dissolved gela- in whipped cream. Place mix- coffee and eating your soft (homemade or commercially prepared). It’s topped off with a be because It needs a cooler cll- tine, pour into ring mold which ture on top of cherry mixture egg? That’s right. It’s qmUIHAMS delicate dressing that combines creamy and piquant Russian mate for growing. Watercress has been dipped in cold water, which has set and chill for at «what do you want for sup- dressing with sour cream, mayonnaiise and lemon juice. Served ranks third, n grows in streems apd place in refrigerator until le“ t eight hours, or overnight, per?” and sometimes In damp ground, fitqn. Unmold on crisp lettuce. Mrs. Bruce Stauffer’s ice if .you give them an argu- on a bed of curly endive, it’s a salad beauty that makes a perfect ^ n O M ROUND ROAST Every spring I look forward FilVcenter with shrimp, tuna cream salad is also good for ment, “ How do I know udiat I summer luncheon accompaniment. to the first dandelion greens, ©r \w dorf salad. dessert. “ I like it because It’s so want for supper?” they get mad With a vinegary, garlic dress- MJm Snyder's blng cherry easy and you can do it ahec^,” at you and insist, "I’ve got to . A creative serving idea adds to the drama of another win­ ing, tuna fish and hard boiled cream cheese mold appeared on said Georgia. Since Sept. 23, know what to defrost.” BACK RUMP ROAST ning combination — Salad of the South, Fondue Style. The in­ eggs, they make a delicious March 10, 1960. An active civic 1968, Georgia’s three children So. you tell them."Make gredients in the salad bowl are a potpourri of greens and fresh luncheon. When the New Eng- yrorker, Mlm enthusiastically are Just enough older to permit what you want,” and you go land forefathers had gone the Manchester her to sing with the Choral off to work, DTEotROUND ROAST vegetables, accented with crumbled bacon and dill pickle. The through their winters living on Branch of ^ e American Cancer Group of Manchester Commun- "Make what you want” Isn’t serving surprise is the Italian dressing pour-on, that is heated in salt meats and starches, they society, k ^ ch ester Public Hy College and with the choir the answer. More times than a fondue pot and added to the salad at the table. looked forward to the fresh Health Nursing and the Auxlll- of the Unitarian Church. She is not, the supper you find waiting eonDHROUNO ROAST cordoiicul: ^ D ^ dandelion greens of spring. J^J.Jy of Manchester Memorial taking piano lessons, too. Keith for you ,niay be a repeat of Hot and hearty describes another new salad jdea that orig­ Salad today takes innumerable Hospital. Summe^ime finds her Is now 12, ' LeeAnn is 9 and what ydu had for lunch. inated in the Midwest. Hot German Macaroni Salad is a year forms. Not only vegetables but Hnkk^ at Ellington Sandra 7. The Stauffers now live DW you ever try saying, “ I FRE^^iTK^UND ROUND 9 9 IB ’round favorite to complement many a family or party menu. meats, fish, fowl, nuts and Bldge Country CSub- at 68 'Virginia Rd. hEul meat loaf for lunch—^I didn’t \ frulU find their way into the Mlm and Dr. Heri» Snyder, a Ice Cream Salad . know you were making it for Bacon and onion are the savory accents that mate flavorfully with salad dish. Recently. I brought radiologist, now live at 47 Hlgh- 1 package lime gelatine supper.” hot macaroni, chopped eggs and a spicy, uncopyable commercial bean salad tp a 28th an- Drive. All three ladles In 1 cup boiling water Well — don’t. You’ll always nlversary celebration. It was a to,jgy>g column have changed 1 pint (2 cups) vanilla ice get the same answer, "I asked salad dressing. big hit and it Is so easy. Use yjgjr residence since they first cream you what you want for supper FRESH PRODUCE leftover or canned cut green appeared In the column, but all 1 cup white gl^pes or white and you didn’t answer. 'What beans, chop up an onion (red or ^re still Mancheaterltes.', The or blng .cherries do you think I am — a mind v -8 SALAD SAFARI-AMERICAN STYLE CRANCADO SALAD DELICATE PINK DRESSING yellow), salt and pepper, herbs ^nyjer’s son Rob Is home' for 1 cup ^crushed pineapple, reader?” , Curly endive 1/4 cup Kraft Creamy Russian 1/4 cup Kraft Mayonnaise of your choice. Dump everything summer working part-time. iS^Sd^dned Better to say nothing and Just If you wish to take your family on a tour of the American salad bowl, 2 10-oz. pkgs. frozen in a bowl aiid pour your faVor- ,g ^ student at the Unlvei^- Wm a 11 botUe maraschino eat. VEsg^6iEJUiCE<2«-4::o NEW IfiNa WHITE cranberry-orange relish, Dressing 1-1/2 teaspoons lemon juice Ite Italian dressing over all. Buy Vermont. Daughter Debbe^' •v cheiries, sliced As for me — I eat lunch early. QAMPFlRE. Kraft has collected this year’s top salad recipes plus a special “today” array thawed Delicate Pink Dressing 1/4 cup dairy sour cream It bottled if you like. Add a lit- university of Connecticut, % cup chopped nuts out of self defense. Sometimes POTATOES 5^ of recipes and ideas from the Kraft Kitchens in a colorful booklet. Salad 2 ripe avocados, cut in Combine ingredients; mix well. tie extra wine 'vinegar for zip. gt^jent, is teaching at BrCTt- \ Dissolve gelatine in boiling I don’t eat lunch at all. 4 9 Safari — American Style. To receive a copy of the booklet address your quarters Makes 8 servings. The secret? Marinate It all day Aquatic School for the Water; add ice cream and stir. That way, I’m ready to eat VINE.~R|PEJsIED and turn the beans over often. Add remaining ingredients and supper at 6:30—give or take a MARSHMMLOWS 25^ request to Salad Safari, The Kraft Kitchens, Room 2557, 875 North Michigan For each salad, top an avocado quarter with relish. Serve on NOTE: To prepare your own cranberry-orange relish, grind 2 cups You can ,do the same thing place in mold or dish; chill until couple of minutes. And I never, i H Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611. endive with: (1/2 lb.) cranberries and 1/2 orange, seeded. Stir in 1/2 cup sugar. with clilc, ‘ p ^ . Add a little Bing d>«n7 firm. never say what I had for lunch. chopped hed plmiento for color.. Cream Oheesu Mold PAMcy vEU-ovy WTth the chic peas, if you like ^ package red raspberry or Ziesi> MUSHROOHSS^ ^“99 anchovies, add those, too. cherry gelatin cup l^ t water PEACHES 4 9 You seemed to like the red- ^ HtUE pes last week from past-Issues V cjip cherry Juice. of Tile Herald cookbook. This -Bing cherries, pitted week, I have_ chosen three,_ s^ - Dissolve gelatine in hot water; ads that have appeared before. cherry Juice. s’" ,4 jtlDMEy ^ 2 7 The picture of Ann Reed Isn’t' When mixture has set ^ d new although she haai’t cherries and pour into mold. Let changed a bit since It ilrslvap- . . . ^ peared In this column March 1 sm dl package c r e ^ cheese 9, ■ 1961. Ann is in Germeuiy'T package lemdi gelatine right, now visiting her son Lt. 1',.^ ®“P hot water FRWBNlOAiRY Comdr. John Reed who Is on ^ '^?“ P water duty there. Her son Tom lives ^ t wWpped cream, flavor- in Mddletown. L, Ann and Mrs. Howard Boyd almort^^ extract. WtTR THU CdOPdN S isiH ’ ' make their home together at Cream g d ^ e and cream 24A Sycamore. Lane. At one cheese carefufiy; add hot water; time, Ann was secretary to mix well and Udd cold water. i CMOCKRJLLO’ MUTS Mrs. Boyd’s husband, the late ' Dr. Howard Boyd, a highly re­ ...... spected pediatrician. She has .^ IN S T A N T also worked in the offices of Dr. J. L. Hebert, a local dent- 1st. Retired now, she is still ac­ UCOFFEE tively Involved in church work v a l i d 'NED-SKT 6U U Y 8-10 at Emanuel Lutheran and U a volunteer with the Red Cross O M E COUPON PER P A M It y Bloodmoblle. Maybe what your Ann’s recipe Is a tomato ring R e o e e M a t H ta H L A N o p a k x M ic r , mold which you can fill urlth your favorite fish or 'Waldorf salad. AU three of today’s sal­ ads have a gelatine base, cool­ ing. In summer and good for advance preparation. , ■ The word gelatine comes 1 is an oil changa- from the Latin gelatus,'frozen. A French scientist first at­ tempted to make It commer­ cially In 1681 but nothing came I A change to Mobil heating oil A change for greater of it. After the French Revo- I home heating comfort lutlon, the government declared I You see, Mobil heating oil has been, scientifically gelatine a nourishing food. tested 21 times before we deliver it to you And it is Faced with mass starvation, ■ consumfer-tested continuously in some 600 homes through­ the French Academy _^of Medi­ out the country to make sure it gives peak performonce cine made its proclamation. It in every area waa then made commercially and added to soups and broths in hospitals and public institu­ Maybe You Need tions. > To S e e U s I J u s t SALAD OF THE SOUTH, FONDUE STYLE HOT GERMAN MACARONI SALAD Tomato Bing Mold 2 tablespoons gelatine Call 6U3-5135 htsotingoil 3 quarts assorted greens 1/3 cup sliced green onion 1 teaspoon salt 3 slices diced bacon 1/2 teaspoon salt % cup cold water ; 1-1/2 cups diced tomatoes 6 slices crisply cooked 1/2 teaspoon pepper 1/4 cup chopped onion 1/8 teaspoon pepper % cup boiling water 24-HOUR SERVICE! # PHONE M3-5135 1-1/4 cups peeled, sliced bacon, crumbled 1 8-oz. bottle Kraft Italian^ 1 8-oz. pkg. macaroni, cooked, drained 1/2 cup Miracle Whip Salad Dressing 4 cups tomato juice cucumber 1/4 cup sliced radishes Dressing 1 Ubiespoon chopped onion 117 It I G It I A N D S T 1.’ I I T 5 hard-cooked eggs, chopped % teaspoon celery seed M rt N C H 1 >, T I u ^ r i N 1/2 cup diced djll pickles 1/4 cup chopped parsley 2 or 8 whole' .cloves - . Moriarty Brothers Tear greens in bite-size pieces on a large serving platter. Top with tomatoes, cucurr^e 5, pickles. Fry bacon and onion until bacon is crisp. Add hot macaroni, eggs, salt, pepper and salad dress­ 1 . teaspoon salt onions, bacon, radishes, parsley, salt and pepper. ing; mix lightly. Serve hot. Garnish with additional bacon and tomato wedges, if desired. 1 teaspoon sugar WE GIVE VALUABLE GREEN STAMPS! Heat dressing; pour evenly over salad. Sprinkle witiv croutons and garnish wi^--hard-cooked egg ' Makes 6 to 8 servings. ' , 2 teaspoons lem'wv Juice slices, if desired. Serve immediately. . Soak gelatine In cold water, zz n then dissolve in hot water. Cook 315 CENTER STREET MANCHESTER NOTE: For buffet service, heat dressing in fondue pot and let guests watch as dressing is poured over salad. the tomato Juice, onions, celery Makes 8 to 10 servings. seed, cloves, sadt Und sugar for 16 minutes. Strain through fine

I ■~V


ed In' action last week, com­ of Broad St. extending north IEmtrl)[FBt] r eraYor this nation, teth er Doula Arm­ pared with 21 killed and 172 Road Closed, from Center St., Monday. SAM’S SHOE REPAIR 9 strong 'did inore sociological good with wounded the week before. Although half the street will South Viet Unit 516 Main Street his untrammeled art than he might have South Vietnamese headquar­ Open Tonight remain open at all times for ^ttntUtg ifrrald ters said 321 government, troops two-way traffic. Chief Reardon done with less art and more agitation The Has B 7 TBB were Idlled and 674 wounded As' a-result of a last minute urges the public to use alternate ■“ oo.. n»c. and crusading. routes to avoid confusim. OPEN FOR BUSINESS! Hits Parrot Beak last week, dropping sharply decision by Monaco Paving Whatever that future answer, the ac­ (Continued from Page One) from the 492 killed and 976 wounded the week previous. Co. officials. Pine St. was tual conduct-'of his life leaves the un­ forces today took control of cf U.S. bases sel up mong the The .allied commands listed closed to traffic all last night, Horse Prefers WORK DONE lers Been /Named Con Thlen, the U.S. bkse below ir 1. 1881 diluted excellence of his art clearly be­ DMZ' to inhibit enemy (nfUtra- 2,280 Communist troops killed. in contradiction to an earlier the demilitarized zone which tlon. Hundreds of Marines wefa, WHILE YOU WATT! PuMMied Brery BraUnit BzMpt taiOaira fore us. It was superb, and caught heart­ Increase o f 830 over the Week announcement that the road City Streets and Hcdlday*. Biuered at the FiM OBIm M withstood a bloody siege by the killed or wounded there by strings and lighted the belies and imagi­ ------Ootm., aa SaeoM CUm ib ^ North ’Vietnamese in the fall of North' Vietnamese artillery at­ Ameilcan combat deaths re­ would be closed only until 6 ST- PAUL, Minn. (AP) —■ nations o f a ihoaalDlltty for typo-■ tion across the DMZ. inal shape will return upon re­ Workmen are scheduled to be­ risking disorderly conduct and craphloal' errors appeartnp In adveruse- fessor of botany has found a way cf Oommand reported 23 Ameri­ ments and other matter In The making both come true. He can grow O I Con Thten was one of a string cans were killed and 182 wound­ heating. gin widening a 250-foot section disturbing the peace charges. Mancheater Erenlnc Her [d. anything from peadies to camel-fodder Fendell, Dayanna, daughter of Norman' and Adele Bloom Subaortoer to lx>s Antreles Ttmes-Waalitnc- in the desert without usliig a drop cf pip­ Fendell, 64 Atlantic Dr., Old Saybrook. She was bom May 31 ton Peat News Serrlpe. at Lawrence Memorial Hospital, New London. Her maternal S\ill service clientsUent i f N. E. A. Service, Inc. ed water, and he has found a “backr pubUsbera Representatlvea — Matherws, stairs” method of getting the message grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Bloom of England. Her Shannon and Cullen m e., Special Acoioy paternal grandparents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Manning Fen­ — New Yosk, Chloaco, Detroit and Boston. across the border. The system is cheap, devastatingly dell, were Manchester resldqhts. She has a sister, WurtAieine, XBMBBR a u d it BUBEIAU 0 7 dBCDLA- 8. ■' / TION8. simple, and I have eaten enough of the professor’s peaches and pistachio nuts Enjoy your new furniture as Thursday, July 8 to testify that it works—unless he cheats Paiomblzlo, Lawrence Edward II, soil of Lawrence Ed­ you pay for it. Choose one of by night with a watering can, which I - ward and Linda Sapletiza Palombizlo, 8 Cherry Tree Dr., East Watkins easy budget terms: rule out. Hartford. He was boln June 16 at St. Francis Hospital. His ma­ Take up to three years to pay It’s The Documents Which Count ’ Eor 10 years, P rofessor M idutol Eve- ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrsi Rosario S. Saplenza, nari' of the Hebiww University has work­ Coburn Rd., M^chester. His paternal grandparents are Mrs. with as little as 10% down. Today’s "Inside Report” by Novak ed in small experimental plots. Now he Bertha Palomblzio and Anthony Palombizlo, both of Newing­ ton. His maternal great-grandmother is Mrs. Rose Saplenza, Use 80-60-90 day payment and Eivana on thia pa^e contains an In­ has -borrowed 1,200-acres of desert from a Bedouin shelkb. Just south of Beer- 27L Bluefleld Dr., Manchester. OF MANCHESTER plan or Master Charge. teresting and devastating' aasatdt on’the sheba, and begim planting it with sap­ / past<-expertness of ' Daniel EUsberg, the lings and seedlings. • Newtnan, Geoffrey Patrick, son of Gaiy and Maiy Blake inAvidiial who gave the. iPenlngon pa­ As they grow, !^ouiig scientists from Newman, 194 Washington St, Hartford. He was born June 11 Ewope and America 'wiU learn the proc­ pers to the New York Times. at Hartford Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and ess. ’Ihey will come on International , Mrs. George Blake, 46 Elsie Dr., Manchester. His pateinal The attack Is Inteireating and devastat­ scholandiips, paid for by German grandparents are Arnold Newman, Turnbull Rd., Manchester; ing, but H is also far wide of the main churches and Swiss diarlties, which will and Mrs. Blanche Newman of W, Middle Tpke., Manchester. later send die scientists out as Instruc- Semi-Annual Sale point Involved in the whole episode ot tors to countries that need to know — Open 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.— ^Thursday and Friday Nights Until 9 P.M.— Closed Mondays the Pentagon papers. which means prlnclpaJly Arab countries. Wilson, Christine Grace, daughter of Maurice Jr. and 935 Main St., Manchester^—Telephone 643-5171 Novak and Evans can prove that EUs- ’The principle behind Evenarl’s method Shirley Hunt Wilson, 2 Pearl St., Apt. 1, Manchester. She was Is far from new. lOng Soicnum and his Photographed by Sylvian Ofiara bom June 18 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal berg was an unreilable individual expert g;randpafent8 are Mr. and Mrs. Geoige Hunt, Warriiouse successors used it three thousand years CULP’S HILL, GETTYSBURG on Vietnam. Walt Rostow can claim that ago. So did the Nabateans, who support­ Point. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Maurice ed big desert cities cn the same miser­ WilscHi, 302 W. Center St., Manchester. She has a sister, Mary; the New York |Tlmes drew the wrong / able three inches cf rain a year that the 2 . First Time Ever! Sprague &■ Carlton Maple/dn Sale' conchiaiotu from the papers it pubUstaed. / Israelis have to make do with. (Evenari .*1 ■« i*t '* William Bimdy can write In Newsweek vehemently denies diot there’s been a Ilaly, John F. HI, son of John F. Jr., and iPhyllls CJon- that, since ^the unpleasant process has change of climate since then). ’Ihe R^ Connecticut Yankee verse Daly, Shady Lane, Bolton. He was bom June 16 at Man­ chester Memorial Hospital. His paternal grandparents are begun, now the whole truth ought to be mans took the system over from Jme SOLID MAPLE or PECAN Nabateans. Only when the nomadic^bed- Inside By A.H.O. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Daly Sr., 87 Oliver Rd., Manchester, His brought out. The Suflreme Court itself ouin occupied the desert in tfaq^^eventh A Memo From Ellsberg maternal grandmother is Mrs. Ruth Converse, Bolton. He has can differ about whether the New Yi»k century did the technique die Out. the West Hartford Repi^can a brother, Michael, 6; and two sisters, Michelle, 3, and (Jonnle, .Early In the legdelatlve mom- 1. Times was acting patriotically or erven It works, because the yellow, sandy of Wednesday, June 30, the who was later te serve ila floor ' Good buys like this don’t come along soil which covers much of die Negev, leader for the Income tax legally when it 'publiahed the papers dramatic interest centered ' on too often but Watkins was on the spot Sinai, Bafaara, and similar deserts forms the developing and increasing forces, noted, as he rdee to sup­ Beerworth, Amy Lynn, daughter of Donald and Dorothy without consulting with the govenuhent ort a crust which seels In rainwater and posslbiUty of a successful coup port the amen^ent,' that Lanz Beerworth, 4 Robin Rd., Vernon. She was' bom June 22 to nail down this extraordinary value first. stepa it from eveqxiraUiig. All you need for the Income tax In the State "there is a cracH In the armor at Manchester'Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents on these beautiful bedrooms. We’re to do is clear your plot of stones and By Rowland Evans Jr. and Robert D. Novak h ere.” And R ep. Bernard Avc<^- are Mr. and Mrs. John H. Lanz, 21 Middle Butcher Rd., Elling­ But all of this, although fascinating, ^ Senate. By mid-afternoon, the proud to introduce you to this hand­ build a shallow dyke to keep in the rain­ bl-partlsan Income tax move In Ue, the N aum tuck Dem ocrat, ton. Her paternal grandmother Is Mrs. Bernice Beerworth, really side issue. water. On the 863 or so days when it WASHING’rON — Tlie flawed desperate Tet attacks, the Com­ cong were hopelessly decimated the Senate was not r/ after 6 o’ clock that contained in the actual texts of the mes­ family, with a respectable luimber of U.S. support of the war and un­ Downtown Manchester ■Y from the North. eveningi however, the House And that was the Ironic sons and daughtets to do the wmk, can renewal of the Coipmunlst of­ dermine a-poUticail consensus at sages and memoranda the braintrusters Ellsberg Prohecy No. 3: ”It is 'suddeiuy gave a signal which theme used by Rep. Robert Watkins has joined with our fellow re­ 3 Piece Bedroom set It all up ‘With no hired labour — for a fensive. "Two months' from now the death of pacification” — home. Now, in the confusion and the policy makers of the period . . . thinsrs are going t« get much was k forecast of what It would King, the Tolland Republican, SALE onetime investment of less flian eight Communist control of South wrought by pubUcation of the tailers oil across America to sign fhe worse." he s°id. precluding any actually do, near dawn the as he announced that he would Thun.