FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 10, 2016 Contact: [email protected]

Senate Democratic Leader Calls on GOP to Denounce Trump and Rescind Support

MADISON, WI – In response to ’s comments regarding sexual assault, workplace harassment and the objectification of women, Senate Democratic Leader Jennifer Shilling (D- La Crosse) released the following statement calling on Republican politicians and candidates to denounce Trump and rescind their support of his candidacy:

“Despite our political differences, Democrats and Republicans should be united in our opposition to sexual assault and gender inequality. Instead, we continue to see Republican politicians turn a blind eye to Donald Trump’s dangerous and offensive comments condoning sexual assault, workplace harassment and the objectification of women.

“As elected officials and public leaders, we need to be role models for our children and lead by example. It is time for Republican politicians in Wisconsin to break their silence and speak out against Donald Trump’s disturbing actions and offensive comments.

“Through his words and actions, Donald Trump has demonstrated that he is unfit to serve as President of the United States. I call on my Senate Republican colleagues and candidates to immediately denounce Trump’s inexcusable actions and rescind their support for his candidacy.”

The following Senate Republicans and candidates have not denounced Trump or rescinded their support of his candidacy:

Sen. Sen. Sen. Rep. David Craig Sen. Frank Lasee Sen. Sen. Sen. Mary Lazich Sen. Sen. Devin LeMahieu Sen. Scott Fitzgerald Sen. Sen. Tom Tiffany Sen. Rick Gudex Sen. Terry Moulton Sen. Leah Vukmir Sen. Sheila Harsdorf Sen. Steve Nass Sen. Van Wanggaard Dan Kapanke Sen. Luther Olsen

Jennifer Shilling represents the 32nd Senate District in western Wisconsin and currently serves as the Wisconsin Senate Democratic Leader.

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Authorized and paid for by Shilling for Senate, Helen Kelly, Treasurer.