-Fri,-Sat. were exchanging^'With one another. pounds an acre,’’ Evenari claims. Vietnam will steadily increase, Pentagon Papers, the mistaken ’The system is of more relevance to posslbmtv for imnrovement. |iext morning, when it got the vote for the amendment, not National Home Furnishings Association Rostow in JUs own words, the Bundys never receding. B y A pril 1, Dr, Ellsberg is api^eosized $849. Arabs than Israelis. Evenari began his No pronhenv could have been .'Income tax proposal. because he favored It, but be­ ”U.S. sub-sector teams will be vdiUe those who correcUy inter­ pledge and hove it filed in Washington in their qwii vrards, the generals in their work in the Ben-Gurlcn days, when des­ ■more false. In truth., the Tet of­ cause he was awalUng his op­ LADIES!! BOYS!! GIRLS!! withdrawn from a number of preted Tet as a calamitous C ony ' At that hour, Rep. John Pap- ert agriculture ranked second only to de­ fensive ., was the' Communist portunity to vote against the «-!• 6-16 8-4 with the office of the President's Con­ Regularly own words — these aie the ievelaticns districts, and a number of pro­ munist setback pre in disgrace. andrea, the Meriden Democrat fence in Israeli priorities. But the Negev hleh-water mark, triggering a whole bill and wanted to be nq Amount of argignent over the motiva­ vince towns will be under siege. who had been so prominent a sumer Advisor. Double Dresser $829.60 klbbutslm, includiiig Ben-Guri.on’s own three-year decline in their sure, when that time came, he Some will have fallen.” Some part of the building of the lead­ tion of other individuals and newspapers, Sde Boker, make little economic sense. Vietnamese strength (vdilch Was not voting against a crip­ We're partners with responsible con­ M irror 99.50 400,000 U.S. troops would be Herald / ership compromise tax package Chest-on-Chest 359.50 and no amount of frantic intellectual While the rest of Israel produces more mav now be ending). But Ells­ that one of Its bulwarks, the ple. SHORTS sumer agencies on o notional, state needed to prevent this. Vegetables than It knows what to do' berg. exsumerated with Salgmi’s Bed 4 /6 , 159.50 revision by their now embattled authors The actual outcome: Far from Yesterdays tax on dividends and capital ONE LOW PRICE with, there is no point in growing more corrupt governm ent .and shoddy But the House itself, when it and local level. Our signing of the NOW can alter or cause to fade. We were U.S. teams being withdraw or gains , had been .practically in the desert. ormv, could see in Tet cmly the came to the vote, was not en­ Night Stand 99,60 $ 89.50 province towns falling. Com­ named' after him, began per­ pledge emphasizes our long-estab­ never supposed tq know all this was go­ Indusrry is now the watchword tor de­ vindication his own warnings. 25 Yea^$ 4go gaging in any subtleties. It munist contfbl of the country­ suading the House to break the veloping the Negev — although because It was a view widely shared in The Rev.**^Ferrls E . Reynolds smashed the amendment by 114 lished policy of complete integrity. ing on; we do know, and the knowledge side steadily receded, without leadership agrai^ment package of Isreal’s riironic meat riiortage, there ISA whose staffers wrote the resigns as pastor at Second Con­ - to 64, despite warnings that is terrlUe, and will remain terrible, no any increase in U.S. troops. opening by reeving the pro­ We've earned your trust during 97 is still scope, for using the Evenari meth- Pentagexi Papers. gregational Church, a post be such actiim would leave the EUsbeig Prophecy No. 4: posed new taxes on luxury matter how ingenious the efforts, from oid for pcteture. But for the Arabs — and - Tlius. the spectacular mis­ package broken and unbal- years of integrity and fairness. We de­ “The best guess is that the VC has held for 11 years. items. The House was surpris­ • Nylons, Cottons, Polyesters “Perlfta,” a Mediterranean bedroom nov^ on to divert us into side Issues. much o f. India and Pakistan as well — takes o f E llsberg’s 1968 m em o smeed, and that was the mo­ (Vletcong) cadres are busy ingly docile for this move, even grroup that makes a statem ent. . . in pend on your trust. Without it, Watkins the mediod could make a reyolutioii. transcend the persohial. His ment in which the House S’ Solids, Prints, Stripes learning lessons from the initial 10 Years Ago refusing House Speaker Ratch- design, pecan wood finish of warm ’"Ihey could graze 20 to 60 times as flawed vision is the flawed his­ found, to its own suddenly re- could neither prosper nor grow. attackii( oh how to do better next Tile Town Board of Directors ford the record roll call he ask­ • Values to $2.29 biown tones, and hardware! It has a ^ many sheep, goats, or camels as they do tory oi the Pentagon Papers. It tored self respect, that It had month.” early April, there denies that the Board ctf Educa­ ed to have, and forcing him to bold structural look; complimented by^ todi^ — without artificial water," Eve­ is the all-ls-lost syndrome that taken about' all It was going to Free And Equal On His Own will be another round of hes'vy tion budget has been increased. rule the measure passed by a s Hundreds to choose from nari says. deeply influenced U.S. policy in take, and was, henceforth, go­ the curved shaped molding on doors attacks, including renewed pres­ Connecticut National Guard's voice vote. It is possible ibat, in these two last Evenari belongs to the "nouvelle the months after the Tet of­ ing to be capable of all kinds • Clearance Priced . . . the open carved headboard sure of the U.S. Marine base at 1st Missile Battalion begins a But there were, during the 'vague" in develc^ment economics, fensive and finally led to Ells­ of strange behaviors, like, some with graceful shaped post finials. trouUed decades, there were those of Khe Sanh. 16-day summer training period debate, (me or two key re­ which holds that new countries waste berg’s disclosure of the Penta­ nine hours later, voting for an Carefully selected veneers openly his own race whose enthusiasm for the The actual outcome: The Vlpt- at Manchester Nike site. marks. Rep. Nicholas Lenge, huge aunounts of money on prestige proj­ gon Papers. income tax. JR. BOYS .brag about the rich grain and tex­ talent of Louis Armstrong was dimin­ ects like dams, while development at For these reasons, E.llsberg’s ture, matched to perfection for true ished by their regret over his failure to grass-roots level is largely Ignored. errors about ’Tet are worthy of SHIRTS b^uty. 'The finish, Tierra Del Sol, has But his criticism is not reserved for examinaticn. Herewith are play a more dramatic role in the field of Sport Styles a rich warm brown color. The antique foreigners. "In Israel we .waste between some prophecies he sent the s civil liberties. Perhaps some thought of W and 40 per cent of the water we have s Patterns & Stripes brass hardware, bold and beautiful, Pentagon alart of that first Studies -Region School Idea .tetermedlate Care peml* m tftfonf Hospital firm which has been retained $39,600 that was to be released. ford Hoq>ltal. private, noon • 2 p.iri., and 4 Include hla Rocky Marciano Construe- MHA Executive Director By ANNA FRI8IN A 1972, but not beyond that point. Informed sources In all ^® Survivors also p.m. • 8 p.m.; private rpoma, tion Co., to try and collect the Leon Enderlln said this morning (Herald Oorrespoodent) Members of the present study towns state that the queimon- wife, another son, a brother, a 10 a,m. • 2 p.m „ and 4 • 8 Appointed by Meskill balance of corttract money an amicable arrangement committee now Include a mem- naires' "In general, reported a sister and two grandchildren. T h e Regrionalization p.m. The funeral will be ,j Saturday being withheld by the MHA. might be fortneoming, that *>«*• ®ac‘» 0* tlie Boards lairly good standard overall. By SOI. R. CXlHEN H iey want to “ settle amicably" would allow the garnishment Study Con^lttee from the ^ Education, and a member with the exception of certain Pediatrics: Parents allowed at 8:46 a.m. from Rose lOU Fu­ (Herald Reporter) or will begin legal action. question to be settled out of towns o f Andover, Hebron, town’s Boaid of Fl- areas. These areas were, under­ any tiirie except noon • 2 p.m.; neral Home, 680 Elm St, Rooky Among a host of appointments to state boards and Tnii __. At the MHA meeting . last court. and Marlborough has until nance. Serving ftom Andover standably. those that dealt In others, 2 p.m. - 8 p.m. Self Service: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.; commissions, announced yesterday by Gov. Thomas fit ” ^****' '^® members volted to in other business last night, Oct. 7 to. complete its eval- are , Mrs. Beatrice KowalsW, «»"® way with m ^rlty 4 p.m. • 8 p.m. Meskill and all retroactive to July 1, are those of three 0 .1 K the letter over to their at- the members unanimously pass- nations and mal^e a recom- board of education and James T. M ll Herbert PhMon. ed a resoluUon to apply for IntM olve Care and Coronary Manchester men, one from South Windsor and one from mendation for or against I^ m a n n finance board; and ® methods of ‘® '“ *® episode funds from the state for state C a n : Immediate family only, Andover. All are Republicans. stemming elderly housing. full school regionalization. teaching and ^Qrpes s ’(rf materlaU any time, limited to flye min- Atty. John F. Shea Jr. 67 ------nerai Home tomorrow from 2 to thVM HA’a aJlefirations that _ . t ^ a * ■ Working under the pressure t Old Cider Miss EUla Fitsell, 82, formerly m the North End. TO date, the Community Affairs that no the three-town area, the com- “ ® Jack Barbie, - finance, Eu- ramifications that ac' and 6:80 p.m. -Sp-m ... Wechsler, a Hartford Demo- “ ill Rd., Andover w ^ appolnt- state funds are currently avail­ of 709 Main St., died yesterday m h A has held back $118,000 of mittee met again last night In ^Y**l®> Hham board and company whichever recommen- Age Llmlta: 16 ta maternity, crat. Also on the council, ed _ to a _ six-year term , _ on toe . able. The application Is being at a Rockville ccmvalescent the $988,000 contract, another of its impubliclzed Hrinton Schorer, school board, dation is made. 12 In other areas, no limit ta from Manchester, are Chief Su- Board of Trustees of ^nnectlcut home. “ Wo don’t want to have an filed in order to insure eligibil­ Caldwell, Schwebel meetings to review still more Also-a. member Is Dr. Weeley At last night’s meeting self-service. preme Court Justice Charles S. Valley Hospital, Mlddletovm. He Miss Fitsell was bom Jan. 29, argument with them," said one ity should more monies bo al­ new data, presented by Charles Ke*cham, a representative from cjmries Fox presented the com- ’Ihe emergency entrance on House and Superior Court succeeds KClth B. Hook of Hart- M «. A« ...w ______a j ____ .1889 In Ireland and lived most MHA member. “ We have the located. Fox and Dr. Herbert Sheath- State Board of Education, mittee with toe first group of Armory St. Is the only hospital Judge Jay E.. Rubinow. ford, a Democrat and, until last 'o f her life in Manchester. She money; thero.'s no problem; we Despite the full occupancy elm. The committee has been meet- correlated data which already entrance open from 1 1 p.m. to Shea, who is Manchester Friday, the board's chairman, was a member of St. Mary’s Just want the work finished.’’ of .the 276 housing units the In Court Positions ’Ihe committee had engaged ing throughout the year, and al- places toe three towns in a dif­ 7 a.m. A ll other outside doors town counsel, is a former state Sides Is director of Vallance Episcopal Church. A portion of those withheld MHA administers, there Is a Dr. Sheathelm, a staff mem- though copies of the-minutes ferent perspective when com- sre locked during toe night represeotatlyc and a former House, a drug-rehabilitation cen- She is survived by severed funds, $39,600, was set. to be re- growing waiting list, now num­ Atty. Donald B. C a l^ e ll was resignation of Atty. Leo B. ber of the School rou8*t> because of Its econom- Mark Curtis, East Hartford; pointed to a four-year term on Judge Drtacoll jo u n c e d th a t'*, conncetlcut School of Law «»e surro^dlng w ea and other coLlderatlon. It wUl affect Well Attended There will be no calling hours. Clarence W. Custer, 112 Aspinall the State Commission of Opti­ The family suggests that any yesterday he h ^ received the , graduate of ®''®“ “ t o o ^ S ' S region ®'^®'^ P " ® " ‘ ' youngster Dr., Andover; Mrs. Lorraine I. cians, succeeding Paul J. Gold- The Manchester Recreation M ayor Praises In school or to be 1 1 school In a memwlal contributions be made Desrosler, 29 Terry Rd.; Wll- ecker, a Bridgeport Demo- Department reports that toe first toe future. And toe answer Is to toe Book of Remembrance of -Uam-J— Ethridge, Hunt R d.; crat. Also on toe commission instructional programs Fire Calls Aides w ho Took- ■ effective such- facta aa -enroU- equate-aaawert-otaer feel that Te^ than three mohihs away. St. Mary’aT E^riiscopal Church. eon announced his tatentlwi to wopams uraverauy. figures, per capita cost “ ® miserable failure, and Columbia; . Mrs. Lynda H. from Manchester is-Enrico F. (or children was weH attended. ’The Holmes Funeral Home, will expire ^ program of tennis lessons Town firemen were busy with U Conn Courses resign, last May. ^ ® ®®'T‘® ^ ® ^ •*® per pupil in each town, cost of that If It had not been forced Ewtdd, Brandy S t, Bolton; 400 Main St., U in c h a ^ of ar­ Judge Driscoll explained that Practice ne emerea tne Army (acuities and mataten- on the towns by economic neces- CSieryl D. Feverman, Washburn f K f <«>uUs will begin Monday at a number of minor calls yes­ ’Three town officials were rangements. when there is such a vacancy it served In G erm ^y, resum- town’s tax base, the slty, a regional Junior and sen- Columl Ave., Coventry; David M. Gard­ are both in the optical b^taess. the courts near Manchester High terday. honored ’Tuesday night for is up to toe presiding Judge to practice in 1967. j-ate, teacher cost, mm- lor high school would never have ner, 78 W. Center St.; Mre. School. Tennis classes will be At 12:22 p.m. they put out a their completion of In-servlce M is . Mary PUurl make a new appointment im- He wa^ appointed pubUc de- professional . school costs and been toe choice of toe taxpayers, Unda D. Goehrtag, 86 White S t i IMrs. M a ry PUurl, 64, of 84 stove fire -at 719 W. Middle training courses with toe Insti­ B.- Bagley of 66 Dale mediately. fender In July, 1968 when Atty. other materials utoich will en- Facing Big Job Parade tJnits Mrs. Marlon A. Guyette, 80 R d^M an ch est^ been ap- Wednesday from 6-8 p.m. There Robert Rd. died this morning at ^ “ ®; tute of Public Service of toe At 1:16 yesterday afternoon an Judge Driscoll then appointed Pigeon left that pMt to become able toe study committee toThe committee has Invited Beelzebub Rd., South Windsor. inted to a six-year term on *® ® registration fee. Hartford Hoepital. University of Connecticut. Atty. Abbott B. Schwebel as as- state’s attorti^y when, toe then evaluate toe region’s relative school superintendents from one- .Also, Mary Ellen Hewey, 337 toX Board of Trustees of Re- The Instructional program for She was the wlitow of Klazlm automobile lire brought them to Wto “great satisfaction” 188 Spruce St. sistant states attorney, toe posl- states attorney^, Joel Reed an- status among its neighboring town school systems, and from Win Prizes W. Middle 'Tpke.; Mrs. Lauretta school age children includes T. PUurl. Mayor James Farr made the giorial Community Colleges. He tietry, public and community rela­ Atty. Pigeon had accorded toe netti of E^eld. and Is also deputy coroner for P^Y® P* regionalized. This Is toe present L. Michaud, East Hartford. Malcolm Southerlin, Birch'Mt. a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Mill Rd., Coventry; Gordon belh Bird, Pine Tree Lane, Wap­ ford Republican. / dance and rhythms, and baton. tions. office all of Its high standards Tolland County. He opened his toe s e ^ c e s of separate system. If chosen. It will now seco ^ and thlM prizes w ^ Rockville The funeral will be Saturday Veto-Study Also, Anthony N. Noel, Sea- Rd., Bolton; Mrs. Christine L. Ronald P. .Zelenka, Marlbor­ Lecke, Glastonbury; Harry M. plng; Marilyn Dandurand, Cor- Bagley, an attorney, has been These programs are conducted and in so doing had fully pro- own law office In Vernon In Superintendents of Schools by mean that Hebron must hire Its graves Rd., Coventry; Mrs. at 8:16 a.m. from toe Burke. Fu­ lumbia Lions Club, Columbia Sullivan, 7 Harvard ^Rd.; Mrs. ough; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Jackson. 82 Cushman D r.; Rich­ rlne Dr. Tolland Gary Magnon, a member of toe Legal Depart­ at various times In toe West tected toe rights of those prose- November, 1964 and in 1968 "®” y®®f, own superintendent, as will " " Hospital Notes neral Hmne, 76 Prospect St., Session Due Town Man Helps PTA and toe Republican ’Town Alice A. Reynolds, Glastonbury; Madeline G. 'Tucker, Forge Rd., David Hart, Glastonbury; n son ard D. Forde, 224 Main St.; Kenneth Dr., Vernon; Eleanor ment a t' Travelers’ Insurance Side Rec, the Community, toe cuted as well as those of toe formed a partnership with Atty. towns of ^An- fu,aru Andover and Marlbor- Mrs. Evelyn M. Rlsley, Storrs; RockvlUe, with a Mass of re­ dover, Hebron and Marl- Committee. Coventry; Heidi M. Ullon, Mon- to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Chrtlstine A. Farnsworth, 256 Visiting hours are 12:30 to Sassano and son, Lawrence St., Companys since 1939. He is Buckley School. Bowers .School, state. On hand for toe occa- william Hall. ough can each hire Its own sup- 8 quiem at 9 at Sacred Heart Late in Month Fellow Boater Organizations taking toe top tauk Dr., Vernon; Mrs. (Connie Savldge, Glastonbury. Lljmwood Dr., Bolton; Daniel p.m. in all areas except ma­ Rockville. a former member of ,the Man­ Highland Park School, Ver- Church, Vernon. Burial wlU be slon was former Chief Justice He is a graduate of Dart- iTIlienteH erintendents, hire one together. three prizes w ere: Boy Scout Valenti, 61 West St., Rockville; J. Soucy Jr., 321 Oakland St.; chester Board of Education and planck School, Martin School, John Hamilton King. DISCHARGED Y1ESTBR.DAY : ternity where they are 2 to 4 In St. Bernard’s Cemetery, (Continued from Page One) Who Fell In mouth college and toe B^ton H;brar^mp.^e “>® ®®*7‘®®® ^ p 62 Corumbia Historical Lois R. Vlkltaetz, ^ n d so r; Matthew L. Haddad, Wililman- Peter D. Burnham, 23 Bissell and 6:30 to 8 p.m. Is a member of the GOP town Charter Oak Park, Waddell T T _ i ..» « i » ,r vinhAtni n t T AttiT _ . . ^ TRham’s jiio m ’a oc. Hcbron s supcrin- - - — _ RockvlUe. A Manchester fireman, boat- Today’s appolntoents makes university School of ^ w . school District No. 8, and as Society and toe Columbia Canoe WANTED Kathleen A. Vincenzo, Shoddy tlc; Tara Lynn Bergeron, Mans­ St.; Mrs. Marlene K. Smyth, 39 Man Crushed committee. Last November, he School, Center Springs Lodge, requiring reconsideration of a tot^ of three vdthta a week Formerly from Stamford Atty. 3^,^ 3^ ^ “ tendent. Friends may caU at the fu­ tag at Coventry Lake, yester­ Club. Mill Rd., Andover; Mrs. Bea­ field Center; Mrs. Irene Mc­ Riverside Dr.; Mrs. Joan M. Admitted Tuesday: Sandra was the unsuccessful Republican Green School, and Camp Ken­ every vetoed measure. In toe to closely associated posts. Schwebel is toe son of toe late 8tate.annolnti.ii 2) The second choice is com neral home tomorrow from 2 day, retrieved cnother boat­ Awards for marching unm;^ Clean, Late Mtidel trice M. Wilson, 450 Abbe Rd., Gowan, East Hartford; Mrs. Wallace, 108 Hollister St.; Mrs. Crawford, RFD 4, Rockville; In Seymour candidate for state representa­ nedy. to ,4 and 7 to 9 p.m. 1909 “ trailer” session, several Atty. Lawrence C. Klaczak was Mr. and Mrs. Morton Schwebel. s ch ^ a , A ^ Etamaila^l plete regionalization, K-12. ______man from toe water after he went to: Adult Color Guard, Wapplng. Gertrude G. Mortensen, 33 Div­ Marie Murphy, 125 Oak St., Kenneth Gookin, 25 Duncaster tive from toe 19th Assembly For more taformatiem, con­ bills vetoed by then-governor named public defender effec- He ^Is married to toe former — . „■> ____ Complete regionalization willimantlc Attachment Marine SEYMOUR (AP) — Michael fell overboard while bailing his State law specifies that once USED CARS BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A son ision St.; Mrs. Pamela L. Wil­ South Windsor. Lane, Vernon; Michael Penta, District. tact toe Recreation Department. Edward Herzcbler John Dempsey were simply Ig­ tive Aug. 9. That position has Marilyn Schaefer of Rockville, a echool or school system ™®ans, of course, that children umpg League, San Jose Ooun- Pivola, 30, of Seymour, died boat. to Mr. and Mrs. Raynold J. son, 134 Oakland St.; Walter J. Also, Mrs. Aileen W. Casey, 6 Robert Rd., Rockville; John Royal E. Cowles of 19 Char­ Edward Herschler, 96, of 12 nored. been made full tlnie since toe The couple has three children. Top Prices Paid Wednesday when a six-foot sew­ Coventry police said Donald reaches toe point where It has would now be divided equally gil, lOiights of Columbus and Bernier, 26 Campbell Ave., Ver­ Mugford, East Hampton; Willimantlc; .Barbara Jane Quigley, Rockville; James Rod- ing Rd., South Windsor has been ’Trotter St, died yesterday at ’Hieoretically, toe legislature er trench in which he was 36 or more teachers, then it among whatever school faclll- the Columbia Volunteer Fire For AU Makes! non; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Lar­ Armondo Pesce, 14 Ridgefield Bockus, 57 Crestwood D r.; Rita man, . Goose Lane, Tolland; appointed to a six-year term on Mamtoester^mcnener Memorial Hodpltal.Hoemiai merely refer all of Mes- Balgneault, 31, was thrown over- must hire Its own supertaten- were available In toe com- Department, working caved In and trapped PANTS & SLACKS lan^em r Memorial no^iwi. vetoes to toe atmronriate board from his 14-foot, 40 hp ry Briggs, 97 Wells St.; a son to Dr.; Warren Morrison, 118 L. Bojarskl, 105 E. Middle Stephen Shackway 2nd, Torry the State Personnel Appeal kfir. Herschler was born May “ vemes lo uie aj^ropnaie „ x dent. Both toe Rham school blned area, with children from Adult marchinig groups tak- CARTER CHEVROLET him. rLF.w rn v m ) Town May Get Extension Mr. and Mrs. Joseph LeMay Jr., Tudor Lane; Michael L. McDon­ Tpke.; John A. Wrobel, 15 S. Rd., Tolland; Robert Stiles, He was installing sewer con­ Board. He succeeds Mrs. Martha 14, 1876. He lived In New Haven co^nUttees and adjwrn. How- b^t « in system and toe schools In the one town not necessarily attend- ing the top three awards w ere: ri:i II CO.. INC. East Hartford; a son to Mr. and ald, New Britain; Barbara M. Hawthorne St.; Mrs. Linda Pillsbury Hill, Rockville; nections for a road construc­ Briscoe, a Lakeville Democrat. before he moved to Manchester P«*"o®ratic leadere are ex- x 90 minutes’ before final’ town of Hebron have passed tag school there, depending on Andover Fire Department, Cov- pected to move to override one about 20 minutes beiore nnai 1229 Main St. Mrs. Wayne Morgan, Colchester; Volslne, Marlborough; Elaine A. Spencer and son, 32 Holl St.; Sharon Steel and daughter. tion company he operated. Pl- Cowles Is director of manage­ ttiiree years ago. toe over-36 teacher mark and geographic location and class- entry Fire Department and toe BETTER CLEANERS or more vetoes, If only for toe ly running aground on toe north On Water Company Option a daughter . to Mr. and Mrs. Rozman, 345 Hacknwtack St.. Mrs. Carla Smith and daugh­ Cedar St., Rockville. . vola was pronounced dead at ment and development at Em- He is survived by four grand- -murt begin thinking about a room sizes. It would mean that South Windham Fire Deport- Phone 649-5288 :i2i GKF.FN RI). — Mr. :.r,Ri. sake of appearances. ’They do side of the lake and striking a ■‘Walter Pasay, East Hartford; Also, Mark A. Parent, Wright ter, Marlborough. Discharged Tuesday: Ellza- the scene. hart Corporation ta Bloomfield. childreh. . . x It appears that toe town may the’ town $2.25 million plus some new superintendent. ' the three towns would no longer ment. Kxx fcxxiH have anywhere near toe two- tree. - get an extension of Its option to $2 million for Improvements to Andover and Marlborough, have autonomy over their re- Youth color guard winner X thirds majority ne^ed to over- Manchester fireman |Alfre^ tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. C oM ti^ttaooVm O arkre^^^ purchase toe Manchester Water the system over toe next 20 smaller communities who most spectiv “• ““ «« octroi .w.r ,h. ™. „d I>mm, Surt.r, Dmn boating TTie family suggests that any O n Asia I nH h « nt the scene to L e n IvLo hours T ^ ^ planning tfl itoase out Its field budget for each of toe school Bugle and Nayaug Ancient memorial - contributions be stood y P y . .. ’ ...... showed support for consollda- service programs and will no systems, much as is toe case ^ t e and Drum. (Continued from Fage One) otoer boats away from toe area. Robert Weiss reported that there made to toe Salvation Army in tlon. The directors remain con­ longer by suppl}dng supertaten- now with the regional high Catalano Wins Races Police Chief Robert KJellqulst was a “ very sympathetic re- dent service to towns. Michael Catalano, Nuhfer Dr., Hartford. Minnesota fident, however, that toe propos­ school. Stassen gave his praised Wllmot and Constantino sponse” from the water com- One Ifear Reaplte won all three of toe Sailing Club views during an Interview al will be defeated within toe On toe either hand, it would i_x 1 __ helping to avert Injuries. The pany officials who attended. The communities Involved races, held over the weekend. M n. Theresa Fracehla quested by a newsman. district. mean an integration of school chief said this was the first Four members of the com- have been g^ven a respite, In the first two races, Larry An anniversary Mass wlU be On related subjects, Stassen TTie directors have not and facilities using each to their boatiiig accident of toe season, pany’s board of directors; com­ fince toe law provides for an Hutchins took second place In celebrated tomorrow at 7:46 said: will not take a stand on toe wa- fullest capacity. I f Matlborpugh pany president Emect Morse; additional one year at state both; Biron Birtles took third a.m., at St. James’ Church for —^Elsenhower, had hinted it was short one classroom, it and to? firm ’s attorney, Hugh ter company purchase. services. If toe'{owns are study­ place in toe first race and Neal Mrs. ’Iheresa Fraccla who died was solely toe disapproval of would not have to build a new Joseloff met with Weiss; Wll- O’Neill ho..has noted on'Numerous ing the feasibility of regionali­ Burgess took third in toe sec­ July 9, 1970. Secretary of State John Foster ^Fitz^ Near school addition, if there were liam O’Neill, director of public occasions that since water com­ zation. ond race. Dulles that prevented toe Unit­ room In any other school In works; and town Directors Carl pany rates, now higher than The first regionalization In toe final race, Martha MT. VERNON DAIRY STORES ed States from granting diplo­ toe area. If further expansion Teamster Zinsser and Mrs. Vivian Fer­ town rates, would have to be study committee was formed Turek took second place and matic recognition to North Viet­ lowered to town rates, revenue was required, it would be U.S. Says Plan guson. X in toe fall of 1968 when toe four Edward Kurtz, third. THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY JULY 8-9-10 nam after toe Geneva Confer­ from toe water company alone erected and paid for by toe Catalano took toe t^ . trophy, ence in 1964. Weiss said that he feels the Boards of Education from toe Unacceptable Top Post company X e c ti^ s present will ‘^® P“ «=haae three towns and toe Rham residents of the entire region, Larry Hutchins, second and —Eisenhower, despite toe company mrectors present w improvements. It would also mean consollda- (Continued from Page One) recommend toe extension to • school met and decided to Biron Birtles, third. Tile races (Gonttmied from Page One). contrary reports of toe secret tlon of all services. Instead of will continue each Sunday for “ If $126,000 Is too rich for other directors. The water com- He contends, however, that study toe subject, with mem- the release of these men and fQt* Pentagon study of the Indochina 16 weeks. l\^ftjc/iFonmA toe TOwWon rf'wdtatever*liti war, favored taternatlonally su- your blood, I suggest we need pany will let toe town know its consolidation of both water a ^ bers each board a ^ wOTker^ra a*^part^me Oiartor Group to Meet oienphaiimA ______mation____ you______have ___ cn___ all of our pervlsed elections In North and some new blood In. this _ union,” decisionHeeisinn bybv ’Tuesday,'Tuesdav. when toe sewer would result In totaldilUs pointed to toe committee. At .... for these utilities which would be toe end of that schxxil year, basis, toe region - could hire a The Columbia Charter Com­ men captured and missing In Soutii Vietnam. a Fitzsimmons supporter shout- Town Board of Directors meets lower than- toe total now and the first committee broug^it full-time person, dividing toe mission will meet tonight at 8 throughout Indochina.” —The basic fault of the Penta- ed at Daley,. and most of toe to discuss toe Issue again, Weiss that this would be true for most back to Its respective boards work schedule among toe o’clock in Yeomans Hall. Bruce Bruce said that examination R "confuses 2,100 delegates roared approval gaid. customers in both ends of town.'the decision that toey felt noth- schools , of toe region. Supplies Bradford has been asked by of the Viet Cong plan “ makes It view® of Nixon. Dulles and of toe salary hike, The town’s option runs out. At toe meeting ’Tuesday with tag would be gained by reg;lon- would be bought in greater First Selectman Joseph Szegda evident that questions arising Radford ’ Adm. Arthur W. ------13 A aWaImm quantities, probably at a less to act as chairman protem. The from their contents necessitate Radford, chairman of toe Joint Weiss originally proposed that ■ °following year. In 1969, cost. Custodial and matnte- meeting wlU be organizational. serious negotiation between- all Chiefs of Staff with the policy Steele Names y there be a referenduin some- toe "boar^' agldn re-appotated nance services would be ar- The group will also meet July FRUIT parties concerned. We will wish decisions of Eisenhower, Critical Names make—^1 4.U^ R>®. ™ ® proposal pc. ginia Carlson tel. 228-9224. MANCHESTER AREA ONLY arrested by detectives moments n^ue, about 60. ' ®acR ®R®re of Kentucky w m rejected. it is known, however, that 690 HARTFORD ROAD REG. 29® *Only once in a lifetime after firemen extinguished toe The burned building at 5 Irv- Fried Chicken. Faced with the necessity within toe last few months, a Daylight Goes Deej^ -244 RRPAO STREET REG. 49® blaze ta toe four-story building, ipg st. was located about one Heubleln Is a wine maker and separate supervtalon both for questionnaire was compiled is it necessary to buy a family burial loti But toi [ uze in uie mui-oiuiy uunuine. mg SI. was locaiea aooui. one . ..x...... x.. xx „...x, ...xx»x.. xx.™ ^ . • tuJ* * u i"——"— x,„...r-x;x. WASHING’rON — ’The Navy Blanchard was arraigned be- block from Pleasant Street distributor and an Importer of Rham and for tod town of He- sent to each teacher in the Hydrographic Office reports DAIRY MT. VERNON •you and those you love, it makes a grreat deal of , fore Central District Court ^where six persons perished ta a liquor. bron, toe boards took advantage three-town area, asking ques- that data gathered by five re- HTVERNON Owr .QUEEN DAIRY difference whether you buy now or put off this Judge Joseph Goldberg, who or-' genfcral alarm fire last March in The protest was mounted, the of toe newly passed Public Act. tlons concerning the use of the search submarines Indicate selection until there isn’t any time to give it the. t dered him held without ball and a business-residential block. union said, because Heubleln No. 698 and reformed a region- school facilities, toe library, daylight penetrates toe ocean cz: I careful thought that should be given to your fam- < ’ instructed that a plea of inno- Two firefighters and two po- buys nonunion-picked grapes for allzatlon study committee under the teaching methods and stan- to a depth of ab least 2,800 feet, Brand HARTFORD RD CONSISTENTLY FRESHER, CONSISTENTLY LOWER MfiiUJ! tubnpik e il3r's last resting place. cent be entered ta his behalf. Ilcemen were among toe seven its California wine operations. Its guidelines, thus providing dards, toe standards of toe ad- FURNITURE MANCHESTER I n □ OLD:p L _ J Blanchard was ordered to un- persons Injured. Heubleln President Stuart D. themselves with a. year’s respite, ministration and of supervision. PASSPORT PHOTOS SUPERMART IN PRICE ON ALL ilSSfib PRODUaS C a . | , lumbia M d Marsh. 3b. 3 1 (Herald Reporter) As a stdte park, he noted, the 'Caldwell, ^Bridgeport. ■ TTiey Legion baseball team cer­ themselves out of a paper bag innings and Brad Steurer finish­ fect peg to Jack HoUk caught Friday night Manchester Talbot, cf. 2 1 PLAINVILLE entire ntst of acquisition and de- , . , ^ _ Lebanon have taken steps to im- Balesano. If. 4 0 Baltimore Colts — . Tommy Gov. Thomas Meskill yesterday vetoed the “Case Mt. are the Democratic .majority selectmen, John C. Sullivan, ^^,0 mobile support con- tainly didn’t look like Zone the next. Last Sunday, Manches­ ed up, working one scoreliess the runner at the plate and pre- tra.vels to Enfield for . a 6 McKeon, lb. 3 0 STADIUM Bill,” which had recommended $50,000 in bonds as the veiopmen'Kwould be borne by ter. beat HockvlUe with 18 hits, frame. . vented a third score. o’clock start. (lltha. rf, 2 0 Maxwell, defensive back, leaders of each house and the chairman of the Radio Officers Qgpt, Eight contenders last Noske, .ss. 3 0 . State’s share toward the purchase and/or development state, but against Windsor starter Ray Manchester’s runs came in the WindNOi; (.I) Hollk, c. 2 0 traded to Oakland Raiders for \illi» K;ii • s . \ • r \ ''.I I " |‘ Council of Andover, ' Columbia, Sullivan concludes his report night,, losing to Windsor, The winners went i(head with ab r e rbl two Democratic leaders to call Royce, could muster only four first inning when Dick Marsh Steurer. [i. 0 0 Bill Laskey, linebacker, end.un- of Case Mt. by the Towp of Manchester. He conciuded\"Our Park and Hebron, Lebanon and Marlbor- by asking for the towns’ support 5-2, on the winner’s field. three runs in the fifth, Bilodeau cf, 3 0 0 0 Bilodeau, p, 1 0 The veto was expected, for —------:------Forest Commisslsn feels this for a veto over the weekend. singles. singled and Roger Talbit walk­ gave up another hit to Thoren, Ca.sparinn, of. 1 0 0 0 Happeny, p. 1 0 ough, lists the activities under- for the coming year, Windsor has a 3-5 record while Thoron. 3b. 4 1 0 1 disc'josed draft choices. SAT., JULY 10 Meskill has said repeatedly that purchasing 273 acres of the (Case Mt.) is not thqt vital an "Once, again, the middle-in- Bright spot with a bat was ed. A passed ball moved the issued a walk and a perfect Kano. 1)>. 2 1 0 . 0 taken by the council since it He reminded the selectmen Manchester dipped to 4-2. De­ Green Bay Packers -r. he will not approve bonding for tract. „ . acquisition and polntsNput that come group is the victim,” said Jim Balesano who continued his runners up. a base and both bunt leaded the bases. A wild Klosscck, c. 3 1 0 1 Charlie Durkee, free agent was formed last October. that when the Radio Officer fending champlcn East Hartford Parker, rf. 2 0 0 0 2B: Thoren: 3B: Grisklewlcz; SB: anything but top priority items. After preliminary appraisal development costs alone\could AJello. "This tax will indeed be assault on the baseball with two scored cm BaJesano’s single. pitch scored one run and an­ Royce. p, 3 0 Gau'droau: SAC: Talbot: LOB: Man­ placeklckcr; rookie Charlie .... , ^ ^ M Council was formed and the con- lead* the zone with a 7-1 stand­ 7 STOCK SubaUtute for H.B. 8671, which figures had been filed, Tovm exceed'»26 0,000—this in addltjon a mlllstqne around the neck of These included the formation ” ____ hard-hit singles to drive In the Bilodeau gave up a base hit other bunt, hobbled by first Huntington. If. 3 1 chester 9. Windsor 6: BB: Royce 5, Hall defensive back; Greg Hen- cept'of a common support group ard. ^ e locals have two gamea (Irl.tklcwlcz, 2b. 3 1 Bilodeau 5. Happeny 0. Steurer 0: the .governor vetoed, amended Manager Robert Weiss with- to the $S83,000 purchase priw these who already bear the of an amateur raa.o ciuo, a — ^ officials, some locals two runs. in the second to Mark Hunting- basemen John McKeem, tallied Horri.«, s.«i. 2 0 SO: Royce 5. Bilodeau 5. Happeny deren, center signed. ( \K l{ \< K- remaining against Bast. a liB69 bill which authorized drew the application. , He said therefore, am vetoing this bill,^ brunt of our society’s many radio class for novice amateur P g^oup Rusty Bilodeau started pitch­ ton a n d John Grisklewlcz’ d ■ second. Happeny came on 1. Steurer 2: Hits off: Steurer 0 Detroit Lions — Mike Lucci. Coach WaUy Fortin's Legion Totals 26 5 9 .1 5 for 0 runs In 1: Bilodeau 8 for 5 .\«!uH > f ..*»D mull r I ' \ r** $50,000 in bonds for a "feasibil- feared that it might jeodard- ^tiich amounts to a purchase- pblems.’i radio operators, attendance .at organized and acUve be- ing for Manchester. He -struck triple brought in one run. Steve and gave up a single for the Innings 1 2 3 4 5 6 ,7 Totals runs in 4S: Happeny 1 for 0 runs in middle linebacker, signed four- Ity study,” leading to possible second application for an option." seem to be falling into a def­ out five but gave up eight hits Thoren, who had three hits, Windsor 0 2 0 0 3 0 * 5 J: W P; Happeny; PB: Klesseck. (dwell said he would fight the University of Connecticut ex- receiving any support, third marker of the inning and Manchester 2000000 2 Hollk (3); L: Bllod< year contract. purchase of Case Mt. by the °P®n-space grant—this one for federal government will for repeal) of the Income tax. tension course on Civil Defense gumvan listed acUvities for state. The $50,000 in bonds were “ ° ’dings of the privately owned require backing by the State But Rfep. Marilyn Pearson, a management, a training session coming year including morO never approved for release, on Manchester Water Co. He said pg^k and Forest Commission Stratford Republican, who was for constables, and an engineer- training for communicaUons the basis that the proposal had considered a grant for proposed acquistlon be- also on the speaker’s platform, ing study to design a repeater personnel, design work on a re- bfeen studied enough and that a ? " f f cr company land higher ^ approves a federal grant, called both of^toe Democrats station. peater and more activities with "feasibility study” is not need- ^ "political phoniesN^o now try Sullivan said that the amateur the state office of Civil Defense, ed. The $50,000 remains "on pa- to tell us that they a n opposed radio club has brought the To Tour DARTEC per” only subsequently backed a bill Second in Size to, an income tax—aflar doing council the services of some The Hebron Drug Advisory ^ introduced in the 1967 Central absedutely nothing the labt five H.B. 8671, the original bUl in­ licensed operators. To augment Committee is sponsoring a trip Assembly, calling for a $425,000 WEST BEaUdN — Despite the menths to prevent its ehact troduced in the 1971 General As- this, the radio class, conducted for interested residents to ,, ...... appropriation for a 273-___faot______that__ it has _ been______politically_ ment.” by Phillip Cooper, Hebron’s DARTEC House in Meriden on sembly, proposed that the state acres Case Mt. State Park. The divided from the rest of the city And another speaker. Bob Bar- acquire 212 acres of Case Mt. bill, after a public hearing, fcr 25 years. West Berlin with radio officer, was instituted. July 17. nabei of New Haven, got one for $583,000 and that the parcel died in committee and was not its 480 square kilometers ia the Twenty people attended the Interested residents ai(e ask- of the l9udest cheers when he be designated and maintained reported out for a vote. second-largest city in West class, the majority of whom ed to contact any member of as a state park. said all politicians are "bums.” passed, and the council antlci- the committee or leave word Notes Cancellation Germany. Hamburg is the larg- " I ’ll be damned if I ’ll pay an pates fd few licensed operators at the Town Office Building, TTie substitute bill was pro­ Meskill, in his veto message eat with 747 square kilometers. incoipe tax!’’ he declared. from the undertaking. Church Picnic Sunday posed by Manchester State Rep. Tile tax was passed after a N. Charles Boggini "as a means dizzying series of political ma­ Cooper, as well as Marlbor- The annual family picnic of keeping the potential Case Mt. Andover neuvers prompted at least.-, in ’ civil defense director, sponsored by the G ile ^ and purchase alive.” The substitute part by a fear among politicians Gregory Secord, and Columbia’s Hebron Congregational ^u rch - bill passed the House on June 2 that enacting an Income tax civil defence director, Sullivan, Sunday at Foote Hill Farms picnic area and the Senate on June 9. would mean their downfall at (HeraM photo by Buceivictua) attended the ten-week, thirty- Reading SpeciaKst on Rt. 94. Each family should Gov. Meskill, in his veto mes­ the polls. Harold Edwards of esw Hartford staggers around_ hour course at the University. sage, said, "The town (of Man­ Wh^n the legislative session with a millstone ai'oumi his neck, protesting the Sullivan also said that the o ^ lunch, To Join School System training sessions for constables Games and svdminlng wl 1 chester) could buy this property began last winter, Meskill pro­ added burden of a state income tax. He was one of imder an open-space, grant-ln- posed increasing the sales tax, were attended by all the con- f ‘ art at noon and lunch wi fol- lie principal of the Andover on the part of members of the about 1,000 persons in yestfenlay’s rplly. aid program, with the state and / " ------“ V------new five per cent, to seven per stables from Columbia, several at 1 p m. There will ^ fires available for those who federal governments as p a r t i c - School, Donald Lib- school board and townspeople. cent. His move was widely in­ from Lebanon as well as one of wish to cook. by, yesterday confirmed the ap- Although the need and desire terpreted as a dare to the Dem­ minute, when some legislators along in. the early hours of Lebanon’s selectmen. However, . j. one have existed for finan- ocrats to propose an income said they wouldn’t be a,ble to Thursday fqoniing. there was no reifresentation The Town of Manchester.-al- pointment of a. reading spe- Manchester Evening Herald 2nd. Tire Only . . . 6..S0xI3 Tubeless Blackwall Wide Guard reasons, it was not until tax. resist the temptation to blame The next day, copies of the from the towns of Andover, ready has done as Meskill sug- clalist. tbls year that the inclusion of a Hebron correspondent, Anne ’ITie Democrats didn’t take the others at the next elecUon. bill became ca lla b le to the Hebron and Marlborough. gests. It has applied for a fed- Libby Stated that acceptance reading Iteaxdier's salary in the public. Emt, tel. 228-3974. eral open-space grant for the b-ad been received from Mrs. budget was approved, bait, though, despite urging by Then, wltli the state legisla­ The engineering study to de­ purchase of Case Mt. The ap- lajttie Haller of Storrs, as a Other School News some pro-income tax' leaders ture in special session because sign a repeater staUon, accord­ plication, authorized by the reading teacher in Andover be- The board of Education has like • House Speaker William its adjournment deadline had Ski OulpulSU irs ing to Sullivan, is being under­ PANTS & SLACKS passed, a "compromise” pack­ ^ a r d of Directors, was filed on ginning on the sixth step of the accepted on a voluntary basis Ratchford. Instead, the Demo­ BONN — With a pr^xjuction taken to increase the effective ( L I \ \ i ; i ) A M ) ^ age of taxes and tax increases May 4. It is for town purchase salary scale, which would put the offer of Mrs. I*at Tiemann crats toyed with proposals for of 660,000 pairs of skis\last range of the local communica­ I’ltl^sLI) ‘WC !■ Auto of 213 acres, at an approximate the salary somewhere in the $8,- to serve as a substitute nurses raising the sales tax to six or was proposed. But it foundered year. West German manufac­ tion network, and can effectively cost of $600,000. 500-9,000 range, depending on aide at the school. Also named 6% per cent and placing a 10 in the Senate Wednesday. night turers boosted sales to $27 mil\ increase the'Operating capability BETTER CLEANERS Second Application the, results of the new teacher ito a substitute position was Mi's. per cent tax on capital gains. in favor of the hastily-written, lion, of • which $4.05 million the r.ioblle/portable units. To* Air Conditioning :t;i GREF.N' RI). — cii; .-.(W, Plus $2.00 If approved by the federal salary negotiations. Earlene Duchesneau. It was apparent, however, that income tax, and the House went worth were exports. lie, Sullivan said, only the government, after acceptance of ' Mrs. Haller received her The Board also agreed to give the party was- less than unani- Takes the simmer out of Summer . . . F.E.T. and appraisals by.federal and s^ te bachelor of arts degree from both school custodians one kous. O ld T ir e agencies, the federal share of Brooklyn College in 1952 in Ele- week’s vacation with pay. Then Gov. Meskill cqlled a the cost would be 50 per cent, mentary Education and is now Fire Call series of conferences with leg­ Two fiber glass belts beneath the tread help reduce tire squirm The state and the town each completing hrer requirements At midnight last night, a call islative leaders to® try to work A& P MEAT CAN'T BE BEAT we care- Roll up those windows and ride in 210CFM would be required to furnish 25 for a Master of Arts Degree in to the fire department for an out a common tax program, and clean, frMh air . . . free from dust, and wiggle . . you get outstanding traction, great stability and per cent of the cost. Reading' at the University of aultomobile accident proved to at one point it was telieved the dirt, pollen, exhaust odors and noise. extra-long mileage. Also built with 2 plies of rugged nylon cord The current application for a Connecticut. Mrs. Haller has be a false alarm, with no evl- huddles would end with a pro­ for strength and safety. Contoured safety shoulders for easy federal open.-space grant for previously taught school in New dence of an accident. posal for an income tax- and No more soaked shirts or rumpled 95 Case Mt. mpTks the second time Tfork City for five years. ------an agreement that nobody would clothing . . . Sears auto air condition­ steering and sure cornering. the town hM filed one. The addition of a reading Manchester Evening Herald point the finger of blame at oth­ The other time was in May teacher is a culmination of Andover correspondent Mrs. ers. But the agreement report­ ers dehumidify the air too. 1966, when the proposal was for some four or five years effort Anna Frlsina, Tel. 742-9347. edly fell through at the last CHUCK ROAST 169 STEAKS BONELESS Sizes to Fit Most American Made Cars (IHaUDtSUHOIR- CHUCK CttT ROAST) 99 l b . enm- / BONELiSS TELEVISIONS’- NEWSPAPERS’- NATIONAL MAGAZINES’ CROSS RIB ROAST CHUCK Installation GREAT ON A GRILL C > GREAT ON A GRILL C :> GREAT ON A GRILL Available SKINLESS O n l y at S lONDON StfAK Chu(li) SUPER RIGHT (lonelcis FRANKS All MEAT BUY OF THE YEAR Chuck) CUBE STEAK CHICKEN FULLY COOKED.WATER ADDED Us^ (loficUss TiihrlcHH Hlackwall Ut. Tire with 2nd. Tire with Plus F.E.T. Chuck) CENTER H | | ( FILLET STEAK HAM STCAK ROASTS SUCES Y Y l Sears Easy Wide Guard Tiren Old Tire Save O ld T ir e on Ea. Tire . STACK-O-STEAKS'ir LEGS FRESHLY GROUND Payment Plan C78-13 or 6.50x13 $28.99 14** 144 $2.00 groundchuck ;k <89i D78-14 or 6.95x14 $29.99 15** 1 4 - $2.26 lartsFroiiMi 1 9 HOT or SWEET E78-14or7..35xl4 $31.99 16** 1 5 - $2.37 lb. ITALIAN SAUSAGE 89L F78-14or 7.75x14 $33.99 1 7 - 1 9 - $2.54 ■ » -inf*- .'S’ 39 PACinc G 78-14or 8.2.5x14 $.36.99 18»® 18^® $2.69 ISLE B&M BEANS C R A P E J E U Y PINE^PLE 5.60x15 $29.99 1 5 - 14»s $1.60 SLICED, CRUSHED SULTANA ” «• 174» . - 1 ® ® lar F78-15or 7.75x15 $34.99 1 7 - $2.62 CHUNKS cans 49* G 78-15or 8.25x15 $37.99 1 9 - 1 9 - $2.80 NEW-SWISS STYLE 3 GLORIETTA-CALIFORNIA EMPRESS H 78-15or 8.55x15 $40.99 2 0 - $3.01 . A&P I TROPICANAI TOMATO I PAPER Whitewalls Also Available with 2nd. Tire at Price YOGURT I DRINKS I JUICE I TOWELS Keep Cool N E W f S ji FLAIN--8 0 X.CUP ALL FLAVORS GREAT APPETIZER WHITE «rCOLOJ On the Go SAVE 20%

Attractively styled with woodgrain- 230 CFM Sears Superwide 70... SjWMMWG ^ 3 ~ 1 effect face, silver color trim. Adjust­ f^mPLETELY FARM FRESH PRODUCE ^ able thermostat holds temperature with Extra-Wide Tread SWEET BING CALIFORNIA LONG WHITE FIRM -CRiSP automatically. ’Yhree-speed fan de­ 95 E70-14 Superwide 70 POOL IHSTALin livers 230-cubic feet per minute. Regular $38.99 19 POTATOES UCUMBiRS P lu s $2.51 U.S.-N0.1-GRAOESIZEA S A V E *7.80 189 F .E .T . and Sizes to Fit Most American Made Gars* 3 1 O ld T ir e p o o l PLUS 8 *^8 9 ^ 2 29* Built with two ifiber glass belts and two plies of smooth-riding INClOOPSt superb traction, ^59A&P GRADE A FROZEN CHEF-BOY-AR-DEE JANE PARKER (SAVE 20') Outside Dimension •19” x l 6 ” ' Swim area • 42" constant STURDY greater stability and easier handling. Puts a bigger “ footprint" • FILTER & PUIVIP • SA FET Y SWEET PEAS BEEF RAVIOLI CHERRY Pit on the road for superior performance! lAR-B-CUE FENCE • SWING UP STAIRS TuhelefiA Superwide 70 Regular SAVE SAI.F. Plu* F.E.T. AT NO w|th White l.ettering Price 20% PRICE and Old Tire • STEEL BRACING • STEEL fADDITIONAL 2 '^ 4 9 ^ E70-14or7..35xl4 $38.99 7 - WALLSOSET-IN VINYL LINER COST! A&PGRADE A BATHROOM JANE PARKER 3 1 ' * $2.51 CAMPBUL'S F70-14or 7.75x14 $40.99 8 - 3 3 ’ * $2.64 • PATIO SUN DECK NYC lie. TASi FRENCH SO-SOFT WHITE #675703; Hurry . . G 7b-14or 8.25x14 $43.99 8 - 3 5 * * $2.84 H 7 0 :i4 o r 8.55x14 SOUPS TISSUE BREAD JPoth Tires $46.99 9 * * 3 7 " $3.05 PERMA-LIEE PRODUCTS CUtknKlM.CUikMSlm. Sears Dependable H igh G loss Ventilated Auto G 70-15or 8.25x15 $45.99 9 * * QUICK FROZEN VtgMlit. ASSORTED COLORS 3 6 ” $2.86 ABSOLUTELY 20 Clarks Hill Ave.« V«T«tofi«t Super Spark Plugs T u rtle W ax Cool Cushions Stamford, Conn. on Sale H70-15 or 8.55x15 $48.99 9 - 3 9 ” $3.11 NO SAVE 12* SAVE 42* SAVE s r OBLIGATION! 00 Regular 59* ML 9- ea. Regular $1.39 Regular $1.49 3 Days Only FREE Tire Mounting and Rotation PltaHkiNTNrrapittMrtiUn till Cive your o r new pep trt4 vigor The worhTB Urgeft Belling liquid Steel coil tpringB cover^ with " FOR FREE I •litnUMUwrals MtUifitlM. hjr InMlUng a ret of ^per Plug,. carwH. **Hard Shell** i^tcrgent- woven fiber ““breathe** to keep ESTlilATE “* - ** ‘ ** NAME______3 1 6 1 8265 3 4 Zine plalwl. proof rinith . you cool, comfortable. CALL OR "Shop Your Nearest Sears Store " WRITE fcllV nnr Plaid Stamp gifts...on you they’ll look great! 274-8806 clothing. handb«Tgs. line watches, jewelry select gifts of style and fashion for modern living at home or nights on the town BRIDGEPORT HAMDEN ORANGE SPRINGFIELD WEST HARTFORD WEST SPRINGFIELD WATERBURY NORWALK Lafayette Plaza 2301 Dixwell Ave. 80 Boston Post Rd. 1565 B o ^ n Rd-- Corbin’s Comer 135 Memorial Ave. Naugatuck Valley Mall 90 Wall St. a ill l l l l l l l l U ll l l l l M l M I I I 4 M 4 l 4 * 4 4 4 * C P ^ > * U « > i T * J u l y SlhthruJuly 10th. W« r«S4rv« th« right to lim it c^ontitiot. N o t ra ip o n tib lo fo r ty p o g ra p h io il o v ro f* r Sears MIDDLETOWN DANBURY HOLYOKE WESTFIELD MANCHESTER NORTHAMPTON n 1 BEAaS. ROEBUCK AND CO. 222 Main St. 129 Main St. ' 1 City Hall Court 44 Main St. 348 Middle Tpke. W. 50 Main St. 8-d I u MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD* MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1971 PAGE BTPTEEN PAGE POURTiJEN MANCHESTER EVENING^ HERALD. IdANOBBSTER, CONN* THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1971 A ’s Blue Heads Oilers Well on Way Culp Tosses Brilliant Two-Hitter, '# * * To Town Farm Title AL Star Staff ^ 9 Well on the road tb-the Little League Farm Touma- o f S p o tts w TOMGHT’S GAMES SILK CITY SOFTBALL ment championship is the Oiler entry following liuit Indians Jump on Tiant in Second BOSTON (AP)— Vida Blue, the Oakland Athletics’ w e n f, 6:i6 Piteger- Rolling to their isth straight bight’s 9-1 victory over Moriarty’s at Verplanck Field, i i liiliiiliiiilliliiii By d e a n r . y G^t I ' l l 1 brilliant young southpiaw, heads a nine-man pitching aid victory and leth in le starte, It was the second win in as many starts for the Oilers staff lUUned by Baltimore manag'er Earl Weaver today Sportsman vs. Tedford, 7:30 center EUlllards trounced toe in the post-season double ellml-; ------ly C. moving to third, then Pe- CLEVELAND (AP) — J*™ HS-#) sdMdided to sixth when Graig Nettles sin­ away in the second, but a big Intereslt Mounts in Auto Hacing to the American League All-Star team Flt^erald Walnut Barbers^ iMt night at naUon series between the three ®*y' douUe play helped Cleveland trocelU a lso grounded out, end­ gled. *nie only other Cleveland Is interest being lost in stock car racinfr .in this area? Weaver »•»>«•»»» picked two ci his . woomiH riha haaitir weii DeCornUer u vs. Manor. 8:46 Fitzgerald Field lea^e champs. to^^S"w llrP^ll^^S^ Ray. Culp’s brilliant two-hit safety was Eddie Leon’s infield' ‘ starter Rich Hand get out of the ing the inning. __ seven-run last inning: saved the pHday nigtit at Verplanck at pitching led Boston to a they go to New York single in the eighth. inning without further, damage. A pair of walks put mnnera No. not by a long shot If anything it’k gaining in “ Xier^^ll^d ^ e " ptteSS^ e^b - ^ t o S r c = > " a ^ s ^ e vs. mou. 6:16 Kee- SaV-ii;" first and secener. douUe which bounced into the Josephson to third, but Tiant a sacrifice fly to cut the lead to ** League for toe second con- toe second time. He d u s TY aOFIBALL the first Innlngr wltoout benefit of a double for toe MB’s, lined out to end the uprising. 4-3, but Scott struck out to end i^ed Into toe pita. Hie pre- «»« “ manager won 12 of 13 decisions for „ »«8TY MFIBALL homered and added two s^es a base hit due to toe wUdness There were 26 strikeouts rec- dropped a 4-3 . decision in YaatraemaU’s iith homer in Boston buU pen, scoring one ylou* ^h was 40 for toe 100- Orioles, Wearer 0^0168 this season. three RBls and Jim Pui^U ^ Morlarty pitcher A1 Lea who ords and 17 walks during toe run, and Chuck Hinton followed Boatful picked up another run that rally and the Red Sox went the second game. the Oiat Imilng after a single by down 1-2-3 In the ninth. lap National <3iamplonsidp I" ^ ^ agato Ignored relief sperf McDowell was chosen for toe P"*'®"®™/^ “>® singled three Umes and Skip batters. action ' The qplit cost the second place Joe {.ahoud and a walk to 8mltb with a three-run homer. in the third, but again it might race May 80, that was fatoed ** «®n™t«ly help keep naming nine regular starters. time desnite an 8-7 spread between first and second cooi jia the trick twice. _ . ... . , a. o Tiant and Ken Brett combined have been more. John Kennedy The victory siuqiped a six- Red SoK half a game in the gave Culp a S-0 lead. The Red game loelng streak for the In­ out. th® spectators Interest high Hlifallure to pick a couple of "™® a ^gai^ wto P‘®®® ‘® 8*'®®^®*-- was toe for toe Barbers were BUI . ™® ® ?H®” , iiS standings as Baltimore defeated Sox couldn’t score again until to abut out the Indiana singled and Bill Oonlgllaro dou­ dians. Included in tote group were JS*®”***, ® ^®. “I** J,®®** t°P relievers was blamed by „ ^ ^ ’to toe*Cy Young ®®®® t®®* ®* Robertson yiot with three singles; Joe sfrat^ CSievrett^ ^ Wadiington, 4-0, to increase Its &nltfa fait his 18th homer with thereafter, but as toings turned bled to put runnrs on secfuid four NABOAR champloM, Er- )?®"® W ormed whoa l ® a ^ . many observers last year for ^gg i^^ed tor Y'“®" P®™’® continued cimposeo with a single and e,^ md out, file damage had been done. and third wifii nobody out. Ken­ Despite the loss the Red Sox lead In the American tave also praised toe addl- loss In a row, 6-4 In 12 Innings. a 9-6 decision over Center Cor- homer and double. ’°®'’® Chevrette and Paul Qluho- mann. ______but fiiey could never quite catch grounding to second, but Conlg- victories in their last 17 games. The Red Sox meet the Indians dians It didn’t matter. Including two out of three on the . ro 1970 In toe modified division * Chosen with Blue, Cuellar Lolich, 13-6; Palmer, 10-4; P®ro’s stands at IIW while Billiards 306 204 1-14-20-3 here again tonight In the windup The veteran right-hander, now up. Uaro did hot advance. Yas- trsemskl grounded out, with Bil- current roful trip. and Rene Ghariand In the Palmer were Mickey Lol- siebert, 12-4, were named Con^ are 7-3 with a six- papijers 100 101 7-10-14-2 P ^ tf*oT I4 ^ i a of their four-game series with 10-6, didn’t allow a hit until the Boston got one run back right Sportsman Division from 1062 Pit Dustings Ich of toe Detroit -rigers, Sam toe second Ume. It will be K®™®^ winning streak. coming to I ' C l F U n e i l .U U e U thru 1965. They are aU regu- CWlege ^ent Win Barrows McDowell of the Cleveland In- y,g aippearance for both ®” ®‘’"^J_®"‘*' Jumping out fast at toe g^, rp T rm m #»V lars «n the Ste^rd nroera^ Triw has been getting dround toe dlans. Sonny Slebert of toe Bos- Messersmlto, -7-8 and PatUn, 7- ^® Congos came within a Moriarty’s taUled four first 1 O E jO lI 1 O U rT iey Martin Blows Up After Umps’ Decision F lo o d S a y s Then toe oomilar AU^meri- half mile oval pretty consist- ton Red Sox, Jim Perry of toe g whisker cf forcing an extra In- inning runf and wound up ..a „ . i«rFBn enUy lately was a high adiool Minnesota Twins, Andy Mea- ^Vlto starters voted by fans, "big by taMylng four Umes In with a 9-2 verdict over Acadia Add toe name of Pete Petrone REC INTEBUffiDIATE dropout. He reaUzed his mis- sersmlto of toe California An- BalUmore Is assured of four “le seventh and had two run- Restaurant last night at Fltz- of Manchester to the list of Super ^ds 46 ((ICtonnell 18, Baseball Has K ^ teSto itod L m r^ Wrt m- Sels and Marty Pattln of toe ^ S tetlveaT t^ mldC^ "®™ '^®" B®b Magnano’s gerald Field. qualifiers in toe North SecUon Post 9, Chase 7. O^^UIy 6). Tigers Lose Game by a Finger, ^ "““ U" boomed to attended Mo- Milwaukee Brewers. classic ^Id for a ithree-nin homer was pour hits off toe bat of Lou for toe ConnecUcut State Golf Moons 32 (House 9. Crlsplno 7, ^Tavj#in Violated Law began Community CoUeg*, McDowell, however, has been Joining Cuellar and Palmer S obbed at the fence. cherrone paced toe MBs. A dou- Assn. Tour^ent last Tuesday Rlcclo 6, Morin 6|. SJID transferred to iMltchell C6Uege sidelined with arm difficulties, will be third baseman Brooks Every starter on each team ^le and three singles were in- In Wallingford. REC SENIORS Indians 42 (Carlson 10, Her- WASHDfG’TON (AP) — CUrt This division Is, for the be- now is attending the Uni- and there were indicatiems that Robinson and outfielder Frank ^ safely ©t least once.' Big eluded In the perfect night for The East Catholic High golfer Miireer’s Hot Bat Carries Yanks Flood,—toe—controverslai _out- _ ginnara, getting them aqualnted veralty of Hartford . . . Lou Cleveland Manager Alvin Dark Robinson. stickers were Wayne Gagnon cherrone. Tim’ Coughlin added had a pair of 40s for a round of die 12, Haberern 6,), CJ a 39 fielder adio sued baseball for With driving at a speed around i the TSSi All-Star would ask Weaver to replace First baseman Boeg Powell '*’^^1- a—perfect three for three, three Btaigtes amlDon Romano, 80. He’U be joined .In the State _CGulnan il,_.H^gartx_16,^Uko- 8 “It just nicked me on the fin- gy t wib AwanriiATm PRESS DETROIT (APJ— Manar Kekuai pitch on the UtUe finger $3.1 million, has asked the Su­ toe turns and competing with L«ague champinn, has ciqitured him. was Voted to toe team but had °"® ®" bislde-toe-park homer, ^ single and double, to toe event Monday at toe Watertown lowaky 6). preme Court to invalidate toe drivers of eqiud ability. the season’s first race at EVmda Blue, Cuellar, LoUch and to withdraw because of a wrist onother a triple and three RBI s cause. Golf Club by John Herdic 78, Barons 63 (Segal 19, Brunone ger Billy l i ^ i n . Norm ^ forced in the winning run, was enough to hear it. ^ American Les^ ue 41,0 sport’s reserve clause. Altoougta designed as a low Speedway. Stafford’s represent- McDowell are left-handers with injury Wednesday. Powell was ®™^ Butch Talaga, two hits, one ^he losers were held to only Ken Tomezuk 80, Drew TTiamaa 16, Laptlk 13), Beavers 66 (Dal- Lash and tfte rest Oi ‘ ne but Frants won the argument The loss, coupled with a Bal- East Division Income type of racing, a few ative, BUI Greco, finished 16th a corniced record of 60 vie- replaced by Detroit’s Norm ® f^'fp*®- Len Kester’s thire hits hits, Rich Keene's dou' of EUlngttm, 81, and Lon AnnulU, ton 14, Grandmelr 12, Hence Detroit Tigers think they ^ Yanks went on to win timore - victory over Washing- W L Pet. OB In a brief filed by his attor­ neys, Flood • said organised of toe can have been carefuUy . . . Stevens leads the point torles and 17 tosses this seasoi Cash. paced C^ter with John Schnel- y,g best. 83. 11). should have won a game the ball game. ton, droi^ed Uilrd-taace Detroit Baltimore 61 31 .622 — developed luid almost meet toe standings at Stafford with 389 in games through Tuesday. . Eleven reserves will be ^®J' adding th ^ more and E ^ Morlarty 4 110 0 1 2-9-21 3 48 34 .666 3 baseball has violated the anti- Wednesday night by a fin- “The bail hit him, there’s no a ftiU seven games behind the Boston trust laws with Its reserve sys­ modifies In appearance and points foUowed by toe Frito Palmer, Slebert, Perry, Mes- named by Weaver to round out Schneider and (31aren<;e Swlt- o 0 1 1 0 0 0 -2 - 3-1 gQY doubt about it,” Martin American League Bast lesuilng Detroit 44 38 .687 7 handling. Bandlto, 'Bob Santos at 290 . . . sersmlto and Pattln are right- toe 28-player squad. Each of each. The latter drove ------38 46 .452 14 tem, which binds a player to Inrtead, they lost It »-8 in 11 steamed. “,You could hear the Orioles. New York is fourth, 14 New York one club for life unless he is Making their first cqipear- Dennis Zimmerman, who was handers with a 48-82 record. the league’s 12 teams must b^ ^ ^ ® n oifii REC SOFTBALL (AP photo) innings on the hot bat of Bobby noise from the dugout but he g^es back. Olevela^ 87 47 .440 15 traded or sold. ance______at etafford tola season,____ toe______awarded toe______Indy___ 600______Roidde ElarnlngEarning AU-Star honors In his represented by at least one ^®"“ ® Scoring to every toning but BACK BENDER~-Red Sox’ first baseman George Scott reached into stands MuTwr and a crucial decision (FranU) couldn’t hear It.” The teams were to square off Washing^ 83 49 .402 18 Center 200 000 4 6-13-1 Division “It needs no argument to mlnl-mldgete have^ caught on of toe Year honor, lasted only first fuU seasoii^wito Oakland, pla/er. the seventh, Pizza House drop­ to haul in foul ball by Indians’ Ed Leon. Scott also stole souvenir from fan. by plate umpire Art FranU. . “He wouldn’t even look at his again to ^ t In the rubber We* demonstrate that oiganlzed Uke wUiNire. Bob W ri^ t Sr. 69 laps Ui toe Flore Enterprise ------77:^------ped American Driving School at 68 29 .646 — INDY SOFTBALL AJtowaixirtoe hot-tempered hand to see It quiver. Cash’s game of the three-game set Oakland has dominated toe scene with l^ieclal during toe Schaefer 600 42 38 .525 10 baseball is now interstate com­ Twenty five runs talUed to toe *®^ ®* ^®*” ’ Martin blew vp. shouting In toe hand was quivering. It had Just R o^e left-hander ^ Gil- KansM ^ y merce," said Flood’s lawyers in his snotty mini, but the action at Pocmio, Pa. . . . ’Big John’ Shop? then 39 44 ;470 14% feurto Inning, 16 by Gorman’s . J^outz had a perfect lo u r Cubs Bury Dodgers Twice clubhouse as he prepared to been struck. You don’t have to breto, 1-0, was scheduled to Is always close with Seymore Kerriiaw m vdio ran Staffmd STOP leave Tiger Stadium: “They be a doctor to see it and yet he pltrii for DetrxAt against rlgflity OaWomla 89 48 .448 16% and 10'by VFW and when toe J” ?®„'^®"’ emptton from antitrust laws. the Stafford Clown getting Into twice but Is a regular at toe iimcike had cleared after seven who were outolt, 19-16. A1 Sen- send baUpUyers down to the didn’t caU It. It’s a Joke.” flteve Kline, 7-7. Chicago 36 46 .438 17 Horace . Clarke started toe Milwaukee 86 46 .438 17 They said the Supreme Court toe action every once In a LakevUIe Speedway to Massai frames, Gorman’s held the up- "® slammed two homers and a minora. Why can’t they send MarUn was particularly unset had ruled against other profes- • chusetts, fractured his left-el- was the in- because during a game in New winning rally with a two-out per hand, 28-14. ®higle and Rich Higgins, Jim umpires? '’Ihat Wednesday’s Reeults slonal sports in that area. The total number of cate to Monday at ^ t^k. He There were 42 base hits, and and. Gerry Jacobs each * NEW LOCATION * conpetence out there, that’s Yorit____ ’Ihurmsmi Munson of toe alnc^e _ off BUI Denehy, who had Baltimore 4, Washington 0 exists why base- Milestone for Mays, toe mini division 1s now 18 with ^®». ® "^ -“ ke vtoM s t h l f is h in g is have considerable success with 42 runs scored with 13 errors added two hits to toe cause, whatltwas!” Yankees argued with Umpire pitched out of a bases-loaded, Boston 4-8, Cleveland 0-4 should be treated dlffer- membership due to Increase, he feU off It. Keralmw wlU be “That ttrofce the back of the Lou DlMuro on a similar call no-out Jam in the 10th. pilcagp 2, Oakland 1 ,, STRENUOUS artiflcals don’t use bait because tossed dn during toe nightmare Chris Wollenberg added a solo •toce they V lly have a track eldellned a ^ p te of weeks. they can’t catch fish with It. Gorman's was paced by Jim borne run. , camel right there,” he snapped and DlMuro diaiiged his decl- Munson w ^ed and Murwr Milwaukee 8, Kansas, aty 2 represented by Ar- they cEui run on. Which method calls for toe S&S BUICK bitterly as he walked out of fats slon when Munson pulled off a lined his third i^ble of toe New York , Detroit 3, 11 In- j ctoldberg, former Su- This Is not strange when you DowUng who slammde out five Pacing toe Drivers irere 6 S lic c e w most skUl — baiit fishing (some' base hits. Bill McCarthy added Butch Gagnon, Wayne Johnson •1 «9AMS ST., MANOHISTER (sya IVSS.) l4lb»i- um.awas iRnhBob Rand and Steve Laurent added two ^ U^rbv^run Stogie 1^.“ ^rbr^^oTe M u^^f^ Oakland (D8on 7-0) at Chi­ City. cago (Wood 8-4) r a ^ d i ^ i w l ^ ’“®wle<^e of natural settings, whilewhUe artificial t»>e Vets who hit four con- eacli, one of Slmler’s being a if RtCBiit TrtdM m Niw 71 Bnlbki ir; *^0 tog toe last 13 games. hlghUghted a five-run first I n - ______^ Hie 33-year-old Flood, now Tyre are seven r^e oaiM iro ^ checkered flag to fish habits than does most forms -o - i~.iT or,A oof uvo onw socuUve homers. Mike Zotta, A1 homer, So Willie Mays was IHt-. Despite toe loos, toe Giants ntog for Pittsburgh as toe Pl­ ^ beUeved to be living In Spain, ® qualifying race and second of artlflcal lure ftshlng. In fact, lures ^ can look and act Hke any- g^^ iMaganlskl also Pizza 3 3 2 4 1 3 0-16-16-6 Minnesota (Luebber 0-1) played baseball for 12 years ed for a pinch-hitter for gained ground on runnerup Lo4 rates took their third straight Major Loagua at ^ , .. 1. u homered. School 3 0 6 1 3 0 0—12-19-7 Dodson Un heata ble^ Boston (Lonbotg 3-3) with the St. Louis CanUnals Also, fish t^e live J^®^ outfielders on both sides were ------7e!»!L»L.*28!l5166!!»« *1095 the first time in his illus- Angeles in the National League game aivd saddled Cincinnati Cleveland (Dunning 6-6 or NT, Ada, n , ffl, . —<*<■ toztef kwr trious career with the San w est as the Dodgws droK>ed a with Its sixth consecuUve loss. and was considered one of the feature highlighted by a torlU ^ ^use *J*®y/® busy catching balls, too. When CANDLELIGHT SOFTBALL l*w mllw* Me. mrrwitr CtSMl*, Tliyl lipr MSI. MW ss=sL«adors= McDowell 8-7), night best outfielders in the bustoess. sbMr. July 14 Stafford hoeto refnelMn*. inll**ta J Cianfji twl night doubleheader, 6-« and Roberto aemente had a double ______Washington ‘(Brown 2-1) at °**®”o I^ised pbaabig them down. A total Snapping a six-game loelng,. hranciSCO trianis. ^ Chicago Cube. San and two stogies tor toe Pirates, By THE ASSOCIATED PBE88 His suit against baseball Its second Open OompetlUon **‘® ^,^®.^ Bogey Sixes cause they are a^tated, mou d ^ putoute were recorded by streak, Wyman OU over- ■ Birds Trip Senators Detroit. (Coleman 7-6), night Hobkle EM Goodson strux:k pjj,jiclaco, which has lost nine giving him 2,804 career hits and AMERICAN LEAGUE came in 1970 when he refused show of toe seaW That foUow- “ “‘® or somehow excited. And, U outfielders as toe wind was blow- whelmed Alberti’s Stars last 68* 36 49 .417 18%iRuI pecte, Red L.May, Cln., 23. Tennis professional group led to a hand votMIh^ also voted soft. By midday, footprints of • upstream Mari Mads 114 100 x 7-6-7 san Francisco, 10. t.'m'bv O n,. 2S. C3allfonila downed Minnesota 8- hming to beat'toe Twins. Ekldle Montreal (McGinn 1-1) at Sox, jdtehed a two-hltter as by Texas mUUonaare Lamar to forbid ILTF players from goUers played toe course ^ ihroueh toe same Naaslff’s 020 000 x 2-6-3 STOLEN. BASES — Brock, 1. Fisher held Mnnesota to two Philadelphia (Reynolds 1-2), Borton beat the Cleveland In- r / . ______In tmimAYnATlte In fKs* Xaonlv mni-ntncr haw OXia (Um UlFOUgn UU3 BIUIH5 ..... St.L., 22; Morgan, Houst.; 18. ttmt Jr. “Tennis was becoming parUclpattog to tournaments in toe/^eariy morning have ^ ® another Davey and Uvengood; Har- aU nrofesalonal," toe delegate sponeored by dried, causing bumpy spots on ®*^®' w®” “ “ ------■ney and - LochepeUe. — PITCHING (9 WHITE SOX • A’ S — ? ^ e f “ innings of (QyHett^ 9-2) at HITTING — Bobby Murcer, ffpiA ••wife their promtoera MeanwhUe, toe WOT dlroo- tire putting surface. hit. Disease of Mets’ Downfall ElUs, Pitt., 14-8, .824, 2.11: Gul- Minnows and crawflsh should MANCHESTER TIRE, INC. -> Bob Balley'tapped toe ball In broke for home when the relay ^ , .S18, 2.7'4. Pinch nmner Lee Richard Coii^ also doubled and Pittsburgh (Kison 0-0), nlg^it Y a n k e e , ^ hU first f^W t Awidv over aU ainiects tors—Hunt, A1 HIU and Mike x Nicklaus shot a 71 to Wednes- ^ ^ . ALUMNI JUNIORS NEW YORK (AP) — 2 w th l ram e ’ ’ Daviea—denied they had made^ day’s first round over the 7,080- be aUowed to move around. But front of toe plate, and Me- from the outfield got loose. He STTUKBOUTS Stoneman, ra^allTTw ay^om e from scored in toe second inning. Oilcago (Hands 9-8 or H^tz- game in ^Jora Inclu^ Only five innings were play- Manager Gil Hodges knows raced all kcKlnney’s The game was delayed 83 min- man 7-9) at Los Angeles (Os- a two-run " me gimio. ___ ^______. __ o< 00 no he niire to remove pincers Andrew threw to catcher Jerry was thrown out, ending toe In- jyy 143. Seaver, N.Y., 148. second on Unleas a reconclUotlon ca n be any demands on the ILTF. The yard, par 36-38-73 layout and be sure P“ ®®” ed but Burger King had enough what’s wrong with his ______-__ utes by rain at toe start of the teen 9-6), night nlng as New York beat toe Det- reached, pro stars like Arthur WCT clatai^ it to nip Health Spa, 8-7, last Giote. nlng with toe Mets still three ' ------:------tifto. Only games scheduled rolt -TlgerB 6-3. New York ^ets, who have ' “Hie throw was into toe run- runs back. Fbur singles in toe at the United States and bled suggestions for discussion, the man who beat him in toe crawl under a rock where fish Tiling lost seven of their last ner, €uid I never saw It,” said ninth produced two Insurance Rod Le,ver, John Newcomtoe with toe underetandtog that playoff for toe U.S. Open_ at can^t reach them. ^ Two runs to toe fifth provided and Ken Roeowall of AustwJla they were to be kept com- Merlon to Ardmore, Pa.—Lee Minnows should be hooked to y^g g|jgg_ ^ error, a walk and FREE eight games, including a'Orote. for, Montreal, making toe final Satch ‘Hesitation’ Paige BASEBALLOGY: 2 by OLDERMAN ■willanu be forced to miss next fldenltal, —Jand that toe Tw.-rTPILTF Trevino. — the “collar” and allowed to _a _ stogie______by • ~Scott Odell 12-7 debacle Wednesday As the bail sailed past the ^ re 12-7. veer’s major twirnamanite. to- ’’misrepresented” these suggee- Nicklaus and Trevino were stream out In toe water, or sgv- ^j^g^ the winning rally. Ajr.r^Ti4i-aa1 fliot woa Catcher for an error, two runs So even though toe Mets got To Join BasebaU Greats against Montiym that scored. Day wound up at ttiird seven runs and 13 hits, they still eluding Wmbleidon Wimbledon and Fewest Uons as demands. “ The boU Is bracketed as 4-1 joint favorites eral can be ganged on one hook. j^g^ j^jg^ homered for toe reminiscent of their deep, Balley reached second, lost by five. Not a comforting to Mr. Hunt’s court,” declared for toe title involving most of Crawfish are hooked through toe Ki„gg g„d Bon Healy collected SAFETY CHECK NEW YORK (AP) — The. ducted Into toe Hall of Fame The conflict between WOT Herman David, chairman << the t<^ names to golf. tall. two hits for toe Spa. dark__ past. ^ . j i Then — John Bateman singled - two sight - tor the manager. - Raaeball Hall Of Fame was Aug. 9. Others to be Inducted “There are just two words to more home for a 10-3 Montreal "There’s not much, you can admit- that day wlU be outflddera and toe in/TF llai«d up during the AH-England Club, wnlch Trevino, Howie Johnsem of it takes practice to make a Burger 420 02 8-6-6 ^scril^ It,” Hodges said. “Bad j^ad. < Ho^es lamented. “Y^ “^ h er^ d ^ e Sa«y I ^ akd.Chlck Hafe^ last week’s Wimbledon tounwi- runs Wimbledon. “His presoit palm Desert, ‘Calif., who U hooked bait appear natural, but Health Spa 023 20 7-4-3 ment The H/IF claimed Himt’s conditiotis are not acceptable, playing to his first British Open the fishing gang know that con- Eagleson and Kasai; Hanlon, W e Check The Meta made it 10-6, and keep movlr^ them around until jj^^atlon-pltch star of the Ne- inflelders Davey Bancroft, Jo© grubp had demanded- • $24,000 and that 1s **’“♦that. at toe age of 46, Britain’s Tony slant attention to toe bait, and Griffin and Lodge. Now that we’ve located toe then Ed Kranepool blasted a somebody does It right.” baseball leagues. Into Us KeUey and Jake Beckley, pitch- jEuiklto, 'Winner of toe U.S. and continuous changing of tech- disease, what Is the cure? bases-loaded double. Two runs ItJp tough on the players as section at Cooperstostrni ®r Rube Marquard, and George Britlsh Opens two years ago, nlque, will soon teach anyone Six runs to toe fourth toning • BRAKE SYSTEMS • BALL JOINTS "If I was that smart,” Hodges scored, but Tommie Agee, w ho well as toe manager. y . , Weiss, former general manager Qds House in Rockville and Argentina’s Vicente Fer- the trloks of bait fishing. paved toe way for Liggett’s to confessed, “I wouldn’t be sitting homered earlier and was the “It’s frustrating and nerve- ' ’ of the New York Yankees and nnnHAK shared toe lead with ------trim Pine Pharmacy last night • SHOCK ABSORBERS 4 WHEEL BEARINGS here. I’d be giving, advice to 23 runner

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY. JUI-Y 8. 1971 PAGK SEVENTEEN PAGE SIXTEfil^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1971 BusinOM Services 13 THERE OUGIITA BE A LAW uV s h o r t e n and WHIPPLE Help Wonted-Male 34 ' wWvtmwWm ■■ I S BUGGS BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE MILLAR Tr& ^rvlce — prun­ DISSATISEilED with your pres> or Fohm Io 3 7 ing, cabling, topping, removal, S o M E d O ! Td£ HEM-RX3r DIVING BOARD S o VOU CHICUEH ou r AHD CLIMB DOWN--AMD ent poslUon? For employment l im iTED openings — Over 21, CLASSIFIED feeding, free estimates. Fully WON'T LOOK THAT HIGH FROM BELOiN very opportuniUes call Rita Person' ,..A N 'V E R IN LINE THAT VSA6 A I PON'T BELIEVE X WON'T BE 60IN6 Tt> LONOON UNTIL MAKINS HIM look WMOfe THE NETTOHE OFF THE BOARD ? part-time, flexible hours, inter­ ...VER GONNA Insured. 633-8340 or 568-4716. nel, 646-4040. ENE ELECTEP - FEB A BIG P ftO tK fV C H w o N o e R r t M . WORP, BUT IT ~ TUE FALL, 50 X'LL NEED A FEW TOUTHFUL WILL BE Aniwtr to PrmriMH Pani* esting work, secure future. AT TH' OFTICEJ . REAPING/ BUGSi 8UILPS UP MV PRCSIC7CNT TKINfiS TO T ide ME over; N0THIN6 STEPS, sidewalks, stone walls, WHATSA UH ->- £ fo r go t a b o u t Call 649-4818 between 7-9 p.m. - O ' VBR TOO FAR OUT, YOU UNDEB5TANP. About Hungary j ALL ADVERTISING fireplaces, flagstone terraces. MAiTTCR. MV B - BAD B -B A C H - W-')' WELDERS LUNCHEON »SALL MV PLEASURE, BUT CLOTHES THAT ACCENTUATE MISTERTy e x c e l l e n t opportunity full,, All ^concrete repaiifs, both In­ OLD VMR. INJURV- 1 / CLUB... FUPPSV! MY NATURALLY ■ a c b o b s 3 Gambling CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS 8 -BETTER Nor ARC or HELIARC or part-Um'e to enter real YOUTHFUL I ‘ gamt'v side and outside railings, land­ tate Held. 'Very attractive I T t e ----- if TRV rr.' 4 Poem 8 AJM. to 4:30 P JL scaping. Reasonably priced. Must Have Ability To: mission. 'We will train HuiupuYt 5Partoof ftrUlepUin Call 643-0861. •Read Prints Jesdor Realty. 742-9667. cameras • Set-up Own Work 7 Moat of its 6 Melancholy O W Y CLOSllSfG TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. coal comes •Handle Different Kinds of 4lS8 PJI. DAT BBFOBB P im iG A’nON fromthV^^— 7lfi^iu^red Household Services 13-AM jobs. Situanons Wmited \ motml^ins 8(^ew ho DeadUne for Satinday and MoiUbiy la 4isa p.m. Friday We o ffe r: 13 Conductor ATneS an4 cellars cleaned, Female 3 3 exalts • Good Wages - ’ * 14 Oleic acid salt 9 Whale odd jobs, light trucking. Also 27 Female horse carnivora •Steady Work EXPERIENCED 15 Unruffled (comb, form) painting. Free estimates. Call 28 Operatic solo 41 F l«^ foods PLEASE READ YOUR AD • Profit Sharing will caire for y o u r, 16 Climbing 10 Glut anytime, 646-8480. palm llJapaneie 29 Gaseous 42 House (Sp.) CSaaaiaedjw “Want Ads" are taken over tbe plMMie aa a days, weekends. element 431iMineral Experienced Only Nefed Apply BY LANK LEONARD 17 Gold (Sp.) outcasts conveniMioe. Tke advertiser staeoM read Us a d &______e F IB S T 01X> JOBS wanted, mowing ... .MICKEY FINN 18 Kind of 30Inebi^ted rock (pL) If Qualified Call TWO cidlege girls help with 12 Knows (Scot) DAT IT APPKABS and BBPOBT BBBOIU U tInM for 4w la'wns, removing rubbish, woodenihoe 19 Reticule ones 44 Sesames yoifr parties, lenced in CLOSING GROUND 7 AS THEY CROSS THE FlHlSH LINE, 36 Special 46 Preceding next Insertion. Tbe Herald la re^MnslUe for mdy ONE In- cleaning cellars and attics etc. Jim Melo At: IS VIVA GEORGE IT'S M.C. BRUCE... VIVA GEORGE... 20 Sigmoid curve 22 Fish sauce correct or omitted Inoortlon for any adverttsemmt and then preparation, and 21 Expunge 23 Jewish law aptitude Ask for Dave or leave tele­ AND M X . BRUCE SWANSON'S BOY... AND ONY TEE only to the extent o f n "m ake good" Inaertlan. Errors wUeh cleaning up. Cally Schaf- 22 Book of mapa (var.) 37 Spheres of 47 Equal phone number. 878-6389. WARD ... ARMED IS FOURTH... a^on 48 Puts to do not leooon the vahw of the ndvorttoemont wM not be fer, 046-4884, rei e rates. APACHE 26— -w ere 24 Speech ootreoted by "make good" hswrtlon. MFG. CO. among its impediment 38 Tree 50 Observe UGHT trucking, cellar and STUMBLED. trimmings 52C3iemicaI Manchester, Conn. earliest 25 One opposed attics cleaned, odd jobs, lawns, COLLEGE stuil^nt will tutor in (coll.) 39WeaseIlUce su(fix *^1HE aetdera trees cut and removed. Call 647-1457 elementary oiui high school eENERATlON 31 Meat cut' r J" 3 4 - r " S” 7 r r IT IT IT 648-6000. subjects. C^tnla Cbhen, 643- 32Martian 643-2711 2871, reasonsble rates. ' (comb, form)' SHARP high school grads, we 1! u ODID JOBS wanted, general 33 Formerly have many poslUons available t e ENAG! cleaning, mowing lawns, pro- would 34 Tumult II for the sharp guy. with just a 35 Its----- la 4, Automobiles For Sole 4 . fessional experience in win­ mer baby/ sitting job, days or high school education and no Budapest 17 II lU dow waslilng and rug duim- nights. Qa)! 646-7440. 1066 DODGE Coronet 600; 388 military obligation. Call Rita OUT OUR WAY BY NEG COCHRAN 39 Denotes poolng. Call 649-8894. 40 Agreeable 21 HERALD eng^lne, automatic, bucket Personnel, 646-4040. CHILD Da r e in m y licensed seats, floor console, 646-0088. fragrance zi 23 i4 R |H2l 21 tS 30 POWER MOWERS, hand mow­ home, /school age, for working 42 Folding bed BOX LETTERS Heating and Plumbing 17 B onds- ___HeipW onted-Femule 35 moth^ or vacationing par­ NOW ABOUT IT, WELL--UH“ VW OH.MO--FOR6ET IT/ BE­ 45 Victim of ers sharpened-repalred. Elec- aRAMPJ msOULV ARM PEELS LIEVE M E .TH E R E S NO leprosy 11 1967 RENAULT, good condiUim, trie hedge cUppers, small gar- d & D PLUMBING Service — StOCkS - M oitgogeS 27 CHAMBERMAID wanted for ents. /289-1668. HOPE FOR EITHER OF « U ■ E srY eu r APPLIANCE BY AL VERMEER A LI6HT RUBBER I PINE, AMP TH‘ 46 Brasilian river S" fS80. Call 64^6723. weekends. Apply in person, X PRISCILLA’S POP BALL--I WEEP CAST IS POE WHEN ONE COMES UP 49 Ascended M d tastaJtoUons. Free MORTGAGES, loans, first, sec- SO»k« PRACTICE TOCOM EOFP WITH AN IPtomC IDEA Infwnwtloii and delivery. Shaipall, 648- estimates. 872-4896. Piano’s Motor lim, 100 Center SERVICE MAN LIKE THAT, AMPTHE 51 Made amends s r ■ 6306 anytime. ______ond, third. All kinds. Realty Situations Wanted - 5HAOOIM' BALLS IM ACAVOR St., Manchester, before 6 p.m. , OTHER ASREES no 53 Greek moon THE HERALD will not statewide. CTredlt raUng unnec­ Y O U R , AN‘'lOUCOULP TWO, SO “ UN­ goddessgiiddesi ('(var.)' 40 41 Trucks - Tractors Increased business makes it 39 V P A R T Y , EVEN! BRT'EMOirr. W ELL, WHY SOALONSW ITH IT.' I dlsckwe the Identity of TWO handymen want a variety MiHInerVi essary. Reasonable. Confiden­ 541YIedl^ any advertiser using box ACCOUNTS CLERK necessary for us to expand V L A S A ’ C A R I Y L E WITH YOUR MOT. 4^ 46 4 4 4 WANTED to buy, used Dodge of jobs by day or hour. We tial, quick arrangements. Al­ i S H O W E D experiment letters. Readers answer­ Dressmaking our service department. We S R A M D CAST/ 55 Property I or Ford Van. $600 maximum. ^clean yards, attics and cellars. 19 vin Lundy Agency, 627-7971. Experienced in statements HIGH sch6(d boy wants to mow S U C C E S S UR 49 61 k ing blind boK ads who are looking for an exper- itenu (3ood condlUon. Cash imme­ Reasonably. Call 648-8806. MINIrMibirMaxl. hot pants or 100 Constitution Plaza, Hart­ and reconciliations. You'll lawns. Call 643-4827. JE N K ^V I desln_ to pntoot thoiz lenced man who wouW Tike 56 Shows disdain — M — diately. 646-2838. ' ford. E venings,'233-8879; love this east-of-river spot. n -- Idratlty oka foOaw 'Ids COLLEGE student available DOWN REWEAVmo of bums, moth- $90. Fee paid. RITA GIRL, to better himself , With a U procedure: evenings and weekends. Paint­ IToo ST OALUON grader, model SOS, holes^ zipftors repaired. 'Wn- "*'"**“ “ *• MORTGAGES - 1st, and 2nd., 99 E. Center St., Manches­ growing company -J ing, yard work, etc. Call after 2 Sidelong look Enokwe your t«i to- side shift, cab, extra tires. , dow shades made to measure, 049-6817. mortgages —interim financing ter. 646-3441. — expedient and confidential 6. 643-2638. ==5\ the box in an envelope — Town maehlne used but not all size VeneUan blinds. Keys q__US'TCIM______tailored4adl Radies’ dress • PAID VACUVnON I address to the Ctaaeilled abused. Call 647-1888. made while you wait. Tape re- ^ suits,milts, alteraUonsalter^ons and seiTvlce. J. D. Real Estate Manager, Maaeheater • PAID LIFE INSURANCE ■ SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL reservations now. Cana r Maytag. Reasmiable rates. haired female. $76. Mother and Ilf . ) white, red flea collar. Call " t r Corral, 6284)341 or 289-6ls£^S Owner of Pike Coin WaMi and Painting - Papering 21 father can be seen. 647-90BI. 649-2838, Don Girard. Dealerships available m e c h a n i c work evenings on w.»* 1 o MV \mnONAL ODUNSEIDR Dry aeanlng, 276 West JOddle b . H. StAGOWAN JR. & Sons, plnsetter machine. Must have 'YEAR old spayed female tabby > I Turnpike, next to Stop and must say I love getting out and FOUND — The best place to interior and- exterior painting, in some machine experience. Ap­ cat needs loving home. 643- MOW CDME'ibUlREA BBaSAR? APVISEP IT. Shop. 643-4B13, 647-1719. meeting people.” Those are choose home decorations and Motoreycles-Bicycles 11 paper hanging. Thirty years ply in person, Vernon Lanes, 2906. experience, four generations. I Manchester ^ ’folland the words of many Avon R ^ gifts is Your Gift Gallery at MAN with lawn mower and Route 83, Vernon. Watkins, 936 Main St. Your MOTORCITYCLB Insurance — Free estimates, fully Insured. / resentatives. It’s an ideal op- p r e t t y kittens loMcing for truck wants jobs mowing c » ^ Call Betty ’^timer, at the 643-7361. good hom'es. Some calico, home town friendly world of 'lawns and removing rubbish. ExcellentW fit potential ^ ^ ^ o i n e e r s change y^r gifts. Telephcme, 643-6171. Crockett. Agehcy, for low rates style, diversify and be your some part-Siamese and others. Experienced and reasonable. CEILING specialist expert people, have fun. No expert' including i^ssenger liability. • Paid trainins! own boss. Apply your talents No charge 649-6480 after 6 Dave, 876-6389. workmanship. One ceiling or ence needed. Call 289-4922. LOST—Four-month kitten, gray 643-1677, 9 ^.m. to 6 p.m. and ' background to growth p.m., anyUme weekends. all your ceilings repaired and and white, nsuned Love, vlcin- • Flnan^al assistance business. Call Mr. Walsh for , Ity Oak St. $10 reward. 646- painted. Reasonable rates TOY POODLES — 8 weeks, PLAIN JANE BY FRANK BAGINSKI For details call daily, Mr. Cox appointment 649-6806. 3794. 1071 TRIUMPH Bonneville, Call Building ContracHng 14 Call 649-6993. ATTENTION friendly disposition. Excellent 668-3400. Eves. Sc Weekends, Mr. 7-8 P?: 6494)71j. HOUSEWIVES EXPBRIENCEJD painters want­ for pet. AKC registered. Shots. w o w , ZSANE! WHERE i p a r KICd I LEION dESZYNSKI builder — ECX>NOMY Paiiiters — interior, Spilecki, 649-5446. tlETfe TURN O U T' CV-\ POUND — kitten, white with ed; five years minfinum. Call Resisoiuible. Phone 876-0101. DID you LEARN To , orange spots and orange tall. SUZU^ 1969, 125 ccs, like new, new homes custom built, re­ exterior with referenceO. Fully Average $30 per evening LkSWT AND NECKC Kl LIKE THAT LEARNED!^ modeling, addlUrais, rec after 6 p.m., 64»-9e68. a A N E ! Vicinity SouUi Farms. 646-0491. 3,000' original mUes. $325. Call insured. Wallpapqrfiig a spe- ______demonstrating the finest POODLES — Chocolate brown r DO YDU SET A SURE,! SET 742-6647 after 8:30 p.m. rooms, garages, kitchens re­ ciality. 649-8719. toys and gifts in the coun­ AMBULANCE attendant — miniature, AKC, two perma­ FRINGE KN EFIT? 'iDSrr A LOT LOST — Wire Haired Terrier modeled, bath tile, cement Private Instraetlons 32 try. Highest commissions, medlcsd obrpsman background nent shots, 9 weeks old, very ^ MARTIN. Full male dog, vicinity Talcottvllte. work. Steps, dormers. Rest- RKJHARD best hostess plan, best cata­ ideal. Startk to $100. per week. reasonable. Call 289-6228. painting service, LEARN TO SWIM from expe- Phone 643-8325. Reward. Business Services 13 dentlAl or commercial. Call professii log. No investment, no col­ ' Rita Personhel, 646-4040. 640-4291. interioT'^xterlor. Free estl- rlenced Red Cross WSI. All lecting, no delivery. Also FREE puppy to good home. /BRUSH/^RUSH Chipper rental. Stop mates, fully insiued. 649-4411. ages. 'FVr informaUon call openings for managers. Needs room to run. Call 643- <^7-8 REWARD for Yashica camera/ polluUon, chip brush, use N. J. LABTiAI^ME — Carpenter 649-4403. PART-TIME 47ttO. contractor. Additions, remod-N'AME YOUR own price, paint- Write: ewn>,MM.t«.tM.iifai.i>ina lost July '4, 649-0630. / chips . for mulch. Special GROCERY CLERKS ------.— T------r— prices for. .contractors,____.742r ellng and'rqpalrSt, Call 09J^^..Ulg. . R W eihanglng..rem oval. A'TTENTIpN: Parents^Interest- --- FRIENDLY — “ It doBtn't mak* sente, ArmstronK. If you'r* to FOUND Ugfat brown fen w e ^202. time for free estimate. Prompt service, fully insured. ed in haidng children tutored Morning, aftemoMi and Poultry and SupfAts 43 cc^ar. antiwar, why do you talk back to me so often?!" puppy, Mown leather 1642. / Satisfaction guaranteed. Call call Mrs. Ciccarello,' 643-0810. HOME PARTIES evening shifts \avallable. Call Andover Dog Ws^en, LIGHT trucking, odd jobs, also ' ^ i i N n mo-3889. Fee an hour $5. 20 Railroad Avenue . Openings in other depart­ Fiadireto. la*. moving large appliances. NEWTON H. SONS — ______LIVE hens, 76 cents each. Call 742-7194. Albany, New York, 12205 ments also. Excellent start­ / Burning barrels delivered, $4. Remodeling, retiring, addl- INSIDE!—outside painting. Spe- 644-1892. ing rate with one of the FOUND — Mongrel, ,female, 644-1776. tions, rec roonns, porches and clal rates for people over 65. Schools and Classes 33 MR. ABERNATHY BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY white, tan ears. Call Dog War­ roofing. No''job tix) small. Csdl Coll my competitors, then call best wage schedules In the industry. Complete pr^;ram den, 646-4866.______FIRE-THEET-SMOKE. Protect 649-S14V^ Estimates given. 649-7863. Articles For Sole 4S J 'P B E A M UCH f W W m W R D IF C U X X E S SEMI-DRIVER BABYSITTER, live in, care for of fringe benefits. Apply WINTHROP BY DICK CAVALLl your home or office with ef­ 2 small boys, 647-1280. WOULD LEARN TO WALK ON HER TIPTOeSi FOUND — Shepherd; black and ficient low cost electronic sig­ ENTRY and remodeling, PAINTING and decorating — TRAINING DARK RKTH stone free loom, tan puppy, male/ Call Dbg !C rooms, dormers, kitchens, interior,,, exterior, idnyl paper MOTT’S 6 yards sand, gravel, nals. General Contracting, 71 We are currently offering CHCK. I WONDER HOW HE Warden 646-1666. j hanging, free esUmates. E3CEC. SEC. stone, manure, pool, ] and patio FDSTB2 NORMAN CAVAO-U Laurel St., South Windsor, addiUons and garages. Call tractor trailer training _ SHOP-RITE GETS BACK UP THERE? Tom Corbitt, 643-0086. promi^, efficient service. to president of local com­ sand. 643-96(M. is GOING HOWE FOUND — Ughybuff cocker fe ______2874. fiirough the faciliUes of .the SUPERMARKET R3R LUNCH. Economy Painting Co., East pany. Excellent skills and following truck lines. S(TREENEZ> loam, sand, gravel, male, dog. CqU Dog Warden, SHARPENING Service Saw9, DORMERS, garages, porches, Hartford, 628-0074. background coulcl put you in 587 Bast Middle TpKe., 646-4666. •Sheridan Truck Lines processed gravel, stone, fill. knives, axes, skates, rec rooms, room addiUons, line for this top posiUon. Manchester, (Tonn. J- •Truck Line DlstribuUon' Also bulldozer and bockhoe r rotary blades.- Qdlck service. kitchens, add-a-leveis, roofing, T.J. FLANNIGAN Sc SONS $140-|-. Fee paid. RITA, siding, general repairs. Qual­ Painting and papering. Fully Systems, Inc. \ service and drain fields. Capitol Equl{ment Co., 38 GIRL, 99 E. (Tenter St.. CARPENTER — experienced \ c ity workmanship. Financing insured, workmen's compensa- •Express Parcel DeUveries, (George H. Griffing, Ai^yer. Autofflid^iiies For Sale 4 Main St., l^cheater. Hours Manchester. 646-3441. only, for both trim and from- available. Economy Builders, Uoti, liability, property dam­ Inc. 42-7886. dally l-Axd, Thursday, 7:80-9. . ing. T o work in Manchester NEEE) C ^ ? Credit very bad? age. (Tall 643-1949. •Skyline Deliveries, Inc. Satur;)^, 7:30-4. 643-7986. Inc., 643-6169, 872-0647, eve­ SEWING machine operators, WllUmantlc- area. (Tall 742-6062 IT’S a gay girl, ready for a % Bankrum, repossession? Hon­ For appUcaUon and inter­ nings. experienced only. Cobar (To. between 6-9 p.m. wl irl after cleaning carpets •(.V STDHP; est I^glas accepts lowest ERLAND Tree Service— PAINTING and papering, into* view, caU 1-203-226-8710 or I \ / ee removal, pruning, lots WEIS ROBBINS Carpentry re- rlor plus odd jobs. Call 649- 7T Hilliard St. wlih Blue Lustre. Rent electric X (loW/smallest payments, write School Safety Division, SALES TRAINEE wanted. How gi^^pooer $1. (Tustom cleared. No job too big or modeling specialist. AddiUons, 2424. United Systems, Inc., 2176 BY ROY CRANE whera. Not small loan flni would you like a good salary. gqugVes, 13 Summer St., Man- BUZZ SAWYER rec roqi;i;^ 3, dormers, porches, Berlin Tpke., Newington, coim ahy plan.- Dougla^ small. Fifteen years experi­ J. P. LEWIS & SON, custom NURSE’S AIDE — 11 p.m. to 7 expenses paid. 2 vacaUons chegAr 643-9802. HOW cabinets, formica, builtiins, (Tonn., 06111. (Suburb of PLEASE, 1 ( T M WE'RE THE n IW1 >, HIA, he, TX. lU, UJ. M. OW, 7-fl tors, 346 Main. ence. Bonded and insured. 742- decorating, Interior and ex­ , a.m. shift. FVll-Ume. 649-4619. yearly, compemy car for busl- , 9606. bathrooms, kitchens, 640-3446. Hartford). Training orig­ WE HAVE i CHRISTY SWEET PARUNd GIRLS. terior, paperhanging, fully in­ ness sind personal use, plus PKTNK tables, extra sturdy, all A FLAT 1 SAWYER OFYDU I'M BA8Y AND 1067 OLDSMC»1 'convertible, ______^ ^ ______inates in Indianapolis, In­ BEAUTY Advisor — Part-or MASONRY work all types sUxie sured. For free esUmates, call many excellent fringe benefits. bolted,'30-36-40" wide tops, 6-3- TIRE. AVJD THIS 70 STOK SHE'S'SifeTER, BY CROOKS & LAWRENCE 'ed with top. Power WILBANKS Personalized clean­ diana. ' full-time selling Edle Adams 1 CAPTAIN EASY and concrete, no job too small, 640-9668. If no answer 643-6862. Become a sales trainee for a 7-8-10’ tong. FYom $25. up de­ IS MY DARLING. steering, power brakes, auto­ ing service. Haufiwood floors T over 20 years ‘experience. El’ee cosmeUcs, at private home leading national cigarette com­ livered. y . ZUiker, 8764)397. UUSBANP, g U P P E N l^ WARN HEKK.„LIFE "HERK"?!... WAIT A MIMUTEi DUCEVt matic tpemsmlssion. $1,300. sanded - refinlshed. Floors, estimates. (Tall after 6, 043-1870 TEIACHERS — quality work, at parUes. No experience re­ pany. Man at least 21 years j = - l Z3T, OK death i - that VMYNAH ...... WASN'T...... ^ V...... lN ©.. 646-041 walls, celling^ maintained. be Und. (D that or 644-2076. reaflcpiable prlcea. Insured. In- Help Wauted-Femole 35 quired, will train. Call 1-347- old. Submit resume to Box D, BE GEl W AR N 'JAyBIRP*! ------Flilly insured. No business too carpet, clean It HERKi,,UFE lO ^M E R C U R Y staUon wagmi, terior and exterior pednUng. ^ — T.----- ^------6231 collect. Manchester Herald, an equal expensive Va smail. Phone 643-8919. with Blue lire. Rent elec- OR DEATH! £s is, $300. or best offer. Chll Phone 742-9428, 643-1043. RECEPTIONIST for office in ----- opportunity employer. Rockville, busy dental office, trie shsim] er $1. The Sher- 643-1860 after 6,' POOLS installed— experienced. MAN WANTED mornings, for Win WlUaT Co. Will install above ground ______Roofing > Siding _____ full-time. Pleasing personality, Help W,anted-Mole 36 1970 PONTIAC Tempest 360, ex ^___ good with , figures and handling jainltorlal and porter duties. pools, reasonable rates. For b i d WELL Home Improvement FioOf Finishing 24 money. Write Box H, Manches- ~ e’^P^^enced auto cellent condlUrai. $2,600, firm, .fi-gg estimates call 648-9061. (To. Expert installaticm of alu- - ____ body helper or body man. ter Herald. NOTICE (Tail 649-9312. minum ’ siding, gutters and Good wages for right man. Ap­ CLEIANINO — Interior, com ­ Ishlng (specializing in older ADMISSION trims. Roofing installation and - HOUSEKTLEANINa two mom- ply in person at B & J Auto Re­ 1967.. PONTIAC LeMans, 326 mercial and Industrial, system­ floors). In and outside paint- * u ■••• j • j repairs, 649-6496, 876-9109. pair, 367 Oakluid St., Man­ INVITA’nON OF ELECTORS automatic, ' power steering, atic floor cleaning and waxing, tag. etc. No job too smaU. John preferably Monday and The Board of Admissiens of Friday. Own transportation. chester. blue with wWte -vinyl top. Ex­ .offices and businesses. (Tom- GUTTESIS and roofs, all types VerfalUe, 640-5750. Electors of the Town of He­ I cellent condition. $1,300 or best 643-6342. TO BID BY V. T. Ha m l i n -plete janitorial services. EYee repaired and replaced. Rea­ EXPERIENCTEID men to work bron, (Tonnecticut, will be in ALLEY OOP offer. 649-5600. . Sealed bids will be re­ / estimates. Fully insured. Sub­ sonable prices. EYqe estimates, on preventative maintenance session In the Town Office PILGRIM MILLS, 99 Loomis ceived at the office of the Di­ THE POOR THING'S I'U-GETHIM ...HERE WE ARE! A OH, I'LL ^ ITTS SEniNG LATE, urban Floor Maintenance Serv­ 646-1309. on a fleet of Dodge buses. Ex­ Building on the following date: DUNE BUGGY, green metal Business Opportunity 2B Pt. has openings for women to rector of General Services, 41 PROBABLY HALF- SOMETHING.' NICE BIG PLATTER BET HE'LL ZELDA, I THINK ice. 649-9229. perience in Dodge trucks pre- Tuesday, July 18, 1971 STARVED.' OF LEFT-OVER JUST LOVE WE'D BETTER flake custom pajnt, c o m p le to ______AL LAPLANT — Siding, nxtfing, work full-time in our measur­ Street, Manchester, ing and marking departments. ferred. Good pay. (Tall 643-2373. from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. SALAD/ that: TURN IN.' STEVE CANYON BY MILTON CANIFF hardtop roof, mag wheels, p r o t EJCTTION — Save your storm -wtadows, awnings. (Qual­ Conn, until July 16, 1971 at to administer the electors oath show winner. $960 or best of­ home, office or business with ity workmanship, free esti­ EARN $15;000-f25,000. Apply Miss Oobum, 646-1414. ask for Roger. 11:00 a.m. for to those who shall be found I WAS CARR IED^ YOU WILL ^ THAT YOU WILL V W N M30R V * I ONLY WWTTDBE^ fer. 299-6181, 628-0342. fire resistent paint. (Tut your mates. Fully Insured. 640-3417, ’ AS A PRINTING OF PARTY EN­ qualified. AWAY By vouR. s l e e p - t h e n BECOME MY WIFE REP MASTERS \ TOUCHED BY STEVENSON insurance cost. (Tall General 872-9187. Help Wanted - Male 36 ROLLMENT LISTS AND VOT­ TRIUMPH GT—6, 1968, good SHELL DEALER Naturalization papers prov­ PRESENCE — AND GIVE AtE YtXIR B.CANVON-AND AS (Tontraettng for free estimates, ING LISTS. THAT HAUNTING ANSWER... SOON AS IT CAN B E condition. Must be sold, owner Ambitious man desired now ing citizenship should be pre­ 644-2874. Bid forms, plans and specifi­ ARRANGED WITHOUT left dountry. 643-8644. for existing 4-l)ay service sented by naturalized citizens. Roofing and cations are available at the FURTHER DEVALUATION, station located on Main St. RICHARD P. RITA Dated at Hebron, (Tonnecticut, 1968 VOLKSWAGEN BUS, Ex­ Chimneys 1 6 .A 'General .Services Office, 41 JUNK cars removed, $8. (Tall in Manchester. Excellent op­ this 2nd day of July 1971. cellent condition. Must sell. PERSONNEL SERVICES Center Street, Mamchester, (Ton- 872-9433. R(X)ETNO — Specializing re­ portunity for aggressive type Janies L. Derby Jr., $1,800 firm. (Tail 643-6234. pairing roofs of all kinds, new individual who desires to be PROGRAMMER TRAINEES STORE MANAGER — Itotall necticut. Joseph J. ELU, TWO clean-cut university stu­ — Must be degneed, draft-ex- experience in soft lines; falv Town of Manchester, 1967 OLDSMOBILB. (TuUass, 2- roofs, gutter work, chiiimeys his own boss. Registrars of Voters dents desire 'work. Elxperience . J u . ______rtc* background preferred. (Tonnecticut door hardtop, low mileage. Ex­ cleaned and repaired. 30 years empt, and have a very strong gt^rts to $10,000 plus bonus, Attest;

‘ 2 • door, pairs including fireplaces and EYee estimates, plus quality tooliiig. Starts to $13,000. perience teaching shop math, ? .Z=saJ t h e y ? hardtop, V-8, 3-speed. Good patios. 649-1604. work. 648-6841. b /p reading, and shop prac- First shift openings for assemblers. •c?s GET THE PACTS! TRAINEE ' B8BA degree, tices as they relate to metal running condKlon. 646-6234 af- g g ^ v iC B (Soucler) SAM WATSON Plumbing and Full-Time Work. LI'TTLE SPORTS N BY ROUSON ter 2. Top 16% of class, draft-ex- forming such as milling, tum- Trees cut, building lots clear- Heating, Bathroom remodel- Call w e e k days 628-9401 empt arith good statistical tag, chipping, etc. Starts to Apply 9 a.m. -12 noon, Monday - Friday. .1963 CADILLAC, 4-door hard­ trees topped. Got a tree tag and repairs. Free esU- Mr. Palumbo. Nights and aptitude. Starts to $8,400. $12,600. top, good condition, full power, problem! Well worth phone mates. (Tall 649-8808. W eek en d s call 1-066-6160, air-conditioned, best offer. Call call, 742-8282. , PARTIAL LISTINGS FEES PAID M & M Plumbing ft Heating — Mr. Jarvis. 646-4188. IONA MFG. CO. ____ TWO YOUNG married' men no job too small. Free esU- write Shell Oil Co. 477 REGENT STREET, MANCHESTER 1967 MUSTANG Fastback, with will do small rep^r jobk and mates ^adly ^ven. Botomm Blvd , *East 63 EAST CENTER ST. mags, 4-speed, new body work painting, also cellar cleaning remodeling, heating systems tt ^ 648-2111 ^ ^ ^ ^ and new paint job. CaM 872- and light trucking. Call 646- worked on. water pump work, 'Hftriioro, L^nn. c mi bf HU. lae. TM Im lit fcto rtR Manchester 646-4040 ____ _ 7-8 3697 after 4:30 p.m. 2692, 646-2047. faucet packings, 640-2871.

4. PAGE NINETEEN PAGE EIGHTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN^ THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1971 MAN(mBSi:m EVENING HERALD, M ANCH^ER. CONN, THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1971 Out of Town -Houscheld Goods ^51 Resort Property Houses For Sole 72 Houses For Sole 72 H o im o s For Sole 72 Houses For Sole 72 HousGs For Sole *72 LoH For Sak; 73 Out of Town Out of Town Out of Town For Sole 75 For Sole 75 Fo r Sole 75 For Sole 75 SBUVINO m achines 1,971 push BERRY’S WORLD For-Rent 67 TWO ACRES, custom stone $22,600 THREE - B E I«O O M MAf^CHESTEk - 8-room o v e r- SEVERAL txiUdlng lots in Man- MANCHESTER — 7 - room button slg-sag, imclaimed lay­ Ranch, toyer, famUy room, 2 Ranch. City sewers, city sized, expanded Cape. Two Chester. Ask for Mr. Philbrick, SUBURBAN two-famlly on. a TOLLAND — 5-room Ranch, in VERNON CLASSIFIED MISQUAMICUT — Rhode Is­ baths, 2-car garage, tantaliz­ Bowers Cape. Four bedrooms, away, $46.50. Singer slg-sag water, fiUI .basement. Hutchins baths, four bedrooms, family PhUbrick Agency, 646-4200. ' HEBRON —ten minutes from land. Four-room heated cot­ Offered by the' dining room, 2 baths, fire-^ country sized lot. Four rooms com m ercial area, 160x300’ lot, GREAT POTENTIAL with cabinet, originally over ing views. Hkitohlns A gency, Agency, Realtors, 640-6324. room, lovely suburban lot. Ga­ Manchester, sparicling Cape, 3 each floor, owner’s has fire­ Custom built Cape, famUy tage. Walking distance to place, garage. Dick Lemleidc, A-ZONE buUdlng lot In conve­ $26,000. T.J. Crockett, Realtor, $340 now only $52.00, under R ealtors, 64IMS824. rage. $29,900. Hayes A gency, or 4 bedrooms, heated rec place.' Scarce price o f $28,900. room off kitchen, large bed­ beach. CaU 648-0491. 649-9737, Helen D. Cole, Real­ nient location, nicely treed «uid 876-6279. ADVERTISING guarantee. E asy term s, 522^ SIXrROOM Dutch Colonial, VA 646-0181. room, movcrln condition. Wolverton Agency, Realtors, rooms In full Shed dormer, N IN E -R O O M custom buUt G a r - 0476, dealer. PHILBRICK baths, fireplace, garage, % tor, 648-6666. ' flat. $6,500. W olverton Agency, COVENTRY — North, Raised ANDOVER LAKE — ITwo-bed- Prison Colonial 2400 oq. feet, 4- BeautifuUy treed acre. Quick 649-2813. r' l>4' baths, attached garage, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS acre lot, city utilities. Mid 20s. MANCHESTER Realtors, 649-2813. sale d<*pUance8, d o u b 1 a garage, corpating. 647-1764. room Ranch In the Buckley EVERYTHING IS Bid MANCHESTER — AA zone, .7 "'CaU 742-7165. room Ranch. Finished base­ less'throughout. Jesdor Realty, Potential unUmlted. Mr. .60 Pearl-St., Manchester. Open AGENCY Hayes Agen^, 5464021. school area. Three generous Big Ranch, big lot, big fam­ acre, heavily w ^ed privwy t o ^ J IN D - New 9 room ment recreation room, 1% 742-9667. Lewis has details, $27,900. COPT CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. (Uily and evenings. We buy SEVEN-ROOM Colonial, fire­ bedrooms, two full bathrooms, ily. room, big value, small lot, adjoins water shed. 649- Raised Ranch. F’lnlriied rec LAKE WINNIPESAUKEE - GRACIOUS antique colonial in MANCHESTER — $24JW0. ( 7- baths, garage, 100x187* lot. Bel 649-6306. and seU. 643A946. E^ve-room Chalet, very mo'/- place, 4 bedrooms, deep lot. formal dining- room, and price. Brick Ranch, 7 rooms, 1441. room , $32,900. Carriage R eal­ *tm PJL nAT BBFOBK PDBUCATIOII exceUent conditlMi, 8 flreidaces, room Cape, central location, Air Real Estate, 643-9332. VERNON em, fuUy equipped.' AvaUaUe Call 643-8696 after 6 p.m . beautiful family room. Kitch­ walkout family room to ty, 646-1110, Jack 'Hearn, 872- PHEEZER, up-right, 560 lb. ca ­ 18 beautifully decorated rooms, famUy room , garage, 60x120 "DEEPWOOD ESTATES” OMdllM ter aAtmAay m i< Mo^iuy l> 4:8> p.m. Fllte? last 2 weeks o f August. CaU en has buUt-ln oven and range. patio. Private, treed outdoor 8188. CXJVENTRY — 2-famUy Ranch • • B & W • • pacity, exceUent condition, modem eat-in kitchen, formal lot. A real value. Bel Air Real TWO acres, 7-room Raised Resort Property BARROWS and WALLACE OO. 648-0188 after 6 p.m . Above ground Redwood pool area. Must be seen to be on 314 acres, completely re­ Five new custom built $150. 647-9286. Uvlng-and dining room, break­ Estate, 648-0882. Ranch, built-lns, recreation included. Wolverton Agency, appreciated. Everything is For Sole 74 homes on beautiful treed Manchester Parkade fast room , 8 sitting room s, 4 modeled 2 years ago. Merritt COLUMBIA LAKE — 4-room room, garage, georgeous view, Realtors, 649-2818. big except price. $82,900. . OPEN HOUSE .lots by Monroe Moses,,Ver­ Manchester 649-6306 DIAL 643-2711 bedrooms, plus studio, study MANCHESTER Spacious 7- Agency, 646-1180. cottage, boat, all faculties. $32,900. . Hutchins Agency, M r. Lewis. ASHFORD — Lake Chaffee, non’s premier builder. This and 3 baths, stone walls, ga­ room home, aluminum siding, By appointment, Friday, Musical InstrufiiMls 53 Ideal tor chUdren. Reasonable. R ealtors, 649-6324. MANCHBSTER — Has to be' _ J, w T «waterfr<»it cottage, double lot, select area Is for those BOLTON LAKE — Six-room rage, largo bams and out build­ new roof, double garage, large seen. Family styled 6-room Co­ *■ * B OL ' Vv • • 3 bedrooms, closed porch, fur- Saturday and Sunday. BOLTON home, rec room, fieldstone Continii»d Prow Prpcpdinq Pog> PIANO — Upright, one key 228-3803. $26,900 — 6 -RO O M Raised seeking privacy. Mid 30s ings. A view from every win­ treed lot. Low 80s, Hayes lonial, spotless from top to bot- nlstied and TV, boats, priced ON FIRST LAKE fireplace, outdoor barbecue, needs repair. Very good tune. Ranch, quality oonstruction, $24,000 and up. Please call 649-6306. dow. $48,000. A gency, 646-0181. tom wim brand new kitchen ^d W ^ O T OO fo r quick rale. 1-447-1840. 120’ ON THE LAKE 38x12’ cem ent patio. On water. Articles For Sole 45 Boots & Accessories 45 W ill deliver. $M. Phone 649- raised hearth fireplace, stove, 'With buiit-ln oven, range and Manchester Parkade 6996 . Wonted To Rent 6 8 7-ROOM COLONIAL, formal MANCHESTER^ 48. Jensen St. M anchester 649-6306 New Modular 6% room $23,900. Flano Agency, '646- m baths, garage, trees. dlriiwasher, 3 big bedrooms. Artistically landscaped • • B 4 baths, aluminum storms, own. 30 cents per pound, in our $27,900 — EIGHT-ROOM C olo­ Ranches. Asking only $12,600. FTechette ice, call Louis Dtmock Real­ SORRY Sal is now a merry HOUSEHOLD lots — ^Antiques, ment and tax shelter. Over to the dishes. Extra lot includ­ FYechette Realtors, 647-9993. 7-room Ranch, 3 or 4 bed­ room Colmiials overlooking El- screens, 100x400’ .lot. Mid 20’s. TOLLAND — New free containers. 8 a.m. till 12 is offered on this young 8- nial, in-law quarters. Aluml- ______— $28,900. Carriage R ealtors. 647-9993. ty, Realtors, 649-9823. gfal. She used Blue Lustre rug bric-a-brac, locks, frames, $30,000 incom e. Carriage Real­ ed. $14,900. rooms, large paneled- rec 'Ungton Ridge Country Club. Bel Air R eal Estate, 643-9332. $27,900 — noon daily, no children al­ Apartments - Fkrts - Business Locations bedroom Raised Ranch with num siding, new heating sys- UNWOOD DRIVE, Manches- and upht^tery cleaner. Rent glassware. We buy estates. ty, 646-1110.. room , 2 fuU baths, wall-to- Low, low, 40s. Candage Real­ Realty, 646-1110. TOLLAND — 8-room Raised AROUND the clock prompt and lowed. 151 Oakland Rd., Route Village Peddler, Auctioneer, MANCHESTER 4-bedroom SpUt fireplace, appUanced Mtch- tern. Off East Center St., trees, ter 8-room Colonlal, 4 bed- COLUMBIA — Completely ren­ electric shampooer fl. Olcott SO, South.-Wlndsmr______: — Tenemenh 63 For Rent 64 level, 3 baths._ 2 .fireplaces,. 2- \fall carpeting, buUt-in oven- ty, 646-iaiO. BAST HARTFORD — Law- Ranch, ■with magnificent ■view friendly service for selUng - 420“ Lake~strr^Boltatt,‘ W ^ 7 r W ILUM Aimc -^ JldeaLinveat- -en,—lomUy—room—and-two- Hutchins Agency, Realtors, rooffiB, 2 fireplaces, l% - baths, ovated 6-room Cape on nicely Variety Store. ca r attached garage, huge 30x16 range, and'dishwasher. WalK rence St. 2-famUy house, 6 -4% of countryside, 2% baths, fire- your home, acreage, apart- DELUXE J2 - bedroom apart­ BEAUTY SHOP for rent, fuUy ment property located In cen­ car garage. Set on one acre 649-6324. favorable financing available. air-conditioner. Convenient ANDOVER — 4-room Ranch, landscaped acre lot. Must be PICK YOUR own strawberries, ter of tqwn, two blocks from rec room, sundeck off master of treed land. Owners anx­ breezeway, garage, fuU base­ seen to be appreciated. WIU rooms. Excellent condition, place with brick wall In rec ments for rent, or managing 35 cents, bring own containers. ment, waU-to-waU carpetUig, equipped. Wolveiton AgMicy, Contact Mr. Matrick or Mr. location. City utiUties. Only WANTED to buy, Ariens tiller R ealtors, 649-2818. teachers coUege. Income $691 bedroom, well treed and land­ ious! SEVEN-ROOM Ranch, 2 full ment, 2 acres, VA approved. help -with financing. Asking carefree fo r 6 years. $36,500. room, basement garage, $31,- your property. CaU F. M. TBNiNA stereo tl4>e recorder, Volid Farms, Volpl Rd., Bol­ complete appUances, 2 alr- Ooope Savings Bank of Man­ $33,600. ' m odel B-1. CaU 648-9920. per month. Price reduced scaped lot with flagstoned patio baths, li'ving room has Swed­ Immediate occupancy. Char- $21,900. Petrus R ealty. 742- T.J. Crockett, Realtor, 875- 900. T.J. Crockett, Realtor, Goal Agency, ReaMora, 648- like new. $35. Phone 643-7967.. ton. conditibners, fuU basement, chester, 646-1700. washer-dryer hook-up, vanity OBTTCE for rent. Ideal locatimi from $30,000 to $21,000 due to and barbecue. Preferred neigh- HERITAGE HOUSE ish fireplace, all electric e a t-______Bon Agency, 643-0683. 6270. 6679. 876-6279. 268$. WANTED — 2 oil burning’ apace U & R REALTY GO., INC. FIVE h.p. Hahn EcUpse, riding i c b BERG lettuce 25 ccmts per type bath, glass sUding doors and parking, near hospital. health reasons. Bank commit­ borhood. 646-2482 In kitchen, formal dining SUPERB 3-bedroom Colonial In heaters, thermostat oontndled. Personalized F loors BuUdlng, ment avaUable. Low deposit room, family room with plen- beautiful Lakewood Circle 643-2892 4 ^ * » s m m m # • Eaower, 26” , $100. CaU 649-0164 head, also beans and beets, 21 onto patio. $220 per month. 4-UNTT apartment—good in­ F\>r the finer homes. after 6 p.m. Angel St. CaU a fter 6:80 p.m . 649 0076. 390 Main St., 649-9258. required. , Call F. M. Gaal ty of storage area. AU richly area, exceptional home on > ' ' Robert D. Murdock, Realtor. come. CaU for details. Robert D. Murdock, Realtor 643-2692. A gency, R ealtors, 613-2682. carpeted, 3 large bedrooms, wooded lot, $36,000. CaU War­ 1971 PROOF sets, $10. each or AIR - CONDITIONED offices, MANCHESTER — Nice 3 - bed­ ^ Jbeautiful large treed back­ i ** # m STRAWBERRIES — pick your BOLTON LAKE—W ell buUt 2- ren E. Howland, R ealtor, 643- 'V best offer. Phone 568-6239 be­ Rooms Without Board 59 central location, on-premlses room Ranch, 3 acres, ideal for yard. Let us show you the own, 85 cents quart. Charies FTVEJIOOM apartment, stove,. bedroom retirement home, ga­ 1108. PTIKIN ST. 9-room Dutch 0>- tween 1-7 p.m . parking, very reasonable. 646- land For Sole 71 horse or pony. Paul W. Dou- rest. Ctdl owner, 643-4913. No Zeppa, School Rd., Bolton, 649- ROOM FX>R rent, gentleman refrigerator, parking, adults, rage. lonlal. CaU 643-0088 days alter 8719. caU 643-4644 after 4 p.m . 2212. g:an. Realtor, 649-4636. agents please. PITKBN — Porter St area, 5- STARTINO a new famUy? A only, free parking,- central APART^NT SITE 6 p.m ., on weekends caU 047- location, kitchen privUeges, 9-ROOM COLONIAL. Large year old aluminum sided cus­ complete StroU-o'-cbalr set OLBJAN 31-room, apartm ent, with MANCHESTER — CentraUy lo- MANCHESTER — 8-room Co­ 1040. No agents please. STRAWBERFOES — pick your references required. 643-2693 modem kitchen ' with famUy tom built, 8-room Garrison. ______used once, many extras. In ex­ heat and hot water, and gor 36-Unit approved apartment cated spacious 4-bedroom old­ lonial, 4 or 6 bedrooms, 1% own, good picking. Zeppa for {q^Kdntment only. Houses For Rent 65 site, water and sewer. $1,- room, 4 bedrooms, 2H baths, Family room with beamed q a p E — A cross street from ceUent condition. CaU 849-6380. rage. CaU after 6| 646-3672. er CTdcnial, baths, fire­ baths, beautiful condition, (Flarms, B ox 308-A, B irch 500 per unit. Term s to qual­ basement completely finished ceiling and buUt-in bar, dream hospital, 6^ rooms, fireplace, TOLLAND — 6-room Ranch place,' targe parii-Uke yard. $26,900. W ill trade fo r sm aller kitchen with barbecue, etc. Mountain Rd., Manchester. ROOM for gentleman, quiet, ified buyer. off with larg:e picture windows aluminum .siding, carpeting, AURiKtA-MODEL motoring set DESIRABLE tour rooms. Sec­ available September for one- Only $26,900. Hayes Agency, hom e. Owner 872-3361. No etc. CaU Now. Hayes Agency, convenient location. 224 Char­ ond floor. Electric stove and on rear wall ad ground level. garage, absolutely immacu­ 15 H.O. oars, track mounted on ter Oak St., 643-8368. year lease, 2 baths, garage, CARRIAGE REALTY 646-0131. agents. 646-0131. IMPfflVING BEATS M0VIN6I late. ^ 1 Air Real Estate, 643- 4x8’ plywood and ready to race. h ea t $160 m oothly. Security.' Many extras and possibUlties. Household Goods 51 security, references, $266. 646-1110 — 9332. CaU 6494371. THE THOMPSON House-Cot- 649-1919 between 5-7 p.m . MANCHESTEUl — Newly Ust- MANCHESTER — New listing, monthly. Hayes A gency, 646- MANCHESTER—23 acres with 11-BOOM CUSTOM RANCH. SEWING machine — Singer zig tage St, centraUy : located, NEWER TWO^FAMII/5^ ed, aluminum sided, yoiing, preferred west side location. MANCHESTER — $26,900. 4-4, HANNAH’S husband Hector FUUR-ROOM. apartment, ap­ 0131. WaU-to-waU carpeting througli- Si sag. Button holes, mono­ large, pleasantly furnish­ frontage for two building lots. 2-famUy, 4-4. Georgeous kitch­ Immaculate 6^-room Ansaldl two-famUy. New kltriiens, car­ hates hard work so he cleans pUances, heat, central loca­ out, 3 baths, lauge rec room, grams, hems, etc. OrlglnaUy ed room s, parking. CaU 649- MANCHESTER — 5^-room Evenings 872-4424, days 668- With 2 bedrooms, Uving ens. Immaculate condition. built ranch. 2-car garage, well peting, freshly decorated. Two We’ll Help You Remodel...Fix Up...Add On the rugs with Blue Lustre. tion,. references, security de­ opening onto patio, with pool. $849, now only $64. Easy 2358 fo r overnight and perma- Ranch available September 4477. 30’s. Heritage House, 648-248(2. landscaped. Huiiry! Hayes furnaces. Assume FHA mort­ Rent electric shampooer $1. posit, $170. monthly. 6^8310. Large treed lot, 180x216' with a room, ceramic bath and term s. Call 633-0931, D ea ler.. neid guest rates. tor one-year liease. Security, Agency, 646-0181. gage. Hutchins Agency, Real­ Plnewood 'Furniture Shop. FORTY acres, Coventry. Pri­ view. huge custom kitchen in MANCHESTER — Five bedroom • « PORCH SALE — Tuesday-Sat- MANCHESTER Deluxe one- references, heat included, vate mortgage avaUable. Car­ tors, 649-6324. FURNISHED room for rent for CAPE—FHiU shed dormer, large each apemtment. Aluminum Brick Colcmial. Ideal central MANCHESTER — 2-famtly, ONE 30” Jacobson reel type urday. Ftimlture, dishes, bed­ bedroom apartment on Main $300. monthly. Hayes Agency, riage Realty, 616-1110. gentleman, aU , conveniences, 646^131. kitchen and U\ing room, with sided exterior and two heat­ location In preferred nel^bor- upper 20’s, maintenance free ALUMINUM sided Ckilonlal powMT lawn mower, in goml ding, etc. Shore Dr., Water­ St., $167 per month Including near bus line. 649-6914. fireplaice, den, 4 bedrooms, hood. Convenient to every­ exterior, better neighborhood, wlQi 7 tastefuUy decorated and condition. $26. 644-0265. front Park, Coventry- Lake, appliances, air and caipets. ing system s. 30s. staple ...or Inatall with large lot, $26,900. thing. ' Immaculate. Bel Air central. D ick Lem leux, 649- immaculate rooms. Modern 743-9097. LARGE private room, kitchen Paul W. Dougan R ealtor, 649- Houses For Sole 72 Add new beauty, new value to your home with a new nxrfl. TAG SALE — raday evening Out of Town R eal Estate, 643-9332. 9737, Helen D. Cole, Realtor, kitchen and riiaded lot. In love­ adhealve... right over and Uvlng room privUeges, 4535. EAST CENTER ST. Large 10- HERITAGE HOUSE ,-6-9 p.m . and Saturday. Some CXiEAN, used refrigerators, 643-6666. ly nelgtabortiood. $W,000. CaU your old, paridng, 646-6760 cdter 7 p.m . Fo r Rent 66 MANCHESTER room Colonial may be used for MANCHESTER — Large Dutch ftiniiture, miscellaneous /Items. ranges, . aufamiatic washers MANCHEISTER — Deluxe 2 Warren B. Howland,. Realtor, tired cellingl home or offices, large lot with 646-2482 Raised Ranch, 7 rooms, car­ OPEN HILLS — CJustom Red­ 14 Essex St., Manchestor. with guarantees. See them sL bedroom duplex, half of 2-fam- VERNON — lyeathervane, 3- 643-llo e . 2 HOMES IN RESIDENCE posslbUi^ of acqidring more peting, paneled recreation wood Ranch. Flreplaced-fami------.__ —______/ ______B. D. Pearl’s Appliances, 649 Uy, 1% baths, rec room, all ap­ room apartment, air-con­ For the Finer Homes CEILING TILES /AlROONDrnONER (Window), Apartments - Flats > A A ZONE land. •' room, aluminum stdiiig, 2- ly rooon off kttchen. Two REDUCED, must seU, settle BIRD WIND SEAL JETS Main St. CaU 643-2171. pUances and carpets. $220 per ditioned, aU buUt-ins, carpet­ baths, carpeting, sundeck, 20x 6,000 BTU, therm ostat'control, Tenements 63 DUNCAN RD. — Ansaldl buUt car garage, trees. Hutchins estate, 2-famUy 4H-4 rooms, AND PANELS month. Paul W. Dougan, Real­ ed, garage, pool, sub-let to 45 STEEP HOLLOW ROCKLEI3GE—Dynamic 9-room 24’ recreation room . Hutchins adjustable louvers,, fan, cod­ SEWING Machine — Singer 6 large rooms, large breeze- A gency, 649-5324. aejiarate furnaces and base­ MANCHESTER — 8 rooms, sec­ tor, 649-4635. Jan. 1972, $180. A fter 6, 649- Raised Ranch, 6 bedrooms, 2H Agency, 649-6324. ing control. Ejxcellent opera­ Tduch and sew in widnut caM- •LANE way, 2-car g a r ^ e , VA tiled ment, 100* frontage plus 3-story ond floor, including heat, hot 5624, 872-2856. baths, laupge famUy room, ca­ MANCHESTER*— Four-famUy tion. $66. 646-2626./ net, dams, mends, embroi­ NEWER One-bedroom apart­ baths, bullt-lns, full attic, fire­ structuraUy sound buUdlng 34x water, refrigerator, older sin­ 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 6-room thedral celling li'ving and dining in center of town location. AU TWO-FAMILY, quiet street. ders, mcmograitas, etc. Origl- ments from $165 per month ROCKVILLE — 6-room duplex place, plastered walls, city 24’ ajt rear. EbcceUent Invest­ FOUR TCKIO gt|iig mowers in gle i>erBon desired. $90. J. D. stone Ranch home. 7th room room, modem kitchen. A ver­ 3-room apartments for mini­ both floors presently occupied, naUy over $300. Special, $51.00. Md * 2-bedroom apartments, residential neighborhood, util­ Jalousled sun porch over one- utilities, immediate occupancy. appUances and storm windows, ment Yor smart buyer. Call exceUent condition. Call 646- R eal Estate A ssociates, 643- from $200 per month. Paul W. ities not included. $175 month­ satile home in am exceUent lo­ mum maintenance. New heat­ ow ner 649-1919 after 6 p.m . cash or term s. CaU 623-0200. car garage. F\iU basement with Charles Lesperance,. 649-7620. ing system. ExceUent Invest- $26,000. CaU owner, 646-1822 a f­ 0321. 6129. Dougan R ealtor, 649-4535. ly. AvaUable August 7th. 872- cation. 2-cau* gar^e. ______I Dealer finished rec room and cedar menY opportunity. Wolverton ter 6 p.m., all day week­ M ANCH M TER 4-fam lly, 6-4-4- . 0369 between I'.Sfij: 9 p.m ,___ closet; water JUST OFF PORTER ST .^- . liP.. .:=::,.Iminac.ulate.. ends. YARD ‘ BALE“ --- Satufaa^^ REFRIGERATOR — apart­ 'DELXDI^--one-bedroom iqiart- PRESIDENTIAL VlUage Apart-" 3-bedroom Ctotonlal. Paridlke 'Agency,' Realtbrsi 649-2813.' 3, on business zoned lot. CaU heat. Large flagstoi\e patio in bedroom Dutch Colonial with am p.m. Hoiu^iold items, bric-a- ment size, lUce new, $75. 30” ment, waU-to-waU carpeting ments, Manchester — One and 1.78 lot. F’amUy room , breeze­ fo r details, asking $29,900. rear, beautifully landscaped lot, aissumable mortgaige, formad brac, baby/ Items, some furni­ gas stove, $86.- Alumtauim com- throughlut, complete appU­ two-bedroom apartments. For way, 2-car garage. Establish­ M erritt A gehcy, 646-1180. Rockville 100x240’ . Many extras. living amd dining rooms, eat-in ture, adJustaUe window binaticn screen doors, $10. ances, vanity bath. Centrally appointment or further Infor­ ed prestige neigbbortiood. screens, electric motors, and located. $175. monthly. R. D. mation, caU anytim e, 646-2623. kitchen, lairge faimlly room. each. 643-2466 evenings o r 643- CAREN APTS. 75 STEEP HOLLOW Owner, 643-6096. 73 The hurricane tested shingle. mudi more. 52 Wells St. Man­ 1442. - M urdock,’ 643-2692. PUBUC AUCTION Lots For Sole Double coated with 2 layers chester. DELUXE 2 - bedroom apart­ 3^, 4!^ room apartments. LANE CIRCA 1848—Federal Colonild— MANCHESTER — Good resi­ Six U rge room s, fuU wadk-up ASHFORD LAKE V Desirable of asphalt embedded with FXTRNinVRE, Uvlng room NORTHW(X>D Apartments — ment. A vailable now. $200 per dential fGunUy area. Six-room AvaUable now. Including ap­ 180x240’ lot With many nice attic, hamdy location. $26,900. FORECLOSURE SALE waterfront lot, exceUent two layers of mineral gran­ couch, clMdrs, end tahlee. Re- One and two-bcdroom ajiart- month including heat and ap­ Cape. Ceram ic tile bath^ ga­ pUances. Paul W. Dougan pliances, wall-to-wall carpet­ trees. Ten-room brick Ranch. 4 Stony Road, Bolton, CkmnecUcut neighborhood, pri'va^te, ex ules powerful thermoplastic fum lsU ng. Phone 648-7167. ments, central air-condition­ THE ULTIMATE in a Ram­ rage, porch. Good sized treed Boots & Accessories 46 R ealtor, 649-4536. ing, heat, hot water, swim­ bedrooms, 2 baths, kitchen, din­ Saturxiay. July 17, 1971 at 2:00 P.M. on the premlras elusive area. Only $5,000, 646- dote weld each shingle to ing, carpeting, balcony, car­ bling Ramch home, abounding 'tot with atone walls. Basement TAG SALE — Saturday- Sun­ ing area, family room,. den, BY OiRDBiR OF TH E SUPERIOR COURT, CASK NO. 018674, 8482. roof in hurricane-proof grip, 0BR|]CH*S Marine Service, ii» ports, plus other luxury fea­ ming pool," storage and park­ with chamrn amd perfection, nes­ office or rec room. WoH-to- day, 10-6 p.m ., 67 Beelzebub TWO-BEDROOM apartment form al dining room , 18’x28’ Uv­ I as Committee for sale. wlU seU at public auction to the highest shingles are random em­ tbortied Evinrude outboard tures. From $225. J. D. Real ing. From $160. Call Su- tled high on a hiU with three wiaU caipeting throughout. BOLTON — One acre bulhtog Rd., South Windsor. Refriger­ Estate Associates, 643-5129. avaUable Aug. 1st, $146. per ing room wrlth fireplace and bidder on Saturday, July 17, 1971 at 2100 P .M ., on “ Jf bossed for long toe beauty. motor sales and service. Also month plus heat, one child per­ perintendant, 876-1666, 278- cathedral ceiling. - Screened acres. 2,800 squatre feet o f Uvlng Central. Near scluxds and oU of my right, title and interest as such Committee lots from $6,600 and up. Flbpo ator, washer, dryer, mower- shopping. $28,000. Owner, 646- Need roofing help? Ask lu, boating accessories. 1082 Tol­ MANCHESTER — Brownstone mitted. Paul W. Dougan, Re­ 1510, 242-6668. porch’ plus 12x24’ screened patio. airea, Z% baths, swimming pool, parcels of land located on Stony Road, Bolton, Connecticut, with Agency, 646-2677. blower combination, alr-con- 0649. we’ll recommend a sklUed land Tpke. Buckland, Conn. Apartments, one and two-bed- altor, 649-4535. 2-car carport with sm all sun- garages. Improvemente thereon conslsUng of two dwelling, a 4-room ^ c h 643-3368. dltloner, roto-antenna, etc. BOLTON specialist. rodm apartments, ample clos- deck attached. Kitchen has dou­ MANCHESTER — Mather St., wlto (me car attached garage, oil forced hot air heat, ^ d toth, MANCHESTER — FHxir nice ROCKVILLE — Four - room ble oven—bullt-ln dishwasher,' We NEED LISTINGS and a 3-room apartment over two car detached garage, oil steam 2% ACRES OF TREES F1BBRG1A6S mipplles 10 WE BUY, and seU used fur- . ets, heat, hot water, carpeting, Brick front 6-room Cape, % On quiet dead end street rooans. Hot water, heat, refrlg- apartment, first floor, park­ disposal, counter top electric ounce boat cloth, $1.26 per mture, appUances etc. Week- appUances, alr-condlUoner, NOW I **Thinkiny of Soli-'* shed dorm er, 1V4 baths, waU- site this virgin piece of land eraltor, stove. iPhone 668-0833. stove, G.E. combination refrig­ yard. Resin, $6.96 per gallon, ^^ys, and evenings, 13 Oxford parking. Aug. 1st occupancy, ing and yard. AvaUable Au­ ing your property?” Call to-wall carpeting, new tor- *'^*^TE^^*mposlt of $2,000.00 in cash qr certified ch^k wUl with hundreds of riiade erator and freezer. Washer and 644-1820. M anchester' or caU 643- adults. CaU 646-1769. LOOKING for anything in real gust 1st. $116 monthly, utiU­ TODAYI nace, new kitchen. ElxceUent be required for the purchase at the time of sale. The balance of trees. Choice sltuatir further tofonnatlon: CaU or write David A. Golas, Com­ Eost Hartford. 478 WINDSOR ST., HARTFORD, CONN. brick Ranch, 3 bedrooms, m i ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Town of East Hartford Comer Canton Stmet deems most beneficial to the post office. ExceUent business Town of East Hartford baths, radiant heat, plastered Charies H. McKenzie, C h a ir m a n mittee appointed by Superior Court for Tolland County, 843 Mato John W. Torpey, South Windsor Board of Educa­ location with building. Call John W. Torpey, Street, M anchester, Connecticut -r- T el. 646-4646 or 649-0168. walls, Wooded lot, reasonable. John A. CaglaneUo, Secretary Purchasing Agent tion. .646-2426, 941. ' Purchasing Agent CaU owner, 649-0811. - Dated this 8th day o f July, 1971

. 1 ■ THURSDAY, JULY 1971 ATerage Dally Net Press Ron , PACFE TW ENTY The Weather For She Week Knded May 88, 1871 Clearing and a little cooler tctOj^i; ~Ldw in the upper 60*. Public Records Saturday n$oetly tunny and 15,550 warm . High in the upper .80*. About Town TownGarageWingProposal Warranty Deeds Manchester— tA City of Village Charm Gilbert J. and Marlon LeBel FOR THAT EXTRA joertoftoe j'o Go on Ausust Asenda to Joseph P w d Helen L,, Un- [kaeheator „ Arta Aaaocla- . 9 9 Itoachester ^ senbigler, p n ^ r t y at 177, 179, tton win me«t tonlfht at 7:80 ’ VOL. LXXXX, NO. 237 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1971 (Olaazlfied Advertizing on Page 16) PRICE FIFTEEN CBNH William O’NeUl, director of ment parking lot for a fed of' lai, laiH. Oak St., convejTance In MMt'n Oommunlty Hall on B. public works, is proposing that $100 a month. tax $45.10. SPECIAL FLAVOR 104dle Ttike. the town build an eight bay ad­ Pletrantonlo cborgcd that the Dennis L. and Rita B. Morin dition to the town highway town eidmlnistratlon, in provid­ to Barbara Rutherford, property Buy them from Pmehurst Full Ooapel Christian'Fellow- garage and lease part of it to ing parking space on the town at 34 Griffin R d., ccmveyance ship,' Interdenominational, will the town’s new garbage colla­ lot, had made a policy decision tax $24.75. ha've a Bible study and open tor, Sam Lombardo of Bast which should have been made by Cook 'em OUTDOORS! Meskill Kayos Bill Oerttfleate of Attachment discussion tonlffbt at 7:80 at Hartford. the directors. C hile PORK SPARE RIBS... CHUCK OR Orange Hall. ’Town Manager Robert Weiss The May Department Store The matter will be put on the Co. doing business as G. Fox DELUXE SIRLOIN PATTIES... August agoida of the Board of maintained that the decision to rent the space was made on a and Co. against Richard L. BEEF SHORT RIBS... CHICKENS Zero Populationr Growth, Directors at the request of Di­ Howard HI and Johnese Howard, 1ST PRIZE OR GROTE’S FRANKFURTS After Assembly Battering rector Anthony Pletrantonlo who "hurried basis" when the July Eastern Connecticut Chapter, 1 starting date for the new col­ % $1,000, property at 170 Bryan spoke out strongly against such will meet tonight at 8 at the lection contract drew near and p r . HARTFORD (AP) — Gov. K ills an arrangement at Tuesday Life Sciences Building, Univer­ tiomibardo had not yet found a ww-anese military policy. stitutionality, the boxing bill ap­ FLORIST. INC. of a Cabinet-level Also, a high official v/bo asked pears to be down for the count. j^^|*** nils OoopoB Good sira iuiy sist ' “ [ By CARL D. ROBINSON said. "If he has documents, he-> No More Drilling? 1122 BUIW81DB AVE. W e think this is the best split over the Issue. to be left unidentified said Laird Prize fighting has been illegal PANTS & SLACKS had declined a State Depart­ has to show me smd deal with BONN—German dentists are EAST HARTFORD ITie State Department Thurs­ in Connecticut since 1965. SAIGON (AP) — MaJ. Gen. h ie.’ ’ C'LFANF.n .\M) M ment briefing on effects of the 'Veto messages kept pouring Ngo Dzu denied today that he Is CAMERA SHOP testing a material that, when TeL 528-5009 Bacon Value in fown'.. . day volunteered a statement to The general said he and hla I'KF.'^SFI) “ V pr. newsmen, saying reports of a nuclear nemproUferation treaty out of the governor’s office a "chief trafficker" In the nar­ STUDIO used as a filling, will form a Open’Simday Mornlags (Herald photo by Le^tt) senior American tulviser, John Salem Nassiff true link with the actual sub­ OSCAR MAYER Lean Slicedjfac Packed /potential Japemeae deployment Japan, which signed the pact Thursday, and his record total cotics trade and challenged his BETTER CLEANERS - * * - last year amid strong afwvnne nrvnfcontrover- ^t i 1882.^ One___ legislative______em-_ accuser, UB. Rep. Robert H. Paul Vann, were waging a MS-788* stance of the tooth, obviating of nuclear weapons came from How Hot Is It? t N KADf ST., MAMCHBSXEB :!M ('.BEEN' RI). — air, ay. ploye grumbled that it would be Steele, to document bis charges. "very big" campaign against the necessity of drilling. "cloudy and uncertanl" sources. Bray opened hU dally meeting physically Impossible to recon- Tom Rodgers ignores the gauges at Cheney Mills. They all say HOT even "I deny it completely,” Dzu narcotics in his military region D e p a r t m e n t qmkesmtm "tuid we got very nice results Charles W. Bray said It was his wlth newsmen with a statement gider every one of the vetoed though they're mostly boiler gauges. Tom lives on Downey Dr. in Manchester. said in an Interview at his home that included: bills during the three-day limit in Saigon. He said he cam e to since two months. Yestoday we understanding that Secretary of captured in Plelku more than lb Defense ICdvln R. Laird was “ We know o f no responsible set by the state cinion in Japan or the the "tra ile r" session. mand in Plelku to discuss the 200 klloe of marijuana, and I not the source of the reports. j^ve large rewards to the men NonetheleM, It was learned United States that advocates nu- LegislaUve leaders were ex- charge with President Nguyen cler arms for Japan or even pected to pick a few bills to Van Thieu, a political ally. who captured that." 69 the State Department asked for Asked if he was having any Proud of Our Past... Dedicated to Your Future Proud bf Our Past... Dedicated to Your Future the transcript of a background foresees their necessity or possi- make an issue out of and let Steele, R-Conn., - told a House bllUy.’.’ . the rest die .quietly.— ... . . Pentagon Clash ^voided foreign affairs subcommittee in success in curtailing the traffic in heroto, Dzu r^;>Ued; "W e ar- ■ The Tokyo ; reports said the More than 15 per cent of the Washington Wednesday that CHUCK Dzu is "one of the chief traffick­ rest many, but you know all American officials had predict­ General Assembly’s output of By FRED S. HOFFMAN cated Intention to strip the Joint Ribbon Defense Panel, headed those things come from Sai­ ed Japan might deploy nuclear 1,050 bills passed has been v e­ WASHINGTON (AP) — Once Chiefs of Staff of military opera- by New York insurance execu- ers in heroin In Southeast Asia." gon .” IFaferbiiry’s weapons by the 1960s because o f toed. * again the Pentagon’s civilian tional functions ai)d create a tlve Gilbert W. Fitzhu^, or- He said the general’s involve­ STEAK Chinese missile progress and Among the bills vetoed Thurs- leaders have avoided a possible separate operations staff under dered a. thorough overhaul of ment was referred to In Intelli­ Asked for comment on Dzu’a First C u t Emergencies the possibility the U.S. nuclear, day were measures that would clash with top generals and ad­ a single high-ranking officer, the defense leadership and man- gence reports to the U.S. Am- statements', U.S. Embassy Before You Buy — Check Our Rates / position might be restrained by have: mirals, this time by tinkering The study panel had found the agement structure, both civilian bassador to Saigon, Ellsworth spokesman Roy W. . Johnson In Real Peril an arms^Umltation agreement —Creat^ a new kind ot driv- with the command structure present arrangement “awkward and military, Bunker. Steele and Rep. Mbr- Bold: "The UB. miosten Is K with the Soviet Union. er’s license with a color photo- rather than ordering a major and unresponsive.” The goal, the panel reported gan Murphy, D-Ul., recently woridng 'with the Vietnamese Chuck Steak or WATBOiSURY (AP) — Fltz- ____, ______, __ Another indication at the State graph of the motorist on It. Mes- shakeup. —Reversed a decision requir- last July 28, was to strengthen toured Southeast Asia to invest!' government to close down the The new move, falling far ing the Defense Intelligence civilian control, promote effl- gate the drug situaUon. narcotics' trade and a major ef­ Black Chuck Roast ****^^*'^2?***?* j * ^ '# !«* 1.1 *’ Department’s deep concern kill previously announced his de- over the reports was an unusual termination to veto the bUl. To short of recommendations by Agency to report directly to him ciency and end serious cost ov- Dzu said Steele’s charges fort has been Itumched in thb Secretary of Defense Melvin R. rather than through the Joint erruns in buying weapons. "damage not only my honor as Itmt two months. We Intend to / Center7 delay in the opening of Bray’s his earUer objection about its ttwtdty after another amt^aiKe jaUy session with newsmen, of- “creating a monopoly" byLaird’s re- own study panel, comes Chiefs, thus tightening his con­ No sweeping changes have re- a general but also the honor of get at drug traffickers, whoever company lost tfaa franchise be­ after he and htSHop aides: trol over foreign intelligence. .lb. 98e ficlals later said this was the re­ suited, although the Pentagon the Vietnamese army and the they may be. I have notiiing fur­ BONELESS CROSSs O rRIB ii POT ROAST cause o f charges It hsul been (See Page Four) —Backed away from an Indi­ Nearly a year ago the Blue claims to have implemented or honor of the Vietnameae peo- ther to add.” ' wlthlxSding payments from the sult ot a lengthy telei^ione con- SHOULDER CLOD for ver&tion with Secretary of followed objectives of 83 of 113 pie.” ' Vann strongly defended Dzu T city. He accused ‘Ipersonal^ne- ^Is office in Nha rrrai«. He ROAST or LONDON BROIL ...... lb. $1.19 State William P. Rogers at the panel recommendations. mles” of distributing onony- g^ld neither he nor Gen. Orelgh- But it’s not clear Just how California White House. Rogers, ’The principal steps have in­ BONELESS CHUCK STEAK l ^ BItigerald’s wUl have the ^ w i t h " Pi4Vdent “Nbc^,’ volved embedding the "Fly-be- mous letters three montha ago ^ Abrams, the U.S. corn- accusing him of corruption and zander in South Vietnam "aro lest Cats O nly ...... B». $1.19 business. cleared the strongly worded fere-you-buy” principle in de- „ .w .. — ------Mayor Victor Mambumo . said Three Shot / statement read by Bray.,'-the of­ Jim Morrjson Dies, fense procurement; Improving evidence that Mq>- Fitzgerald’s could have the fran^ r sponsibleimnnslble for the latest charare.chaige. ports the charges.’ >• ficial said. military promotion and pay pol In Holdup At "But Congressman Steele did In point of fact," he contln- chlse If the company had no con­ Although he has never spoken ides; stiffening curbs on con- THE NEW SPREADABLES nection with the former fran- not check that before making SANDWICH SPREIADS FROM CARNATION Camnlcm issue cH Japan Gotham Offices (See Page Eight) his dedaraUon pertu^,’’ Dzu (See Page Three) CHIX SALAD . . . TUNA AND OTHBRS ' nohlse holder, ' Tlte and nuclear weapons, Laird Is Star of Acid R ock Ambulance ^rvice Oo. But known to feel Tokyo must as­ when he checked Thursday with PARIS (AP) — Jim Morrison, sonal lawyer, said he had been NEW YORK (AP) ’Three 61« 4 for 239 sume a stronger military posi­ tiie Secretary of .the State’s of­ lead singer of The Doors and a told that Morrison suffered el- Persons, two of them Brinks tion in Asia as the United States fice he discovered at least two of star of the acid rock scene, died ther a heart attack or died from guards, were shot and reduces Its role in that part of pneumonia. $142,000 was stolen In a payroll the officera of PTtsgerald’s are In Paris last Saturday and was $1.55 VALUES — SHURFINE the world ■Morrison’s parents, Adm. and robbery at the Municipal Build- also oCOoen of Oampions. ^ buried'Wednesday in Fere Lac- The-matter of 'Laird’s report­ " V ie tn a m The mayor said Fitzgerald’s haise cemetery. Mrs. Steve Morrison of Arllng- today, police reported, Outlook for ed rejection of a briefing on the would hon'dle the ambulance ser­ The death of ■ the 27-year-old ton, Va.. said they had talked Th® guards were delivering PEANUT BUTTER Thursday with relatives on the money to the building. Today vice for the clty-'as a matter nonproliferation treaty assumes entertainer was announced ear­ West Coast who had heard noth- w'as pay day for city employes, of necessity on a "call by call Importance in view of Bray’s ly today' In Los Angeles by his pointed reminder Thursday that ing unusual about their son. Police said the third person The fWar manager William Slddons, and Pursuit "W e knew he was In Paris but shot was an elevator operator. 3 lb. jar * 1 , 2 0 “T^ocdlng to the Secretary of SAIGON (AP) — The United About 50 Am ericans wiU re­ confirmed by U.S. officials in We haven’t heard from him Further details were not the Stet^Tofflce Joseph P. Cam- prohibits acquisition or the French capital. states turned over ifs last base main there to man an 8-inch CLOVER LEAF GRATED WHITE MEAT Pten Is the president of both deploymMit of atomic arms by since he arrived,” Mrs. Mbrrl- immediately available, The cause of death was not son said. . ■ The wbunded______mpu were _re along the demUltarized zone to battery, to advise the ^ tii of n ^ r a l d ’s and Campion and noimuolear nations. given on'the official listing, but In a statement to newsmen on pprted in satisfactory condition the South Vietnamese Vletnanmse and to m ^tor ra T U N A 3 1.00 W U ^ T. Chmpion is the ex- Th® spokesman Uso was em, Siddbns said he "died peacefully his arrival in Los Angeles, Sid- at nearby Beekman-Downtown kept some Amerlcah artillery- dor and s ^ r devices ^ t ecutive vlce-prealdent, secretary of natural causes." dons rfaid he had "Just returned HospitaK men and advisers there. teack North Vietnamese liffUtra- Peace and dlrectbr of Fitzgerald’s as Slddons attended the funeral from France where I attended The Brinks men weire Identl- About 500 men from the 1st tion. .. weU asa vice-preridentofCam- took Morrison’s wife, Fresher by Fat. Pinehurst strength of the American atom- the funeral of Jaunes Morrison, fied by the hospitai as Raymond Brlgnde, 5th Mechan^ed Infan- *niursday, the South Vleb* WAStoNOTON (AP) — U.S. pton. Pamela,., back to Los Angeles. Jim waa buried in a simple cere- F. Aure, 24, Pinewood, N.J, try • Division, left Fire Base namese to<6( over BTre Base Al- officials say the Nixon admlnls-' Fruits ^- Vegetables Mhmbruno said Campion had 1® deterrent. The Morrisons had no children. Oharlie 2 four miles southeakt of pha 4, also known as Con Tliten, .Inition is pondering the rtgnlfi- (See Page Eight) (Bee Page Seven) ‘ (8«» Page Tea) M euc Fink, the singer’s per- (See Page Eleven) the DMZ. ’This was the base three ifnlles northwest Charlie cahee of a suriMlse new shift In . SBLEICTBD GRBBN FRBSH where a North Vietnamese rock- 2. About 200 UB. troops left Al- the latest peace offensive the ripped through a bunker pha 4, but about 100 are remain- launched by Vletnamsee Com­ crowded with GIs on; May 21,. ing for artillery, advlso^' 'and munist leadera. CUCUMBERS killed 29 and wounded 33. It was electronic duty. " The shift is in the fonn of a the heaviest toll inflicted by one “We have been taking over demand for the ouster of only rocket in the war. flrebases on the DMZ since 1969 Presldwit Nguyen Van Thieu 1 0 1 3 i 2 5 ‘ J “I’m glad to be leaving this and this is tiie last one,’’ said WW Ylet- hill," said Spec 4 Bill Hankins, nameae government ready to OALEF. LONG WHITB — NEW — WASHBD 21, of Davidson, Okla. (See Page Nine) negdUote an end of the war. Previously North Vietnameae POTATOES and Viet Cong leaden had In-’ll m ake a good deal I slstod that not only Ttileu, but The Pullout Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky and Prime Minister Tran TUen 5 “- 4 9 * Below the DMZ, Vietnam that separates 'N o^ and South Milem, as web, would be unac- (AP) — The Americans began Vietnam, was the last of the la a post-war govem- PLUMS, BLUES, CANTALOUPES, APPLES, packlng their gear at dawn and bases that mice formed strong- nient. ^ Main OfRce, Parkade, North End and Bolton Notch Offices Open Sot. till Noon WATERMELONS, GREAT LARGE CHERRIES by noon most of the turoored potato of the so-called “Me- “For years Communist dele- AND CHI^UITA BANANAS: personnel carriers, tanks and Namara line’’ to be ftnrnaUy gates at the Pari* peace talk* trucks had rumbled down the turned over to the South Vleb have been calling for removal of GREEN BEANS ARE NATIVE and 1X)WBR, dusty trail leading south from namese. The line waa named the ’TW«i-Ky-Khlem clique,’ ALONG WITH NATIVE SUMMER SQUASH, Fire Base Charlie 2. after then Secretary of Defense one diplomatic informant raid. GREEN SQUASH AND BEETS. “I’m glad to be leaving this Robert 8. McNamara. “They practicaUy pronounced hill," said Spec. 4. Bill Hankins, Several ddzen Americans will ‘Thleu-Ky-Khleni’ as one SHOP TONIGHT OR FI& TILL N IN E... of Davidson, Okla., who found remain behind for a whUe at Savings Bank^ of Manchester himself something of an histori­ Charlie 2, and at Alpha 4, anoth- ®**ly “ Thieu. F.D.I.C. Sale of Geisha Cral^ Meat at 1 ^ 9 can cal figure today: One of the last er base below the DMZ, but the TTie shift in the Communist ends this week. regular U.S. combat troops to distinction between "combat" poaltian emerged after Medaia® serve along the demiUtorized "support" troops Is proba- Nguyen Thl Biiih presented the . zone. bly lost on these men who will Viet Cong’s latert peace pack- Eight convahiant afficat tarving Charlie 2, a barren hillock Pinehurst Grocery Inc. (Bee Fhge Nlae) (Bee Page Nhw) Eleven month-old St. Bernard puppies pose on an Iowa washline on a sunny day. (AP Photo) four miles southeast of (he zone MANCHESTER • EAST HARTFORD • SOUTH WINDSOR • BOLTON NOTCH CORNER MAIN and MIDDLE TURNPIKE

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